#blue lock teru
milaisreading · 1 year
can u do its our girlfriend (ryusei shidou version)?? 🙏🏽🙏🏽 w/ sub20 time? 👀
Author: Here it is! I hope u like this one and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
The U-20 team felt a pretty huge shift in the dynamic when 2 certain players joined the team. One of them being Shidou Ryusei and the other one being Itoshi Sae. Now, Oliver as the captain did try and was somewhat successful with getting along with Sae, meanwhile Shidou... well he is a great player but really hard to get along with. But one thing Oliver noticed was that there was a rift and tension between Sae and Shidou, who were by all accounts always the closest to each other. The issue started a month ago when Oliver, and later on the team would notice how much bossier Sae was with Shidou, and the boy was in return a lot snappier with him. It was really getting out of hand and Oliver was ready to rip his hair out. Japan's U-20 team had an image to uphold and the last thing Oliver needed was their manager yelling at him to get them in line.
"You dumbass antena man, focus on the goal!"
"Under eyelashes senior is now the boss around here, huh?"
"Can someone shut them up?" Sendou pointed, tired from all the yelling.
"Why are they even arguing?" Teru questioned.
"God knows." Hayate shrugged his shoulders, watching as Oliver and Niou walked over to the bickering duo and pulled them away from each other.
"Alright! Enough!" The team flinched at Oliver's yell, but kept quiet.
"What's the issue you two? You have been acting like you killed each other's families!" Oliver started as Niou sighed and continued after the captain.
"We are just worried. Not only is this giving an issue to us as a team, but also to you two as a duo on the field." The long-haired boy explained as Sae and Shidou sent each other a side glare. The rest of the team kept quiet and watched the two as the huffed and looked away from each other. Oliver was pretty much speechless, he expected this from Shidou... but never from Sae of all people.
"This must be quite serious, Sae would act more mature otherwise." Teppei whispered to his friends and Miroku told them to be quiet.
"Spit it out." Oliver demanded and it seemed like Shidou finally broke.
"Under eyelashes senior here is butthurt his crush likes me more."
"I am not! All I said was that (Y/n) picking you as her boyfriend will come to bite her." Sae said back, shocking the team even more now.
'Shidou...Shidou has a girlfriend?!'
"Did I just hear correctly?" Hayate questioned with wide eyes and looked at his friends. Miroku and Teru slowly nodded their heads as Teppei and Sendou kept quiet, but were equally wondering how truthful that statement was.
'No way... he got a girlfriend before me?' Sendou thought with a huff.
'Ehh? I can't imagine Shidou with anyone.'
"What?" Niou raised an eyebrow as he closed Oliver's open mouth.
"Shidou basically got a girlfriend, way above his league if I may add." Sae repeated.
"Shut the hell up!"
"You know I am right. She literally could have had anyone, why you?" Sae said as his anger raised again, causing Shidou to smirk.
"Turns out my personality is more appear to her."
"Wait... Shidou has a girlfriend?" Oliver blurted out, causing the two to look at him.
"Yeah, they have been going out for a month." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Something you will never experience, might I add." Shidou chimed in.
"You two...are joking with us? Right?" Sendou suddenly spoke up as they raised their eyebrows.
"You sure? Sae that was a good joke." Miroku let out a laugh as Hayate and Teppei held back their laughters too. Niou tried to calm them down while Oliver tried to stop Shidou from yelling.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" The blonde asked, taking offense at their reactions.
"It's just...you don't seem dateable..." Teppei answered, earning a nod from Hayate.
"You are too loud."
"And you say weird stuff at times."
"Sorry, but there is no way someone is dating you." The statements caused Shidou's anger to rise even more, but along with that also came the insecurities. He could handle Sae saying those things, since he is pretty jealous of his relationship, but hearing people who are pretty much strangers to him say those things... it really stung.
"I think you are capping."
"Yeah... Sae and Shidou stop joking around-"
"Wait Sendou... who is your girlfriend?" Oliver asked, trying to wrap his head around this whole concept. Shidou wanted to answer the question, he did. He wanted to show off his cute, beautiful and funny girlfriend to everyone. But one part of him wanted to keep that part quiet, private. Sae knowing about her was enough as it is, he didn't need them to know it too.
'Especially when they don't seem to believe it anyways.' Shidou said nothing as he walked off towards the locker room, sending a warning glare as Niou and Teppei tried to get the name out of him.
"Enough joking... let's just get changed. Our training session is over." Hayate said as he pointed at the clock.
"Sae, can you please tell us who the girlfriend is?" Teru wondered.
"Yeah, otherwise we will think this is a joke." Oliver added in but the redhead just shrugged his shoulders.
"Believe whatever you want. I am not saying anything out of my respect for her. When she feels like meeting you guys, you will know."
While everything was going on outside, Shidou was in the locker room enjoying how quiet it was. He somewhat cooled down from the fight and his mind kept wandering off to (Y/n).
'Ahh~ just her cute face could make any of my bad days good. She is so kind and sweet, the World really doesn't deserve her. I wonder what she is up to.' Shidou thought, growing a little agitated.
'I didn't see her at all in the past 3 weeks, stupid Blue Lock and Ego... keeping her away from me like that.' Shidou pouted. He really missed her and hoped to get the chance to see her before that match with her team.
'Seems like it's just wishful thinking.'
Teru yawned as he walked down the hallway from the bathroom. After such an eventful day he just wanted to get dressed and go home to sleep.
'Maybe a good dinner and some movies would be a good idea.'
"Excuse me, do you know if Shidou Ryusei is still here?" The boy jumped up at the sound of a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind him. Turning around, Teru was surprised to find none other than Blue Lock's manager, (L/n) (Y/n). The boy's face turned beet red and slowly nodded his head.
"Y-yeah... why do you need him?" Teru asked shyly as the girl grinned at his answer.
'She is even prettier than on TV!'
"I need to see him, can you please call him or bring me to him?" She asked and Teru quickly nodded his head, laughing nervously.
"Of course! Follow me, sorry if I am jumpy a little."
'She will think I am weird now...' Teru thought nervously, internally facepalming at his own behavior.
"It's fine, my team is the same right now. Probably excited for the match coming up?" (Y/n) asked in a reassuring manner as Teru slowly nodded his head.
'Her voice is so soft...'
"Shidou!" The group turned to look at Teru as he ran into the changing room.
"What?" The blonde asked in annoyance, still mad at the way they spoke to him earlier. Teru took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm the redness on his face down.
"The...the manager fo Blhe Lock wants to see you..." Teru panted out. The blonde's frown turned into a grin as he quickly packed his things.
"What?! (Y/n) is outside?" Teppei and Miroku asked with wide eyes as Oliver grinned at the news. Niou and Hayate kept quiet along with Sae. The older Itoshi became restless at the mention of (Y/n)'s name while the other 2 grew a lot more nervous.
"Later, losers." Shidou chuckled and ran out with his bag.
"Hold it- Why is she even here?" Niou wondered as Teru spoke up again.
"It turns out the girlfriend Sae and Shidou talked about was (Y/n)."
The room grew quiet as Sae quietly left the room, hoping to catch up to the duo before they left.
'Is dating...'
'(Y/n)...' Sendou, Hayate and Miroku thought as Oliver's eye twitched.
"What do you mean?! No way did that guy get to her first!" Oliver yelled as Niou nodded his head.
"She was probably blackmailed into dating him."
"True. (Y/n) seems so sweet and kind..." Teppei started.
"And beautiful, she puts all the idols I know to shame." Sendou sighed dreamily.
"I also heard she is so considerate. I heard she always makes snacks for her team." Hayate chimed in.
"Forget that! Did you see the way she holds herself when talking to the reporters?!" Oliver added in with a blush.
"Yeah...she has to be blackmailed." Miroku concluded as silence fell among the group.
They looked between each other and at the door as Niou cleared his throat.
"I need to go to the toilet."
"Hold it! Why did you take your bag-" Before Hayate could finish his sentence, Niou was already outside the locker room.
"Hey!" Oliver yelled, running after his teammate and the rest joining in.
"I hope you like it! It's like a good luck charm for the upcoming matches!" (Y/n) grinned as Shidou held the necklace she bought him a few days back. It was a simple, 4 leaf clover pendant on a gold chain, but it did make Shidou's heart race a little and his face turned red from the attention.
"Thanks, th-this means a lot. I didn't get anything for you." Shidou said, getting a little shy from the sudden gift and (Y/n) shook her head.
"I am happy and fulfilled as long as you are, Ryu."
'So adorable! And all mine!'Shidou thought as his cheeks started heating up and he coughed.
"Want to eat something? There is a good restaurant-"
"Are we eating somewhere?" Shidou felt like all the rage he previously felt came rushing back as Sae appeared put of nowhere, putting his arms around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Sae-san?! Where did you come from?" The girl wondered, a little startled by his appearance. Shidou watched with a snarl as Sae turned his stone cold look to a much softer one as he glanced at (Y/n).
"Good to see you, (Y/n). You look just as pretty as the last time I saw you." The girl blushed a little at the comment as Shidou pulled her our of his grip and glared even harder at Sae.
"We, as in (Y/n) and I will go and eat now. You can go somewhere else." Shidou said as he started pushing (Y/n) in front of himself.
"Ryu, you don't have to push me.... but I feel a little bad..." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as the two stopped and looked back at Sae. Shidou raised his eyebrow, wondering what she actually meant.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sae is your friend, maybe we could invite him along. He probably wants to eat with us too." (Y/n) smiled softly as Shidou felt his heart crack a little.
'She is so considerate! That Itoshi doesn't deserve this level of kindness! My cute, little girl.' Shidou thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Ryu~" She pouted as the boy chuckled.
"You are so adorable... Fine, we could invite Sae along." Shidou sighed, as he really couldn't say 'no' to (Y/n).
"Ahh~ Shidou? Is that your lovely girlfriend?" The blonde boy flinched as he heard Niou's voice and the two turned to look at the group. The blonde tightly grabbed onto (Y/n)'s hand as they observed the group. Shidou watched in horror and anger as he noted all their expressions as (Y/n) waved at them.
"Hello!" She exclaimed.
Niou, Hayate and Miroku had the most normal expression, just a small blush on their cheeks. Teppei hid behind a blushing Miroku as he sent (Y/n) a few glances here and there.
'So cute~ she is even more adorable in real life.' Teru, Oliver and Sendou where meanwhile blushing messes as they stared at (Y/n) and waved at her.
"It's so lovely to see you, (Y/n)-san. We weren't aware you and Shidou were dating." Niou spoke up as he walked closer to them.
"Yeah! Congratulations." Miroku added in as Teppei followed them.
"Can I get a picture with you?"
"Me?!" (Y/n) asked the boy in confusion as Sendou and Oliver chirped in.
"Yes, it would be lovely."
"You look even lovelier than a kpop or jpop idol."
"A-ah... Thank you, Sendou-san." The girl blushed a little as Teru and Hayate chimed in.
"Move a little, Shidou- Can I get a picture with you too?"
"Can you please be our manager? The old man is annoying." Hayate groaned, earning a hit on the head from Oliver.
Shidou watched in disbelief as his teammates tried to chat up his girlfriend, his jealousy close to reach its limit.
"Told you that (Y/n) is a real eye catcher." Sae snorted, equally annoyed at the scene.
"Shut it! I know...it's my (Y/n)... my girl we are talking about."
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Hello there Teru Kitsunezato fans.
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
" 𝕆𝕦𝕣𝕤 " 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧 𝐔-𝟐𝟎
| This is based off the Blue Lock arc. You are the U-20's Manager. | This will not include Sae or Ryusei (Sorry!!) |
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Stepping into this field of work you never would have guessed how draining but equally exciting it was. At first becoming to Japan's U-20 Manager alongside that old geezer you tried your best to stay out of their way. With your looks it wasn't exactly easy. They let their gazes linger a few times, You even shook hands with a few, Like Teppei, Oliver, Teru, And Miroku. You tried your best to stay out of their way and just help the men with whatever they needed.
Of course they said a few words in the locker room. How you were cute, quiet, not polite enough to speak properly or introduce yourself Like you ever could. After winning a match you made sure they ate well until something touched your wrist, It was a hand that grabbed it. It was Oliver "You should eat with us, I'm sure you worked hard." He said with a smile. You scanned their faces, They were all awaiting eagerly for a reply. You agreed just wanting to keep them up in their spirits and not spoil their victories.
It was quiet. Dead quiet. The silence was killing you, You looked around, Most eyes were looking away from you Purposely . But Itsuki seemed to just stare at you from across the table. His big and wide eyes staring at you, You smiled a gentle smile in his direction and he smiled back slightly. Breaking the silence you asked him.. "So, Why do you like to play soccer?" He looked at you for a moment and replied. " 'Dunno, Just felt like it.." His tone was sad he wasn't looking at you either. His face hot and a shade of pink. Well that wasn't much to go on. You finished your food quickly and walked off waving to them.
After you had left the room he let out a huge sigh. He was holding his breath the whole time, Some of his teammates snickered others grunted in annoyance. "Lucky itsuki..Why does he get your favor? Maybe I'll have to sit in front of her.." Then, Teru rushed up from his seat leaving his plate as he held a huge grin on his face. he caught up with you and walked next to you. "Not even a goodbye?" He asked playfully. You flashed him a grin and his heart did a flip. "Sorry Kitsuneza-" "Teru!" He interrupted. You looked at him as you turned a corner, "You're sure?" "Of course!" he replied happily. "Sorry for not saying goodbye teru, This is where I'll be tonight, I'll see you tomorrow..Train hard!" You reached out to shake your hand, he took and and threw you into a hug. "Goodnight Coach Y/n!" He walked off happily. You walked into your quarters and began for night.
As teru rounded the corner back to the dinner hall he was met with a few pissed off faces. "Not cool Teru." Hayate said. "What? I was just walking her to room! I'm being friendly to my coach-" Oliver cut him off saying "Teru's right, If we wanna get her attention it's up to the lucky one who get's there first." Everyone shakes their head "Yes" and walks off to their room.
Sendo couldn't help but feel obsessed already, He was listening to you and Teru talking. The way you moved, the way you smiled, every movement..He was enamored. If he wanted a "Glamour idol." Well he's got one in front of him..He just has to beat his team to it..But how?? Gifts? What would you even like? Acts of some kind of service?? But what and how?? Touch..? Nonononono. He's the ace he'll pull it off.
So then it began. From a quiet and quick job from listening to all the members, Reading Buddhist chants with Miroku, listening to teppei talk, and do teru's hair! Oliver tried to impress you with his skills with other women Not many bu you had no interest in that.
One time after a hard match they had won Sendo's hair was messed up and sweaty. You walked up to him and he froze, You moved the messed up strands for him and he froze in his place your hands gliding over his hair to part it the way he always had it. "...Thank you."
"Sure thing! Happy I could help." You turned around to notice all their eyes on you and your touch on him. They looked at you like they were waiting for their turn. Like they had Earned your touch . You sighed, Not wanting to break their spirit. And they did do a good job.. You helped with their sweaty messy hair with some dry shampoo and few combs. With hayate's height he had to sit down while you reached to brush the front of his hair perfectly up. Your chest in his face he was frozen in excitement reading all your moves with his hair.
Thus began the never ending cycle, Learning the teams interests and excitements. Going out places with them, Celebrations, training. You cheering for them..It made them excited and wanting to do their best. You were theirs..All theirs.
| Hope you guys liked! Send me some requests on characters I should do! | Should there be a part 2..Maybe with some spice.? Request it! | Make sure to drink tons of water today! |
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brown-little-robin · 2 months
The color red in mob psycho 100
So I've been thinking about color symbolism in mp100. And I've assembled a roughly chronological analysis of the moments that red is particularly symbolically interesting, in my eyes, anyway!
(buckle up, this gets long. also, warning for blood and a little bit of gore. I talk a lot about the Mogami arc in here.)
What got me interested in the color red in particular was the fact that Mob's eyes occasionally change color from black to red. The first time we see that happen, it's in episode three of season one, where Mob snaps and unleashes his repressed rage against Dimple. (Interestingly, his aura is also unusually pink-heavy in this scene—usually it's more blue than pink, but along with the deep dull red of the background, everything in this environment is turning red.)
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So, okay, we've got your standard red = rage thing. It's also interesting to note that Mob is usually a monochrome character—his gakuran (uniform) is black and white, his hair black, skin pale, eyes black and white—and when he gets simplified into anything more cartoony, he goes monochrome instantly. The only colorful thing about him is his powers, which are blue and pink. But here, when he shows his rage, he gets red eyes. Color is associated with emotion in general in mp100; in this same episode, when the narrator explains how Mob has locked away his psychic powers with his emotions, the emotions are shown in color, Mob himself in black and white.
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But I digress. Back to red specifically!
Coming right on the heels of the LOL cult arc comes the Teru introduction arc, where we learn exactly why Mob locked away his powers for good. He accidentally hurt his little brother—gave him a head wound, in fact, that bled copiously. Mob's memory of the event is fragmented, and it's all in washed-out blue, except for the horrible stark red of the blood splattered onto Mob's face and from Ritsu.
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It's blood red. Mob's eyes turn blood red when he stops repressing his powers. Is it a reference to the importance of that red color to Mob personally? A kind of visual reminder that he can commit evil, can hurt others badly? In the Dimple arc, his eyes turn red when he becomes willing to exorcise Dimple—effectively killing him. Mob himself says "I'm terrible" when he reaches out to exorcise Dimple. Clearly the red ties back to that capability within Mob to hurt others, consciously or not. But!! It's more complicated than just "evil/willingness to hurt people". For one thing, the chronological first appearance of red in Mob's life is Ritsu's blood, which was an accident. When Mob's eyes turn red later, those are all instances where he has made a choice. And that choice is not always to hurt people—later, his eyes turn red in a moment of 100% courage. Red does not map perfectly to "evil" or even "rage".
We're almost to the Mogami arc, which is where this meta REALLY gets interesting, but first: season two episode three, which is easy to overlook but sets up a core question which the rest of season two answers. In this episode, Reigen gets a client who asks him to curse someone, and ends up cursed himself. The question which Mob ends up asking himself at the end of the episode is: if he, Shigeo Kageyama, ever wanted to curse someone, use his powers for evil, or eliminate people rather than spirits... would anyone try to stop him?
And!! look at the curse that ends up on Reigen's back in this episode!! It sets up the idea of curses (malicious actions taken against another person with intent to harm) as connected with the color red!
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The next time red becomes particularly narratively significant, it's in season two: the Mogami arc (episodes four and five). Mogami's defining color is the exact blood red of Mob's eyes. In Mogami's aura, the red is mottled with black (see below, Asagiri Minori with Mogami's aura radiating off her.) His aura is nearly the exact color of the gore we later see him bathed in when Mob tries to exorcise his spirit and fails to achieve it. (side note, Mogami is controlling the entire world in that scene—this is a battle of imagination, and Mogami absolutely made that scene gory and horrible on purpose to upset Mob. his stated goal is to provoke negative emotions in Mob to make Mob realize that negative emotions provide more psychic power than positive ones, and to make Mob embrace vengeance and suffering as a way of life.)
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Interestingly, Mogami occasionally has red eyes too, just like Mob, but they're red in a black background, unlike Mob's red in a white background. (Slight tangent: Mogami's pupils get insanely smaller when they go red, whereas Mob's pupils actually usually get larger when they go red. I think that's because when Mob embraces his emotions, it's a widening out from his usual refusal to acknowledge his own emotions and willpower. When Mob's eyes go red, it's because he's seeing something he usually doesn't allow himself to see. Whereas for Mogami, both times that his eyes go red in episode five are narrowing moments when he begins to maliciously focus in on Mob specifically. The one below on the left is when he realizes Mob is trying to possess Minori's body to remove Mogami from the inside; the second is when Mob grabs Mogami with his aura while inside the mental space. Both moments are ones where Mogami begins to see Mob as a potential... second Mogami. A potential sympathizer—someone with a lot of power, which, in Mogami's worldview, comes from negative emotions. So Mob is like Mogami—someone who has suffered! When Mogami's eyes go red, it's because he has selected Mob as someone he could groom to be like Mogami himself. See below for Mogami's horrible little red eyes.)
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Once Mob gets locked into Mogami's artificial world, red continues to be symbolically important. It's the one saturated color allowed in a world of depressing grays, greens, and browns. A red glow indicates Mogami's presence speaking to Mob in his messy room. And red is the color of blood, of course, which appears again and again in Mogami's world. I won't belabor the point that it's associated with trauma, and specifically the trauma of Ritsu's head wound caused by Mob. Mogami doesn't know about that, but we the viewers do. The point of red in this world is the intentional, inexcusable causing of harm; Mogami tries to convince Mob that the only way to deal with trauma is to embrace it and become the trauma causer rather than the victim, bringing justice (red) to a bleak world (Dull Trash Brown/Green, the color of depression and meaninglessness in this show). See below.
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After (subjective) months of bullying, Mob gets a head wound and is subsumed in a despairing red haze, but fortunately, Dimple breaks him out of it, adding a much-needed pop of green color to the bleak-and-red world, a reminder that other emotions than bleakness and rage exist. and THEN it REALLY gets interesting!!!
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I've already talked (here and in this post) about the next instance of the symbolism of red in MP100: 100% courage!!! Despite being nearly consumed by despair (represented in Mogami's black and red) trying to fight Mogami's horde of spirits and break out of this mental world, Mob remembers that he's here for a purpose: to save someone. Again, his eyes turn red when he makes a critical choice (in this case, to keep fighting). Only this time, his choice isn't to hurt anyone. So given the fact that red has been set up through the entire Mogami arc (and the whole series) as the color of pain, trauma and intent to harm, why have Mob's eyes turn red and have it be beautiful??
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I think the key is that Shigeo initiated this change in himself in order to save someone. The Mogami arc, to me, is the key to the entire series: it's at this exact moment, when Mob makes the switch from "the world is so cruel... can I really do anything worthwhile" to "I'm here for a reason and my powers are here to let me help people". He's using his ability to harm, but in his service of other people and in the rejection of the bleak outlook Mogami offered. And it's being used in service of goodness that makes his power to harm, represented by the color red, beautiful. He clings to the idea that people can change, that bullies need not always be bullies, and he does not have to take revenge. His powers appear as vibrantly blue and pink as ever, and he expels all of Mogami's spirits from Minori's mind.
The show doesn't leave it at that, though. Mogami Arc is almost exactly halfway through Mob Psycho 100 for a reason: Mob has to grapple with his decision to accept the color red. He has to come to terms with his own ability to fight back, come to a nuanced understanding of his own decision-making process (when to fight, when to have mercy.)
Mogami shows up a second time in season two, episode eleven. He threatens to kill Minegishi (a man who was just trying to kill Mob), and Mob pleads for Minegishi's life. And the lighting in this scene is really interesting! Mob is in a blue shadow, the sun blocked out by Mogami's red miasma, until Mob states that he can't guarantee that anyone will choose to change, but he wants to give them a chance anyway, because you have to trust people to get anywhere. When Mob says that, Mogami fades away, letting the sunlight in.
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Also, this isn't about the color red, but I have to note that it is not an accident that Minori (who bullied Mob in Mogami's world, and who Mob chose to save), and Minegishi, both have this same light lavender hair color. They are parallels—both bullies, both having shown no sign that their apologies will be sincere and that they will change. And Mob chooses to give both of them another chance... although this second time, he takes it to heart that Mogami (Mogami-san, he calls him), told him that he has to be hard on people sometimes. Few people would know that Mob is capable of hurting others given the right circumstances more than Mogami does. And Mob respects Mogami, I think. He gives him the honorific -san, which is more than he does for Suzuki. I theorize that Mogami and Mob recognize each other as fellow sufferers from psychic powers. Fellow red-eyed (potential) monsters.
Shortly thereafter, Mob goes to fight Touichirou Suzuki. Suzuki is a red-coded character too. And although his red is more orange, less like Mob's blood red than Mogami's red is, he does resonate with Mob similarly. He brings out the worst in Mob: power-drunk ecstasy. Again, characters associated with red are associated with Mob's worst side, and they're typically the ones capable of bringing out his red side, not only because they force him into corners where he has no choice but to fight them with force but because they get him in a way that no one who doesn't share Mob's level of power really can.
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The thing that snaps Mob out of this haze is, fascinatingly, another person associated with red in Mob Psycho 100: Ritsu. Mob sees Ritsu on the ground, has a flashback to that traumatic memory with Ritsu bleeding, and stops laughing. He becomes mindful of his own choices again.
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Mob's eyes remain black as he tries to reason with Touichirou. But when Mob gives up, acknowledging his own weakness, his inability to show Suzuki another path, his eyes turn red once again.
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It's a horrible moment, the moment when Mob chooses to try to kill Suzuki instead of reasoning with him. Right after he makes this statement, he does something he's never done before: uses his psychic powers to directly alter someone's body. He has hit people with his powers before, but that was like a slap. What he does to Suzuki is something he learned from Mogami, who used his powers to twist Minori's finger joints until they cracked. Mob does the same thing to Suzuki, using his powers to twist Suzuki's body until his bones break. It's an exact parallel to what Mogami did. It's a tough call, figuring out what to think about this moment, but we're given clues to this moment both earlier and later. Mob cannot change everyone's mind, as Mogami said; Suzuki refused to listen and posed an active danger to Mob's little brother and friends, and Mob had no one to turn to for help here, so he chose to kill Suzuki.
Given Mob's pacifist outlook up to now, this was a huge change. He'd exorcised ghosts before, but he never killed a human being. But this was not the soul-destroying acceptance of revenge that turns the whole world red, like what almost happened in Mogami arc when Mob was about to accept Mogami's way of life. This was a one-time, no-win situation that Mob could not get out of. And because he'd been prepared for this by Mogami, and because he made the choice to use his powers instead of running away, his eyes turned red in determination. Again, it's about making a choice to use your power, not about the goodness of the choice. And you'll note that the red of his eyes here is flat and blank, like Mogami's eyes. Again with the subtlety. Red in mob psycho 100 has the common thematic thread of pain and power, but its meaning flexes based on context.
The significance of red has one more major comeback in MP100, and, fittingly, it's at the end of the series, where Mob's powers go out of control. Other people have spoken at length about the final arc of MP100, and it speaks for itself. But I have to briefly touch on this to bring this analysis to a conclusion—
Shigeo Kageyama's powers, walking a path of destruction through Seasoning City, is red, red, red. Red and black.
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The red is a menacing color here. Although Mob's powers still come across in his bright, sparkling blue and pink, his body is surrounded in an intense blood red that gets stronger to the point of filling the background (in the style of Mogami's world). The red could be read as a symbol of evil, of malicious intent, like it was in Mogami's world. Except... Mob's eyes are the unconscious white of ???%, which represents Mob's fight or flight instinct and all of the things he represses because they are unsightly. Things he doesn't actually want to do consciously. Mob is doing this by accident, although as a natural consequence of what he has done to himself. Ritsu puts it well when he's talking to himself about how Mob locked away his emotions and powers:
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This other side of Mob represents everything Mob fears about himself (power, rage, destructiveness conscious and unconscious.) But fearing Mob's other half does no good. For better or for worse, it is part of Mob.
In this instance, I think the significance of the color red lies in its association with fear. People are scared of things that can hurt them. Mob, specifically, is afraid of the power that he has seen hurt people, from himself hurting Ritsu to Mogami and Minori hurting Mob to Touichirou Suzuki hurting everyone.
The red, here, is a warning sign. It says get away from me before I hurt you. It's what Mob tries to prevent people from seeing. And it does represent malicious intent, but it also represents self-hate. It's everything Mob has fought over the course of the series, only it's also Mob himself.
But. But. Red is the color, consistently, of accepting and using your power. It's blood, sure, but it's also justice. It's rage, but it's also courage. It's determination. It's used in moments of wholeness of purpose—power and willpower agreed on a course of action. And in the end, Mob has to accept that his power is part of him, and it doesn't have to scare him. It doesn't have to be red suppressed within him (meaning blood, meaning Mogami, Suzuki); it can lie dormant when not needed but not repressed within him.
I don't have a good ending to this analysis. Just watch the series. It speaks for itself.
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nekokats · 1 year
Numerology in Blue Lock
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Gagamaru: 6 > 88 > 1 > 99
Zantetsu: 10 > 53 > 29
Hiori: 27 > 16 > 23
Kurona: 4 > 16 (14)
Nanase: 99 > 77
Raichi: 10 > 95 > 22
Igaguri: 13 > 108 >
Aryu: 2 > 17
Tokimitsu: 3 > 20 > 20 (22)
Kiyora 21 >
Isagi 11
Kira 10
Chigiri 9
J Wanima 10
K Wanima 9
Nrhy 11
Barou 10
Bachira 8
Aiku 9
Yuki 9
Reo 10
Nagi 7
Krs 10
Hiori 23
Ksr 11 (20)
Ness 20 (7)
Nrhy 5 > 38
Kuon 2 > 97
Iemon 1 > 101
Immr 7 > 104
In Nagi's imagination of his WC goal he wears 9.
In Kira's imagination of his elimination:
Kira 10 B ❌
Bchr 9 W
Kngm ? B
Chgr 14 B
Isg 11 B
Ggm 4 W
Rch 5 W
Immr 6 W ❌
Nrhy 13 W ❌
Kuon ? B ❌
Iemon 1 G ❌
1. Gen Fukaku
2. Oliver Aiku
3. Kazuma Niou
4. Teppei Neru
5. Miroku Darai
6. Itsuki Wakatsuki
7. Haru Hayate
8. Kento Chou
9. Teru Kitsunezato
10. Sae Itoshi
11. Shuto Sendo
13. Ryusei Shido
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
would you tell me, if i was worthy?– mp100 ageswap
"So, what do you think?"
Reigen Arataka, 14 year old con-artist and psychic-in-training, stood in front of his boss and mentor, Shigeo 'Mob' Kageyama. He swished back and forth restlessly, randomly throwing out hand gestures and posing to show off his outfit.
Mob blinked at his student. In his haste to leave for their next job, he hadn't noticed the boy come in. Now that he had, he was growing very confused– although, you wouldn't be able to tell by his blank, tired expression.
Reigen was dressed in a typical middle school girl's uniform, down to his shiny black mary-janes and the red bow on his chest. He even managed to pull his dirty blond middle-part into two stubby pigtails. He smoothed out his blue pleated skirt with a proud grin.
"You look… nice?" Mob said tentatively. Honestly, he didn't know what Reigen wanted to hear because he had no idea what was going on in the first place. Obviously, he answered incorrectly because Reigen puffed out his cheeks and scowled at Mob.
"Wh- yeah, I know! But I'm dressed up for a reason, shishou!" Reigen crossed his arms, pacing absentmindedly with loud clicks of his shoes, "This is my disguise for sneaking into the clients' school!"
Sighing, Mob closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We are not sneaking in, Arataka, I thought I told you this already." He held the front door open for his student and locked it behind them. With that, they started for the train station.
"But those girls said the school wouldn't let us on campus!" Reigen huffed. He was scrambling to keep up with Mob's long strides. Mob slowed down.
"And I said I would handle it." He squinted down at his dressed-up apprentice, "The costume is unnecessary… Where did you even get that?"
As Mob paid for the turnstile, he felt a small hand twist into the back of his coat. Linked by Reigen, they passed through the turnstile together without paying for two tickets. He felt a little guilty for how little he cared about Reigen's subtle delinquencies– wasn't he supposed to be a good influence on the boy? But, he really couldn't bring himself to scold Reigen for sneaking onto the train or scamming a few yen out of his classmates once in a while. He shook his head, tuning back into their conversation.
"Did I tell you that my sister's at college again? She left behind a lot of her stuff when she moved out, and she said I could borrow her old school uniform. Too bad she didn't go to the clients' school, but she did have friends there. I tried asking her about the spirit, but she didn't know anything about it…"
He trailed off as Mob poked at one of his dangling earrings. Did he pierce his ears too? They were big and heart shaped, decorated with glittering rainbow rhinestones. Eccentric, but stylish, in Mob's opinion. Definitely belonged to-
"Oh yeah, that stuff is Hanazawa's. I don't approve of his fashion sense, but he has a lot of cute jewellery." Reigen fiddled with the clips littering his blond hair. He lingered on a shimmering butterfly clip by his ear.
Mob hummed, "That was nice of him, to lend you all of that."
Mob's other employee, Teruki Hanazawa, was a newer addition to the Spirits and Such team. He acted as their PR manager– really, that just meant he manned the website (a horrible neon mess of spaghetti-code and 144p gifs) and talked to clients when Mob was busy with exorcisms. Since he joined, Mob's noticed an uptick in returning clients and a significantly more positive atmosphere in the office. Mob was just happy to have someone else talk in his place, as his own demeanour seemed to put people off and Reigen had a bad habit of overcharging clients. Plus, Teru got along great with Reigen. That was enough for Mob to let the ex-criminal esper work at his office.
Reigen grinned and Mob could only imagine the fuss Teru had made about getting to play dress-up with his employee. He probably set up an impromptu fashion show in his apartment the instant Reigen expressed his idea for his 'disguise'. Mob huffed a low laugh at the image of Teru and Reigen exchanging office gossip and painting each others' nails like school girls.
They took their seats on the sparsely populated train. Mob dug through his messenger bag, pulling out the Mobboy Colour he gladly shared with his student. It would be easier to let Reigen carry it around, but he had a knack for randomly losing things. And Mob won't deny, he liked to pop in a puzzle game occasionally when commuting to the office. Reigen took the Mobboy wordlessly, turning it around to check that his copy of PokeMob Ruby was still inside.
"Did I tell you I almost have all of my gym badges?" His student boasted, face shining as he looked up at his mentor. Mob peered out the window, trying to remember truthfully if he did know that. Reigen turned his attention back to his game, waving his hand around dismissively.
"I had to train a new ghost-type team, but I finally beat the psychic gym. It was no big deal though, with my new super strong team."
Mob peeked over his shoulder, "Is that why you have so many revives?" His face conveyed no emotion, but Reigen gasped and stammered at the accusation anyways.
"Th-that's nothing! Just a precaution, y'know, for when I need it, eventually…"
Mob smiled knowingly, leaning back in his seat. He hummed a faint laugh at his student's theatrics. They made idle chatter for the rest of the ride as Reigen showed off all of his rare and shiny PokeMob.
Once they got off of the train, they walked the rest of the way to the highschool. Reigen guided them around the winding residential area with a map on his phone. Mob was a little amazed– he didn't even know his phone had a map.
Reigen paid no mind to the people mulling about the streets, skipping the whole way as he talked his mentor's ear off. He jumped from topic to topic at breakneck speed. As always, Mob tried to keep up with their conversation, but he couldn't help but get distracted. Passing mothers chittered about how cute 'that man and his daughter' were and other teenagers heading to school doled out compliments on Reigen's accessories. It was all very nice in a way that was still new to Mob.
As he was lost in thought, they rounded on their destination. Reigen grabbed onto Mob's sleeve abruptly, dragging his mentor to the front gates of the clients' school before he could protest.
A security guard was stationed at the entrance. He perked up as Reigen and Mob came into view, holding out a hand to stop the pair.
"Good afternoon. How can I help you, miss?" He leaned down slightly, smiling lightly at Reigen. In response, Reigen sent him a smile so innocent it was nearly angelic. He looped his arms around one of Mob's.
"We're gonna need to take a tour of the school, to make sure it's exactly what we want. I'm going into highschool next year." Mob thought about stopping Reigen before he could spin an elaborate lie that would surely get away from both of them, but for now, it seemed to be getting them into the school. And Mob wasn't exactly keen on making a scene by trying to get to the clients another way. So, he sighed and let himself be a pawn in his student's scheme.
Mob cleared his throat, straightening out his already stiff clothing. He tried to remember how his mother held herself– authoritative and serious in a way that lent her an air of untouchability. Judging by how the guard stiffened and peered up at Mob with wide eyes, he overcompensated.
Reigen nudged his arm, giving him a significant look. Mob couldn't read what he was mouthing, but the guard was extending his hand hesitantly.
Mob realised that he was supposed to be giving the man a handshake, like sensible adults normally do. He tried to be firm, but his hands were shaking a little from the pressure.
"Shigeo Kageyama." He greeted, "And this is my…" Mob faultered, unsure what Reigen was planning.
Reigen caught on immediately, "-Daughter!" He cut in smoothly. Mob stumbled over his words for a second– he didn't know that was the angle Reigen wanted to approach this at.
"...Yes, my- uhm, my daughter… A- Ayaka." Reigen's smile strained, growing more plastic the more they fumbled this interaction.
The guard frowned, "I'm sorry, sir, but parents aren't permitted access to campus grounds on such short notice-" Reigen's shiny pink nails dug into Mob's sleeve.
"But-!" He stuttered, eyes frantic with alarm. Mob shut his eyes against the embarrassing scene– it was starting to make his stomach turn watching Reigen grasp for straws. He knew he should step in, but his voice was dead in his throat and all he wanted was to give up on the job and go back to the office.
Then Reigen started to wail.
Mob whipped around to stare wide-eyed at his student. He was crying like a siren, face red and scrunched as tears poured down his cheeks. The ear-ringing sound was punctuated by the occasional hiccup and meek sniffle.
He side-eyed his gawking mentor. When Mob didn't get the message, he stomped on his foot.
"Ah! R-right…" Mob mumbled, tucking Reigen into his side in an awkward hug. Stiffly, he shook his head with a poorly hidden grimace. Mob never claimed to be an actor.
"I'm sorry, Ara- uh!" He swallowed shakily, "Ayaka just gets um, emotional when she's not with me. So…" Mob wracked his brain for anything else to say, but came up empty handed. His face grew hot the longer the silence stretched.
Fortunately, Reigen was a better actor (or liar) than him, "I-if only I didn't have s-s-seperation anxiety!" He punctuated the condition. His fake stutter made Mob surpress a wince– it was a little too put on. Reigen watched slyly as the guard broke out into a sweat.
In response, Reigen squeezed out another round of sobs. Mob was almost impressed that he still had water to shed.
"Oh, why did Mom have to leave us?" Reigen continued dramatically. At least that club he finally joined is teaching him something… Mob thought. Reigen sniffled loudly.
"N-now I can't even be with my d-dad either!" He buried his face in Mob's arm with a final whimpering cry, sealing the deal. Their target was pale and sweaty, with the guilty expression of someone who just made a teenage girl cry.
The guard scrambled to take their names and hand them day passes. He shrunk under Mob's steely gaze, blubbering apologies and platitudes. Unaware of the face he was making, Mob was trying to calm down from the stress of keeping up with Reigen's lie on the spot like that.
As they walked past the entrance and out of earshot of the guard, Reigen pried himself from Mob's side. He wiped his face of crocodile tears, leaving behind a smirk.
"Wow, that guy was easy. All I had to do was fake cry a little and boom!" He brandished the laminated card hanging by his neck on a lanyard, "You're welcome, shishou." Reigen sing-songed smugly. Mob resisted the urge to roll his eyes, choosing instead to pat the top of his student's head.
"Good job." He said, voice flat but sincere. Reigen preened under his praise, swishing his skirt more and more as his walking once again turned to skipping.
"Where are we supposed to meet the clients again?" Reigen popped his head into a random room. Shouting and laughing filtered out of the occupied class and Reigen jumped back, slamming the door in shock. There was already a spitball stuck in his hair.
"The roof. They should be waiting up there for us…" Reigen hummed, joining Mob's side again. He eyed the classrooms suspiciously. Mob flicked away the spitball, floating it into a nearby trashcan.
As they made their way up the stairs, Mob lagged behind his spritely student. Sure, Mob had started working out at that surprisingly welcoming gym down the road from his office, but he had nowhere near the level of energy a fourteen year old possessed. Unsurprisingly, he was out of breath by the time they hit the top of the school.
While Mob caught his breath, Reigen spotted a group of girls sitting in a circle together. They were laughing roughly, in a way that was cool to Reigen and obviously forced to Mob. A bag of chips sat between them and they were passing around a single measly cigarette. It was kind of pathetic, if Mob was being honest.
Nonetheless, Reigen sauntered up to the girls. He stopped just in front of them, a hand on his hip and the other by his chin. Their conversation fizzled out and each girl wore a varying expression of annoyance. Mob frowned.
"Hey, what's up?" Reigen said with a lazy wave. He wedged himself between two of the girls, sitting down and crossing his legs. He perched his chin on his palm, elbow resting on his knee. A confident smirk pulled at his lips.
The girls leaned away from him. One of them rolled her eyes.
"Nothing, just waiting for you to leave." The girl in the middle snarked. Her friends snickered, sharing sharp grins. Reigen laughed along half-heartedly. He leaned back on his hands, desperately trying for the same cool nonchalance the group of girls exuded.
"Right, right." He nodded, "But uh-" again, he smirked, pointing towards their little pile of snacks in between them, "I mean, what are you guys up to? Skipping class? Maybe… hiding from something?" With a raised eyebrow, he shot them a meaningful look. While Mob wasn't the best at social cues, even he could tell what Reigen was asking– were they the clients who had hired them to exorcise the school?
Apparently not, as they quickly became enraged.
The student on his left leaned into Reigen's space, poking him square in the chest. Her pink striped hair extension was coming loose.
"What are you, some kinda snitch?!" She snarled, "Back off, kid!"
Reigen reared back, hands windmilling as he scrambled to explain himself. As a hand landed on his shoulder, Reigen stilled.
Mob squatted behind Reigen, leaning over his shoulder to level the girls with an unimpressed stare. His mouth was pulled into a hard line, his eyes shadowed by his dark fringe. The girls paled. One of them quickly snuffed out their single cigarette behind her back.
"Do you mind if I ask why you girls are out of class?" He asked, monotone voice icy and harsh. They shared a nervous look.
"W-well-!" The girl who had been yelling at Reigen started, fiddling with her single, tame nose piercing.
"And picking on a middle schooler? Is bullying my daughter fun for you?" Mob cut them off darkly. He channelled the glare he had accidentally sent to the front gates' guard. The girl on Reigen's right squeaked– her eyes widened under many layers of black eyeliner.
"Ah! Sir, w-we're so sorry! We had no idea-" the girl with the hair extension nodded along to her friend, "A-and we were just heading back to class anyways! Please don't rat us out!" With that, she grabbed the other two girls by their sleeves and ran to the stairwell. They didn't even take the half-eaten bag of chips.
Reigen stood quickly, brushing his sweaty hands on his skirt.
"I'm guessing those weren't the clients?" Reigen shot Mob an angry pout.
"Shishou, I can't tell if you're trying to make fun of me or not…" He huffed.
"N-no! Of course not-!" Mob's embarrassed scramble to reassure his student was cut off by a pair of snickers.
Two highschool girls hopped off of a set of vents and walked towards them.
"You're the guys from 'Spirits and Such', right?" The taller girl asked as her friend continued to giggle at their expense. Reigen stepped in front of his mentor with a perfect customer-service grin.
"Reigen Arataka, future greatest psychic of the 21st century!" He introduced himself grandly. While he was posing smugly, the clients were red-faced, trying to hold in their laughter. Reigen jabbed a thumb over his shoulder.
"And this is my boss, Mob! We're here to solve your supernatural problems, 99% satisfaction guaranteed!" Mob just hummed in agreement, fighting the urge to stare at his shoes.
The clients shared a sceptical look, but explained their dilemma anyway.
The spirit was easily taken care of by a disgruntled Mob and overzealous Reigen, spurred on by the cheering basketball players.
Mob wiped his clammy hands on his coat, expression twisting into one of uncharacteristic disgust. Eventually, he managed to tear Reigen away from girls pinching his cheeks and complimenting his outfit. All Mob wanted to do was crash on his couch and fall asleep to a shitty action movie, at this point.
The clients thanked them at the gates, drawing out small novelty wallets shaped like cartoon characters. Reigen was practically vibrating with excitement.
"No need to get those out. I'm not accepting payment." Mob addressed the girls. Reigen bristled at his side.
"What!? But we exorcised that evil guy!" He exclaimed. Mob shook his head, completely ignoring Reigen.
"If anything else shows up, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will take care of it."
The girls thanked him profusely. They put away their wallets with silent sighs of relief– blowing all of their birthday money on an exorcist isn't something either wanted to explain to their parents.
As they walked back to the train station, Reigen could barely hide his annoyance. He crossed his arms, refusing to face his mentor.
"I hope you understand why I did that, Arataka." Reigen rolled his eyes, but let him continue, "Those girls…" Mob's gaze shifted to the sky, tracing the pathways of birds that flew overhead. His eyes shone in the orange afternoon light, distaste glittering in his red irises.
"They needed our help, more than they wanted us to know. Spirits usually scare people who can't fight them, but…" Reigen kicked a pebble and it skittered across the cracked sidewalk, "That spirit was especially upsetting to them. The things it said were very… creepy." Mob's face twisted into a faint sneer.
"It's not right to take advantage of something like that." He placed a tentative hand on Reigen's shoulder. Reigen huffed, leaning into his mentor– he never understood why Mob was so skittish when it came to casual physical contact like that, so he tried to reinforce it every time. Reigen wasn't much of a hugger, but when your only source of genuine care lied in an emotionally stunted power keg, you learned to take whatever you could get.
"Sometimes… we need to help others without asking for anything in return." They boarded the train and took their seats. Reigen turned to look out the window. He sighed.
"Yeah, I get it, shishou." He conceded, "If I'm being honest, that guy did skeeve me out a bit." His earrings clinked together as he fiddled with them.
Reigen wanted to feel sorry for asking for payment, but he really couldn't. The generous cut he earned from each job helped him out more than Mob would ever know. Sure, his parents assured him that rent and groceries and utilities and all other manner of things a middle schooler shouldn't have to worry about weren't his problems, but Reigen wasn't stupid. He could see the instant relief in his mother's eyes when he brought home his paycheck. Sure, it wasn't those girls' faults he was dirt poor, but he couldn't help the feeling of resentment coating the back of his throat. He would just have to suck it up and hope Mob would treat them to dinner for the next week.
Reigen yawned, loud and obnoxious. That was a problem for future Reigen– present Reigen was too exhausted to dwell on anything depressing. Man, fake crying really takes it out of a guy, huh? he thought as he drifted to sleep, head lolling back and mouth wide open as he snored. Drool rolled down the side of his cheek and Mob grimaced at it the whole ride back.
That night, Mob bid his student goodnight outside his small apartment. As he made his way to his own shitty flat, Mob wondered if he did the right thing.
He wasn't stupid– he saw the way Reigen's eyes lit up everytime Mob paid him after a job. Not with greed, but a relief that made Mob's stomach twist. Like a massive weight was lifted off of his shoulders with each bill.
As much as Mob wanted to, he was incapable of prying into his student's home life. Every conversation Mob tried to start by subtly hinting at something being not quite right at home, Reigen would talk circles around him until he dropped it to avoid arguing with the boy. But from what he'd observed, it didn't look great. Mob just hoped he was doing enough by treating his student to dinner whenever he got the chance.
Mob shuffled into his home. He shucked off his loafers, slipping into a pair of bunny slippers (Reigen got them as a gag-gift– Mob genuinely likes them) and hanging up his dark coat.
Without changing out of his work clothes, Mob laid down on his couch. He queued up a movie– one of Reigen's B-movies he must have left in the DVD player the last time he came over.
Mob pulled an old, ratty blanket over himself, curling into its fraying fibres. Sleep pulled at his eyelids, the soft hum of his TV luring him to sleep.
Suddenly, Mob's phone chimed.
He knew before flipping it open who it would be; Reigen had added himself to Mob's contacts the second his mentor gifted him his first phone, setting a very distinct ringtone for himself. Whenever Reigen texted, Mob's phone would scream out the theme song to Reigen's favourite anime: Sailor Moon. The opening lyrics had been burned into Mob's memory at that point.
Reigen had texted him a few pictures he took in the gym– right in the middle of the exorcism, it seemed. Mob was across the room, turned away from the camera as bright lights circled himself and the spirit; meanwhile, Reigen was posing in the foreground with the basketball players whose game they had interrupted. He sent three different pictures– although it seemed the only differences were the faces Reigen and the girls were making. Accompanying the photos was a string of texts: 'can we get one printed for the office?' and then, 'i was thinking of starting a bulletin board' and, 'yknow for like showing future clients how many jobs we've done?'. Mob sent back a single thumbs up.
Reigen continued to send Mob pictures he had taken at each of their past jobs, trying to convince his mentor to print them all. He wasn't dissuaded by Mob's clipped responses– a simple 'Okay.' from Mob was the equivalent of an enthusiastic yes from anyone else. Reigen was well adjusted to Mob's 'old woman typing' as he liked to call it.
At Mob's light scolding for being up too late on a school night, Reigen reluctantly ended their conversation. He parted with a final photo from the night– Reigen and Mob, mid-conversation and completely unaware of the camera. Mob had a faint smile on his face. The picture was a little blurry, like Reigen had taken it accidentally while talking animatedly with his hands.
As Mob stared at their happy faces, he felt his heart warm. Just a few years ago, he was isolated from the world; never letting himself hope to have any meaningful connections with another person. But here he was– regularly hunting for the paranormal with Tome, finding a new employee and friend in Teru, building a new relationship to his health with the help of his friends at the gym. And continuing to look after Reigen, finally starting to feel like maybe he wasn't doomed to hurt the people in his care. Like he was finally worthy of being someone to care about in turn.
Mob set the picture as his phone background.
He fell asleep on the couch once again, drifting off to the quiet ambience of his apartment.
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kuro-keisuke3 · 11 months
¡! Itoshi Rin [Blue Lock] x SMR¡!
Disclaimer: ditulis oleh Muneyuki Kaneshiro dan diilustrasikan oleh Yūsuke Nomura
Genre : 🍋🍋🍋🍋
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
POV' penulis :
Suara peluit berbunyi. Pertandingan u20 japan vs blue lock telah berakhir. Nampak kemenangan besar di tangan blue lock. Termasuk dua itoshi yang pada akhirnya mereka kembali seperti semula. Saling tak bertegur sapa. Namun pada akhirnya Sae mengakui Rin meski sedikit. Dan membuat Rin bertekad mengalahkan kakaknya lagi dalam duel selanjutnya.Setelah semua selesai rin kembali ke loker tempat ia untuk berganti pakaian saat sampai dia bertemu (M/n) di sana yang kini bersandar di pintu ruang ganti pemain.
"Yo Rin selamat atas kemenanganmu"kekehnya "Tcih..untuk apa kau kemari. Idiot,"
"Hee...bagaimana yah aku kemari ingin mengucapkan selamat apa itu tak boleh?"seringainya
"Aku tak butuh ucapan selamat darimu. Minggir aku mau.Menahan tanganmu.
"(M/n) lepaskan aku bangsat!!"
"Tidak. Apa kamu lupa janjimu. Saat pergi untuk ke blue lock"
"I i itu... ck aku lupa itu,"ucapnya memalingkan muka
"Lupa apa pura pura lupa hm?,"ucap (M/n) mengambil dagu rin dan langsung melumatnya ..pergerakan rin di batasi dengan tubuh (M/n) yang mengunci pergerakan rin
"Hmmpphh..."desah rin menikmati permainan ritme lidah (m/n) yang nampak begitu lihai. Tangan nya bergerak masuk ke dalam celana olga rin...dengan nakalnya jari jari panjang itu menjelajahi holenya. Lalu memasuki satu persatu
"Hngghh?!!" Desah rin merasa ada sesuatu yang memasuki ruang sensitifnya. Merasa menemukan sesuatu di sana. (M/n) menabrakan jarinya dan menekanya.
"NGGHHH!!..." desah Rin
'Sialan!!!..(m/n) bangsat!!'umpat Rin dalam hati. Meski dia mengumpat namun tubuh nya berkata lain Rin semakin menggoyangkan pinggulnya di tengah-tengah sesi keintiman mereka membuat mereka semakin bergairah.(M/n) terus mengeluarkan dan memasukan jarinya. Hingga Rin mencampai klimaks dan cum.
"ANGGHH~ahh..ah,"desahnya bersamaan dengan dirinya cum. Rin nampak terengah-engah belum sempat Rin menarik nafas dirinya di hentakan oleh penis (M/n) yang begitu besar "Akhh!!~"desah Rin terhentak hingga air liurnya keluar. Nipple nya bergesekan dengan lemari loker membuat lidahnya terjulur karena terangsang. Di tambah (M/n) yang masih menghentak dan memainkan Penis Rin dengan tangannya.
"Nyahh~ (M/n) more,"desah Rin (M/n) masih mempertahankan tempo kecepatanya. Namun itu tak bertahan lama (M/n) menaiki tempo kecepatan nya. Yang membuat nya semakin bernafsu.
"ANGHH~♡...."desah Rin merasa prostatnya di permainkan oleh tumbukan (M/n). (M/n) juga merasa begitu dia merasa hole Rin menjepitnya membuat nya mencapai klimak. Sentakan berikutnya membuat penis (M/n) membesar dan kemudian cum . Bersamaan Rin yang juga cum Rin merasa dirinya di isi penuh oleh sperma milik (M/n). Rasa hangat menjalar di perutnya.
"hah..hah..hah..bajingan!!!""Hahahah..hah..tapi kau menikmati rinrin,"kekehnya
"Urusaii...hummp,"ucapnya memerah dan memalingkan wajahnya dari (M/n) sang empu menangkup dagu Rin kemudian mengecupnya serta melumatnya.
"Hmppn..."leguhnya menikmati lumatan yang di berikan (M/n) sambil memejamkan mata.
"Aku mencintaimu Rin. Aku sudah menunggu mu lama,"ucap (M/n) menyatukan dahinyabke dahi RinPada akhirnya Rin berani menatap (M/n) kemudian
"Ck..aku juga mencintaimu,idiot."Terkekeh...(M/n)
"Imutnya..Rinrinku. Arigatou telah menerimaku,"ucap (M/n)
Rin pun ikut tersenyum melihat (M/n) tersenyum meski wajah nya masih memerah.
Nampak para pemain blue lock mulai kembali dan kini berjalan di lorong. Pintu terbuka menampilkan gagamaru yang membuka pintu.
"Waah!! Maaf aku menganggu kalian,"
Membuat (M/n) dan Rin loading.
"Oi,ada apa gagamaru. Kenapa kau menutup pintunya,"ucap Jingo Raichi kesal
"Sst...dua orang sedang memandu cinta,"ucap Gagamaru membuat teman temanya menimbulkan tanda tanya.
"Ha?,"beo Raichi yang tak bisa memahami perkataan gagamaru.
"Ck💢, minggir gagamaru,"ucap Reichi karena ke habisan kesabaran begitu ia buka pintunya ia tutup kembali.
"Yoss...ayo kita kembali,"
"Oi,memangnya ada apa di dalam,"ucap king Barou yang sedari tadi diam memperhatikan.
Bersamaan suara desahan Rin yang terdengar sampai luar.
"Ah..kau benar. kita Kembali saja,"
"Ku harap jinpachi sensei,tak melihat melalui cctv,"ucap Chigiri
"Benar,hahaha..mengingat ia memasang markas blue lock..full cctv,"ucap Isagi canggung.
Sedangkan jinpachi hanya diam menyaksikan apa yang terjadi di dalam loker.
"Dasar...tak sabaran,"gumamnya
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wabatle · 1 month
Fandoms and characters I will write for
Be warned, below is a long list
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori
Nobara Kugisaki
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojo (I personally only think of him in a platonic way so any romantic stuff might be bad/ooc lmao)
Suguru Geto
Maki Zen'in
Toge Inumaki
Yuta Okkotsu
Kento Nanami
Ryomen Sukuna
Attack on Titan
Eren Yeager
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Levi Ackerman (same thing as gojo)
Pieck Finger
Annie Leonhart
Tokyo Ghoul
Ken Kaneki
Touka Kirishima
Ayato Kirishima
Shu Tsukiyama
Juzo Suzuya
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Shinobu Kocho
Giyu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Muichiro Tokito
Tengen Uzui
Kanao Tsuyuri
Blue Lock
Reo Mikage
Yoichi Isagi
Meguru Bachira
Hyoma Chigiri
Seishiro Nagi
Rin Itoshi
America (Alfred F. Jones)
England (Arthur Kirkland)
France (Francis Bonnefoy)
China (Yao Wang)
Russia (Ivan Braginsky)
Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt)
North Italy/Italy (Feliciano Vargas)
Japan (Kiku Honda)
Canada (Matthew Williams)
Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo)
South Italy/Romano (Lovino Vargas)
Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt)
Hungary (Elizabeta Héderváry)
Finland (Tino Väinämöinen)
Iceland (Emil Steilsson)
Norway (Lukas Bondevik)
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Hanako/Amane Yugi
Tsukasa Yugi
Nene Yashiro
Kou Minamoto
Teru Minamoto
Aoi Akane (girl)
Akane Aoi (boy)
Mitsuba Sosuke
Sakura Nanamine
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
Oshi No Ko
Ai Hoshino
Aquamarine Hoshino
Ruby Hoshino
Kana Arima
Akane Kurokawa
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Mash Burnedead
Finn Ames
Rayne Ames
Lance Crown (same as gojo and levi)
Dot Barrett
Lemon Irvine
Project Sekai
Ichika Hoshino
Saki Tenma
Honami Mochizuki
Shiho Hinomori
Minori Hanasato
Haruka kiritani
Airi Momoi
Shizuku Hinomori
Kohane Azusawa
An Shiraishi
Akito Shinonome
Toya Aoyagi (temporarily closed)
Wonderlands × Showtime
Tsukasa Tenma
Emu Otori
Nene Kusanagi
Rui Kamishiro
Nightcord at 25:00
Kanade Yoisaki
Mafuyu Asahina
Ena Shinonome
Mizuki Akiyama
Hatsune Miku
Rin Kagamine
Len Kagamine
Megurine Luka
Doki Doki Literature Club
Villains are Destined to Die
Penelope Eckhart
Reynold Eckhart
Derrick Eckhart
Winter Verdandi
Callisto Regulus
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dxvilschild · 4 months
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Hello, everyone. This is Cian and this is an oneshot request page! I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, but whenever I attempted it on Wattpad, it was always a flop. I wish this won't be the case here. I'll be taking ship requests from a variety of media. I will not limit it to a particular fandom, solely because I'm part of a whole bunch and I wanna write for most of them if given the chance. While sending in your request, keep in mind, there are a few rules to this. They are on my profile, so please read them and make sure you understand them well! 
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I present to you the ships that I'm able to write about. I prefer some more than others and that will be represented. Red for favorites, blue for not favorites but great, and orange for okay. You can request ships outside of this list, but I cannot guarantee that I will do them. Long story short, here is the complete list of the ships!
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 ANIME SHIPS
── Fujimaki x Ooyama (Angel Beats!)
── Raiden x Shin (86)
── Eugene x Shin (86)
── Otonashi x Hinata (Angel Beats!)
── Otonashi x Kanade (Angel Beats!)
── Teshigawara x Kazami (Another)
── Levi x Erwin (Attack On Titan)
── Eren x Armin (Attack On Titan)
── Ymir x Historia (Attack On Titan)
── Jean x Armin (Attack On Titan)
── Niccolo x Sasha (Attack On Titan)
── Hange x Pieck (Attack On Titan)
── Isagi x Bachira (Blue Lock)
── Kunigami x Chigiri (Blue Lock)
── Reo x Nagi (Blue Lock)
── Kazuki x Rei (Buddy Daddies)
── Dazai x Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Edgar x Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Fyodor x Nikolai (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Tetchou x Jouno (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Akutagawa x Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Oda x Ango (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Tachihara x Junichiro (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Dazai x Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Edgar x Mushitaro x Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Fyodor x Nikolai x Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Yosano x Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Dazai x Fyodor (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Atsushi x Lucy (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Kenji x Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs)
── Aki x Angel (Chainsaw Man)
── Suzaku x Lelouch (Code Geass)
── Byakuya x Makoto (Danganronpa)
── Hajime / Izuru x Nagito (Danganronpa)
── Gundham x Kazuichi (Danganronpa)
── Mondo x Taka (Danganronpa)
── Sakura x Aoi (Danganronpa)
── Mondo x Chihiro (Danganronpa)
── Celeste x Kyoko (Danganronpa)
── Fuyuhiko x Peko (Danganronpa)
── Light x L (Death Note)
── Genya x Muichiro (Demon Slayer)
── Tengen x Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
── Sanemi x Giyuu (Demon Slayer)
── Obanai x Mitsuri (Demon Slayer)
── Muzan x Douma (Demon Slayer)
── Yuma x Shu (Diabolik Lovers)
── Uenoyama x Mafuyu (Given)
── Kaji x Haruki (Given)
── Howl x Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
── Kou x Mitsuba (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
── Kou x Hanako (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
── Shirogane x Kaguya (Kaguya-sama: Love Is War)
── Kirari x Sayaka (Kakegurui)
── Manyuda x Ryota (Kakegurui)
── Yumeko x Itsuki (Kakegurui)
── Tadano x Komi (Komi Can't Communicate)
── Kalego x Robin (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Asmodeus x Iruma (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Jazz x Lied (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Kirio x Iruma (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Elizabetta x Keroli (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
── Mob x Teru (Mob Psycho 100)
── Shu x Ritsu (Mob Psycho 100)
── Reigen x Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
── Kaworu x Shinji (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
── Ritsuko x Misato (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
── Diavolo x Lucifer (Obey Me!)
── Solomon x Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
── Simeon x Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
── Ruby x Kana (Oshi no Ko)
── Aqua x Kana (Oshi no Ko)
── Aqua x Melt (Oshi no Ko)
── Mikaela x Yuu (Owari no Seraph)
── Guren x Shinya (Owari no Seraph)
── Crowley x Ferid (Owari no Seraph)
── Sasaki x Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano)
── Joe x Cherry (SK8)
── Langa x Reki (SK8)
── Loid x Yor (Spy x Family)
── Inui x Koko (Tokyo Revengers)
── Baji x Chifuyu (Tokyo Revengers)
── Draken x Mikey (Tokyo Revengers)
── Kakucho x Izana (Tokyo Revengers)
── Hakkai x Mitsuya (Tokyo Revengers)
── Carol x Misuzu (Tomo-chan is a Girl!)
── Thorfinn x Canute (Vinland Saga)
           ۫        .         ͏ᥥ⑅ᥥ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏⠀ׅ ⠀     🦞 
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 MANGA SHIPS
── Hyoun x Taehyuk (Dawn of the Dragon)
── Hyoin x Sungjoon (Make Me Bark)
── Lewellyn x Shavonne (Murderous Lewellyn's Candlelit Dinner)
── Daehyung x Yiyoung (On or Off)
── Seunghyun x Youngjin (Origin of Species)
── Nohae x Yeong (Shame Application)
── Yohan x Soohwa (Sign)
           ۫        .         ͏ᥥ⑅ᥥ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏⠀ׅ ⠀     🦞 
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 SERIES & MOVIES SHIPS
── Alfred x Henry (Bodies)
── Hawk x Tim (Fellow Travelers)
── Marcus x Frankie (Fellow Travelers)
── Angel Dust x Husker (Hazbin Hotel)
── Charlie x Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
── Sir Pentious x Cherri (Hazbin Hotel)
── Cash x Darren (Heartbreak High)
── Asmodeus x Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
── Blitzø x Stolas (Helluva Boss)
── Moxxie x Millie (Helluva Boss)
── Taissa x Van (Yellowjackets)
── Shauna x Jackie (Yellowjackets)
── Natalie x Lottie (Yellowjackets)
           ۫        .         ͏ᥥ⑅ᥥ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏⠀ׅ ⠀     🦞
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˓   𔘓 OTHER SHIPS
── Shuichi x Kokichi (Danganronpa)
── Miu x Kaede (Danganronpa)
── Kaito x Maki (Danganronpa)
── Kiyo x Rantaro (Danganronpa)
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For my job to become easier, you will have to include the following information in your request: ship, plot (preferably a detailed version), any triggers you might have, and any headcanons or extra stuff you would like. If at least the first three aren't mentioned, I will pretend like you never commented in the first place. I hope you enjoy my oneshots hehe!
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milaisreading · 1 year
Author: impacted the literature more than Romeo and Juliette ever could😭 here u go and thank u for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
"Come here (Y/n), your favorite person ever wants to carry you!" Oliver laughed as he picked the reluctant girl up. Niou and Sendo shook their heads at the way he was holding her and how uncomfortable she looked while being held.
"Oliver, I don't think you are doing it the proper way." Sendo added as Niou nodded along. The black haired boy looked at the two in confusion and then down at (Y/n), who looked like she was about to burst out crying.
"I don't get it, I watched children being held like this on movies. You must just be picky then, huh?" Oliver teased the girl as she looked up at him. It was silent for a moment and Niou sighed in relief, thinking that maybe this was (Y/n)'s way of acting out, but all that was chucked out of the window as Oliver put her in the same position and the girl burst out crying. Panicking Sendo ran over and grabbed the girl while Niou pulled on Oliver's ear.
"Ouch!" The player yelled as the long-haired boy glared at him.
"I told you she was uncomfortable!"
"But that was how babies were held in movies!"
"Yes, movies! Not real life!" Niou said as he looked over at Sendo, who was rocking the sobbing toddler back and forth.
"She calmed down?"
"A little."
Oliver watched in weird awe at how well Sendo handled it.
"How do you know to calm down kids?"
"I used to babysit from time to time." Sendo shrugged his shoulder as Teppei and Hayate ran into the room.
"What happened?!"
"We heard crying!"
"Is everyone alright?" Miroku and Teru poked their heads inside.
"Yeah, it's just that Oliver doesn't know how to hold kids." Niou explained as Hayate took the girl out of Sendo's arms.
"Hey!" The blonde protested, earning a shrug from the taller.
"You all had the chance to hold her, I didn't." Hayate argued and got no response, as the rest knew he was right with that part. Oliver sighed in defeat and sat on the floor as Niou let his ear go.
"You alright, captain?" Miroku asked as Teru ran to where Hayate was.
"No... (Y/n) is so comfortable with all of you and just cries when she is with me. Am I that bad with kids?!" Oliver wondered as Sendo, Niou and him paid attention to what he said. Hayate, Teppei and Teru were meanwhile busy entertaining the toddler, the laughter she let out from Teru's funny faces hurt Oliver even more.
"I see... maybe we can practice with you?" Miroku suggested.
"What do you mean?" Sendo raised an eyebrow.
"Easy, we can help Oliver meanwhile the others can play and take care of (Y/n)." Miroku said calmly as Niou looked over at the rest.
"I don't really think those three will mind that idea." Niou added, pointing at the group. Teppei was holding (Y/n) now on his shoulder while she was patting Hayate's head, meanwhile Teru was taking pictures of the scene.
"So, Oliver the first lesson you need to learn is how to approach a toddler!" Sendo exclaimed as Niou wrote down on the board something. Oliver nodded his head and told the blonde to continue.
"Alright, shoot!"
"The first mistake you make is the tone of your voice, well... more specifically the volume." Miroku said.
"Children, especially those of (Y/n)'s size can get easily scared, so you yelling might be more off-putting than you seem to think."
"Children need a level of calmness, especially when picked up. You saw how I did it the first time, right?" Oliver nodded at Niou's question, remembering how calm and collected he was when they saw her first.
"Just act like that. Let's practice then!" Sendo announced.
"Here comes the train~" Teru exclaimed as he fed (Y/n) her lunch. The girl happily opened her mouth and ate the food while Teppei wiped the excess food off of her face.
"Aww~ this is really adorable!" Teru said as Hayate nodded his head and put it on top of hers.
"How do you think Oliver is doing in those classes?" The white-haired boy asked as the other two chuckled a little.
"I don't know, but just the image of Oliver taking classes on baby care is funny." Teppei commented as (Y/n) looked up at him, wondering what was funny.
"Let's just hope be learns a thing or two." Teru said as Hayater removed his head from hers and started ruffling (Y/n)'s hair.
"Alright! After an hour and 45 minutes, you are finally a lot calmer, this is what we need!" Sendo said as Oliver flopped on the couch. Miroku smiled fondly at the captain and watched as Noui wrote down the 2nd lesson.
"Alright! Next lesson is feeding a toddler! Babies need to eat, and knowing how to properly feed them is very essential for you." Noui started as Oliver sighed.
'This is exhausting... and people have kids willingly?!'
"Come back here!" Teppei yelled as he chased (Y/n) around the empty field. After eating her lunch, the three players decided to let her play before it's her nap time.
"Make sure (Y/n) doesn't fall down." Hayate warned as he observed the duo closely.
"Shhh... I need to have this on video." Teru whispered with his phone out and following (Y/n) with it.
"Yoh are obsessed with taking pictures and videos." Hayate commented.
"Well yes, but it's of (Y/n) as a toddler, you don't see that everyday."
"...fair enough." Hayate nodded his head and took his own phone out.
"Alright! This one took us like...2 hours but you got the hang of it!" Niou sighed as Oliver rolled his eyes.
"You guys are really counting?"
"Yes, yes we are. Now off to the 3rd and most important lesson!"
They looked at Sendo as he wrote something down.
"And that lesson is holding and picking up a toddler, which you lack in the most. That's why we found some videos that show you those." Sendo said as Miroku opened his laptop.
"Shhh! Teru!" Teppei whisper/yelled at the boy as (Y/n) slept on top of Hayate.
"Sorry, I forgot." The boy apologized as they looked at the door.
"Ahh? How did the classes go?" Teru teased as Oliver sent him a glare while Sendo and Miroku snickered.
"Did (Y/n) eat?" Niou asked the other two, who nodded their heads.
"Yeah, she fell asleep like two hours ago too." Teru told them as Oliver walked past them and towards Hayate and (Y/n). The white-haired boy raised his eyebrow at the captain and nodded his head.
"Be quiet, she is still asleep. Anyways, how did your lessons go?"
"Pretty much ready to be (Y/n)'s new favorite." Oliver smirked as Hayate rolled his eyes.
"He did it... I am so proud." Sendo sobbed as Miroku patted his back and Niou rolled his eyes at the dramatic acting. Teru, Teppei and Hayate were staring at Oliver in disbelief as he held (Y/n), who seemed calm and content in his hold.
"Good job, you two. I never expected him to work this out." Teru chuckled as Hayate took a few pictures.
"It's kind of adorable to look at it." He said calmly as Sendo and Teppei nodded their heads.
"So, am I your new favorite?" Oliver asked excitedly as (Y/n) looked up at him for a moment.
"Boooo...." She said back and Oliver cooed at the sound.
"I'll take it as a yes!" The captain chuckled. Then suddenly the door opened and in walked Rin with Hiori following him.
"What did you two need?" Sendo asked as he walked over to the two. Hiori ignored him and walked straight to grab (Y/n), but was stopped by Hayate and Teppei.
"Hands off!" They warned as Hiori and Rin glared at them.
"We came to pick up (Y/n), your babysitting duty is over. Now hand her over to Hiori, Aiku." Rin said as he glared at the fellow captain.
"No." Oliver answered back, earning looks of disbelief from their rival team members.
"What do you mean with no? That's our manager, give her back."
"Calm down Rin, we just want to babysit her a little more." Noui added.
"Besides, she doesn't mind staying with us." Miroku said, pointing at the girl.
"Like a give a shit, hand her over." Rin demanded as he started an argument with the the team, meanwhile Hiori tried to bribe (Y/n) into coming with them.
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 years
The unexpected friend group
by Ash_IsDead09
"So what do you think is gonna happend?" The producer asked. Takemichi smiled and replied "Shit gonna go wild."
Or a reality tv show with my kins and their other friends having no idea their famous and shit gets well wild.
Words: 5956, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Manga), ヴァ二タスの手記 - 望月淳 | Vanitas no Carte | The Case Study of Vanitas - Mochizuki Jun (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Blue Lock (Manga), Persona 5, Boys Run The Riot (Manga), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga), Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Blue Period (Manga), SK8 the Infinity (Anime), K (Anime), Chainsaw Man (Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Matsuno Chifuyu, Inupi | Inui Seishu, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yumeno Kyuusaku | Q (Bungou Stray Dogs), Mikage Reo, Noé Archiviste, Inumaki Toge, Sakamoto Ryuji, Kyan Reki, Okumura Rin, Yata Misaki, Watari Ryo, Yaguchi Yatora, Minamoto Teru, Hayakawa Aki, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs) & Inupi | Inui Seishu & Mikage Reo, Noé Archiviste & Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi & Inumaki Toge, Sakamoto Ryuji & Matsuno Chifuyu & Yumeno Kyuusaku | Q, Kyan Reki & Okumura Rin & Yata Misaki, Watari Ryo & Yaguchi Yatora & Minamoto Teru, Mikey | Sano Manjirou/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Matsuno Chifuyu/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Baji Keisuke/Matsuno Chifuyu, Noé Archiviste/Vanitas, Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta, Inupi | Inui Seishu/Koko | Kokonoi Hajime, Mikage Reo/Seishirou Nagi, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Aoi Akane | Glasses/Minamoto Teru, Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki, Okumura Rin/Shima Renzou, Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki, Kurusu Akira/Sakamoto Ryuji
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Drug Use, Alcohol, Musicians, Found Family, someone give aki a break, Mental Health Issues, Clubbing, Smoking, Childhood Friends, Music, Internet Famous, TikTok, Twitter, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Twitch Streamers, Youtuber AU, Slow Burn, Dark Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Bipolar Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Psychotic Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41193987
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mirroredworlds · 11 months
"No one will ever call you any dirty names again." Cana wasn't entirely certain where this sudden urge was coming from but she wished to reassure Juvia, wanted her to know that she didn't have to face things alone, that she had someone to protect her, too. The card mage was gently cradling the other woman in her arms, lavender eyes hard and focusing an invisible point in the distance. Her hand caressed the beautiful blue locks of Juvia's hair, added statement spoken in a softer voice. "You're wonderful, you hear me?" [cana to juvia!]
Juvia would have been surprised at Cana's words had they happened earlier in their friendship. Then again, maybe she wouldn't be. The brunette came off as the sort to be incredibly protective of her friends and guild mates. Even if they weren't as close as they were now she couldn't see Cana overlooking trash talking of a member of Fairy Tail.
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"I used to be called many names when I was in Phantom Lord but I never really paid them any mind,"
'Gloomy Juvia' was her least favorite and the main reason why she made so many teru teru bozu dolls when she was a child. She didn't need them anymore but she kept a few of them simply because they were so cute. Hand sewed things were objects she liked and she'd always made her own little dolls back then. She might not make it rain all the time anymore but she kept a small collection of the dolls because she wanted to.
"Thank you, Cana. That means a lot."
She'd lean into the other woman's touches, enjoying the feeling of Cana's fingers going through her blue locks. She wasn't usually so needy but with the other woman she just enjoyed every moment they spent together.
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libbieforsure · 1 year
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ini namanya Libbie, tapi akhir-akhir ini panggilan favorit aku ke dia itu ade soalnya lucu banget. pertama kenal bie itu gara-gara aku di hit sama dia buat jadi fwa nya, turns out kita semakin deket sebagai partner berbagi afeksi dan akhirnya mutusin buat jadian. I actually never thought we've come this far, but I'm glad we're here. keputusan aku buat jadiin bie milikku seutuhnya is my best decision in 2023 so far, and i'll never regret it. I'm so grateful being yours, Bie.
Bie ini sukaa banget ngambek, tapi ngambeknya tuh lucu banget gitu apalagi kalau abis aku isengin terus langsung "NYEBELIN LU" kayak kemarin wkwkw, terus suka kirim stiker kucing berapi-api, bukannya serem malah tambah lucuu. bie ini orangnya menurutku gak neko-neko, nggak ribet juga, itu salah satu alesan yang buat aku makin sayang sama dia. bie inii demeeen banget sama mie, dia selalu bilang dia jatuh cinta sama mie, padahal mie yang bikin dia sakit. udah aku ingetin, jangan dilanggar ya biee? buat kesehatan kamu sendiri. terus bie ini orangnya jail banget, setiap aku bilang 'i love you' pasti dia bales 'makasi' harus aku bilang berkali-kali dulu baru dia bales, untung pacarku. dia suka banget sama pacar pacar dia dari anime blue lock, khususnya kaiser. aku sebenernya nggak akan ngebatasin dia suka sama apa sih tapi kadang aku suka cemburu dikit sama gepengnya itu tapi sedikiiit aja, segini 🤏 soalnya aku tau bie sayang benerannya sama aku. dia ini suka sebel kalau aku udah bahas yena atau kurumi padahal aku bercanda aja biar dia kesel dikit wkwk. aku suka panggil dia libbie sandwich, bahkan nama kontak dia aku namain libbie sandwich karena ya gak tau aku pas liat stiker kucing jadi topping sandwich aku malah kepikiran bie hahaha, jadilah libbie sandwich. dia kadang ngambek aku panggil gitu, terus aku tanya dia nggak suka kah sama panggilannya? tapi dia bilang dia suka cuman bikin salting aja, wkwkwk lucu banget kan pacar aku? iyalah kan pacarku. aku suka banget kalau bie udah ngasih aku pap lucu, terus dia juga suka buat some beautiful words that only made for me, i feel so loved by you, bie. aku sayang banget sama bie, I love you and always, libbie.
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yuyuhe1 · 1 year
Genshin Impact
Honkai Impact 3rd
Tears of Themis
Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! Project Sekai
Punishing Gray Raven
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Akatsuki No Yona
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Kimi Ni Todoke
Tokyo Ghoul
Chainsaw Man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Shingeki No Kyojin
Fruits Basket
Yakusoku No Neverland
Assassination Classroom
Bungou Stray Dogs
Blue Lock
Hunter × Hunter
Ito Junji: Collection
Kono Oto Tomare
Perfect Blue
Studio Ghibli Movies
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Tower of God
Melvina's Therapy
A Stepmother's Märchen
Ghost Teller
Heeran Love Song
Hero Killer
Miss Not-So Sidekick
Romance 101
The Makeup Remover
The Prince of Myeolyeong
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
This Witch of Mine
True Education
xiao, scaramouche, kaedehara kazuha, xingqiu, kiana kaslana, elysia, bronya zaychik, danheng, yanqing, serval, kafka, shiraishi an, akiyama mizuki, tenma saki, kamishiro rui, son hak, soowon, shin-ah, minamoto teru, kaneki ken, kurapika, fushiguro megumi, nagi seishiro, itoshi sae, akashi seijuro, akaashi keiji, noah wyknight, raeliana mcmillan, kayden break, kim dokja, khun aguero agnes, ihwa,
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poemaker · 2 years
Kapan bisa berhasil ya, tapi seenggaknya sekarang udah bekerja ke arah yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Kondisi psikis juga membaik, bisa terus semangat tiap hari. Makin bisa bersyukur juga dengan hal-hal yang dihadapi sekarang, mengingat masih bisa working on passion yang emang sebuah keistimewaan.
Kondisi psikis terus naik, awalnya dari baca komik Blue lock. Kebawa ikut semangat juga buat berhenti nyerah dan jadi egois buat jadi apa yang dicita-citakan. Selain itu juga dzikir, bawaan selalu istighfar terus hati jadi tenang. Sempet lewat di youtub short, ceramah Ust Adi Hidayat yang bilang kalau mau hidup aman, keluarga aman, anak aman terus istighfar. Jadi ingat mungkin ini salah satu wasilah kenapa saya hidupnya sejauh ini cenderung aman-aman saja, mungkin karena dzikir andalan dari kecil itu istighfar.
Dan hal yang bikin saya malu buat istighfar sekarang udah ga ada. (Makasih buat kamu yang sekarang lagi menjauh, moga kamu baik-baik aja)
So life getting better rn, and i hope it only get better till i don’t have time to make it better.
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ao3feed-renga · 2 years
The unexpected friend group
The unexpected friend group
by Anonymous
"So what do you think is gonna happend?" The producer asked. Takemichi smiled and replied "Shit gonna go wild."
Or a reality tv show with my kins and their other friends having no idea their famous and shit gets well wild.
Words: 1852, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Manga), ヴァ二タスの手記 - 望月淳 | Vanitas no Carte | The Case Study of Vanitas - Mochizuki Jun (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Blue Lock (Manga), Persona 5, Boys Run The Riot (Manga), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga), Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Blue Period (Manga), SK8 the Infinity (Anime), K (Anime), Chainsaw Man (Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Matsuno Chifuyu, Inupi | Inui Seishu, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yumeno Kyuusaku | Q (Bungou Stray Dogs), Mikage Reo, Noé Archiviste, Inumaki Toge, Sakamoto Ryuji, Kyan Reki, Okumura Rin, Yata Misaki, Watari Ryo, Yaguchi Yatora, Minamoto Teru, Hayakawa Aki, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs) & Inupi | Inui Seishu & Mikage Reo, Noé Archiviste & Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi & Inumaki Toge, Sakamoto Ryuji & Matsuno Chifuyu & Yumeno Kyuusaku | Q, Kyan Reki & Okumura Rin & Yata Misaki, Watari Ryo & Yaguchi Yatora & Minamoto Teru, Mikey | Sano Manjirou/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Matsuno Chifuyu/Takemitchy | Hanagaki Takemichi, Baji Keisuke/Matsuno Chifuyu, Noé Archiviste/Vanitas, Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta, Inupi | Inui Seishu/Koko | Kokonoi Hajime, Mikage Reo/Seishirou Nagi, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Aoi Akane | Glasses/Minamoto Teru, Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki, Okumura Rin/Shima Renzou, Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki, Kurusu Akira/Sakamoto Ryuji
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Drug Use, Alcohol, Musicians, Found Family, someone give aki a break, Mental Health Issues, Clubbing, Smoking, Childhood Friends, Music, Internet Famous, TikTok, Twitter, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Twitch Streamers, Youtuber AU, Slow Burn
From https://ift.tt/WCjDGgN https://archiveofourown.org/works/41193987
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