jonathon-bellehaven · 4 years
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Making a #brigiddoll for #imbolc using very soft starry sky blanket fabric, stuffed with #lavender #bayleaves #cinnamon and annointed with #rosemary oil, #sage and #palosanto How do you celebrate Imbolc? #bellehavenfamilytradition #bellehavenfamily https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_RSPjnshA/?igshid=1tr9y6pf42v8i
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jonathon-bellehaven · 4 years
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Not everyone can be as open about their spiritual path. For those that must, for the time being, remain in the closet, here are some ways to celebrate your magical path on Imbolc without drawing too much attention. #witchcraft #imbolc #closetwitch #paganism #bellehavenfamilytradition #bellehavenfamily https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qR0LuBiJA/?igshid=103r3dmh7bw9k
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jonathon-bellehaven · 4 years
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2019 Tarot and Rune Reflections using a Tarot layout from Biddy Tarot. Salem Bellehaven using a Medicine Deck, @masonlightbourne using the Rider Waite, and Jonathon Bellehaven using Elder Futhark rose quartz runes. Reflecting on the past year. #bellehavenfamilytradition #bellehavenfamily #2019 #divination #reflections #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/B7it58iB83y/?igshid=4xbwug3l1of3
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Imagine this:
You're sitting at a job interview or meeting the parents of your significant other for the first time, you're nailing every question they throw at you out of the park. You've even managed to make them smile and laugh. Things are going pretty well and you've already decided the parting words you'll use to ensure you'll be invited back again for round two.
Then they throw out this question: "How would you describe yourself?"
This is a question many people usually get hung up on. Some people don't like talking about themselves, others just have never really taken the time to contemplate their positive characteristics.
Before you keep scrolling on, take a moment to think about something about yourself that you love, something you feel is an endearing trait or quality that you have that you can be proud of, and post it here.
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly." -- Thomas Jefferson
Some of the necessary things we do are tiring and annoying. Many of these things we must do regardless of how we feel about them. Doing dishes day after day can be a tiresome job but, no matter how much we hate it, it must be done sooner or later. We might discover, if we look hard enough, how chores like this can actually be enjoyable, if we do them right. Perhaps dish washing is a time for listening to music and singing along, or an opportunity for conversation between family members as we help one another.
Our willingness to look for the hidden treasure and opportunities in tasks we might otherwise consider dreary will never fail to reward us.
**What opportunity can I see in my next chore?**
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families)
For many more daily meditations, information on Paganism, engaging questions and information about the services offered by the Bellehaven Family Tradition of Witchcraft as well as the interfaith wedding/handfasting services, please check out and follow my Facebook page!
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"I want, by understanding myself, to understand others." -- Katherine Mansfield
Growing up to be the best people we can be is a lifelong process. As teenagers, we may have thought that twenty-one would be a magic year for us because then we would become adults. We'd be grown up and able to handle easily any problems that came along, if any did.
But the older we get, the more we realize that growing up is a process that never ends. We are always becoming the people we are capable of being. We're always learning new things about ourselves, and in that process we're always coming to new understandings about other people and how we can get along with them.
How wonderful that life always offers us room to grow! It makes new discoveries possible all through our lives, and ensures us that we will always have something to offer.
|| What discovery have I made just today? ||
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families) 
#meditaiton #holistichealing #holistichealth #holisticwellness #selfdiscovery #understanding #empathy #empathic #empath #growth #personalgrowth #adulting #life #journey #witchcraft #paganism #shamanism #Bellehaven #BellehavenFamily #BellehavenFamilyTradition #RevBellehaven #JBellehaven
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief." -- Wendell Berry
Blessed are all birds and animals, the wildest beasts, and, yes, all serpents, too, for they live in nature, in a state of natural grace. They live beyond the rules of evil and good. Their instincts are obedient only to the laws of survival, growth, and health. And as their lives unfurl in obedience to these laws, they suffer no shame, regret, or sin. Nor do they curse their failures, or themselves.
We can learn much from them. They harbor no evil toward one another, and they trust their own inner sense of how to live, and that their Higher Power makes sure everything which befalls them is for the best. Yes, they are blessed, and so are we, the highest animal.
|| What guilt can I free myself from today, just by letting go? ||
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families) #meditation #wendellberry #peace #guilt #guiltless #nature #serenity#grace #natural #Pagan #Paganism #Witchcraft #Bellehaven#BellehavenFamily #BellehavenFamilyTradition #JBellehaven#RevBellehaven
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"Listen to your feelings. They tell you when you need to take care of yourself, like finding a friend if you feel lonely, crying if you feel sad, singing and smiling if you feel happy, and acting frisky if you feel good." -- Pat Palmer
When we get too much of anything -- too much fun or too much work -- we may feel really crummy when it's over.
One way to listen to our crummy feelings is to say, "Here comes the letdown after all that fun." We can imagine a spaceship falling to earth, floating on the ocean. Coming down to earth is as much a part of the adventure as the countdown and blastoff.
A letdown for us means we need to let our bodies and minds rest, just like the spaceship, bobbing around without any special direction. We need to take it easy, do nothing, put off making plans.
Then we can ask the Powers that Be to help us let go of the crummy feelings that come along with a letdown. We can ask the spirit within us to guide us through this time of change. Then we will let down and let go.
|| What are some things I can do to take it easy the next time I feel down? ||
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families)
#meditation #families #magick #witchcraft #paganism #patpalmer #feelings #adventure #guidance #feel #Bellehaven #BellehavenFamily #BellehavenFamilyTradition #RevBellehaven #JBellehaven
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"Take time every day to do something silly." -- Philipa Walker
Spring fever may bring out our longings and our sense of unfilled needs for attention, play, or laughter. We may be afraid to express these needs because they are not often taken seriously, but thought of as childish. We may even be afraid our needs are so enormous that they will never be satisfied, and so we keep them bottled up inside ourselves, and all we can express to others is frustration.
Spring is a reminder that we can find a way to satisfy our needs. We can give ourselves a break from work or study, laugh a little, and try to share our laughter with someone else. There are many ways to fulfill a need, and by giving what we have to offer, we may find ourselves getting back exactly what we really need, even though it may not be what we had hoped for.
In the act of giving we learn we are worth giving to, also. We learn that we deserve to be loved, most of all by ourselves.
|| What do I think I need today? ||
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families)
#meditation #meditations #philipawalker #spring #springfever #needs #selfneeds #childhood #laugh #love #giving #generosity #compassion #Paganism #Witchcraft #Bellehaven #BellehavenFamily #BellehavenFamilyTradition #RevBellehaven #JBellehaven #holistic #holistichealth #holistichealing
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation -- January 22nd
"Animals are such agreeable friends; they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." -- George Eliot
A pet is often liked by everyone and seems to have no enemies. Why is this? Pets are friendly and interested in others. They seem to get joy out of just being with us. They do not have a critical attitude. When mistreated or neglected for a while, they are quick to forgive, and quickly seek once again to be by our side.
Each of us is a valuable part of the family. When we treasure one another, and don't waste our time finding each other's faults, we will begin to have less faults. When we accept our loved ones as they are, and enjoy sharing our lives with them, our lives become more enjoyable, and our family love grows because we are each more loveable.
**What can I accept in others today?**
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families)
#pets #familiars #family #kindness #compassion #flaws #acceptingflaws #paganism #pagan #witchcraft #wicca #spirituality #bellehaven #bellehavenfamily #bellehavenfamilytradition #revbellehaven
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"Gentleness is not a quality exclusive to women." -- Helen Reddy
Each of us has our soft side; maybe it's when we're petting a kitten, caring for a baby robin with an injured wing, or soothing a crying child  who is afraid. Behaving in a gentle way toward others gives us warm feelings inside. It also encourages others to treat us gently, too.
We don't always feel like being gentle. If we're sad or worried about school or a friend, we might not even notice the people around us who need our gentleness. But when we remember gentleness, it lifts our spirits. Two people will always be happier when we're gentle -- the person we've been gentle to, and ourselves.
|| Who can I share my gentleness with today? ||
(Excerpt from Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families) #gentle #gentleness #kindness #compassion #dountoothers #goldenrule #meditation #dailymeditation #Pagan #Paganism #Witch #Witchcraft #Wicca #Wicce #Heathen #Bellehaven #BellehavenFamily #BellehavenFamilyTradition #RevBellehaven #JBellehaven #holistichealing #holistichealth
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation
"Nothing that is worth doing can be done alone, but has to be done with others." -- Dr. Reinhold Neibuhr
We who are blessed with a closely-knit family life, where thoughts and actions can be discussed and developed, are aware that what is given is not as important as what is shared. As we help one another, we learn that sharing can never exist unless we care first. This is the major ingredient of love.
Albert Schweitzer described human service toward a common goal as the greatest of deeds. Charles Dickens assured us that when we lighten the burdens of another, we can never consider ourselves useless. Those of us who are led today may show the way tomorrow. In giving, we receive, and in getting we cannot avoid being givers..
**What do I receive by giving today?**
#giving #unburden #love #actsofkindness #service #sharing #sacrifice#Pagan #Paganism #Wicca #Witchcraft #HolisticHealing #HolisticHealth#AlternativeMedicine #Interfaith #Spirituality #Bellehaven #BellehavenFamily#BellehavenFamilyTradition #RevBellehaven #JBellehaven
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation -- January 8th
"Deep in their roots all flowers keep the light." -- Theodore Roethke
All flowers begin with the potential to grow and blossom. Yet in winter, perennial flowers are buried under the snow. Inside the dark earth, they are patiently waiting for their time to bloom. For the flowers, faith is believing that Spring will return. It is carrying the light of summer deep in their roots -- so that even in times of cold and dark -- there is hope that they will bloom again.
When Spring does return, they shoot our of the ground and burst into blossom. In times of light, they drink it deep into their roots -- deep enough to sustain them through the next season of darkness.
We can do the same, keeping the memory of good times deep within us so that when we're feeling low, it will keep our faith in the happy future strong.
**What helps sustain my faith today?**
(Excerpt from: Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families.)
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Daily Meditation -- January 9th
"Life gives us so much time to collect bizarre thoughts and feelings." -- Claire Weekes
As we go through life, we run into all kinds of negative messages: teasing on the school bus, insulting nicknames, and other put-downs.
Pretty soon we may discover that some of these messages stick in our minds, repeating themselves over and over like broken records. These messages can make us feel bad about ourselves. But when we hear one of these tapes playing inside us, we have the power to push the STOP button. Then we can record a new message. We can even say it out loud, so that our voice settles emphatically into our thoughts.
We can't make others stop saying these things, but we can stop listening to them. They only have power over us when we give it to them. We have the ability and freedom to let negative thoughts float by us, like water going downstream.
**What positive message can I send to myself?**
(Excerpt from: Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families.)
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jonathon-bellehaven · 5 years
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Meditation of the Day - January 5th
"...and, when the time comes to let it go, ....let it go." -- Mary Oliver
If we all let go of one thing we like, and take instead each other's hand; if we all let go of three minutes each day, and find instead a few perfect words for someone in the house; if we all withhold our judgments for one hour, and reveal during that time one of our own small secret sins; if we all skip the same meal each week, and spend the time together in the park; would we have less or more than what we started with?
It is one of the great and pleasing mysteries of life that we can gain by giving things up. Instead of grabbing things or demanding from others if we give something up, if leaves a space for something new to enter our lives.
**Can I get more out of life by expecting less today?**
(Excerpt from: Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families)
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jonathon-bellehaven · 4 years
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With Imbolc right around the corner, how do you herald in the light returning to the earth? Photo: Cernunnos and Gaia, deities of fertility, vegetation and love. #bellehavenfamily #imbolc #paganism #fertility https://www.instagram.com/p/B7aTI-4hhRC/?igshid=1oi4cuj59j7ye
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