#bc tbh it's a relationship dynamic that can exist in any relationship
inkskinned · 1 year
pay attention to how your partner values your time.
i mean this beyond things like how much time you spend at work or how often you answer their text messages.
if you spend hours getting ready for them, do they value that effort? if you plan a meal and do all the shopping and prep and cooking for it, is it just dinner for them? do they notice the small chores you're always doing, or does it just magically "get done" when they're not looking? do they notice when you've spent time for them, or is it just something that is expected to happen?
my ex understood our relationship as some kind of credit service. he would do something large and nice for me maybe once or twice a season - and then "collect" on that credit for a while. my time was not as valuable as his - i was expected to give up my time for things like the upkeep of our relationship, chores, everything. even though i was in school and employed (and honestly doing more than he was), he assumed my time couldn't be better spent. he used to say i was just "better" at the daily stuff. he was my first longterm boyfriend - i hadn't been taught it. it didn't come naturally. it's just that if i didn't do it, he valued his time too much to do it for me.
recently i saw a video of a man smashing a cake into his new wife's face after she explicitly asked him not to. i'm glad that these days, most people don't find it funny. but still, someone comments: girl, just wipe it off and jump back into the party! but the fact of the matter is - even if it wiped off perfectly, even if the makeup only took a few minutes to reapply, even if the dress wasn't ruined by the oil in the icing - she would have to spend time away from her own wedding in order to do it. her new husband - he gets to laugh and sit around and party. she has to leave her loved ones and go be alone to handle the results of his prank. it might be the only day she gets to see some of these people; but that time spent (the makeup, the dress) is just valued less. it's seen as inconsequential.
just... pay attention. is it normal for you to give up your time, but they wouldn't reciprocate? do they consider their hobbies essential while yours are just "useless ways to fill the day"? is going out with their friends a hallowed event that must not be interrupted - but at the same time, you find that you're punished for or banned from similar events. do you do most of the upkeep? do you trust that if you needed to take a break, they'd absolutely pick up the weight? if you spend time and energy and effort on something, is that valued; or is it just a thursday to them.
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chubs-deuce · 4 months
I am... confused as to what age the other anon thinks Charlie is but if she was so young she wouldn't be able to canonly date Vaggie, who I'm pretty sure is in her 20s
So why wouldn't she be able to be shipped with Alastor? I think Rosie was just teasing him about bringing a girl to her, anyways. Introducing someone you're close to to someone else you're close to, I could see it as a big relationship deal and I too would probably tease my friend
Idk man :'D
Sounds to me like someone was just really jumping to the most surface level conclusions without much critical thinking, it happens.
I think the comment might've just made them think that Alastor is like. Canonically double her age or something, which is really funny considering the opposite is the case by a long shot. Rosie likely just said that bc he came in with a young looking, objecitvely very pretty girly, so it's an easy jab to make - it's just friendly banter between acquaintances. [some further thoughts I ended up having about aging in hell under the cut]
It's really hard to guess how old Alastor would actually be tbh since sinners' demon forms generally seem to hardly reflect their actual ages, so he could've honestly died in an age range that's anywhere from mid-20s to mid-50s.
(And at least based on how stubbornly driven to achieve his mysterious goals he is and how childishly petty, if not outright violent he gets when his authority, power and/or control are questioned; and the fact that he is finding himself with a bad deal at his hands now that he's struggling to escape - so I presume he accepted it recklessly, not something a wise old man would do - I'd say he likely died on the younger side of that range.)
And if he died in the 1930s and clearly managed to not get himself killed all the way into what I'm guessing is the 2020s, then that adds like 90 years of further existence in hell.
But that still only amounts to about 110-130 years total.
Charlie's 200+ years completely eclipse that lmfao.
That does make me curious though how old Vaggie actually is then, we don't know if she's a human soul that has been alive on earth before going to heaven and becoming an exorcist, or if she's a natively heaven-born kind of creation...
UItimately... these characters are all adults at the end of the day, and as such they could all do whatever they want, hypothetical age gap or not - it's honestly not like that sort of thing is even really something we can track in this "nobody ages once they're here and can only die at heaven's hands" sort of setting, so I don't see why it should matter that much ^^"
Say, hypothetically, you die at age 16 and go to hell, where you then continue to exist for an infinite amount of time. Are you now perpetually and forever a minor? Do you count the years you spend in hell on top of your human age despite not actually aging on a physical level in any capacity?
I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that bothering with age gaps in Hazbin Hotel makes little sense, since the inherent issue with those always boils down to unbalanced power dynamics and uninformed and/or coerced consent anyways - factors that are easy to define as bad and we all understand are objectively toxic.
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isa-ghost · 5 months
Would go crazy over any q!phil hc's, but may I request some about phil's harem I mean qsmp server polycule?
Previous qPhil Headcanons
Reiterating initial mentions of this for context:
--He's married to the Goddess of Death (Kristin) and Missa (a reaper). He's also fuckbuddies with Fit (no one can look at their interactions & tell me there's no homo there) and Etoiles. Strictly fuckbuddies; Fit has something blooming with Pac, and Etoiles is aromantic. --Everyone who Knows(tm) about the polycule has turned calling it a harem into an inside joke they only reference when Phil either isn't around or isn't paying attention enough to be like WHAT. --In fact, it's unfolded into a sort of joke folklore around Phil made up by the islanders closest to him that he has this inexplicable charm to him that makes any man-attracted person weak in the knees. (Baghera totally started it. Cellbit, Foolish, & Fit perpetuated it & it spread from there) --All this fruity silliness in mind, I have no fucking clue what queer label I'd slap on Phil, if one at all. Part of me wants to claim him as pansexual bc I'm Pansexual So Therefore So Is My Cubito + the way he'd explain how he experiences romantic & sexual attraction is exactly what I described *my* exp as in high school and my friend was like "yeah that's pansexual." But I also feel like Phil's the kind of guy to purposely not define his sexuality & remain an enigma both as a "mind your business" & a "It's Funny To Not Elaborate" thing. (As of rn I'm rolling with "he's pansexual but in a font you've never seen before")
Obv Mrs. Goddess of Death Kristin came first, she's been with him since long before Quesadilla Island. Strangely enough, she can't recall too much prior to the island just like Phil, but there's no way the Feds know she exists let alone know how to fuck up the memory of a deity. But yeah, she was his first & is his ONLY romantic dynamic within his weird polycule
She's an avid fan of Phil being his best unintentional whore self with them nice ass shoulders on display all the time and that accidental man magnet charm. Loves watching him pull bitches nonstop without even realizing. And loves watching him be a total fruity dork with his besties. She knows if Phil was forced to choose ONE person out of the polycule to be monogamous with forever, he'd pick her. She's not worried at all about his yaoi island adventures
Next came Fit. Hough, what a man. They WERE, until recently, strictly fwb. They fucked nasty behind that gym and I'll die on that hill. The way they talk to each other sometimes? Big boy?? FitMC people are watching?? They fucked behind that gym. Their fwb was called off as soon as Fit got serious with Pac though. Phil was totally chill with it & actively encouraged it. He loves seeing Fit so invested in the romance he's got blooming. They're still more than friends, not lovers, but a secret third thing, the sexual aspect was just removed from the equation. Truly the most QPR of the polycule
Then came Missa. Oh Missa. Their dynamic IS platonic like Phil has stated & restated countless times, but Missa has a (not yet brought to Phil's attention) massive romantic crush on him. He hasn't spoken up yet to keep their relationship from getting rocky at all. But tbh that prob won't happen. They're platonic in the Kiss The Homies way. So what if they make out sometimes and are husbands? So what if they go on adventures that could be considered dates by some? They aren't a romantic relationship, even if Missa secretly kinda wants to be.
And finally, aromantic king Etoiles joined the fray. He and Phil started out as friends and that has Barely changed if at all, but sparring matches get a little too homoerotic sometimes and neither of them can resist the other when they're popping off extra hard. Things have. Escalated a few times. If yknow what I mean. Of all Phil's harem members polycule partners, he & Etoiles have absolutely ZERO emotional investment in the Spicy(tm) things they do together. It's simply a very intimate way of showing each other their respect & admiration for the other. What they have going on is a "*spanks you* good game, let's hit the showers team" kinda deal. They're the type of mfs to finish in bed then shake hands like "gg." Casual sex is >>>> to these two, but it happens waaay less between them than it did Phil & Fit, Fitza was habitual. Codebreakers is a once in a while thing
Btw once Fitpac gets more stable together and whatnot, Fitza could potentially reignite with Pac's consent. That's the key to healthy poly, all parties are informed & consenting. Pac would be like. An honorary harem member. He & Phil would have absolutely 0 intimate relations, they're strictly friends in the most basic sense of the word. They just also fuck the same guy (& would totally talk about it together if alone)
Phil sometimes tries to gauge if Missa only likes men or if he likes women too. If he does, he's going to ask if he'd like to hear about his lord & savior, Big Woman(tm).
Etoiles has 100% asked Phil who fucks the best out of the polycule bc like everything else, it's a competition & he Must win, he Must have the best dick game. This amuses Phil very much
*incoherent but clearly passionate noises about how Phil hasn't done anything spicy with any of the polycule in a hot second because of Ender King Situation stress*
GOD he wants to open up to them about it so bad. Like yeah he did w Fit that one time but he didn't go into detail and hasn't said anything since and bc Phil is an idiot that feels guilty easily, he doesn't want to tell Fit more atm bc he doesn't want to dampen Fit's high spirits or take away his time with Pac
Phil attracted all four partners with his raw skill and talent btw. If you even care. Literally was just going about his business being himself and it bagged him three dudes in addition to the literal goddess he already had
Although his feelings are platonic, Phil is attracted to Missa because Missa is a) the other father of his children and b) such a genuine and sweet person. And funny, even if a lot of the times the reason he's funny is bc he's like 2 seconds from having a stroke over whatever shit he missed hitting the fan this time
Phil is attracted to Fit bc. Well. That's FitMC of 2b2t, baby. Raw skill and talent sees raw skill and talent. Fellow anarchist. Also muscles. And that razor sharp stare. Fit's just dreamy as hell ok, let a man drool a little
Phil is attracted to Etoiles the same way he's attracted to Fit, HOWEVER, the reasoning is different. Etoiles has raw skill and talent, but it's the way he wields it and demonstrates it that makes Phil wanna act up. Also Etoiles is fucking hilarious. Who can resist a good sense of humor? Those dramatics make Phil swoon
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casarecci · 2 months
Skull appreciation post (jumbled thoughts bc I just binged listening to the audiobook version of Jonathan Stroud's Lockwood & Co. series)
I love how powerful Skull is. But first, some parallels (and differences) between the Luce&Skull and the Marissa&Ezekiel duos.
Marissa found Ezekiel when she was young. She adores him. But she also fears him. Tbh it kinda seems like he took advantage of her. They bonded. Maybe Marissa was always curious about what was beyond life, but Ezekiel's been hanging around her since she was a young child, and all the research she did? All the actions that led to the Problem? She did all that under Ezekiel's advice and guidance.
And yes, Ezekiel's a Type 3, and sure he's got a golden aura, and oh he's so special, but at the end of the day, it's all just appearance.
Yes, he's powerful, fine, he's smart too, but when compared to the Skull n Lucy combo, he's an insecure Type 3 ghost who was honestly kinda creepy and predatory and took advantage/really tapped into/maybe even developed Marissa's curiosity about the other side. He throws his weight around about being dead and knowing what to do to escape death, clearly calls the shots in his relationship with Marissa, and has developed a god complex of sorts in thinking that because he knows how to blur the boundary between the living and the dead, he's the strongest thing around.
Well, thank goodness there's Skull to prove him wrong.
I LOVE the Skull-Lucy relationship. My favorite part (which is very important) is that Lucy didn't free Skull because she needed him, she freed him because she wanted to. She made her decision after Lockwood had come and helped get things in hand. Even though she was confident things were in hand and didn't know just how instrumental Skull would be in staying alive, she freed him without any condition imposed on him.
She didn't free him so long as he helped her.
She didn't free him so long as he didn't kill her or any of her friends.
She didn't free him out of a tenuous trust that he'd be on her side.
Lucy freed Skull (I think) because something that had been dawning on her this whole time really clicked into place: considering the origins of agents, dealing with ghosts, capturing their sources, and just in general interfering with the existence of the dead (thank you, Big M, for all that), combined with the fact that she got a taste of Skull's existence what with being trapped in the other world (as Skull pointed out), Lucy's sense of empathy took over and she did what she thought was right. She let Skull go because he's got an existence of his own, too.
He's not an abstract idea or apparition, no, he's Skull, a thin, sardonic looking youth with spiky hair. He's someone who in life was awful, but spent so much time in death that he forgot who he was, despite being so stubborn about clinging to life, coming back as a ghost, and NOT crossing over fully to the other *dead* dead place.
He's got personality and endless ideas about murder. He kept Lucy company for the four months she was apart from Lockwood. He became her friend. He helped her in scrapes. He guided her back to life the first time she crossed over.
Maybe the difference in the Marissa&Ezekiel and Lucy&Skull is circumstance: Marissa met Ezekiel out in the wild. It ways in TEG at one point that there's an aspect of fear in their dynamic. His source list contained, unlike Skull. Ezekiel can cause so much more harm to Marissa than Skull could when contained in the jar to Lucy throughout the time they spent together needed to develop a relationship.
But that's not the main thing. Marissa depends on Ezekiel. Lucy is fond of Skull, but depends? No.
Marissa is basically in love with Ezekiel. Lucy? She's got Lockwood. She doesn't need Skull on that front.
Marissa is literally obsessed with golden ghost boy. Lucy sees the wider picture. She likes Skull, but he's not the end all be all.
But going back to appearances, well that's kinda what it's all about, isn't it? Marissa cares deeply about her image. And so too does Ezekiel. Why doesn't she keep Skull? He's rude. Ezekiel thinks him a criminal. Neither can see past his exterior, thus completely missing out on just how powerful he is.
And then there's Skull.
For all that Skull jokes about killing George and (honestly kinda understandably) dislikes him, he sees him for what he is - an effective researcher who doesn't judge anyone for how they look or behave.
Skull sees people for who they are. He sees right through Marissa's disguise as Penelope (side note, it is SO messed up that Marissa offed both her daughter and her granddaughter to keep on living, like his awful is that). He's perceptive. He knows about Locklyle even before they do.
But back to Skull's strength, which was the impetus of this long ramble. He gets out of his jar basically in disbelief. Because this is Lucy, the wretched girl who doesn't keep her promises to him to speak about his freedom, this awful living person who's left him behind time and time again.
But for every mistake she's made, she's also tried her best to right it. Every time she left Skull somewhere, she went back for him. He even got a heartfelt apology from her when she left him behind and Rupert got his hands on Skull.
This is the girl who looked past his rudeness. Who wasn't someone under the honeyed thumb of a different ghost. Who gave him a chance and let him out not because she needed him or hoped he'd be on her side. This is the girl who ket him out knowing full well Skull would do as he pleased and made her peace with it.
Because unlike Marissa and Ezekiel who are inextricably tied together and dependent on each other, Lucy is Lucy and Skull is Skull.
And when he does come to Lucy's aid, well, he's barely even exerting himself. I love him so much.
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bullagit · 10 months
it's just. it's just
if your take on aziraphale at the end of the day is that he is, ultimately, a wholly selfish person. that his relationship to crowley is him taking and accepting and asking for more from a partner who, lovesick and waiflike and unable to draw a line, continues to carve off of himself to supplicate, while aziraphale does not "for once" contribute back.
then honestly i think you missed a step somewhere. and i'll preface by saying no shade on that front because it would be a boring thing if everyone everywhere had the same idea about every character, but this particular read on aziraphale chafes me.
because coming at things from his angle i think the larger issue is that he's selfless.
not in a cutesy job interview "my only flaw is i care too much :)" way, not in the sort of way that negates selfishness entirely (because like ALL of the characters in good omens, he IS still selfish!).
but i think aziraphale is selfless in a terrible and passive sort of way. i think he does not love himself and he does not think that he's someone who is easy to love, and i think that like crowley, aziraphale believes that when it comes to himself, love is conditional. it must be. when he receives it straightforwardly, seemingly unconditionally, he balks, because to his mind he's never done anything to deserve it.
i think he's been taught that, when he's himself, he's somehow wrong. i think if he's the only one on the line, he wouldn't choose his own happiness over something he feels he has to do. and if he feels that something is right, truly fully right, and that it needs doing, and that he can do it, he'll always ultimately throw himself onto that proverbial sword.
he'll run higher and higher up the celestial ladder trying to save earth (and crowley) and when that gets him nowhere, he'll decry the entire war and throw himself down to earth to try to stop it anyway. he'll stand at the edge of the end with actual satan bearing down upon them and pick up his old sword and say we can't give up now. he'll hand the most important person in the universe their destruction in a tartan thermos and feel like the most wretched miserable creature in existence for doing it.
he'll love someone in a way he's never loved anything and make himself be the one who keeps the rehearsed distance, the walls of plausible deniability and loopholes and convenient coincidences, because the distance is the most concrete way to keep that person safe. (because that was always one of the first points he'd hit with crowley: if hell finds out, they'll destroy you.) i think he operates out of fear before nearly anything else.
i think that for all that aziraphale indulges in his material pleasures-- the books and souvenirs and drinks and food-- he's starved and repressed and made himself very carefully wall off the pieces of his heart that want only to love wholly and to be loved in return. especially where crowley is concerned.
and honestly i'm not even going to get into their relationship dynamics bc that's so much to get into that's like a separate issue separate post. except to say that just because aziraphale doesn't do the exact same things for crowley that crowley has for him, it doesn't mean that this relationship is not reciprocal. (my wording struggles here because in general the point is not to gain returns, crowley doesn't do things for aziraphale because he expects to get something out of it. he does things because he loves him and he's big acts of service energy)
and tbh i feel like if crowley saw or caught wind of any of this "aziraphale should sacrifice for crowley ~for once~ protect crowley ~for once~" rhetoric he'd be pretty fucking offended
if any of that even makes sense idk
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jrueships · 5 months
Ted's omegaverse alignments but not really horny, i just think collabing concepts is neat.
READ ABOVE if u haven't the lore of the world. It's long like this so i can summarize a reminder of some of the terms real quick before we start the list:
ROIDing: can be used by omegas, betas, or alphas to change your status into either an omega, beta, or alpha. Can be a combination, like taking hard rut inducers and hard heat suppressors for an omega to go to a beta status, and can be doubled for an omega to even go as an alpha, although that jump is rare as it's quite the turmoil psychologically and not all minds might be up for the task or temper. Heat inducers and rut suppressors can turn a beta or an alpha into the categories listed below itself on the hierarchy. Anybody can use anything, and anybody can be anything.
WHICH MEANS.. anybody can top or bottom anybody. Omegas can top Alphas, betas, etc. Betas can top Alphas, Alphas can top Alphas. Omega does NOT equal bottom, and it doesn't equal Small either. Although different players take the dynamics differently though. It's Very rare for an alpha to Admit being in a relationship with an omega or beta if they feel like it goes against the usual Alpha relationship grain. There's a certain tension that always follows with freedom
Anyways, let's get right to it. PART 1 because i don't have the time to include EVERYONE rn and i probably won't bcs i don't know know everyone and don't wanna get stuff wrong so. Use ur own interpretation! This is a very open assignment that let's you be the judge in the end! Have fun! Ask questions or give feedback, im happy to hear it! I just love concepts tbh, that's all i rlly wanna do with this. The most will be little stories to go with this world. I'll reblog with more ppl LATER!!!
Michael Jordan: an ALPHA who (supposedly) PRESENTED very, very LATE. No one is exactly sure when he presented. Even Michael's story changes from before getting cut in highschool to after to college to the 'flu' game. But Everyone, at one point, thought he was going to be a beta. ( His siblings laugh at this. ) And then he wasn't. And then he won. And then he became a dictator. After Dennis announced being an omega who ROIDed to even an alpha status, distrust spread to every alignment, no matter how high. An omega becoming an alpha was rare, but now possible thanks to Dennis's admittance. It takes a certain strength, dedication, and insanity to undergo all the medicine, but someone competitive and desperate enough to do it could. Someone like Michael Jordan. Michael merely smirks whenever asked, which is quite Often. Those around him gag at his powerful cigar smoke scent, enough to overwhelm any alpha to their knees. Before his fame, he was quieter, more contained. He did his own laundry, knitted his own clothes, because no one wants a man without a secondary nature. When his alpha nature was finally announced, he stopped smiling and started smirking.
Allen Iverson, an ALPHA who was known to take protecting and providing for the pack a little too seriously. Like Isiah, his status as an alpha was highly doubted due to size. Unlike Isiah, his independent dominance humbled the doubting media time and time again, ultimately trailblazing in the NBA and expanding the game's personal freedom through his refusal to cave into other's wants or needs if he found disagreement. Unfortunately, his hard-headed strengths would also serve as some of his weaknesses, giving some alpha traditionalists confidence to nag on his struggles with finances and championships, always bringing up how a Real alpha would never. For a select few, no matter what Iverson did or didn't, he would never be ‘alpha enough’ to them all over something as silly as height. AI just finds the thought comical, he's probably taller than 50% of those alpha Truist freaks, and he knows for damn sure that he's 101% cooler than all those motherfuckers combined. He doesn't care if they don't think he's an alpha with all of their highly-opinionated evidence, people have hated on him out of basic bitch jealousy his whole damn life. Other people have never changed his mind, and other people never will. If he says he's wearing cornrows, he's wearing cornrows. If he says he's buying everyone everything, shieet, he's buying everyone everything! If he says he's getting a tattoo, he's getting a tattoo. If he says he's an alpha, he's a Fucking alpha. Argue with the wall.
Charles Barkley: ALPHA. hilarious and prickly, perhaps too prickly at times, can be his own downfall from either sheer laziness or stubbornness. Example of how just being an alpha isn't an automatic win in life like some alpha fanboys or egoists might try to persuade
Wilt Chamberlain: ALPHA. was a great player, but personality-wise? .... other alphas like Kareem butted heads with him..
Kareem: ALPHA. Even betas like Magic would then butt heads with Kareem. Standoffish, he tries to keep his distance even from his team due to the stigma of alphas being violent always following him especially because of his height and looks. Even in childhood. Distrustworthy of everyone because of deep-rooted trauma
Isiah Thomas: ALPHA. defends his team and their troubles like a bull, oftentimes a hypocritical.. near-sighted bull. Alpha status is often questioned because of his height. Many think Bill is the real alpha and Isiah is the beta. Those that have the pleasure (or displeasure, as Michael would say), stand firm on their stance that Yes, Isiah is an alpha. Unfortunately, you can really tell. Very protective of his team, especially of Dennis Rodman/omegas in general. Thinks the Bulls are bad for Dennis and doubts Michael’s way of ruling. The Bulls, in his opinion, are too hands-off and don't feel like the kind of loving pack a team is meant to be. Very maternal to his team, which doesn't help his beta questioning case, but everyone close to him vouches his alpha assurance with an annoyed strength. Rumored to have been heard asking if Magic took too much of a specific, unnamed medicine during his sickness, which sprung a lot of people into a panic of whether or not Magic Really is a beta or a ROIDed beta. Isiah firmly denies ever saying this, but Magic believes otherwise even though he’s forgiven him. When questioned about Michael’s status (is he Really an alpha who presented late, or is there ROIDing in the case), Isiah huffed, narrowed thick angry brows, and stated in a high and mighty voice how that's really none of his business, no matter how annoying Michael may be to him.
Larry Bird: ALPHA. Competitive. And fucking Rude. Left baseball even though he was good at it because he was bored with the minutes he was getting. Needs the ball and will clutch the most unexpected games as his form of thanking the coach. Magic is his favorite teasing victim. A famous quote
A reporter rooting around for drama: so, Larry, with all this ROIDing and SUPPRESSOR stuff going around thanks to that weirdo, Rodman, is there anyone you know is using? Like, anyone.. you're close with? Magic’s been under the weather, I heard. Could be a bad side effect of ROIDing.. he smell funny to you?
Larry, cracking open a beer by squeezing the sides until it popped: Magic is Magic.
And refused to elaborate, as he casually turned away and started to play basketball. The camera crew left out of fear for their equipments’ safety when Bird ‘accidentally’ let the ball rebound into a lens.
Bill Laimbeer: BETA who will beat the breaks off anyone. People are surprised for his violence, except for Isiah, who lovingly regales it as Bill's best job. Notably not a big peacemaker for a beta. Just a guy who comes in and plays hard. Not here to be a coddler like other betas were brought on to do or a media darling like Alphas. “I'm here to play basketball and piss people off. Speaking off, hey, Larry” “fuck you, Bill.” Known as The Odd Couple whenever him and Isiah are together, which they often are. In Dennis's book, he regards Bill to be surprisingly cold for a beta, and that Isiah would always be the one to tutor him instead. He only learned from Bill by watching Bill rather than asking, perhaps intimidated. If you want consolation or coddling, go to Isiah, not Bill.
Scottie Pippen: BETA. would try to middleman Jordan's frustrations with his team, especially the rups (rookie 'pups', men playfully called pups because they're new to the sport). Grew envious of Jordan, mainly disturbed by his frequent Sidekick sidelining. Switches up on his stories to whatever he thinks will boost his image best. Sometimes that's siding with Jordan, sometimes it's not. It's not easy being Michael's beta, the enigma. Wafted his calming scent around like febreeze from all the arguments and heated moments he had to calm down regarding Jordan and his competitive temper. Pippen’s scent grew the strongest during Michael’s …flu game. When questioned about Michael’s status, Pippen hummed and turned away, looking conflicted and guilty.
Shaq: BETA. Magic and him both have humorous charms that make them Feel like alphas.. but they needed more to get a ring. They needed alpha teammates, ultimately. no matter how big or bad or good a Beta may be, they are always Second. But they should never, never be considered first. That's an alpha's job. Orlando made that mistake drafting a beta to win them a ring, a beta that would eventually leave to ringchase with any alpha he could. Shaq's a bit shameless for a beta, but being shameless is maybe the only path to 'fame' (becoming a simple shtick to an easy-to-remember title, either being Sidekick, Dumb, Helpful, Funny, Enforcer, etc) for the life of a beta. At least in that time. People wonder if Shaq ever ROIDed into an alpha during key games only, to increase his dominance. He says that would be too much effort. He's just a big ass beta <- his words
Magic Johnson: BETA. Or Was he really? People RUMOR, after Rodman's reveal and especially after Magic's scare, if he was actually a self-conscious, self-compensating omega who craved the lure of feeling needed? And then even went an extra step with the rut inducers to make him a Shiny beta, charismatic enough to peacock? Or was he just that magic to be a really flashy beta? OR OR.. is Magic all of that all at once? Maybe, if he did do it, he needed to? What is known is that he grew up with an alpha mother and an omega father. He yearns to impress and lead people, and showing off gives him a high satisfaction. Because of his beta hierarchy, he had a bigger barrel to fish out of with less scrutiny, so to speak. And man, did he like fishing.
Dennis Rodman: OMEGA. one of the first in the NBA to openly admit to ROIDing so he can change hierarchies. First, he used amplified rut inducers and heat suppressors to hide his omega nature into a beta, just to make the nba transition with less pitfalls and drama, as (out there) omegas were virtually nonexistent due to prejudice. Being a beta on the pistons was phenomenal, he played whatever role was needed, and what happened to be needed was his favorite kind of role: defensive agitator. But, he ended up having to play another role afterwards.. one he found far less amicable. After getting traded, he took more and more of the ROID medicine, not caring for the symptoms of overdoing it. He became an alpha on the Bulls, and his behavior became worrisome for Isiah, but the Bulls had championships to worry about, not teammates. His behavior continued until, after one wild night, Michael Jordan, the mysterious apathetic alpha when it came to worry or kindness, dumped all his ROIDs down the toilet. That was the turnaround, that was the moment that Dennis decided to come clean and tell the world that he was an Omega from the start. And he would be an omega in the end, refusing to go back to ROIDing to become something he knew others only wanted. While he admitted how ROIDing wasn’t for him, he also elaborated how it's really a personal decision, he knows some guys consider it a positive part of their life and he loves that for them. But for him, personally, his decision to ROID was not for himself, in the end, it was for others. And Dennis was notorious for not listening to others; he watched. He watched and realized that he refused to allow others to saddle him, the mustang, so why saddle himself? He was going to play as omega this time, a completely uncovered omega. And the Bulls went on to win. And Dennis became one of the first unROIDed Omegas to win a championship, while being one of the top three pieces-no, Players involved to do so. His decision changed the game for future hierarchies, bridging the option of omegas openly playing sport. But he still stands firm on his flexibility of whether or not to ROID, laughing over how it's ultimately a matter of the self, not the sayers. For him, he felt more true to himself without the medicine, for others, they may say the opposite and that's okay. He knows many like that already. But it's up to the person to deem what is true to himself.. and what is true to the people, that's the hard part: ego.
There's plenty of other older figures to assign, but these guys above are mainly the best for lore-building purposes. To sum the rest up, back then there were mainly alphas and betas. Omegas were either considered too useless or too weak. Alphas would lead, betas would follow. That is.. until LeBron.
LeBron : a BETA who presented late. Everyone thought/wanted him to be an alpha. The highschool phenom was such a hot topic, the truly invasive reporters would go as far as trying to sniff out a deciding scent just so they could be the ones who'd release the giant unveiling first. He was following Michael's Stardom, and everyone wanted him to be the same or larger. When he happily announced his hierarchy reveal after shaking The Cavs hands, the media turned, the team turned, and LeBron realized telling an adult the truth doesn't always grant the clemency family cartoons wished you to believe. His team hated him, refusing to pass or cheer when he was winning. Betas Don't Lead. That's how it’s Always been. His white wine scent tried to soothe their tempers, but it only made them nauseous. Through talent, effort, and unfortunate youthful uphill battle experience, LeBron managed to carve out a name for himself and for other hierarchies to breach the mold besides simply Alphas. The tide was starting to turn. Now, he has fans who prefer him over Michael, an alpha, because he feels more believable, more attainable to them. His beta nature made him more all-around, less competitively daggered than Jordan's rule. But those that hated him then still do with a ruthless vigor. They dislike the change, and they Detest his outspoken advocacy for allowing Omegas into the league. Of any kind. Because of LeBron, Steph was inspired. Reporters asked Michael if he had any strong disagreements with what LeBron's doing to the game. He smirked, “the flopping is funny.” And then smiled, just a bit. Just a touch soft. The cigar smell fades. “Everything else? I could give less of a damn.”
Kyrie Irving: ALPHA who eventually couldn't stand being in a beta's shadow, especially when the dynamics started flipping from the media because of it
Russell Westbrook: OMEGA famous (and infamous) for 'Playing like an alpha'. Giannis's idol. His security and power in his status drives alphas away. Doesn't care for the alignment system because that's what he's always been fighting against (banking against). Criticized for playing so hard that it makes his own teammates wary, Russ just rolls his big shoulders and snaps back, matter-of-fact like a rubber band's elastic response, “then get out of the kitchen.”
KD: ALPHA. His only pack is a gold bust of himself now. Cares about the alignment system because that's what he's always been fighting for (banking on)
James Harden: ALPHA. Known for being more carefree than most alphas. This annoys hard-core alpha basketball elitists. Because of his own traditional condemnation, he holds a not-so discreet disdain toward omegas.
Giannis: OMEGA. People confuse him and his brother's statuses often. Believe it or not, though, Thanasis is an alpha and Giannis is an omega. The bucks were a doubted organization for a Long time due to their strange and rare lack of a strong alpha presence. Giannis is a heavily criticized super star, mainly by alphas, but even some disgruntled betas join the scorn. Some audiences don't consider him a real superstar, merely an omega who got lucky with a superstar body blessing. Giannis grins, his sugary sweet cotton candy scent making Khris cough next to him, and chirps how he wishes he could be blessed with a good 3-point-shot too then, since he's just such a talentless miracle
Thanasis: ALPHA. Dedicates 99.99999% of his life to helping his family. Laughing stock of the NBA fans for Giannis feeling more like the alpha and him feeling like the omega. That's when Giannis gets mad.
Jrue: BETA. Always stands up for his team, while still humbling them. Was brought on as the perfect systematic beta, started to become something more before he was eventually traded for a systematic Alpha after the bucks caved into the idea of there not being enough
Khris Middleton: BETA. Found giannis's attempts to be seen as a Westbrook-like leader annoying at first. They balanced each other out later
Damian Lillard: ALPHA. Quiet, let's his game tell you what he is. If that's not enough, he'll butt heads with other alphas to dig the point. Notably more withdrawn and teasing to packs than classically alpha protective. Rumored to have been a beta who ROIDed into an alpha out of pressure to win. Dislikes Giannis instantly accepting him as the bucks new leader. Uncomfortable by the thought of never being enough
CJ McCollum: BETA. Starting to branch into more leader-like positions after being inspired by LeBron
Steven Adams: BETA. Casually admitted to originally having been an Alpha, but hard dosed rut suppressants because he simply didn't feel like dealing with all the complications and ruckus of being an alpha. Friends with Russ because they hold similar ideologies about not really caring about alignments, they just want to play ball the way they like best
Kawhi Leonard: BETA. Once dropped in an interview that he was an omega who ROIDed into a beta because he didn't like attention and high needs, and he knew he'd be swamped with it if he went into the NBA as one. Then laughed his weird little Kawhi Leonard laugh and left like he just told a silly little dad joke and not an atomic bomb of information. Paul George choked on his water
Paul George: ALPHA who, at first, tried to play the original alpha role by buying into The Savior hype he received after being drafted. LeBron's playoff showdown helped widen his eyes about other hierarchy skill, so when being the packs dependable alpha that didn't work out the way he planned, he tried to play it diluted. Then he tried the beta role. Then the omega role. .. then Kawhi made that monotone announcement and.. he got embarrassed. And confused. And now he's just confused. Like most alphas, he grew leaning into the alignment system that favored him for his high status. Like most alphas now, he doesn't know what to think of it. It's all kind of muddled now. (dammit George! HOW do you keep letting OMEGAS or.. ex-omegas? TOP you?? HOW WILL THIS AFFECT THE PAUL GEORGE LEGACY ?!?? ..ugh, he just won't think about it..)
Joel Embiid: ALPHA. WAS an Undisclosed: Beta who ROIDed into an alpha to contribute to The Process. Now too afraid to go back because it failed. Tries hard to be an alpha when others want him to, until he's too tired to when they actually need him to. Known as one of 'The Lazy Alphas' now
Ben Simmons: ALPHA whose anxieties got too high from the pressures of The Process
Markelle Fultz: ALPHA who was pushed to PRESENT EARLY as one by The Process. Was going to present as an alpha anyways, but the sixers needed him to be revealed as one on Their time
Tobias Harris: BETA disliked by the originally alpha heavy sixers organization for not being dominant enough
Boban: ALPHA, given a lot of leeway for both his status and his size
Tyrese Maxey: ALPHA. Praised as the golden alpha sixers child, although they're not used to his low-aggression levels for an alpha. They're not exactly opposed, though, his sweetness is captivating. Slowly, Maxey is softening the once toxic city
Jokic: ALPHA who once hated not being seen as one due to incorrect aesthetics (alphas are supposed to be strong, so eventually he got strong enough to match their idealization), but now hates being seen as one. Dislikes attention and attraction. He's apparently 'accepted' as an alpha, but STILL not a Complete one for other opinionated reasons. Whatever (similar plight of Allen Iverson + Isiah Thomas, responds like AI by not responding)
DeMar DeRozan: BETA who PRESENTED LATE. It's always a gamble to draft an unpresented pick. When the raptors realized their potential alpha Savior wasn't what they expected him to be, they were blatantly disappointed.. but because of LeBron.. gave him a chance. Maybe he could be like Him? They already had similar stories and hardships? Maybe Toronto had their own LeBron? But DeMar wasn't LeBron. DeMar was DeMar. Toronto deemed him unfit for his playoff struggles. They traded him not for an alpha, but a beta who could at least dominate like one. But the hardest blow was his split with Kyle.
Kyle Lowry: ALPHA. Rough around the edges, smiling at you one second, scowling the next. His turbulent past consisted of personality conflicts the most. He was bristly, suffering from the lone alpha wolf syndrome teams disliked where, instead of leading the team toward him, the alpha pushed them away out of some form of pride. But the Raptors were known for their big culture of chances. Maybe it was thanks to Canadian clemency that Kyle found the one beta who wasn't afraid to step in and calm him, who didn't tire of his temper, whose scent never tried to overwhelm him out of desperate, and was just lowkey enough to extend a comfort enough for Kyle to settle down and calm down in. Maybe it was just a happy coincidence. And then another beta came, one who smelled of mystery and not like the movies. And His beta was sent away. And so was Kyle's secret dreams to settle with their rups and start something he'd be otherwise afraid to do alone. …then an alpha swept in.
Jimmy Butler: ALPHA who PRESENTED LATE. Smells like freshly brewed coffee. Lauded as the next Michael, or at least very similar, he tries Very hard to keep the kind of athletic aggression alphas are typically known for alive. He says it's for himself, working on what he does best, but saying you're not influenced by something (or someone) is always easier than committing to the actual practice of abstention.
OG Anunoby: BETA who refuses to coddle anyone's feelings, yet, despite his best efforts at apathy, still somehow draws in disgusting extroverts to be his friends. He doesn't know why. Likes to subtly stir things up rather than calm them down. Kyle finds him very funny. Their unique Raptor squad was a real unique charm.
Norman Powell: BETA who just craves to be involved, worried about being invisible
Serge Ibaka: a fussy ALPHA with peculiar tastes. Considered to have a very intriguing behavior for an alpha, which allures omegas and betas toward him (usually so they can tease him for being funny, but he does a certain charm to him, admittedly)
De’aaron Fox: ALPHA. Bubbly, welcoming, and teasing, he attracts everyone with his confidence, most particularly other alphas seeking his sunlight
Tyrese Haliburton: a beta who ROIDed into an ALPHA out of desire to help the pacers. Calmer than most alphas, but will hold competitive grudges like the worst of them. Tired of being a loser
Jalen Smith: OMEGA, beloved by locals but barely recognized by outside nba fans for being an omega center/forward. While omegas are actually allowed to show themselves in the league now, that doesn't mean they're allowed to do so without some words by unwarranted audiences.
Buddy Hield: omega who ROIDed into a BETA. Switches from polite to petty on a dime
Steph Curry: OMEGA. Inspired by those that expanded the game before him, he's taking the handle through his moves on and off the court to increase the league’s talent and prosperity for everyone. Those that dislike him disparage him for not being physical enough, which is the only reason why he, an omega, has been so successful. Proving them wrong by going in the paint. Now, they're focusing on whether he can carry a team with a crumbling alpha..
Klay Thompson: a beta who ROIDed into an ALPHA for his team. The injury has left him feeling hopeless, a ghost of his former self. Worst of all, he can't ROID any further to help
Draymond Green: Omega who ROIDed into a BETA and is suffering some of the personal side effects.
Andrew Wiggins: OMEGA who USED to be a ROIDed beta and only stopped when he went to the warriors and Curry consoled him Only because it was hurting him more than helping him
Jordan Poole: ALPHA under constant pressure
Jabari Smith Jr: stuffy ALPHA whose father was a beta. Distrusts the use of ROIDing because, according to his father, it's not playing Fair.
Jalen Green: ALPHA. People like to doubt his hierarchy because he likes to preen and doesn’t hold the same kind of aggressiveness or possessiveness most people perceive alphas to have. Jalen just minds his business and enjoys what he enjoys
Alperen Şengün: beta who ROIDed into an ALPHA. New to the effects, but doesn't mind them. Likes protecting his pack but also keeping the peace. ROIDed to bring more prosperity back to his family through his fame
Aaron Holiday: OMEGA. Jrue likes to tease him since he's the youngest, but the middle Holiday brother will Not let Anyone hurt his little brother or his feelings. Aaron works hard on defense so he can win a ring like his brothers
Justin Holiday: ALPHA who gets confused for a beta at times for his peaceful and placated personality. ‘Blames’ it on being the eldest brother
Anthony Edwards: no known status of any kind as he has YET TO PRESENT. Still. Has to tell reporters to stop sniffing him all the time. Another MJ comparison player. Everyone, including himself, is Hoping for an Alpha reveal, lord knows The Timberwolves need it. Got in trouble for posting a video making fun of omegas, and why would he make fun of something he is? See? Everyone can stop worrying now! It's all gonna be okay!! He swears! ..he hopes. Well, at least he has his charm. If people aren't bored with it yet…
Karl-Anthony Towns: beta who ROIDed into an ALPHA and thinks no one knows but, trust me, everyone does .
Anthony Davis: alpha who ROIDed into a BETA. Heavily hated for this decision, but doesn't care because he says he's more comfortable as a beta, so he's being a beta whether people like it or not. LeBron says he supports it, but people like to stir that he really thinks otherwise
JA morant: ALPHA who PRESENTED LATE. Actively argues against his ROIDing rumors, taking them as a blow to his pride. Hates whenever people confuse Jaren and his hierarchies, then acts out to try and prove them wrong. When he's not obsessed with outside opinion on himself, he's a protective and kind alpha, especially to his pack. Very close to his attracted crowds.. no matter what kind they may be
Jaren Jackson Jr: BETA. His alphas’ number one hype man. May or may not have an (unfortunate) thing for alphas or betas who act like alphas. Thought to be an alpha for his height, but his family and friends quickly disregard that possibility regarding his personality. While it's very difficult to get him actually mad, it's quite easy to get him upset or huffy. For a beta, Jaren’s usually the one who needs calming down rather than the vice-versa of his hierarchy’s original talents. Seeks constant validation because of this, worried he's not the best beta
Desmond Bane: BETA. Withdrawn and would rather stay back to let people fight things out than intervene. He's here to work out, then work. Unfortunately attracts self-conscious crowds with his quiet confidence. Often confused as an alpha.
Dillon Brooks: BETA who ROIDed DOWN from an alpha. If you thought he’s bad as a beta, you should’ve seen him when he was originally an alpha. Oh, he's a Saint now. He only ROIDed because Houston was worried they had too many alphas on the team, an error proven to be bad back in the 80s.
Zion Williamson: a nervous ALPHA who ROIDED from beta to alpha to try and appease his college hype. It's not exactly working..
RJ Barrett: ALPHA who was being pressured into ROIDing into a beta but didn't only because he got trades before the process could really start. Keeps to himself. Known for being charismatic, chirpy, and a bit controlling to those he trusts. Which is fewer than some.
Keldon Johnson: OMEGA. Instantly adopted by older betas and alphas for his happy-go-lucky ( and airheaded ) glee, but secretly yearns for rups of his own to tease and protect. More than willing to step up and be a leader and a shoulder his new rups can lean on when needed, but secretly growing more worried with each passing criticism that he can't be as strong for his rups as his mentor figures were for him
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oceisastar · 1 year
kaveh soft dom guy back again for more (you're feeding into my delusions)
mmmnm i don't know if it's because i'm ace or what, but any smut that is mean/degrading is an instant turn-off for me:// not my style whatsoever!! and it's disappointing how of the few domtop reader posts there are that barely any are just,,, gentle and loving or smth.
plus plus the fact that there is very little tender content relating to some heavy kinks or wtv. like tentacles. tentacles r so hot but i'm turned off 9/10 times bc it's either outright noncon, dubcon, or just downright mean:>
ofc i don't mean to shame anybody into that, but just like piss lol. some ppl are turned on by it just as it's an instant boner killer to others :shrug:
but enough nonsensical rambling: what about soft body worship w like kaveh or cyno or whoever else<33 just running your hands up and down their sides, mindful of the room's temperature and with a blanket in reach. when gooseflesh begins to follow your questing fingers, you tuck the blanket around him.
and just when he least expects it—all warm and cozy, but undeniably horny out of his right mind—, you flip the two of you so that he's straddling your thigh, blanket still tucked tight around him.
"ride me," you murmur, hands trailing up his quivering thighs,,, but your strap isn't on, and he looks at you with a pout. you grin. "ride my thigh, honey."
you swear you feel his cunt clench atop your tensed thigh, but your own thoughts are soon lost to the hazy high of sweet moans and whimpers fluttering past kiss-bitten lips.
hehe i may become a regular in your thirst boxes<3 if u don't mind, what characters are your favs? or just any you'd like a thirst for
tw mention of trauma and issues related to consent //
hi again!
no same tbh. I go into the genshin smut tag being like la la la and then I see the reader degrading / humiliating the character in every single fic and I’m like 😐 it makes me uncomfortable! it’s an instant turn-off.
I’m not gonna get too into it but I have a very complicated relationship w physical touch / sex so seeing such a strong oversaturation of violence / aggressive control / shame in sex is really discouraging tbh. bc then it’s like do people even exist who would be kind and gentle and respect my boundaries?? then there’s the whole commentary on sexism and cisheteronormativity blah blah.
yeah unfortunately most kink content on the internet has major issues related to consent which is :/ it’s just not good because of how common it is. like on tumblr ppl generally are good abt tagging their stuff but media literally anywhere else has such an issue w it. I’m into lots of stuff but consuming content where it’s not centered around shame / degradation / humiliation is very hard to find, which is unfortunate.
I think kink definitely has its uses and can be major catharsis, especially in relation to trauma, but there needs to be a balance and variety in the intensity and type of dynamic in which kink is practiced / enacted (animated or real content).
omg I swear are you a poet?? your writing is so beautiful! kaveh is so sweet and soft that’s so tender 🥺 I love the concept of wrapping him up and making him so cozy. just cupping his face as his eyes water from how much pleasure he’s feeling.
my fave character is kaeya :)) he’s my baby boy and I really adore him. I’m so soft for him and he’s very special to me. transmasc Kaeya is canon as far as I’m concerned. idk if u write for women (understandable if u don’t!) but I also really love kujou sara and candace. women w strong integrity / morals are so <3
you can pop by again:) just don’t burn yourself out!
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dateamonster · 3 months
it’s a real shame there’s not much of a fandom to talk about it with, but the morality in the series is honestly very interesting. Satsuki’s strict adherence to “nobody dies on my watch ever” seems to come from a place of moral reasoning separate from the normative one (and honestly I think it’s also just a compulsion to seeing people die/knowing you’ve directly let someone die due to the Trauma. since phones exist and people die all the time and Satsuki isn’t out there feverently advocating against the Japanese death penalty). Then she’s girl best friends with someone whose lived experiences provide a direct contradiction to her beliefs, another person who seems to be completely amoral/self-interested, and Komachi. God komachi.
YEAH i rly like the way the series plays with that moral dilemma and how it plays with all the different characters respective beliefs and moral reasonings.
tbh even tho satsuki and komachi are sorta like thee duo of the series, i am so compelled by the satsuki/akira dynamic. their relationship is so well written, both of them sorta equally predisposed to moments of childishness and surprising maturity that imo makes a lot of sense for two teenagers coming for the specific traumatic backgrounds they have. i love how many moments between them boil down to "this is what i believe, and i understand why you can never be fully on board with that, just like i hope you understand why i can never fully support your way of viewing the world, but i love you and i will back you up any way i can"
i have rly complicated feelings on komachi as well, mostly bc the recent revelation of her whole backstory is kind of a crazy bombshell to process. its been rough watching satsuki just get more and more beaten down by the events of the story and then watch it all sorta come together in this high tension encounter between them, but i have confidence in the writing and im excited to see where things go now that everythings out in the open between them.
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willalove75 · 10 months
Do you think it’s interesting that almost every lady d fic, Infact almost all fic ever tbh but with most lady D fic… the amount of kink and fetish that occurs is just so normal? Like reader can’t get off unless the word mommy is present, orgasm can’t be achieved unless some kind of kink exists, almost never actually spoken about before it occurs and most of the time it’s first time bumping uglies that randomly y/n is calling Alcina mommy, no questioning it or wtf moments just very natural ‘yes I will say mommy now’
This comes after your recent request of course and is in no way me saying ‘sToP iT 😖’ because it’s not that serious, it’s just an observation is all.
I don’t think I know of any fics that Alcina’s perspective of sex fits her age or the time period she’s seemingly stuck in, the same goes for spanking, degradation, or even edging… it’s very curious seeing it normalised as if every adult sexual relationship consists of atleast 1 kink/fetish. I guess both Alcina and r is very informed about these things and quite often seemingly really enjoy breath play despite having zero experience with it
Very interesting 🤔
First off, I want to say thank you for the insight and for being respectful with your opinion! I actually do love having these kinds of conversations with people who are willing to not be a dick about it😂
This might be a bit of longer answer bc I want to try to answer as thoroughly and honestly as I can!
I do absolutely know what you mean when most fics (especially Lady D fics haha) have a TON of kinks/fetishes in them, because a LOT of them definitely do!
But I think that kinks and fetishes are normal. I think most people (at least most of the people I know) don't just have exclusively vanilla sex, there's always something added (praising, mommy/daddy, toys, blindfolds, ties, hands around someone's throat, etc.)
Of course not every single time someone has sex there's a kink involved, but most times there's at least one.
I also think it's important to note that a lot of authors are able to explore their own kinks & fetishes through writing fics when they can't/aren't able to/whatever other reason in real life.
I'll use myself for example. I'm bi but am married to a cishet man. I mainly write lesbian fics because I'm able to explore that side of myself without putting my relationship with my husband at risk. (He knows about my blog & fics and he's 100% supportive of it!) I get to explore all of the wonderful things about being with another woman without actually having to do it so it sates that curiosity/need for me.
Also I don't necessarily think that the reader can't get off without calling someone "mommy," at least in my fics, yes the reader can get pleasure from calling someone that, but it's also for the benefit of the person having sex with the reader.
Like with my latest Lady D fic, Lady D refers to herself as "mommy" and then reader calls her that. It's more of a power dynamic than it is reader getting off on it. Sure, it can definitely be a turn on for reader (and it is), but I think it's playing towards that power dynamic and acknowledging the person in control (in this case Lady D) and giving her what she wants (submission) so reader can get what they want (an orgasm).
I think more often than not (now I absolutely understand that this is not the case with more dangerous/extreme kinks/fetishes but that's not what I'm talking about right now) there isn't a whole lot of conversation about certain kinks, they just kind of show up during sex.
Like for example, (also keep in mind this also very much depends on the amount of trust built in a relationship in real life, fics are a little different because it's not real life so these lines get blurred/don't always exist) during sex, someone can just call the other person mommy or daddy in bed and you either like it or you don't, but there's not always a conversation about it beforehand.
Same can go for putting your hand around someone's neck (NOT breath play/cutting off airflow, that's one of the more dangerous/extreme ones I was talking about) and with the level of trust built, the person who has a hand around their throat can let the person whos hand is around their throat to loosen their grip, tighten it a little or to let go completely and trust that they will listen.
With that being said, if kinks/fetishes do come into play, even for the less dangerous ones, I think a safe word should always be established at some point.
In terms of the first time having sex with someone, all of that is absolutely possible.
And there can be times where someone calls the other person mommy or daddy and the other person is like "um, nah." and you move on and keep doin' the nasty.
I also feel like if there's something that's triggering or something that makes someone SO wildly uncomfortable that it would make them not want to continue having sex, it should be made known before. Like "hey, because of x y and z I don't like hands around my throat/being called mommy or daddy/etc."
There are also times during sex where a kink/fetish will make itself known and that's how the person on the receiving end realizes they enjoy it.
Sometimes (and this is very well does not work this way for everyone) the thought of something may be a turn off but when it happens in bed, you realize you like it much more than you would have thought.
Also I absolutely appreciate you not being like "sToPp" because it's fucking fanfiction and you're right, it's not that serious😂
In terms of Alcina's perspective of sex, it really depends. If we're going off of exclusively canon, it might not be out of the realm of possibility.
It's important to consider the fact that she never truly fit in her "time period" sexually.
The 30s, 40s and 50s (which would be her prime sexual age before the mutation) she was canonically a lesbian and back then it was frowned upon, widely unaccepted and illegal.
Even in the US (where I'm from) as recently as 2003, literally only twenty years ago, 14 states had "sodomy laws" that made same-sex sexual activity illegal.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2003 Lawrence v. Texas that "intimate consensual sexual conduct is part of the liberty protected by substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment" (right to privacy).
So she didn't fit in sexually with her time period as it was so it's not too out there to consider the fact that she did have kinks and fetishes before.
To add another small history lesson (that I looked up for the purpose of trying to give the most historically accurate response) sex toys have been around as far back as the ancient Greeks. Although in the 18th century, use of sex toys was punishable by death in Europe (fuckin' prudes LOL).
Also I learned that when rubber was invented in the 50s, the production of lesbian sex toys exploded which fits perfectly into the timeline because she was infected by the cadou in 1958 so there's a very good chance she had been exposed to them before her mutation.
Regarding her perspective of sex fitting her age, yes, technically she's about 100 years old. But, she never aged past 44, so for argument sake we'll say she's 44 years old.
44 year old's still have great sex, it's not that old.
It's not like she was mutated when she was in her 80s or 90s and hadn't had sex for years or decades.
When you're 44, you're still in your sexual prime. Most women at that age haven't even gone through menopause yet. So they're still out there, having great sex.
Were people more prudish back in the 50s? Oh absolutely. There's no doubt about it and no arguing otherwise.
But I'm inclined to think that it's very possible she had kinks/fetishes because she already didn't fit into the box of what was "acceptable" sexually back in the day.
I think that even before her mutation, home girl was a little bit of a sadist to begin with. Once she got eternal beauty, immortality, power and everything else I think that only grew.
I also have a theory that when she grew, so did her personality traits. Everything was enhanced, so she was meaner, more of a sadist, loved harder (the way she loves her daughters goes without saying) and even before her mutation, there's not a doubt in my mind that she was a fucking spoiled brat😂 So that only got worse too.
So it wouldn't shock me if even before her mutation she was the dominant one in bed and enjoyed punishing her bratty lovers.
Also I think literally needing to consume the flesh and blood of other humans in order to survive desensitized her to inflicting pain on others and could even add to her sex drive in a super fucked up way.
Because lets be honest, we all love our hot 9ft tall lesbian vampire goddess but she's a literal serial killer and is fucking psychotic.
I also think that the mutation fucked with her mental state in a multitude of ways.
I wish we knew more of her backstory, like where she's from, how she grew up (aside from being noble, that much we do know) because she would be SUCH an interesting person to do a character study on.
Regarding your statement of "it’s very curious seeing it normalized as if every adult sexual relationship consists of at least 1 kink/fetish" I think most adult sexual relationships do.
Whether they realize it's a kink or fetish or not is one thing, but I truly believe it is normal for most adult sexual relationships to have at least one kink or fetish.
They don't all always have to be extreme ones either, hell, even talking dirty can be a kink or fetish and I feel like a lot of people talk dirty during sex.
Kinks and fetishes are very normal and it's not "normalizing" it as if we're normalizing something that can be harmful or dangerous (save for the more dangerous kinks/fetishes but I don't think that's what we're talking about right this second). I think we're just talking about it in a way that naturally occurs.
I'm sure Alcina is very well informed about her kinks & fetishes, she has been alive for about 100 years and has been stuck at age 44 for 63-65 years (63 years in 2021, when the game came out/when she was killed, 65 years if we stray from canon and if she was still alive today).
60+ years is a long time to figure out what you like and to learn more about your kinks. Plus, I don't doubt that she's pushed the limits with her maidens and learned from experience (i.e., killing them on accident) and learned the boundaries of her kinks and fetishes.
Plus, she's been cooped up in that castle for 60 years and almost never leaves, it's not outside the realm of possibility that her sex life is thriving because there really isn't much else for her to do.
Reader's experience on the other hand really depends on the author and how experienced they want them to be.
In some fics, reader is familiar with some but not a lot. In others, reader is experienced and in other fics (like mine) reader very inexperienced and Alcina is teaching them. Which also plays into the dominant role Alcina naturally has. Showing her lover the ropes, being in control, giving pleasure and taking it away as she pleases.
Just from the one cut scene in the church when Miranda gives Ethan to Heisenberg you can tell that Alcina is dominant. She speaks her mind and isn't even afraid to disagree with Mother Miranda when she doesn't like her decision (also this is where her being a spoiled brat comes in, arguing with Miranda and Heisenberg when she doesn't get what she wants).
In terms of Alcina enjoying breath play, this is where I also think her being a serial killer and a literal fucking psyho comes into play.
It's not that she enjoys "breath play" per se, I think she enjoys watching the fear in the eyes of whoever she has by the throat. The realization that they are powerless and are at the mercy of this woman. She literally has their life in her hands and she thrives off of the thrill of it.
I'm also sure that in tandem, she's learned a lot about breath play from just choking the shit out of people who are disobedient or those who challenge her. And maybe that thrill eventually became a sexual turn-on as well.
That's one of the things where I think she realized it was a kink after doing it in a threatening, "I'm going to kill you," non-sexual way honestly.
So through doing it to actually hurt people, I'm sure she's learned a little about it that way and then once she started doing it for sexual pleasure, learned more in a "trial by fire" way.
Which is NOT how you learn the limits/boundaries of kinks, like at fucking all. But again, we're talking about a 9ft tall lesbian vampire so in the world of re8, you do you girlypop.
In all honesty, if I was that large and could pick up whole humans like they weighed nothing, and if I were a psychopath who wanted to show their dominance in any way possible, I'm sure I'd pick everyone up by their throats. It's a wonderful way to exude power honestly. It's also a good way for her to instill fear in the rest of her staff. If I saw my boss pick up someone by the throat and choke them out with one hand, you bet your ass I'd never step a hair out of line😂
But you are right, all of it is very interesting!
I'd love to hear yours (and anyone else's) feedback or thoughts on this!
Just be respectful bc if you're not I'm deleting your comments/asks💕
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lotus-pear · 5 months
i went in to bsd knowing absolutely nothing about it except that Dazai existed (i was looking for something similar to Noragami & ppl kept saying Yato & this "Dazai" character were similar... which did not end up being true imo but i digress LOL)
i kept dropping the anime every few eps bc i couldn't get into it (my brain: not enough Dazai screen time smh). and tbh Chuuya wasn't rly that memorable to me 🫣 (tho i mostly blame the anime for the portrayal of their relationship & watering down ALL the characters ajdkshdkf)
but after i finished the anime & started reading fics, knkdz was my fave dynamic (platonically). it wasn't until i ran out of knkdz fics & started reading skk fics that i was like OH so THIS is their dynamic (not that i'm endorsing ppl basing their characterizations off of fics OOF...). and once i read the In's i was like OHHHH YEAH OK SKK HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD
all that to say... i'm very interested in your experiment bc from the anime alone i rly enjoyed knkdz! I'm not big on knkdz anymore just bc i prefer skk, but i appreciate the importance of the role their relationship plays in bsd/for Dazai, & idk how someone can like skk and outright hate knkdz bc they have a lot of similarities 😵‍💫
(and for the record platonic skk is still my favorite flavor of skk 🤭 Dazai therapy arc before any healthy romances pls)
NORAGAMI MENTIONED OMFG‼️ (also whoever said that is a fucking dumbass yato and dazai are not similar at all imo💀) also yea i don't read fics at all so my only exposure through shipping is official content and solely based on that i draw conclusions abt each pairing. and ur so right abt the anime watering skk down i will forever hate bones for being homophobic😭😭 manga!skk is so fucking funny watching them bicker is so entertaining
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transboysokka · 7 months
Glad That’s Over
(Chris Suffers Through Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 for the First and Last Time)
ok last one thank god lol
this budget looks BIG
UH OH the credits say the Vampiric Council is back yikessss
Lee Pace??? Rami Malek??? DAYUM
I actually know like zero plot points we’re gonna see in here so my mind is wide open
Wtf I didn’t know Forks had Yosemite….
oh okay wow so she’s just automatically good at everything I see
Okay yes I’m DEF gonna bd having problems w this baby, like the massive budget of this film and they can’t even cgi a normal looking kid or get a real baby for this stage
Jacob is such a mom
Lmao Edward w heart eyes like “she’s amazing right look at my wife”
Why is Rosalie so obsessed w this baby though
She oughta check in with her parents soon eh
So interested in what their vampire sex is like but also I feel like that’s not my business at all and have no desire to see it
Oh damn lol the fangirlies def went feral over this one in theatres
Lmfao Jacob just stripping in front of Charlie like same tbh but this is hilarious
I do appreciate Jacob letting the cat out of the bag though
This was a dumb conversation just tell him
Bella he’s gonna wonder in a few years why you haven’t aged at all
This goddamn baby he’s obviously gonna figure out where SHE came from
Or maybe not lol
Yeah if I was Charlie I’d be pissed after all that
What did they do wrong why are they in trouble
Immortal Child omg what is that ohhhhhh
Lol Jacob speaking logic like “just tell the volturi they got the wrong idea” and everyone’s like “nah anyway how are we gonna fight”
Alice and jasper peacing out okay???
ohhhh convenient the kid can show people her memories eh
Ok so we got rami here as a waterbender
Oh shit he’s the AVATAR
So yeah I don’t actually know what’s happening
Okay Lee pace. Still confused.
I’m just so bored by all of this the whole series should have ended after the first cutesie half hour of this movie
Anyway all this attempt at like woke international vampires is like near-Harry potter levels of lazy racism…
Alice only told Bella her message bc they love each other actually,
so WHY are they abandoning their daughter??
Are we… gonna get an explanation of how renesmee even exists?
Anyway so if Bella’s a shield that STILL doesn’t explain how she was one before she was a vampire??
Now Alice is back bc sure I guess
Like this ENTIRE last hour of the movie is just unnecessary
Oh fuck and now Carlisle’s dead like come the fuck on
Another one bites the dust
Why are they even fighting? I fucking forgot bc the stakes are really SO low
Idk who any of the dying wolves are sorry am I supposed to be able to tell them apart??
I am not emotionally invested in the outcome of this fight At All
Just fighting to break each others necks k
oh jeez are they sending renesmee to live in the Amazon or
Oh slay
This weird little walk down memory lane amv? Also unnecessary but I mean yeah I guess the fans would be into it
Cool that she can like…. Unshield?? Obvs we won’t get a real explanation for that either lol
Amazing that I’ve seen this couple for 5 whole movies and still don’t care about their relationship at all
A thousand years IS an appropriate song to end on though I’ll give it that
Okay yeah I mean I’m glad to know what happens but this whole movie kind of sucked it didn’t need to exist tbh
Glad it’s over
Overall? Interesting franchise. It was whatever but it did kind of hold my interest enough. Will I ever understand why it was such a huge fandom phenomenon? No lol let’s get teen girls crazy about HEALTHY relationship dynamics next time
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c00kie-d0e · 1 year
(Self Aware Uncanny Valley AU)
This is an AU where all the game characters (John, You, Maison) become self aware.
You is my OC because idk what You looks like in the game lol
I made this so I can organize my thoughts and plan things like fanfics, animatics and stuff hehe
This gets updated a lot bc I change my mind frequently lmao I don't really take this seriously it's just a funny thing I made for one of my fave games!
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maybe in this Canon Divergence AU whatever shit, John is aware of their fan base and that's why they work so hard to get to You in the game. because You is like the bridge between his world and his fans world.
does Doe really love You? or is she in love with the physical real beings controlling You that makes him feel less alone (the players)
I feel like they'll have a platonic friendship outside of the game, because Doe is more interested in The Player themself. I also wanna see what John's personality is like aside from being in love
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Doe must want to get out of his "reality": people think she is a common pest, and his house is so messed up bc he probably has no one looking after them :( Maybe they want a way to escape her reality and thats why they r so in love with the Players???
You is just a placeholder character for the Player, and they can be mind controlled. Aside from that, they have their own personality, their own life, and dreams. You will go by they/she ig or any pronouns tbh bc they r supposed to be a stand-in for anyone playing the game
You has this barbie aesthetic and blue theme to complement Doe's emo aesthetic and red theme because THAT'S SO FUCKING FUN TO DRAW EEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Maison survives tho, and whenever You and Maison see each other in public, they glare at each other like mean girls
You and Doe prob paint each other's nails while talking about how to break the 4th wall. Doe blabbering on about their crush on the Player while You gets an existential crisis
maybe in the YES ending, You is actually the one controlling your actions, gaining sentience for the first time, and fuckin around saying random shit to freak you out lol
The timeloops in this AU are controlled by the Player. they happen everytime you start a new game. because that's really what happens: You is put in the same situation every single day because we keep replaying the game!!
maybe the reason this game looks like it takes place in the 2000s (You's phone) is because it's forever stuck in a timeloop even though our world is advancing
Since Purple RPG exists in the John Doe universe, and we play as randall (I think idk I haven't played the game yet), does that mean there are multiple people The Player can control? As in... Multiple "You"s? Then who is the person we are playing as in John Doe and House Hunted? Dundundunnnn
While Doe and You plan to escape, Maison can't because his true body is bound to Uncanny Valley (he is literally a house) so he tries to get the Player to come to him instead
Doe can definitely tell the difference between You and The Player controlling You. You is way more impulsive, clever and joking, while The Player controlling You acts more robotic in their body language and has limited responses, usually "YES" or "NO"
John Doe will still be clingy, because she never really had a friend before, not counting the eyebirds he feeds
Their friendship dynamic might be "Idiot & Idiot in Progress", "I'm Gonna do Evil & Don't Forget your Knife" or maybe even "I Love Him, He's Different & BITCH NO YOU DON'T"
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lemonhemlock · 10 months
do you have any thoughts on Baelon and Alyssa? I’ve been seeing lots of discourse on what they would think about Rhaenyra or how the dance would play out if Baelon was king
an ask from May, lol. sorry it took me this long!
i'm gonna be a bit lemontarty and go against the grain on this one. a popular take i've seen is how alysanne was so brainwashed by targcest that she interpreted alyssa always being glued to baelon's side as marital intention and thus paired them up from a young age. kind of like how straight people have that annoying habit in that they see a boy and a girl playing and, as a result, call them boyfriend and girlfriend and start planning their wedding. i don't think it's an outrageous take, but i also don't think it was necessarily the author's intention here.
not that targcest fucking up family dynamics isn't a worthwhile topic of conversation, but i don't really see it in the way those two specifically were written. it seems to be one of grrm's exceptions he throws in ever so often. i say this because neither baelon, nor alyssa ever expressed regret with their relationship or even any kind of dissatisfaction, nor is even one argument or point of contention between them ever mentioned. they apparently couldn't keep their hands off each other and baelon never recovered mentally after alyssa's death.
that being said, i take issue with how alyssa was written bc she is way too much of a Cool Girl™. now FB came out in 2018 and Gone Girl in 2014, so idek what george was thinking with this, bc alyssa is 100% the girl in the monologue. she is sporty, low maintenance, the only thing she wants to do is fuck her man, fly her dragon & give baelon enough sons to field a football team etc. she's so much of a male fantasy it's hard not to laugh, tbh. you just know she'd eat only pizza and never gain weight.
as for what they would think about rhaenyra, who knows. it's worth mentioning that rhaenyra would have never been in the running for queen if rhaenys, daughter of prince aemon and baelon&alyssa's niece, hadn't been passed over. now, alyssa was long dead when aemon died, but had she been alive, for thing to happen in the same way, then she should have been complicit in the passing over (twice) of rhaenys. so if she would have been comfortable with that, why would she be a rhaenyra supporter? alyssa honestly gives me boy mom vibes. if she didn't die, she would have given baelon a ton of children & possibly more sons who could have, in time, produced other male offspring, complicating things even further.
the dance wouldn't happen during baelon's reign, it would happen after baelon and viserys both died. but it could happen while alyssa was a queen dowager. so, in this scenario, who's to say she wouldn't have already convinced viserys to name aegon as successor? thus avoiding any dance at all. i find it hard to believe she would champion rhaenyra for queen when she herself would have been complicit re: rhaenys.
also, another thing to consider is that viserys' obsession for a son was also born out of the scarcity of targaryen heirs at the time: daemon was a loose canon, rhaenyra was a girl and rhaenys had married outside of the family so her children were technically velaryons. if alyssa gave baelon more children, it's very possible that viserys would not have pressured aemma for more offspring so much as he knew that, if push came to shove, he could call another great council and they had more options to consider as heir.
ANOTHER thing i would like to add to complicate this timeline even more is that alyssa could have provided sisters for viserys and daemon to marry, thus negating the need for viserys to even marry aemma in the first place (and rhaenyra's existence) and daemon's fixation on his underage niece. or, you know, viserys can still marry aemma (say it's true love or whatever) and, after she dies, he can marry a younger sister of his instead of alicent.
and with that i've provided plenty of AUs out there for you potential writers 🎈
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ilynpilled · 1 year
i dont wanna bring jc vs jb discourse bc ick but i saw a tweet that was like “everything complex about jb is jc” thoughts? bc personally i think the jb dynamic revolves around deconstructing knighthood and oaths and honour. cersei’s involvement is restricted to jaime’s development and has nothing to do with jaime and brienne’s dynamic so i dont know where they got that from
oh god im sorry this is kind of long 😭😭. nah you are absolutely right, JB can obviously stand on its own. and yes I agree with your read of what it is deconstructing. you can read any of my jaime metas and the complexity of their dynamic is always prevalent. however I also dont think cersei is entirely separate from it either (or has nothing to do with it, as you put it). like I think these characters and their dynamics enrich each other. I think the problem is just fandom tribalism. like a lot of JC people act like his narrative with brienne is practically irrelevant and just a little side quest for him until he returns to his “true love”, when it is absolutely key in reconstructing his character and plays an essential role in a lot of jaime’s themes, many of which are mostly outside of his relationship with cersei, like u said. same with a lot of JB shippers who place cersei into this role of “evil sister wife abuser that we will just get away from quick and it is over, no significant impact on jaime as a character from now on, it is not like this insane toxic relationship will affect him anymore since he burned that letter”. Those two dynamics foil and deepen each other so much, and have multiple thematic through-lines (like gender, rigid social constructs, identity etc) and it is so weird when either is just written off bc it kind of shows a lack of interest in jaime as a character in specific. which is also fine, don’t get me wrong. i take no issue with someone just liking brienne or cersei a lot, and only caring about jaime as an extension of their characters. but jaime exists outside of those two just as those two exist outside of him, no matter how interwoven their narratives can be. imo you don’t have to engage with something emotionally, but to refuse to even acknowledge it intellectually will lead to tunnel vision and just frankly terrible takes. takes that we can just ignore tbh
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dunno if you were asked this before but what you most favorite dynamic out of all your supermassive ships?
i don’t think, that i answered it on such a scale before tbh. i’ve been asked about my supermassive otps separately tho, so like mmmm….
idk. i can’t say, that i have a specific favorite among all of them. each pair has elements that fascinate me, and while they all have smth that tangles them together, they’re also fundamentally different. i look at chris x ryan, and john x andrew, which at first glance is what i’m calling a caretaker + their silent, younger companion sort of gimmick, but they’re also go deeper than this, and there is very big difference even in how chris & john handle situations or how andrew & ryan react to things. how andrew will always be more pushy, and how ryan essentially can enter yandere mode, where andrew seem to be just kind of prone to violence of less motivated, less personal kind…..or even a big separation in how chris always tries to cling to imagery of a good person, and john is just kind of embraces the fact, that he’s not a decent man. still, chris somehow fucks up more royally bc of it all vs john, who’s just kinda goes with the flow lol. and then, the roles of who defends who in both ships are reversed. in the quarry, ryan canonically goes out of his way to pretend like everything around him doesn’t scream ‘my mentor isn't who i think he is'. it's so plain. so into your face, yet rayn being unresponsive, being abrasive. and then, he also gets hella passive-aggressive, once someone suggests that he's in denial (he is lol). in LH, it’s john, who canonically closes eyes on andrew’s mishaps and stunted disturbance, downright to forgiving him accidently killing angela (in some routes). i talked in more detail about john & chris’s differences and similarities here. but while they do share the same roots of dynamic, i feel like it evolves into its own category along the way. so honestly, even between those two, it’s kinda impossible for me to pick which is the most preferable or interesting. bc they both are! i'm a sucked for complicated pinning & favoritism, that makes person pick side based on their own selfish pref rather than logic. i love how creepily easy it is for ryan & john to endanger others, if it means that they can keep chris & adnrew 'safe and sound'. i love how this is their first, organic reaction. the quarry kinda messed it up toward the end, but y'know lol. it's the narrative point / the main intent, that counts with me. and where LH wasn't very shy about andrew & john being a 'thing' in whatever way, you might see it....like them being stuck together as oddly 'similiar' unlucky folks or as john being there to mislead you, well, they still were very *cross fingers* like that. in the quarry, you have to actually look a bit more closely to see how much of plot is revolved around ryan & chris's relationships. around ryan trying to save someone, who is in fact, was partly to blame for everything. but honestly, this is what i like about the quarry vs until dawn. at least, chris had someone, who did try to see the best in him. vs until dawn, where by unpopular opinion, i always stuck feeling like josh deserved better friends. i can't watch the prologue and not think, that aside from sam, the rest of josh's friends actually suck tbh. including chris, bc dang, he just abandoned him like that. for a girl..........so while josh did messed up thing, i struggle to feel any sort of sympathy for anyone, but sam in that game. naturally, some characters grew on me and chris was even my fav back at the time, but i don't and cannot respect a half-assed commitmet he showed josh. like man, be more like ryan, dude. point a gun at weird looking gal, that suggest that she's about to kill your camp leader. be like john, and literally ignore safety of everyone, but yourself and that one, young dazed student that you like lol. chris from until dawn is too weak for it. even non-existent dr hill was more devoted to josh vs his best bud. i mean, it kinda sucks, when your mental illness is the only thing, that agrees to keep you company, bc your bff wanna gets laid and just forgets about u. it's realistic tbh, don't get me wrong. but it still stings lol.
*clears throat* sorry, tangled lol.
anyways then, we have the other 2 ships, which are kind of opposites of one another. i mean, dulie & dalim do have similar narrative bits, esp since both pairs have power imbalance as its main trait. but where du’met x charlie will always be a predator/prey, with prey barely being able to do anything against its pursuer, in dalim it's never fully established, who 'controls' the situation in the end. bc realistically, salim would kick dar’s ass, if he saw so fit lol. and the funny part of their relationship is that dar is completely unaware lol. he seems to consider salim to be weaker, more naive and less likely to fight against his commands, since he's kind of a kiss-ass lol. it never occurs to dar, that salim can rebel against him. and if/when salim does, dar basically instantly gets angry/absolutely enraged with him, bc how dare he lol. in dulie, du’met kind of expects charlie to struggle and whine, and cower, and try his hardest, so he’s not holding it against him. he even humors him kinda. still, it's where the big diffence is. charlie is du'met 'prey', whatever intentions he has for him are always 'justified' inside his own mind. dar would only hurt salim, if he goes out of line. he won't randomly harm salim, or consider doing it, even if he might have such impulse. like, i do believe, that he does have them. still, where charlie being du'met 'favorite' means, that du'met would exact more pain and fear on him....with dar, it's the opposite. he would try to keep salim from harm's way, at least to some degree and he certanly won't treat him as poorely as he treats those other people, who are unimportant to him. canonically, out of the whole unit, dar only searching for salim. he's not sorry for all those wasted lives, it seem to barely register with him even. more so, he's actually allows salim to stick in the background for the most part, when he shots around like a maniac lol. it must mean smth comming from a war dog like him. also i must say, that dar & du’met, while both clearly sociopathic, still have very, very different stans there, not to mention, that even their sadism is kinda different too. not even in level, but also in how they apply it. they both clearly love hunting down people. they both enjoy the thrill of chase. but dar in a way uses his position, the situation he’s in as an excuse for it. while, du’met is just like that lol. salim & charlie are also opposites. there is SO very little to connect them by. besides, a very surface level things, such as them being the low-key hyperfixation/main companion for antagonists, and then how they both wander around with a lighter. so once again, its kinda impossible to pick between them, bc they represent very different things, and the characters themselves have way less in common up close vs the chris/ryan and john/adnrew. 
taking all 4 ships into account is like examining 4 of your favorite foods. it’s not the matter of which you prefer more, it’s more of what you wanna eat at the moment lol. the silver lining of all my supermassive ships be that they all have a specific brand of fixation/care/pinning/longing for one another. and they usually all have smth, that makes it difficult to approach those relationships/feelings. at least, for one party lol. but it’s kinda impossible to shove them all into some check-box tbh. i mean, it will be very hard to fit let’s say, caring chris, who tries to be good to ryan, even when he scolds him, and dar, who backhands salim, the second he fails to answer him fast enough. or compare andrew, who can push john around and shut him up by mere suggestion of disagrement, and charlie who would most likely fell on his knees and suck du’met off, rather than risk invoking his displeasure. even if simply bc du'met is capable of murdering him lol.
so idk, i can't name the most fav one tbh. i love them all for their own reasons. not to meation, that there is so many ways to explore obsession and other bits, that i love in each ship in its own way. before, i assumed, that i might have a secret fav, but looking at it now, i don't think that i do, haha.
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fairycosmos · 2 years
This is an interesting convo!
I know that studies based in both my country and the US have linked large age gaps to increased risk for intimate partner violence and other forms of abuse. It's important to take it country by country and the studies I read (they were for a uni project) focused specifically only on heterosexual couples.
Of course there are other factors that increase or lower risks for these things and a large age gap relationship doesn't automatically mean they will happen. It just gets trickier the younger one of the partners involved is. The brain only finished developing its frontal lobe at approximately 25 years of age, which is the part responsible for reasoning, social interaction, problem solving etc. (idk maybe thats why Leo Dicaprio bounces when his partners turn that age) This means people younger than that are physically unable to reach their full reasoning potential.
Maturity is also a slippery concept because it is often equated with one type of intelligence when there are many we need to navigate life. I've even been called mature by multiple people just for being a generally serious person. Maturity is also at times mistaken with having gone through certain experiences. They can help a person mature at times but certain experiences had too young or before the person had the resources and capability to properly deal with them - like having to grow up too fast - can lead to stuff like hyperindependence for example, which is often mistaken as a sign of maturity and not what it is, a trauma response that leave someone more prone to being sociallyisolated, aversion to reaching out to for help, mistrust of perceived outsiders etc etc). It's not a healthy balance. These are the folks that tend to get "you're so mature for your age" a lot. That's just one example though and it all depends on the person and they circumstances.
It's just stuff for younger people to be quite careful around especially because these things are very specifically what predators tend to look for in potential partners (aside from youth itself and qualities they associate with it) and they know young people are more likely to have these vulnerabilities. Other appeals to them is also that this tends to be a very tumultuous life period with many life transitions, finding oneself as an adult, trying to become financially independent/stable, a shifting support network and a still developing a schema for what relationship dynamics should look like to them.
We can all can be manipulated at any age if someone knows your specific vulnerabilities well enough, but particularly young people have a lot going on that add a layers of risk, which is why, as we learn more about different manifestations of abuse of power, the age gap conversation has been becoming more prevalent too. We have better language to describe and explain such phenomena than we did in the past. Like before, the inherent power imbalance of employer-employee relationships in terms of sexual relationships and advancements was not taken seriously and everyone involved was considered equally responsible and accountable when power was abused.
Healthy age gap relationships certainly exist. It's just precaution that younger people know what the risks and red flags are so they can make better decisions, especially when there are people out there who are actively looking to take advantage and will go to great lengths to cover it until they've gradually developed an unhealthy dependence in the relationship.
thank u for sharing! im not sure i much of anything to add TBH bc i feel like you summed things up really well. it makes a lot of sense to me that the more we're becoming aware of abuse of power and how it manifests in society, the larger age gaps in relationships are critiqued and questioned.
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