#aurora x lizzie
thedragonqueens · 2 years
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Includes TO and Legacies
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watcheraurora · 6 days
A Life UnRemembered
Author's Note: Hermitcraft is... unique 1.7k words
Based on all the art of character!Joel not seeming to know why he built a shrine to the Ocean Queen. It's all gorgeous
Joel wandered his base. He liked how it was coming along. He enjoyed the resource gathering and the building. He enjoyed spending time with the Hermits. They were all so comfortable with each other that he couldn't help but feel welcome even though he was new.
But there was something needling at him. Something he couldn't quite remember.
He strolled down the stairs to the temple he'd built. The empty dais in the center where something should be enshrined. Pulling some clay out of his inventory, he slapped it down onto the dais and started to sculpt. It had been a long time since he sculpted anything.
He turned his brain off and let his hands just go where they wanted. Somewhere else in the world, Cleo would be proud of him. As the other major small-scale sculptor, they knew how much work it took to make statues this small, rather than huge with blocks. That was the easy way. Small amounts of clay around an armor stand were much harder and more fiddly.
Hours passed while he tugged at that needling feeling that he'd forgotten something. Trying to free it from where it was buried.
Nothing. He couldn't remember what it was he'd forgotten.
Two hours after beginning, he leaned back from his sculpture, stretching his back. Clay was caked under his fingernails.
Before him, he'd made a statue not quite to the scale he felt it should be, but he hadn't brought enough clay.
The statue was a woman. Tall. Lithe. Powerful. She had the regal bearing of a queen in some coastal kingdom far away from his cherry tree mountain. A trident slung casually in the crook of one elbow. A circlet resting above her brow that he'd jammed a diamond into the clay for effect while sculpting. The circlet had coral branches twining off at the woman's temples. She had long, flowing hair. He needed to paint the sculpture, but he already knew her hair would be pink. Her eyes and skin would be blue. The flowing gown a soft... lavender, maybe? Lilac?
A long axolotl tail extended from the base of her spine and up into the air, coral fanning off its ends.
And held gently in her arms, a much smaller man. Joel knew he'd paint the man's shirt purple. The crown in his hair gold with an emerald embedded just above his forehead. The sash green.
Why he knew those colors as easily as he knew his own hands, he wasn't sure.
Before he could lose the inspiration, he flew to the shopping district, landing hard at Pearl's dye shop. He scrambled to get his diamonds out of his Ender chest and bought every color he'd need. Dye wasn't exactly paint, but if he mixed it with a few other ingredients, he could make it work.
His Elytra's membrane snapped in the wind with the speed of his flight. He ran into his landing in the little hut he'd started his base in, scrounged up the last of the materials he'd need from his unbelievably disorganized chests—not his fault someone had come and messed with them—and soared back down to the shrine.
He painted quickly. Faster than he sculpted and certainly faster than he built.
When he finally stepped back, he was covered in paint and there was dried clay all over him. Creative projects were always messy with him.
He was breathing a little hard in the heat of the mid-afternoon, hair clumped on his forehead with sweat.
"There you are," he breathed, a tiny smile touching the corners of his mouth. He set his paints and brushes down.
The woman had come to life, in the clay and the color. Her deep blue eyes glittered. The gills on her neck looked delicate, despite being made of clay. The coral fans on the end of her tail were vibrant pink, her hair pastel. Her face shone with love and kindness, yet the fierceness of a true warrior of unknown power.
"Who are you? Why don't you leave my mind? Why don't you leave me?"
Because the smaller man in her arms, with his royal purple doublet and green sash—
He'd sculpted and painted himself.
The green in his hair that refused to dye out, only just starting to maybe grow in pink with this new world he found himself on, if he looked hard in the mirror (though he admitted that could have been an irritated scalp from him pulling so hard to try and dye it). The shape of his nose and his face. He'd sculpted himself without meaning to or trying.
Why the crown? Why the sash?
"Who was I then? Who were you to me?" he asked the statue.
The woman didn't respond.
Joel knelt before the statue on one knee. Even that felt oddly familiar. Like he'd taken a knee before this woman before. Maybe more than once.
"No..." He looked down at his hand. At the ring that remained on his finger no matter how many times he respawned or the situation that caused him to respawn. Simple and strong. If he took it off to build and then fell, the ring would be there when he came back. Always.
Tango had hypothesized it was a wedding ring. He had one himself. Tango had lived in Hermitcraft for a lot longer than a good portion of its other members. Since the second incarnation of the world. He hadn't always had his ring—gold and solid with a flaming red ruby and pale sky blue sapphire nestled against one another. It had appeared only a few years ago in the middle of a season after a jaunt off-world. Around the same time Joel and Etho met, though the memories were blurry. But since Tango had been on Hermitcraft for so long, he had lots of hypotheses. The world was isolated from the greater multiverse. Even the creative version of each Hermitcraft incarnation ran so closely parallel to the real world, its effects were the same.
But Tango had spent a late night telling Joel about his ideas of the multiverse while everyone else slept—the two of them awake to build a redstone machine and finish a building respectively. Each of them could create their own worlds elsewhere. And Hermitcraft's effects would no longer apply to them out there. But they all struggled to remember anything beyond Hermitcraft when they came back.
Tango thought they both might have a spouse. Somewhere out there on another world. Waiting for them. Spouses that the barrier between Hermitcraft and the rest of the universe didn't let them remember.
Could she be...?
Joel looked up at the statue.
The woman had webbed hands. She couldn't wear a ring.
"Are you my wife?" he asked. "Were you my wife? In another life? Or are you still? Somewhere out in the multiverse?"
The statue continued to be silent, looking down on the tiny version of himself with a face full of love and care. But the still-wet paint made those deep blue eyes glitter. Almost bittersweet.
Joel reached up, as though to cradle her face. To reassure her that It's alright, love. It won't be forever. I'll always come back to—
He couldn't reach her face. He'd made her too tall on the dais for him to reach without his scaffolding—that he'd already torn down.
He pulled out his communicator.
/w PearlescentMoon: Want to come see what I did? I think you'll like it
He didn't expect her response to arrive so fast.
<PearlescentMoon> whispers to you: Sure! OMW!
He only waited for a few minutes before he heard the snapping of Elytra membrane and Pearl ran to a stop on the flat area before his stairs. "Joel? Where are ya, mate?"
"In the temple!" Joel called back.
Pearl appeared at the entrance after a moment. "Hey!" she greeted, taming her long hair after her flight.
"Hi," Joel replied. He gestured to the statue. "I'm not as much an artist as you are, but I tried."
Pearl approached it curiously. "Oh my... mate, this is incredible. It's beautiful."
"Thanks," he said.
"How'd you pick the Ocean Queen?"
"The what?"
"Well that's who she is, isn't she? The Ocean Queen? Demigoddess of unlimited power over the sea?"
"I have no idea who... what?"
"Oh. Did you just come up with it, then?"
"I just let my instincts guide me through it."
"Hm. Maybe she's calling to you, mate. From beyond the stars." Pearl looked toward the setting sun, hidden as it was through the temple's structure.
"Maybe." Joel was less than convinced. "Tell me the story?"
"It's an old legend. From... I dunno, thousand years ago? Surprised you've never heard of it." Pearl leaned against the entryway frame, folding her arms. "Does the Cod King ring any bells?"
"That's the Ocean Queen's baby brother. She watched over his egg before he hatched after their mother died..."
"Lizzie?" Joel called, pushing open the door to Lizzie's base on SOS. "I'm home!"
Thundering footsteps met his ears. Lizzie appeared, the last of her armor falling off of her, a few bits of sculk caught on its edges. "About time!" she exclaimed, rushing across her kitchen and throwing her arms around him. "How's Hermitcraft been?"
"Fun," Joel said. He didn't have much to say beyond that. His memories of Hermitcraft were... hazy. At best. He remembered emotions. Some jokes. Lots of laughs. The vague shenanigan here or there. But nothing detailed. "I've really missed you." He held onto her tight, burying his nose in her hair. It smelled vaguely like sea salt and coconut. The cool metal of her wedding ring rested against the skin of his neck where her fingers threaded into his hair.
"I'm glad you're here. How long are you staying?"
"As long as I can. We knew when I accepted the invitation that it would be hard for me to travel more. But this was an opportunity too good to miss."
"I know. And I'm proud of you. But I miss you."
"I miss you too." He kissed the side of her head. "I'll stay for at least a month."
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incorrect-hizzies · 9 months
Aurora: Ok, next question. You're into Hope
Lizzie: That's not a question-
Aurora: So you agree that it's a fact
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#everything about this scene means a lot to me but the little fact that “complicated doesn’t mean broken” can literally describe hope and lizzie individually but also their dyamic and how much they’ve grown and how far they’ve come and hope’s little smile like... remember in 1x15 when lizzie was having that breakdown and she went to find josie to get help and josie told her that lizzie did that to herself and she chose to go through that and hope told her that lizzie can’t control her brain chemistry and she was SO fucking adamant in letting lizzie know and understand that she did NOT judge her for the way that her brain works... and to all of this like UGH they have just grown so much and LIZZIE HAS GROWN SO MUCH and i’m so glad that no matter what they get to live together forever in their complicated and unbreakable dynamic<3
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tvdversegifs · 2 years
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Take that daylight ring off her finger.
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alicentes · 2 years
In a show about vampires, witches, werewolves, dragons, necromancers, gods and monsters the most unrealistic part they’ve tried to sell us is that Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman is heterosexual
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legaciescrybaby · 2 years
Hizzie:*holding hands at Aurora's funeral*
Aurora, slightly annoyed: I had to die to make it happen
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
96 - Family Troubles (Flashback)
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Part 97
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
A few weeks after I found out what Missy had done we were finally attempting to fix the problem. Walking through the hallways I drank from a blood bag I took from the kitchen fridge. Moving my gaze around the room seeing that Josie and Hope were talking so she waved at me. “Hey aunt Rae Rae.” 
“Hey Josie, you wouldn’t happen to know where your mother is would you?” I asked since I hadn’t seen her all morning which wasn’t common around here.
She shrugged her shoulders. “You can try my dad’s office. Sometimes she has her lunch break there.” 
“Thanks Jo.” I raised the bag to my lips about to leave the girls to talk until Hope called my name, making me halt. 
“Mom, are you going to ground Alina and Missy for what they did?” 
She was always protective of her younger sister’s and especially her brother. A trait she clearly got from both me and Klaus. “I’m not sure yet sweetheart. I have to talk with your father later today. Actually better yet could you go find them for me and meet me upstairs in our room in about two hours.” 
“Sure.” She smiled at me, sending Josie a look where she nodded back in agreement before I left the room back in search of Caroline. Knocking on Alaric’s office door I could hear them talking so I walked inside meaning I had found her. “Sorry to interrupt but Caroline I need to deal with a family matter. So I need someone to handle my class.”
Alaric was sitting at the desk and she was standing beside it. “Yeah sure I’ll find someone. We’ll talk later, Ric. Raelyn I’ll come with ya.” 
“I don’t mean take pry but do you want to talk about whatever Alaric and you were talking about in there?” We exited the office and there was some comfortable silence that I had to break being able to see she had something on her mind. 
She slumped her shoulders in defeat. “The girls are almost teenagers. Sooner or later they will be sixteen and then eighteen….all leading up to twenty-two. I’m not ready for that. Ric and I don’t want to tell them until we have found a solution like you did with yours kids.” 
“I wish I could do the spell I used for your daughters. But without a living Gemini leader. I have no way of unlinking them from the curse….and I’m sorry for that Caroline.” I dropped my gaze to the ground in disappointment. 
She grasped my hand in hers making me look her in the eye. “Don’t blame yourself, Rae. We all thought the babies had died before you could do the spell and use Kai’s blood. There has to be another way. We just have to find it.” 
“What else is there, Care?” I questioned her seeing she had more to say like always. 
She brushed some of her blonde curls from her eyes squeezing my hands in hers. “There is something else I needed to tell you. Alairc is staying here to watch the girls and the school. I am going to need someone else to help him run the school while I’m off searching for answers. And I was hoping it would be you.” 
“I’d be thrilled, Caroline. Thank you for asking me.” I smiled at her before we embraced in a hug for a moment then I went upstairs and in my room seeing Hope had found Henrik and her sisters like I asked. 
Closing the door with my foot I heard it click and lock behind us. Walking past them I grabbed the chak bending down on a knee and began drawing a barrier circle in the center of the floor. Grabbing some candles I put six around the circle and laid Nik’s dog tag necklace in between my feet. “Okay, we’re ready. Everyone hold hands and girls repeat after me ... .Demitte moi, demitte moi..” 
“Demitte moi, demitte moi. Demitte moi, demitte moi.” The triplets chanted before the room around us changed to Klaus’s apartment in France. 
Missy rushed forward but stopped when she realized she couldn’t hug him. “Daddy…oh right.” 
Klaus got up from the bed standing in front of us where I could see he was struggling not to cry seeing us all here. “I’m sorry we can’t hug, Missy. But I have missed all of you.” 
"Dad, how is uncle Elijah?" Hope asked him moving away from my side. We had yet to tell them that he had asked to male him forget everything about his family otherwise he would try and reunite us all together again like normal. 
He sent her a half smile. "He seems happy, Hope. Henrik come here, son. Daddy needs to explain something to you." 
"Is this about the guy you were hurting?" The young boy asked. 
Klaus lowered himself on his knees so he could look his son in the eye as best as possible. "Yes, son. You're mother and I want you to understand that we need blood to live. But I am horrified that you had to see it that way. Normally I wouldn't hurt someone like that. Unfortunately I don't have access to blood bags like your mother does. So I just want you to know that I didn't ever intend on scaring you and I'm sorry for that." 
"I forgive you, daddy." He smiled back at his dad before he yawned and I could tell he was getting sleepy. 
Glancing at Missy I made her take him back to bed. "Missy, go put your brother to bed for me." She sighed but took his hand and they left shortly before our eyes. 
"Dad, can we talk about putting the Hollow's magic at the bottom of the ocean or something. Because I hate not getting to see you except once everyday. When we can't even physically touch you or anything!" Alina snapped breaking the silence in the room. 
Hope added onto her point. "Yeah we already lost Andrea and her parents. Why can't we just shove the Hollow inside something else and get our family back!" 
"Okay, you two, it's almost dinner time. You should head back, I'll be behind you." I clasped my hands together sending them off not wanting to start an argument over this. 
"Fine, bye dad." Alina waved her hand. 
Missy held Alina'a hand. "Bye dad." 
Once they have disappeared away from us leaving us alone. Wrapping my arms around myself I stepped closer to my husband meeting his gaze finally letting some tears fall down my face. "I'm sorry I said I wasn't going to cry but I'm failing miserably obviously. But uh…Caroline asked me to help Alaric run the school and I thought you should know. Also Freya has been working on the Hollow but she hasn't found anything new. I…I am not giving up on us, Nik. We will find our way back to each other." 
"I know you'll keep your word. And I'll do my best to not scare our son anymore." Klaus declares putting his hands together since he couldn't hold me. "I love you, Raelyn. And the school will be good in your hands." 
Twirling the wedding ring on my hand I weakly smiled looking at the time on my phone. "I have to go. I love you, Nik." Waving my hand I disappeared seeing Caroline waiting in the doorway when I looked over my shoulder rushing over to her. 
"Oh Rae…it's okay. I'm here for you." She wrapped her arms around me while I gripped onto her crying. "I'll help you find a way to fix this. I won't leave my friend alone." 
Breaking the hug she kept our hands together. "Thanks Caroline. I appreciate it." She pulled me in for a hug again where I laid my head on her shoulder praying that it wouldn't be long before I got my family back together. Always and forever may be gone, but the Mikaelson’s would get through this. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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stealeroflemons · 2 months
eah thingy #29 because my brain has been creatively dead for a while and I'm going to force myself to try before I go back in my study hole for graduation
This is mainly going to be what I think the eah characters sound like/who they sound like when they sing/voices I associate with them when I'm writing them (I know these won't perfectly match up with their VA's but let me have my fun)
Melody Piper - Phoebe Bridgers
Sparrow Hood - Tyler Joseph
Raven Queen - Chappell Roan
Meeshell Mermaid - AURORA
Briar Beauty - Julianna Joy
Faybelle Thorn - Halsey
Ashlynn Ella - Lizzy McAlpine
Hunter Huntsman - Michael Cera
Dexter Charming - Alec Benjamin
Darling Charming - Allie X
Daring Charming - Peter McPoland
Apple White - Melanie Martinez
Blondie Lockes - Britney Spears
Cerise Hood - Hayley Kiyoko
Ramona Badwolf - Bishop Briggs
Kitty Cheshire - Suki Waterhouse
Maddie Hatter - Paris Paloma
Lizzie Hearts - MARINA
Alistair Wonderland - Niall Horan
Bunny Blanc - Ethel Cain
Cedar Wood - Laufey
Chase Redford - Eric Nam
Courtly Jester - K.Flay
Holly O'Hair - Lily Kershaw
Poppy O'Hair - Orla Gartland
Ginger Breadhouse - Hailee Steinfeld
Duchess Swan - Tessa Violet
Farrah Goodfairy - Au/Ra
C.A. Cupid - Madds Buckley
Hopper Croakington II - Ricky Montgomery
Justine Dancer - Sabrina Claudio
Rosabella Beauty - Chloe Ament
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Random Compliments
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Main Masterlist
Lizzie Olsen X Fem Reader
Warnings: Just Fluff
Lizzie's pov
Y/N has been working with the marvel xast for 3 months now and they are honestly a breath of fresh air. But they also make me blush so hard.
"Did you know kiwi's now my favourite fruit." Y/N said as she sat beside me on the sofa in the break room. Making me giggle.
"Why?" I asked with a smile as I looked at her amused.
"Because kiwis are refreashing and sweet. Just like looking in your eyes." She smirked as I laughed.
"That was way too corny." I told her as we both laughed. And that was just the start of it. She didn't care if she was saying these things infront of other cast members either.
"Your smile is the most beautiful thing anyone would ever see. More beautiful than the Aurora Borealis." She said making me blush before she walked away with a victory smile.
"She's upped her game." Scar smirked at my blushing face.
"I love seeing you happy because your eyes shine brighter than a winter's sun." She said sweetly as she tucked a stray hair behind my hair. "Also hearing you laugh is as refreshing as the summer rain." She said before she walked away. She truly has improved her flirting skills 
"Fuck me." I breathed out with a laugh as I watched her walk away.
"You have the most purest heart that would even make the angels cry."  She said as she stood beside me before she walked away like nothing happened.
"I definitely am captain of this ship." Scar teased me making me cover my face with my hands.
"You have the most beautiful hair, it's like strands of gold that shines in the sun." She said before walking away making the butterflies swarm in my stomach.
"You definitely need to get her off the market before I steal her." Scar said before we went back to work.
"You may be known as the other Olsen, but you are the most beautiful Olsen to me." She said with a soft look in her eyes.
"Seriously?" I whispered to Scar as we watched as Y/N walked away.
"She really likes you Liz, just ask her out." Scar told me before she walked away.
I watched as Y/N walked up to me with a single daisy in her hand. She stood extremely close as she placed it in my hair before she looked in my eyes.
"The most beautiful and purest flower of the earth." She said as she cupped my cheek and walked away. The guys stood there and watched the blush on my face.
"She definitely needs to teach me how to flirt." Chris Evans said making everyone laugh.
"If I was lucky enough to hold you in my arms in a previous life. I would be even luckier to hold you close to me in this life." She smiled softly at me. I couldn't hold it in anymore before walking up to her as she walked away. I gripped her wrist making her turn to face me.
"Then hold me." I told her as I closed the gap and kissed her softly. She held me onto me, afraid to let go.
"I'll hold you for as long as you will let me." She smiled before I pulled her back in, our lips meeting in a loving kiss. Ignoring our surroundings, creating our own world in this moment.
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imjustagir1 · 2 months
Welcome to Sofia's blog! 🎀
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about me౨ৎ
Hello dolls!
My name is Sofia, I'm a minor my favorite colour is pink, my favorite season is spring and I was born on 13 of May!
My astrology is: Sun Taurus ,Moon Taurus ,Mercury Taurus ,Venus Gemini,Mars Leo ,Jupiter Pisces ,Saturn Virgo,Uranus: Pisces ,Neptune Aquarius, Pluto Capricorn,Lilith Aquarius,Node Capricorn
I come from Greece and I can speak three languages,
English, French and Greek.
I'm interested in music,fashion,movies/series,makeup,period drama,girly things,paganism/witchcraft (i support any religion),nature,greek mythology and a lot more.
This blog in gonna include: girlblogging, coquette/dollete, weird thoughts etc
I really love to crochet, going on walks,read,journal,play games and listen to music because it makes me feel relaxed and more productive (since I'm a lazy person lol..)
My favorite artists/bands are:
Melanie martinez
Lana del rey / lizzy grant
Tv girl
Cigarettes after sex
Ayesha Erotica
Elvis Presley
Frank Signara
Marilyn Monroe
Jazmin Bean
and I also listen to a lot of classical music and vintage music 🐇🎀
Some of my favorite movies/series are:
The love witch
Buffalo '66
Enola Holmes
Little women
Marie Antoinette
Mean girls
Wild child
Gilmore Girls
Tamam (greek series)
Jennifer's body
The craft
Valerie and her week of wonders
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I'm not sure about my mbti yet. I'll update when I get to be sure ౨ৎ
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Well, thats all for today!
Have a wonderful day angels 🎀
Instagram: doll7xo
Threads: doll7xo
Spotify: g1rlblog
tiktok: livelaughmyself_
pinterest: sofiaalovesu
snapchat: sofiakarpo
Love u <3
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bratshaws · 2 months
through the hourglass 380. brb x oc
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a/n: SORRY HAD CONNECTION ISSUES (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: just some suggestive stuff uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
She could spend hours just looking at him with Nicole on his lap as the twins were checked on. She smiles, leaning on a hand with her eyes shining the longer she looked at him, Rooster was amazing and ever since he got the promotion…well,it looked like he was glowing even more if possible.
Watching him seated not so far from them, with a fussy Nicole who demanded attention was…really sweet. Beatrice’s lower lip slid into her mouth, the curl of anxiousness making it’s way into her stomach.
She knew that once he was promoted, things would change but…hell,she wanted him to be alright. She frowns, looking down at both Gavin and Aurora,who unlike their older sister, were chilling on the soft cushioned table as they waited for the doctor to return with the results.
“Gorgeous.” she hears him say, “You alright?”
Beatrice's gaze snapped up from her children to meet Rooster's concerned eyes. She offered him a small smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm okay," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Just a little nervous, that's all."
Rooster reached over and took her hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's going to be okay," he murmured, “You’ll see.”
Beatrice nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for Rooster's unwavering support. She squeezed his hand tightly, drawing strength from his touch as they waited for the doctor to return.
It felt like an eternity before the doctor finally reentered the examination room, a warm smile on her face. Beatrice's heart raced, in more ways than one.
The doctor took a seat across from them, her expression calm and composed as she began to speak. "I'm happy to inform you that the twins are healthy and developing as expected," she said, her words a balm to Beatrice's frayed nerves. "There's no cause for concern at this time."
Relief flooded through Beatrice as she processed the doctor's words, her eyes closing in relief, “Thank god.”
Rooster smiled back at her, his eyes shining with the same relief. "See, I told you everything would be fine," he murmured,kissing her forehead.
“Now,” the doctor begins, “Let’s see the separate exams so you can be even more relieved,alright? Since they are preemies, it’s always good to know more– albeit you two are doing a great job, they are amazing 3 months old babies.”
“Oh,okay, sure.” Bea says, holding Rooster’s hand as the doctor turned her eyes to the papers.
“Let’s start with Gavin,” she begins, smiling down at the little baby boy who was just staring around curiously, “He is…a big boy, as you noticed. Both of them are big, but Gavin is showing a huge difference from his sister.”
"Gavin is doing exceptionally well," she said, "He's hitting all his milestones and is in excellent health."
Beatrice let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders sagging with the weight of tension released. She looked over at Rooster, her eyes shining with gratitude. "That's wonderful news," 
Rooster squeezed her hand tightly, his own relief evident in his expression. "I told you everything would be fine," he said softly, his voice laced with affection.
As the doctor finished her assessment of Aurora, she looked up with a smile. "Aurora is also doing very well," she announced, her tone warm and reassuring. "She's a little smaller than her brother, but her development is right on track. And she’s much more active, but that’s completely normal, their personalities are already showing at such a young age."
With a sigh of relief, Beatrice felt a weight lift off her chest. She glanced down at Aurora, who was wiggling next to her brother, a smile spreading across her face. "That's such a relief to hear," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude.
The doctor smiled warmly at their exchange, pleased to see the bond between parents and children. "It's clear that you both love and care for them deeply," she said, her tone gentle. "And that's the most important thing for their development."
"Thank you, doctor," Beatrice said sincerely, "For everything."
The doctor nodded, a warm smile on her face. "It's my pleasure," she replied, her tone warm and reassuring. "Just remember to schedule their next check-up in a few months, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns in the meantime."
"We will," Rooster promised,. "Thank you again."
With that, the doctor bid them farewell and left the examination room, leaving Beatrice and Rooster alone with their children once again. Beatrice let out a shaky breath, feeling the tension drain from her body as she relaxed against Rooster's side.
"See?" Rooster said with a grin, his eyes shining with relief. "Our little ones are healthy as can be."
Beatrice nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Yes, thank god," she replied, "I don't know what came over me.”
“You were just nervous.”
‘I know, but…” she sighs, “...we are good parents.”
“We have three kids together.”
“Sure do.”
She frowns, “...I don’t know,I guess I’m too into my head.” she mutters, gently picking Gavin - Rooster picked Aurora as he put Nicole down, the little toddler stood by his feet with her eyes wide and mouth open - “I don’t know what came over me.”
As they gathered their belongings and prepared to leave the doctor's office, Beatrice couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled in her stomach. She watched as Rooster settled Aurora into her stroller, his movements gentle and loving as he tended to their children.
"You're not alone in feeling that way, Bea," Rooster said softly,kissing her forehead "We're both navigating this journey together, and it's only natural to have moments of doubt and uncertainty."
"I just want to do right by them," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotion.
Rooster reached over and squeezed her hand, his touch warm and comforting. "And you are," he said sincerely, his eyes meeting hers. "You're an incredible mother, Beatrice, and our children are lucky to have you."
Tears welled up in Beatrice's eyes at Rooster's words, her heart overflowing with love for him. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I needed to hear that."
Rooster leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin. "Anytime, gorgeous," he murmured, his voice soft and reassuring.
With a deep breath, Beatrice composed herself and wiped away her tears, determined to focus on the present moment. She smiled at Rooster, gratitude shining in her eyes as they prepared to leave the doctor's office and return home.
"Ready to head home?"]
Beatrice nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Absolutely," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "I can't wait to cuddle up with our little ones and just relax."
Rooster grinned, his eyes shining with love. "Sounds like a plan," he said, taking her hand in his as they walked towards the parking lot. "Let's go home."
She turns her head to see her husband glaring at his phone, “Rooster,what happened?”
“...I got another fuckin’ message asking me to go to that stupid reunion.” he growls, “I’m going to ignore it.”
"Another one?" Beatrice asked, her brow furrowing with concern. "How many times have they asked you now?"
Rooster sighed, his frustration evident as he tossed his phone onto the coffee table. "Too many," he replied, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I've lost count at this point. But I'm not going, that's for sure."
"I don't blame you," she said, her voice quiet. "It's not like you owe them anything."
Rooster sighed again, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know," he muttered, "But it's just...annoying, you know? They keep pestering me, even though I've made it clear that I'm not interested."
Beatrice nodded in agreement, her heart aching for her husband. "I know it's frustrating," she said softly, "But try not to let it get to you. You have more important things to focus on."
“I know,gorgeous.” he mutters, then pats his lap so she’d settle on it, “I know it’s just…ugh,I don’t know, part of me wonders if I should…just go.”
Beatrice settled into Rooster's lap, her arms wrapping around his neck as she looked into his eyes with concern. "Do you really think you should?" she asked softly,uncertain in her tone. "I mean, if it's causing you this much stress, maybe it's not worth it."
Rooster sighed, leaning into Beatrice's embrace as he mulled over her words. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Part of me feels like I should just suck it up and go, you know? But another part of me just wants to forget about it and move on."
Beatrice nodded in understanding, her fingers gently tracing patterns on Rooster's back. "I get that," she murmured, her voice soothing. "But ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Just know that whatever you choose, I'll support you."
“What are you thinking now?”
“Just…some of my old teachers will be there– you know, kinda like your reunion was….but,” she clicks his tongue, “I’m just– going to Virginia,now, it’d be a lot…and next week I’ll be deployed.” she could see the hesitation in his eyes, “...I don’t know,I kinda miss them.”
“Well…It's natural to feel nostalgic and want to reconnect with people from your past. But you also have to consider what's best for you right now."
Rooster leaned into Beatrice's touch, his eyes searching hers for reassurance. "Yeah, I know," he murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I just...don't want to regret not going, you know? But at the same time, I don't want to add more stress to an already busy schedule."
"It's a tough decision," she admitted, "But I know you'll make the right choice. And whatever you decide, I'll be right there beside you. Do you want me to go with you?"
“If I go? Fuck yeah I do.”
"Of course," Rooster replied with a small smile, his eyes softening as he looked at Beatrice. "Having you by my side would make it a lot easier."
Beatrice returned his smile,"I'll go with you," she said firmly, "Whatever you decide, I'll be there to support you."
Rooster's smile widened at Beatrice's words, a wave of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you, gorgeous," he murmured, leaning in to press a tender kiss to her lips. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Beatrice melted into the kiss, her heart fluttering in her chest as she wrapped her arms around Rooster's neck. They stayed like that for a moment, lost in each other's embrace, before pulling away with reluctant smiles.
"Okay," Rooster said, after a while. "I'll go to the reunion."
You sure?”
“....hrm…not really but,i feel like if i don’t I…I don’t know.”
Beatrice nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. "Well I'll be right there with you, every step of the way."
Rooster smiled gratefully at Beatrice, his heart overflowing with love for her. "Thank you," he said sincerely, "I don't know what I'd do without you."
They sat together in comfortable silence, the weight of Rooster's decision lifting from his shoulders. Beatrice sensed Rooster's inner turmoil and reached out to squeeze his hand reassuringly. "It's okay to be nervous," she said softly,. “But you’ll be okay"
Rooster smiled gratefully at Beatrice, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I will.”
“When do we leave?”
They sat together in comfortable silence, the weight of Rooster's decision lifting from his shoulders. Beatrice sensed Rooster's inner turmoil and reached out to squeeze his hand reassuringly. "It's okay to be nervous," she said softly, her voice filled with understanding. “But you’ll be okay."
Rooster smiled gratefully at Beatrice, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I will.”
“When do we leave?”
“Uh…this Saturday, I think?”
Beatrice nodded, mentally preparing herself for the upcoming trip. "Alright,we'll make sure everything is ready by then."
“Hah…yeah…” god he hopes he wouldn’t regret it, “Me too.”
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Twenty-One
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Twenty-One: One Hell of an Identity
Summary: The battle converges into a single room with humans, demons, and reapers pitted against each other and the reanimated horde.
            “Back off!” shouted Edward, monitoring the boarding of the lifeboats. “Women and children first! Just look at the sight of you! How can you call yourselves English gentlemen?!”
            “Edward!” cried Elizabeth upon seeing him.
            “Lizzie!” He embraced her as she ran to him. “I’m so happy to see you well!” He glanced at the sword at her side. “It must have been hard for you.”
            “Forgive me,” said Ciel. “It was entirely due to my helplessness.”
            “You said it,” huffed Edward. “But fine, my lecture can wait. Now you two get on a boat, quick as you can—”
            “Edward, I have a favor to ask of you,” said Ciel. He gestured to Snake. “Put him on the boat in my stead.” Snake and Ciel’s eyes widened. “I can’t get onto a boat yet.”
            “…Alright. I’ll take care of him,” said Edward.
            Elizabeth moved forward urgently. “If Ciel is to stay, I shall stay t—!”
            Sebastian gently struck the back of her neck, and she collapsed, unconscious, into Edward’s arms. “I beg your pardon, sir,” said Sebastian.
            “Butler!” exclaimed Edward.
            “It appeared that convincing Lady Elizabeth would take some time, so I resorted to a rough measure,” said Sebastian. “Please mete out whatever punishment you see fit at a later time.”
            “No, you have my thanks,” said Sebastian. “It’s possible for me to attack my sister from behind.”
            “My Lord, the ship’s listing is worsening,” said (Y/N) to Ciel, keeping their balance as easily as a cat.
            Ciel nodded and looked to Edward. “Its foundering is but a matter of time. Please leave the ship and get as far away from it as you can. And take care of Lizzie and Snake. Let’s go, Sebastian, (Y/N).”
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian.
            “Yes, sir,” said (Y/N).
            “You don’t need to come back, you know!” shouted Edward. “I’m perfectly fine with not having to give away my adorable little sister’s hand!” Beneath the harsh words, however, there was something of concern as if Edward was challenging Ciel to come back, even if just for Lizzie.
            “I shall return, I assure you,” said Ciel, accepting the challenge.
            And then they were heading once more into the belly of the beast, braving the halls of the ship as walking corpses, flooding, and listing threatened their wellbeing.
            Near the First Class hall, however, they came upon someone else who wasn’t trying to escape. (Y/N) cocked their head in surprise.
            “The Viscount of Druitt?” said Ciel in surprise.
            “And who are you?” said Druitt. “How do you know who I am?”
            (Y/N), Ciel, and Sebastian deadpanned. (Y/N) glanced down at themself. They hadn’t even really made a disguise during the Aurora Society’s meeting, and they looked the same. So either blood on the skirt really changes an appearance or he’s just a self-obsessed idiot. (Y/N)’s money was on the second option.
            “Well, I suppose it is indeed difficult to not know of me as I’m celebrated in society circles for being the personification of beauty,” sighed Druitt dramatically.
            It’s definitely the second option.
            “With all due respect, what are you doing in a place like this Viscount?” said Sebastian. “The walking dead are ambling through this vessel as we speak.”
            Druitt smirked and gestured behind him. Four people carrying a large device turned around the corner behind him. “There’s something here that I dare not leave on this sinking ship, even if it means exposing myself to mortal danger. To begin with, those corpses amount to nothing more than useless dolls to me—Oh, dear.” He smiled. “I’m nattered on for too long. If you’ll excuse me.”
            (Y/N), Sebastian, and Ciel exchanged looks. They knew what they had to do for his trust.
            “The eternal flame in this breast,” said Sebastian.
            Druitt perked up and turned to them. “Cannot be quenched by anyone! We are—”
            “Phoenix!” All four spoke and posed together.
            “Ah!” said Druitt happily. “So you were comrades! Speaking of, I do get the feeling we’ve met before.”
            At least he hasn’t started the poetry session, thought (Y/N).
            “That contraption! Can it perhaps stop the movements of those corpses?” asked Ciel quickly.
            “Where did you learn that?” said Druitt somberly.
            “I knew it,” said Ciel. “Then you’re—.”
            Druitt turned before Ciel could continue. “If you wish to know, follow me. I shall allow you to bear witness as well. To the advent of a new aurora by way of medicine, that is.”
            “Shall we take it by force?” murmured Sebastian as the followed Druitt and the device.
            “No, we don’t know how to use it,” said Ciel.
            “We have to wait until he activates it, then,” said (Y/N).
            A familiar giggle filled the room. One of the men holding the device turned and grinned at the group.
            “What the—Undertaker?!” Ciel fought to keep his voice down, but Druitt was too busy daydreaming about his own greatness to notice him. “What are you doing here?!”
            “Hiiiya!” said Undertaker. “I was told to help carry this as I was in the middle of running for my life, you seeeee. Then I caught sight of the Earl hollering ‘phoenix’ once more, and—”
            “Wipe that from your memory at once!” shouted Ciel in embarrassment. He lowered his voice and whispered, “But more importantly, do you have a clue as to how to work this thing?”
            Undertaker grinned. “Can’t say that I do? I wonder if something like this serves any useful purpose at all, you know?”
            (Y/N) cocked their head, and their nose twitched. What type of a statement was that?
            The group arrived in the lounge, and Druitt had the device placed on landing of the staircase at the head of the room.
            “Be very cautious with it. It is worth more than your lives,” said Druitt.
            “Will you start it up now?” said Ciel.
            “Not yet,” said Druitt. “Our cast is still one player short.”
            “One player?” said (Y/N), raising an eyebrow.
            Everyone turned to the terrace seating above. Stoker stood beside Ronald and Grell and glared down. “You rat!” shouted Stoker. “Why did you steal the device?!”
            “Hello there, Rian. I’ve been waiting for you,” said Druitt. “This day shall mark the fall of your empire in one night, as Pompeii once fell, and the day my new empire was born! With the power of this device, I shall build a new empire!”
            “Come again?” said Sebastian, Ciel, and (Y/N) incredulously.
            “He who possesses eternity shall rule with immorality and decadent beauty!” Druitt extended a hand to (Y/N). “All the beauties in the world shall serve me so I may only stare into the face of divinity equal to mine! Yes! All beauty shall be mine!”
            An irk mark appeared on (Y/N)’s forehead. “He’s crass and insane. May I kill him?”
            “No, though I understand the urge,” said Sebastian.
            “And it shall be called the Aurora Empire!” declared Druitt.
            “This all seems to have gone kinda pear-shaped, huh?” said Ronald in confusion.
            Grell’s chainsaw revved to life, and she put a foot on the banister of the balcony. “I’ll make that cad the reddest of reds in the blink of an eye!”
            “Easy now!” said Druitt. He tilted his wine glass over the device. “Don’t you care what happens to this machine?”
            “Hey, Miss Sutcliff, time out!” Ronald grabbed Grell around the middle before she could do anything rash.
            “This is what is called ‘true power!’ I can stand victorious against you all with nothing more than a single wine glass!” Druitt laughed proudly.
            “This sense of irritation just grows and grows,” said Sebastian. “May I kill him, Young Master?”
            “No, not yet,” said Ciel. “Though I understand the urge.”
            All the windows and doors of the First Class Lounge shattered as hundreds, possibly thousands, of reanimated corpses jostled to enter and get at the people within.
            “Hey! Just look at these numbers!” said Ronald, pulling back.
            “Viscount, start the device! Hurry!” cried Ciel.
            “Non! I am no longer a Viscount!” declared Druitt melodramatically.
            “…Eh?” Everyone blinked.
            “ ‘Kaiser!’ I shall start the device if you call me that! You, with the mouth like a robin’s, and you, with the smooth voice of a raven! Call me ‘Kaiser’ and I shall start the device!” said Druitt, winking.
            “Let’s kill him now, after all,” said Ciel.
            “Please wait, though I understand the urge,” said (Y/N).
            The corpses lunged, and battle began. Sebastian dodged and fought while keeping Ciel in his arms, and (Y/N) kept any from getting too close to them. Stoker cowered behind Ronald and Grell as the reapers slashed and sliced.
            Druitt…daydreamed. And monologued. “Ooh! Ooh! Gladiators, who put their flesh and blood on the line, whose lives scatter like so many fallen petals! This place is just like a corrupt coliseum! Gazing out as I sip my wine, I truly am just like Emperor Nero!”
            As someone who has fought in a coliseum, they are all corrupt, and Nero was overthrown, thought (Y/N).
            “Can we kill him now?!” said Ronald in frustration.
            “Let me get this straight, you just stopped me, didn’t you?!” Grell huffed and glared at Druitt. “Hey, you! Get a move on and start that thing up, would you?!”
            “Very well. The time for the founding of my empire is upon us at last.” Druitt raised his wine glass. “Now, then. All of you! Show me the dance of the phoenix in pledging your allegiance to your Kaiser!”
            “Never mind, let’s kill him,” said (Y/N), Sebastian, Ciel, Grell, and Ronald.
            Undertaker giggled from the side of the landing. “Dear, dear. But if he’s dead, you’ll never figure out what that mystery contraption can do.”
            “What is it?! Come on now!” declared Druitt.
            Every person in the hall swallowed their pride and resigned themselves to humiliation.
            “The eternal flame in this breast cannot be quenched by anyone…We are the new phoenix!”
            They posed in Druitt’s variation, even more ridiculous than the first.
            “Well played, comrades!” said Druitt in satisfaction. “Now I shall show you the army of death that bows before me!” He pressed a button on the side of the device.
            Everyone turned blank as they watched the device do…nothing.
            The growl of the horde of reanimated humans broke through the silence. Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) turned to the approaching group warily, and Ronald and Grell lifted their Death Scythes again. Undertaker rolled around on the ground and laughed hysterically while Druitt stared at the device in confusion.
            “What are you playing at?!” shouted Ciel, glaring at Druitt.
            “Why, Rian!” exclaimed Druitt. “The device you crafted is useless!”
            “I-It can’t be!” cried Stoker.
            “Weren’t you the one who made this thing?!” demanded Ciel.
            Druitt blinked innocently. “There’s obviously no way I could build a contraption liket his.” Undertaker’s laughter grew louder again.
            “You bastard! Did you deceive me?!” demanded Stoker.
            (Y/N) glanced up at him as they smashed another skull. Who was he talking to?
            “Hah! What a farce this is!” Grell vaulted over the balcony. She tore through a group of reanimated corpses.
            “Yeah, he really is something else—!” Ronald’s eyes went wide in panic. “Hey, wait, Miss Sutcliffe, ma’am!” Grell lunged for Druitt, her chainsaw whirring to life. “We reapers shouldn’t be goin’ ‘round killing humans, remember?!”
            Grell slammed her Death Scythe down on Druitt’s head.
            The Death Scythe hit an obstacle and stopped. Everyone’s eyes widened in shock. That was impossible. A Death Scythe could cut through anything.
            Undertaker raised his head from where he held his cloak up, obscuring whatever he had that blocked Grell’s Death Scythe. “Hee, hee!” He grinned as he watched Druitt faint. “It’s been ages since I laughed this hard. In my humble opinion, losing such an amusing chap would amount to a loss to this world.” His grin turned to a smirk. “Wouldn’t you agree with me, hm? My little Grim Reapers?”
            “The blade of my Scythe won’t cut through…?!” said Grell.
            Undertaker whirled, pushing Grell into the air and revealing he had a collection of sotoba in his cloak. His top hat fell from his head, and a chain of lockets flew around his neck. He grinned. Undertaker threw his arms out and sent several sotoba into Grell as she fell through the air. The reaper was propelled backwards through the glass ceiling of the lounge. Shards fell like rain through the room.
            “Young Master!” said Sebastian, covering Ciel. On the same base instinct, he reached for (Y/N) and pulled them to his side, though both demons were cut as it fell.
            “Ahh…” Undertaker sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “How said it is—" He pushed his bangs back. “—that laughter should vanish from this place.” He peered out at the group with sharp, green and yellow fluorescent eyes.
            “Undertaker?” said Ciel as he looked up over Sebastian’s shoulder.
            “He masked his presence most skillfully,” said Sebastian. “His eyes have always been hidden as well, so it escaped me notice.” He narrowed his eyes.
            “And he kept himself around death to mask that part of his energy,” said (Y/N), nose twitching in furstration. “It was masterfully done.”
            “Same here.” Grell pushed herself to her feet and adjusted her spectacles. “He fooled me good.”
            “Miss Sutcliffe, ma’am! Those eyes!” Ronald’s eyes widened.
            “Yes,” said Grell. “That chartreuse phosphorescence, without a doubt, can only belong to…a Grim Reaper!”
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Name: Elizabeth ♦ - (Claire Foy) - from The Crown ♦ Guest ♦ Age: (30) ♦ Relationships: Aidan Turner, Harry Styles (brothers), Henry Cavill (frustration/partner-in-crime), Giselle ?? (friend) ♦ Description: A stark contrast to her fun-loving, outgoing, and immature brothers, Elizabeth is reserved, exacting, and very particular. When her mother died, she implored Elizabeth to make sure that her brothers were both taken care of -- a task which Elizabeth has taken to heart (at the expense of her own happiness). Two years ago, Elizabeth refused a proposal from a young man who might have made her very happy, but at the same time she discovered that her younger brother Charles had been supplementing his income as a con-artist and ????? had developed a rather unhealthy dependency upon alcohol. It was clear to her that they both needed her attention and as the young man in question was unwilling to wait for her to sort them out (a task he deemed "impossible"), Elizabeth remains very much unmarried. She has resigned herself to becoming a spinster (a life she does not altogether find unappealing), while she does her best to keep her brothers both in line. ♦ Secret: Knows her brother Charles has been forging masterpieces as authentic for years, but now she's desperately afraid that he has gone too far and will be exposed. Elizabeth has hired reformed jewel thief, HENRY CAVILL, to steal Charles's work right from under him, before the new buyer can get their hands on it and prove that her brother has been scamming people for years. She's wondering if she ought to regret this decision and allow Charles to suffer the consequences for once. HENRY CAVILL's incessant flirting is becoming increasingly irritating (especially during the moments when she finds it rather nice). OPEN.
Name: ♦ - (Aidan Turner) - from And Then There Were None ♦ Guest ♦ Age: (28) ♦ Relationships: Claire Foy (sister), Harry Styles (brother), Florence Pugh (ex-girlfriend) ♦ Description: ♦ Secret: OPEN.
Name: Charles "Charlie" ♦ - (Harry Styles) - from Don't Worry Darling ♦ Guest ♦ Age: (26) ♦ Relationships: Elizabeth ?? (sister), Aidan Turner (brother) ♦ Description: Charlie likes to live his life on the edge. He's always seeking his next adrenaline rush. When he was younger, it was racing cars and gambling that achieved this, but now he's ♦ Secret: TAKEN BY LIZZY.
Name:  ???  ♦ - (Michael Fassbender) - from X-Men ♦ Guest/Thief ♦ Age: (35) ♦ Relationships: Giselle ??, Aurora ?? (sisters) ♦ Description: ♦ Secret: OPEN.
Name: Giselle ?? ♦ - (Rosamund Pike) - from An Education ♦ Guest ♦ Age: (28) ♦ Relationships: Michael Fassbender (brother), Aurora ??? (sister), Matthew Goode (ex-boyfriend), Elizabeth ?? (friend) ♦ Description: Lively and energetic, Giselle lights up any room she decides to grace with her presence. She is the perfect hostess for all of her brother's social gatherings where she always remembers everyone's names ♦ Secret: Giselle knows that her brother's business is underhanded, but she purposefully remains ignorant to it and looks the other way when anything suspicious happens. She's also still desperately in love with MATTHEW GOODE, and seeing him happy with his new wife is threatening to ruin a perfectly good vacation. OPEN.
Name: Aurora ???  ♦ - (Florence Pugh) - from Don't Worry Darling ♦ Guest ♦ Age: (25) ♦ Relationships: Michael Fassbender (brother), Giselle ??? (sister), Aidan Turner (ex-boyfriend) ♦ Description: It is only due to Giselle's instance that Aurora is even here, at all. ♦ Secret: Despite everything, Aurora hasn't quite TAKEN BY LIZZY.
Name: Julian Stark  ♦ - (Henry Cavill) - from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. ♦ Guest/Thief ♦ Age: (34) ♦ Relationships: Elizabeth (partner/flirtation/interest) ♦ Description: Charismatic, charming, and opportunistic, Julian is a former jewel thief turned successful art dealer. Known throughout Europe for his daring (and impressive) thieveries, he is something of a celebrity who only evaded significant prison time when he ♦ Secret: Julian has secretly been in love with Elizabeth for years and has returned to the Regency Grand summer after summer with the secret hope that, perhaps, one day she will return his affections. So far, he's only managed to put her off with his incessant flirting. It came as a surprise when she turned to him for help steal the forged art her brother is trying to sell. While Julian had promised himself he would never get involved in thievery again, the prospect of both helping Elizabeth and working with her, meant that saying no was never an option. OPEN.
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jungleindierock · 4 months
The Last Dinner Party - Caesar on a TV Screen
Every night when we say goodbye I know that I can see myself as a man When I put on that suit I don’t have to stay mute I can talk all the time ‘Cause my shoulders are wide
And I’m falling like the leaves on Leningrad I follow your footprints when I can’t hold your hand My darling believe me I was born to be with you But it’ll be me that the world will answer to
And just for a second I could be one of the greats I’ll be Caesar in a TV screen Champion of my fate No one can tell me to stop I’ll have everything I want Anyone And everyone will like me then
Everyone will like me then When I was a child I never felt like a child I felt like an emperor with a city to burn I got down on my knees Begged the men in the trees To give me an answer Je ne veux pas penser
And it’s raining like it did in Leningrad My lover would like to buy a flat in Leningrad And I’d trade my tongue in just to hear him every night To talk about Red Scare and how they got it right
And just for a second I could be one of the greats I am Caesar on a tv screen, champion of my fate No one can tell me to stop I’ll have everything I want Anyone And everyone will like me then Everyone will love me!
The Last Dinner Party are an all girl indie rock five piece from London. They consist of Abigail Morris (vocals), Lizzie Mayland (vocals, guitar), Emily Roberts (lead guitar, mandolin, flute), Georgia Davies (bass), and Aurora Nishevci (keys, vocals). Starting in 2022 as The Dinner Party, they changed their name ealry in 2023 to The Last Dinner Party to avoid confusion with American band Dinner Party.
To date they have released five singles, Caesar on a TV Screen being the fifth. The girls debut album Prelude To Ecstasy will be released on the 2nd February 2024.
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legaciescrybaby · 2 years
Thinking how Lizzie went to Aurora's funeral to hold hands with Hope while MG was setting up a memorial for Ethan who literally died to save Lizzie tells me everything I need to know about whose girlfriend Lizzie is and whose boyfriend Ethan was.
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