#bap ego
kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd8UxUlqaZ8
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brigidandair · 1 year
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Album: B.A.P - Ego
Makestar Limited Edition
Yongguk Inclusions - Photocard: Green Text 》 Photocard: Orange Text Postcard: Grey Back 》 MV Photo Postcard
please give credit to brigidandiar if you use these scans!
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Could I ask for courting/relationship headcanons for my pathetic boy Idia in your AU?
Sorry, this took a while.
Man, poor OG Idia already has it hard as a cursed human, he's not the type to make the first move, even with his brother providing him with all the evidence and statistics showing him that you would accept his feelings.
But now we're adding him being a big spider with those courting and mating instincts that conflict with the guy's other anxiety-driven instincts telling him to avoid it all and that everything would go wrong and that you would tell him “Ew no, you're a gross spider that’s blue all over.” and then poke him with a stick.
Most spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together when it's time to find a mate. It doesn't happen all the time but it’s common for the males to get eaten after mating or even before they have the chance to when their advances are rejected. Now that is for regular spiders but there might be a chance of it if you go up to the wrong person and these guys still have those instincts telling them to be warry thanks to their ancestors. People always say “The worst that can happen is they say no.” But really there's the chance they might say “Ew no” which is way worse. Or the extra way way worse when you are a spider cuz your crush might get freaking aggressive with you and take a bite out of you. You being a little human def ease his worry about the latter, but not the former.
It's later after you guys start to hang out that he starts to be a snarky little shit, who knew such an anxious guy could have so much sass. He’s a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having a big ego. It's one of those times where he starts mouthing off that you do actually try to bite him, he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn’t even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he’s even more of a shit when teasing you.
With Idia romantic feelings will develop slowly over time after becoming friends though. It's def a new feeling for him, he gives me demi-ace vibes and I think this would be the first time he had this kind of interest in a real person, it was always fictional characters before.
But also I feel like with him it could turn into him thinking these fillings are just how it feels when you have a best friend since he’s only had his brother for all those years and you're the first person outside of his family that he felt this comfortable around and when he actually does these courting behaviors its subconscious and his instincts are kicking in and his brother is actually the one to point it out.
The male of the orb weaver family (Araneidae) and some others court by rhythmically plucking the threads of a web. After the female approaches, he pats and strokes her before mating. I head canon that not only is he able to create webs but they are cool and glowy and he makes a cool hammock for you to chill in sometimes or even hang out with him on one he made for himself…and then without thinking when you're leaning against him and enjoying the soft blue floof of his legs he gives you a few gentle pats and baps with spider paw and Ortho lets out a gasp and startles him. Oh, he gets so embarrassed once Ortho starts asking him about how long he’s been courting you and how he’s so proud that he made the first move despite his anxiety. Hopefully, he does his questioning after you're out of the room.
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(Oh, to be patted by one of his cute spooder paws.)
Or perhaps…he pulls a male wolf spider and ends up doing that purr after you say or do something that hits him in those feelings and oh boy, he is so embarrassed when he realizes he did it thanks to your excited reaction to hearing it. Though it hurts his ego a bit when you squeal about how cute it is…I mean…even if he didn't mean to do it, it was supposed to be sexy…still with spiders if you're rejected you either get ignored or attacked…even though he knows better, the inhuman part of his brain is telling him your positive reaction is a “yes” to getting with him which lends to him actually considering that this might actually work out and that Ortho is right. 
(Tbh I don't get why the video says it's creepy, it kind of sounds like bird sounds to me.)
Silk-wrapped gifts and offerings, expect snacks and games. Though admittedly he’s going to give you ones that he wants you to play with him. Beating a boss in co-op counts as a date…right? Right. Best believe he’s gonna be getting you hard-to-get items in game, armor, and whatever else. It’s easy to forget his rich until he gets you some decked-out gaming computer or that handheld you wanted, all wrapped in glowing blue silk of course. Actually, driders giving gifts made of their silk is very much a thing they do but Idia mostly does small simple things, expect to get really cool bracelets and hair ties infused with his scent. He gets so happy and so smug if he sees you wearing them.
I found out recently that another thing some males will do is do sort of a silk-involved message, though I think that is another thing he would do after you guys start dating and not before to...get you in the mood.
The massaging motions of the spider are officially called mate binding. Basically, the male massages the female, so that she'll allow him to mate with her, without killing him before he gets the chance. The male spider releases silk over the back of the female as he massages her. The same study also suggested that it was the feeling of the massage that soothed the female, and not the smell of the silk as some scientists suggested.
NSFW: I just found out that Darwin’s bark spiders figured out they're less likely to get eaten by ladies if they do oral. Do with that info what you may.
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chaos-and-recover · 6 months
Here's a silly ask. I'm in my 30s now but I was once young dumb and full of cum like any other teen boy. I got tall and bearded early looked old as fuck tbh thought it was great then but less great when I go in to buy cigarettes nowadays and some guy says thank you for serving in Vietnam and I have to say bro. Bro. I was born in 1992 and went bald at 21. Anyway that's not the point. So I'm this 15 year old former fat boy with the rage of being bullied for being fat stuck suddenly in a 6'2 body. Wrestling and free weights were all I cared about. I'd been in so many street and school fights and won all of them. Because I was kicking the shit out of bullies teachers kinda turned a blind eye. Also because I was undefeated in wrestling and got my school gold in nationals I knew I can handle my shit. So there was a door greeter at Walmart who at the time I thought was old as balls cuz I was fifteen right but the dude was probably like. Forty. Some short Mexican guy. And he caught me shoplifting and I said wtf you getting mad at bro you ain't gonna touch me door greets can't do shit. And he says boy I ever see you steal shit again I'll teach you manners when I see you off the clock. Guy also worked at the bar and thought I was older than 21 cuz I looked older. Like full ass Brigham Young beard and a receeding hairline, couldn't even drive yet, so he never ID me. Bold as hell I steal shit in front of him again. I knew I could take his old ass, I was in my prime. So I see him at the bar later that night and he meets me outside both of us sober. He says you really gonna get your ass beat over a Snickers? in front of the bar crowd and I go someone's about to and charged him. To say he beat my ass would be a lie. He didn't beat it. He obliterated my ego and body and soul there in front of everybody I fucking knew. Had me spinning around his 5'2 head like one of bruce lee's bo staffs and bapping me against the walls and sidewalk. My dumb ass kept standing up and he kept going you sure son? and I was like shit yeah. Well eventually I just kept my ass on the ground and he helps me up, asks what my name is, says he'll take me home since I walked there. Goes why did you walk? I say oh I'm not sixteen yet. And that's how I got permanently 86'd from every bar in my hometown.
This is top tier, excellent pacing and character development. The drama of a Wal Mart greeter who cares way too much about his job vs the kid who definitely needed to be taken down a peg (I mean. You did. Sorry. <3). A+.
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supyovalk · 3 months
A Compilation of all of "Treasure" Clone Moves
So I decided to compile all the moves I could find in treasure that are majorly different than the main dancer (footage by ScottS)
First House, Left & Right Clone: Snaps his fingers with hip movements
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First & Second Chrous, UNCOUNTABLE AMOUNT OF CLONES: Doing repeated many dances. of Note are the ones that looks to the camera, the ones which points to center, and ones who jumps to skies and FRICKING DABS afterwards, seen in around (Those can best be seen on right on the "Make my wish come true" part on the second chorus)
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Second House, Many Clones: Doing whatever with capes.
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Second House, Front Left Clone: Whatever TF that is.
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Second House, Front Right: Okay see, that's better.
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Okay here goes the most Important section to this, and the reason I made this thing, because there is so much poses cramped into this: THE BRIDGE.
Bridge, Shot A: Back Clones striking two different clones, While Front Left point at his phone and Front Right holds his shirt
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Bridge, Shot B: Back left isn't notable, but Back right points at the camera in amazement, crouches and waves. Front left waves & spins his head towards the camera, also raises a eyebrow. Front right looks at his camera, Eyes the other camera, and points into it, tongue out.
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Bridge, Shot C: Back Left does some shoulder work and stirkes a elegent voice. Back Right presents center Jack and does some shoulder work. Front Left points to three others in sync to the "You,You,You" and then looks at the camera at the "Your are". In contrat, Front Right points at center Jack at "You are my treasure", points at the camera three times to the "You,You,You", and then moves elegantly his hands down across his face.
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Bridge, Shot D: Back Left Does a similar but not exact presentation to the one in Shot C. Also seems to go sweep his sleeves in the final moment. Back Right just vibes with his hands. Front Left nods at the camera and then procceds to look at hand, for some reason. Back Left just nods at the camera.
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Bridge, Shot E: Back Left just aims at the camera and moves his hand across his face. Back Right Continues his pose from Shot B but also now Waves AND Points at himself. Front Left just vibes and Front Right points his hand and then hold his shirt.
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Bridge, Shot F: Back Left Crosses his hands and procced to make a marvelous hand waving, back lookin pose. Back right presents to the camera, does some shoulder work and then proceeds to grab and push down his shirt. Front Left just checks his chin and hair while looking at the camera, and Front Right also just vibes with the camera
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Third Chorus, First Shot: Background Jack is FRICKING HOLDING A ROSE IN HIS MOUTH, and the panel Jack is just waving his hands
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Third Chrous, Second Shot: Background Jack is now aiming the rose at us, and Panels is vibing, while holding his microphone in a VERY weird way.
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Third Chrous, Third Shot: Background Jack is now Sending a kick to the audience, and Panel jack is now vibing
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Third Chrouse, Fourth Shot: Background Jack contiunes his kiss sending while winking and Panel Jack just sings at the camera.
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Third Chrous, Final Shot: Background Jack does some movement that are obscured by the Front Jacks and then Proceeded to point his rose holding hand in the Same time and direction the Front Jack do the same. Panel Jack does stuff that is even more Obscured.
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Outro: like to balance doing nothing major in this chorus, Panel Jack gets a big section in the outro. Getting from whatever he did in the previous shot, looks at the camera from a sideways angle, proceeds to put his cane on his shoulders, move around, puff his chest, starting to spin it around, stop then bop it front and back to the "bap-bap" of the outro, and spin sideways again.
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This list is probably incomplete and uses subpar screenshots, but it's just to show how much detail spcicfilly the clones got in "Treasure", which kind of fits the "Ego" message of this routine.
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rubix-writings · 11 months
Punisher Pt. 14
Fourteenth part of Punisher. I sincerely apologize for the lack of posting, I think it’s almost two years now which is wild. I got writer’s block and just couldn’t work through it and then honestly forgot about this story. This chapter is short but I’ll be posting Pt. 15 tomorrow.
This is a Chicago PD/Fire imagine with an original character. I don’t own any of the plot points or characters from the show. Also, it doesn’t follow any particular season or sequence in the shows.
Series Summary: Josephine (Jo) never expected to find support and pure love when she left Los Angeles. She ran away to Chicago and was content with living an insignificant, hidden life. But everything changes when she walks into Molly’s to get a job.
Josephine (OC) x Jay Halstead
The italicized lines are internal thoughts of the character.
Warnings: mentions of pain pills
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The car ride back to Jay’s after the hospital was a quiet one. My body and mind completely shut down after I knew Jay was okay. Jay never left my side at the hospital, I guess having a brother that works in the ER and being a cop helps break protocol. After all the excitement, fear, and adrenaline of the day I fell asleep in the passenger seat clinging to Jay’s hand. I slowly wake from Jay rubbing my thigh and squeezing my hand. 
“Jo,” he whispers. “I would carry you, but it would hurt your ribs.”
I slide out of the car and lean against Jay. He rubs my back softly as we stand in the elevator. Even through the exhaustion, there’s still fear. I never felt that kind of fear before, it’s not fear for my own life but for Jay’s. That’s what’s scaring me now and I don’t know what it means. My mind can’t stop focusing on the events leading up to all of this, I always lock the door when I open. No matter how much I rack my brain trying to remember me locking the door after getting into the bar, I can’t picture it.
“Are you hungry?” Jay coaxes while leading me into his apartment. I shake my head and walk towards the sofa. I throw my coat on the chair before sitting down to take my boots off. “Jo, you have to eat with these pain pills. Will said it could make you sick if you don’t.”
I know he’s right, but all I want is to remember locking the door. Why can’t I remember that? My eyes begin to water out of frustration. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay,” Jay comforts. 
“I always lock the door after I get in, I can’t remember locking it today,” I hyperventilate.  “Why didn’t I lock the door?”
“Jo, this is not your fault,” Jay cups my face in his hands, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. 
“I always lock the door, I don’t get it,” Jay grasps my shaking hands. 
“Jo, please listen. There is a laundry list of people to blame before you. Including myself,” he sighs. “I have no idea how he knew about you or about us, but I swear to you I will find out and make sure nothing like this ever happens again. It’s been a long day, we’ll talk more in the morning alright? Why don’t you get into bed and I’ll bring you something to eat and some water?” 
I don’t say anything as I get up to go to Jay’s bedroom. I’m not mad at him, I don’t think I ever really could be. Chicago just doesn’t feel like the safe haven it once was.
Taglist: @whit85-blog @bestillmystuckyheart @nocturnalherb16 @5sos-imagine @miranda0102 @thexplosivegirl @annalism @ego-allie-bap
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moonse0k · 1 year
Long time no see!
My apologies for abandoning this account :( Life and college got a little bananas there for a while and I lost motivation.
However! I was thinking of coming back and reworking Fours A Crowd as well as About Last Night… So I suppose I’m just curious how you would feel! As well as if you would want to continue to be on their tag lists, please let me know! I’m kind of excited to come back again! 🤍
Fours A Crowd Tags: @fangirl125reader @rjsmochii @demonic-meatball @teti-menchon0604 @lyndseygoregasmxo @hannahdinse8 @ego-allie-bap @hesmyphenominiall @madaboutjeon @90s-belladonna @halesandy @hwayne2294 @sweetmoonlight9 @foodisbaepinterestislife @little-dark-empress
About Last Night Tags: @babycoffeefire @hwayne2294 @niallsarmveinstho
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ilhoonftw · 1 month
bigshit was awful since day 1 like they used some questionable ways to promote beets like beets getting this big is pure luck ... and maybe bap getting nerfed had them find audience
mhj case is a person with big ego being put on a glass cliff 💀
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yegormirnov · 7 months
Travis Scott’s “UTOPIA” or How You Can Justify the 5 Years for an Album
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On the 28th of July, the long-awaited album “UTOPIA” by Houston rapper Travis Scott was released to a global audience. After the commercial success of his 3rd album, “ASTROWORLD,” the bar was set extraordinarily high. This album's hype permeated globally, featuring mysterious briefcases, an Egypt performance (unfortunately canceled), and mastering from Mike Dean. It seemed as if the album was Travis’s version of "Graduation" or "MBDTF," so the question is:
Did the protege manage to succeed?
“UTOPIA” is weird, absurd, creepy, and fantastic. Those four words were the first that came to my mind after listening to the whole thing. In comparison, “ASTROWORLD” was akin to a rollercoaster or entertainment park, offering an experience of entertainment and amusement, which clearly played it much safer than “UTOPIA”.
“ASTRO” was colorful, but not as motley and vibrant as “UTOPIA”. It had risks, but wasn’t as edgy or even half as bold as the latter. Travis’s goal with “UTOPIA” is to engage you in his album atmosphere once more, achieved here by the effect of shock and amazement.
Explosive instrumentals and angelic outros are fundamental in every Travis Scott album, but the variety of soundscapes represented flawlessly in this LP is tremendous. The album is replete with hip-hop beats in disguise, allowing Travis to flow wherever and however he wills. Most of his rap performance is rough and raw, reminiscent of his older “Owl Pharaoh”/ “Days before Rodeo” style evident in “Hyaena”, “God’s Country”, “Skitzo”.
On his 4th LP, Travis ventures into unknown directions. An instance is “K-Pop,” dancehall-inspired music with elements of Latin involvement. “Modern Jam” is another example indicating his new direction. The boom-bap “Beyonce’s Renaissance” house music dominates this project, illustrating the multifunctionality of Travis’s style. The album showcases peak Travis psychedelic beats and performances, entrancing listeners in this natural, spatial feeling of oddness.
One issue I had with “ASTROWORLD” was that the feature list mostly outshined Travis, leaving little space for him on the song. However, here Travis immerses you by himself, making it the standout of this project for me.
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On “UTOPIA,” invited artists deliver some of their best verses with amazing execution. Each artist sounds seraphic and vibrant, finding their niche and contributing to the complete experience. For example, in “FE!N,” Playboi Carti reveals a more mature, rough, and revolutionary style, an incredible opportunity to showcase his new era on such a long-awaited release.
Additionally, Travis introduces newcomers and upcoming talents. “UTOPIA” introduces Teezo Touchdown on “Modern Jam” and KayCyy on “Thank God”. Both were phenomenal; Teezo’s voice, initially found annoying and disturbing, showcased its subtleties and proper implementation on “Modern Jam.”
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Even minor elements, such as Sampha’s feature on ‘My Eyes,’ Young Thug’s verse on ‘Skitzo,’ and immersive vocals from SZA and The Weeknd, display the well-mastered nature of this project.
Artistically, “UTOPIA” represents Travis finally merging both alter egos (Scott and $cott) and utilizing them marvelously throughout the album.
Let’s explore his $cott side. He reverts to the rawness, hunger, and desire seen in older projects, illustrating this rage and hunger on “UTOPIA.” He flawlessly portrays his trap image, ready to stay.
Regarding his Scott ego, it delves into the transparency of emotions, offering immersive and complex structures. Here, Travis reaches new heights, potentially patenting this sound and his psycho/bizarre influence in the future.
Now, for the cons of the album, which though minor, are present.
The inconsistency and duration of the album are significant concerns. While most tracks feature amazing progressions impossible to imitate or repeat, their length with complex constructions can cause boredom and distraction for the regular listener.
Favorite Tracks:I Know?, Modern Jam, Hyaena
Least Favorite Track:K-Pop
In conclusion,
“UTOPIA” is many things - Travis Scott’s version of Yeezus, reminiscent of the past, or simply a unique, dark, immersive experience. For me, “UTOPIA” is a loose concept, seen from individual perspectives. It's not just a place or an album. It's emotions that emerge, creating the feeling of UTOPIA within you.
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brigidandair · 1 year
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Album: B.A.P - Ego
Makestar Limited Edition
Zelo Inclusions - Photocard: Green Text 》 Photocard: Orange Text Postcard: Grey Back 》 MV Photo Postcard
please give credit to brigidandiar if you use these scans!
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frozenbound · 1 year
Shimadacest headcanon #29 (featuring Young Genji and Okami(ish) Hanzo):
Genji rolls his eyes, but he dutifully blows out the candles on his birthday cake to placate his friends.
Hanzo understands. Genji has always tried to puff up his chest and act more "mature", only to fall back on juvenile behavior whenever temptation presented itself, and the contrast between his aspirations and his actions is all the greater when he's been comparing himself to Hanzo, his older brother.
His much, much, much older brother, by the looks of things.
But it's partially appearances that are to blame. Hanzo is only in his early forties, and he has maintained an active lifestyle that has kept...most...of the wrinkles away, but hardly anyone looks past his hair.
It's long, luxurious, and looks oh-so-soft to the touch, whether it cascades past his shoulders or hangs in two carefully braided plaits on each shoulder, but it's also perfectly white.
Hanzo had gone completely "gray" by age 25.
It's fine. Even when the first streaks of white began appearing when he was Genji's age, Hanzo couldn't bring himself to care too much about it. So long as his body was ripped and firm, he couldn't care less about his hair...and neither did a certain subset of very enthusiastic lovers, drawn in by the contrast of his youthful face and shockingly white hair.
Many of them even say he looks like a hero out of an old legend, and is that doesn't stroke his ego...
But poor Genji, so much younger than Hanzo, has always felt the pain of being compared with a brother who, on top of being mature because he is mature, is also far less adventurous and daring...
Genji might catch some flak for his antics, but Hanzo is sure at least half the problem is that their relatives only saw the responsible, thoughtful adult Hanzo had grown into, and somehow they expected Genji to jump directly from playful child to responsible adult with no rascally juvenile in-between.
Hanzo might roll his eyes and bap Genji on the head after his little brother did something truly idiotic, but the years had given him perspective, and he couldn't bring himself to begrudge Genji enjoying the short, short time of his youth.
Even now Hanzo was preparing for an...interesting time, when Genji would finally be free to fully indulge himself. He was an adult now, and he wouldn't have to hide the bottles of liquor in his bedroom or sneak into the most popular clubs anymore.
Hanzo expected to receive a lot of midnight phone calls in the months ahead. Genji would calm down after he thoroughly overindulged, and while Hanzo would be watching over him to make sure he didn't get into any real trouble, he had faith in his little brother's ultimate good sense and good character.
With that in mind, he caught Genji's eye from where he sat on the far side of the room, Genji looking over, radiant and happy amidst his sea of friends, and raised his glass in a silent toast of congratulations.
Genji grinned back and raised his own glass full of his "first" glass of liquor before draining it in a few gulps to the laughter of his friends.
Then he set the glass down on the table.
And fixed Hanzo with a look.
Hanzo stared back.
Genji looked...
His little brother looked...
Then, when Genji saw that he had his brother's attention, he licked his lips.
A shiver ran through Hanzo.
And that was his first warning about what Genji wanted to indulge in first.
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Home Is Where The Laughter Is ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @silvlee-shepherd @yandere-ipli-ler and @thehostofleetrature
Sometimes it can be hard to find time as a couple, especially when both of you lead very busy lives. However, it can be much harder when you’re a polyamory of three with a superhero, vigilante and multi-media all-seeing host. This was the case with Silver Shepherd, Yandere and The Host most of the time… but not today. Over the past few weeks and months Silver’s heroic duties had him working flat-out, Yandere had been teaching some of the other egos self-defence on top of their regular work, and the Host had been writing countless things non-stop. But today they were free to just be with each other, with no other commitments taking their time away from them. As a result… there was mischief afoot.
Host and Yandere had teamed up, setting up pranks galore especially for their darling hero, all with a tickly theme of course. Silver had just tumbled out of a closet which had been turned into an evil container of feathers, with arm holes in the sides where Host and Yan had reached through to poke and squeeze his tickle spots. Silver was red-faced and still giggling as he narrowed his eyes at his lovers, who were grinning and playfully wiggling their fingers at him.
‘Aww, I had no idea the mighty Silver Shepherd was weak to feathers!’
‘Indeed. Can you imagine if his adversaries found out?’
Yandere and Host teased, making Silver’s flush darken as he smiled bashfully; they always knew just how to tease him to get him all flustered. But as we all know… Silver is a hero, and heroes do not let villainy go unchecked. He smiled, his gaze flicking between them both as he caught his breath. His fingers twitched by his sides as he spoke.
‘You two are gonna pay for this.’
Yandere and Host sensed the change in his mood, and both smiled giddily when Silver smirked and whispered.
The Host and Yandere started running, Yandere squealing with excitement as the Host flushed and quietly giggled, his giddiness building. The two of them held hands as they hurried through the manor with Silver hot on their trail… though they weren’t running too fast. Silver grinned as he chased them, knowing that in the end his darlings wanted nothing more than to be caught by him. Host and Yandere bolted into the poly’s shared bedroom, and froze in place when Silver burst in behind them and slammed the door, smirking as his gaze fixed on them. They both gulped as they backed towards the bed… before Silver launched himself at them.
‘EEEEP! Sihilvy nuhuh!’
Yandere shrieked as they and Host found themselves on their backs on the comfy bed, with Silver looming on top of them with a goofy grin and wiggling fingers. The Host half-hid his face in his hands as Silver winked playfully.
‘Silvy yeees!’
The hero started sporadically poking and scratching at his lovers’ tummies, making Yandere giggle brightly as the Host squeaked and tried to curl up.
‘Nononohoho S-Sihilver wahahait!’
‘Wait for you to prank me again? Yeah I don’t think so mister!’
The Host snorted cutely, hiding in Yandere’s shoulder as Yan weakly bapped at Silver.
‘Wehehe dihid ihihit ohout ohof lohove!’
Silver snorted now, shaking his head fondly as he teased.
‘Aww you did it out of love? That’s so sweet of you! You must let me return the favour sweet-cheeks!’
Silver tickled all over their tummies relentlessly, making sure to use every technique in the tickling handbook: scratches, traces, pinches, squeezes, vibrating his fingers, and even a few air tickles because he felt like it. Yandere and the Host were both giggly messes, but as Silver’s tickles started inching towards their waists their giggles got louder, especially the Host’s – as a result, he ended up blurting out something rather desperately.
‘The clohohoset wahas Yahahanny’s ihideahaha!’
Yandere squealed, their eyes going wide as they gaped at him… and then they gulped, because Silver’s tickling had stopped. Part of the Host felt guilty when Silver’s eyes locked onto Yanny, but he couldn’t help but smile when Silver smirked with the brightest mischief known to mankind.
‘Ohhh you’re so getting it!’
Yandere let out a bright scream of laughter as Silver latched onto their hips, squeezing evilly and making Yandere descend into hysterical cackles. The Host melted at the sound, and decided that he might as well go all the way with his treachery. He sat up with a happy smirk and pinned Yandere’s hands above their head, making them whine adorably at his betrayal.
‘All is fair in love and tickles darling.’
The Host teased, before placing a warm kiss against Yandere’s forehead to make them blush. Silver smiled lovingly at them both, and giggled as he started spidering Yan’s hips.
‘Aww look at that blush! You got a crush on us or something?’
Yandere’s face got even hotter – the one thing that flustered them more than anything was when Host and Silver got all flirty with them. They smiled bashfully through their mirth, getting countless butterflies in their stomach.
Silver gasped dramatically as the Host chuckled, and Silver teased his fingertips over the tops of Yandere’s thighs, scratching softly to keep Yan giggling brightly as the hero cooed.
‘Yeah? Well maybe we can take you out to dinner… after you’ve been tickled to smithereens. Sound good cutie?’
Yandere felt like they were going to combust from all the teasing, tickling and flirting! They adored it all of course, but that didn’t stop them from pouting adorably.
‘Yohohou’re ahaha meheheanie tehehehease!’
Silver giggled fondly, raising an eyebrow down at Yandere as he cheekily skittered his blunt nails against their inner thighs – he really was feeling rather merciless today.
‘Oh yeah? Remind me who started this whole mean teasy prank saga?’
Yandere’s blush crept down their neck, making the Host chuckle as he continued to perceive everything. It made him feel so warm and happy inside, hearing Silver’s excited teases, feeling Yandere getting all flustered and happy. It was everything he’d been missing and more. But now he gulped… because he registered Yandere’s giggly reply.
‘Hohohosty dihihid! I-It wahas his ideaha to spihike your cohocoa with Maharvy’s tickle pohollen in the fihirst plahahace!’
Silver gasped, blushing at the mere memory of the evil internal tickles that had had him rolling about on the floor in hysterics. He had mercy on Yandere as he gaped at the Host, who had gone bright red with nerves. The Host opened his mouth, then closed it and immediately tried to bolt off the bed.
Silver exclaimed, and managed to grab the back of Host’s shirt as Yandere giggled, eagerly grabbing one of Host’s arms so they could help yank him onto his back on the bed. Silver and Yan shared an excited look as the Host started giggling – he always got so giddy from the anticipation alone.
‘N-Nononoho h-hold ohon c-can we tahalk about thihis?!’
Silver and Yandere giggled, before the hero straddled the Host’s midriff, and Yandere yanked his arms above his head – and sat on them for good measure. The Host squirmed, getting goosebumps from being so exposed and vulnerable, which was made so much worse when Yandere cooed down at him.
‘What was it you said? All is fair in love and tickles… darling.’
The Host went beet red, wriggling as Silver unbuttoned and opened his short with an excited grin in place. Then the Host burst into frantic giggles as Silver deviously scratched and traced his vulnerable, bare underarms.
‘Nohoho p-plehehease nohot thehere not thehehere!’
‘Ohh I think definitely here! We know you love getting your pitties tickled!’
Silver teased, making the Host flush and splutter with his intense embarrassment.
‘Shuhuhush shuhuhuhuhuuuush!’
Silver and Yandere’s giddy, musical giggles filled his ears as he writhed about, tossing his head back and forth as he tried to ignore the tickly sensations – sadly, there was nothing he could do.
‘Aww he’s so flustered, poor baby.’
Yandere cooed, making the Host wail through his giggles, arching his back as Silver’s blunt nails scraped incessantly against his hyper-sensitive skin.
‘Maybe he should have thought about the consequences before he decided to be a cheeky menace!’
The hero remarked, raising his eyebrow down at the Host who immediately babbled.
‘Ihihi’m sohohorry!’
‘Oh not yet you’re not, but you sure as hell will be!’
Silver grinned, keeping one hand tickling one of his hollows whilst the other ventured to scratch under the Host’s chin, aka the writer’s secret tickle spot. The Host scrunched and yelped adorably, entirely taken off guard.
‘NAHA! Gehehehet ahahawahay!’
‘Why would I do that when you’re so damn cute?’
Silver teased, giggling happily along with him as the Host’s mirth got adorably frantic and high-pitched. Yandere beamed at them both… they’d missed this so much. Listening to the laughter of their lovers, seeing them blush and smile and watching the joy light up their faces like sunrise.
Silver giggled smugly at Host’s whines, which made Yandere smirk. Their crimson eyes glimmered playfully as they raised a sharp eyebrow at their darling hero.
‘I don’t know why you’re so smug mister, you’re just as cute and ticklish as Hosty.’
Silver’s eyes widened as he blushed, not expecting Yandere to tease him! In his surprise his tickling fingers stilled, and his breath hitched when Yandere moved off Host’s arms with a predatory look in their eyes. The Host grinned at the turn of events and sat up, making Silver squeak as his wrists were captured by the seer. The hero looked between them both, smiling nervously as Yandere purred.
‘Say Hosty, shall we remind our handsome hero of just how cute and ticklish he is?’
The Host chuckled darkly, sending chills down Silver’s spine.
‘I think that is a wonderful idea darling, after all…’
Silver squealed as he was flipped onto his back, the Host now straddling his thighs effortlessly as Yandere clapped their hands excitedly. Silver was a mess of squeaks and half-babbled protests as his wrists were handed off to Yandere… and now he was the one all vulnerable and exposed. Yandere sat on his arms and wiggled their fingers down at him, whilst the Host cracked his knuckles. Silver knew one thing for sure… he was screwed.
‘… all is fair in love and tickles.’
Silver screamed with laughter as Yandere’s nails danced in his underarms, and the Host pushed up his shirt so he could raspberry the absolute hell out of his perfect, ticklish tummy.
‘Nuh uh honey, only our fun little traps got you! It’s only right that we get our hands on you properly!’
Yandere sing-songed through their delighted giggles as they sent him a cheeky wink, whilst the Host snickered and growled against Silver’s tummy.
‘Indeed. I for one want to play with your adorable toes after I’ve filled this belly full of raspberries.’
Silver threw his head back with his mirth as they kept tickling him and grinning happily, Host and Yandere relishing in drawing every cute reaction out of Silver that they possibly could. The hero’s cheeks started to ache from smiling and laughing so much, and frankly Host and Yandere were in the same boat. The joy was filling them all up to the brim, and it was beautiful.
‘You okay down there handsome?’
Yandere cooed, making Silver wail adorably as he looked up at his darling ticklers with huge puppy eyes.
The Host and Yandere smirked fondly, and Yan decided to nuzzle Silver’s neck lovingly as the Host purred, grinning wolfishly.
‘We are going to torture you… for as long as you want us to.’
Silver’s heart soared with delight as he burst into fresh peals of laughter, knowing he was going to be tickled into utter oblivion. Then after that he would help tickle Host and Yandere into oblivion, and then they would all curl up messily with food, blankets, a wholesome movie, but most importantly each other. They would relish every second of each other’s company because at the end of the day, that was the most important thing to all three of them… and all the joys their polyamorous love did bring.
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arduouslove · 1 year
chapter 6 has been posted! you can find it here
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mrscorpio · 1 year
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[Electronica/Beats] MrScorpio's HOUSE FIRE Podcast #293 - Special Tribute to Trugoy and 1993 17 FEB 2023 Mixcloud: http://bit.ly/Mixcloud293 D/L: http://bit.ly/DL-HF293 Shows: http://bit.ly/ScorpioPodcasts Feat: Name/Artist/Album L.O.V.E And You & I/Jazzanova/In Between Underground/Liv.e/Girl in the Half Pearl Happy Ending/Kelela/Raven Full Circle/Warwick/Only You E.P Isotonik/DJ PG/VG/NZ Electro 2020 I know/Yoofee/Lost Papers EP Sunbrnt/Viola/Sunbrnt Spiritually (Jeremy Juno Remix)/Jonny Bee/Deephouse, Vol. 1 Pink Sunset (Radio Edit)/Vertigini/Nothing But... Deep House Essentials, Vol. 06 Take a Chance/Chiffre 100/Nova Tales Pres. Tales of Deep House, Vol. 2 Call For Freedom/Marc Brauner/Happiness Therapy 14: Amberjack Like This (Sante Cruze Re-Edit)/Crazibiza/Nu Disco Club The King (Original Mix)/Vedic/Afrocentric, Vol.01 Award Tour/A Tribe Called Quest feat. De La Soul/The Anthology Ego Trippin' (Part Two)/De La Soul/Buhloone Mindstate What's Next?/Leaders Of The New School/T.I.M.E. La Schmoove/Fu-Schnickens/Fu-Schnickens' Greatest Hits Sound of Da Police/KRS-ONE/Return Of The Boom Bap Gangsta Bitch/Apache/The Classic Remixes & Productions Of A Tribe Called Quest Shoop/Salt-N-Pepa/Deadpool Hip Hop Hooray/Naughty By Nature/Hip Hop Hooray I Got A Man/Positive K /I Got A Man Slam/Onyx/Def Jam Recordings 25th Anniversary Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)/Digable Planets/Beyond the Spectrum the Creamy Spy Chronicles Gin And Juice/Snoop Doggy Dogg/Straight Outta Compton Let Me Ride/Dr. Dre/The Chronic Check Yo Self/Ice Cube/ Das EFX/Check Yo Self 93 'Til Infinity/Souls of Mischief/93 'Til Infinity Dilla Plugged In (Prod. J Dilla)/De La Soul/Dilla Plugged In (Prod. J Dilla) Send me your tracks at Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mr_scorpio Check out all your tracks on my show THE HOUSE FIRE/ every other Friday @6-8 PM GMT on InvaderFM: http://invader.fm Stream the podcasts at my Mixcloud: bit.ly/MrScorpiosShows Friend me up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrscorpio247 Look me up on Tumblr: http://mrscorpio.tumblr.com Shoot me your videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrScorpio Peace, Scorp
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royal-chess-piece · 14 days
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"dont save the man what are you doing. anons are going around calling him a god. he already has enough complexes as is. we need to bap him to bring him back to normal levels."
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"They're just having fun.. I don't see the harm in it.... But you are right and that his ego can get a bit outta control sometimes.."
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funkinblues · 21 days
Quasimoto is a side project of hip hop producer Madlib, 
Alterring/ Altered
And animated alter ego Lord Quas from Oxnard, California.
Quasimoto, came on the scene first as a featured MC on Peanut Butter Wolf’s “Styles Crews Flows Beats” 1998. 
Peanut butter wolf is a LA based DJ and founder of Stones Throw Records. He is white. (Just a fact of interest)
Madlib had been experimenting with Quasimoto since 1996.  Initially recordings were meant for his own personal listening.
“When I recorded the album I didn’t use effects, I just spat on the tapes. 
So I went out there and done my first Quasimoto show and my voice was regular in a crazy suit” 
The attitude of Quasimoto is that, of a wild and eccentric lifestyle, told in a fictional creative world where Madlib ties in jazz, soul and hip hop instrumentals incorporating hip hop within illustrations.
Madlib put out Quasimoto’s debut solo album The Unseen  in 2000.
Lord Quas continued to build Madlib’s reputation as one of the most creative and unique creators in hip-hop.
The Further Adventures of Lord Quas (2005). 
Noticeably, Quasimoto’s flow is intrinsic to hip hop, his imagery is that of trouble. 
Lyrics as featured in basic instinct 
Yo, we got the basic instinct to keep the party live
We got y'all niggas open, hit you with the party vibe
I'm cruising like skating in Central Park
With a box portraying the menace
I got the 40 on my lap, my tape playing Boom Bap
The nigga next to me talking about, what up man, that shit not my style
Now we spark it live every day of the week
Keep a nigga from getting tweaked up inside this piece
I fall on niggas like a rain child
When we're wrecking up the scene we bring the pain loud
introduces colour to the cartoon created by Madlib and Jeff Janks.
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Quasimtoo is an aardvark. Aardvarks are medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammals native to Africa. They have a long snout, similar to that of a pig, which is used to sniff out food.
Quas among other things represents dirty violence, he's rapped about killing people in more cartoonish and gruesome ways and artwork to amplify a hip hop aesthetic.  Lighter than tom and jerry.
In an interview Madlib was asked if Quas can hold his own in a fight, which he said “nah he’s a wimp, that’s why he carries a brick”
In other interviews (BBC 1 Radio with Benji B) Madlib talks of Lord Quas as a separate extension of himself, like a friend “he uses a brick.” “We might get back in the studio” “he took my last girl” giving life to a picture or concept most people can relate to, escape from or aspire to be like. 
The Quas character we know today was first drawn by DJ Design (credited as Keith Beats) for Quasimoto's “Microphone Mathematics” single.
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At the time, Quasimoto was literally supposed to be “unseen” – he’s the semi-invisible figure sitting in the car seat on the cover of The Unseen.
Quasimoto’s lyrics hit personally as Madlib gives the cartoon a personality as well as a voice. 
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