#because the twins seem to get board easily
scythegirl13 · 3 days
ok this is going to be analysis again but its going to be comparing it to sparkle and shine. first there are a lot of different instruments, and removal of some. the saxophone isnt that noticeable which is a very nice detail, and there is no piano. so lets get on with the show (oh hey that rhymes!)
alright theres so much going on so im sorry if i cant dissect everything but i believe there is no piano, which represents mary. of course, shes dead and by this part theres no reason for her to be there. thats such a sad thing to think about, there isn't anything about her that remains in edward and she was really just a queen on the chess board, knowing that the king is who she serves. which is just...depressing :(
NO BASS EITHER. i dont think deacon even got a talking line in this whole finale. speaking of bass and piano, this isnt a jazz track no more. if it is i dont know what sub genre. it has no saxophone, piano or bass, which are staple jazz instruments.
THE COOLEST THING IS THE FREAKING BASS SOLO AND VIOLIN SOLO. lets get this clear, violin is emizel in shilos skin, and bass is theo. the violin is clear and distinct and something that you can hear easily. while the bass is barely heard but oh so noticeable. you can barely hear it but you can easily follow its rhythm. i think that represents how theo is following the violin, and how the violin makes a clear path that theo just follows, like a right hand man. emizel is the real star of the show during this section, and it seems like he doesnt want to take it away. especially during the bass solo you can hear a harp and a violin support theos part, which represents shilo and emizel.
the choir is queen coded, but thats not what its representing. its representing which name gets to be royalty. bathroys vs edward basically. he wants royalty and wants to be king, while the bathroys (aka the twins) are trying to stop it. keeping the crown for selfish reasons, or just making sure that he doesnt get it are both possible and i think this what the whole part, hell maybe the whole song is trying to represent. if you were shilo, and had royalty your whole life, your mothers legacy resting on your shoulders, youve had this protection your whole life, and some sparkly bitch wants to take it away. youd fight for that shit too!!!
and despite the name, i could only really point out that the soloists in this song were emizel and theo, there was nothing that screamed edward to me. maybe hes just the whole song, fading into the background because hes too busy fighting, idk.
blegh, theres me yapping, have a great night. this song anyways is actually a really good track for edward and fits the whole prissy, stuck up theme that he has going on. maybe hes conducting the whole track, or its something that hes like "hit it boys!" and they start playing. thats funny. anyways, thanks for coming to my rambles again!
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sunshinestardrop · 2 years
On the tail end of Part 3 of Twisted wonderland and my only solution to keep the picture away from the twins would to be to let one of them grab me and (somehow) stop the water breath potion in the hopes that my drowning would distract the two enough (hopefully because a dead contractor means the contract is null, and then Azul would also probably get in trouble with the school as well as the twins) to let the others get out of there. 
Or maybe id just die but idk
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orginllazyblog · 4 months
In a brand new home, it was a relaxing evening. It was Gavus' turn to cook for dinner. The twins were in their rooms playing board games that they borrowed from their friends as they waited.
At the kitchen area, when Gavus was not looking, Eugene sneakily added saline type seasoning in the pot as he knew the food would come off plain just like him. That is where the hypogean trickster got caught by none other than his “friend”.
“Eugene, I know you're there.”
“Well~ You caught me this time, pigeonhead.”
“What did you add this time?”
“Just adding more flavor to it. The two-imps need nutrition, Gavus.”
“Well, the kids prefer my cooking than the last time you made your spicy food.”
“*Gasp* How dare you! At least I add seasoning to it.”
“Eugene, you added 10 tablespoons of spice.”
“I thought they'll be able to handle it well-”
///“How could you!”///
“Was that Liberta just now?”
“Seems like it. We should check on them.”
Eugene went ahead as Gavus turned off the stove to follow up and check on their kids. When the two enter their rooms, they see Liberta crying as Lucilla tries to apologize to her brother.
“Liberta, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.”
“Lucilla, what happened? Why is your brother crying?”
“Just explain to us so that we don't get mad.”
“Well…I may have told him he's adopted.”
Gavus and Eugene went silent for a moment. They indeed found them both as Gavus was ordered to retrieve the “weapons” only to turn out to be infants. To which ended up abandoning their factions to raise them instead of treating them like a tool weapon as the twins were only mortals, not immortals.
“Um… Lucilla? You're also adopted as well. What makes you think like that?”
Liberta spoke up as he tried to say the truth, “I-I don't have pointy ears like you dads..”
“Is that so?”
Eugene walks up to the twins to scruff their hairs as his way of comfort. Though that would be Gavus' part. So he went up to them to give them a hug.
“Liberta, you only inherited my celestial power but that doesn't mean you're different like the rest of us. We both love you as our own.”
“*sniff* Thanks papa.”
“There, there. Gavus should be finishing with the food, so let's head to the main floor.”
“Liberta, I'm sorry for what I said before.”
“It's okay. We were just playing (afk arena monopoly version). I admit it was fun.”
“Night brother.”
“Goodnight Lucilla.”
“Lucilla, are you still awake?”
“*Sniff* yeah..”
“Are you crying?”
“W-what if I'm the adopted one? Because I'm the only one with horns.”
The twins went to their dads room as both can't sleep and have a question they need to know. Liberta slightly knocks the door to see if they are still awake.
“Dad? Are you still awake?”
The door creaks open revealing to be Gavus. 
“Kids? Why are you two up at this late hour?”
“We can't go to sleep.”
“And Lucilla wants to talk to dad for-”
“Hey! I didn't say that!”
“Yes, you did.”
The children were bickering which made Eugene wake up.
“*Yawn* What's up little devils…had a nightmare?”
“Let's talk in the living room, shall we."
As the family sat down on Gavus’ couch, Lucilla stayed quiet, not wanting to answer her dads when a few hours ago of the “adopted” discussion. Liberta had to nudge if he was going to do the talking or she'll never hear the end of it.
“Dad…why do I have horns if you don’t have one?”
“Oh! I did have horns back then.”
“You used to have horns, Eugene? Why didn't you say that before?”
“Well you never ask. Lucilla, my horns were similar like yours, but I removed them with magic in order to not scare off the mortals easily and to not give away of my hypogean identity."
“Did it hurt though?”
“Well I can't remember how it was way back then. Before your father attacked the poor me~.”
“Okay, back to bed, kids.”
Should i do more fics about them?
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tarnishedinquirer · 2 months
Case: The Cave of Awakening 2
Looking down from the cliffs, I noticed a second, smaller beach with no obvious way to get down. I wouldn't have thought much of it if I hadn't also seen a campfire down there too, and someone walking around. If those Spirit Springs can get me up, they can probably get me down too?
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When I landed, the beach hermit walked out of his little shelter to greet me. By which I mean, he started shooting dark purple energy at me and trying stab me with his sword. When he got closer I realized that I'm not dealing with some crazy mage. 10 ft tall and built like a scarecrow, with heavily scarred grey skin. From the Sellian glintstone chunks, I now know that he's using gravity magic. I even recognized one of his attacks from Old Knight Istvan. I wonder if there's a connection, there?
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When I brought him down, he dropped an Ash of War with that very ability, called Gravitas.
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Once the grey giant was dead, I finally got a long, hard look at him, and noticed the extensive scarring over his back and buttocks. Smaller scars on his calf and other places...I know there was some on the front, but he was too heavy for me to roll over easily.
It brought to mind some of the tortures I suffered in prison, and I felt an uncharacteristic pang of empathy for this guy. Maybe he got these scars some other way, but either way, someone had done a number on him. No wonder he attacked me.
Didn't seem to be too much else, but I noticed some messages on the ground off near the cliff wall. I've been ignoring them mostly. One plunge off a cliff because some malicious Tarnished said "Try jumping" was one too many.
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Still, there must be something over there, and lo and behold, there was. A cave, deep into the earth. And at the end, a very familiar cliff over another very familiar cave.
Back where I started, then. I must have washed up on that shore. The hermit then dragged me into this cave and tossed me in, if for no other reason than to keep his beach clean.
It looks like someone tried to crawl back out but didn't make it. On his body I found a Haligdrake Talisman, a twin to the one the Beastman was carrying. I could see his body still smouldering with magical flame and wondered what could possibly have burned him like this.
That's some mysteries solved, but a few more raised.
As I made my way back out, I heard a cacophony of screams. Boarding the elevator, it only got louder the closer I got to the surface.
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Gods. They're all still alive.
Who was the grey hermit?
How did he get those scars?
Was he a starcaller?
Who was the escaping corpse and how did he get the talisman?
What killed him?
They're still alive. All of them. Still alive.
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merakiui · 1 year
Pretty ssure tumblr ate my ask, but ikagine vampire!azul treating reader to something to celebrate this human celebration called valentine's day🌹
He makes a Valentine's Day card by hand and it is the most extravagant thing (he spent all night making it)! It's bordered with lace trim and embossed with beautiful, swirling embroidery. There's a cupid printed on the front, and on the back he's penned a wonderful poem that is so flowery and fluffy. It's very Victorian. He addresses you as his dearest one in the card and the prose that follows comes right from his cold, dead heart. For someone who acts so frigid and stoic, he is surprisingly romantic. The card even smells pleasantly of your favorite flower.
Azul's wardrobe is very gothic, so he doesn't have many bright colors. But due to a washing error (or so Jade claims) the cloak he's so fond of wearing has been dyed a pastel pink. He holds it up, scrutinizing it with narrowed eyes. It's the only one he owns; he's had it for centuries and has kept it from fraying or succumbing to the erosions of time with magical enchantments. But today is a holiday humans are so fond of; it's a holiday he often scoffs at, and yet you seem so eager to celebrate, evidenced by the heart-shaped decorations strewn about the foyer and the pinks and reds littering the halls. Azul supposes he can be festive for the day, but it's quite irritating when Floyd sees him and crumples into a cackling fit. Azul will string both him and Jade up for being foolish with his laundry.
But the pink cloak is worth it in the end because when he delivers the card to you during breakfast, you tell him he looks cute in pink. Azul denies it immediately, but he's quick to avert his eyes, mumbling under his breath that it's not something you should get used to. Don't let him fool you; he is immensely happy you think he's cute!
He spends the entire day doing everything you want to do. Playing board games with the twins, baking Valentine's sweets (the recipes he can recall are quite dated), reading together in the library. When night falls, the piano plays an uplifting waltz all by itself (you're amazed at how easily he commands magic) and Azul offers a gloved hand to you, internally hoping you'll accept the invitation for a dance. You do, and he is very pleased to dance with you under the moonlight in the ballroom. Jade and Floyd will join in, and Floyd's the one who enchants the piano to change its tune. You go from a lilting melody to a fast-paced, energetic piano score within minutes and you're spun between the three of them in a dizzying dance. Azul's irritated, but his annoyance vanishes when he hears your laughter and notices your smile.
Perhaps Valentine's Day is not the worst holiday he's had to endure throughout his long existence.
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protocolseben · 6 months
a regular day in the ISS. | 1685 words alt title : a short story written while i screwed with html. you can use mobile, but landscape please!
you can read the story below the cut without all the jazz. it's pretty much all the same.
408 km above Switzerland / 4:18:48 PM /UTC +1 CET 38 Days - Manned Mission 2-1 LOG : a regular day in the ISS.
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"ah, switzerland again!"
"how about australia for once?"
"alright, suit yourself then."
"Besides, how hard is it to miss Australia? It's...one big thing just. There. Not my fault you can't catch it in time."
"Yes, and your stupid numbers board there."
"I want to win after all."
"Nothing to gain from winning it, love."
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(of course seb is winning…)
««« ────── [ approximately 2.5 years ago ]
Mark's half-superior-half-coworker Jonathan Wheatley had once jokingly asked him if he wanted to move to the STELLARIA Section, in which Mark's response was a grimace and a terse "No thank you," given the fact that the fellas of that section was…eccentric to say the least.
He was unsure as to why Horner decided to open a whole section dedicated to just original research, but given that even the man himself had superiors, he was not surprised. Must be the weird old guy from the Munich University again in his ear. Either way, he must be really special to have all the astrophysicists be in their very own area.
"I watched them do their stuff once." Wheatley said in one of break rooms. "I didn't get a single lick of it, even with the math they used. And I had almost full scores in all the Engineering mathematics. They can get real loony."
Mark shrugged his shoulders, in slight agreement. STELLARIA was chock full of these nerds that are constantly fixated on space numbers, but one of them stood out the most for looking like a 15 year old. but at that point the slightly scraggly man -- boy? -- already seemed to be fond of Mark from the get-go. Rocky had brought him over while touring the place, and the twinkle in the latter's eyes easily meant trouble for him in the future.
Theoretical subdiv, Rocky clarified, the guy bringing Seb around. Not the normal Practical use physics that the other sections worked with.
Charming, he thought, but still, it's unfortunate that they would barely see each other considering the differences in what they did. Some other fella named Anton looked at STRUCTURAL once, and slinked away at the massive working machines he and his coworkers went back and fro to. Couldn't blame him.
Wheatley told him that Sebastian had only joined the company a month ago, and apparently as part of his traineeship, or cadetship, something along the lines, while still working on his final fringes of his PhD or the like. It wasn't officially stated yet to the world, but rumours had already persisted that didn't really have any interest in the other agencies. But that was a wild story for another time. Mark wonders how he managed to do so many things at the same time, and was entertaining the thought of him having a twin or clone to help out.
At the end of the break, Mark had pushed away the thought of the starry-eyed section long towards the back of his mind. Not useful, he muttered.
»»» ────── [ present day, present time ]
(being pushed down by 25-year old worth of kilograms)
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"what lame ass metal thing are you doing right now?"
"being dragged down by you… why is your hair so ticklish?! it's just last part of today's experiment."
"ok. i think CORE wants to give us a report for today in a few minutes, and then i can knock myself out."
"you get to knock out? i had to drag you to your sleeping bag because you weren't meeting your 8 hours ─"
"the graph was too interesting…"
"oh god it's you two arguing again."
"oops, hello Marlon."
««« ──────
Overtime. He never really minded it, because the peace and quiet was optimal, for when Mark was too caught up in the place building his things, and free to audibly mumble his thoughts.
Unfortunately for him on this fine evening, a person stood waiting behind his back , holding a slice of chocolate bread made with approximately 100% passion and 89% skill 500% flavour. Mark was dumbfounded at the bread hanging in front of him, but he was kind of hungry. It was a bit singed at the edges, but it still tasted good. He thanked Seb, stuffing the piece into his mouth and delighting in the chip flavour burst.
Until you realise that the person's pass was not authorised for this specific part of the building, of course. He whipped his head around and nearly strained his neck --
"How the fuck did you get in?! You are not supposed to be here." Mark had exclaimed in hushed tones, the first time Seb had managed to inflitrate the Section. STRUCTURAL was tightly maintained.
"I know all the corridors to here already." there's that knowing tone again. What a nosy little shit.
"There's nothing interesting in this place mate," Mark threw his hands up, looking around to make his point and hunking pieces of things and thingmabobs, before looking at the kid before him. "all I do every day is testing and make sure the materials are working right. And doing work I'm too slow to finish."
"It's ok, making stuff is fun. My dad used to be a carpenter and make stuff out of wood. Writing space math gets boring when you're sitting there too long."
You couldn't argue with that, he's a curious kid alright.
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He let him have a look around. Seb's eyes were immediately drawn to the panel-type mish-mash item laying about in the corner, lifting and turning it gingerly like a new archaeological find. Dents, dings and bumps marred the surface of it, curious materials all welded with different names to them, like "Carbon Fibre" and "Heat Resistant Fibreglass".
"It's just our in-house materials, Seb. Not that big of a deal."
"Still, making a whole new kind of matter, you guys are pretty cool."
»»» ──────
"psst. hey. mark."
(rustling sound)
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" 'Thermo-Sterilised Chocolate Bread'… STRUCTURAL Section. What? When did they do these?"
"They had a whole investigation to try "compress" it. Also, i thought you were more level-headed, Mark. They told me you got visibly jealous over people snooping for my bread!"
"God, they noticed that…? Was i that serious about it?"
"you were."
««« ──────
As much as Mark wanted to entertain Seb's sixty thousand questions, which were basic engineering (but he didn't mind), he wanted to go home more. So he had to gently convince to him to leave, turning the lights out for the night.
By gently convincing, it meant Mark forcing Seb on one of those roller chairs and rolling him out STRUCTURAL Section's main doors, before kicking the empty chair back in. -- "wait let me get my stuff first!!" he had exclaimed, running back to STELLARIA and back to meet Mark in a record of 3 minutes.
Quite a speedy lad. Mark had not seen someone go as fast as that since University Rugby in Australia. He was obliterated on contact by the opponent as he dived for the ball. Three months out with a broken left shoulder. Ah, the wonders of youth.
"You didn't let me see the machines."
"And you didn't even tell me what you like." Mark had grumbled, fumbling for his car keys as they walked out the tall glass doors. "And you can do it anytime, the machines aren't going to grow legs and run away."
Seb simply gave a grin.
oh for fuck's sake. "Fine. Anyway, I'm going off. Goodnight, Seb." He was about to walk off, before realising something. "How… do you go home?"
"Huh? Bus obviously. Salzburg's pretty good with the public transport. Yeah I have a license but I don't care much for driving a lot."
Mark looked at him right in the eye. "Get over here. I'll just drive you back." He wanted to laugh when Seb just stood there in his stupid oversized jacket giving him a questioning look. "I'm being serious. Where do you live anyway? It's faster than just waiting around."
► ► ►
It was the world's most uneventful trip by many standards. In fact, Mark's passenger somehow managed to catch a quick snooze right after telling him the address. Seb lived on the other side of Salzburg, in a simple four-floored apartment. Despite being practically the same as his own, Mark thought the surroundings were more cozy.
He gave Seb a gentle nudge on the shoulder. "Ok sleeping beauty, nice place you have here."
"Huh…what…?" He looked around before realising. "You seriously didn't have to…"
"It's for the bread. Good stuff."
There was a short moment of silence as Seb processed what Mark said, before turning slightly red. "I-if you want, I can give you different flavours every week," he said. "Banana, Raisin,--"
Mark just sat the wheel listening in mild awe. He would've just gone home and knocked out or gotten a beer. It sort of made him want to try baking, but that was probably his illogical brain talking, before realising he had to tell Seb to not get any more ideas. "No, no, you don't need to do it, it's just that you are really impressive, still finding time to bake."
"It's a nice hobby!" Seb laughed. "Ok, ok, i'm leaving now. Goodnight Mark, thanks again. Take care." He clumsily opened the car door and right after, tried to give Mark the awkwardest fist bump attempt on Earth.
► ► ►
Twenty two hours to the first time Seb sneaked into STRUCTURAL, a slightly baffled Mark whipped his head around to the sound of the maintenance exit audibly opening, to a Seb holding some more of his homemade chocolate bread.
"I have a lot more at home in the fridge, actually, if you'd like."
»»» ──────
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(zip noises) come on stop struggling Seb.
translation : son of a bitch.
there, neat and tidy. good luck waking up tomorrow, i think you'll be fine.
I will throw you out the airlock tomorrow. You watch.
muah. ok, goodnight sweetheart. love you. don't wreck the module.
fuck you..............night.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: We're having loads of fun this week -Danny Words: 2,148 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Champion' -by Fall Out Boy
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XXII: The Nonsense Has Escalated
She refuses to be who Helen was, the cause of countless demises while hiding behind fortified barriers. That's not who Ara Jackson is. She's the solution, not the problem.
Ara's looking at Piper's dagger for directions, and it shows her the outside of what seems to be an old workshop. The blade obliges to her requests easily, almost like it recognizes its original owner. It takes her no time to find a motorcycle and she takes it. If the owner's lucky, she won't even damage it beyond repair.
Ara drives through the city following her compass, it guides her effortlessly because there is only one thing she wants right now and that's finding Nico. Eventually, she locates the old workshop. Ara walks up to the entrance and breaks in. 
It takes her just a couple of minutes to get to the bottom, which of course is way bigger than it looks on the outside. Ara is overwhelmed by all the cages and machinery surrounding her.
"...this spectacle will be even better," one of the giant twins is saying. "The Romans always wanted bread and circuses—food and entertainment! As we destroy their city, I will offer them both. Behold, a sample!"
Percy talks, which sends a wave of relief through Ara's body. "Wonder bread?"
"Magnificent, isn't it? You can keep that loaf. I plan on distributing millions to the people of Rome as I obliterate them."
"Wonder bread is good," the other twin says. "Though the Romans should dance for it."
Ara comes out right behind the giants, and Percy's the first to spot her. There is a split second of recognition on his face before he looks back at the giants and resumes his conversation.
"Maybe you should bring our other friends here. You know, spectacular deaths... the more the merrier, right?"
Ara looks down at the giant's feet—if she can even call them that—and sees Nico lying there. She notices the terrible shape he's in, almost pure bones and skin, way too similar to the old mummy they used to keep in the Big House's attic. Seeing him like this brings her no satisfaction.
They won't kill these guys without a god present, but at least she can get Nico out, and that would take away the leverage the giants have on them, and they might have a chance to run. Ara holds Almighty, still as a compass, and waits.
"Hmm... No. It's really too late to change the choreography. But never fear. The circuses will be marvelous! Ah... not the modern sort of circus, mind you. That would require clowns, and I hate clowns."
"Everyone hates clowns," his brother points out. "Even other clowns hate clowns."
"Exactly. But we have much better entertainment planned! The three of you will die in agony, up above, where all the gods and mortals can watch. But that's just the opening ceremony! In the old days, games went on for days or weeks. Our spectacle—the destruction of Rome—will go on for one full month until Gaea awakens."
"Wait," Jason intervenes. "One month, and Gaea wakes up?"
"Yes, yes. Something about August First being the best date to destroy all humanity. Not important! In her infinite wisdom, the Earth Mother has agreed that Rome can be destroyed first, slowly and spectacularly. It's only fitting!"
"So... You're Gaea's warm-up act," Percy continues.
"This is no warm-up, demigod! We'll release wild animals and monsters into the streets. Our special effects department will produce fires and earthquakes. Sinkholes and volcanoes will appear randomly out of nowhere! Ghosts will run rampant."
"The ghost thing won't work—Our focus groups say it won't pull ratings."
"Doubters! This hypogeum can make anything work!"
One of the twins moves to a control board providing Ara with a blind spot. She sneaks in closer, making sure the other twin isn't looking. Piper and Jason see her then, so they do their best to keep the giants's focus on them. Ara seizes Nico's jacket and almost whimpers at how easily she can drag him back, he's too malnourished.
Percy's relief is written all over his face and he turns to the others. "I'm getting tired of this guy's shirt."
"Combat time?" Piper seizes her cornucopia.
"I hate Wonder bread," Jason grumbles.
Ara tries to make Nico come back to his senses. "C'mon Ghost King..." she rummages through her bag and pulls out her bottle of nectar. She tilts the boy's face up and feeds him. "Now's not the time to take your title seriously!"
Nico's eyes open though it takes them a moment to focus. Once he sees it's her, his expression turns into a scowl. "You."
"Happy to see you too," she whispers. "Can you stand?"
Nico tries to get up and slips, so Ara places his arm around her shoulders and carries him to safety. "You'll hide until it's safe to go, got it?"
Nico's reply is a weak grumble, he must be extremely weak if he's not trying to fight her orders. Ara's about to leave when she hears growling, she looks back and finds two leopards slowly approaching.
She shields Nico's body with her own. "Piper, we could use some help here!"
The girl looks back and sees the felines. "Going!"
Her sister runs in their direction and points the cornucopia to the opposite side, a large piece of warm roasted meat flies off and distracts the leopards successfully.
"I miss Seymour," Ara sighs.
"Go help Jason and Percy, I'll watch after Nico."
"Take this," Ara gives her Katroptis back. "Works just as good as that horn you carry."
Piper takes the weapon and keeps feeding Nico small pieces of ambrosia so he can get back on his feet. Ara joins the fight. "Sorry I'm late, Hedge and I were having a great time talking shit about you."
Jason snorts. "Sorry to spoil the fun."
"Don't worry about it," she turns Almighty into a sword. "This will be fun too."
"Hydra! Hydra!" Percy shouts, running towards them.
"Where did that come from?" Ara yelps.
"I set it free!"
"The fireworks!"
Ara knows what he's trying to tell her and together they reach the device. 
"Can you—"
"Yes, just make sure it comes to us!" She interrupts him.
Percy gets the Hydra to approach and Ara blows it up with the fireworks, it causes such a mess that they end up blowing up more than expected. They bury one of the twins under rubble.
Ara winces. "That's exactly why I'm not allowed to use explosives..."
Percy frowns. "You design bombs."
"That's different."
"Guys, the controls!" Jason shouts.
"Go, I got your back!" Percy tells her.
Ara runs over and looks at the buttons and levers, but they're not labeled in a way she can understand, she elbows Percy. "Takes too long, just break it!"
Percy cuts the whole thing in half, and a shower of sparks comes out of it. The twin still standing reaches them and Ara stands in front of Percy, turning her sword into a shield and stopping the giant's spear from impaling them.
Jason rushes over after checking up on Piper and Nico. The three of them stand together, but there's not much they can do. The other giant crawls out from under the debris and picks up his weapon, Ara turns Almighty back into a sword.
"What now?"
"We won't give up," Jason states out loud so the giants hear. "We'll cut you into pieces like Jupiter did to Saturn."
"That's right," Percy adds heatedly. "You're both dead. I don't care if we have a god on our side or not."
"Well, that's a shame. I'd hate to think I made a special trip for nothing." There, descending on a small platform, is Baccus. Mr D's Roman version. "Really, Ephialtes, killing demigods is one thing. But using leopards for your spectacle? That's over the line."
"This—this is impossible. D-D—"
"It's Bacchus, actually, my old friend. And of course it's possible. Someone told me there was a party going on."
"You—you gods are doomed! Be gone, in the name of Gaea!"
"Hmm..." The god walks forward staring at everything with disdain. "Tacky. Cheap. Boring. And this... Tacky, cheap, and boring. Honestly, Ephialtes. You have no sense of style."
"STYLE? I have mountains of style. I define style. I—I—"
"My brother oozes style!"
"Thank you!"
"Have you two gotten shorter?" Baccus squints at the pair.
"Oh, that's low. I'm quite tall enough to destroy you, Bacchus! You gods, always hiding behind your mortal heroes, trusting the fate of Olympus to the likes of these."
"Lord Bacchus," Jason shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Are we going to kill these giants or what?"
"Well, I certainly hope so. Please, carry on."
"Didn't you come here to help?" Percy asks.
"Oh, I appreciated the sacrifice at sea. A whole ship full of Diet Coke. Very nice. Although I would've preferred Diet Pepsi."
"And six million in gold and jewels," Percy grumbles.
"Yes, although with demigod parties of five or more the gratuity is included, so that wasn't necessary."
"Never mind, At any rate, you got my attention. I'm here. Now I need to see if you're worthy of my help. Go ahead. Battle. If I'm impressed, I'll jump in for the grand finale."
"That's great," Ara's voice is full of sarcasm. "Please do tell us what kind of grand finale you wish to see."
"Ah, good question... Perhaps you need inspiration! The stage hasn't been properly set. You call this a spectacle, Ephialtes? Let me show you how it's done."
They get taken to the center stage of the Colosseum. Ara hadn't been paying attention as she drove around the city, but she does remember seeing this place near the workshop she'd snuck into.
The floor is fixed, and the bleachers too. There is a roof over them to make it comfortable for the people in attendance. There is a box right in the best spot where Baccus, Piper, and Nico are seated, ready to watch the show.
"Next time, Birdy, keep your mouth shut," Percy mutters.
"I'd take the advice if it came from anyone else, but since it's you, I can't take it seriously."
"This is a proper show!" Bacchus speaks from his box, sounding like he's got a microphone on him.
"You're just going to sit there?" Percy demands.
"The demigod is right!" Ephialtes screams. "Fight us yourself, coward! Um, without the demigods."
"Juno says she's assembled a worthy crew of demigods," Baccus smirks. "Show me. Entertain me, heroes of Olympus. Give me a reason to do more. Being a god has its privileges."
The girl locks her eyes with Percy and manages a mocking smile. "Well, if we survive this, I promise to listen more often."
Percy doesn't smile. "Yeah, right."
"Let's get this over with," Jason stands ready.
The giants grab mountains of plaster and toss them over. They jump into the same trench. 
"I'll take Otis again!" Jason shouts. "Or do you want him this time?"
"Which one is Otis?" Ara asks keeping her head down.
"No, no—We attack together," Percy replies. "Otis first, because he's weaker. Take him out quickly and move to Ephialtes. Bronze and gold together—maybe that'll keep them from re-forming a little longer."
"Why not?" Jason manages his own very ironic grin. "But Ephialtes isn't going to stand there and wait while we kill his brother. Unless—"
"Good wind today," Percy points out. "And there're some water pipes running under the arena."
They look at Ara, she sighs and turns Almighty into a bow. "Yeah, fine. My weapon is gold and bronze anyway, I count for two of you."
Jason laughs and Percy grins, it's the first smile he's shown her this entire day, and it does cheer her up a little bit.
"On three?" Jason offers.
"Why wait?" Percy responds.
They run out driven by mad frustration. Percy makes the water pipes explode and Jason tosses Ephialtes backwards giving Ara enough time to get to him.
"Hey, Otis!" Percy screams. "The Nutcracker bites!"
Ara gets to where Ephialtes is and aims an arrow at him. "Hello, cutie! We haven't been properly introduced!"
"Ara Jackson!" He shrieks, struggling to get out from the pool of wet plaster and debris.
"Not the first time I've got giants screaming my name—always an ego booster," Ara shoots and the arrow lands on the giant's left eye. She turns Almighty back into a sword. "I'm such a shitty archer..."
"Argh!" Ephialtes tries to get up, but his snake foot seems to be stuck on something.
"I was pointing at your nostril," she continues while dodging his attacks. "I've learned most monsters have weird soft spots, so the crazier you aim for the more effective it is—like this!"
She cuts the foot that's stuck and Ephialtes shrieks with rage. Her skin glows teal and she opens her palm over the running water making it move faster, not allowing Ephialtes's foot to reform. The giant uses both hands and tries to smack her on the head with his spear. Ara ducks and rolls, she doesn't look at what Jason and Percy are doing, they'll let her know when it's time to retreat.
"You may have ruined my spectacle, but Gaea will still destroy your world!" Ephialtes screeches.
"If it happens, you won't be here to see it."
On queue, the large shadow of the Argo II makes itself present above their heads, and Ara lets out a chortle of relief.
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Next Chapter ->
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mdhwrites · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Odalia and Alador? I was very disappointed by them.
When i first saw them, i thought they would be a fun villain couple who loved eachother and that they would represent the different types of parental abuse. Odalia being the more controlling, active abuser, and Alador being the more passive abuser.
When Reaching out came out, i was excited, because i thought it would be about Amity seeking approval from Alador because 'well he isnt as bad, so maybe i can gain his approval!' but then the message would be 'no, passive abuse is just as harmful and should not be glossed over and minimised.'
instead it turned Alador into a 'distant but caring dad', and then later, it emphasised this by making Odalia this insane idiot who didnt care about the genocide, stupidly thinking she would be exempt.
I agree! Just in general I agree! I'll first talk about Alador because honestly what was done with him was... Boring and pointless? At best, it's to give Amity resolution on at least one of her parents (which is questionable because I'd argue Reaching Out makes her goal... Murky. I don't know what she wants from her father honestly because her coven beliefs and her little speech at the end make it clear she doesn't give a single shit about his opinion or Odalia's so... *shrug* ) and maybe to give an answer against the Abomatons but neither of those ever paid off. At all. Ever. So instead you have someone who is just an extremely inconsistent character because it feels like the first three times we see him are three different versions of him and that is including Understanding Willow where he didn't give the impression to be a space cadet or not on board with what Odalia pushed. The fact that he's pushed to be incompetent also makes his writing like a lot of the guys in the show because he's hard to take seriously, Edric is similar, and he's just... there. Oh, I guess there's also the fact that he's clearly making robots instead of just golems, even to the point of mech suits, and I hate that because what the fuck is TOH's technology level? But also who cares when the writers clearly didn't? Speaking of: Odalia. Odalia is actually the worse of the two despite getting less screen time and I don't just mean because she's a worse person. Don't get me wrong: She is. She feels like some bad, animated 90s movie villain where money and personal gain is how they'll justify doing literally ANYTHING. But also Odalia is still bad at it since she thinks executing a child is a great way to sell HOME DEFENSE PRODUCTS. Because the death of their kids is definitely what you want on your customer's minds! Before I get into her real problem though: I also hate that she knows Belos' whole plan. Hunter doesn't know it. Darius, Eberwolf and Raine, all coven heads, had to sneak and steal the plans to get the information. Why the fuck, besides making her somehow even MORE evil, did Belos ever tell this bitch who probably never even asked what he was doing with the abomatons? Just... It's bad and dumb writing. But kind of like all of Odalia's writing: It still matters. Odalia is written like a one off villain while being AMITY BLIGHT'S MOM. And that is her real problem: How evil she is throws all of her children into question. The twins seem worried about their mom's retribution so why do they skip class? Why do they invite trouble that Amity, at the peak of her being busy with school, was able to notice? How do they get away with it? I made interesting and fun answers to that while the show doesn't even care about the question. And Amity is even worse. Her arc is thrown into question. How was she able to befriend Luz so easily when we know Odalia wouldn't approve of her? How was she able to throw away her old social group? How could she have been confident enough to bring Willow back as a friend? Why wasn't there ANY more worry about her mom when she knows her mom. She probably could have guessed her mom would try to kill Luz, or even Willow, if they became her friends and probably should have gotten livid at her abandoning her 'better' friends. Back when it was just Understanding Willow, one could make a case that maybe Odalia eased up on it since then. That's what I did in my story, The Power of Love. That the pressure Amity felt was at least as much in her own head as it was externally pushed on her. Things that would have been WAY more interesting than what we got. Because what we got with the Blight family as a whole is a bunch of characters who don't make sense, flip their characters on a dime and are just trash as a whole unit. And that's from the family that was BURSTING with potential at the end of S1. And I will actually go "Hey, if you want a better Blight family, check this out," because I'm still incredibly proud of how I wrote them in my monstrous first story for TOH.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
This is for the after-party!
Frogs are marine life technically
Navi is relatively outgoing, and finds beastmen and merpeople incredibly fascinating! However, he's too intimidated by the leech twins and leona to do any research on them. Navi gets incredibly happy when he finds an advancement in his animal research. Navi is incredibly academically gifted in all subjects, but his best subject is potionology!
However, Navi can be incredibly short tempered, especially when it comes to his frogs, along with being socially awkward, especially around new people
Being a red eyed tree frog, Navi can breathe underwater and stick to walls easily.
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Navi would probably be called a frogfish by Floyd for obvious reasons, because he's a frog!
Navi also sweats acid, so watch out for that
"that tree frog is more of a dolphin." floyd chuckles, "he gets reallllll chatty sometimes."
the debtor seems to be comparing two sets of notes.
"floyd gave you this nickname because you're very social and intelligent. your proficiency in every subject and your membership in the board game club says a lot!! your unique magic probably reminds him of how dolphins jump out of the water in order to increase visibility and speed. navi is also pretty tall, and dolphins are about 2.59 meters or 8.5 feet tall so they're pretty big!!"
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sircolinmorgan · 10 months
i'm watching endeavour for the first time and it's interesting to see the blog reviews get real negative around s4-s5. i get it if you were used to the style of those first couples seasons but i'm realizing i see the show differently than some fans seem to. maybe because the first episodes i saw were in later years.
like one of the major complaints is the plots getting too silly and morse being thrown into references to various detective stories and genres.
for me, one of the major appeals of endeavour in the first place was how pulpy and camp it can be. in the first few seasons you have an opera-obsessed serial killer, a classic creepy boarding school being haunted, and a tiger. come on. i love that shit. it was always there.
idk, now it's finished and looking back at all the years it was on, i'm glad they had as much fun with the morse character as they could. i love that they wanted to explore different sides to him and his arc is very moving when you know where they end it. the serious character study of those first episodes would've made a great mini-series but wouldn't be sustainable long-term.
sorry this turned into an essay, lol. i just wanted to share my thoughts with someone else getting super into it.
no need to apologise! i love talking about endeavour haha!
i haven't really come across that much negativity for those seasons? they're my favourite! series 5 especially. but then i have come to the show really late so i'm sort of unaware of how each series has been perceived individually i guess.
i think if someone is looking for a procedural crime drama that just follows the case-of-the-week pattern without much else than you can easily find that in the billion other crime dramas that are on tv. endeavour has a certain flair to it with its opera and cinematography and the occasional references to pop culture, and it's brilliant.
there have been a few episodes here and there that i've found a bit strange but the only time i've thought it got a bit silly was series 7, it was so wildly unrealistic lol. but i've only seen that series once and i'm currently rewatching it all from the beginning so i might change my mind when i get to that series again! there's also a couple of times when the resolution hasn't quite worked for me, the great gatsby episode where surprise! it's twins! was just all over the place lmao. but the cases aren't the main attraction for me so i don't really care too much!
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k7 Don @ Raph + Mikey - totally didn't forget to send this nope nope uwu]
"Oh good, you're both home," Don starts with a beaming grin that hadn't been seen in a while, "I have a new project I want to show you guys."
Instead of leading them to his lab though, he instead holds up a polaroid photo, not quite showing them yet though as he goes on to explain this 'project',
"Well, I say 'I have', it's actually something Yvonne and I are working on," He explains, a wag to his tail, "Biomaterials, we're estimated everything will be ready between thirty seven to forty two weeks max, and we're already six weeks in; that's how we were able to get this photo."
And that's when, finally, Donatello shows it to them, handing it to Raph first - call it twin privileges. Though he won't go into details how he got an Ultrasound picture, he does give a second to let the penny fully drop,
"We're thinking Ariel for if they're a girl, Eric if they're a boy," He announces, obviously feeling proud and excited as he tells his brothers, "So, what do you guys think about being Uncles?"
| Muse interaction
Mikey's laugh easily echoed across the walls of the lair as he skated ahead of Raphael hot on their heels. For a turtle he was fast more so when Mikey annoyed him enough, which was why Mikey was laughing so giddy as he had been. Raph throwing out threats and swears as he was running after Mikey it looked stupid with him running back and further just barely catching up t them. Leonardo was near by watching them being stupid as they could, and that was only annoying Raphael even more. Being made too look like some fool because of the youngest of them. "Fuck you Mikey I'm too old to be acttin' 'ike this anymore."
Mikey slowed down beside him ready to argue that point or make the old statement more annoying to his brother he hadn't picked just yet when he went to open his mouth ready to let which ever choice just happen, when everyone paused at the sight of Donatello.
"Oh good, you're both home,"
Mikey forgetting he was in the middle of annoying Raph can't help but smile back when seeing Donatello's big wide beaming smile just now. Kicking the back of his board so he could hold it under his arm. "yeah just making sure Raphie here ain't trying to pull more Nightwatcher when no ones watching him." he teased ducking away when Raph decided being mature was over rated for a chance to hit Mikey.
"I have a new project I want to show you guys."
Both the orange and red banded turtle shared a confused expression when Donatello help out a photo to show this 'project' he was talking about. Raphael turned to look at Mikey as if they were going to be able to clue him into anything. Mikey Offered a shrug of his shoulders at first glance they couldn't tell what the image of the polaroid was meant to be off. it was all just grey and black maybe some sort of this being shown but even Mikey could make sense of the randomness. Well seemingly random. So the pair turn towards Leo but he didn't seem to know as he joined the group.
"Well, I say 'I have', it's actually something Yvonne and I are working on,"
"So you an' Von are off bein' nerds 'bout what exactly?" Raph asks wishing they just tell them what was up instead.
"Biomaterials, we're estimated everything will be ready between thirty seven to forty two weeks max, and we're already six weeks in; that's how we were able to get this photo."
Silence fell between them all a few blinks between them all as they each tried to figure out any of those words that Donnie let out just now. They didn't even need to share a look this time before Raph opened his beak again to speak up.
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"Biomaterial? Donnie drop the geek speak and fuckn' use English here will ya!"
Don's response was to hand the photo over, Raph took it with out much argument and pulled it over his way as Mikey leaned in over on shoulder trying to take a peak at what Donnie and Yvoone had been making. Raph noticed something though, tugging the photo up to his eye. He never seen this sort of photo before. But he swears there's something there? That was a head right? and what might be arms and some legs? something living? Wait was this ? He turns to Leo they seemed ti figure it out to about the same time Mikey giving a delight squeal beside him a moment later.
"We're thinking Ariel for if they're a girl, Eric if they're a boy,"
"Seriously! At first I thought it was some alien freak" Mikey started off with finally having the verbal confirmation and well to be fair the ultrasound was kind of weird looking after all. "Like no one else was talking yet so I was all dang are Von and Donnie just finding aliens now? I mean possible I guess but you made it sound like ya made something so then I though oh they are making aliens. But I couldn't figure out why? But instead ya guys made a baby!" He rambled on a moment there.
Raph doing the honors of hitting Mikey ti get him to shut up so Donatello could speak once again.
"So, what do you guys think about being Uncles?"
Despite them all finally clueing in there it kindnof didnt hit that this meant they were uncles. Thier family was growing. Mikey and Raph wasted no time running right Donnie arms thrown out to snag him into a group hug, clearing him over and landing together in a pile to the floor. They couldn't help the excitement that went through them all just now.
"This is amazing! I can't believe it! I always knew you would make for a great Dad Dee and now you are gonna be a great dad to little Eric or Ariel!" Mikey exclaimed first having not gotten hurt himself so his excitement didn't come to any end.
Raphael meanwhile managed to work an around around Donnie, trapping him in a slight headlock as knuckles grind in against the top of his head laughing slightly. "Can't believe you guys been keepin' 'his from us!" Raph remarks clearly happy for them though, just not as vocal compared to Mikey for that excitement. Letting go of Donnie once he felt he had enough and first to move to sit up as he grabs at Mikey so he could pull them off right after. So the Dad to be could finally get some air himself. Raph holding up the photo ones more as he slightly held it for Donnie too.
"Look at that Don you made that." Raph stated because well it was something to truly marvel over. This little blob of a thing was going to become Donnie's kid their family was going to grow by one more. After everything fell apart they were still working on building it back putting the pieces together once again. It was nice to see Donnie smiling as wide and bright as he told them he was going to be a dad.
"oh oh we gotta start getting you baby things" Mikey jumped to his feet now. Grabbing at Leo and tugging him as he made way to leave the Lair. "Were gonna be their favorites cause your too slow Raph!" Mikey yelled over his shoulder heading off.
Raph just sat on the ground and groaned a little letting his own eyes drop to the picture him self. Actually he had a better idea for them. Why dig through the trash? His niece or nephew should have something new made by hand even.
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What is Home?
Summary: Roman and Remus run away from home after their parents threaten to put them in a boarding school. The two of them often got in trouble with the law for crimes like vandalism, stealing, and fighting, however now they have to adjust to living a crime-free life to avoid getting caught. They drive to another state and try to find an apartment to live in and jobs there. They eventually manage to find a relatively cheap apartment—their next-door neighbor then offers them a job at a store that his family owns. Once at the store they make a couple of friends, all while trying to get rid of their bad habits.
Masterpost Chapter 2
Chapter Warnings: Implied Neglect, Implied Abuse, Food Mentioned (If I missed any please tell me)
Age(s): Roman (16), Remus (16)
Roman looks out the window. They have no idea where exactly they are at the moment, all they know is that Remus has been driving for about two hours. They try to distract themselves by counting the trees passing by, despite the fact that they’re obviously going by too quickly.
They continued to try to distract themselves, but found the task virtually impossible. No matter how many trees they counted, or clouds they tried to shape, or road signs they've tried to quickly read, they just can’t seem to get their mind off of their home and the plan. They don’t understand why they’re having second thoughts.
They know why they had to leave. They helped make the plan and suggested that they go through with it as quickly as possible. This was the safest thing to do and they didn’t exactly have a lot of time to wait.
The sudden talking snaps Roman out of their thoughts with a small jump. They take a deep breath and turn to their twin.
Despite being identical twins, Remus and Roman have always been easy to tell apart. For one, Roman is slightly tanner than their older brother. They also have freckles while Remus doesn’t. The older twin also happens to have a darker hair color then the other, though they both have the same curly hair. They do have the same brown eyes, though Roman has slightly bigger eyes. The biggest difference between the two twins is their heights.
As kids, the twins were around the same height; however, this changed when the twins were around 13-years-old. At this time, Remus began to grow taller and taller everyday while Roman’s growth was slower and less drastic. Currently, Remus is 6’3’’, 10 inches taller than their younger sibling.
“Yes?” They respond.
The older twin points to a sign on the road that shows the food places nearby, “Where do you want to eat? We need a break and I’m hungry.”
It was only when Remus mentioned food that Roman realized they’re hungry too. Afterall, they haven’t eaten anything since last night. They haven’t even stopped driving aside from once for some gas.
“I guess Waffle House works,” the other mumbles after thinking for a while. “It’s morning so we might as well have breakfast. Plus, it’s been a while since we’ve had decent pancakes, I forgot what they taste like.”
Remus lets out almost a bitter laugh and nods, “Alright. We’ll get there in like 10 minutes or so.”
The younger sibling just nods and looks out the window again. They want to voice their concerns to their older brother but they know that they’ll get a negative reaction.
It’s completely logical too. The two of them risked everything on this plan. They both knew that the second they got on the road, there’s no turning back as doing so would make their situation a million times worse. So any second thoughts could possibly be the thing that could unravel their entire plan.
“What’s wrong?” Remus asks, immediately knowing that there’s something off with his sibling.
This was something Roman was expecting. The two of them have always been able to read one another like books. While they can easily lie to anyone else, they’re never able to lie to one another. People have always told them it’s because they’re twins and have a special bond, but the two of them know the truth. The truth is they only trust one another, so they’re subconsciously vulnerable around one another. They don’t feel the need to pretend which in turn makes them into open books.
This ability to tell when each other is lying has often discouraged the twins from even attempting to lie to each other. There really was no need to try since they knew they would never get away with it.
Roman sighs shaking their head, “Can we talk about this later? I think I’m too tired to think straight at the moment.”
“Alright. But don’t think I’m going to forget about this or anything.”
Remus knows that his twin usually tries to get out of situations by pushing it aside until everyone forgets about it. This is something they often do with their parents or at school. It usually works too, that’s why they use it so often to avoid certain conversations. It’s even worked on Remus a few times.
The shorter sibling sighs, “I know you won’t.”
For the rest of the ride to the Waffle House was silent. It wasn’t that they didn’t have anything to say, it was more like no one knew how to voice their thoughts. They both had so much they knew they should say, but they just didn’t have the courage to break the silence. Besides, both of them knew that their thoughts would just make the rest of the car ride uncomfortable and tense.
Once they arrive at the restaurant the two of them get out of the car and walk in. It takes about 15 minutes or so before they are seated. The two of them order their food and start eating immediately once they receive it.
In the beginning they eat in silence, both of them too hungry to care for conversation. It was only when Remus was halfway done with his last pancake when he decided he was ready to bring up a topic that he knew needs to be addressed.
“Roman,” he starts, looking up at his shorter sibling, “You’re having second thoughts, right? That’s what’s been bothering you, am I correct?”
The freckled-faced teen sighs, “Yeah, I have had a few second thoughts.”
Roman stops eating and puts their fork down. They let out a sigh and close their eyes for a minute or two. After some thinking they open their eyes again and look up before continuing to talk.
“But, I know we have to do this so don’t think you have to lecture me or anything.”
The taller teen shakes his head, “I’m not going to lecture you, Ro. I just thought I’ll reassure you a bit,” he starts poking at his food, “If I’m being honest, I’m having some second thoughts.”
This shocked the tanner twin, “Really? You’ve had second thoughts too?”
“Yeah, but we can’t stop now,” Remus says in a slightly more determined tone, “I promised I would get you out of that household and set us free. I plan to fulfill that promise. Plus, it’s too late to turn back now. They’ve probably already realized we are gone so if we go back now, we’ll be in a lot of trouble.”
Roman nods and mumbles quietly, “I know.”
There’s another silence as the two of them thought about their home. Their parents have never exactly been the best. It was obvious to pretty much anyone who has met the twins. In fact, their family has always been a topic of conversation in their hometown.
Roman and Remus are infamous where they live due to the fact that they often misbehave. They’ve gotten in trouble with the law before, been taken to alternative school, and have even been put in troubled youth programs. Due to this fact, they know that many people in their town won’t be surprised when the news breaks out that they’ve run away. In fact, the two have already tried running away a handful of times, this is just their most successful attempt so far.
“Where are we going to stay until we find a permanent place to live?” Roman speaks up as they finish their food, “I don’t want to stay in a runaway shelter again.”
The older brother nods, “Don’t worry we won’t be staying in a runaway shelter or anything. Last time was bad enough. I know a few people we can stay with for a couple of days. We have to find jobs and get an apartment as quickly as we can though. I don't want to live with another person too long.”
“Okay, I’m fine with that,” the other says with a shrug, “I don’t really want to live with some stranger either. I want some peace and quiet in a house for once.”
Remus nods, “Okay well we should get going. Use the restroom now since we aren’t taking another break. I’ll go ahead and pay.”
“Alright. I’ll meet you outside then.”
Roman stands up and goes off to use the restroom. Remus in the meantime finishes the last of his food before paying and going outside. He pulls his phone out and stares at it for a while before taking a deep breath.
He dials the number of the one person he felt he could fully trust with their situation. He knew that he had to find a place for him and his sibling to stay sooner rather than later. He also knew that he had to be careful with who he asked for help though. If he asked the wrong person, then there’s the possibility that the police will be contacted and they’ll be forced to go back home.
Remus has thought about this problem the entire car ride. So, by now he’s gone through the process of elimination and is down to one person.
The 16-year-old is relieved when the phone stops ringing and he hears his friend’s voice. He waits no time to quickly explain the situation he and his twin are in. Once he finishes his explanation, he asks for help. He knows that there’s a high chance his pleas will get rejected and he’ll be forced to quickly find an alternative plan, but he has to take the risk. And the risk ends up paying off when his friend agrees to help him. He thanks his friend and after a minute or two more of talking, he hangs up the phone.
“Hey, I’m back,” Roman walks over to their brother with a smile.
Remus nods and gets the keys from his pockets, “Alright, let’s get going then. I don’t want to end up driving in the dark again.”
The two of them get back in the car and hit the road again.
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an-aura-about-you · 2 years
For the ship ask:
Bird Brains Polycule and, if you've ever watched OHSHC, Kyoya/Haruhi
Bird Brains Polycule: Ship It!
What made you ship it? - I think it's how strong the narrative is that the four just naturally group together. Even if I wanted to do it as just two separate ships, I'd be at least a little hard-pressed to pick which pairs and the four would still be hanging around each other. Also Duck is just like the biggest factor of all this to me going in both directions. (Duck loves all of them so much <- -> All of them love Duck so much)
What are your favorite things about the ship? - How supportive Duck is about parts of it that don't concern her. In canon we saw how perfect she thought Rue and Mytho were together even while she was hella crushing on him. And once she understood more about Fakir, she realized that while he was causing Mytho harm it had originally stemmed from a genuine desire to protect him.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - While I know it's a popular headcanon that Fakir and Rue are siblings, I don't much care for that because I like Fakir/Rue as a petty frenemies ship.
So I never watched all of OHSHC, BUT I did read the original run of the manga like a decade ago, so I can still sorta weigh in on this! And for Kyoya/Haruhi: Don't Ship It! (But only barely)
Why don’t you ship it? - I think it's maybe they're at times too alike for a ship to work? Not strictly "they're the same" but I mean more like how either one of them can easily switch out to play the straight man against Tamaki's comic relief.
What would have made you like it? - I honestly don't remember much of the dynamic between them except for That One Infamous Scene, and while that scene was not a deal breaker for me, I would have liked to see more interaction between them to get on board. Then I would have more memory of their differences as characters. I seem to remember Haruhi interacting more with the Hitachiin twins in general when it comes to shippy stuff that's not Haruhi/Tamaki. Maybe it's just foggy memory, or maybe it's difference in manga and anime adaptation.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? - There's always something to be said for a pair of characters that can just sigh together about Tamaki's antics. Granted, sometimes that can be the entire club, but still.
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Scoundrels, Rakes, and Rogues Series by Mindy Burbridge Strunk
Prequel: Mistaken Identity
Can she truly love him if she thinks he is someone else?
Jessica Standish is considered an upstart in the eyes of society because she is merely the daughter of a wealthy merchant. After a failed season, the devastating loss of her father and his fortune, her chances of a good match seem impossible. When her mother arranges for them to attend one of the biggest house parties of the summer, Jes dreads the idea of being seen as a fortune hunter. But then Lord Ian arrives. Even though she has only danced with him once, he has become the man of her dreams. As the connection between them grows, he seems so different from the man she thought she was.
Conrad Pinkerton, the Marquess of Kendal despises the ton and all the scheming, the guises and the games that go with it. For years he has declined their invitations. Then his twin brother, Ian, calls in a favor and Conrad grudgingly assumes a guise of his own--pretending to be his brother at a house party. When he meets Miss Standish, he wants nothing more than to pursue her. But that would mean exposing his lies which would hurt both their reputations and threaten the relationship he didn’t know he wanted.
With family names and fortunes on the line, can Conrad and Jes see past their schemes and guises to find a lasting love together?
Book 1: Reforming the Gambler
by Mindy Burbidge Strunk
He has lost everything. She has everything to lose.
Lord Ian Pinkerton enjoyed a carefree life, until his brother cut him off without a penny. After he wins an estate, he thinks his luck may be changing. Until he sees it. With no funds to fix his rundown estate, Ian considers leaving Scotland until he meets his beautiful neighbor. But to his surprise, she seems to detest him.
Catriona Melton, Baroness of Crannach, has been in hiding with her son on a remote Scottish isle. When she meets the handsome Lord Ian, she quickly decides she wants nothing to do with him. But every encounter they have seems to contradict her earlier assumptions.
When an old foe threatens to take everything from Cat, Ian steps in to help and Cat must decide if her old assumptions or her heart will prevail.
Book 2: Rake on the Run
He never expected to get caught in the parson's mousetrap. Least of all by a friend.
Lord Nathaniel Westlake has a reputation with the ladies and their fathers. But he always manages to stay two steps ahead of them catching him in the parson’s noose. His last narrow escape lands him on a ship and it seems like the perfect solution. That is until he learns the ship is bound for India. To make matters worse, the only available woman on board is a lady already wise to his antics. If he makes a muddle of things this time, there will be no means of escape.
When Miss Justina Tinsdale agrees to accompany her aunt and uncle on their journey to India, the last person she expected to discover aboard is Lord Nathaniel. The man seems incapable of remembering his past mistakes, but she does, and she won't let him off so easily. But month after month on a ship finds them often in each other's company and she sees a side of him society would never believe. One she never expected. But is he worthy of her trust or is it just the confines of the ship that brings about the change in him?
Lord Nathaniel is determined not to let another woman hurt him, while Justina is sure he only wants to add her to his list of conquests. Will they learn to trust their feelings for one another, or is their friendship destined to break both their hearts?
Book 3: The Secrets of a Scoundrel
She is the only woman he has ever loved, but she can’t stand the sight of him.
Lady Isabel Palmer was crushed when her best friend and fellow adventurer, Marcus, left without even a goodbye. As years passed, tales of his rakish lifestyle reach her, and she buried any feelings she ever had for him. But when Marcus shows up years later in the middle of her father’s hunting party, old feelings and bitterness surface, placing the once close friends constantly at odds.
Marcus Tierney left Essex years ago, hoping to return eventually for Isabel. However, a tarnished reputation put an end to any dreams he might have harbored for a love marriage, keeping him from Isabel and his family estate for far too long. When a visit to the Palmer’s estate becomes necessary, Marcus hopes to find forgiveness but is instead met with disdain by those he once called friends.
As Marcus and Isabel increasingly find themselves together, they begin to realize their previous judgments do not hold true. Is it possible to leave the past behind and forgive each other? Or do their resentments run too deep, destroying all hope for a future of love and happiness?
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secondbeatsongs · 3 years
you mentioned sam’s home life earlier- can we hear your thoughts on that?
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(previous iCarly posts: 1 - 2 - 3)
hell yeah, let’s dig into what we know about Sam Puckett.
firstly, unlike many of the other characters in this show, Sam’s absent parent is actually mentioned! (shocking, right?)
Sam talks about her father a few different times, but every time she does, it’s...not good. and, it’s always a part of a joking and/or snarky comment about something else.
one example is in s04e10 (iParty With Victorious). in this ep, Carly says (about a guy she’s worried might be cheating on her), "He told me I'm one of a kind!" and Sam responds with, "Yes, and my dad once told my mom he was coming back!"
another mention is in the finale (iGoodbye) when Carly asks Sam’s opinion about her going to live with her dad, and Sam says, “Dude...if my dad asked me to spend some time with him in Italy, I’d say - well, first I’d say ‘Oh, so you’re my dad...’ - and then I’d go.”
between these snippets, we can see a clear (but upsetting) picture - Sam doesn’t know who her father is, and it’s because he abandoned her.
cool, so, off to a dark start! but don’t worry - it only goes downhill from here.
a major part of Sam’s character is her love of food - and that’s great! it’s cool to see a female character have that personality trait, because that’s pretty uncommon. but although her relationship with food is often played for laughs, I think there’s a serious concern here that nobody in the show really talks about.
Sam raids the Shays’ fridge almost every time she comes over. Sam hoards food in her pockets, and reacts violently when people try to take food away from her. Sam eats very quickly, to the point where it’s almost dangerous.
these signs all point to one thing: Sam has experienced food insecurity from a very young age.
I mean hell, Sam and Carly’s very first interaction with each other happened when Sam tried to steal Carly’s tuna sandwich, because she didn’t have a packed lunch of her own (shown in a flashback in s01e17).
and when Sam got a decent amount of money for the first time in s01e18 (iPromote Tech-Foots), she hired her own personal chef. why, you may ask? because (and this is an actual quote from the episode), “Well, my mom doesn’t feed me...”
unrelated rant: speaking of s01e18, it’s absolutely wild to me that this show had an episode where the moral can be boiled down to “1. don’t take money to promote products that you haven’t personally used, and 2. smart technology is often dangerous or, at the very least, unnecessary.”
back then (in 2008), it seemed like kind of a weird thing to teach to children, but considering how influencers and sponsorships and easily-exploitable smart tech have flourished in the years since, I feel like more people probably should have taken that episode’s message to heart...
anyway, back to the topic at hand. here’s something you might have forgotten: Samantha Puckett is not an only child! she has a twin sister named Melanie who shows up in exactly one episode (but is mentioned in a few others).
Melanie is everything that Sam isn’t - she goes to a fancy boarding school, she gets good grades, and she’s the only mentioned member of the Puckett family that doesn’t have a criminal record. and here’s something else we know: Melanie is their mother’s favorite child.
this actually comes up in s04e02 (iSam’s Mom) when Sam’s mother (played by Jane Lynch, by the way!) yells at Sam, “Why can’t you be more like Melanie?!”
we can see from all of this why Sam hates Melanie so much - she’s spent her whole life being compared to her, while at the same time being raised very differently. Sam was abused and neglected by their mom, and had to fight to survive - but it seems that Melanie didn’t have those same struggles.
I’m not saying that Melanie had it easy (I mean, they were both born on a bus, and did probably have some shared trauma from when they were young), but at the very least, being at boarding school meant that she escaped a lot of their mother’s anger and neglect.
personally, I’m of the belief that Sam’s mistreatment stems from her mom’s own self-hatred. on some level, Pam Puckett hates herself, and so she takes that out on the child that most resembles her - Sam - while rewarding and praising the child that she most wishes she could be like.
it’s fucked up. Sam’s entire life is fucked up...which is why she needs Carly as much as she does.
when Sam and Carly met, they were 8 years old, and both of them had already been through so much. Sam’s mom was neglectful and abusive, and Carly’s mom had died. in the show they’re painted as polar opposites, but it’s not really surprising that with their shared trauma, they’d find in each other a deep and lasting friendship.
I think Spencer saw that too. he saw this scrawny, angry little 8-year-old trying to fight her way through life, and he knew that he had to help her. that’s why the Shay fridge is always well-stocked for when Sam comes over, and it’s why he doesn’t really mind when he finds her in their apartment when Carly’s not home.
I know I talk a lot about Spencer Shay, but I really think that he’s the glue that holds this entire show together. he may be a big goofy man-child, but he’s also the main role model for three kids, only one of whom he’s related to. sure, he’s done some weird and messed-up stuff, but I truly cannot shut up about the good that he’s done, and the impact he’s had on these kids’ lives.
and speaking of...
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I see this ask, and I appreciate it. I’m still convinced that Spencer’s closeted for a reason (as I mentioned in my other post), but I do think that Spencer would see Sam and know that she wasn’t straight. the queer energy just bleeds off of her, mixed in with all of the anger and desperation that’s kept her alive.
the real question is, does Sam have the self-awareness to realize this about herself?
maybe. I like to think she does, especially near the end of the show. the signs have been there from the start: Sam got jealous almost every time Carly had a boyfriend, or even another close friend. she once got a job at the Pear Store just because Carly said that Freddie looked cute in his uniform. if Sam spent a moment in introspection, I think she’d figure it out.
but I also think it might be hard for her for another reason: she’s never really seen what a healthy relationship looks like. all of her friends’ parents are either divorced, widowed, or otherwise separated, and Sam’s mom is...I mean, she’s a mess. Pam Puckett’s been engaged eighteen times, and she’s fucked so many Italian guys that Sam learned how to speak fluent Italian, and yes, that is a canon fact (s04e01).
even when Sam dated Freddie, it was awkward and forced. they were basically two kinsey-5s trying to turn their mutual hatred for each other (and maybe even their mutual crushes on both Shay siblings) into a relationship, and when things got tough, they crashed and burned.
my point here is that when you haven’t seen healthy relationships, it’s harder to figure out if that’s something you might want. and if you do want it, it can be hard to reconcile what you’re feeling with what you think society expects from you, based on the relationships that you have seen.
and it’s not just about dating - Sam hasn’t seen many examples of healthy behavior in general. most of the adults in Sam’s life either ignore her, treat her like a criminal, or are themselves criminals! when it comes down to it, the only good adult role model that Sam has is...Spencer Shay.
Spencer knows that Sam is a troublemaker, but he never once tries to stop Carly from being friends with her. Spencer encourages her interests, offers her advice, and helps her out when things are rough - like the time she was having recurring nightmares about soup being stolen from her (which again, ties back into the food insecurity thing).
and in the series finale, Spencer gave her what is maybe the most important gift she’s ever received - he gave her a way out. he gave her that motorcycle, and told her she had a good heart, and that set Sam free.
Spencer saw the kindness (and the queerness) in her, even under the layers she’d built up to protect herself, and he gave her a way to carve her own future.
because of this, Sam got one of the happiest endings in the show. although her future was uncertain, she got to escape her abusive mom and create a new life for herself, under nobody’s terms but her own.
I just think it’s neat.
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simmerandwrite · 2 years
Hands of Fate
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x f!reader (Soulmate AU)
Summary: The idea of the universe bringing you and your soulmate together was laughable. How could there be one person destined for each person on the planet? Despite the evidence staring you in the face, you didn’t believe it. Nope, you were likely going to be unbound forever. Until suddenly finding yourself in the middle of a bank robbery isn’t actually the ‘wrong place at the wrong time’ - it’s just the universe trying again.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: mentions of mild gun violence 
Notes: I wanted to write a soulmate AU featuring our boy Steve. And so I did! I also tried and failed to keep it short but when the lore of a soulmate pairing can be so nondescript, it was hard not to incorporate some explanation about it. That’s it. Be safe out there in bank lines, people! You may find your soulmate.
Of course Steve Rogers believed in soulmates. Even though he had few memories left of his parents, he knew what true love looked like. The way his ma had described her connection to her own soulmate, his father - Steve would be lying if he said it didn’t inspire him and make him wish for his own soulmate connection. She described it so effortlessly - the way things were easier when they were together, the calm feeling that filled the air, the warmth that seemed to radiate off them. That had been an undeniable soulmate bond. And as a kid, it was all he could dream about. 
But then, well, he grew up. And his life trajectory changed in a way he never could have anticipated.
He figured if he was lucky enough to have had a soulmate, their time had certainly come and gone. Lost to the war, to the ice, to the future. Whoever they might have been, all he could hope is that they found happiness and contentment another way. 
Just like he had. His role as Captain America filled him with a sense of pride and fulfillment that he had a difficult time articulating. His life felt quite full - even outside of mission planning and fighting off bad guys. He had found a family with his friends and coworkers, he volunteered his time at the VA leading groups and art therapy, and recently he had decided he was finally going to bite the bullet and adopt a dog.
He was fulfilled, sure. But in the stillness of night, when he stared out at the Brooklyn skyline under the faded stars above, an ache of emptiness still remained. It wasn’t loud or distracting, it was just there, steady. And maybe one day, he’d finally have the opportunity to distinguish that flame of curiosity and longing. 
Until then, he just continued on like he did every day. 
Some days he felt very in tune with the new century. And other days, when he made decisions that reminded him of how things used to be, like going to the bank, he was reminded how his old fashioned habits were hard to break. 
But, for some reason he couldn’t quite figure out, he knew it wasn’t the right day to let Tony teach him the wonders of online banking.
You didn’t believe in soulmates. 
Even though there was the lore that had been passed down for generations, and scientific data backing it up plus thousands of research studies vouching for the validity of the idea, you had always been unable to get on board. 
You were barely ten years old when your twin sister claimed she found her soulmate. She jumped off the school bus and ran into your mother’s arms, rambling on and on about the butterflies in her stomach and the glowing yellow light and the way she could easily figure out the answers to all her math problems. All because a new girl had been welcomed to your class. 
Your mother had been elated, of course. Your sister was describing all the common signs of a soulmate bond - indescribable clarity, a rush of every emotion at once, witnessing an ethereal glow of colour, an undeniable connection that only made sense when the two people bonding felt it - and that had been it. 
For a time, watching your sister and her partner grow and feel and develop a bond of love together, it was inspiring. It hadn’t been easy for them, dealing with the angst of growing up and figuring out how to settle all the feelings that came with being a soulmate, especially being apart from one another for long periods of time. But still, they made it work.
And that made you think that yes, this could all make sense. 
And yes, everyone had a different timeline. 
But as the years grew on and you never experienced even an ounce of something like what your sister and many other people felt, the pessimism and doubts took over. Now, nearing the end of your twenties, you were in even more disbelief that you had a soulmate.
“It just doesn’t make sense, Mina.” 
You could already hear your sister sighing as you went headfirst into your usual tirade. 
“On a molecular level, sure. I believe in the concept of a soulmate. I believe in the science of it, even. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s all bullshit. You’re telling me out of the billions of people on this planet, there is one destined for me? How does that even work?”
Your sister typically flip flopped between placating your unhinged rambling and arguing with you. Today, she was feeling ready to debate apparently. She said your name sternly to get your attention away from the croissant sitting on your plate. 
You were pulling it apart piece by piece instead of eating it. 
“God, do you hear how contradictory your words are? The universe finds a way to bring you and your soulmate together. You don’t have to do anything but let it happen, you know. Remember how Rachel missed her connecting flight to Dublin a few years ago and the moment she sat down at the airport bar.. boom. She meets Devi, the stars align. All the steps they took led them to each other when the time was right.”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Whatever. Just keep floating through that dumb app and thinking some other nonbeliever will be enough for you. Newsflash: they won’t. Until you find your soulmate - your person - that feeling will always be there.”
You scoffed. Your sister didn’t know shit. She especially didn’t understand what the dating pool was like anyway. Currently you were paying for a dating app designed for people without soulmates or who were ignoring their biological destiny. Paying for it emotionally and financially, really.
“I know you think you’re above all this,” she continued on, gesturing around the table vaguely. “But fate is fate.”
“I think it’s a cruel concept. How is it fair that you’ve had Anna in your life since you were ten but people like me don’t have their mate? I’m nearly 30 and I’ve never felt even a spark of that stupid feeling before. The one time I did, it turned out to be food poisoning, not the person on a date with me turning out to be my soulmate.” You shuddered at the memory - especially since your night out at that fancy restaurant had ended with you throwing up in the bathroom then escaping through a swarm of press outside when all of The Avengers had decided to pick the same restaurant for dinner that night, too.
That had been a rough night.
You pursed your lips and before you could even control your train of thought, it surged forward. “Plus, are you telling me everyone gets a soulmate? Spencer Bailey - the creepy, unshowered flute player from our high school band - he gets a soulmate? Serial killers? The people who scam old ladies on the internet - they’re all worthy of a soulmate?” You scoffed, finally eating a piece of your pastry. “The concept sucks.”
Mina was not discouraged by your outburst. She was used to them by now anyway. You watched as she took a deep breath and you prepared yourself for her lecture. “I’m not going to fight with you about this anymore. You’re just hurt because of what happened with Jordan and you need to get over it.”
You chewed on your lip. You knew better than to give in to your sister’s baiting commentary. So what if you thought you found the love of your life only for him to suddenly break up with you because he found his real soulmate? You were over that. Yes. You were very much over it. 
Totally, completely over it.
Taking a sip of your cold coffee, you offered a curt smile. “I actually have a date tonight. So.. I will let you know how it goes. I’ve gotta get back to the office.” 
“A date. Huh. Must be why you’re trying so hard and wearing heels today.”
You stuck your tongue out at her, leaving the shreds of your pastry on the plate. “Hah. Just putting myself out there, okay? The heels help with my confidence in a weird way.”
“Hey.” She grabbed your hand before you stood up. “The world isn’t out to get you. Maybe just.. stop fighting it.” 
Sometimes it felt like your sister wasn’t treating you like a sister. You felt like one of her clients. Though you knew she wasn’t intending to talk down to you, her tone really walked the line. 
You headed back to work with much less purpose and energy than before. Once you found your desk, you smoothed out your skirt and blazer. A final glance was given to your phone and the dying conversation with your date for the evening. Greg, a personal trainer at a local gym, was ‘looking forward to meeting you!’ 
You sighed and sent him a single smiley face emoji. 
You wouldn’t consider yourself a pushover per se but when your boss asked you to take a last minute deposit to the bank after work, you felt guilty even thinking about saying no. 
So you said yes, of course. 
And based on the crawling movement of the line inside the bank, it seemed like you were really going to be rushing to make it to your date on time.
Your mind kept wandering as you waited. Your thoughts kept bouncing back to the conversation with your sister and you couldn’t help but feel irritated. 
You took a deep breath. 
Maybe just… stop fighting it. 
Something strange happened when you stepped forward. As the line shuffled, there seemed to be a stillness in the air. Without even a second thought, you raised your hand up towards your chest to make sure you were still breathing, that your heart was intact and functioning properly. Some voice in the back of your head.. something told you to turn around. 
Right behind you stood a taller man, who seemed unusually familiar. You couldn’t quite place him in your racing mind. Sandy blond hair, broad shoulders wrapped in a leather jacket, an unyielding presence he seemed to be trying to hide, given his downward cast eyes. You didn’t mean to stare but it was hard not to. When his head suddenly tipped upwards, you met a pair of beautiful blue eyes. 
You blinked hard. The buzz and activity clouding your mind seemed to dissipate all of a sudden. The man titled his head, curious, as he stared you down and he opened then closed his mouth more than once to try and say something. 
Before you even had a chance to catch your thoughts up and think about controlling your heart rate, a piercing scream sounded out. One of the bank tellers was standing from her chair, arms held high in the air as the man in front of her wielded a large gun. You couldn’t hear what the words were exchanged among the chaos but it wasn’t hard to piece together. 
An attempted robbery. Did it make any sense for someone to even rob a bank this way? Didn’t most money crimes happen digitally now? The whole concept seemed absolutely asinine, really, but you supposed banks must still have physical cash on hand and -
“Get down!” The mystery man from behind you pressed his hand against your back suddenly, pushing you towards the cold marble floor as the Man With The Gun Trying To Rob The Place fired his gun into the air. More screams sounded out and it was suddenly very clear Man With The Gun was not working alone. 
The small crowd in the bank seemed filled halfway with bad guys, as more guns appeared and angry voices started yelling instructions out to both the bank employees and the civilians caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. They cried out about cellphones and following the rules and how they didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
You couldn’t focus on that. How could you even think about your safety and well being and the men with guns when you might have just met your s- 
No, it wasn’t possible. Was it? Of all the days..
When your brain finally caught on to what was happening, you scrambled across the floor and pressed your back against a nearby pillar. Another gun shot rang out, followed by more scared cries from the bank staff. When you looked up again, the mystery man from the line, Mr. Broad Shoulders himself, was crouched in front of you, with wide blue eyes boring into your soul. 
Wait. Did you hit your head on the way down? Because surrounding him were waves of blue light, circling around like a halo. 
Your stomach lurched. 
Before you could say anything, his hands were reaching to grip yours and Jesus, your heart nearly exploded at the touch. Warm, calloused, gentle. You didn’t want to let go.
“Are you alright?” 
Were you concussed? His voice felt like velvet. How was that possible? How could a voice be so soothing and -
You nodded hard, ignoring all the new thoughts swarming your mind. “Yes.”
“Okay, stay here. Keep your head down. Do whatever they say, okay?” 
They. They, the gun wielding psychos, who were currently harassing the poor bank staff. It seemed their attention was split between their main goal of robbery and rounding up the innocent bystanders.
You watched him stand, though his eyes kept lingering on you. He scanned your face, somehow both concerned and painted with something else you couldn’t figure out. 
You reached for him, voice barely a whisper. “Please don’t go.” What? Who said that? What kind of desperate, unhinged-
He squeezed your hand before he pivoted. “I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
Steve wouldn’t consider himself lucky. He worked hard to strategize and execute mission plans, instead of leaving anything up to fate or luck. But today, when he made a trip to the bank later than usual, on a day he typically reserved for late workouts with Sam (who had uncharacteristically canceled at the last minute), today he crossed paths with you. You. 
If the electric feeling dancing through his body hadn’t been enough of a sign, that wispy blue light that lingered above you had sold him - out of all places, out of every single moment of time, every choice in his life that had lead his feet to that very instance of you turning to look up at him - he saw you. His soulmate. 
Lucky? No. The universe worked in mysterious ways. Timing was everything.
Unlucky? Maybe. Because why did someone have to choose that very same moment in time to execute their poor bank robbing plan? Of all goddamn days, of all goddamn minutes.
Because despite this new fire in his heart and soul, the one that screamed that he had to be near you, touch you, feel you - he also had his own duty. 
Yeah, the duty to protect his soulmate.
No, the duty to do the right thing. To switch into superhero mode. So he reluctantly left you there, praying to God and anyone else who may be listening, to keep you safe  - for a few more minutes, until he could be at your side again. 
While he sprung into action, Steve spoke into the watch on his wrist. The one embedded with some sort of fancy technology Tony was proud of - with enough special turns of phrases that alerted local authorities of what was going on. And then Captain America got to work.
Even without his cowl and uniform, Steve could do his strategizing on the fly. He headed towards the vault and safety deposit boxes, quietly and efficiently stopping anyone playing Bad Guy with a mask and gun. He yanked off a filing cabinet door to work as an impromptu shield. The magical physics didn’t apply but it did what it needed to - acting as an extra layer of protection and the perfect projectile when required.
Once those men were dealt with and any remaining staff back there were checked on, his feet moved with urgency back towards the lobby. Only two of the wannabe bank robbers remained. One stood in the middle of the room, with a radio in hand. The other was posted in front of the civilians - where you were sitting quietly on the floor, a few feet from where Steve had left you.
Steve approached cautiously, hiding behind a short wall. When he turned the corner, he saw you shift - it was slight but it gave him peace of mind. You were okay. Thank God you were okay. It didn’t take long for him to survey the space and weigh his risks before his next step - you sat with just two other people, one older man and another woman about your age. 
How fast could he move now? How quickly could this be over? How soon could he touch you again, clasping the smooth skin of your hand between his once more?
Letting out a long breath, he propelled the broken piece of the filing cabinet across the space as he ran, taking out the person guarding the center of the room. But, before he could react to deal with the last guy, the idiot shifted.
“What are the chances a goddamn Avenger gets in the way of this operation? After weeks of planning..” The final man took a step back and pointed his gun towards his new hostages instead, towards you.
Steve sucked in a breath, his eyes darting from the gun to you before squaring up the man. “You’re telling me. What are the chances a rookie team of bank robbers ruins the first day of the rest of my life?”
The man sneered as he raised an eyebrow. “What are you waxing poetic about? Let’s make a deal, Captain.”
Steve’s feet shuffled slightly. God, what a strange feeling - his mind had one set of thoughts while his body seemed to be arguing against it. This energy that was washing through him, it was more intense than he felt before. He wanted to protect you from danger, he needed to put himself between you and this man and-
“Hey dumbass!”
The next few seconds felt more chaotic than before. Steve blinked into action once he realized what you had done - ripping off one of your heels to launch at the back of the man’s head. Admittedly, it was a terrible tactic. But it gave Steve the perfect opportunity to launch himself at the man too, easily disarming him and tackling him to the ground. He barely resisted under Steve’s hold, crying out into the marble floor.
The sound of NYPD sirens outside couldn’t even drown out the thoughts running through Steve’s mind now. About what had just transpired, about what was happening next, about you.
It was so stupid. So illogical.
If your therapist sister decided to do a deep dive into your compulsive decision making skills, you were certain she’d be drafting a new case study to present to a board of specialists.
But something in your heart, as it pounded out of your chest, it screamed at you to help. To do something, to do anything, to help him out. 
Steve Rogers. 
You had pieced it together, who he was, soon after he had jumped into action - only to solidify your hunch when you heard the idiots with guns talking into their radios about how Captain America of all people had been in the bank when their plan had started. How he had taken them all down without a wasted breath, how their timing had been so bad..
Truthfully, it seemed like their whole plan had been awful. 
And the decision to throw your stupid shoe at the man with the gun - that hadn’t been great either. But that look you got from Steve - from your soulmate Steve - when he handed that criminal off to an officer, how he smirked with strange giddiness (and maybe pride) when he extended his hand to help you up off the floor, that seemed to make up for the stupid decision making. 
You gripped his shoulder as you pulled your heel back on and for what felt like way too long, you couldn’t even formulate a sentence as you stood in front of him.
Thankfully, amid the racing police officers and shuffling of an evacuation from the building around you, it was Steve who took the lead to speak. 
An uncontained burst of laughter bubbled up and escaped your mouth. “Uhm, hi. How’s your day been?”
“Well, it has not gone how I anticipated when I got out of bed this morning.”
“Is this real?” You paused and closed your eyes briefly, opening them again to see that lingering blue wave of light hovering above Steve. “I’ve been waiting so long and I never thought…”
You watched as Steve studied you. His eyes seemed to sparkle with fascination as he considered the same thing as you - the impossibility of chance, the unlikeliness of this entire scenario. And yet - there you were. He cleared his throat. “I sure hope it’s real.”
You barely had a chance to quip back before a police officer was ahead of you, requesting statements and information from both of you before you were allowed to escape the scene. When the officer asked to sit with you somewhere else, somewhere not with Steve, it felt like someone else was speaking for you again.
“Actually, I’d like Steve to stay with me for this. Is that okay?” You couldn’t bear to spend another second away from him. 
Maybe it was unconventional, how this entire relationship was beginning for you and Steve. How he was learning what your name was for the first time because you were delivering it as a witness for a police report. How you listened attentively as he described the actions he took physically to thwart the robbers’ plans. You nearly died over his kindness when he apologized so politely for breaking the filing cabinet and assured the officer that The Avengers would replace the damaged furniture.
And then it was over, the bank was closed off to the public and you were both free to go.
You were both free to start. Because the next step felt so effortless - with Steve suggesting going to a diner nearby to enjoy a milkshake. He smirked again when you ordered a plate of fries to dip into the ice cream, too. Your stories overlapped in both excitement and wonder and sadness, with your similar doubts about finding each other and the unlikely events that had brought you together.
Then you were laughing again, this time in bewilderment. “Wait. Wait.” You tugged your hand away from Steve’s (you’d been holding hands across the table the entire evening already). “A few years ago, I was at this restaurant with my sister and some friends. And.. there’s no way.” Your face scrunched up as you recalled that night. The strange sickness that came over you, the dizzy lightheaded feeling, how you had felt weirdly compelled to stay at the restaurant. How it was The Avengers, coming in after a mission you had heard a few servers mutter, interrupting the ambiance of the restaurant.
Maybe the hands of fate had already tried to get you and Steve together before.
Steve tilted his head curiously. “I remember that night. It was a place in Midtown - that little Italian place, Patsy’s? Tony loves that place. My head was spinning when we got there, worse than after any other mission.”
“Yes!” Your eyes grew wide once you pieced it together. “Wow. I wonder if we had any other near misses along the way.”
“Speaking of near misses,” Steve tapped his fingers against the side of his milkshake glass, raising an eyebrow as he stared at you with a playful smile growing on his face. “Should I be concerned that my soulmate made the reckless decision to throw a shoe at the man with the gun? Or should I be impressed by your aim?”
“Something compelled me to try and help!” You tried to defend your choices but you weren’t sure he was buying it. But god, the way he looked at you, the way his smile lit up his face. You grabbed one of the last remaining fries and broke it in two, tossing a piece into your mouth. “And hey, it worked.”
“I won’t argue about the outcome, sweetheart. But your risk analysis might need some work.” 
You couldn’t believe how lucky you were: those soft blue eyes, that smile - you got to look at that for the rest of your life. Steve Rogers, your soulmate, sitting across from you looking almost too handsome in that goddamn leather jacket - he was yours. Truthfully, you still couldn’t believe it. You were kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop but until you and Steve could determine what your future together might look like, you decided it was time to just enjoy the ride.
You had to stop fighting it, just like your sister had said. Mina was going to have a field day when she found out how your day unfolded. After all that stupid joking about trying hard for your date, too.
Oh no. Your date.
Your eyes grew wide once more, frowning awkwardly as you impolitely reached for your phone to check if you had any messages. 
“Everything okay?” The concern in Steve’s voice was immediately evident and you couldn’t help but offer him a soft, reassuring smile.
“Yes, more than okay. I just.. I sort of had a date planned for this evening..” You tipped your head in contemplation, feeling a slight pang of guilt about Greg - although it quickly disappeared when you realized that he had sent you a text message to cancel, just a few minutes before your planned meeting time anyway. “Actually, nevermind. The universe clearly had other plans for me tonight.”
Steve couldn’t fight off the warmth that had crawled up from his chest. “I’m glad those plans lead us right here, to these milkshakes.” He clutched his glass and raised it up towards you.
With a laugh, you did the same, clinking it against his. “To the first day of the rest of our lives.”
thank you for reading!! if you have any thoughts of feelings you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them!
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