#bc I guess we don't give a fuck about us until we want an excuse to be antiblack
boneinator · 18 days
Starbuzz lore !!
Bc I don't want y'all thinking they're normal . Also warning for sexual and violent themes I fucking guess
So !! How did they even meet anyway ?
In the 1820-30' Starry worked in a circus with Stripy still , going around the world . Coincidentally , this is also the time Rosetta was the most active with her travels and just so happened to be carrying Buzzer somewhere when she encountered them and forced Buzzer to go with her bc she's awesome like that
She had fun and all that , but she had to use Buzzer as a translator when she wanted to congratulate the performers , so now our guys are at least aware of each other
They don't think about each other for a while now , that being their only interaction , but the next time they see each other is at a festival where Buzzer is trying to find an excuse to leave and Starry is having some kind of cartoon-shenanigans complicated plot , so he annoys him to hell and back until it eventually gives in and helps
After that their random encounters seem to be more and more frequent , always being at the worst time possible for Buzzer , making it slowly build anger until he finally snaps at him and it gets . Weird . Lots of violence there
So um . yeah they do hatefuck , making their encounters now a frequent occurrence but always sexual in nature and kind of a "get all the anger out" thing , they get to know each other by feeling how the other acts in bed (extremely violent or weirdly soft) this sounds so bad 😭 we did base all this in a sex joke have me patience
Their current thing is that they hate each other's guts (affectionate) but every accidentally tender moment has them questioning everything so outside of that they can barely look at each other's eyes 🫶
They do eventually try to work things out but they're The miscommunication bots so it takes them a lot and I also want to do things with that so you don't get to hear about it yet 💥💥
So um. Yeah . Never joke with things that imply relationships and also sorry for being into violence . You can hang me now . *Drops the mic*
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
I made a huge mistake almost a whole year ago and I still think about it all of the time.
I was working with this new staff member… and I did the worst thing anyone could do and assumed their pronouns… I was using the wrong pronouns for weeks until my sister told me that they go by they/them. When she told me that my entire heart shattered. I felt like the biggest asshole ever. How could I, a member of the lgbtqia+ community fuck up that badly. I felt horrible and of course I still do.! (No one knows I’m queer so I also feel like now they think I’m transphobic and/or homophobic)
I wanted to apologise but then I felt like I’d be making up excuses for myself and I’m also like really socially awkward so I didn’t end up saying anything.
The thing is, I still feel so horrible about it and I guess that’s a good thing bc at least I know that I care about being respectful but it just really sucks that I was misgendering someone for so long and didn’t realise the harm I could have been causing them.
I’m so sorry to be ranting to you at 2am but I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever get over this and I just needed to speak about it to someone.
Ps- I am the agender questioning anon and so thank you so much for helping me with that… I think I’m starting to understand myself so much more now!
So much love to you Cas, I hope you have the most amazing day! 🫶🏼
Hi love!
woah woah woah. Take a breath <3
Here's the thing. Yeah, it sucks to be misgendered. and yeah, in a perfect world, we should ask people for their pronouns every time we meet them.
But here's the thing: that's not reality. Why?
It's not always safe to ask for/share pronouns. There are many situations where I, myself, don't feel comfortable asking someone's pronouns or sharing my own. So I assume. And unfortunately, that means I get misgendered and so do other people. But my safety and the safety of others is first and foremost.
Also, it's a habit to get into, to ask people for their pronouns, even when they might present in a way that makes you assume. Habits are difficult to form, and sometimes a mistake like this helps you become more eager to form them.
And here's the thing: you did the EXACT RIGHT THING by not making a big deal of it when you found out and (I'm assuming) just using the right pronouns from then on. You didn't put that person in a weird situation and now they're being gendered correctly.
Let me give you an example that will hopefully make you feel better:
I have been wearing a pin on my lanyard at work for five months now with my pronouns. I work with about a hundred adults. Guess how many people use my pronouns? ONE.
Until the other day.
All of a sudden, my coworker started referring to me with my pronouns. And I was SO EXCITED! She didn't have to give an apology. She just needed to start respecting my identity.
All this to say: yes, it sucks to be misgendered, and in a perfect world we should never assume. But you're still LEARNING and if you've corrected yourself and do your best to do better from now on then, as long as this coworker is a decent person, they aren't mad. I promise!
Sending you lots of love and also maybe some forgiveness for yourself. <333
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wathanism · 2 years
I've heard a lot of people in the ex muslim community say that islamophobia isn't real, and I wanted to throw in my 2 cents as someone who's lived both in swana and the west.
also some quick notes before I start:
1. I pretty exclusively refer to the middle east as swana (southwest asia and north africa) bc I find the term "middle east" to be too europe-centric.
2. I'm open to hearing other people's thoughts so feel free to reblog and add your commentary, but I don't really do debates so don't come expecting me to argue with you.
3. terfs are not welcome here and will be blocked on sight. anyone just looking to start shit will also be blocked.
first off western liberalism has never known how to talk about Islam with any level of complexity and tends to make an absolute mockery of the nuances of the lived experiences of swana people, so please don't assume I'm coming at this from the perspective of a white lady who's never stepped foot in the middle east just regurgitating whatever sounds politically correct. fr, hearing americans (both muslim and otherwise) talk about this subject gives me a headache too so let's just get it out of the way that the entire way the discussion is handled by liberals is unproductive at best and just straight dogshit at worst.
with that out of the way, I guess I'll address the first criticism of the concept of islamophobia which is that it's just racism/xenophobia. which, yeah, it absolutely is, but there's nothing wrong with having a word to explain this very specific brand of racism. our experiences as swana people are unique, and they can't be compared to the experiences of say african americans or aboriginal folk, and their experiences can't be compared to ours. I don't particularly like the term islamophobia, since it impacts all swana people regardless of religion, but it's what we got for now and until a more accurate term comes along, we gotta deal. also you can't really separate islam out of the development of this particular brand of racism.
if I understand correctly, I'd say the rejection of islamophobia in the ex muslim community comes from the simple fact that western liberals cry islamophobia as an excuse to shut down all criticism of islam, regardless of their validity. and frankly, agreed, there's truly nothing more infuriating than when someone pulls that shit, but I invite you bear with me for a second and to look at it from a different angle. because the fact of the matter is that there ARE very valid criticisms of islam and we're not going to make any progress towards human rights in swana countries until we address that.
but no amount of western liberals being really fucking annoying and misguided will change the fact that islamophobia is a real geopolitical entity used so western forces can invade and destabilize swana countries. the US has a long and documented history of backing muslim extremist groups and leaders, only to then turn around and convince their own populace that, "wow look at those evil savage barbaric muslims." this was only exacerbated by the 9/11 attack, and frankly talk to literally any human being alive in the US during that time. the shift was immediate and drastic and pretty damn disturbing. children in schools were forced to watch gruesome videos of terrorist attacks just to be told, "this is what they're like," and news outlets were very intentionally fearmongering for the sole purpose of recruiting soldiers. they weren't discussing any of the nuances or intricacies of the politics in swana; they wanted to convince people all people of this caricature of evil and they painted all swana people as being that. this is why you see even sikhs be victims of islamophobia—it was never about religion. they just needed an excuse to be xenophobic. these people do not care about the rights and freedoms of non-muslim people in swana countries. they won't fight for our women, our queer folk, our ethnic minorities. they are not our friends. if they recognize our existence at all, which they rarely do, it's just to bolster their own agenda and to ultimately justify hurting our own nations and countries even more.
it's important to recognize that this whole complicated shitshow looks very different for muslims in the west and for everyone living in swana. ALL people in swana countries feel the large scale effects of western imperialism which is justified by islamophobia. muslims in the west feel the small scale effects of islamophobia through things like hate crimes, bullying, discrimination, etc. regurgitated by non-muslims who fell for western propaganda. muslims in swana are the religious majority and they hold political power, so they don't experience the kind of 1:1 discrimination that you might see a muslim experience in the west. similarly, white christians are the majority and hold political power in the west, so muslims living there will experience that. both of these perspectives and experience deserve to be seen and represented.
this is where I think a huge part of the disconnect and miscommunication between ex-muslims and western liberals is. they don't know how to separate the nuances and the valid criticisms of islam as a political force in swana from the very aggressive warmongering rhetoric they're trying to unlearn from the propaganda that was shoved down their throats. and we as non-muslims who suffered at the hands of islamic forces barely have a say in the matter, because those of us who faced it first-hand have a target on our back if we ever try to speak out. this, combined with the fact that the experiences of western muslims are so incomparably different from those of swana people living under islamic regimes, makes it really difficult to have this conversation without stepping on any toes.
and honestly the most confusing and frustrating part of this is that, not only is islamophobia a geopolitical force used to enforce violence in swana, but islam itself is ALSO a major geopolitical force used to enforce violence in swana. and somehow, counterintuitively, they feed into each other! the west benefits from instability in swana countries, and islamic regimes benefit from western support. and at the end of the day, everyone gets fucked over (to varying degrees) except for non-muslim westerners and the violent dictators they support.
honestly, I don't know how progress can be made from here. we're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. the situation in Iran, tragic as it is, is a good jumping off point to maybe FINALLY talk about this matter with some nuance. I can only hope the sacrifices of the brave women of Iran will not go to waste. call me an optimist, but I want to believe for my own sanity that good will come from this and we can finally make some tangible steps towards meaningful progress in our nations.
EDIT: I also feel the need to super quickly clarify my intention with making this post: I'm not saying ex-muslims shouldn't criticize islam. it takes like 2 seconds on my blog to see that I'm all about calling out the negative impacts of islam on the lives of all swana people. my intention was just to point out that we're all screwed over by the same forces and to encourage a sense of solidarity wherever there may be space for it. it's probably a long shot, but it sure would be nice if we could facilitate a productive conversation with muslims and ex-muslims alike that goes beyond arguing in circles.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 7 months
Imagine during sunshot WRH gets in the habit of rewarding MY with sex. Son of a whore but it's the sect leader that's rewarding his subordinate with sex. MY makes a particularly entertaining spectacle in the Fire Palace and WRH gives him a handjob right there. The person he was torturing is not even dead yet
Oh hoho, if I told you that this is one of my fave flavors of ruoyaos :'D. And I'm very pleasantly surprised with the fact that there's an actual small handful of fics with this premise!
I guess it's just such a fascinating and likely way to explore their power dynamics. I mean, it'd be very easy for someone so powerful to just take what he wants in this regards (like JGS), but I think one of the things that make WRH unpredictable is that he can switch things up and still be the one in control and having the other submitting.
Like. I've seen a couple fics with him servicing MY (either with blowjobs or eating him out) and legitimately not interested in the favor being returned. Not even fucking him (well, not in the fic), bc the act of having this perfect little composed guy come undone by his hand is already enough of a treat.
Pain? Pain is too easy and unelegant. Pleasure? Now that's a whole new, fun way to have someone crumble for him. Especially when it's someone he doesn't really intent on hurting but that would be just so FUN to see how much he can open them.
NOW, the context you mention is honestly perhaps the only time in which MY, the infamous son of a whore, would actually accept it. Not only bc of the implicit rule of 'you just don't oppose what Sect Leader Wen wants of you', but actually seeing it as the reward it is bc WRH doesn't make it about his pleasure, but about MY's. And for someone with so much trauma and repression about that matter, letting himself be an actualy sexual person beyond what society says of him is something he'd probably find very difficult to do if he wasn't kindasorta dubcon'd into it. At first, at least.
As I see it, MY could have been very much ready to close his eyes and think of England until it all finished the first time he was "offered" such reward. But it would be clear soon enough that WRH is legit not doing it just bc he wants to fuck him (which, let's be real, he didn't need any excuse of ploy to have that anyways). And funnily enough, I do think psycho daddy can be a very selfless lover bc of course he'd memorize what got him the best reactions out of the boy and he's totally not above using that info to reduce his flawless, professional aide to a moaning, trashing mess as quickly/slowly as he wants :'D.
And eventually scalating it until he is rewarding MY in front of others? Honestly? After a certain point I can see it as the ultimate way to elevate MY bc one thing would have been to take the boy in front of everybody, that's humiliation (although it would depend on the situation and dynamics imo), but Sect Leader Wen servicing someone regardless of his own complition??? ALL WHILE SINGING HIS PRAISES????? DUDE. This is the man that has probably never poured his own cup!
Also can we just all agree that these two happily fucking on a bloody floor while semi-conscious tortured prisioners watch is just very inherently sexy 😌
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wheresmulder · 2 years
New Spring: The lesbian wizard graduation ceremony gets it's own post let's go
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Moiraine's anxiety disorder has been in full force while waiting for Siuan's results. And moiraine ain't the only one who wants to know what Siuan is blushing for 👀👀👀 I'm sure it's gay whatever it is
"We'll be raised together Moiraine🥰"
Straight outta ff.net 🥺 Robert Jordan writes fluff
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I was not prepared for how gay this is and neither was Tamra.
"Perhaps they had never expected the two of them to march this far in complete lockstep." PERHAPS?
They won't stop holding hands. They are speaking in unison. You have got to be fucking kidding me. I feel like this is a fever dream. I am literally as stunned as the sisters at this point.
MoiraineTV: when have we ever followed the rules LITERALLY NEVER I GUESS???????
"we're holding hands until you physically rip us apart 👭 propriety get fucked 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩"
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I am going to rip all of my hair out.
Moiraine is a fucking gentleman ok she said ladies first no exceptions no excuses
Without even opening her mouth just 👀 bc they're so in love they're telepathic
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Girl. This is borderline absurd. Moiraine could not be more dramatic if it were a legal requirement. She's so upset at the thought of going before Siuan. I love this SO much.
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Alright so by now ✨️Everyone✨️ in this room knows our girls are hopelessly in love.
And not only do they allow them to literally 🌈hold hands🌈 the entire time and say their fancy lines simultaneously despite it being FUCKING UNPRECEDENTED??????(MOIRAINE AND SIUAN ARE THE GAYEST THING THEY'VE SEEN IN A THOUSAND YEARS) (also probably the cutest) not only do they allow it but The Amyrlin Seat Watcher of the Seals the Fucking Flame of Tar Valon herself is an ally AND ACCOMPLICE to their gay shenanigans here. She knows exactly what they're doing and she's here for it apparently. It's giving aiding and abetting. Idfk what else to say about it other than their love is actually legendary. what the FUCK
And Siuan has the heart of a lion. I'm not crying you're crying don't fucking look at me
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💙Seekers after Causes💙
Ughhhhhh they've been grinning the entire time. Above moiraine "fights down a smile" no she didn't. She tried and failed. Siuan isn't even trying. And the sisters just let these babies have their joy 🥲 I can't take much more of this
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I love everything about this. PIE. what in the actual literal fuck. Also mid conversation with another person it is 100% imperative that Moiraine hugs Siuan.
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"We thought you'd like to be close together" REALLY. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CLUE 🙉 🤣🤣
For the 50th time in this book I cannot believe what I'm reading. The blues gave them adjacent rooms.
They now know (if they didn't already) that our girls are Together and they're One of Those Couples so it's only right the blues save them the many thousands of trips back and forth down the hallway 😅😅😅😅 I wonder if there are any books on codependency in the tower library
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— "𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞" (𝐛. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; when your father, the head of the japanese mafia, was killed, your childhood friend swore to protect you till his death. now, you're the empress of the underground world, and he doesn't know what's harder, to keep you safe or manage to hide his feelings. what will he do when, for the first time, your life's at risk and he isn't anywhere near?
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; mafia!au, angst.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; swearing, mentions of blood, guns, murder, kidnap, yk... mafia stuff.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.7k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; lemme know if u want a part two bc i felt like it was getting too long and i don't know if anyone will read it or like it 👉🏻👈🏻
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"where the fuck are you?" bakugou's voice stroke over the phone, noticeably angry. he had told you several times to never go anywhere without him, which you mostly did, if it weren't for him being away a lot of times. nothing less was expected from your right hand, who handled every dirty job, and considering your line of work, it wasn't scarce. but you did had other bodyguards, just as trained as katsuki, willing to give their lifes for you, which was extremely better than having bakugou giving his life.
to his eyes, you were still the little girl from before. he saw you as a someone who needed protection. at first, you agreed. your father was murdered, someone managed to get through all his security and killed him, none of the guns he and his security team carried around could protect him, killing you would be like stealing a sweet from a baby. bakugou had always kept you safe, despite his agressive usual safe, he cared about you more than he cared for himself. so you stuck to his side, believing, hoping, he'd die for you. but that was a long time ago, now, you could defend yourself, and had raised a sense of loyalty in your people by your own. your father's empire was based in fear, yours? by admiration. you didn't see your people as working ants, but as important parts of a whole. still, anyone who was a threat to you, bakugou made sure to erase them forever.
"don't talk to me like that, i'm your boss" you could feel him losing his shit, a smile began to form in your face. even when everyone respected you, he was still the same.
"you can't boss anyone if you're fucking dead, you dumb shit" a laugh came out of your throat, he couldn't avoid smiling at the sound "wait, oh, okay, i know we're you are. stay there, i'll be in three" he hung up before you could reply.
you looked back, at one of your guards who was just putting away his phone. of course they told him. why couldn't you go get your own coffee? being in the office all day was tiring, to be five minutes outside was all you asked for. a few seconds after, they handed you your coffee, obviously, a guard had to try it first, in case that barista wanted to suddenly murder you. of course he didn't.
"who let her go outside without me knowing, huh?" a furious katsuki appeared through the door, making a scene in the place. you gave him a warning look. if there was something you hated, was that. everyone in the area knew who you were, but why make it any more obvious. those people were just living their usual lifes, and people tend to get nervous around you. "the car is waiting outside" he understood, but you knew he was going to scold you anyways.
you walked outside, smiling, and got into the car, followed by katsuki and one of his subordinates, the other one got in the front sit, next to the driver.
"save it, i'm n–"
"the fuck you are" he cut you "your safety is my responsibility, if i say you can't go out without me, then you fucking don't. specially not when there are people after your head" there was no denying he was right, but still, it upset you.
"there's always people after my head, bakugou".
two weeks ago, two men went into your office. they were in charge of some dealing territories, though small, important. most contraband had to pass those places, you controlled those police departments making everything easier to your truck drivers. they were beaten, cover in blood and barely standing.
"our men, all of them... they all..." only one of them could talk, the other being too shocked to even look at you. "kazuhito's men, it was them... they said we had to tell you, they're coming after you" you couldn't show any fear in front of your so called soldiers, and your template remained at ease. a shout was enough to get those men the help they needed, after holding their hands, you promised to go see them once they were checked by doctors. you called bakugou as soon as they left, he was the first who should know and help you decide what to do next.
the kazuhito family had always been rivals, enemies of the worst kind. everyone suspect they were behind your father's assassination, but with no proof, even you knew it would be the biggest mistake to charge against them, despite your personal desires.
"i already told the drivers they had to take rout b for a while, but we can't let them just keep what's our" you explained to katsuki once he arrived. "those drugs have to get in town by us, damnit". it was clear how frustrated you were, those assholes had mess with your and your father's hardwork.
"if we retaliate, a war will unchain. your father tried to avoid that for years"
"and see how he ended up" bakugou didn't know if it was the anger, or you talking. "we will lose everyone's respect if we don't do something, they killed dozens of our people, katsuki".
he was trying hard to stay objective in that situation, but it was near impossible. a war would put you in more danger than ever, your life was at stake, and bakugou wasn't sure if he was willing to risk it. growing up by your side, your father taking him in when his parents died, you were his only family. more than that, he loved you. the only reason he was able to do his job right, was the fear of losing you. your head was already valued in millions, how could he protect you in the middle of a conflict, that would end only with your death or the kazuhito's leader's death? your power was bigger than theirs by little, but they did something that reckless, which meant they thought they had out powered you. had they? or were they just bluffing? had they miscalculated?.
"we're taking action, wether you support me or not" you looked into each other's eyes, you knew him enough to understand his fear, just not the reason behind it. your voice softened "but i'd much rather do it with you by my side".
"you're the boss" he spoke, already regretting it "i'll schedule a meeting so the high charges let everyone else know, i'm staying at your place so we can trace a plan".
and there you were now, being reprimanded by bakugou. he was extremely tired, he decided to stay with you until things were calmer, which could be several months from then. getting up at six a.m, going to sleep past midnight, being always looking for possible threats, it had given him bags under his eyes.
"i'm sorry" you said once you were alone with him, it was only then that you could let your guard down "i'm making this harder for you".
"yeah, you are. but it's my job, after all" that came out wrong, he thought. it wasn't his job, it was his fucking life purpose. he wanted you to live a long, happy life, as hard as it seemed.
"i guess it is" deep down, his response disappointed you.
"hey, look at me" out of nowhere, his body was insanely close to yours, you felt his breath in your face as he lifted your chin with his finger "there's nothing i wouldn't do for you, got that, dumbass?"
for a brief moment, the taste of his lips was all you could think about. i bet they're soft. but as fast as it started, it was over, katsuki pulled away harshly, inventing an excuse to leave. he had flown too close to the sun, so close that it burned his skin.
a few more people went to see you that day, asking for diverse permissions, advice and stuff like that. since it had been slow, compared to other times, you decided to home early. a call to your team, and the car was already outside. bakugou left instructions for your departure, because he had things to do somewhere else, much to his displeasure. you were accompanied by your escorts to the doors of the building, that seemed like a normal office compound. there were waiting two other guards, making a total of six people protecting you. way to go, bakugou.
"how's your wife, ryota?" you asked the driver. of course, not everyone fitted in the same car, so you got into the second one, middle seat, between a built up woman and a big man. you tried to remember everyone's name, but it was difficult.
"she's good, ma'am, sends her regards" he smiled at you over the mirror.
"and the baby? he must be a month old, right?" at the memory of his child, his face lightened "you should take some days off, i bet your wife and son miss you"
"i have a duty with you, m–" a loud impact interrupted him, the front glass had exploded. the car had an abrupt movement back and forward, all you could see was blood, everywhere.
the woman next to you took her gun out, in order to protect you , you thought, completely wrong. before everyone could react to her act, she shot the guard in front of you.  you looked at your side, searching for someone alive, the same bullet that had killed ryota was in the guard's at your right forehead. besides you , the only other person was that woman. if she hadn't glasses on, that stare could've seen throughout your soul. then you remembered, katsuki made you bare with a knife under your sleeve. with a weird move, you felt its sharpness against your skin, it was there, but she read you like a book. before you could even pull it out, another shot stroke followed by a intense pain in you thight. the bitch had shot you. you blamed it on the adrenaline, because nothing hurt. what happened after was a couple of blurry images in your memory.
bakugou had called you more than a hundred times, you, the drivers, the guards, everyone in his fucking team, but no one knew anything. the cameras at your house never showed you arriving, your phone's location was off. he was out of his head, if he didn't hear from you in the next five minutes, someone's going to die. he rushed into his car, following your rout at a dangerous speed. 
both cars were full of bullet holes, and every guard he had hired was dead. there wasn't a place without blood. tears of pure rage came to his eyes, fuck, it was his fault. he started to look for you, but the whole world was spinning around him. where were you? where was your body? were you alive?, this couldn't be happening. he had left you unprotected, alone, and now you could be dead, because of his uselessness. his phone vibrated in his pocket.
"sir, we– we have– the kazuhito's are here" he left as fast as he came. they had touch you, they had taken you away from him, and he wasn't going to let them get away with it, even if he had to go against a whole army, whoever was behind it all was going to pay.
a man in a suit was sitting in the chair of your office, smoking a cigarette, as calm as a rock. katsuki was so close to rip his head of right there, that somebody had to hold him down. his own people updated him, saying that he had gone into the building alone, with no weapons of any kind, not even a cellphone.
"where the fuck is she?" he crashed his hand against the desk.
"ah, mr. bakugou, please take a se–"
"tell me where she is right now if you want to keep your head, fucking bastard" his hand had wondered to the tip of the gun in his belt, menacing to blow up at any second.
"you won't do that, mr., if i don't return to my people in one hour, she'll be so fucked up that not even you will recognize her" a laugh surge grom bakugou, a dark, cold laugh.
"i don't have to kill you, then" one of the man's hand rested in the desk, like asking for katsuki to rip it off his body. as you did, he also carried knifes under his shirt. in less than a second, one of them was buried into the man's hand. he screamed, both in shock and pain, giving your bodyguard a hatred look. "what do you want, shitface?"
"i-it's quite simple, actually" his face was white as paper, and even though he wanted to talk normally, his voice shivered "we want you to take over the y/l/n's business, under our command of course" he let out a sigh, trying to keep his composure and ignoring his bleeding hand "if you– if you agree, she will have to leave japan and never..."
bakugou won't agree to that. not now and not ever. to give away what you and your father built from scratch, and spent decades keeping safe, was like killing your child, and your father's memory. to send you away, alone, where he most likely won't see you again in years, was also off the table. it wasn't funny anymore. he started walking around the man's chair, picking up his sleeves. he checked the clock in the office, he had forty-five minutes with the man, meaning, forty-five minutes to make him talk. he ressourced to every fast interrogation method he knew. the people outside the door weren't surprised when they heard the man's screams, even wondering what had taken so long for the boss to start acting. katsuki was never a patient man. his senses were blocked, he couldn't hear anything but screams and begging, all his eyes could see was pain through all the man's body, his hands felt nothing but warm blood. but for the first time in a while, he wasn't enjoying it. he was doing it out of need, the need to save you. every minute that went by, was a minute were your life risked. he never felt so close to losing his sanity.
"outside the city! she's in one of our safe houses outside the city! i don't know which, please stop!" ten minutes before the timeline he finally gave up. your intelligence had all their safe houses, storages, garages, every location needed. not a second passed when one of yours men delivered a map with all the points marked. there were five in total.
"throw him outside in ten minutes" he shouted, walking to the armory "two teams, six people each, my fucking people, hear me? now, dammit! we're leaving in a minute, if i have to go by my fucking self, i'll do it"
when he was armed to the teeth, almost a dozen of people followed him outside. they were his most trusted men and women, being trained together, he knew they were as skilled as him, and they were all willing to put their life's at stake for you, their boss. in the car, bakugou barked the instructions. he had narrowed it down to two possible locations with all the information he had. if they had to kill every person in those places, then be it. he's going to get you back.
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nachosncheeze · 3 years
Music of Blindspot
The music of Blindspot 2x05 - Condone Untidiest Thefts
We're officially into the part of the season (and the whole series going forward, really) where individual new tracks are increasingly harder to find and there's a lot more recycling of sounds, at times clipped so small and layered so thick that teasing them apart is really not worth it. That said, there's still a ton of good stuff and I'm having fun with my little memory game (and there's some excellent borrowed music in upcoming episodes) so, still going!
Scenes/Tracks I've been unable to name or locate are listed in blue. If you have any info about the music for those scenes please do let me know! Likewise if you spot any errors!
As always, all music is composed by Blake Neely and Sherri Chung; I'm getting nothing out of this except an excuse to re-watch with my own little "name that track" memory mini-game (and my folders and bookmarks semi-organized for a change). Please don't do anything shady with the YouTube links; I don't want to get the OPs in trouble or we could lose access to this awesome content. Thank you! :)
Post is behind a cut, because it's long and I'll be referring to specific scenes so... spoilers!
Camera gun/Jane's flashback
Jane and Shepherd - Saving Mine (https://youtu.be/noru14nB4aw) from the previous episode.
Weller and Nas digging about Shepherd - You can hear Trying to Protect You (https://youtu.be/WqoTkCxjghM) from S1 when he starts talking about Taylor, because they wanted to be really on the nose or something I guess. :P (I kid, but what's not kidding is that the song is officially released and purchasable on the S1 soundtrack.)
Zapata has Shadowcat's solution/Reade and security guy
Patterson and Borden wheyyyy - has a funky happy version of Trying to Protect You (above) which alas I have not found.
Kurt and Allie at the doctor/Reade needs a personal day/Snapitz briefing/Rally in the park
Main Theme - Officially released and purchasable on the Season 1 OST; can be heard in "Who is Jane Doe?/Main Theme" starting at approx 2:20. https://youtu.be/jdpjmqbUd-U?t=140
Rally chaos/Allie's briefing/Reade confronts Jones/Weller and Allie (tiny bit of Ink in there when he looks at Jane after Allie helpfully points out that people aren't their families)/Jane asks Patterson to trace the ring/Interrogating Patrick/Discussing the Donohue revelation/Jane and Patrick/Zapata takes a call/Weller and Allie's exciting new territory/Another briefing/Setting out for the office/Reade breaking in
The building and lawyer's office etc - OK so imagine you're a kid that's gotten pretty good at naming plants and animals and you're having fun playing a little game looking at pictures and naming what you know. Then someone gives you a picture of a whole tropical fucking rainforest and asks you to circle everything you know the name of. Some of it you've never seen before, but then there's fucking geckos peeking out from behind leaves, birds sitting on trees, everything's all wrapped up in each other and overlapping... if you tried to circle them it would just be a hot mess of crayon everywhere.
This post is the musical version of that fun little naming game.
This entire sequence in the building is that rainforest. I could probably do a play-by-play but...........no.
Reade in Jones' house/More office skirmish (see above :P)
"They've gotten through the doors." until "What took you so long?" - OMG and THAR SHE BLOWS, one of my 3 white whales starts here. I have no idea if this track had an official name and I have no idea why it's named as it is on youtube but mixes of it are also used in 2x09 and most prominently in 5x11 (I WANT that mix from 5x11 and will make a separate request post but in the slim chance anyone has it pls pls pretty pls!). I suppose for lack of an actual name we could tongue-in-cheek call it "Danger Jane" bc every time I hear it she's doing something potentially suicidal to get someone else outta harm's way. https://youtu.be/FjeIJzwCirM 🐋💕
"The baby's fine Kurt" - Mix of Pregnant (https://youtu.be/gH2BId-NHHk) from previous episodes.
Weller and Jane in the locker room/Patterson found some information about the ring/Jane calls Oliver
Roman and Shepherd - I feel very strongly that I have this one but I cannot find it at the minute. See? 🙈 I need my notes and bookmarks organized. I will edit if/when I do.
Made the evening news/Know where Douglas Winter is/Reade? ........Reade?
End theme - The usual. https://youtu.be/zh2PlvOWnTU
I'm totally open to suggestions for names other than "Danger Jane". I adore that song (as noted I much more adore the mix of it in 5x11 but I'll take what I can get) so giving it a name makes my life easier when I wanna say how great it is. 😆
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poebrey · 7 years
the Latinx community to the Black community at least when it comes to online activism is that kid who sees you studying at the library and goes to goof off with their friends and then come test time cheats off you and then pushes you into a locker after like damn we really can't come up with our own shit can we
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Meeting You In The Hallway Part 3
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a/n: HII lovely people! I hope you are all doing well today! This is part 3 of Meeting you in the Hallway.
What it is: You move into the apartment across the hall from Harry and you begin a friendship which you both want more from but can’t communicate that want.
Word Count: 4k 
Warning: fluff, angst, cursing, and sexual tension again bc why not.
Lil fun fact: new character in this part named Derek, there's ~some~ (honestly a lot of truth) truth to this character. Different name obvs. If you wanna picture somebody, picture Jacob Elordi, because that’s kind of what the real dude looks like.
Pls reblog if you like it 😊 Thank you for all the support so far! Means the fuckin world! Lot of dialogue in this one, let me know if yall like that or not. I think there will be one more part which will wrap this all up. 
You both decided to just sit in silence after you ate, just laying your heads back.
"Do you have morphine?"
"Harry just because I work in a hospital doesn’t mean I have hard drugs lying around my apartment"
"Thought you could sneak some, excuse me" he waves his hands up in surrender.
You sigh, "No, there's a thing called inventory that gets checked every day. And what is it with you and morphine?"
"What do you mean?"
"It was in your song yesterday"
His head quickly looks over at you, "You remember yesterday?"
"I remember everything before the tequila shots" you pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Oh okay" he avoids your question about morphine and maybe if you didn't have a headache you'd keep pushing for an answer.
Your phone rings and it’s an odd looking number, its 10 digits long.
"Har, look at this number"
He looked over before laying his head back against your couch, "Its European"
"European?" you picked up, "Hello?"
"Yeah who's this?"
Harry was listening, just didn’t show it.
"Hey um, it’s me, Derek. I don’t know if you remember me"
"Oh yeah. Sorry give me a sec." You pressed the mute button, double checked it was on, then whisper yelled, "holy fucking shit!!"
"What? Who's Derek?"
"This guy I had a hugee crush on in college. He was a year above me. We helped each other in Psych. We wo- hold on I need to answer him" you unmuted the call.
"Hey Derek"
"Hey um I was just wondering if you still lived here? In New York. I'm here for a trade meeting."
"Trade meeting?"
"Yeah with my agent, remember? Basketball?"
"Oh yeah, right. Okay. Um yeah I actually live in the city now"
"Oh, that’s great. Did you wanna grab dinner sometime? I’m here until Friday"
"Y-yeah we could settle on something"
"Okay. I'll uh text you a time and date"
"Yeah okay. Cool"
"Cool. Uh bye"
"Bye" you hung up quick. "Holy shit"
"That was the worst conversation I've ever heard in my life" he laughed.
"Shut up we were both nervous" you hit him with a pillow.
"Who is he again?"
"Long story short, we took Psych together in college and he was on the basketball team so every girl was obsessed but we would hang out all the time. A few nights before he graduated, we had like a moment. It was so romantic," you blushed thinking about it and Harry hated it, "and well, the next week he was gone to play basketball in Europe. It was like maybe right person but wrong time?" Harry swallowed before facing you, "Does that mean you see a future with him? If it was right person, wrong time?"
You looked at him and shook your head, "A girl could dream but I don’t know. I don't think I know him the way I used to you know? It's been like 4 years."
"But you're going on a date"
"No harm in that, right?" For some reason it was like you wanted his permission.
"Yeah, I guess, you said he played basketball in Europe?"
"Yeah, his name is Derek Belov, he's really tall."
"Belov? You're joking me."
"I'm not, you know him?"
"Yeah," he shrugs, "he's big over there. Only over there I guess."
You shrug, "I could honestly care less about it. He's a cool guy in general"
"I have a headache, I'm gonna lay down" he says as he adjusts himself on your couch and puts his feet in your lap. He puts your tv on and watches the office.
You check your phone and Derek had texted you about seven minutes ago. It’s alright though because you didn’t want to seem too excited. You two began texting and settled on a date that night. He swore he didn’t need to fight off the jetlag so you agreed. He'd pick you up at 6, It was almost noon now, so you had plenty of time.
"I'm leaving at 6, he'll pick me up."
"The least he could do, will it be a limo?" you could hear the bitterness in his voice but you blamed it on his hangover.
"No." you slid down your couch and harry tucked your feet under his arm while keeping his eyes on the tv.
You stayed like this for a while, you set an alarm for four o'clock so you wouldn't let time escape.
"Har, when was the last time you went on a date?" you wondered if this could answer your question from last night. If Harry was hooking up with somebody.
" I don't know why?"
"Well like years, months, weeks?"
"Month or so I guess"
"Oh okay, I was just wondering. I guess you could relate to me then. Dating life."
"Yeah sure"
He was being super dismissive and you hated it. You were tired of it actually. You sparked 0 conversation and once your alarm went off, he went back to his apartment and you got ready.
When harry got back to his apartment he felt angry. Angry with the way you spoke about that Derek guy. The fact that you were going on a date with him. He wanted to ruin your plans but he knew he couldn't be selfish. He felt bad for not being the supportive friend he knew you wanted in that moment. With a big sigh and heavy heart, he walked across the hall and knocked on your door 3 times.
You slowly went to open the door, already annoyed with Harry, you opened it with an eyeroll.
"What Harry?"
"I've come in peace," he said with a cheesy smile, "Look I'm sorry for being dismissive earlier I was really just not feeling well and well I'm sorry. Can I help you pick out your outfit now or whatever a girlfriend of yours would do? I even volunteer to do your makeup"
You rolled your eyes and opened the door wider, " Fine. Help me pick an outfit and I wanna borrow the earrings you have on. I like the simple loop look" you said as you walked deeper into your apartment.
You walked into your bedroom where you had a black lace lingerie set on your bed. Harry pretended he didn’t see it as he sat down next to it on your bed.
"I think I might wear a blouse with some high waisted jeans?”
"Yeah I mean why not just go comfy. Wear sweats and a baggy tee. I could lend you one of mine." He winked towards you.
"Harry," you gave him a warning look, "We're having dinner at a restaurant, I'm not gonna wear sweatpants." you looked through your closet and grabbed some black high waisted skinny jeans and tossed them towards Harry. They hit him right in the chest.
"Hey," he grinned at you and laid the jeans flat on your bed. "So is your theme black tonight." he said referencing to the lingerie on your bed.
"Um, I don't know. I think I got too excited. I don't think I'm gonna actually wear it."
"How come? You don't want something to happen?" He hoped not but he kept that to himself.
"I don’t need lingerie to make something happen Harry." he loved your confidence but he hid his smile and nodded.
You grabbed a light blue silky button up blouse from your closet and turned around to face him. "So, I'm thinking tuck the shirt in, roll up the sleeves, and white vans?"
"Sounds.. good"
You nodded and stepped in between his legs from where he was sitting on your bed and then got down to your knees and reached under your bed reaching for a box. The sight made him want to pull you on top of him but he knew he couldn't. Were you teasing him? You pulled a small box and placed it on his lap. Which he was a little thankful because his bulge was only growing in his pants.
"It's my jewelry box, could you pick out some bracelets or something?"
"Yeah, okay" he nodded.
As he kept his head down you went behind him to take off your shirt. You buttoned it up and then jumped into your jeans. Once you finished you faced his front again.
"Should I leave the top two unbuttoned or three?" you said as you unbuttoned a third to show. It showed more cleavage but still wasn't too much.
He rubbed his head and looked anywhere but your chest for too long. "I think two is fine. Leave three for another time. It's still just the first date"
"Aw Harold, you think I'm getting a second date? You're getting better at this girlfriend thing."
"Yeah yeah, here" he passed you his choice of bracelets and his earrings that he took off and you put them on. You enjoyed the fact that you could do this with him.
He grabbed your wrist and turned you around slowly so you were facing your full-length body mirror. You saw him lift his cross necklace above his head and then over yours. He adjusted it between your breast which made you suck in a breath. He felt satisfied when he heard your breath hitch just little bit.
"For good luck." But really he wanted you to remember him while you were out.
You looked him in the eyes through the mirror and whispered, "You don't have to, I've never even seen you take this off"
"Don’t worry about it" He leaned forward and moved your hair to the side and kissed your cheek.
His lips lingered on your cheek for a bit until you heard a knock on your door. You both jumped and walked away from each other.
"I could get it if you want. I know you need to put your shoes on and whatever else."
"Y-yeah please." You felt so confused. You were so excited to go on this date but now you just wanted to stay home with Harry. Feeling his lips on your cheeks made you want to stay and feel his lips on yours. You finished tying your shoes and put some mascara and light makeup.
Harry approached the door and took in a deep breath. When he opened the door, Harry wanted to say "what the fuck" but he actually said,
"Hello, I'm Harry"
"Oh uh, I think I've got the wrong place"
"Looking for Y/n?" he fucking hated that he had to look up to this guy. Damn basketball player, his guess was 6"7. (Derek was actually 6"9)
"Yeah she's in here, come in"
"Oh okay," he crouched down just a little to walk. "Do you live here?"
"No across the hall, I'm Y/n's best friend" he grinned. They walked into your living room and took seats waiting for you. Derek nodded at Harry's answer and rubbed his hands against his thighs. Harry noticed his nervousness and debated whether or not to use this to his advantage.
"So where are you taking her?"
"A restaurant, near the Statue of Liberty."
"Nice. Been there before?" maybe with another woman?
"No, actually" Derek looked around like he was becoming impatient with Harry.
You walked out and Derek stood up instantly.
"Wow, y/n it’s so nice to see you," he said as he bent down to give you a hug. It was almost a 2-foot height difference. Harry looked away as it happened. You hugged him back remembering his smell. Some Armani cologne if you remember correctly. Different than Harry's Tom Ford one but why were you even thinking of Harry?
"You too. Let's go? I'm hungry."
"Still the same I see"
"Old habits die hard," you winked. "Har, close the door behind you?"
He nodded at you. You felt bad for some reason and walked over to him and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks for everything," you smiled up at him.
"Yeah, no problem." he blushed but you couldn't tell in this lighting.
As you were walking out your apartment with Derek beside you, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You reached into your pocket behind you and saw Harry had texted you.
H: Let me know when you get home please? Or if you stay at his place? Just wanna know you’re okay. Xx
Y/n: most likely coming home H, I’ll let you know tho :)
Harry debated whether or not to ask if she wanted him to stay at her apartment but he didn’t want to intrude on her plans if she wanted to bring Derek back home. He hoped not. He decided to just not answer.
You and Derek approach the elevator and wait.
“I like your necklace, it’s nice”
“Oh yeah, thanks” you fiddled with it.
The elevator doors opened and you made small talk all the way until the restaurant. You had finally made it to Gigino’s, an Italian restaurant by the waterfront at Wagner Park. It was beautifully lit. You’d never been on a date quite like this one. After you finished ordering your drinks, you spoke up.
“I’m surprised you remembered me. It’s been so long”
"I honestly couldn't forget you" he smiled but looked down trying to hide from you.
You bit the inside of your cheek and reached over to put your hand over his. He looked different, more manly.
"How's the big dream been?"
"More exhausting than I thought it would be. I thought college ball was similar to professional but they're nowhere near close. How's nursing?"
"Good, I have many kids I like to think are my own. I work on the pediatric cancer floor."
"Oh wow, that must be tough"
"It can be, can also be rewarding."
"I'm sure you're great for the job"
"Thank you."
Your food came interrupting your conversation but you didn't really mind. You ordered tagliatelle with mixed shellfish. You nearly moaned at the first bite, it was so good.
"So, Harry.. Best friend he says?"
You laughed a little, "Yeah, the bestest." you couldn't believe Harry said that. You weren't mad, you were humored.
"How long have you known him?"
"Few months"
"He hang around a lot?"
"Derek? Why the 20 questions?"
"Sorry, sorry, I was just wondering. Threw me off I guess." He sipped his wine.
"It's okay. Um yeah, I moved in and we became really good friends. We're just always there for each other. That's all." Lies.com.
"Okay. Could I be honest though?"
"Yes," Here we go…
"He likes you."
"Oh my god Derek," you rubbed your temples.
"He does okay, a guy can tell. I really don't care though. I mean, you're here with me right now."
You didn’t know how to take his last comment. Was it cocky? Was it trusting? Genuine? You felt awkward. You just continued eating quietly.
"I'm sorry, I've gone and made this awkward haven't I?"
You had lost your appetite and so you told the waiter you'd like to take the rest home. Derek had finished his plate.
"Dessert?" the waiter asked with his thick Italian accent and gave you the menus. You looked it over and saw the chocolate covered strawberries with whipped cream. Your weakness.
"Do you still like chocolate covered strawberries?"
A little surprised you looked up from the menu and nodded. Derek ordered for you and bought himself a tiramisu.
"Surprised you remembered that too."
"y/n, I don’t think you realize that I was in love with you."
"I'm serious! I was. But I had to leave, my dad would've killed me if I didn’t continue his legacy in the game."
"Yeah I know, how is Mr. Bolev?"
"We don't talk."
"Oh." Now you made it awkward. This night was becoming… disastrous?
"Well, yeah I was. I wish I'd said it sooner, who knows what would've happened."
Maybe it was the wine, but you felt a little tingly. You sipped and squinted at him.
"Yeah, who knows?"
"Care to find out?" he grinned.
"Can't go back in time sweetheart."
"No but maybe I could show you something similar."
You laughed and stayed quiet as the waiter came out with your strawberries. He watched you as you ate your strawberries. You might've been doing it a little seductively if you were honest. You wiped the corners of your mouth with your finger and sucked on them lightly.
"Fuck," he mumbled and called the waiter over. "Check please?"
You laughed and drank your water. You’ve had enough wine.
"Do you wanna walk around the park?"
"Its dark," you leaned in to whisper, "There's rats. I've seen them"
"Holy shit, no way."
You nodded his way and he looked around nervously. You giggled at how big he was yet scared of a tiny, well sometimes big, rat. He paid quickly and grabbed your hand running out of there. You made it to his car and got in.
"So, where to?"
"Um where you got me from?"
"Right." You don’t know why, but you wanted to feel something. You wanted to see if there was anything there still. He was nice, but he wasn’t… he wasn’t what you thought you wanted anymore. If things went wrong you could blame it on the wine. You leaned across the center console before he could pull out of his parking spot and grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed you back instantly and you felt nothing. Nada. You kissed him deeper trying to find something, anything. You just had a romantic dinner and now felt nothing? What sick game was life playing? He placed his hand on your hips and encouraged you get on top. You complied and straddled him. Now you felt something. He was already hard and he felt big. You had this internal battle in your head of whether you should grind on him or not. You didn’t want to give him the wrong intention. What were your intentions?
"You're here till Friday?" you asked breathing a little heavy.
"Yeah," he licked his lips and you kissed them again.
Maybe a hookup wouldn't be horrible. But maybe not on the first date.
"You free tomorrow?"
"Mhm," he kissed you and you leaned against his wheel setting the horn off. You both jumped and laughed. He put his hand on your cheek and kissed you softly. "Let’s get out of here?"
You nodded and he drove to your building.
"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he looked over at you as he put the car in park.
"Yeah. I'll text you when I'm free and stuff."
"Okay." Maybe he expected an invitation upstairs but you weren't in the mood to give him one. You really wanted to go upstairs and knock on Harry's door. You wanted to hang out with him. Derek reached his hand over and played with your, actually Harry's, necklace. Little did he know... He tugged it lightly and leaned in towards you. You gave him a quick kiss and said goodnight. You practically ran inside wanting to change. You went into your apartment and changed into some pajama shorts and a baggy t shirt. You put your slippers on and walked across the hall and knocked three times. You heard harry yell a, 'finally!' before he opened the door. When he opened the door, it seemed it wasn't you he was expecting.
"oh, y/n?" his eyes were red.
"Who were you expecting? Are you crying?"
"No um no, and pizza."
"Can I come in?"
"Um I don’t think that's the best idea."
"Harry what's going on?"
He leaned against the door so you could walk in. Lo and behold he was watching The Vampire Diaries without you. It was the scene where Damon was trapped on the Other side and told Elena how much he loved her but she couldn't hear him.
"Are you serious?"
"I got bored okay!"
"Were you crying over this scene?"
"Aw, poor baby." you walked up to him and pinched his cheeks.
"How was your date?" he said as he pushed your hands down gently.
You stayed looking up at him, "It was good, food was good," he kept eye contact with you and you didn’t even realize he was still holding your hand.
"He didn't walk you up?"
"No, I kind of didn't let him. I wanted to hang out."
He gave your hand a light squeeze and tried to hide his smile. "Doesn't sound like it went all that well then"
"It was fine Har," you dropped his hands and walked towards his couch. "I should be mad at you for watching without me."
"I know, will you ever forgive me?" you both sat on his couch and he helped you put your legs on him. His fingertips left little flames on your skin.
You take off his necklace and crawl up to him and put it back around his neck.
"Back where it belongs." you twisted a curl from behind his neck around your finger.
"Did you know I used to have my hair really long? Like up to my collarbones?"
"Yeah," he pulled out his phone and showed you a picture. He looked so young. So handsome.
"I think you should grow it back out." you giggled.
"How come?" he settled his arm on your knees as you were still facing him on your knees on his couch.
"I don’t know," you ran your fingers through his hair, "you look handsome either way."
"You think I look handsome?" he looked up at you.
You nodded, scared to speak. You thought maybe you'd say something you might regret. Like how much you wanted to kiss him. Or how you wished Derek smelled like him. Or how you thought of him from time to time. He looked away from you and cleared his throat.
"I guess I should finish this episode."
You nodded and went back to laying down on the other end of the couch. Harry felt confused. You had just gone on a date and come back to him and called him handsome. Did you like him or not? You interrupted his thoughts when you spoke up.
"We kissed," you felt like you had to tell him, yet he felt he could live without that information. "but I didn't feel anything. Like those sparks you're supposed to feel. I don’t know."
Harry stared at the screen and just listened. He didn’t want to hear that you kissed but he did like that you didn't like it.
"But I'm supposed to see him again tomorrow, now that I'm here I kind of don't want to."
Harry sighed and turned off the tv. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Y/n, do you feel anything for me? Because I'm honestly fucking confused. You go out on a date with some guy and then come back here, touching me in some ways. Call me handsome. The other night you put your fingers through my belt loop-" he caught what he was saying when you gave him a confused look.
"Tell me"
"The other night, after my gig you were drunk and you pulled me towards you.. You didn't remember so I didn't remind you." He sighed heavily.
"Oh, I'm sorry I did that to you."
"I didn’t mind it"
"What's that supposed to mean"
You both sat up and faced each other. Sharing the middle cushion.
"Harry, do you feel anything for me?"
Part 4 is now up!
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cdt12345 · 4 years
I was talking to @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog about Shameless 10x07 after we watched it, like I always do and she told me I should post my review. And since I love her so much, I usually do whatever she tells me to do. Lol!
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I really liked Carl's story line. He has such a big heart, and that makes me love him so much! He, out of all the Gallagher's, reminds me the most of Ian. He has Ian's big heart and I really love that!
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gif source: @carlgallaghers​
Lip and Tami's story lines have been so fucking boring, but this week has to be a new low for them! But since I don't care about them, it's not upsetting. I'm just baffled that the writers think this is interesting stuff. Also, that they think this deserves longer scenes over Ian and Mickey's scenes.
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Now onto sandy. I see why the people with spoilers were saying she was gross. I totally get it and now she can leave. I hate that they're going to have her involved with Debbie. That is, if it's true. I don't even want to think about her being involved in the wedding! Ugh! 
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Also, are people gonna get pissed off at her, like they did Ian, for her talking about incest. The only difference here was she wasn't joking like Ian was. But I'm sure people won't give her as much shit as they did Ian.
“It’s not like we’re related.” They have the same last name! Terry is her uncle and his father! Does she not know how relatives work? I know it’s too soon to judge her with less than five minutes on screen. God knows Mickey didn't make the best first impression either. I don’t know any of her background, but knowing what the Milkovich life is like, I’m sure she hasn’t had it easy. So, I’ll still try and keep an open mind, but I can’t see myself loving her.
This show doesn’t need more characters to waste valuable Gallavich screen time, because we all know the producers will choose anyone else’s scenes over Ian and Mickey, every fucking time.
If it is true about her and Debbie, why do they have to keep doing this? Do all the Milkovich's have to date a Gallagher to be involved in the story line? They're going to be legally related to each other. They don't need excuses to involve the Milkovich's and Gallagher's anymore. They're going to be family. I know they're not blood related, but I find it weird for family members to date from the same family. I found it weird with Lip and Mandy. 
That happened in my own family. Without getting too much into it, my uncle married his sister-in-law and my mom and I always found it weird. I know it's not blood relatives, but legally they're already related and we always found that strange.
It's like that here. The only Milkovich and Gallagher that belong together are Ian and Mickey. They need to stop! They don't need to use that as an excuse to involve the Milkovich's in the story lines anymore. Old habits die hard for these writers, I guess.
Screen time was better than last week, that's for sure. Still don't think it warranted a huge Gallavich campaign, considering how much they made it out to seem like this would be their season. But it was definitely better than last week.
Domestic Ian and Mickey was all I ever wanted! We may have gotten a minute of it, but it's better than nothing and I was so happy. I freaking loved it! Did you see how happy Mickey looked?! Being all lovey dovey, blatantly checking Ian out and being domestic in front of other people, without fear or shame. I'm so happy for Mickey! And Ian, bc this was all he ever wanted with Mickey as well.
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THE LUNCH DATE!!!! Mickey got Ian his food and everything! How did they plan this lunch date?! Did they plan before he went to work? Did Mickey call Ian? Text him?! Did he know what to get Ian already? Was it Mickey’s idea? Was it Ian’s idea? I was brought to tears and that kind of made me mad. I shouldn't be crying over very mundane, normal shit that most couples experience, because we never get this for them. It took 10 seasons to get to this point and it shouldn't have taken that long.
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gif source: @gallaghersdaily
But seeing them do normal couple domestic stuff was a beautiful thing and all I ever wanted for them! Of course until the bitch P.O. showed up. I knew she would want to get Mickey involved in her shit. (She was on SNL last night too and I was so conflicted about it. LOL!)
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Even though the situation wasn't great, I was super thrilled to see Mickey riding shot gun in the ambulance with Ian. I know that's not the focus of this scene, but I always wanted to see that and I never thought I would. 
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gif source: @gallaghersdaily
When Ian became an EMT while Mickey was gone, I thought he'd never get to see Ian work and I always wanted him too. I knew he'd be so proud of Ian and would love seeing him work. The circumstances weren't great but, a wish of mine came true. 
If I'm being honest, a lot of moments did in this episode and apparently the next. Ian and Mickey walking outside with their arms wrapped around each other and laughing. OMG!!!!
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gif source: @seeallmydreams
I knew when I saw Noel run from the cop in the BTS video, this was how it was gonna be. The cop shows up and his first instinct is to run. Mickey's probably like, Ian you idiot why aren't you running and Ian is like, Mickey you idiot why are you running? I love them so much!
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gif source: @seeallmydreams
To think that was the final scene they filmed for the season. I pray it won't be the last. I need married Gallavich next season! A full season of them married! I MUST HAVE IT!!! 
I feel like they may renew it. I think Shameless has been around so long, that Showtime runners would want to give them a farewell season. They've been doing that with their other shows, that haven't even been on as long as Shameless.
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nofeartina · 5 years
Ooooooh babe since you're taking prompts!!! So I see like Isak looking annoyed as fuck and going "excuse me?" to Even and they don't know each other and like Even goes all 'who tf is this guy' and raises his eyebrows, also a bit annoyed bc /rude/, you know? AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE???? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY THEY'RE ANNOYED AND I DON'T KNOW THE SETTING??? MAYBE A PARTY??? AGSHSJAK LOVE YOU ❤
Ahhh, babe! Thanks for the prompt! I set out to write a sort of enemies to lovers, but I think it became more of a… slightly annoyed to potential lovers instead? *nervous laughter* I just can’t seem to write these two as enemies. I hope you enjoy anyway. ❤
(and a quick, but massive thanks to @irazor for looking this through :))
 “You can’t come in,” someone tall and very pretty says. Someone who apparently stands guard of the bathroom at the party they’re at.
Isak glares at him, hoists Magnus’ arm higher up over his shoulder, shifts his hip to be able to keep his hold of Magnus, leaning heavily on him.
“Excuse me?” Isak says, and gets even more annoyed when the dude, instead of answering, just raises his eyebrows, somehow managing to convey judgment on them.
Suffice to say, the conversation only deteriorates from there, until Magnus proceeds to puke all over tall & pretty (and annoying) because he didn’t reach the toilet in time.
There’s a gross kind of satisfaction in it not being Isak this time. After all, he’s wearing his new shoes and everything.
And as Tall & Pretty looks up from his puke-stained clothes to Magnus, who’s half hanging between them, to Isak, Isak can’t really hold back the smirk.
Serves T&P right for not letting them through.
Isak would like to say that the second time they talk is more successful, but that would make him a liar and he really tries not to be one.  
They’re at another party and Isak is trying to find Magnus. Mahdi and Jonas are hooking up with girls somewhere, leaving him to take care of Magnus all by himself. Again.
It’s not like he’s resentful of Magnus drinking too much or working through it or what it is he’s doing, because he gets it, gets that breaking up with Vilde wasn’t easy. Isn’t easy for him. But… maybe Magnus could find another way of dealing than getting so goddamn drunk every weekend that Isak now spends more time looking after him than looking for possible hookups.
He finds Magnus in the kitchen. Talking to T&P from the bathroom a couple of weeks ago.
T&P looks… not happy per se, more overbearing from how Magnus has his arm around his shoulder, from how he’s smiling and laughing at him. Magnus isn’t flirting, he’s just being himself. And while that’s good to see, Isak wishes he would go do that with someone else than this dude.
He steps into the kitchen hesitantly, eyes flitting between T&P and Magnus. T&P notices him first and Magnus follows quickly behind.
“Isak!” he screeches, abandons T&P to put his arms around Isak instead, and Isak takes it. Because of course he does.
“This is my new friend…” Magnus mumbles something unintelligently that tells Isak that Magnus doesn’t remember. But it makes T&P smile in a way that makes him T&Even More Pretty so Isak doesn’t complain. “Apparently we met him a few weeks ago at another party.”
“Yeah, I remember,” Isak says, sends T&EMP a look to tell him that oh boy, does he remember. He remembers him cutting them off perfectly fine.
T&EMP huffs a laugh at Isak’s look (which – rude) and stretches out his hand. “Even,” he introduces himself and Isak takes it begrudgingly, mutters his name although Magnus already said it.
He says to Magnus, “He was the one you puked on.”
Magnus’ face does this complicated thing, goes through a million different expressions before he settles for embarrassed, puts a hand over his mouth and says through his fingers, “Sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Even waves the apology off with a smile, but Isak isn’t gonna let him put all the blame on Magnus.
“Well. Even could’ve just let us in when we were coming. He was refusing us access.”
Even looks at him, smile still on his face but eyes full of challenge.
“We were smoking up back there, didn’t know what you would do if you found out.”
“I’m not the police, dude. I even told you my friend was about to barf.”
“So you think it was my fault?”
Isak shrugs. Ignores what Even’s incredulous laugh does to him, how his stomach flutters and his body heats up. God, he really is pretty.
But he doesn’t want Even to win this just by being good looking, getting puked on was his own goddamn fault and if Isak has to spend the rest of the night convincing Even about it, he will.
He does, although not as successfully as he would’ve liked. Still, it’s got to count for something.
“If I sit down next to you, are you gonna shout at me again?” Even says, surprising Isak in the middle of his daydream on the bench.
He looks up at Even (up and up and up, fuck he’s tall), caught off guard. He’s not quite sure what to say, so a startled, “Probably not,” is what comes out.
But it makes Even smile, so at least there’s that.
“I feel like we got off on the wrong foot,” he says and sits down next to Isak like it’s nothing. Like Isak’s heart isn’t stuck somewhere in his throat making it hard for him to speak.
Isak doesn’t really mean for it to become a question, it just sorta becomes that on its own volition.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you into the bathroom when you needed to,” Even says, those blue eyes sparkling at him (honestly, who even has sparkling eyes, why is Isak noticing it, this is getting ridiculous).
Isak grumbles a bit for good measure, then says, reluctantly, “Well. I guess I’m sorry that Magnus puked on you.”
Even laughs. “Wow. Such a heartfelt excuse. Thank you for your sincerity.”
Despite himself, the corners of Isak’s mouth pulls up and he looks down to hide his grin.
“Fuck off.”
“Ah yes, there he is,” Even teases and pushes Isak playfully with his elbow.
Isak gives up on trying to hide his smile, instead looks up at Even, watches his eyebrows raise, teasingly, as if to let Isak know that he sees his smile. That he knows that Isak’s charmed.
Isak would roll his eyes, he would, but he just… doesn’t. Not when Even’s sitting so close, looking like he has all the time in the world and there’s a possibility that Isak might get to know him a bit.
Which, in all honesty, Isak has been dying to.
Before Isak can start worrying about what to say, Even reaches behind his ear, pulls out a big fat joint and says, “You wanna?”
Isak nods.
It’s easier to talk while you have something to do. And it’s especially easy to talk when you’re talking to Even, Isak notices. Even is interesting, has these opinions that Isak just wants to know more of, goes off on tangents that seem to embarrass him, but only makes him seem even more endearing to Isak.
Isak notices how Even flushes, how the weed dilates his pupils and makes him lick his lips until it feels like there’s nothing in the world but this. But him.
Isak could stare at him all day.
Even must notice, or maybe he’s feeling it too, because his eyes linger at Isak’s lips as well and he doesn’t really seem to stop smiling, sitting on this bench next to Isak. As if Isak makes him happy too.
And isn’t that a thought worth having?
Isak isn’t sure how much time that passes, he just knows that the joint was put out long ago and it’s starting to get darker, or as dark as it gets this time of year, when Even pulls his jacket tighter around him.
“I’m gonna head back,” he says, looking cold, but still lovely as hell. Isak doesn’t want him to go but doesn’t really have anything to offer to keep him there.
“Okay,” he says, watches Even get up from the bench. But instead of leaving with a quick goodbye, he pauses.
“We should do this again,” he says, voice a bit less steady than it was minutes ago and it makes Isak braver than normal.
“Yeah. Maybe next time we could get a cup of coffee?”
Even looks down through his lashes at him, hands buried deep in his pockets and even though the light is low Isak still notices the flush on his cheeks.
“Yeah?” Even asks, smile spreading over his face while his eyes slide over Isak’s, then, “Like a date?”
Isak huffs out a laugh, shy but endlessly pleased. He takes in Even standing there, waiting for his answer, looking so much less unattainable than he was mere hours ago. And it makes it easy for Isak to answer.
“Yeah. Like a date.”
The way Even’s body relaxes, how it makes him loose around the shoulders and neck, suddenly much less graceful, but the more attractive for it, makes Isak feel giddy with anticipation. With this feeling that this could become so much more, if they let it.
“Okay,” Even says. Like it’s that easy, like this was what he’s wanted from the start. He starts walking backwards, adds, “See you later, Isak,” before he turns around.
Isak’s gaze follows him as he leaves, follows him until he turns a corner and can’t be seen anymore.
Yeah. Isak can’t wait to see what this could become.
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vampsting · 5 years
Why don't you like crabbng? I don't like them either but I just wanna know if they've done anything bad. I mean obviously their art is kinda iffy but??
while she doesnt make the absolute worst content in the fandom i think just labeling what she does as ‘iffy’ is being kinda ignorant
she has clarified time and time again all her bkgs are trans, and in her fantasy au comics says he is pre op as she doesnt wish to focus on things like dysphoria. thats fine and dandy on its own, in fact we need more trans narratives shown in that light. however, hes pre op with nothing like hormone blockers, so that means shes constantly drawing a minor with their boobs out. when shes an adult, and claims to be against the sexualization of the bnha kids
to further on that she gives the girls better outfits that cover up more however will put bakugou in honestly really fetishizing outfits, going as far as making the shirtless sleeve bullshit that ppl complain abt kirishimas hero costume into a constant thing in bakugous fashion sense. theres also the fact i had to mute her on twitter bc often times when she ended up on my tl one way or another it would be constant shit of bakugou being bruised, chained, and bloodied (and of course, shirtless), and its honestly all, really fucking uncomfortable.
her other transmasc character, red riot, is an adult but has top surgery. while boobs shouldnt be inherently sexualized in society, that are, and if you want to make a statement about it, you dont use fucking minors. especially when youre portraying one thats part of a minority you have power over. so crabbng constantly draws a trans minors boobs out, and never has done that with any adults, when it would make so much more sense for bkg to cover his chest all the time and the adult trans character to be the one with a pre-op chest out. no one else is tits out beside a character who is a trans minor.
the only reason she gets away with this is bc of her simple style. ive seen fanart of her comics that looks almost exactly like fantasy au genderbend bkg stuff where the artist didnt cover the chest either. like...a minor being a trans boy doesnt give you excuse to draw their boobs out, and you shouldnt use your simple style as a way to get away with it. like this whole thing has just been an adult trying to make excuses to draw a minors boobs instead of thinking “oh! that IS gross of me, i’ll stop doing that!”. art isnt made in a vacuum, so you cant really claim its not sexualized when society at large still sees it as such, and she does too but only with the girls cause its more convenient to her work
ultimately thats not even the worst thing, whats really bad about all of this is how she handles criticism, which is by claiming “dont defend me, this is all valid” along with more paragraphs of bs and doesnt change a damn thing. she responded to them with bullshit instead of actually fixing anything. when i first brought up these criticisms i was a huge fan of her work and i was 15, and to bring up smth that i realized had made me uncomfortable to be greeted with paragraphs that all i could describe as academic crytyping is really ugly.  like... shes too prideful that shes soooo good abt trans issues she wont fix the simple thing of not drawing a kids boobs out. literally just a shirt would solve this issue but she thinks writing rants of her cis & adult opinion on the matter is more productive. or she does the basic bs about how she cant ~please everyone~ which is the exact argument anti sjws & media creators say when lgbt rep in media gets criticism as well
i think its also side eye worthy how she publishes anons that claim to be trans men who were helped by her shit too whenever criticisms are brought up. like... all thats doing is stroking her ego, on top of the fact its not unlikely some cis fan was angry abt ppl criticizing their fave fanartist and lied abt themself on anon cause that honestly really damn easy. it also rubs me the wrong way how she earns money off her comic that constantly has a minors boobs out.
i guess tl;dr: crabbng constantly draws a trans minors boobs out against all criticism (including much from trans men, many are minors themselves, to which she responds with bullshit instead of actual improvement) along with other sketchy & hypocritical shit and im tired of seeing her so uplifted among the fandom until she straightens her shit out, and until she does, she will only continue to make me very fucking uncomfortable. and if she ever sees this she BETTER actually get off her ass and do smth instead of just saying “youre valid :) but im not changing anything”
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
I was driving today, and I imagined Hunk was teaching me, even though I already know how to drive and I don't know, maybe you can write something in which the paladins are teaching their s/o or something how to drive?? Or maybe they're just being really annoying about it lmao
This is adorable. And I feel you. When I have to drive on a long trip by myself I imagine I’m on a road trip with my fave characters and we dance like idiots to my music. Or all scream when there’s snow on the ground and my car turns into a metal death trap. Fun stuff!
Shiro + His Expedition:
“You…you don’t know how to drive? Nono, you’re fine! Yeah, I can teach you!”
what a sweet man. but you ain’t getting in his baby without your driver’s permit so tough shit
“Ok, so that’s the brake, that’s the gas. Both are a little touchy so press gentle ok? She’s an old girl. And that’s the blinker, please use it…”
he goes on and on about where things are. even going to far as to show you the radio and the ac/heater system even though you’re not allowed to touch either when driving
“Two hands on the wheel at all times. Ten and 2 o’ clock are where your hands should always be.”
yes mom
Seems calm and collected all the way until the point where you turn the car on. Then he realizes that he is in fact in a very large car, that you don’t know how to drive, that’s not really beginner friendly.
“Slowly…slowly…slow-THIS ISN’T SLOWLY!”
“Shiro, I haven’t even touched the gas. We’re just rolling…”
“…Right! Good job! Let’s just uh, let’s test out those brakes! They are you’re best friend.” *awkward smile*
he’s pretty sure his white patch has grown by the time you finally drive home
“So, can I try again tomorrow?”
*sweats nervously* “Ye-ah, sure. Totally okay! No problemo! Excellente! Okie dokie, artichokie!”
“I wasn’t even that bad!”
“I know, I’m sorry!”
it takes a few times, but eventually he loosens up enough to let you have fun with Black and kinda enjoys not having to always be the one to drive
Hunk + His Truck, Butter:
“Awww, babe. Can you drive? I’m ti~ired….What do you mean you can’t drive? Huh, ok, can’t believe I didn’t notice. We’re changing that tomorrow, it’s like a…uhm, what the word here, a rite of passage!”
please be careful with Butter, she’s his baby and and a classic
“Ok, so this girl is a manual. There’s your clutch and here’s the shifter, don’t get the brake and gas confused with the clutch. Please.”
really chill about you driving his car, but not quite ready to have you leave the parking lot quite yet. might take you out of the city for a bit, maybe drive around on some dirt roads
“You’re doing awesome! Ok, so get a little loose now, you don’t need to keep both hands on the wheel and stick unless you’re in a tense situation. Keep relaxed, let Butter do the talking, you just listen to her.”
“Nice park job, but let’s try making it in one go this time.”
Might be a little nervous when you get out on the road though
“Ok, you’re a little close to the right line, let’s move a little ove–TOO FAR OH MY GOD!”
“Let’s try easing on the brakes ok? I’m getting nauseous.”
He stops at parallel parking
“STOP! Stopstopstop! You’re gonna hit that truck! Ok–whew, breathe Hunk, breathe.” His eyes are closed and he looks like he’s struggling to remain calm.
“Did-did I do bad?” You’re nervous but luckily there’s no traffic around to see you half out of your spot.
“Not…bad,” he opens one eye to peek at you, “just…we’ll practice more later. I can’t take much more. Let’s find a different spot.”
You feel your stomach drop, “Oh…yeah, sure.”
“Hey now,” he reaches over to squeeze your shoulder, “It’s alright. You’re still learning. Keep that cute chin up!”
still the main driver but some days, when he’s just too tired, he’s really glad that he taught you. Totally worth the week of indigestion.
Lance + His Camry:
is absolutely ecstatic when he finds out you can’t drive
bc 1. it’s adorable for some reason?
and 2. he gets to pass on his skillz
also he’s got a perfect training car. Camry’s are freaking tanks and never die Heroes never die
“Go ahead, start her!” He waits with a shit-eating grin because his car is a sensitive lady and usually doesn’t start for anyone but him and Hunk.
But she starts right away, even easier than she does for him.
he’s not jealous
no way
ok fine, he’s a little jealous
“So before we put her in gear, what exactly do you know about driving? Because I don’t want to treat you like an idiot or something.”
Luckily the Camry is an automatic so Lance is pretty unconcerned with taking you immediately out into the road
he’s got so much trust in you
“Yeah, getting her into drive is a little tricky. You’ll miss it the first time and slip straight into second. Just give her a little bump back into drive. Perfect!”
high five!
might have forgotten to put his seatbelt on and when you first used the brakes he went flying into the dash
“That one is on me. Rule numero uno: seatbelt.” Satisfied he’s not bleeding he continues, “Let’s just be a little lighter on the breaks. You wanna lightly press down and continue pressing down slowly towards the floor until you stop. Just one lo~ong, slow, good push.”
“Was…was that a sex joke?”
“It was bad wasn’t it? Sorry.”
Makes you practice parking next to other bad park jobs, just so you get a feel for how the Camry handles
“I think I’m gonna hit that car.”
“Naw babe, you still have a couple of inches. Let it roll….ok, now stop. Back up a bit but turn the wheel all the way in the opposite direction. Stop. Now you can slide all the way in.” *eyebrow waggle*
“Please stop using those words.”
He’s really soft and excellent at explaining what you need to do and surprisingly, he doesn’t panic.
Only grabs the wheel once when you were coming off the highway and the turn ramp was turning harder than you were and he needed to stop you from running off the road
Afterwards explains that it was all good and that he is in no way disappointed or scared about your driving skills. Turns are scary sometimes.
Now he just tosses you the keys when he doesn’t want to drive. He likes being able to do that. Sometimes, a boy just wants to gaze forlornly out a rainy window while driving to Del Taco.
Keith + His Motorcycle:
“You…wanna learn to ride a bike? Uh yeah, I can-I can do that.”
He nervous. How does one teach a person to ride a motorcycle?
Decides the best way is to sit behind you so he can yell directions or quickly take over if necessary
also, now he gets to wrap his arms around you
“You can ride a bicycle right? I don’t have to worry about you falling over?”
Has you sit on it first with the kickstand down, pointing out the hand clutch, the throttle, the gear shifter by your left foot, the brake by your right
“Rule of thumb: the left side changes gears, the right changes speed. I know it’s weird, but we’ll get it!” 
He’s so sincere about teaching you but honestly? He thinks it’s really hot to see you on his bike.
Looks bored the whole time but he’s trying to remain as neutral as possible, so he doesn’t scare you or something with his over-eagerness
“Keith, I can’t tell if I’m doing okay or not.”
“You’re doing great. You’re a natural.”
“Can you say that with feeling???? I’m getting mixed messages here.”
getting balanced is the hardest part
He’s doing his best to let you catch the bike but he can’t resist long
keeps his feet just off the ground but still straight out so he’s the one keeping you from falling over
his excuse is that he has stronger legs, not that he thinks your gonna drop Red or anything (it’s his biggest fear rn)
Finds a nice parking lot to practice in 
doesn’t have you go fast at all, just kinda put-putting along, getting a feel for the shifter
realizes that he’s probably a hindrance on the back but he’s scared you’ll fall over or off or somehow zoom too fast and crash
he needs to be close enough to just turn it off
lets you control the turns, working as a counter weight
his heart is in his throat now because you both could very easily topple over
he doesn’t want you hurt or scared to be on his bike because of one tumble
also he doesn’t want to have to buff Red out, because he will
but he gets bored easily. The moment you are able to stop it in second and drop it down to neutral he’s taking you on the road
nothing major though, you take the back streets home
probably won’t offer to let you drive. Red is his girl. But if you ask nicely, he’ll let you take the reins.
low-key is keeping an eye out for cheaper bikes he can fix up for you
Pidge + Her Prius:
“Yeah, no, you’re not going another second without knowing how to drive. Strap in loser, you’re getting the crash course.”
Ok, so Prius’ are weird but that’s half the fun!
“Guess where you put the key?” She’s got a shit-eating grin too. This gremlin.
“Th-there’s no key? I don’t...Pidge what do I do?”
“Oh don’t pout, you know it’s my weakness. See that hole in the dash? Put the fob in it and press start.”
“Seriously. I press start? Am I playing Nintendo or something?”
She snorts, “It’s exactly like that! Ok ok, so now it’s on.”
“You sure? Because I didn’t feel it turn on.”
“You doubting me?”
She also laughs when you see the shifter. It’s a freaking knob on the dash. Also, you press the park button to get into park???
“Ok so, the windows are tiny as hell in here. You gotta twist around to see where other people are while you’re moving. We got a clear road, go ahead and practice checking your blind spot.”
Might get a little nauseous during this part. You keep over correcting and swerving back into your lane.
“Ok, let’s just...take it easy...we can just chill in the right lane all the way to Jamba Juice. I don’t care how much slower it is.”
Fucks with you just once
You’re at a four-way stop and it’s about your turn when she reaches over and presses the power button, causing it to immediately die
She’s cackling because you can’t get it to turn back on and the other car is waiting for you to go
eventually they do and you’re yelling at Pidge who thinks this is hilarious
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist doing it at least once. Just put it back into park and then you can restart it.”
“Jokes aside babe, you’re doing great. I almost feel like I’m not about to die.”
doesn’t mind you driving now. but she does not like it when big trucks and semis get close while she’s a passenger. She so smol and so scared
she needs to be in control
she drives on freeways and highways. she can suffer in the city
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s-tarboi · 7 years
"I don't want your pity, I want your absence." with Alize and Latis //rip that one probably hard
whoops this was longer than I meant it but aayye here you go bb some alize/latis angst for the soulalso sorry for any grammatical errors or anythingI’m still tired af bc I couldn’t take that nap oops
Soft clinking of chains filled the cell as Alize tried to move. The chains themselves were short and way too fucking tight, to the point she was sure her wrists were bruised. Then paired with the fact the cell itself was barely larger than she was, only big enough to fully extend her legs but not much more than that. A small barred window was placed high on the wall she was currently resting on. It was snowing, as was the norm for this kingdom of ice after all. A cold chill came through the window and Alize shivered slightly. This was definitely a change of scenery from the sunny prairie lands of the south in which she grew up in.
Despite the freezing temperature, the pain in her arms and wrists, and the discomfort of the cell, this was all trivial things compared to what may possibly lay in store for her later. To say she was terrified was an understatement. While, yes, she could potentially be face to face with the person who sent her mother to her early grave, finally be able to see for herself what a horrible savage this Latis the Demented Queen was, that didn’t excuse the fact that Alize was utterly powerless in this situation. She had no weapons, couldn’t use her fists, couldn’t even bribe herself out this situation… Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck…. What to do..Time was ticking down on her clock. She heard the tick, tick, tock drumming in her ears louder than the Church bells on a Sunday morning even though it’d be ridiculous to have a clock in a jail cell. Regardless, she heard it. Painfully aware that this could be the last day she breathed. Even so, she remained vigilant. Alize refused to let her mother’s legacy die in vain with her. No. She would go kicking and screaming if she had to. Or at least take as many of these crazy bastards that lived in this godforsaken castle with her as she could to the after life with her.A sound caught her attention. Metal scraping on metal as the jail’s main gate was raised. Someone was here. A new prisoner perhaps? Guards making their rounds, spitting and jeering at the prisoners as they passed by? Both, maybe? Or was it finally time to meet this oh-so-infamous queen? Heavy footsteps could be heard throughout the jail’s halls. She remembered there was a cross section at the end of her hallway. If they turned left, she was safe for now. Right and surely they were coming for her as there weren’t many people on this wing of the halls.Her heart beat faster as she heard the person stop….They picked up again and she smiled to herself, her head dropping low, and her stomach in her throat. The person had gone right. She let out a long, soft breath to clear her mind of every negative thought. She could do this. She could get out of this. Latis won’t get the chance to kill Alize just like she’d killed mom. She gently shook her raven black hair back as best she could from her face. Just in time before the footsteps stopped outside her cell. Looking up, she was met eye to eye with a rough looking guy. He looked around her age, early adulthood that is, though his face was covered in scars and one eye seemed blinded and clouded over. He had short, messy, ginger hair and wore a scowl. Alize guessed quickly that must be how he looked quite often. His armor was the same as every other guard in the castle. Faded blueish gray with yellow markings across the shoulders and various other parts.“Ready or not, Queen Latis summons you, girl.” he said in a bitter tone. His voice was deep and gravely, not at all what she expected. She didn’t voice this opinion out loud, of course, instead just simply nodding. The guard opened her cell, grabbing her chains, dismounting them from the wall and leading her through the twisting and winding dungeon up into the castle itself. As they walked, Alize took in as much as she could. The dungeon had been grimy and cold and smelled of shit and death. But once they got into the castle, it was like a whole different world. Bright, shiny knick-knacks covered each shelf, as well as books, papers, and journals. Large, lavish paintings and tapestries adorned the walls as well. To Alize, they were all of random scenes, random people, nothing she particularly cared about nor was interested in.They eventually came to a set of wide double doors, made of a dark oak. It was smooth and almost appeared glossy, much like the rest of the castle she mused to herself. The ginger headed guard that had been escorting her opened the doors, pulling her along with him as he stepped inside. The chains clinked almost too loudly in the way too quiet throne room. People were gathered here, all eyeing her either suspiciously, accusingly, or downright hatefully as she was pulled in front of where Latis herself sat on her lavish and aggravatingly posh throne, made of red satin and the trim lined with yellow, orange, and white gemstones.Latis herself looked at Alize with a sour look, her featured tightening ever so slightly. She had chocolate colored hair pulled into a tight pony tail, caramel colored skin, and light yellow eyes. Age wrinkles adorned every part of her body, as well as three long scars that sat in the middle of her face, adding more to her scowl than normal.  Her clothes consisted of a floor length dress the same faded blue as the guards’ armor, an icy colored sash wrapped around her hips and thrown over her shoulder. Light beige trimmed the sash and she wore a dark gray armlet with a large sapphire stone placed in the center. She definitely gave off a vibe of power and royalty.“So. You’re the rebellions leader, girl?” Latis finally spoke. Her voice was harsh like sandpaper over a chalkboard. It reminded Alize of a hissing cat.Alize simply looked at the queen. “No. We don’t have a dictatorship like you’re miserable excuse for a kingdom. We vote on our actions amongst ourselves. The strongest of us are the ones that take action first, while the rest follow. The ones who aren’t afraid to risk their lives for our cause, who know how to rally, inspire, and empower our, er, weaker willed members. We lead ourselves.”“Then you are apart of the rebellion. Treason as it is. Punishable by death or exile, y’know. Maybe both.” Latis laughed to herself. It was a wicked and shrill laughter and it almost hurt Alize’s ears.“So it may be. But I assure you, Stormscar, even if I fall by your hands, another will take my place. Then that person may fall and another will take their place. And so on and so on. Until we overthrow your kingdom and restore a peaceful government to these lands our ancestors used to call home. That goes for all unjust and biased kingdom.”“Sounds more like world domination to me.” Latis cawed again.“No. All we want is peace for the kingdoms. We’re tired of war. Tired of living in fear that our husbands, our wives, our children, our lives we’ve built generation after generation could be demolished in the blink of an eye before the next sunrise. Call it whatever you will, in the end its your well deserved justice.” Alize retorted.“Justice? That’s a load of horse crap, dear. There is no justice in this world. Just suffering and agony at the hands of people like you who come brandishing their weapon of silver tongues, calling for peace and harmony and all that tree hugging hippie bullshit. Even if you were to end this apparently “wicked” reign of mine, as you said, another will take my place. Another just like me. Then another after them. What then? Back to square one it would seem.” Latis said, drumming her fingers on the arms of her chair impatiently.“Maybe you have a point. Maybe this world is destined to be drowned in chaos until we as a species end up killing ourselves to extinction. However, I don’t believe that. I believe, eventually, there will be someone that will come to their senses and say “Hey, the way we’re doing things is bad. Maybe we should change?” But that would never happen with narrow minded simpletons like yourself… You’re majesty.” Alize spit the last words at Latis’s feet, though the queen didn’t flinch at all.“Perhaps that may be the case. I do pity you, girl, I wish I was as naive to the world and how it works as you were. Maybe one day you’ll learn that corruption is a natural part of life and the most powerful always come out on top.” Latis said.Alize spit to Latis again, this time managing to strike the queen’s dress. Latis raised an eyebrow though Alize spoke before she could. “I don’t want your pity. I want your absence. And we’ll see to it you’re replaced. For the people. For my mother.”Latis then raised a hand, signalling for the guard from before to step forward. “Baphomet, kill her. Leave her body where these revolutionists will find her body. I want a message sent to them that we’ll kill anyone that will oppose us.”“Yes, m’lady.” Baphomet said, drawing his sword without a second thought. Alize narrowed her eyes. So much for getting out of this alive. For a moment she thought about trying to fight her way out of the castle. But she realized she was hopelessly outnumbered. The odds were stacked against her. She couldn’t escape. Instead, she accepted her demise, refusing to give Latis the satisfaction of hearing her scream as the sharp metal of Baphomet’s blade sliced open her jugular, blood pouring across the white marble floor of the throne room. All the while, until the very end, Alize glared straight at Latis.She’d failed her mother. Her people. The kingdoms. The rebellion. She failed them all. But she still had hope that Latis, and all the other tyrant rulers of this world, would get their judgement. If not by her hands, by someone else just as worthy to uphold the rebellions morals and laws.
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princephil · 7 years
so i was at my friend's wedding and i was sitting there people watching and one of the groomsmen, bryan, came up to me and asked to dance okay now listen,, *corbin blue's voice* i don't dance,, however i wanted a boyfriend, a lesbian beard, if you will, so i jumped up and said "fkekfk sure" so we went to the dance floor (which was poppin btw because my friend is fun as hell) and he was dancing so (s o) close to me and was looking me in the eyes and smiling at me and i ?? hated it ???? (1/lmao??)
(tw: cancer, vomit)
so luckily he got pulled away to take pictures and i was left there with my sister and jon, best man and also male stripper, and i was feeling nauseous,, now i was feeling sick before bryan but i think bryan caused a lot of anxiety plus being on the dance floor and so i went outside and threw up like three times on the steps and i just sat there contemplating my current situation and then jon came out and sat down literally where i threw up but i didn’t tell him bc i’m a bitch (2/lmao??)
so i’m sitting here, and jon on my vomit, and we were talking about everything ever and he was drunk as heck but it was chill so then my sister, who btw thinks she’s literal cupid, with bryan and told me to stop “flirting” with jon so me and bryan sat down but it was too loud to talk so we went up to the roof (v pretty btw it was at a park at night with stars and string lights and overlooking the city wow) and we talked but as we were talking he was about to kiss me and i (3/lmao??)
(putting the rest under the cut because it’s long. i tried to leave it at a cliffhanger bc….the end…i’m just…the plot twist….this dude…..i’M SHOOK. EVERY1 SHOULD READ IT. also my reply is at the end too!!)
and i was trying my best just not to throw up again but anyways the bride and groom were leaving so we had to go down and do sparklers and we got a picture together but then he hugged me like at least twenty times and we got each other’s phone numbers (which i asked for ?????? because i’m socially awkward) and i was so sick like,, the car ride home i had my head out the window like a dog because my fever was so high but we made it home and the second i got home he texted me (4/lmao??)
(ok tumblr is being a dick so i had to retype this) he texted me “hey you looked beautiful tonight but i wish you could go swimming with us”,, me: is sick as hell, has body dysmorphia, doesn’t have swimwear, is 40 minutes away,, no thanks so i said “i’m actually pretty sick rn but we can hang out soon” and he said “i feel like you sister just didn’t want you to go” eh hem ok my sister is my best friend and i had known him for a whole five hours ?? don’t say that shit to me (5/lmao??)
so the next morning he said “good morning beautiful” or some lovey dovey name like that and he asked me when i wanted to hang out so i said a five days from then which was a friday, not too long ?? but he was like “noooo i want to see you like today” and i said “buddy my dude i’m so sick” and he sAid “i’ll hold your hair back if you throw up” i said “umm that’s nice but i don’t want that let’s wait until i’m not throwing up” but after many sleepless anxiety filled nights (6/lmao??)friday hit and although the fever was gone, i was just throwing up from anxiety (aren’t i cute) so i said “i’m still sick :///” and he said “noo pls come we can cuddle and watch all the harry potters” bITCH i’m love hp but not you and i’m don’t wanna cuddle so i said “wow that’s a long time” and he said “yep” ?? so then he suggested he cooked me dinner and i told him i’m vegan and he said “well wtf if you don’t like what i make then you don’t have to eat it” ??? buT it just has to be vEGan (7)
so basically he said that he had cancer (i sound like a bitch but just you wait) and he said that he was in a lot of pain so he went to the hospital and it was appendicitis so he got his appendix taken out so i stayed awake for dis bitch to text me and make sure he was okay and he wanted me to come over while he was recovering from surgery !! i said “mmm you should recover first” so he recovered and i was out dry of excuses but luckily the morning of our date he sent me “so i guess that was (8)
(this is getting so long i’m so sorry djsk) a waste of my time” and i was like “wtf i guess i won’t come over then ??” and he didn’t say anything and it was past the time i was supposed to leave so i just sent him “ok i guess you were a waste of my time” and i was in the grocery store and he called me like 10 times and texted me like 20 times freaking tf out and i got in my car and read them and he said “that wasn’t for you i fucked up” long story short the date never happened (next is last)
so when we made up we sent each other some dirty snapchats and i was like ?? why am i doing dis but anyways lemme give you a list of why he caused me major anxiety: freaked out about me being vegan, made me feel bad for being sick, made me feel guilty for his mistake, talked shit about me to my sister (that wasn’t smart of him), and lastly here’s the kicker ‼️ LieD about having cANceR ‼️ (found out about that recently),, so yeah that’s why i associate wedding with anxiety :) sorry it was long
??!?!?NDSADSJFSJ I’M SPEECHLESS WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS DUDE I’M JUST….OMG????? LIKE EVERYTHING LEADING UP TO THIS WAS BAD BUT THEN THE LYING ABOUT CANCER PART??!?!?!?! W H A T BRYAN…….WHY ARE U LIKE THIS i seriously still cannot believe…im sitting at my laptop in awe omg thank u for sharing this story this was seriously a wild ride
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kimnamsjoon · 7 years
Hey bee! I saw your last post and was wondering why you don't like halsey?
I actually wasn’t planning on answering this just because like, I don’t really wanna play a game of your fav’s problematic tonight but, you know, I also don’t wanna ignore you so I’ll just give a quick summary below the cut ig. it’s kind of long bc we all know I love to ramble, just…. fair warning ig.
Let me start out by saying that I used to look up to Halsey a lot. Like… she’a bipolar bisexual girl…. I’m a bisexual, borderline, non-binary girl… like…. I felt represented and a lot of her music, as edgy as it is, helped me through some very unstable, not happy times in my life. And so I looked up to her and admired her. Let me also just stay up front that I’ve got no receipts for this shit. I’ll link to some screenshots of her deleted tweets, but the thing is is that when she’s called out…. she deletes the tweets, makes a fake ass “I didn’t mean it” tweet, and then deletes that when everything’s blown over, which makes it really hard to prove shit. But also let me say that a large part of what I’m about to summarize in my “reasons I no longer personally support Halsey” thing down below, I experienced first hand. I followed both her and the girl she ostracized on twitter, I saw the way she treated the girl, and it’s absolutely what drove me to stop supporting her.Which brings me to what exactly happened. This was, I don’t know, a year ago? My memory in general is really fuzzy (props to mental illness for that one) so I don’t have like a general time frame other than “idk a year ago, maybe two” so I apologize for that. I don’t have specific tweets and I don’t even remember the fans twitter account that suffered but like, it happened and I’m sure others out there witnessed it too. I feel like it was really big on twitter for a minute, but maybe that’s just ‘cause I followed the girl and Halsey so it felt big??? anyways, this was around the time that Halsey was (rightfully) being criticized for repeatedly making out with minors during her concerts. I don’t think I have to explain why that’s wrong, but just in case: minors cannot consent to adults, and even if they could, she didn’t ask if they consented prior to shoving her tongue down their throats; she didn’t even ask age, and if she asked anything at all, it was “are you single?” Furthermore, who’s going to say no to a kiss at a concert in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people? Could you imagine the pressure, and could you imagine the backlash from jealous fans? It’s just all around dubious, and it one-hundred percent made me uncomfortable, especially since I was still in high school myself at the time.  (and for other deeply personal reasons you can ask me about ((privately)) if u really wanna know but im not  tryna get into that here).But I still supported Halsey because I looked up to her, and the fans she had kissed has said they wanted it/would have consented. It made me uncomfortable, especially since she’s tweeted things like this [x] in the past, but I was in a very bad place mentally at the time, and her music  was a great help to me so I wasn’t ready to accept that the girl I looked up and thought so highly of was so… trashy.   Anyways, there was another (minor, as in, a minor) fan, the one I followed, that felt like me, which is to say she didn’t really know how to feel about it. She was uncomfortable, especially since she was a minor, but she really looked up to  Halsey. And she made a tweet about it, I don’t remember the specifics, and as far as I know the girl has since deleted her twitter from being bullied so badly by Halsey’s fans, but it was something along the lines of “this halsey thing makes me uncomfortable” but in a lot more words. She didn’t even mention Halsey, had the whole H.alsey thing goin’ and everything and was a huge Halsey fan. And Halsey got ahold of it, somehow despite the girl having a whopping 120-somethin’ followers, and retweeted it to her followers, complaining that the girl COULD have messaged her privately to discuss this. It was… really extra.Anyways, I think we all know what comes next, right? Fans, of any variety, are super fuckin’ protective of their favs, and they really know how to act like rabid dogs when they want to. They absolutely destroyed this poor girl, a minor, and she was begging Halsey to tell them to stop because she’s mentally ill, it’s giving her panic attacks, she’s not okay. It’s really messy and really awful, especially because the girl didn’t even say anything negative about Halsey in the first damn place. And Halsey’s response was, basically, “well i’m mentally ill too, and i dont control them”. The poor girl ended up shifting gears and just asking Halsey to delete the retweets, which still sat proudly on Halsey’s timeline, right up top, and Halsey downright refused. She played a whole ass victim card because a minor was uncomfortable with her making out with other minors, and then did absolutely nothing to stop her fans from attacking a minor. I ended up unfollowing the girl and Halsey that night because it was TOO much for me, a mentally ill myself, to handle. I’ve got BPD, and it was just… it was too much for me. I couldn’t stan her after that, and I definitely couldn’t listen to her music after that. After this incident died down (maybe a week later?) is around the time people started digging up her problematic tweets. I was starting to feel like maybe I wanted to like Halsey? You know, she was actually, truthfully going through some serious shit at the time, and she’s mentally ill herself, which mental illness is never an excuse to be a shitty fucking person, but I understand exactly what that’s like, so It was hard to fault her when I’ve been there myself??? Anyways, I mentioned earlier that I’m nonbinary. More specifically, I identify as genderfluid (she/they/he pronouns are all okay! I’m not pronoun specific), but I spend a very large amount of time on the male/masc side of the spectrum (which is why I go by Bee! It’s very androgynous, unlike Brenna, and so it doesn’t aggravate my dysphoria when im feeling masc). I’m not exactly out, and I definitely wasn’t back then, so I didn’t start presenting masc until literally right around the time all this drama cropped up. And… a lot of boys, and some girls that were into me, weren’t exactly into that, and I got called the tr*nny slur a lot, which didn’t help and…. can you guess what came out about Halsey? lmaoYeah, she was exposed for using the t-slur, and it really, really fucking hurt. There’s literally nothing worse than someone you look up to using slurs meant to hurt you. It’s literally the worse. And instead of apologizing and admitting she was wrong, she said “well, I was young” and used that as an excuse. and sure, being young can be a valid response… when you’re a kid. But she wasn’t a kid, and she was definitely old enough to know that fucking tr*nny was and is not an okay thing to say, so…. anyways, if she had just genuinely apologized and said she was wrong, it wouldn’t have been so bad, but she just deflected the whole thing and then deleted the tweet when no one was looking. Here’s a screen shot for anyone curious. [x]
Since this mess, a lot more has been exposed about her that has really cemented my disinterest for her, but listen, I’m not a detective and I’m not digging up sources for you. Just google Halsey + problematic, I’m sure someone’s done the work for you. I stopped paying attention to her after the tr*nny thing, so I don’t even know the specifics to tell you if I wanted lmao.  
So that’s like, that. It’s all very anecdotal, i know, but you asked why I, personally, disliked her and that’s why. yea,,,,
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