#bc someone influenced them that the fic was good or something
coraxaviary · 1 year
ok so like does anyone else have the rational fear that
someone's gonna come along and mention/post/recommend/rant about their fic on tiktok or some other social media? Mostly tiktok, but I suppose there are other possibilities.
Like, I don't want random people from tiktok coming to read my stuff. I certainly don't want to ever get the attention of anyone associated with the production of these shows -- especially the actors, God forbid.
Like, oh my gosh the prospect of "blowing up" for fanart is so appealing -- like, my eyes *light up* you know what I mean -- but the thought of someone mentioning my fanfic on any other website gives me a cold sweat and heart palpitations
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thechy-fychannel · 2 months
I saw a few other blogs doing this so I thought I'd share my input on what I think would happen in the House MD universe in 2024:
the constant jokes abt house and wilson's relationship turns into the fellows jokingly writing fanfic abt their boss and his boy best friend. somewhere along the way they all get very serious abt the quality of it and it turns into a Whole Thing, a 150k+ novel that they vow to take to their graves.
house discovers the fic by accident and sends it to wilson. wilson discovers things abt himself and then he and house discover each other shortly thereafter.
house purposefully posts the fic online and credits the fellows by their entire full names so it embarrasses them more than house and wilson. It's never spoken abt again but it gets way more online attention than any of them expected.
wilson doesn't get how the Cloud works and accidentally uploads his and house's nudes to the google nest hub on his desk. He doesn't notice it until one of his sweet little old lady cancer patients points it out to him during their appointment. He throws the google nest hub into his trash can until he can figure out how to get the naked pictures off of it.
house has an alexa and abuses the hell out of it. sometimes ppl hear him screaming at someone in his office, only to walk in and find a robotic voice replying with "sorry, I didn't get that" and house throws it off the balcony.
wilson gets addicted to online shopping. house has to stage an intervention bc they do not have enough room in their closet for another pair of prada loafers and their kitchen is full of shitty gadgets that wilson bought off temu or something.
some right wing social media influencer comes in with a mysterious illness and ends up getting castrated as part of the solution. 13 personally does the procedure herself and house watches like a proud dad.
a patient reveals chase's grindr by shoving his phone at him and asking "is this you?" abt the headless profile with the ripped abs that says Dr. Feel Good, 0 feet away, in front of the rest of the team.
foreman finds the team doing tiktok dances bc house told them to learn it in order to understand their 15 yr old patient better.
chase medically murders mitch mcconnel and the entire hospital celebrates ding dong the witch is dead style.
there's a whole episode where house faces his transphobia bc of a trans patient that he connects with. the patient tells him to fuck off and go face his own problems instead of pretending to make it right by being nice to one trans person. And house does, even if he's not perfect, he really tries to do better.
13 gets her medical marijuana card and accidentally becomes the team's plug. her main customer is wilson who still supplies it to certain terminal patients. She hears "hey, can I hit your pen?" at least four times a day.
foreman buys a tesla and it blows up in the parking lot. they spend the entire episode trying to figure out who tried to kill foreman, but it turns out that teslas just do that sometimes.
there's an episode where house finds out that netflix is removing his favorite obscure tv show that ran for 2 seasons in 2002 and wilson recruits the team to hunt down a dvd copy of it without house finding out. they somehow manage to find one and spend a ridiculous amount of money on it, only to open the dvd case and find a copy of the porno wilson starred in that one time instead of the dvd of the show. park saves the day at the last minute by finding a copy of it in a box of dvds in her parents house.
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Hello i don’t know if your request are open or closed ignore me if it’s the case but can you make a Jason grace x reader when he know she is love with him and it’s reciprocated but she don’t want to make the move because Jason grace is a golden boy perfect etc.. and she is just normal thank you 🤩
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Oh, That Golden Light - Its Blinding Me
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content: jason grace x unclaimed! reader fic warning: kinda angsty, ig??? sort of??? i dunno??? author's note: taking a break from the smau bc i miss writing lmao- also i feel so big brain for making the reader unclaimed for legit no reason. this is HEAVILY influenced by golden by harry styles. im not like a huge mega fan but satellite did things to me bc i thought of my father while listening to it and i had to pull over i was crying so hard in my car oop- anyways, i hope yall enjoy me coming out of my writing disappearance frfr WERE BACK BABYYYYYYYY
jason grace was like something out of some shiny hollywood movie. perfect. flawless. stunning. blinding.
it was hard not to fall in love with zeus' golden boy. he was just so sweet and caring to every person he met. you wouldn't even know this boy was a harden solider from the way he fawned over trampled patches of grass or new campers. he was just that kind of person, the one who drew people in with his comforting aura.
and you were just another victim of jason grace's warm vibes.
you, one of the few campers who continued to break percy's promise with the gods. 'claim them by thirteen,' he'd said and they agreed, but apparently your name must have been in the fine print. every summer and winter solstice, your name was brought up as a betrayal of their promise and every summer and winter solstice it was brushed under the rug. you tried to not let it affected, that your parent was so ashamed of you that they were willing to risk the wrath of percy jackson to avoid claiming you. but whatever, it's cool, it's totally fine, and not something you think about late at night.
but it did affect you. your self worth was in the dumps, you'd never felt so undesirable in your entire life. which is why you left your dreams of being jason's girlfriend just that; dreams. he'd find some other girl, some girl who was wanted, and you'd just have to live with that. but, boy, he didn't make it easy.
"good morning, yn. sleep well?" he asked, just like every morning, a book under his arm and his hair still fluffed from his pillows as he jogged to catch up with you. breakfast had been called and, just like every morning, jason made sure to walk with you and grab his breakfast with you.
"gave up my bed to little jamie here last night. those floorboards aren't too bad though," you replied easily, distracting yourself by ruffling jamie's spikey ginger hair. he was one of the new campers, still unclaimed like you, but you were sure that was bound to change soon as he was twleve. you glanced up and noticed jason's frown but pretended like you didnt.
"do you hear that? i think connor needs me. ill see you around, grace," you cut off what would surely be words of concern, scampering off towards connor, who definitely didn't call for you. being with jason was hard, it burned to be within feet of that boy. he was just so dazzling and bright and sometimes you just couldn't do it. you couldn't stand to block his light. to tarnish it in the way only you could.
"you try archery? maybe you're an apollo kid?" travis offered as you guys walked back from breakfast, but he knew the answer. you gave him a pointed look and he shrugged with a roll of his eyes.
"or maybe im not even an halfblood. maybe someone screwed up. maybe im destined to be unwanted, to rot away inside cabin eleven until i look like the oracle," you rambled, only stopping to take a calming breath.
"i can think of someone who wants you," connor hummed from you other side, a cheeky smile and sly look shared between the boys who could be twins but weren't. you squinted at both of them, your head darting around like you were watching an intense tennis match.
"what are you two even yapping on about?" you hissed and they just continued to smirk in the way only they could.
"we're just suggesting that a certain golden boy has his eyes on you. his heart eyes," travis gushed, wiggling his fingers at you as connor pretended to swoon. you scoffed and shoved the two away, hoping the distance would blur their vision of your growing blush.
"you two tease too much. cruel boys is what you are," you huffed and continued to march away from their laughing forms, clear evidence that they had seen your blush.
you spent your day the way you always spent your days at camp half blood; trying everything in hopes of getting recognized, in hopes of impressing your parent enough for them to dangle a glowing light over your head, to claim you as their child. you covered yourself with soot inside the forges with leo but all you ever managed to produce was a broken spring that even had leo wincing in shame as he plucked it from your hands and threw it away. you tried every weapon in the arena, letting clarisee pummel you with swords, spears, and shield alike. you even tried hanging out with nico and percy, trying to dig up bones and talk to horses but it never worked. none of it ever worked. which is how you ended up at the dock, your legs crossed under you and your fist shoved into your cheek to hold your head up. apollo's sun was starting to set, coating the whole of camp in a golden hue that had you thinking of one boy who was comparable to the color.
"go away, travvy. im not hungry," you muttered as you heard footsteps approached, picking up another rock and plopping it into the lake, watching the naiads follow it down before bringing it back up to you.
"not travis," a familar voice mused as he stopped behind you, causing your spine to straighten and you to look over your shoulder with a mildly panicked look, being met with the very golden boy who invaded your mind.
"oh, hey, jason," you replied, returning your attention to the naiads as jason sat down next you, leaning back against one of the poles as he watched you. you stiffened under his view, feeling it to be more interrogating than anything. you went to open your mouth and run away with lies about needing to make your bed but jason beat you to it.
"you look so pretty in this light."
"huh?" you asked, stupidly, turning to look at him with what surely was a dumb look on your face. jason's lips just continued to twitched upwards, the setting sun's light getting caught on his scar. you had the fading thoughts that jason might have seen it as an imperfection, which would have made you laugh; the golden boy, flawed? no, surely not.
"i said; you look beautiful in this light. just gorgeous," he continued, leaving you gaping like a fish before swallowing down your embarrassment as you hung your head.
"look, if the stolls put you up to this for some stupid prank, it's okay-"
"nope. ever hear of free will, yn?" jason mused, his eyes unwillingly drifting from you towards the golden setting sun. your eyes stayed on him, brows furrowed as you tried to figure out his angle.
"jason," you said, not entirely sure what you wanted to say after you drew his attention back to you. his blue eyes instantly darted back to you, gleaming with a fondness that you've seen in the way percy looks at annabeth, the way nico looks at will, and the way charles used to look at silena. with a love that you never thought would be directed towards you. let alone from him.
"yn," he teased back with a bright smile, shifting to lean closer to you. you wanted to lean away, give him space to think over his decisions but your gut wouldn't let you, feeling his breath fan across your redden cheeks.
"what are you doing?" you whispered out, not needing to speak louder due to the closeness.
"something i should have done a long time ago. im confessing to a girl that i like her, like, a lot. im telling this pretty girl that i know she's scared, but i can't get her out of my mind," jason rambled and out of the corner of your eye, you could his hand reach out before landing against your bicep. it then ran upwards, slowly gliding over your skin towards your neck and face.
"jason. we- we can't. youre- gods, youre so golden and perfect and youre just- youre too bright for me. we can't," you breathed out, rapidly, but unable to lean away from his warm touch. his hand which was now cupping your cheek while his other landed somewhere near your hip.
"yn, youre the perfect girl for me. utter perfection. and i'll spend the rest of my life ensuring that you know that. you'll never go another day going unwanted with me, i swear on my life," jason replied, firmly, the roman praetor tone strong in his voice. and, not wanting to give you time to argue, jason pulled your lips to his.
and you'd be lying if you said you didn't lean in a little too.
kissing jason grace was like something out of some shiny hollywood movie. perfect. flawless. stunning. dazzling.
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yesimwriting · 4 months
How do you think Felix would react to bestfriend!reader coming out as bi/pan or nonbinary/genderfluid?
Do you think he would view women as much of a threat as men or…? And what do you think he would say if reader went: “OMG FELIX that girl is so hot” or something like that.
Sorry this was kinda long— 😭
i wanted to answer this fully bc it's a good question, and that got a little long so it's below the cut!!
also i analyze felix's sexuality a little just to give some background on my perspective,, but i try not to put my own speculations on felix's sexuality in fics (unless asked to) bc i want the person reading to be able to decide how they see felix
oh!! also! side note! i've mainly written bestfriend! reader with female pronouns,, and some plot stuff in the main fic i'm writing does rely on reader being female, but if anyone ever wants a specific blurb to have reader be gender neutral,, just specify in the ask and i'll make sure to write it that way :)
okay,, i think felix is extremely bi/pan leaning
and by that i mean i don't think he'd label his sexuality,, and not even in a 'too cool' way, he just wouldn't put that much thought into it,, like he probably sees himself eventually settling down/marrying a girl bc that's kind of the default (a tiny bit of comphet lol),, but i think he likes who he likes, he's attracted to who he's attracted to and doesn't pay much mind to their gender
i feel like this applies to most of felix's family/inner circle as well lol,, like attraction is attraction, why get caught up on the details if that makes sense
also no one can convince me felix didn't feel anything for ollie,, they are that romantic coded best friendship that ends dramatically and traumatically for all involved <3 but in bestfriend!felix verse reader will always be his #1, trust
but if we are reading felix as straight,, i still think he'd be super supportive (bi wife energy)
so considering that (and the fact that felix loves reader too much to ever make them feel bad about anything,, especially something like that) he'd be extremely supportive of reader's sexual orientation and/or gender identity,, and if anyone even implies something rude oh!! he's fighting!
depending on how bad it is, felix might just exclude that person socially, and bc of felix's influence, that means everyone starts to shun that person,, if someone was really homophobic towards reader,, felix would cuss them out fr,, might even instinctually get physical depending on how bad it is
as far as reader being like "felix! that girl is so hot" his initial reaction would be to agree/hype you up bc it's instinct to support reader,, but then it'd hit him and he'd be like oh. wait.. :(
true equality and acceptance of reader's sexuality/gender identity is wanting everyone of all genders to realize how wonderful reader is,, but from a distance <3 like yes i have the cutest, most perfect, lovely,, intelligent best friend, i'm glad you noticed,, unfortunately that's all you get to do
i do think that if it was just you two talking while out partying or hanging out and it didn't go further than some comments, felix would be supportive, but he'd be a little extra touchy to prove to himself that reader will let him
i think he'd be more bothered if reader called a guy hot, not bc he's more intimidated, but bc at least when reader finds a girl attractive it's much less of a direct comparison (bc female presenting and masculine presenting are generally hot in different ways) if that makes sense
if it goes any further than that,, felix is equally pouty no matter the person's gender
also we know felix's friends have a habit of hooking up with venetia,, so i could see this making felix more wary of venetia and reader getting along a little too well over the summer lol,, like he wouldn't assume the worst if they started liking each other a little, but he'd be wary
honestly, though,, at the end of the day, as long as it's clear that felix is reader's absolute favorite person of any gender, he'd be chill and even when he's jealous he's supportive
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Outsiders shit. Some modern some not idfk
These are all like. The most crack-filled hcs ever, please excuse my brain 🙏🏽🙏🏽 if these don’t make sense to you, tell me
- dally is so headstrong that the moment someone bets he can’t do something, he does it
- the gang takes advantage of this
- (this is a method I use on my younger siblings 😭😭)
- dally can walk in heels
- also two bit. Like scarily well. His sister is amazed.
- pony calls people whore
- Johnny calls people thot
- they say these to each other on a regular basis.
- also hoe
- uhhh where was I
- something something gay something something 70s 80s smth pony and Johnny because Johnny never died frfr no cap
- Johnny: “I can’t believe yall vape smh”
- also Johnny: *pulls out a cigarette for each hand*
- pony does the same thing
- twobit and Marcia are either gay-lesbian solidarity or they’re dating, no in between
- if they’re gay, they’re a beard couple just like “we pretend to date, they can’t catch on” “I like the way you think, woman”
- ily twobit matthews. That’s all.
- twobit and Marcia are actually both Hispanic, its canon trust I was there
- dally types “women ☕️” in instagram comment sections
- also “it’s bc I’m a man isn’t it”
- (ty V on discord for that second one 🙏🏽🙏🏽)
- cherry and dally argue on twitter
- a lot
- dally spams cherry and then she absolutely COOKS this pathetic rat man
- he doesn’t talk to her for a while, blocks her, and forgets and unblocks her to harass her again
- cherry doesn’t realize blocking is a thing, but she complains to marcia and marcia shows her how to block Dallas
- dally, two bit, and Steve are all hopelessly addicted to twitter
- like it’s really fucking bad
- someone get these mfs off the internet
- dally therapy
- now
- right fucking now
- cherry valance and ponyboy bisexual man/bisexual woman solidarity
- they are besties
- nothing more nothing less
- change my mind
- (you cant)
- marcia “good luck babe” by Chappell roan
- pony autism
- Johnny audhd
- Darry autism
- soda audhd or just adhd
- I saw someone say dally ocd once and I like it so
- dally ocd
- twobit adhd
- Steve adhd
- everyone trauma :D
- when johnny actually lived after the fire bc thats what actually happened actually fr, he left his parents because he realized they didn’t actually love him (the “I don’t wanna see her” scene is what helps him realize)
- he stays with the curtis boys most of if not all the time
- if soda and Darry are gone, pony will grab Johnny and they’ll sleep together
- not in a weird way you freaks
- pony just genuinely cannot sleep
- I may or may not be influenced by fics I’ve read…
- soda saw them one night he was gone and was like “…queers?”
- he stays out a bit later than usual now, often found sleeping in another room
- Darry actually supports more than pony thought, when he comes out, Darry is like a pride parade mom frfr
- kinda lowkey overbearing with it
- ily Darrel curtis
- soda is the typa guy to genuinely not understand lgbtq+ but supports anyways
- sodas the typa guy to be asked what his pronouns are and say “just he/him. Wish I had smth more interesting, but I’m just a guy :D”
- on the other end of that, soda and Steve are gay
- everyone is gay
- all of them
- so very fucking gay
Im done yapping for now, im so sorry for anyone that sees this
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emostudent · 1 year
so, i've been rewatching teen wolf bc apparently netflix hates us europeans and it will be removed on may 31st and here are a few of my opinions TM
scott is actually a very good main character. listen, i got into this fandom when i was older, so i probably don't understand why there is this trend of hating scott, but he's a valid MC! he shows an example of positive masculinity that is honestly so refreshing to see in modern media: he's kind, compassionate, always optimistic but not stupidly so, has an amazing relationship with his mum AND his friends, he's not afraid to show emotions and cry. honestly a very healthy, albeit traumatised, young man. yes, he did stupid stuff for the girl he liked, and yes he misjudged a few situations, but please, remind me, how old is he supposed to be? 16? 17? 18? yeah. i did worse things at his age.
scott and stiles come from working class families!!! they have money problems!! it's honestly so refreshing to see teenagers discuss money in a supernatural/fantasy tv show. it doesn't usually happens and I've found it refreshing because it's something that usually happen between irl teenagers.
i don't get sterek. really, really don't. maybe it's bc i've watched the show through a gen z lens (meaning the media and the culture (read: THE INTERNET) when i watched the show were influenced more by gen z than millennials' values) but i really don't get it. and the age difference makes me uncomfortable. (same thing with parrish and lydia, SHE'S A MINOR DUDE, there's a reason people don't like cops istg) SOMEONE EXPLAIN STEREK TO ME PLEASE
in fics stiles and scott's personalities are often swapped: stiles is the caring one, the pack mum, scott is the one with homicidal tendencies. like, my dudes, the fact that scott is a GOOD person through and through is the reason he's a true alpha. also the reason we, as viewers, like stiles is bc he's sarcastic and more morally ambiguous than scott (not really, but you get it, he cares more about himself and his immediate friends, the others can die, scott instead want to save everyone period), it's like taking away the thing that makes stiles stiles
malia and stiles were SO cute, i didn't expect to like them so much, but when they broke up my heart shattered
stydia is everything i want in a ship and i will not accept any criticism on it, it's literally one of the only straight ships i like. you have the slowburn, the malewife x girlboss trope, the he fell first but she fell harder, the mutual pining. it literally checks all of my boxes
isaac was such a cool character and he and scott had an amazing dynamic, like come on, they had something going on between them
kira is a badass. that's it, that's the comment. i like her so much
derek's development is one of the best. i couldn't stand him in season 1, but in s4 he became one of my favourite characters. but i think this has more to do with the fact that they aged him up? he was supposed to be in his early 20s in s1, but then they aged him up in s3? well, anyway, i liked how he literally wised up, stepping into the role of a teacher and guide instead of a leader, it suits him so much better (and i'm sure it's less stressful)
peter is such a charmingly evil bastard. i hate him, but i love him at the same time.
thiam is the best ship in the show, i don't care if it's canon or not. i've read airplanes, it's canon to me
we would've liked (simped for) s5 theo more if he had the same haircut he had in 6b. he was just stupidly hot.
allison and lydia should've kissed and so malia and kira. give me my wlw couples.
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garnetsandroses · 1 month
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my vic and amy powerswap au concepts! they make guest appearances in a fic of mine that's still in the plotting stage. power/design/alt-trigger details below :>
(warning for talk about canon-typical violence and the dallon-pelham torment nexus)
amy/fusillade: flight, forcefield, projectile mini bombs that look like sparks (bud from mark). when her forcefield blocks hits, it lights up, emulating carol's breaker state. she isn't immune to her own bombs; they can disrupt her forcefield if she's not careful.
-i wanted her to have a kinda boring costume that fit new wave's aesthetics without going outside of the box too much -she triggered pretty young at ~12, so her style hadn't developed and she's not confident enough to ask for a redesign now -white; accent color is a muted red -cape is asymmetrical to reference glory girl's -name starts with f to match w/ flashbang
she triggered when she was hiding in the other room while her parents had an argument. both were worried about the future of new wave, and carol in particular said some nasty things about amy not belonging in the family. mark got angry enough to use his power unconsciously, the blast from the grenade scaring amy on the other side of the wall. it knocked over a photo of the dallons (taken before they had adopted amy), and seeing that last image of the perfect family she was never going to fit into finally pushed her over the edge.
straightforwardly, this contributes to her powers being a mash of her parents with flight thrown in bc i love me a good mover aspect to a trigger. just wants to belong -> emulates the best and brightest aspects of her family. additionally, i think that mark was most parental and present when amy and vic were at this preteen age (based on what he's mentioned doing for them like cooking breakfast), so that contributes to his larger influence on amy's powers.
victoria/salva: touch-based biokinetic powers w/ focus on enhancing people’s abilities and creating augments for self (aegis+hookwolf ping). minor brute abilities like enhanced strength, stamina but not notably above that of a very fit, trained young adult.
-cute nurse's outfit that allows for lots of movement. someone said it looks magical girlesque and i think that's just bc i've designed magical girls since 6th grade
-simple white and bright red w/ same half-circles on coat (as seen on my panacea design) to mimic the coils of a caduceus
-utility details: hat has elastic band to stay on head, satchel is insulated so she can theoretically keep biomass in there, jacket is easily removable so her sleeves won't get nasty
-really hard to see but her bag has keychains: a pom-pom, official prt merch of gallant, new wave merch of fusillade's red star emblem
-salva is my attempt to be punny by combining "salve" + "salvo" (the rapid attack/round of applause meanings) + a feminine ending to mimic the "girl" in "glory girl"
triggered around a year after amy (reversing the canon situation) when the latter went on a patrol with the wards, vic tagging along just to see what crimefighting was like. vic had been stewing over being left behind due to not getting powers, but that subliminal jealousy was resolved in the worst way. hookwolf tore into the wards patrol, aegis and amy being the worst off. vic ran forward into the fray to try and save amy while the others retreated, asking herself questions like "why can't i do anything to help," "why can't i be strong enough to do something," etc. it was finally when she laid her hands on amy, red connecting the two of them, that she asked the real question "why can't i have powers too?" and triggered.
active-combat aspect with self-buffing brutes wandering around -> power has limited effect on herself. not only could she heal amy and pump her full of enhancements like adrenaline and natural-brewed steroids, but vic could take the biomass strewn around and graft it to herself, augmenting her abilities slightly. just like in canon where both sisters have yet to realize full control of their powers, salva hasn't started walking around in a biomecha meatsuit yet, but that could theoretically work for her. if she didn't care about not getting put on a watchlist, ofc
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happyk44 · 2 months
I was thinking about BPD Percy and splitting in BPD and I think w/ Sally, Grover, and Carter his splits are very internalized at himself - which, as I've looked into it, is pretty common in quiet BPD. With other close friends, splitting will still be internalized but focused on other ppl rather than himself
In the fic I wanna write, he has split on Annabeth after the events of HoH because her reaction to the Misery thing distresses him, but he's not fully aware that he's split on her so he just feels like something has changed about her and is aware that he's become pulled back from her but struggling with the idea of trying to stop because there's smth there stopping him (the split, Annabeth is no longer Good) that he can feel but can't tell what it is (distrust of her in general, anxiety about being himself/vulnerable around her, anger because he (subconsciously) thinks she reacted the wrong way during the Misery event, etc).
The fic takes place a year or so after the events of BoO but he still hasn't fully switched back with her and it's confusing to him because he's aware that she's not different, but smth has v clearly changed in her and he can't figure it out (it's not her, it's his perception of her)
Sally, Grover, and Carter are part of the flawless group so any splits relating to them become internal attacks on Percy - rather than viewing them as Bad in the black and white thinking, he views himself as Bad and Unworthy, like if Grover blows him off or has to ditch him because of whatever, rather than get irrationally angry at Grover, he gets irrationally angry at himself.
I think this fits canon pretty well because we know Percy's perception of Sally is basically holy worship, and I don't recall him ever getting angry at Grover, maybe frustrated at his timidness but still wildly protective of him. As for Carter, I just think that Percy has put Carter on a pedestal (unrelated to his crush on him) because he sees Carter as a much more capable and better version of himself (both forced into leadership positions, both handled a godly war, etc), so he can't get mad at Carter bc Carter, like the other two, is perfect, even with the flaws that Percy might notice. If anything those flaws make them even more perfect.
I think w/ Nico, it's a combination of getting irrationally angry at himself (because he's meant to protect Nico) and getting irrationally angry at Nico (because Nico's a little shit), although personally I don't know if Nico is someone Percy would split on. I think Nico is someone he is able to consistently view in the gray area, so even when his brain splits to black and white thinking, he still sees Nico in shades of gray.
In my daughters of Neptune AU, I think he splits on Coral both outwardly and inwardly, even tho she's within the middle circle ring. Like I kind of see it as:
Inner ring of friendship, people he would sacrifice himself for with zero hesitation: Flawless group of Sally, Grover, and Carter - splits into himself when perceiving something negative occurring because of them, incapable of seeing them as Bad in the black and white; Nico - no/minimal splitting, permanent gray area resident; Annabeth - splits inwardly at her, when he does she may slip into the middle ring until he gets back into the Good/gray area w/ her, attempts to retreat from her, gets easily frustrated with her and will express it, esp when she refuses to let him isolate away from her, but generally holds his tongue on everything else he feels and doesn't display his anger as strongly as he feels it on the inside, will vent w/ Grover if frustrated enough (cue Percy going from "Annabeth is the most annoying person in the world and if she talks about architecture one more time I'm gonna lose it" to "Annabeth is so great! I love listening to her talk about buildings and the historical influences behind their construction design" and Grover sitting there like "Percy yesterday you hated her" "okay, so? That was yesterday's Percy, he was in a bad mood, don't worry about it")
(also in this fic I'm tryna write, the split has lasted longer than normal, which is one of the reasons he's confused bc usually it's like "yeah I get annoyed w/ Annabeth sometimes, but usually its fine after a while, so I don't get why being around her now makes me wanna move somewhere she can't find me")
Middle ring of friends, people he likes and regularly interacts/seeks out interactions with: Estelle, Hazel, and Frank - splits inwardly at them, outwardly presenting a calm persona but inwardly holding back negative emotions, usually chooses to minimize/pull back on interactions until things shift back to the Good/gray
Outer ring of friendship, people he's on good terms w/ and will happily socialize with usually: Thalia, Jason, Leo, Piper, and other friends - typically splits outwardly, becomes obviously agitated and angry, may attempt to pick or goad them into a fight; Paul - usually splits inwardly at Paul, because of Paul's connection to Sally and his hatred of ever upsetting his mom, may split outwardly at him under specific circumstances, like if Paul accidentally burnt Sally when pouring her tea or smth
Anyway thoughts? Also, side note, I'm trying to write a thing about the whole collection of PDs, analyzing them from a "how does childhood trauma lead to these developing" because I think that will help in understanding them and also in writing characters w/ them. PPD, SZPD, and HPD are the most obvious to me, lol, so the other ones are either difficult for me to word in a way that makes sense or are a little like pulling teeth in understanding, but hopefully I'll be able to get them all down, because I'd like to verbalize my thoughts and also if I get them down maybe my brain will shut up 😂
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fandomtookoverlife · 1 month
Lost fic HELPPP
The Witcher Geralt/Jaskier - Geralt is magically reverted back to his basic instincts (supposed to be monstrous) instead is cuddly and very protective of Jask
If you don’t know this fic but like the sounds of it there are spoilers at the end of the post you shouldn’t read - you should however like and rb so they we may all find and read this fic bc I highly recommend it! (If only I had saved it😭)
Ok SO. it’s starts with Triss being very worried about people going missing and she goes to Geralt for help - they find out the people going missing are Witcher supporters when jaskier talks to a group of musicians (?) in a tavern, explaining to them why Witchers are not evil “he could kill us all” “yes he could but so can I, he doesn’t for the same reason I don’t” which is that it’s wrong but also Geralt wouldn’t want him to - the group explains that a friend of theirs who supports Witchers has gone missing
Being the ultimate supporter of Witchers jaskier goes in as bait to draw out the kidnappers/murders
Jaskier ends up getting their attention but also ends up getting kidnapped and locked in a cell. While in the cell he speaks with a musician+witcher supporter who is the friend of the other musicians Jask talked to during the investigation-
During the villains token monologue he reveals his hatred for Witchers and mutants and plans to show the world how evil that are by reverting Geralt back to his basic instincts- thinking when he lets lose the evil animalistic Witcher on the town geralt will massacre it
Jaskier gets thrown into the same cage as Geralt (now presumably murderous and primal) as the captors believe Geralt will rip him to shreds
Instead Geralt scoops jaskier up and cuddles him in a corner. Geralt, seeing jaskier is hungry, kills him some rats for dinner and jaskier has to politely decline much to geralts disappointment. Geralt, because he is leveled to his basic instincts, bring jaskier his lute to play after dinner as that is their nightly routine, he also tries to sexual advance on jask but when jaskier reacts he backs off continues cuddling
Yennefer and triss arrive to save them and she thinks that Geralt will try non consensual things w jask, bc she knows abt geralts feelings, so she tries to get Geralt to come through a petal with her without jaskier
Instead Geralt at the last second grabs jaskier and runs threw the portal where they end up in kear morhen with vesimir lambert and eskel
Yennefer leaves so her and truss can find a magical remedy and Geralt whisks jaskier up to his room on to his bed filled with furs and does not let him leave.
Eventually lambert comes to bring food to the two of them, since Geralt won’t let either of them leave his room, and Geralt now sees lambert as a rival since jaskier took food from lambert and not him (the rats)
Geralt becomes very protective of jaskier, almost to the point of violence, and eskel and lambert take turns watching over the two in geralts room, eskel sits inside but lambert mostly sits outside bc of geralts aversion to lambert getting near jaskier
Eventually Geralt gets restless and lures eskel into a fight, when they figure out the Geralt j needs some exercise they let him out of the keep, Geralt runs out of the keep, kills something and then come back to show jaskier what he’s killed like a cat showing off a mouse it’s caught.
When Geralt gets his cognitive function back he apologizes for his behaviour thinking he is an unforgivable animal who deserves Jaskiers hatred and disgust, as he spent the week hoarding jaskier in his bed and trying to kiss him.
Jaskier says that Geralt “stopping his sexual advances because he knew jaskier didn’t want it was not the argument Geralt thought it was” regarding geralts perceived unforgivable behaviour while under the influence
cue happy ending
Please someone know this fic I remember it being so good
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mail-me-a-snail · 5 months
kicking my legs in the air. tell us more abt silvervance i am fascinated with whatever they've got going on
Tumblr media
i mean. god where do i even begin.
so first off there's their main tag where i put all the posts that even vaguely remind me of them............like there are posts in there i would not show to my irls let alone god.
anyway. silvervance is the ship ever. they're both products of arasaka's influence, whether thru their own free will (in vance's case, or so he'd like to believe) or otherwise (in johnny's, vis-a-vis his eponymous prosthetic arm). they both manufactured their identities for an audience wider than themselves. they both recognize this similarity between them.
when vance came back 2 life with johnny in his head, he saw himself in johnny and he didnt like what he saw.
but as u know, in game canon, vance had no choice but to suck it up and bear the ghost's anti-corp, anti-capitalist, anti-night-city, rambling. oh woe! woe! is johnny silverhand, night city's last rockerboy turned co-pilot for arasaka's missing asset.
the thing is. the thing is. with everyone telling vance that the best course of action would be to excise johnny--with hellman telling him point blank that its not possible as well--he doesn't want johnny gone.
johnny becomes second nature to him, more than just a poltergeist who offers him snippy quips and lame one-liners. who likes annoying the hell out of him or who likes making him laugh by doing bits of physical comedy that johnny knows only vance will see.
he just grows to have so much. affection for this man. this man loser who he wishes he had known when things might've been simpler between them.
in the hypothetical good ending for silvervance where they get their own bodies, they're gonna move out to some colder state, somewhere that snows. they're gonna move as far away from local civilization as possible. but they're still gonna find merc work together because neither of them are quite suited to a domestic life.
they take each other's poisons when they finally separate; vance grows wolfish and snarky and johnny goes quiet and smiles a little too much like a dog, lips curled over his teeth. vance is brash and a risk-taker; johnny is loyal to someone other than himself for once.
they'll eat each other alive one of these days. they could not think of a better set of teeth to do it than one that so closely resembles their own.
in my heart n soul i know they find each other in every universe. not that they will happen upon each other; that they'll actively look for the other, not knowing who it is they're looking for at first, but just knowing that there is someone out there for them. i don't usually like throwing the term soulmate around but it's something a lot like that.
they'll find each other in the corpo rat au, they'll find each other in the father vance au, they'll even find each other in the ending where vance stayed with arasaka. there's no separating them and it drives me bonkers. insane, even. i wrote four fics in a haze for them bc of how much they drive me up a wall
anyway ty for the ask <3
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nouies · 5 months
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
thanks to @allwaswell16 for tagging me! i enjoyed reading your answers a lot! 1. List of works published this year:
ready for a war
fuck around, find out
seven, seven
the embers are new
bet on it
Cold Spring
two languages, one love
could start a cult
must be love
don’t let the fire die
2. Work you are most proud of (and why): i’m proud of all of them for different reasons, this is very hard to choose. i’m going to say Harmony bc it was the first time i made a collab with an artist.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why): not necessarily a work but i’m not proud that i couldn’t meet my writing goals set for this year (writing a fic longer than 20k words, finishing a wip i’ve had for three years).
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing: from fuck around, find out
“Everything looks lovely but please, call me Louis. What was your inspiration for the menu, Chef Styles?” Louis asks, beaming. Harry lets out a laugh, refocusing his gaze to the dining area. “I’ll call you Louis if you call me Harry, can we agree on that?” Once he gets a nod of confirmation, he continues. “When Oli mentioned you wanted to retribute to the people working for the movie, and that you wanted it to feel personal, it immediately made me think of the time I arrived in New York. I was a youngster, with no family in the city and only a promise of a job that I wasn’t sure I was talented enough to fulfill,” Harry tells, remembering the nerve-wracking feeling of accepting the sous chef position when he was so young and with not much expertise. “Uh, an old lady by the name of Vittoria welcomed me to her house. She was like a second mother to me, sharing with me not only her home but her culture as well. She came to the States with her parents when she was just a toddler but grew up surrounded by the Italian community. We used to have gatherings every weekend with all her family—and I mean all the family, children, grandchildren, neighbors…I learned a lot from her, from all of them. And I used that as an inspiration for today. You’ll see three courses of my version of some of the food I had the pleasure to share with Vittoria and her family. Just wait until you try the tiramisù…it’s to die for,” he ends with a sigh. When he looks back at Louis, he notices something on his face. Fondness, maybe?
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received: i love getting comments, and there are so many that i keep in my heart that it’s hard to choose. i love especially the ones under my rare pair fics bc it’s when ppl usually tell me that they don’t read rare pairs but they gave it a chance bc of me. it means more than words can express when someone trusts you like that.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard: when i was ill around july and i kept changing and changing my blff prompt. i was very close to drop out bc i thought i wouldn’t make it. fortunately i did and i finished my second fic on time.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: writing Pedro Pascal surprised me a lot lol like i’ve obviously read Louis/Pedro fics before but i had never entertained the idea of writing one myself and it was a nice surprise. also, writing Louis/OMC wasn’t on my plans either but i welcomed it.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year: i personally don’t see any growth.
9. How do you hope to grow next year: i just hope to finish the ideas that i have. i don’t expect for them to be masterpieces, i just need them to be finished.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): definitely my friends, the ones that read pairings or tropes they don’t like only bc it’s me writing them, the ones that hype my fics even if they don’t know if the story is good yet, the ones that offer their help and their advice to help me improve.
thank you to Anitra @allwaswell16 for being so supportive all this year, for betaing my works and offering your advice, and for encouraging me to keep going.
thank you to Emma @alltheselights who always reads my fics and leaves gorgeous comments under them, your support means a lot to me.
there’s three fics that wouldn’t exist without Mar @sunbellylou so thank you so much, my love, for being an inspiration to write the filthiest things.
thank you to Kenny @luviebaybie for being the most supportive even when life gets busier and busier. thanks for taking the time to beta for me, i appreciate it a lot!
thank you to Andy @outropeace for inspiring me to write abt Louis and the bodyguard, and for teaching me how to write a smau.
thank you to @linhuine, @smittenwithlouis, @nooradeservedbetter, @lemelous, @punkpillowprincess, @voulezloux, @disgruntledkittenface, @tokyolou, for your constant support and your friendship.
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: fortunately nothing bc i write romantic stories, no sad stories 🤭
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: joining fic fests is not only an opportunity for you to shine, it’s a chance to build community so pls support works from the other authors in the fest, that’s what a fest is about.
also, hide your stats from ao3. there’s a lot of freedom in not knowing if your fic has hits and kudos or if it doesn’t.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: YES! i’m only working on two projects and i’m so excited abt them. the first one it’s a collab between me and @lemelous so expect a lot of gorgeous art, and the second one is a Louis/SebStan wip i couldn’t finish this year.
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read. ;)@voulezloux, @nooradeservedbetter, @disgruntledkittenface if you haven’t done this already.
*All answers should be about works published in 2023
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oceantherat · 6 months
I Missed You (Not)
Hellxander fic, posting it here bc ao3 isn’t working for me rn
Two sets of footsteps echoed in the dimly lit hallway. The prison was surprising silent this afternoon. Usually it was filled with sounds of the prisoners yelling or cursing at who knows what. Now, however, you could even hear the birds outside if you listened hard enough.
The footsteps gradually got closer and closer to the cell with the red haired (ex)director.
Yomi didn’t pay attention to it. Why should he? It’s probably just some random fucker who got caught. No, he was too busy thinking of a plan to get out of this damn cell. Its starting to get depressing. Being alone for weeks seems to have taken a toll on the man. Recently, he has been having violent outbursts in his cell, threatening the other prisoners. Other times, he just quietly sat in his cell, barely even making a sound. He hated it. It made him look weak. And Yomi Hellsmile was not weak.
As he lay in his bed, thinking of ways to escape, a guard rattled at his cell. “Hey there. How you doing?”
Yomi did not answer. This man was not worth his time and words.
“I know you can hear me, lad. Can’t just ignore me forever. Anyways, d’you hear about the news?” The guard paused, as if he was expecting an answer. The red haired man didn’t even bother looking at him.
“Right. Well, they recently invented a sort of pill for the zombified homunculi that reform their brain back to how it was before they died.”
Yomi scoffed. “And why should I care?” The homunculi were no concern to him. They only remind him of that stupid Masked Freak. Ugh. He shuddered at the thought of that man.
“Well, this guy said he wanted to talk to you for some reason. Bastard wouldn’t tell me his name, said that you would know.”
This was obviously one of their ploys to mess with him. For some reason, the guards love to torment him. Must be from his influence. Yomi curses himself under his breath for being such a good Director. Out loud, he yawned and turned away. He had more important things to think about.
“Guess I’ll just leave him here. Even you don’t deserve to be alone in a cell. Or so they tell me.” The guard’s footsteps got quieter, as he left Yomi and the mysterious person alone.
There was definitely someone there. He could hear them shuffling their feet. Yomi would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious, but he didn’t let this get to him. He’s not gonna let the guards win. Do they take me for some kind of fool? He thought. He grumbled at the person, not looking at them.
“I don’t want to hear a sound from you, not even to respond to what I’m saying right now. Got it, fucker? Do not disrupt me.”
Wow, they actually listened. Well, it wasn’t surprising or anything, Yomi knew nobody dared oppose him, but he expected something.
After a couple minutes of deafening silence, Yomi groaned in annoyance. “Great, now I’m curious. Whatever, state your fucking business.”
“Right, sorry for the disruption sir, but I came here because I needed to talk to you.”
Yomi’s eyes widened. That voice. He bolted upright, and finally looked at the person speaking.
It’s him.
It’s him.
“[REDACTED]…” He breathed.
To be honest, he had forgotten about him. Maybe it’s because a lot of things happened since then, or maybe because he didn’t want to remember. It made him weak.
The hitman nodded. “Yes sir. I have come here to apologize to you.”
“Apologize?” Yomi’s mouth was agape, still processing things, he was just barely registering what he was saying.
“Indeed, as you know, i failed the mission you gave me by dying, and the worst part is that I don’t even know how.” He knelt down. “I probably ruined something because of that failure, and for that I greatly apologize. You may punish me however you like, but I still would like you to know that I am truly sorry.”
Yomi snapped back to reality and narrowed his eyes. He was right. He *did* ruin many things. He deserves to be punished. Anger boiled over him like water in a steamed pot. “You’re right. You did so much by dying. Do you know, how *annoying* it was to search for your killer?“
How painful it was when you died? (He pushed this thought away.)
“And I still don’t even know who the bastard is. Do you know, how time consuming, how much energy I wasted trying to find another hitman as skilled as you?”
So much time..
“And I had to do that while keeping the detective that you let escape in check. Do you know what that little shit did?”
I should hate this fucker for dying.
“He ruined my life. He foiled my plans, became friends with that Masked Freak, and got me in fucking jail!”
And yet…
There was a small part of him that wasn’t angry. And it was slowly spreading. Yomi hated it. Weakness. that’s all it was.
He clenches his fist in rage. This fucking bastard.
Thoughts kept interrupting his angry inner monologue. Thoughts such as, He’s alive. He’s standing in front of me and he’s alive and back to normal. He’s here.
The thoughts won’t stop. Why won’t they stop? He did not care. They’re holding him back. He will not succumb to weakness like he did that night.
“And you know the worst part?”
Yomi pulled his fist back with full intent. The hitman braced himself, expecting this. It made sense, he shouldn’t died. He failed.
It was…unexpected. All the thoughts..just wouldn’t stop. Just like that night. And then, that punch..somehow turned into a hug.
A rather stiff and awkward one at first-Yomi was not one for affection-however, he relaxed after [REDACTED] hesitantly accepted it.
“I missed you, bastard.”
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ambroise-framboise · 2 years
Aka I’m going back to a beloved trope of mine, accidental deitification but I slap it on my current interest, Hermitcraft.
SO !
We all know the “Grian is a Watcher” AU (well, lots of us do know it, it’s a pretty famous fanon grian thing, be it in fanfics or fanart and such).
Most of the time I see it, it’s a “Grian was a normal player, but got yoinked in Evo by the (evil/neutral/benevolant, choose your favorite flavor) Watchers tm. They (tried to/did) turn him into one. Sometimes he has to escape because they’re Bad, sometimes they’re just annoying. He gets cool powers and eyes, wings sometimes and Purple.”
This is a classic. BUT ! What I am suggesting now is something I haven’t really seen before, which is a shame bc it’s ; interesting, funny imo, and also meta. (If it exists, I missed it oopsies sorry lmao)
What if Grian, after Evo, did NOT become a Watcher bc he got turned into one by them. In fact, the existance of Watchers is debatable here. He might never have actually met one, and their exact role/meaning doesn’t really matter. They might even not exist ! That’s up to you.
Grian, is an avian/shapeshifter whatever, living now on Hermitcraft. He does his little videos, streams, whatever you want to make him a somewhat public figure (like Hermits often are in the mcyt multiverse). What matters is that for SOME reason, people BELIEVE he is a Watcher HIDDING HIS TRUE SELF. And BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEF he gradually actually BECOMES ONE.
The more he tries to protest, convince them it's not the case, the more they think they're right, and the worse it get (like, he starts to physically manifest Watcher traits (preconceived ones, THE EXISTENCE OF WATCHERS AND WHAT THEY ARE EXACTLY/MEAN BARELY IMPACTS IT, bc his transformation, DEIFICATION is all hinged on players’ belief. Not actual facts.) Anyways, man starts to get the “typical” (aka stereotypical) Watchers traits as times goes on, which only make things worse because SEE SEE, he has the eyes and the purple, clearly they were right !
It would be both a comedy of errors, misunderstandings, coincidences AND some good old horror (body and other kinds), bc Grian DID NOT sign up for this.
Also this is funnily meta because he gets turned into a Watcher by the true watchers, who most of the time don’t realise who/what they are, and the power they hold. It’s a bit of a self-fulfiling prophecy, you see. And Grian is the unwilling puppet dancing to the whims of forces he cannot control.
I gotta write a fic about this, this is a really neat concept. Comedy and horror my beloveds, especially when they go hand in hand.
(If YOU want to write something yourself, or draw idk, feel free to !!! just @ me so I can see it and, like, cry or something about it in the comments.)
This was not supposed to be a meta concept. This was supposed to be a funny “ahah, he got turned into a watcher because of a misunderstanding and the power of belief”. I actually have a fic more or less based on that kind of idea in another fandom, bc I was part of a whole ass event where we used that kind of concept.
I looove the "beliefs of others influence what/who your are" tropes, be it in the positive, negative, literal or not way Shoutout to my fav fanfic of a long long time for having introduced me to that concept (not a HC one, it’s Make a Wish, a HP fic on ffnet from the early 2000s lmao, truly a classic) Pls interact about this, brain is going brrrr and I needed to share it.
(Also this came to be after reading a few fics where someone on HC worships Xelqua/Grian, who is like pls stop I don’t wanna hear your prayers wtf. I thought it’d be funny if they did pray to Xelqua but Grian wasn’t actually a Watcher. And then the potential of The Power of Belief tm hit me like a brick and here we are.)
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smokestarrules · 26 days
That one post about people "hating on Destiel bc they're white and male" is *wild* to me. I combed through the reblogs of the poll to see if I can find anything and stopped after like 50 refreshes bc my goodness over 9000 reblogs. I saw the main complaints and *real* reasons people are upset with Destiel/Destiel fans. Most notably:
- queerbaiting (the show doing so or the fans doing it to themselves [it's pretty split])
- forcing an actor to come out as straight
- apparently being salty toward bumbleby during their poll
- discounting Sulemio as a 'random anime lesbian pairing' / hyping Destiel up as being more important (having more fics on AO3, shutting down tumblr, mishapocolypse, etc)
- Super hell
Everyone that's hyping Sulemio up is doing so bc:
- canon on-screen marriage
- the sheer history and influence of g-witch internationally
- most Gundams sold from said fandom in a country that still bans same-sex marriage
- literally posting all the amazing sulemio moments
- and obligatory "let's go lesbians!"
I like both shows a lot honestly. Even without taking everything else into consideration, I think a lot of older spn fans feel burnout from the ship. Especially when it was *the* big Supernatural ship.
Either way, trying to pull a reverse racism/sexism card on a lesbian inter-race ship is distasteful. I'm glad you left the poster's name out. Ultimately a AO3 ship poll isn't something we should be tearing each other down over, but instead a celebration of fandom history and fandom history in the making as ColeyDoeaThings put it in her last ship poll video
Nonetheless thanks for taking my rambling! No need to respond to this! I just felt like sharing
Ooh, but I will respond to this, because I really like the points you've raised.
I actually really appreciate this perspective because I have never seen Supernatural, nor do I ever plan to, and obviously that and g-witch are on very different spectrums no matter what, so it's genuinely interesting whenever I come across someone who has actually seen them both.
And yeah, like, I'm sure it's being hateful on both sides, and I acknowledge that I am heavily biased, but from what I've seen, most of the animosity seems to stem from the Supernatural side of things. Granted, they're losing fairly badly at the moment, so maybe it'd be completely different if things were on the other foot. Who knows! I do think this is ultimately hilarious and that's always what side I'm going to portray here, but there's always going to be people who take it too far.
But yeah, I completely agree with you there. Popularity polls will probably always hold some sort of controversy with them, but to be honest, it could be far, far worse. Hence why I'm making fun of my favorite takes anyway! Keeping it anonymous, too, is better for everybody involved.
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you are so right about sanzu/takuya. i wanna hear all about them! what are your hcs? I'm so curious!
First of all, thanks for this question anon, it make me so happy to know someone else like them! 💜
In case some one is curious where this comes from, here is my HaruTaku fic!
Okay, for properly answering this I think that I also need to go first with my Sanzu hc for that specific timeline, because for me is related in why they make sense! (and bc I love talking about my lil gremlin, ngl)
Sanzu headcanons for Bad Toman Takemichi TL:
Okay, obv he did wharever he could for being close to Mikey, that goes without saying. But there is two big differences with Bonten.
He's not the second in command, so he has to kinda obey Kisaki (what he hates, always giving that silent hater looks 😎). But since he never showed that "good guys toman type of morals", Kisaki allows him to be one of the fews that still sees Mikey, bc he's not going to influence him or stuff like that, Sanzu is totally fine with the darkness (he isn't bc it triggers him tl0 memories but his denial is strong xD) So his job here is mostly watching over Mikey and ofc, getting rid of traitors! No way Kisaki didn't use that once he realizes, Sanzu devotiton is too easy to control and too useful for his own good 🥲
In the other side, this means is less confident about himself than what we saw in Bonten. He's still unhinged but he's not that loud about it, he doesn't have the selfsteem boost of being his king's right hand. So in a way, he's more insecure about himself and the mission he does, since he has less control about what happens to Mikey. Also, Sanzu is a weirdo, so like happened in early Toman he doesn't properly fit with the rest, besides job related thing he doesn`t have friends there (we could count Mucho if in this timeline Izana was never on the picture, but even with that Sanzu doesn't easyly trust people). It took him more time to stop wearing his mask here and it was probably more gradual!
And what we know about Takuya?
Not much, just that he's a sweet person and a good friend. He probably followed the rest of the Mizo gang (specially Takemichi) and got caught in Toman's violence.
He wears a choker in this timeline and had and aming glow-up including some sick tattoos. Pretty boy with sumi vibes!
This is where my hc starts, there is something about Takuya that screams addiction to me. I don't know how to explain it, maybe is his dull eyes, maybe his body language, but Takuya is coping with drugs (mostly downers bc he just wants to disappear for a few hours... Takuya is a softy 🥲)
Finally... HaruTaku headcanons!
One thing about addicts is that we have a radar, we know when someone else is an addict (similar to gaydar but more selfdestructive). So Sanzu probably started noticing the subtle changes in Takuya and he was intrigue about it. Specially coming from someone that was always surrounded by people he dispised. They never really interacted before, but Sanzu started paying more attention to Takuya, noticing more things about him, like how Takuya was actually shy and sweet behind that quiet appearence. And yeah, maybe a part of him felt indentified with that, he could understand having to act quiet to hide yourself better than anyone. For some reason, Sanzu started thinking that maybe they have more in common that it seems at first sight, and we all know he can be a little bit obsessive, so...
At some point, Sanzu aproached to Takuya. He probably created a situation when it could feel almost natural, I personally picture him waiting until Takuya is having some drinks alone (no way he's gonna talk with the other idiots if he can avoid it) and sitting next to him, paying the next round.
Takuya was probably intimidated, with reasons. But at the same time, he was drunk and high and Sanzu is pretty, so damn pretty! So he couldn't and wouldn't resist, it was easy for him to feel flatered by Sanzu's awkward way of flirting (c'mon, he doesn't have social skills, we all know that). And Sanzu? He just told to himself that he was curious, nothing more. Just one night for satisfying his curiosity, that was all. For understanding why on earth he felt that weird attraction towards Takuya.
Mix two pretty boys that are craving for love and affection and a lot of drugs? Recipy for disaster and unhealthy relationship, yey!
The fact Takuya is a submissive person who is numbed by the drugs most of the time and Sanzu has a lot of pent-up agression and is usually high of a mix that includes more estimulants than what Takuya is doing, only leads to unsafe sex where no-one is controlling shit or in the proper state of mind to be aware of how dangerous is what they are doing. What means a lot of next day regrets! 🎉 (extra: Sanzu has a kink with Takuya's neck and is obsessed with the choker, he calls him "pretty neck" on bed. Takuya weakness is Sanzu in high-heels, specially if they are red, I'm not projecting at all on that one, nopes 👀).
Besides sex, there is more to say about their dynamic, don't worry!
Takuya is the type to be sweet and caring, he hides that side of himself inside of Toman but still shows it in his personal life. It wasn't easy for him to feel relaxed around Sanzu and he was afraid of showing his kindness and being mock by the other. But for me Takuya is also an observing person, so I think it didn't took him a long time to realized how wounded is Sanzu, how he actually hates being in his own mind more than anything, how much he craves love, aproval, affection. So he started showing more of his loving side, having small gestures towards the other, always in private. Physical displays of affection in general, but also waking him with coffee, paying attention to his needs or his routine, making sure he felt comfortable even when they slept in Takuya's apartment (that now is always extremely clean only for Sanzu)
And Sanzu? He was melting with all of this. Well, to be fair at the beginning he was baffled, unsure or what to do or how react to someone showing him affection and kindnes, specially since Takuya didn't seem to be expecting anything in return. But once he finally understood it was fine to let Takuya spoil him and treat him like he actually deserved love... Then he was melting. Wakui said Sanzu is the most needy/clingy, so he started to be the one asking (demanding) for affection, wanting to be pampered, resting his head on Takuya's lap and enjoying how he plays with his hair (that's a privilege, he's really protective of his glorious pink hair! It's totally baji's fault)
Do they love each other? Well, that's complicated. Their relationship is not exactly public and they never talked about what it is, always pretending is something casual. It's easier like that (no it's not but they are bad at feelings). Takuya is aware that he's falling more for Sanzu every day, but he's terrified of the other reaction if he actually says the three words, so he hides it. Or tries to, because he pours this love in every small gesture, specially during their lazy mornings, when between the hangover and the guilt Sanzu acts a lot softer, wanting to give Takuya all the after-care he's able to dom
And Sanzu... Well, he wouldn't say he loves loves Takuya (because Mikey exists 😮‍💨), but he admits to himself that he deeply cares about the other. That there is more than atraction, that he enjoys their time together. Affection? A less obsessive love than what he feels for Mikey? He isn't sure and he can't deal with it, so he settles with caring.
Of course, we also need to talk about Mikey's ghost! Sanzu knows Takuya is not Mikey, is not that he's projecting him on the other all the time, it's just... He yearns for Mikey, he can't help it. So, sometimes, Takuya's blond locks make him feel that longing and he can't stop himself to imagine for a few seconds (delusional HaruMai in every timeline, hell yeah!🔥). In counted ocasions, when he's really high and out of himself, he says Mikey's name during sex and pretends to not remember the next morning because he feels too ashamed of it. He remembers more than he wishes, but he feels like shit and can't talk about that, he can't avoid feeling guilty, thinking that Takuya deserves better, deserves somone that is not using him as a replacement. Takuya understanding only adds more fuel to his guilt.
In that ocasions he tends to act distant for a few days, trying to dettach himself, to pretend he doesn't miss Takuya's affection. Until reality comes crushing down on him again and he ends up looking for Takuya, knocking at his door in the middle of the night.
Takuya felt hurt the first few times this cycle happened, but he didn't had the courage to actually confront Sanzu about it. Until one of that nights he saw how broken was Sanzu, he saw a little bit of the pain that the other usually hides from the rest of the world. It was the first Sanzu cried infront of him and the first time he called him "Haruchiyo", earning a surprised look and a weak smile 🥹
Since then, when Sanzu acts like that Takuya gives him space, understanding is not about him, that the other is fighting with his personal demonds.
And... That's it for now because I need to stop myself at some point or this will end up being longer than a fic. Maybe I will add more things in the future! 🙈
And hey, now that I look at it, they are not that terrible for each other if it wasn't for the amount of drugs and the dangerous sex. But hey, there is also love and sweetness and Sanzu needs that, so... Not that bad? 👀
I almost forgot! @lucifugousart is the amazing artist that did a Takuya fanart and is cooking something even better!
(feel free to add your own hc too, Andre! HaruTaku is a collaborative ship 😌)
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
went ransacking through my ao3 bookmarks bcs i live vicariously through these when the going gets tough. some of these might have already been recc'ed alrd but im too lazy to check 🫠
The Menagerie by zegez
Tsuna collects everyone as pets, literally, most if not all of them are animals. it's glorious and very cute
Bad Influence by Emric84
Toji and Tsuna meet, what follows is a catastrophe for everyone else. Toji27 is the most left field ship i had ever encountered but by god was it good while it lasted. ABANDONED but had enough content to it BUT STILL GOD IM SO SAD THIS WAS SO GOOD????
body aches by HeavenlyDusk
In which KHR was originally a very different story.
This one is a little heart breaking but also really hopeful bcs tsuna is learning to be more comfortable w/ being Tsuna™ the protagonist while still maintaining some semblance of himself from a past life. its still ongoing but i have it as one of my comfort fics <3
Overcast universe by Ocearna
a khr rewrite where 1827 meet and bond as kids and tsuna getting that cloud influence. cloudysky!tsuna my beloved.
Beginnings and Middles But No Ends In Sight by Ourliazo
Arcobaleno shenanigans before the curse.
in the hearts of men (there be madness) by Silverfox579
YKNOW WHAT'S SOMETHING THAT'S ALWAYS FASCINATED ME IN CANON AFTER I GOT OVER THE ANIME ENOUGH TO NOTICE IT??? THE HYPER DYING WILL MODE PERSONALITY like after the kyaa badass tsuna lets gooo, you start wondering what the fuck is going on there actually bcs basil is not like this,, what goes on here 👀👀
or!! dark!tsuna au-ish in reborn's pov
Bargaining chip by Mina37
like the one before but in xanxus' pov this time
My Sweet Affinity by Chaotic_Roses
criminal minds au featuring tired w/ a mysterious bg leader tsuna, freshly released from prison hitman reborn, intern gokudera, Hana, and scammer kyoko.
[this could've been] a villain's origin story by petroltogo
Tsuna running into and unknowingly helping villains after helping release xanxus from the ice box should've really been the hill where it all went wrong, surprisingly tho, only shenanigans. featuring!! chikusa and tsuna childhood friendship that i very much adore
whisper in my ear (i'll build your dreams on bones) by Silverfox579
or!! the five times the stress of war and battle got to tsuna and wakes up the God in his head. (the last two are spoilers for the manga but hnnnggg i NEED to rec this)
a rose by any other name (would taste just as bitter) by heyimflamel
sealing flames has very, very dangerous repercussions. not only are you sealing this person's will to live but sealing someone w/ sky flames whose purpose is to harmonize? you get something dangerous indeed. dark!tsuna corrupting flames one guardian at a time.
High School Montage by HeavenlyDusk
a montage of vongola tenth gen as they navigate through high school through outsider pov. slice of life-ey and very chaotic (the side story w/ the childhood friends oc my beloved 🫶)
The Boy in the Ice by eloquentelegance
UA has to deal w/ these weirdos lurking around their courtyard all thanks to the mysterious ice pillar that just dropped from the sky w/ a boy frozen inside.
rattle this ghost town by blackkat
Mukuro meets Naruto and spirits him away lmao
Set the Skies Ablaze by cywscross
K(anime) and khr crossover that took me by the neck and never let go. it's essentially discontinued now but the 3 chapters it has??? keeps you coming back in hopes that it does, miraculously, update 🫠
To the Beat of My Own Drum by Seito
College AU where reborn is the normal one and tsuna and his friends bring the chaos in his life. the found family that this fic gives and radiates is so 🫶🫶🫶 like i love it so MUCH
that's it for now bcs im sleepy hehehe
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