#ask the moon bois
askthemoonbois · 2 years
Welcome to tumblr, boys!
I’m staying on anonymous because I’m shy as hell lol
Had a rough day. :(
Would love to hear a joke if that’s okay? I assume you all have very different types of humor?
❤️‍🔥 Thanks for the welcome! I’ve been on tumblr all day. Marc says if I dont get off soon he’ll slam my head onto the computer keyboard but I dont see what the bid deal isjeuzvwjowvsujev whyevwhuauorcdfjkjhj htyqiwigehwjwojwh. ~ J.L.
❤️‍🩹 you’re making our eyes burn with all this screen time jake. okay so i know this one…a man walks into a bar…because it was too fucking low. ~ marc
💕 Okay I’m not really great with jokes but this is my favorite thing ever so…
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~ Steven G.
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skitterplant · 5 months
Have you played the new help wanted? Sun was absolutely iconic there!
I've seen the playthroughs! His VA was absolutely incredible in the role, I loved every single line he got 😭😭😭
The mix of sass with genuine anguish hnnnNNNNNn just
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👌👌👌👌👌chef's kiss
I'm still a bit bummed about the lack of new content for my boy Moon though ):
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😭💦💦💦💦💦💦 HHHHHHHHHhhh
Really hope they give him a bit more screentime and character in the next DLC (if it comes out)
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Since you drew Sun and Moon, have you thought about drawing Eclipse? Or any of the other ruin character (btw I love your art!)
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I actually drew eclipse first! Tbh I need to draw more ruin content
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 277
Danny would be pouting, but this? This is actually kind of hilarious. He’d be laughing his ass off if he could, but allows himself to shriek excitedly around the binky in his mouth. Jordan on the other hand has no such thing stopping him, letting out his own toddler cackle as something bursts into flames. 
Their current caretaker- Clockwork’s nephew apparently, who is on babysitting duty for the next couple of decades- coos, and then they’re off again. Someone had apparently wanted their sort-of-Fraid-member to go to a meeting despite him informing them he’d be unavailable.
So of course he- and the three of them and Ms. Teekl the cat- just had to set the whole place on fire. You honestly can’t be that rude! It’s like, not exactly maternity leave, but something similar- don’t make fun of him he’s stuck with a toddler-brain right now! 
(All three of them would’ve had completely toddler minds if not for the fact that they were partially made from ectoplasm) 
Really, it was perfectly normal for them to set the building aflame and disappear into another dimension, even if maybe not for humans. Everyone knew you didn’t try to mess with a nesting Realms being! Especially if they weren’t fully Fraid yet. Honestly it’s all the idiots’ fault. 
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
Ya know
I've never felt the urge to HUG a fictional character
MORE than I have with ccrt sun and moon (and by extension eclipse)
Let. Me. At. Them.
Squeeze them and. NEVER LET GO
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the feeling is mutual :))
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sboochi · 2 years
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TTS AU let's gooo
After Rapunzel’s hair grows back, new faces make their appearance in Corona. It’s up to the four (plus friends) to solve the mystery of the black rocks!
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 7 months
Oh jeez….
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Things aren't so hot over here either...
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
i'm drawing a man
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snailfen · 11 months
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kitty cat behaviors
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ivystoryweaver · 9 months
im so interested in what u think the moon boys would be like as dads???
Ohhhhh, this is gonna hurt my heart. In a good way. I have a lot of feelings about Moon Dads and I've not yet written fics about it so yeah...
I'm gonna jump right in with Marc.
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I think if Marc had a child, he would be all in: attentive, tender, affectionate.
I don't actually believe Marc would be afraid of parenting. I know that can be a popular hc/fic plot and I totally understand why, and love reading those.
But I think Marc would be one of those people that would try to do the opposite of what was done to him. Example: his parents were married and that went well... (sarcasm)
Yet Marc got married. He and Layla were together for years and, according to her, had "adventures together", meaning they worked as a (likely successful) team. Marc bailed on Layla once his mom passed and he could no longer control or hide his disassociations (plus Khonshu's threats for Layla to be his next avatar).
Point being: Marc did get married and seemed pretty successful at it, for the most part.
Marc is in charge of bath time. This includes little toy boats, fish that squirt water, bubbles. He's going to wash their hair, or whatever hair needs they have, depending on race and hair types. If it is a hair type he isn't as familiar with, he is going to be talking to his partner, looking up vids, whatever it takes. Touch is going to be so important to him. He is the dad who will know how to do french braids or styles for textured hair.
He's never going to react in anger. If he is angry, he's going to hand the reins to Steven or sometimes Jake (if he is able, it's obviously not a parlor trick), or he will just say to his little one, "Daddy is going to take a time out. I'll be back in a minute and we can have a talk." The idea of putting himself in time out is so endearing to his child that they end up calming from whatever misbehavior they were attempting, wanting to join him in the corner for time out, touching a plushie or reading a book in his lap.
They learn very young that their father's expressions can be stern but his hands are safe. They will not want to disappoint him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Steven can converse naturally with children, this we see in the first episode. Steven's open, engaging nature is great for children. His own childlike wonder will shine in fatherhood. He was also able to quickly redirect the behavior of the girl who was littering at the museum. So a spunky child in a doctor's office waiting room will be easily wrangled by a distracting toy, quick game or wonderful story.
Steven is your go-to guy for bedtime stories. With a young child, Steven will share how wondrous the world around them is. He'll always have a anecdote or a fun fact for tweens or teens.
He will offer choices. "Do you want to put on 'jammies now or after a story?" "Do you want to help Dad set the table or feed the cat?" Steven has lacked agency in his life, so he is going to give it to his child. He will teach them to speak up for their needs.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Jake is going to be such a little shit as a dad. I'm sorry but there is no nicer way to say it lol. Jake's used to operating in the background and he's a night owl. He's the fun dad. He's the "don't tell mom" dad (or don't tell dad, dad). Kid wants stay up 15 extra minutes? It's Jake that's gonna sneak them some of the popcorn he popped after they were supposed to be asleep. As a partner, you'd find your little one on Jake's knee in the most comfy chair, watching the Yankees play baseball.
You give them The Look™ and they know they are busted. They exchange guilty glances and then Jake starts repeating words in Spanish. Baseball, Popcorn, very good! If you are already all Spanish speakers then Jake pretends to be practicing in both Spanish and English.
Either way, he and his little twin, with their adorable curls, give you shit eating grins.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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coulsart · 10 months
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The dca accept forehead kisses💙❤️
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askthemoonbois · 2 years
Meet the Moon Bois 🌙
❤️‍🩹 Marc Spector
~ ex mercenary
~ the ”moon knight”
~ avatar to khonshu
~ jew
~ pansexual
~ he/him
💕 Steven Grant
~ Back at the gift shop gig because I love it but still hoping for a promotion so…fingers crossed!
~ They sometimes call me Mr Knight but I prefer Steven.
~ I guess I’m Khonshu’s avatar by extension??? It’s complicated.
~ Jewish :)
~ Questioning my sexuality to be honest…it’s a hard thing to define, innit?
~ He/Him pronouns please. Thanks.
❤️‍🔥 Jake Lockley
~ Taxi driver…beware
~ I dont do superhero names soo
~ Yeah I work for the big bird bitch
~ Non practicing Jew. Kinda an atheist, idk. I work for a god but definitely do not believe in him. Totally respect Marc and Steven’s beliefs tho
~ Asexual but will make sex jokes, it is my right
~ He/Him, They/Them, call me anything but dont call me a bad driver
~ Curses when appropriate…and it is always appropriate
((This blog is run by Tal (They/Them) and Marty (They/Them). We are both huge Moon Knight fans and just wanna have some fun with our bois. If our headcanons and imagines are different from yours, please be respectful. We will rarely post ooc on this blog but if we do it will be in double parentheses like this.))
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
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Was inspired to draw kisses and of course they’re royal au flavored
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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socksandbuttons · 4 months
Can you pretty pretty please turn our 'tupid but well meaning attack Jack into a tiny li'll thing? I just wanna see what Bby Jack would look like.
OH MY GOSH! They could call him Jack-jack as a nickname-
I'm sorry, I got excited. I'm very tired.
I CAN AND ALREADY HAVE in traditonal art but i didnt take any pictures so-
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Unfortunately he's not canon to the Bean AU... But i can provide bean jack.
bfksjs jackjack awwww
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cupophrogs · 3 months
Hey DD. How have you been. You’ve been quiet.
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“Thankfully, most of the vending machines are intact and full, so we won’t be starving while Cherub’s leg heals. Thing has caught him trying to sneak out far too many times.”
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wildflowercryptid · 3 months
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since the presents today made kalos relevant again, i thought i'd share these doodles from last year. tierno is a huge fave of mine so i came up with an au where he gets to travel the world to improve his dancing skills, which leads him to alola where he has a destined meeting with kiawe.
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