#bear with me lmao
phantaloon · 1 year
au in which neil gets some hand and arm burns while burning mary's body and he has no idea how to exactly deal with bad burns by himself so he ends up in a pharmacy in san jose and there he's struggling to find the stuff he needs to treat them with otc medicine and creams while trying his best not to break down, but a slightly beat up aaron minyard notices how bad his hands are shaking and offers some help and no matter how bad neil wants to say no he literally can't deal with them all alone, so he lets this stranger help him and between them they kinda work out how to deal with the burns and aaron kinda asks him what happened but neil just finally breaks down crying and yeah, by the end he's got aaron's address (that he will never use) and enough supplies for a few days and maybe he feels a little lighter because someone who had no deal helping him did help and maybe a few years down the line, when there's a new fox recruit, neil recognizes the kind blond who aided him and aaron recognizes the scared kid with burnt hands and maybe they can be friends like they should have been <3
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braveburned · 17 hours
' why do you only answer asks from ash ' ash is literally half of my inbox
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dollyyun · 29 days
y’all i’m sorry but i might be spamming with enha tiktok edits because im having a heavy brainrot with scenarios of my ongoing/future works running in my head🏃🏻‍♀️💨
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I’m so tired but imma start uploading round 1
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solidaritytek · 1 year
I went ahead and made a discord server for anybody who's interested in joining to yell about Ranchers and whatever else!
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
Feanor isn't afraid of consequences, consequences are afraid of Feanor
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latelyloxiv · 1 year
sketch dump incoming
theres a lot i just never post anywhere because twitter has too many eyes but sure i guess i'll toss some of it here
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you may be wondering, 'why did she post two blurbs instead of posting one of the vday ficlets or literally any of her other wips like the Seamstress fic or the sequel/prequel to Nothing Else Matters'
well, my friends
because I have no control over my brain, that's why
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vaguefiend · 2 years
If describing someone as a fascist makes you more uncomfortable than actual fascism, you are also a fascist.
Hope this helps.
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kr1spy · 2 years
World Building Idea (1)
Chuun Concept
Where the earth is shrouded by pure darkness and that there would be these ghostly shadows merging and completely consuming people in absolute darkness. Temperatures so low, that it’d be like the north or south pole and those who survived through the darkness would soon just die from hypothermia or frost bite. Depending on where you live tbh
The only thing that could kill a dark shadow would be things that glow in the dark, like flash bombs, fire, glow in the dark paint etc.
But by doing so would mean killing the host. (Except things like flash bombs)
Food would be scarce asf cause of the darkness consuming the earth but water would be still available, if not, contaminated but still drinkable.
The shadow things (I’ll just call it chuun (m: cold) in korean cause ksksfk) appearance are mist or fog like, with eyes as white as the color itself. It can shift and form shapes and mimic voices to lure in prey, allowing the minds of any who survive to have a smack in the face of distrust. It’s speed is unmatched to any other than light itself.
It enter the host’s body through either of the following: the eyes, the mouth, and the ears. So no matter how much you cover your head with whatever gear you have on your person, they will always get you, and they don’t want to be straight forward about it either as they are sadistic and intelligent enough to have fun with their prey first before their inevitable demise and forever limbo.
It also allows its forced host to be aware of everything and delve in the agony as it spreads the darkness to another living being.
Chuuns are basically like an infection at this point, once it touches you, it’s over. All you’ll feel as you watch and be aware of yourself contributing to infecting others and spreading darkness would be pure agony. The cold and numbness is what you’d feel the most as it would slowly kill you within the chuun’s shadows and cause hypothermia to kick in. Chuuns are also silent surprisingly. Aside from the voices they mimic, they don’t lunge at their prey with a fierce roar like in most movies led to believe. No, it simply just lunge at them unexpectedly if it were to be seen by them, standing ominously in a menacing sadistic way. Unless it were in large groups, it’s the most it could do to alert the others cause to me, it kinda seems logical enough cause how can a shadow alert another shadow without creating noise? Sure they’d have those telepathic connections, but where’s the fun in that when it can scare their prey through noise? Since it’s sadistic enough to do so.
How it would hunt you down is by toying with you with a good game of cat and mouse. Chasing down the prey as the prey itself runs in fear of getting eaten by the predator. Once it latches onto you though, it’d feel like you’re getting suffocated. Getting the air out of your lungs as it enters through your eyes, mouth and/or ears.
It’s main weakness is light obviously, but due to the world shrouded by pure darkness of an unknown source, light is extremely rare to obtain unless you know how to create artificial ones.
Artificial light is more common believe it or not, but due to the number of people who know how to craft one or even have the idea of it are rare to none.
Since hydroelectricity exists, I figured that it would be the last thing people expect and depend on since a lot of people depend on fossil fuels or other ways of gaining electricity. Yet in this concept, so long as there’s bodies of water, people can still have a chance to survive through the darkness.
Starvation is a bitch though so haha to whoever owns any hydroelectric source shebang.
Scenario Idea
Imagine a scenario where a dude was walking on a really thick snowy path since they entered Canadian borders. Carrying their unconscious friend after almost getting suffocated by the dark.
Both are tired, hungry, cold and thirsty cause they’ve been traveling for a few days with no sense of direction cause lol its dark as hell. You can’t even see your own hand in the dark world.
So imagine said unconscious friend slowly hugging the dude’s neck, and then said hug became tighter and tighter to the point they’re strangling him. Dude struggles as he tries to get their friend off him and once he manages to escape the iron grip of his friend, he’d be both traumatized and shock cause their friend has half of their face covered in darkness. Then they would have a fight and before both knew it, dude pulled out his gun and shot their friend in the head.
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lume-nescence · 2 years
okay i may have said this before but just know i see and am kicking my feet over the love given to my works
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dollnightfall · 9 months
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The swag duo
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wasabi-gumdrop · 1 month
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(slips this under ur door) pls read dunmesh
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ryllen · 3 months
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bears for sale @ letterstoear
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
*points wand at Ghoap* HUZZAH, GET FLUFFY
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discarded design
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pxlheaux · 1 year
literally just realized i forgot to age the twins up 😭 karters had two birthdays and they’ve only had one lol so the next few posts are gonna be about their bdays i’m so bad at cohesive story telling but i promise it will get better i’m learning!! 😭
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