#big thanks to Bri for proofreading this
datwheatleyboi · 6 months
Orbo in Nirmata
Oh yep gotta make this a thing now because I thought it would be an interesting topic to look into. I wanted to address right away that I am a big Orbo enjoyer. I love the character and do not consider him an antagonist towards Scarab or anyone. PLUS this is also an excuse to talk about how much I loved writing and exploring each character in Nirmata. For now I will bring 3 major points in understanding Orbo's role in Nirmata. A quick warning I will be spoiling chapter 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 of Nirmata, so read at your own risk.
As I said in one of my earlier replies, no character in Nirmata is good or bad. There is no antagonist in the books and I hope this can be clearly seen these many chapters deep into the fanfic. Every character is flawed at their core. Some are more flawed than others but that's what makes the story even more interesting. I want to uncover the truth behind Orbo just because he is a character that has less screentime in Nirmata, therefore his character is hard to be deduced from his actions. 1. Nirmata is mostly a Scarab POV story.
Scarab is undoubtably the main character of the story. We experience Nirmta mostly through his perspective, therefore it is important to understand that Scarab's perspective towards Orbo can be extremely biased, especially from his view of the world and constant victimizing of himself in each situation. The periods where we receive a different POV Orbo was never referred to as a bad boss or bad character. The only thing he is to blame for is the wings and antenna incident. One of example's of Scarab's bias in perception of the situation is in this scene in chapter 4 (here's a snippet from it):
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Scarab looks at the attached clocks to his and Prismo's wrists and thinks of them as a threat. As a doomsday watch leading to his and Prismo's downfall. It is constantly emphasized throughout the story that Scarab clearly takes this situation too seriously. He thinks of the watch not just as a helpful tool in understanding the passage of time with the Time Giants being destroyed, but also as a ticking timebomb. This is Scarab's POV and analysis of the situation. Keep an eye on what Orbo says in chapter 2 about the watches:
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This is just the first analogy about Scarab's biased POV that we see throughout the fanfic. There are many more examples of how his interpretation of a situation contradicts to what is actually happening but if we're talking about Orbo in this post, than here is an example with my big boy. I think of Nirmata as a story, where you have to pay close attention to what the characters say, rather than deduce their motivations from Scarab's POV. 2. Orbo is also a living being.
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Imagine you're the right hand of the Boss, just hanging around, doing your job, when suddenly time stops existing. And then BOOM! all the multiverse starts getting consumed by a supermassive blackhole. Anyone will be scared from that and Orbo is no exception. He stabilizes the multiverse knowing that he won't be able to hold it together for a longer period of time. This makes him stressed out and more on his nerves and Orbo acts accordingly. His actions, his words, his overall attitude and behavior. The poor guy has so much pressure on his shoulders that he even confronts Prismo for being incompetent in preserving the Time Core from potential nasty guys. And no threats or pressure solely towards Scarab. Here are several examples of showing signs of this clearly stressed behavior:
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Despite being referred to as the right hand of the Boss in the fanfic, his reaction to the situation can be understandable. Despite the whole future of the multiverse being questioned, Orbo does not let the emotions get the best of him. He listens to Scarab's suggestion and agrees with it, regardless of this duo not being the most effective when put together. 3. Orbo is an understanding being. As I said in the end of my last point, Orbo offered Prismo and Scarab a chance to redeem themselves and gave them 3 days to find the hammer despite the multiverse clearly barely keeping itself together. He entrusted Scarab and Prismo with the most important mission ever, while literally seeing them claw at each other's throats 5 minutes ago. That is some insane level of faith my guy got. Or probably because he just doesn't want them to be fired from their positions. Here's him accepting Scarab's suggestion, while still having his doubts about the successful completion of this mission:
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Also, later he provides the two cosmic entities with even more information in regards to the ongoing search for Betty and the Hammer, despite not being obligated to do so. He really wanted our favorite roommates to succeed in their mission and, if it weren't for Betty's interference with the order of her world, they would have received even more tips and reports of the alterations in the fabric of space and time. This is emphasized in chapter 9 when instead of receiving threats about the couples and the Hammer's whereabouts, Orbo just provided Scarab the coordinates of 2 other signals of reality altercation. Although it was never specifically stated that my bro Orbo was the one who sent the messages about the signals, it is heavily implied throughout the plot that Scarab has no way of locating new signals without "multiversal interference". 4. The Wings. But what about Scarab's wings and antennas? Didn't Orbo rip them out of him? Yes, but it was done a very-very long time ago when the poor guy still was learning about his capabilities and limits to his powers, and Orbo clearly experiences guilt from committing such a terrible act on one of his most productive workers. This is seen in Prismo's speech in chapter 9 and given that he and Orbo are good friends, this is probably true and not an attempt at trying to justify Orbo's evil nature:
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To further prove the point of Orbo ripping Scarab's wings not out of pure hatred towards the bug, it was hinted way back in chapter 1. We know that from reading chapter 8, Orbo was terrified of someone betraying the company or starting a revolution. He had a hard time understanding how to properly run a company, so it was logical he would be on the verge of panic when a strange moth decided to nuke a great chunk of the multiverse and resided in one of the destroyed worlds. Yes, it was never implied that Maura was a real being and not always a disguised fire elemental, but back in my analysis for chapter 8 I did hint at this being the case.
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Anyways, this is the end of my character analysis of Orbo. Since this is a hot topic in the pwish fanfic community, I wanted to toss my own interpretation of Orbo's character in Nirmata. I might have left out some key points since I am still very sick, but I hope this makes sense. I'm always open for your ideas and speculations on Orbo's character but otherwise...
As a famous thinker once said:
leaves some crumbs and runs away
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g0ry0re0 · 2 months
"Tear In My Heart", Billy (Burn, 2019, Directed by Mike Gan) - Imagine
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Description: AU where Billy survives the film's events and is on the run with you, basically just one big cross-country road trip. You can't sleep. / Billy x GN!Reader
General Notes: Gender Neutral Reader (no use of Y/N), Second Person POV, Alludes To Insomnia (reader), Food Mention (reader eats), Very Light Cursing (three words), Focus On Sounds (orange), Smoking Cigarettes (billy), Pure Fluff, Very Bried References To The Film (scars)
Author's Note: I'm finally back! This is just like a one-shot for this AU if anything. It's clearly inspired by Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots, lol. Living out my 2016 teenage fantasies with this one, lmao. Thanks to @hazeldastar for helping proofread this (if anything is wrong, it's her fault 💜). Anyway, enjoy!
Word Count: 1,489
You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time / But that's okay, I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine / I'm driving here I sit, cursing my government / For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement
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Car horn. Snoring. A/C unit.
Roll over.
Footsteps. Muffled talking. Breathing.
Open your eyes.
He shifts. Bed springs. More snoring.
This isn't working.
You sit up with a sigh and look over at your sleeping companion. How is he able to sleep so soundly no matter where he is? You swear he snores louder every minute he's asleep, and he barely moves throughout the night. You take a glimpse at the healed burn on the side of his face, feeling remorse. You ghost the tips of your fingers over his burn tenderly, mostly for your own comfort. You stare at him, almost in awe, as he lays on his back, his left arm stretched out behind you, sleeping so contently. Jealousy briefly flashes in your mind before tiredness takes over again.
Stomach rumbling.
How long has it been since you've eaten? You glance at Billy one last time before carefully standing up, hoping that the cheap mattress doesn't give you away. You recoil when he shifts again, turning to lay on his side before his snoring starts back up. Breathing a sigh of relief, you walk over to the desk on the other side of the cramped motel room. Navigating through a mostly dark room, minimal moonlight shining through the sheer curtains, you try not to make too much noise. You shuffle through your snack bin before landing on a bag of chips.
You look back at him, so peaceful, tranquil. He'd been driving all day, there's no way you could wake him up right now. Softly, the padding of your feet can be heard on the scratchy, poor-quality carpet as you head toward the adjacent room; tiny as it was, the bathroom, the best option for you right now. You gently close the door before turning on the flickering light, illuminating the compact space. You sigh and rub your eyes before sitting on the cold tile floor, squeezing in between the sink and the shoddy shower. Rubbing your eyes again, you pray that filling up on carbs will lull you into a short slumber before you both have to pack up and ditch town in the morning.
You sit there, uncomfortably, for a few minutes. Taking your time, snacking on your bag of chips before your return to bed where you will inevitably toss and turn until the sun rises once again. This road trip was starting to take a toll on your body.
You'd swear that these were the loudest chips on the planet. It's like they were trying to sabotage you. As if on cue, you could hear the heavy footsteps of your partner heading towards the bathroom door now. You flinch and brace for the knock on the door.
"Hey, darlin', you alright in there?" He asks, voice raspy.
"Yeah," you start to whisper, not really sure why at this point. "I didn't wanna wake you."
He laughs.
"Well, the lack of your presence woke me up anyway." He remarks playfully. "Come back to bed, love."
You crumble up your bag of chips and toss them before standing up. A few of your joints crack from unraveling the awkward position. You open the door to see your heavily disheveled boyfriend standing in front of you, the ghost of a smirk on his face. You feel as though you look a lot worse for wear than he does. Disheveled always looked good on him anyway.
"I can't sleep." You admit, shoulders slumped, feeling defeated and a bit childish.
"Yeah?" He cocks his head to the side.
"Yeah. Sleep is for the weak anyway, right?"
"Right." Billy's smirk grows wider.
"Right." You agree, your shoulders straightening before slumping again.
"But I... I am so very, very weak." You look down as you say this, the exhaustion catching up to you.
Billy hums and rests his hands on your shoulders. You both stand in silence for a few moments, contemplating and reveling in the scene's serenity. You could feel the true fatigue weighing down your entire being, not having slept for the past few weeks. It felt as though it were affecting you in all aspects of your life: physically, emotionally, spiritually. Billy's always been able to read you well, and he can sense the unease in you. He starts to rub the sides of your arms lightly, head still cocked to the side and ducking down, trying to make eye contact with you. He's smiling softly now, no longer feeling as playful, just wanting to help you feel better.
You sigh and wrap your arms around his waist, nuzzling your face into his neck, basking in the warmth radiating from his body. You didn't want to look him in the eyes right now. He quickly wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into him further and taking in your scent. Both of you stay like this for a couple of minutes, content with the sickly sweet feeling of the instance, yet still feeling the restlessness of the lack of sleep.
He starts to sway gently with you in his arms, murmuring sweet nothings into your ear to ease your growing anxiety. Both enjoying the comfort of the moment and the tenderness. After a few moments, Billy pulls away slightly and raises a hand to your chin, lifting your head to finally look at him. He rubs his thumb along your skin lightly.
"Wanna go for a drive?"
The nighttime air was warm, Summer making itself known. There was no need for either of you to wear a jacket as you climbed into Billy's car, parked right in front of your motel room door. Not many other cars were in the run-down motel parking lot.
Cicadas buzzing.
Your lover rolls down the windows of the car before pulling out onto the road. With no destination in mind: you set out. Deep down, Billy knows you both don't have much to spare for gas money, but he figures he can scrounge for change this time around. You tiredly gaze out the window at the passing trees, the quaint houses, and the small businesses. You truly loved driving through these small towns, especially when the residents were kind. Stopping by the local bars was always yours and Billy's favorite thing to do. Billy glances at you in your relaxed state and turns on the radio, quietly. He grabs your hand and smiles at you before looking back at the road. You return the smile, wearily, before looking out the open window once again.
After a while, you can finally feel your eyes drooping, not sure whether or not to fight it off this time. You end up losing the battle and knock out cold. Billy can only vaguely hear your light snores over the music playing and the air flowing through the windows. He smiles fondly and slows the car down a bit, attempting to make the whipping of the wind throughout the car more gentle as well as the ride itself.
He cringes and looks over at you, still sleeping but turned over to face him now. These damn country roads. He figured you must really be in a deep sleep if that didn't wake you up. He turns on the brights to illuminate the road; he'd do anything to avoid the goddamn potholes right now. Of all the times you drive together, they have to make an appearance now.
Son of a bitch. He glances over at you once again, still passed out cold in the passenger's seat. He begins to feel a twinge of guilt, you haven't slept properly in days. He squeezes your hand and looks back at the road, driving more carefully this time. He lightly presses his foot on the brakes, going even slower than before. It's not like there was anyone else on the road at this hour anyway.
Billy reluctantly lets go of your hand and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Pulling out a single stick, he places it in between his lips before lighting it. He pockets the rest of the pack and his lighter before he peeks at you again. You finally look as peaceful as he did earlier that night. He takes a puff of the cigarette as he lightly swerves to avoid another pothole. What was the point in paying taxes if the government wasn't even gonna use it for the important stuff?
He could see the motel in the distance now, as he had already made his way around the tiny town in a short amount of time. Billy glimpses at you for the nth time that night. He really doesn't want to wake you up. He doesn't think he has the heart to anyway. He sighs before making an abrupt turn, circling his way around the town again. Maybe he'll just drive for a little bit longer.
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Masterlist Link
Divider: saradika and saradika-graphics on tumblr
Screenshot: me :)
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 | ʙʀᴇɴᴅᴀɴ ʙʀɪꜱꜱᴏɴ
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting 
warnings: slight swearing, not proofread,  
pairing: brendan brisson x brianna garcia (my oc, she doesn’t have a face claim so imagine her however you please) 
wc: 7.2k (including the lyrics) 
bold italic are lyrics, italics are either flashbacks or text messages (some parts of the story don’t along with the part of the song that it is under and that is totally normal!!) 
this takes place from march 2022 to january 2023 
au masterlist
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movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
brianna watched from her seat as the boy all cheered together, taking off their helmets and hugging each other. they had done it, they were going to the frozen four, one step closer to winning the championship. the garcia girl hugged all of the boys’ girlfriends, along with some of the parents she was close to, like brendan’s and luke’s.
the bordeleau boy had wanted her to be there, she was his best friend after all, and he had made sure it was okay with brendan if she came before asking her. thomas was over the moon when she accepted, but he knew deep down she wasn’t only agreeing for him, but for brendan as well. but he didn’t blame her, thom would do the same thing in her situation, getting any chance she has to spend the slightest amount of time near brendan. 
the two had exchanged a couple of smiles and looks through the last week and some small hello’s, but no conversation we held. brianna had texted him before the team left, wishing him good luck, to with he answered with a thank you and a small heart, which was way more than she expected from him. 
contrary to what brianna thought, brendan didn’t hate her, he never did and he probably never will, he loved her too much to ever feel the slightest amount of hatred towards her. she had done so much good in his life, helped him grow as a person and change bad habits he had, and even though he went back to how he was before, he would still forever be thankful for what she had done. 
“shit, sorry.” a voice said as brianna ran into a solid chest almost an hour after the game had ended. she didn’t see who she ran into, but she’d recognized that voice from miles away, making her quickly look up with big eyes. his brown eyes met with her’s and he gave her an awkward small smile, rubbing the back of his head.
“it’s… okay. don’t worry ‘bout it.” she whispered, her eyes still locked with his. 
“i-i didn’t know you were here.” 
“thom asked me to come so… here i am.” she answered with a small smile her face, finally looking away from his brown eyes. brendan didn’t know why, but a pang of jealous hit him when he realized she had came because of his best friend, well at least he thought so. that pang increased even more when said best friend wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing past brendan. 
“you came!” 
“of course i did, tommy.” she said with a laugh as he picked her up. brendan knew he shouldn’t be this jealous about thom, the two of them had been friends before he ever met brianna, but it still annoyed him. seeing bordy hugging her like that instead of him, bordy making her laugh like he used to. it was all too much for him, so without saying a word, he walked away, going to find his parents. 
“hey, where’d bren go?” brianna asked once thomas pulled away from her and she realized the brisson boy was no longer standing in front of her. 
“probably went to his parents. doesn’t matter, we won, bri! we’re going to the frozen four!” thom said with a big smile on his face, and brianna could tell how truly happy and excited he was about it. she let out a small chuckle as he hugged her again, seeing the hughes making their way over to them. 
the garcia and hughes families has a very tight connection, being neighbors ever since the hockey family moved next door to them when jack started playing at the ntdp. even though brianna was a year younger than him, and a year older than luke, she helped them settle into school. and soon she met all of his hockey friends, and quickly became good friends with them. which meant that when the ‘02 ntdp team arrived, the garcia girl was also introduced to them, which led to her and thomas becoming best friend. 
i look at you like you’re perfect for me 
if you are the diamond, then i am the ring 
all of our friends think of us jealously 
we’re so sweet, so sweet 
built us a world and i gave you the key 
still can’t believe that this isn’t a dream 
falling in love with a damn fantasy 
that’s so me, so me 
when the team got back from allentown, they of course decided to throw a big party, just for them. they were all over the moon about their win, something that didn’t go unnoticed by all of the cheers and yelling in the senior house. brianna noticed that brendan wasn’t trying to avoid her anymore, she’d even catch him staring at her a couple times throughout the night, but neither of them tried to approach the other. 
brianna felt like she was having deja vu when she walked out the bathroom and ran into brendan’s chest once again, making him let out a small groan from the contact. 
“i’m starting to think i need to by a bell or something so you know where i am.” brendan joked as he placed both of his hands on her shoulders so she didn’t fall backwards because of the contact. brianna let out a awkward chuckle as she played with the end of her sweater. 
“yeah, sorry about that.” 
“‘s all good.” he said with a small smile as the two of them stared at each other for the second time in less than 24 hours. well that was until brendan coughed a bit, and pointed between the girl. 
“i, uh, i need to use the bathroom.” he said awkwardly, looking at the floor, making brianna snap out of whatever weird trance she was is. 
“right, yeah. go ahead.” she said with a small cough, stepping aside so he could enter the small room. he did after a couple of seconds, before turning around and sending her a small smile. 
“hope i didn’t ruin your plan of sneaking out the window again.” he said with a small laugh before closing the door, making brianna’s check flush. she knew it was a joke, not only from his laugh but the way he said it, the way there was no anger behind it, no frustration, nothing. it just a simple joke he made, something he hadn’t done to her in what felt like months. 
the girl stood in her spot for a bit, smiling and blushing, feeling small butterflies in her stomach, before walking back over to the living room. her change in mood was something that didn’t go unnoticed by anyone, especially the younger hughes. 
“why’re smiling so much?” he asked, grabbing her arm as she walked past him. 
“don’t worry about it, lukey. listen, i’m gonna go home, so i’ll see you tomorrow alright?” 
“make sure to tell, bords!” he called out as she walked away, deciding to just drop the whole smiling situation. brianna made her way over to her best friend, who was clearly wasted, before tapping his shoulder lightly.
“bri bri!” thom yelled with a loopy smile once he realized who was standing in front of him. the garcia girl let out a small laugh before answering him. 
“hi, t. i’m heading home for the night, i’ll text you when i get home, and you do the same for me, okay? i’ll come by with breakfast tomorrow morning.” she explained, and the bordeleau boy nodded his head a bit before drinking the rest of his drink.
“mkay, see you tomorrow.” he said hugging her, before letting go and going to fill his cup back up. brianna shaked her head a bit before going to find the hoodie she had been wearing early and making her way to the front door. she was about to grab the handle when someone caught her arm. 
“you’re leaving?” brendan’s voice asked from behind, making her turn around with a small smile on her face.
“i have class tomorrow morning.” she answered, her voice small and soft, making brendan’s heart skip a couple of beats. it was a phrase she’d use often when they were dating and brendan tried to get her to do something fun late at night, which meant they’d always end up just cuddling in her bed, him on his phone as she slowly drifted off to sleep on his chest. 
“it’s late, i can walk you back–” 
“it’s okay, brenny. it’s 5 minutes, i’ll be okay.” she cut him off, using the nickname no one had used for him in months, making him almost fall backwards because of it. 
“i can’t let you–” 
“bren, please, i appreciate it, i really do. but it’s okay. i’ll text you when i got home, alright?” she cut him off again, placing a hand on his arms as she did so. he looked down at her hand when he realized where it was, he blinked a couple of times, staring at it, before looking back up to her.
“o-okay. just, be careful, alright?” 
“always.” she answered with a small smile before letting go of his arm, grabbing the handle of the door, and leaving the house. once she had made it home, she texted the brisson boy, just like she had said, changing clothes and getting in bed. 
back in the senior household, brendan took out his phone when he felt it vibrate in his pocket. a smile grew on his face as he read the text on his screen. 
got home safe, enjoy your night :) 
“why’re you smiling so much?” mackie asked, slightly hitting briss on the shoulder. the california native didn’t look away from his phone as he typed back and answered mackie at the same time. 
i will, good night bri xxx 
it only took a couple of seconds before the girl answered him, and the text made his heart skip a couple of beats again.
night night xxx 
but i’ve been livin’  
life ain’t fiction 
the next night when brianna walked back into the senior household, she felt good. for the first time in months, she felt good, her interactions with brendan the previous night being the reason for her mood. she felt good as she hugged all of her friends, greeting them all with a big smile, all of them noticing how happy she was. 
but not all good things last forever, and that was proven when she walked into the kitchen, brendan being the only other person in there, and as she was about to say something, he pushed past her, leaving the small room. brianna stood in her spot for a bit, confused about what had just happened. 
“you alright?” thom asked his best friend as he walked into the kitchen as well. brianna turned around at his and blinked a couple of times before answering. 
“yeah– yeah i’m okay.” she lied, making thom scoff a bit as he leaned on the counter and crossed his arms, staring at her with a ‘are you kidding me?’ look. the gracia girl sighed a bit before speaking a bit. 
“i guess– it’s just– we only have 2 weeks left. like no matter what happens in boston, we’re never gonna be able to see each other every day after that.” brianna said, her words hitting her exactly as she said them. she hadn’t realized that was she was saying was actually true, meaning thom believed her this time. his face fell a bit as he also realized what she had said. they had spent the last 4 years seeing each other almost every day, and now he was moving across the country in two weeks. 
thom had never actually told her he’d be leaving after this year, because he didn’t need to, she knew. she had a feeling during the beginning of the year that this could be the last one, and as the year went by, she could feel his energy and the way he reacted everytime she mentioned san jose, and she just knew. 
“i guess so, eh?” bordy sighed, and suddenly he didn’t want the frozen four to come so quickly. ever since they won, all he had been thinking of was the frozen four being so soon, yet in so long, and how he wished it could be right now. but now he didn’t, he didn’t at all. he wasn’t ready to leave all of his friends, he wasn’t ready to leave michigan, he wasn’t ready to leave. but he was ready to turn pro, and that was what’s more important. he’d still be able to come to michigan during the summer and once during the season, he’d be able to call all his friend any time he wanted. but it wouldn’t be the same. 
“i’m gonna miss you.” brianna whispered, her eyes welling up a bit, making the bordeleau boy open his arms. she walked into his chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as his wrapped around her waist, the bottom half of his face leaning on the top of her head. 
“i’m gonna miss you too, bri.” 
“promise we’ll talk every day? i don’t care if it’s just a hi, i just– i don’t wanna lose you too.” she said as tears started falling down her face. thom wasn’t exactly sure what she meant by ‘lose you too’ but he had a feeling this was about brendan. he had seen what happened earlier, he knew she wasn’t okay when he asked her, he just wished she would’ve told him the truth. 
“you won’t lose me, bri. never.” 
“pinky promise?” 
“pinky promise.” 
in my head, we’re dancing under the dark 
in my head, we kiss under the stars 
but we know that’s not what we’re doing 
‘cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
2 weeks later, brianna found herself walking into the senior house yet again, but under such different circumstances. the boys were leaving. not all of them, but a lot of them. the first she had noticed was thom’s, fully packed with everything that he had in his house, parked in front of the house. he was leaving before everyone else since he had to drive down to montreal to leave his stuff at his parent’s house, before flying to san jose. 
when she stepped into the house, she could already feel how different the energy felt than normally. there was usually always music playing, or people yelling, but not this time. it was quiet, dead quiet. the first person she noticed was brendan, since he was sitting on the stairs right in front of the front door. his elbows were leaning on his knees, his head in between them as a loud sigh left his mouth. brianna hesitated for a couple of seconds, before going over to sit next to him. 
“hey.” she whispered, making him look up a bit, but his eyes didn’t look in her direction, instead staring at the wall in front of them.
“when are you leaving?” she asked in a small voice, not wanting to ruin the silence that had set over the senior household. brendan let out another sigh before finally looking over at her, their eyes locking together. 
“monday.” 3 days. brianna let out a shaky breath before speaking again. 
“i’m sorry. for everything. i shouldn’t– asking you to be friends it was– i’m sorry, bren, i’m so fucking sorry. f-for hurting you and just fucking everything up between us i–” she started, but she cut herself, not knowing how to say what she was feeling. but brendan could hear the honesty in her voice, making him smile a bit. 
“it’s ok–” 
“no it’s not, b. i-i thought breaking up with you would make me happier because i wouldn’t have to deal with you coming home drunk every night, but i was wrong. i was so fucking wrong, bren. i missed you, but i knew that it was the right thing to do ‘cause it wasn’t heatly anymore, b. and that’s why i wanted to stop with the gifts because i knew that i’d go back to you as soon as you asked me and i couldn’t let that happen, i couldn’t do that to myself, bren. you truly did nothing wrong, i just can’t keep up with your lifestyle. i want to, i really do, but i can’t, it’s not who i am, and i can’t ask you to just stop being you for me, i cann’t.” she explained, a couple of tears falling from her eyes as she looked away from the boy and down at her lap. 
“bri, i understand. i want you to be happy, and if that means us not being together then i’m okay with it. i mean, of course i wish i could make you happy, and i like to think i do, but i can’t make you as happy as you were before we were together, and i’m okay with that.” he answered, making the girl nod her head a bit. it was silent after that. then, brianna felt the sudden urge to rest her head on his shoulder, something she had so many times. so she did, her breath stopping until she felt the brisson boy lean his head on top of hers. 
“it’s gonna be weird without you next year.” she spoke after a couple of seconds, making the boy laugh a bit. 
“you’ll be okay.” 
“no i won’t. i’m gonna be stuck taking care of mackie alone, and steve’s gonna want to show me all his weird little homework.” she answered with sass, making the both of them laugh a bit. 
“you’ll be okay, i know you will.” brendan said with more confidence this time, making all of the nerves inside the garcia girl disappear, something she considered a bad habit of hers. she’ll always believe him, she trusts him too much to not believe him. 
“it’s still gonna be weird.” she sighed, making the brisson boy let out a small sigh of his own. 
“i’ll be in town at some point, if im with the team for the game.” he said with a little bit of excitement, but there was also some small sadness behind it. 
“you will, i know it.” brianna answered the same way the brisson boy had done only a couple of moments ago. 
“can you– can you be there at my first game, whenever that is?” he asked quietly after a couple of seconds, his voice breaking a bit at the beginning. 
“gimme a place, time and day and i’ll be there.” she spoke back with a smile on her face, making a brendan grow a smile of his own. the boy was about to say something else when bordy’s voice echoed through the house. 
“bri?” he said loudly, making brianna and brendan jump a bit. thom’s footsteps came closer and closer to where the two of them were sitting, but neither of the two showed any signs of wanting to move. when the bordeleau boy arrived at the bottom of the staircase, his jaw dropped a bit at the sight of his two best friends, making both of their cheeks turn red a bit, but his jaw quickly closed when he remembered why he had came in to find the girl.
“i’m leaving, like right now.” he whispered softly, making the garcia girl stand up and walk down the couple of stairs to wrap her arms around his shoulders. a couple of tears fell from her eyes as they hugged each other. 
“i’m gonna miss you.” the garcia girl whispered as her grip around her best friend’s shoulder tightened. 
“i’m gonna miss you too, bri.” 
“you’ll come back this summer, right?” she asked, talking about michigan but more precisely about plymouth. 
“of course i will.” he said, before the two of them let go of each other and brendan walked over and hugged the smaller boy as well. 
“take care, bro. i’ll see you soon.” 
“you too, bro.” bordy answered before the two boys let go of each other as well and bordy slowly made his way out of the door, sending a small smile to the two of them. brianna let out a sigh, making the brisson boy look over at her. he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and brought her into his chest, pressing a small kiss to the top of her head. 
“it’s gonna be okay, bri.” 
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
brendan’s couple of weeks in the ahl went pretty good, signing his ecl just days after their season ended and with his dad being an agent, he thankfully already knew the type of contract he would be signing after college before his first one. he easily got along with the other guys in the team and he felt great about the way he was playing.
brianna had tried her hardest to stay up late at night and watch his game, but he played at the same time as bordy a couple of times, and sadly wasn’t able to watch all of his game completely, having to switch from one game to another. but the two had stayed in touch quite a lot, the girl helping him adjust to his new life, while he helped her prepare for her end of the year exams. 
when brendan returned home, he invited the girl to come stay just for a week or two, but the gracia girl told him it would be a bad idea. now brendan understood that, and he agreed with her, but a part of him still hoped she would’ve said yes. instead, he spent all of his days training and all of his nights going out with his friends, making out and hooking up with girls almost every night, but brianna was always in the back of his mind. 
none of them were like her, they all wanted every boy’s attention, while brianna always preferred to just blend in with people and be more discreet. all the girls liked to take charge and be rough, will brianna was a more slowly and steady type of girl, taking her time with everything and wanting the both of them to have equal power over what was happening. in short, they were the complete opposite of her. 
and brendan used to love that, but now he hates it more than anything. hates how none of them really know how to seduce him, turn him on, and overall just don’t know him and don’t really care about him. hates how none of their lips feel the same way as hers, or how none of them can make him melt just by resting their hand on his arm. but he doesn’t want any of them to make him feel the same way she does, he only wants her. but he knows he can’t have her, so his mind just tells him to settle for what he can get. 
he likes to tell himself that it’s karma for the way he used to act, leaving girls early in the morning without a word, giving most of them fake hopes of seeing him again, giving all of them a fake phone number. tells himself he deserves it and it’s just the way his life is supposed to be and that he can’t really complain because he doesn’t have to worry about money, getting paid to play the sport he loves. 
but it wasn’t exactly like the previous years, he never stayed over at a girl’s house anymore, always leaving right after and going to sleep in his own bed, making sure to text the garcia girl to tell her he got safe home, along with a ‘goodnight xxx’. he’d wake up to the message being liked the next morning along with a ‘good morning sleepy head xxx’ and then he’d answer her, but no other communication would be done until night time. although there was a couple of nights or afternoon here and there where the two of them called just to catch up or talk about any problems they had, but that was about it. and it was for the whole summer, until the whole 2021-2022 team came to michigan to be celebrated during one of the football games. the two of them were so excited to see each other again, and had promised to talk more, which surely happened the second brendan left for vegas. 
we go to parties with people we know 
we’re holdin’ hands but it’s all just for show 
‘cause monday through friday we both barely spoke 
they don’t know, they can’t know 
that just on the drive here, i was lookin’ through your texts 
i was scremin’ my damn head off “how you still love your ex?” 
and you say that it’s over, but why does she call you 
at 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.? that’s a funny way of staying friends 
the season had started a little over a month ago, and brendan had already found himself at a team event. now, yes, it was only for the silver knights, but at least he was playing pro. to be more precise, this was a couples team event, meaning brendan had to bring someone with him, and he had picked the girl he was currently “seeing” but he knew it wasn’t gonna go any further than them hooking up maybe once or twice. they barely spoke during the day, only when one of them was bored and wanted to have sex. 
hell, brendan barely even remembered his name, which he knew was bad, but he didn’t care, she wasn’t brianna. but people didn’t need to know that, his teammates of course though that the two of them were way more than they actually are when he told them about the girl he was bringing, but brendan didn’t care yet again. he knew it’d be too complicated to explain everything to them, and quite frankly, he didn’t want to. 
which lead to him and jessica, at least that’s what he thinks her names his, he knows it starts with a ‘j’ but there’s so many options that he just went with the first one that came to mind. the two of them were sitting in his car on their way to the event when brendan received a text. 
“shit, can you check that for me please? just like put the phone in front of me to open it.” he asked her, keeping his eyes on the road in front of him. 
“sure.” she said before doing what he had asked. 
“it’s more, she just said to have a good time.” she spoke again after a couple of seconds. 
“k, can you like the message and sent a thank you, please?” 
“yeah, sure.” and she did, but before closing his phone, another message popped up, but this one didn’t make any noise, meaning brendan had no idea it was there. the contact name was ‘bordy’ and she knew who that was, making intrigue as to what they were talking about, but the message itself made her even more intrigued. 
does bri know abt this? 
it said, and the girl couldn’t fight the urge to just click on it and read their conversation. 
yooo have you figured out who ur gonna bring tonight bro 
yeah dude im taking this girl jessica i think, idk we’ve been hooking for a bit so yeah 
bro it’s not like that, you know i still love bri 
dude i know im not stupid, does bri know abt this? 
was their latest conversation, and the blond girl wasted no time to tell the brisson boy to stop the car. 
“what’s up?” he asked once they were in the side of the road, and the girl sitting in his passenger seat simply just shoved the phone in his face angrily. 
“what the fuck is this?” she asked, her voice full of anger. brendan sighed a bit before moving the phone back a bit for he could read it. 
“why the fuck are you going through my phone?” he asked her, his eyebrows furrowed– in anger, as he grabbed his phone out of her hands. 
“my name’s abby! do you not know my name?” she yelled, making brendan roll his eyes. 
“you’re being dramatic.” 
“oh, i’m being dramatic because you asked me to go to an event with you but you don’t even know my name? babe–” 
“don’t call me that.” brendan cut her off harshly, no one had called him babe in years except for brianna. 
“i’m bringing you home.” brendan cut her off again before starting the car again and driving the girl home. the car was silent the whole way until she started getting out of the car. 
“don’t bother texting again.” brendan said with no emotions in his voice. 
“are you breaking up with me?” 
“we were never together. i don’t know who told you we were or what made you think we were, but we weren’t.” he quickly said, still no emotions behind his voice. 
“whatever.” she answered harshly before slamming the car door closed and making her way into her apartment. brendan let out a long sigh before texting the guys to tell them he wouldn’t make it to the event and then driving home. 
later that night, when he was all comfortable in his bed, he felt the urge to talk to brianna. so he called her, he realized how late it was on the east coast, but he just needed to talk to her. 
“bren?” she asked sleepily as soon as she picked up the phone. 
“hi. i’m sorry for waking you up.” 
“it’s okay, bubs. is everything alright? how was the event?” she asked, sounding a little more awake then she had a couple of seconds ago. 
“i, uh, i didn’t go. i was on the way there, with the girl i told you about.” he started, but he stopped, waiting for an answer. 
“and she went through my phone and saw my conversation with bordy… a-and she saw some things i said and then she got mad. b-but then she called me babe and i just– fuck, bri, i miss you so much. i miss you so fucking much, you have no idea bri.” 
“no! i– let me talk, please. i need you with me, bri. it’s like i don’t know what i’m doing without and i hate it. i hate it so much. i’ve tried to move on like you told me to, but i can’t. i only want you. the girls, they’re nice and all, but they’re not you, none of them even come close to making me feel the same way you do and i just– i need you here with me, bri.” he said, slowly breaking down. brianna heart ached more and more as he kept going, trying to keep her tears. 
“brenny, i miss you too, so so so much, but i can’t. you know i want to, but i can’t.” she answered, finally letting her tears fall down her cheeks. brendan let out a small sob before speaking again. 
“i know, i know. but i don’t know what i’m doing anymore, bri. everything makes me think about you, everywhere i go, everything i do, i see something that makes me think of you and it hurts so much. just– just give me one more chance, please! i’ll stop drinking, i’ll do anything, just please, bri, i need you.” 
“goodnight, bren.” she whispered softly, after a couple of seconds of silence. 
“please–” he tried to beg but it was too late, she had hung up. brendan let out a sigh before letting his phone fall on his face. he was feeling numb, numb from all the pain and anger he had inside of him. he just wanted his old life back, being in michigan, having brianna by his side, being surrounded by his best friends everyday. he wanted it all back. 
in my head, we’re dancing in the dark 
in my head, we kiss under the stars 
but we know that’s not what we’re doing 
‘cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
in my head, we never grow apart 
in my head, you never break my heart 
but we both know that’s not what we’re doing 
‘cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
“bri, you really don’t have to.” thom argued with her over the phone. it was now mid-december, the holidays were coming up which meant brianna soon had a couple of weeks off from school. she loved the holidays almost as much as she loved books, and just winter in general. the softness and coziness the season brought to the world made her feel in her element. being able to just stay home all the time, reading with the fireplace on because of how cold it is outside, she loved it. 
and thomas did too, being able to go home and see his family for a couple of days, but he couldn’t have that this year, his schedule didn’t allow it. which meant he would be spending christmas away from his family and friends for the first time of his life. he’d probably be spending the whole day alone in his apartment, face-timing people and just watching movies like he used to do as a kid. and brianna felt bad for him, so she had bought a plane ticket to come see him for a couple of days, something the bordeleau kid appreciated a lot, but didn’t think was necessary. 
“yes i do. i can’t let you spend christmas all alone, t. i’m coming, whether you like it or not, you better be ready to have a roommate for a couple of days.” she answered him with a smile on her, he rolled his eyes a bit before smiling at her through his phone screen. 
“fine, i guess you can come.” he said jokingly, making brianna let out a small laugh. 
“oh, silly you. i wasn’t asking to come, i was stating that i’m coming. i already bought the plane ticket and everything–” 
“i’ll pay you back for that.” 
“thom, it’s okay. i want to come see you, you don’t have to pay for anything.” she spoke softly with a smile on her face.
“okay. i have to go to practice, but i’ll see you soon. love you.” he said with a smile on his face as well. 
“love you too, drive safe.” she replied before hanging up the phone and going up the stairs to her room to start packing her suit case. 
“why is it so hot here?” brianna complained as she threw herself down on thom’s couch. he let out a laugh before sitting down next to her head and running a hand through her hair. 
“you’ll get used to it.” he shrugged making her look up at him with a death stare. 
“i’m sweating, thomas. i’m sweating in fucking december.” she said seriously, making the bordeleau boy laugh again as she sat up properly on the couch, leaning her head on his shoulder. 
“welcome to california, bri.” he smiled at her, holding in another laugh when she sent him a fake smile. the room was silent after that, well besides the movie that was playing on the tv screen, until bordy spoke up again. 
“i bought you a plane ticket.” 
“what? thom you know i already bought the one to go back home–” she started but the boy cut her off, his eyes staring into the tv. 
“to vegas. to go see briss.” he said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, making brianna look at him confused. 
“he’s alone too, you know. okus, i think it’d be good for the both of you to see each other and talk about that night.” he explained calmly to her, rubbing her shoulder with the arm he had thrown over the back of the couch. 
“i-i don’t know.” 
“yes you know, bri. you want to be with him, i know you do. and i’m not just talking like physically being with him, you want to date him again and don’t even try to deny it. you guys love each other and i really don’t understand why you refused to go back to him, he makes you so happy, he treats you well, and yeah maybe he fucked up before, but he’s changed so much, he’s changed for you. he wants to be better for you, bri. i get that maybe you’re scared, but he loves you more than anything. and i know for a fact that you do too. so just, please, go see him and talk it out.” he argued, and brianna let out a shaky sigh before slowly nodding her head. 
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
“bri?” brendan asked, shocked, his jaw slightly opened as his eyes stared at the girl in front of him. 
“hi.” she whispered, a small smile on her face. 
“what are you– what are you doing here?” he asked, a small smile of his own growing on his face as well. 
“i came to see you.” 
“but– i thought you were in san jose with bordy.” he said confused as he opened the door fully and stepped aside so she could walk in, her suitcase following behind her. 
“i was, but now i’m here.” she answer shyly, taking a look around his condo. 
“in my house.” 
“in your house.” she confirmed with a small laugh as brendan shook his head, still a little confused but clearly happy at the same time.
“cool. cool, cool, cool. i’ll, uh, i’ll give you a tour.” he told her as he turned his back to her, but she quickly grabbed his wrist and turned him back around. the two of them stared at each other, their faces barely inches away. brianna tried to keep her breathing normal as one of her reached up to cup his cheeks, slowly stroking his cheekbone. 
“i’ve missed you so much, bren.” she said softly, staring into his brow eyes, making brendan smile at her. brendan was about to say something when brianna pushed herself up onto her tippy toes, her other hand reaching for his other cheek, before pulling his face to her, pressing their lips together for the first time in what felt like years. 
brendan let out a small gasp and blinked a couple of times, before letting himself get taken away by the kiss. his eyes slowly closed as he finally kissed her back, smiling to himself about it while his hands reached for her waist and pulled her closer to him. then, after about a minute or so, the two of them pulled away, brendan leaning his forehead on hers, their eyes locked together. 
“wow.” brendan said after a couple of seconds, a big smile plastered on his face making brianna laugh a bit. 
“i want you to be my boyfriend again.” brianna admitted in a small, soft voice, making brendan’s heart flutter inside his rib cage. his jaw dropped a bit as his eyes filled with happiness before he talked. 
“really? like, you’re being dead serious right now? ‘cause i swear bri if this is some sort of joke–” 
“it’s not. i love you, bren, so much.” she said, making brendan’s smile even wider than before. 
“i love you.”   
baby, we lost all this love we have 
and i can’t pretend that i’ll never come back 
and i think you’re seeing right through me 
but, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
“hey, what’s wrong?” brendan asked later that night as the two of them laid in bed together. brianna head was resting on brendan’s bare chest, her arms wrapped around his torso while his were keeping her closer around her shoulders. 
“nothing’s wrong, babes.” 
“don’t lie to me, bri.” he said softly, making the gracia let out a soft small sigh. 
“it’s stupid. i– it’s just– you haven’t ask me to be your girlfriend yet…” she trailed off, trying not to make it sound like she cared too much. but she did, she cared so much. 
“oh. i thought– i thought that after this afternoon we were kinda just like dating already.” 
“bren, have you ever read a book where the boy never asked the girl out?”
“no?” he answered confused as to what books had to do with any of this. brianna let out a small sigh, shaking her head slightly. 
“you really clueless aren’t you?” 
“you love it.” 
“mmm, do i?” she teased, making him push a shoulder a bit as a laugh slipped past her lips. brendan moved around a bit in the bed, so the two of them would be laying face to face, before cupping both of her cheeks into his hands. 
“do you, brianna garcia, agree to be my beautiful, incredibly smart and amazing girlfriend?” he asked her seriously, making her blush a little. 
“yes.” she answered shyly, her cheeks fully turning red before brendan leaned in and connected their lips together. when the two of them pulled apart, brendan wrapped his arms around her head and pulled her into his chest, pressing kisses all over the top of her head. 
“i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you.” brendan repeated over and over again after each kiss that he pressed to her head, making brianna laugh against his chest. 
“you love me!” he said in a singing tone, making brianna roll her eyes with a small smile on her face.
“you’re still an idiot.” she stated in a duh tone, making the brisson boy roll his eyes as well. 
“yeah, but i’m your idiot, so…” he said before leaning in again and connecting their lips together. the garcia girl hummed in agreement before grabbing his chain and pulling him closer to her. 
i want a love like the movies 
“so, you guys are like back back together? like dating and all?” thom asked face-time the next day as the couple was laying in bed together, both of them wearing the other’s hoodie. 
“yes. but, we don’t really wanna tell people like right now, you know.” brendan answered his best friend, hinting to him that he better stay quiet about this. 
“yeah, no, dude. i won’t say anything.” 
“thanks, tommy.” brianna answered with a thankful smile on her face. 
“you guys are stupid, though.” the bordeleau kid sassed, making brianna let out a gasp. 
“rude!” she exclaimed before hanging up the face-time. 
“babe. why?” brendan asked with a laugh. 
“he was being mean. he called us stupid!” she said in an accusing tone, making brendan laugh even more. 
“stop laughing!” 
“please never change.” brendan said through his laugh, making his girlfriend a bit confused, but instead of asking questions, she simply just pressed her lips to his for a couple of seconds before pulling back. 
“only if you don’t.” she whispered before connecting their lips again.
taglist <3 @mack-samo @hugheshugs @nickblankenburgg @studsccsnackavoybambi @blanksbae @doyouevenplayhockey @dracoswhore007 @bemybinarystar @ancient-remnants-of-love @power2myheart @emsully2002 @jamiedryssdale @jayda12 @marcoskasper @mackieraymonds @bowen-power @sidcrosbyspuck @arianabordeleau @bordeleau @sslafkovsky @dora-the-exploraah @sophia-bordeleau @ellabellabus07
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meetmymouth · 3 years
prompt 23 would be so cute :)
hope you enjoy!!!! pls don't forget to reblog if you read and enjoyed it :-) ps i haven't proofread this so if you spot any weird mistakes... don't! will edit later x
#23 "Dance with me"
You sigh into your drink before taking another sip, eyes still darting from as you search for him. You make eye contact and as soon as you get that blinding smile of his, your eyes fall to his body, his outfit, and you can't help but admire the tattoos peeking out from where he got one hand in his pocket.
Men are surrounding him, loud cackles and hollers going around as they throw their hands in the air while they presumably talk about something interesting and exciting. Each with a fancy drink in hand, the circle Harry's part of at the minute seems cold and unfamiliar to you. Thus, you find yourself turning away from Harry, finding Shannon and Brian in deep conversation. As soon as Shannon feels your gaze on them, she looks up at you with a smile, and squeezes your thigh, including you in their conversation.
It was hard, acting like you didn't know him or more like– you didn't know him. Details from his tea preference to the pain killers he used when his back hurt, how his lips looked so plump and big upon waking up, or the freckle on his armpit, or the sounds he made in bed, his favourite position, how he liked to be kissed and held.
Harry was newly single. You always said you met him in the right time, four months ago, when he crashed into your car on Oxford Street, leaving a massive dent on your car. As you spent time with him, you realised the dent he left on your car was blossoming somewhere deep inside you, and you thought he did such brilliant job filling said dent with him, his time, his kisses and touches.
You liked him. Perhaps, way more than he liked you.
He wanted you to keep you under the wraps. He said he didn't want people to scrutinise you both, and how he wanted to take things slow, do everything you both wanted to do and have fun together which wasn't the case–according to him–for his previous relationship. So you kept it secret.
"Look at Gigi, trying to chat Harry up again," Shannon mutters from beside you, drink half-empty as she looks Gigi up and down.
See, it was also not fun working with your secret boyfriend. Was he really a boyfriend?
"Whatever. This is so boring. It's just men boosting about their promotions and trying to flirt with women because apparently it's different when they're drunk and outside of work."
Brian lets out a snort, and you cringe, sending him a shy smile. "Soz, Bri. I know they're your mates."
"No worries. They are a crazy bunch, aren't they? I'll go get another drink," he stands up, and takes Shannon's now-empty drink from her hands. He turns to you, "want another drink?"
"No, I'm good, thanks."
"All right. See ya in a bit, ladies."
You both watch the brunette walk away, passing Harry and his crew but not before he gives Harry's shoulder a squeeze while you watch. Harry perks up at the touch, then turns his face to you once again, a private smile being sent your way though you can't help but look down at your drink, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach.
The night starts to die down and people begin leaving, leaving behind a couple of drunk people and either their partners or people who seem to be holding onto the night for their dear lives for some ridiculous reason.
You're by the bar, sipping yet another Margarita as Harry approaches you, his smile polite and one he gives to nearly everyone at work.
"Hey, you," he says, fingers running through his messy hair as he places his drink on the counter. "You good?"
"Yeah. Shannon's puking her guts out in the toilets so I'm just waiting for her."
Harry purses his lips. "Good to know... you don't want to be holding her hair back?" He smirks, and places his hand close to yours where it's holding the glass from the stem. "You look beautiful."
Something ignites inside you and you suddenly feel angry.
"Thanks, I'm surprised you even looked at me tonight."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," you shrug, and take another sip of your drink. It's warm now. "Nothing at all."
He leans closer to you. "What's going on? Did I do something?"
"Hah. That's kinda the point. You didn't do anything."
With brows furrowed, he comes closer to you. "Sounds like you've something to say. Just say it."
"I just did. I'm sick of this. Sick of being a secret," you gulp when he tilts his head. "Sick of watching people flirt with you from afar... I'm just fucking done. Are you like embarrassed of me?"
"Baby, what? What brought this on?"
You let out a bitter chuckle, and look behind him to see if Shannon's anywhere to be found. She's not.
"I'm not eighteen, Harry. I don't like this– this whole secret relationship thing. I want to be able to hug my boyfriend in public, hell– even talk to him instead of watching him from afar! This is not high school. I'm done playing this hiding game. You either have me, or you don't."
Harry clears his throat, and brings his hand to your thigh, squeezing briefly before he travels it all the way up to your neck. He rests his warm fingertips on the side of your neck, thumb stroking your damp neck before he leans in and presses his forehead to yours.
For the first time, neither of you look around to see if anyone's watching. Instead, you find yourself extremely overwhelmed as you close your eyes, and listen to his breathing.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, lips almost brushing together when he speaks. "I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking stupid, I'm sorry I made you feel that way."
You open your eyes, though his gaze is on your lips, which makes your heart beat a little bit faster than it already was a minute before.
"I just want you, Harry," you say with a shake of your head. "I want you."
"I want you too. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry sweetheart," he pulls away, and grabs your hand.
You feel yourself sober up at the touch. "What are you doing?"
"Dance with me."
He helps you off the barstool, though you can't help but frown at the request.
"You're crazy, I'm not dancing with you, here," you squeeze his hand, hoping he would give up, but he answers with a smirk as he shakes his head.
"Come on."
"I'm not doing the whole silent dance thing. Where the girl goes 'there's no music playing' as the guy gives her a cringe smile–"
He places one hand on her waist as the other stays in hers, hips already starting to sway. "–Have I ever told you how much you ramble when nervous?"
"I can't believe you."
"I like you," he whispers into your neck as he keeps swaying you slowly, and you can't help but close your eyes and tilt your head a little so he has more space to work with. "I like you so much, it's terrifying," he mumbles this time, words muffled. "I'm sorry I was an idiot. I hope you can forgive me."
"Yeah, well... if you keep kissing my neck like that..."
Someone clears their throat behind you, and you both pause the swaying for a second before Harry lets out a chuckle, and hides his face into your neck. Though, he still turns you guys around to face the intruder, and it's Shannon. Of course it is. With her brown curls messy and face looking incredibly dull, she looks like she's just seen a ghost.
"Hey," Harry looks up at her, hand still in yours. "You feeling any better?"
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Hi there, may I request a snow day with the Queen members? It can be snowball fight or sledding or making snow angels whatever you can think of. I love your writing! :D Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you are well!
Snow day with Queen members would include...
Pairing: Queen members x reader
Word count: (altogether) 1700+
Warnings: well, some injuries (nothing actually happens), didn’t proofread, and of course the favourite - swearing - also known as cussing :)
A/N: Thanks so much for requesting, love. I would add a keep reading option, but tumblr is being a bitch and it doesn’t work, I hope @staff​ fixes it soon. Also I totally ditched school to write this, don’t be like me kids and study!
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to the owners.
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Brian May
Warm rays of morning sunshine beaming through the curtains woke you up. You stretched your arms, covering your mouth as you yawned. Your boyfriend, Brian, was still sleeping next to you, his arm wrapped around your torso in a protective manner. You smiled at the sight before kissing him lovingly on the cheek and getting out of bed. You looked out of the window and, much to your surprise, saw that your backyard was covered in snow. Your mouth flew agape, as you didn't realize that it was snowing at night.
Suddenly, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, making you jump up.
+"Shh, lovie, it's me" Brian whispered into your hair, nuzzling into your neck.
You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes in bliss, savouring the moment.
"Mhmm" he hummed in response.
"How about we spend some time outside today, honey?"
"Sounds amazing, love, let's do that."
You got out of your shared house and headed for a walk. You started talking about his latest ideas for songs (you were proud to say that most of them were about you) and your job. You didn't even notice when you got to the park.
Walking among trees and bushes covered with trees, you spotted a nice pile of snow that looked like a cloud. You already knew what you wanted to do, and you just couldn't resist yourself. Pretending you just wanted to tie your shoelace, you crept behind Brian and took some snow in your hands, forming a small ball. Smiling mischievously, you jogged behind him and hit him in the head with full force. The snow covered his dark curls and quickly started to melt, making his hair damp. You laughed at Brian's shocked expression, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape.
+"Close your mouth, Bri, or you will catch flies."
"Oh, love, you better start running," he said, already making a snowball.
You turned around and started running away. Suddenly, a big wet pile of snow hit you on the back of your neck, melting as it made contact with your warm skin. You squealed and immediately returned the "favour" to your boyfriend.
The snowball fight ended when you found yourself laying in the snow, your clothes completely soaked. You decided to call it a day and returned back home.
Brian made you both tea while you changed into some fresh clothes. Not feeling very great, you grabbed Brian's sweatshirt along with some warm leggings and went back to the kitchen, shivering from the cold.
+"Oh, love, did you get sick?" your boyfriend asked, putting his arm around you and leading you to the couch.
"Yeah, I think so, Bri. But don't flatter yourself, I totally won that battle" you replied, snuggling into his chest.
"Whatever you say, (Y/N)."
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Roger Taylor
You were woken up by your boyfriend Roger, who was tapping you on the shoulder in excitement. You had barely even opened your eyes, when he pulled the covers off you, uncovering your naked body.
+"Come on, (Y/N), wake up!" he yelled into your ear, kissing your bare shoulder.
"What the fuck, Roger?!" you snatched the covers from his hand, turning your back to him.
He just couldn't contain the emotions. He was jumping up and down, screaming like a seven-year-old child at the sight of white, fluffy snow, that covered the whole street.
+"Love, it snowed!" he tugged your hand. "Let's go sledging, don't leave me hanging."
He pouted, looking at you with his big blue eyes, knowing that you won't be able to resist him. You sighed deeply and shook your head in disbelief.
+"Oh, all right" you agreed, stretching before you got up.
Roger squealed like a little girl and ran to prepare for the day.
After you ate your breakfast you made Roger eat his breakfast ("Love, I'm just saying, if we don't eat it, we'll save time!"), the two of you set off to a nearby park. When you got there, you were greeted by lots of little kids, dressed in colourful jackets with different sledges. Roger's eyes lit up with joy when he saw the small hill covered in snow, ready for him. You chuckled under your breath, admiring your dumbass boyfriend from afar.
+"(Y/N) this is wonderful!" he shouted, already starting to climb up.
Ignoring the curious looks from others, you followed him to the top. As soon as you reached him, Roger motioned you to sit in front of him on the sledge. You hesitated for a moment, knowing that this wasn't such a good idea.
+"Oh come on, sweetheart, I'm gonna catch you if something bad happens."
You sighed deeply (yet again today) and situated yourself in front of him. You smiled at the sensation of his arms bringing you closer to him by your waist. However, the moment didn't last long, because Roger was so eager to go down, he pushed the sledge down without a warning, cheering loudly into your ear. The ride was quick and, before you knew it, you have slipped on a frozen puddle, making the two of you fall off and tumble down the hill.
+"Woohoo, that was brilliant, (Y/N)!" Roger yelled into your ear.
You, however, didn't feel so great. When you were tumbling down, you hit your head on the frozen ground. You felt dizzy, the entire world spinning around you. Not being able to bring yourself to say anything, you let out a quick "Mhmm".
Roger immediately spotted that something was off with you and kneeled next to you, looking into your eyes.
+"Shit, I'm so so sorry, my love" he quickly examined your head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you go with me, shit, sweetheart."
"It's okay, Rog, really. I'll be fine" you reassured him, smiling softly. "Gonna sit here for a while, okay? You have fun, love" you said, not wanting him to miss out on the fun.
After a couple of minutes of arguing (Roger didn't want to leave you alone), you convinced him to go for another ride.
When you finally got home, after hours and hours of your boyfriend constantly apologizing, he made you hot chocolate and cuddled with you on the sofa, listening to your favourite songs. At the end of the day, a day out was really worth it.
And the next day it turned out you had a concussion.
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John Deacon
Sleeping in on weekends was by far your favourite thing to do. You nuzzled your face into John's chest, trying to gather as much warmth radiating from him as you could. He only chuckled in response, bringing you closer to him.
+"We should get up, my love, it's already two o'clock" he mumbled into your hair.
"Yeah, yeah, just five more minutes," you replied.
But John already had a plan on how to get you out of bed. It was no secret you loved winter and snowy days.
+"Alright, but you might change your mind when you find out that it has snowed at night" he whispered, waiting for your reaction.
That was all it took for you to jump out of bed excitedly and run to the window to see for yourself. You squealed and immediately hurried to the bathroom to get ready. John only laughed and shook his head in disbelief.
You went for a walk to your favourite park, holding his hand the entire way. Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed that John kept his loving gaze on you, making you blush, and your heart skip a beat. You hoped that he would take the scarlet tint on your cheeks as a result of the cold temperature.
When you found a patch of grass completely covered in white snow, you turned to John and wiggled your eyebrows, making him laugh. You pulled his hand and plopped in the fluffy pile, waving your hands and legs. John followed soon after, both of you making snow angels giggling like a pair of teenagers.
+"I love you, (Y/N)" John breathed out between giggles, looking at your joyful face.
"I love you too, Deaky" you replied and rolled on top of him, kissing him on the lips with full force. 
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Freddie Mercury
You were sitting at work, looking out of the window, your face gloomy. You had a good reason to be in a sullen mood because you were stuck doing your dull job, while outside people were running around, playing with the snow that had fallen overnight. You huffed and looked the other way, trying to focus on something else.
Suddenly, the phone on your desk rang. You picked up, expecting another client to call with a complaint, but, to your surprise, you heard a familiar voice.
+"Hello, darling. What are you up to, now? Fancy a walk?" Freddie's enthusiastic voice spoke from the telephone.
"I can't, Freddie, I'm at work," you told him, sighing deeply in regret.
"Oh come on, I'm sure you can get out a few hours earlier" he insisted.
You bit your lip, unsure what to do. You looked outside again, longing to get out, but at the same time, you knew that you could get in serious trouble if you got caught.
+"I don't know, Fred, I shouldn't..."
"Come on, darling, for me," he said softly. "You won't regret it, I promise."
"I'll see what I can do, I'll call you in five minutes, okay?" you promised and put the phone down. Quickly thinking about an excuse to leave early, you headed to your boss' office and told them you had a family emergency.
Not more than ten minutes later, you met Freddie in front of his house. He immediately approached you and kissed your cheeks, pulling you towards the park.
+"Let's make a snowman, Freddie!" you exclaimed loudly, earning a gasp from him.
"Excellent idea, darling!"
You quickly started building big balls of snow and stacking them on order. You picked up some pebbles for eyes and sticks for arms. Meanwhile, Freddie ran back to his house and brought one of his most outrageous hats and coats from the show. You couldn't help but burst out with laughter when he tried to dress the ice sculpture in the colourful clothes.
+"That must be the most fabulous snowman in the whole England, Freddie!" you said, in between giggles.
"World, (Y/N)" he corrected you. "The most fabulous snowman in the whole world."
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roach-circus · 4 years
I'll Follow The Sun--Bri x Reader
a/n: I’m currently in a hurricane, (no worries, I am safe!) and I thought I would use it as an inspiration to do a cute storm bit. Thank you to @ineloqueent for helping me out a bunch again, she proofread and helped me a bunch with grammar, this fic definitely would not be as wonderful without her! I’m quite happy with the way this one came out, and although I know the plot is a bit cliche, it’s one of my favourite tropes and I think it’s kind of cute heheh ♥️♥️
warnings: There are a few curse words, but it’s mainly pure fluff and a bunch of angst, and also wayyy too many Beatles references because I like referring to music in my stories. (I promise it’ll be a different band next time!)
word count: 2.75k
Bright cracks of lightning erupted from the cloudy sky, and rain was beating down harshly onto the pavement outside.
You truly disliked storms, the monotony of them always brought you to dark places of your mind. Your week had been a bit rough, and your boyfriend was visiting some family members who lived an hour or two away, until tomorrow. So all you could do now was to sink further back into the plush leather couch, the lower half of your legs hanging off of the side.
Attempting to focus on “Baby’s in Black” in between loud bursts of thunder, you switched out the receiver on your turntable to increase the volume. You returned to the couch, as the record player began to play “I’ll Follow The Sun”. You hummed along; this was one of your favourite songs on the album. When you were younger, it would lull you to sleep and it reminded you of those times now, when you needed it most.
As the song progressed, your thoughts began to wander, to return to those dark places they tended to visit in the dullness and loneliness of a storm. You knew that it was entirely irrational, but still you worried, What if the people in your life did not truly love you? What if no one enjoyed your company? What if they were all simply pretending?
before you could be completely sucked in by your destructive thoughts, you sat up. You took a few deep breaths, counting to seven as you inhaled, counting to five as you held it, and counting to eight as you exhaled.
You stepped over to your turntable and carefully removed the record which had stopped spinning, placing it back into its sleeve. Ambling over to the oak-wood coffee table that homed your telephone, you wondered. You needed to talk to someone.
You contemplated calling your friends, but it was far too late at night to do so without waking them. You thought about calling your mother, but it then occurred to you that she was not the person you wanted to speak to right now. You wanted to speak to your boyfriend. He was the most understanding out of everyone you knew. And you could really use that right now.
Dialing his number, you crossed your fingers in the hopes that he would pick up. You felt a rush of relief and joy when you heard, “Hello, sweet Y/N! What’s going on?” “I’m just feeling a bit lonely, Bri. You know how I get during storms.”
“There’s a storm by you?”
“Yeah,” you replied, nodding though he couldn’t see you. “it’s quite dreary over here. I’m alright though, I’ve just been doing my best to avoid the dreadful thoughts that usually come ‘round.” You laughed lightly in an attempt to ease the tension, but you knew that Brian wouldn’t believe the pretense.
“Say, Y/N,” he began, “do you have anything to occupy yourself for approximately one hour and thirty-four minutes?”
“Yes, but Brian, you don’t have to come back now. I’ll survive. you enjoy your last day with your parents.”
“I’ll be right over!”
“Bri, no-” you were cut off by a click on the other end of the line.
You would’ve loved to see him, but you also knew that he deserved to spend that time with his family.
You decided to return to your music to pass the time, choosing an album with a few more upbeat numbers. Carefully, you placed Help! onto the record player, fitting the needle on top. As the first song (conveniently titled “Help!”) began, you immediately started to feel more cheerful. Instead of sitting back down, you bobbed your head to the music, pacing around your living room and stepping to the beat. Soon, this transitioned into snapping to the beat, your arms swinging from side to side, as “The Night Before” played. You went on dancing, your level of enthusiasm increasing with each song that played, until both “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” and you fell silent. Not wanting your little dance-session to end, you swiftly removed the record from the table, and replaced it with, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”. As the song of the same name chimed in, you clapped along to the beat, spun about to the rhythm.
Thirty-five more minutes passed by like nothing, as you continued dancing to the Beatles. You hadn’t had the time to listen to this much music in months, and it was doing wonders for your mood. You hardly noticed the thunder and lighting continuing outside, a majority of it drowned out by your singing.
But as you heard a few light knocks on the door, you knew Brian had not been lying when he abruptly ended your phone call.
You quickly, but carefully removed the record and placed it in its sleeve, and then placed that on the set of drawers near the door to your flat. You unhooked the lock, and pulled the door open.
He was standing with Scrabble in one hand, and a large bag of popcorn kernels in the other.
“Well, don’t just stand there, come inside, it’s pouring!” you declared jokingly as you motioned for him to enter.
“Thank god, it’s insane out there,” he said, brushing past you as he came through the doorway and stooped to remove his shoes. He then shook his head rapidly in an attempt to remove some of the water that had soaked into his hair, as though he were a dog.
“Hey!” you exclaimed as the rainwater from his hair sprayed the both of you. “You’re getting me all wet!”
“Well, I think my curls suffered enough abuse in the ‘60s. The least I can do now is to keep them dry.”
You both giggled a bit. “In all honesty, thank you so much for coming and visiting. You really didn’t have to do this.”
“It’s no big deal. I wanted to get away from those old folks anyway.”
You both were silent for a moment. Then Brian asked, “How do you feel about a sleepover?”
“That sounds fantastic,” you smiled, “I’d love to! But we can’t sleep yet. I see you’ve brought Scrabble.” You knew all too well that a game of Scrabble with Brian could last for days on end.
“Oh, of course, we won’t be sleeping until someone reigns supreme,” he said, gravely serious. “That someone will most definitely be me!” you declared, and he chuckled.
The two of you headed into the living room, and you flicked the switch to turn on the lamp. It flickered on. then it flickered back off. And then the entry-room fell dark as well, and soon after that, the rest of the bulbs illuminating your house.“Well shit. The power’s shot.”
“Wow,” Brian mocked, “I had no idea. Have you got any candles?”
You nodded. “Definitely, and I know I’ve got a torch or two as well, I’ll go find them.”
You attempted to reach your closet, but you were initially unsuccessful and ended up tripping over god-knows-what before tumbling to the ground. Brian held out a hand to help you up, and you thanked him and took it, regaining your balance and pushing the unidentified object out of the way.
Eventually, you made it to the closet and retrieved a torch for each of you and as many candles as you could find. You lit them, and placing them strategically about the house, you were able to navigate with a much more favorable outcome.
You then made your way back to the living room with your torches and several candles.
“Do you want to set up the game while I pop these?” Brian asked, holding up the bag of popping corn.
“Of course, although there isn’t much to set up,” you responded. “Here, let me grab you a pot.”
You followed him towards the kitchen.
You pulled a stainless-steel saucepan from a corner cabinet and placed it on the stove.
“I’ll leave you to it,” you called to Brian, as you began to head back to the living room.
“Bags going first!” he shouted from the other room as you knelt down on one side of your coffee table and opened the Scrabble box.
You smiled. You didn’t really have a preference of the order that you would play in, but you unfolded the game board, placed it on the table, and pulled seven letter tiles for yourself. You heard sizzling pops as you arranged your tiles on your tray and set up a scoring paper with each of your names written, and the smell of fresh popcorn wafted from the kitchen. A minute or two later, you heard footsteps, and Brian came up behind you, placing a large plastic bowl of buttery popcorn to the side, and wrapping his arms around you.
“You ready, darling?” he asked, his voice slightly muffled by your hair.
You smiled softly. “Absolutely. Come sit,” you patted the spot on the other side of the board.
He sat on his knees across the coffee table from you, a small grin tugging at his lips as well, and you handed him a small grey pouch containing the rest of the tiles. The game started out rather relaxed, but as it went on, the will to win in the both of you rose. You became more and more competitive with each passing minute, determined to beat him.
“C-A-P-I-T-A-L,” you said aloud, laying down the tiles. “Dammit, Y/N, I was going to take that letter!” Brian exclaimed, as you marked twenty-two points under your name on the scoring notes and cackled.
“It’s only fair considering the monster of a triple word score you unleashed, with- what was the word-”
“Equinox!” Brian said, proud of his accomplishment.
“Yes, that one,” you responded, a little defeatedly; it was because of that word he now retained the higher total score.
it was all in good fun, though.
You reached over to your popcorn, threw a piece into the air, and successfully caught it between your lips, although you shifted several of the tiles in the process. You attempted to realign them into their original organization, but you accidentally switched around a few letters, so that two of the words to now read, “pqualize,” and “excorcise”.
Bri, it seemed, found your panicked effort to fix the words quite humorous, because when you looked up after rearranging the tiles, he was giggling with a bright smile across his face. You thought to yourself then how lucky you were to have him with you.
The game continued, and you hardly noticed the presence of the storm.you were too busy laughing yourselves silly , pretending to play phony words and trying to top each other’s fantastically high scores.
“Good game, Bri,” you proclaimed as it drew to a close, no tiles remaining in the pouch.
“Good game, Y/N,” he responded. “How about that score?”
“Ah, ‘f course,” you said sarcastically, both well aware that his total points were much greater than yours. “Quite a close game, if I do say so myself. it came down to two seventy-one and three seventy-nine.”
“And who got which?” Bri mocked.
“Oh, shut up, you,” you responded.
The two of you returned to your couch, Brian still with a slight smirk resting on his face. You began to sink deeper into the plush cushions, but before you could collapse completely, Brian wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close against his chest. Brian tugged a strand of your hair between his fingers, then asked, “May I put on a bit of music?”
“Of course!” you said, “Anytime. Just be sure to switch out the receiver, the current one is a bit loud.”
He got up and proceeded to stroll over to your music shelf, dragging his fingers over the spines of the record sleeves, softly murmuring the album titles, before settling on one and lightly tugging it from the shelf. You caught a glimpse of his choice: “Beatles For Sale,” but.You hadn’t fully processed his decision as he slid the disk out of its sleeve, placing it on your record player.
As “No Reply” began to play, he returned to his original position, one long arm resting on your shoulders as he pulled you to him again. Light taps to the beat met your skin as he hummed the melody. He turned his head slightly, pressed a soft kiss onto your forehead, and adjusted his neck to allow your head to rest on his shoulder.
Sitting, cocooned in his warmth, had almost distracted you from noticing that “I’ll Follow The Sun” had returned to your ears.
All of your thoughts came flooding back to you, the ones from earlier this night, combined with so many previous ones that it made your head hurt. You were met with a wave of worry and loneliness, despite Brian’s presence. you did whatever you could to divert your attention, but it was to no avail. You let out a slight whimper, and Brian looked at you in alarm.
“Oh gosh, what’s wrong, Y/N, dear?” he asked , his concern audible.
“It’s just… this song, this album,” you let out a small sob. “Don’t get me wrong, they’re a fantastic collection of songs, but…” you weren’t going to try to hide the trouble you were going through this time. “I’m not sure why, but they bring on so many thoughts that I would prefer not to have.” You were only able to stop your tears from falling by burying your face in Bri’s side.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what kinds of thoughts? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t wish to, but if I can help you, I’d love to.”
You lift your face up to explain. “It’s alright. I just always seem to return to this stream of self-conscious thoughts whenever I hear it. Like, what if everyone in my life is just pretending to love me, but in reality they never have, or what if the people around me just hate me?”
“Oh, darling, don’t ever even suggest that.” Bri responded passionately. “I can tell you for a fact that your friends, your family, peers, all love your company and do not feel that way whatsoever, and I wouldn’t let you near anyone who did. They don’t deserve your company.”
You sat together in silence, Brian rubbing slow circles into your arm, until your breathing returned to normal. You placed your head back onto his shoulder, feeling much better after having gotten it all off of your chest. You were so thankful to have such a supportive, kind person in your life. You cuddled closer and Brian reciprocated, pressing tender kisses to your hairline.
“Really, thank you so much, Bri. I can’t believe I get to spend my time with someone as compassionate and caring as you are.”
“Of course, Y/N,” he responded. “I love you.”
Somehow, those words were enough to finally allow your muscles to untense and for you to release a small, contented sigh.
As you felt yourself beginning to doze off, Bri reached over and blew out the candles in your vicinity, and the world around you dimmed. You let your eyelids fall closed, and even as you meandered off into a dream, you could still feel his light breath on your head, his thumb still stroking your arm gently. you knew then he would always be there, even when things seemed to be dark and gloomy, with no hope in sight.
You knew he would always be there, to help you follow the sun.
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iamrheaspeaks · 6 years
omitted truths 3
Erik x OC! (Briana)
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: Smut
A/N: As always this was lightly proofread/ edited 💋
Catch up: Part 1 Part 2
Briana’s life was starting to fall back into a nice, albeit new, rhythm of hellos and goodbyes. There was Alisha who worked at the local Veterinary Office, but she actually met her in a bar bathroom. Alisha always looked out of place because of her bright blue hair and giant butterfly neck tattoo but it made Briana swell with pride at how she never let anyone shame her for her decisions. Liss, short for Melissa, a connect she met at a novelty shop called PlayRoom. Girl could up sell her ass off too. And Jordan, a pint sized ball of sass that she witnessed give her mom Victoria hell every morning as she loaded up the car before taking her to daycare. Whenever Briana had a moment to spare she’d help Victoria out. She was happy with the change of pace that came from being closer to her best friend it was safe to say that Briana didn’t really have any quips about being back in Connecticut. ––
“Briana Lynn Clark! Ohmygod!” Denver was in hysterics standing in the entryway of Briana’s new place. “I was expecting to be wowed by the décor but oh my god bitch your hair!” Denver shouted before covering her mouth finally stepping through the door. Circling around Briana to take in the full view. Following Denver’s motions with her eyes Briana wore the biggest grin at her friend’s antics and her own need to be extra. Big hoop earrings hitting her round cheeks as her head moved side to side, stopping when Denver came to a halt in front of her and cupped Briana’s face in her hands. “You cut your hair!”, she whisper shouted.
“What? You don’t like it?” Briana coyly questioned running hand over her low fade smiling so hard her cheeks hurt.
Denver hastily pulled her phone from her jacket pocket and began tapping at the screen frantically shaking her head, “You guys see this shit? The woman that’s supposed to be my best fucking friend went and cut her damn hair off and I knew NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!” Briana just waved to the camera before sticking her tongue out at Denver. As her friend continued to rant about how much she loved the haircut but was not happy about being left in the dark Briana went into the kitchen to grab snacks to tide her over while she made something for them to eat. Briana had invited Denver over for a girl’s night in to celebrate her new place instead of doing a house warming. It was also Briana’s way of thanking Denver for opening her space up to her while she looked for her own.
Briana was cooking the two of them fettuccini pasta with pesto sauce. This left Denver to venture the apartment by herself, but that didn’t keep her from shouting things at Briana as she did so. She was sure her entire place was up on Denver’s social media for everyone to see. “Ooh! Bri! What’s in this fancy purple box in your closet?”
“Bitch! Touch that shit if you want to”
“Oh my! Bri! What the hell? Don’t you think you should hide this shit?”
“Why? I live here!”
“I’m just saying, I keep my treasure chest in the bottom drawer of my dresser but, you right.” Denver said walking into the kitchen helping herself to the wine on the counter. “Hurry up though so we can get this marathon started before your stalker pops up.”
Briana just rolled her eyes at Denver’s comment. She hadn’t talked to Erik in months and no one else knew about the move. “Anyways, I figured we’d watch from the most recent to the oldest. You know since War Paint is my favorite.”
“No arguments here.”
The girls found themselves curled up on the floor backs against the couch wrapped in blankets by time they were reaching the end of their Iliza Shlesinger binge watching session. Everything about tonight made Briana happy. It was nothing but continuous laughter and reminiscing. Feeling like she had stability again and that she could finally relax and stop hiding. They even shouted in unison with the television as Iliza said her famous line, “This isn’t a bra, it’s body armor. And this isn’t make up, it’s war paint.” Denver had work in the morning, per the norm, so she got up to relieve herself while Briana began to pick up in the living room. As she finished folding the last blanket and setting it into the end table that doubled as storage Denver came back into the room to start gathering her things. “I put some aside for you to take home” Briana said holding out a container of pesto for Denver to take.
“I got something for you too” she responded not looking up from the black hole she calls a bag on her shoulder. She was digging through it blindly like a typical bag lady, just to sit down to start shoveling threw it with both hands. Denver really wanted to find whatever she was looking for. Briana took this time to continue moving about the room and making sure things were back where she wanted them.
“Found it!” Denver proclaimed gleefully as she stood back up and went to meet Briana by the door to bid her goodbye. They hugged really tight, swaying side to side a little before breaking the embrace. As Briana opened the door she dropped her head shaking it as Denver just stood there laughing. Of course Erik was standing there.
“You can’t keep popping up on me like this Erik. I’m sick of moving and I like my new apartment” Briana spewed out like vomit at the sight of him. That was until her eyes got drawn to the glint of shiny wrapping paper. It reflected in the hallway light as his shoulders shook because of how hard he was laughing.
“Damn. I’m not always the bearer of bad news princess.”
“Could’ve fooled me!” Denver snide as she handed Briana the small pink envelope she was searching for earlier before making her leave.
The gift was a framed Dia de los Muertos elephant painting. Briana knew exactly where she would put it in her spare bedroom that she planned on doing something creative with but had no idea what yet. The painting was the perfect combination of her favorite things though so she’d probably build the room around it.
It was safe to say Erik was just as thrown by Briana’s haircut as Denver was. He just kept touching her head commenting how he never thought she’d cut it. And laughed as she whined for him to cut it out while swiping his hand away. Seeing Erik settle into her couch and not springing dire news on her allowed Briana to relax. Still in the mood to watch something on the funny side Briana put on Kevin Hart’s Let Me Explain. Noticing pretty early on that Erik wasn’t being his usual confrontational self, Briana paused the special and looked at him. “What’s going on up there?” she inquired while jabbing her finger at his temple.
“I wanna try again Bri.” Erik said squeezing and releasing her uncovered thigh lightly but not making eye contact. Erik knew how heavy those words were. He’d been carrying them around since the beginning. “Please say something.” he continued. Briana removed her legs from over Erik’s lap and got up to cross the room. Shaking her head the whole way fighting with her thoughts. After everything that’s happened, besides Denver, Erik’s been the only constant through it all. Never judging her but always trying to help, most times to a fault.
“I can’t count how many times we’ve said goodbye.”
Erik’s head dropped because he knew, and it haunted him the larger the number got. But at the same time he couldn’t deny that everything about Briana truly was different now. Everything he put her threw, everything she had to cut herself off from in order to stay in Witness Protection all those years. Erik fully understood why Briana couldn’t say it. Why she couldn’t admit she loved him that night. Denying her love for him was the only way she could maintain the lie. That’s how she was able to reinvent herself as Mila and leave Briana behind.
“Loving you is chaos Erik.”
“I know that we can make it work. Give me a chance to make this work.”
“Tell me. Tell me you’ll never leave.” Briana whispered through sniffles as she tried to keep her emotions from bubbling over, making her cry. “And mean it.” she added. Erik lifts off the couch striding over to Briana and enveloped her in a hug. His arms holding her to his chest, his right hand gripping her left shoulder as the left squeezed her right hip. Feeling her melt into his touch did something to him and Erik reveled in this moment, having finally gotten Bri back into his arms.
“I’m not leaving.” Briana tightened her grip on the back of Erik’s hoodie in response. Her whole being had radiated with warmth from her chest at his simple admission.Eventually Erik loosened his hold causing Briana to do the same. They took a moment just looking at each other while time stood still before Erik cupped her face hungrily crashing his lips into hers.
“Fuck!” Briana shouted as she stumbled back out of the kiss, colliding with her kitchen table.
“D–Did you just shock me?” Erik asked in disbelief.
“No! You shocked me!” Briana quipped. Standing there in silence for a moment before laughing uncontrollably.
“That shit ain’t funny Bri. My lip is tingling yo.”
After calming herself down from her laughing fit Briana looked up at Erik who was also laughing. His bout of laughter had his shoulders jumping and his dreads bounced around playfully. The soft expression on his face a welcomed contrast to the serious demeanor he normally sported. Everything about him in this moment pulled at Briana’s heart. Then when their eyes met a pulse boomed through her. Suddenly all the pain, all the tears she cried, all the lies, none of it mattered because Briana missed the fire that they had. She loved Erik and never stopped. It was undeniable. “Seriously Bri, say something. I’m beggin’ here.” The base he added to his voice for emphasis along with the fact Erik was begging made her walls flutter.
“Take me on the table.” Briana uttered sitting back on the rim of the table hands gripping the edge. The hushed desperation in her voice coupled with her position made Erik’s manhood jump. Moving to close the gap he now stood in between Briana’s legs hands gripping at her hips.
“One more time. I don’t think I caught that.” Not actually giving Briana a chance to respond Erik began kissing and nipping at her neck. Left arm extended out so his hand could rest on the table while the right hand traveled up her spine stopping at the base of her head.
“Take me there I’ll take you back.”
“Is that all princess?” He breathed still attacking her neck getting lost in the feeling of her skin against his lips and tongue. Slightly annoyed when he had to stop because Briana didn’t answer, Erik took her chin pulling her head down and waited for her to open her eyes. Hazily she lifted her lids, pupils blown wide with lust, Briana licked her lips and smiled before grabbing the back of Erik’s neck pulling him closer to her and kissing him passionately. Biting his bottom lip and leaning back again while simultaneously spreading her legs further apart thankful for the easy access her dress would provide.
“It’s a start.”
“Is that right?” Erik’s index finger was tracing its way up the inside of Briana’s thigh before wedging it inside the lace barrier. Briana’s mouth fell open as she squeaked out a moan from his knuckle brushing against her untouched bundle of nerves. Erik let out an approving moan of his own because of how wet she was. “All this for me?”
“Wet enough for you daddy?” Briana giggled.
“Almost.” Erik snapped back before quickly dropping to his knees and pulling her panties to the side. He wasted no time tasting her nectar as he slowly licked her slit from her entrance stopping at her clit. Briana audibly gasped and laid back against the table while he sucked the whole thing into his mouth. The more Erik hummed his praises into her love cave the wetter Briana got, and the wetter she got the hardest his dick grew. Just as he went to add a finger she came.
Erik stood up and leaned over Briana kissing her, letting her taste herself before teasing through pecks, “Now that you’re wet enough, turn over.” Briana did as she was told, the junction of her hips now hugging the edge of the table with her hands down on the surface. She could hear Erik remove his hoodie and toss it somewhere along with the weight of the things in Erik’s pockets weighing his pants down to the floor as he removed them. Stroking his length in one hand and flipping up the back of her dress with the other instructing her to remove her underwear.
Before the tiny fabric could hit the floor Erik was behind her still stroking with one hand while the other pushed down against the small of her back until her toes barely touched the floor deepening her arch before sliding in. They groaned in unison as Briana threw her head back in bliss. After that it didn’t take long for them to fall into a rhythm. The sound of their skin slapping together being the drummer whose beat they danced to.
Briana could tell that Erik was holding back by the way he periodically leaned down and drug his teeth over her skin. So when he did it again through labored breaths she prodded, “Just do it.” Not having to be told twice Erik bit into Briana’s shoulder. As she yelled her praises her walls clamped down on his manhood making him groan with her flesh still between his teeth. Just then something snapped and Erik strong gripped the both sides of the table for leverage and begin drilling into Briana sans mercy. The creaking of the table legs being the only sound you could hear besides the praises they shared for each other. It wasn’t until she heard a bang and the sound of glass clanking together that the fog pulled back from her mind as Briana realized that the table was banging into counter. Never realizing that they fucked her table across the kitchen floor.
“Fuck! I missed you so much.”  
“I’m sorry for everything.”
“P–Please Erik. I–I can’t.”
“I fuckin’ love you”
Between the pounding he was delivering and his admissions Briana knew she wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. As if on cue with those last four words, the knot that had been tightening in the pit of Briana’s stomach snapped. Making her body convulse underneath him. She screamed, “I love you too” as she squirted almost painfully taking him with her. Erik slipped out of her and leaned down on the table catching his breathe as Briana slid down to the floor in a squatted position. Unable to stand anymore thanks to her legs feeling like jello. “I need to smoke.” Briana whispered when she finally caught her breath.
Briana fell asleep with her arms still propped up on the table totally spent before Erik could even pull his pants back up. He picked her up and made his way back to the couch with Briana cradled in his arms. Once seated Erik kisses her forehead and smiled before his head dropped to the back of the seat as slumber took him.
Tags: @savagesensitivity @cancerianprincess @another-imaginesblog @loosewindmill @bidibidibombaclaat @muse-of-mbaku @chaneajoyyy @itsangeludaku @eriknutinthispoosy @im5ftbutmythroat66 @theunsweetenedtruth @blackpinup22 @fonville-designs @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @nickidub718
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iamrheaspeaks · 6 years
omitted truths
Erik X OC!
Bold Italics: Flashback
Word Count: ~1900
Warnings: None
A/N: As always this was lightly proofread/ edited. Enjoy! 💋
Part 2 Part 3
Back pressed against the door Mila slide down roughly against it until she made contact. Settling on the hardwood floor with a thud. It wasn’t until a ball of fluffy white fur settled in her lap, the humming from it’s purring slowly relaxing her enough to speak. Lifting her head to the dark cloud that just shot her day to hell. “Why are you here, Erik?”
Sighing deeply before answering, “Look I know I’m the last person you want to see. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t necessary.”
Shock and denial regressing back to anger “Just fucking say it! She demanded.
“One. Watch your fucking tone Mila! And two it involves our last…day together.”
“I’m blissfully ignorant about there ever being a last anything with you.”
“Well, that sucks because there’s surveillance videos that say otherwise.” Erik retorted blankly.
Mila threw her head back as she cackled before leaving her seat on the floor going to stand right in front of Erik. “I’m sorry nigga? Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you’re trying to tell me that there’s video surveillance of a day we both agreed would NEVER be spoken of again! You’re not supposed to fucking be here! What the fuck did you do Erik?”
“Look!” Erik pinched his nose to try and combat his frustration before continuing, “Imma go get a drink at the spot down the street from here. Here’s my number if you wanna talk when you calm down, if you don’t that’s fine too. But I ain’t going away anytime soon princess.”      
That was 3 months ago. Before that day Mila’s life had been simple. Just her, her husband Noah and Midnight, their White Chinchilla Persian rescue. Life was a familiar rotation of hellos and goodbyes. Judy, the only cashier whose lane she went to because she actually knew how to properly bag groceries. Mark, the drive thru bank teller who always gave her homemade cat treats for Midnight. Janine, an overly energetic and absolutely adorable three year old toddler whose cheeks she got to pinch while waiting for her morning coffee at the hole in the wall cafe next door to her apartment building. Now there was nothing but lawyers, endless questions from everyone, staring glances from strangers and friends alike, that damn surveillance video and Erik.
“Mrs. Day?”
“Can you confirm that this is indeed you entering the Stevens’ residence?”
“It is”
“And what were you doing there?”
“Visiting an old friend, sir”
“Friend is an interesting word considering I have it under good authority that you and Mr. Stevens dated exclusively for three years before the date in question.” Mila silently scoffed at the word exclusively. That would imply a monogamist relationship, something Erik wasn’t capable of.
“Objection your honor! That wasn’t a question!” Mila’s lawyer quipped almost immediately.
“You’re right counselor! Let me rephrase, Mrs. Day how do you know Mr. Stevens? From the beginning please.” The prosecutor corrected.
For the first time since this all began Mila looked over to Erik. He just smirked and nodded. “Alright then, the beginning. Mr. Stevens and I met sophomore year of high school. We began dating the summer of junior year and were dating on and off until about six months before that footage when I met my husband.”
The man who was dead set on proving Mila was some sort of informant for Erik was now scrabbling through his notes and mumbling to himself. His unraveling was truly as sight to see. Hmm, I guess the truth will really set you free, Mila thought to herself.
“B-but that can’t be true,” he sounded defeated as his frantic search through his files subsided, “unless, unless…” he never got to complete that thought thanks to the FBI agent who stormed into the court rushing straight up to the judge handing him a file with a big red CLASSIFIED stamp on it. After skimming the file, the pasty white man swallowed hard looking at Mila.
“Witness dismissed! Thank you Mrs. Day for your cooperation up until this point. You are no longer needed.” He then turned to face the rest of the room, “Court is adjourned for the remained of the day! With the exception of Mrs. Day everyone is expected back tomorrow morning.”
The ride home from the courthouse was the same it’s been since the trail started, deafly quite. All Noah wanted to talk about was Erik and Mila just wanted things to go back to normal. To take a long hot bath with a glass of wine and her ‘Chill Vibes’ playlist and finally, to wake up tomorrow like none of this ever happened.
“Mila, can you please tell me what the hell is going on? What was in that file? That was the fucking FBI! Who are you?”
“I was fine until you came in here demanding answers to shit above your level of clearance Noah” Mila snapped sipping her Merlot. “But since you wanna know so damn bad I’ll tell you when I get out. Until then I’d pack my shit if I was you. You won’t even admit to knowing me after today.” As the door to the bathroom shut behind Noah, Mila’s phone dinged with a message.
Erik 😓: Still hate me?
Mila: Yes!
As Mila moved throughout her bedroom getting dressed she noticed Noah had taken her advice. His side of the closet was empty and his toiletries no longer took up space on the dresser. Of all the things that she should feel in the moment, relief shouldn’t have been one of them. But she was ready for this to all be over. Dressed in a gray and blue pajama shorts set complete with blue knee high socks, Mila found Noah sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands.
“Look. This wont be easy to hear,’ She started ‘I’ll answer any questions you have after I’ve finished.”
“My name,’ Mila took a breath before continuing ‘My real name is Briana Clark. I’m originally from Oakland, CA. And I’ve been in Witness Protection since 2011.”
“That’s a year before we met.”
“I was placed as a means to keep my identity secret from Erik’s enemies and me away from Erik.”
“But you went to see him that day. I was in court. I watched the damn video!”
“Pretty sure I asked you to let me finish first but fine! Yes, I did got to see Erik that day. I broke protocol, but when I got a text from an unknown number on my phone with a photo of me and Erik from a class trip.”
“How the fuck is that important Mila? Or Briana? Or whoever the fuck you are?”
“It’s important because when I entered Witness Protection one of my conditions was that all evidence of me and Erik’s relationship before college was destroyed! That’s picture should’ve been destroyed!”
“You were in there for almost three hours! You expect me to believe that’s all that happened? You told him about some damn picture someone texted you?”
“At this point, I don’t care what you believe. No matter what I tell you, you’ve already come up with your own answers.” Briana pulled the antique gold ring off before sliding it towards Noah on the table. “Here, I know what it means your family.”­–––
Briana woke up to someone banging on her front door. “Alright, alright I’m coming! Stop fucking banging!” Two in the damn morning, this better be fucking good Briana thought. After swinging the door open her instincts told her to slam it shut again but his boot in the door jam let her know that wouldn’t work so she just stepped out the way letting him enter. “You have court six hours. What do you want Erik?”
“What? No thank you? If it wasn’t for me your mans would’ve heard in court what you were really doing at my crib that day.”
She didn’t have to see his face to know he was wearing his signature shit eating grin. The one he gave whenever he was feeling himself, which was always. “Yes! Thank you for revealing my being in Witness Protection because of your stupid ass decisions and uprooting my life yet again. How could I fucking forget?”
Erik stomped his way over to Briana grabbing her by the neck and pushing her against the wall, “Watch your fucking tone with me girl!” he growled before using his thumb moving her head to the side whispering in her ear “Besides, you know that’s not what I was referring to love.” Erik released his grin around her throat before he made his way into the kitchen. Refrigerator door open about to grab a bottle of water before the door was slammed shut just missing his fingers.
“Like I said three fucking months ago when you showed up before catapulting my life to shit, I don’t know what you’re fucking talking about! Get the fuck out Erik!”
“Erik. Please. Just go” all the fight starting to fade into desperation.
“Nah. I’ll leave when you admit it” Erik deadpanned before picking up Midnight and petting him taking a seat. “I’m waiting Bri.”
Looking out the window as it started to rain Briana thought back to what should’ve been her last day with Erik.
“Hey, I can’t believe you’re here”
“Don’t get used to it. After today I’m gone Erik”
“Yeah, I got that. So what you want?”
“A parting gift”
Erik looked up about question further only to see Briana standing in his living room stark naked with her coat in a puddle by her feet. “Damn!” was all he could say in response as he stride over to her. Briana jumped into Erik’s embrace wrapping her legs around his waist as he attacked her neck with nibbles and kisses while ascending to his bedroom. “You sure about this princess” he asked from between her thighs with his member hovering by her apex. Briana sat up on her elbows kissing Erik’s lips lightly before nodding her head and letting out a hushed yes.
Sex with Erik was always an event. He took pride in knowing Briana’s body better than she did. Bringing her to her peak over and over again without remorse or any signs of slowing down. Totally selfless. All things that set her over the edge but not what she wanted. Needed. Briana wanted to hear Erik recite something he’s told her many times but she stopped believing. She needed to hear it until she was convinced that she truly was okay with everything she’d ever known being gone after today.
“T-Tell me. Tell me, that you love me” Briana breathed through moans.
“I love you” he spoke into her neck. The vibrations against her neck causing her walls to tighten.
“I love you princess” Erik grunted, picking up his pace.
“Fuck! A-again! Please!”
“I. Love. You.” each word punctuated by a hard thrust right to her sweet spot.
Once her body stopped convulsing underneath him Briana took a deep breathe, sitting up on the bed. Looking over her shoulder, Erik was laid out staring at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. “This never happened.”
Erik turned his head looking Briana in the eyes before nodding “I got it”.
“I love you. Goodbye Erik.”
“What do you want me to admit to exactly? That if you weren’t so hell bent on things being done your way none of this would’ve even happened?”
“That you never stopped loving me.”
“You were a huge staple in my life. You taught and showed me things I’d never know otherwise. I wouldn’t be who I am if I never knew you but love? My love for you along with the memory of that day, no matter how vividly I remember it, is the truth I choose to omit Erik.”
Tags: @savagesensitivity @cancerianprincess @another-imaginesblog @loosewindmill @bidibidibombaclaat
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