timelineblog · 2 years
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timelineblog · 7 years
21st Century: Phase One - Avengers Assemble
DATE: january 3rd EVENT: A rejected Killian accepts a jilted Hansen into A.I.M. where they work on Extremis together.
DATE: july 28th EVENT: Under HYDRA’s influence, NASA sends astronauts through the Monolith to survey the planet on the other side.
DATE: september 12th EVENT:  Frank Castle enlists in the Marine Corps following the September 11th attacks.
DATE: september 13th EVENT: General Thaddeus Ross starts the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project through the U.S. Armed Forces in order to replicate Project Rebirth.
DATE: march 29th EVENT: Iraq War begins, orchestrated by HYDRA.
DATE: august 29th EVENT: Matt Murdock meets his college roommate, Foggy Nelson.
DATE: february 25th EVENT: Bruce Banner joins the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project under false pretenses of Thaddeus Ross and earnest convictions of Betty Ross.
DATE: april 16th EVENT: Testing his experiment on himself, Bruce Banner is exposed to a combination of Gamma radiation and Betty’s formula derived from Dr. Erskine’s super-soldier serum, accidentally becoming the Hulk.
DATE: april 19th EVENT: Learning that the Army wants to use him as a weapon, Banner runs, starting a six-year chase across the globe.
DATE: november 14th EVENT: Microsoft releases the Zune 30. Peter Quill later obtains one.
DATE: january 3rd EVENT: S.H.I.E.L.D. assists Thaddeus Ross in the quest to bring down the Hulk until 2011. Stark also provides Humvee-mounted sonic cannons.
DATE: october 31st EVENT: Aldrich Killian injects himself with the Extremis virus, healing his disabilities and allowing him to walk without a cane.
DATE: february 19th EVENT: Killian exposes willing subjects, mostly seriously injured military veterans, to Extremis. Those who survive heal and regrow lost limbs.
DATE: may 15th EVENT: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Melinda May earns her nickname “The Cavalry” during the Rescue in Bahrain.
DATE: december 18th EVENT: Nick Fury places Phil Coulson in charge of Project T.A.H.I.T.I. with the aim of using the Kree corpse to potentially revive a fallen Avenger.
January 12th
January 24th
January 25th
April 21st
April 26th
October 24th
October 25th
November 17th
Tony Stark demonstrates his Accelerated Wave Explosion (A.W.E.) weaponry to the U.S. Armed Forces.
Christine Everhart is kicked out of the Stark Mansion by Pepper Potts after a one-night stand; she later becomes an anchor for WHIH World News. Later, during a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan, Tony Stark is kidnapped by the Ten Rings, who are working for Obadiah Stane.
Under Fury’s orders, Phil Coulson questions Obadiah Stane as to whether or not Stark could have sold weapons to terrorists. Fury refuses Coulson’s request to go search for Stark himself.
Project T.A.H.I.T.I. test subjects go insane and are given new memories to cope with the effects of the trauma.
Stark and fellow captive Ho Yinsen, who saves Stark’s life multiple times, construct Tony’s Mark I suit of armor, allowing him to escape; Yinsen does not survive. Stark’s first flight as Iron Man is picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D.’s radar and Nick Fury contacts the U.S. Department of Defense with the intel.
Image via Marvel Studios
July 16th
Having returned to the U.S., after pulling out of the weapons business and cancelling all military contracts, Stark turns his attention to his Arc Reactor and Iron Man tech.
Pepper Potts and Phil Coulson discover the Iron Monger Armor and Stark uses his Mark III armor to battle the power-hungry Stane, who dies in an explosion of the industrial Arc Reactor.
Stark publicly claims his new nickname as Iron Man, rejecting S.H.I.E.L.D.’s cover story; he’s later approached by Nick Fury to join the “Avengers Initiative.” That same day, Anton Ivanko dies and his son Ivan vows to take revenge on Stark by developing his own powered-armor tech.
Emil Blonsky and his team track Bruce Banner to South America
April 23rd
May 22nd
May 24th
May 31st
June 1st
June 2nd
June 4th
June 5th
June 7th
June 9th
November 13th
Tony Stark appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Weaponized Suit Defense Program Hearings.
Natalia Rushman, a.k.a. Natasha Romanoff, joins Stark Industries as Tony’s new personal assistant, on Fury’s orders.
Ivan Vanko crashes the Circuit de Monaco, battling Tony Stark, who equips his lightweight Mark V armor and defeats Vanko’s Whiplash tech.
Image via Marvel Studios
May 30th
While Fury confines Tony Stark to house arrest after helping to slow his palladium poisoning, Rhodes delivers the stolen Mark II armor to the military, where it’s upgraded by Justin Hammer.
At the same time, Jane Foster and Erik Selvig monitor strange atmospheric disturbances in New Mexico, landing them on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s radar.
Meanwhile, Thor’s coronation is interrupted by the Frost Giants breaking into Odin’s treasure room; the Asgardian quickly brings the battle to Jotunheim before Odin puts a stop to it.
Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, and Happy Hogan defeat the Hammer Drones when Vanko hacks them to attack the Stark Expo. During this battle, a young boy (now confirmed to be Peter Parker) stands up to a Hammer Drone, assisted by Iron Man himself.
Coulson arrives in New Mexico and Thor crashes to Earth while Bruce Banner arrives at Culver University.
Odin enters Odinsleep and Loki begins to move against his brother when his true parentage is revealed.
Romanoff begins spying on Banner while Blonsky receives an unauthorized dose of enhancement serum.
Sif and the Warriors Three arrive on Earth with the Destroyer following them on Loki’s orders. It attacks S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and citizens at Puente Antiguo, but Thor proves himself worthy and, with his powers restored, defeats it.
An enhanced Blonsky battles the Hulk on Culver University’s campus while Romanoff reports her findings to Fury.
Stark accepts an advisory role with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers Initiative.
Image via Marvel
Later that day, Thor and Loki duel at the Rainbow Bridge. Thor destroys the Bifrost Bridge to prevent Loki from destroying Jotunheim, but that restricts Thor to Asgard and sends Loki into space. After a time, he arrived at the asteroid-strewn area known as Sanctuary, presided over by Thanos.
Blonsky mutates into Abomination when injected with products derived from Banner’s blood. Hulk defeats the Abomination after a destructive battle in Harlem.
Samuel Sterns, who attempted to cure Banner, ends up mutating due to exposure to Banner’s blood. Romanoff finds him and takes him into custody.
Fury receives the necessary funds to study the Tesseract and launch the Avengers Initiative.
Fury approaches Selvig with an offer to join S.H.I.E.L.D. in an advisory role, while the first “Mandarin bombing” occurs.
Tony Stark approaches Ross with a plan to put a team together, inquiring about Blonsky. His attitude rubs Ross the wrong way and the General refuses to release the Abomination, thus fulfilling Coulson and Agent Sitwell’s plan to keep Blonsky imprisoned.
The second “Mandarin bombing” occurs.
Image via Marvel Studios
January 11th
April 15th
April 22nd
May 1st
May 3rd
May 4th
May 6th
May 9th
July 10th
July 12th
August 19th
December 18th
December 19th
December 22nd
December 25th
December 27th
Aldrich Killian hires Trevor Slattery to pose as the terrorist known as the Mandarin in order to provide a cover for his explosive Extremis side effects which continue to make the news as “suicide bombings.”
S.H.I.E.L.D. continues research on Vanko’s “Whiplash” technology, the Tesseract, Samuel Sterns’ mutation, Jane Foster’s Nine Realms theory, and manage to thaw out a recently recovered Steve Rogers. The Darkhold also comes to their attention.
The Fifth Street Locos shoot up Eli Morrow’s car, which Robbie and Gabe Reyes had recently stolen. The car flips and Robbie is killed while Gabe is paralyzed. The Ghost Rider appears and saves Gabe’s life as well as Robbie’s, though the later is transformed into the new Ghost Rider.
Loki, aided by Thanos and The Other, uses the Tesseract energy to teleport him to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility where he steals the Tesseract and controls the minds of Selvig and Hawkeye. Heimdall alerts Thor and Odin of Loki’s arrival on Earth.
Meanwhile, Romanoff is undercover and interrogating weapons-dealer Georgi Luchkov; her mission is cut short by a call from Coulson, telling her Hawkeye’s been compromised.
Thor arrives back on Earth thanks to Odin’s use of dark energy to transport him. He has a brief skirmish with Iron Man and Captain America that ends with the agreement to take Loki into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.
The Battle proceeds to New York where Loki opens a wormhole to allow the invading Chitauri army to swarm into the city. The Avengers unite, defeat Loki, and manage to prevent a missile from wiping out New York City. The invasion is ended and the Tesseract is reclaimed; Thor takes it to Asgard for safe keeping.
Many media outlets and private citizens record video of the invasion that show off both the heroic and destructive effects of the battle, in which the mother of Audrey Eastman and the mother of Ellen Nadeer and Vijay Nadeer died.
Image via Marvel Studios
Loki manages to escape captivity aboard a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier when his mind-controlled agents take it over and the Hulk goes on a rampage. Phil Coulson is killed in the process.
The cleanup from the Battle of New York begins. Citizens begin to gather bits and pieces of the alien tech, taking it either as trophies or for other purposes. To prevent this, Tony Stark and the federal government reformed the U.S. Department of Damage Control, Spider-Man: Homecoming spoiler: which puts private salvage contractors like Adrian Toomes out of business. Toomes, however, takes this opportunity to pilfer more alien technology and put it to criminal purposes.
Phil Coulson is resurrected at the Guest House, though the painful process has the agent begging the surgeons to let him die and necessitating the implantation of false memories, like Tahiti.
Scott Lang is fired from Vistacorp for fixing what he believed was a code error that was illegally overcharging customers.
Lang then breaks into Vistacorp Headquarters to return $4 million of the ill-gotten money to customers. He also breaks into his former boss’ mansion to steal his possessions and drive his car into the pool.
Image via Marvel
July 13th
Lang is arrested and sentenced to five years in San Quentin.
A fourth “Mandarin bombing” occurs.
The fifth “Mandarin bombing” occurs. Tony Stark tests his Mark XLII armor as his Iron Legion project causes friction between him and Pepper.
The Mandarin bombs both Ali Al Salem Air Base and the TCL Chinese Theater, which explodes when Jack Taggert succumbs to Extremis’ effects. Happy Hogan is caught in the blast but survives.
Stark’s mansion is destroyed by the Mandarin.
After discovering Killian’s plan, Stark and his Iron Legion save an Extremis-infected Pepper Potts (who didn’t need much saving after all) while Rhodes rescues the kidnapped President.
Pepper’s Extremis effects are neutralized while Stark has the last of the shrapnel near his heart surgically removed, throwing the old, obsolete Arc Reactor into the sea. Stark has the Iron Legion destroyed.
NOTE: http://collider.com/mcu-timeline-explained/#phase-one-avengers
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timelineblog · 7 years
1950 - 2000: Nick Fury, Tony Stark, and Phil Coulson
DATE: december 21st EVENT: Nick Fury is born.
DATE: june 21st EVENT: Peggy Carter is interviewed about her experiences with Captain America during World War II.
DATE: january 1st EVENT: The year-long Stark Exposition kicks off.
DATE: february 15th EVENT: Yondu Udonta is sold into Kree slavery as an infant.
DATE: april 25th EVENT: The Winter Soldier conducts an operation, as documented by the KGB.
DATE: september EVENT: Meredith Quill is born.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Vietnam War begins, orchestrated by HYDRA.
DATE: august 10th EVENT: Midtown School of Science and Technology is founded. (Peter Parker will later attend.)
DATE: october 14th-28th EVENT: Cuban Missile Crisis, manipulated by HYDRA.
DATE: march 13th EVENT: Anton Vanko defects to the U.S. to develop Arc Reactor technology with Howard Stark as part of The Unity Project.
DATE: november 22nd EVENT: The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is orchestrated by HYDRA and carried out by the Winter Soldier.
DATE: january 1st EVENT: Stark World Exposition held alongside the World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows, New York City.
DATE: july 8th EVENT: Phil Coulson is born.
DATE: october 12th EVENT: Trevor Slattery performs his first theatrical role as Boatswain #1 in William Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest.’
DATE: october 17th EVENT: Anton Vanko is accused of espionage, deported as a spy, and exiled to Siberia for 20 years. Howard Stark assumes full credit for the Arc Reactor technology. Obadiah Stane convinces Stark to once again focus his efforts on weapons technology.
DATE: february 15th EVENT: Anton Vanko’s son Ivan is born.
DATE: october 18th EVENT: James Rupert Rhodes is born.
DATE: december 28th EVENT: Bruce Banner is born.
DATE: may 29th EVENT: Tony Stark is born.
DATE: january 7th EVENT: Clinton “Clint” Barton is born.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Arnim Zola dies of a terminal illness, but his consciousness is uploaded into a computer system in a S.H.I.E.L.D. bunker in Camp Lehigh, New Jersey.
DATE: november 8th EVENT: A young Wilson Fisk kills his father with a hammer to stop him from beating Wilson’s mother, Marlene. Wilson and his mother cut up the body and dump it into the river over a few days. Marlene soon sends Wilson to live on a farm with his relatives.
DATE: april 1st EVENT: The last Stark World Exposition until 2011. Howard Stark’s video advertising the expo cleverly disguises a clue to perfecting the Arc Reactor technology, one which only his son Tony Stark will recognize.
DATE: april 2nd EVENT: Yondu Udonta is freed from Kree slavery by Stakar Ogord and becomes a Ravager. Yondu goes against the code by working for Ego and delivering children gathered from across the universe to Ego’s planet.
DATE: april 30th EVENT: Vietname War ends.
DATE: july EVENT: Misty Knight is born.
DATE: september 23rd EVENT: Sam Wilson is born.
DATE: september 24th EVENT: Howard Stark unveils his Arc Reactor technology but does not explore the tech’s profitability.
DATE: november 7th EVENT: Ego comes to Earth to plant a seedling and falls in love with Meredith Quill. He leaves on December 23rd, but returns multiple times over the months ahead.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Hope Van Dyne is born.
DATE: october 27th EVENT: Peter Quill is born.
DATE: april 7th EVENT: Hank Pym uses his Ant-Man suit to test his EMP communication device by shrinking down to the size of Bullet Ants.
DATE: october 22nd EVENT: Natasha Romanoff is born.
DATE: november EVENT: Matt Murdock is born.
DATE: january EVENT: Anton Vanko returns from Siberian exile.
DATE: april 2nd EVENT: Thanos kills Gamora and Nebula’s families, and then adopts them as his daughters. They become skilled assassins and fighters under Ronan the Accuser.
DATE: may 28th EVENT: During a training scenario, Gamora tosses Nebula over a cliff, injuring her to the point that she requires cybernetic augmentations which disappoint her adopted father.
DATE: july EVENT: Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne try to disarm a Soviet ICBM as Ant-Man and the Wasp. Janet presumably dies after turning off her suit’s regulator in order to shrink down small enough to enter the missile and disable it, though she may be lost in the quantum realm.
DATE: august 19th EVENT: Leo Fitz is born.
DATE: september 11th EVENT: Jemma Simmons is born.
DATE: july 2nd EVENT: Daisy Johnson is born.
DATE: november 10th EVENT: Meredith Quill dies and Peter is abducted by Yondu’s Ravagers under orders from Ego.
DATE: march EVENT: Reinhardt is set free by Alexander Pierce and returns to Austria to resume experimentation on Jiaying, using his discoveries to restore his own youth.
DATE: june EVENT: Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. upon discovering that the organization attempted to replicate his size-changing technology.
DATE: march 17th EVENT: John Garrett becomes the first test subject for HYDRA’s Project Deathlok after becoming mortally wounded by an IED in Sarajevo.
DATE: april 1st EVENT: Danny Rand is born.
DATE: december 16th EVENT: Howard and Maria Stark assassinated by the Winter Soldier. Obadiah Stane assumes interim CEO duties of Stark Industries.
DATE: december 25th EVENT: Soviet Union dissolved and the Cold War ends.
DATE: may 5th EVENT: Ivan Vanko receives 15-year prison sentence for selling Soviet-era weapons grade plutonium to Pakistan.
DATE: october EVENT: While attempting to save a bystander from being hit by a truck, Matt Murdock is doused in hazardous chemicals. He loses his sight, but his other senses become enhanced.
DATE: february EVENT: Jack Murdock is assassinated for failing to throw a boxing match.
DATE: may EVENT: Stick introduces himself to Matt Murdock at the St. Agnes Orphanage, offering to train him.
DATE: may 5th EVENT: Bruce Banner and Betty Ross begin dating as undergraduate students at Harvard.
DATE: july 24th EVENT: Natasha Romanoff joins Russia’s covert espionage program, emerging three years later as the Black Widow.
DATE: june 6th EVENT: Stick was also training another pupil, Elektra. Rather than following orders to kill her once it became clear that she was the latest incarnation of the Black Sky, Stick placed her with a wealthy adoptive family in Greece for her own safety.
DATE: april EVENT: In attempting to reconcile the death of his wife Adria, Kaecillius is brought to Kamar-Taj by Karl Mordo and meets with The Ancient One, joining the Masters of the Mystic Arts.
DATE: january 27th EVENT: Nick Fury sends Clint Barton to eliminate Natasha Romanoff in Russia, seeing her as a threat to global security. Instead, she’s given a chance to join S.H.I.E.L.D., which she takes.
DATE: july EVENT: Jessica Jones is the sole survivor of a car crash during a family road trip. Chemicals spilled during the crash grant Jessica Jones her abilities.
DATE: december 31st EVENT: Tony Stark travels to Bern, Switzerland for a New Year’s Eve party where he meets Maya Hansen and Ho Yinsen. Disabled scientist Aldrich Killian requests funding from Stark for his think tank Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.), but is rudely rebuffed. Hansen later reveals her work on the Extremis virus to Stark.
0 notes
timelineblog · 7 years
1900-1950: Captain America, Peggy Carter, and S.H.I.E.L.D.
DATE: unknown EVENT: The Council of Nine orchestrates the assassination of President McKinley.
DATE: unknown EVENT: The Council’s headquarters The Arena Club is founded.
DATE: july 28th EVENT: world war i begins
DATE: march 10th EVENT: James Buchanan “Bucky’ Barnes is born.
DATE: august 15th EVENT: Howard Stark is born.
DATE: may 8th EVENT: Joseph Rogers dies while fighting in the war with the 107th as a consequence of a mustard gas attack. He received a posthumous Purple Heart.
DATE: july 4th EVENT: Steve Rogers is born.
DATE: november 11 EVENT: World War I ends.
DATE: april 9th EVENT: Margaret “Peggy” Carter is born.
DATE: october 24th EVENT: Council member Thomas Gloucester orchestrates the Wall Street Crash.
DATE: january 10th EVENT: Dr. Abraham Erskine begins experimentation on a Super Soldier Serum.
DATE: september 6th EVENT: Steve Rogers meets Bucky Barnes in New York City.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Johann Schmidt begins searching for the Tesseract.
DATE: october 15th EVENT: Sarah Rogers dies of tuberculosis.
DATE: april 24th EVENT: Dottie Underwood and other Soviet girls train to become master assassins in the Red Room program.
DATE: september 1st EVENT: World War II begins.
DATE: september 30th EVENT: Howard Star founds Stark Industries.
DATE: august 7th EVENT: Peggy Carter calls off her wedding and enlists in the British counter-intelligence and security agency, MI5.
DATE: october EVENT: Peggy Carter becomes an advisor to American agency Strategic Scientific Reserve.
DATE: november 11th EVENT: Johann Schmidt injects himself with the Super Soldier Serum, transforming him into the Red Skull.
DATE: december 24th EVENT: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers enlist while visiting New York City’s U.S. Recruiting and Induction Center, but Steve is designated 4F and rejected. He tries four more times in four different cities but meets the same fate each time.
DATE: december 25th EVENT: Led by Dr. Erskine along with Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, and Colonel Chester Phillips, the Strategic Scientific Reserve’s Project Rebirth chamber is completed and ready to transform volunteers into super-soldiers.
DATE: march 3rd EVENT: Red Skull discovers and secures the Tesseract.
DATE: august EVENT: HYDRA General Warner Reinhardt’s team, tasked with discovering more artifacts related to the Tesseract, find the corpse of a blue-skinned extraterrestrial, a Kree soldier they dub G.H.
DATE: june 14th EVENT: Steve Rogers is recruited by Dr. Erskine for Project Rebirth.
DATE: june 22nd EVENT: Steve Rogers is successfully transformed through the use of the super-soldier serum. However, Dr. Erskine is assassinated by HYDRA operative, Heinz Kruger.
DATE: june 23rd EVENT: Steve Rogers refuses to be kept in a lab as a research specimen and goes on a USO tour instead as Captain America.
DATE: november 3rd EVENT: Captain America leads an assault on a HYDRA facility in Austria to liberate  Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jacques Dernier, Bucky, and the rest of the 107th, some of whom will form the Howling Commandos.
DATE: november 5th EVENT: Howard Stark’s research of HYDRA’s mysterious power source leads him down the path to developing a New Element. Tony Stark later completes this research to improve upon his arc reactor.
DATE: june EVENT: General John McGinnis’ soldiers raid Howard Starks lab and steal his research along with Midnight Oil, a combat drug originally designed to keep its users awake and alert, but which had the side effect of causing the user to go mad.
DATE: january EVENT: The Howling Commandos capture Arnim Zola but Bucky Barnes falls from the HYDRA train in the process and is presumed dead.
DATE: january EVENT: Werner Reinhardt discovers the “Obelisk”, a Kree Diviner used to contain Terrigen Crystals which would release Terrigen Mist upon exposure.
DATE: march 4th EVENT: Captain America and the Howling Commandos defeat Red Skull, who uses the Tesseract and subsequently vanishes, never to be seen again. Captain America crashes the HYDRA plane Valkyrieoff the coast of Greenland and is presumed dead.
DATE: march 4th EVENT: Reinhardt tests the Obelisk on an unwilling Chinese woman named Jiaying. She survived the experiment but was locked up in a cage while Reinhardt moved his base of operations upon hearing of Red Skull’s presumed death.
DATE: may 7th EVENT: Soldiers encounter a mysterious phenomenon known as Zero Matter or the Darkforce while on the battlefields of Europe.
DATE: may 21st EVENT: Reinhardt is interrogated by Peggy Carter and sentenced to life imprisonment, despite him attempting to share information on the Obelisk and Kree.
DATE: september 2nd EVENT: World War II ends.
DATE: april EVENT: Howard Stark is tried by the United States Congress to determine whether or not he’s a traitor when some of his inventions show up for sale on the black market. Stark flees the country, believing he will be convicted, and tasks his butler Edwin Jarvis with assisting Peggy Carter on her mission. He becomes the SSR’s most-wanted target.
DATE: april 16th EVENT: Soviet scientist Anton Vanko tells Carter and Jarvis that Roxxon is the only company with the means of weaponizing Stark’s dangerous chemical compound, Nitramene. The Roxxon Refinery explodes that same night.
DATE: unknown EVENT: The Cold War begins.
DATE: july 11th EVENT: Peggy Carter arrives in Los Angeles where an exonerated Howard Stark has opened up a new estate and started a motion picture company.
DATE: unknown EVENT: An unidentified Iron Fist is caught on film by the Chinese Government while defending a secret passage into K’un-Lun from soldiers who had become lost in the jungle.
DATE: september EVENT: Howard Stark and Peggy Carter plan to form S.H.I.E.L.D.
DATE: january EVENT: S.H.I.E.L.D. is first launched
DATE: unknown EVENT: Zola, now recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D., begins to rebuild HYDRA from within the agency. He and former HYDRA agents track down Bucky Barnes, who had survived his fall and was in the custody of Soviet authorities. Bucky’s memory is wiped and modified, as is his body; he’d lost an arm but was outfitted with a metal prosthetic. HYDRA kept Bucky cryogenically frozen, thawed out only when needed as the elite assassin, Winter Soldier.
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timelineblog · 7 years
DATE: unknown EVENT: Six singularities existed: Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Time, Soul
DATE: unknown EVENT: Dark Elves arose from the darkness before traveling to the Nine Realms to rule over them all from Svartalfheim, the Dark World.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Cosmic Entities Death, Entropy, Infinity, and Eternity created the Infinity Stones from these singularities.
DATE: unknwon EVENT: Elders of the Universe: The Collector and the Grandmaster come into being.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Ego the Living Planet comes into being as a Celestial, a member of a powerful, primordial race.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Asgardian, Kree, and Human civilizations emerge.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Kree experiments on Earth give rise to Inhumans whose genetic abilities are triggered by Terrigen Mist, causing Terrigenesis.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Agamotto founds the Masters of the Mystic Arts and constructs three sanctuaries on Earth.
2988 BCE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Convergence, or the alignment of the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil, occurs. This happens once every 5,000 years.
DATE: unknown EVENT: First Battle of Svartalfheim: Malekith leads the Dark Elves in an attempt to destroy the Nine Realms using the Aether (Reality Stone). The Asgardian army, led by Odin’s father Bor, defeat Malekith and secure the Aether, hiding it away.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Some time later, Odin and his firstborn Hela, acting as his executioner, wage war across the Nine Realms, conquering them all. When Hela’s ambition grows too great, their forces battle against each other and many Valkyries are killed in the combat. Odin, victorious, seals Hela away in a prison and banishers her memory from history.
965 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Battle of Tønsberg -- Jotunheim’s Frost Giants invade Tøsberg, Norway in an attempt to conquer Midgard, a.k.a. Earth.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Battle of Jotunheim -- Odin leads the Asgardian army against the Frost Giants to defend Midgard. Odin also discovers an abandoned Jotunheim infant, adopting him, and raising him alongside his own son Thor with the given name, Loki.
DATE: unknown EVENT: Odin negotiates a truce with the Frost Giant king, Laufey.
1014 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Kree and Nova Empires fight a war that lasts thousands of years.
1197 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: A defector from Asgard’s Berserker Army flees to Earth and breaks his strength-enhancing weapon–the Berserker Staff–into three pieces which he hides across Europe.
1342 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: The Ancient One is born.
1409 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Odin hides the Tesseract in Tønsberg, Norway.
1413 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Lorelei enslaves hundreds of men across the Nine Realms by enthralling them before being defeated by Sif and being imprisoned in Asgard’s dungeons.
1839 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Members of HYDRA meet to determine who among them will pass through the Kree Monolith.
1876 CE:
DATE: unknown EVENT: Ulysses Klaue’s great-grandfather is killed by Wakanda’s Black Panther.
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timelineblog · 7 years
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❝ If you guys think I’m going to break my pretty claws trying to scratch my way in… go fish! ❞
The combination of science and magic is something new to most. Before mystics refused to acknowledge the role that sciences could play in their craft and scientists were adamant that magic was not real. They both are important and relevant, however, as modern times have shown. If anyone should know that, it’d be the human mutate Greer Grant.
LOIS LONDON shares a mother with Alison but that’s it. They weren’t raised together and both are on opposite sides of what they consider to be right and wrong. The fact that her mother left and had another daughter is still pretty sensitive for Alison, and it definitely adds to some of the tension between her and her half sister.
MELISSA GOLD tried to outdo Alison at what Alison does best and lost. Obviously. Alison didn’t get to be famous by doing nothing and some crazy haired girl with super sonic vocal cords were nothing in comparison to Dazzler. Rumor has it the former Screaming Mimi has gone over to the good side, but Alison isn’t convinced.
WARREN WORTHINGTON III tried to date Alison for a while. She can’t really blame him though, because she’d want to date herself as well if she could. It didn’t ultimately work out though and Warren has been a friend and teammate since then. There’s no hard feelings between the two.
A.I.M. boom
✖ AGE → 29 ✖ ORIGINAL WORLD → earth-616 ✖ FACECLAIM → alicia vikander ✖ ALT. FACECLAIM→ olivia wilde ✖ AVAILABILITY → open
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timelineblog · 7 years
❝ They have failed me a thousand times. But they are mine, and I am theirs. ❞
BLACKAGAR BOLTAGON was not allowed to have a heir, and yet, he did. Ahura has been punished for his fathers disobedience his entire life, locked away and not treated like the prince that he was supposed to be. The royals often bolt heads as a result, but that is to be expected. One day Ahura will likely succeed his father if he can learn to listen to the Silent King.
MEDUSALITH AMAQUELIN loves her son despite his demons and everything that has happened. While they do not always get along and he sometimes finds himself annoyed with her choices, Ahura would do anything to protect his mother. She has always been somewhat of a safe person to him despite their past.
MAXIMUS BOLTAGON understands insanity better than anyone else, perhaps. While he cannot be trusted and is constantly trying to shove Ahura’s parents away from the throne, he is still technically family and has been treated by the Inhumans in a similar fashion. While Ahura has not agreed with his cousin’s madness but he does listen to him from time to time.
LUNA MAXIMOFF is the other young Inhuman. She is close in age to Ahura and is a royal as well. If times were different, they would have been wed like Medusalith was to her cousin Black Bolt. They aren’t though, and both royal children have problems that far exceed their years. Luna has the Mists and Ahura has his insanity. They are friends, if nothing else, even if all that they have in common is their mutual psychological issues from parental problems.
THE INHUMANS may be his people, but they have never been good to Ahura. They forbade his parents from ever having a child and when Ahura was born they instantly seized him and took him from his parents. Ever since they have tried to repress and contain him, cutting him off from his full potential. If anything, they are a nuisance.
✖ AGE → 16 ✖ ORIGINAL WORLD → earth-616  ✖ FACECLAIM → asa butterfield ✖ ALT. FACECLAIM→ ✖ AVAILABILITY → taken
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timelineblog · 7 years
❝ The world's changing. Time we change too. ❞
TONY STARK ruined the chances that Adrian had of keeping his family happy. Stark just swiped in and ruined his business before it really had a chance to get off the ground, and Adrian has wanted him to pay ever since. Rich guys like Stark think they can smash up the lives of the little guys and that’s that. No. It’s not. Someone needs to teach him a lesson.
LIZ TOOMES has always been Adrian’s number one priority. It was to support her and her mother that she turned to crime, and then as soon as he was arrested Doris was trying to move away and take Liz with him. Adrian doesn’t have much sway from behind bars, but it’s Gumdrop’s senior year. She needs the Decathlon and to stay in school. He didn’t do all this for her just to have it tossed aside and even if they have to leave the city during the trial, Adrian will make sure they’re supported.
SPIDER-MAN tried taking his little girl to prom. Adrian had tangled with Spider-man a few times before he met Peter, and once he did it didn’t take him long to put the whole story together. The kid saved Liz once, and spared Adrian from dying as well. It’s because of that  that Adrian has breathed a word of Peter’s secret identity to anyone.
THE SINISTER SIX formed, in part, due to Adrian and his mission. They know they can’t let heroes like Iron Man or Spider-man push them around and they’re not gonna take it. They’ve offered to bust him out of jail, but Adrian knows that if they get involved he’s going to have to turn over Spider-man’s identity and that’s not something he wants to do.
✖ AGE → 58 ✖ ORIGINAL WORLD → earth-199999 ✖ FACECLAIM → michael keaton ✖ ALT. FACECLAIM→ ✖ AVAILABILITY → open
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timelineblog · 7 years
❝ I'm sorry, I don't know who you are... I don't really know who I am, either. ❞
AYESHA created him. In part. The Sovereign High Priestess put the missing Infinity Stone, the Soul Stone, into him and therefore gave him life. His loyalty is not to the Sovereign only, however. He knows that he must do what he has to on his quest and that may mean stepping away from what the Sovereign want. Only time will tell if that is true.
THANOS must be defeated. Of that, Adam is sure. He is a threat to the Galaxy and the universe that must be eliminated before he can destroy all. It is mostly his desire to possess all of the stones that made Adam realize how dangerous Thanos is, and now that he has realized, he will devote all his efforts to ending him.
GAMORA was once aligned with Thanos. She served under him and aided his reign of terror. That has ended, however, and Adam now knows that he can find aid in the ex-daughter of Thanos. Gamora may know more of the Infinity Stones than others, and that knowledge must be used.
THE GALAXY is where Adam came from. He was made there and has been primarily based in space. Though he has no team, Adam’s recent arrival to Earth has been out of necessity and necessity alone. Some of the Stones are on Earth, and that is why Adam is as well.
✖ AGE → under a year old ✖ ORIGINAL WORLD → earth-199999 ✖ FACECLAIM → alexander skarsgard ✖ ALT. FACECLAIM→ ✖ AVAILABILITY → open
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