How about facts for Edric and Emira?
The twins! Love those two, truly a dynamic duo.
OWL HOUSE FACT #33: Emira and Edric once spent an entire day pretending to be each other with the help of concealment stones and the voice changing spell. They got caught. Bump said that they did better than the time Eda tried to pretend to be Lilith to get out of a book report.
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lilmcttens · 11 months
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Thinking how responsible of the two Emira is it’s clear Emira basically had to raise Amity
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sun-dough · 2 years
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Ive been thinking about this since the blight twins 😂
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stanlunter · 1 year
You're probably gonna be surprised, but that's not another post about how Luz and Hunter technicaly are not somthing or anything. In this case I would even count the "what if they were siblings" thing. So that's just so super annoying when people be like "Luz, Vee and Hunter are best siblings fr", when there are litteraly BLIGHT and CLAWTHORNE (both sisters and Eda with Luz) SIBLINGS EXIST. Like Luz and Hunter barely ever even interected with Vee, Im not even sure Hunter ever did tho, but people still say Vee is their "best loveble sister ever", when she doesn’t even really cares about them and they don't really care about her either. And at the opposit we have amazing and super underrated Blight siblings, who truly love each other and care about each other and basically always here for each other. Or Luz and King who were together in almost every episode. Or Eda and Lilith who had so interesting build up, backstory and drama and still love and care about each other.
But ofc people gonna say "Noceda siblings" are the best, when they don't even know they are siblings
I will never understand that. It feels like even Wittebros cares about each other more, at least their story and relationship were more interesting tho
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mdhwrites · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Odalia and Alador? I was very disappointed by them.
When i first saw them, i thought they would be a fun villain couple who loved eachother and that they would represent the different types of parental abuse. Odalia being the more controlling, active abuser, and Alador being the more passive abuser.
When Reaching out came out, i was excited, because i thought it would be about Amity seeking approval from Alador because 'well he isnt as bad, so maybe i can gain his approval!' but then the message would be 'no, passive abuse is just as harmful and should not be glossed over and minimised.'
instead it turned Alador into a 'distant but caring dad', and then later, it emphasised this by making Odalia this insane idiot who didnt care about the genocide, stupidly thinking she would be exempt.
I agree! Just in general I agree! I'll first talk about Alador because honestly what was done with him was... Boring and pointless? At best, it's to give Amity resolution on at least one of her parents (which is questionable because I'd argue Reaching Out makes her goal... Murky. I don't know what she wants from her father honestly because her coven beliefs and her little speech at the end make it clear she doesn't give a single shit about his opinion or Odalia's so... *shrug* ) and maybe to give an answer against the Abomatons but neither of those ever paid off. At all. Ever. So instead you have someone who is just an extremely inconsistent character because it feels like the first three times we see him are three different versions of him and that is including Understanding Willow where he didn't give the impression to be a space cadet or not on board with what Odalia pushed. The fact that he's pushed to be incompetent also makes his writing like a lot of the guys in the show because he's hard to take seriously, Edric is similar, and he's just... there. Oh, I guess there's also the fact that he's clearly making robots instead of just golems, even to the point of mech suits, and I hate that because what the fuck is TOH's technology level? But also who cares when the writers clearly didn't? Speaking of: Odalia. Odalia is actually the worse of the two despite getting less screen time and I don't just mean because she's a worse person. Don't get me wrong: She is. She feels like some bad, animated 90s movie villain where money and personal gain is how they'll justify doing literally ANYTHING. But also Odalia is still bad at it since she thinks executing a child is a great way to sell HOME DEFENSE PRODUCTS. Because the death of their kids is definitely what you want on your customer's minds! Before I get into her real problem though: I also hate that she knows Belos' whole plan. Hunter doesn't know it. Darius, Eberwolf and Raine, all coven heads, had to sneak and steal the plans to get the information. Why the fuck, besides making her somehow even MORE evil, did Belos ever tell this bitch who probably never even asked what he was doing with the abomatons? Just... It's bad and dumb writing. But kind of like all of Odalia's writing: It still matters. Odalia is written like a one off villain while being AMITY BLIGHT'S MOM. And that is her real problem: How evil she is throws all of her children into question. The twins seem worried about their mom's retribution so why do they skip class? Why do they invite trouble that Amity, at the peak of her being busy with school, was able to notice? How do they get away with it? I made interesting and fun answers to that while the show doesn't even care about the question. And Amity is even worse. Her arc is thrown into question. How was she able to befriend Luz so easily when we know Odalia wouldn't approve of her? How was she able to throw away her old social group? How could she have been confident enough to bring Willow back as a friend? Why wasn't there ANY more worry about her mom when she knows her mom. She probably could have guessed her mom would try to kill Luz, or even Willow, if they became her friends and probably should have gotten livid at her abandoning her 'better' friends. Back when it was just Understanding Willow, one could make a case that maybe Odalia eased up on it since then. That's what I did in my story, The Power of Love. That the pressure Amity felt was at least as much in her own head as it was externally pushed on her. Things that would have been WAY more interesting than what we got. Because what we got with the Blight family as a whole is a bunch of characters who don't make sense, flip their characters on a dime and are just trash as a whole unit. And that's from the family that was BURSTING with potential at the end of S1. And I will actually go "Hey, if you want a better Blight family, check this out," because I'm still incredibly proud of how I wrote them in my monstrous first story for TOH.
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ziat · 1 year
Man, I simply LOVE this trio! LOOK AT THEEEEEM, oh- and..Try to ignore the Draw Of them like ponys..I..Wanted to try something diferent 😅
Man, Simplemente AMO a este trio! MIRENLOOOOOSS, oh- y..traten de ignorar el dibujo de ellos como ponys..yo..quise intentar algo diferente 😅
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angstismyfood · 2 years
TOH: Names (P2) and The Story of TOH
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This post somewhat links to my last one about the Wittebane names, so I highly suggest reading that before continuing on with this.
Anyways, let’s start.
Unlike the Wittebanes, the Noceda family are most likely immigrants from the Dominican Republic (edited from “Spain”, thanks to those who told me!) who came to Connecticut, USA (presumably for job opportunities or something else along those lines) - establishing their lives there. This leaves room for a few questions (which I will get back to in a bit).
1. Is there a specific reason for Dana and the team choosing an immagrant for a main character. 2. Could the Nocedas link to the Wittebanes? 3. Why does Luz possibly saving the Boiling Isles make sense, besides the fact that she is the main character? 4. Why is TOH the story it is? Does it have a deeper meaning?
These questions may seem kind of strange or weird at first, but I’ll explain it all in the order of the name meanings given below;
Noceda = Field of nut trees Luz = Light Camila = Priest’s helper Amity = Harmony, friendship Blight = Bright, happy Odalia = “I will praise the Lord or wealth” Alador = (Elador) Innovation, determination Edric = Rich, powerful Emira = Princess Willow = Willow tree Augustus = Majestic, venerable Also going to be mentioned: Owlbert, Vee, Eda, Lilith (name = night monster) and Kikimora (P.S: Kikimora is a name of a literal demon) *see “Wittebane Names” post for more.
Alrighty, now onto the content (aka my rant);
“Field of nut trees” may seem very weird, but nut trees (specifically hazelnut trees) symbolize good luck and fertility - with walnut trees symbolizing wisdom, and health if you get a biblical perspective on it. Which, of course, makes sense  - with the amount of Christian-references in TOH already as it is. If we put this back into the perspective of a name, we can infer that the Noceda blood line were probably a bunch of relatively bright and intelligent people (plus, Camila does work in the medical field - which involves a lot of study and perseverance. We’ll get back to Camila in a bit).
Luz meaning light, with the information you’ve already read, makes sense in a simple light (cough) since she’s the main character - but to add a little something to that, “Luz” technically comes from the name “Nossa Senhora Da Luz”, which is basically another name for the Virgin Mary (aka mother of Jesus/God, very nice person) - or “Our Lady of Light”. Luz is also the name of some biblical locations, one of which being directly north of Jerusalem (aka an extremely Christian place, along other things) - and with all the ‘upward’, ‘north’ and other-such-things getting positive connotations in the Bible (e.g: Heaven... literally UP in the SKY); it makes sense to say that Luz is a VERY ‘positive’ name. If this isn’t enough information to back up the fact that Luz is THE name for someone from the Noceda family bloodline, and ironically enough for a saviour of a demon-related realm, then I don’t know what more I could say.
Now, back to Camila, her name meaning “Priest’s Helper” (or religious attendant) actually makes a lot of sense, if we view Luz as Lucifer. For those who are unaware, Lucifer is basically Satan’s/the Devil’s name before falling from Heaven (basically this happened because he wanted God’s power, knowledge and got all egotistical and what not). The Boiling Isles is LITERALLY the Demon Realm, so if we put the human realm/Earth into Heaven’s slot in our story of The Owl House - it goes like this; - The Noceda family are Angels, and Luz is one of the newest - brightest, even - but in strange ways. She thinks unlike those around her (like Lucifer) and has slightly different goals in mind (although not as morally bad as Lucifer’s). Camila tries to put her in line by sending her to summer camp, but Luz gets lured into the Demon Realm (aka Hell). Now at first, this might seem strange; “What about Owlbert? Don’t owls represent wisdom?” Well, in a more biblical context, owls are actually seen more as ‘unclean creatures’ - symbolizing morning, grief and judgement. Judgement, along with other things, links back to how Luz was literally being judged - and if we twist the story into a more “Luz is sent directly to the Boiling Isles” storyline (for simplicities sake), then we can see why Luz would follow Owlbert from a more symbolic perspective (books usually relate to knowledge - Lucifer was seeking knowledge/power, whilst Luz was wanting her book back [her guide, her main source of inspiration, basically her figurative Bible]). - Camila was trying to help Luz, and due to the entire “God is a nice guy” picture we get - it’s safe to say that God didn’t want an entire realm based on evil, the very thing he was against/didn’t want going nuts. And like God, Camila didn’t want Luz to fall into the wrong mindset - let alone END UP INTO A LITERAL REALM OF DEMONS AND MONSTERS AND OTHER SH*T.
Now, we move on to some extras - which I will tie together, along with the Wittebanes, at the end of this post. Bear with me.
Amity’s name meaning “harmony” is kind of ironic considering her toxic household (thanks Odalia), but then again, her last name (Blight) meaning “bright and happy” is even worse if we are talking in the terms of irony. On a more serious note, having a family with names meaning “princess”, “powerful”, “innovation” and “praise the Lord OR wealth(power/knowledge)” kind of make sense if we think of the Boiling Isles or Hell, as a mirror creation of the human world - but with more sinister intent (thanks Lucifer).
Odalia serves a ‘Lord’ (Emperor, in place of the Lord) who promises her wealth, but this is obviously an act of deception for selfish intent. Belos’ monster-skin is green, and vaguely reminds me of the way snakes are depicted as selfish, deceptive creatures (coughs at Belos, oh sorry, b*tchlos). Obviously, Belos isn’t the God in a Christian perspective - only someone trying to copy God, so bad stuff happens and; *wabam*, he turns into a yucky puddle of sh*t. Basically; punishment, JUSTICE. Justice and judgement are also common themes in the Bible, along side mercy, grace and forgiveness. Oh dear me, if only the Boiling Isles could be healed with a little bit of forgiveness due to “Kings Tide” (cries).
Willow trees, like nut trees, may seem odd at first; but they actually symbolize flexibility and adaptability. And then comes the even weirder part; Willow had a hard time adapting to being put into the Abominations track, is a bit stubborn in the “maybe prioritize yourself” department - and overall, in the first half of the series, seemed more stubborn and shy than anything. But then, after character development, she becomes this strong, determined and proud character who (although still mildly stubborn) has grown a TON. Another thing to note, is that nature is quite change-related in a biblical light. For example; the story of Adam and Eve (basically they were the first humans who, after being deceived by a snake [Lucifer] into eating from the Tree of Knowledge, are kicked out of the Garden of Eden [sacred place, home] as punishment).  And here we are again, linking back to ‘Luz as Lucifer’ in a “Boiling Isle is Hell and Earth is Heaven” scenario. Willow is smart! Willow is knowledgeable, she is able to adapt to change and WAS one of the big FIRST changes for Luz after arriving in the Boiling Isles. Willow is a student, students learn, and Lucifer wanted knowledge - Luz, wanted knowledge.
Augustus (Gus) being a name all about “majestic-ness”, “increasing” and being “venerable” becomes a lot more interesting when we take into account a few things; - Gus was used for knowledge from students at Hexside. - Gus is a nerd, about illusions. - Illusions relate to deception. - Deception is very much related to Satan/evil stuff. With Hex (from Hexside) literally meaning “curse”, and being a prefix meaning “six” (six being from 666; devil’s number) - IT ALL ADDS UP. But there is are three more points I want to make, before I make my final conclusion, which are about the following; Vee, Eda, and Spanish migration. 1. Vee, Number Five - 5 being associated with change (again), love (something she LACKS, and as a demon, this is very ironic, but then again she does get love from CAMILA). 2. Eda, and her proper name “Edalyn” - both remind me of the names “Adam”, “Eve” and “Eden” (C H A N G E). 3.  Immigration/migration usually happens for job opportunities (as stated before), freedom and overall good stuff (think Nocedas AGAIN, change AGAIN). Of course, I could talk about Lilith being a nerd, Kikimora being all about Belos - and all of that. But, I think it’s pretty obvious now. The Boiling Isles has those, who seek two things (not primarily, but commonly amongst them). Knowledge, and Power.
Now. My final conclusion. Here is it; The Owl House - A Cartoonized, Movie/Play Version of the Bible (nicer edition, thank you so much Dana). <> Once Upon a Time, on the Sacred Earth [Heaven], at the Noceda house [Home of Brightness]; Camila [God’s Assistant] calls upon Luz [God’s newest angel], pointing out the judgement that must/has occurred - Luz is not fit to be an angel, at least, not yet.
Luz [The Original Knowledge Seeker of the 20th Century] is lured into the Demon Realm by Owlbert [Her/The Judgement, Deceptor], due to her seeking knowledge (which went against the ways that Camila taught her) - and so she meets Eda [The Outcast, High Achiever, Knowledge Seeker #1], who is her guide through the Boiling Isles [Hell]. After meeting Eda, she also meets her friends; Amity [The Connector, High Achiever, Knowledge Seeker #2], Willow [The Changer, High Achiever, Knowledge Seeker #3] and Gus [The Seer of Lies, High Achiever, Knowledge Seeker #4].
After adventuring throughout the Boiling Isles [Hell], Luz [Lucifer, in a state of change] meets others along her adventures. We have; Belos [Satan at his worst, Mentally Corrupt, Power Seeker #1], Kikimora [The Devil’s Assistant, Mentally Corrupt, Power Seeker #2], Lilith [Tricked by the Devil, Going Nuts, Power Seeker #3 AND Knowledge Seeker #5], Hunter [Puppet of the Devil, Going Nuts, Power Seeker #4 AND Knowledge Seeker #6] and the (other) Blights [Machines/Workers of the Devil]; Odalia [Machine #1 of the Devil, Mentally Corrupt, Power Seeker #5] + Alador [Machine #2 of the Devil, Manipulated, Knowledge Seeker #7] + Edric and Emira [Machine #1 and Machine #2′s children, alongside Amity, made as fellow Machines to aid the Devil].
Time has passed, Luz has learnt of her fellow ‘angels’ (by blood) and how they end end up; Philip [The Original Knowledge Seeker of the 16th Century, Completely Corrupt] and Caleb [Avoided Corruption but it cost his life]. She also learnt of; Caleb’s Clawthorne Companion [The Bate of Philip that led to Caleb’s demise (partially)] and The Collector [Satan/The Devil’s OWN devil-on-the-shoulder, Sky God, A Star of Fate, A Star Child of Immaturity and Curses (Lucifer was a child of God)]. Luz learnt of The Collector and Belos’ plan for collecting the citizens of the Boiling Isles and burning them in the flames which had been dancing higher and higher as more demons came to life. Luz learnt of all the corruption, the curses, the hexs, the depressions. Everything. She, unaware, was also connected to the disregarding of The Collector [Child Abandoned]. She, unfortunately too aware, was also a witness to the farewell of the latest spawn [King, Land Prince Dethroned] to the Demon Lord [Titan, Land God Dethroned]. Luz [Lucifer, making their choice] could never be a pure angel or a pure demon, like Camila or Belos (or even The Collector, nor a leader like The Titan). She chose to stay a dark angel, in the middle, forever changing. Forever learning. Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter and Vee - her companions, after finally returning to the Earth [Unsure/Changing Heaven]. Camila’s [Unsure God’s Assistant] reaction... will be in Act 3, the Finale. To Be Continued...
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“She wont believe you” “Even if she did she wouldn't care” I mean I would like to think for all Odalia’s flaws Planetary Genocide would cross a line atleast from a purely pragmatic perspective  
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clairow · 2 years
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
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lumitycanon · 1 year
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lilmcttens · 2 months
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mysoulspiralbound · 2 years
important question, is blight aldor's last name or amity's mom's (forgot her first name). like, who's was it origionally?
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zntauri · 8 months
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toh x omori
combining my 2 favorite fandoms because why not
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•. A visit in a dream .•
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