fleurbeauty · 2 years
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[abigail cowen, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧ is that [ fleur beaumont ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ twenty-two ] year old child of [ belle and beast ] from [ beauty and the beast ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ romantic ] but [ shy ] and have [ 2 ] siblings. i could almost swear i heard [ la vie en rose - emily watts ] playing when they appeared.
name: Fleur Marie Beaumont || age: twenty-two || birthday: March 14th || sexuality: heterosexual || parents: Belle & Beast
Fleur was born the second child and first daughter of Belle and Beast. Not that either of that really meant anything for her. As the second born, and a daughter, there was not much for the young princess to do. She had no responsibilities, no pressure of ever ruling (thank goodness for that), no important role. Even the idea of being married off to a neighboring prince was off the table, her mother would never allow her to just be a pawn. It wasn’t that Fleur wanted to be married off, but at least it would have given her purpose. More purpose than the princess who’d walk around the palace with her nose stuck in a book. She was doted on by her parents, she was Beast’s little princess and Belle’s “little me”. It was never them that made her feel useless, she put that on herself.
Fleur loved stories, reading stories, hearing stories, telling stories, anything, so long as there was romance. Fleur loved romance, it was her favorite genre, but she’s never experienced it herself. Living in a palace with little interaction with the outside world, Fleur has never fallen in love, never had a crush, never been kissed.
Fleur shares her mother’s desire for adventure. She doesn’t feel the need to escape her life, she’s very content with her life, she just wishes something would happen every now and then. Being transported into a new and unfamiliar land wasn’t exactly the adventure she’d wanted, but she’s tried to take it in stride, and she’s not upset about all the new stories to discover.
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fleurbeauty · 2 years
@scatteredstart // Open
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Fleur sat at a table outside the Trolley Car Cafe, her book open in front of her and a take-away cup next to it. She looked as if she was reading, but her mind was elsewhere, unable to get past the first sentence on the page. Nothing made any sense here, and the tea was not nearly as good as Mrs. Potts made it. She'd hoped for at least that comfort here, but it was bitter and the sugar hadn't helped at all. Thankfully Leo was here. Not here at the cafe, she actually wasn't sure exactly where he was in the present moment, but here in the strange town. It did feel a bit childish to cling onto her brother so much, but Fleur excused herself because he was the only familiar thing here. Well, him and some classic stories, Romeo & Juliet, Cendrillon, and La Belle au bois dormant. There were new stories, Fleur had learned when she'd visited the bookstore. The one sitting in front of her currently was "Le FantÎme de l'Opéra", a suggestion from an employee. It was supposedly a dark romance, set in Paris, and they'd had a copy in French. Fleur was excited to read it, and she knew she'd love it, but right now her mind was not letting her focus.
She dramatically shut the book and stood up to get a different drink. Hot chocolate sounded good right now, and you couldn't mess that up. She stood up too quickly, almost crashing into someone walking past. "Oh mon Dieu!" She exclaimed. "I'm so sorry"
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fleurbeauty · 2 years
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@pscentral event 05: from your decade  beauty and the beast (1991) dir. by gary trousdale and kirk wise
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