#as always feel free to send asks if you feel like it i love talking about. well. anything LMFAO
iliketangerines · 1 day
hello! I wasn’t sure if request were open or closed but I am here to make one!
I was wondering if you you were able to make headcanons about bi Han x reader (gn) where the reader is like aerith gainsborough from ff7 just really sweet, caring and gentle with him and everyone.
could be could be nsfw or sfw, perhaps both overall really up to you! feel free to ignore / change!
to long for you
a/n: i've never played final fantasy 7, so you're just gonna have to deal with that...
pairing: bi han x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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oh, you were so sweet, so soft, and loving when Bi Han had first met you at one of Liu Kang’s meetings, sitting beside him looking almost ethereal
you were one of the god’s personal initiates at the Fire Gardens, and yet you had none of the traits of a monk, dressed in almost regal looking clothing and hair tied elegantly into a ponytail
and you glanced at him with those doe-eyes and gave him that sweet smile as Liu Kang droned on about some disturbances on Earthrealm
despite your soft-looking demeanor, you were firm, adding in your opinions to Liu Kang’s plans and disagreeing with him on certain plans
and then later, sitting in front of the Lin Kuei grounds, you watch the initiates train and Bi Han and his brothers correcting forms and basic fighting moves
you almost jolt out of your seat when you see an initiate take a too-hard beating from one of the older ones, and you walk over to the two of them before Bi Han could
it’s almost like you’re floating when you walk on over, and you gently sit down the older initiate and ask him why he was pushing the younger initiate so hard
as you talk with the initiate, nodding along and gently pushing along the conversation to get him to talk with you, you draw open the pouch by your side and start treating the younger one
your hands are gentle, firm, and experienced, fingers moving swiftly as you applied the salve and tied up the wound with a clean cloth
Bi Han fell head over heels for you, and he approaches you as the initiates walked off to continue their training
his heads felt sweaty, gross, disgusting and his heart beat inside of his chest erratically as he stared down at you
you look up at him, eyelashes catching the sun’s rays, and his voice caught in his throat as he tried to thank you for helping his initiates
instead he lets out what sounds like an irritated grunt, and you just smile up at him, holding your hand out for him to take
he gladly takes it and helps lift you up from your kneeling position and suddenly he’s eye to eye with you and feeling much more inadequate in his dusty clothing
you don’t seem to mind however and ask him to give you a tour of the grounds since you’ll be here the rest of the day as Liu Kang checks out the area around the Lin Kuei
Bi Han nods and holds his arm out for you, trying to relax his face and seem as friendly as possible, and your arm links with his and the both of you are off
your voice is so sweet, gentle, like the winds blowing over a meadow, and he explains the compounds, the history and the function behind each building
not once do you interrupt him or act rude or disgraceful and at the end of the tour, the sun has start to set in the background
Liu Kang opens the portal and beckons for you to come forth, and you unhook your arm from Bi Han’s and go to leave back to the Fire Temple
the grandmaster grabs onto your hand, face heating at the act, and he asks you when you will be back
you smile and say you’re not sure, but you will send him letters
and then you’re gone
oh but your letters come quick, and Bi Han always hurries to read each and every single one, replying even though exhaustion weighs heavy in his bones some nights
the letters are filled with drivel: your dreams, your aspirations, your days, what you ate, where you traveled, how training had been, but Bi Han treasures each and every single one of them, keeping them in the drawer of his bedroom
sometimes, you two talk about the troubles of being an Earthrealm champion, and the letters are strongly worded sometimes, making Bi Han smile
for someone so ethereal looking, you sure had quite the dirty mouth
he tells you about his brothers, his upbringing, the initiates, anything he could possibly think of because he just wants to keep writing to you
it’s easy to write to you, the words flow so easily, and your words are jumbled and messy sometimes, the letter contained crossed out words or ink blots or spelling mistakes
but it’s you, and so Bi Han doesn’t mind at the mess of the letters you send
and then a few months later, a multitude of letters exchanged between the two of you later, you come and visit again with Liu Kang on a business trip
the morning is spent in a meeting discussing the safety of Earthrealm once again and the tournament coming up in the following year
Bi Han tries his hardest not to focus on you as you watch with slanted eyes at how Liu Kang speaks and plans
you’re focused, lips pursed together, and fingers drumming softly against the wooden grain of the table
he wants to kiss you so badly, and when the meeting ends, he goes to you immediately and asks for you to walk with him
you smile and take his hand, lifting yourself up gracefully and say that you would be honored to take a walk with the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei
he takes you on a walk to the most beautiful part of the Lin Kuei, a garden filled with flowers of all kinds
a small pond murmurs in the background and the wind slightly rustles the leaves together and even the sun shines perfectly into the grounds
it’s a beautiful sight as he leads you underneath a tree, sitting down on the carved stone bench next to you and listening to your ramblings
the next few minutes are spent looking at you as you ramble and talk and rant about what has been happening at the Fire Temple
and then you roll your eyes and shake your hands and ask Bi Han how his time has been at the Lin Kuei and that he’s been awfully quiet
he just tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and tells you that he was too busy admiring you
it makes you still, your eyes widen and your mouth slightly part as you stare at him in surprise, and then you stutter and say that you were admiring him too
he just tilts his head to the side and stares off to the pond sitting in front of you before saying that he liked you, wanted to kiss you
you don’t say anything as he confesses, his words are curt, short, not elegant at all, but he hopes he can get the message across that he really does like you so much that his chest hurts
he tries to be poetic, trying to compare you to the flowers or the sun, and then you cut him off with a finger against his lips, face burning
you say that you like him too, and it makes Bi Han smile a bit at your confession as well
he grabs onto your hand softly, his calloused rough hands that have seen so much blood, and your hand is soft and gentle having saved so many lives
but as he intertwines his fingers with yours, it feels so right, and you don’t make a move to get away, rather leaning in closer to bump your shoulder with his
the both of you settle into a silence, but it’s comfortable, warm, loving as the both of you just bask in each other and sit in the garden
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thebestofoneshots · 22 hours
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 9 K Warnings: Angst (like pretty much every chapter so far). ♡THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT ♡: fingering, hand job, P in V, lots of kissing and teasing. Soft!Sirius. Consent is Sexy! Prompt: At the Potter's, Sirius and Reader take a small little detour in the woods. This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
Proofread by lovely: @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 50: Love the One You’re With
January, 06th, 1977
Spending time with the boys, planning the prank, and exploring the grounds of Potter Manor had been as distracting as you could expect it to be. James had woken you every day at around 10 am for flying –he’d borrowed you one of his old brooms– and even Remus had joined since it wasn’t unspeakably early like normally. 
You hadn’t seen him fly very often, but he was as good as any of the boys. If he trained, he could have even become better than James. He also joined smaller quidditch matches that you played with the boys, and while he hadn’t trained as much as either of you, he had a mean-as-hell arm for beating. You could tell Sirius had a hard time returning his bludgers, you decided not to test your luck and avoided them altogether. Even if Remus seemed to always be checking if you were alert before throwing one your way, they flew so fast, that you barely had time to step out of their trajectory. 
You were thankful that the boys hadn’t tried to talk about what happened further, not even Effie who seemed to always look at you with a small frown on her soft features. As if she wanted to approach you and talk things out but was also refraining from doing so. 
Even James, who tended to be a little too wrapped in his head seemed to be extra considerate, and he was clearly trying to keep you entertained. Be it flying, prank designing, asking you to help him with the letter he would send to Lily, or inventing games for everyone to play, he wasn’t letting anyone have a free moment in which any of you could start moping.
And you were more than thrilled it had been that way, you were still trying to avoid your feelings, pretending as if all of it hadn’t happened wasn’t as hard as you thought it might be outside of the bubble of the cottage, in fact with James being so hell-bent on entertaining all of you, you barely even had time to consider the difference. Besides, there was something else occupying your mind. 
Remus was acting weird again, and you still weren’t sure what was going on with him. You also weren’t enough of a hypocrite to ask him to talk it through with you when you had barely done the same yourself. Either way, you kept your eyes on him often, trying to read his expressions –never his mind thought– to see if you could use body language and wit to understand what was going on with your best friend.
“I’m knackered,” you said as you threw yourself on the sofa. You had been playing all day and Remus and Sirius had been ruthless while trying to throw you and James off your brooms while you chased the snitch. He had won. 
“At least you’ll become better at dodging this way,” James said as he handed you a glass of water and sat beside you. 
“I’m already pretty good at dodging.” 
“You might hold the record of getting hit by the most balls at this point, Starshine,” Sirius said as he sat on the small wooden table in front of you and Prongs. Remus plopped right next to you and sank into the sofa. 
“My arms hurt,” he complained. “Don’t yours?” 
“Nope,” Sirius said, popping the p. Remus might have been stronger, but he wasn’t used to beating almost every day in the same way Sirius was. He never thought he’d be able to boast about having more condition than his best friend the werewolf and he was positively beaming because he wasn’t half as tired as Remus looked. 
You took a sip of the water James had given you and passed it to Remus who looked even thirstier than you felt, he took it gladly, his hands brushing over yours as they normally would. As if his tiredness made him forget why he’d placed a distance between the two (or at least more than normal, you were still closer to him than you were to most people, he was your best friend, after all). 
“Okay, you may rest 5 minutes, then we’re going to see if we find more tadpoles” 
“Prongs, mate, there’s no way in hell I’ll go search for tadpoles, I want a shower and a bed,” Remus said.
“That,” you said as you pointed at Rems. “Actually sounds lovely, we should all do that instead.” 
“No,” Sirius said as he stood up and extended his hand your way. “I want to show you something.” 
“Sirius,” you whined, sinking deeper into the sofa.
“Come on, you’ll love it.”  You pouted. “I can carry you there if you want.” 
You sighed and stood up while grumbling something about wanting to rest for at least just a bit when James took hold of your arm. “But the tadpoles–” 
“Prongs, she’s coming with me now, go write a letter for Lily or whatever.” 
“Without Vixen?” he asked mortified, Remus laughed. 
“Don’t send it until someone sane has checked it, at least.” 
“She can’t continue being your cupid,” Remus added. “You’ll have to sway Lily by yourself.” 
You laughed. “As if he hadn’t asked Sirius all the tips and tricks before hooking up with her.” 
“Not a hook-up,” James corrected. “We’re dating, I’m not like Moony.” 
A pillow hit James’ face after that. “I’m tired, not deaf,” Remus grumbled, he was especially cranky because the moon would be the following day, you had already made arrangements for it. The Potters knew about Remus’ condition and they’d leave the perimeters so you could handle everything by yourselves in your animagi form.
“Well, you’ve never had an actual girlfriend. And you were playing around with that Ravenclaw girl, who by the way, I didn’t like all that much either.” 
“Alice is nice!” you said quickly. She was a little boy crazy and she enjoyed being a free spirit, but she was a good girl, very clever too. 
“I’m not saying she isn’t. But Remus didn’t love her. If anything I’d say he liked you more than he ever liked her.” 
Remus panicked the minute James said that, but it flew right past both you and Sirius. “Well that’s because I’m amazing, Prongs,” you said with a smile and shot him a wink. 
“Not what I meant,” he responded in a more serious tone. 
“How about you all stop discussing my love life and start worrying about your own?” 
“Will you help me with the letters? Maybe you know a poem that could help me sway her.” 
“No,” Remus said dourly.  
“Oh, he knows many,” you teased. 
“I’m still not gonna help him.” 
“But Moony!” Prongs said with a pout and allowed his head to fall on Moony’s legs, he got shoved off shortly after. You laughed, even though something in the back of your mind told you there was something wrong with the entire ordeal. Sirius does that all the time and he never gets more than an annoyed glance, you realised. Then again, James had just insulted Moony, and Moony could be really petty when he wanted to, especially near the moon.
“How about this… I’ll get you one of mom’s relaxing bath bombs, and you help?” Luckily for James, he could be persistent as hell when he wanted to. 
Moony groaned in return and turned to James. “You think you can add something for muscle pain?” 
“Playing again tomorrow helps with that,” Sirius said as he ruffled Remus’ hair, who in turn, shoved his hand off and threw him a spiteful look. “We’ll leave you boys to it then,” he said with a shrug wrapping his hand in yours to pull you along with him. 
“Where are you taking me?” You asked as you reached the door and he grabbed a thick coat, placing it around your shoulders and then placing a hat over your head that was so long you had to push back to be able to see again. Sirius took one of Remus’ coats and placed it around himself. 
“He charmed it, it’s warmer,” he said casually as he accommodated it. “And… it’s a surprise.” Had he really taken Remus’ sweater because it was warmer? He wasn’t entirely sure, but he had seen his and James’ and yours (borrowed by Effie), and Remus’ had seemed the best choice. You hadn’t even noticed he had taken Remus’ until he mentioned it was warmer. 
You pursed your lips and sighed, nodded and followed along Sirius, who still holding your hands in his, was walking you through the billowy blanket of snow that stretched all the way to the small forest. You had seen the forest before, the boys had taken you there a couple of times and while you hadn’t actually seen the entire thing, the Potters had mentioned it was safe, and that it had been in the family for generations –nothing like the Forbidden Forest back in Hogwarts.
“Will you really not tell me where we’re going?” 
“No, close your eyes.” He responded. “Go on!” 
You shook your head with a small scoff but did as told. He placed his hands over your face. One of them was warm –the one he had around yours– but the other one was a little colder, which made you flinch back and crash against him. He chuckled breathily and you could feel his breath on your neck. 
“If you wanted for us to stand closer you could have said so, Étoile.” 
You huffed in response. “Next time you put your freezing hands on my face, I’ll throw snow down your shirt.” 
“Don’t be like that,” he said with a pout and pressed a kiss to your cheeks. His lips were also rather cold, but you didn’t mind them touching you at all. “Careful there’s a branch,” he said as he guided you through the forest.
“Are we close?” 
“Almost,” Sirius replied. “To the left,” he added as he pushed you to the side for you to get past another obstacle. 
You must have given 15 other steps. You felt the weather get slightly humid and… kind of warmer? “Sirius what is–” 
“Open your eyes,” he interrupted and removed his hands from your face and placed them on your shoulder instead. 
There was a small round pool, surrounded by trees, although the sun still shone through some of them. There was steam piling on top of the water and the water itself was so pale, that it almost looked silver, like Sirius’ eyes. You leaned down and curiously dug your hand. The water was indeed warm, but when you pulled your hand out along with it, it rained down in a colourful, rainbow-like, manner. 
You dug your hand again and agitated it inside the water, the ripples were just as colourful as the stream that had dropped from your hand, turning the silvery water into a splendid visage. You had heard of things like this but you had never actually seen them. 
“Is this–” 
“Yeah,” Sirius said as he leaned down next to you. “A vieux fae thermal pool. Legend says Nymphs each had one of these to warm themselves in winter and invite their Nereid friends. James and I found it a few years ago while exploring and we lost it. I found it again while looking for the Tadpoles and thought you had to see it.” 
“There weren’t any here, were they?” you teased and he shook his head with a laugh. He also placed his hand on the water, but it didn’t tint all the wonderful colours like it had with your hand. It was only silvery shiny ripples. 
You leaned your hand towards his in the water, and the moment you touched it, the colours came back. “It must be your fae heritage,” Sirius said. “It certainly didn’t make those colours when James and I swam inside.” 
“You swam inside?” You gasped, turning to him in disbelief. “Don’t you know that pisses off the fae?” 
“There are no fae here,” he responded. “They made a deal with Prong’s family long ago. They switched lands or something like that. Effie was scandalised when we told her the thermal pool we’d found thinking there was fae in the house,” he chuckled, “but Monty was quick to tell her about it.”
“Does that mean… we can get swim without pissing anyone off?” You asked, a small smirk appearing on your lips. 
“Indeed,” Sirius said, mirroring your expression. 
Your smile grew wider and you quickly shrugged off the coat. It was cold, but the water would be warm enough once you were inside. Sirius copied you in an instant. Remus’ coat was carefully left on top of a rock, right next to yours. You discarded the hat and flipped Remus’ long-sleeved jumper over your head. 
“Don’t you have any clothes of your own?” Sirius asked when he noticed you had one of his shirts under that. 
“Shut up or I’ll actually swim with it,” you responded as you unlaced your trainers and took them off, placing them and your socks just beside the rock. 
“But you’d ruin it!” 
“Exactly,” you added before unbuttoning the thick pants you had on letting them drop on the floor. You were shivering slightly and missed the way Sirius’ gaze trailed your thighs as you stepped out of the pants and left them on the rock.
By the time you looked his way he had already averted your gaze, but his cheeks were slightly tinted. He pulled his hand back and yanked his shirt off from the back of the neckline, it had been so fast and so seamless that you couldn’t help but blink in surprise. 
“Like what you see?” he teased. 
“Oh shut up, Puppy,” you said before taking your own shirt off. Either way, Sirius had already seen you in underwear, you were not expecting him to get nearly as flustered as he did. “Turn around.”
“What?” He asked with a frown. 
“Turn around, I don’t want to have wet underwear when we get out.” 
He frowned and once he understood what you meant he swallowed and did as told. He was tempted to turn back, to see, but he fixed his eyes on the pile of clothes and tried not to think too much about it when he saw, first your bra, and then your knickers fall on the rock. He gulped and tried to focus his mind on something else, which proved rather unsuccessful since he could still see them on the rock. 
There was a short splash, “You may turn now,” you said with a smile. He turned around. You were leaning against the edge, you had your face resting on your arms and he could see half of your back as it dipped into the rainbow colours that seemed to ripple away from you. Your scarred arm was in full view, and his gaze lingered over it just for a second before it went back to your face.
Your hair was wet and it was clinging to your head and there were a few droplets of water sliding from your cheek that shone like bubbles, or perhaps like oil spilt on the ground. He gulped thickly and stared, no wonder muggles were kidnapped by fae and drowned by mermaids willingly, he thought, he too would have gotten in willingly if he found you like that on a random walk in the woods. When you realised he was staring you smirked and tilted your head to the side. “Like what you see?” 
He scoffed wryly at the way you threw his words back at him and smiled, biting his lip before tilting his head as well. “Turn around then,” he told you.
You smiled, and dipped back in the water, appearing back again with your back turned to him. He was quick to take off his underwear and jump in, you heard him sigh as the water helped him warm up again.
When the water stilled you turned around again. Sirius was staring at you with a sneaky little smile, paying close attention to how the water looked. He found it absolutely fascinating, the way your sole touch made the water change so naturally around you, he wondered what that same touch could do to him. It would certainly change some things. 
“Stop it,” you said with a smile. 
“I’m doing nothing!” he protested.
“You’re staring.” 
“Well, you’re beautiful, you can’t blame me.” 
You pouted and dipped half of your head in the water, only leaving your eyes above it before he noticed how embarrassed he’d made you. It’s not that Sirius didn’t take every chance he got to remind you how much he liked you, but you weren’t always naked while he said it. 
He smirked, “Are you flustered?” 
You splashed him with water in retort, the water flying in all sorts of magical colours and turning silver the minute it clashed with his skin, like his eyes. 
“Oi!” he complained as he wiped his face with the back of his hands. 
“This reminds me of Mexico.” 
“This is nothing like Mexico,” he responded, while he avoided staring at the valley of your breasts, he was sure the waves and ripples you were both creating could –if they wanted to– stop covering most of them and flash him in the process.
“What do you mean? There’s water, you’re being a bit of an idiot, trying to seduce me with your pretty words–” he splashed you now, the silvery water falling in colourful droplets onto your face. “See? You’re even splashing me when I call you out!” 
“You think I’m trying to seduce you?” He asked with a smirk, taking a step closer. 
“Aren’t you always?” you retorted. 
He hummed in response, cocking his head to the side with a devilish smile, he looked bewitching, his curls were wet and cascading around his face, the ripples of colour reflecting in his eyes, sometimes it was staggering how gorgeous he was, but he knew the effect he had on you and he loved it. 
“Perhaps I am,” he said as he took another step closer. “But you love every bit of it, don’t you, Starshine? You love it when I call you pretty, and when I whisper in your ear how much I like you, the way you laugh, the way you look at me, the way you smell.” 
You knew what he was doing, and you threw another splash of water his way before pushing yourself to the side and swimming around him. He laughed at your reaction and threw some water back, silvery and colourful water droplets clashing against each other and your faces. 
You dipped your head in the water and circled him until you stood behind him, then leaned a little closer, placing both hands on his shoulders and using them as leverage to float a little. Leaning in even further and resting your head on his neck, not quite allowing the rest of your body to touch his, not yet. 
“Do you mind?” you asked as you wrapped one of your arms over his shoulder.
“Not at all,” he said, voice short. Neither of you had forgotten that under the ripples of the silvery water, you were both bare. He turned his head and pressed a soft, and quick kiss to your cheek. “You feel really soft,” he added. 
“You’ve felt me plenty of times.” 
He stifled a laugh at the innuendo in your words, “I meant slippery.” 
You hummed in response, “You do too… but not soft,” you added as you sneaked one of your hands on his bicep, it was still toned after he practised beating with Rem, more than normal if you might say so yourself.
“Tease,” he said as he shoved you with his shoulder, stopping when he felt your breast brush against his skin. “Sorry,” he muttered quickly. He had felt your breasts before, while making out, but never on his back and he hadn’t dared to sneak his hand under your bra either. 
“It’s okay,” you said and leaned a little closer, allowing them to fully rest on his back. He flushed when he felt your nipples, perky against his muscles. “I don’t mind if you don’t.” 
“I certainly don’t,” he replied and thanked the heavens the water was all sorts of colours instead of clear, or you would have seen his –very evident now– reaction to your closeness. “Are you flustered now?” you asked when you noticed the slight blush creeping up his neck.
“It’s the cold,” he rushed out. 
“Is it?” you teased and brushed your hand over his arm again. “And here I thought I was turning you on.” 
He turned his head to look at your face with eyebrows raised, surprised at your words. 
“Starshine…” he warned. 
You gave him an innocent look in return, “Yeah?” 
“Who’s seducing who, now?” 
“Still you,” you said with a small smirk, reaching out to brush one of his curls behind his ear. You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before pulling back to admire him again, your fingers tracing circles near his collarbone.
“You think?” he asked as he turned his head to yours, his lips dangerously close to your own. 
“Definitely,” you whispered, his lips were almost brushing yours. He closed the gap, it was a small kiss at first. But you leaned in closer and his tongue was in yours in no time. You were slowly slipping from his shoulder and in front of him while you kissed. He placed both of his hands on the back of your neck when you were in front of him, pulling your head closer and using his thumbs to brush your hair out of your face. 
“You’re stunning, you know that?” he asked as he pulled apart for a second and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Sometimes all I can think of is you,” he added. Sometimes it’s Remus. He kissed you again when that thought crossed his mind. 
One of his hands moved to your arm, and then to your waist, lingering only for a second on the side of your breast, as if he wanted to touch but wasn’t sure if you’d want that too. “Go ahead,” you said as you pulled from the kiss and whispered into his mouth. He seemed hesitant at first, but when you went back to kiss him he traced his fingers from your waist towards the lower side of your breast. He brushed his thumb before he wrapped his hand around it, he deepened the kiss and you almost melted under his touch. 
Neither you nor him had gotten this far before while making out, you loved it, you couldn’t think of anything other than Sirius and you certainly didn’t want to think of anything other than him. You’d been thinking too much already. You pushed your body into his but he pulled his hips back and placed both hands on your shoulders to hold you in place. 
“Wait,” he said, panting. “You don’t want to do that.” 
You cocked your head before you realised what had happened. “Sirius…” 
“Just one second,” he said, his eyes were closed shut and he had a small frown as if he was trying to concentrate on something. 
You smirked when he realised what was going on and giggled, placing your hand on his cheek before tentatively leaning closer to him again. “Weren’t you the one teaching Prongs all of your knowledge on the train?” 
His head snapped your way and he swallowed. “Yes but, we’ve– you’ve never… not really.” 
“Sirius, we've been going out for months.” 
“Exactly! And we’ve never even gotten past, you know!” 
“We do get interrupted rather often,” you said in agreement. “I doubt we’ll get interrupted now, though.” 
“But you’re naked,” he added as he motioned his head down, “Me too.” 
“Mhm,” you said as you leaned in to kiss him again, Placing your hand on his chest and then slowly sliding it down his chiselled abdomen you added, “That’s kind of a requirement for it.” When you reached down, you were not expecting to feel him as hard as he was, you pulled your hand back tentatively. “Is this why you pulled back?” 
He averted your gaze, and you smiled. “Sorry…” 
“Oh don’t be,” you said as you lowered your hand again, wrapping it around his cock, he groaned in response. “I just thought with your experience… it would take a little longer for you to– you know.” 
“You’ve been teasing since you shrugged off your coat, what did you expect?” he responded, you moved your hand. ”Fuck.” 
“You’ve never gotten like this while making out…” 
“You’ve never been naked while we’re making out. You’ve never teasingly placed your nipples on –shit.” 
“It’s okay,” you coed, and pressed a small kiss to his cheek. 
You flicked your wrist and gripped him again, brushing his tip with your thumb and he moaned, louder than you had ever heard him moan, it sent a thrill down your spine. 
“Hold up–” he said and lowered one of his hands to your stomach. “May I?” He was panting from the way you were pleasuring him, flushed and he looked like it was hard for him to form proper thoughts, and yet here he was, head slightly tilted down, asking if he could touch you. 
You nodded in response. He bit his lip at your words and lowered his hands further down, tracing your slit slowly with his index and then using a different one to part his way in, he wasn’t sure how he didn’t cum the minute he felt you. It was all slippery, and he couldn’t tell if you were turned on, or if it was just the water, so he was slow and tender as he moved his fingers up and down your slit. 
“Is that good?” 
“Mhm,” you said as you moved your own hips to chase his fingers. “There,” you added as one of his fingers brushed against your clit. 
“Like this?” he asked as he circled, “or this?” he added as he moved his finger over it, in an up-and-down motion instead. 
“Fuck,” you said as you laid your head on his shoulder, your movements on his cock becoming dumber as his on your clit became more determined. 
“Okay, I see,” he smirked when he found a pace that you liked, he lowered his fingers a bit further and teased your entrance. “Would you like it if–” 
“Please,” you pretty much whined. He smiled, loving the effect he had on you and pulled you back for a kiss, you moaned into his mouth when you felt his finger tease your entrance again, slowly sliding in.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he sighed as he shut his eyes and pressed his forehead onto your shoulder, you squeezed your walls around his finger in return and he let out another curse. “You might kill me if you do that when I’m inside.” And then he pulled back and looked at you, his eyes moving rapidly as they looked for yours. “If you want it, of course.” 
You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, “I’d love it.” 
You smirked and he used the hand that wasn’t occupied touching you, and slid it behind your waist, and then lower until he squeezed your ass, “You think you can take another one?” he asked as he teased your entrance with another finger, you nodded and he pulled the one inside off you out and then slowly slid the two of them in, this time making sure he was brushing your clit with his thumb the way that made you moan. Your hand on his cock faltered and he instantly took in his and wrapped it around his neck. “I can’t tell if you’re wet, Luv, you’re gonna have to tell me when you’re ready.” 
You pressed a kiss to his neck in response, and he continued with his expert movements. Now opening his fingers slightly, trying to make sure he’d be able to get in. 
“I think I’m ready,” you said while panting, your hips were bucking against his hand now, searching for more friction, but Sirius was being careful, he didn’t want to hurt you, he wanted it to be special since it was your first time with each other. 
Forget that you were inside a Nymph pool and that because of your fae descendance, there were rainbow colours all around, he wanted you to feel special. 
He slowly pulled his hand out, you bit your lip and at the lack of friction and were quick to close the gap between your bodies again, he groaned when he felt your slit brush next to his cock. You smiled and moved your hip again, enjoying the feeling of sensitive skin against it. He wasn’t even inside you and he already felt like cumming. 
You lowered your hand in between your bodies, he held you from your waist, chest against chest so it was up to you to accommodate the two. You took his cock in your hand again and moved it over your slit two times, allowing his tip to brush against your clit which only got you going even more. “Ready?” You asked.
He wasn’t sure he’d managed to come up with a word so he merely nodded. Your forehead was against his as you guided his cock inside you. He was slow and steady, not moving at all and allowing you to be the one to push into him rather than the other way around. He bottomed out and opened his eyes to stare at you. “You good?” he breathed.
“Mhm,” you said with a nod and placed a short kiss on his lips. 
“I’m gonna move,” he warned, and slowly moved out, only a little, and then he went back in again. He moved his hands from your waist to your ass to help with the movements and you placed yours around his neck. He traced your ass until he found the place where your bodies met and touched it as he thrusted into you, imagining how beautiful you looked underneath the water, perhaps as lovely as you looked above it. 
You were using him as leverage, both of your hands on his shoulders but you craved more friction. So you wrapped one of your arms around his neck, leaning in closer to him and sliding the other one down your bodies. You too were curious as to how that looked, but you’d definitely be able to see it on a different day. You started circling your hand on your clit when he noticed what you were doing. He couldn’t quite move his hands away from your ass since there was nothing you could recline on, but he hated the idea of you having to do it yourself. 
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheeks, then further down and down until he reached your lips. You lifted your head to meet his halfway and he kissed you, slow and steady, much slower than the way he was thrusting into you underneath the glistening water, the coordination was absolutely exhilarating. 
“Luv,” he said softly, focusing your eyes on your face. “May I turn you around? I feel I could make you feel better that way.” 
“You feel you could?” you asked wryly, biting your lips at the thought. He wasn’t only thinking of his pleasure, that had been evident since he asked to touch you but it still sent butterflies down your stomach. The boastful and sometimes a little self-absorbed Sirius cared so much about the way he was making you feel. “Let’s try it then.” 
He pressed another kiss to your mouth and slowly got out of you, using his hands to turn you around, one under your breast and the other one guiding your hips. He cursed when your ass brushed over his cock and you repeated the hip movement under the water which only got a hiss from him. “Such a tease,” he said with a smile as he pressed a kiss to the curve of your neck, moving his hand on your hips to search for your entrance again. He too teased a couple of times, making sure to brush his tip against your clit like you had done earlier which elicited a short, quiet moan from you. 
“You can make all the noise you want,” he said with a smile, and then got in, a lot faster this time around. He wrapped his aiding hand around you and left it on your lower stomach as he moved the other one to your breast. 
He looked at you as if asking for permission before settling it there, and then he started to move again. But the hand on your lower stomach slid down and he started to touch you, in the same way he learned you liked earlier. 
“Great,” you panted. Soon both of you were panting and moaning, and the sound of the water, along with the distant chirping of birds and other sounds of the wintery forest surrounding you had you both completely lost in each other. The cacophony of sounds, organic and lewd, soft and deep, moaning and grunts and pleas, all of them combining into the perfect atmosphere. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, even if you could.
“I think I have to… quick,” he added as he gently pushed you off of him. You quickly turned around and placed one of your hands on his shoulder as you reached down, wrapping your hand around his wrist and moving it away from his cock. You then wrapped your hand around him. 
“Like this?” you asked gently. 
“You can grip a little tighter,” he said, eyes squeezed shut, “and move your hand a little faster.”
“Okay,” you said and did as told. Stroking him with purpose, he moved one of his hands to your shoulder and cursed under his breath.
“Fuck,” he panted. And you instantly knew he was cumming. You kept moving your hand on him, milking him all the way through although you couldn’t be sure if he had or not finished completely. You lowered your pace only when he started to go soft. He pressed a small kiss to your lips, “You’re bIoody fantastic.” 
You smiled, and wafted towards him, wrapping your legs around his waist and leaning in for a kiss. He was quick to wrap his arms around your back and hold you in place. When you pulled back from the kiss he started to place soft kisses all over your face, you could tell he was tired, his movements softer, and a lot more gentle than before –not that he had at any point stopped being gentle. 
Then you leaned down a little, sliding your cheek on his until your mouth was close to his ear. “Next time I’ll be taking Minnie’s potion,” you said and pressed a kiss to his cheek before pushing yourself off him and biting your lip.
“You’re such a tease, I swear!” he scolded with a laugh and moved forward to wrap you in his arms and kiss you again. Then it was he who leaned closer to you, and whispered, “Next time I’ll take my sweet time with you, Sweets. You’ll cum more than me.” 
It wasn’t just words, it was most definitely a promise, you realised as you felt yourself getting aroused again. You searched for his lips again and you made out for a few more minutes. Sometimes soft kisses, sometimes desperate ones, enough to pull at each other’s hair –you loved pulling at his hair.
“We better get back,” you said, pulling apart from a kiss as you realised the weather was going dark again. You were not eager to walk in a snowy forest in the dark again, fearing whatever kind of memories it could trigger back. The same kind you had been trying to bury so deep inside your mind the past few days that if you allowed them out, they might break you appart. You were not eager to cry, especially not after your first time with Sirius. 
“Can’t we stay a little longer?” he asked with a pout, tightening his grip on your waist. 
You looked around, and he was quick to see the anxiety in your face, “It’s kind of getting dark.” 
If he hadn’t heard the falter in your voice, perhaps he would have teased you further. Instead, he nodded, “You’re right, they might come looking for us and then we’ll actually be in trouble” he added with a grin. 
“As if that’s ever bothered you,” you smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips before separating from him and swimming towards the edge of the small pool. You used your hands as leverage to raise yourself from the water. 
Sirius let a low whistle from behind. “Ugh, you’re such a dog!” you scoffed while trying to hold your laughter. You were sure he had done it to piss you off. 
“Just appreciating my gorgeous girlfriend,” he said casually, and you kicked some water towards his face. 
“Fuck it’s cold,” you said as you got out and covered. yourself with your arms. Sirius was out in a second, he placed his coat –technically Remus’– over your shoulders. 
“Wait! It’ll get wet,” you said as you removed it and turned around to hand it forward, Sirius was looking at you with loving eyes, and you couldn’t help but blush. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“I don’t care.” 
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. “But I do, hand me your wand, please.” 
He was quick to summon his wand in the same way he used to summon a broom and then handed it over to you, brushing his fingers with yours. You used a warming spell to dry yourself as quickly as possible and handed it back to him, he allowed his fingers to linger on yours before doing the same. You shrugged off the coat while you walked to the rock in search of your undies. 
“Looking for this?” he teased, there was mirth in his eyes as he dangled your knickers in the air with one finger. 
You were covering your chest with one of your arms and he was looking at you with that mischievous look of his. You tilted your head to the side and narrowed your eyes at him. He extended his hand your way and when you reached to grab them he pulled back again, dragging them to his face and giving them a deep and long sniff. 
You looked at him aghast and actually laughed, “You really are a dog.” 
“And you’re my pretty vixen, aren’t you?” he said with a smile and threw the knickers your way. You caught them easily and shook your head. 
“Vixen am I not?” you responded with a teasing smile and turned around. And in one of the boldest moves you had ever done, you leaned down, exposing your ass to him as you slowly, and dreadfully sensually –or as sensually as you could muster– slid your knickers back on. 
“That’s not fucking fair,” he said as he adjusted his –now tighter– boxers. 
“Suck it up,” you said simply and finally stood straight, leaning down to take your bra and putting it on quickly. 
You reached for your shirt –technically his– but he already had it in his hands and held it over your head, helping you put it, even with your back still to him. When the shirt was fully on, he dug his hand underneath it and squeezed you closer to him. Burying his face in the nape of your shoulder. “Biggest tease ever,” he mumbled into your shoulder. His shirt smelled delicious, like you and– and Remus, fucking hell Sirius, stop it, he thought.
“I’m only letting you hug me because you’re warm.” 
He teasingly pinched your side. “Lie to yourself all you want, Starshine. You love having my arms around you.” 
You hummed in response and stayed like that for a bit. “Sirius?” 
“You still haven’t put on a shirt, have you?” He grumbled something akin to no. You laughed and squirmed away from him, leaning in quickly to grab his shirt and throwing it at his face. “You’ll catch a cold, you dumbass.” 
He caught it quickly and put it on, “would have been worth it.” 
“It wouldn’t have,” you retorted. “I wouldn’t be able to cuddle you if you were sick.” 
“I see, you want to cuddle me more then,” he teased. 
“You were the one clinging onto me earlier,” you sassed in return and pulled your pants up. “Could you pass me the jumper?” 
He grabbed Moony’s jumper and threw it your way, you were quick to pull it over your head and then walked towards the rock to put on your shoes and socks. After that, you took both coats from the rock and passed him over the one he had thrown over you while wet –that you had half dried with a spell– and you put on the one you had brought. 
Once you were ready Sirius gave you a short smile and walked towards you, reached his hand towards you and intertwined your fingers, then tilted his head as he motioned for you to follow his lead. Sirius didn’t let go of you at all on the way back, who would have thought he was a romantic?
Except, Sirius wasn’t glued to you just because he didn’t want to stop touching you, but also because he had seen how anxious you’d gotten at the prospect of walking in the snowy woods at night, and the last thing he wanted was for you to feel anything than pleased, so he made sure to never let go of you. Not while you walked through the forest, not while you walked through the open fields, and not even when you opened the door to the house. 
“James, you can’t say that in a letter,” Remus said with an exasperated sigh. Both boys were sitting in the living room, James had a quill in his hand and was furiously crossing out something on a piece of paper and Remus was looking absolutely defeated like he both couldn’t and didn’t want to deal with James anymore. 
“But why not?” James asked with a frown. 
“Lily doesn’t even like Qudditch. And you said ‘in your eyes I see the goalposts of my dreams’, that’s objectifying. Not to mention how you said she was a Quaffle that you wanted to chase earlier.” 
“But I would follow her to the ends of the earth.” 
“That’s actually much better,” you said from the door with a smile, Sirius was trying not to laugh at both James and Remus’ relieved sighs when they spotted you. “Although a bit tacky, she might like it.” 
“Thank Godric you’re here,” Remus spoke. Meanwhile, James scribbled that one line from earlier. “Where were you, anyway?” 
“In the fae pool,” Sirius responded with a small, pleased smirk.
“Oh, cool,” James said, Sirius’ tone completely flying past his head. He turned to you. “You liked it? You were there a while.” 
“Oh, she loved it,” Sirius added and you elbowed him. 
“You’ll help me, right?” James asked, oblivious to the interaction that had just gone through, too immersed in his struggle to get the letter to look perfect, Remus had made him throw most of the things he’d written thus far. 
But Remus, even though exasperated, wasn’t nearly as oblivious as James, and he was quick to catch on to your interactions. The way you elbowed Sirius, the way he was looking at you, your swollen lips and Sirius’ smug –yet flushed– demeanour. He knew that look, he hated that look. Back in the day, it had only reminded him of how out of reach Sirius was. 
Today though? He didn’t even know how the fuck to feel. The image of the two of you all over each other in the thermal pool was looping over and over again in his mind, and it was the hottest thing he’d ever imagined. Fuck, he wished he had known, he wished he had taken the cloak and seen it happen with his own eyes. But at the same time, there was a pang in his heart, as if the wolf was reminding him: they’re not yours. 
“Yeah sure,” you said, leaving the coat you had on the hanger and walking towards both boys, you kneeled down in between James and Remus. She smells like sex, Remus thought as you approached, the barely visible hickey on your neck too obvious for someone who knew you so well. He focused his gaze on Sirius, who looked really excited and sighed, standing up. 
“I’ll go get a book,” he said as he stood up. 
“I’ll come with,” Sirius said with a smile. He wanted to talk about it, he wanted to tell Remus all about it, well not all about it, but he definitely wanted to tell him how amazing you’d been. 
“No, it’s fine, it won’t take me too much–” 
“Nonsense,” Sirius said and walked behind Remus towards the staircase. 
You gave both boys a short wave and then focused on James’ letter, now understanding why Remus was so done with James. 
“Okay, what exactly do you want to say in the letter, James?”  
“That I miss her a lot, that she’s stunning and gorgeous and that I want to see her again soon, and I want to invite her over too. Well, her and everyone.” 
“Okay, and what does the quidditch pitch, the balls and all this gibberish about chasing and catching and keeping have to do with that?” 
“Ugh… well-” 
“–Exactly. You don’t need any of that,” you said simply. “Tell me, what do you like about Lily…” 
It was then that your voices faded out completely and Remus was forced to focus on Sirius’. “When she touched the water, it turned into hundreds of different colours, it was stunning!” 
“Yeah?” Remus asked, trying to distract himself with the books in James’ massive library, he was reading and rereading through the titles and Sirius continued talking about it. 
“You should have seen it, Moony. The rainbows on the silvery water, it was like nothing I’d ever seen, and I’ve seen plenty of things…” 
Remus hummed simply in response, pulling out a book, reading through the front cover, and flipping a few pages. The wolf inside was clawing at him, telling him to get angry and to snap at Sirius for taking what was his. His Vixen. His Padfoot.
 “For fucks sake,” he muttered when he realized he had picked up one of those spicy romance novels you claimed he would be the cover of if it was about pirates. 
Thankfully, Sirius was too busy talking his ear off to hear what he’d said. “I swear, it had never been like this Remus, and you know I’ve been with plenty of women before…” No matter how much he tried, it was not easy to ignore Sirius’ rambling. “It was as if I had been bewitched. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she had used fae magic on me, but she doesn’t have any.” 
“She has charm,” Remus said with a sigh, “just not the one that comes along with magic.” He placed the book back on the shelf a little too forcefully and looked for a different title. 
“It felt incredible.” 
“Sirius,” Remus warned. 
“She’s amazing, I didn’t think she would know but the way she–” 
“What?” he asked with a frown. 
“You think she would like you talking about it?” 
“You’re her best friend, my best friend, it doesn’t count.” 
“It does,” Remus said, turning to him now, a different book in his hands. He had enough images filling his mind without Sirius’ explicit tales. “And you’ve never been this specific before either.” 
Sirius huffed, “As if you hadn’t gone around kissing and fucking Alice just months ago.” 
“What does she have to do with any of this?” 
Yeah, what does Alice have to do with any of this? Sirius wondered himself. 
“Well– just that. You were kissing her at the Halloween party like you were eating her face off, and– I never told you off about it.” 
Remus scoffed, “She kissed me at that party. In public, I didn’t go around talking about it, not about how great it felt or how incredible she felt, or how much better she was than anyone else I had been with before.” 
Sirius swallowed, if he didn’t know better, he’d say Moony was jealous. But more important than that, he was irked by the idea of Alice being so incredible for Remus. “Well, if I don't tell you about it, then I’ll tell Prongs, I bet he’ll want to listen.” 
Remus sighed, exasperated. “Sirius, that was your moment.” He squeezed his eyes as he let out a breath. “You and her.” Golden brown eyes locked on steel grey again, “A special moment, a wonderful moment.” He had a hard time saying “wonderful”, Sirius noticed that too. “And I’m happy for you, truly.  For the both of you, it’s obvious you deeply care about the other, I can see how freaking in love you are with one another from kilometres away but– and I cannot emphasise this enough– I don’t need images of my two best friends fucking in the fae pool in my head.” 
And he really didn’t need them, there were enough of them by now. 
“I’m– I’m sorry,” Sirius stuttered. “I didn’t– I think I get what you mean,” he hadn’t liked the images of Remus fucking Alice either. Those had pissed him off, unlike James when he was descriptive of what he had done with Lily, he didn’t mind hearing those as much. “Do you think she’ll forgive me? I’ve gone and opened my big mouth, and it’s been hours since– Godric, I’m a total asshole.” 
Remus sighed and shook his head, “I don’t think there’s much you could do that she wouldn’t forgive,” he said honestly. Not if you love him like he knew you did. “Besides, you’ve been forgiven for much worse things.” Sirius tried not to recoil in his seat at the thought of the incident with Severus. 
By the time the two got back, you had already made a decent draft for Lily’s letter with James and he was looking for a fresh piece of parchment to write it with nicer handwriting. 
“Found your book?” you asked when you spotted Moony by the stairs. He showed you a book in response. Sirius came behind him, he held a small stack of books in his hands. 
“What you got there, Puppy?” 
“Wand lore,” he said with a smile. “I thought perhaps there’s a way to fix your wand, or if you decide to actually use Nina’s–”
“Sirius!” Remus and James reprimanded at the same time. 
“It’s okay,” you said simply. “I get what you’re trying to do,” you said simply and took one of the books from his hands. Opening and sitting on the armchair, not on the sofa, but on the armchair, where no one else would be able to sit. James and Remus threw Sirius a look and he mouthed a sorry while you focused on the book. 
It was actually a really interesting book, enough to drag you away from those sad thoughts. 
“Do you want to play Monopoly?” Sirius suggested after a while. 
You yawned in response, “Maybe sleep?” 
“Sounds great, you coming?” He asked Remus.
“No,” he said simply. “I’ll take the guest room today,” he added. Everyone turned to him with a frown. “Developed a bit of a sore throat, wouldn’t want to pass it on to any of you.” 
Remus had never, in the entire time that you’d known him, developed a sore throat.
“Have you taken something?” You asked, concerned. “Is it maybe a Moony thing?” 
“It might be just my screaming from the game earlier, but I’d rather not take any risks.” 
You frowned, unconvinced. “Okay, see you tomorrow then.” He nodded. “We’ll miss you, Rem.” 
He swallowed at that. “See you tomorrow.” 
Remus did not need any more torture. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep it together if you cuddled all over him like you often did before turning. Either to tease him or just to talk. The idea of the three of you resting on the same bed, was too much for him to handle tonight. Especially with all the thoughts already roaming in his head, the moon being so close wasn’t of help at all.
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @simpkingollie @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @mothraantics @maqqiekwon @desikudisworld @pastelorangeskies
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A/N: Does anybody have some water? GC just got spicy! Hope you liked this chapter, I wanted their first time to be special, and somehow I ended with the softest Sirius ever, he's such a sweetheart, my heart will explode
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jvpiterzs · 21 hours
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𐙚 DROWNING OUT THE NOISE — PERCY JACKSON .ᐟ ˚⋆. ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ ꒰ golden retriever!percy jackson x fem!black cat!reader — a riordanverse fic ꒱
— ordered﹔yes / no - here!! — ingredients﹔fluffy whipped cream, use of y/n, purpose use of lowercase alphabet soup, probably not well proofread, lmk if i missed anything! — wc﹔1.2k+ — recipe﹔read the order above :) — cassie's tea time﹔YAYYAYAY FIRST REQUEST!! <3 ik campers can't usually use their phones since it sends out signals to monsters and all but i wrote it so the hephaestus cabin made electronics that don't attract monsters and all!! i also didn't know what to put for the photos above sooooo
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﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board﹚
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y/n always wore her headphones. it was like her shield, a way to drown out the noise of the world around her. social anxiety was something she'd battled for as long as she could remember, and the headphones were her safe place — a place she would retreat into whenever she could.
going to camp half-blood was supposed to be different. it was like the perfect place for misfits and somewhere she could finally feel like she belonged, according to her satyr protector long ago. but on her first day, she found herself reaching for her headphones more than ever. she kept to the edges, avoiding eye contact and hoping to blend into the background. it was ironic; she felt like a misfit in a place full of misfits.
but percy jackson had a way of noticing things. and he noticed her.
percy had always been the kind of person who made friends easily, especially being the saviour of olympus and a son of one of the big three. he had a laid-back, golden retriever kind of personality. so when he spotted the girl, always with her headphones on and keeping to herself, he was naturally intrigued.
"hey," percy said one day, walking up to her after archery practice. y/n looked up, startled, and pulled one side of her headphones off.
"hi," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
"sorry, i didn't mean to startle you. i'm percy," he said sheepishly, offering her a friendly smile. "i've seen you around."
"y/n," she introduced herself, fiddling with the cord of her headphones.
"cool headphones," percy remarked, hoping he could ease the tension. "whatcha listening to?"
y/n hesitated, not sure why the percy jackson would be talking to her. she took off her headphones, handing them to percy. percy accepted them with a smile, putting them on as the music flowed into his ear. "no way, you listen to them too?? i swear, i've never seen anyone listen to this artist. i like your taste."
she relaxed a little, a small smile appearing on her face. "i adore them, they're my favourite band ever."
percy couldn't help but grin as she smiled, happy that she relaxed even a little bit. "mine too. what's your favourite song by them?"
days turned into weeks, and percy made it his mission to break through y/n's walls. he started inviting her to join him by the lake, offering her training lessons or sometimes following her around like a lost puppy as she chuckled. slowly but surely, she began to come out of her shell.
one sunny afternoon, percy noticed y/n sitting alone under the shade of a tree by the lake. she gazed at the water as she listened to the music flowing from her headphones. percy approaches her with a wave.
"hey, y/n," percy greets.
"hey, percy." she looked up, giving him a smile and removing her headphones.
"mind if i join you?"
she shook her head, and he settled in beside her. "what're you listening to today?"
y/n handed him her headphones, and percy listened for a moment. "i love this album." he hums before handing the headphones back.
"why d'you always wear your headphones?" percy decides to ask, dipping his hands in the cool water. they always spent their free time there together, not that any of them complained. they enjoyed eachother's company. "you don't gotta answer." he added quickly, not wanting to intrude her privacy.
y/n took a deep breath. "they help me cope. with... pretty much everything. the noise, the people. it all gets too much sometimes." she admits softly, looking down at the headphones in her hands.
percy nodded understandingly. "i get it. everyone needs something to help them through tough times, y'know?"
"yeah," she said softly, meeting his gaze. "i appreciate, by the way. for being so nice to me. i know i'm not the easiest person to be friends with."
"are you kidding?" Percy snorted, shaking his head. "you're awesome. you just need someone to see it."
y/n blushed, looking away as a shy smile played on her lips.. "yeah, maybe."
from that day forward, their friendship only seemed to grow even further. percy was there for her every step of the way, helping y/n find her confidence that she never knew she had. in return, y/n's calm presence helped ground percy's impulsive nature. they balanced each other out perfectly.
y/n realised how much she'd changed. she wasn't the same girl who hid behind her headphones. she still wore them, but now they were like a part of her rather than a shield.
"thank you, percy," she said suddenly as they sat at the beach.
"for what?" he asked, glancing over at her.
"for helping me," she replied, meeting his eyes.
percy smiled, reaching out to take her hand. "always. we're in this together."
it wasn't long before percy realised his feelings for y/n. he wouldn't admit it to himself, though. all of their hangouts by the lake and beach, the times where they'd listen to their favourite artists together, or the times percy had held her hand as he taught her how to wield a sword.. no, it couldn't be.
as the sun dipped below the horizon, a golden glow casting over the camp, percy found himself standing at the edge of the lake, waiting for y/n at their spot. she arrived, headphones around her neck as usual, with a smile that warmed his heart. a smile that y/n knew percy liked, so she wore more often. they sat together, side by side, in comfortable silence.
"percy," y/n said quietly, her voice barely audible over the soft push and pull of the lake's water.
"yeah?" he replied, turning to look at her.
"why are you so nice to me?" she asked, her eyes searching his.
percy took a deep breath, his heart pounding. "because... i like you, y/n. i like spending time with you.uou make everything better. and, well, i.. i think you're pretty amazing."
y/n's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. "you do?"
percy nodded, staring down at the lake as he blushed. "yeah, i do. and i want to be there for you, always. if you'll let me."
she reached out and squeezed his hand. "i'd like that, percy. I'd like that a lot."
percy felt a wave of relief wash over him. he had been so nervous about confessing his feelings, but y/n’s response made it all worth it.
y/n turned to percy with a thoughtful expression. "you know, i never thought i’d find someone who understands me like you do."
percy smiled, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. "you’ve helped me too, you know."
"how?" she asked, genuinely curious.
"you’ve helped me slow down, appreciate the little things. you’ve shown me that it's okay to take a break and just be in the moment. otherwise i probably would've hurt myself." percy laughed.
y/n laughed along with him, smiling brightly "i'm glad."
percy found himself looking forward to their time together more than anything else. he appreciated every moment when he made her laugh, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her favorite music, and the peaceful silence they shared by the lake.
as they sat by the lake, y/n turned to percy with a serious expression. "you’ve helped me so much, percy. i don’t think i can ever thank you enough."
"you don’t have to thank me," he replied, squeezing her hand gently. "i’m just glad i could be here for you."
"i want to do something for you," she insisted. "anything. name it."
percy thought for a moment, then smiled. "just stay by my side and be yourself. that’s all i need."
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— thank you for placing your order, and i hoped you enjoyed your meal! kisses from jvpiterzs <3 — cafe guest list﹔n/a
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kawataslvr · 3 days
Hello :]
First time sending a request but can I please ask for a nurse! Male reader with aizawa please? This is a pretty cliche trope but I was thinking of reader being recovery girls grandson/son and was hoping one with aizawa? Or is it too big of an age gap since aizawa is already in his 30's I think? The reader will already be an adult but would still be quite young since he's still recovery girl's apprenticeship. Headcannons or even a little drabble, I'd you don't want to or can't please feel free to ignore this! I really like your writing and I hope the best for you on your writing journey ^^
Love .ᐟ
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“𝜗𝜚 ﹐, ; ⟡”
note : aizawa has to be one of my favorites in mha tbh, had to do a few re-writes for this ngl
p.s: male reader, age gap, so like 10 years apart or so since reader is in his early 20’s (23/24), nurse reader, blood mentioned, pre-established relationship. pure fluff tbh, hcs + one shot
used: M/N (my/male name)
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ıllı ᵎᵎ ₊ ⊹ # HCS
- spends money on you like crazy, idc idc he likes to spoil his s/o
- not into pda, but when you’re alone he’ll become clingy asl
- looks you in the eyes directly while he’s talking to you, paying attention to every single word no matter how “useless” it might be for him.
ıllı ᵎᵎ ₊ ⊹ # one shot
working as recovery girls apprentice and dating the “cruelest” teacher in UA was certainly a weird mix, you were kind while.. well your partner spoke for himself. how you two even got together was a complete mystery to the students and staff, you didn’t really mind though. even if the number of students who got sent to you and recovery girls way were all mainly from Aizawa’s class.. especially a certain green hair boy.
you were sitting in the nurses office waiting , the school day was about to end and you actually had a good day— sure , a few visits here and there from Izuku who which you now labeled “broken bones”, other than luckily it was pretty empty today.
“after school hours” started, something you only knew because Aizawa came into your office , recovery girl always left earlier than you so you and Aizawa got a little alone time before you headed back— he held you closely to him in a tight hug from behind startling you out of surprise.
“hey shota.” he kissed you on the top of the head, caressing your hair softly. “missed you, M/N.” you giggled softly, turned around and kissed the top of his head. he kissed you on the forehead in return. “lets go back to the dorm.. m’ tired.” he nuzzled into your neck giving you soft kisses. on your way out you two tried to not get seen by any students or staff, people in general. Aizawa was usually not one for public display of affection, but he was too caught up at the moment, lost in you.
you two arrived at your shared room, acting like a highschool couple, or like newly weds if you will.
cuddling up on the shared mattress and ending up falling asleep cuddled up to each other, the expensive sheets rustling under the two of you.
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marsti · 2 months
I'm actually kinda curious about this since people have taken to us becoming more openly plural on main surprisingly well:
And also going to use this post to make it clear once more we don't do or tolerate any of that gatekeeping shit in this house, we are vibing, so this is no matter what kind of plural you are.
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potatobugz · 9 months
i think the majority of the fanfiction ideas i have r always generally "character i like gets a redemption arc" or something similar. i like putting those guys in situations & i like giving them Friens:)
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casinoquartet · 11 months
[long] U TURNED ON ASKS YIPPEE!!! hi i’m that recent anon, i love ur posts so much :))) thank you for everything, and the fic you linked was incredible! that facet of swagdoons in which red is so so painfully genuinely in true love with ash, under all the layers of power plays, through the real pain of each and every one of ash’s betrayals… i will die!!!! and thank you (& your friends) for posting about the casino quartet, i am soooo thankful for the introduction to the best polycule ever. one thing i love about the casino quartet is how clown and branzy are obnoxiously public (people know so many details that they really did not need to know) (hence people feel so confident that they’re genuinely devoted & reliant on each other that they’ll try to use one against the other) (prime example: the season 3 obsidian trap), while ash and red are obnoxiously private (no one understands what the fuck is ever going on between them) (no one knows how to manipulate their dynamic, no one can properly account for their incomprehensible relationship while trying to strategize) (prime example: boosfer’s phobias video). i like to imagine that clownzy are the closest people to the internal workings of swagdoons (they see the domestic arguments & the intimacy behind closed doors, listen to their private rants about each other, were present for some of the loaded swagdoons history that ash and red don’t even really talk about themselves). also i watched zam’s first stream of the hardcore smp yesterday [8/21/2022] and i find it so funny how ash will bring up clownzy and clown will bring up swagdoons. (ash announces he’s going to recite “the bible: part 2” and reads aloud a clownzy angst fanfiction; clown says in the middle of a formal meeting that red should sit on ash’s lap because they’re swagdoons). why are they always like this. and idk if you feel much interest in the latest season of the kaboodle smp but i’m really hoping for some clown x ash homosexualities, to fill out the casino quartet dynamics. as of now, we’ve got clown immediately showing vaguely gay interest towards ash, the mysterious teleporting guy in a suit who violently glitched into a server-wide campfire meeting out of nowhere. (clown: “ooh, who are you~?” ash, who otherwise doesn’t show interest in anyone or anything besides gaining riches: “…where do i know you from?”) (ash: teleports in, kills someone’s pet cat, teleports out. everyone, rightfully: WHAT THE FUCK?! clown: shocked delighted laughter.) (everyone is stuck unable to interact with ash, who keeps ignoring all conversation to ask for valuables. but clown swiftly catches on to ash’s rhythm and uses an emerald to try to bribe ash to follow him & tell him his name, as if ash is a cat. it somewhat works.) (after ash leaves, clown tells the others that he’ll “keep an eye on” the new stranger, who will be “safe in [his] hands”.) i watched this all go down from our beloved ivorycello’s POV [7/1/2023]. anyway uh. hiiii and thank you & all you other regular swagdoonsers on tumblr for the friendly reception :) i’m so excited for lifesteal season five plotlines. for some reason i’ve been Thinking about the intro to season 5 in which everyone gathers around in a circle waiting to start, ash sees this and places himself at the center to make an impromptu dramatic speech LOL, and red is the first to step in with him to tell him to go back to his spot. i’m choosing to imagine this as another instance of the god complex bf with enough power to back it up x the only guy who can rein him in and is bizarrely casual & familiar about it dynamic. ok i’m out ✌️ love you /p
[very long response under the cut]
HI ANON!!! glad that you enjoyed my post and the fic i recced in the tags!!! it’s one of my fav fics and your post Really reminded me of it so!!! i’m glad you enjoyed it!!!!! (loves reccing fics) me when reddoons and loyalty and how it plays into swagdoons . (<- i remember i made a post responding to something i found on lsheadcanons about vampire!ash and human!red that Could be used for a metaphor about swagdoons and loyalty . something something about red Literally fueling ash out of choice)
anyways!! WELCOME TO THE CASINO QUARTET ENJOYER GANG!!!! they r my absolute beloveds, god bless. and you’re SO RIGHT clownzy would do so much pda in public and be all mushy (but in the Worst times possible . i am talking about mushy flirting while they are being chased down by the authorities while ash and red are screaming at them to stop and focus on running away. anyways) but i think?? you’re referring to the trap where branzy is held ransom by purple duo and heh as to get clown to “save” him? but yeah . they’re always so closely associated with each other that even in small things (ex someone in the start of s5 warning someone that branzy “knows a guy” in reference to clown) and since branzy is the “weaker” of the two tbh i’m not surprised if someone holds branzy for ransom again this season (i’ve heard whispers of them teaming up again this season so !!!)
but even though there’s been a lot of acknowledgement by other cc’s, there’s not any. record of someone taking advantage of their relationship yet? like you said the closest thing is the one of them is lying video but like, that video was arguably where swagdoons showed their trust the Most (esp with cheating during spilt or steal . that was SO them) but. yeah the way their relationship is very subtle . there’s no real massive declaration of love but small moments (which. i think why there’s SO many swagdoons clips that r just small gestures but swagdoons enjoyers still go BONKERS over <- big enjoyer of their streams for that reason) (and as a result i associate the song “no big deal (i love you)” by dodie with them . a lot of the one is about not verbally saying i love you but. yk. the love is still there and strong . love that song in general so <3) but Yeah i do also like the idea that clownzy r one of the Only people who see swagdoons be domestic with each other in full . something something about casino quartet being domestic and trusting each other so much here willing to stop all of the facade and be vulnerable with each other
but LMAOOOOO that hardcore stream goes so hard . the bible part 2 caught me so off guard when i watched it like LMAO????? it’s fantastic . also in that same stream zam is like “the bible part 3: ash nd red were walking down the street” and swagdoons are INSTANTLY shutting him down and telling him to stop (this is a recurring thing for some reason apparently zam mentioned swagdoons during vidcon and got hit with a ball i response but also zam did say swagdoons made out in the dennys so ???? idk anymore) but ooooo i didn’t know about clown mentioning swagdoons . maybe i should check that out (i was only skimming through the void so…that is something for me to check out)
and i am watching kemp rn too! except i am only watching from ash’s pov, which is. a time for sure. he has already made a deal with god and figured out how to exploit his glitching thing. but ash WAS looking at clown when he teleported into the campground and defrost was like O_O at clown so. tbh i’m kinda excited to see where they go since they might have a “hold up…do i know you?” moment (and if ur interested there is a fic of them …….clown and ash my beloved) (and here’s the clown and ash meowing clip if you so desire . this clip is the clip of All Time) but hearing what the rest of the conversation with the ksmp members afterwards is INTERESTING when i just watched ash teleport away and go “i hate it here’ LMAOOO ……..that is interesting of clown though……..i wanna see them together more ……like an enclosure
AND S5!!!! i am so excited for s5 of them …..idk who’s pov you watched but in ash’s pov he Did mention wanting to team with branzy, red, and clown SOOOOOOOO ………. <- he also said this last season and that didn’t end up happening . i am going off of copium /silly
but i Do think swagdoons r gonna have a more power dynamic-y relationship this season esp with the whole free market stuff (and at least. according to red’s stream today he Said that lala legion were trying to look for camelot’s old base so…….. eyes emoji. what’s up with that) BUT YEAH!!!! lots fo exciting stuff bc i’ve also heard clownzy might team up again. …….. casino quartet nation is winning
IDK IF ANY OF THOSE RANTS MADE SENSE hopefully i didn’t miss anything and i was. semi on topic BUT !!! YEAH!!!!!! love u 2 anon /p ur asks r lovely :)
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folklouire · 1 month
cold little heart. literally thee song of all time!!!! your taste is impeccable and though the tags were not meant for me I added all those songs to a new playlist and I will check them out immediately <33
yeeeeeesssss!!! i just discovered it from spotify and i loved it and then i found out there's a longer version and i like this one a lot too. this song sounds exactly like a summer evening/ dusk you know what i mean? and i loooooove when songs give me that exact feeling.
and OMG that's so sweet 🥹 i adore music and i adore sharing the music i love with other people and yeah of course it actually makes me happy you liked my recs and want to listen to them. hope you enjoy them 💝💝💝💝
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yoohyeon · 1 year
Not gonna lie guys I feel pretty depressed right now so I don’t feel like coming back soon 😭 I am not deleting this account it’s never gonna happen, but I need a break right now, even tho I miss you all so much 🥲 Ily all and I hope you are happy and healthy 💕
Please use my tag for your content so I can reblog them all whenever I come here for like 5 minutes bfksbd -> #Korimilook!
You can follow my Insta I post pets pics mostly -> alex_Korimi
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ruvviks · 2 years
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Chapter >> 2 [x] Characters >> Ivan Dupoint (oc), Mikhail Koshechkin (oc), Ravager (oc), Vincent Mayer (oc), Vitali Dobrynin (oc), a long list of side characters, [redacted] Total >> 9.2k words Warnings >> Blood mention, chess :/, torture mention, violence mention
‘May I come in?’
Vincent patiently waited at the door of the bathroom, knowing it was unlocked yet hesitant to open it himself. He heard the voice of Vitali on the other side, speaking softly to Mikhail; too muffled for Vincent to understand what he was saying, yet still loud enough for him to hear the exhaustion dripping from his words.
It was already far past midnight. Vincent had only just arrived home; he had decided to hang around the office for a little longer, to take care of unfinished business in Vitali’s absence and to give other mercs an update on the situation. Not his brightest idea- he was about as exhausted as the rest of them, battered and bruised from earlier that evening and he had nearly fallen asleep behind the wheel on his way home.
The door carefully opened and Vitali appeared in the doorway. He still wore the same outfit as earlier; though he had taken off his chest armor as well as his holsters, and his dark gray henley had several large blood stains in it and his black cargo pants were covered in water and soap.
‘Hey, baby,’ Vincent quietly said, stepping forward and kissing Vitali on the cheek. He made sure to move slowly, and kept his hands to himself- Vitali was always a little jumpy after combat situations, and especially considering the severity of the one they had found themselves in that day, Vincent knew to watch his footing around him.
‘Thank you for staying behind,’ Vitali mumbled, his eyes closed when Vincent pulled back. ‘I hope they didn’t give you too much trouble.’
‘It’s all good, no worries.’
Partially a lie. Vincent had handled it well, but the entire office had been chaos once again, comparable to the time Vitali’s cargo trucks had been intercepted, or comparable to- well, the attack, of course. Still less so, but exhausting nonetheless.
Vitali glanced over his shoulder and stepped aside, now allowing Vincent to look further into the bathroom; the bathtub shoved against the wall on the left side of the room was occupied by Mikhail, sitting with his back toward the door and his arms and legs pulled close to his body.
It had all happened so fast.
One moment, they had been doing paperwork together during a quiet afternoon at the office. And the next, they had been fighting side by side against a horde of mercenaries and their people, raiding the place like it was nothing but a fucking toy store to them; and to make it even worse, Vitali had been absent at the time, leaving his mercs entirely to their own devices.
But as sudden as the attack had started, it had been over as well. No casualties, only a handful of injuries- yet they had still suffered a loss, as Mikhail had been nowhere to be found.
Vincent slowly walked closer to the bathtub, pulling one of the wooden stools near the sink with him and he sat down next to Mikhail. Said man did not even look up, nor did he flinch when Vincent reached for the tub and checked the water’s temperature with his fingers- the water was hot, yet Mikhail was still visibly shivering.
Vincent had followed them. Had tracked them down all the way to a construction site- one of the Broker’s vantage points, not much to his surprise- but had found it abandoned, and it had remained untouched from that moment on, no longer in use by the fixer’s mercenaries now that Vincent had shown his face around.
He had not been able to find Mikhail. And neither had anyone else.
‘Has he talked yet?’ Vincent asked, glancing at Vitali as he joined him, sitting down on a stool as well with his leg stretched out to the side.
‘Barely.’ Vitali clearly tried his best to hold it together, but the slight tremble in his voice gave him away. ‘Has not even been able to look me in the eyes, yet.’
It hadn’t taken them all too long to find a lead, though; a man by the name of Ravager, ex-Maelstrom, now one of the Broker’s mercenaries- and a fierce one at that. More cyberware than human, and whatever little sliver of humanity he had left in him was just another representation of that.
Vincent reluctantly reached out for Mikhail’s face, stopping the moment Mikhail leaned away from him; his eyes were unfocused when they finally found Vincent’s, and he looked- he looked scared, almost.
‘It’s just me,’ Vincent quietly said, slightly lowering his hand but still holding it close, as if he was waiting for permission to close the distance. He repeated himself in broken Russian, and added- ‘I’m not gonna hurt you.’
Ravager had hurt him. Plenty.
Vincent and Vitali had not heard the full story yet, but Ravager’s factory had already done most of the work; the tools they had found there, the torture rooms and the remains of other people- corpses, though not always entirely in one piece-
Mikhail slightly leaned in to Vincent again and shivered when Vincent’s fingertips collided with his cheek. Vincent softly caressed his skin, until Mikhail closed his eyes. Then, he carefully moved his hand up a bit; there was still some dried up blood covering Mikhail’s forehead, causing strands of his ash blond hair to stick together.
He had been captured for only a few days. Still, it had been too long. Vincent dreaded finding out what Ravager’s people had done to him exactly, and the thought of it all alone already caused his blood to boil.
‘Am I allowed to wash your hair?’ Vincent asked. He knew it was of no use trying to coax Mikhail toward a conversation about his captivity- they would be lucky if he was going to speak at all, both well aware of the fact Mikhail could go mute for days if something terrible had happened, either to him or someone else.
Mikhail nodded- it was barely a nod, but visible enough for Vincent to understand, and he allowed Vincent to gently pull him back a little until his back touched the end of the tub and his head was closer to the water.
They had rescued him just in time. Ravager’s people were exactly like their boss- stripped from all their humanity and in it for the eddies and, above all, a good time- and they clearly did not draw the line at torture and murder.
But it was over, now. Mikhail was back home, safe, and Ravager’s factory had been left behind littered with corpses and a clear message for him, as well as his boss- though Vincent wondered how much the Broker had been involved in all of this, considering how out of place it felt compared to every other attack thus far.
‘None of ‘em came after us,’ Vincent said to Vitali, while he carefully scooped up some water to let it stream through Mikhail’s hair. ‘They left the facility, went elsewhere- probably moved districts, but so far we haven’t been able to pick ‘em up on the radar.’
‘Let’s hope it stays that way,’ Vitali mumbled, his eyes still slowly scanning Mikhail’s features. ‘The further they are away from us, the better.’
His answer surprised Vincent a bit.
Ravager was still alive- they knew, because they had not been able to get to him in time when they had attacked the facility to rescue Mikhail. Of course they didn’t know where he had run off to, yet; but Vitali was not one to just let people walk away, especially if they had hurt one of his loved ones.
What was different this time, then?
‘I think if we wanna strike back we gotta act quickly,’ Vincent continued, knowing his words would probably not be nearly enough to convince Vitali to act; yet he still spoke up, too stubborn to just let the conversation end there.
‘If we can track him down, launch another attack before he gets the opportunity to reorganize- we might be able to, you know-’
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’
Vitali still spoke gently, despite clearly being exhausted and having little patience left in him; possibly only because Mikhail was still in the room with them, but Vincent was not entirely sure.
‘It’s been chaos for weeks now,’ he quietly said, noticing Vincent’s clenched jaw and reaching out to place a hand on his knee; a gentle reassurance, and Vincent carefully allowed the built-up tension to leave his body.
‘Everyone is tired. We have Mikhail back- we are all safe, now, and I would like for things to stay that way. We can deal with Ravager later, just- right now, I- I would like for us to stay together. You understand?’
Vincent understood.
Vitali was right. Ever since the explosion near the escort, since Vincent’s fight with some mercs, since the cargo delivery went wrong- since Ravager’s raid- the entire office had been upside down. Eddie and Lauren were both still out of commission, the latter only awake for a few days now; and the encounters with the Broker’s mercs they’d had in the meantime had not done the rest of Vitali’s network much good.
Vincent understood- Vitali felt guilty. He had left so briefly, only to return to a mess bigger than anything he had ever had to handle before. Mikhail taken, Vincent on the hunt, mercs injured and their supplies raided and sabotaged- and he had blamed himself for it all.
Vincent understood. But as much as he wanted to answer Vitali-
He said nothing.
Instead, he grabbed a bottle of shampoo and began soaping Mikhail’s hair, gently massaging his scalp as he worked. Mikhail leaned in and rested heavily against the side of the tub to move closer to him, and he exhaled deeply while Vincent brushed his fingers all the way through his hair.
Vitali watched in silence, his hand still on Vincent’s knee. He briefly opened his mouth to speak, but visibly changed his mind- and instead, he just gave Vincent’s leg a soft squeeze and pulled back his hand.
‘How are you feeling?’ Vincent asked Mikhail, a weak attempt at shifting the conversation and not even expecting a reply- though much to his surprise, Mikhail actually responded.
‘I’m tired.’ His voice was barely audible, and hoarse from the amount of screaming he had done earlier that evening. ‘My back hurts. And my head.’
Okay, a horrible attempt at shifting the conversation, then.
Not surprisingly, Mikhail’s words only made Vincent angrier and he tightly gripped the edge of the tub to prevent himself from storming out of the bathroom and leaving home, to go back outside and scour all of Night City to find Ravager and-
‘We can’t just do nothing,’ he promptly said. Instant regret hit him, and he quickly moved his hands back to the water to scoop up some more and rinse Mikhail’s hair.
‘I know.’
Vincent had never heard Vitali sound as defeated as in that moment.
He slightly turned his head to look at him, a painful hesitance in his movements- and the look in Vitali’s eyes instantly made him look away again, unable to tell who the anger in them was meant for.
Vitali was rarely angry. Sure, he could get frustrated at times, but the pure, seething rage Vincent had seen a lot more on him recently had once been an uncommon sight. Thus far, it had not been directed at him, or any of Vitali’s other mercs- at least, he hoped-
But in that moment… Well, it was a little hard to tell.
‘Can I tell you a story?’ Vitali asked, moving a little closer to the tub to lean on the edge with one elbow. He hesitated for a moment, jaw briefly clenching when his eyes met Vincent’s. ‘I- I am not upset with you. I just… I just want to try and explain myself, if that’s alright.’
Vincent unclenched his own jaw, and quickly nodded.
That helps.
‘When I was younger, my brother always got on my nerves,’ Vitali quietly began. He paused and scoffed softly, momentarily glancing at Mikhail. ‘To put it plainly- he was a fucking cunt. And it got… It got bad at times. To the point Mikhail had to step in.’
Vincent looked at Mikhail, who had opened his eyes upon the mention of his name and had managed to force a small smile out of himself. Vincent gently cupped his cheek again and Mikhail instantly leaned in to his touch, resting his head entirely against Vincent’s hand.
‘He never got punished.’ Vitali’s voice faltered for a moment, though he quickly regained his composure. ‘Always got away with everything; mother told me I was old enough to handle myself and I had to stop being a baby about it, and my father- well, I don’t even think he ever even noticed.’
Somehow, a very familiar situation to Vincent- though he knew it was still different, knowing Vitali was the eldest of his siblings and Vincent himself the youngest. They had not shared the same feelings of responsibility; and that still often reflected in their behavior.
‘I dealt with it myself, most of the time. I would find clever ways to make Daniil regret what he did- nothing serious, of course, please don’t take that the wrong way- but someone had to teach him the things he did and said to me were hurtful and unfair.’
‘Did you get punished for that?’ Vincent asked, already knowing how the story was probably going to end.
‘Usually not, no. Only once, actually.’ Vitali shifted on his seat, pausing again as memories momentarily overtook him.
‘I was fed up with his bullshit,’ he said, a shadow washing over his face. ‘Normally I could control myself, but- I lashed out. Screamed at him, told him exactly how I felt- and, well, he started crying. He was told to “man up” by mother, but she also gave me house arrest. For the rest of the month. Was only allowed to leave my room for bathroom visits and dinner.’
‘Dinner?’ Vincent repeated, voice unwillingly a little louder than before. ‘And- breakfast? Lunch?’
Vitali simply shrugged. ‘Not important, apparently. But Mikhail brought food to my window nearly every day. Even my father brought me some, on occasion. But that’s not my point, here.’
He paused again, inhaling and exhaling deeply as he looked back up at Vincent.
‘I lashed out, and suffered direct consequences,’ he said. ‘Had never happened before, because I had always acted clear-headed- except that once. And right now? Everyone is tired. Everyone feels like shit, and I- I don’t think things will turn out the way we want them to if we rush this now.’
Vincent averted his gaze and lowered his hands, a sudden wave of embarrassment rushing through him; Vitali was right, as per usual, and he felt bad having brought any of it up in the first place.
‘We’ll get our revenge, in time,’ Vitali quietly said, reaching out again to gently touch Vincent’s shoulder. ‘But right now, I think we should focus on staying together- all of us. I do not want anyone else to get hurt. Especially the two of you.’
Vincent found himself unable to speak and quickly nodded, the knot in his throat nearly bringing tears to his eyes.
He looked at Mikhail again, and carefully brushed a wet strand of his hair out of his face. Mikhail immediately reacted- but instead of pulling away like Vincent had expected him to do, he leaned in closer until his head rested comfortably against Vincent’s shoulder.
‘Will you stay?’ he quietly asked, his breath shaky against Vincent’s skin. An unexpected question, and Vincent loosely wrapped his arms around Mikhail’s shoulders and neck before responding.
‘Of course,’ he answered, a shiver running down his spine when some water trickled down his neck into his t-shirt. He glanced at Vitali again, and was met with a look of relief- he reached out his hand and took Vitali’s, then pulled him closer to hug him with one arm and plant a reassuring kiss on his cheek.
As much as he wanted to go after Ravager, Vitali made a good point; and Mikhail needed them, both of them, and Vincent knew it was of no use to try and track down the merc himself.
So he stayed.
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For a little while, that is.
The poorly lit room was suffocating, weighing down heavily on Vincent’s chest and making it difficult for him to breathe; each raspy exhale scoured the inside of his windpipe and the lack of oxygen kept him in a constant state of near-fainting.
He was bound to a chair, wrists and ankles and waist and neck held in place tightly by metal clasps. His heartbeat painfully thrummed in his side, where he’d been kicked repeatedly earlier that day- no stab wounds or bullet wounds yet, much to his relief, but most definitely a broken bone or two.
Vincent grunted softly as he tried to look up; the instant he did that, the metal clasp around his neck put pressure on his throat and he almost lost his ability to breathe entirely, to the point he quickly dropped his head back when a rush of panic overtook his muscles.
Yes, yes- of course he had not been able to sit still. Had lasted a record period of two days at home before his hands had gotten so itchy he’d just had to get back to work. It was fine, though, he had been allowed to go back to the office; Vitali had been at home as well anyway, to take care of Mikhail.
And at first, Vincent had just helped out around the office, like he had promised Vitali. He’d even spoken with clients- a terrifying experience he really did not want to go through ever again, now with a sudden newfound respect for Vitali on top of the respect he’d already had for him- and he had taken care of some small gigs that hadn’t been closed yet since the Broker had taken the stage.
But it hadn’t stayed at that for long. Of course not.
Vincent was fucking pissed.
Mikhail had barely slept, haunted by nightmares and memories, and he had often woken up screaming and in tears, begging for it all to stop. Vitali had not wanted him to sleep anywhere other than in their bed, so naturally the two of them had also had trouble closing their eyes at night. Vincent hadn’t minded at all- he wanted to be there for his friend, even if that meant losing sleep, but all of it together-
It had only made him angrier than he had already been.
Of course he hadn’t been able to stay put.
Vincent tried to move again, going for his legs this time. He was able to turn his feet slightly, but did not have enough space between his ankles and the metal clasps to pull them free; and his arms were very much dealing with the same issue.
They hadn’t done anything to him. Yet. He’d been brought in after his solo attack on the building- a different facility than before, and it had been hell to track it down- and after putting him in the chair they had left him there, to wait for Ravager’s return.
Vincent shivered by the thought of him. He had only seen him from a distance, a few times; Mikhail’s capture had unfortunately not been his last attack, and he had continued to be a pain in the ass for Vitali’s mercs over the last week or two- and he was terrifying.
Vincent dreaded seeing him up close.
He was no longer sure why he had decided to go on his path of revenge. It was something that he had wanted to do- of course, Mikhail was in pain because of Ravager- but now it just seemed stupid and dumb. He had gone after the guy all by himself; had only asked Judy for help once when he’d had trouble figuring out how her equipment worked, but that was about it.
Normally it was Mikhail who helped Vincent with his dumb suicide missions, sharing about the same level of impulse control and the burning desire to deal with a soluble situation as fast as possible; but now he had been unable to do so, and it had been Vincent alone against all of Ravager’s people. Worst part is, he had actually been doing fairly well; until the explosion, and he’d been blasted off his feet and then kicked down until he had lost consciousness.
Vincent was still unsure why they had not just killed him.
His eyes had finally gotten used to the semi-darkness surrounding him and he took a moment to look around. Apart from the chair, there was not much else to see; dark walls and barely any furniture apart from some lockers, an empty desk and a hospital trolley right on the edge of his peripheral.
In the distance, he could hear a door open. Footsteps followed- two sets of them, slowly but surely approaching the room Vincent was stuck in. His heart jumped and sped up significantly, and he momentarily lost his vision as he gasped for breath.
Please, no- Not yet-
But the door already opened.
Ravager was a tall man with muscular build- though because of the various cybernetic body parts connected to his person it was hard to tell what was muscle and what was machine. His jet black hair was slicked back, framing a face of mostly cyberware; blood red eyes with black sclera, plating covering his temples and the bridge of his nose, and a broad cyberjaw decorating the lower half of his head.
The few bits and pieces of pale white skin he still had looked almost rotten, for some reason. Vincent had not been able to tell before; but he could see it clearly this time round, now that Ravager was standing right beside him, looking down on him with a wide grin on his face- revealing pearly white, sharpened teeth.
‘Well, well, well,’ Ravager said, his raspy voice carrying through the entire room and bouncing off the walls. ‘If it isn’t one of Night City’s most feared mercenaries. Gotta be honest, I still find that a little hard to believe- You are surprisingly small.’
In any other situation, Vincent would have easily been able to come up with a clever response; yet in that moment he found himself frozen in fear, unable to even string together a coherent enough sentence in his head to reply with.
He watched in silence as the other person- Ravager’s right hand man, a skinny guy with almost as much cyberware as his boss- walked around the chair, and placed something on the trolley just out of Vincent’s line of sight. However, he was able to tell by the soft metal clank alone it was probably a handgun.
‘Good job, though- you found me again. Not many would’a been able to pull that one off.’ Ravager walked a little closer and Vincent instinctively flinched when the man patted him on his arm with cold, cybernetic fingers. ‘Clever idea, hacking into the GPS of our scout. Reminded me I gotta take those goddang computers out of the vehicles before I put ‘em back on the road.’
Vincent still could not speak. He was a little unsure why; he had been in similar situations before, many times before, yet for some reason this specific one was getting to him even though nothing had happened yet.
That was probably the issue.
The other man handed something to Ravager- a device, similar to the ones Vincent knew were used by the NCPD to identify people with. Ravager held it in front of Vincent’s face, and patiently waited as the screen on his side lit up, accompanied by a bright, red light on the other, blinding Vincent instantly.
‘What are you doing?’ he finally managed to ask. He didn’t even want to know all that bad; but it was nice to have control of his vocal cords again.
‘Scanning you, clearly,’ Ravager simply answered. ‘Just a formality- to get your detes into the system. Saves me the paperwork when we’re done with you.’
Ah. Okay.
Vincent lay unmoving as Ravager continued, knowing it was of no use to attempt and break free- he knew he was better off saving his energy for a better opportunity, and especially considering the fact he still had trouble breathing it was probably in his best interest to just stay as calm as the situation allowed him to.
As calm as the situation allowed him to. Not all that much, at that moment. Ravager had started to hum a tune and scanned Vincent a second time, a hint of a frown taking shape on his face; though it was a little hard to tell, considering he barely had eyebrows anymore.
‘Interesting,’ he mumbled, double-checking the screen then turning it to the other man, who stared at it with a similar look on his face. ‘Picks up a whole second person, for some reason- info’s all jumbled. What’d you do? Illegally download a new fucken’ personality?’
‘You don’t know the half of it,’ Vincent dryly answered.
Hehe. Got ‘em.
‘Well! Problem for later, I guess.’ Ravager stuffed the device away and huffed, for some reason appearing to be a little pissed about it. ‘It was all so much easier with your friend, but- whatever.’
The mention of him made Vincent’s blood boil again. He had probably been in that position as well- a different facility, a different chair, but tied up exactly like that- with Ravager standing over him like a predator looking at its prey.
‘Oh- Don’t ya worry, we made sure he had a fun time,’ Ravager suddenly said. Vincent looked back up at him; the man had clearly noticed the shadow that had washed over his face, and was staring at him with another lingering, toothy grin.
‘He really didn’t wanna talk, but- that’s fine. We’ve got our ways to make people talk. He dropped some nice info about your fixer- and about you. Stuff we already knew, o’course, so that was unfortunate. The look of guilt on his face was worth it, though.’
None of that was new information to Vincent. Mikhail had already told them about it- once he had been able to speak again. Though he had still been barely comprehensible, sobbing so uncontrollably it had nearly caused both Vitali and Vincent to cry as well; but the information he had told Ravager about them was not nearly as important as his safety and well-being, and of course neither of them had been upset about it.
But still, it got to him. He knew Mikhail felt guilty, but to hear it out of Ravager’s own mouth-
A sudden alarm cut through the room and Vincent flinched, throat tightening painfully when he accidentally lifted his head and the metal clasp around his neck punched the air out of his windpipe. Ravager and his right hand man both jolted up, and shared a somewhat panicked look; but then, triumph washed over Ravager’s face, and he left the room without saying another word.
The other man left as well, and Vincent was alone again; though he hoped it would not be for long, knowing exactly why the alarms were blasting through the facility. A relieved smile took shape on his face and he relaxed in the chair, eyes briefly fluttering shut when he realized soon he wouldn’t be tied down anymore, and he would be reunited with-
He was relieved they had found him so quickly. Finding Mikhail had taken longer, and rescuing him from the building had not been easy either; everything had looked exactly the same and they had needed to travel deep into the factory to even reach him in the first place.
Vincent vividly remembered it, though. How they had moved through the hallways together, losing more and more people the further they traveled- they had to stay behind to fight off Ravager’s men, keeping them busy while Vitali and Vincent continued on. How they had found Mikhail, how he had barely been able to walk, and how he had clung to Vincent so tightly-
Only a few days. Yet still, still, it had been way too long.
Vincent closed his eyes, exhaling shakily as he tried to picture Vitali- he was probably there as well, unable to sit back and let others handle things for him, on his way to Vincent, killing anyone who got in his way-
Should he call out for him? Let him know where he was?
‘I’m here!’ Vincent yelled as loud as he could, not giving it a second thought and slightly moving in the chair as he tried to peek around the door into the hallway. ‘Guys- I’m over here!’
Minutes had gone by. They were probably nearby by now, right? This facility was a lot less confusing than the other one. The room Vincent was being held in was probably essentially right around the corner of the entrance.
Vincent nervously bit the inside of his cheek, listening to the distant sounds of a scuffle. He could hear some screams, and some gunfire- but it was a lot less than he had expected, and the longer he waited the more it seemed to die down until it was no longer audible over the alarms.
There had been alarms last time, too. Louder than these, to the point it had nearly overwhelmed Vincent. But he had been able to hold it together, knowing he’d had a job to do- and he couldn’t afford to lose it before ensuring Mikhail’s safety.
It had taken them some time- but they had found him.
They had found him.
The alarms stopped.
And Vincent was still alone.
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They brought him back to the previous facility the next day.
Not much else had happened, other than the failed scan and the brief scuffle with some intruders; Ravager had not shown his face anymore and Vincent had been left alone with his thoughts for most of the day.
That morning had been more eventful, though. Vincent had in fact managed to fall asleep at some point- cold and hungry and exhausted as hell, and even though his night had remained dreamless it had been nice to lose consciousness for a little while, at least.
But he had been woken up with a solid punch to the face and he’d been dragged off the chair, kicked around a bit for the entertainment of whoever had been in the room with him and he’d been blinded and gagged and tied up with ziplock ties and he’d been thrown violently in the back of a car and they had left him there, once again on a constant brink of passing out because of lack of oxygen.
Vincent nearly fell to the floor when he was suddenly pushed forward, mind instantly pulled back to reality and away from the events that had happened earlier that day; he was already there now, walking the same hallways he had ran through while rescuing Mikhail yet this time he had no idea where he was going, and what to expect.
He wasn’t scared. At least, that’s what he was telling himself. And it helped, for the time being- his head was surprisingly clear and he looked around intently, memorizing each turn they took to map out the facility’s layout in his head.
Soon enough they arrived at a door at the end of a hallway. Vincent was yanked back momentarily, and he stood back as two of the people bringing him there exchanged some words in a language he didn’t understand.
And for a moment, he saw an opportunity; it was four against one, but he was fast, and a lot stronger than most people thought he was. He could charge forward, ram the two people into the door- use their bodies as shields while freeing his hands from the ziplock ties- steal their guns and flatline them all before they could hurt him-
But he had no idea what was on the other side of the door. And it was too much of a risk.
So he did not move, and watched as the people opened the door- and they pushed him inside.
The room was bigger than Vincent had expected it to be. It reminded him of an office a little bit; though the desks were all shoved to the side, pushed together underneath the blinded windows on his right. All, except one, standing right in the middle of the room with two chairs adjacent to one another and right on top of the desk stood-
A chessboard?
Though that was not what Vincent’s attention was drawn toward.
On the left of the room, lined up against the wall, sat his friends-
All of them.
Including Mikhail and Vitali.
‘Ah, the star of the show. Welcome!’
Ravager’s voice boomed through the room and Vincent’s head snapped up, watching as the cyborg hopped off one of the desks on the other side of the room and slowly began wandering over, arms spread out and another one of his signature grins plastered on his face.
‘Couldn’t get the party started without you,’ he said. ‘Just a little longer, though- gotta wait for my friend to get here.’ A pause, and he glanced at his watch. ‘Dunno what’s takin’ him so long. Should’a gotten here before you.’
Vincent’s heart was going a million miles an hour. His eyes were drawn back toward his friends- fuck, even Eddie and Lauren were there- and his chest tightened painfully, mind wandering back to the day before, when- when he thought they-
He caught Vitali’s gaze. And Vitali’s eyes widened, mouth opening briefly as if to speak- to explain himself, perhaps, or to ask if Vincent was alright- or maybe just to scold him, to ask him- Why? Why did you leave?
But he closed it again, unspoken words lingering in the distance between them, and he defeatedly lowered his gaze.
He looked ashamed.
Vincent was pushed down into one of the chairs and three of the people who had entered with him joined the others that had already been inside; a small army, almost, presumably to keep Vincent’s friends in check.
The fourth stayed behind, and cut Vincent’s hands free- but then also took out their gun and briefly pushed it against the back of his head as a warning, and he knew the moment he would try something- anything- his blood would paint all the chess pieces in front of him the same color.
His eyes were drawn to his friends again. They did not appear injured; not all too terrible, at least, some scrapes and bruises decorating faces and visible arms and necks. Though all of them looked exhausted, drained from every last ounce of energy in their bodies as they sat there- some on their knees, others leaning against the wall- though all carrying the same defeated look in their eyes.
Vincent clenched his jaw. It felt wrong. So wrong- they had come back for him, and would now suffer the consequences of it all- whatever those were going to be.
Oh, had he just not left- had he just listened to Vitali-
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, V. Never got you anywhere before, won’t get you anywhere this time.
Shut up, Johnny.
Hey, I’m right. You know that.
Of course Vincent knew.
Suddenly, the door behind him opened again, though Vincent was not interested enough to turn around. Ravager, who was standing right beside him at that point, did look up- and grinned again when he noticed who had entered.
‘Ivan! Took you long enough. Come in.’ Ravager glanced at Vincent and tapped him on the shoulder, causing Vincent to flinch. ‘V, meet Ivan Dupoint. Though if I’m not mistaken- you two already know each other.’
Vincent frowned and finally turned his head to look up, his curiosity winning over his fear. He had no idea what to expect; the name did not sound familiar at all, and- not much to his surprise- the man who had entered the room did not look familiar to him either.
Tall, like Ravager, though a tad bit shorter- mostly just because of his hunched posture, and his slightly buckled knees. Short, slicked back hair and a tall forehead, dull gray eyes and a mustache adorning his upper lip- he had facial cyberware similar to Vincent’s, though somewhat asymmetrical and radically out of place in the rest of his face, as if he had attempted to superglue it there himself.
‘Pleased to make your acquaintance?’ Vincent said, the sentence more a question than a statement, and he frowned slightly as he watched Dupoint walk around the desk and sit down opposite of him while unbuttoning the jacket of his slightly too big suit.
‘Or not,’ Ravager mumbled, shrugging and wandering back to the pillar in the middle of the room to lean against it. ‘Fuck if I care, anyway.’
‘No, you were right, Edward,’ Dupoint said, his accent a strange mix of French and a hint of something Scandinavian. ‘We have met before. Curious, though, that V does not remember.’
‘V has had a lot of things on his mind, as of late,’ Vincent dryly said. ‘Please do enlighten me.’
Dupoint glared at him, jaw clenching slightly the moment one of Vincent’s friends snorted- Cato, probably, but Vincent could not check, his gaze still focused solidly on the man opposite of him.
‘Alabaster Whittaker,’ Dupoint plainly said, leaning back into his chair. ‘Rings a bell, perhaps?’
‘Oh- the Zetatech bootlicker? For sure.’ Despite the circumstances, Vincent was only just able to suppress a smile, and he finally turned his head toward his friends. ‘Remind me, boss- What did we call him at the office?’
‘If I am not mistaken you all affectionately nicknamed him “Albie”, at some point,’ Vitali answered, voice still calm and eyes focused straight ahead- though Vincent could tell by the way he clenched his jaw and and held his shoulders just a bit higher than usual, he was also barely holding it together.
‘He was my boss!’ Dupoint sharply said, raising his voice slightly when some light chuckling and snickering filled the room. ‘You stole from him, and- above all- ruined all my precious work. Months and months of calculations and predictions- all gone!’
‘I’m sorry, say what now?’ Vincent cut him off, slightly leaning forward in his seat and immediately- once again- feeling the cold barrel of a gun pressing against the back of his head; though it did not do him much, too confused by the situation to care.
Dupoint clenched his jaw again and leaned in too, face hardened and eyes nearly spitting fire.
‘You knocked over an entire mug of coffee and spilled it all over my laptop,’ he said through gritted teeth. ‘Whittaker was furious. And fired me on the spot. I lost everything because of you. Everything.’
Vincent sat unmoving, blinking slowly as Dupoint’s words slowly settled in his brain. He felt a strange knot in his chest- a feeling he genuinely could not place, confusion still tightly holding him in a chokehold-
Everything had been leading up to- to this?
‘Well, that’s a little pathetic.’
Judy’s voice shattered the deafening silence and Vincent slowly sank back into his chair, eyes wandering off until they met Judy’s- who appeared just as confused and pissed off as he felt.
‘Is that- Is that why we are all gathered here today?’ Lauren asked. Vincent was relieved to hear her voice; though she still sounded exhausted, and surely this entire situation was not doing her much good.
‘You could have just bought yourself a new laptop, or something,’ Mikhail chimed in now as well, as everyone else quietly started mumbling. ‘Instead of…doing this.’
‘A backup goes a long way,’ Vitali quietly added.
Dupoint opened his mouth to say something, though no sound came out as more insults and remarks were flung his way. Vincent glanced up a little, at Ravager- even he had covered his face with one hand, and was clearly desperately trying to focus on anything other than the scene in front of him.
It was fucking ridiculous.
Vincent genuinely had no idea what to think anymore. Dupoint was not- he was not the man at the top, right? Or was he? If he was, that would be even worse- considering everything that had happened thus far. Had it all been about this?
He looked at Dupoint again and watched him try to silence the small gathering of mercs, stammering and stumbling over his own words without much success-
No, this was not the man at the top. Couldn’t be. Vincent refused to believe it.
‘Shut the fuck up!’
Ravager had finally managed to regain his composure and stepped up, waving a gun around until everyone finally went quiet again.
‘V- You knocked over the man’s coffee,’ Cato quietly whispered, still. ‘How could you?’
‘I mean- I’m sorry, I guess?’ Vincent shared a quick look with Cato- nearly burst into laughter once more- and then turned back to Dupoint. ‘You’re telling me all of this- all of it- is just because I accidentally spilled some coffee on your stupid-’
Vincent flinched involuntarily at the gunshot and his teeth clacked together so hard it sent vibrations through his skull. He immediately glanced back at his friends- though none of them appeared hit.
A warning shot.
For now.
‘Not all of it, no,’ Dupoint answered, his voice suddenly surprisingly much in control again. ‘You see, the Broker is in charge here- I am merely here to send a message. From him, to you- or, well…’ He paused, and his gaze wandered off to Vitali. ‘To you, actually.’
Another deafening silence filled the room and Dupoint looked back up at Vincent, a sudden, somewhat creepy smile on his face.
‘Though I thought it would be a great opportunity to make you, V, pay as well. For what you have taken from me. Feels only fair I take something back, no?’
Vincent did not answer.
Dupoint relaxed in his seat and cleared his throat, averting his gaze while pulling up the sleeves of his jacket a bit, and he gestured at the chessboard on the desk in front of them.
‘Today, V, we are going to play a game of chess,’ he said. ‘Fairly simple, I’d think. Do you know how to play?’
Of course Vincent knew how to play. Chess champion back in high school- twice, even. But Dupoint really did not need to know any of that.
‘Sure,’ he shrugged, using all his strength and willpower to keep a straight face. ‘I’m- I’m a quick learner.’
Dupoint stared at him for a moment, and Vincent watched as a sudden twinkle appeared in his eyes and a smile formed on his lips again.
‘Wonderful! However, there is a catch.’
Ah. Of course there is.
Dupoint reached out toward the board and let his hand hover over Vincent’s pieces. He hummed softly and grabbed one of the pawns, then slowly lifted it up, the bottom of it turned toward Vincent- and the moment he saw what was underneath he felt his throat tighten.
‘Go on, now, don’t be shy- read it,’ Dupoint slowly said, mockery dripping from his voice.
Vincent swallowed heavily, and clenched his jaw before opening his mouth.
A brief, but deafening silence fell over the room. Vincent did not dare avert his gaze from the tiny piece of paper taped to the bottom of the pawn.
‘Very good.’ Dupoint placed the pawn back on the board. ‘Now! The rules are simple. We play, one of us wins. You win- nothing is lost. You, your friends, all walk free. For now, that is, of course, “until we meet again” and so on. However, you lose- and each piece I managed to conquer from you, each name taped to the bottom- stays with us. With Ed, specifically. I won’t be staying long.’
‘Don’t-? Don’t call me that,’ Ravager muttered in the background.
‘So- all clear to you, V?’ Dupoint asked, entirely ignoring his colleague and looking back up at Vincent instead. Vincent was unsure how to describe the look on the Frenchman’s face- though the pure triumph and smugness in his eyes made him nauseous.
‘Crystal,’ he answered, eyes unwillingly moving back to his friends for a brief second and he sat up a little straighter, heart suddenly pounding rapidly in his chest once more. ‘White begins. Hit me.’
Even with his knowledge, he was still nervous. Why wouldn’t he be? The stakes were just a tad bit higher this time than merely losing his king- his friends’ lives were on the line now, and Vincent would be lying if he said he still vividly remembered every opening and sequence of moves he had once been taught.
At least they were playing without a timer. Vincent knew he still wouldn’t get all the time in the world, but at least it took away some of the pressure. Sure, there was of course still the cold metal of a gun’s barrel resting comfortably against the back of his head- but that wasn’t new to him.
He watched in silence as Dupoint moved his king’s pawn. A move that told Vincent very little; could be a beginner, could be a pro. Either way, he was going to have to keep up appearances for just a bit longer, his brain still whirring as his muscle memory of the game was only just coming back to him.
Vincent copied Dupoint’s move, putting his own king’s pawn directly against that of his opponent. Dupoint hummed, then moved his knight- and Vincent did the same, making sure to take an extra second to pretend to count the squares before proudly placing it down.
‘Petrov’s Defense,’ Dupoint plainly stated, though for some reason it sounded more like a programmed response rather than an offhand comment. ‘If it was not for the fact you clearly seem to be copying my moves I would’ve believed you actually know what you’re doing.’
‘As I said, quick learner,’ Vincent replied, watching as Dupoint grabbed a second pawn and placed it right next to the one already in the middle of the board. An interesting move; Vincent had not seen that one before.
‘A fully opened center.’ Dupoint paused, raised an eyebrow, and glanced back at Vincent. ‘Do you know what that move is called, V?’
Vincent shrugged, and swallowed his laughter. ‘Dunno. The American Nutcracker?’
A loud snort on his left broke the silence in the room and Dupoint’s head instantly snapped to Vincent’s friends- though it was of no use, as several of them could no longer contain their laughter any longer. Even Vincent had trouble keeping a straight face, and Dupoint was forced to wait until everyone was quiet again before he could continue.
‘Steinitz Attack,’ he said, the tone of his voice slightly less cocky than it had been before. ‘An…aggressive move.’
‘A bold move, if you ask me,’ Vincent answered, a slight tremble in his voice from his once again suppressed laughter.
‘One that gives me an advantage, if you paid any attention at all.’
Dupoint continued to speak, though Vincent was no longer listening to him. His gaze was drawn toward his friends once more- initially to pull a face, or to make a jerk-off motion underneath the table in hopes to draw another quiet snort or some laughter from their lips-
But his eyes caught Vitali. A curious look was plastered on his face; one of his famous stares which always told Vincent he was lost in deep thought, cogs of his brain turning as he pondered whatever was on his mind at the time.
Though now, it was accompanied by a look of recognition.
‘V. Your turn.’
Right. Chess.
A slow setup. Vincent’s mind was elsewhere and he continuously glanced back at his boyfriend, heartbeat suddenly faster again now that he had taken notice of the shift in atmosphere. His distraction soon proved unfortunate- he had not paid enough attention and Dupoint captured one of his pawns without further consequences.
Vincent clenched his jaw as Dupoint slowly flipped the pawn and read the piece of paper taped to its downside.
‘My, my,’ he said, another smile shaping on his face. ‘Thibault. The first of many, I hope.’
‘Kiss my ass, you piece of shit,’ Thibault sneered at him from the sidelines, immediately switching to Canadian French and unleashing a string of swears Vincent only half understood.
The gravity of the situation instantly kicked in again and he was quickly reminded of why he had been so nervous at the start. If Dupoint would win- every captured piece, every captured person- they were going to have to stay.
With Ravager.
And after Mikhail- well, Vincent did not want to find out what he and his people were going to do with them.
He redirected his attention to the board in front of him again. He saw an opportunity; though part of his attack depended entirely on Dupoint’s defense, but given the circumstances it was a risk he was willing to take.
Without hesitation, Vincent captured one of Dupoint’s pawns, clearing half of the center of the board. Dupoint hummed again, and responded by merely moving his bishop- Vincent barely gave him the time to let go of the piece and captured a second pawn, leaving both their kings exposed.
Vincent kept his composure, though his heart was racing in his chest as if he had just ran a marathon. He lowered his hand again, resting it on the edge of the desk as he watched Dupoint think for a few seconds- his hand moved down, and hesitated above his pieces.
He was nervous. Vincent could tell. It was exactly what he had hoped for- by making his own moves as quickly as possible, he was attempting to put more pressure on his opponent. And by the looks of it, he had succeeded at that.
Dupoint finally moved his hand down. He grabbed his king, and moved it one square, to slowly but surely move it back behind his other pieces.
And in response, Vincent castled- rook and king swapping positions, his rook now lined up directly with Dupoint’s king. His eyes slowly moved up, until they met those of his opponent-
Silence fell over the room as suddenly everyone seemed to be holding their breath. Vincent leaned back in his chair, pushing his head closer against the gun- and as much as he wanted to crack a triumphant smile, he instead kept his composure, eyes piercing straight through Dupoint as he stared him down.
‘Is that allowed?’ Ravager suddenly asked. He had wandered a little closer now that the game had finally started, and for a split second he sounded like a whole different person to Vincent.
‘It is, yes,’ Dupoint mumbled, shifting uncomfortably on his seat. ‘Interesting move, V.’
His change in demeanor was exactly what Vincent had been aiming for.
He was not a professional at the game; but neither was Dupoint. Vincent could tell by the way his eyes shifted across the board, darting from piece to piece as he visibly went over every possible move in his head. An analyst at heart- calculating and cautious, with a decent memory as well, Vincent presumed. Though he knew very well that doing everything by the book was not going to get you very far-
Not in Night City, of all fucking places.
And oh, how Dupoint was desperately trying to hold on to his strategy. Whatever sequences he had planned on, Vincent easily managed to throw him off his rhythm with nearly every move he made. He lost more pieces- Shiro, and Panam- then Huxley, and Eddie- but it did not matter. The path was already clear to him.
Check, check, check-
Constantly locking Dupoint in tight positions, attempt after attempt to force his king into a corner. Pawns were advancing to Vincent’s half of the board, but he ignored them largely- nearly every important player of Dupoint’s little army was already down, leaving him without his defenses in the endgame.
Vincent just had to be quicker, that’s all-
Vincent blinked and snapped out of his trance, a little confused by what had just happened. His eyes trailed the board- and suddenly he noticed his own king, locked between several pieces, with one opening only-
And Dupoint’s bishop was solidly blocking his only way out.
Vincent exhaled sharply. Not over yet- there was still a way out for him, though he was unable to move his king into any direction. He clenched his fist under the table when his eyes finally landed on his queen, and he realized the only way to save himself was by-
Do it.
Vincent swallowed heavily and moved his queen, and captured Dupoint’s bishop. And without hesitation, Dupoint captured the queen with his own pawn.
‘Ah, yes- sacrifices, sacrifices,’ he sighed, twirling the piece around and shooting Vincent a small smile before reading the paper on the bottom. ‘Hmm… Mikhail. Round two, I suppose. Ed, go easy on him this time, yes? We don’t want any casualties. Not least, at least.’
Vincent felt his blood begin to boil once more and he exhaled sharply, jaw clenching tightly when he noticed Vitali bolt forward out of the corner of his eye- he was grabbed by two of Ravager’s people and dragged back in his place violently, and one of them pressed a gun against his head.
His eyes briefly moved to Mikhail, sitting between Panam and Cato, knees pulled to his chest and head resting heavily on Cato’s shoulder as he stared straight ahead- no longer scared, no longer angry-
Just tired. He looked so fucking tired.
Vincent turned back to the board, fighting the urge to leap over the desk and strangle Dupoint with his bare hands- unarm Ravager and kill him with his own gun- emptying the entire clip in his chest before landing the finishing blow, just to make him suffer as much as possible before his heart would give out-
The rook.
Vincent had moved his queen. His rook had been beside it- and now securely guarded the entire row, locking Dupoint’s king in the back. And Dupoint had captured Vincent’s queen- and with that, he had moved his pawn out of the way-
Vincent reached for his second rook, entirely left untouched thus far, and moved it all the way to the other end of the chessboard, locking Dupoint’s king in its place. He leaned back in his seat, a smile finally breaking through his facade, and tilted his head upward ever so slightly, spitting the word out with a venomous sting-
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grismavessel · 1 year
Jules! I can't believe I found your tumblr! I've been a huge fan of your art for a while but was afraid to say anything on Twitter, haha. I love love Gris and the thought you put into them and their interactions w the world and people around them. it's just- you can tell there's a lot of care and love there, in your writing and in your art. Sorry, I'm bad with words, but it's such a gift to see! <=]
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I hardly advertise the tumblr over there since good ole musk might mess up my account but glad to see here too!!
You aren't bad with words at all! (sometimes I think I'm bad with words too) I'm so glad you enjoy my writing and rambles and stuff about Gris and also the art even if its messy sometimes :3
No one's ever called my work a gift before, it feels super nice that people do really enjoy the little doodles and small bits I writing I do post. It gives me like those happy warm vibes that make you wanna shake your hands to let out the joy \*0.0*/
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youssefguedira · 1 year
I hope this unsolicited ask is ok! do you have any fun and upbeat recommendations for music that you've loved over the last little while? <3
it absolutely is! i love getting asks tho i'm not always good at answering! upbeat music is something i can definitely do, tho (this was supposed to be short but i got carried away. all links are for youtube):
tour de francia, vetusta morla (big fan of this album as a whole but this is the most upbeat one. see also fuego and cuarteles de invierno)
the entirety of life in cartoon motion by mika is one of my go to upbeat albums (specifically: grace kelly, my interpretation)
è un'altra cosa, francesco gabbani (SO incredibly upbeat. i love this song)
canzone per l'estate, canzone del maggio and il pescatore, fabrizio de andré (ive been listening to in direzione ostinata e contraria a LOT lately. lyrics aren't always happy per se but they are upbeat. canzone per l'estate especially. also carlo martello ritorna dalla battaglia di poitiers is just fun)
non è per sempre, afterhours
restless legs, keuning (half of this album is slow and half isn't but i love it. couple others i like are ruptured, stuck here on earth)
planetary (go!) and summertime, my chemical romance (my sibling finally managed to get me to listen to more than 2 mcr songs and i like this album. definitely upbeat though more on the angry end. vibes are fun tho)
1983, and almost all of pop psychology by neon trees (except voices in the halls. that is NOT happy. not all of them are happy upbeat but try also helpless, girls and boys in school, animal, everybody talks)
me ne frego, achille lauro (domenica and bam bam twist also but the first is my favourite of his i think. very upbeat)
vuurwerk, camille (it's just fun)
milano good vibes, and sabbie mobili, mahmood (i like a lot of his stuff but it's not all as bouncy as i was going for for this list. though i do recommend inuyasha, ghettolimpo, il nilo nel naviglio, and uramaki)
halla varlden, wilmer x (there's accents in there but my keyboard won't type them)
il fine e la luna, eugenio in via di gioia
el mismo sol, álvaro soler
come mai, 883 and eccoti, maz pezzali
me voy, julieta venegas
hungriges herz, madsen
cutting myself off now because i can and will talk about music for hours but if you want any more feel free to ask! i have a LOT and i had to cut some out of this list cause it was getting too long
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jrueships · 1 year
if anyone wants to send me the wire asks or any other ask like that 😳 feel free besties
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6gumi · 10 days
blessed by the heavens above!
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synopsis ﹒ jujutsu kaisen men and their tittie obsession !
pairings ﹒ satoru gojo 、suguru geto 、choso kamo 、kento nanami 、ryomen sukuna ( implications of heian form ! ) 、toji fushiguro x f!reader
cw ﹒nsfw MDNI. tits, tits, tits ! ! ! 、titplay 、body worship ( ? ) 、established relationships ( ? ) 、petnames ( pretty thing 、princess 、reader referred to as “girl” once, etc ) 、titsucking 、size difference 、fingering ( sukuna only ) 、 toji called “daddy” once 、 jujutsu kaisen men n’ their luv for titties . . . | tag ! @diorsbrando
note﹒BACK W/ THE JJK WRITINGS ! ! YAAAAY ! ! coughs coughs wrote this while i was sickies . . . (again) i kept sniffling & sniffing each word i wrote down cries . . . i hope i didn’t make too many mistakes :> | reblogs are highly appreciated. if you want to talk to me or send thirsts / requests, feel free to send me an ask ! — millie ♡
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gojo was having a rough day . . . the higher ups giving him an earful here and there . . . and exorcizing curses left and right, he was exhausted, so it was almost obvious how he was gonna relax for the entire night ! by laying on your chest ! “i’m gonna take it off now, kay?” his large hands ran through the silky piece of fabric covering your entire body. his beautiful eyes widened at the sight of your bare chest, appreciation clear in his gaze. he licked his lips, unable to resist reaching out and lightly grazing his fingers over your skin, a low hum rumbling in his throat. "fuck . . . now that's what I'm talking about," he says, his voice husky with desire. "damn, angel. your tits are absolutely perfect, just like you." with a mischievous glint in his eye, your exhausted boyfriend leaned in and took one of her nipples into his mouth, suckling it gently before releasing it with a pop . . smirking up at you before latching his mouth back onto your nipple.
shit, he loved your tits, he’d ways pay attention to its warmth, and how it felt within his wet mouth. his mouth nearly watering as he struggled to contain his excitement. gojo’s teeth lazily bit at your nipple, trying to be as gentle as possible . . . breathing heavily through his nose trying to maintain some semblance of control amidst the temptation of your body. you were so small compared to him, yet here he was suckin’ and biting at your nipples . . practically crushing your body from below. despite that, his eyes never left their prize, you. reaching out, he brushed a thumb over one taut nipple of yours . . . earning a sharp gasp. “you make me wanna touch, taste, and explore every inch of you, princess.” the sorcerer spoke playfully, squeezing gently. “can we do this every time i come home?”
suguru’s heart swelled as he watched you curl up next to him, he needed your warmth and you were giving him just that. the soft whimpers you made . . . drove him to the edge. the room was bathed in a warm, inviting glow from the fairy lights strung around the windows, casting a rosy hue on the soft sheets and fluffy pillows surrounding you both. gently, suguru traced his fingers along the smooth curve of your hip, drawing lazy circles that made you squirm ever so slightly. despite that, it was a simple pleasure, but it brought him immense joy to see the effect he had on his adorable girlfriend. the sorcerer leaned in closer, whispering into your ear . . . bringing his voice down to a low yet soft whisper as his breath tickled your delicate skin. "see? you’re doing so well, bun," your boyfriend cooed softly, his voice full of warmth and affection. “hm . . . were these things always this cute?”
“your body’s divine, i could look at it for eternity.” suguru examined your tits, he was almost . . . fascinated with how they look. god, how did he not notice their beauty until now? with a tender smile, your boyfriend began to play with your ample breasts, pinching and twisting your sensitive nipples as he watched your pretty face contort in pure pleasure. “yeah . . . my darling likes that, hm?” he could feel his dick pressing against it’s confines as he grunted, squeezing at your pretty breasts even harder than before. “. . . s—sugu . . .” a soft murmur left your lips, your teary eyes gazing up at him. “ . . ‘squeezin’ too hard, sugu . .” “lovely . . . if you say that, i can guarantee that i’ll squeeze these pretty things even harder than i already am. so keep that pretty mouth shut and let ‘sugu do all the work, got it?”
“ . . . baby,” choso’s low voice reverberated through the room, his stare sweet and gentle as he pinched your nipple against his thumb. his own eyes were wide at the display of your breasts, a shiver of desire coursed through him . . . swallowing a lump in his throat as he could feel his dick beginning to swell, pressing against the fabric of his pants. "they’re so beautiful . . “ choso murmured, his voice thick with need for you, the sight was too much. unknowingly licking his lips, he brought your other breast to his mouth, sucking on the nipple and teasing it with his tongue. the cursed spirit’s fingers trailed downwards to your sides, teasing the edge of your panties . . . his grip tightening, almost urging you to rock against him, to feel the length of his erection.
"you’re a good girl," choso praised, his fingers lightly tracing over the curves of your breasts nonstop. he was addicted to the feeling . . . the feeling of your sensitive skin sent shivers down his spine. choso leaned in once more, his lips finding your other nipple, licking and sucking gently, watching as you arched into the touch. "you’re a good girl for letting me see these beautiful things . . . so damn hot," choso bit down gently, a soft smile playing on his lips. choso knew the real remedy for your heat; a good, deep pounding from his throbbing cock. but yet . . . he wanted your breasts . . he wanted to give them his attention, worship them. you always knew he had a thing for titties . . . but tonight, he let his obsession shine through even more. your nipples peaked under the gentle pressure, and the sight sent a surge of arousal coursing through his body. “so pretty, baby . . . such pretty tits you have . .”
nanami’s grip tightens on your arm, a low growl rumbling in his chest. he’s been waiting for this, for you. he’s been away from you for too long, a dreadful feeling of irritation was running through his veins and you noticed that. “you . . . okay, ken?” your husband sighs, hauling you onto his lap, the heat from his body seeping through you. you’re smaller than him, and he loves that. it makes him feel good. nanami’s hand cups your breast, kneading it roughly through the fabric. " . . . i’m just exhausted, princess," he cooed slowly, his voice thick with desire. “just . . . just wanna taste you tonight.” nanami had never imagined himself as the type to be so impulsive, but now here he was, unable to resist the pleasure that awaited him, the irresistible joy of feeling your pretty tits he loved so much against his hands.
“ . . . you’re beautiful.” nanami’s heart raced as he feasted on the sight of you infront of him, he was a man who had never allowed himself such indulgences, but now, in this moment, he found he could no longer resist. lowering his head, your husband tenderly kissed each of your swollen nipples, his hands gently massaging the flesh that surrounded them. your whines grew more insistent and adorable, prompting nanami to do more than he should. the sound of your whine was like music to his ears, sending a thrill down his spine as he leaned down . . . lips brushing against your other nipple, nibbling softly. “pardon me for my ignorance, sweetheart . . . i just needed you so much today. you’re so beautiful . . . it drives me absolutely crazy. these tits . . . so irresistible.”
sukuna reveled in the warmth of your body against his own. the feel of your soft yet delicious flesh beneath his fingertips sent electric shock down his spine. sukuna roughly squeezed one of your breasts, marveling at its firmness. “m—more please . .” you muttered against his chest, the curse’s large hand slid further down, fingers probing between your legs as the wetness he discovered sent a surge of excitement coursing through him. “. . . impatient girl.” the king of curses slowly pushed two fingers inside of you, feeling the tight warmth enveloping his fingers. “you’re a needy slut, you know that?” he scoffs, his fingers in and out of your pretty pussy gently. As he did so, he leaned in closer, “here you are . . . begging me for more. just wait ‘till i fuck this slutty pussy of yours ‘till all you see are stars,”
sukuna’s fingers worked expertly, chuckling lowly at your sweet whines while his other arms held your thighs, keeping your pretty legs spread for him “pathetic . . . ‘s like you’re easy to break.” his fingers danced further as his thumb circled your clit while the others plunged in and out of your cunt, coaxing you closer and closer to the edge. "just look at these tits . . .” with each syllable of his words he spoke, his digits gradually worked faster, latching his mouth right on your nipples . . . transitioning between sucking, nipping, teasing. the king of curses could feel the heat of your desire, and he wanted to be the one to quench it. “so fuckin’ small . . . even your pussy can’t take my fingers.”
"do’ya like this, doll?" toji’s way of relieving his stress is getting a small ‘lil squeeze of your tits ! or . . . perhaps more than that. his cruel gaze glanced down at your smaller stature, a cocky grin on his lips as he was practically looming over you. toji’s hand slid down your figure, digits dipping between your legs, stroking your wetness. “tell me you want this. tell me you want me." his hands roamed over your entire body, his touch confident and bold as he explored you willingly beneath his body. "damn, you're even more amazing than i imagined," he whispered into your ear, “ . . . might ‘hafta keep ya. don’t want other morons stealin’ ya, doll-face.” toji’s smirk widened as he gently stroked your hair, relishing in the sight of your precious expressions. it was intoxicating to him, this vulnerability that you endured had him in a chokehold.
“always wondered how these pretty tits tasted, baby. guess i should have a ‘lil taste myself tonight,” toji’s frame leaned even closer, looming over yours. “c’mon sweet girl, let daddy take care of you," he whispered, his hand sliding down to cup your breast, his warm breath ghosting over your sensitive flesh before he began to lick and nibble, lapping up the sweet taste of your skin . . his thumb circling with increasing speed as your moans grew louder, more desperate. “fuck, pretty-dolly . . . yer tits are drivin’ me crazy.” toji’s low voice rumbled against his chest, his free hand gripping your hip as he held you firmly in place. “c’mere. sit on my lap, pretty thing . i can give ya somethin’ else to moan and whine about.”
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© 6GUMI 2024. modifying 、translating 、sharing my works on other platforms 、or considering them as yours is strictly prohibited.
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ghoulphile · 1 month
janey's dad | c.h./the ghoul | part 01
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➥ pairing | cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader ➥ word count | 3.7k ➥ warning(s) | 🔞 smut; age gap, hair pulling, teasing, making out, mutual pining, lipstick kink, stockings, frottage, porn w/ feelings, porn w/ plot, mild angst w/ happy ending, divorced!coop, babysitter!reader, pre-war/bomb ➥ summary | “We really, uh, shouldn’t - oh fuck, you look --” ➥ notes | i'm so sorry this is later than it should be. i am unfortunately a corporate slave and this fic just did not want to cooperate 🫠 there are a lot more things planned and this fic is turning into a bit of a beast (20+ pages and counting rip lmao) so i've decided to split it into two parts to make it more manageable for myself mostly un-beta'd atm a special thanks to @corinthianism for all her lovely help ❤️!!
feel free to send in thots, questions, requests! | masterlist
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Divorce is hard, but being a divorcé is downright hellish.
One of the ugliest things in the world, if Cooper Howard has any say. At least when he was a Marine, they told him where to point his gun, where to aim; nameless threats vanishing with a quick squeeze of the trigger.
Here, these ‘enemies’ aren’t enemies — not really.
It’d be easier if they were.
Worse still, they have names he holds as dearly as his own. There’s Barb, whip smart and always so clever. Then Janey, the light of his life and so sweet his teeth ache.
Once upon a time, life was sweeter than apple pie on Sundays.
Then came the separation.
Afterwards, he finds it hard to look at what’s left of his family without losing breath like a horse kick to the chest. Their absence rips open a hole inside him ten miles wide, its edges jagged and wrong.
And when he can’t take the silence anymore, fingers of malt liquor help dull the ache, though it’ll never be enough to mend what’s broken.
See, war’s something he understands.
But these domestic battlefields where he sits across from his ex-wife while lawyers barter this weekend and that holiday?
How he struggles to meet his daughter’s eye every time she asks if he’s coming home?
When Barb keeps the house and the money while he keeps the scrapbooks and the dog?
He doesn’t — can't — refuses to comprehend.
Because in what world can you reconcile looking down the barrel of a smoking gun only to find the woman you love staring back, finger on the trigger? Left out to hang as Vault-Tec orchestrates his downfall.
The true depth of their involvement is unknown, but it’s no coincidence his bank accounts dried up faster than the Mojave in June. The ink still wet when the media snapped up the story of his failed marriage.
Thus, his reputation (rather what’s left of it) unraveled faster than a spool of thread.
Knocked on his ass and kept there by a boot heel crushing his windpipe. Whose? He hasn’t got a fucking clue.
But whoever they are, they’re making sure he stays a washed up nobody who struggles to land a call back, much less pay his monthly alimony on time.
See what we can do? You were America’s favorite gunslinger - now look at you. Mind your place.
Hell, millions used to scream his name.
Nowadays people whisper it behind their hands like a dirty secret, “Oh, did you hear? Cooper Howard…” as they dissect pieces of his life into bite-sized Before’s and After’s. “Hah! Serves him right. Y’know, I never liked him much.”
While he grits his teeth and swallows his bitterness with a smile, he hates how he can’t protect Janey from snide reporters and nosy strangers. Juggling actor-father-divorcé with fumbling hands.
It’s only been six months; a heartbeat, a lifetime, and already he’s scraped thin like butter over too much bread.
Something’s gotta give.
After all, he’s only one man.
But just when it's bleakest, the clouds part.
A young woman moves in next door, the first bright thing that’s come his way in a long, long while.
At first, he kept his distance.
Exchanged vague hello’s and how-are-you’s. Then Janey took a shine; always so friendly and eager to talk about her latest books.
Any reservations he might’ve had died when he saw how enamored you are with her.
Only made sense that over time small pleasantries turned into playdates. Then those playdates turned into sleepovers.
Before long, you’re watching her when a gig runs late.
Rustling up grub and tucking her into bed more often than not these days. And when he slinks in through the door, knees aching and stripped to the bone, there you are with a shy smile and a warm meal.
So what if he takes himself in hand after you leave, stroking his cock to the thought of you down on your knees in that pretty little sundress?
Imagines the wide stretch of your ruby lips as you swallow him down, lipstick smeared an awful mess?
Cums hard to the fantasy of your teary eyes and hiccupy breaths as you choke?
What you don’t know can’t hurt you.
After all, he’s a gentleman... he promises to keep his hands to himself.
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“All right, Sugar Bomb, it’s bedtime.”
Bundled in navy bedding up to her nose, Janey’s wide brown eyes peer up at you from beneath a riot of frizzy curls. Roosevelt, her ever faithful companion, plasters himself to her side. The tip of his tail swishes once, twice before falling limp.
“Ah, c’mon guys. Don’t look at me like that.” You sigh with a fond shake of the head, hip popping out to rest against the doorframe. “I don’t make the rules, I just follow ‘em.”
A muffled response sounds from the lump of little girl, “Nmfhm.”
Squinting, you dip your head and tap the side of your ear, "Pardon?"
“Ye—eah… Didn’t catch that, Mumbler.”
Janey tugs down the blanket, her mouth pursed in a moue of displeasure. “I said,” she crosses her arms with a huff, “not until Dad gets home.”
“M’sorry, baby. He’s still gonna be a while.” Walking across the room, you stop beside the bed and motion your hand back and forth. “Scooch over.”
Gangly limbs fumble as Janey wiggles into the middle of the mattress, her feet tangling in the blankets. Roosevelt takes a toe to the nose during the transition, but flops across her knees all the same.
Together they settle with a bounce of springs.
In the open space, you slide in.
The bed sinks under your weight, a plume of rich cologne tickling your nose; mint-spiced citrus. Cooper. Your stomach swoops, and your heart trips.
“I didn’t see him at breakfast — or lunch!” A pout tugs at her mouth. “Not even dinner. I gotta go home tomorrow. So when am I gonna see him?”
“Oh, bug.” You sigh, propping yourself up on your elbow. “Your dad’s been real busy at work. And I know that’s been hard for you, but I promise to make sure he’s here for breakfast tomorrow.”
“D’you mean it?” Her cold nose digs into your skin. “Me and Roosevelt miss him so much.”
Cuddled into your chest, Janey tosses an arm around your back. Her fuzzy head rests in the crook of your arm, springy curls tickling your skin.
You squeeze her tight and trace your fingertips over her forehead.
“I can do you one better,” you say, bopping the tip of her nose just to hear her giggle - a soft sound that sits warm and gooey in your chest. “I pinkie-promise.”
Her finger loops around yours, so small and fragile.
“I’ll even make pancakes. How’s that sound for a promise?”
“Oh, yes, please! I think Dad will like that,” a wide yawn cuts her off mid-sentence. “He’s sad, but he always smiles when you make food.”
Janey’s words — unexpected as they are sudden — cut so deep it steals the breath from your lungs. You flounder, your heart a throbbing bruise in your chest.
“... Then pancakes it is.”
As if nothing happened at all, she asks, “Do I have to go to bed now?”
“Afraid so, little miss.” Your responding chuckle sounds stilted even to your own ears. “Just you wait. When you wake up, Dad’ll be home.”
“Fi—ine, but I want extra pancakes.” Janey pauses, considers you with narrow eyes, then adds, “With syrup!”
“Whatever you want,” you say with an indulgent smile. “Now... time to sleep. It’s really past your bedtime.”
She gives you one last squeeze then lets you tuck her in nice and tight, blankets pulled up to her chin. You drop a kiss on her forehead while Roosevelt re-settles on the pillow beside her after a quick scratch behind the ears. 
Everything in order, you turn to go only for a little hand to stop you.
“Yes?” you reply, glancing at her from over your shoulder.
“... can you put on one of Dad's movies?”
The tremble in her voice - like she’s about to get scolded - breaks your heart clean down the middle. Stitching on a soft smile, you nod and walk to the darkened TV set in the room's corner.
After fiddling with the nobs, static flashes to life.
“The Man from Deadhorse okay?”
The holotape sliding into the track swallows the sound of her tiny “Yeah.” Starting up with a whirl of machinery, the second-hand Radiation King flickers to life in black-and-white.
A vast plain and bright sky stretches across the screen.
Then Sugarfoot creeps into frame with the one and only Cooper Howard sitting astride the noble steed. The sheriff’s badge on his chest glints in the sun.
“Thank you,” she mumbles, already half-way to sleep.
“Anything for you, baby. Sleep tight.”
Flicking off the lights, you leave the door cracked. Walk away pretending like hearing her whisper goodnight to the TV doesn’t lance through you like lightning.
The desire to whisk her into your arms and soothe all of her ails is almost impossible to ignore.
Somehow, you distract yourself by wiping up the table, then by fixing a plate of dinner for whenever Cooper rolls in. Though all the while, how brokenhearted Janey sounded sits in the back of your mind like a leaden weight.
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When Cooper stumbles into the living room, it’s half past midnight.
You’d gotten up to greet him, curled as you were in an armchair reading, when something about the stern line of his mouth gave you pause.
Where the usual lighthearted greetings lingered, a pensive stillness trembled to life.
Tension crackles through the air; a held breath of agitation. By the faraway gaze and defeated slump of his broad shoulders, it’s plain to see the night didn’t go as intended. And no matter how much you long to soothe, you can’t.
After all, he’s not yours to touch.
Instead, you offer a sympathetic smile and ask, “Rough night, huh?”
Cooper ignores the prompt, squeezing past with a brief touch to your elbow as he makes a beeline for the dry bar. The heat of his body is there and gone in a flash, his cologne teasing your senses. He says, “Thought you’d be asleep by now.”
Your heart flutters in your throat. “Ah,” you lick your lips, “well, I was going to finish my chapter first.”
Humming, he turns his back to you and fiddles with high balls and decanters. The tink of crystal glassware fills the air as he speculates which alcohol goes best with his mood. 
“Thanks again for watching Janey.” He nods in approval and fixes his whiskey neat. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble, Mr. Howard.” You shrug. “She’s a sweetheart.”
He shoots you a dry look from over his shoulder, stirring the dark amber of his drink with a forefinger. When he sucks his skin clean with a soft pop - a flash of a pink tongue taunting, teasing - your stomach swoops.
God, I wonder what else his mouth can do.
Flustered, you clear your throat and stare at a spot on the wall.
“How many times do I gotta tell you to call me Coop?” he says, digging through some drawers until he finds what he’s searching for: a lighter. “It must be a million and one by now.”
Flint sparks as flames jump, eating away at the end of a cigarette. Cooper inhales in short little puffs, pulling on the filter. His cheeks hollow, the shadows enhancing the cut of his jaw before the tip catches alight.
“Well,” he exhales, his gaze catching yours through a plume of smoke as he turns, brow raised. “Anything to say for yourself?”
“Old habits die hard, I guess,” you chuckle.
The corner of his mouth lifts in a lopsided smirk. “I’ll drink to that.” He knocks back the last finger of whiskey before refilling with gin.
Springs groan in protest when he drops to the couch, settling in with an outstretched arm and wide spread thighs.
“It’s been a long fucking day,” he rasps.
Gulping, you try to ignore the space at his feet.
The stirrings of desire provoked by the urge to sink to your knees and fill it with your body, to ease tension from those shoulders with your hands, your mouth, your cunt — if he’d let you.
“You heading home?” Nursing the fresh drink, he swallows a mouthful, only to hiss low through his teeth at the chemical burn. His throat bobs, framed by the open collar of his shirt. “Whew! Goddamn, that’s strong.”
“No, I can stay for a while.” A bird on a wire, you perch on the cushion beside him. “Got nothing else planned for tonight, anyhow.”
Cooper snorts. “I doubt that very much. A sweet young thing like you,” he motions towards you with his glass, “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of fellas calling, especially on a Friday night. Don’t waste your time with me.”
“That’s not why I--” you stop yourself short.
Save for the bustling LA avenue right outside the complex, the apartment itself is stone silent for several heartbeats. Words hover on the back of your tongue, catching in the bend of your throat molasses thick.
Meanwhile, Cooper continues to swirl the alcohol in his glass.
Maybe in a different life, you wouldn’t hesitate to express yourself.
But here — with him — you shouldn’t.
Christ sake, he’s a grieving divorcé, you chastise yourself. The last thing he needs is me trying to lay one on him.
When you speak, his name glides off your lips for the first time, clementine sweet, “... Cooper, I’m not wasting my time. I enjoy spending it with Janey - and you.”
“Well,” he husks, hooded eyes dragging down your visage in a slow once-over, “you’re the first one in a long while to feel that way, sweetheart.”
Dripping like honey whiskey from Cooper’s lips, the simple phrase burns its way down-down-down until it blooms like liquid fire in your belly. Warms you all the way to your toes as your heart pounds against your ribcage.
“I mean it.” Your knuckles twist in the pleats of your sundress, bolts of blue fabric bunched around your knees. “Everything I do is because I want to.”
The flash of red nails plucking at the sheer nylon of your stockings snaps up his attention, his gaze snagging - staying as he chases the curve of your exposed leg, hungry.
He wets his lips, and tenses his jaw when he spots how the soft fat of your thigh dimples in because of your garter. “That’s awful sweet of you to say.”
You tremble beneath the intensity of his attention.
Little kisses of awareness spark bright along the path his eyes carve like the caress of shy fingertips.
However, before you’re able to confront him about his interest, the heat leaches from his expression, grows mute and cold like a muzzled dog. 
Readjusting the waistband of his slacks with a tug, he says, “I know you got better things to do than keep an old man company.”
Irritation sparks. “Cooper--”
“If this is about paying you for tonight,” his lips quirk into a sheepish smile, “I won’t be able to yet.” He scrubs a hand through the stubble peppered along his jaw. “The gig tonight didn’t… Well, it doesn’t matter.”
“No, that’s not what I --”
He plows on, “Anyway, the one I’ve got tomorrow should be enough. How about I stop by around seven o’clock? I’ll treat you to dinner as an apology.”
Frustration bubbles beneath the surface of your skin, antagonism thrumming through your veins. Your hands shake almost as much as your voice. “Cooper!”
“I… uh, yes?” He blinks.
Your brows furrow. “You don’t get it,” you say. “I mean, you truly don’t know?”
“I’m afraid there’s a lot I don’t get. You’re gonna have to be more particular.”
Maybe not said in so many words (or at all) but actions speak far louder.
Otherwise, why else would you spend most of your time in his apartment, fill every spare moment with Janey, and reserve evenings for his company?
Hell, you even cook and clean!
Almost scream your interest from the rooftops, and it’s obvious to everyone but him, it seems.
Here you are thinking he was preserving your dignity whenever he ignored a passing comment or lingering touch when, in fact, he’d been oblivious to their existence to begin with.
How a man can be so obtuse when you’re throwing yourself at him is beyond you.
If he wasn’t so captivating…
“Are you kidding me,” you ask, mindful of your tone, “how could you not know?” You throw your hands in the air. “I’ve been — for months!”
“Well, I don’t have a goddamn clue what you’re talking about, sweetheart,” he snarks, setting his glass on the table. “Care to enlighten me?”
Fine. If that’s how he wants to play, let’s play.
When he moves to take another drag from his cigarette, you strike, fingers locking around his wrist mid-lift. And although his glassy eyes narrow, he keeps his hand still.
Waiting to see what you'll do.
Tucking your knee under you for balance, you bend forward and watch his face from beneath your lashes. When your lips wrap around the filter, a dark hunger bleeds into his expression, his pulse a steady thud against the pad of your thumb.
Inhaling, the cherry lights up, a flashbang in the dim overhead light.
Cooper’s breath hitches, and then you’re pulling away with a lungful of smoke; the taste of ash heavy on your tongue.
He tracks your movements with greed, gaze flicking for the briefest of moments past your chin before refocusing on the ring of red lipstick staining white paper.
“If you wanted one,” he chokes, gripping the back of the couch with white knuckles, “all you had to do was ask.”
With a coquettish grin, you exhale to the side and stare at him with hooded eyes. “Is that so?” Plucking the cigarette out of his limp hold, you stub it out in the ashtray. “What if I wanted to ask for something else, Mr. Howard?”
The next moment finds you deposited in his lap, his hands shooting out to grab at your waist only to freeze before they make contact.
“Woah! I--”
“Tell me something.”
Your lips caress the shell of his ear, sharing breath - sharing space as you plaster yourself to his front, arms looped over his shoulders. He jolts, body trembling with restraint.
“Would you give me what I wanted if I said please?”
The distance between you snaps taut with anticipation. “C-Coop,” he stutters. “Call me Coop.”
You hum. “Well, Coop, would you?”
“That depends almost entirely on what you’re asking for, sweetheart.”
Red nails skate along the back of his neck, play in the downy soft hair of his nape just to feel him shiver. And then you’re leaning back with your hands braced on his knees, your legs falling open in invitation.
The hem of your dress bunches around your waist, exposing the soft cotton of your underwear, and the darkened patch of slick soaking through.
“I think you know exactly what I want,” you purr. “Because you want it too. Don’t you?”
He bites down on a strangled moan when your hips arch forward, rocking the soft plush of your ass against the heavy weight of his thickening cock. The zipper digs into your skin as he tents the front of his slacks.
Mouth dropping open, his tongue flicks out to wet his lips - a slick circle of temptation that makes you clench. “I, uh, I don’t…”
Reaching between your splayed thighs, you hook a finger beneath your panties and pull the fabric aside. He jerks forward, exhaling hard at the flash of your soaked cunt and twitching clit.
“C’mon, be honest.”
With a sigh, you gather your arousal on the tips of your fingers.
Cooper’s gaze is a heavy weight pinning you in place as you pretend it’s him dragging his knuckles over the top of your mond. Him dragging calloused fingers up along sticky folds to play with your sensitive clit, ripping soft little mewls from your lips.
“Can’t you see what you do to me, Coop?” you say, pulling your hand away to show the webs of slick stretching between your fingers. “I’m so wet. Please, I’ve wanted you for so long…”
His hips rock against your ass in an aborted thrust. “Shit - shit!” Eyes slamming shut, he grits his teeth and digs his fingers into your sides hard enough to bruise. “We really, uh, shouldn’t - oh fuck, you look --”
“Why not?” Your hand brushes over his groin. “I can feel how hard you are.”
“It isn’t right, that’s why.” He stutters, stumbles over his words, “Besides, Janey…”
“I can be quiet,” you say, lips trembling. “I promise.”
“Goddamnit, you can’t say things like that and expect me not to --” Cutting himself off, strong fingers seize your chin and tilt until you’re met with Cooper’s severe expression, his scorching gaze. “You need to tell me now: are you sure this is what you want?”
There’s no hesitation, “Yes.”
In what world would you refuse?
The words barely pass your lips before Cooper’s bowing his dark head, mouth ravenous as it captures yours in a slick glide of bruising lips and hungry tongues.
He steals your breath, licks into your mouth and traces along the sensitive inside of your lip.
Pulse jump starting, your toes curl over the edge of the cushion and your thighs squeeze the barrel of his chest, kneecaps digging into his ribs.
“Oh,” a moan punches itself out of your throat - a breathy little thing swallowed up by his lips. “That’s--”
Anticipation swells, simmers between you like a band before it snaps. A strong forearm locks around your waist, tugging you into the cradle of his chest until you’re plastered from stem to stern.
Too hungry for tenderness as his free hand slips up to cup the back of your head, fingers catching in the briar of your hair and tugging at the roots.
You claw at his shoulders while sparks of pain ricochet down your neck, sufficing into a prickly flush that heats your blood. “Hnn, Cooper,” you gasp.
He murmurs your name through languid flicks of his tongue and sharp little nips of skin that leave your mouth tender and swollen. When he pulls away to survey his handiwork, his eyes are dark. Fathomless.
"I never thought I'd get the chance to kiss you like this," he says, wicking his thumb over the pillow of your bottom lip. "You taste as good as I imagined."
Dragging your nails across his scalp, you plead, “No more teasing - I can't take it.”
"Well," he grunts, fingers twisting up in your dress, “If that’s how you feel, then you better put those hips to good use and work for it, sweetheart."
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part 2 dropping soon
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pomefioredove · 1 month
having a crush on you
summary: how they would act having a crush on you type of post: headcanons characters: pomefiore (vil, rook, epel) additional info: reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, rook is rook, not proofread, hi I'm insane and I love pining, I NEED to write another fic but with rook. might write this same prompt with other dorms
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
don't take his calm and collected facade as apathy
he's slowly losing his mind about this
"pacing back and forth, mumbling to himself, falling asleep thinking about you" kind of losing his mind
it's my personal belief that Vil hasn't been in love before this
hasn't even really thought about it
so when you enter the picture it kinda throws him off balance
and with the exception of Rook, no one can even tell
he is an actor, after all, he can play the part of "totally platonic friends with room for Jesus"
(maybe a little too well)
but Vil isn't entirely emotionally repressed
he keeps things to himself, yes, but he's quite conscious of his own wants and needs
so when he realizes he's been craving your presence more than usual he does acknowledge it
in his head
and then does nothing about it for months
...what? he's busy
things like this can wait for him, and he doesn't want to put a rift between you two in case it might be a passing feeling
well... it doesn't pass
he becomes keenly aware of how much he wants you around him, how much he thinks about you, how much your very presence is enough to make him happier than he's ever... really felt
and you know what?
he is totally cool about it.
just kidding. he drives himself insane trying to think of the perfect way to confess, something that will impress you and meet his standards
he's dropping hints left and right and you don't seem to be picking any of them up
which again, just makes him crazy
(some days he really wants to ask you how oblivious one person can be, but he restrains himself)
I mean, how many times can he send you red tulips before you finally get the hint? he's practically spelling it out for you!
there is... a tiny, little part of him that worries you don't reciprocate
is he not your type? are you interested in someone else? perhaps he'd been too harsh on you, after all...
the fact that one little potato can make him so worried absolutely drives him mad
he is the vision of poise and grace and you are ruining him
and this sort of mood comes and goes in waves
just when he thinks he's pulled himself back together, you'll smile at him or say something cute and suddenly he's back to square one
(you're so adorable it's annoying -_-)
while he's sorting out a good way to express his feelings properly, he'll be spending all his free time with you
you need some new things? he'll be glad to take you shopping
you came over to see Epel? oh, well, he's not here, but you should stay for some tea, anyway!
your afternoon is free? he has some new lip gloss he's been dying to test out...
𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭
contrary to popular belief, I don't think Rook would be so open about it
he still compliments you, of course, and sings praises of your beauty and elegance, and has little regard for personal space, as always
but he's like that with a lot of people, so it's hard to really tell when he likes someone
the truth of the matter is that Rook Hunt can be just as reserved with his feelings as anyone else
when he really, really likes someone, he keeps it to himself
he's hunting you he's learning more about you before making his true feelings known
he feels it's necessary to have an adequate amount of information on his target before making a move, after all
for reference: you catch his eye at orientation, and do not have a single conversation with him until after winter break
(of course, after that, you start mysteriously running into him everywhere)
is he kinda weird about it? uh. yeah.
this is Rook we're talking about
on the other hand, he's completely lovesick about you and it's almost cute
he's definitely the type to write your initials in a journal with a glitter pen while kicking his feet back and forth and giggling
seeing if you would sound better with his last name or he with yours...
definitely has a very weird photo collection of you somewhere in his room
along with stacks of poems, pressed flowers, and little gifts he intends to give you once he's won you over
(when, not if. Rook is nothing if not patient)
you may find a rose left outside Ramshackle every so often
or a few cans of tuna for Grim
all while acting like the same old eccentric Rook, no discernable difference
except when you can feel his eyes on you at random places in the middle of the day
Ace and Deuce call you paranoid but you can't shake the feeling
though, every once in a while he'll get a little grumpy
Rook is easily jealous, and while that sort of possessiveness never extended to untouchable idols like Vil and Neige, he's already decided that you're his prey
and he'd kindly ask everyone else to find their own, thank you
he hasn't exactly planned the confession yet, but just know it's probably going to be the sweetest and craziest you've ever heard
𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫
first of all he's going to fight you for making him like you so much
second of all he's going to beg for a chance
maybe not in that exact order
Epel is constantly at war with his own emotions and having romance thrown in the mix is. uh. not optimal
not only does it ruin the stoic, strong male persona he's been trying to build, but it's also making him feel all soft and gushy
suddenly he cares about looking nice
(much to Vil's approval)
and now he wants to do nice things for you?
he's gonna bite you
how dare you make him think about kissing and holding hands!
don't you know he's supposed to be above all this romantic stuff? what is he, Rook?!
then, after his initial temper tantrum, he starts coping. hard.
he might be able to stomach the idea of being an item if he gets to wear the pants in the relationship
...yeah, right? right.
if you let him be the man, if you let him protect you...
he might be okay with it!
obviously he starts trying to show off his manly strength (seriously) every time he sees you
starts making comments about how tough practice was on him
will literally never let anyone else carry anything for you ever again
he even provides for you (in payments of apple juice)
obviously this backfires 'cause the second you do something that gives him butterflies he's back to giggling
(you'll have to ease him into the idea of being soft and romantic together, but he'll get there)
but, to his credit, he'd be the first out of all the above to confess
super suddenly and out of nowhere (and he ends up shouting it cause he didn't want to sound chicken) but it's sweet in its own way
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