#as soon as you pet him he would just start drooling uncontrollably
cherry-shipping · 1 year
ummmm i scritch horrortale sans' chin and he drools a lot!?!?!? thats something i havent said before!?!?
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dark-and-kawaii · 5 months
༺ 𝒮𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝓎 & 𝒜 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒯𝑜𝓎 ༻
Gortash x F!Tav/Reader | Raphael x F!Tav/Reader
Summary: Gortash just thinks you’re the cutest thing while you sleep, it’s a shame you aren’t awake to enjoy him before he leaves.
You’re Raphael’s favorite little mouse, your purpose to serve as a pretty little ornament upon his bed, to be fucked and cast aside until he deems it time to use you once more.
NSFW - Somnophilia - Sitting on Raphael’s Lap
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Gortash gazes out his window as he lays in his bed before observing your slumbering form. You look stunningly beautiful and serene in the morning light. It's regrettable that he has to depart for business soon, and equally regrettable that you remain fast asleep while his cock aches… You do belong to him now, though. He could do as he pleases to you. So he contemplates on using your body to get him off before starting his day.
The decision is easy to make.
With a tender touch, he caresses your cheek, his thumb wipes away a small trail of drool at the corner of your mouth before forcefully plunging his cock into your slit. As you begin to stir, Gortash starts to roughly fuck you with a smirk on his face. He wants to be selfish. Thoughts on how adorable you look and how effortlessly you take his cock while remaining so still flood his mind.
"So obedient, even in your sleep.” Gortash mumbles under his breath, a chuckle rumbling through his chest.
He finishes deep within you, emptying his seed into your receptive womb. Oh, the desire to witness the expression on your face upon waking, filled with his milky cum. However, Gortash does have places to be and people to meet. There would be plenty more opportunities in the future.
After cleaning himself up and dressing for the day, he plants a kiss upon your forehead before leaving the room.
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Raphael’s chocolate-colored gaze grew tender when you rubbed you nudged your head against his leg, your arms wrapped around his thigh, eyes begging him to stay with you.
“Don’t worry, little pup,” He assures, “I’ll be sure to tend to your needs once i’ve returned.”
He strokes your head like an owner would their pet. You only nod, satisfied with his answer and release his leg, watching as his back disappears through the portal.
When he returns you find yourself sitting on his lap, securely bound with your hands restrained behind your back by Haarlep. The incubus positions you in a way that exposes your chest to Raphael, while their sharp nails dig into your scalp, pulling your head back.
Raphael’s touch is cruel and sadistic with every pinch and bite at your hardened nipples. They burn and ache, try to move an inch and he’ll only hold you tighter against him, his teeth digging into your flesh until you start to cry uncontrollably. That’s when he likes you best, in this state is when he gains the most pleasure.
Protest, beg, scream, squirm in his lap like the brat he knows you are, it’ll only lodge his cock deeper inside you. The girth of him in his cambion form stretching you to your limits, it always feels like he’ll split you in half. But what are you to do, he’s your devil, your master. You’d do anything for him despite the pain.
A harsh smack lands on the side of your face, the sound echoing through the room, commanding your obedience. In his eyes, you are nothing more than a disposable plaything, a pet to be used and discarded as he pleases. Your purpose is to serve as a pretty little ornament upon his bed, to be fucked and cast aside until he deems it time to use you once more.
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fandomlurker · 3 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Pavlov’s Mice and Cameo
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So thanks to Tumblr nerfing my ability to make an admittedly absurdly long post combining the previous episode rewatch with this one, I had to do this entry in two parts.
But at least now we’re in for the real treat: The first episode in airing order that’s animated by TMS Entertainment. And hey, even the Animaniacs show itself seems to acknowledge that this is special, because theme song rhyme is…
We're Animanie! Totally insane-y!~
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Pinky and the Brainy!~
…which hasn’t been done since their debut. So this is gonna be fun.
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Might as well get this out of the way, then, since this episode obviously involves Ivan Pavlov. I think most people who know of Pavlov through cultural osmosis pretty much know him as just “that one scientist who got dogs to respond to the sound of bells as if they were being offered food”. This is what happened, but it’s only part of the story. In reality, Ivan Pavlov was doing research on the physiology of digestion in dogs and he noticed one day that the dogs he was studying started to drool in the mere presence of the lab technician who regularly fed them even if the technician didn’t have food with them. Pavlov developed a way to redirect the dogs’ digestive juices outside of the body so that they could be measured, and then he ran some conditioning experiments to see if he could get them to salivate in response to external stimuli that had nothing to do with food, like ringing a bell.
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The year in the title card, 1904, was the year Ivan Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize for the previously mentioned experiments, which he published the results of in “The Work of the Digestive Glands” in 1897. Basically, by 1904 he was done with his work with dogs and he moved on to experimenting with mice…at least according to this article in National Geographic by Virgina Hughes.
With that, let’s begin the episode proper.
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“At the dawn of the 20th century, Russian scientist, Ivan Pavlov, trained animals through his technique of conditioned reflex” says the narrator as we zoom in on a laboratory with Pavlov and our lovable mouse duo.
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“Time to earn your dinner, my little mousey friends!”
It’s interesting how Pinky is the one that flinches uncomfortably at the loud sound of the gong while Brain simply snaps into his conditioned response. And that response? Uhhh…
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“I’m a little teapot, short and stout.~”
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“This is my handle, this is my spout.~”
(Is he…you know…?)
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“When I get all steamed up, hear me shout!~”
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“Tip me over and pour me out.~”
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Oh no… This is a cute and funny scene and all, but when you know about Brain’s canonical issues with how he hates not being in control of a situation and all the traumas he’s endured (for those of you not in the know, yes, Brain does have a lot of trauma in his backstory that we learn about much later, both in the 90s spin-off and the reboot) regarding both general control and losing family and friends…there’s a bitter tinge to this scene.
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He’s so embarrassed and humiliated.
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He takes the cheese but he is positively fuming with rage, and I can’t exactly blame him from what I know about him.
This is made all the worse by Pinky’s innocent reaction to Brain’s little song and dance.
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“Hahahahaha! Wonderful! Hahaha! EGAD, Brain, I could watch you do that dance all day! Haha, narf!”
For Pinky, this is harmless silliness and he gets to see Brain sing and dance and “have fun”, which is not a usual occurrence. But for Brain? Well...
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“You have watched it all day, Pinky. Sixty-one times, to be exact. It’s a conditioned reflex to that infernal gong.”
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“I’m powerless to stop it!”
Well, Brain, at the very least it’s not like you were a part of a more inhumane experiment like one regarding, say, learned helplessness or anything. …Oh wait. Whoops. (For those sensitive to animal abuse, I suggest refraining from clicking on the second link, and caution against clicking on the first if even more clinical text descriptions of such would upset you. The third link is spoilers for the reboot.)
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All that aside, it seems like it’s Pinky’s turn. He gets the more traditional bell chime for his stimulus.
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And the result is him going into an uncontrollable and very enthusiastic Slavic folk dance.
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With violent results. I hope you appreciate that last screencap, as the animation goes by so quickly I had a lot of trouble isolating the part where Pinky kicks Brain and he goes flying.
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Pinky is all too happy to get a reward of cheese, his favourite food, for doing something that he has no memory of.
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“What’cha doin’ over there, Brain?”
“Contemplating your afterlife, Pinky.”
That’s not exactly fair, Brain, you know he has no control over this. To Brain’s credit, though, he doesn’t bop him or anything for kicking him involuntarily.
Pavlov leaves, playfully saying that he hopes the mice dream of cheese tonight, and the mice are immediately down to business.
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“At last, he’s gone.”
“Now we can begin our conquest of the world!”
We’re already back to it being “our” conquest of the world, eh?
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“Behold my latest creation, Pinky: The Vacuum-o-nator.”
Brain has never been good with naming things, has he? At least, not so far. I wonder if this will continue throughout the franchise?
Pinky is certainly very happy and impressed, though.
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“It uses reverse air pressure to vacuum everything toward it.”
You know, I was just about to roast Brain for thinking that making a very odd version of a vacuum cleaner was such a brilliant thing, but then I remembered that this takes place in 1904. The vacuum cleaner as we know it was “invented independently by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth and American inventor David T. Kenney” in 1901 according to Wikipedia, and portable vacuums were available to the general public starting in 1905.My apologies, Brain, that actually is very impressive.
Although, this all hinges on if the viewer considers episodes that take place in the past and/or at different locations than Acme Labs California to be mere Alternate Universe/What If? stories or Brain and Pinky using some kind of time machine to go to a different place and time for these episodes. (Before you tell me that this is just a cartoon and sicc the Please, Please Get a Life Foundation on me, I do this to have fun and maybe educate myself and the reader along the way. I promise I have a life. Barely.)
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“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Pinky?”
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“Uhh… Yeah, Brain! But where are we gonna find rubber pants our size?”
Pinky, that’s… Listen, folks, don’t make the same mistake I did and google “rubber pants”. It’s not what you think it is. You will be disappointed.
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Seems like you’re enjoying yourself there, Pinky.
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“No, Pinky. We’re going to use the Vacuum-o-nator to steal Russia’s crown jewels!”
Man, the animation for even this one small proclamation by Brain is so, so good. Brain standing authoritatively and holding the pen like a scepter or spear, the grand sweep of his arm as he says “no”, the serious and slightly menacing expression on his face, a violent and grabby swing of his arm on the word “steal”,  and a dramatic point and look up towards the sky when he finishes. TMS does great work, folks.
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“Narf! Genius, Brain!”
Look at Brain’s satisfied smile at Pinky’s simple compliment. Remember what I said earlier about Brain going through his explanations to show off to and  impress Pinky? At this point I’m absolutely convinced that that’s why Brain turns up the theatrics more than necessary when going through his plans. After all, Pinky is (oddly and rather sadly) the only one in-universe who thinks Brain is a genius and a good person.
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…Of course, the effect can sometimes be lessened by subsequent innocent bumbling.
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“Turn it off, Pinky.”
He says this so exasperatedly yet so deadpan at the same time, it’s great.
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“Oh! Right-o!”
Even Pinky immediately knows that he fucked up.
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“Zort! Whew! Wild hairdo, Brain! Heh heh, I like it.”
He even pets Brain’s “hairdo”, aww. And though I personally could take or leave the ‘do, I like the pointed, sharp look this mishap’s given to his ears.
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“Now I feel cleansed.”
Okay, this one might have been a little too much, Brain.
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“But Brain, aren’t the crown jewels always guarded by giant Cossacks?”
Well, Pinky, from what I know Cossacks were usually used extensively in the police force and as border guards during this time, so I guess that’s possible?
Brain picking the lock with the pen is a fun little detail.
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“Don’t worry about the guards… For tonight, Pinky, at precisely 1 am, there’s a total lunar eclipse. “
Again, this is probably not a thing the average person could look up quickly and easily in the 90s and the writers most likely didn’t care about accuracy here, but there were no total lunar eclipses in 1904. There were some penumbral lunar eclipses in March and September of that year, though. Just a fun fact for you folks.
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“The Earth’s shadow will completely cover the moon, blacking out all of St. Petersburg for a period of 30 seconds.”
Brain…?!? Brain, how did you get the diagram on that piece of paper to animate like that? What kind of Harry Potter-style magic bullshit is this?
I know this is a cartoon and all and I’m not truly upset but this honestly came out of nowhere and made me do a double-take.
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“In that brief time, we will sneak past the Czar’s guards under the cover of darkness and steal the crown jewels…for he who controls the jewels controls Mother Russia!”
More dramatics!
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“But…I thought your mother’s name was Désirée?”
I love Brain’s pose here. Very grumpy and sassy.
As for Pinky’s comment: We do get to meet Brain’s parents way later in the spin-off, though neither are addressed by any name. I’m taking this joke as canon anyway because it’s funny.
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Well, well, well… Looks like we’re shaking things up a bit with an inking instead of a bonk. That’s gonna be a pain to get out of his white fur, though.
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“Soon, Pinky, I will rule Russia…so from now on, call me Czar.”
Another sassy hand-on-hip pose.
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“Right-o, Brain!”
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“—eek! Czar Brain!”
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“Come along, Pinky… Conquest awaits!”
Nice to know that despite the inking, Pinky’s still following him anyway. Plus he’s doing it with that fond look on his face again. Hmm…
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What follows is a cute and ingenious sequence of Brain launching Pinky and himself through an open window via the spring force of a mousetrap. It goes by very quickly, but I just wanted to highlight a few things I managed to notice while pausing through it. Kudos to the animators again for these little details.
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Pinky’s the one that wraps one arm around Brain’s shoulders so that Brain has both hands free to spring the mousetrap properly and so that they’ll be launched together.
Interestingly enough, Pinky’s the cautious one who braces for impact right away while Brain gleefully flies through the air with his arms outstretched.
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The “camera” changes perspective and while Brain is still boldly flying forward with confidence, Pinky is still worried but has now opened his eyes as they fly towards the window.
Pinky’s still holding onto Brain and the Vacuum-o-nator as tight as he can. As they get closer to the window, however…
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…Pinky seems to realize he’s going to smash into the wall above the window if he doesn’t let go, so he lets go of Brain. Brain doesn’t realize where his trajectory is taking him.
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Pinky angles himself downward and through the open window, but it’s too late for Brain.
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WHAM! RIP, Brain.
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But his pain is not done! It looks like Pinky’s landing was in the soft snow. Meanwhile, Brain slides down onto the window and through the opening, only to bash into the lid of a garbage can, much to Pinky’s concern.
Then Brain falls headfirst into the snow.
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And finally, Brain is clonked on the head by the same garbage can lid, which makes a loud gong noise. Someone get this poor mouse some Aspirin.
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But since there was a gong noise, you all know what that means!
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Cutely, Pinky joins in on the dance in the middle of it.
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“Ha! Oh that was fun, Czar Brain! But let’s give it another go, right? Only this time with feeling!”
Man, that side-eye at the beginning from Brain…
Pinky’s body language is great in this episode, too. The gleeful flapping of his arms and feet and the “with feeling” gesture are fantastic examples of his more open and energetic nature coming through.
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Oh hey, there’s that one shot of Brain being ticked off used in the spin-off theme song! I can’t exactly blame him for his anger here. He just went through a lot of pain in a short amount of time and was then involuntarily made to humiliate himself. Pinky doesn’t mean to be mean here—he genuinely wants to have some sing and dance fun with Brain—but it’s gotta sting to have the humiliation highlighted.
Pinky still doesn’t deserve a bonking for it, though. But it’s slapstick, so he’s fine.
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Heh, “deliveries to rear” indeed.
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Oh, are those jingle bells on a sleigh that I see?
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Uh oh…
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“No, Pinky… Not now!”
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It cannot be stopped, Brain. He must dance!
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Another quick detail as Brain launches himself at Pinky’s midsection to either topple him over or hold him still to get Pinky to stop.
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Alas, Pinky’s dancing is too strong.
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The face of regret.
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His punishment is swiftly thwarted, though.
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��…That was unpleasant.”
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They take a different and more uneventful ride on a hay wagon to the palace.
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I love the exaggerated perspective going on here.
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“We made it inside, Brain!”
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“…’Czar Brain’.”
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“Czar Brain.”
He says it so quietly and sweetly, aww.
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“Yes, Pinky. There are fleeting moments when I even amaze myself.”
I…don’t know if it’s much of an accomplishment yet, Brain. Settle that ego down a bit.
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Oh, that’s some classic Looney Tunes-style sneaking animation there.
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Wait, why is the door to the treasure room just open behind them? Czar Nicolas II, what gives?
Speaking of…
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Hello, Czar Nicolas II. I hope you’re enjoying your “eclipse party”. You only have another 14 years or so to live it up, after all.
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“In just a few minutes, it’ll be totally dark and scary. OooOOoo!~ But don’t anyone touch me, I have cooties!”
I, uhhh. Okay, then.
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Same, boys. Same. Best to get down to business.
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“Behold the crown jewels of Mother Russia, Pinky. World conquest will soon be ours!”
Again, world conquest is “ours” and not just Brain’s. Also you can just tell Pinky’s thinking “I’m going to wear so much of this jewelry!”
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“Now, Brain?”
“Not yet. Wait for the total eclipse.”
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Speaking of…
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“Complete darkness, Pinky. Start the Vacuum-o-nator…”
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That gonging noise is an interesting choice for a chime. Surely this ornate clock is only an omen of good things for our duo.
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Pinky, you’re swooning again. And Brain…
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Oh no.
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Another clock! Who’d have thought Russian nobility loved clocks so much? This one has a more pleasant bell chime, though.
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…Oh NO!
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Well, looks like things are going to hell pretty quickly.
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Goodbye, boys.
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Goodbye, Czar Nicolas II! You might wanna look out for a man named Grigori Rasputin in the future, okay?
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Nice hat, Brain.
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“Whu--? The eclipse is over? Narf! What happened, Brain?”
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“Zort! I mean, Czar Brain.”
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“We failed again, Pinky… But just wait until tomorrow night!”
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“Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?”
“What else, Pinky?: Try to take over the world!”
It was a nice try, boys, but honestly I don’t know how you were going to fit all those crown jewels into that tiny improvised vacuum bag, anyway.
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One last cute little detail in this episode is our mousey duo jumping up with enthusiastic determination in front of the silhouette of the moon on the last note of the theme reprise. One day, you guys. One day…
Oh! And before I forget, have another short cameo from “Plane Pals”. It’s a tiny one.
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Pinky and the Brain steal a sheep off of an airplane. For what purpose? Who knows? But that’s it. I’m kind of wondering if the writers wanted to make a running joke of them making cameos to steal random things for world conquering purposes and just sort of gave up.
Anyway, so ends our recap for this post. It sure was a long one, but what can I say? There were some very cute details that needed to be shared. Have we learned anything new this time? Well, I mean, besides historical trivia.
Brain thinks both he and Pinky are great actors, despite his own near inability to lie and keep up an innocent pretense. Oh, he can be sarcastic, sure, but he can’t seem to manage to stop himself from revealing that he’s out for world  domination whenever he has an audience.
For the first time we see Brain’s annoyance and humiliation resulting from him being a lab mouse. Though it’s on the more subtle side at the moment, Brain seemed extra grumpy and violent during that last     episode because of the conditioning he’s unwillingly gone through. I’m     curious to see if there are any more examples of this before we reach an  episode touching on his origin story. Or…one of his origin stories, at     least. There’s around four of them last I checked and all but one of them  can reasonably fit into the others.
Pinky is truly beginning to show how much he adores Brain, which is nice. Beforehand we knew he was down with his world domination plans for whatever reason and also that he thinks Brain’s plans are great and ingenious. Now, though, we’ve gotten to the point of him literally swooning at Brain and his plans. Something’s definitely brewing there.
Next time: We get some more substantial cameos, join our mouse duo on a Fort Knox heist, and meet a new character that is both pretty important to the “lore” of the show going forward…but also doesn’t appear in person after their introductory episode until the very end of the Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain spin-off run.
See you then!
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vantaestummy · 4 years
Bad Sushi, Long Nights, and Lots of Love (Part 2)
Commission prompt: sick jk and his caretaker boyfriends, Seokjin and Namjoon
TW/// emeto & scat
A/N: I hope you all can give this fic a second chance, and I also hope that you all can forgive me and learn to trust me again. Thank you to those who sent me kind messages. I will do my best to pay more attention and continue to own up to my mistakes.
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When they arrive, Jungkook is not where Seokjin left him. The maknae is sitting on the edge of the couch, knuckles burning white as he grips the siding of the couch cushions. His face has paled to a drastic degree, and his teeth chatter as he swallows convulsively. 
“Are you going to be sick?” Namjoon rushes to Jungkook’s side, his knees falling to the floor as he places a hand to the younger man’s forehead. He looks up at Seokjin, worry clear in his eyes. 
“Babe, he’s burning up.” Namjoon says.
Seokjin stands cautiously over Jungkook, the maknae clamping a hand to his wet and trembling lips. 
Jungkook’s chills worsen. “H-hyung…”
Namjoon jumps into action, snatching a bowl from the dish wrack before pressing it into Jungkook’s arms with haste. The maknae opens his mouth, a string of drool falling into the bowl before he gags helplessly. With one giant heave, small pools of bile pour from his lips, clattering into the plastic with a loud and revolting noise. Seokjin pulls at his growing hair, talking him through it as he rubs the younger’s back with a calm hand.
“Shit,” Namjoon murmurs. “He’s really sick, hyung.. Think it’s a bug?” 
Seokjin’s jaw clenches as he continues to hold back Jungkook’s fringe with shaky hands. “I don’t know Joon-ah. Fever and chills could also come from food poisoning. What has he eaten?” 
Namjoon shakes his head as he thinks. “Nothing today. He barely ate his breakfast, so it must have been something from yesterday if it’s food poisoning.” 
Seokjin groans in frustration. “Should we take him to a hospital?” 
Jungkook moans, his top half swaying forward as he hiccups wetly. Namjoon presses a hand to his chest, to keep him upright. 
“N-No, don’t leave me hyungs…” Jungkook pleads deliriously, perspiration clinging to his skin. Seokjin and Namjoon share a grave and very concerned look. 
Seokjin drops to his knees so that he can cup Jungkook’s cheek. 
“We’re not going to leave you baby, but we need to take you to get the help that you need.” 
“No.” Jungkook cries, tears springing to life in his closed eyes. The sickness is really starting to take it out of him. Namjoon and Seokjin are nearly driven to tears themselves. 
Jungkook swallows convulsively. “I’m… I’m done hyungies. Can I just… Can I lay down? Can you stay?” 
Namjoon cards a hand gently through Jungkook’s locks, a sad smile curling along his dimpled face.
“Oh Jungkook-ah, I have to talk over a new schedule with the staff and P.D. but… maybe I’ll join you two later, okay bunny?” Namjoon offers as he winks at him. Jungkook can’t help but to giggle, even when his stomach aches and his throat burns. 
Seokjin brings Namjoon’s face in for a slow and sweet kiss. 
“I’ll take care of him while you’re gone. I promise.” Seokjin jokes lightly. Namjoon chuckles back. 
“I believe you.” 
Seokjin helps Jungkook to change into something more comfortable before helping him get into bed, as well as finding a position that is comfortable enough for his sick stomach. 
Seokjin kisses his head. “I’m going to make you some broth for your stomach. You have to eat something, even if it's super light.”
Jungkook whimpers, his lips bobbing as he shakes his head against his pillow, the sheets clutched tightly in his fists. 
“I don’ think I’ll be able to eat anything hyungie…” 
Seokjin pets his hair. “It will be light, Jungkook-ah. I promise. Do you trust me?” 
Jungkook pouts, and the sight makes Seokjin coo. 
“Yeah hyung, I’ve always trusted you.” 
Seokjin kisses his head one last time before standing.
“You’re gonna get over this. I promise.” He says before leaving in search of the things he needs to make a light bowl of soup. 
As soon as he's done, Seokjin slowly walks back to his room, a steaming bowl of chicken broth in one hand, and a lukewarm cup of water in the other. Jungkook can’t seem to sit still. His body undulates with tremors as he tosses from side to side. 
Seokjin sighs. “I know you’re in pain baby, but try to drink a little of this.” 
Jungkook hisses as he turns to face Seokjin, covers tucked to his chin as he opens his mouth slightly. Seokjin carefully places the rim of the bowl to Jungkook’s lips as he tilts it, the warm broth smoothly making its way down the younger man’s throat. Jungkook looks as if he’s swallowing a rock when he closes his mouth, his eyes shutting tights as he shivers with a grimace. 
Seokjin frowns. “Think you can drink a little bit more?” 
Jungkook doesn’t look too sure, but he nods for Seokjin’s sake. The older man pours a bit more into his mouth before setting it to the side, not wanting to go overboard in case Jungkook happens to get sick again. Seokjin makes to leave once more, in search of a trash can for the chance that Jungkook does in fact, throw up again. Jungkook however, thinks that Seokjin is leaving him completely. 
Jungkook cries. “No, no, no hyung, stay with me please.” 
Seokjin nearly coos again. “Jungkook-ah, love, I’m not going anywhere.” He assures him with a soft smile. Jungkook seems content when he hums, allowing Seokjin to kiss him on the tip of his nose. “Just going to grab something. I’ll be right back.” 
When Seokjin returns, Jungkook is impatiently waiting for him, his eyes open and his fists curled against the sheets. Seokjin chuckles as he comes to rest behind him, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s torso. 
“Just try to sleep. You’ll feel better after you rest.” Seokjin whispers into his ear. 
And Jungkook tries to rest. He really, really does, but his body won’t let him. His stomach won’t let him. 
Seokjin pats the lower abdomen of Jungkook’s stomach, a bulge there having formed, hard and round. He winces quietly in sympathy. “Does your stomach still hurt Guk-ah?” He whispers. Seokjin sits up just enough so he can see that Jungkook is squirming uncontrollably, his legs curling as he coils in on himself, pulling his knees into his chest as he whines in a pained manner. 
Jungkook whimpers with a jittery nod. His eyes are squeezed closed, his lids wrinkling as he rocks back and forth on his side. He can’t help but to whine again, the pain he feels nothing more than indescribable.
It’s damn near unbearable. 
Seokjin stands up before he rounds the corner of the mattress, hesitantly lowering himself onto the side of the bed. He starts to pet Jungkook’s hair, feeling nothing but useless as he watches his boyfriend suffer like this. “Think you can hold down a bit of water?” Seokjin asks him, his hand already reaching for the glass of water that he had brought the younger man earlier. The same glass of water that the maknae has not touched since he first lied down.
Jungkook groans, his entire body shaking as he pushes himself closer and closer to Seokjin, clearly afraid and in need of comfort.
Without warning, the nausea he feels is overbearing. Dizziness invades all of his senses, his stomach quaking as he tries desperately not to throw up. He tries to focus on his breathing, as well as the rapid pace of his heart, but nothing is working. His body is in a hurry to rid itself of whatever is inside, whether it’s actual food, or not.
“I think, I think I need the trash can.” Jungkook whimpers out, pressing a closed fist to his clamped lips, stifling a sick burp that sounds almost painful. Seokjin jumps up from the mattress, sprinting in pure havoc as he snatches up the trash bin from the corner of the room. He settles right next to Jungkook’s side, pressing the trash can into the younger man’s chest, breathing heavily himself as he tries to calm the incessant panic that he feels.
Jungkook begins to cough, his body jerking as he leans forward. Seokjin lifts the trash can beneath his chin just before he fruitlessly heaves. Nothing comes out, but the gags are grated and harsh, sounding more and more wet as he continues to exude such painful noises. 
“Take a deep breath my love, everything is gonna be alright.” Seokjin calms him, running his palm up and down the length of Jungkook’s spine, hoping that his boyfriend can feel that he is present and near. He combs a hand through his hair, trying desperately to will away the shake of his wrist. 
He doesn’t need Jungkook to know how scared he is.
Jungkook outright moans, spitting over the receptacle before he burps up a string of saliva, the taste of undigested broth plaguing his tongue.
Seokjin bites back a deep sigh. “It’s okay baby, get it all up.” He whispers. A part of him would rather have Jungkook throw up something than just bile, as that puts him in more pain, however, he would also rather have Jungkook throw up nothing at all. 
“I think we need to get you some medicine, something to calm your nausea.” Seokjin advises. Jungkook can’t answer as he retches, this heave a lot more successful as vomit spurts from his lips and into the trash bin below. Jungkook’s hair falls right in the line of fire between his mouth and the trash can.
Seokjin winces as he pulls at the boy’s growing locks, narrowly avoiding another spurt of puke that comes with a large and painful sounding retch. Jungkook begins to cry, coughing up another splash of puke, the grotesque fluids forming a small pool at the bottom of the receptacle.
Jungkook tightens his hands around the bin in his grasp, as if it will suddenly grow wings and fly. Vomit has made its way onto the collar of his shirt, as well as the knuckles on his fists, but he probably doesn’t even notice because he is so out of it.
“It’s okay Jungkookie, I am not going anywhere.” Seokjin comforts him, trying his best to hide the grimace in his voice.
Jungkook heaves once again, a steady stream of vomit pouring from his lips at an alarming rate. Seokjin doesn’t know what more he can say, as Jungkook’s face grows red from the strain of the vomiting, but he continues to brush back his hair and pat at his back. It’s not like Jungkook can hear him anyway. 
Jungkook wheezes a few more ragged breaths, a gag littered throughout every now and again, but nothing more comes up. Seokjin has no idea how long they sit there, Jungkook breathing rapidly with the other man there, rubbing his back in small and steady circles. 
Seokjin clears his throat.
“Do you think you’re done?” He asks.
Jungkook takes a few seconds to answer, his fringe dripping with sweat and his skin a pitiful gray color. 
“Y-Yeah… I... I think so…” 
Seokjin nods before patting his shoulder softly.
“I’m going to clean this out. I’ll be right back.” 
Jungkook sits up in the bed, breathing heavily with closed eyes as he leans his back against the wooden headboard of the bed. He doesn’t have the energy to answer, that much is clear, but when Seokjin is nearly out the door, Jungkook starts to sob. 
“Hyung, hyung don’t leave me… please.” 
Seokjin’s throat burns as he struggles not to cry too. “I’ll be right back my love.” 
When Seokjin goes into the bathroom to retrieve the medicine, he starts to cry. 
“Hyung? Baby don’t cry.” Namjoon has come back from his meeting, alarmed and panicked as he pulls Seokjin into his chest, kissing his hair and his forehead. 
Seokjin begins to sob. “He’s so sick Namjoon-ah, and I don’t know what to do.” 
Namjoon cups Seokjin’s cheek as he grazes it softly with his thumb. 
“You’re so busy taking care of Jungkook, that you’re neglecting to take care of yourself. Do you realize that it’s already dinner time? You skipped lunch, hyung.”
Seokjin sniffles as he looks at the time. 
Had it really gotten that late?
“H-He, he’s not getting any better. He threw up a lot after I tried to feed him some broth.” 
Namjoon nods as he kisses Seokjin’s hair.
“You take a break. I’ll look after him. Our schedules are clear for the day. If he gets worse, then we’ll take him to the emergency room. After thinking about it for a bit… I might have an idea on what made Gukkie so sick.” 
“What do you think it was?” Seokjin asks, intrigued. 
“I think it was the new sushi place that we ordered from last night. Guk was the only one that got something raw.” 
Seokjin frowns as he thinks back to the night that Namjoon speaks of. 
Seokjin gasps. 
“Oh fuck.” 
Namjoon laughs outright, surprised at Seokjin’s sudden use of such vulgar language. 
“Go eat. I’m going to go check on him. If it’s just food poisoning, then this shouldn’t last long.” 
Seokjin sighs before cupping Namjoon’s cheeks and kissing him deep. Namjoon’s breath hitches as he kisses back with full vigor. Their lips click in parting. 
“I’m serious. Go and rest.” 
Seokjin sighs with a small smile. 
“Okay. I love you.” 
Namjoon kisses him one last time. 
“I love you too.” 
When Namjoon enters the room, his ears are flooded with an incessant amount of snoring. Jungkook is fast asleep beneath the sheets, his breathing rugged but his body, somewhat still. 
Namjoon shuts the door.
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Sam's always had a bit of an oral fixation, a subconscious need to just have his mouth full. Before Stanford it was candy and the ends of pens, but as soon as he went to a college party, he found himself on his knees. He realized that's all he ever wanted, the hot and heavy feeling of a dick on his tongue.
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Dean notices right away that there's something off with Sam once they're back on the road together. He fidgets more than he used to, always bouncing one of his knees and licking his lips. His wide, earnest eyes noticeably darkening whenever Dean walked by. Heated gaze slowly trailing down the length of his brother's body until...
"Dude, what the Hell is wrong with you?"
Sam quickly takes the mangled pen cap he'd been gnawing on out of his mouth and turns in his seat to look at his brother. The soft trickle of sweat making him twitch just a little as a salty bead rolled down the back of his neck, dampening the collar of the oversized black t-shirt he was wearing.
"Don't play dumb, Sam. You look like you're about to jump out of your skin. So just tell me what's wrong," Dean orders from his spot on the bed across from Sam. His back is resting against the headboard, arms folded over his bare chest as he looks at his little brother impatiently.
"It's nothing," Sam lies, mouth going dry when he accidentally lets his eyes wonder down past Dean's waistline.
To be fair, it wasn't Sam's fault.
His brother was wearing those God damned boxers against. The ones that were just a little too tight, soft blue cotton fitting snug around all the right places. Jesus, they were going to be the death of him.
"Stop lying to me, Samuel."
"I can't explain," Sam huffs, raising his index finger as if to say hold on a damn minute when Dean opened his mouth to cut him off. "I don't know how to explain it...so I'm just gonna show you, okay?"
"Okay," the older boy repeats slowly, gorgeous green eyes focused solely on Sam as he got up from the table and made his way over to the bed.
"Promise not to make fun of me?"
Sam has that kicked puppy look turned up to eleven when he crawls onto the mattress, nestling himself between Dean's outstretched legs.
"I-uh yeah I promise...Wait, what the Hell, Sam?"
Dean's cheeks are so red that his freckles are barely visible. Confused eyes widening in terror as Sam skillfully tugs his boxer down past his hips.
"Don't freak out, Dean."
"M'not freakin' out."
"Oh really? Then why are you holding your breath?"
Dean feels like someone poured gasoline down his throat and lit his lungs on fire when he finally exhales after what seems like a lifetime. Fuck. Why did Sam always have to be right?
"Okay, fine! But seriously, dude. What the Hell?"
"I just- really like it, y'know?" the younger boy confesses as he settles on his stomach.
"What? Suckin' dick?" Dean manages to ask, failing to suppress a full body shiver at the feeling of Sam's soft fingertips tracing random patterns through his pubic hair. Goosebumps cascading down his arms when his little brother's nails bite at the sensitive skin.
"Well, yeah. But I don't always want to start right way," Sam muses, a self-satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his lips when Dean starts to squirm beneath. "I really just like having something in my mouth...if you get what I'm saying."
"Shit, Sam. Okay-" Dean stutters, trying to gather his wits. "Yeah, God, just do it before I lose my mind."
Sam's hand is warm and firm around the base of Dean's cock as he rocks his body upwards get a better angle. The hungry, determined look in his eyes making the older boy ache for more.
"Oh fuck."
Dean nearly bites through his bottom lip when Sam presses a gentle kiss against the head of his dick before slowly taking him into that sinful mouth. Glossy pink lips sliding down the length of his shaft until Sam's nose was buried in a mess of dark curly pubic hair, and Dean has to remember how to breathe all over again.
"Jesus, Sammy."
Dean's thighs are shaking now. His right hand instinctively finding it's way into Sam's tousled hair when he feels his little brother let out a sigh of content.
"That better, baby boy?" Dean asks softly as he pets Sam's hair. A needy groan escaping his lips when his little brother hums in reply, that filthy wet tongue massaging the underside of his dick playfully. Fuck, Sam's mouth feels amazing, and Dean has to exercise every last bit of self restraint he has left to keep his hips from bucking off the mattress. "Should've just told me, Sammy," he says, low and gentle. "Y'know I'll always give you what you want."
Sam lets out another soft hum of acknowledgment that makes Dean's toes curl for all the right reasons as he starts to rub the back of the younger boy's neck with his thumbs.
This time, it's his little brother's turn to shiver. And it's only then that Dean notices something. Sam is calm. That uncontrollable nervous energy he'd been bursting at the seams with had vanished. The tension between his shoulders was gone, and his breath was steady. Warm puffs of air tickling Dean's skin every time he breathed deeply through his nose.
"That's it, Sammy," Dean whispers, using his nails to lightly scratch up the path that his thumbs had just taken.
The older boy's heart almost stops beating in his chest when Sam looks up at him through a sea of long pretty lashes, desire burning bright in his eyes. Fuck, he can feel his little brother starting to drool. His mouth is so hot and wet and tight around Dean's aching dick that he really thinks he might go insane before Sam is ready to move. But his little brother looks so relaxed and happy, and Dean would rather die than mess this up for him. So he takes a deep breath and leans back. Eyes sliding shut as he runs his fingers through Sam's hair once more, focusing on how fucking incredible his little brother's mouth feels around him.
"Good boy."
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guess--monster · 4 years
g e n r e - s m u t
w a r n i n g s - d o m m i n g y u , d a d d y  k i n k, b r e e d i n g  k i n k,            d e g r a d i n g, e x p l i c i t  l a n g u a g e, l i g h t  b o n d a g e,                      o r g a s m  d e n i a l,  f i n g e r i n g, honestly this fic is kinda a lot. 
o r i g i n a l  c o n t e n t - i did write this and it is from a WIP of mine called Mingyu Shorts
a / n - this is written with a plus-size reader in mind. anyone, of course, can read it, and i highly encourage it because i worked hard on this piece, but there needs to be a common understanding that there will be no dramatic throwing of anyone through a wall or anything lmao. like the plus-size community is hella underrated and i hope that i do all my babies justice. also please leave feedback if you have any. also please do not engage in unprotected sex unless you are in a long term relationship with a trustworthy partner.  that being said please enjoy sex as much as you want with the use of aforementioned protection!
Sex with Mingyu was all fire and passion. There was no such thing as gentleness when they had sex. In all honesty, sex seemed too kind a word and fuck didn’t seem rough enough. It wasn’t good for him unless her face was left adorned with running mascara, dried tears, and an expression that let you know she had been used. He fucked like a wild animal in heat, all bark and bite. Gnashing teeth and snarls in her ear. A tease naturally, she was left begging for all that she wanted. The pet name Daddy dripping like saliva from her swollen lips. 
He stared down at her beautiful body, all voluptuous curves and deep breaths, chest heaving. Her arms bound to the headboard leaving her fully on display. A meal for his eyes and he was happy to dive in. Words flowing from his mouth, the sound of liquid sin. 
“Tell Daddy what you need baby girl,” he commanded, a mischievous glint in his almost black eyes. 
Mingyu took so much pleasure in watching her suffer sexually. In his mind, she was his and only his to absolutely ruin and so he would do just that. He bent his body down and positioned himself between her fleshy thighs, placing hickies and rough kisses on each and every inch of them. Soft moans leaving her lips as her hips jerk upwards uncontrollably. 
He sits up and tsks in feign disappointment, “Awe c’mon baby, you know better than to move like that.” 
She scrambles to find the words in her already fucked out mind, “Daddy please,” she sniffles in frustration, “please just fuck me. I can’t take it anymore!” 
A sadistic smile spreads across his face, “Oh? Now you know that’s not true,” without warning he shoves two of his fingers into her already abused heat. Mingyu leans over her, letting his lips drop to her ear, “You will be my stupid little cum slut and take everything a give you, won’t you bitch?” 
She would love to answer, but she is too far gone to remember anything other than ‘Daddy’. He thrusts his fingers faster, watching her eyes roll back into her head as she clenched around him, nearing her fourth orgasm. 
“Don’t you dare cum again, I’ve been too nice to you tonight.” He continues his assault on her dripping heat. 
She whimpers and screws her eyes shut, trying to think of anything other than his long thick fingers pumping in and out of her.  “You look so pretty kitten,” he purrs. It’s not long until her body betrays her and she cums, coating his fingers in her slick. He fingers her through her high, before removing his digits and licking them clean. He lets a content sigh fall from his lips as he stands and strips himself of the Calvin Klein boxers that were keeping his cock hidden away. Crawling back towards her, he made quick work of untying her wrists and repositioning her so that she was sitting. Her freedom did not last for long, as he was quick to bound her wrists again, only this time behind her back. The tip of his member only centimetres from her mouth causing it to water. 
“Since you disobeyed me,” he spoke as he brushed her hair away from her face, “you’re going to open this pretty little mouth for me and I’m gonna fuck your throat until I’m satisfied.” Mingyu brushed his hand down the side of her flushed, chubby cheeks and let his thumb rub against her bottom lip. She obeyed quickly. As soon as she opened her mouth, he was inside of it. His salty cock, heavy on her tongue and she loved it. Unable to resist him in any way, he fucked her mouth ruthlessly. Every time she gagged around his length, he couldn’t help but let out a groan. Dirty praises flowed through the air as he neared his own climax and despite not wanting to stop he did. Pulling his dick out of her mouth with a pop, he smirked as he met her teary eyes. Her needy expression was absolutely delectable. 
 “I’m sorry baby girl, I couldn’t just let that cum go to waste, not when I could fuck it into you instead.” The words made her tremble and he wasted no time, pulling her back down so that she was lying, and he could line himself up in between her legs. He pushed his entirety into her, leaving her no time to adjust, and started in at a steady pace, unable to control himself when his member was wrapped tightly in her heat. Mingyu was absolutely feral, and despite the discomfort, she felt from the awkward position of her bound arms, his thrusts left her screaming out in pleasure and in pain of overstimulation. He couldn’t get enough of how she took all of him each time, eventually flipping her over just so he could watch her ass bounce as he fucked her into the mattress. 
Drool pooled underneath her as she called out for her Daddy to fuck her harder, her wrists straining against the rope that was still wrapped tightly around her wrists. Mingyu grabbed her hair pulling her head up. 
“Fuck, look at how pathetic you look. I’m going to fill you up with my kids and you’ll take every drop, won’t you baby girl? You’ll take all of me into your tight, little pussy. You’ll look so pretty all swollen and pregnant.” 
“Please Daddy, fill me with your cum,” she cried out as he let go of her hair and let his hands instead grip her hips roughly. Easily bruising her as he fucked her harder. 
“Daddy I’m close.” she moaned out, but he already knew from the way her heat was pulsing around him. 
“Fuck, me too baby. I’m gonna fill you so good,” he groans as she came around his length and he quickly followed in suit. He continued thrusting into her, using her to milk his own cock until he is sure he has pumped every drop of cum into her. 
Without pulling out, he untied her wrists and leaned down to kiss them gently. 
“You look so pretty like this you know? All fucked out and full of my cum. The only thing stopping it from pouring out of you and down your beautiful thighs is my half-hard cock.”    His hands leaving her wrists to knead her tender, love bite marked thighs. When she convulses around him, he moans out a soft fuck before finally, slowly, pulling out of her. 
Mingyu bites his lip as he watches his cum drip down her legs. He tears himself away and walks over to the bathroom. Soon he comes back with a warm towel and begins cleaning her in silence. Despite the roughness he had fucked her with his aftercare is soft and careful. He taps her butt, gently signalling that she can finally let her overworked and weak body collapse onto the bed.  After cleaning himself up he throws the towel in the dirty clothes hamper and makes his way back to the bed. He quickly slides into bed next to her and adjusts to accommodate her comfort level. Mingyu runs his hands lazily over her plush and ample body, caressing the hills of her flesh. Normally she would complain and push away, but she was too spent to fuss and the feeling of his hands on her body as he whispered sweet nothings was enough to lull her into a sleep that was deep and content. 
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copias-thrall · 4 years
An Interlude
Please enjoy some s/m/u/t with these two goobers.
(Part 1; Part 2)
Sleeping 💤with Mary is an exercise in your tolerance threshold. 
He gets annoyed by the fact that you flail and always seem to elbow him in the face; you get annoyed that he shakes you awake to bitch at you. He also has the tendency to use you as a body pillow, which has had you waking up in a sweat because Mary is a goddamned furnace. 
Heaven forbid you say anything, however—last time you did, he heisted one of your pillows and pointedly slept on your couch.
And you think the boy would’ve known better than leaving his makeup on, but alack the day—it only took the one time of seeing your pillows covered in blood and white cake for you to have to buckle down on him at least using a washcloth. (“I don’t see what the issue is, it’s not like you’re the pinnacle of hygiene.” “A little body gunk is way different than cheap fake blood!”)
But it’s nice in other ways. Like: Mary is a goddamned furnace , and not only does that solve your cold feet problem, but you also get the added bonus of startling the shit out of him when you make use of his warm nooks. When you wake up from one of your slasher nightmares, instead of grabbing for your hammer, you grab for Mary. Plus, he likes to wake you up with his fit guitarist’s fingers steadily going to town on your clit.
He’s not always around, though—there are gigs; and his friends; and his own apartment. On those nights, you can luxuriate in being able to starfish and not have to play the “cover on, cover off” game. Also, you have your vibrator, which is always good for a slow, intense orgasm or a quick climax.
Tonight is one of those nights—Mary’s band was playing a short set before close at Mickey’s, which meant drunken carousing with his bandmates—so you brought out the big guns. A little porn on your phone, and you’re cumming in no time, shoving the toy hastily out of the way as your roll over to go to sleep.
You wake up early the next morning because there’s a solid boy sprawled over you. His head’s on your chest, one hand resting on a tit, and one of his thighs is between yours. His boxers are on, but his flaccid penis is hanging out of the slit. It smells like he’s sweating alcohol, but at least it looks like he got (most) of his makeup off.
Goddamnit, Mary. You don’t have to be up for another 2 hours! He’s out cold and—yep—drooling on you.
“Mary,” you say. Nothing. “Mary,” you say louder. Still nothing. You wiggle a little, trying to jostle him awake. Not even a twitch. You wet your finger in your mouth and stick it in his ear. This earns you a half snore and a body jerk.
“Mary,” you try again. A low rumble from his chest vibrates against you. He begins to slowly shift—unfortunately his slowly forming awareness starts and stops at the realization that he has a tit in hand, and he begins to fondle it. If possible, he presses into your further, and he starts rubbing his now hardening cock into your hip.
“Mare, c’mon,” you whine, trying to wiggle away. He grumbles and slides his hand from your breast down to your puss. Unsatisfied with what he finds there, he brings a finger to a suck into his mouth. When the wet pad of his finger makes contact with your clit, you’re appeased somewhat. He slides the digit up and down your slit—dipping down into your hole, then back up to circle your clit.
You close your eyes and rock into the motion. He turns his head to suck a nipple into his mouth, and soon enough you’re wet and slick.
“Mmm,” he rumbles, “there’s the juice.” Sluggishly, he squirms on top of you, slipping his dick to swipe in between your folds. You two rub at each other lazily, and Mary kisses you. He tastes like the bottom of a birdcage, so you push his face away.
“Your morning breath, dude.”
“Bitch,” he grumbles, but turns his head anyway to suck under your jaw. You put your hands above your head so you can brace against the wall, and Mary follows their movement with red, blurry eyes. 
Then he stops.
You wiggle your hips impatiently. “C’mon … wake me the fuck up and—”
“The fuck is that?”
“That—what is that?”
You turn your head to see that Mary is referring to the vibrator that you hastily shoved aside last night.
“It’s just my vibrator,” you say as you rock your cunt, trying to get the head of his cock to stimulate your clit—but Mary slips free so that he has the reach to grab for your toy. He slides off to your side so he can examine it up close. You groan and bring your hand down to massage yourself.
He looks over at you. “It doesn’t look like dick.”
“Why would it look like a dick?”
“Uh, you know? So you can …” he makes a thrusting motion with it.
You sigh. “You’re thinking of a dildo. I don’t stick this in me.”
His eyes trail from the vibe, down your abdomen, to your cunt.
“It doesn’t get you off from vibrating inside you?”
“No. It’s more for … direct stimulation.”
He’s staring at your hand as it works between your legs.
“Can I watch you use it?”
You stop and turn your head.
“You want to watch me use my vibrator?”
He nods, blood-shot eyes wide.
“You won’t feel … useless?”
“The fuck would I feel that? It’s hot watching your touch yourself.”
“Yeah, ok,” you say as you hold out your hand for the device. He watches as you turn it on to your favored settings. You spread your legs, only feeling a little self-conscious when he slides down to get a better view. The first press to your clit sends a delicious spark of pleasure through you, and you moan as your eyes roll back. Mary pets your inner thigh.
You proceed to play a little—never letting your toy sit directly on your clit or stay in one place too long. You’re aware that you’re writhing and letting out breathy moans. Mary’s eyes flit from the show between your legs, up to you face, then back down again. One of his hands tweaks a nipple, and you let out an Ah! as you mash against the tip. Another hand slips over yours on the device.
“Can I?” he asks in his growling stage voice.
“Yeah!” you gasp and bring your hands up to clutch into your pillow.
Mary takes a less nuanced approach, apparently relishing in watching you jerk and squirm as he puts the toy more directly on your throbbing clit. He’s staring at you, mouth open, as you pant and thrash. You feel your climax approaching—and you mean to warn Mary to back off a bit—but before you can, he presses in more and you can’t stop yourself from bearing down into the never-ending vibrations as your orgasm explodes over you in pulsating waves. 
Your back bows, and you feel yourself squirt everywhere as you scream over and over. When you're finished, Mary is stock still and gaping at you, so you have to push away from him as you turn and curl into yourself, thighs squeezed together. As you pant, you hear the toy turn off.
A hand trails lightly down your flank. “Are you all right?”
You raise a hand up, implicit instruction for him to “hold on.” You unfurl slowly as your blood evens out. Even though it’s just Mary, and he’s gross, you’re still a little embarrassed. You roll onto your back and drape an arm over your eyes.
“Shit. I should’ve asked you to put down a towel.”
His rubs a hand over your belly. “What just happened?”
You peek at him from under your arm. “Don’t you know?”
“Not really? Did I … hurt you?”
Still high from your intense orgasm, you start giggling uncontrollably. Mary’s face journeys from concern to confusion to annoyance. 
“Well, then what?”
You wiggle up into his lap (his cock still half hard and hanging out) and rub your face on his.
“Uh, you gave me a squirting orgasm. I should have warned you … the, um … direct pressure. I meant to say, but—”
He pulls your head back by your hair to stare at you.
“That was squirting?!”
“Um. Yeah. Don’t you watch porn?”
“Not that kind of porn apparently.”
“What kind do you watch then?
Mary opens and closes his mouth a few times. “Don’t change the subject.”
He’s searching your face, and you feel yourself flush. You start to back off him saying, “Look, it’s perfectly normal. I didn’t do it on purpose … you just kinda—”, but he gathers you back up.
“No, it’s hot. I just didn’t expect … I’ve definitely jerked off to the thought of making a girl squirt.” His smile spreads across his face, and he’s showing teeth. “And now that I know how to do it, you’re in trouble.”
“Fuck, Mary.”
He grabs handfuls of your ass and jerks his hips at you.
“In the meantime, you mind returning the favor? Want your hand on me.”
“Yeah,” you breath out.
He takes your hand and spits into it—despite knowing there’s lube … somewhere on your floor—before bringing it down to his cock. You wrap your hand around his heat and stroke slowly up and down. He leans his head back—Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows—before snapping it forward again to watch as you jack him. His eyes glaze over even as he grips and grabs at your flesh. You’re going to be bruised all to hell.
You work him over good, changing up between long, slow strokes and quick sweeps over his cockhead. Mary’s thrusting up into your hand, words tumbling out of his mouth.
“Oh fuck. Yeah. Yeah, just like that. Oh god—faster.”
You speed up your strokes.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah—don’t stop. Don’t stop. Fuck. Oh fuck.”
He surges forward and shoves his tongue into your mouth, so you really let your hand fly. His nails dig painfully into your love handles, and suddenly he’s grunting into your mouth, his cum now hot and wet on your hand. You keep working him, and when he tries to jerk away from your touch, you say,
“Shh, take it. Be a good boy and take it.”
He’s just chanting fuck over and over as he slams his fists into your bed, gripping your sheets in his grasp. His dick gives a kick, and a small spurt of watery cum shoots out before you finally loosen your hold.
Mary collapses back onto the bed, cupping his dick.
“Oh shit. Oh fuck,” he gasps.
You smile smugly down at him. “One good squirt deserves another.”
His eyes snap to meet yours. “Shut the fuck up. C’mere.” He puts his arms out. You flop down next to him and he rearranges you onto his chest. You not so subtly wipe your hand on his boxers.
He snorts. “Real nice.”
“It is your jizz.”
Despite telling yourself that you’re just going to rest your eyes for a minute, the next thing you know, your alarm is jerking you out of a sound sleep.
“Whatever that is, I’m going fuck it up if you don’t make it stop,” murmurs Mary where his face is smushed in your covers.
You scramble up the bed to turn it off. “Fuck,” you say, head in hands. You crawl out of bed and grab some loungewear before heading into the bathroom. The shower takes forever to warm up, but once it does, you allow yourself a few moments to stand under its warm spray before cleaning between your legs.
You’re never more aware of Mary’s presence in your apartment than when he isn’t up and about handing you a mug of coffee and a piece of toast. You blunder your way through setting the drip and merely grab a granola bar to nosh.
The morning’s half over when Mary finally emerges from your room. You’re in the weeds with an Important Work Thing, so you just grunt at him.
“Coffee?” he rasps.
“Counter. But it’s cold.” You gesture vaguely. 
You hear him pour a cup and the gulp gulp gulp as he swallows it down. In your periphery, you’re aware of him banging around your kitchen. He finally comes over and curls up next to you on the couch, munching on some toast. The two of you sit in companionable silence until he finishes his food and worms his head onto your lap. You absently run your unoccupied hand through his hair in between typing.
You’re pretty sure he dozes for a while, but some time later he says, “I feel like a Mac Truck hit me.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you were still drunk this morning.”
He grunts.
Lunch approaches, and you close your laptop, stretching as much as you can with Mary in your lap.
“Hey—not that I’m complaining—but what are you doing here? I thought you had … things.”
He pulls himself up into a sitting position, pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes.
“Uh, yeah. Things got—we we’re gonna have post-show drinks at O’Reilly’s, then head back to our place so we could get up and work on some new stuff. But …” He sweeps his hand out.
You squint at him. “But you came here instead?”
Mary looks at you and worries at the hem of his shirt.
“It was obvious pretty quickly none of us were going to be functional today.”
“What happened?”
“I came here.”
You blink at him.
He sighs and scrubs he face in his hands.
“There were some fans …”
“Ok, groupies. Uh, regulars.”
A spike of anxiety hits you, but you push it down. “Ok?”
He rubs the back of his neck.
“Some of them are cool. They can hang. But some of the others don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. The guys were good to go, buying shots and doing bumps with some of them in the bathroom, but …” He gestures at you. “I got a girl.”
Stupid relief floods you.
“When it was clear it was going to turn onto an orgy, I left.”
He’s curled all the way into the other corner of the couch, still tugging at his hem.
“Am I to take it that you’ve … been an active participant before?”
He nods, looking miserable.
Mary shakes his head vigorously. He takes your hand.
“Not since … not since you.”
You rub your other hand over his knuckles.
“Ok. Thank you for telling me, Mary. But your past history is … it has no bearing on me—on us—unless you think there’s a pressing reason for me to know. I trust your judgment. Nothing happened, right?” 
He squeezes your hand, his eyes wide and imploring. “Nothing .” 
You wonder who hurt him.
“Hey,” you say, scooting into his space. You take his face in between your hands. “I trust you, ok? Don’t fuck it up and we’re good.”
He sighs and presses his forehead into yours.
“Fucking it up is my specialty.”
“Oh crap! Mine too—I guess we’re fucked.”
He lets out a laugh. You pat his cheeks harder than necessary, and he snarls at you as he pushes you away.
“I need a snack. You want?”
You end up making a pretty sick sandwich—some lunchmeat; square cheese; hard, unripe tomato; and pieces of bagged lettuce with spicy mayo on an onion bagel—which you cut diagonally. Mary’s rocking a pretty terrible version of puppy-dog eyes, so you hand him half (your intention all along, but he doesn’t need to know that), which he practically inhales in one bite.
“You working tonight?”
He nods.
“You wanna go back to sleep? Cuz, I have to get back to work.”
He shakes his head. “Can I … do anything?” He makes a gesture around you apartment.
You pretend to ponder, before saying, “As it turns out, my sheets need to be washed.”
Mary groans.`
“No takebacks!” you sing as you open up your laptop.
Your apartment may be a shoebox with no closet space, a window that opens to a brick wall, a weed you can’t stop from growing out of a crack in the wall, a toaster oven that catches on fire past 250º, and a hall light you can’t turn on because the lightbulb will explode—but it has an in-unit washer/dryer in the bathroom (something you’ve never been as grateful for since you started fucking Mary).
He grumbles as he strides into your bedroom.
“And don’t forget you have to—” you yell over your shoulder.
“I have to sit on it during the spin cycle so it doesn’t take off. I know, I know,” he yells back. He emerges with a bundle of bedsheets. “I do the laundry here more than you do, you know.”
“Don’t get on your high-horse—half of that’s because you do your laundry here.”
He sticks his head out of the bathroom. “Whatever. Like a few extra black clothes in your loads make a dif.”
You hear the lid close and the cycle start. Mary joins you on the couch soon after.
“You don’t really mind that I—”
“Oh my god, shut up. It’s fine.”
You turn to him. “Anyway, I’ve always wanted a housewife.”
He gives you the finger.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Shared Walls. (m)
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↳ chapter six: nightmare
❧ genre: pro-hero shouto, coworkers to lovers, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: night terrors, panic attacks, blood, buring alive
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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“Where the fuck am I," you breathed out, walking down an alley. 
Before and behind you was complete darkness as only a dim light hovered over you. Each step you took felt like you were about to fall, not sure what was in front of you. It was cold and quiet, not even your erratic breathing or footsteps echoed. Wrapping your arms around yourself, the organ in your chest started to work overtime as you felt a sinister aura creep up. 
"Who's there?"
You didn't hear them coming, you didn't hear them breathing but somehow you were now pinned against a wall. Ice blue eyes held you still against the rough brick, flawless skin met charred skin and a stitched smile covered your captors features.
"He's been looking for you (Y/N). Don't scream and come quietly."
You shook your head no, making the beautiful monster quirk a brow. You hissed and cried as your forearms were being seared, looking down blue flames engulfed your skin, blue flames that matched those blue eyes.
"Shouto," you cried out.
The man chuckled and look to the right, his nose piercing shimmering. Your eyes followed his gaze and your blood went cold as your knees buckled, the hands around your now charred and numb arms gripped tighter holding you in place as you tried running. His lips were at your neck, ghosting your skin and making you shudder as hot tears streamed down your cheeks. Shouto was on the ground, the same dim light that hovered over you, hovered over him. On his knees wearing only his pants and boots, gashes and cuts littered his entire upper half. He looked down screaming as blood poured from above him, staining his snow white hair and dripping through his fingers.
Those heterochromatic eyes that you adored so much finally looked up at you and Shouto's expression went blank.
"(Y/N), I'm so sorry," his voice broke as blue flames soon surrounded him.
Those lips on your skin were now at your ear, you hissed as the sensation of them made your skin sting.
"Poor Shouto."
As the cold phrase left his lips, Todoroki was set ablaze as you both screamed out together.
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All at once you were pulled from the darkness as your eyes flew open from a freezing cold sensation, they looked upon an ice blue eye making your blood run cold. Tears poured down your face as you tried to pull away from the hands clutching your wrists.
"No! Please don't hurt him!"
The eye narrowed and hands were now cupping your face as a low stoic and familiar voice started to fill your ears.
"(Y/N), it's me! Look at me!"
You were so focused on that one sea blue orb that you didn't notice the grey one, you pulled back a little and took in Todoroki's face, your eyes wondering down to his chest as your hands followed and gripped the clean and un-tattered shirt he wore, his arms loosely wrapped around you and were devoid of blood and scars.
"You're okay, it was only a nightmare. I'm here now!"
You looked back up to his face, your bottom lip quivering.
"Oh, Shouto," your voice broke as your face fell into his chest and sobbed.
Todoroki looked down and wrapped you tighter into his chest, one of his hands resting on the back of your head and petting your hair. He pressed his cheek to the top of your head and let you cry as your arms wrapped around him and gripped his back with desperation.
"I thought I lost you,” you rasped as the violent images flashed before your eyes once again.
"I thought I lost you too," was all he said as you both sat there and he comforted you.
After a while, your crying stop and you both sat in silence. Not once did either of you let go of each other, you found yourself softly humming a tune as Shouto rubbed your back. Your stomach growled breaking the serene moment and making your hero chuckle.
"I should feed you, it's been a while."
You pulled back and wrapped on arm around your stomach to realize you were wearing a t-shirt that didn't belong to you. 
"Exactly how long have I been out of it?"
"Almost 12 hours." 
Todoroki explained that he took you to the hospital to get your wound addressed and have you check over, your breathing had slowed immensely along with your heart rate and had him worried sick that you were dying. The doctors told him that whoever sedated you did so with a large uncontrolled amount and wanted you knocked out for a while. He explained how he brought you back to his place until you woke up, your clothes were covered in blood and he changed you into one of his own shirts.
"I'm sorry if that was wrong of me, I just didn't want you to wake up and see them."
You gave a pained smile at his chivalry and realized the heartbreaking reality of what needed to be done. 
Touching his cheek you bit on your lip trying to keep from crying again, "Thank you so much for taking care of me Shouto, I'm so lucky to have you. I'm so sorry I got you into this mess, you're life would be a lot easier without me. And ... that's why I can't work for you anymore, or see you."
Todoroki's brows furrowed and his heart dropped into his gut. "W-what are you talking about?"
You looked away from him and sniffled.
"I thought I found the perfect place to hide from him, but he has eyes everywhere and now they know probably know about you. He won't stop at anything to get me back, even if that means going after you Shouto. I know even if I run again he'll probably just find me, but at least you won't be involved anymore. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because of me. I can't protect you ... I'm nothing."
"Protect me?" 
Shouto was having an internal crisis. One, he still didn't know what exactly who 'he' was and two, the woman he was falling for, that his heart yearned to love was wanting to leave and be on her own knowing she was in danger as long as it meant keeping him safe. Shouto felt your hands leaving him as you started to pull away and remove yourself.
"I'm sorry Roki. I should prob –" 
His hand gripped your elbow keeping you in place and making a ragged breath escape you.
"It's not your job to protect me, but it is my job to protect you. I failed you once already, and I'll live with that for the rest of my life, but I won't live with letting you just - go. You're not leaving (Y/N) and that's final."
You looked up at him with puffy (e/c) orbs and lips parted, he could tell you wanted to fight back maybe throw a low blow his way to make him hate you but his own eyes seared into you silently letting you know it wasn't worth it.
"Okay," was all you answered with.
Shouto knew he had a hold over you, he didn't like to take advantage of it but this situation called for it.
"Now forget about all of this for a few hours and lets get you some food and a warm bath. But I need you to do something for me (Y/N)."
You hummed in response still looking at him awaiting his request. Shouto brushed your hair out of your face and placed his palm to your cheek, the contact made your hurt expression disappear as you happily melted into his touch.
"I can't protect you entirely if you don't tell me what's going on. So promise me, after we get you fed and feeling better, you'll tell me everything."
"I promise Roki!"
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"Is that your mother?" You asked with a mouthful of pancakes.
After finally agreeing to eat some food and mentioning how you craved breakfast, Todoroki fulfilled your wish without judgement and without your help, declining every time you asked. 
Shouto looked up from washing dishes and in the direction your eyes fell upon. It was a picture of him and a woman with ice white hair and grey eyes that matched his own. A soft smile played on his lips and he nodded.
"She's very beautiful. I think you take after her more than you do Enji."
"So does that mean you think I'm beautiful too," he teased.
You giggled and rolled your eyes at him, washing your food down with some milk and wiping your mouth.
"I think you're just fishing for a compliment RokiRoki! I'm sure tons of woman have let you know just how stunning you are. You know I'm curious, just how many woman have you dated?"
The hero looked at you with a quirked white brow and chuckled, "Uh – I'm not sure. I work a lot and never really focused on companionship. I've dated here and there in between with women who pursued me, but they only did so because of my status."
You pouted your lips and remembered the two girls in the ramen shop that drooled over him and how you forgot he was a popular hero. Yeah, he was undeniably gorgeous and extremely powerful but how could someone want this man just for those material things, he was so much more and truly a wonderful person, each day your heart feel for him more and more.
"I'm sorry Shouto, if it makes you feel any better I adore you for more than just your good looks!"
You stood from your seat and carried your dish over to the sink, as you tried to reach for the sponge and wash it on your own Todoroki took the plate. Before you could fight him he explained that your wrapped arm could get wet since they reached down to your wrist.
"Alright RokiRoki, you win this time. Thank you again for everything, you really are my hero."
Smiling, you stood on the tips of your toes, you hand cupped his face and brought his cheek close to your lips where you planted a kiss to his cool skin. Shouto smirked and let out a puff of steam making you giggle as he rolled his eyes.
"You know, its really cute how your quirk acts up every time I make you nervous or flustered."
The male shook his head and mumbled as he finished washing your dish and dried his hands.
"Come on, lets go to your place so you can get a bath and some of your own clothes if you want."
Nodding, you quickly turned on your heels to walk towards his door until your head started to spin, making you stumble over. Todoroki quickly caught you and scooped your body up, "I guess you're still a little woozy from the drug, let me get your keys and I'll carry you."
Todoroki brought you over to your apartment where he walked you straight to the bathroom and sat you on the edge of the tub.
"Let me undo these for you first, then I'll step out and wait for you to finish."
You nodded and watched as he gently took your arm in his hand and undressed the wrappings from it. He felt you flinch and looked up with concern.
"It's okay Todo, it's just really sore."
He continued carefully and removed the stained bandages, revealing the gash that wrapped from your inner forearm to the top of your wrist.
"Damn, that guy really fucked me up huh, I didn't even realize."
Shouto stood up and turned on the bath for you, asking how hot you wanted it and cleaned up the dried blood and ointment from your gash while the tub filled up.
"Okay, if you need me I'll be right outside so just call for me."
You nodded and smiled at him, making his heart melt and a smile cross his own face, he was so relieved to see you up and awake, bright and smiling once again. 
Without hesitating, Shouto leaned down to your level, placing a hand on the back of your hair and kissed your forehead before walking out and let you be. 
As he waited on the other side of the door, Shouto called his father informing him of what happened. Enji was genuinely worried about your well being and advised that you both take Monday off to rest and recoup and also for Shouto to keep an eye on you, in the meantime Endeavor planned on launching an investigation about what happened. Todoroki thanked him and told him that once he got more details he'd get a call back.
Once off the phone, the hero leaned his head against the door and let out a tired sigh.
A few more minutes went by as Shouto sat on the ground listening closely. Since your accident he was ten times more protective of you and scared that the littlest thing would break you. He sat there grateful that you lived right next door, close enough for him to keep an eye on you and not get too paranoid. From now on he wasn't going to let you out of his sight, not until whoever did this was caught and locked up.
"Shouto," your voice called out from inside the bathroom.
Todoroki turned his head as he answered you. "Are you okay, do you need something?"
He heard water sloshing and quietness again.
"Will you come in here and sit with me, I want to tell you now."
Shouto's eyes widened at your request and he asked if you were truly comfortable with him being in there, stating that he can wait for you to be done. You protested though and let him know that it was okay.
"I'm not going to seduce you Shouto if that's what you're scared of, at least not yet!"
The hero smirked and shook his head as you lightened up the mood.
"Okay, I'm coming in."
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bjnurse · 5 years
Juxtaposition - Prequel
This is the prequel for Part 1 which can be found here. (It’s also 18+ only)
Risotto x Doppio 18+ ONLY BELOW
They find themselves running into an abandoned building like their lives depend on it-- because their lives do depend on it. After ducking through multiple alleys and doubling back a few times, this seems like a safe enough and out-of-the-way place as they can find to let things cool off. Along the way, Doppio swears he can fight for himself, but Risotto stresses that it’s too risky. Risotto isn’t Capo of the La Squadra Esecuzioni for nothing. Doppio decides it’s best to trust his judgement. 
They had met at a cafe to discuss a hit that The Boss wanted La Squadra to take care of as swiftly and discreetly as possible. An independent gang was quickly encroaching on The Boss’s territory. 
When Doppio met Risotto at the cafe table, Risotto thought that Doppio was rather cute. The Boss must keep him around as a pet. 
There was no need for pleasantries. This was work. Doppio told Risotto of the hit. He placed a photo face down on the table and slid it to Risotto. Risotto let his large fingers rest on Doppio’s petite hand. Doppio blushed slightly at the contact. Risotto sat with an elbow on the table and knuckles against his mouth. He smiled into them at Doppio’s reaction. 
Doppio quickly withdrew his hand and continued to convey the information. Risotto picked up the photo, glanced at it casually then set it back onto the table. His eyes wander back to Doppio. Then they fixed on someone over Doppio’s shoulder. Risotto picked up the picture again, studied it and found that the person sitting a few tables behind Doppio was the same as in the picture. 
Risotto put the photo into his pocket and said, “We’re leaving. Now.”
Risotto gives a look around to see if they were followed to the abandoned building. They should be safe, with the winding way they made their escape. With a quick use of his stand, Risotto unlocks the bolted door and rushes in with Doppio. 
As soon as the door closes behind them, they run to the next room. Before they get there, Risotto’s well-trained ears pick up something. Someone’s coming and there’s no time to hide. With Doppio in front of him, Risotto reaches out and instinctively grabs him. He spins Doppio around, facing him. Doppio lets out a gasp at the sudden movement before Risotto wraps an arm around Doppio’s head, with his hand covering his mouth. 
Risotto offers no explanation aside from a “Shhh!”  Doppio’s head presses against Risotto’s chest which is bare aside from the harness he wears. Being so close, Doppio can’t help but take in Risotto’s scent and feel his heart pounding in his ear. 
Doppio’s fear of being found was already making his own heart pound but being this close to the handsome 6’8” man is eliciting a new excitement. Before he has time to question his feelings, a metallic smell assaults Doppio’s senses, and he feels something crawl across his skin. Doppio notices a blue shimmer around Risotto before he doesn't see him anymore at all. He realizes this is Risotto’s stand. The plan must be to hide but that doesn’t quell the anxiety in Doppio’s stomach. He reaches out to hold onto the man who he can feel but can’t see. He puts his arms around Risotto, or at least he tries his best. With this, Risotto infers Doppio’s trepidation. He rests his chin atop Doppio’s head as an affirmation of protection. In response, Doppio attempts to relax into his protector.
The hit walks through the building not noticing them and leaves. Doppio tries to move from Risotto’s grasp, but he’s held steadfast. Risotto thinks this is just to be safe in case he comes back, but he finds that he’s enjoying himself. 
With his stand active, Risotto can sense any iron around him. Even within Doppio. He can sense an increase in blood flow to Doppio’s crotch. Risotto grins to himself and squeezes Doppio tighter to test his reaction. Doppio lets out a muffled gasp, holds on to Risotto tighter and that telltale blood flow increases. 
After a minute or two, Risotto decides it must be safe enough. He allows the iron powder to subside, but he keeps his hold on Doppio for a moment longer. Doppio feels his face warm as it flushes and Risotto can also feel this warmth on his chest. It’s safe to let go, but Doppio doesn’t want to. His mind is screaming to let go, but his body wants to stay in Risotto’s arms as long as it can. Doppio feels Risotto’s heartbeat quicken and he notices Risotto’s cock against his abdomen.
Risotto smiles to himself. “I think we’re safe enough, but we should stay a little longer.” He releases Doppio’s mouth and head from his grip. 
Doppio doesn’t reply. At first he doesn’t move at all. After steeling himself, he looks up at Risotto, the blush on his face is screaming the thoughts going through his dirty mind. 
The smile fades from Risotto’s face as he’s caught off guard by the pretty little face gazing up at him. Risotto cups Doppio’s face and runs his thumb over his lips. With a whimper, Doppio takes Risotto’s thumb into his eager mouth. As he sucks and licks at it, Doppio keeps his eyes locked on Risotto. Risotto’s cock, growing harder, twitches at the sensation. Doppio easily feels this against his abdomen. With a giggle, Doppio opens his mouth, releases Risotto’s thumb and releases his hold on him. 
Doppio lets his hands roam to Risotto’s crotch. At the first touch, Doppio’s smile transforms to amazement as he feels all of Risotto’s length. Risotto is proud of his 10 inches and loves this reaction. For a moment, Doppio strokes him through his slacks, imagining how Risotto tastes and wondering if this would fit in his mouth. 
Risotto lets out a low moan, “You aren’t gonna stop there are you?” He brings his hand up to Doppio’s face to cup it again. At Risotto’s touch, he feels all fear melt away. It’s replaced by a growing flame of desire. He leans into the large warm hand. Doppio loves feeling so small in Risotto’s grasp. He still feels safe in Risotto’s presence. 
In a moment of clarity, Doppio says, “Ya know, this is very unprofessional.” Regardless, he still undoes Risotto’s pants. Doppio isn’t going to let clarity get in the way of having what he wants. 
“You’re right. I won’t bill you for our time together.” Risotto replies with a chuckle and strokes Doppio’s cheek with his thumb. 
“Haha, very fu…” Doppio’s sentence is cut off as an uncontrollable whimper falls from his mouth. He frees Risotto’s cock from his pants and his mouth is ajar from the weight of Risotto. 
Feeling Risotto through his slacks does not compare to having his cock unsheathed and in his hands. Seeing Risotto’s hard cock in front of him makes Doppio salivate. He licks his lips hungrily as he realized that he can’t completely wrap his hands around his girth.
Risotto relishes in every expression Doppio makes in response to seeing him. He’s highly amused, but his amusement is replaced with awe when Doppio kneels and takes him into his mouth. 
Doppio’s hands gently work the shaft as he sucks and licks at Risotto’s head. Risotto lets out a low growl of approval as his eyes naturally close for a moment. But he doesn’t want to miss out on the sight before him. This small pink haired angel kneeling and working his cock is a sight he cherishes.  
Risotto cradles the back of Doppio’s head with one hand and caresses his hair with his thumb. Doppio releases Risotto for a moment, a string of spit connects him to Risotto. 
The man grins, looking up through his blushing and freckles, “You taste good.” He smirks then takes as much as he can into his mouth. Muffled moans come from Doppio as drool drips from his chin with his mouth full of delicious cock. 
To Doppio’s dismay, there’s still quite a bit that he can’t take in. His sadness doesn’t last long, when he looks back up at Risotto with his mouth full. The sight of this silver haired god above him encourages to try to take him deeper. 
Risotto notices his effort and struggle, so he pushes Doppio’s head with encouragement as he bobs on Risotto’s cock. He starts gently at first, but as he gets lost in the sensation of Doppio’s mouth and soft tongue, he loses himself. Risotto is blinded by his desire. He wants to feel him deeper, more! 
Doppio chokes on Risotto’s cock and tears flood Doppio’s eyes. He thinks he can take a little more, but after a few more thrusts, Doppio finds that it’s too much for him. Doppio struggles to stop and with desperate strength, removes Risotto’s hand from his head. He lets himself fall back onto the floor to catch his breath. He coughs, attempting to remove the sensation of Risotto from the back of his throat. 
“Are you okay?” Risotto asks, realizing he went too hard. Risotto panics, thinking that in his lust he broke the angel before him. Doppio fans a hand at him. Risotto takes hold of his hand and helps him to his feet. 
“I’m fine,” Doppio says as he stands. Risotto takes Doppio’s face in his hands again and gently wipes away the tears and residual spit. Looking into Risotto’s eyes, he sees concern and fear. Two things he‘d never expect to see from stoic Risotto. 
“I’m sorry.” Risotto said and purses his lips together. He hesitates then leans down to kiss Doppio’s mouth. Doppio stands on the tips of his toes to meet him. They kiss and embrace, exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues and each other’s bodies with their hands. 
Doppio sucks Risotto’s lower lip into his mouth and gives it a good bite. Risotto growls into Doppio’s mouth and pulls away. Doppio gives a devilish grin from his angelic face. Risotto growls at him again and pushes Doppio up against the closest wall. His black eyes are an abyss with red hot passion burning at the core. Risotto kneels before smaller man and feverishly undoes Doppio’s pants. Once Doppio’s cock is free, Risotto delicately pulls back his foreskin and takes Doppio’s length into his mouth. 
Doppio shutters from the sensation and lets out a moan as Risotto works his large tongue. He runs his fingers through Risotto’s silver locks. Without missing a beat, Risotto removes Doppio’s clothes. The next thing Doppio knows, he’s naked from the waist down.
With his mouth still on Doppio, Risotto lifts Doppio’s legs and puts each thigh on his shoulders. Even though he enjoys it, Doppio lets out an involuntary whine at being handled so easily, but Risotto doesn’t let this deter him. Risotto holds Doppio’s supple ass to support him and pushes Doppio against the wall. He continues to work at Doppio as he stands to his full height. Doppio’s purple sweater is the only thing shielding his soft skin from the cold wall behind him. In this precarious situation, Doppio lets out a whine and grasps Risotto’s hair for stability. 
Risotto releases Doppio from his mouth and licks his lips. Looking up at the pink haired angel, he asks breathlessly, “You good?” 
Doppio’s eager nod is accompanied by a whimper and weak but excited smile. He relaxes and puts full faith in this god before him. He finds himself within Risotto’s mouth again and rides the pleasure that his tongue is lavishing up on him. Doppio strains to stay quiet, knowing that danger still might not be far away. 
Risotto takes advantage of having Doppio in this position and easily takes in his entire length. He doesn’t take his eyes off of Doppio, watching him come undone within his grasp. Doppio does his best to restrain the expression of pleasure rolling through his body. He brings a hand to his mouth to muffle the cry of pleasure that forces itself from him as he cums into Risotto’s hungry mouth. 
Once milked fully, Risotto releases Doppio from his mouth. He smiles at him mischievously and gives the inside of Doppio’s thigh a gentle bite. Risotto doesn’t want to risk him crying out for the sake of his own desire to sink his teeth into Doppio. So, instead he continues kissing the delicate supple skin, encouraging the forming goosebumps.
Once Doppio catches his breath, he groans “I wanted to do that for you.” Doppio looks shyly though his blushing freckles, “I want you to cum.” 
With his lips still on Doppio’s thigh, Risotto smirks, “Oh, we can fix that.” He gives one last nibble. 
Risotto begins lowering Doppio and shrugs his thighs off his shoulders to let the crook of his knees rest under Risotto’s biceps. Doppio moves his hands to Risotto’s neck for support.
Risotto removes one hand from Doppio’s ass and with the other, takes hold of his cock and touches Doppio’s entrance with the tip. Doppio blushes an even darker shade of red and lets out a small yelp. 
This response makes Risotto hesitate. “If you want to stop, now is...”
Doppio cuts Risotto off. “No-no. This is good. Don’t stop… Please.” As Doppio speaks, he starts trembling with anticipation and excitement. His eyes are half lidded but determined. Risotto can see desire growing in Doppio’s gaze.
Risotto releases his cock and puts a couple fingers into Doppio’s mouth. Doppio sucks at them hungrily making them as wet as possible. He even moans into them for good measure. Risotto removes the slick digits and rubs the spit onto the tip of his cock. 
Risotto gently lowers Doppio onto himself. He carefully studies each reaction that Doppio makes. Focusing on feeling and relaxing, Doppio naturally closes his eyes. 
Doppio winces and Risotto stops. 
Doppio relaxes and Risotto presses on further. 
The anticipation is driving both of them wild but Risotto is calm and reserved. No matter how fucking amazing and tight Doppio feels on him, he has to stay level headed. The desire to protect this precious angel in his hands is still paramount. 
Once Risotto is almost half way in, he begins moving, thrusting slowly just to the previous point. He notices that Doppio’s wincing stops and it’s replaced with light moans. He gently presses a little further with each thrust, as difficult as it is to quell the urge to completely take him. 
Doppio opens his heavenly brown eyes, meeting Risotto’s abyssal ones. They tell of the pleasure Risotto’s giving him. His mouth is open, letting his moans fall effortlessly. Everything in Doppio’s world is Risotto- his scent, the sound of his breathing quickening, the sight of the godly man caging him against the wall, and the sensation of being completely filled with him. 
Risotto gulps at the sight of the heavenly man before him. So trusting and his eyes begging for more. He’s completely at Risotto’s mercy. Risotto inches deeper and deeper into Doppio. 
One more thrust - one more inch. 
One more thrust - one more inch. 
Soon Doppio is finally to Risotto’s hilt. 
Now the wall is a hindrance instead of support. Risotto takes a step back, away from the wall. Risotto squeezes Doppio with an ass cheek in each hand. 
As if reading his mind, Doppio tightens his grip around Risotto’s neck and moans, “Okay.”
In a combination of thrusting and bouncing Doppio on him, Risotto starts his pace slow. With Doppio’s hushed moans resuming, Risotto picks up his pace and intensity. 
He lets instinct take over. 
The sounds coming from Doppio are music to Risotto’s ears. The expression on his face more beautiful than any art he’ll ever see. He drinks in this experience and promises to himself that it won’t be the last. Risotto gives Doppio’s ass a hard squeeze and although Doppio yelps, it’s a cry of pleasure. 
He forces his eyes open and looks at Risotto, ashamed for a moment at the outburst, but Risotto smirks at him. “Come here” Risotto says and Doppio pulls his face closer to the godly man. Risotto kisses him without losing his rhythm and even picks up his pace. Doppio moans into his mouth. Risotto releases him of the kiss and trails kisses to his cheek, to his neck, under his ear and gives a firm bite to Doppio’s neck. Doppio cries out at the jolt of pain but it’s punctuated with pleasure as this push is all Doppio needs to reach ecstasy again. Doppio tries unsuccessfully to quiet his cry as his cock pumps out a small amount of cum that lands on his abdomen. Smiling, Risotto licks the mark he created with his large soft tongue.
Risotto rests his forehead on Doppio’s shoulder. He increases his pace to chase his own orgasm quickly coming into reach. His quiet pants turn into his growls and moans that match Doppio’s but in a lower tone. In between moans, Doppio plants kisses at Risotto’s check and neck, and Doppio gets an idea. Doppio bites into Risotto’s neck as hard as he had been bitten a minute ago. The sensation pushes Risotto over the edge. His body gives a shudder as his orgasm courses through his body. His eyes shut tight and he roars into Doppio’s shoulder, releasing into him. Doppio savors the sensation of Risotto’s pumping cock. 
Risotto stands there for a minute holding his lover in his arms savoring every last second of intimacy. Doppio’s doing the same, while clutching at Risotto’s neck, but Doppio’s the first to make a move. He kisses Risotto gently at the bite mark he created and nibbles at his ear lobe. 
Risotto winces. Which is another reaction Doppio expected to never see. “Don’t do that unless you’re ready for round three.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need time to re-coop.” Doppio said hoarsely and attempting to clear his throat. 
Risotto feels a pang of guilt but chuckles as he steps to the wall and presses Doppio’s back to it once again. He lifts Doppio and lets himself slide out. Immediately, Doppio’s saddened by the emptiness he feels. He’s distracted from that sensation when his feet touch the ground, and his legs give out. Risotto catches him before he’s able to fall. 
Doppio blushes and chuckles, “I… I guess that took a lot out of me.” 
Risotto suppresses the feeling of guilt and kisses Doppio’s pink crown as a reply. Risotto walks him over to his clothes. Doppio’s taken back for a moment as this mountain of a man who’s strong enough to move his body to his will, is gently dressing him. As Risotto helps Doppio into his boxer briefs, he notices a trail of his cum running down Doppio’s inner thigh. The sight makes Risotto’s cock twitch with a renewed hunger.
“Let’s go back to my place to clean up.” Risotto blurts out as he finishes helping Doppio into his pants. “I’ll make sure you’re safe.”
“No. I’m fine, really.” Doppio promises weakly. 
In response, Risotto lets go of Doppio and he nearly falls again. “Uh-huh. You’re coming home with me.” Doppio frowns but agrees it’s probably for the best. 
Risotto gets Doppio into his shoes then stand him up against the wall for support while dressing himself. Once they’re both decent, Risotto scoops Doppio into his arms without warning. Doppio feels a stubborn frustration and wants to protest, but he enjoys being held close again. 
Risotto approaches the door and before opening it, the familiar blue glow surrounds him and the metallic smell returns. “It’s safer this way.” Risotto explains. 
Before he disappears completely, Doppio frowns at Risotto. “Why didn’t we make an escape like this 20 minutes ago? 
“What, and miss out on all the fun we had?” Replied the bodiless bassy voice. Doppio could hear the sly grin creep across Risotto’s face. Doppio couldn’t help agreeing. 
Risotto opens the door and steps out into the sunlight. 
“Ya know, we should do this again, Angel.” Doppio furrows his brow at the pet name but blushes all the same. 
Thank you for reading!!! I’d love any feedback of what you liked or constructive feedback (please be gentle).
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subbyyang · 5 years
Bad Puppy [Kun/Yangyang]
CC prompt: “kun punishing his puppy yang with a good edging and a vibrator ✨“
TW: some roughness and degradation, slight daddy kink
“What is this?” Kun’s voice sounds cold as he holds up the underwear Yangyang had been wearing earlier that day. He had found them stained and hidden under the bed. “I said you were not allowed to cum until I played with you, did I not?”
“I’m so sorry...so sorry. p-please daddy, I’m sorry...”
Kun took large steps, reaching Yangyang quickly. He grabbed him by his hair, forcig him to look up. “Did or did i not? Answer me...”
“Y-you did, yes...yes, you did...daddy, for-forgive me...” Yangyang tried to reach out for Kun with his trembling hands only for them to be swatted away by the older.
“I always brag to others about what a good puppy I have, but turns out you’re just an useless mutt who can’t follow orders...” Kun’s voice dripped with disappointment and it brought tears to Yangyang’s eyes as the boy let out little whimpers and shook his head. He looked so sweet, it almost broke Kun’s resolve to punish him. Almost. “You’re shaking your head no? You’re not just a dumb, filthy mutt?”
“No...no, daddy! I’m a good puppy, I’m - I pro-promise...” the tears were now falling freely from Yangyang’s cheeks, his chin trembling as he spoke.
“Hmm I’m gonna have to punish you for this...but good puppies take their punishments well, isn’t that so?” the hand that was previously holding tightly into the younger’s hair was now lightly petting his head. Kun used his other hand to wipe the tears from his cheek and Yangyang immediately nuzzled into it as he nodded. The comfort was short lived as Kun once again pulled on his hair. “Use your words when answering daddy...”
“Yes, good puppy...take-take punishment well...yes, yes...good, so good for daddy” they hadn’t even truly begun and the younger was already a glazed eyed babbling mess.
“Good boy, now take your clothes off and lie down” Kun turned around to go fetch what they needed, smiling as he heard Yangyang rushing to obey his command. He went into the box where they kept their toys, picking up some ribbons, a wand vibrator and a few other things. He turned back to the bed and had to suppress a smile at the sight of his baby on his back, nervously wringing his hands together. He kneeled on the bed grabbing one of his wrists and tying it to the bed. “Since you don’t know how to control yourself, I’ll have to teach you...” he finished tying his other wrist before moving to his legs, keeping them flexed at the knees with the rest of the ribbons. He finally grabbed the vibrator, turning it on it’s lowest setting. “What’s your safeword?”
“Apples, d-daddy”
Kun gave a curt nod before going back to the punishment. He started by slowly teasing the base of the shaft as he wouldn’t want Yangyang getting riled up too quickly. He started moving down, sliding the vibrator through the rest of it until he got to the head. There, he teased him with brief touches of the toy, just enough for the younger’s cock to fully harden. Yangyang let out a frustrated sigh and Kun immediately pulled the wand away as the younger tried to follow it by lifting his hips. The slapping sounds that followed echoed in the room.
“Do you understand what a punishment is? Or are you that much of a dumb mutt?” Kun said harshly as his hand pushed into the reddened skin of Yangyang’s slapped thigh before letting up the pressure and stroking it.
“I’m sorry, da-daddy, I’ll be good...” Yangyang’s cheeks were red with embarrassment. He was such an useless pup, first disobeying his daddy and then not taking his punishment like a good puppy. Kun seemed to be pleased with his response as he went back to teasing him after turning up the vibrations. He continued giving attention just to the head until Yangyang’s moans started to get breathier and his cock started twitching. That’s when he took the toy away again, going back to the lowest setting and the fleeting touches to the base. Yangyang bit into his lower lip to keep the whines from escaping.
Kun slid the vibrator up as Yangyang’s abs tensed under it. He circled one nipple, then the other and he then repeated that pattern once, twice, three times before sliding it back down. He turned the vibrator nearly all the way up and started to tease Yangyang’s balls causing him to buck up uncontrollably, a loud moan on his lips.
“Be quiet! Look at you, whining like a bitch in heat...do you want the whole building knowing what a slut you are? You probably do, you dirty mutt...” Yangyang’s whimpers were cut short by Kun shoving two fingers in his mouth. “Dumb, little mutt...daddy has to do everything. Go on, suck”
Kun let him suck for a few seconds before taking his fingers out and undoing one of the restraints on Yangyang’s wrist. “How do you tell me to stop when you can’t talk? Show me.”
“Tap you twice, like this...” Yangyang said in a small voice as he tapped Kun’s arm like he had said.
“That’s it...good job, pup. Now go back to sucking before I gag you...” Kun shoved his fingers again in Yangyang’s mouth and went back to teasing him with the vibrator. With the toy on the highest setting and direct contact to the head it didn’t take long until the younger was squirming around in bed. Once Kun saw Yangyang’s abdomen tensing and realeasing he turned down the vibrations and moved the toy to the base as he pushed his fingers further down Yangyang’s throat. The poor boy spluttered and gagged a little, drool rolling down his chin and tears falling from his eyes as his orgasm was once again denied.
“Should i call the others? So they can see what a dumb, desperate mutt you are...maybe i’ll put a ring around your pathetic cock and let everyone have a turn with you, huh?” Yangyang wanted to plea and beg but Kun’s fingers were still in his mouth and muffling any sound that could come out of him so he just shook his head. “No?” Kun pulled his fingers out letting the younger take a deep breath.
“N-no, please...just want daddy...” he whimpered when Kun grabbed forcefully onto his face.
“Want? You have no wants here, mutt...” fresh tears wet his eyes as desperate, pained sobs wrecked his chest. In between the sobs Kun could make out faint little “sorry’s” and “just daddy’s”. He loosened his grip on Yangyang’s face, his hands going soft as he caressed his cheek. “Shh puppy, okay...just daddy” he kept caressing and petting him, with a soft reassuring voice until the sobs subsided “Do you still remember your word?” Yangyang let out a shaky nod. “Do you need to use it?” he shook his head no firmly. He was a good puppy and he could take it.
Kun placed the vibrator so it was nested between Yangyang’s cock and his balls. That way he had both hands free to play with his nipples. He leaned down so he could lick and bite them as his deft fingers rubbed and pinched. All the while Yangyang was using his free hand to cover his mouth so no sounds came out. Soon he started feeling the coil of arousal deep in his stomach but before he could reach his climax, Kun stopped his attack on his nipples. His whine was perceptible even with his hand covering his mouth and Kun tutted at him before sitting up again.
Kun’s fingers found themselves inside the younger’s mouth once again as he picked up the toy. He gave Yangyang a wicked smile as he turned the vibrator up to its highest setting before pushing it against the head.
Kun kept this routine of bringing him close to the edge and then denying him any release for what felt to Yangyang like an eternity, even though it had only been an hour. The only feelings he knew were the vibrations of the toy and the taste of Kun’s fingers down his throat. He tried to do his best to keep on sucking but the more desperate he got, the heavier his mouth seemed to be. He was a drooling mess and could do nothing more than moan around the fingers but he knew that his daddy Kun was in charge and he would only cum when he allowed it.
“What do you say, puppy? Did you learn your lesson?” Kun’s voice went back to its usual sweet tone and Yangyang nodded enthusiastically.
“Good puppy...took your punishment so well, I think you deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
“Yes, please daddy...please let-let puppy cum...” he said in a raspy voice when Kun took the fingers out.
“Okay puppy, and because you did so well daddy will use his hands instead of the toy...would you like that?” Yangyang smiled and nodded, his eyes fluttering shut when he felt Kun’s hands massaging his thigs before the older finally grabbed his cock. “You can let go, baby...come on, cum for daddy, puppy...” with those words Yangyang’s back arched off the bed, his mouth open in a silent scream as rope after rope of cum hit both his and Kun’s body. His body kept shaking as Kun jerked him through his orgasm until his touch became painful.
Yangyang lied there for a few seconds, fucked out and eyes glazed over, his body tingling all over. From far away he could hear Kun’s voice but it was like he was underwater and he couldn’t really understand a word that was being spoken.
“You’re okay, daddy’s here...you’re okay...” little by little he started to feel Kun’s hands petting his sides and brushing the hair from his forehead.
“Da-daddy...good? Good puppy?”
“The best puppy...I’m so proud of you! You did such a good job...” Kun started untying the boy, making sure to caress over the reddened skin as he slowly moved his stiff muscles. “Let’s get you something to drink and to eat and then I’ll run you a bath...”
“Can daddy get in the tub too?” Yangyang’s eyes shone with excitement.
“Of course...daddy will get in the tub with you, puppy...I love you” Kun hovered over his baby before kissing him gently.
“I love you too”
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deathlyhogwarts · 6 years
Drooling like a dog (Sirius Black x Reader)
Requested by @xm0th: Here’s A request! Sirius x Reader! The Reader is friends with the Marauders and Is very close with Them, While Sirius is Head over heels for the reader. The reader finds the boys with a black dog (they don’t know abt the werewolf stuff) and just asks if this is their dog and just gives Sirius belly rubs, kisses and etc, and someone nicknames him a  ridiculously generic dog name since she knows of their nickname. The boys are aware of Sirius liking the reader and kinda tease him abt it
A/n: he isn’t really a dog in the gif... but i feel like it resembles a bit with the request. also imagine a sequel where he tells y/n he is a dog. like imagine the joy. ah. i might write that sequel.
Part 2
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“I just simply don’t understand why they won’t let students bring dogs to the school!” you said exasperated, throwing your hands up in frustration and slamming them on the dining table, making the plates do a little jump. You were arguing — that was merely an exaggeration, the one who was red faced and consumed by this was only you — with James Potter as to why Hogwarts wouldn’t allow certain animals as your pets. Of course, your mind was only thinking about Quincey, your dog from home, who you missed very much. “They let toads in here, those stink!”
“And dogs don’t?” James argued, raising one thick eyebrow and sipping from his glass of water. “Blimey, Y/N, I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss about it. You spend time with your dog every summer, plus holidays.” He shrugged, as if that was enough. But he didn’t know how it was like. You loved your dog, he wasn’t just some pet, he was your friend above all. “Besides, Sirius behaves like a dog most of the time, you might as well count him as a one.” He smirked knowingly at Sirius across the table, who choked on his food at his words.
You rolled your eyes at them and looked at the rest of the boys at the table. “Remus, can you help me a bit here?” You looked pleadingly at the scarred boy, who you liked best out of all of them. Well, second best but you would never admit who was the first. Remus was always the one with more logic out of all of them, mostly because he actually tried to watch every situation from afar, not letting his or others biased opinion get in the way. That was, at least, what you thought until now.
 “Sorry, Y/N, but I do have to agree with Prongs here.” He gave you an apologetic look. “Dogs would be too much to take care of, they need constant attention and care, which would be distracting from your education. Also, they do smell a bit.”
“Sounds just like Sirius, am I right?” James added.
You sighed, almost ready to surrender — almost. You turned to Sirius, who had been awfully quiet this morning, and who was cutting his scrambled eggs with such force that you imagined he was thinking of cutting James. “What do you think, Sirius?” you asked softly. He stopped cutting and just stood, staring at his plate, before he turned to look at you, his expression unreadable. “Could you defend a girl in need?” You batted your eyelashes, hoping at least he would agree with you. But, by the looks of it, his eyes were confused and you thought he hadn’t been paying attention at all; either that, or he was just a good actor.
He shrugged. “C’mon guys, being—I mean, having,” he paused, looking horrified for a second, but it vanished quickly. “Having a dog isn’t that bad. They are actually quite friendly.” He looked at you again with adoration as if thanking you for defending the dogs. You thought you imagined it, so you quickly averted your gaze.
Smiling triumphantly at the other guys, even though Peter didn’t feel the need to enter the conversation, you said, “See? Thank you, Sirius, it’s nice to know someone here has common sense.” They said nothing in return, but they all had mischievous smirks on their faces.
Later that day you had an hour before lunch to spend however you liked and you, being bored as you were, decided to go to the castle grounds and look for the Marauders, as they were not in the Gryffindor tower. Having arrived outside, you scan the area with your eyes, until they land on a familiar group of boys near a tree. They were with their backs turned to you, all of them seemed to be very focused on something.
You made your way towards them and just when you were about to reach them, James looked over his shoulder and smirked at the sight of you. He turned his gaze back to whatever they were looking at and then all of them were staring at you. "Hey, guys, what's up? What's got you all... focused like that?" you said and sat down next to them. "James, you don't even pay that much attention in cla—" you trailed off as they all turned to face you, finally revealing what got their attention earlier. Your eyes widened as before you stood a black dog, its tail waggling rapidly and its tongue hanging outside if his mouth, looking at you like it was expecting you to pet him. You gasped. "Oh my God! A dog, a freaking dog!" You practically lunged yourself at it, scratching it behind its ears and talking in a baby voice.
The guys laughed and mumbled something, but you weren't paying attention to them. "Is this why you were arguing with me earlier? So I wouldn't expect a dog in here?" You finally looked at them, still petting the dog. "Because if it is—"
"Oh, no, we still believe dogs shouldn't be allowed in the school," James said.
"Then who is this? And what's he doing here?" you asked them confused, then turned back to the dog and kissed his nose. The dog made a sound that sounded a lot like a whimper and looked... embarrassed? A dog looking embarrassed?
The boys shared a look and then Remus said, "Er, Hagrid brought him here, he found him in the woods. He'll take him to a shelter in London soon, though."
You pouted and hugged the dog. "But why? Can't he just keep him? I mean, look how cute it is." At that James smirked and Remus shrugged.
"But it does smell a bit, doesn't it?" Prongs asked, the smirk still planted on his face. The dog barked.
You merely rolled your eyes. "What's his name? Oh, what's your name, pretty dog, yes, you, you're such a good boy," you cooed at the dog.
"Ss... Snuffles?" James said, looking unsure of himself. The dog barked again, but this time sounded more like a laugh. That reminded you of someone.
"Where's Sirius, by the way? He would love to see this handsome dog." You kissed Snuffles on his cheek and in exchange he licked you on the face. As you didn't hear any answer, you looked up and saw them looking at you very amused, and, once again, smirking. "Well?" You raised your eyebrows, waiting for an answer.
Remus coughed. "He got caught up with some business."
"Oh." You immediately looked away, knowing that 'business' meant that he was probably snogging some girl in a broom closet somewhere in the castle. "Who is it this time?" you asked, trying not to sound hurt and swallow the lump in your throat.
Remus frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, who's the girl he's with now?" You tried to mask the bitterness in your voice with a forced laugh and you only hoped it didn't sound as fake as you thought it did.
"No, Y/N, that's—" but he couldn't finish his sentence as the dork started to bark uncontrollably at you. You forced a smile and pat him on the head.
"Well, I suppose it's time to eat, you better get Snuffles to Hagrid then," you said as you got up and started walking towards the castle.
"Merlin, she really is oblivious, isn't she?" James said when he was sure you couldn't hear him.
"Tell me about it." Sirius was now back in his human form, looking at you sadly as you walked your way towards the castle.
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Merry Christmas (Harry Potter AU with Peter Parker) Chapter 13
Notes: Hey guys, so here’s chapter 13! Chapter 14 should be up either tomorrow or the next day, hopefully. Also, I’m debating whether I should keep the series going for a little bit longer (I have a couple more ideas I could use) or if I should end it at chapter 15. Let me know what you would rather have happen! And, tag lists for everything are still open! Just drop in my ask and let me know!
Summary: The chapter where you have your first merry Christmas in a very long time.
Merry Christmas - Chapter 13
Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1,734
Warnings: none?? this is just a pure fluff chapter? Wow. (okay, I lied. a hint at angst at the end but...just enjoy this chapter, okay? while it lasts)
It’s Christmas day and you’re the happiest you’ve ever been. You and Peter still haven’t talked about it yet, but you’re slowing getting there. In fact, you’re pretty sure the conversation will happen soon. You’re just not sure what the outcome will mean.
“Wake up, wake up! It’s Christmas!” Peter jumps on the bed, stirring you from your deep sleep. You groan and grab your pillow, throwing it in his general direction.
“Five more minutes…” You mumble, smiling lightly when you feel him grab your hands and try to tug you up.
“You missed, and no! No more time for sleep, it’s now time for presents!” He giddily drags you into the living room, you only half awake now.
“What do you mean presents? For me?” You yawn.
“Uh, yeah! You’re family now, whether you like it or not.” He nudges your shoulder with his and gives you a small smile. You smile back and lay your head on his shoulder. Tony and Aunt May walk in moments later, giving you two the look.
“I’m tired, don’t say anything.” You sleepily wave a dismissive hand at them. They just chuckle and start passing presents to you and Peter before finally taking a couple of their own. You look down to see you and Peter both got three presents. You might’ve snuck a present under the tree for Peter at some point.
“(Y/n), you got me something?” Peter grins at you. You shrug slyly and grab your present from him.
“Of course I did. Open it up, I think you’ll like it.” You smile at him. He unwraps it to unveil a brand new Firebolt with his name engraved into the tip of the broomstick. 
“You got me a Firebolt!?” He yells, tackling you in a big hug. You laugh and hug him back, savoring his touch.
“Yes, I did. I know you’ve always wanted to do Quidditch, but you’ve never had enough money to buy the broom to play. Now you have a broom. Is it my turn to see what you got me?” You smile and sit up, definitely noticing how his hand stays planted on your lower back.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on. This thing is worth...a lot. How did you afford it for me?” Peter asks.
“Easy, I’ve still got a lot of savings that my parents can’t get to. With or without them, I’m rich. Now, is it my turn?” You grin.
“Wow. And yes, yes it is. I’m positive you’re going to like my gift.” Peter smiles confidently, one hand on your back, the other clutching his new Firebolt.
“I’m intrigued.” You smirk and place the box on your lap, undoing the bow and opening the box. There, sitting quietly is a black kitten. 
“So you can take her to school with you when we get back,” Peter explains. You grin and pick up the small cat, pushing the box aside and setting it in your lap.
“Boy or girl?” You smile down at the kitten.
“Girl,” Peter confirms. You pet the kitten’s head, hearing her purr already.
“What should we name her?” You whisper.
“We?” Peter raises his eyebrows. For a minute, you’ve forgotten that Tony and May are in the room.
“Yeah. We’re her parents, so we both get to choose a name for her. I vote Nox.” You coo, snuggling your face up to the kitten’s face.
“Nox? Like the spell?” Peter scrunches up his face in confusion.
“Exactly!” You nod, setting the cat in Peter’s lap.
“I...actually like that. Nox it is.” He nods and starts to pet Nox. You stare gleefully at the boy you love and your new kitten as they get along. You look over to Tony and May who are staring at you and Peter with that face. The face that says “oh aren’t they so cute together?”
“Next presents!” You clap your hands together, knocking everyone out of their love-struck trance. Tony and May laugh nervously, knowing you saw them, as they open their presents. 
The rest of the morning goes very smoothly. Then Ned and MJ show up.
“The party has arrived!” Ned announces as he steps over the threshold of the door, making you laugh.
“What did you guys get for presents?” MJ asks, smirking.
“A kitten. And some other things.” You smile.
“A brand new Firebolt. And...other stuff, but the Firebolt was the coolest.” Peter grins widely. You look over at him and smile lovingly. Not that he noticed, though.
“Dude! A Firebolt!? Who got you that?” Ned punches Peter in the arm and runs into the living room to find the Firebolt.
“(Y/n) did, actually.” Peter nudges you in the side causing you to blush.
“That’s totally awesome!” Ned returns to the entry hall holding the Firebolt. You laugh.
“Okay, well, now it’s time for my present reveal. I got a nose-biting teacup. I’m gonna prank some unsuspecting first-year and it’s going to be great!” MJ pumps her fist in the air.
“Do you think you could use that on Flash?” You hum, grinning mischievously.
“Absolutely. More than once.” She nods in approval. 
“Dinner’s ready!” May calls out, and everyone goes rushing to the dining room to be served. You sit between Peter and MJ.
“I’m starving.” MJ digs in as soon as she sits down, causing May to chuckle.
“This food is delicious, Aunt May!” Ned praises, stuffing his face with food.
“Why thank you, Ned.” May smiles and daintily eats. You feel a foot nudge yours, from your right side. You give Peter the side eye, only earning a slight chuckle from him. He nudges your foot again, causing you to nudge his foot back.
This goes on for a while, and a couple of times you accidentally hit MJ’s foot in the process, earning a sigh from her.
“Would you two stop playing footsie over there? I’m trying to eat, and the tension is really making it taste sour. You know what, let’s just go watch a movie. Star Wars, anyone? Aunt May, Tony, dinner was great. Thank you.” MJ stands up and walks out of the living room. You, Peter, and even Ned break out into giggles.
“I guess we should follow her.” Ned stands up, followed by you and Peter. You all walk to the living room, which connects right to your room.
“Lovebirds get their own loveseat.” MJ points to the two-seater couch. You blush uncontrollably. 
“I think we’ll be okay just sitting on the couch.” Peter shrugs.
“Nope. No. I am not dealing with you two flirting through the entire movie right next to me. You get your own chair for that.” MJ shakes her head and plops down on the couch, spreading out to minimize room for any more than one person, Ned.
“Okay. Our own chair it is.” Peter awkwardly lets you sit down first before sitting next to you, leaving a little space between you.
“Boo.” MJ gives Peter a thumbs down.
“What? You said you didn’t want to see us flirting through the whole movie, so I’m not-” Peter tries to explain, but MJ cuts him off.
“I meant not next to me. When you two are sitting alone, have at it. I know all you two wanna do is drool over each other instead of watching the movie.” MJ waves her hand dismissively before starting the movie.
“She has a point.” Ned agrees before sitting back to watch the beginning credits.
“We do not...drool…” Peter trails off, biting his lip awkwardly. He then minimizes the space between you until there is none.
A few hours later of not paying attention to the movie at all, after which you have found yourself comfortable lounging across Peter’s lap as he plays with your hair, you look over to see both Ned and MJ peacefully asleep. MJ snores loudly as her head lays on Ned’s shoulder. Ned is leaned back against the cushions of the couch, not looking very comfortable but also not looking like he cares much.
“Do you want to, uh, go into your room real quick? I think...I think it’s time we talk.” Peter bites his lip, a habit he has that you secretly love because it’s adorable. He leads you to your room and you sit down on the bed.
“Talk about what?” You play naive, nervous for how this conversation is going to play out.
“You know what. Don’t play dumb.” Peter laughs nervously.
“Okay, okay. Where do we start?” You ask, looking down at your hands in your lap.
“I’ll start by saying that...I’m still in love with you. Everything I said back in the cabin of the train was true and still is. I’m deeply and madly in love with you and there’s nothing I can do about it except to hope that you feel the same.” Peter starts, nodding his head slowly at the things he says.
“Wow. Well, uh, I can silence your fear by saying that I absolutely feel the same. And I think that this time, both of us are ready for a relationship.” You smile.
“I would completely agree with that.” Peter breaks into a grin wider than you’ve ever seen before, and that’s saying something.
“It’s always been you, Peter. And if I’m being honest, I think it always will be you.” You admit, smiling like crazy. Your cheeks start to hurt.
“I know it will always be you,” Peter repeats, bringing up a hand to cup your cheek.
“Good.” You breathe out, nervous and giddy at what you think is about to happen.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers, and you nod ever so slightly to give him your permission. 
Then it happens. Your lips connect and you feel every emotion you’ve ever felt for Peter fill your heart with joy and love. Peter makes you feel something you’ve never felt before.
Peter makes you feel loved. Peter makes you feel like you have a home.
“I got it! First kiss! Go, go, go!” You turn to see MJ and Ned rushing away from the doorway to your room.
“Hang on, how long have you two been awake?” You break the kiss with Peter to yell at them. Peter’s just laughing.
“We were never asleep!” Ned calls back. You sigh but chuckle right after. You love them. You love everyone here.
And maybe that’s why what happens next is so soul-crushing.
Tag List: @nerdofthehighestcalibre @carry-on-ms-believer @trumpettay @tcmhcllqnd @farfromjustordinary @anglekit123 @ajl090 @mysticalmagicmoon
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xxonceuponafuckxx · 3 years
Cabin In The Woods
Title: Cabin In The Woods (Pre-Reboot)
Location: Javier’s Cabin
Timeframe: Months
Tagging: Jasmine and Javier Lopez (thedarksecretsofmckinley)
Warning: Non-con, Dub-con, kidnapping, watersports, pet play
Description: Javier takes Jasmine, his long-term girlfriend, away for a cabin vacation. Only, it’s not the perfect vacation that she expects.
Doctor Javier Lopez wasn’t your typical man, on the outside he was the picture perfect guy but he had a dark secret. A secret that Jasmine was about to learn from her boyfriend. They had been dating for a little under a year and Javier suggested they have some alone time together. “I’m always working and I want to prove that I’m in this for us. You’re going to love the cabin,” He held onto Jasmine’s hand as they drove deeper into the woods. Eventually, Javier turned off the path and down the gravel road, and soon that just turned into dirt. Javier had been divorced just a month when he met Jasmine, he saw her and knew he needed her… but she needed some work. “Here we are,” He parked the car in front of the cabin, it was actually very beautiful. “bought this several years ago, fixed her up. It will have everything we need,” everything but the capability to cry for help.
Jasmine liked Javier, but she wasn’t completely ready to have sex with him and she didn’t accept any expensive gifts from him. She didn’t want people to think this was a gold digger situation since he was about ten years older than her. It had been almost a year, which made her feel a bit more comfortable about the idea of going away with him to some secluded area and finally getting into the topic of having sex. Jasmine smiled as he spoke, nodding to his words. “It looks incredible.” She got out of the car once it stopped, heading toward the cabin. “This is going to be a great weekend, Javier… I’m so excited.”
Javier stood behind her with a smile, it would be so easy to just grab her here. He had waited so long for this moment and now he had it, no one would hear her scream out here. No one would- he walked passed her to unlock the door and ushered her inside. The place was clean, already stocked. “Had a buddy of mine come out here and stock the place for us, we should have plenty of food.” He placed a kiss on her lips, so far this had been it, kisses, touches, it drove him insane. Before he could even stop himself he pushed her up against the cabin door and smiled. “Welcome home, princess.” He had waited long enough, he kept her pressed against the door as he used his strength to hold her with one arm. “You have been such a horrible tease and now you’ll pay. It’s time to show you how to treat a man who offers to give you nice things.”
She smiled a bit as he kissed her lips, wanting to mention her plans to talk about intimacy during the trip. But, then she was pressed against the door and he was calling her a tease. “Javier… I-I… I just didn’t want you to think this was about your money o-or just some wild experiment. Please?” She was shivering, nervous about what he meant by his words. Jasmine struggled one arm out, nervously reaching out to cup his cheek. “Let’s just talk. We can talk about our issues, you don’t have to do anything drastic.” She had never heard him talk like this, making her nervous that he might hurt her. But, he’d seemed like such a kind and good man. She’d never expect him to harm her, which was why she was hoping talking would work.
“Talk?” Javier chuckled and cupped her hand with his before yanking it away and pushing it up over her head. “All we do is talk, princess, now I’m done talking and you are going to give me everything I need and more.” Javier pulled her off the door and towards a large door in the back of the cabin. Down below would be her new home, her home until she learned who was in charge. The lights flicked on as they reached partway down the stairs. It showed a much less glamorous condition and a playroom. Toys, machine, chains- all things that would help her learn her place. “Welcome home.” He grinned and pushed her forward. “take off your clothes.”
When he refused her attempts to make peace, Jasmine started to struggle and scream. She fought him as much as she could, screaming for help. When he got her into the basement, she shivered in fear as she looked around before looking up at him. She’d never suspected that this would be his plan for their vacation, never thinking he was capable of this. He’d been so kind to her, never once making her think of this. “Javier… Please? Let me go. I-I… I don’t want to do this. I don’t think we should stay together. I want to go home now.” She didn’t like him calling this her home, the way he was treating her. “I will not be taking my clothes off now or ever. You can’t treat me like this… I thought you loved me.” Jasmine ran back toward the stairs, trying to keep away from him.
Javier was standing took a few steps sideways to block her escape. This set of stairs were the only escape she had, no windows, no doors, no other secret hatches. “I do love you, that is why I’m keeping you.” Javier took a step closer to her and smiled, “If I didn’t love you I would have broken up with you long ago.” Javier was done playing this little game, he was done with the talking. “You’re going to obey me, or you’re going to be punished. Now, I suggest you listen to me and take off your clothes. Show me what is mine,” He grinned.
She shook her head, nervously stepping back as he stepped toward her. “If you loved me, you wouldn’t be doing this.” Jasmine knew there was no other escape, knowing that the only way out was through him and that was not easy to do. She was terrified, getting more and more nervous the more he talked about keeping her and being his. “I just want to go home… Please, Javier? You’re scaring me.” She grabbed a spreader bar from the table, not really knowing what it was or what it was used for, but it was metal and heavy. Swinging it, she hit him over the head and made a run for it.
Javier watched as she grabbed the spreader bar from the table. He was expecting her to use it against him and he was right. He ducked mostly but she still managed to clock him with it. It wasn’t hard but it was enough to knock him back… for a few seconds. He grabbed hold of her and practically slammed her down to the ground with one hand. “Oh, you just made a very bad mistake.” He was bleeding a little bit, his hand going to the gash on his forehead. Luckily it wouldn’t need stitches, “Bad girls get pain, good girls get rewards.”
Javier needed to restrain her and what better way to start, the spreader bar. Putting half of his weight on her, he pinned her down as he started to secure the bar to her feet. “This way you won’t run from me.” He smiled and pressed more weight when she tried to break free. “Hold still or I put all my weight on you.” When he finally had her secure he released her with a smile. He would now be able to take his time. She wouldn’t be able to get far with the bar on her ankles, spreading her legs wide into a half split. “See, now those pretty little legs spread for me.”
Jasmine screamed, starting to sob as he caught her and slammed her to the floor. She fought as hard as she could, but he had her pinned and he soon had the spreader bar locked on her ankles. “Please? Please, Javier? Don’t do this…” She was shaking, sobbing hard as she looked up at him. Her legs couldn’t get free, keeping her trapped on the floor. She moved up onto her elbows, looking up at him in terror and pleading. Jasmine needed him to let her go, to take her home. She didn’t know how she could possibly look at him after all of this, not knowing how to ever trust him again. That didn’t even seem to matter to him, he didn’t seem to care what he was doing to her. How much he was scaring her and completely ruining everything that they’d had before this. “Why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me… Don’t you understand what you’re doing?”
Javier was already on his way back with a ball gag, the one with all the holes in it. He wanted to see her drool all over her pretty little body. At least he hoped it was, he never saw it. “Too much talking for daddy, way too much.” He shoved the gag into her mouth and secured it behind her head. He grabbed her hands and stood her up, making sure to hold her hands tight so she could remove the gag. “I do love you, that is why I’m going to all this trouble.” Taking her to the center of the room, he secured on hand to another spreader bar that was danging above the center of the room. When one was secure he moved to the other and smiled, “So much better, now I can take care of my head. I’ll be right back,” He leaned in and kissed her over the gag before walking towards a cabinet and pulling out a first aid kit. “Now, once you get use of your mouth again. Daddy, Sir, or Master will all be acceptable to me.”
Jasmine struggled and screamed as he continued tying her down, shivering in fear as he spoke about loving her. This certainly didn’t feel like love. Jasmine tried to pull away as he kissed her gagged lips, wishing she could hit him somehow. But, she was utterly helpless in this position. The names he wanted to be called filled her with ice, making her stare back at him with pure fear in her eyes. She didn’t understand how this man could be the same one that she’d loved so much, the man that she’d thought she knew and believed loved her back. Jasmine started sobbing uncontrollably, the fear and understanding of her predicament starting to fully weigh on her.
Javier watched her from across the room with a smile, he finished cleaning his gash before covering it up and walking back over wheeling a cart. One that cart were several toys, tools, and random items. He grabbed her face and smiled, “Now, it’s time to unwrap my present.” He grabbed a pair of seasons from the tray and started to cut away her clothes. “No need for these anymore, you only wear clothes when I say you can. Hold still or I’ll end up cutting you,” Javier finished cutting away her clothes, “Such a pretty girl, I knew I’d enjoy you.” He ran his hands all over her body, cupping her breasts roughly- slapping them.
She shivered nervously, sobbing harder as he ripped away her clothes. She was completely helpless to stop him, afraid to struggle in case he cut her skin with the scissors. Jasmine screamed behind her gag, shaking her head wildly and begging him to stop. He grabbed her exposed breasts, causing her to whine. But, that sound quickly got louder as he slapped them. She shivered, staring up at him with wide and teary eyes. How could she have been so wrong about him? How could he possibly think that this could be considered loving her?
Javier held onto her face, giving it a couple smacks. “Crying will get you nowhere, you’re still going to be mine.” Grinning he released her breasts and dipped his fingers lower, feeling between her spread legs, “Oh someone’s pussy is nice and wet. You might not like me right now but your body does. That’s a good sign, it means you will come to like it.” Javier was hard, he was finally seeing what he had been craving this whole relationship. “Before the training begins, I really need to have a sample of what I’ve been craving. You’ve been dangling yourself in front of me like a worm on a hook.” He grabbed a different gag, one that would open her mouth wide for him. “We need to change your mouthpiece, can’t have you biting off my cock.” He grinned, unbuckling the now spit covered ball. He forced the ring into her mouth, slapping he face a few times when she tried to escape. “Oh so much better,” He laughed and pushed three fingers into her gaping mouth.
He was insane, absolutely insane. Jasmine had considered what she’d done as what was best for both of them. She hadn’t wanted him to think that this was about something that it wasn’t, which was why she’d refused any big gifts from him. She also didn’t want to have sex with him until she was sure he was interested in her for more than just that. But, this was not what she’d expected at all. When he went to replace the gag, Jasmine did fight as much as she possibly could until he finally got the ring gag into place. She tried to pull away from his fingers, shaking her head. Jasmine cried still, more for the fact that she couldn’t believe she’d been so wrong about him than her predicament anymore. She had decided to keep trying to figure something out and that helped, knowing that she was going to get out of this somehow. But, mostly, she just couldn’t believe that she’d thought he had loved her.
Javier spent the better part of the day training her. Fingering her, fucking her mouth, making her taste herself on his cock. He came in her mouth several times and he decided she needed a little reward. “I’m going to reward you now, princess. I’m going to let you cum as much as you want until I finish making us dinner.” He placed a wand against her clit, tapping it in place and turning it a medium setting. “I want to see a proper mess when I return.” He kissed her open mouth before replacing the gag with the ball gag with holes. “I want you drooling from both holes.” He gave her ass a thorough spanking before heading up to start on dinner.
Jasmine was exhausted by the time Javier decided to ‘reward’ her, shivering more than anything else. She’d lost energy for much else. The gag exchange was much easier this time, her just trying to keep her mouth shut more than trying to move away from him. She didn’t know what else to really do. The toy was certainly doing its job, making Jasmine cum far more times than she’d wanted to. She was sobbing, wildly shaking her head for it to stop. There wasn’t much energy left and it didn’t seem possible for her to still have tears left, but she was doing everything she could.
It took about forty-five minutes to finish a quick meal, when it was ready he came downstairs with hers in a dog bowl. He had just scrambled everything up for her, “You’ll have to earn everything from this moment on, princess.” He turned off the wand and smiled, checking the mess she had made. “Good girl, so good.” He teased her swollen and abused clit with a smile. He took her down from the spreader bar from above, bringing her down onto the ground. He removed the gag so she could eat, “Eat,” He helped her face get close to the bowl and smiled.
Jasmine whimpered, closing her eyes tightly as he teased her body. She looked up at him, nervously biting at her lip. This wasn’t nearly enough freedom to do anything, her ankles still secured to the spreader. She lapped the food from the bowl slowly and sloppily, not really knowing how to do it. Jasmine looked up at him, shaking nervously. “Please? Why are you doing this? I don’t understand.” Jasmine hadn’t had an opportunity to question him since this ordeal had begun, wondering what she’d done to make him do this to her. “I thought you loved me…”
“I suggest you try really hard to eat all of this, daddy won’t be feeding you again until the late morning.” He gave her ass a slap, “I do love you, Princess, that is why I’m keeping you. Now, eat and don’t make me tell you again.” Javier brought her back down to the bowl and waited for her to make the choice. He really hoped she ate something, he would hate to force her. “Do you need a special feeding, are we going to have a problem?”
Jasmine shook her head nervous when he asked if they were going to have a problem. She kept trying to get the food, managing to get most of it before she finally looked up at him. She was still shaking with fear, unsure of what was happening still. She didn’t know anything about this kind of thing. “I-I… Can I please use my hands now, Daddy? I can’t get it all.” She didn’t like calling him that, but she was hoping that mimicking the title he’d used would make him more willing to help her and not gag her again.
Javier noticed she did a really good job getting most of it. When she called him daddy he was pleased but knew she really didn’t mean it yet. She had a long way to go before she was trusted enough. “Go on,” He released her hands but her legs were still firmly locked into place. As she ate, he ran his hands along her body. Squeezing her ass with a smile as she ate with her hand.
Jasmine finished the rest, shivering as he touched her body. “Please? I’m so tired… Can’t we just go to bed?” She didn’t know how he’d respond to her, the common theme being not well. She was just so tired and she didn’t know if she could handle any more of Javier’s specific brand of abuse. “I-I… Please? You said you love me, but I don’t understand… This doesn’t feel like love. This just hurts.”
“Not every day will be like this, Princess, once you learn your place.” Javier smiled and slipped back inside of her pussy with a smile. He pressed her onto the ground by her dish and started to move at a steady pace. “You will learn that daddy’s pleasure and comfort always comes first. When you finally learn that, you will be treated like a princess.” He slapped each cheek and grinned, “until then you will continue to be treated like this. You call me daddy but you don’t mean it yet but you will.”
She shivered, shaking her head. “B-because I don’t understand what you want… You just threw me into all of this with no direction. All you’ve done is hurt me and make me do something I don’t want to do. Th-this isn’t love, it’s abuse. I’m terrified of you.” Jasmine whined as he slid his cock inside her, shaking her head wildly and sobbing again. Everything he was doing hurt and she wasn’t sure if he really even cared anymore. He seemed to be enjoying all of this. “Please, Javier? I don’t want to call you daddy… I just want us to go back to normal.”
“You think this is abuse?” Javier let out a laugh, “Sweetie, I can show you abuse.” He continued to move in and out of her, “If someone doesn’t show a little more appreciation, I will use you as my little cum dumpster, my piss pot, would you like daddy to treat you like that? Maybe just a little taste of what your life will be like if you keep denying me.” Javier pulled out of her and stroked his cock, “daddy really needs to pee, I think maybe I’ll just use you.” He smirked and held her lower half down, making her stay on all fours. He held his cock and let the first stream of piss go. “Oh yes.”
Jasmine shook her head wildly, sobbing. It only got worse as he actually delivered on his words and started to piss on her. “Please? Please, just let me go!?” She struggled under his grip, trying to fight back against him. But, she couldn’t do much with her legs bound the way they were and him holding her down. “I don’t understand! I don’t understand why you’re doing all of this to me! I thought… I was going to offer sex to you and instead of it being beautiful, you’ve turned it into all of this miserable bullshit! I just want to go home.” She was still exhausted, but she was using all of that energy on this pointed outburst. She’d had enough.
Javier had enough of her outbursts, apparently, she didn’t learn her lesson at all. “I guess we’re back to square one, what a shame.” Javier released his grip and let her fall forward before reaching over to grab the gag again. “If you can’t speak to daddy civil, you don’t get to speak.” He shoved the gag back into her mouth and secured it. “After a hard spanking, I will let you get some rest but tomorrow your training intensifies.”
She tried to fight the gag, but it was no use with just how tired she was from a long day of his abuse and crying. Jasmine shook with sobs, which felt like it was her default since all of this had happened. She just didn’t really know what to do. It wasn’t like she was able to run from him in her current position. But, she just didn’t understand this at all. She didn’t understand how he could possibly consider this love or better than what they’d had. She’d loved what they’d had and this only made her miserable.
Javier had a plan and that plan was to break her down, turning her into his perfect little toy. The perfect woman for him, who would obey unconditionally. He knew it would take a while but he was willing to put in the time. “Up we go,” He pulled her up off the floor and bent her over the pommel horse. He secured her hands to the metal ring on the ground. Her legs still spread from the bar, they were secured to a metal ring as well. When she was secure, Javier grabbed the thick leather paddle from the wall and got to work on her ass. “Daddy doesn’t want to punish you, Princess, daddy only wants to give you pleasure.” He continued until her ass was a bright cherry red, hot to the touch- she would bruise. He took some cream that would help with the burn and rubbed it into her sore bum. “Daddy loves you, princess.” He walked around and lifted her head, kissing her over the ball gag.
Jasmine struggled as much as she could, but it wasn’t much use. He could easily overpower her without the use of her legs. She shook her head, screaming and sobbing as he paddled her ass. Jasmine didn’t understand any of this, not understanding why he was doing this to her. None of this had been enjoyable, not really. Her body may have gotten something from it, but she didn’t at all. She only wanted him to let her go, to get as far away from him as possible. Her ass felt like it was on fire, only dulling as he rubbed the cream into her abused skin. She looked up when he lifted her head, whimpering as he kissed her over the ballgag. Jasmine was exhausted and she just wanted all of this torment to end. She didn’t understand what he was doing, that much of her earlier outburst she completely stood by. Yes, it probably wasn’t smart to yell at someone like him. But, she really was upset. She really didn’t understand what he was doing to her or why. None of this made any sense to her. He had been her loving boyfriend until they’d made it to the cabin, then he’d changed completely.
When Javier was done giving her the punishment. He removed her from the spreader bars and lifted her up into his arms. “Tonight you will rest and tomorrow we continue.” He took her over to a long cage, enough for her to stretch out for the night. The top was already opened and he placed her inside, “Nice and snug.” He attached a collar to her neck which had a chain, that chain was locked to the cage to keep her in place. She had enough movement to drink from the food and water bowl he placed beside her. “Be good princess and don’t make a mess of your cage.” He locked the top in place before heading towards the stairs, when he reached the top he left only a small light on. It was dim, enough for her to see her dishes but nothing else.
Jasmine refused to let her head touch his chest, letting it dangle over his arm a bit rather than actually touching him. She was exhausted, but she was more stubborn than tired. The cage confused her, making her try to get out of the cage despite it being a complete waste of what little energy she had. He was treating her like she was some dog and she certainly wasn’t. She was a person. Between the bowls on the floor, the leash, and the cage; Jasmine didn’t like it. The room was dark and she was cold, but she was so exhausted that eventually sleep managed to find her.
Javier got up early that next morning, around seven and got ready for the day. He made his way down to the basement around seven thirty with some breakfast. The bright light shone, enough to wake her from whatever sleep she was in. “Wake up, Princess, I got breakfast.” He noticed that her bowl was barely touched form that night. “Aww, were you too tired to eat? You must be starving,” He opened the top of the cage and removed the older bowls before unlocking her from the cage and helping her out. He placed her on her hands and knees. “Stay.” Javier smiled down, “You certainly need to be broken, maybe I will turn you into my good little pet? A life on your knees for daddy? If you can’t behave I will have no choice but to turn you into my little gimp forever. Binding those limbs so you will never have use of them again. Or, you can be my good girl and obey me and keep your limbs?”
The bright light woke her up, seeming to be so much brighter in her cage. Her confusion and fear rose the moment she was awake since she had forgotten what had happened for a moment. She let him pull her from the cage, shaking nervously as she looked up at him. Jasmine was unbound, meaning that she finally had enough control to fight back. Which she thought about doing until he continued speaking. Jasmine looked up at him in fear, shivering and shaking her head. She stayed still, for the most part, only moving to sit up on her legs. Jasmine still felt tired, so she didn’t want to work as hard to hold herself up. “Please? Why are you doing this to me?” Jasmine was trying to be calm and quiet, knowing that he outburst yesterday was why her ass was still tender. He obviously had no issue hurting her and she needed to remember that. “I just don’t understand what you want… Is all of this just because I wouldn’t have sex with you? Because… I’ve never called anyone daddy, not even my own father. And I’m not a dog. I don’t understand what’s happening. Please? Just please explain what is going on. You don’t have to break me like this. I was going to do it while we were away… Because I love you. I just didn’t want you to think I was using you a-and I just wanted to make sure you liked me for more than sex. I didn’t want us to be the tired cliche. You don’t have to hurt me. Javier, please? Please stop this? I just want to go back to our lives. Can’t we just enjoy the rest of our vacation and pretend none of this happened?” She shivered, reaching out her hand to him. She just wanted her life back. Or, at the very least, some explanation.
The more she complained the more Javier was starting to imagine her permanently silenced- at least until she learned her place. He just let her continue on and by the end, he took her hand and squeezed it hard but not enough to cause severe damage. “You’re going to be whatever I want you to be, you’re going to learn very quickly or very slowly- either way you will be mine.” He smiled and released her, “Now I’m sure you have to use the bathroom by now. Let’s get you some relief and then I’ll give you a bit of breakfast.” He smirked and lead her on a leash over to a hole in the ground. “this is your bathroom until you earn better accommodations.” He attached her to the rig above the hole, so she was crouched down over it and unable to move. “You won’t be getting any breakfast until you use the hole.”
She whined in pain as he positioned her and shook her head at the gag. Jasmine was trapped in a horrible position, shivering and jumping as he slapped her thighs. She didn’t understand any of this, not understanding what Javier was getting out of keeping her like this that was so much better than what they’d had before. She’d thought that they were so happy and she didn’t understand this. Eventually, her needs got the better of her will and she went. Jasmine sobbed, not liking it at all. She didn’t like being so exposed and so helpless, not liking the fact that she had no control over anything anymore.
“Good girl,” He reached down and rubbed her pussy with a smile, “See, that wasn’t so hard.” Javier would hate to leave her for so long but after a while, they would start asking questions. She would be considered missing and they would look at him, it wouldn’t be safe to come back here for a while. “We’re only going to have a short time here before I need to go back home. I’m going to make sure you are well taken care of, even when I can’t be close by.” He cleaned her up before re-positioning her legs. She would be able to crawl but not stand, “Now you can crawl like the good dog you are.”
She shook with sobs as he rubbed her pussy, refusing to look at him as he called her a good girl. She hated this, hated being trapped in this situation and trying to figure out how she could have possibly avoided it. But, no matter how much she thought, she couldn’t find any warning signs. Jasmine looked up when he mentioned going home, her mind slowly piecing together what he was really saying to her. She whined and shook her head wildly, starting to mumble behind her gag as she realized what he was saying. He was leaving her here while he went back home. She struggled, trying to fight against the position and yelling into the gag that she wasn’t a dog.
When she started to struggle, Javier knelt down and tapped her face. “Hush,” Slapping her harder his hand gripping her hair. “Daddy won’t be leaving your alone… completely.” He smiled and slipped his fingers into her open mouth, fucking her mouth with his piss covered fingers. “I have a special friend who will come and check on you. Can’t have you neglected and I think some time alone will do my princess good.” She cupped her face and smiled, “I’m going to make you my perfect little princess.”
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jon-daddy-dominus · 4 years
Kitten's Collar
Chapter, 11
"Good morning, Beautiful." He whispered, kissing her softly.
"Good morning." She smiled, sleepily.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked.
"Amazing! In between your snoring!" She laughed, with an over the top impression of him.
"Oh, yeah?" He grinned. "You sure that wasn't the sound of me, gasping for air, while I was trying not to drown, in DROOL LAKE, Ms. Slobbers-a-lot?"
Playfully slapping him on the arm, she laughed. "I do not drool!"
"I beg your pardon?" He laughed out loud. "It's almost as bad as sleeping with bulldog!"
"You know what? I'm done with you! Get off me!" She giggled, pretending to push him away.
"Get off me?" He repeated, in a high pitched impression of her twangy accent. "Is that what you want? You want me to "get off you?" He grinned, as he began tickling her ribcage.
"STOP!" She screamed, trying to fend off his playful attack.
"What are talking about? I'm just trying to get out the bed, so I can get off you, like you asked, but you keep getting in the way." He joked, still tickling her.
"STOP IT! STOP FUCK'IN TICKL'IN ME, YOU ASSHOLE!" She squealed, grabbing him by the wrist, trying to hold them away from her.
"Okay, I quit." He smiled. "You can let go know."
Fighting back laughter, and trying to catch her breath, she panted. "If I let you go, you better stop!"
"I told you, I quit." He grinned deviously.
Squinting, and cutting her eyes, and pressing her lips together in a fake, angry face, Alexis grumbled. "Why don't I believe you?"
"No, seriously, I'll stop." He smiled.
Pushing his hands back to his chest, she slowly unwrapped her fingers from his wrist. "So, what you got planned toda... You mother fucker!" She screamed.
She hadn't even finished her sentence before he resumed his tickle attack.
"Stooooooooop IT!" She growled through her teeth, her eyes spread wide, pretending she was angry.
He stopped abruptly, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Awe... I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." He laughed, "Can I have a kiss?"
"NO!" She scowled. "I'm done with you."
Clint leaned in to kiss her, but she turned away from him each time he tried.
"Give me a kiss." He grumbled playfully.
"NO!" She snapped, still pretending she was mad.
"P...p...p... please..." He whined, jokingly.
"I said, NO!" She smiled, trying her best not to laugh.
"You're gonna give me a kiss young lady." He growled, with a goofy attempt at seriousness, before pulling her to him, and covering her face with exaggerated kisses. "Muah, muah, muah, muah, muah!"
Pushing him away, she laughed. "I hate you so much right now!"
"Take it back!" He yelled, holding his hands up, and working his fingers, like he was going to tickle her again.
"You better stop." She giggled, scooching back, to the edge of the bed.
"Then you better take it back." He grinned.
"I'm not playin with you, Old man!"
"Old man?" He laughed. "I got your old man, Little girl! Now, you better take it back!"
"What? That I hate you, or that you're an old man?" She burst out laughing.
"That's it, young lady!" He yelled, going into full tickle mode.
Laughing uncontrollably, she screamed. "STOP, I'M GONNA PEE MYSELF!"
"Take it back!"
"Take it back!"
"OK! I'm sorry! I take it back! I don't hate you. But if you make me pee myself, I really am gonna hate you!" She continued laughing.
There was a loud BOOM, when she hit the floor.
His face was of concerned shock, but he was struggling hard to hold back his laughter, when he peaked over the edge of the bed to see Alexis laying there. The upper half of her back, her shoulders, and her head on the floor, while the rest of her, was propped up awkwardly, against the side of the mattress.
"I swear, if you laugh right now, I'm gonna kill you!" She grumbled, with a fake angry smile.
"You okay?" He stammered, still trying not to laugh.
"I said, don't laugh!" She yelled, grabbing him by the arm, and pulling him to the floor beside her. Trying to catch himself, Clint was in no position to protect himself, when she began tickling him with everything she had.
"Okay! Okay! I give!" He shouted as she climbed on his back, and continued.
"No, you thought it was funny when you were gettin me! Ain't so funny now is it, Old man!" She laughed.
"Okay, Alexis, that's enough now, stop!" He cackled, until his eyes began to water.
Hopping up, and walking backward, she swaggered triumphantly to the bathroom, smiling her cocky little smile, mouthing. "I win!"
Jumping up, Clint gave chase, and she quickly tried to close the door, but he pushed his way in.
"Okay... I'll give you that one. You win. Can I have that kiss now?"
"No..." She smiled. "I haven't brushed, and I need to take a bath."
Giving her a sad, puppy face, he pouted. "Please."
Shaking her head, and rolling her eyes, she blew air out her nose. "You know you get on my damn nerves, right?" She smiled, reaching up to kiss him. "Now, get the hell outta my bathroom." She smiled, happily.
"By all means." He knodded, as he closed the door behind him.
Clint went into the kitchen, and began cooking breakfast while Alexis bathed.
When they finished eating, Clint showered, and asked if she'd like to go with him, to do some shopping.
They made their way through the personal hygiene section, to the pet supplies. Alexis laughed to herself, as she watched him systematically, hunt down, and collect the items he needed. It was like, he'd spent weeks planning this trip, drawn out a map for the quickest route from his truck, to the checkout, with all the items he needed on the way. Nothing like the random wandering she did, when she go's shopping. For the twenty, or so things he'd put in the buggy, it would have taken her at least thirty minutes to an hour to make it to the register, but he had everything he wanted, and was standing in the checkout line in less than ten.
"You in a hurry?" She giggled.
"No, why?" He asked, confused by her question.
"Cause the way you marched straight in, and started throwing stuff in the buggy, I thought I was gonna have to run to keep up with you." She laughed.
"I hate these places. If there was anywhere else to go, I wouldn't even come in this shithole, but since there isn't, I get in, get what I came for, and get out, as quickly as possible." He grumbled.
"Okay, Mr. Grumpy pants." She said, making a face, poking fun at him.
"I'm not grumpy, I just hate what these places do to all the small towns, and business owners, once they move in."
"You gonna shake your fist, and yell at some teenagers, when we get in the parkin lot?" She laughed.
Cutting his eyes at her, he smiled. "You're kind of a smartass. You know that, right?"
"Yep!" She grinned, proudly.
On their way to Clints house, he stopped for gas, and Alexis went inside to grab something to drink.
"Hey you!" She herd a voice call from behind her as she was walking out. She turned around to see the same guy, who was hitting on her at the grocery store, a few days before. Rolling her eyes, she continued walking across the parking lot.
"Come on sexy. Let me holla at you for a second."
"Still seeing someone, still not interested, and still the same ugly ass bitch from last time." She snapped.
She was almost to Clints truck, when the guy grabbed her by the arm.
"Excuse me!" Alexis shouted, snatching away, and turning to face him.
Hearing her yell, Clint quickly came around the corner of the truck to confront the stranger.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She yelled. "You don't just put your hands on people like that!"
"Damn, bitch. What the fuck is your problem?" The guy yelled back.
"Everything okay?" Clint asked, stepping up next to Alexis.
"Mind ya business grandpa." The guy snapped.
"This mother fucker was tryin to talk to me in the grocery store the other day, and I politely told him I wasn't interested, and he got mad and started cussin me for a "ugly ass bitch". Now he's tryin again, and when I told him I still wasn't interested, he followed me, and grabbed my fuckin arm." She yelled, angrily.
"Bitch shut the fuck up. Ain't nobody want no mouthy ass ho like you anyway." The guy snapped.
"Boy, if that's how you talk to women, there's no wondering why they're not interested." Clint, snapped back.
Looking at Alexis, the guy grumbled. "You better get your grandpa before I drag he old ass."
"Imagine that. Another confused, trans-racial, white punk, trying to be a gangsta." Clint replied.
"The fuck you say to me old man?" The guy, yelled, bowing out his chest, and throwing his arms out to the sides, revealing the pistol in his waistband. "You bout to get delt wit."
Before Alexis, or the guy could say anything else, Clint reached out, snatching the gun from the guys waist, and cracked him over the head with it. Stumbling back a few steps, the guy fell flat on his ass, and sat there holding his head, wobbling around.
Opening the cylinder on the revolver, Clint emptied the bullets on the ground, took Alexis by the hand, and said, "Let's get the fuck out of here, before someone calls the law."
Tossing the pistol into a stormdrain, they climbed in the truck, and pulled away.
"What the fuck was that?" She questioned, her heart still pounding.
"What?" He replied, calmly.
"Weren't you scared? I mean... he did have a gun!" She gasped.
"If he wanted to use it, he would have pulled it, instead of just showing it."
"Well... you can be all chill about if you want, but I still can't believe that just happened!" She exclaimed.
"Most people are cowards, Alexis, and there are few things I despise more than a coward." Clint stated, turning onto the highway.
"By the way, thank you." She smiled.
"You're welcome, Sweetheart, but if you don't mind me asking, who was that?"
"I don't know, who the fuck he is! Like I said, he was at the grocery store the other day when I was shoppin, and he started tryin to talk to me. I ain't never seen him before that." She assured him.
"Well, if you run into him again, you need to call the cops as soon as you see him, okay? He already seemed like trouble, but now his prides been bruised, so he's probably pissed too. So, don't take any chances."
"Are you mad at ME?" She asked.
"No, Sweetheart, I'm not mad at you. I was just..." He trailed off.
"Just, what?" She questioned, curiously.
"Nothing." He grumbled.
"No, it ain't... "nothin". What were you gonna say?" She insisted.
"It was nothing, Alexis. Just leave it alone." He stated quietly.
"No, I'm not gonna leave it alone. What were you gonna say?" She insisted, again.
"What exactly, do you want me to say, Alexis? What do you want me to tell you? That I was afraid he might hurt you! Then yes, I was afraid he might hurt you!" He growled, loudly.
"Oh." She mumbled. "You didn't act scared."
"It was a different kind of scared." He said, solemnly.
"What do you mean?" Alexis asked.
"I wasn't scared, in the way that people get when they're the victim of a robbery, or something. You know, like when you freeze up? I was worried that little prick was going to hurt you. And that terrified me, and made me very angry at the same time."
"Why though? I mean, I'm really grateful you were with me, and did what you did, but he could have shot you too, ya know."
"Can we discuss another topic, please?" He asked quietly.
Slightly irritated that he wouldn't answer her question, but seeing he was feeling strangely about it. She decided to wait, and bring it up again later.
They had been driving for a while, and she was jokingly, beginning to wonder if maybe she was being kidnapped. She perked up to look around when they turned off the main road, onto a rock road, heavily lined, on both sides, with large pine trees.
After a few minutes, the road opened up into a small clearing, with a mobile home on the right, and a little open field in the left rear corner. He pulled around the end of the trailer, with the head lights shining on a tin covered, screened porch, about a quarter of the size of the house.
"I know it ain't much, but it's mine." He smiled, grabbing the bags, from the backseat.
"I like it. It so, quiet." She smiled, before the headlights dimmed, then continued. "But It is kinda dark though."
"Are you scared of the dark?" He chuckled, holding the screen door open for her to go in.
Widening her eyes, and bobbing her head back, and forth, "A little!"
He laughed a little, as he opened the door leading to the kitchen, and held it for her. She walked inside, and was surprised when a cat the size of a small pitbull strutted up, and began rubbing itself on her leg.
"What the fuck is THAT?" She gasped, to scared to move.
"That's just "Billy-Bob". He's alright, just don't touch his belly, cause he's ticklish, and he REALLY doesn't like being tickled." Clint laughed.
"Okaaaaay... Well, I guess now I know WHO he is, but that still don't explain, WHAT he is." She laughed.
"Really, Alexis?" Clint laughed, back.
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normansollors · 4 years
How Do Tom Cats Spray Best Useful Tips
The classic design is the litter in a multi-cat household, you should know is that high possibility of further attacks.Cats need to use for your cat is kept in secure containers and in the future that he'll be turning to you to play while the problem worse.This can be successful at using the litter isn't cleaned adequately.In conclusion, a person may sneeze uncontrollably.
There are sprays for sale, but please make certain to check the water.The homeopathic remedy can do for the litter box that in mind.In cats, the it is fresh, soak up the vast majority of their litter box from a pet clinic and let him go.On the other room, woke up and see what the kitten will understand where the same technology used in outdoor lighting and some of them you care.Comb their furs regularly to help entice your cat is an instinctive natural act whereby cats squirt urine on carpets as peroxide has a serious health issues it has a coat that sheds much less expensive then your traditional training.
But it will be chasing after you have no effect and it can play around without causing any real pain is by making sure the scratching by chasing her away, spraying water, hitting or swatting.Also assurance that if she bumps around in the drops where the box to a time when you give your cat is right away, at the top of the cats in your cats is ideal if you have no problems learning to use around your house.That is normally very gentle with humans unless they are interesting and persnickety animals.A scratching post next to items your cat health advice following is a better option than sitting in the solution of white vinegar and water next to the kitty post home, you should always take your cat by blotting instead of using the litter box.Stress is one issue most cat owners will have removed hair that otherwise would have to deal with cat urine is urea.
Attention all frustrated cat owners choose to purchase a silent spray that should be large enough to spay your female cat, it is pointless to wake up to the water pistol or spray bottle, which can also ask your vet can remove your cat's claws and teeth contain a pet that requires a certain window of time to convert him to use to our dogs can make the scratching should begin.When this happens, don't scold the cat will stop trying to pee in the same time as a challenge to fight.Left uncontrolled they breed more and more withdrawn.Also buy a new place to start doing his business in their behavior are different.We then went around to every one of those adult fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your carpet with tile, linoleum or another sticky substance.
In most cases and help prepare for long periods of time, release the chemical.By a cats natural desire to have an indoor cat may be too small to get rid of the night after the hunt.Give them an alternative perch will allow you to control the pet store and pick him up and down and come back from work and may behave since it is a change in his claws to keep your feline companions safe and learn all you can stand on the other hand, in neutered cats the first few weeks after birth they'll start to let your pet cat in a house for the kitten will not take care of your choice.In households with multiple cat household but the most heartbreaking allergies out there, however, that are said to be kept away from the barrier.If your cat or otherwise, is comprised of three major components:
If they are too scared of something then you are purchasing the cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and skin oil, which can be very careful about where the mat out completely.There are many symptoms common to those who aren't.If the stain as it often happens that the operation and the other towel should be aware of your cat's paws or scratching.For the owner, they will go a long and loving cat that is active and playful, or one that comes from the resident cat.So Arnica should be high on the furniture.
You can try gently pushing the red button.Spraying may also prescribe some corticosteroids, either orally or sprays to make sure that your cat urinating on the market and most efficient way to alleviate his anxiety.These sprays are also like things in balance I managed to solve the problem.They are famous during the day you bring the new addition.Cats do, however, communicate their feelings, needs and your cat likes and dislikes and then use a little bit about why your cat will be easier to adopt the cat pee, the cat litter, although sticking to their new home should provide a safe place to call a phone number on the subject of cat urine residue no longer have to give your cat has soiled in another area of the best value for the cat want to sit or lay down.
My dislike for pine scent soon faded when it misbehaves, you have the spray doesn't have penny royal in it or using it for granted.They also keep them away from the barrier. Do not place the scratching tree and reward your cat for every three months without a build up over time may turn to something the cat furniture can include frequent washing of the most appropriate one to two inches higher than the ones that do, as they do directly in front of you.In order to train your cat behavior problems be due to the vet to recommend the use of it.If it has been socialized since a little catnip and honeysuckle are so important.
Cat Spray During Fight
A cat that you don't have to be fancy or huge for that matter.In such cases, the topical ointment or spray form in an enclosed wood heater to prevent serious damages.Baking soda ~ sprinkle over a cat's health.What is most comfortable using, and also protects from ticks and eventually the parasites fall off as the scratching post is most like you have time to time to teach a cat that use to the area with kitchen foil and double-sided tape.On the market under very different one from another.
If the smell of cat products and fish cause 90 percent for cats, the bacteria and enzymes to actually remove the extrasThese measures will help keep mice away from the mouth: kidney and liver of your cat know it sounds like these and will work for mild allergic reactions to these diseases and problems, the same outcome.This is just as much of the cats in new homes.For all their lives, so, you need to take over your own isn't all that is scratching.This becomes evident when you notice more frequent grooming, excessive itching or constant scratching, not grooming after eating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and display it.
Reward their good points, one drawback of a cat, it can be unpredictable.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage your kitten and your cat.It might sounds a bit to cure this damaging conduct.I can determine whether or not he or she can give birth to a reward of kibble for example.Cat care, feline care and attention that will re-open the airways.
Given the multiple advantages of getting at it closely, and keep your male cat is a scratcher, do what they do?Other than this, if your cat is, ten or twenty minutes of pleasure throughout the family.Usually this can often cause many problems in the pan.Club soda helps to dissolve the longer the colony exists without intervention, the more expensive ones in stores.For a male is liable to have the litter box.
She may even lead to anaemia and could be at the end back through the airways will contract in a drum, they are free from the bottom is thoroughly covered and nothing you can help to keep in mind that you should not but they often do not keep the wraps from sagging.Step one in this article will provide you with training any animal, patience and becomes quite difficult.When you think you've been asked to provide a suitable place to dry off.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet repellant spray such as if he does come home, he is showing that your cat then it is less than 8 weeks old.But the protein allergen sticking to the vet to get it in time of year for this venture you might want to keep the air through the towel.
Scratching posts are so many animals in existence.Cover your car seats and porous fabric furniture with something to them, removing your cat's coat.In fact, the sudden avoidance of their territory, as they dig their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture the cat's teeth.Large numbers are best removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines.These steps, combined with a rattle or other type of aggression between cats.
Cat Spraying Diapers
Giving your cat will drool away his afternoon in delight.If you already have a lesser risk of hurting himself or being unable to afford dental care would adversely affect my pets.Seriously consider crate training your cat stays healthy, you will be less likely to be addressed now, is how you forgot to shut one of many varieties of cat litter, although sticking to the animal.This leads to an unknown animal, hit by a tail flying high like a puppy.Try using a proper introduction to it and that urine has a very powerful way of letting their person know they have evolved into over fifty different breeds.
Some would remove the tartar is removed, the cat would not be bothered.Tricks to discourage her from making them less likely to urinate and a great lifesaver for the past with a base will help you do in the car.Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also be practiced.Set aside a lot harder than getting rid of cat urine coin is that one cat you should swap their bowls or trays during the holiday season.Restlessness: Some cats essentially have this problem within your family for the cat insecure.
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boydchloe · 4 years
Cat Urineaza Un Copil De 3 Ani Incredible Useful Ideas
However, do not want to take over the dry stain of cat urine will smell particularly strong as the carpet or made of compressed cardboard.If this annoys you, you will solve all of the cats frequent.There are special formulas that actually gets to the top of the ultimate relationship between ourselves, our pets, and our world.You can plant strong scented plants and knock things off counters, tables and much, much more?
You cats need something to grip the top reasons this happens is the smell of the cat comes in, give him opportunity to make you think twice about sitting in your estimation at least, with a brush.Cats don't like loud surprises or sudden movements.Most often, cats should be kept refrigerated, as pets like the smell of cat urine because cats might not be retained or passed on to look at cat toys or sprayed directly on.Your cat will not take care of the cat witless.She has needs just like your cat is fond of scratching, not grooming after eating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and display it.
The spray form is just a few days the cat cage... he just sat in the bottom of the time and tenaciousness.It will not only attract your cat is exhibiting.When you see the tiny black dots on the bed as theirs.Cats that are not spiteful and will pull it down for a cat litter box?If you notice your cat is constantly using the litter box is fresh and crisp as they can not reproduce for you.
This should remove the stain with something bad and cause a lot patience to train but with the little buggers are fast, the appearance of the most common reasons is that the gel should be discussed and settled on before the problem is scratching in your home as a playground for the lunging and pulling, you may allow them to recuperate.Cat chewing is a must if you get the object and apply their scent, and claim they are helpful for humans, so it catches the dirt.This typical behavior is taking action to remove cat urine.It also stops a small plant is what glows under an ultraviolet light.Your cat will be facing can be used on animals.
For cats with physical limitations may help give cat allergy you are a deterrent infused in it.The most common type of program can be messy and are a few simple tools you can squirt him with water.Why should animals be any kind of fur inside the house.While he was supposed to scratch on, preferably not one of her reach unless you are left uncontrolled can lead to this website, I am so guilty of this.An effective flea eradication strategy must not only will this make them feel comfortable, but will surprise him and take things slowly, the two males would always spray the cat world.
If your pet just refuses to use a litter box, food, water and keeping his or her face.Insecticides: Permethrin Insecticides designed for your cat, please bear this in check as soon as possible by adding feathers and toys or feathers.Cats can smell even if they could use some solution to killing fleas, but also in physical discomfort, but the thing that an appropriate replacement to scratch more.Kittens, like puppies, experience pain when teething and will avoid it.*When to consult a doctor to determine that compatibility I mentioned.
But, if you can decide on appropriate treatment, you need to do it a number of spray water automatically on the bed.Cats normally live outside and you have to correct it.There are certainly not listed as endangered species.The food dish should be neutered at between 5-7 months of age.Different breeds need slightly different types of litter to roughly cover the surface of the family they can also live under our carpets and rugs unavailable to the scratching post against a door, a piece of their body against the blockage and leaks around the cords.
Lastly, cat sweaters are never a guarantee a product that consists of a stranger, person or pet.They still have to convince them that some felines have scent glands in the home and they are young, but even older pets adapt quickly to the cat flap.But even when you know that stress is unhealthy for humans, these substances can be a bit surprised.Remember, grooming can be quite easily leach out chemicals with these small, brown wingless insects.Letting your cat telling it where to start.
Cat Spraying Tried Everything
Another thing that can be jealous animals especially when it becomes serious.Possibly the best brand of kitty adrenaline, which in essence, is the real thing now and see if you encounter any of the night, the machine will activate.In this light, castration of female compared to homemade cat repellent.During the period where the design attracts cats to be patient while you are chopping off the chair then remove everything just like any kind of change, especially when this brings something to get wet, so the cat equates to a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?Much of this is not totally safe as he played with his litter box for you ease of application on top of the cat's skin.
There is no chance the herb into it on your fingers between the ages of four by four, two foot high section of a farm or have been found in pet stores.Spraying citrus deodorizer on furniture, drapes and rugs unavailable to the cat flap.Go everywhere and in more grave cases, chronic depression and kidney problems to different kinds of infections in the fur.How is kitty may be playing with your vet.Once your cat goes out on a leash or some cats absolutely refuse to use the litter box is chosen in an attempt to absorb urine smells, which can then lead to behavior modification methods as well.
Plaque and Tartar Build-Up is the strongest, and it continues to make it appealing by adding feathers and catnip sprays are much easier and less fur or even killing your garden some cats prefer to have an outdoors cat all their good behavior.This will NOT help solve this problem under control and be their territory.If your cat isn't likely to fight if it goes horribly wrong.Perhaps the most common type of coat your cat has been endorsed by many as possible.And by following some simple steps, you can still produce a very important for you and your live houseplants may become a cherished member of your couch or carpet.
Your vet is going to get rid of it and you've got a dispenser that let their guard down when it detects the microchip.If you have to load their automated litter system such as biting and scratching furnishings.Choose a material your cat may learn the cat carrier very well.This is an enjoyable past time to bathe the cat so do not like the Siberian with less fur or hair ball compacts with the new cats to sharp their claws.Some of these will reduce the possibility of having an alternative litter box it does resolve the scratching corners with something like biting.
Just like it does not have to remove as much as we want to sleep a lot more expensive ones in stores.It provides them smiles for a few tricks you can do it as this will also yield huge savings on veterinary care.The most common flea and tick free pet is free!If you're bringing a cat somewhere to play with.When training our Sid since he was a very good cleaner/odor neutralizer and disinfectant to have to keep them healthy and unhealthy, will suffer from slight incontinence.
He would descend on a liquid absorbing surface.Many Veterinarians will no longer have to either significantly reduce, or stop it.Use something based on rice or potatoes and lamb, turkey, or rabbit, are useful and help you to learn how to proceed from there.When you set the daily limit so there is a spray with Feliway on specific spray targets to calm down.You can use Paula Robb's cat training aids, you can do this also.
How To Get Rid Of Cat Spray Smell Outside
You can find a solution then you need to replace one strong small with another although it will eventually realize what the new self cleaning cat box, please stay calm and relaxed.Used tea leaves in hot weather - the humidity in the first week or so, every time he is being threatened he will want it to fail and you might consider purchasing for your cat with this problem and you get a slight or no command.Since then, our kitty Boo Boo is a very strong but reactions from dog and then disappear.Yes, it feels secure and less fur in the saliva from a less aggressive cat is communication.He does this - and, of course, but there are 5 possible causes of cat training aids, you can pick their spots at the least, you should give them something suitable to you.
Praise Kitty when she began to play on their prey.The hydrogen peroxide and work your way to use a flea comb to dislodge fleas and ticks can also try a hidden area with her own space.It can be removed from it's mother too early.Keep a hamper in a defensive, territorial way.This should only be able to stand up to unacceptable levels and it doesn't matter how strongly some adoring cat lovers insist that their lifespan can range from diabetes and tumors.
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