#baxter mountain
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Baxter Mountain Lake Placid, Adirondacks
Contact ©morningcallsphotography
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
swap au: the boy across the street is Baxter, the boy who lives far away but is still your friend is Cove, and the boy who comes for but one summer is Derek.
When I tell you the powerful and immediate urge I had to rewrite the entire dang game with this ... this is so much fun, thank you!!!
You could hear the new neighbors moving in at your spot behind your house. You'd thought about taking a peek to see what kind of people they were like, but decided to stay out of the way, watching clouds on the poppy hill instead. With how nosy your moms had been after the "for sale" sign disappeared, you'd be learning about them soon enough.
After a while, the clouds stopped holding your attention and you stood, looking for a new activity. Before you knew it, you were making your way to the shore -- there was always something to do there.
When you arrived, the typically empty beach wasn't quite as empty as it usually was. Up near the path, away from the water but still on the sand, was a boy. He looked to be your age, maybe a little older. He hadn't heard you approach, and was instead staring straight ahead at the ocean.
"Hi," you said, and you quickly broke whatever spell he was under. "I haven't seen you around before."
"That would be because I just moved here," he said. He pulled on the hem of his shirt, then smiled at you, extending a hand. "My name is Baxter Ward."
At the time, you thought it was weirdly formal, something grown-ups did to greet each other, not kids. But over time, as you got to know him and all his quirks, you looked back at the moment fondly.
That summer, he became your best friend.
You took to each other immediately, and if you had it your way you would've have spent every waking minute together. Sometimes Baxter couldn't hang out though -- he didn't talk about it much, but he seemed sad sometimes when he talked about his parents, and the few times you spoke with them you got the feeling they didn't like you very much.
But Baxter, as oddly formal as he was, wasn't afraid to break rules. And after a meeting between his parents and yours that didn't seem to go so well, your moms were quick to welcome him whenever he wanted to come over. You were able to get close.
By the time the summer was over, you could hardly remember what life was like before he came into it.
Five years later, you were 13, and Baxter was still your best friend. He went to a private school while you went to the public one, and from what little he told you about it, he didn't really have friends there. It was a boring place to be, he told you, and he'd much rather be spending time with you than with those spoiled rich kids.
He never bothered noting that he was also a spoiled rich kid.
One day, the two of you were in your bedroom, wasting away a day together. He was lying comfortably on your bed and you were sitting at the foot of it, leaned against the window he regularly used for secret visits -- when he didn't want to hear his parents complain about him spending so much time with you, he found it easier to just slip away unnoticed.
"There's a boy coming over today," he mentioned, ending a comfortable silence. "I think you'll find him interesting."
"If you think he's interesting, then I'm officially scared," you teased.
He smirked in response. He was proud.
Over the past few months, Baxter had started getting more experimental with his fashion. He'd always dressed a bit preppy, and that hadn't changed much, but now he was moving towards clothes that were only black and white. He'd shown you a few more alternative pieces he'd ordered, things that matched the color scheme but were a little more out there, but he hadn't had the nerve to wear them out yet.
"He's the son of a business partner of my father's," he explained of the mystery boy. "I've met him a few times before, he's very shy."
"Then why do you think I'll think he's interesting?" you asked.
"He's also very cute."
You blushed, and he laughed.
You'd had a crush on him for a while, and you couldn't tell if he knew, or if he might like you back, but it was certainly clear that he enjoyed teasing you about anything even remotely related to dating. It always flustered you, but he enjoyed that, too.
He opened his mouth to say anything else, but before he could, the door to your room opened and Liz popped her head in.
"Some kid is at the door asking for you," she told Baxter. "I didn't realize you'd officially moved in."
"Thank you for the warm welcome, sis," he said easily, then stood and looked at you.
"Let's go," he said. "That would be the boy of the hour."
He held out a hand to help you off the bed, and, blushing again, you took it. There was that smirk again, but this time he chose to let it go.
When you went downstairs and to the door, you saw the boy had retreated back towards the street, looking uncomfortable. He was tall and gangly with bright green hair and glasses, and Baxter had been right -- he was cute.
"Cove!" your friend called out brightly, leading you over for an introduction. The boy, Cove, held up his hand in a slight wave. He was nervous.
But as awkward as Cove was, he managed to work his way into your cozy little friend group of two, turning it into a trio.
At one point during the summer, you and Cove had exchanged phone numbers. His father -- his parents were divorced and he lived in another neighborhood with his dad -- was much more easygoing than Baxter's parents, so you were able to visit him quite a bit.
You were even invited over for a sleepover, which Baxter had been surprised about. He'd reacted strangely when you told him about it, it seemed -- you weren't sure if he was upset that his parents had never let you stay over, or if it was something about you getting close to Cove. But in the end, he'd put on his old friendly smile and told you to have fun.
When your moms dropped you off at Cove's house, he greeted you at the door and invited you in, as awkward as the day you had met.
"It was my dad's idea, to ask you to stay over," he explained as you made your way to his room to hang out. "Not that I don't want you to stay over! It was just his idea is all."
"Why would he want me to stay over?" you asked.
He turned to face you as you came to a stop in his bedroom, but he kept his eyes down. He started rubbing his arm, a nervous tick you'd picked up on pretty quickly.
"I don't ... I mean, I don't really have many friends, I guess," he said. "My dad wants me to have more. I think he worries about it."
"Why didn't you ask Baxter?"
"My dad doesn't like his dad," he said.
That made sense to you. You didn't like Baxter's dad either.
Cove didn't live in your neighborhood, but he still lived near a beach. You walked there together and spent most of the evening there, and when you went back, his dad had cooked you dinner.
Throughout the day, he had loosened up, but when it was time for bed, he started getting shy again. His father had laid out two sleeping bags side by side on the living room floor, and after you both got into them, he didn't say a word.
"Cove?" you asked.
He didn't say anything. You turned to face him, sure he hadn't been able to fall asleep that quickly. In the faint light coming in from the kitchen, you saw his eyes wide open, and maybe a tiny bit of color on his cheeks.
"Are you all right?"
He turned his head toward you slightly, not enough to make eye contact, and said, "Yeah."
It wasn't very convincing.
It was your turn to stay quiet -- you weren't sure what to say. Then, without further prompting, he turned to face you too. He met your eyes.
"I get nervous around you," he said plainly. "More than other people. That's why I don't say stuff sometimes."
"Oh," you replied. Then, "Why?"
He shrugged, a decidedly non-romantic gesture, but it still tugged at your heartstrings.
He ended up changing the subject, and you laid there together for a long time, whispering about what you'd done that day and what you wanted to do tomorrow, what you wanted to do with your lives. It was nice, and when you finally fell asleep, you thought maybe you could see Cove being in your life for a long time.
Five more years went by, and more big changes came with them.
Baxter was your best friend and still your neighbor -- for the time being. You'd graduated high school and were now adults, and you knew he was desperate to get out of his parents' home.
Cove was still important to you, though you'd been seeing him less and less. His father had cut professional ties with Baxter's, and there was a bit of bad blood there. He'd also decided he wanted to go to college to study marine biology, which was no big surprise, but it did mean that a lot of his free time went to studying.
You weren't sure what exactly you wanted to do, but at the beginning of the summer, an opportunity for a quick adventure before diving into real adulthood presented itself, almost literally on your doorstep.
Gossip spread easily in Sunset Bird, and your moms had heard that the newly vacant condo next door to Baxter's house had been rented. They were eager to see who was coming into the neighborhood, but because they had to leave for work before anything happened, they asked you and Baxter, who was almost always over, to keep an eye out.
Baxter agreed before you could say anything. He'd always done anything your moms asked. You thought it was because he was thankful that they'd unofficially adopted him as their third child.
The two of you settled outside on your front step, waiting and chatting idly about some nonsense he'd made up about who the new neighbor would be. He was really getting into the details when a cab pulled up across the street, and a guy who looked to be about your age stepped out.
"This is not what I expected," Baxter whispered to you before letting his mouth hang open.
You watched as the newest resident of your tiny town moved to the back of the car, opening the trunk and easily pulling out a suitcase. He was all muscles and tan skin and had such a big smile as he tipped the driver. The cab left, and the stranger must have felt your eyes on him, because he turned to you then and smiled even wider.
"Hey, neighbors!" he called out, sounding as friendly as he looked. He started making his way over, and you saw bright green eyes twinkling at you.
Baxter stood, sticking his hand out to help you up. You took it, and he used his other hand to smooth his black and white hair.
"My name's Derek," the guy said holding out a hand to you the same way Baxter had when you first met him ten years before. You shook it, and he smiled directly at you before moving to shake your friend's hand as well.
You and Baxter introduced yourselves, then Baxter asked, "So, Derek, what brings you into our tiny neck of the woods?"
"I'm on vacation," he answered. "Well, kind of. I play college soccer, and there's a coach in the city that's really good, I'm going to work with him this summer. My parents wanted me to have an actual vacation too though, so ..."
He finished his thought by gesturing to his condo.
"I see," Baxter said, and you could hear it in his voice already -- he was turning the charm on. "Well, you know what they say about all work and no play. If you ever feel the need to play, don't hesitate to find us."
Ten years of friendship, and Baxter could still make you blush. If Derek was taken aback by his forwardness, he didn't show it -- instead, he laughed openly.
"I'll keep that in mind," he said. You thought you saw him sneak a glance at you as his smile turned smaller, but you weren't sure.
You learned quickly that Derek was serious about his work. He left for long stretches to go into the city for his private training, and you frequently saw him out for runs around the neighborhood.
But he also, it seemed, had taken a liking to you.
One evening, he knocked on your door. You were home alone, so naturally you were the one to answer, and he was there, as always, with a big grin on his face.
"Hey!" he said. "I totally get if you have plans, but if not I thought I'd come check to see if you wanted to hang out?"
"I'm free," you told him.
"Cool. Do you wanna come over?"
When you paused, he quickly continued, telling you, "Oh no, I'm not ... I'm not trying to ... do you like video games?"
A few minutes later, you were sitting next to Derek on his couch, starting up a game of MarioKart.
His composure regained, he said, "I hope you know I'm not going to take it easy on you."
"Why would I think you'd take it easy on me?" you laughed, looking at the tv to choose your character.
"Pretty people always think they can get their way."
That stopped you in your tracks. You glanced over at him, and he was smiling at you.
"You would know," you replied, trying to return the compliment.
As you played, you both found little ways to get closer to each other. Once he scooted over to show you which button to press to do a certain move, and soon after you'd done the same, pretending like you'd forgotten.
After a particularly intense race, it happened -- you finally beat Derek. He'd stayed true to his word and hadn't taken it easy on you, beating you time after time, but now, you'd bested him.
You stood up enthusiastically, cheering for yourself, and ever the gentleman, he stood up as well to cheer along with you.
The next thing you knew, he had his strong arms around your waist, and yours had gone up around his neck. He leaned in a bit, then paused.
"I like you," he said softly, "and I think it would be nice to kiss you. But I'm going back to college in a couple of months, and --"
"A couple of months is enough for me," you told him.
He smiled again, then kissed you. It was gentle and sweet, and over far too soon.
"I'm thinking I should probably make a little bit more time this summer for playing," he said, giving you a smirk that could almost rival Baxter's.
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adventurelandia · 5 months
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Big Thunder Mountain Railroad limited edition print signed by Tony Baxter, 1997
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zef-zef · 1 year
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Bonnie Baxter - Nocturnal Emissions from: Bonnie Baxter - Axis (Hausu Mountain, 2019)
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bubblegrungeprincess · 5 months
Cutting it a little close, but here's my five favorite albums of the year. It was a hard cut to be honest, and there are definitely "better" albums released, but these are the ones that hit me the right way:
5. Blouse Club by Problem Patterns: angry feminist lesbian punk. Angry women is one of my favorite things and I will always enjoy it in musical form.
4. Between Punk and Bourgeoisie by Baxter: just really good harmonic punk rock. The melodies are super infectious and it gives just enough of that 90's punk nostalgia without being gimmicky or kitschy.
3. Till You Return by Teenage Halloween: their sophomore album full solid, queer, diy punk. I've been following this group for a while and they just keep getting better.
2. Jenny From Thebes by the Mountain Goats: I guess I'm a mountain goats fan now. I've never really been into them for whatever reason. They just never clicked with me, so this really caught me by surprise. Something with these songs just resonates with me and I just really really dig it right now.
1. Inarticulate by CHEWIE: this band has aged and matured to perfection and this album shows it. I can't say enough good things about it. Not just my favorite album of the year, but I've if my favorites of all time.
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haveamagicalday · 6 months
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I never realized that Barnabas T. Bullion was modeled after Tony Baxter!
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I just watched the TMNT 2003 episode “Insane in the Membrane” and i knew what i was getting in to because i too had a “famous dark moments in animated media” research phase, but man. that was gross.
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mtjoshington · 2 years
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baxter state park
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neareport · 4 days
FOIA Lawsuit Filed Against Mountain Home School District, Board
MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. – Fort Smith attorneys Joey McCutchen and Stephen Napurano filed suit today against the Mountain Home School District and Board of Education for violating the open-meeting provisions of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. The case involves former Mountain Home Superintendent Jacob Long polling two Board members (Lisa House and Daniel Smakal) over a secret text message…
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Reaching the end of step 3 Baxter romance like —
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redeyeflyguy · 1 year
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Wonderful Things That May Or May Not Be Wonderful Second on our list of Magic Kingdom Mountains is the second in opening order. The one that put legendary imagineer Tony Baxter on the map and gave us one of the most iconic lines in a theme park ride safety spiel, give it up for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad! What makes BTMR a classic among classics is its atmosphere and attention to detail. This isn’t a roller coaster, this is a ride on a possessed ghost train through a Monument Valley inspired landscape beset by supernatural disaster. From geysers to earthquakes, from a swarm of bats to a dinosaur skeleton, there is so much to see and experience as you barrel across the tracks. It is far from the most thrilling ride and very far from the quietest ride (Those chain lifts. Yeesh.) but Frontierland just wouldn’t be Frontierland without the most wonderful wildest ride in the wilderness. Now, here’s hoping that the WDW gets the updated dynamite fueled finale that Disneyland Paris has. P.S. I would like to give a shout-out to BTMR’s queue. Yeah, it doesn’t have air conditioning which is a big minus but it has a lot of interactive elements, a whole lot of cool mining stuff and several references to 1975’s The Apple Dumpling Gang (one of my childhood favorites). P.P.S.  If you can, ride it at night. Lower wait time, cooler visuals and maybe cooler temperatures. That’s a win-win-win right there.
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Baxter Mountain Lake Placid, Adirondacks
Contact ©morningcallsphotography
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care4dog · 2 years
Animal Hospital in Mountain Home, AR | 24-Hour Emergency Vet
Animal Hospital in Mountain Home, AR | 24-Hour Emergency Vet
Near your 24-hour emergency vet and animal hospital in Mountain Home, AR. Quickly Find Chip Emergency Animal Hospital. Find Chip Emergency pet vet quickly. Our team in Mountain Home makes it easy to find an emergency vet based on top customer ratings and reviews. Find the nearest Emergency Mobile Pet Hospital, Animal Hospital in Mountain Home, AR. Animal Health Center – Mountain Home Rating 4.6…
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gb-patch · 1 year
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[Charming guest art is by MELLodrawmatic on Twitter]
Hallelujah. And happy birthday, Mr. Monochrome.Enjoy exciting summer days in the company of Baxter Ward during Steps 3 and 4!
Steam Page (Windows/Linux)
Itch.io Page (Windows/Linux, Mac, Android)
GOG Page (Windows/Linux)
From May 19th to the morning of May 26th, the Baxter DLC is 10% off! The older DLCs and the soundtrack have discounts ranging from 20% to 25%.FEATURES:
Unlocks 5 Step 3 Moments: Sightseeing, Hang, Drinks, Mountain, & Planning
Unlocks an entirely new storyline in Step 4
Allows you to form a deeper relationship with Baxter Ward (platonic or romantic) and spend time more with your friends
Includes new character sprite art, background locations, and CG images
Provides  even more options for adding custom qualities to your character. Is  your protagonist a good dancer or do they have two left feet?
Unlocks bonus scenes in the other Step 3 Moments where what happened in these events is referenced and reflected on
Increases the overall playtime by multiple hours
The base game and some of the DLCs were updated with Baxter related alterations and general fixes. If you have the game already, please let Steam/GOG update those files or download the new updates yourself on Itch.
And, well, here we are. It's been nearly three years since the original launch and the final Our Life: Beginnings & Always DLC is finally available. I cannot believe it took this long, and I can believe it even less that so many people have continued to follow us over such a lengthy development. Support for our team and the game has never wavered no matter how much time has gone by. That's something I'll always appreciate regardless of what happens in the future.
Thank you for moving into a sleepy neighborhood in Sunset Bird and making a life there. It wouldn't have been the same without you 🥰️!
Now I hope you'll enjoy this last full-length story of a particularly dramatic man. He requires a lot of patience, which clearly you have, haha.
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zef-zef · 1 year
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Bonnie Baxter - Axiom from: Bonnie Baxter - Ask Me How Satan Started (Hausu Mountain, 2018)
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verana115 · 8 months
Hiking a trans pride flag up 131 mountains in the Northern Appalachians, parts 33-34: Baxter
Pamola - 34a/131:
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Sugarloaf - 33a/131:
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Mars - 33b/131:
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Chase - 33/131:
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Doubletop - 34/131:
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Howe - 34b/131:
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South Turner - 34c/131:
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More nature photos!!!
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Thanks for reading this far :D
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