#being somebody’s safe space is so nice
slashmagpie · 6 months
Pearl and Gem glance at each other. Then, as one, they glance back at Tango, who is, evidently, not Tango.
“Do we have an amnesiacold on our hands?” Gem asks. 
“Maybe,” says Pearl, glancing back at Tango again. “Tango, buddy, you feeling alright?”
“I—” Tango opens his mouth. Closes it again. “I mean, I’m a little under the weather, to tell you the truth—I ate a South African sausage and it disagreed with me.”
Pearl hums. “And it’s messed with your memory a bit, right?”
“Yes! I mean, no—I mean, how did you—?”
“Would you say that you have a bit of an amnesiacold, Tango?” asks Gem.
“You know. Amnesiacold!” Gem says. “When you get sick and forget everything and feel like somebody else?” 
“Ah.” Tango pulls himself to shore. Frowns. “It’s more of an amnesia-food-poisoning, if I’m honest.”
Pearl winces. “Your poor digestive system.”
“It’s not very nice Pearl, I’ll tell you that much,” Tango says, voice low, one hand pressed against his stomach as he pulls a face.
“Okay, that’s enough, I don’t need to hear about your gut issues,” Gem interrupts. “But—you have an amnesiacold! You know, I was an amnesiacold last season.”
“You mean, you had an amnesiacold?”
“No, I was one.” Gem winks. “Like—Tango has an amnesiacold. But you? You’re the amnesiacold. You know?”
Tango’s shoulders hike up with discomfort. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m Tango. And I think you guys should—should skadoodle somewhere else. Should bother-someone-else-ificate. Begone.” 
“I had an amnesiacold last season, you know,” Pearl says. “Gem was one. You can tell us, buddy, we’re not gonna tell anyone.”
“Promise,” Gem says with a nod. “This is a safe space! You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not with us.”
Tango stares at them for a long, long moment, then sags, face falling. He looks exhausted, suddenly, and Pearl feels a rush of sympathy. It can’t be easy, being thrown into the game halfway through, with no context for anything.
“It’s been rough, dudes,” Tango says, voice cracking. “It’s been really really rough. I forgot how hard it was to get anything done on this server! There’s so much chaos, and—”
Not-Tango grins. “In the flesh,” he says with a bow of his head. “Or… not my flesh, exactly.” 
“Ren?” Gem asks, tilting her head in confusion.
“Oh, that’s right, you’ve never met…”
Gem and Ren peer at each other for a moment. “You do look familiar,” Ren says eventually.
“Yeah,” Gem agrees. “I mean, obviously you look familiar—you look like Tango!—but… yeah.” 
They stare at each other for a moment more.
“Maybe we met in a dream?” Ren says at last.
Gem nods. “Sure. Makes as much sense as anything else.”
Pearl glances between them, rocking awkwardly back on her heels. She clears her throat, drawing their attentions back to her. “Welcome back, buddy,” she says to Ren. “Good to see you again.”
“I wish that I could say the same,” Ren says morosely. “I thought I was—I was done, Pearl.” Now that she knows it's Ren, she can hear his cadence in Tango’s voice, voice dropping rough and low with drama as he bows his head. “I was done. No more games, not for the ol’ diggity dog. And now… Here I am!” He laughs a little, stretching out his arms to indicate the server at large. “In a body that’s not mine, in a world I’ve never seen, in a game I do not understand.”
“Oh, Ren…” Pearl frowns. She doesn’t know what to say. 
Gem jumps in. “Hey, it’s okay! It’s just one session, you know? You can do one session!”
“I suppose I must.” Ren looks up at them, jaw tightening. “If I am here—I suppose I must.”
“I’d never been in any of these games before I was Cleo for a bit last season,” Gem says. “So you have an advantage there! And, hey—maybe you can come back next season, and we can meet for real?”
Ren shifts uncomfortably. There’s something heavy hanging about him, something Pearl can’t quite understand. She remembers the last time she’d seen him, skull caved in from the dripstone spike dropped on his head. She remembers her own amnesiacold, the exhaustion that had dragged at her before it had settled in, the memories that had plagued her and just wouldn’t go away. And she wonders—
Just how exhausted would you have to be that your body would have to leave as well as the rest of your self?
Just how sick would you have to be before you didn’t want to come back?
Still, Ren steadies himself. Quirks Tango’s mouth into a smile. “Maybe,” he says, meeting Gem’s gaze. “That would be nice, to meet for real.”
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suzukiblu · 2 days
WIP excerpt for Cheshire behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Is that bad, maybe? That he’s this glad about Lynn being easy for him to like? He’s gonna take care of him the best he can no matter what, just . . . it helps, a little, that Lynn’s this easy to like. Makes it feel less . . . intimidating, maybe. 
Billy likes a lot of people, technically. He likes most of the other League members, and he likes a lot of people he’s met on the street, and he even liked a few of the kids he met in foster care, and obviously he’s always liked Tawky, but . . . 
But it wasn’t really easy to like most of those people, he has to admit. Not after . . . everything. 
He tries. He really tries. But it’s just–not always easy. And he knows it won’t be easy all the time with Lynn either, but . . . 
But it’s nice, just meeting somebody he likes right away. 
“Okay,” Billy says, glancing reflexively towards the windows even though he already knows what the weather’s like. They were just outside, after all, and even if they hadn’t been, the windows are big enough to make it hard to miss either way. “It is a good day for a walk, if you don’t mind another one.” 
“. . . sure,” Lynn says, just a little hesitant again. “Um. It’s . . . okay? To be . . . out that much?” 
“Yeah,” Billy says, wondering where he can even get as much lighter fluid as he’s gonna need to burn down a whole fifty-two levels of underground lab. That might be hard, kinda. Batman would probably wanna know why he’d bought that much, is all. Like, he’d definitely at least ask. Maybe Billy can figure out how ATMs work and just pay for it all in cash, though. That’s an option, anyway. Like, for plausible deniability and whatever. “You can be out as much as–okay, um, not all the time, but mostly as much as you want. Like, if it’s not bedtime or after curfew or anything like that. And, um, please take your phone when you’re out. Definitely take your phone when you’re out. No offense, just you’re still really little and you just got out of the lab, and I don’t want you to get lost or in trouble and not be able to get ahold of me if you need something, you know?” 
“You’d let me go out unsupervised,” Lynn says. It doesn’t really sound like a question, but . . . well, it still kind of sounds like a question. “And if I got in . . . trouble, you’d . . .” 
“I’d come get you,” Billy says immediately. “Or answer your questions or whatever. Whatever you needed.” 
“. . . okay,” Lynn says, shifting his weight a little. Billy wouldn’t really notice, except mostly Lynn doesn’t shift his weight like that. He’s really, really still, actually, and takes up as little space as possible for a kid his size. 
Billy wonders exactly how big that pod actually was, come to think. 
That’s . . . kinda depressing, as a thought. Thought maybe for Lynn it just felt, like . . . like being swaddled, or something? Babies like that, right? Well–he’s overheard people talking about that before, and the wisdom of Solomon seems to agree, so . . . maybe it felt like that, for Lynn. Like, safe and secure and–
Oh. Is that why he was in the closet for so long earlier? 
. . . Billy’s not sure if that’s depressing either. Well–not if it makes Lynn feel better, obviously, and if it is kind of the same idea as being swaddled, he’ll just grow out of it anyway, right? 
Billy definitely needs parenting books. Like–ones for teenagers and newborns.
“Do you wanna go now, or wait like twenty minutes for lunch to settle?” he asks. Little choices, he figures. So Lynn doesn’t get overwhelmed with a whole bunch of them or anything. Also, he still doesn’t know if Lynn did accidentally overeat, so just in case . . . 
“Um,” Lynn says, a brief flash of hesitance flickering across his face. “I–don’t know.” 
“Okay,” Billy says. Still better than a definitive answer that isn’t true, he figures. Like–way, way better. Like–the honest answer is always better, as far as he’s concerned, at least in this kind of situation. 
Lying to supervillains and bad guys is morally and ethically okay, like, eighty percent of the time at least. 
“Spit the difference and wait ten?” he suggests, and Lynn pauses for a moment, and then just shrugs. 
Again: still better than a definitive answer that isn’t true, so Billy’ll work with it. 
“Ten minutes, then,” he says, and then doesn't really know what to do with himself so just . . . goes and sits down on the couch again. They can maybe just talk a bit, he figures. They already had the “no” conversation, and that'll probably need to come up again because it's hard to change behaviors like that, but for now they can just talk about lighter stuff. Small talk or something. He doesn’t wanna overwhelm Lynn with a ton of serious stuff or complicated conversations all in one day. They’ve just met, and Lynn is so young. It’s just, like–weird, if he does that. Like, expecting way too much. Especially after Cadmus force-grew him and stuffed years worth of information into his head all at once. 
Billy thinks it’s fair to give Lynn a break, after that. More than fair. 
Lynn looks at his shoulder instead of meeting his eyes. Billy isn’t worried about it, but notices it. It’s not very subtle, is all. 
“Do you know what kind of books you like?” he says. “Or–well, stories, I guess. Or nonfiction. Or, uh . . . subjects, maybe. Maybe that’d be better. I just dunno how many stories Cadmus told you or if you even like stories, so . . .” 
“Cadmus didn’t tell me stories,” Lynn says. Billy . . . pauses.
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heesdreamer · 1 year
omg can you do a spiderman au
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PAIRING ➩ spiderman! heeseung x reader
SUMMARY ➩ you’re pretty sure that your quiet and mysterious roommate just might be a serial killer… plus he’s weirdly afraid of spiders
WC ➩ 3k
WARNINGS ➩ none really other than descriptions of injuries and the brief mention of series killers lol
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ once again written at 4am and not proofread but im a big spider man nerd so this was fun and a perfect request for me
At this point you were pretty much convinced your roommate had to be a serial killer.
A bold assumption, you are aware, but ever since he moved in about 6 months, eagerly answering a Craigslist ad you had posted with suspiciously little amount of information on his page, you’d been attempting to understand him and his usual habits and this was the most solid conclusion you’d drawn.
Heeseung wasn’t a bad roommate necessarily, he kept in his own space and he very rarely made any messes. Honestly half the time you never even noticed somebody living with you, surprisingly light on his feet for how tall he was. He moved around the apartment silently during the rare times he was actually out of his room at the same time you were.
He was shy too you had noticed judging by the way he’d jump in shock everytime you rounded a corner abruptly or turn red and scamper off back to his man cave whenever you stared at him for a little too long. Not to mention the fact he was absolutely terrified of spiders apparently judging by the way he’d completely panic every time you screeched and announced the presence of one.
These fun fact were harmless though, so why did you think he was a serial killer?
Well the first thing you had noticed that was off about him was the fact he didn’t sleep. It took you almost 4 months to understand why he was always up before you or why he constantly had dark bags under his eyes. Your roommate simply did not sleep, maybe even during the day.
When you had told your friend Jake about this he had joked around that maybe your roommate was just a vampire. Jay, the more reasonable of your trio, had monotonely countered that guess and said that he was probably just a third shift worker and you were too nosy for your own good.
He was completely accurate in the second half of his statement, curiosity running through your veins and causing you to snoop one day while Heeseung was off doing whatever he did during sunlight hours. You’d called off from work sick, faking a pained groaned when your roommate yelled from the living room to announce the fact he was leaving and he hoped you felt better.
The second the front door was clicking shut as it closed off in the distance you had hopped out of bed, throwing your blankets to the side and racing to make sure the coast was truly clear before you began your investigation.
When you cracked open the door to Heeseung’s room after determining it safe to look, you knew you were doing something wrong and being overly invasive. Yet you couldn’t help the excitement that washed over you as you looked around his dark bedroom, somewhere you’d never even caught a glimpse inside before.
His room was spotless which surprised you considering how often he was inside of it, even eating his meals behind the closed door. There were no clothes hanging around and his bed was perfectly made like he’d never even laid on it before. He had a few posters hung up and you marveled at the bands he was seemingly interested in, wondering why he never said anything when he had heard you playing some of the same ones in the kitchen.
Despite being grateful you’d gotten some insight on who he was as a human being, nice to finally discover after all these months sleeping two doors down from a mere stranger, you were disappointed regarding the fact you’d found out absolutely nothing that would explain his weird behavior.
When you met back up with your friends a few days later to give them an update, one that they hadn’t asked for Jay begrudgingly reminded you, they had thought you were absolutely crazy. Even Jake who was originally on board with mission find-out-your-roommates-secret.
So you told then the second thing that you had noticed about the boy.
Heeseung was pretty and that’s one of the first things that drew you to him. After he had answered your ad with zero photos or information on his page other than his name, you’d requested to meet in a public place so you could make sure he wasn’t somebody crazy or trying to scam you. He eventually agreed hesitantly and two weeks later you were sat at a coffee shop as you waited for him to arrive.
The first thing you noted when he had walked in was that he was annoyingly handsome. Immediately followed by the fact he had the most gentle face you’d ever seen, big round eyes peering around the shop anxiously as he tried to spot somebody who looked similarly to your photo on your profile.
When you smiled and waved at him, calling him over to the table you were at, he had given you a small grin of relief and you immediately figured he was harmless.
So when he started to show up late at night, injured and bleeding, you thought that somebody had to be crazy to hurt a person as kind as Heeseung. At first you’d assumed he maybe had been mugged, finding bloody tissues and bandages left over in the bathroom trash one night.
It took three weeks for you to actually catch him coming home, staking out on the couch half asleep after you realized his bruises weren’t healing and more just continued to pop up. He’d staggered into the apartment around 5 in the morning, not noticing you sitting in the dark until you cleared your throat.
His eyes were immediately shooting towards yours, shocking you slightly that he was able to find you so fast considering how dark it was, and you saw his eyes widen from where his face was illuminated by the kitchen light in the distance.
“If somebody is messing with you, we need to go to the police.” Your voice was soft as you broke the tensioned silence, watching the way he tensed up at the last word you said and started to shake his head.
“I’m fine.” He mumbled back but you could hear the wince in his words and one of his hands came up to rest on his ribs.
You were getting off the couch and making your way over to him before he could disappear back into his bedroom and deal with it alone. He stiffened when you gently grabbed his hand and dragged him over to your shared bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet softly as you started to scramble and look for the first aid kit under the sink.
“You don’t have to tell me.” You shook your head as you looked and hoped he was paying attention to you. “But I took first aid in highschool and your wrap jobs are just terrible.”
He let out a little scoff of a laugh and then immediately bent over with a hiss of pain. You snapped your head up to look at him and your heart hurt when you saw the complete state of his face now that you were sat under better lighting.
His face was pretty much swollen or bruised in all areas and your stomach turned thinking about how bad the rest of his body must be. The blood from his split lip was dripping down onto his chin and shirt and you watched as he instinctively tongued at it before wincing in pain at the burning sensation.
You were standing once you found the wraps you were looking for and going back over to him, trying to ignore how cute he looked as he peered up at you from his spot on the toilet seat.
“You’ll need to take your shirt off.” You were whispering awkwardly and he froze for a second but eventually nodded.
Heeseung had been fit when you first met him but you weren’t unaware to the fact he had suddenly bulked up sometime this summer. It had confused you considering he didn’t seem like the type to work out and you couldn’t figure out for the life of you when he could possibly be making time for that, but the results were apparent as he nearly doubled in shoulder and arm width.
He started to try and pull his shirt over his head but he stopped abruptly with a low stretched out groan of pain, putting his arms back to his sides and shaking his head in denial.
You sighed and shifted closer to him, holding the hem at the bottom of his shirt with your fingertips and looking at him for permission. His eyes watched you for a second with a strange expression before he was nodding slowly, trying not to flinch away as you helped him undress and get it safely over his more intense injuries.
It was hard not to over react to the sight of his bruised chest but you didn’t want to upset him or make him less inclined to come to you for help. Heeseung’s body was pretty much a mess of colors, black and blue in most spots but some parts of his skin were tinted yellow like they were a few days old.
You glanced up at his eyes to find him already watching you, a dark expression on his face as he waited for you to say something. You imagined he figured you’d press him for answers about who had done this but you didn’t, nodding softly before moving closer to him so you could gently wrap him in the bandage.
He shivered slightly when your hands touched his skin, your fingertips brushing over him softly as you meticulously wrapped his ribs tightly in the material.
You tried to do a good job despite the fact he was still staring at you, watching you with those big eyes as you avoided meeting them. When you had finally finished he sucked in a deep breath in relief, the pressure helping the pain slightly.
He sat obediently as you continued to try and help relieve his suffering, letting you dab at the cuts on his face with a wet rag and apply ointment over them with trembling hands. When you were finished, neither one of you made a move to leave, so you sat down on the edge of the tub right beside the toilet.
Your knees knocked against his and he glanced at you, shocking you when he extended a hand in your direction. You took it gratefully, yours still shaking, and squeezed his warm skin in thanks.
It was weird for both of you to be in this situation together but it felt strangely natural and intimate. You can’t recall ever touching Heeseung like this or even hanging out with him for as long as this had been stretching on. You wondered if he was realizing the same things as he zoned out slightly.
“Why don’t you let me come with you tomorrow?” You were breaking the silence to suggest and his head whipped up to look at you with fear. “I won’t pry about wherever you go I promise but maybe they’ll leave you alone if you have company.”
He was swiftly turning on the toilet seat so he was facing you, his knee slotting in between yours as he grasped your hand with both of his and gave you a desperate look. “Y/N, look at me.”
“Under no circumstance can that happen.” He was shaking his head and squeezing your hand to properly get his point across. “And you absolutely can’t follow me, you need to promise me this.”
You watched him with a pained expression, feeling frustrated and helpless but also hearing the pure panic and sternness in his tone as he stared at you anxiously waiting for a solid response. He looked terrified at the thought of you going wherever he does and your stomach turned as you got a very bad feeling.
You were flipping your conjoined hands so yours were released and he glanced down at them in confusion but realizing you were wrapping his pinky in yours.
“I promise.” You whispered back to him.
That was the first time you had considered the possibly that Heeseung was into something very dangerous, that you had completely misjudged your soft gentle roommate and he was possibly as axe murderer or some kind of hit man.
“Maybe he’s Spider-Man.” Jake was exclaiming after you’d told them this and a few heads shot your way in the restaurant causing him to duck his head down.
Jay scoffed and rolled his eyes as he said this and you paid him no mind, the suggestion almost making less sense than his previously mentioned vampires. As far as you and the rest of the city were aware, there was only one Spider-Man in the whole world and it simply wasn’t possible that it coincidentally would be your awkward roommate.
“More realistically, he’s one of the bad guys Spider-Man beats up for a living.” You were shaking your head, knowing that statistically it made more sense.
“Why not just follow him then.” Jay was shrugging and taking a bite of his fry nonchalantly. “So what he told you not to, he might be a murderer. Why does what he says matter anyways?”
“He seemed really scared.” You were shaking your head as you sighed and leaned back in your seat. “I’m not going to die just because I’m too curious for my own good.”
“Well… we could always come with you if you’re worried.” Jake was slowly suggesting.
You glanced at him in surprise, not having thought of that for some reason. You looked over at Jay and expected to see him with a scowl, denying the idea of spying on your roommate on his only day off but he was surprisingly calm looking, shrugging his shoulders when he realized you were waiting for his opinion.
So that’s how you wound up in your current situation, ducking low inside Jake’s car with dark clothes and beanies on. You’d been preforming your amateur stake out for only two hours but there’d been no sign of Heeseung leaving your apartment building that you were currently parked in front of.
“Are you sure he’s even going to come out?” Jake was whispering from the drivers seat and you sat up to listen to him closer, elbows resting on the middle console between the two boys.
“He does every night.” You whispered back with a shrug and almost like you had summoned him, your roommate was slipping out from the lobbies from door and looking around his surrounding areas before starting to speed walk down the street.
Jake made a celebratory noise and started the car slowly, peeling off in a slow cruise around the block as you waited to see which direction Heeseung was going to turn to next. It’d been a few minutes of watching him before guilt started to settle in.
“Should we be doing this?” You sighed and rested your chin over Jay’s shoulder who was only paying half attention to the operation going on.
“Well he is kind of suspicious.” He murmured and you glanced at him from the corner of your eye as you waited for him to explain more thoroughly. “He looks over his shoulder every three seconds and he just totally ducked into that alley over there.”
Jay was right you realized as you picked your head up, not noticing you had completely lost sight of your roommate. Jake slowed to a stop behind a few cars, up the street from the alley Jay saw him disappear into and you waited to see if he would come back out or if there was maybe a secret business or club residing back there in the darkness.
It was only about 30 seconds before something was shooting out of the alley and the three of you froze, jaws dropping open almost comically as you pieced together what it was that you had just potentially saw.
“Oh no fucking way.” Jay was sitting up in his seat and showing his widest range of emotion and interest, finally seemingly invested in this situation as he leaned forward to try and look outside the front window. “Dude that was…”
“Spider-Man.” Jake was exclaiming excitedly, hollering as he gripped the steering wheel and shook it slightly, glancing back at you with a childish amount of happiness on his face.
Despite the superhero’s alarmingly large presence in the city and the feeling that he was constantly looking over everybody’s shoulder, you hadn’t actually ever seen him for yourself until he just swung his way out of the alley and off into the city skyline.
You were ignoring the two boys excitement and jumping from the car, their yells of confusion as they told you to come back bleeding off into the distance as you sprinted towards the alley. Half of you expected to see a bloody Heeseung sprawled against its wet cement floor but the other half wasn’t that surprised when you spotted nothing but his sweater and pants carefully folded and tucked away.
You could hear your friends shoes against the sidewalk before you saw them and they paused when they realized what you were approaching, grabbing the clothes in your hands and turning to look at them.
“Well fuck.”
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kawaiiwritingcomputer · 2 months
Hello✨ May i request a Headcanons for Yandere Genos & Garou? Thank you very much!
🍄: hi hi! Absolutely!!!! i love Garou so much >< i hope you liked these! i’m still trying to get use to writing :3
Yandere Genos Headcanons:
Genos is intelligent and calculative
I just also believe him to be a delusional yandere who just wants to keep you safe
It doesn’t matter what you refer to him as either. He just knows that you’re his and he’s yours.
Genos is always watching over you. He used some of Child Genius’s tech to give to Dr. Kuseno to have access to watch you all the time
He’s watches you all the time and you’re unaware of it
whether you find it overwhelming or charming doesn’t matter to him! he’s always going to be be your side
if you didn’t accept him as yours and still tried “seeing” other people. it’s not like you’d get the chance. Nobody wants to upset Demon Cyborg™️
nobody even understands why it’s such a big deal! and that can be more frustrating if you’re resisting him. You have the perfect “boyfriend” what more could you want?
Him constantly being around you. Pressure from the public who doesn’t understand he’s a stalker!
You do slowly accept your fate with him
Even though it was unsettling at first, having food be cooked for you all the time was slowly becoming a perk. How did he get in? it doesn’t matter (he has a copy)
Genos understands human relationships concepts and does his best accordingly. but his little yandere bug just messes with him sometimes
His grips gets a little too tight if somebody else is talking to you too long but he’ll softly let go if you say ouch
again your safety matters, so he never wants to harm you
It’s a good thing you didn’t force him to have to hurt you. It’s a good thing you accepted him early on
Yandere Garou Headcanons:
The hottest and coldest mf to have as your yandere
You can feel when he’s near just by the piercing gaze of his. You can’t see him but he sees you and you know it
You can’t escape him either
He comes and goes as he pleases with the “soft” reminder that you’re his
You helped him once not realizing who he was
ever since he decided you were his to keep and his keeper as well
You would try to report him but with him always being gone and no evidence of destruction, you’re waved off as boy who cried wolf
Now that nobody’s gonna help you. Garou feels inclined to do whatever
He’s not sleeping on the couch. He’s sleepin in your bed. (he’s gentleman and gives space while sleeping but you both always wake up in each others arms, much to your “displeasure”)
He’s a leech. doesn’t do anything around the house! what a bum
But when you do warm up to him, those nice little hugs from the behind and weird awkward compliments are a little charming
if he wasn’t a self proclaimed hero killer
it’s best to get use to him. Neither of you are leaving this “relationship” if ever.
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Scent corruption
I’d like to corrupt somebody with my scents. Like step by step making things more intense. Until my smell is enough to make them feel horny, subby, desperate and safe. Until masturbating is only pleasurable for them with my smell there. Until all worries fade once they smell me. It would start nice and casually by making you smell me every time we are together or having sex. Making you smell me when you are worshipping me. Making you wear my clothes so my scent lingers. Just my cologne, my body odor or my perfume around you during moments of rest, pleasure and servitude. Before making these smell worshipping more frequent, more filthy and more intense.
Think about sniffing my musky boxers. Maybe before you go to bed, smelling a pair of my musky boxers while rubbing yourself nice and wet. Reminding yourself of the kinky sex we had before. Or maybe you’ll sniff my boxers during a session, while I’m still wearing them. Pressing your pretty face against my bulge and making you sniff while playing with your own pussy. Only allowing you to touch yourself if you are smelling me. Or about me pushing my boxers against your face while fucking you from behind. Think about all the scents mixing. My musk, my sweat, my cock and pre-cum. And in your mind the only time you are allowed pleasure, is when smelling me. That’s how I’ll condition and corrupt you.
Think about smelling my clothes. Me allowing you to wear my sweater, shirts or jackets. So you get used to my smell. It becoming this safe-space of yours. This reminder of me. Of us. Of our roles. As you sleep in my clothes and walk around in them too.
Think about sniffing my balls and cock. Every single time we start a session I’ll make you kneel and sniff my dick. Kiss it. Worship it. Every single morning or night we spend together. I instruct you to rub your face against my cock until you stink of dick. Stink of me. Marked by me. As pre-cum covers your face. The scent alone being alone to make you wet and needy. After all the only moment I’ll allow you to cum, is while sniffing my cock and balls. The scent alone putting you into a subby headspace. One ready to serve and pleasure. One ready to breed and feel my hot semen pump inside your hole. Think about having this dick sniffing routine with me that corrupts you to the core.
Think about sniffing my ass. And being made to kiss and smell my asscheeks at random moments throughout the day. You want to masturbate and cum? Enjoy some relaxing time? Earn praise and attention?have me reward you? You need my permission by first kneeling down and pressing your pretty face between my ass. Sniffing and worshipping the smell of my asshole. Taking big fucking whiffs of my body smell and even rimming me. Only allowing you to masturbate once your face stinks off my ass and then not allowing you to wash your face until later. Letting the smell of my ass and body be something as part of your daily routine.
Just think about it. Being made to sniff my body. My feet. My armpits. My big fat cock. My ass. My sweat. My pre-cum. My cum. My cologne. My freshly showered smell. My sweaty smell. Every single day. Before bed. When waking up. When wanting to cum or masturbate. Before dates. At the start of sessions and after. Just corrupting you. Day by day making you more addicted and desperate for all my scents. Like the good little slave/slut you are.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
In Stars and Time AU: Sif Puts The Star In Starcraft
Wow the ISAT fandom has a lot of cool AUs. That's a lot of fun! What if my extremely good buddy @lazuliquetzal theorized while playing ISAT for the first time that Sif was a fallen star? What then? What if I have unsuccessfully tried to restrain myself from talking about it?
Anyway AU where Sif is a star and also a gamer.
Sif is a hip Gen Z star who doesn't go outside nearly enough and spends all of their time playing videogames watching Earth. Their sibling Loop is always telling them to stop touching grass and to get their head back in the clouds, but they can't help it - they might miss the newest adventures of their favorite humans! Look at them, they're questing! Aren't they so cool? Isabeau just got a rare item drop!
Mirabelle and Isabeau are cool. They're brave, strong, nice, and best friends. Sif loves watching their heroic quest and cool adventures. After a while they even feel like his real friends. Eventually they start making a wish on themself - if they could only join them on their adventure! Get out of my room Loop I don't know what a parasocial relationship is.
Mirabelle is scared. Mirabelle is worrying that she's leading Isabeau on a doomed journey, that their struggle is destined to end in their deaths. She doesn't know if she can do this at all. Why her? Why not somebody more competent, more worthy? In a moment of desperation, she clasps her hands together and makes a desperate wish upon a star from the very bottom of her heart - that her party will be protected. That the Change God will send somebody to help them and keep them safe and save the world. Somebody, anybody, a little more competent than her.
Sif logs on.
Sif is a stroke of luck. Sif is mysterious, cool, and very talented. Sif can protect the whole party with a smirk on their face and a quip on their tongue. They're cool. He cheers you up, he's reliable, they're strong, and they are a treasured member of the party. They're a treasured friend. Things might be hard and scary, but with Sif there everybody breathes a little easier.
Sif loves, loves, loves being a human! The world is so fun and exciting, nothing like the boring and dreary cosmos! They have croissants, trees, friends! Being a human is great. They have an entire life on Earth, one way nicer than in the boring old sky that never changes. Sorry, Loop, they're skipping dinner, they have a World of Warcraft guild raid adventure with Mira today!
Sif has a job to do. Sif's here to grant a wish, and Sif is going to earn his place here. They protect the spirits of their friends by joking and keeping everybody hopeful. No friends get injured on their watch! Even if Sif gets hurt, that's part of the job. Bonnie's just upset about the eye because they don't know it's Sif's job as their friend to protect them. There's no point in feeding them during snacktime, so they'll patrol while you guys relax. Sif can't tell them how lonely they are or how they don't want this adventure to end, that's burdening them. They can't know that Sif's not really their friend, that they're not human, that their only point is their job - that's not protecting them. Get out of my ROOM PLANET, Loop, I'm NOT turning off the game touching space! It's not a game to them, it's their lives. Even if it'll never be Sif's.
But this adventure is drawing to a close. Mirabelle wished upon a star, and a star fell, and the star's about to grant her wish. And the star will have to log off. Even if the star wants to a be human, even if the star wants to be together forever - the game ends. Even if this ending really freaking sucks.
Why does this have to be a JRPG? Why can't it be one of the good games, the games that you can play forever and ever - like a farming/life simulator or an MMORPG or something? Where you do the same chores every day and nothing ever changes, and you're happy and safe in this little town forever? Everybody seperating at the end isn't a happy ending. Sif hates this ending. Sif hates this genre. Sif can't log off. They can't protect their friends if they log off. It's their job to protect their friends. They have to play the game right and create an ending that makes sure everybody is safe and happy and everything's perfect.
The party - Sif's family - reaches the third floor. Sif cracks open his Star AO3 account. Mirabelle unlocks the door and swings it open to find…
What's a coffee shop doing here?
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falconearring · 1 year
goood day! hope you're doing splendid
if you have the time, would you mind explaining a bit of the lore of your au so far? I'm very interesting in lot of mechanics of aus, and apart from whatever bits you've dropped about the gang and what they're upto, is there any specifics you'd like to add on as a note? this isn't about spoilers, and if doing so might reveal some then it's completely understandable!
I'm really interested in how your story progresses and if not the above, id love to hear what you think so far about it and what you think of the thoughts of people, like their interpretations if have any! thank you for taking the time for this and its completely fine if you don't want to answer
apologies if I came off as rude or too assuming, and for the rather long ask ahah
thank you again! have a great day or night ahead! take care
Hey thank you so much for dropping this in my inbox!! You taking interest warms my heart!
I'm gonna use this ask as a means to drop these headshots and notes. Below is every person who currently resides at the repurposed logging yard. They call themselves the Hermits. All of these people will appear at least once in the comic, and I'm going to do my best to include these little bits of info within the actual story too!
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Other members of traffic/life smp will also appear, they just aren't associated with the group established here. So Scott, Lizzie, Jimmy, Martyn, Bigb, Scar and Grian are going to make an appearance later.
As for the setting, we're 2 years into the apocalypse at this point. There are safe guarded cities, but these places are far away from where the story is taking place. The Hermits have pretty much been living their lives completely isolated from other people as a means of keeping safe.
Weather in this universe can be a bit extreme, as the world faces an imminent climate crisis a few years before the zombies start appearing inexplicably. Space stations were in the midst of being established before the apocalypse, with hopes that humanity could reestablish itself in outer space. When it hit, much of the remaining human race was evacuated from the planet as a last ditch effort. The status of the shuttles that were sent up is unknown. The stations being set up really weren't ready to be inhabited so soon, so its kind of iffy whether or not things are going much better up there.
Early into the apocalypse, helicopters would fly overhead looking for survivors and escort them back to safe zones and launch sites. This stopped not long after though, and whether or not they're going to start looking for survivors again is unknown.
As for the zombies themselves, the 'science' behind them is beyond anyone's understanding. Upon being bitten, the body instantaneously progresses through the stages of decomposition and takes on a sickly kind of bruised look. As far as any one can tell, there is no brain activity beyond this point, but the bodies still move inexplicably. Kind of a night of the living dead situation. Important to note that much like a human, if the heart or brain is destroyed they will die, despite not having a functioning nervous or circulatory system. I'm taking a distinctly supernatural approach to them because I just think it's cool.
I have no clue what year this is set in, but the Hermits are residing in the wilderness somewhere in Canada. I'll touch on pretty much all the above within the comic as well, but I thought there was no harm in sharing anyhow because you asked so nicely!
As for the second half, people have said a couple interesting things. Sadly I can't comment on a lot of it because it dips into spoilers! Somebody said they find it funny that Bdubs is probably freaking out while Etho is just chilling and that's absolutely spot on and made me laugh.
Thanks for such a detailed ask, anon! And thanks for your patience, I had to think about what I wanted to say ^_^ Hopefully this is what you were looking for, hope you have a fantastic day!
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mkeyztrm · 2 months
- cigarettes after sex
“ and I’m kissing you, lying in my room. holding you until you fall asleep, and it’s just as good as I knew it would be. Stay with me, I don’t want you to leave. ”
Warnings(?): Toxic parents, 🍃 (barely)
nick sturniolo x m!reader(?)
I’ve never really written something like this before, so please keep that in mind 😭
Idk if this would be considered an m!reader thingy, but the character in first person is a male! I hope that makes sense 😞
All it took was the contact we made between our eyes, which ironically enough are also polar opposites.
Outside of my apartment complex stands a statue probably about a billion years old, it’s completely abandoned but it works as a perfect escape for when the world comes crashing down. I go there nearly every day, it’s really the only physical place I can go when shit gets rough at home. I can’t help but feel trapped in my own house whenever my parents have their little arguments, it’s like they forget they even have a kid. Today they started arguing because the dishes weren’t done, and somehow that just set off all of the missles in my mother’s heart, she snapped. So that’s why I’ve decided to go to the statue today, it’s my safe space when I don’t have one.
The area around me is swollen with plants, dark green vines wrapped around the chipped stone i sit on. As I’m walking down and pass the grassy corner I come to a sudden stop when I hear familiar footsteps around my spot. I slowly step forward and peek around to see a beautiful boy, around my age. His pretty brown hair is emphasized by the sunlight, and his heartstopping eyes are as well. I recognize him as the boy who lives down the hall, I’ve seen him a few times when I’ve had to leave the house. We’ve never spoke other than a simple “hey” or “hi”
“Hello? Hi sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
I quickly apologized before turning around. As I take my first step forward I hear his soothing voice.
“No, no you’re okay. I’m just taking pictures of the area. Do you want to join me?”
“If that wouldn’t be an issue, then yeah. I just need to get out of the house for a minute, you know?”
He watches me as I sit down, then he sits down next to me while he lowers his camera to his side. I can tell he’s as awkward as me, he’s just better at hiding it than I am.
“My name’s Nick, Nick sturniolo. What’s yours?”
“Oh, uh. My name is Jakson. Spelt J-A-K. You can just call me Jak though if you’d prefer.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jak.”
“Nice to meet you too, Nick”
with a smile across my face i look over to my right jacket pocket and pull out a lighter. I looked at him and gestured towards it, offering him a hit. He nods his head and says “Sure, why not. I’m not doing anything later anyway.” I hand him my lighter, then I hand him a joint that I pulled out of my pocket along with the lighter.
“But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then.”
Minutes turn into hours, hours turn into four more. Throughout our sesh we shared our reasoning for hanging out here so often. His surprised me, I didn’t expect him to be a triplet, let alone the oldest. He explained to me in full depth that he comes out here whenever his brothers get to be too obnoxious, or whenever he doesn’t want to participate in one of their stupid joke arguments. He told me that he loves them very much, he just needs some time for him self as well. I didn’t know somebody could understand me that well.
“And I’m taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall.”
As time goes by, my head ends up on his thighs. My head resting on him while we watch the stars together. He let out a soft giggle whenever I’d point out a constellation or a shooting star, and for some reason that made both myself and my heart happy. Being with him made my heart skip a beat everytime he spoke. I never knew it was possible to become so close to someone in only a day. I looked back up at him, and he looked down at me. He let out a smile, so I did too.
God, my heart was racing so fast. You guys just met, and you’re already each other’s only friend. Is it shameful to have these thoughts about some boy you’ve only seen in a hallway before this? Before I could continue thinking, he placed his hand on my head and gently stroked my head with that grin on his face. He kept eye contact with me, and put his other hand on my head as well.
I think I’ve finally fallen for somebody.
“Think I like you best when you’re just with me, and no one else.”
After a long while the sun starts to come up, but I’m still rested on his lap. He looked down at me, I looked back up at him.
nick holds my face tight and gently presses his soft lips against mine, leaving me no time to react. Not that I needed to react, he’s so heavenly. He grabs my hand and stands up so I stood up with him. I can tell he wants to say something, but his face shows his thoughts are jumbled.
“Could I get your number? I think we should come out here again and hangout. Next time I’ll bring a blanket and snacks if we’re out here for that long again.”
“Oh definitely. My number is (xxx)xxx-xxxx. Feel free to text me anytime you want, boy. I’ll always be available for you.”
we walked up to the apartment building together, he made sure I got home safe. Before i walked inside of my house I made sure to smile and wave. I waited until he had walked away to shut the door.
I made my way back to my bedroom and passed out asleep the moment I hit my mattresses. I love this boy.
HIII thanks for reading 🫶
I’m so sorry if this is bad, I really only write poems and I’m dyslexic as hell. I just wanted to write something for the first time and see how it went.
Please do not criticize this in the replies, I’m overly sensitive and will take it to heart 😭. /gen
@inlovewithmattstur lord how do you write so fast.
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caseylicious · 2 years
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Summary: How does Leo react to a reader who's constantly tired?
Character: Leo
Reader: GENDER NEUTRAL (not specified)
Relationship: Romantic! (not specified)
Warnings: none!
Tags: @poisonsprinkles27
A/N: Personally, I'm somebody who's usually always tired. So I placed some of my own experiences within this request!
Also, I literally with all my heart could not think of anything else for the other brothers. So take Leo- 💙
As always! Please, Enjoy 💐
[ If you have any constructive criticism or corrections for any of my English do let me know! :) ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
You never really understood it. Most of your classmates seemed to go through the day without any struggle. Having enough energy to just memorize that scientific formula needed for the exam, why couldn't you? That was the fault of not getting enough sleep and vitamins.
Your body wasn't like most people. You just didn't seem to have enough energy to go through the whole day. While others may have completed notes and clear understanding of the lesson, you slept. Sleeping in class felt like bliss, it was so calming. The way the sound of the teacher talking just became muffled, was just so mesmerizing. How the classroom suddenly became your own land of imagination. There wasn't a clear way to explain it... but it just felt nice. At first you just slept in class not being able to pay attention. Then it escalated to your own time of doing simple tasks. Finally, it got so bad to where you didn't have the energy to do anything.
And having a boyfriend which valued your health. Noticed your lack of energy soon becoming concerned.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
💙 Leo
He noticed you struggled a bit in class, but never commented on it. Since you didn't seem to be bothered by it.
You were just a bit... Sluggish. He loved you, of course! Just you weren't as energetic as him.
Then you suddenly began to sleep around him whenever you came over. Which he found adorable. He enjoyed how you felt safe enough to stay with him, it's the reason however he has many photos of you both together on his bed.
But you were always tired.
He wanted to do something else than just lay around in bed! You both could be skateboarding or at least talking about each other's day.
And he began to refuse to let you take a random nap, ranting about Jupiter Jim with you. Noticing how you looked always looked tired.
At first he thought you were just bored of him ranting. So he tried limiting himself from talking, but coming over to your place. He brought food that Mikey made.
Offering you some, it took you longer than needed for one bite. He immediately became worried.
Leo went off to his disaster-like twin to ask about your lack of energy. Donnie explained to Leo that you just didn't have the same amount of energy like other people, because of how you lacked a regular sleep schedule.
With this information, he went off to send random texts of encouragement. While he always had text you "goodnight" he's made sure, he made it really clear.
Maybe with him sleeping you'd feel encouraged to do the same? And it worked, not immediately though.
You seem more energized to certain tasks and didn't always sleep! Your grades seemed to increase too, so Leo kept that to his heart.
But even though he enjoyed your sleep schedule regulating, he'll always let you sleep around him in his room.
A loud cackle could be heard in the lair. In your boyfriend's room, his arm was around your shoulder. "W- what did they even try doing in that video??" You giggled, "They tried doing a backflip babe." You felt him push his cheek onto yours. Your giggles becoming louder. "Well obviously I know that! I meant why!! You silly-" You raised your hands up towards him, "Mercy!! I'm sorryy!!"
Leo smirked holding you close. It was warm day, and you felt a little tired. He noticed you were staring into space due to the sudden silence. He smiled gently adjusting his position for you to lay on top of his plastron. You looked into his eyes; confused. "..Hm? Leo what are you planning now..." You yawned.
"Nothing, nothing. If I were to plan something I would've done it by now wouldn't I?" You shrugged, too tired to answer. He felt comfortable and you didn't want to waste an opportunity like this...
Your boyfriend only stared as you dissociated with the world. Watching as you closed your eyes, he placed his hand on top of your head. Patting your head gently with a smile. While he worried for your amount of energy through the day... he loved moments like this. "I love you."
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
I hope this isn’t a weird request, but since you’re my absolute FAVE smut author I gotta ask. Since we got the threesome with the fives I’m BEGGING for one with y/n, even if it’s just a dream. Up to you but would love one xoxo
How very dare you, I'm a good Christian woman! 😲 Just kidding- I'm trash. Of course it's not a weird request. Also, thank you for saying that, it's nice to be somebody's favorite. ❤️ Here you go
Two Items of Business | Five Hargreeves/ f Reader 2.1k words
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Even in the coldest nights alone in the apocalypse, Five could never bring himself to regret what he was. Although his power had gotten him into that situation in the first place and was then too underdeveloped to get him out, it was the thing that made him special: exceptional. 
Since then, he’d developed his thinking as well as his power. In his mid sixties, he’d finally grown up and come to a real understanding beyond surface acceptance: being special or exceptional by birth wasn’t a point of pride. On the contrary, the most special person he knew had no power like his and, in most conventional ways, was entirely unremarkable.  
Even so, Five’s power was part of him, integral to him. Regretting that he had his power would be like regretting that he had a nervous system.  So no: far from regretting that time and space travel was a frequent occurrence in his life, he loved it…and he never loved it more than the day he entered his bedroom to find his wife struggling with his wife held tight in a headlock. 
“You here to kill me? Is that it? You think you can take my place or something?” you said, tightening your elbow on her windpipe as she tried to throw you off. 
“Shit.” he murmured, blinking over and breaking it up as quickly as possible: releasing her from the grip of your arm and placing himself between the two of you. He stretched an arm each way, a hand on each of your chests to keep you at a safe distance. The other you staggered backwards, massaging her throat, breathing harshly and eyeing you with a look of hatred that you paid back double. 
smut below cut
He took in your appearance more closely: both were shining with the light film of sweat indicative of the experience of Paradox Psychosis. You were dressed identically, both in the short velvet skirt that was a favorite of his and wearing the same pair of high heels. Both chests heaved, breasts looking particularly full tonight as they strained against a tight crop top. Both of you scratched at yourselves compulsively, the itching too violent to ignore.
He knew he should be focusing here, trying to find out why his wife’s doppelganger had appeared and working to fix the timeline, but something about the pair of them, enraged and dressed like they were about to rub their asses against him sinfully on a dancefloor sent almost all practical concerns out of his mind. 
“Are you okay?” he said, addressing the version of you who came off worst in the tussle. She nodded and, reassured, he continued. This was a rare opportunity.  “I find myself in an interesting situation,” he said, smiling at the pair of them in that self-satisfied way he knew had the capacity to drop their panties in a nanosecond. 
They both scowled identically- beautifully, in his opinion. It made him laugh: they knew exactly what he was getting at. He removed his restraining hands, trusting them for now not to attack.
“The way I see it,” he continued, “we got two items of business that can be solved the same way,” he held up one finger and looked significantly from wife to the other, drawing their attention like a charismatic college professor. 
“Numero Uno, you ladies have a nasty case of Paradox Psychosis on your hands.”
You both made noises to object and deny the charge, but he waves them away and raises a second finger. 
“And two, you got a debt that just came due,” he felt he gleeful smile as it spread across his face. 
When you made the deal, he never expected you to have to uphold your end of the bargain. When a doppelganger of his had appeared, intent on saving your life, you had a threesome on the condition that you’d return the favor if the situation ever presented itself…and, unbelievably, the situation had just presented itself.
“We know that male orgasm temporarily cures paradox psychosis, so I think we should experiment to see if the same is true of women. You could even argue it’s our duty, actually. For science, you know?”
One of you rolled your eyes and scoffed while the other shook her head disapprovingly at his lame justification. 
“Come on…” he said, coaxingly, “you know there’s enough of me to go around.”
Briefly, the two of you looked at each other. Five could see the venom in that look, but also the decision. His excitement rose at the sudden understanding that this actually was going to happen.
“This doesn’t mean I’m not going to snap your neck,” you said, darkly.
“Likewise,” the doppel replied.
Five was too busy eating the sight up with his eyes to object to this exchange. They both turned back to him and began to remove their scant layer of clothing. Beneath, they wore underwear identical but for color: both wore lingerie in fine lace: red on one permutation of you and black on the other. Strange- he’d never been able to decide whether red or black was his favorite color on you. Both, of you he noticed, left your heels on, elongating legs that already drew his admiring eye under normal circumstances. Already, his dick was starting to strain against the cotton of his underwear. 
“So how is this going to work?” the other you asked, leaning over to remove her skirt in a way that gave him a spectacular view of her tits, “you going to get us off first?”
“Makes sense,” you agreed with her, reluctantly, “we should get rid of her paradox psychosis early.”
“Your paradox psychosis,” the other you spat back. 
“I’m afraid not, ladies.” said Five, calling their attention back to him, “Oh no, you’re gonna have to earn it.”
He looked at you both, at your irritated faces. Perhaps he should have felt bad, but he didn’t:  an opportunity like this didn’t come along very often. 
“You’re an asshole in every timeline, I see”, said the doppelganger. 
“You know it, baby,” he said, winking. As he unbuckled his belt, he raised an ironic eyebrow.
“So, why don’t you both suck my dick?”
To his surprise, with barely a moment of hesitation, the pair of you knelt, suddenly eager. Two pairs of the eyes he could always sink into are looking up at him, expectantly, like baby birds waiting to be fed. 
And he was happy to oblige.
His hands fumbled at his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping. You, in the red lingerie, caught at his waistband and pulled down his pants and underwear in one, allowing his boner to leap free. He was already uncomfortably hard with the anticipation of this and his flushed skin tingled pleasantly in reaction to the colder air outside pants. Both of his wives made small, appreciative noises, looking at his arousal with hungry eyes. Their expressions made his tip ache. As you helped him to step out of his pants, the other you took the opportunity of your preoccupation to swallow Five’s entire dick, giving you no space to wrap your mouth around him. 
His hips leapt forward at the unexpectedness. Heat bolted into his stomach and an almost bovine groan tore its way up his throat and out of his mouth. His hands, without his conscious permission, tangled in her hair to hold her head in place. Immediately, he fucked her throat, squishing her nose tightly against his pubis, hips ceaselessly trying to get deeper and deeper with his messy thrusts. Her mouth was filling with saliva, just adding to his sensation: warm, wet, tight. 
“Oh fuck, you take that so well,” he all-but whimpered.
Usually by this time, she would need a break to breathe, but not tonight: she was taking his cock like a champ. He could feel her throat relaxing and contracting around him deliciously, like the muscles of her pussy might. He bent over her head like a rutting dog, reaching his dick deeper and deeper. 
Clearly, you weren’t happy to let him forget about you, because soon he felt another mouth on him from behind, kissing his thighs and encouraging him to open his legs. He adjusted his posture to give you access. He gasped as you gently licked at one of his balls. When you took it into your mouth and sucked, he actually whined. After giving the other ball the same treatment, you placed soft kisses in a line up his taint. He made another small noise as he realized you were positioning yourself to rim him. 
“Oh my God,” he said, as much out of disbelief as pleasure. 
This surely couldn’t be happening? He’d never even fantasized about this idea, but the way his dick jumped in the other’s throat told him that he might be about to have an experience that would achieve pride of place in his mental spank-bank.
Your tongue wriggled against his asshole and he stopped thrusting immediately, lest he come in fewer than three pumps. The feeling wss like nothing he’d felt before: there was no slow build towards the edge. Instead, the orgasm reared, like an orchestra throwing away the sheet music and immediately playing the crescendo, the strings cutting into him with stomach-churning strength.
He gave a long, tense, drawn out, groan. He was torn, trying to simultaneously enjoy the feeling and not shoot his load too soon. Sensing this, the other you slid her lips back up his dick and, instead, licked softly at his tip.
There were two tongues on him: both stimulating the two of the most sensitive areas on his body. Though he was now further from the edge, the feeling was torturously intense. If the rest of the orchestra had quietened, the strings were still going: dueling fiddles more than filling the place previously occupied by the entire brass, woodwind and percussion sections. He screwed up his eyes and whispered dirty nonsense as the sloppy noises against his asshole intensified: you were swirling the tip of your tongue around his rim. 
“Holyfuckingshit…such a fucking slut- such a good girl. Oh yes…oh god, you’re perfect. My ass taste good? You fucking suck me again. Swallow me, baby.”
The other you obeyed, but this time his thrusts were longer, alternately pushing his dick into her throat as his hips surged forwards and then pushing your tongue past the slight resistance of his tight ring of muscle as his hips pulled back. He had a hand on the back of both of your heads now, pushing you both closer to the centers of his pleasure. His hips continued this-
- controlled movement as long as he could, but it didn’t take long before he couldn't keep it up any more. He held out for longer than three pumps, but not much longer. He came with a shout and harsh surges of vibrato. He was blinded by stars.
He awoke, the bedsheets tangled around him, heart rate high.
“Are you ok, darling?”
He took a moment to realize, lifting his head briefly off the pillow. As he moved, he could feel his erection shift against his stomach. Of course it was a dream: two of you prepared to fuck him, wearing skimpy clothes and lingerie? The way the Paradox Psychosis had just disappeared when it was erotically convenient? No wonder you weren’t suffering from the excessive gas- that wouldn't have been sexy. Hell, he’d even imagined your breasts larger than they really were. 
Even though wet dreams were a long way behind him, he was slightly dismayed to feel a small patch of precome soaking into his pajama pants. Still, to be woken by a good dream for once was a nice change from his usual nocturnal experiences. 
“I’m fine,” he said, slightly out of breath and voice still heavy with sleep, “I was dreaming. Sorry.”
You looked down at him with concern. 
“You were tossing and turning a lot.”
“Don't worry, I’m fine,” he said, as you ran your hand lovingly through his slightly sweaty hair.
“Come here, sweet guy,” you said, holding your arms open to him. He could hear rather than see the loving smile in your voice in the darkness of your bedroom.
He helped you disentangle him from the sheets and happily snuggled up against you, his nose buried in your hair and lips beside your ear. Even without two of you to drive him mad with your tongues, he knew he was still the luckiest man in the world: completely and utterly undeserving of you. One of you was more than enough for the likes of him.
After a moment, you kissed his cheek and spoke softly:
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Hidden from your view, he smirked. Slowly, deliberately, he moved his hips in a single, luxuriant grind, rubbing his still excited cock sinfully against your groin. As it poked suggestively between your thighs, he whispered low in your ear.
“It was a really good dream.”
Request masterlist >> HERE
NOTE: Heh. The dream idea was too good to resist. He deserves a nice sex dream rather than a PTSD night terror for once.
I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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so i know the members each have their moonmate but are there certain members who prefer to hang out or relax with someone else? for example chan and reader are moonmates but is there someone else that chan would prefer to talk to after a hard day or would he still talk to reader? or anyone that was available to listen?
So, author is gonna answer this one. Hey there! 😊
You're absolutely right on point with this ask-each member has their moonmate, but there are absolutely people they would prefer to go to for hard days, accomplishments, etc.
Just like in real life-you can have a partner that you absolutely love and adore, but hey, maybe there's someone else in your life-a best friend, a parent, a sibling-that is just better at helping you with certain things.
So I guess, the short answer is yes.
Like Chan, for instance, in your example. His go to is Minho.
Because Chan knows Minho won't judge him for all the things going on in his head at any given time. Chan knows Minho can talk him down when he's overthinking, explain things to him in a different light and give him a no nonsense, straight answer about where he stands in a situation, no bias reflected.
Minho's grounded and cynical parts of his personality perfectly fit with all of Chan's passionate and altruistic parts.
Because sometimes, you just need your partner to tell you you're being too nice and to stop thinking and fuck somebody up.
(Y/N) likes to go to the omegas when she's had one of those days-because they tend to veer toward comfort and listening, which is what she needs. She doesn't need someone to *fix* the issues, which is what the other alphas would try to do, she just needs to vent and cry and get over it in a safe space and then she can kick ass on her own.
The betas prefer each other-because they both understand what it's like to be part of a marginal group that other people might not understand.
Seungmin sometimes goes to Minho, because they're both personality centered, quiet and introverted, sharp when needed, and soft when accepted.
Felix and Hyunjin's comfort buddy is Changbin-he's their emotional support hyung in every sense of the word.
Changbin relies on Chan-he's not much of a talker or emoter when something is wrong, doesn't want a lot of emotion, so they tend to just know when each other is off, and Chan offers to sit with him in the studio in silence, just soaking in each other's company while they work on something to pull Changbin from his head.
Jeongin relies on Chan-to tell him he's okay, to soothe his worries, to celebrate his accomplishments. He knows his moonmate gets him better than anyone.
Minho is funny, because Minho doesn't often break, but when he does he needs everyone. The whole pack.
And that's okay. <3
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ladypiscesmoon · 4 months
Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey
This reading was done on 13th of February
*all alleged and for entertainment purposes only*
Obviously the chemistry in fellow travelers is great. It made me wonder about the feelings of Matt and Jonathan for each other. Just costars? Is it a great friendship? Is it more? Here’s what I pulled:
Prism oracle
Happiness, rest, rejection, magic
Both of them are feeling a deep connection. It makes them happy and they were happy to do this series together. When they contact each other, they feel like they’re back in a safe bubble. But life isn’t living in a bubble. Both are afraid of these feelings. The feeling of being right together.
One of them has rejected the other, or is afraid he will be prejected if he talks about his feelings. I have a strong feeling that’s Jonathan. Either he’s rejected by Matt (who is married, so obviously this is a huge obstacle, and it’s taking its toll on Matt), or Jonathan doesn’t talk about it because he doesn’t want to be rejected.
I literally heard: “Give it a rest”
As for Magic, both feel their bond is magical, truly something special. And they hold that close to their hearts.
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Romance angel deck
Soulmate, codependency, very soon, separation
Thoughts: this connection feels as nothing else they have ever felt. Instant attraction, as if looking in a mirror, soulmate connection.
One or both leaning too much on somebody. Matt holding on to what he has and knows. You don’t leave your marriage for nothing. Both afraid what’s gonna happen in the future.
Very soon: wanting to meet up soon, but can’t.
Separation: giving each other space, but having a hard time with separation
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Secret language of the soul
Rest and review your path:
Thoughts: Are you happy with your life? Is this what you want? Thinking about change, reviewing life. Missing each other
Create a healthy structure:
Thoughts: One ore both are in a relationship that is no longer healthy/serves them
Value your uniqueness:
Thoughts: wanting to be validated. One of them has a selfish or narcissistic partner. Both feel safe and worthy when they’re together.
Discover yourself anew:
Thoughts: both needing to sort out what they want. Being afraid of what they feel.
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Love oracle cards
Girl with a snake, kisses, love, girl talk, engagement ring, hammer, keys on a ring, boat, the chaser
Thoughts: Again: complications ( marriage, third party, unfinished business with someone else) it feels so good to be with each other, but it’s complicated and there are many obstacles. This doesn’t feel as if those obstacles will be resolved soon, if ever.
decisions have to be made and as ever; people have free will. I pick up feelings and energy, but what they will decide is their own free will.
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Fairy tale Lenormand
Clover: luck, lightheartedness, small happinesses, opportunity, being untroubled, comedy
bouquet: flattery, social life, pleasantness, cordiality, etiquette, politeness, appreciation
scythe: accidents, hasty decisions, danger, a warning, speed, reckoning
dog: loyalty, friendship, a follower, devotion, obedience, support
Thoughts: incredibly happy that they have worked/met each other. Obstacles if they would act on feelings, friendship, loyalty
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This concludes the reading. Hope you enjoyed it! Bear in mind this is all for entertainment purposes. Good night, be safe and be nice to each other!
Next reading: Joe Locke and Kit Connor.
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swiftholic-13 · 1 day
The Season's Scandal Chapter 3
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pairing → Eloise Bridgerton x Female Reader
summary → Eloise and Y/N are participating in scandalous activities at another ball
warnings → none
words → 1.2k
masterpost chapter 2
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The next ball was rather uninteresting. I spent the first hour searching for Eloise without any luck, mostly due to the reason that my brother pushed me on various suitors and I nicely tried to decline all of them. The Earl asked me to dance but luckily Victor came to safe me and danced with me instead. He told me about Lady Cowper and her daughter, who she is trying to force on him. We laughed and for once it seemed like my brother was satisfied with me, even if that was only the case for a short time. After our dance I was eager to find Eloise but my search seemed to be hopeless. On my way through the crowd my brother interrupted me “Why are you not on the dancefloor?” “Because I just danced with Lord Abery” “Maybe you should also consider other options” I rolled my eyes at his comment and tried to calm my temper “Maybe I do not wish to be on the dancefloor, brother” Before he could say another word I turned away from him and went into the opposite direction, bumping into somebody “I am so sorry” I looked up and realized who I just bumped into “Viscountess Bridgerton” my eyes widened in shock and I bowed my head. “Do not apolize, all is well” She smiled and caught the eyes of my angry brother standing behind me. “You must be Lady Y/N Y/L/N, Eloise told me about you” It flattered me that her whole family already knew about me. She took my arm and guided me away from my brother. In a quieter manner she whispered to me “Are you alright? He seems to not grant you any space” “I am now thanks to you Viscountess” “Please we do not need the formalities” I smiled, the entire Bridgerton family seemed like great company. Eloise was truly lucky to have such a supportive and great family, something I could only dream of having. “I am looking for Eloise, is she not here tonight?” “She is here actually, but I have not seen her in some time” “It seems that searching her at every ball is my favorite activity” she chuckled “Well good luck finding her” We said our goodbyes and I disappeared through the crowd into a hallway.
The string quartet faded away slowly the farer I got from the ballroom. The voices faded away and there I spotted her. Curled up on a bench, hidden away from the crowd and all the noise. She was focused on the book in her hands. I smiled to myself. I could not help falling in love with her even more. “Eloise” I said, trying to get her attention. She flinched and looked up at me. Her posture relaxed as soon as she realized it was me. “Y/N I did not see you” “How could you” I said smiling while sitting down next to her. She closed the book and put it aside. “What were you reading?” “Actually I have no idea, some book that I found, It is about ecology or something” I laughed along with her. I loved her laugh and seeing her happy was worth being at this dreadful ball and constantly having to escape my brother. We returned to a rather uncomfortable silence. She was looking down at the floor and fiddling with her fingers. “What is wrong Dearest?” I was still concerned, especially since it felt like she wasn´t telling me the whole truth earlier. She smiled and shacked her head “Do not concern yourself with me, I assure you I am fine” I leaned closer to her “I do not believe you”. I could hear the music fading away more, indicating a new tune starting soon. I stood up and straightened my dress. “You know why I hate these balls so much?” “Because of all the suitors?” She asked why still not looking up at me and keeping her eyes glued to the floor. “Because I am unable to dance with the one person I truly wish to” I stated as I held my hand out for her to take. She looked up at me surprised and her eyes locked with mine. “May I have this dance Miss Bridgerton?” Without breaking our eye contact she placed her hand in mine and allowed me to lead her into the middle of the hallway. As the next quartet started playing we started moving slowly and I placed my hands on her waist. I was mesmerized by her and the way we moved together. I felt her gloved hands resting on my shoulders and I was scared she would hear my heart pounding. We did not break eye contact and the intensity of it made me shiver. I did not care about anything else and the world around us ceased to exist. Our movements felt natural and intimate. My hands gently tightened their hold on her waist to pull her closer. Eloise eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips and back, her face only inches apart. As the music slowly ended I released my hands from her waist but did not dare to break eye contact. “Thank you for this dance” I whispered, barely audible. We were still looking deeply into each other’s eyes and I wished for nothing more than to lean forward and kiss her. “Perhaps one day, we shall find the courage to dance together in front of everyone on the dancefloor” She whispered back and a smile crept on my face “I hope so my dear”.
I did not kiss her that night as much as I wish I had. It was too early, If she’s not feeling the same I am risking a scandal and nobody would forgive me for that. My brother was angry enough with me already. On the way back home in our carriage he started to shout at me for disappearing from the ball again. I tried to ignore him as much as possible. But back at our house I could not keep my temper any longer. “I am a Duke, do you understand in which position I am” He said while following me inside. I did not look at him and pulled my gloves off my hands “I surely do, but that does not give you the right to tell me what to do” I started walking up the stairs and towards my bedchambers but he stopped me in my tracks “I do have every right to tell you what to do, I am your brother” I took a deep breath in and tried to relax myself, screaming at him would not make matters any better “You used to be nice to me and not force me on strange callers, who want me for one thing only” I stated. “We all have to play our part” He simply replied to me, now standing much closer. His eyes were full of anger, but I also spotted a hint of sadness as he tried to appear superior. Something changed in our relationship the day our father died and he became the Duke. It was certainly not the loss of our father, since he never truly loved us, but now he seemed to struggle a lot more. “Does your ‘part’ grant you true happiness?” He simply looked away from me, trying to escape my gaze “That is not the question” “Simply because you cannot live the life you dream of does not give you the right to dictate mine” I said and finally took my leave. This time he did not try to stop me.
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This time a bit shorter but I still hope you enjoyed it. Also the dance scene was wayyy better in my head I swear. Also I am not a very experienced writer, especially in this genre, but I am trying my best. plus I am not very good with the Bridgerton language I am so sorry hahaha.
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
I saw a post earlier about "women's spaces" and how the writer had often experienced them as hostile rather than inherently safe and welcoming and therefore precious. Now, I could relate to that to some degree, as I still tend to start off pretty tense at events for, say, queer women even though I now go quite a lot of them: "hello I'm bi! If anyone's going to have a problem with that it would be nice to get it out of the way immediately!" But I do value some women's spaces. I would be sad if gendered loos, for instance, went away completely. I've had mad, intense conversations in women's loos that I do not think would have happened in an evenly mixed setting. I have experienced the Drunk Girl Oracle who exists nowhere but in the queue for the ladies: I want her habitat to continue to exist. But the thing is: no "women's space" I've ever been in has ever been this inviolate grove of Artemis where no man may set foot without getting turned into a fucking stag.
Trans women are women. Trans women belong in women's spaces. Trans women make me feel not less but more safe in women's spaces, for reasons that will become clear. When transphobes are screaming that the sky will and does fall in whenever a trans woman walks into a women's bathroom, of course I argue from that starting point.
But also I think it's worth examining the entire premise that spaces FOR [this type of person] are inherently spaces from which [that type of person] is banned.
So like, where are these women's spaces that don't come with the common-sense understanding that while usually, mostly you won't see men in there, if you do he's probably got reasons and its fine?
Is no one else seeing those signs that say "these premises are cleaned by male and female staff"? What about dads with small daughters? Is it really that bad if a man just plain gets lost or has one shot to avoid an emergency from time to time?
There was this meetup for bi people I used to go to. But of course there were never only bi people there. People brought along friends and partners who might be straight or gay. And oh-shit-it-turns-out-I'm-bi people who were still identifying as gay in the rest of their lives came on the quiet. And there was this one lesbian who -- ironically given a certain slur the GC crowd like to throw at bi women -- came quite unapologetically as a tourist, to observe our strange ways and, as she put it, to "encourage us."
These people were explicitly welcome. It was not a space from which not-bi people were barred. It was still a bi meetup. It was still a "bi space." I was at a sapphics' club night last Friday. And there were some men there. I mean, apparently cis, entirely male-presenting, gender-conforming men in the Women's Space™ . Some of them were bar staff, for starters. Is that OK with the GCs? Does all the terror and horror and loss at the thought of a man in your precious Women's Space go away if the man's being paid? If so, it seems oddly ... conditional. But also some of them some seemed not to be working but just sort of ... there. Maybe they were somebody's friends? They certainly didn't bother anyone. I didn't see where they ended up. You see, I was mainly focused on the hot chicks.
There's another wlw event I go to, to which a guy regularly shows up and we've chatted a few times. He usually wears what you'd conventionally call "women's clothes" but does not present as a woman. I know he uses he/him pronouns at present, (I asked) though he implied there was some possibility that might change. I don't know if he's a regular because he's a friend of the host or if he's a friend of the host because he's a regular. I don't know if something about the wlw label speaks to him on some personal level or if it's about queer solidarity, or if he's like the encouraging lesbian at the bi meetups. Whatever the reason, he's just there.
And aside from the fact that we have similar taste in hats, his presence in ye olde sapphic space also makes me feel more safe, for much the same reason the presence of a woman I know is trans does. I'm afraid it's selfish. Because if everyone's being cool about him, or about her, I can be pretty confident no one who finds out that I, too, disrupt binaries just by existing, is going to decide to ruin the evening over it. Because, you know, that has happened to me.
Now like I say, Actual Men in women's spaces aren't the reason trans women belong in women's spaces. But Actual Men entering women's spaces and not thereby ruining them forever do illustrate the utter pointlessness of thinking of women's spaces as these high-walled fortresses to begin with. Spaces for [a type of person] can exist, and still be porous. In fact, to be healthy and functional, they have to be.
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transzilla · 1 month
I dont really understand why people are so pushy and obsessive about CNC. Like most hard kinks don't bother me except CNC. It's just the fucking way people insist on going about it. Like guess what if you aren't taking no for an answer and being disrespectful it takes one of the Cs out.
Like CNC i find really frustrating because I can't, like, make rape jokes in private because people are saying im normalizing and pushing it on people and it's understood that that's wrong even if it's how I cope but the same people will find out you survived an assault and just say oh you should try CNC it helps you cope with trauma. Like people have said that to me. You have cute little liberal language about it but you're seriously telling me to have somebody rape me on purpose until it's so normalized I don't find it triggering? And that's the awesome queer thing to say? People are really pushy with CNC, they blur the lines, they like to say if you like to wrestle it's CNC which... Actually, no, wanting to wrestle does not mean you want somebody to rape you. That's an awful thing to say, especially to assault survivors. They have whole underground fetish wrestling communities and everything.
Like imagine if people were that pushy about vomit. Like oh you like jizz? You like somebody forcefully, involuntarily expelling a bodily fluid? Yeah, nice try, puke boy. Except honestly that wouldn't be as disturbing because usually I'm not constantly worried about strange men vomiting on me at night.
Like you can't just not be into CNC. And you can't call it a rape kink because that's triggering. And you can't criticize using CNC to cope and any potentially bad consequence because that's an attack on kink and you're kinkphobic. Like I'm way more comfortable if people say rape kink and they don't shy away from the language and try to make full on rape seem uwu soft cnc core soft kink. Idk it's really irritating because people make kink out to be this awesome safe space where we reclaim our trauma and it's honestly the exact opposite a lot of the time.
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
(For the theme)
xB has lived his whole life in the tank, seeing no one but those damned 'customers' of the auctions, he's only been bought once, but he was sent back as he was "not what they were looking for." He has heard of other mers escaping, leaving this horrid place behind for larger bodies of water, he's heard of the ocean, of lakes, of rivers, but he's never actually seen them. This auction feels different though, to be honest he's a bit scared. Is he going to be bought? Is it going to be like those horror stories of mers being bought, only to be chopped up for food? He's stuck in his mind before all hell breaks loose, through the yelling he thinks he hears something about a protection agency? There's someone looking at him from the top of his tank, someone with big eyes and a large grin, he's confused, he's scared, everything has fallen into chaos, but those eyes are so captivating, he can't look away.
It takes... Some time for xB to accept he's not simply been bought. He's moved to a bigger tank. It's bigger than any he's been in before, and has spaces made of large rocks that he can use to hide away in.
People examine him often. They tell him what they're doing, even though he never replies. He always gets something nice to eat afterwards. He's not sure why. That big eyed human is there often. xB sees him nearly everyday. Sometimes, he's the only reason xB will poke out the shelter of his rocks.
They talk a lot about rehabilitation, which is something xB's never heard his previous owner mention. Language skills, tail strength, socialisation... Honestly, if there's this much wrong with him, xB doesn't know why they haven't just sent him back!
One day, whilst he's dozing at the bottom of the tank, he finds that human staring at him again. xB tilts his head, quietly swimming out to meet him. The human speaks to him, calling himself Keralis. He seems sympathetic, and for the first time... Somebody explains everything to him. Keralis says he's safe, and that they're trying to make him ready to live in the ocean.
xB works harder after that. He does the exercises they ask him to, he tries to pay attention to the language they teach him. The first time they take him outside, to a large lake, xB might cry. It's still contained, but he has more room to swim around than he ever has before! And Keralis is there, running around the lake with him. xB, for the first time in... A long time, finds himself laughing. He's having fun.
Keralis helps him a lot. He's often there to chat, or mess around. xB feels like he can actually let go around Keralis. Even when they introduce him to other mers, Keralis is the one he feels closest with. He's the first person xB talks to as he struggles with making words, but he never judges him for it.
It's why, when it comes to the day they plan to release xB into the ocean he... Doesn't want to go. He's always wanted to see the ocean, it's been a dream of his. But without Keralis there... Is it really worth it?
So, quietly, he expresses that to Keralis. And Keralis tries to convince him that they'll be other mers out there to meet, people xB can befriend but... That wouldn't stop xB missing Keralis. They eventually reach a compromise. Keralis will transfer to one of the boat crews, and that way they can see each other.
The arrangement is perfect. xB is excited as the boat roars into the open water. There's so much of it. Water as far as he can see, more than he's ever seen. He catches Keralis looking at him, smiling. xB reaches his hand out the tank to hold his.
When xB finally dives into the sea, he doesn't think he's ever been happier.
Nowadays, xB follows around Keralis's research vessel. Keralis calls him a research assistant, and xB doesn't think he's joking. He can get a lot of information they're not able to! He's got a big tank on the ship so he can hang out and talk to Keralis. He helps monitor pollution and living conditions of the water, as well as talking to mers about their happiness or any threats.
xB's heard a bit about marriage from other mers. One day he wants to ask Keralis, but he's still a bit too nervous to do it yet.
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