#bakumomo brotp
nerdyneko6373 · 5 months
Since you asked me about Midoriya for the character ask thing, I shall ask from you, Shoto Todoroki!! >:D
MY FAV!!! MY GUY!!! 🤍❤️
Favorite thing: How genuine he is. He's very straightforward about what he thinks and wants, which leads to a lot of comedic or heartfelt moments! He's trying his best 🥺❤️
Least favorite thing: NONE >:3
Favorite line: I have to choose?! I love the secret love child line but it's already overused lol, so here's a different fav of mine:
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And then he goes on to offer Izuku his noodles and wasabi and stuff to make him feel better. My HEART 😭❤️ (this scene makes me tear up every time)
brOTP (fav platonic relationship): hmmm it was hard to choose between TodoDeku and TodoBaku, but I think I'm going to have to go with TodoDeku. Their friendship is just so very precious!!
OTP (fav ship): TodoMomo!! (note: this is my OTP for Todoroki, but not for Momo. My OTP for Momo is BakuMomo, but that's a story for another post 😅) They work so well together, and I think they balance each other out. Momo is insecure sometimes, but Shouto brings out the best in her, and together they're a formidable team.
nOTP (ship that I cannot stand): I don't really have a Shouto ship that I am strongly against, actually (note: obviously, I hate all pro-ships with Shouto.)
Random headcanon: After spending so much time with Izuku and seeing his Hero Analysis books, Shouto ends up keeping his own book with all his conspiracy theories. There are a LOT of secret love children from pro heroes out there, and he's gonna find them all!
Song I associate with him: Up in Flames by Coldplay. The lyrics fit how he feels about his family so well...
Fav picture of him: Here's two because I can't choose between them!
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sweetbyte · 5 years
Title: Patronus pt.1 
Pairing(s): TodoMomo | BakuMomo (Friendship)
Rating: T 
Summary: Apart of the Lessons in Magic Series/HP AU. Yaoyorozu finds a way to deal with failure, Bakugou tries to help, Todoroki is exceedingly distracting and he doesn't even know..... 
He expects her patronus to be regal and elegant like her.
He’s vaguely aware of others in the room shouting out ‘expecto patronum’ while others, like him, are waiting for Yaoyorozu to succeed, as she usually does. Yaoyorozu has always been far ahead in every class and has been since first year so this will probably be no feat for her. She’ll summon her patronus, the professor will billow “10 points to Ravenclaw!” and everyone will be in awe of her magical prowess.
With a graceful but practiced swish of her wand, she clearly chants the incantation and suddenly silence falls upon the room as nothing happens.
Shouto hears snickers coming from a group of Slytherin girls who have always had it in for the girl as soon as she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Being from the most powerful pureblood house, it was quite the scandal to have broken the generations of Slytherin heirs. They are quickly silenced by an irate Bakugo, whose jaw is clenched at the sight of Yaoyorozu visibly getting distraught. The action is enough to snap most students from the sight and continue their own attempts at the spell.
As she continues to try, her want movements become shaky and her voice is almost desperate. When Midoriya successfully produces what looks to be a phoenix, her eyes widen and her wand falls to the ground. He takes a step towards her, but Bakugo has already let out a stream of profanity quickly picking up her wand and is escorting her, or rather dragging her out of the class. The professor says nothing, as he’s fascinated by the other boy’s patronus. They were only practicing, no one actually expected a corporal patronus.
The Slytherin girls resume their snickering and Shouto ignores the pang of jealousy and truly hopes that the abrasive blond can console Yaoyorozu.
Bakugou gives her space. He doesn’t ask her how she feels. He doesn’t lecture her. He doesn’t try console her with soothing words or gestures. He giver her space to get through her embarrassing episode of anxiety and she’s grateful.
Once she’s calmed down, she apologizes. He naturally scoffs.
“You don’t have to an overachieving swot at everything, you know.” He’s leaning against a castle wall and she resists the urge to nag him for he’s dirtying his robes. Instead she allows a small meek smile and moves to lean next to him, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder. “You should heed your own advice.”
“I am sorry you missed the class babysitting me.” She starts again causing him to nudge her head. “Stop bloody apologizing.” His tone is warning but she ignores it. “You didn’t get to-“
“It wouldn’t have mattered. I know I wouldn’t have been able to produce one anyway.”
“How are you so sure?” Momo moves her head to glance at him in question, but he stares off into the distance with a blank expression. “We are on the same sodding boat, are we not? No happy memories or overwhelming feelings of love to conjure up…”
She lets out a deep sigh and contemplates how what he said was true. The pure hearted, compassionate Yaoyorozu could not conjure up a patronus because she truly had no precious memory she held close to her heart.
“How utterly depressing” She blurts, almost cynically that it surprises her, and she feels him grunt in agreement.
“Truly fucked up, indeed.”
The rest of week was spent practicing summoning their patronus. The rest of the week was also absent of Yaoyorozu’s presence. He tried not to think about how it bothered him. The head girl is the embodiment of academic perfection so a couple of absent days are not all common for her.
Despite practicing, less than half of the class could summon a patronus, and he was not included in that small group. It surprised him that, that didn’t bother him much at all.
He ran into her, literally, on the morning of their break day. She had just rounded the corner of the grounds outside, where the air was chilly, when they collided. She let out a squeak as she fell before him, in slow motion it seemed, and he did his best to catch her mid-air to no avail. She landed in a somehow graceful heap, and laughed sheepishly, not yet looking at him or his outstretched hand.
“Ouch. My apologies! I did not mean to de so unaware of my surroundings! You see there was a cat, and I was trying to see if the poor thing was a stray. Though that is probably highly unlikely, I felt the need to check. It’s rather cold out here for a cat to be wondering around- “
“Yaoyorozu.” He interrupts the girls rambling and her eyes fly open as she jumps in surprise.
“Todoroki! What brings you around here? Oh, do pardon me, that came out incredibly rude! Also pardon me again for being so reckless, you see there was a cat and- “He allows himself to smile at her antics before cutting in again.
“Yaoyorozu, I’ll tell you after you let me help you up. I doubt the cold cement is all that comfortable.”
“Oh, right!” Her laugh is light and melodic, and he notes that her hands are soft despite the cold as he helps her up.
“I am truly sorry” Momo begins again, and he waves her off. “If anyone should be sorry, I think its me. I scared off your cat.”
“No worries, my only concern was for it not to be caught in the harsh weathers.”  
“I was on my way to the library to study charms.” He answers her first question as he watches her pat down her robes.
“I never pegged you as an early riser.” She blurts out.
“Truth be told, I wasn’t. I rather found I now enjoy the peaceful solitude the morning brings. Additionally, the books I needed where usually already booked out by midday.” He nods his head to the direction of the library and she joins him on his trek.
“It appears I owe you another apology.” His eyebrow arches, asking for elaboration and she laughs lightly. “I may have been the one monopolizing the books.”
Nothing can stop the jump in his chest at the sound of her laugh, and nothing can stop the twitch of his lips. “Well, I can’t say I’m all that shocked.” He is not, it makes perfect sense.
“I’ll be mindful in the future” She promises. “Truthfully, most of them are rereads for me.” She admits guiltily, and he relishes the color that graces her cheeks.
He smiles as they come to the split, finally in the corridors of the castle. “No need to apologize. If anything, now I know who to hunt down in the future.” Her eyes widen and he allows himself to smirk at the sight. “That is, if you can manage to get them before me.
Content with himself, he gives her a final nod. “I’ll see you around, Yaoyorozu.”
His blood is warm as he turns to continue down to the library, willing himself to ignore the thunderous heartbeat that is embarrassingly his.
Momo is still frozen when he disappears from her sight around the corner. She’s frozen, but her body is on fire. Her treacherous heart is surely about to implode.
Momo has spent a good amount of her 7 years at Hogwarts fancying this boy, and in her experience of fawning from afar, she cannot say she’s ever seen him smirk. Well, correction, he has smirked but only a handful of times when dueling in DADA.
What’s worse is that it was directed towards her and she doesn’t know what to do. She remembers the muggle saying she learned earlier in the week and pinches herself. Not dreaming, but definitely dazed, and that’s how Bakugou finds her.
“What’s got you looking stupid?”
“Huh?” His face twists and concern paints his face so quickly that its comical and he puts a hand on her forehead.  ‘Huh’ is not and has never been in her vocabulary.
“What the actual fuck? You’re burning up! Don’t tell me you’re sick.” He grimaces, taking a step back in precaution while swiftly retracting his hand. She ends up choking on air, which further deepens his scowl. “You should probably go to the infirmary, you’ll end up worse if you try occlumency today.”
“No! I am not sick!” She argues. They had gotten special permission after some stings where pulled to allow Bakugou to teach her occlumency in efforts to control her emotions after her anxiety episode. Occlumency is mainly used to protect the mind and thoughts, but they concluded that it might assist her in controlling her nerves. Bakugou might not be the most patient person, but what he had been teaching her was helpful.
“I don’t want to hear it. I ain’t taking any chances.” Her nose scrunches up at his comment. His mother would truly be sent to the grave if she heard him talking like that. “I trust you can make it to the infirmary on your own...?”
“What a gentleman, truly. I must insist, I am not- “
“I told you I ain’t-” He rolls his eyes at her obvious distaste “I am not taking any chances, we are done here.”
Again, she’s stuck watching the retreating from of yet another male and sighs. Boys
Bakugou eyes her skeptically when they resume her occlumency lessons in the room of requirement. Momo huffs in response and starts warming up with breathing exercises. Now that he has been teaching her for about a week, he has become rather ruthless when pushing into her mind.
‘You’re not going to get a proper warning if someone wants to bust in, Yaoyorozu! They are not gonna ask for your bloody permission.’
As soon as she’s done, she takes her position in front of him and nods, signaling she’s ready. He only glares before immediately starting his assault.
‘Build a wall’ She remembers him demanding, but the walls are barely holding up. She vaguely recalls the muggle tale of the wolf and the three little pigs before she feels Bakugou push again. She feels a crack in her barrier and that’s all he needs to bust in. Suddenly she’s on her knees gasping as her thoughts and memories she’s tried to hide flash by her leaving her exposed.
Momo is still trying to catch her breath when Bakugou’s shoes come into her line of sight. She manages to look up and catches the grimace on his face while he extends a hand to help her up.
“Am I getting better?” She asks, breathless, as she lets him pull her up to her feet and he snorts.
“I mean, you are lasting longer, but its still fucking easy to read you. I told you to build-“
“Walls. Yes, that is precisely what I have been doing!” She interrupts him, agitated causing him to snicker. “Sure, it is, princess.”
“You doubt me?”
“Its just really bloody hard to believe when the first thing I see is you hot and bothered over that halfie.” Momo squeaks, mortified.
“Your father is one of the best legilimens, is he not? That annoying prick would be dead if your father saw what I did.”
She knows he’s right, so she can only nod with determination. “Again.”
AN// Thank you for reading. I feel like I’m finally getting my mojo back. Just took a year or two, I know. Excuse any error, this is unbeta’d and non proof-read. 
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kitanoko · 7 years
WAIT YOU TAKE WRITING REQUESTS ? if so could you do a kacchako married life with kids or pregnant ochako like i want a heartwarming katsuki fanfic pleaseeeee i would love it so much especially if you are the one who will write it really thank you so much for everything you do for this fandom , love you and looking forward for your respond have a nice day
Note: Hint of bakumomo brotp (thanks to blamedorange I can’t get it out of my head). Also comedic LOL You flatter me, anon! Your ask made me really happy. Enjoy the fic!! 
In which Bakugou gives her a surprise
               Hereyes skimmed over his credit card statement scrutinizing every letter and everynumber. While guiding with her finger, her brows scrunched together lookinglike she was solving the biggest puzzle of the century. What the heck did hebuy at Future Electronics?
               “Katsuki,”Her eyes were still glued to the sheet, “Could you come over?”
               Bakugougrumbled a short ‘mm’ and slowly traipsed over. Watching as she lowered herselfagainst the velvet cushion, her arms made way to rub her stomach in a roundmotion. She was due in 3 months and they both couldn’t be happier. The journeythrough motherhood was a difficult one; every morning she’d feel extra tiredand she would have horrendous mood swings. Par for the course of beingpregnant.
Fortunately, Bakugou was alwaysthere early from work. Given his amazing performance, his boss had no problemswith him taking time off once in a while to take care of his wife. Yaoyorozuwould visit a lot too and would constantly offer to buy baby clothes or any neededequipment that came to their mind. Bakugou once asked her to just create theitems but Yaoyorozu, being righteous beyond words, would shake her head torefuse.
Appeasing Uraraka’s eye level,Bakugou knelt down beside her, a hand slowly stroking her voluminous hair.
“Why did you spend $120 dollarsat Future Electronics?” She thrusted her lower lip forward looking as thoughshe was expecting an elusive answer, “I don’t see any new electronics in thehouse.”
His lips curved into a smallsmile; toying with a brown tuff of hair on her head that was clearly out ofplace, he said “I got a baby monitor for the crib. The electric dolt was theone who recommended it ‘cas he’s using the same one with earphone tentacles.”
“Please call them by their actualnames,” Uraraka commented. She’d been making progress trying to get Bakugou toact more civilized but seemed like Yaoyorozu was the only one who could givehim etiquette lessons that he wouldn’t dare forget.
She turned her head over acutely;just enough to see his slightly pointed teeth. A blush grew on her unblemishedcheeks as she recalled Ashido asking her if she ever found it hard to kiss himbecause of his badass demeanor. “Quite the contrary”, she remembered answering.
Shaking her head to pull herself awayfrom her reverie, she found herself an inch away from his face.
“Jirou told me before her babymonitor was only 40 bucks,” she said, suspicious and she saw him dart his gazeaway purposefully with a sigh.
“Fine, gimme a second.” He didn’t sound toocompliant but he knew he couldn’t keep the surprise much longer. Standing up, hestuffed his hands in his pockets, head tilted high as he trekked up the stairs.Barely a minute after, he walked back down, head peering over the top of thecardboard box that he had enfolded in his muscular arms. The box he was holdingsounded as if rocks were inside, rattling side by side.
With the heel of her palm,Uraraka pushed herself up but ceased halfway, halted by her husband.
“Don’t get up,” he called out, “I’llbring it over. I was planning to surprise you.” He gave a pause, analyzing thewrinkles that appeared out of her confusion. True, he wasn’t the type to givesurprises, usually. But marriage changes most people, right?
“I was reading an article in a magazine when Iwas waiting for your doctor the other day. About music and babies.”
He gradually lowered the box infront of the couch that was pretty much exclusive for her for the past half ayear, “So apparently classical music makes babies smarter.”
He stuck his arm inside andretrieved a stack of CDs squeezed between his calloused fingers, “So hell withit, I got one of each CD on the shelf. You shoulda seen Kaminari’s face, hethought I was possessed.”
As he looked through the backdescription of each CD case one by one, Uraraka’s gaze fell on his gentleexpression. If she were to tell people she wasn’t worried about being a mother,she would be outright lying. The thought of waking up every morning, caring fora new member of her family, let alone her own baby, was awfully daunting.Sometimes, when she was alone in the house after her husband left for work, shewould curl up in an edge of a room and just sob, letting out all her stress. Whetherit was purely out of nerves, or maybe the fluctuation of her hormones, she hadyet to tell.
“I’m so happy,” she extended herarm over to squeeze his forearm, stopping him from studying the CDs, “You’regoing to be a great dad.”
He knelt down again, “And you’regoing to be a great mom.”
Maybe Yaoyorozu’s lectures on etiquette are working, Uraraka thought. Had it been 2 years ago, Bakugou would’ve swore up a storm. Both of them paused for a short while to grasp themoment with Uraraka still in awe of his compliment.
Bakugou cleared his throat, revelation arisinglike a light in the end of a tunnel, “Hey we gotta find the right name for ourlittle troublemaker. We haven’t done that yet.”
She groaned, “Don’t call her atroublemaker please. I don’t want to jinx anything, which is a high possibilitysince she might take up after you.”
He let out a light chuckle andclicked his tongue, “If she looks like you, we’ll call her ‘Angel’.”
She smiled brightly at the cutesuggestion but that was clearly the calm before the storm. His red eyes flashedominously. She had been with him for too long to not know that somethingridiculous was currently worming through his mind.
“If she looks like me…” his voicetrailed off and he raised his arms in emphasis, “we’ll call her ‘King’!”
Uraraka jaw-dropped. Feeling anannoying twitch of a vein on her forehead, she buried her face in her palms andlet out a frustrated yelp.
“Katsuki, would it kill you tolet me feel sentimental longer for once?!”
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bakumomo-vibes · 5 years
imagine momo getting a piggyback ride from bakugou after a long fight and shes half conscious mumbling "thanks... todoroki...san..." and bakugou starts screaming (still holding onto her and making sure shes comfortable tho) "DID U JUST CALL ME ICY HOT U BETTER WISH I HEARD WRONG" and momo just replies by nuzzling onto the back of his neck 😂
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riverswum · 6 years
because yay I love my cutie patootie daughter and my grouchy son. okay sooooo
• we all know momo is the queen of class a
• everyone loves and worships her
• so september comes and they're in the common room w/ momo nowhere in sight when jirou casually says "hey, you know, momo's birthday is in a few weeks."
• everyone stops what they're doing
• even bakugou, who's listening to some emo band w/ earphone on, lowers the volume
• the girls immediately plan a surprise for their elite gal friend
• the boys nod their head in approval and volunteer to help
• they agree to let satou bakes the cakes
• they also agree to come up w/ presents
• lots of them
• bakugou rolls his eyes and thinks it's stupid
• they're stupid
• but okay maybe he's considering his options too
• there's not much, he thinks, because ponytail is rich as heck and she already has everything sooo
• ????? this is rather troublesome ?????
• why does he care anyway ?????
• whatever, he doesn't give a sh—
• ok scratch that he's got an idea
• her birthday finally comes and there are surprises and cakes and games
• momo is the happiest they've ever seen her
• after dinner and disastrous attempts on playing twister and also poor excuse of a karaoke session...
• presents time!!!!!
• they all take turns to give their present
• none of them are very extravagant on their choice of present because sentimental value, guys, sentimental value –jirou
• she receives small pretty things instead
• like hand-knitted pouch from uraraka, all might special edition action figure from midoriya, a lovely guitar pick from jirou since she's been wanting to learn how to play it for a while now, and a beautiful bracelet from todoroki
• the last one makes all of them smirk in amusement by how incoherent momo gets after receiving it
• kouda summons a group of canaries to sing for her
• momo is beaming in happiness because all these thoughtful little things warm her heart so much and by the time it's bakugou's turn
• she looks at him expectantly and oh—
• he's empty handed
• she smiles nonetheless, because it's okay, and she's already thankful that he's willing to celebrate her birthday
• kaminari and tsuyu-chan shake their head in disappointment
• hagakure and mina are yelling
• sero shuts mineta's nonsense-spitting mouth w/ his tape for the world's greater good
• bakugou pops a vein in annoyance and shouts at them to calm the fuck down and stop making assumptions, stupid before making his way out their dorm
• he signals for momo to follow him
• precious momo is preciously confused ??? but she (and everyone) follows him anyway
• bakugou, snarling and red-faced, stands in the middle of their yard
• iida is about to ask him what he's doing when suddenly he lifts an arm, palm upward to the sky, and the whole class is just so done like seriously baKUGOU STOP IT WITH YOUR EXPLOSIVE SHITS AIZAWA SENSEI IS GOING TO GROUND ALL OF US
• but then—
• it is silent (for a split second) before everyone scREAMS and everything spins off of its axis
• the whole class is astounded
• the stray kittens class a decided to adopt are astounded
• aizawa is (mildly) astounded
• momo gets all teary and tells him it is one of the best presents she's ever gotten and thank you so much, bakugou-san. i will cherish this moment forever!
• she is also trying hard not tackle him into a hug
• but miserably fails
• bakugou hugs her back (for, like, 2 whole seconds) because even though he acts like it 99% of the time, he's not actually immune to her cuteness
• mineta dies
• todoroki sets himself on fire
• kirishima and kaminari and sero and mina won't stop bugging the hell out of him, asking how does he do that
• jirou just cackles because she's right pals, bakugou does care about the great yaomomo!
• bakugou is 936291% done w/ this class
• he doesn't even know why he bothers putting up w/ these jackasses half of the time
• but momo also doesn't stop smiling and grinning and bouncing for a whole week
• so maybe it's (kind of, just a tiny itsy bitsy bit) worth it ?????
• he'll never admit it aloud, but he's frickin proud of himself for coming up w/ the brilliant idea
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Had fun doing this. Don’t judge me.
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littleroundpumpkin · 6 years
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(I gotta get all my bakumomo feels out before I go back to school tomorrow!!!) @transforme-moi not exactly the comic I originally planned to eventually do for our long ago back and forth, but here you go anyway since I never did that one!
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blamedorange · 7 years
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the stars were the witnesses to the new rivalry formed in the U.A. grounds ...
the next day an unsuspecting student fell victim to the question “WHO IS THE BETTER TEACHER?” asked by an intimidating Bakugou-sensei beside Yaoyorozu-sensei who had a sweet, yet chilling smile...
this was a part of the teachers AU series, but I initially didn’t intend on posting since it had lots of words + I never got motivated to write out the last part  lmao and bc I kinda killed Aizawa in this
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kimbobbp · 2 years
momo yaoyorozu for the ask game! :]
ahhhhh tysm for the ask <3 sorry for the late replyyyy
favorite thing: i love her dedication, and that she’s always willing to help others with anything she can. vv sweet caring. would give a forehead kiss and a nose boop
least favorite thing: this isn’t exactly about her exactly, but her sexualization is just. excessive. she’s a literal minor,,,
fav quote: i honestly can’t really choose haha
brOTP: TODOMOMOOOOO. they're those rich gay/lesbian best friends. they honestly give me the “forced relationship but actually best friends who simp over their respective crushes and paint each other’s nails” vibes. if you get what i mean
OTP: absoLUTELY momojirou. i don’t even have to explain. i do also ship momokamijirou,,, my favorite poly ship
nOTP: pretty much momoneta and like,,, bakumomo? idek really
random headcanon: from one of my other posts but she has literally anything in her backpack, and it’s heavy af
unpopular opinion: i feel like her quirk doesn’t have a lot of... boundaries? like, it’s crazy OP and open to so much speculation, so i feel like it should have a couple, like, drawbacks? (not saying that there aren’t any, but it should be more expanded on)
song i associate w them: surface pressure from encanto lmao. but also like, killer queen by mad tsai
favorite pic: i have no idea how to add in photos, it’s not working (i can’t technology) but its the art from one of the character popularity polls when she was 10th,,, she’s wearing headphones and holding a stick behind her head. or the one where she’s wearing bakugou’s suit haha
thanks again for the ask :)
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vixenofthemist · 7 years
Well, I started writing for the Angst Royalty AU, and the first scene has Momo and Bakugou judging peoples outfits at a ball... this is a sad AU i swEAR !!
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deadwriter16 · 2 years
uhhhhhhh momo for the ask game
favorite thing about them: badass bitch, super cool quirkl
least favorite thing about them: her arc was kinda bad :/
favorite line: i have no idea what has she even said do people just like remember lines that characters have said?
brOTP: kamimomo, bakumomo
OTP: momojirou
nOTP: idk uh kirimomo? is that a ship? if it is then i dont ship it idk
random headcanon: momo gives the best hugs
unpopular opinion: her costume is not that bad
song i associate with them: i dont really have one? but honestly stick like any like cardi b/lizzo/megan thee stallion song and it works
favorite picture of them: hair down momo...so pretty...
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ask game: https://deadwriter16.tumblr.com/post/673760411658715136/mushroom-cookie-bears-send-me-a-character-and
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lunaleen-writes · 3 years
You are pretty d*mn awesome
[BakuMomo Brotp] AO3 Link
Characters: Bakugo/Momo
Summary: Momo accidentally hears some students from Shiketsu talking bad about her, Bakugo is having none of that.  AKA words of encouragement Bakugo style.[BakuMomo Frienship]
Notes: Hey, just another idea that I needed to get out of my head, I really love the BakuMomo Brotp. Momo is amazing, she is the only one that doesn't see it. 
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She was walking towards the bathroom when she heard them, a couple of girls from Shiketsu were talking pretty nasty things about her, from how much she was eating to why she was the one invited instead of one of the hot guys from her class …of course, she was too polite to say something to them, so she just continued walking. She was used to it by now. Whenever she would go people would judge her for the way she dressed, her body, for being rich, for being able to get into UA by recommendation, for choosing to be a hero when she could’ve taken over one of the many family businesses.
Things had gotten extremely bad after her pathetic act in the sports festival of her first year at UA, there were so many mean comments about her online that she had decided to close all of her social media accounts once and for all. It’s been three years since then, she did so much better in the other 2 school festivals, but people still talked about that one.
Even if this was already her last year, she could not shake the feeling that she was taking the space that someone way more talented and qualified could take at the school. Most of the students at UA, if not all of them had really powerful quirks or a very charming personality that put them on the path to be the number one hero one day.
From UA only 3 students of her class had gotten the invitation, Bakugo and Todoroki of course, and then it was her. When Aizawa called her to let her know, she was sure it must have been a mistake, she was nowhere near Bakugo or Todoroki and it wasn’t as charming or popular with the public as Midoriya.
The event was a dinner where the top 20 heroes, members of the police, politicians, and new heroes were invited, anybody that was someone or wanted to be someone in the heroes circle was there. She just wanted to be over the whole thing, she was used to these kinds of meetings, coming from a rich and important family she attended these reunions all the time, but she always felt like she didn’t belong. She didn’t have the thin and feminine body that most of the other girls had, she wasn’t as confident, she wasn’t a ‘’fan favorite.’’
She found herself doubting every decision she had made constantly, she felt like she could not be a hero, and she also felt that people could see it. Maybe it wasn’t too late to give it up. 
 Coming out of the bathroom she noticed the girls were no longer there, in their place was an annoyed Bakugo leaned against the wall.
‘’Hey, Bakugo, what are you doing here’’ She asked, hoping he wouldn’t notice her teary eyes. If he did, he chose to ignore it.
‘’I heard them you know, why didn’t you say something?’’ He questioned her, angrily. If there was something that Bakugo could not comprehend, was people that didn’t stand up for themselves.
‘’What was I supposed to say? They are right! I’m not the one that should be here, there are so many others that.’’
‘’Cut the crap!’’ He interrupted her. ‘’Have you seen yourself Ponytail? Why do you care about what these extras have to say? You have a badass quirk that anybody would kill to have, you are rich, and if you’d ask me you are pretty damn hot too. You are amazing and you are the only dumbass that can’t see it.’’
Hearing these things from someone like Bakugo really did things to her. Her whole face went completely red and suddenly the whole room felt hot.
‘’Th.. thank you Bakugo’’ She muttered, timidly.
‘’Yeah, don’t get used to it, let’s go.’’ Groaned Bakugo grabbing her by the arm. ‘’Aizawa was actually looking for you, we need to take some stupid pictures now.’’
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sweetbyte · 5 years
Title: Patronus pt.2 ((pt1)
Pairing(s): TodoMomo | BakuMomo (Friendship)
Rating: T
Summary: ((Apart of the Lessons in Magic Series/HP AU. Yaoyorozu finds a way to deal with failure, Bakugou tries to help, Todoroki is exceedingly distracting and he doesn’t even know…..)) Momo finds that for every two steps forward, she ends up 3 steps back.
Momo feels particularly tired after their session and rubs her temples while making her way through the corridors by her lonesome.
‘I’d escort you, but detention calls princess.’ Bakugou had smirked causing her to roll her eyes and wonder how he ever got the position of Head Boy.
The walk to the Head common rooms from the Room of Requirements is lengthy but she doesn’t mind the exercise. The silence of the long halls brings her peace and allows her to meditate on her thoughts. Her steps are light and poised so when she hears what sounds like scrapes from the end of the corridor, she stops to look in curiosity. She frowns when its nothing and she proceeds down her path hesitantly.
Momo isn’t one to be scared, but in the words of the last DADA professor, one must have constant vigilance. With her mind preoccupied, she doesn’t notice she’s bumped into someone until she’s falling. She doesn’t know she’s falling until the someone manages to catch her elbows keeping her from the unforgiving floor.
She slowly opens her eyes, having closed them when bracing for the impact, ready to spew apologies when they die in her throat.
“I can’t say I rather enjoy running into you like this, but at least I was able to catch you this time.” Todoroki breathes and she suddenly becomes hypersensitive to the warmth from his hands on her elbows. ‘Is this where I should build walls?’ She thinks as she feels the blood rush to her face so quickly, it’s disorienting. She’s too tired from training with Bakugou, but he is going to have a field day if she cannot strengthen her occlumency. ‘Maybe I should stare into Todoroki’s eyes just to spite him.’
“I..” She finds that she’s lost for words as he steadies her back to her feet.
“The cat?” He questions and she’s sure he is teasing.
“Not this time. I’m afraid it was all my paranoia.” She admits cautiously moving away from his grasp, and instantly regrets the loss of contact.
“Paranoia?” He questions with a slight frown and it’s all she can do to keep from chewing on her bottom lip from the nerves.
“Yes. Just hearing strange sounds from the hall. Most likely nothing, but I can’t help but wonder about it. It makes me realize just how wild of an imagination I have.” She explains and he nods, seemingly content with her explanation but then raises and eyebrow in amusement. “You have a wild imagination? I would have never guessed.”
“Regardless,” She begins to huff while smoothening out the kink her skirt, refusing to let herself stare at him longer than appropriate. “I do apologize. It’s not like me to be this oblivious to my surroundings.”  
“It happens to the best of us.” Todoroki shrugs
“Right, well I’ll let you continue on your way.” She briefly wonders where he is headed to but remembers that its none of her business. It doesn’t stop him from answering, and now she’s wondering if she’s that transparent, or maybe he is a legilimens as well. “The library.”
“Oh? I’m starting to think you’re the real Ravenclaw among us.” She jokes and laughs lightly, more out of nervousness than anything.
“Hardly. There is a project I am working on that requires extensive research. I do quite enjoy the quietness of the library as well. It’s peaceful.” She wonders if he knows that her heart rate is increasing and he’s the cause. Him and his alluring eyes, his elegant jaw line, his dauntless aurora, his apparent academic commitment. She claps her hands behind her back in effort to hide the goosebumps that are surely forming on the surface of her skin.
“I agree, I have not been able to enjoy it as much this year with my Head Girl responsibilities, but I cannot deny the fact that I do enjoy having my own common room.” She comments and he tilts his head slightly down before questioning her. It’s adorable, really. “Is that where you are heading?”
“Yes.” She all but gasps, feeling a little breathless. ‘What is wrong with me?’
“I’ll walk with you then.” He nods lightly, and her eyes widen. “I would hate to make you go out of your way!”
“To my understanding” He begins to walk ahead, ignoring her considerate protests. “they are not at all far from each other.” The comment catches her off guard and keeps her rooted for a second before she has to jog the first couple of paces to reach him.  “You know where the common rooms are?”
“Yes, the position was offered to me.” He comes across nonchalant, but she picks up the slight makes of a frown on his face before it is gone back to the neutral façade the world is used to.
“You turned it down?” She blurts incredulously, but it might as well have been a squawk.  “I’m sorry, that was inappropriate, insensitive and, of course, none of my business.”
“I was being rebellious at the time and didn’t want to live up to my father’s expectations.” She lets her eyes drift to the corridor floor knowing the constricts of expectations. “I’m sorry.”
Her apology is soft and she doesn’t truly know why it slips out of her to begin with. “You have nothing to apologize for. In fact, it looks like a dodged a hex.” Shouto jokes lightly and she feels a hint of a smile appear on her face as she keeps her eyes trained ahead. “It’s truly not as demanding as I make it seem. I just wish my cohort was more involved at times.”
“Does he not help you?”
“Oh, he does his part. However, many find that he isn’t the most pleasant to be around. Not to mention, he finds me to be a bit of a…” ‘over-achieving, intolerable, swotty-‘
“Perfectionist?” He offers helpfully causing her to chuckle in efforts to cover up a snort that would have her mother absolutely fuming. “Yes, let’s use that!”
“I assumed it would be advantageous for you both, seeing you two are well acquainted. Correct?” It’s an innocent inquiry, but it makes her heart race nonetheless as she nods in affirmation.
“Correct. We have been acquainted since early childhood, practically birth. Our parents found that a union would be beneficial for both families.” She explains clearly, hoping not to misguide the nature of her relationship with Bakugou. It doesn’t make a difference, she argues with herself bitterly. Whatever feels she harbors for the boy walking next to her won’t make a difference at all.
“Does it bother you?” He questions and the possibility of him being legilimens resurfaces in her mind again as she tries not to trip over herself like a fool.
“As archaic as the whole notion is,” She begins after a moment to recollect her thoughts hoping to sound nonchalant. “it is what I was raised for, it’s the tradition I must uphold as.. “
“A pureblood?” He interjects dryly, causing her to face him, eyebrow arched before continuing. “the heir of my bloodline. However, it is a rather pureblood notion, is it not?”
His face starts to mildly flush in what she can assume is embarrassment and she stores the sight of him when looks at her. The rosy shade suits him quite handsomely, then again, he just handsome in general. “I’m sorry, while pureblood customs don’t sit well with me, I was probably out of line.”
“No need to apologize. Even I can recognize just how primitive pureblood customs and views are. I’m not exactly proud of it, if I’m being honest.” She admits, letting her clasped hands loosen behind her back in attempted to hide any tension.
“So, it does bother you.” He picks up astutely, and she returns to staring straight ahead in disappointment at being so easily made. It’s not surprising that he read her small movement. He is one of the top duelists in their year. Reading and interpreting sudden body movements is probably second nature to him by now.
“There would be no point in me denying it, however, there is also no point in me dwelling on the matter. I accepted this to be my future ever since I learned my own name. I just hope to be able to make a change so my own children will not be exposed to the same bigoted views I have.” She honestly explains and tries not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze she feels on her.
“That’s extremely noble of you.” He replies before finally looking away from her and she wants to sigh in relief at the weight she feels was lifted off her shoulders. “Does Bakugou agree?”
“It’s rather complicated.” She snorts softly before she can stop herself and she can hear him huff in amusement. “Conflicting morals?”
“Not quite.” She sighs. “Bakugou’s aggressive and combative nature successfully allows him to play a bigoted pureblood elitist, but I can assure you that is not the case. As the only male heir of his line and soon to take head of mine, he is scrutinized much more than outsiders to our traditions can even begin to realize. If anything, our conflicts revolve around our martial arrangement. While I strive for making a change in the future, he wishes to fight for change now beginning with our betrothal.”
“That’s rather hard to believe.” He replies dubiously and she lets herself frown at the floor. “He may have many flaws in his character but being a puppet is not one, I can assure you.”
Shouto is quiet and comes to a stop. She begins to think she said something wrong, but when she looks up, she takes note of the portrait in front of them. The entrance of the Head common rooms.
“You have a lot of faith in him.” He finally comments, and Momo spins in his direction before shrugging. “It’s only natural, given our history.”
“Thank you for the escort.” She allows herself to smile sardonically. “And thank you for listening to the convoluted pureblood ways.”
He only shakes his head and offers a small sad smile of his own. “No, thank you for confiding in me, it was quite enlightening. It seems we have much more in common than I originally thought.” Her brows furrow in confusion and before she can question anything, his smile turns genuine and she’s caught off guard. “I’ll see you class, Yaoyorozu.”
She has the mind to rush into the common room ignoring the portraits cooing in the hallway. Once inside, she braces herself with her back against the wall and takes deep breaths. She starts to compartmentalize him in her mind, trying to lock him away, but his words keep ringing in her head and her blasted curiosity clutches onto it.
‘It seems we have much more in common than I originally thought.’
A/N:  Just a continuation of the last chapter. i know this chapter doesn't have anything in specific that deals with casting a patronus, but it does connect the last chapter and the next chapter which will be the little end of the the patronus area. I'm so confusing i know. Thank you!
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kitanoko · 7 years
What if one day bakugou and momo were sitting near each other at the cafeteria for lunch and this snobby girl from another department who had been envious of Momo all along comes and then….
girl: *telling her friends about momo* Ugh….it’s that bitch again….let’s go eat somewhere else…
girl: EEEEEEKK!! I’m….sorry!! *scurries off*
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bakumomo-vibes · 7 years
“Bakumomo BROTP Headcanon: Bakugou is secretly sensitive about the fact that momo is 1cm taller than he is.” 
- After class one day, Bakugou was picked by Aizawa to help wipe the blackboard. Bakugou noticed (while swearing like a sailor) the top left corner of the board being the only area left unwiped, so he took a step over to reach and.......
“Bakugou-san, I got it!” Momo called out and with a swipe, the chalk was gone.
King of Explodokills shrugged and turned away, happy that the deed was done.
“Must be the 1 cm difference...” he heard Mineta say with a gross ass smirk.
Let’s just say Bakugou served some freshly bbq grapes after.
-There was a Class A + Class B party at the school, held for the purpose of sending the kids back home for April break. Everyone was looking classy as hell (Bakugou’s dad is in the designer business so he had some snazzy clothes on despite his explosion protests), and most of the girls wore heels. 
-Momo’s at the refreshment table grabbing a fruit punch and Bakugou’s behind her, waiting...impatiently.
-”Can you hurry the fck up bitch?” 
-Momo placed the ladle down gently and turned on her heels in one quick motion, her hands resting comfortable on her hips; somehow, she looked intimidating. She stood there, TOWERING over him. 
-He was pissed, but mumbled a sorry, and she smiled again, going back to the ladle and her cup. The angry child tapped his foot while observing her; he estimated she was approximately 5 cm (that’s 2 inches goddamn) taller than him at this moment. Damn those stilettos. 
-Pairing up with Momo during physical training sessions made him 0.01% more irritated than he should be. He was usually pouring with confidence too, but with her, he’s just....teensy bit more calm?? 
-He was so used to being one of the taller ones (he’s taller than half of the class) that whenever they had to do partner stretches, he felt almost small? 
-Bakugou secretly observed what Momo eats for lunch ‘cas he was curious what the heck sorta monster nutrients she was intaking; she’s superrr tall compared to the other girls and almost half of the guys. 
-He had no idea after realizing that her lunch was just UA cafeteria food, but he also realized that Momo eats twice the amount than he does
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shouta-aizawow · 4 years
Favorite thing about him
Definitely his personality. He’s the most realistic character for me, and just the way he’s so mature and able to acknowledge himself and push himself without any input from others is really admirable. His passion, his ambition, his drive. I love all of it.
Least favorite thing about him
I love everything about him so idk. I do know that my least favorite thing is how he’s portrayed in the anime and how he’s portrayed by people that don’t look past what’s the most in-your-face aspect.
Favorite line
“Doesn’t matter what anyone says. If I don’t recognize it, then that medal’s just garbage.” (I honestly don’t have a favorite. I love all his lines)
Kacchaco, Bakumomo, or Bakumina (I love friendships with him and the girls)
Kariage x Bakugou, if not, Bakubowl. I can’t choose one ship
Any incest or shipping him with adults
Random Headcanon
Despite his attempts at intimidation, Bakugou loves casual physical touch. He also loves just chilling calmly and relatively quietly with someone and those small “hey can you pass me that...thanks” moments. He doesn’t know why, it just makes him happy. (haha projection go brrrr)
Unpopular opinion
I don’t know if this is unpopular, but I actually think that from what we’re shown of BKDK’s childhood, he didn’t torment/treat Deku as badly as some people claim. Not saying he was an angel or he didn’t do anything wrong, just saying it wasn’t as bad as some people say. Also, in that last scene of the middle school before the sludge incident, it was canonically ooc for Bakugou to do that, so he was generally not at mean. (And even so, I didn’t think that him in that scene was that bad)
Song I associate with him
Maybe “UGH” by BTS
Definitely “Intro: Never Mind” by BTS
Favorite Picture of them
(Oooo boy this is gonna be tough)
Okay, so I love literally every single panel and Horikoshi sketch that contains Bakugou in it. He’s way too pretty and cute, and there were also too many gremlin and feral pictures to choose from, so I chose the picture that looks extremely different from how he normally looks. The picture that tugs at my heart strings with how much emotion and unbridled fear is shown on his face:
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