#because otherwise... tissue death???? hello????????
bougiebutchbitch · 9 months
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........guys have you not been feeding him
this is not how you care for your pet clown head
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pokemonshelterstories · 3 months
Hello! Forgive my ignorance because I don’t know much about the topic, but how bad is Pokerus as a disease? Although I want to raise a Pokémon in the future, my family is currently against having any Pokémon. I do have friends that have Pokémon, but they’ve all been saying Pokerus is a good thing and you’re lucky if your Pokémon gets it. I don’t entirely believe that, because we likely wouldn’t have a vaccine for it otherwise, but I’m still genuinely curious.
although pokerus has some short-term benefits in the way it affects a pokemon's growth, the long-term effects- which have only recently been studied to the point where we're beginning to understand them- can be severe, and they last long past the infection period. there's a reason we don't see it much in the wild; healthy populations of wild pokemon don't test positive for pokerus antibodies.
because pokerus attacks the endocrine system, causing overproduction of testosterone, we see some effects that are positive for battling, but many effects that have an overall negative impact on the pokemon's health. although these pokemon experience great muscular growth, they also experience an increase in aggressive behavior. this can make them too aggressive to battle or even handle, leading to the potential of behavioral euthanasia. in addition, excessively high levels of testosterone can cause physiological issues such as infertility and tissue swelling, and it also puts a strain on the heart and liver.
because these issues can cause premature death or poor quality of life, it is highly recommended to vaccinate against pokerus.
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spidervee · 1 year
hi helloo so happy your requests are open! can you do tangerine comforting reader when she’s upset? thank you queen v!
hello! thank you, sweets! here is some tangerine trying to be sweet and comforting. I hope you enjoy the direction I chose for this one 🌻🍊 18+ only; fem!reader, so much cursing and general irreverence; mentioned death of an animal, but it’s not meant to be angsty??
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You’re weeping—damn near inconsolable, and Tangerine has no idea what to do. He’s already broken something; the lowball glass he’d been sipping whiskey from when you returned to the flat had shattered between his fingers when he first saw your tears, amber liquid spilling out onto the expensive rug though he couldn’t give half a fuck.
And then you’d gone and sunk to the floor, your back pressed up against the wall and now he’s hovering over you, hands moving quickly as they assess for damage, mouth automatically asking where Lemon is, though he knows Lemon is visiting his “friend” in Dublin for the next two weeks.
There’s no blood, yours or otherwise, on your person, and though your hands are trembling and your cheeks are streaked with hot tears, Tangerine knows there’s nothing physically wrong with you—which makes this so much fucking worse because he’s good at tossing a wet wipe on a cut or wrapping a half-arsed bandage on broken skin. But he’s much less adept (read: not at fucking all) at healing things on the inside. Christ, he can barely manage all three of his feelings (irritability, rage, and—somehow, thanks to you—love), let alone other people’s. This is much more Lemon’s bloody deal. Fuckin’ tosser had to be in Ireland, of all places, getting his end away and—Jesus. Fuck—a particularly loud sob makes him jump, makes him contemplate the logistics of buying two plane tickets to Dublin so Lemon can fix this.
“I k-killed him,” you wail, drawing your knees up into your chest, “I killed him T-tan…I didn’t m-mean to…” There’s a little bit of snot running from your nose and Tangerine is torn between wanting to fetch you a tissue and not wanting to take his eyes off of you for a moment. You look so bloody pathetic there, it makes his heart fuckin’ ache—something he thought it had lost the ability to do years ago.
Still, if this was a job gone tits up, maybe he wouldn’t need to buy plane tickets—a blessing because chances are on such short notice there’d only be economy seats left and, as much as he secretly adores you and wants nothing more than to whisper there fucking there and have you stop crying, the thought of a flight squished between two random twats is somehow worse than your tears.
“Killed who, love?” Tangerine tries to maintain a gentle tone. He’s not annoyed, not at all, not with you at least, but his voice, he knows, is always a bit on the wrong side of gruff.
A fresh wave of tears, followed by a small sniffle, has Tangerine coming down to the floor beside you and Christ if this isn’t proof he loves you, then what the fuck is?
“The sq—it was so small, Tan. And it just came out of nowhere and into the road.” Your voice tapers off into a horrified whisper and your bottom lip starts to tremble. Tangerine blinks, suddenly starting to understand.
“A squirrel? You ran over a bloody squirrel?” He can’t help but to sound relieved and you scowl at him, a little wounded. “Love,” he continues, cupping your face in his hands. The metal of his rings is cool against your heated skin and he smells like whiskey where it had run over his fingers. “You’re a goddamn assassin for hire and you’re crying over a fuckin’ squirrel?”
He sounds so perturbed that your tears start to turn to giggles and you hiccup. “He was innocent, Tan!”
“Yeah,” he agrees, “But so was that poor bloke who got in your way in Budapest last week.”
A wince—Tangerine knows he’s got you. Maybe he’s not quite as bad at this as he thought. He can’t tell Lemon though—that muppet will somehow make it seem like he’s the one who taught Tangerine how to be good with people (read: he did, but no one other than the voice in Tangerine’s head needs to acknowledge that).
“That was…it was different,” you mumble, suddenly shy. You move to curl into yourself, but Tangerine is there instead, allowing you to curl into his chest and clutch the place where his shirt is unbuttoned slightly more than necessary.
He makes a noise in his throat, somewhere between agreement and amusement. “How’s it different, love?”
You pause for a moment, burying your face further into his chest, enjoying his smell and trying not to admit how much it calms you. “‘S’cause people fucking suck and squirrels don’t.”
Tangerine laughs and kisses the top of your head. “There’s my girl.”
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astolary · 2 years
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( Synopsis ) God, she was pretty
( Pairing ) Sage x GN! Agent Reader
( Content Warnings ) Cursing, mentions of death, reader describing how they felt like they got their head hit open since they feel numb and are unconscious, mentions of gunshots and death.
( Word Count ) 0.7k words // NOT EDITED! 
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Numb. You felt numb, restrained, dead even.
The braid of consciousness floating in the valleys of your brain told you otherwise.
If you were allowed to travel back in time, you desperately wanted to get those fucking bonus 5 redemption points you were given a chance to get while you were still studying in school. When your Middle School English teacher gave that stupid assignment in Google Classroom about making a 5 sentenced paragraph with adjectives and tenses underlined.
Why? It's because you want to subtly share with someone how you feel right now.
You would type with high intelligence under the question, and I would quote,
"If there is a possibility in the future where I get to act in a movie, I want to act in a horror movie. As if, there's a scene where the enemy hits my head open with a stone from the mountains and proceeded to scoop up all my existing brain cells with my small plastic ice cream spoon from lunch. Then they would wrap it in tissue, tuck it into my pocket, and throw me down the mountain. It is because I realized at this moment that everything will get harder, and I feel dead."
Except, your work isn't exactly rated PG, you won't actually submit it, with the cherry on top being that the adjectives and tenses weren't underlined. Wait, was that even 5 sentences?
Your body screamed at you to move. Internally screaming with your imaginary vocal cords, you yelled, Get yourself together. So you tried. You did, once, but you failed. That once being:
You tried wiggling side to side as a hopeless turtle flipped upside down. For a millisecond, something sharp traveled through your body like a bullet train. But the pain was inhumanly unbearable. Nope, alright, not doing that again.
You tried, you really did. Promise. (Emphasis on 'tried' used thrice.)
From there, you decided to stay put, floating inside your mental abyss. You haven't experienced this feeling in so long. When was the last time you felt numb?
Then, Santa Clause came to visit you with his reindeer.
It felt like the unforgiving arctic snow came to say hello and remind you to pull out your wish list for Christmas. It seeped through your veins, your temperature dropping at an alarming rate.
For a moment, you swore, Santa's reindeer would trample you any second now.
NONONO PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE RIGHT NOW I STILL WANT TO LIVE AND LEARN HOW TO SWIM AND AND- (There was no third 'and', you just wanted to live.)
Pale green blinded your vision as you awoke to reality.
The sound of gunshots distinctively enters your ears. Welcome back to reality! They seemed to say gleefully while flying to the other side of the area. You stumbled for a moment, clutching your still-beating heart. Right, the mission. Just breathe in, and out. In, and out.
"Thank goodness Sage managed to res your stubborn ass this time..."
"Viper?" Res?
You rubbed your eyes. Bones? Intact. Eyeballs? In shape. Teeth? Yes, you can still taste your breakfast this morning. But how?
"Head back to our aircraft, our newest agent can replace your position as you recover. We're already short-handed, losing someone like you would be less than ideal.."
"Meet Agent 7, the one who resurrected you. Sage."
She motioned with her head, look behind you to see her.
You turned around, curiosity getting the better of you while asking Viper what she truly meant by 'resurrected.'
"Wait, resurrected, what do you..."
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the woman before you.
Sage, was like those goddesses described in a codex hidden under the treasures of Egypt. Her eyes were beautiful, unmatched, unrivaled with wisdom and humbleness. At first glance, she had an aura of elegance and empathy, the traditional clothes she wore fitting her perfectly.
Was she a Princess? A knight? A queen? An empress? You wouldn't even be surprised if she wasn't one, her beauty was out of this world, and she didn't need to be in any of those roles to grab your attention. Hell, she didn't even need to try getting your attention.
"I look forward to working with you." She smiled, just a small smile. Yet, it felt warm. It felt like the warmth of the sun.
"Uh- uhm, haha... hi :D"
God, she was pretty.
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astolary 2022 — do not edit, repost, or translate.
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Hello! I have a couple of questions. 1) how deep does a wound have to be to successfully deliver poison to the bloodstream? (poisoned blade...) 2) I know that abdominal wounds are often guaranteed death, but would it be possible for a character to sustain a relatively shallow cut on their side? (Like, maybe near the lower ribcage?) If so, how quickly would they lose blood from such a wound? Thank you SO much in advance!!
1) Not necessarily that deep- it pretty much just needs to break skin to actually get a substance deep enough to be absorbed by the bloodstream.
When giving medications, there are many medications that can be injected into fat. Once in the fat, the medication is absorbed through the tiny blood vessels that run through the fat. This would be the same mechanism as a poisoned blade depositing a dose of poison into the fat in a wound.
Your bigger issue when it comes to success here is whether you can get enough of the poison onto the blade that it could transfer enough to actually have the intended effect. That would have to do with how well a given preparation of poison adheres to the blade (is it powder? gel? liquid that has been allowed to dry on the blade?), how much blade surface area actually contacts tissue below the skin, as well as the volume/dose of poison required to have the intended effect.
2) Abdominal wounds are deadly without immediate medical attention/surgery/antibiotics because they introduce bacteria (sometimes fecal matter/bacteria if the intestines are torn during the injury) to the usually sterile sac that holds the abdominal organs called the peritoneum. This is a wound that is extremely difficult to effectively clean without surgery, and the resulting infection/inflammation- called peritonitis- can quickly spread throughout the body and cause a deadly response to the infection called sepsis.
As long as the sac is not pierced, though (for example, you could cut someone down into the muscle with little danger of doing this), it would just be a regular old wound. It would still need cleaned/repaired, possibly with surgery, but it wouldn't be the same risk of death that a truly abdominal wound would be.
The risk of blood loss would also be minimal for this type of wound. it might look like a lot of blood to someone who had never seen blood before (think maybe up to a cup of blood if no effort was made to stop the bleeding), but it wouldn't be dangerous for an otherwise healthy patient. It would also be relatively easy to stop with direct pressure, and no surgery would be required to re-establish blood flow anywhere important (emergency surgery to re-establish blood flow is often necessary when you're talking about severe blood loss from an artery).
- Ross @macgyvermedical
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wisterialagoon · 3 years
For you, I'll stay : pt1
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Dabi is one of the top soldiers of the League of Villains. He does the dirty work and feels the stain of crime on his hands. You're an Assistant Inspector at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, resigned to records-keeping instead of doing actual fieldwork. What happens when these two become intertwined in the most prominent political event that changed the era of 1990's Tokyo Japan?
Warnings: Violence (a girl gets beat up in this chapter), gangs, eventual smut(not in this chapter tho)
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency, Kantō Region, Japan.
January 9th, 1990, Tuesday. 
22:30 hrs.
"It's going to be a long night," she thought, while fixing her desk for the fifth time. There was a haphazard pile of file folders, an unboxed diskette pack, and coffee cup stains all over her table calendar. She quickly reorganises the file folders, placing them in chronological order, then according to crime. Then, she matches the diskettes, which contain additional data such as interrogation footage, with each pile. Lastly, she makes her way to the pantry to refill her mug with coffee, humming along to a tune that was receiving more airplay recently.
It was an uneventful night, to say the least. As usual, she worked overtime, working on organising the paperwork and records of each case-from instigation to case management. She loved it initially, but now that she's six months into this new assignment, she could feel herself wearing down with how emotionally, physically and mentally taxing everything is. It wasn't so much the quantity or frequency of the load, but the content itself.
Seeing death, rape, theft and disappearances on a daily basis was starting to take a toll on her mental health, and even if she learned how to compartmentalise, there was something about seeing all the details that made her sleep less and less these days. The photos of dead bodies or visages of crying relatives would disturb her to no end, and having to type out each case report even if it meant tagging it as a cold case, was something that never really sat well with her.
Her direct senior, the only female Inspector in the agency-the only one who was actually nice, unlike the rest of the police force who talk about her during lunch breaks and agency dinners-tell her that the feeling of being "uninvolved" and "useless" will soon pass. "Besides," she tells her during one of the rare nights that they're both doing overtime, "You've got potential."
She sighs, wary of the compliment. "I just... I wish I could be doing more."
"You'll have your fair share of fieldwork and interrogations, Y/N" she says, patting the younger girl's shoulder. "Just keep working well, and the Chief will soon see your potential."
That last line resonated with her the most. She knew that the Chief was a firm leader-he did routine inspections, called people in his office to ask for status reports and he'd set all sorts of deadlines. But he was also known for being experienced in reading people just with one look.
So the question was, what was his assessment of her?
Did the Chief view her just like how the rest of the agency did-an Assistant Inspector who was only fit for clerical work even if she had graduated at the top of her class? Did he even notice her presence in the building-or was she too conscious of all the judgemental stares thrown her way because she was the first female recruit in a long while?
That was it, she thought, not noticing that her cup had overflowed.
With a sharp curse, she flung her hand away from the scalding beverage, and moved to grab some tissues-her mind thoroughly forgetting the questions that had darted in her mind not a minute ago.
As she dabbled the tissue on her hands and shirt, the police hotline rang, disturbing the silence of the otherwise empty floor. Alarmed at the prospect of a crime or report coming in at this hour, she runs towards the desk of the patrol and public safety unit.
"SMPA, what is your concern?" she asks, voice surprisingly level. When there wasn't a response, she asks again, this time a notch louder.
"Kidnapping," the voice cuts through the radio silence, its texture a rich timbre with a raspy undertone. Caught off guard at the mention of a kidnapping, she scrambles for a notepad and a pen. "23:00, 6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan. Takahashi Yua." In hastily written script, she takes note of the details, not once interrupting the man on the line.
"Who is this? Where is your intel from?" she finally asks, after she hears mere breathing sounds. "Hello?"
The person on the line doesn't respond, instead opting to breathe heavily before the line dies.
"Wha-" she exhales, overwhelmed with the situation. It wasn't unheard of for random tips to come in the station, that much was true. But a tip at this time? And with that much detail? She was wary enough that there wasn't any crime traffic recently but this is proving to be the suspicious exception.
Shaking off her doubts, she dials the home number of Inspector Sato, the head of the patrol and public safety unit. She knows he'll definitely give her an earful for calling at such a late hour-and to his house no less, but if what the man said was true, and if her gut was right, someone was after the daughter of the Minister of National Defense.
At the sixth ring, he picks up and greets her with a litany of questions. "Who is this? Do you have any idea what time it is? Whoever you are, you better have a damn good reason for waking me up!" he rattles off, temper flaring.
"This is Miyasaki Y/N, sir." she says, surprised at how stable her voice was. "Assistant Inspec-"
"Ah, the personal assistant." his tongue clicks, and even if she didn't see, she knew he was shaking his head. "What is it? Here to ask help again in records-keeping?"
At that, she presses her mouth in a thin line, stopping herself from giving him a piece of her mind. She knew that they would always find fault in whatever she does but sometimes she wants to just put them in their place and prove herself.
But now wasn't the time to do that.
"No, sir." she starts, fisting her hand. "There's been an emergency call to the patrol and public service hotline. A tip was given about a kidnapping at apartment 6 Chome-10-1 in Roppongi -"
"Let me stop you right there." he expels a deep breath, clearly uninterested with her report. "You do know what that area is like, right? Or do you not even know where it is?"
"It's in Minato city. The residence listed houses many important political figures, it has national defence" she says, foregoing the other details and taking the opportunity to transition to the most important part. "Sir, you see, this could actually mean that-"
"This means that there is no kidnapping. I mean, if you're trying to pull a joke, it's a terrible one. Hell, there's hardly any crime in that area!" he gives a dry laugh. "it's an executive residential area, guarded and all that. As you said, National Defence is there and so are diplomats and expats. No one in their right mind would attempt a prank call, let alone a kidnapping."
"But the caller gave a name, possibly that of the victim. We should send a team, I have the address. I could lead the-" again, he cuts her off. At this point, a vein was threatening to pop at how unprofessional he was being, but she'd rather not break out into an argument with a direct senior-especially when he was clearly already annoyed at her.
"So this is why you really called, huh?" he chuckles. "Look, no one knows how you got in, or what strings you pulled to pass the Academy, but at the rate you're going, you'll never lead a team-much less my team." the certainty in his voice washed over her, causing her to remain silent at his blatant jibe. "So go back to whatever you're doing and don't even attempt to call me or anyone from the agency to waste their time with your tall tales." the other line clicks, ending their phone call.
Exasperated, she puts down the receiver with a little too much force than was necessary. "Fine, I'll do it myself." she mutters, putting on her coat, muffler and grabbing her car keys.
30 minutes. She'll have to pray that she makes it. After all, she doesn't have much time.
6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan.
The Takahashi Residence.
23:00 hrs.
The gate to the apartment building alone rendered her speechless. Pure brass balusters and a towering guardhouse greeted her, complete with intimidating security personnel who wasted no time in asking for her identification.
"Assistant Inspector Lee, from the SMPA. We received a tip about criminal activity taking place in the vicinity of this residence," she starts, not giving any specific details. "This won't take long." she adds, as a last ditch effort to convince them that she means business.
"Alright," one of the guards lets her through. As she rolled up her window, she catches a muffled dialogue between the two. "Isn't she a little too young to be an Inspector? And criminal activity? Talk about absurd."
Scoffing, she speeds up to the address the caller gave and in a few minutes, found herself outside the apartment building. But she was too late. There, standing by the of the main entrance, was the defence Minister himself, with blood on his hands and a shell-shocked expression.
"My daughter..." she hears him mutter. From just behind the door, she hears distant voices screaming for someone to call the police. "Dial the police! Or call the National Defense for all I care! Someone do something!" the voice got louder as she linked it with a face-Takahashi Riku, the Minister's wife. As if seeing the police lights flashing atop her car, The ministers knees gave out.
She makes haste to catch him before he falls, and as she does, she gets her shirt stained with blood, and scrapes her elbow with the force of his weight. Not minding the sting of the wind blowing by her scraped skin, she pulls out her walkie-talkie, and radios the police patrolling Roppongi that night.
"This is Assistant Inspector Miyasaki Y/N, does anyone copy?" she starts, practically shouting. For some reason, she felt an adrenaline rush at the development of events. "Repeat, this is Assistant Inspector Miyasaki, does anyone copy?"
After a few beats, a voice breaks through the white noise. "This is Inspector Takami, copy. What's your 10-13?"
"I've got a two zero seven." she says, forgetting that she hadn't even scouted the area for verification that a kidnapping actually took place. "6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City. Send a medic for shock treatment." she rattles off, surprised at herself for actually being able to focus and act given the situation.
Then again, this was her job. Her first fieldwork-albeit unwarranted and unapproved.
"Copy that, 10-4. I'll run code. ETA twenty minutes." he affirms his direct response before ending the dispatch call.
6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan.
The Takahashi Residence.
23:20 hrs.
After twenty minutes, two police cars pull up the driveway. One belonged to Inspector Takami, the other was the patrol for back-up. He closes the gap between them in five, quick strides, hands in his coat's pockets.
"What happened?" he asks, ready for a briefing.
"There's nothing definitive yet..." she trails off, mentally berating herself for not even scouting the interior to study the scene. "But I've spoken to the family."
"You mean you've spoken to the Minister of National Defense." he supplies, his breath fogging up in front of him. "What did he say?"
"The family heard the door slam shut, and when he went to check his daughter was gone," hesitant, she clears her throat as a stalling method. "He found her in the marking lot, the girl was bruised and bloodied, unconscious. Looks like she was forced to inhale somthing, and her hands were tied."
"Attempted kidnapping?" he asks, stealing a glance at the apartment buildings façade.
"High chance for it." she answers, clearing her throat again. "Listen, Inspector, I received a tip in the agency around an hour ago-saying something about a kidnapping taking place at this time, at this exact address."
He raises his eyebrows, evidently taken aback at this new piece of information. "And?" he asks, expectant.
"And I think this is a set-up." she declares, sure of something for the first time that night. "Whoever is behind this, wanted us to come, thinking it was a kidnapping when it was an assault and break-and-entry."
"What are you getting at, Miyasaki?"
"There's a reason why Miss. Takahashi was assaulted and not kidnapped. They're telling us something." she says, handing out her notepad which contained the details of the emergency call a while back.
"What do you think this could possibly be then?"
"I don't know... yet." fuelled with conviction, she fists her hands at her sides, no longer feeling that sensation of helplessness or uselessness back in the agency when she was working on records-keeping. "But I'll find out."
9-chome, Kitakarasuyama, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo.
Assistant Inspector Miyasaki Y/N's Residence.
02:00 hrs.
Finally back at her apartment after filing the case and sending off the Minister's family with words of certainty about exhausting their whole force on the job, she slumps on the sofa, feeling her body become dead weight.
"God..." she sighs, fatigued. "That was a long night."
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leahseclipse · 4 years
May the show begin (Part 2)
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May the show begin masterlist | Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Kidnapping, general criminal minds stuff, angst, cursing, blood, mentions of death.
Summary: While working on a case, y/n gets targeted by the unsub that kidnaps her.
A/N: Hello! Here's the 2nd part! Thank you to everyone who liked the first part, it means a lot to me!! I hope you'll like this one- I really do my best at every fic, I hope it's not too bad- lmk if you liked it- have a good time reading. - Lex
Don't hesitate to send requests, I'll be more than happy to write them!
Word count: 5.5 k
I woke up with a start after hearing a voice calling my name.
I looked around, but no one was there. I almost thought it was Spencer calling me for a second.
I immediately felt panic invade my whole mind as I realized the situation I was in.
The room was dark, which didn't reassure me at all, because I hated being in the dark, and in this situation, I wasn't even somewhere safe.
I'm scared.
I want to get out of here.
What is going to happen ?
I knew that the following hours, or even days would be the worst days I'd ever have, and I didn't even know if I would get out of here alive.
I couldn't be sure of that.
It didn't really take long until I realised that I've also been drugged. I was struggling to stay awake, and my sight was blurry for a while.
I even tried to move for a bit, but quickly noticed the ropes restraining me.
As I tried to dig into my memories, trying to even remember anything from yesterday, the only thoughts that came were the faint sounds of a car, and then...screams.
My screams.
The next thing I did after almost regaining full consciousness was to look at my own body; I had felt a soft fabric against my skin, but still couldn't guess whether it was my clothes or not.
Then, as I lowered my head,
I realized.
Someone had put a dress on me.
I knew that I had this on for a specific reason, but I still couldn't remember why.
I did my best not to crack under the pressure, because the more I'd look around, the more I'd feel like crying out of panic. My head was full of panicked thoughts, I prayed for it to stop, but I knew well that I couldn't. Not until I'd get out of here.
If...hold on.
I remembered something.
The dress.
It's what was on the women that are now...dead.
Right now, what I only wished for was for someone to find me as quickly as possible. I couldn't remain calm, knowing that I could eventually die here.
This wasn't planned at all, I never thought this would happen one day, I did everything to protect myself, be careful outside, and some guy, or girl, managed to get into my apartment to kidnap me.
And right now, being the nervous and dramatic wreck I am, I could only think of the worst things that could happen. And...that are about eighty percent accurate to happen, I'd say.
This really can't...I'm not done saying all of the words I need to say to Spencer, I need more time with him, my life can't end now, it can't end here.
We're even supposed to get married. We're too busy with work that we haven't planned anything yet.
I can't leave him behind like that.
I can't.
My thoughts were interrupted by a sound, causing me to come back to reality.
I suddenly heard the door opening, followed by footsteps; these becoming louder as the person approached.
"Hello there." He said, as I froze out of fear, his voice sending chills down my spine.
"I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. I wished I could have processed this meeting in another way. But apparently, you were quite busy with your job. It was quite difficult to catch up with your schedule. So, I had to pay you an unexpected visit. It's nice to see you again y/n." He added, as he walked in front of me. I looked at him while he talked, but his face was masked, I couldn't see anything.
It's nice to see you again'? Do I...know him?
I still couldn't put a name on the voice, but I knew I did hear it somewhere. But the problem is that I didn't know. It could be an old friend, a colleague, a neighbor, but unless he'd say his name, I wouldn't know.
"You can talk, you know, I didn't say you weren't allowed." He let out a laugh, his hand touching my face, while he traced my jawline with the tip of his fingers.
"I...why am I wearing a dress," I finally let out, with a shaky voice. "And how do you know me…?" What I just asked was probably stupid when I thought about it after, but I was too terrified to think of anything else. These were the only words I managed to let out. I guess it's better than the curses. Maybe.
"Oh, the dress. I made it just for you. It's just a bit loose, sorry. I couldn't get your measurements from far, when I was watching, so...I did my best. I hope that you like it. I didn't want you to keep what you were wearing, it wasn't very pretty." He paused, probably thinking about the other question. 
"And, how do I know you…? Well, it's not my job to tell you, you're a big girl, so I think you can remember it by yourself. It'll come, soon enough. It's not difficult, you used to see it all the time, a long time ago, and kinda...recently." He said, as he put his hand on my hair, taking a strand between his fingers. 
This really has to be a joke. What am I supposed to do, guess your name until I get the right one?
"You really are...amazingly pretty. If I kill you, I can't keep you forever. That'd be a shame, really. I can keep you for a while, if you behave nicely. So, be an angel and don't make me angry, okay?" 
"Be a angel"...how am I even supposed to react to that?
"...keep me forever, why?"
"You see," He said, as he kneeled in front of me. "I couldn't keep watching you, you exactly look like my daughter would have looked like if she lived another ten years. But, some bastard killed her, and now, all I have left...is you. I can feel her presence through you, I know she's here. That's why I want to keep you for a while. You'll love me, soon enough. It'll be like the old days. I just, really am obsessed with you. It'll probably hurt your poor boyfriend, but I'm sure he won't mind if I take you from him. He won't."
He totally lost his mind. I don't think he's thinking sanely right now. If I take his words, his mind totally blew up when he saw me…like to the point he'd do things, without getting scared of consequences, he hadn't realised at all the risks he took, and I don't think he does right now.
I could feel the rage burning sensation in my body growing larger every second I'd look at him. He should consider himself lucky that the rope is too tight for me to move. Otherwise, he'd have no face anymore. 
I couldn't help but wonder why he would do that. Both my father and sister died when I was only 10, but I didn't go and stole someone else's father and daughter to replace mine. It took a long time, because I had to accept the death of someone twice, suffer even more, alone, in my room for months, but I coped with it and moved on a few months after, taking control over my life once again after the event I've been through. 
I know they would have wanted me to do that. They both hated it whenever I was sad.
"Why do...you just take girls from their families, to just end up killing them a few days after? Is making people suffer okay?"
"Look, if I do that, this way sweetie...the police will finally understand my anger. It's been two years, and they still haven't found the guy who killed her. I even wonder if they haven't forgotten about it, or given up. And after, they proudly appear in newspapers while a killer is still on the loose. Wow, look how great police is."
Is this how people are supposed to cope with the death of someone? Making other people suffer isn't the right way when you have to deal with a loss.
"Killing people won't resolve things, it's sad for you, but sadly, it won't bring her back. I won't." 
"We'll see that; if your smart-ish friends manage to find you. Unless they don't, you'll get to travel with me. Exciting isn't it? I know, right? You'll like it. I can feel it. You'll become my pretty little doll. Till you break. I hope it'll last long. We've only been together for half a day. We have plenty of time to get to know each other once again. It's been a long time since our last meeting so I'm sure we both have a lot of things to say. A lot.
"You're fucking crazy." 
"If you say so. But soon, you'll like- no, you'll adore me."
"Never." I exclaimed, glancing at him, my eyes filled with all the rage I felt for him in this moment. He'd be stupid if he didn't see that.
"You won't say that in a few days. I think you'll even beg-" He said, cutting off mid sentence, before I spat at his face. 
I knew the consequences of it, but I didn't regret it. Now, he'd know that I'm not his toy, and that I'll certainly not beg him for anything. 
He stepped back, chuckling, before hitting me in the face with his fist. Soon enough, a few drops of blood flowed from my nose, falling on the dress, as the tissue slightly absorbed it.
I didn't know if it was the punch or the effects of the drugs that I had just felt, but I suddenly felt tired as he hit me, bringing me back to the state I was in when I woke up.
"You bitch...who do you think you are to do that? TELL ME." He yelled, his voice filled with anger. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew it probably was red from all of the anger he's been accumulating.
The veins on his hands contracted, surely meaning he was restraining himself from hitting me again, or even...strangling me. 
"I'm...not a toy...for you to play with. It's sad that she died...but I already said I won't replace her."
"I NEVER ALLOWED YOU TO TALK, SHUT UP!" He paused, taking a large breath of air, as he pointed at me with his index. "You'll do...whatever I'll tell you. If you care enough about the ones around you. That'd be a shame for them to die because of their...stubborn friend." He added, glancing at me as he left the room, aggressively closing the door.
I couldn't stop shaking the whole time he was in. I'd never imagined that this would ever happen to be one day. It happened to Spencer, and I was devastated the whole time. Watching him on the livestream, I couldn't stand it for more than a few minutes. 
And now that I'm in the same situation, he's the one that is suffering. None of us know if I'll get out of here alive. That's the worst.
Until they'd find anything about him, both of us had to stay there, wondering if the other was doing okay, and in Spencer's case, wondering if I would make it. 
I really prayed for that. I need to see his smile again, run my hand through his hair, cuddle in bed with him, all of the things I love to do with him, that I love him for.
No sound was coming from outside, either the walls of the room were isolated in order to not let any sound in, or the house was in the middle of nowhere. 
The only thing I could do while being tied up was to look around; of the two windows, the only one that would allow the light to go in was closed by the blinds, only allowing a short film of light into the dark place. The left one was being blocked by the shelf in front of it, so not any light came out of it.
Even if I would try to escape, how could I even do that? I was tied up to the chair by the rope, almost suffocating me; my hands were both restrained to the back of the chair, each hand on one side of it, so whenever I'd try to move them up, the head of the chair would block my hands.
I then looked more around, a lot of costumes were displayed in the room. Some were complete, some half done or in bad shape; he also had sewing kits, measurement tapes, a lot of stuff to sew, in general. 
There were some boxes in the corner, some papers, and...a pair of legs coming out of behind the boxes. Someone was lying there. 
A stream of blood was dripping from her tight, while the puddle of blood underneath her limp body slowly became wider.
Her skin was pale as snow, and I quickly came to the realisation that she was either dying or...already dead.
Tears soon began flowing down my cheeks, a quiet sob escaping my lips. I couldn't do anything to help her, the only thing I could do was to watch her die, if she was still alive. 
And now...he's really going to do the same to me…? No. It can't happen...it can't.
The thought of myself soon being in the same situation as them even went through my mind for a second, terrifying me. I wasn't sure of it, but it still could be one of the scenarios that could happen. 
Who could even know if he didn't kill other girls? From what we all know, two have been found, and plus the one I just saw, three, or more, I couldn't confirm that; they'd had to search the house, or he'd have to say it to me in one of his possible attempts to threaten me, otherwise, I didn't know if there was more, I seriously hoped that he hasn't killed other girls. 
But, from what I've seen from the way he was acting, he felt...pressured, in a way. I think that when I...got angry, which resulted in him realising that I wasn't going to be the perfect doll he expected me to be, something might have changed in his plans, he imagined that he'd keep me much longer, thinking that I'd be obedient, calm. 
He had his reasons to think like that, I think. It's not really in my habits to flip people off, I'm usually nice in general. Even with weird guys that try to flirt with me for example. I always try to be as nice as possible when trying to tell them I'm not interested. Some aren't really mean in general, they just need a talk to understand.
I had this one teacher in college, back then, I was taking theater classes, thought it might be fun to do that for my last year. It didn't cost anything, and I had nothing to lose if I tried it. It really was fun, I got to make some new friends, discover new plays, and the teacher was really nice with us. He was like a second dad. You could talk of anything to him, he wasn't the type of guy to judge you, he was quite understanding in general. He wouldn't force you to talk unless you wanted to, and wasn't the type to slide in personal conversations. He was pretty friendly, you couldn't really talk bad to him, he was always nice.
What was his name…? I think his family name was something like...Miller? 
Even if it really was that, hundreds of people wear that name, so I'm not even close to finding it; and I was not really in the mood to play guessing games.
I'm currently being kidnapped, so...it's logical.
The door abruptly opened once again, as he turned the light on, a sudden burst of light brightening the room, causing myself to startle out of my thoughts. 
My eyes involuntarily closed, whilst my vision got blurry for a bit, focusing back when it adjusted itself to the light.
His shadow appeared on the floor as he headed towards me; I could even see my own shadow, not having noticed that I was shaking so much until I actually saw it right in front of me.
"Let's have another chat, shall we?" He took a chair, sitting in front of me while taking the mask off his face. "Remember me now?" 
10 hours since the disappearance of y/n
I pushed the glass doors of the 6th floor's office, walking through the hallway, as I made my way to the conference room.
A few minutes ago, I had reached the point where I just couldn't think anymore, I just had to get some air before getting aggressive with the others out of frustration.
Even if I knew that it would be all of the anger I've accumulated talking, and not the usual Spencer they know, I preferred not to go outside with anyone.
I was too distracted over the fact if we would ever find her alive again. If it's the guy that killed the two women, it'll only be a matter of time before he kills her.
When I stepped into the room, I sat by the seat next to Morgan, putting my elbows on the table while my hands rested under my chin.
Papers were scattered all over the table, as everyone's voices raised, arguing on the proofs they had, trying to understand who could be behind that. We only knew what the guy was doing, but had no clue of who it was.
We barely had anything. The only thing we had in stock was that the guy was between 40-50, and that he probably was a theater teacher, but again, it wasn't sure.
The thing was that we didn't even know if this guy was from here or not. He could be a guy that used to live here, and moved somewhere else.
Some argued on the fact that he always lived here, some on the fact that he just drove here so many times that he ended up knowing the city, or some that someone else who actually knew the area drove with him.
We weren't really close to finding any constructive proofs.
As for me, I wasn't close to finding any mental stability yet. My whole mind was a storm, a storm that I don't think anyone in the room would be able to stop.
What if she was already dead?
Although I wished more than anything that she would be okay right now, I couldn't get this thought out of my mind since we knew she was missing.
Her face appeared in my mind, her wonderful smile with it. She would radiate so much joy, that it would always be enough to cheer the team up for a bit whenever we'd work on a complicated case.
She would always care about others before herself. 
Even if we would never ask for it, she would suddenly burst out of the office, and come back a few minutes later with coffee, or even take a few files behind our backs so that we could go home early. She'd take a lot from Matt, JJ and Hotch; but while they'd go home early, she would go home late. 
We would even find her the next morning in the conference room, along with the finished files next to her. We weren't that evil, so we would let her sleep a bit more. 
She'd eventually wake up with a start, claiming that she just closed her eyes and didn't actually fall asleep. 
I always liked it when she tried to cover the fact that she didn't fall asleep, it really was fun.
But, I don't regret once meeting her, I've been in love with her since her first day at the BAU.
She got in about two years after I came in and when I saw her I just...immediately fell in love. Back then, I had shorter hair, and wasn't as sociable as I am today. A lot has changed about my behaviour and personality since. And...I think most of that is thanks to her. She made me a better person. 
The previous day, we've all been notified of the arrival of a new member, coming from New Jersey, but Hotch didn't say anything else, probably to keep the element of surprise, and so that they could introduce themselves to us properly. 
We all were excited, a new member meant an additional person to join our family, a new co-worker, a new person to know, it really sounded fun.
The next day, on a Tuesday morning, at exactly 7:40, she entered the office along with Hotchner.
She was trying to keep up with Hotch as he was walking, he was much taller compared to her, so she had some trouble walking at his pace.
They both headed towards his office, probably to talk a bit, sign some papers, I remember doing that on my first day here.
A few minutes later, Hotch and her went out of the room, as she shaked his hand, exchanging a few words.
During the whole time, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I even waited for her to come out, staring at the door for at least twenty minutes.
The others even tried to call me, but after a few minutes, I think they noticed that the thing I was focused on wasn't the files, 
It was her.
Finally, Morgan decided to come to my desk and move his hand in front of my face, as I blinked, looking at him in confusion.
"What's wrong?"
"Hotch called the team five minutes ago, you were apparently too focused on the new one so you haven't even heard him calling us. If you don't want to get lectured by Hotch, get up fast."
"I wasn't focused on her..." I mumbled, while getting up, walking towards the conference room with Morgan.
I entered the room, noticing her next to Hotch, as the others were quietly talking together.
She glanced at me, and gave me a sympathetic smile before walking in my direction.
"Hi, you must be...Spencer Reid, right? I'm y/n y/l/n, it's nice to meet you." She said, reaching out to me.
It took me a few minutes to get out of my bubble, before I came back to reality, looking at her. "Oh, yeah, that's me. It's nice meeting you too." I said, giving her a handshake. 
"Everyone, I think you've all met her now, but let's welcome the new member of our team. She'll be working with us from now on. We all look forward to working with you, agent y/l/n." Hotch said, as everyone clapped once he was done talking, welcoming words following.
And, of course, the following days Garcia kidnapped her a few times in her 'batcave', for getting to know her more, y/n was probably polite, and liked her too much to refuse her invitation, so she would always come, asking Hotch if anything was planned. Penelope wasn't that evil to the point of letting Hotch lecture her.
I enjoyed every moment in her presence. The little time we'd have with each other was more than enough for me. But at the time, I wasn't courageous enough to confess my feelings to her. So, we just were two close friends.
Nothing more.
We really grew closer the following months, we would get coffee for the other one, eat on breaks when we had time, exchange files, but my most favourite things were to see her arriving in the morning, and walk her home at night.
She would always have this beautiful smile on her face whenever she'd greet everyone on her way in. Eventually, I stopped staring at her like an idiot when I'd see her, and talked instead.
She seemed to like my random facts a lot, so before she would arrive, I would write a fact on a piece of paper, and drop it on her desk. She liked that small attention of mine, and kinda began doing the same with cheerful words she'd write on paper or randomly say to me throughout the day.
Slowly, it became a habit.
Our habit.
I liked saying that. It almost sounded like...we were together. 
We weren't until, one day.
I suddenly came to her desk, and asked her out. It was now or never. Because if I hadn't done it back then, I don't know if I would have done it later.
Surprisingly, her first reaction was to cry. I got scared, thinking that she was about to announce that she already had a boyfriend or something else, but instead, she got up, and wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me in a tight hug. I returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"You took a lot of time to ask, I thought you'd never do it." She mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.
Soon enough, the team quietly gathered around, smiles on their faces. They wouldn't see that everyday, so might as well enjoy this moment.
When y/n broke our embrace, her eyes were still watery and a bit puffy because of the crying.
Before y/n even got to, I brought my fingers to her small face, wiping the tears from her eyes, which she immediately responded to with a smile.
Her smile.
That's the reason why I fell in love with her, and recently, asked her to marry me. 
"Hey, Reid. Reid. You there?" A familiar voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I then realized it was Morgan a few seconds after.
"Yeah, sorry. Overthinking. I just got stuck in my thoughts for a minute." I said, trying to keep up with what was said previously by listening to Morgan's short resume.
"He kept the first one four days, and the second two days." Emily said, tapping her pen on the table. "Which gives and doesn't give us a correct estimation. But, from that, we could possibly conclude that he would approximately keep her…" 
"Three or four days." I interrupted, while running my hand through my hair, in an exhausted way.
Everyone was exhausted at this point, we didn't even know if we would get the guy once, but mostly, we didn't know if we would be able to find her in time before he decides he wants to kill her. 
We would have this crushing weight on us if we wouldn't manage to save her. We'd not lose an agent, but a member of our family.
And I don't think we'll get up from that.
Derek, Luke and Matt always act like she's their little sister, they like to tease her, take things from her desk and wait for her to notice it, bring her the wrong order before saying that it only was a joke, they really like her.
Emily, JJ, Garcia, and Tara immediately became best friends with her, they really liked going out with her at night, or even hanging out with her in general. She wasn't a big fan of girl nights, but she'd come anyway, it distracted her from all of the stress she had throughout the week because of work. 
Which I understood, because even I like to throw myself on the couch and watch as many Doctor Who episodes as possible till I end up falling asleep. I do that, or just sleep. 
When you work there, get as much sleep as you can because you never know if you'll get called for a case, and when you'll get sleep when you'll start working.
And lastly, Hotch and Rossi are like the fathers she never had. Rossi often invited her to teach her how to cook, chat with her, watch tv, he really is considering her like she's his real daughter. 
Hotch always protected her, he likes to sit down with y/n to talk whenever she feels down, needs help with files, and she really looks up to him. He still lectures her sometimes, but he doesn't mean any harm. 
They both are like her fathers, the fathers that I'm sure she would have wished for. 
So, losing her would be the worst thing to ever happen to us right now.
From now on, every single second would be crucial. I could not permit myself to get distracted; it was a matter of life or death from now on. 
Even if I had to go to the guy's place myself, I'd do it.
I would risk my life for hers.
I would do everything for her.
She's my everything.
Her life always mattered more than mine. She'd always say to me that I should stop saying that, but I meant it, it was absolutely true. I would have never lied to her about that, or anything else.
She always supported me in all of the imaginable ways. She never left my side once. Even when I'd beg to stay alone, she would come anyway. She always came.
Y/N always felt bad when she couldn't come to a date we've had planned, by making sure to bake something for me the next day. I never got mad, if she couldn't come, it was totally alright.
Everyone would sometimes get sick, or too busy with files. But no matter what I'd say to her so that she'd know that it was okay, I would continually find something she baked for me on my desk. 
Losing her was my worst nightmare.
A nightmare that could become reality if we didn't find her in time.
"I'm sure we'll find her. You'll marry your girl, don't worry." Morgan said, a slight smile on his face. He probably was trying his best at being positive.
"I know you're supposed to think positively in these cases, but I just can't. If it's that guy, who knows if he's not going to kill her off, who knows if she's not already dead, I don't know what to think of anymore." I said, tears forming in the corner of my eyes.
"Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll do everything to find her. I promise, okay? Now calm down, you have to be strong for her."
"Yeah, I know, I know. We'll find her." 
The rest of the day consisted of piles of papers, some short naps, coffee, emotional breakdowns, everyone was overwhelmed by the situation.
I never had to deal with it before, so I didn't know what to do, how to manage all my emotions, I was completely lost.
Just a month ago, I proposed to her, and now we're supposed to get married. I don't even know when. 
It's not easy to plan something without it risking to be cancelled at the last minute because of a case. You can even get called at 2AM. 
These last weeks, we actually planned to organise the wedding, but just when we had free time to do it; two cases appeared. I'm even wondering if we'll ever have time to do the actual wedding at this point.
We were supposed to discuss it this weekend. Garcia even wanted to help us, she adores weddings. It's the first one she'll get to organise. She was so excited when I asked for her help. 
And now, all of our joy and excitement from the last days shattered in pieces when we heard of what had happened.
We all were devastated.
A few minutes earlier, Garcia had returned to her office, probably wanting some alone time. I knew she didn't really like to show her emotions in front of everyone, she finds it embarrassing. 
Everyone was pretty much doing the same, trying to stay strong even through I know we all were on the verge of tears.
I was about to walk out of the room to talk to Morgan who had come back to his desk, when my phone loudly vibrated. I quickly noticed that it was a call, whilst I answered, placing the phone to my ear.
"Spencer, you need to come, now." Garcia said, with a panicked tone, hanging up before I even got to place a word.
Apparently, she had sent the message to everyone; some of the team members were already there.
I headed into the room, as all my hopes shattered at the sight of what I've just seen on Garcia's monitors. 
I swore I almost heard her voice for a moment.
I wished for it to be true.
At that moment, I felt like everything around me was collapsing. 
Hotch was the last to come in, closing the door after entering, as he headed to where I was, his hand now resting on my shoulder.
We're almost there y/n. Almost there.
Taglist: @amanda-rotigliano , @thatsonezesty13 , @eevee0722 ,
A/N (2): I hope you liked the chapter! I'm sorry it took so long,, I had a lot of struggle writing it haha- See you soon for the next and probably last chapter. The post that will close this story after the 3rd chapter will be the Epilogue.
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thebibliosphere · 4 years
Hello friends, gentle reminder and also info for new people: please don’t try to “fix” my food problems for me by suggesting foods to me.
I know you mean well and I am extremely appreciative of your kindness, but I have a condition known as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, or MCAS for short. One of the many symptoms is idiopathic anaphylaxis, meaning my body can go into anaphylaxis seemingly at random. Stress can be a trigger, as can pain or environmental exposure and foods, even ones I do not test positive for on allergy testing. This is because my mast cells (a type of protective cell that lives in every tissue of the body that everyone has) have gone a bit wonky and overreact to everything, perceiving harmless things as a threat. The end result is an overactive immune system that’s primed to cause extreme damage if triggered.
I’m aware that my food intake is restricted, and to the new people here I’m sure only being able to eat 14 foods sounds horrifically unhealthy, but less than a year ago I was only able to eat 2 things—and I include water in that list. I was effectively starving to death, while my then medical team congratulated me on my weight loss. It wasn’t until I was able to switch providers last year that my condition was recognized and I was finally given the medical attention and help I needed. 14 foods is a huge improvement for me, and I am grateful for each and every one of them. I am working with my doctors to keep expanding my food list. It is a careful and terrifying process that requires me to sit with my fork in one hand and my epi pen in the other.
The kicker of all this? I have qualifications in food science and worked in the food industry for several years. I am an accomplished cook and baker. I just can’t eat any of the things I can make. So while I appreciate your suggestions and your kindness, I do not need you to troubleshoot this for me. It’s rather triggering when people try, because it reminds me constantly of all the things I can’t have, and it’s very depressing to keep telling people over and over how little I can eat.
I know you mean well and your intentions are meant with kindness, but unfortunately intentions and reality are not always one in the same, and attempting to “fix” me with constant suggestions, causes me harm. Please don’t hurt me, unintentionally or otherwise. I’m not mad or angry at anyone. I just need you to stop. I’m aware of how unhealthy my life is, I’m the poor bugger who has to live it. Please don’t make it worse by suggesting basic diet and lifestyle changes. I assure you, I’ve already tried them all.
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confusedbutstillgay · 3 years
MF Gotham Logic.
Okay so stabbing/blood/shooting trigger warning, please DON’T READ if this will trigger you.
Hello, I’m gonna be talking about a bit of Gotham logic today. Before you start complaining about your least favorite plot holes, stupid twists the writers put in there, characters that only popped up for like 5 seconds… nah I’m not here to talk about that shit. In all honesty, I didn’t watch much of Gotham, so I can’t really talk about that. What I am here to talk about is Gotham’s logic of how the human body works. Spoilers ahead.
Let’s start off with one of the most well-known scenes. Ed shooting Oz and letting his body fall into the river. Lemme explain.
Infection. The Gotham river has gotta be polluted as fuck, so if and only if Oz actually survived he would have a hell of an infection.
Pressure. The pressure of the river, as I’ve heard, would probably turn Ozzie’s insides into outsides, especially since he was shot in the stomach region. 
The river itself. Undercurrents especially I’m worried about. How the fuck would Oz get himself out of that in time? And yes, he would have to, since he would die in minutes from blood loss. He doesn’t have enough time for him to just wash out and be magically okay. Not to mention the risk of, idk, breaking bones and stuff from getting bumped around in the river so much.
The risk of hypothermia and/or frostbite, since rivers are fucking cold regardless of the time of day or the season. 
Now let’s talk about what Ivy would have had to do in order to heal Ozzie. First off, she would have to know how to perform surgery, since she would have had to sew up the walls of Oz’s internal organs and also get the bullet out if it was still in there. Second, well, we talked about infection, probably having to patch up broken bones from the river, hypothermia, etc, etc…
Okay, let’s go to something simpler. Bombs.
Mother. Fucking. Bombs.
Do you know how far away you need to be to survive from a grenade? 30 feet. This is because your tissue tears from the highly compressed air that slams into you, and your brain and lungs can collapse and bleed internally. Just imagine how far away you need to be from a bomb to survive. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES GRENADES/BOMBS HAVE FUCKING APPEARED IN GOTHAM WITH CLOSE TO NO CONSEQUENCES EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE WERE LIKE NOT EVEN 2 FEET AWAY FROM THE GODDAMN GRENADE
So now let’s talk about the whole severed-hand thing. 
Oh, god, where do I start with this shit.
Okay, let me start by saying: it’s possible, with modern medicine, to have your hand cut off and be able to use it again. BUT. But. You need to go through (I estimate) months of seriously hard physical therapy, and it’s frustrating and exhausting, but again, it’s possible. 
*Clears throat*
Okay, let’s talk about Ozzie getting shrapnel in the eye. This is a bit of a problem for me when it comes to looking up the logic, since we don’t know how big the shrapnel was. If it was over 2 inches Ozzie’s getting some brain damage and probably internal bleeding. I feel like there, yes, is a chance he could survive but he’d have some brain damage. This would affect his temporal lobe, which could result in: difficulty learning and retaining new information, impaired factual and long-term memory, and persistent talking. But otherwise this seems to check out. 
Oh, boy. I wanna talk about Jerome getting stabbed in the neck. So. So, so, so. Getting stabbed in the neck is NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM an instant death. It can take a few minutes to a lot longer than you’d think to die from that shit. Also it looks as though he could have nicked a major artery… so that would mean death in a minute or two, from blood loss. 
Now, Theo’s biggest flaw here is NOT TAKING THE KNIFE OUT. Leaving the knife in means stemming the bleeding and allowing there to be a bit of a higher chance of living. 
Also I want to talk about the bleeding to the mouth… just no. From my knowledge this should not, in any way, shape, or form, happen unless he got tilted back and the blood from his throat SOMEHOW trickled up to his mouth. Actually the blood would go down, which would not be good for your stomach or possibly lungs… but anyways. The “bleeding by the mouth thing…” I’m starting to believe that shit doesn’t happen. Not as much as the media says, anyways. Yeah, yeah, I get that it’s a huge sign you got into a big fight, but that doesn’t mean it’s logical or right. Only way I would accept this is if you made a point that a tooth got knocked out (because I don’t think biting your tongue hard would result in THAT much blood… also if your character is good at fighting this probably wouldn’t happen). 
And last but not least, Ecco dying. Now, getting stabbed/shot in the heart is… fickle. It all depends on the situation (and yes, people have survived getting shot/stabbed in the heart. It happens) and how quickly you lose blood/how quickly your brain loses oxygenated blood. BUT AGAIN WITH THE BLOOD POURING FROM THE MOUTH THING. WHY. WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH THIS SHIT. 
Anyways, that’s all for right now, if you have questions about any other scenes my ask box is open and I will gladly speak about these things :> Goodbye!!!
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Ohhhh. My. God. How the fuck did I forget this??? (Also clearly this is gonna be a thread now so WHOOP)
Okay so it takes like. 4-6 min for someone to die while choking and 10 min for irreversible brain death. IT TAKES. 4-6 MIN. FOR SOMEONE TO DIE. WHILE CHOKING.
This is because of the lack of oxygen that’s going to the brain. SO FUCKING EXPLAIN TO ME HOW AND WHY KRIS DIED THAT FUCKING QUICKLY. Only reason would be if her brain was already lacking oxygen but there’s no reason for that to have happened so like… why
Anyways thanks for the little reminder of that :>
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stxleslyds · 4 years
Part 2 of my Under the Red Hood Review
Hello! Here I am again with part two of this review, if you want to read the first part I will link it here!
Let’s continue!
Chapter eight gives us a look into the past, to when Jason was stealing the batmobile’s tires, to one of the first times Jason went out as Robin with Batman and everything was wonderful…then one of the scenes from the past show a Jason that may come off as a bit more aggressive on the job, it’s also shown that he does agree that the level of aggression was unnecessary but that the criminal deserved it anyway.
I know that sometimes people get the impression that Jason was an angry and extremely aggressive Robin, which is not correct, he was a sweetheart (and I am referring to Post-Crisis Jason because that’s what is in continuity in this story) just like Dick (he had forty years of being a sweetheart too, Marv Wolfman misses me with that angsty and angry shit) but I think what’s important here is the fact that Jason saw things differently from Bruce and that does not make him a bad Robin, it makes him a Robin with different experiences and as a human being he is allowed to change his views, also let’s be honest, hormones are a bitch so emotions are at an all-time high so he is bound to change. This does not mean that his death was his fault, Jason felt lost and wanted a mother and he made some decisions but Bruce was the adult and he should have paid more attention to him and his behavior so in this house the only ones to blame for Jason’s death will always be the Joker and Batman.  
Rant over.
Back to the issue we see Bruce, who has been doing tests and analyzing the coffin that Jason was supposedly buried in for hours, he is a whole ass mess but at some point in time he reaches a verdict…There was never a body in the coffin.
In chapter nine we meet Davis McCullen and Alfie Tisner who have a sort of meth lab in Black Mask or Red Hood’s territory, they don’t really know, and they also have a friend that is selling drugs to kids so yeah…they are in big trouble.
As I read I expect Hood to kind of appear out of thin air and kill them but that doesn’t happen, Batman is the one that comes crashing through a window and tells them that if they don’t pack their things and move they are dead because there is a wall full of C4 (that Jason implanted), Batman wastes no time and gets to work on disarming the bomb as he does that Jason makes himself known (trough a microphone) and tells the Bat that there is no way he can do it and that he better run too. Bruce says that the building is empty and there is no reason for him to blow it up which Jason is aware of and then suggests that Batman knows how much good it does to put a little fear into people and…boom.
Look at this little shit.
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We soon find out that the building belonged to Black Mask, and that is not the only thing that Hood wants off the map, he is shown blowing up one of Masks trucks that is full of weapons. Here we also learn a bit more about his modus operandi, he never steals drugs or weapons for himself, he just destroys them and while they were expecting that behavior in what Hood deemed his territory, he is now doing it everywhere. We also find out that before he was trying to get Mask’s people to work for him but now he just kills them.
He is, however, taking his cut from wherever he can, so maybe he is building his own empire and his move as of now is eliminating the competition. This theory is proven true when Jason in all his glory and with a bazooka shoots Mask’s office floor.
Mask is pissed off and as he is screaming into the wind an angel answers his call…Deathstroke is here and he wants to play. This is not pleasing for Hood or Batman.  
Slade is working with the Society and Mask wants Hood “Serious dead. Head on a pike, guts on the pavement, me wearing a sweater vest made of his skin kind of dead.” So, Slade sends people to take care of the job.
Mask isn’t pleased though, apparently Captain Nazi (???), Hyena and an unknown third party aren’t enough for him but Slade assures him that they will get the job done, no worries.
The attack on Hood comes when some men are trying to send a “message” to him and here is where weirdo one and two bamboozle our boy.
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The fight that ensues is good but is overshadowed by what Alfred says behind the scene, he talks about how Jason as Robin told him that Batman and the legend of what he could do didn’t necessarily scare the “dress ups” the way that it scared the street thugs, so as a consequence they were more dangerous, Alfred true to himself tried to explain that the dress ups probably believe different things about Batman but Jason told him something that shocked him, he said “They all know he won’t kill them.” Which is true, you, me and Alfred know it.
As Alfred continues “talking” the fight welcomes a new player, Batman. He narrates the fight and realizes that they need to team up which comes naturally to them both, in a second they are in synch just like they used to back in the cave all those years ago. As the fight is coming to an end the third party arrives…yep Count Vertigo is here, the fight doesn’t last long though, because there is adrenaline and hyenas and scents the fight is over in no time (I am not explaining that fight, it’s so weird). Captain Nazi is the only casualty and Batman isn’t happy but just like Jason I am okay with it, if he had to kill one of them let it be the Nazi.
Jason obviously leaves and taunts the Bat once more.
Alfred ends the monologue by saying that Jason never understood that it wasn’t Batman’s strength or stealth that scared his adversaries but his resolve.  
So, Batman makes a dramatic promise, “Time for this to end.” dun dun duuuuun
Chapter eleven part one opens with Alfred telling us about one of his and Bruce’s hobbies, they used to collect first editions of books and it soon became a tradition that Alfred then shared with both Dick and Jason…so when he finds a package for him and B that says “Just two to add to the pile. Cheers – Jason” Alfred immediately contacts Bruce.
Back to Black Mask, he apparently decided to set up a meeting with his right-hand men, they think that they are there to evaluate the idea of making a deal with Red Hood so he stops messing up their business and they are right! It’s just that the deal was made between Mask and Hood and it consisted in them being killed off.
 “Are you happy?” Roman asks.
“Getting there” Hood answers.
Back with Alfred we are able to see what is in the package. In it there is a lock of green hair with tissue included so yeah, now they know that Jason has the Joker, and he was nice enough to give them an address.
Once again with Mask and Hood well, let me tell you if Hood is just “getting there” then Mask is just not happy. They get into an argument, a big one, Mask says that killing all his right-hand men should be sufficient but Hood says it isn’t. It goes on for a while and Mask loses his marbles completely, apparently he put everything on the line for the deal but Hood really doesn’t give a fuck. A fist connects with Hood’s face and a fight ensues, while they do that they also yell at each other about the proper way of running the underworld, the fear factor, who is prettier, who is the best gangster and who looks better in biker clothing…you know, the important stuff.
I am not undermining the fight, believe me but it’s just that they talk, punch and throw each other across the room a lot. Sacrifice and what they are willing to do for Gotham or better said what they are willing to do TO Gotham are the last things they discuss.
Just as the end of the fight comes, we once again have Alfred talking in the background about the time Jason died and the time Bruce’s parents died and how different the two instances are, Bruce was a little boy and defenseless when his parents died but when Jason died he had everything, the training, gadgets and abilities the only thing that he lacked was time.
And as it turns out that’s about to happen once more…Batman is going to arrive to the place where Jason and Mask are going at it just in time to see Jason drop dead on the floor.
Don’t worry friends Jason isn’t dead (again) it’s just a random dude with a mustache and Mask is pissed about it, what’s new?
Jason is actually with the Joker, and by “with the Joker” I mean being annoyed by the Joker…he is ranting on and on about how he killed him, how good things come in threes like Batman, Robin and himself. At some point Joker decides that the sensible thing to do next is compare Jason still letting him live with Batman’s no killing rule and then to make matters worse compare Jason’s actions as Red Hood with his own.
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I absolutely LOVE Jason in this moment, I swear seeing Joker’s smile fade away brings me joy, he tells him exactly what he doesn’t want to hear. Jason isn’t like the Bat he won’t stay and play his game; this man right here just scared the Joker and nobody can’t tell me otherwise.
Back to Batman, he is trying his best to shake Mask off but the man keeps questioning if he knows who the Red Hood is and why did he let him operate in such a brutal way for so long (and affecting his business, poor thing so sad). Batman basically tells him to stop playing victim, he thinks that Mask crossed a line that someone really didn’t want crossed and that at the end of the day he is just another gagster…which is exactly what Hood had said moments ago trough the helmet to Black Mask, in a moment of great intelligence Mask deduces that maybe Batman actually knows exactly who Hood is.
Batman of course doesn’t answer because he thinks he is slick but the cat is out of the bag. Among the ruble of the helmet that just exploded (yeah the helmet had a built in bomb, that detonated after Mask unmasked the mustache man) Batman finds a message from Hood, a place and “you know where”.
The east end, Crime Alley. That’s where Jason takes him because it’s “fitting”, after all it’s the place where they first met.
Jason tells Batman that the Joker is in the building next to them and that he has it wired to blow it up, so Batman being his stupid self says that he won’t let him kill the Joker (come on Jason why do you want to kill the nice clown man, he is such a sweetheart).
The fight between those two is about to start when the scene changes. An attack, a living bomb called Chemo is being dropped (by the Society) in Bludhaven, Nightwing’s city. And Batman has a front row seat to see the show.
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Yep, it’s not a good time to make snarky comments Jason; as far as both of them know Dick Grayson is dead. And the emotion in Batman’s face is heartbreaking, we as the readers have seen impossible situations, characters surviving shit that they wouldn’t in real life but characters within comics don’t know that… so, Bruce just saw another one of his sons die. (Dick is alive though, don’t worry)
Now, Jason has been a little shit during the whole story, but do not think for a moment that the situation somehow brings any form of positive emotion within him, what happens is that he sees an emotionally compromised Batman and well, will there ever be a better chance to manipulate him into feeling even worse?
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…If Batman leaves, the Joker dies. So, first choice for the Bat, either he goes to what’s left of Bludhaven and searches for Dick or he stays and doesn’t let Jason kill the Joker.
Batman chooses to fight, and once again they start the same dance but this time B has upgraded his gadgets (you will never catch him wearing the same thing twice! Shame on you!) Jason teases him a little bit about the cape and B burns his jacket…
Batman has a whole speech about how Jason won’t be able to save Gotham or be better than him…that he knows that he failed him and is trying not to do it again. But Jason says that the failure he talks about isn’t really were his problem lies.
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There we have it. And I would like to ask the same thing, why is the Joker still alive? Would it actually be so bad if he were beaten to death by someone’s bare hands? (Check out Joker: Last Laugh #6 (January, 2002) for a surprise)  
But that’s not the point, Jason is mad because he doesn’t understand and he feels betrayed, if the mad man kills a fifteen-year-old and then continues to kill and you as Batman aren’t willing to break the cycle of:  1) Joker escapes Arkham 2) Joker does something evil 3) Batman fights and captures him 4) Batman sends the Joker to Arkham 4) Arkham is already corrupt and lets him out after a while or he corrupts/kills a few people into letting him out, then what kind of man are you?
Batman obviously has an answer as to why he hasn’t killed Joker yet. He doesn’t do it because it will be too easy and not only that but he has thought about it…not just killing him but torturing him BUT! he won’t. He can’t really, you see, If he does it once maybe he will never stop (there he goes, the man with a resolve of steel) if he walks the dark path once he will walk it forever. Basically, Batman has zero willpower and zero control…my dude no one believes you!!!! Jason doesn’t either but he does have something to say.
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Heartbreaking, that’s the only thing I have to say about these panels, these are panels that have always stuck with me. If you want this conversation to reach a whole new level of emotion I suggest you watch Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010) it’s an animated movie and Jason Todd is voiced by Jensen Ackles (who plays Dean Winchester in Supernatural) which is probably the best casting ever, Jensen is excellent at showing emotion with his voice. I totally know that probably all of you have seen the movie but it’s so good that I really think it’s worth watching again.
It doesn’t matter how emotional it’s for us, Batman can’t and won’t kill him, not even when Jason slides him a gun…so here comes the second time Batman has to make a choice
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And he does, well, he uses a batarang to slice Jason’s throat making him let go off the Joker. Jason falls to the floor, a pool of blood around him. As that happens Joker grabs the gun and aims for the dynamite left there (remember that the building was set to go off) and shoots. BOOM!
And that’s the end. All three of them survive although Batman didn’t know that Jason was going to survive, I mean can he actually tell the future or…maybe I am missing something.
And yes, that was the end, I understand that to some it’s just a shitty ending and I don’t blame you…but to me it’s genius.  
It ends with Batman betraying Jason. They don’t make up, Batman doesn’t try to come to an understanding with him, he just makes a choice, he would rather save the Joker before killing or letting Jason kill him, which is bullshit my friends because Jason has been killing this whole story and B has been aware of it.
Jason appears later in Nightwing issue #118 (May, 2006) to #122 (September, 2006) as Nightwing and with tentacles. Don’t worry, you don’t have to read that. After that he appears here and there but personally, I really didn’t catch up with him up until Batman: Battle for the Cowl.
 Anyway, I am going to end it here, I hope whoever takes the time to read this enjoys it, see you around!
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Hello again. If it's not too much trouble I would like to ask for more angsty Tim Drake fics. If you can't it's okay.
Well, Your Highness, I’m always glad to be called upon as font of Tim Drake knowledge (useless or otherwise). Thanks for asking for my recommendations. Here are even more excellent stories guaranteed to fulfill all of your inner angst cravings. My only caveat is that you will need multiple boxes of tissues to get through all the feels from these fics.
Year of Fallen Angels by Maychorian: (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18407444/chapters/43596134)            Tim is kidnapped and horrifically tortured while in his civilian identity as Tim Drake-Wayne. This fic features Tim’s feelings of worthlessness, Bruce finally trying to be a good father, Dick desperately attempting to repair his relationship with Tim, Jason as the bodyguard from hell and Damian experiencing character growth in a believable manner. 
Juneberries by MishaBerry: (https://archiveofourown.org/works/10797192/chapters/23950983)
It’s no secret that Tim and Damian get along like water and electricity. Tim is taken by a man who is wants Tim’s clever mind used to his purposes and is not above brainwashing him to do it. Damian is forced to reassess the way he sees his older “brother” after he ends up in a cell next to Tim. You see, the villain who has them only wants Tim and considers Damian at best leverage against Tim and at worst, sees the younger boy as expendable.  
Resonant Frequency by Lurkinglurkerwholurks: (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22206673)
Tim is mourning the death of Jack Drake. Bruce finally gets to see the depths of the damage caused to Tim by the emotional neglect he lived through because, as it turns out, having a “quiet” kid isn’t always a good thing.
Bloodlines by Chibi_nightowl:(https://archiveofourown.org/works/22117774/chapters/52789942
The very best Tim-is-Bruce’s-biological-child story I’ve ever read. It features Tim being blindsided about his heritage, Dick and Jason being good bros and getting drunk with Tim, emotionally clueless Bruce and, of course, an arrogant Damian being a little sh*t because everything is always about how it effects him.
Fear of Falling Apart by Sohotthateveryonedied: (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21351433)
This is set right after the Black Lantern attack while Bruce is “dead,” Dick confronts Tim before he can quietly leave the manor the next morning. For someone as smart as Dick Grayson is you’d think he’d have long ago learned the essential lesson of not asking questions you really don’t want the answers to.
Enjoy the stories. Don’t forget to leave the authors a comment or kudo. It’s the only “payment” fanfiction writers get!
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In The Wake of her Shadow: Part 2
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“The sound.  That awful, tapping sound.  That driving, piercing, almost mind numbing sound of metal on metal, teeth to bone, what is that.  Gods be damned.  Its Rhythmic. “
“Why does it mock me?  Why is it there? Why wont it leave? Who is that!”
“It is there again.  What is it! Why is it there? Gods be damned why cant I see!”
Some sounds are often amplified by the extreme given the situation, the location and the amount of vibration echoing from wall to wall.  The Oubliette down in the darkest regions of the Bastille was something that only those who were destined for great things would see. 
Sound traveled forever here.  Or to the mind of someone who had been secured there for several days without food or water; without anything outside of their own thoughts, to that person, Sound was the most terrifying beast in existence.
Strung by his arms; rusted links of saronite secured around each hand, there was a moderately handsome elf.  Or at least he was at one point.  He was chained to the ceiling, his ankles also secured to the floor.  From what it smelled like; it was a dank sewer.  The smell of musty water and iron were heavy here.  Almost over powering.
The prisoner could not see.  He was blindfolded and was only able to use his sense of hearing and smell to determine what was happening.  Again, sound being the greatest ally, but also the most horrific entity ever known.
The tapping sound came from the rats that were gnawing at the other bones of victims in other cells.  Their own chain links rattling against the bars where they had ultimately been left to rot.  There was no shame in this.  Dark actions meant dark consequences.
The dripping sound; well that was something entirely different.
The elven prisoner would start to feel an overwhelming sense of pain come surging into his body from the back; unbeknownst to him he had already had his clothing removed, there was a reason for the pain.  A large series of stitch marks went along both sides of his spine and neck; someone had already operated and repaired the tissue.
He cried as his senses started to return to him.
The response that would come was not only unexpected, but would also be dreadfully terrifying to hear.
“Good Evening Mister Morningstar, I trust you are beginning to regain some of the sensation to your brain?”
“Whose there! Who is that! What are you doing? Why am I---”
The voice again would shush him, softly; almost consoling him as if the current situation was nothing to fear.
“You will notice that your arms and legs are currently suspended from Saronite chains; you have been this way for over three days.  You will feel nothing in them.  Severing the nerves leading to your brain and spinal column, you have no sensation from your hips and shoulders to your extremities. They have already started to turn; the lose of blood to your arms and the tightness of the restraints on your feet.  You will soon notice the flesh begin to blacken and die off.  But you will not feel this.”
“What in the name of all the light are you talking about! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME! GODS BE DAMNED HELP ME!”
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Again the voice would silence the prisoner with a shushing sound.
“There are no mortals that can hear your cries Bartholomew.  This is important so you should probably pay attention.  The rats in this chamber do not get fed.  They expect to be anytime there is a visitor.  You will find that the severing of your nerves will be a good thing, but only goes toward. . .about here.”
The interrogator then reached out and lightly pinched the captive on his triceps, and again on his inner thigh.
“The sensation will begin to return the higher you go on your body.  Your abdomen, penis, testicles, pectoral muscles and organs.  These are still very much active and the pain receptors will register.  You should know Mister Morningstar; my goal is and always was to kill you.  I take great pleasure in this.  Pleasure because you. . .sir, have decided that your own benefits of life outweigh that of the people you hunt.  You’ve chosen to ally yourself with the demon of avarice itself, and will pay dearly for your mistakes.”
“I dont even know who you are, or what you are talk--”
“Raelyndia Duskhollow.”
There was silence again.  The sound of rats gnawing on the last bits of flesh from another corpse could be heard only feet away from them.  It drowned the sound of the chamber in its repetitive song.  The name alone was enough to silence the swinging elven captive.  The name was more than enough to enlighten him.  It was the calling card of his death.
“You know exactly why you are here.  You know what you have done.  And you know that you have taken your last steps basking in the glow of the morning sun.  Taken your last lung full of fresh sweet, autumn air in the gardens of Quelthalas.  You. . . my dear Mister Morningstar.  You have forfeited your life for hers.  And as such; it has been claimed.  And that debt is now ready for collection.”
There was silence yet again as the tapping sound of rats shaking chains consumed the elven mans mind.  He snapped, panicking and shaking the chains he was suspended from.
“I dont want to die here! Please gods, by the Light I will tell you anything! I only wanted the perks! It was beneficial to my House! The Gallows, they promised me tha--”
The voice once again brushed across his mind as the hissing sound of his shushing came through once again.
“The time for talk is all but over, Bartholomew.  While you were unconscious, I was able to dissect a portion of your memory from the hippocampus.  Securing what I needed deep within receptors of your neo-cortex.  You serve no purpose any longer.   I have the locations I need.  I have the names I have been seeking.  And from here out; you. . .my dear friend, are obsolete.”
The chilling reminder that usefulness was only as deep as the information provided soon wrought its ugly head for the captive man.  A sense of defeat, acceptance maybe? 
“What will happen to me. . .”
Footsteps softly padded along the floor, dry and hitting stone at first, but soon masked in a soft squishing sound that would indicate wetness.  Blood perhaps?
“Your cellmates will begin to devour the parts of your body that you currently have no feeling in.  The blood that has begun to entropy inside of the appendages will sustain them for a moment.  But the smell of rot will not stop them; but drive them further.  You will feel them as they devour your thighs and biceps.  As well as every other part of your body.  They will tire eventually.  Growing fat and full.  The saliva within their jaws carries with it a very dangerous toxin.  Most vermin have this.  You will mostly die of blood loss, hunger, fatigue and the infection that will soon follow their biting.  And after all of this, you will  suffer for as long as it takes; you will die here.  Alone, Cold, and aware that you have nothing left to give.”
The realization that there was no reasoning with this madman sunk in.  But it was not enough to deter the man from whimpering.
“I--I am sorry. . .”
The prisoner was then grabbed by the face.  Forefingers and thumb squeezing his cheeks closed as his head was steadied and the man who held him spoke.
“Do not patronize me with your pathetic attempts at redemption now.  You cost the lives of hundreds.  You cause suffering.  You cause fear and pain.  The blood of my people, my friends, my sister. . .is on your hands.  There is not a single word you could whimper to me that would ever convince me otherwise that you are nothing more than a spineless maggot.  And you would have gone on doing as you were; enacting and enabling those horrific acts to continue, had you not been caught red handed by me.”
“I don’t even know you. . .” 
The elven man cried pathetically as he whispered out the fact.
Suddenly the blindfold was ripped from the mans eyes; the flash of fire that caught his pupils from the torch behind the captors face blinded him.  When he focused his attention; a face of pale deathly white peered at him.  Veins of sickening black venom spiderwebbing from his nose, eye sockets and mouth.  They were accompanied by pits of empty blackness for eyes. 
“Then let my name be the last thing you think about before you are consumed by your villainy.”
He moved in closely and whispered softly into his ear; the touch that was accompanied on his cheek fading as the terrifying face and body slowly vanished.  It left the man speechless as the voice burrowed deep into his mind. 
“I am Lazarius Kash’ebahl. . . and we have returned. . .We are The Nine.”
Silence, Terror, Echos of madness.  Morningstar hung there in shock, his mind racing.  There was little he could do.  And as soon as he was alone; that familar sound returned.  And he screamed until his vocal chords bled; trying to drown out that insufferable. . .
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darksiderscreations · 4 years
Hello everyone!!! I hope you all had happy holidays filled with joy 😊❤️
As I promised, I have some comfort scenarios! I will have another come out as well. Leave a comment below if you wanna see other characters included!
Imagine the horseman trying their best to help when you are sick.
Death: Though Death wasn’t the most emotional horseman, he did care a lot for you. What he lacked in speech appeared in actions.
When he learned of your illness, he didn’t stop asking questions.
“When did you get sick?”, “Why didn’t you summon me?”, “You could be getting worse!”, “Are you taking necessary steps to cure your ailments?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, although a rusty and broken one due to your current health. You’ve never heard Death sound so motherly before. If anything, it was flattering.
“Death, I’m fine. Really. I survived the apocalypse, I can survive this.” You give a faint chuckle, to the best of your ability.
Looking up, you notice that Death isn’t very amused. His amber eyes scanned your small form, curled on your couch and covered in blankets and used tissues of all sorts.
“You don’t look fine.” He simply states, crossing his arms.
You give another laugh, this time whole hearted,”Death I miss your sassiness sometimes.” With a big smile, you look up at him before kneeling over yourself suddenly and coughing profusely. As Death approaches, you hold out a hand to stop the horseman.
I’m between coughs, you utter,”Death—“ another cough,”stop....I’m fine, I don’t want to get you sick—“ you give a few more deep coughs before groaning and leaning backwards on your couch, feeling helpless.
The horseman gives a deep, whole hearted chuckle, a sound that you’ve come to love. It made your heart happy. He comes closer to you again,”You forget who I am. Come, let me help you.”
After taking a few moments to breathe, you tilt your head up to look at him and give a fatigued smile,”Oh yeah. I guess I sometimes forget you’re not human since the apocalypse is over.”
The horseman gently lies a hand behind your back, helping you to sit up.
You shake your head light heartedly,”I really am fine Death. But, since I know you’re stubbornness... you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like.” You glance up at him again,”Besides, I would love the company.”
The horseman grunts,”Well that’s good, because I wasn’t really planning on leaving anyway. 
You smile at his comment, patting the spot beside you on the couch. Death makes his way over. 
Though he didn’t quite know everything to do, seeing as how he deals with the passing of humans rather than the health of them, he wanted to remain at your side. He sat in thought of things that could potentially help you...perhaps Vulgrim would know. He can investigate once you’re asleep. 
At the very least, he provided emotional support, helping you stand when you needed, grabbing something for you to drink during a coughing fit, and simply being someone to talk to.  
Having lots of tea packets around your home, and being a tea lover himself, Death brought several cups to you throughout the day. It surprised you how motherly he could be, then again, he was the eldest of the four. 
Though you felt bad for taking his time, his company was much enjoyed. It almost felt like the old times, when the two of you were traveling across many worlds during the apocalypse. You enjoyed his company, and he enjoyed yours too. 
You realized the day went much quicker with the horseman by your side. You ended up gently falling asleep listening to one of Death’s many stories of his travels. 
After a few moments of receiving no response, Death realized you had fallen asleep. Blanket covering you from toe to chin and curled up against the horseman’s large frame, you slept peacefully. He let out a deep chuckle, and gave your hair a gentle stroke. 
“Sleep well, (Y/N).” 
War: The horseman had come to visit you as usual, however when you didn’t answer, he found his own way in... 
He forced his way through your front door. He didn’t completely break it...just...broke the hinges. At least he put it back? You couldn’t be angry at him once he explained himself, you knew he was protective. 
The loud sound had startled you awake, though you felt too ill to force yourself out of bed.
“(Y/N)?” War called out, voice lined with a hint of worry. He found his way to your room when he heard a small reply, and upon seeing you curled in bed, relief washed over the horseman.
“You didn’t answer me this time,”the horseman replies deeply.
“Hey big guy,” you replied,”sorry, I haven’t been feeling too well.” You force yourself to sit up to at least have a proper conversation with him.
“You are ill?” He questions, looking you up and down. He notices how your eyes are less lively than usual, and now that he’s paying attention, your voice gives off immense fatigue as well.
Still, you find a way to smile. “I’ll be okay big guy, just give me a few days and I’ll be feeling better.”
War doesn’t seem to like this response, giving off a deep hum.
“I would like to stay with you.”
You heave a sigh,”War that’s not needed, I promise I’m fine...” a small groan escapes your lips and you have to lie back down, hoping to be rid of your lightheadedness.
“(Y/N), what is wrong?” The behemoth of a horseman rushes to your side,“Do you need any assistance?”
After a few moments, your spell wears off, and you look up wearily,”I’ll be okay. Just got a little faint, that’s all.” You smile weakly at the horseman, who encases your small hand in his large gauntlet. He lies his other large hand on your forehead.
“You are very warm. You shouldn’t be alone.” You offer a light laugh.
“War, I appreciate your concern, but I don’t need you to watch over me.”
He shakes his head,”Your current state suggests otherwise.”
He looks at you and you give a slow nod,”Alright. I don’t want to worry you any further.”
The horseman nods,”Now, are you taking the necessary remedies you need? Do I need to summon Death?”
Your eyes widen and you shake your head,”No, please don’t summon Death.” You laugh gently,”I’m taking everything I need to. My only downside is that I can’t always get up and walk when I need to, but otherwise, I just need time to heal.” The horseman nods.
“Then I will be your crutch.” He looked so sincerely into your eyes, gauntlet still encased over your hand. It warmed your heart, and brought a weak, albeit large smile to your face.
“Thanks big guy.” A few moments go by before your curiosity gets to you,”Say, what was that loud sound earlier?” You ask this with hope that nothing had been broken.
“Well...I was letting myself in. The door was in the way and since you couldn’t get up to answer...”
A groan escapes your lips and you lean backwards,”I can fix it later.”
War, odd enough, was the perfect caretaker. The behemoth you had always known was acting as a sweet giant.
He ensured you always had water by your side, and plenty of tissues. Any time you needed assistance he was right there, especially if you couldn’t walk. He really was the perfect crutch.
Some of your favorite moments were getting the chance to show him the human sides of things. You would show him different books and such, but what always enamored him most were tv shows.
“Why is the human deciding to—“
“Shhhh. All your questions will be answered soon. Just watch.” You would wait for his reactions excitedly.
At the end of these days, you would curl in his lap with a cozy blanket while watching the show. The large horseman was the perfect pillow, after all. He would look down at you, content to be watching over you.
You’d often doze off like this, arms curled around his large ones.
This amused the horseman to no end. With a deep chuckle, he wrapped you up in his arms, and carried you off to your bed. Lying you gently down and covering you in your warm cover, he sat on the floor beside you, head leaned against yours.
“Goodnight little one. Get well.”
Fury: The horseman knew something was wrong when she met up with you.
“Alright, spit it out. What’s wrong with you?” You stared baffled at the horseman.
“Whatever do you mean? I’m fine, ready to explore with you!” Just as you say this, you let out a large sneeze.
As you go to blow your little nose, Fury let’s out a hearty laugh. “(Y/N), I just watched you blow half of your head out into your tissue. Clearly you aren’t feeling well.”
“No,” you protest quickly,”Really, I’m okay, I want to go on this exploration with you.”
The horseman lets out a sigh. “Come here. Let me have a look at you.” She watches closely as you walk over, inch by inch. When you reach her, she gives you a good look over, and lies an un-armored hand in your cheeks and forehead.
“You feel hot to the touch, and your moments aren’t as chipper as usual. Try as you may to hide it from me, you are ill. We will turn back.”
You heave a sigh, knowing there’s nothing you can do once Fury’s mind is made up.
The horseman travels back with you to your home, making sure you are safe. She didn’t know anything about human sickness really...Death would probably be more suitable. But she didn’t want to deal with her brother at the moment.
You lie down on the couch, Layering comfortable pillows underneath you miserably.
“Alright Fury, you got me. You were right. It’s probably smart that I didn’t go with you...” You heave a few deep coughs, reaching for some tissues to blow your nose profusely.
The horseman offers a nod,”Well of course I was right.” She offers a small laugh,”We can always go on our adventure another time. For now, you need to get better.”
You offer her a smirk,”Fury, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so caring.”
The horseman offers a smirk back,”Careful, (Y/N).” She laughs, walking over to you and handing you a glass of water,”Besides, how could I let my favorite companion suffer?”
You smile your thanks, taking the water to sip on. You almost spit it out in a fit of small laughter hearing Fury’s comment,”I better not catch you telling that to my siblings.”
Fury makes her way to your side, sitting on the ground beside you.
“Fury, I appreciate your company...but you don’t have to stay with me, you know.”
The horseman looks at you sternly,”(Y/N), you know you can’t get rid of me. Besides, you’re acting fine but I can tell you’re miserable. I’ll remain here to watch over you, and make sure you’re comfortable.”
You shake your head with a smile,”Fair enough.”
Though you felt bad about taking her time, you loved having Fury by your side. It was just like the two of you had never turned back from your adventure, as you both enjoyed each other’s company. You spent the day explaining different human phenomenons to her. The baffled looks she would give you were the perfect entertainment.
Fury may not know a lot about human caretaking, but she did her best through little things she did for you. To your surprise, she wouldn’t let you get up to do anything really but go to bed. Anytime you even flinched, she would give you the infamous glare, asking you to stay in your place, and asking what you needed.
You would often have her join you on the couch, mainly because you enjoyed her by your side but...also so you could use her shoulder as a pillow. This amused Fury, she didn’t mind, as she just wanted you comfortable.
“Fury?” You’d question, beginning to doze off.
The horseman hummed in reply.
“Thank you,” you would mutter, before fluttering your eyes closed, still using her shoulder as comfort.
Fury laughed softly in reply, stroking your hair gently,”Anytime, little companion. Anytime.”
Strife: Once the horseman had found out you were sick, there was no stopping him from doing everything in his power to help.
“Nope I don’t wanna hear it (Y/N).” The horseman interrupted you.
“I’m going to watch over you until you feel better. And nothing will change my mind.” The horseman crosses his arms, looking down at you.
You heave a sigh and give in to the horseman. “Alright Strife, but you’re gonna be forced to watch sappy movies and dumb tv shows with me!” You offer a smirk.
Strife looked you dead in the eyes through his mask and utters,”Bring it on.”
Having Strife as a companion/caretaker wasn’t too bad. Besides, you always enjoyed hanging out with the horseman.
He was very caring while watching over you, and catered to your every need in a flash. You needed water? He brought you a cup. Medicine? He brought it to you. There were a few times where he didn’t even let you walk—he would carry you in his arms. It was completely ridiculous, but you found the gesture sweet nonetheless.
The first day he realized you were sick, Strife left you, promising to be back soon. Not too much later, you witnessed the horseman carrying arm loads of tissues, medicines, herbal teas, stuffed animals and other things into your home.
“I heard a lot of this stuff is good for when you’re sick, so I brought as much of it as I could!!” The horseman walks over, holding a plush horse in front of your face,”It looks like Mayhem!! How could that not make you feel better?!”
You can’t help but laugh at the sight. Taking the plush horse, you look up at Strife,”You’re right. It’s adorable, thank you.” You stare at the pile of countless tissue boxes and different medications,”Strife...not that I’m unappreciative, but I don’t think I’m going to need all of that...” You shake your head, amused at the horseman’s efforts.
Though he was the rider who was most familiar with human culture, he still had a lot to learn.Still, you were grateful for his concern.
The horseman looks at the pile himself,”Okay...I may have gone overboard. But at least you’re prepared for anything!” He looks in your direction,”I just want you to start feeling better as soon as possible.”
His comment warmed your heart. “Thank you Strife. With you here, I’m sure I’ll feel better in no time.” You grab the television remote,”You know what time it is?”
The horseman offers a chuckle and joins you on your sofa,”Oh yeah.”
Strife was the perfect companion to chat with, considering he had surrounded himself with human culture before. He found interest in many human phenomena, and it was fun to explain things to him—somehow he always had the wrong idea of what something was. It amused you to no end.
One of your favorite moments was when he asked you to show him a soap opera, claiming the humans in Eden would talk about them a lot.
Needless to say, he enjoyed them a little too much, and you had to listen to him screaming at the television, repeatedly asking ‘why?’
Strife was also the perfect cuddle buddy. On nights where your illness would keep you awake, you found comfort in his embrace.
You would jolt up in a fit of coughing or pain, and Strife would rub your back, helping to calm you down.
“You alright kiddo?” He would ask, concern lining his voice. All you could do is groan in reply, though his presence soothed you, at least a little bit.
“Come here,” he’d call, opening his arms. You would crawl close to him, burying your face in his chest. He would wrap his arms around you, acting as the perfect safety blanket.
“Try to get some sleep, and I’ll be right here with you if you need anything.” His voice, gentle and low, made you feel a sense of relaxation.
“Thank you, Strife...” you would utter, closing your eyes in the comfort of his embrace. You would fall asleep to his soothing voice as he told tales from his adventures.
“Rest easy, (Y/N).” Your resting figure is all Strife needed to see to put him at ease. “Get well soon.”
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ofthcheart · 4 years
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[  KIM YERIM, SHE/HER, CIS FEMALE  ]  —  [ WILLOW RYU ]  is a child of  [ APHRODITE ]  with the power of  [ AMOKINESIS, CHARMSPEAK ] .  they were born in  [ 1996  ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2012 ] .  with the change, they  [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ STANDARD ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ STUDYING OR PAINTING ].
hello it’s kel i am a late disaster again but here is willow’s survey !! 
i. basics
full name: willow ryu
nickname: will
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
power/s: amokinesis, charmspeak
weapon/s: a very small throwing knife
dominant hand: right
sexual orientation: pansexual
romantic orientation: panromantic
age: 24
birthday: february 19, 1996 (@ 8:04 am)
role: standard
focus in role: existing
zodiac sign: pisces sun / pisces moon / pisces ascendant
birth place: atlanta, ga
hometown: marietta, ga
living condition  ( in nl or off site ): in nl 
spoken languages: english (native), asl (fluent), latin (basic) 
ii. appearance
face claim: kim yerim (yeri)
hair color: black
eye color: brown
ethnicity: korean
nationality: american
height: 5′3
piercings: ears
tattoos: nl tattoo on her right ankle
birthmarks: n/a
scars: on her knees 
iii. psychology
sociability: very
phobias: bugs
vices: bread
alignment  (  x  ): neutral good 
briggs-myers  (  x   &   x  ): ENFP
temperaments  (  x  &  x  ): phlegmatic
enneagram   (  x   &  x  ): #2 (the giver) 
how do they view themselves? selfish, doing her best 
how do others view them? kind, crybaby 
iv. mannerisms:
speech style: slow, lilting
accent: slight atlanta accent (ex)
hobbies: sketching, painting, baking (poorly) 
motivations: having a positive impact on other people
v. relationships
human parent: michael ryu
godly parent/grand parents: aphrodite 
siblings: none on her father’s side.
relationship with the human family: positive
relationship with godly parent: neutral
what was their childhood like? lonely, she never really had a solid group of friends or a best friend — she was well liked but spent a lot of time alone.
pets: a large, white cat (likely has maine coon in it) 
ideal significant other: someone with a sense of humor, makes her a better person 
vi. misc
glasses/contacts? glasses
clothing style: feminine, floral, lace
favorite food: biscuits
favorite desert: cobblers
favorite hot drink: coffee
favorite cold drink: peach iced tea
favorite movie: 10 things i hate about you 
favorite show: friends
favorite book: the seven husbands of evelyn hugo 
favorite weather: partly cloudy, warm
coffee or tea: coffee 
cats or dogs: cats
pineapples on pizza or no pineapples on pizza? she is mildly allergic to pineapple, but has no strong feelings on the matter
vii. traits
positive: kind, energetic, hopeful
negative: passive, exploitable, stubborn
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
viii. ic questionnaire  ( some of these can be hard for your character to answer normally so you can add striked text to show what they’re thinking ! )
why did you come to nl? safety, primarily. it took longer for anything too dangerous to find me, but i didn’t want to put my dad at risk once they did. 
how are you dealing with the recent changes? whatever leadership thinks is best is what i will do. it doesn’t involve me, i just live here. i’m worried for the others who have to go out and fight these weird possessed things while worrying about humans, though. i don’t want them to think we’re weird or a threat.
what did you do before the change? studied, primarily. same as now. not very hard, mind you. i just work internally, stay out of trouble. 
why did you get into the role you’re in? i have no interest or aptitude for heroics, i’d much rather stay behind the scenes, away from the public eye. 
how do you like it? was this the role you wanted to be in? yes, it is the safest. ambassador requires too much speaking and, like i mentioned, saving people isn’t for me. 
if you could be in any other role, what would it be? if i had to choose another, probably ambassador. it seems to be the least draining of the others. but i really am perfectly happy as is.
how do you like your powers? i don’t, not really. i try not to use them, i don’t like making people do things they wouldn’t otherwise do or affecting their feelings, especially as i still don’t have them most control over them. 
how much control do you have of your powers? enough. not very much. i accidentally use them sometimes, when i don’t even really want to. so i just try to avoid language that might affect others.
what are some of your goals? i just want to graduate college at this point. i’ll figure out the rest after. 
what game could you destroy everyone in? uno 
what did you want to be when you grew up? an actress
thoughts on your own singing voice? not great, but i can carry a tune.
what’s your greatest fear? easy, death.
what are some things you always carry with you? lip balm, a pen, tissues, women’s products.
do you drive? when i need to.
if yes, how have people described your driving? i am an extremely safe and perfectly good driver. (mun note: she is not.) 
what’s your favorite book and why? i really like the seven husbands of evelyn hugo because it kept me on my toes. i wasn’t expecting the twist and everything after was shocking. plus, i think part of me still wishes i could’ve been a movie star, so i like the idea of the glamour and behind the scenes look.
what’s your favorite tv or movie genre? romantic comedies.
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seungwoork · 4 years
¨    PLOT CALL ’
hello there again!! now that i can officially reveal myself i decided to post my plotcall-- it’s lari who also plays @rkbyunbaek​ and @rkjennie​ 😊 for plotting and talking you can find me @snailqueens on twitter, feel free to follow!! otherwise here is my plot page for everyone who wants to check it out. finally!!!! wooo!!!!
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i’d like to get a few connections going to seungwoo to give him a good start here despite it being a slow one ksjdf so here are the options for everyone who’s up for it,
like this post for a charisma starter! please only like it if you’re interested in making a thread out of it, i’m not doing this just for points. i'd like to get connections and relationships through this.
send me an im if you’re interested in a plot i put under the cut! there are a few plot ideas under the cut with some thread and relationships ideas that i’d like to do. some plots might be similar or even copied from my plot page for those who only check this out ( because they’re some i’d rly like to be filled and / or might move them to the page later if they don’t get filled and i want to keep them jksd )
¨ something good ’       ◞ ( m / f , ) CLOSED
family. any kind of family, actually. you’re cousins but are you close? have you hardly met or do you meet all the time? as much as possible? how is your bond, able to talk about things? not getting along at all? in the end, though, you’re still family.
¨ milk & honey ’       ◞ ( m / f , ) open
you’re seungwoo’s best friend. you’ve been for ages, the apple to his pie. the straw to his berry, the smoke to his high and the one he wants to marry who know the song anyways. you’re best friends, nothing can tear you apart. you can handle seungwoo’s stupid competitions because you’re more easy-going, less uptight, share his pain with him and he can deal with everything you have on your plate -- you’re always there for each other. it just works.
¨ physical ’       ◞ ( m / f , ) open
usually, you never go the gym. you might even hate it there but lately you’ve been going to check out seungwoo while he’s there like a creep boooo with the excuse of being envious of that body rather than any other reason!!! you just want to see what he does to be this fit!! seungwoo notices and asks you if you want to work out together or need any help. like a fool, you say yes but have no idea how to the equipment works. well, this is going to be embarrassing and that’s the last thing you want to happen, looking like an idiot in front of that guy.
¨ second chance ’       ◞ ( m / f , ) open 
you used to be friends a long time ago but drifted apart during seungwoo’s service, the friendship ending with a fight after his return and change in attitude. you couldn’t deal with this.. new seungwoo that seemed so different from the friend you used to know. it’s been a while and you feel shitty for giving up on seungwoo and your friendship so easily, so you reach out to him in hopes of a chance to talk this out.
¨ ultralife ’        ◞ ( m / f ; ━━━ m prefered ) open
best friends and partners in crime. literally. you both got into a lot of trouble in high school for shoplifting but still kept each other going with dares and bets and all of that. after graduation and seungwoo’s depature to the military you both fell out of touch but recently met ech other again. did you change your ways too or will you be the bad influence in seungwoo’s life that he isn’t looking for?
¨ clementine ’       ◞ ( m / f , ) open
the first time meet seungwoo does the most logical thing, he flits with you. and now you keep meeting at the most random places -- you meet so many times that it doesn’t seem like a coincidence anymore but it is. and every time you spot each other in a crowded coffee shop or in a clothes store, at the magazine rack of a bookstore and in the back of the convenience store, seungwoo does the most logical thing, he flirts with you.
¨ going under ’       ◞ ( m / f , ━━━ has to be a trainee ) open
actually, you’re good friends. you used to be pretty close before you got signed into a company and became a trainee. seungwoo’s proud of you but envious as well, competitive as always, because you managed to accomplish something like that before him. it’s one of the reasons why he meets up with you less, cancels more often on you when you finally have some time to hang out and when you get to be with each other, things tend to get awkward sometimes.
¨ home ’        ◞ ( m / f , ) open
seungwoo’s father started dating your mom a while ago and it’s weird in every sense. while seungwoo is bitter about this for a lot of reasons ( like his father neglecting him paying attention to a woman to him even dating another woman in the first place when he was so sad about his mother’s death ) it’s a difficult situation for you for your own reasons. it’s debatable if you two get along but there’s a chance you’ll become step siblings in the future so you have to beat with each other.
we sat next to each other at the movies and you got scared during it. now you’re clinging to me because you’re too terrified to go home alone.
the only reason you visit me at home is to spend time with my cats, right?
we’re sitting next to each other on the train and i’m definitely not leaning into your personal space to peek at your phone because i thought you were sending sketchy texts!
this cat strolling around the neighbourhood hates like everyone except you apparently. i always see it nuzzling against your leg and you petting it and i’m jealous. tell me your secrets!
the walking dead binge watching! think you can make it?
you’re on your fifth cup of coffee and your hands are shaking pretty badly. i can’t take this anymore, what the hell is going on?
i can cook but you can’t, so it’s me who constantly has to feed you and make sure you own’t starve to death or drown in junk food.
we’re always fighting over the movie at movie nights. also, the popcorn.
this lesson of me learning you how to ride a skateboard is turning into a nightmare. i didn’t think you would have such a hard time staying on that board.
your attempt at flirting with me with the line ‘do you come here often’ is crushed when i tell you that i work here. uhhh, awkward.
you’re crying on a bench at the park and i’m too kind to just walk past your heartbreaking sobs. do you need a tissue?
looks like you’re in trouble, i can pretend to be your charming date.
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bow-woahh · 5 years
Heal me after hurting (1/3)
A million feelings she’s been fighting off for months threaten to overwhelm her: feelings of deep and utter care; of complete adoration; feelings of hot and harsh hatred; of absolute disdain; and abandonment, definitely abandonment; to confusion, anxiety, all bubbling as she tries to calm herself down; eyes closed, chanting the mantra:
you are in control, you are stronger now.   ___
Catra gets sick and someone unexpected turns up to help.
Relationship: Adora/Catra
Words: 10, 962 Notes: 
Hey, been working on this for a lil while, this was supposed to be a one shot but I’m incapable of writing things which are short so enjoy the first chapter! I would of posted it on here too, but it’s 10k words and I can’t even format it right on here, so apologies (Tbh it’s tumblr what did I expect?) TW - Drug use, depictions of mental illness, some violence (it’s not very graphic)
Preview below, Read on Ao3
Chapter 1 Preview: Sick of seeing your face
Catra knows she didn't sleep much last night. Most of it was spent coughing out her guts. She remembers that. She remembers messaging Scorpia. She remembers Scorpia saying she'd send some stuff over. She remembers music playing in the background, soft, peaceful, a stark contrast to her hacking her intestines alongside that thick phlegm up.
That's about all.
Mouth, throat and lips dry, she takes a sip from the water bottle on her nightstand and cringes so hard her eyes squeeze shut as the water feels like it's going down her throat the same way nails drag across a chalkboard — it shouldn't. And it hurts.
Internally groaning, because she figures it would hurt to do that aloud, she curses her immune system for not allowing this to fade overnight. Instead, it's gotten worse. College students don't have time to be sick, but here she is: dark circles under her eyes, a second or so away from what might as well be death, because she hates, hates being sick with all her heart. Not even all the shitty Netflix shows in the world are enough to make this better. Catra can't afford to miss school, so she checks the time, hopeful.
Only seven. She can make it. Then, she realises that's a terrible idea, because she doesn't need to bring the plague with her to class, nor does she want to. Being ill in school sucks. So the decision is already fated by the stars. Bed ridden.
However, the last thing she wants is to be stuck in her room all day. It feels too claustrophobic when she’s like this, like solitary confinement. And it doesn't have a TV with Netflix therefore, living room it is.
As she trudges over to the sofa, phone, book (which she’s never going to read), and box of tissue in hand, she finally realises...she isn't the only one home.
Scorpia is away, with Entrapta and...no one else comes to her house. The only person with the house pin is—
"Catra? Are you awake?"
When Scorpia said that she'd deliver a few things over, she didn't think—
It's her. Standing in her kitchen, holding a carton of eggs, is Adora.
A million feelings she’s been fighting off for months threaten to overwhelm her: feelings of deep and utter care; of complete adoration; feelings of hot and harsh hatred; of absolute disdain; and abandonment, definitely abandonment; to confusion, anxiety, all bubbling as she tries to calm herself down; eyes closed, chanting the mantra:
you are in control, you are stronger now.
Adora, who broke up with her. Adora, who she has barely spoken to in months. Adora, who back then had looked at her with so much hate— no, disappointment that it was all Catra needed to be shattered in two. Adora, who did all these things and was everything, is now standing in her apartment.
Just like before, but only entirely different.
End Authors Note:
Hello! Long time no see! Not really, but this past month has been really busy because schools been a bitch and it’s not gonna stop being one anytime soon. After this fic, I really want to work on a multichapter which is on a larger scale, though with the pressure of school not stopping anytime soon, it’ll be a bit difficult. Nevertheless, alongside that I’ll still be answering the occasional tumblr prompts I get.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my fic! Originally, I started writing this when I got sick because,, #relatable I guess and I didn’t have much of a plot for it until I thought of the whole “omg they are exes” thing. Me being me however, couldn’t leave it there, as I didn’t want them to just be awkward exes or something fairly cliche like that, I wanted to play with the idea of this odd dynamic where the breakup they went through was not entirely one persons fault, but how they failed to work as a unit to the point they reached an *extreme* breaking point. If you can’t tell, there’s a lot a little details I’ve put into this too, I suppose to further enhance things lol.
Plus, despite not knowing what actually happened between them until the end of the chapter (which still leaves out a lot of the build up to that point but otherwise we’d be her all day) I wanted them to have this dynamic where you could tell that what happened was more than meets the eye. Additionally, this fic deals with quite heavy themes, one being mental illness which I did my best to portray with Catra. Hopefully I depicted it right and the implications I made made it clear that this is something she has and still does struggle with. And having Adora back around her could very easily pull her back into a place similar to where she was before, but throughout this chapter she wrestles with that fact and the fact they’ve both changed and therefore things have changed. And I hope I didn’t in anyway romanticise that last part, because Catra’s actions (while explainable) aren’t right and she realises this (hence why she pushed down thinking about it all) and it will be addressed. Also...guess who her therapist is and I’ll post the next chapter early (actually –)
Okay I could rant about my own fic for a very long time, but I’ll stop there. Hopefully I’ll have the next chapter out in a week or since it’s already written so it’s a possibility, and if that’s the case I’ll see you then!
(Also talk to me on Twitter @ BowWoahh)
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