#bisexual Zoro
galaxyspeaking · 9 months
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Do not ask me for the color of anything
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the-music-maniac · 7 months
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I'm unhealthily obsessed with Zoro's earrings, so unsurprisingly, my demons popped out of the ether at 2 am, and told me to draw him in body jewelry
My headcanon is that Nami bought the jewelry piece for Zoro bc she's a good wing woman
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abrakuxas · 2 years
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People seemed to like my Yamato and Luffy piece so here is a collection of Mugiwara pride I did this year :)
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kimodraw · 11 months
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yet ANOTHER op dump ive been drawing them so much to keep away from the horrors (waiting for an answer abt a dream internship)
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asfarblues · 2 years
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he's in denial, just give him some time
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syrupbitee · 8 months
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chaoticlad · 26 days
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I think this ship is funny 👍
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f0xthef0x · 13 days
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Wowza!! Sanji spread!! I cant stop rotating him in my brain like a microwave ^_^
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ririnririn · 1 month
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What if east blue polycule
My bisexual rights
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hopeworth · 3 months
zoro thinking he’s gay his whole adult life only to meet okiku and realise he’s just attracted to really competent swordplay
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the-music-maniac · 8 months
I've barely started watching One Piece so feel free to tell me if I'm wrong but Sanji seems like the type to say he's fighting demons and the demons are just bisexuality.
No I will not elaborate.
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
Let's twist it around for once and make Zoro the one who gets his gay awakening by meeting Sanji: 1950s america Zoro x Sanji AU where heavily repressed Zoro lives in the suburbs in a marriage of convenience with his best friend Nami- they're both content with this situation and they both think this is the closest thing to love and attraction they can feel for someone of the opposite gender so it makes sense.
But then some new neighbours move into the house right next to theirs-a brother and sister (how odd to live together- but then again they're foreigners, so maybe that's why?) and Nami drags Zoro to the window to watch a lithe, beautiful, blonde man and his elegant blue-haired sister (who's wearing pants- the neighbourhood gossips will have a field day) move their boxes into their new house.
Zoro is transfixed by the man's fluid movements and rippling thigh muscles as he leverages his legs to haul heavy things around. His mouth dries as he unbuttons his shirt and now he can see his sweaty tanktop clinging to his form and how his high-waisted pants accentuate his slim waist. He must do some kind of sport or calesthenics- Zoro has always been a great sports and sportsman admirer- that's why he pays such close attention to the male form. He should ask him what it is, maybe he could join- Nami clears her throat and snaps him out of his thoughts, and he notices a faint flush on her cheeks and how her eyes flit back to the blue-haired woman's form as she reveals what the very little information that' been going around concerning the new owners of the block's most luxurious house.
Sanji and Vivi are bisexual cousins from France/France-occupied Maghreb but claim they are siblings to help smooth over their odd living situation. They moved to the states as young adults looking for emancipation and freedom, and have been enjoying, partying and making lots of friends in queer spaces here, but now that they're in the latter part of their 20s want to have a proper house (with a pool) to be able to host their friends and relax a bit more.
The next day Nami makes a welcome dish (totally not an excuse to see that gorgeous woman again) and drags him along to introduce themselves and welcome the 'siblings' to the neighbourhood. Once again Zoro feels his attention completely captured by the blonde man's...aura- he's never met a man like this before, he has a way of swaying his hips as he walks, an elegance in the way he holds his cigarillo, and his suit is more colorful (maroon) , and better tailoured than any business man's. His laugh makes Zoro's belly feel funny- but it also makes him a bit angry for some reason. He can feel something tight and confused in his chest and Nami ends up apologising for his rude behaviour once he and the man accidentally start not-so-politely bickering. (Zoro's compliment of the maroon suit comes off as a sarcastic insult that Sanji doesn't let slide, and there's just something about him that gets on his nerves).
Vivi invites them to their housewarming party the next weekend.
During the week, Zoro gets the opportunity to exchange a few more words and banter with the blonde- Sanji, he'd learned, while he gardens after work and works on his car. Sanji calls him a mosshead (he has some trimmings stuck in his hair), and he makes fun of the giant Duck-shaped topiary the blonde is trimming.
Nami discloses all the gossip she gathered to Zoro, and it sounds like most of their neighbourhood will be staying clear of this rather..queer pair.
He and Nami attend the party anyways, too curious and eager to interact with them again
The party is full of very colourful, artsy, cool people- many of whom Zoro feels he wouldn't know what pronouns to use for- but the booze is good, and the music is good, and he'd promised Nami he'd be on his best behaviour. He sulks in a corner and at first watches her talk excitedly with some oddly dressed women, some with extremely short hair, but his attention gets snagged by Sanji dancing with his friends by the pool. The reflected light shines on his body and make him glow
a drag queen called Iva (close friend of Sanji's) sits down next to him and teases him and tells him to go for it but Zoro is so deeply repressed and unfamiliar with even the concept of queerness that he doesn't even catch what Iva is hinting at.
It's only later, when he's lost and looking for the bathroom, when he opens a wrong door and stumbles on Sanji kissing another man, that he finally understands that this is a thing. He'd only vaguely heard about people liking the same gender, but it's not something he'd ever thought about at all. He's a confused, swirling mess of emotions, red in the face with embarrassment and anger (and jealousy) as he storms away, telling Nami they need to leave.
additional thoughts:
Sanji was kissing Pedro because he needed to get it out of his system after thirsting over his 'straight and married' hot neighbour all week- why did the mosshead have to work in such a tight white t shirt in his yard
Lots of scenes with Iva where Sanji bemoans his curse of falling for straight married men
Lots of misunderstandings between Sanji and Zoro- definitely lots of bickering when they keep getting forced to hang out because of the girls
Sanjis annoyance about Zoro stems from the impression that Zoro isn't treating Nami 'right', like a lady, and of the love and devotion he feels she should have from her husband- also he'd promised he wouldn't fall for another straight man so he keeps trying to tell himself he's just angry on behalf of Vivi who he can tell is head over heels for the ginger
Zoro is annoyed at Sanji for fawning over women and being prissy and cocky when he knows that he saw him kiss a man so what is up with him (he's actually just really jealous and angry and repressed and doesn't know bisexuality is a thing yet)
There should be a pool scene where Zoro gets insanely distracted and confused and turned on by Sanji in a speedo
Jobs: for Zoro- maybe car dealership owner/mechanic, Sanji is definitely something creative- maybe a fashion designer, a photographer, stylist, or straight up the classic restaurant head chef. Nami is a housewife but she would definitely have something on the side going on. Vivi could be a magazine editor or a big shot writer? a diplomat?
obligatory scene where they both drink too much and reveal things- Zoro reveals he and Nami have never slept together or done more than kiss at their wedding and Sanji is so confused but also so hot for his incredibly built neighbour he's been doing his best to keep his hands off of, so he kind of flirts and asks if he'd like to know what a real kiss is like
Zoro is stunned into silence but his body leans forward despite himself and Sanji kisses him silly
They pretend it never happened and both think the other forgot
Zoro breaks one day and admits all the naughty thoughts he's been having about his neighbour to Nami- she cry laughs and says she's been having the same about Vivi (except they already figured their shit out) and she was waiting for the right time to tell him but this makes it all so much easier if it's the same for Zoro
Zoro understands that he's super duper gay for Sanji and likes him romantically so he immediately runs up to his house to tell him how he feels
Zoro and Nami both live happily ever after as each other's beards, each with their own bisexual foreigner to call their own.
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stardustintheabyss · 9 months
Kid me: clowns are creepy & scary
Adult me: ...I have something to tell you & you're not gonna like it. But on the bright side we're no longer scared of clowns.
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summershouto · 1 year
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brought to you by my various saved pins on Pinterest
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soykicho · 2 years
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One Piece log no 4 maybe
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here4theteaa · 1 year
Zoro’s Dare | (Roronoa Zoro x Male Reader)
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You and Zoro are walking through the streets of Wano Country, exploring the sights and sounds of the vibrant marketplace. As you walk, you look over at Zoro with a mischievous glint in your eye.
Y/n: "Hey, Zoro. I dare you to not wear underwear under your kimono today."
Zoro raises an eyebrow, knowing full well that you love to push his buttons.
Zoro: "What? No way, y/n. I'm not gonna go around like that in public."
Y/n: "Oh come on, Zoro. Live a little. It'll be fun. Plus, you know you can't resist a challenge."
Zoro grumbles, but deep down he knows you are right. He loves a good challenge, and he's never been one to back down from a dare.
Zoro: "Fine. I'll do it. But if anyone finds out, it's on you."
You grin, knowing that you’ve won this round.
They continue to wander through the marketplace, taking in the sights and sounds. As you’re walking, you’re suddenly attacked by a group of Kaido’s minions.
Zoro immediately springs into action, unsheathing his swords and taking on the attackers. As he's fighting, he suddenly feels a gust of wind hit him in just the right spot, causing his kimono to fly open and exposing his bare backside to the world.
You can't help but burst out laughing as you watch the scene unfold.
Y/n: "Well, well, well. What do we have here? Looks like someone's not wearing any underwear today."
Zoro scowls, embarrassed by the situation.
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Zoro: "Shut up, y/n. You're enjoying this too much."
Y/n: "Hey, I can't help it if you have a nice butt. But don't worry, I'll protect your modesty."
You step in front of Zoro, shielding him from view with your water barrier as he continues to fight off the bandits. Zoro can't help but feel a strange sense of gratitude towards you, even as he tries to brush off your teasing.
As you continue through the day, you can't resist the urge to tease Zoro about his lack of underwear, even going so far as to sneak in a few playful caresses on his bare ass.
Zoro tries to banter back, but secretly he's enjoying the attention. He never thought he'd be the type to go without underwear, but there's something freeing about it. And the way you look at him...well, that's a feeling he can't deny.
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