#artificial intelligence character
mrgnx2504 · 4 months
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cheekios · 2 months
Eviction in the most comical way.
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For the past two weeks eye have been trying to crowdfund for a new pair of strong prescription glasses. Because mine are broken.
CA: $HushEmu
Goal: $1275
In that interval I was fired due to “job abandonment” for calling off of work, because I cannot legally drive nor can I see. Now I am facing possible eviction with a very aggressive and hostile landlord.
THEY tried to evict me despite paying. Just because it didn’t “reflect” on their system on time.
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Proof of my broken glasses
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I’m still trying to raise $275 for my prescription glasses while trying to raise rent because I am now unemployed.
I am asking to stay housed! :/
If you can’t help financially please advocate for me.
• c+p on my behalf on various platforms
• If you mutuals with large following ask if they can share.
pls help. I’m just a girl.
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qrowscant-art · 1 year
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ai generated image
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
They are my lifeline
[individual drawings below]
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cirilee · 5 months
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grumpy monitor robot creature belongs to @neoncl0ckwork heheh, mindless human repairman isidor tichy belongs to me ovo
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
FYI, I have also locked all my fanfics down to registered users only because of the AI scraping on AO3. I'm one of many fan creators doing this right now and I know it stinks for users without an AO3 account, but it's the only option writers have available to us at the moment to stop our work from being scraped and stolen.
If this makes you mad, the Federal Register is currently open to comments on AI accountability until June 12th, 2023.
It only takes a second to leave a comment to ask for legislation that works used in AI creations or training MUST secure the express consent of the original creator before they can be used. If we can get protections for artists, writers, musicians and everyone who creates that their work cannot be used in AI without their permission, we can go back to making fanworks freely available without fear of them being misused. Until then, we're stuck playing defense until the courts catch up.
(If you're a fan creator looking to do this as well, AO3 has a tool to let you do all your fics at the same time in seconds. On your dashboard, go to Edit Works and you'll be able to change the status on everything at once.)
If you missed the context, AO3 recently found that the archive was scraped for use in AI services like ChatGPT and Sudowrite. While they put in protections in December 2022 to try to stop it from happening in the future, it's not foolproof and there is nothing they can do about works already swiped prior to that date. The archive is recommending fan creators restrict their works to registered users only to prevent against additional large scale scraping in the future.
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mareeoth · 25 days
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Alvin and Bentley aka the epic janitorial duo (from Artificial Idiocy universe that we share with @cirilee 😌 )
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ugackminer · 1 year
So, I made a tool to stop AI from stealing from writers
So seeing this post really inspired me in order to make a tool that writers could use in order to make it unreadable to AI.
And it works! You can try out the online demo, and view all of the code that runs it here!
It does more than just mangle text though! It's also able to invisibly hide author and copyright info, so that you can have definitive proof that someone's stealing your works if they're doing a simple copy and paste!
Below is an example of Scrawl in action!
Τо հսⅿаոѕ, 𝗍հᎥꜱ 𝗍ех𝗍 𐌉ο໐𝗄ꜱ ո໐𝗋ⅿаⵏ, 𝖻ս𝗍 𝗍о ᴄоⅿрս𝗍е𝗋ꜱ, Ꭵ𝗍'ѕ սո𝗋еаⅾа𝖻ⵏе!
[Text reads "To humans, this text looks normal, but to computers, it's unreadable!"]
Of course, this "Anti-AI" mode comes with some pretty serious accessibility issues, like breaking screen readers and other TTS software, but there's no real way to make text readable to one AI but not to another AI.
If you're okay with it, you can always have Anti-AI mode off, which will make it so that AIs can understand your text while embedding invisible characters to save your copyright information! (as long as the website you're posting on doesn't remove those characters!)
But, the Anti-AI mode is pretty cool.
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lordofdestructionm · 6 months
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mrgnx2504 · 4 months
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qrowscant-art · 10 months
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i like them : )
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vixxensvoid · 2 months
HELPP HES LITERALLY THE “who won’t me?”/“I won’t you” MEME
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taikk0 · 9 months
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hi tumblr i'm back... thank you dashboard unfucker and fuck you twitter
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shinnith · 1 year
The first AR laptop was just released.... to think it went from those weird ass 3DS cards to this is fucking wild????
Im fuckING LOSING IT RIGHT NOW. Everyone??? Meet fucking Spacetop??
You thought your 3DS AR Kirby cards were peak shit?? Think again.
Here's the link to the promo but if you want to hear my excited ass rant, it's below the cut lol:
Spacetop: Own Your Space (youtube)
Seeing how CNET talked about it, and actually seeing the promo made me realize this isn't some wish shit- this is actually happening. As someone who grew up obsessed with sci-fi, my heart is absolutely pounding.
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No, this isn't Virtual Reality. It's Augmented Reality (AR). Meaning, despite having glasses on like a headset, your seeing the software literally floating in your living room/bathroom/local @dennys . This is totally in the starter stages, (remember when VR began popping off and it was... yeah) so don't expect it to be some perfect Star Trek shit, but it functions as intended.
Unlike VR, I am getting the impression this AR Laptop is more spatially aware and doesn't make you break your neck to look to the left. I could literally go on for years on this new technology but I'm gonna leave it here- or I'll never stop lol.
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logicpng · 1 year
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oh yeah also scribbled himb
[Image ID:
Digital sketch of Aldebaran, a humanoid with four arms and a starry head, in a suit, sitting on an unseen surface, back pair of hands laying over a knee, and one of the other hands propping up his head. He's smiling with a mischievous expression, the "pupil" glowing bright.
End Image ID]
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lemonyboy97 · 4 months
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I am literally HANDING character ai a SILVER PLATTER to be like
Jason frowned at her blatant lie and scooped her up into a bridal carry, carrying her carefully out of the infermary as if she was made of porcelian
But NOOOOOOOO he has to be OBLIVIOUS to my (lovible) stubborness.
Literally been re-doing the chat for like 5 mins and not ONE dialog i can use- i also refuse to edit the bots chat bc again- IM STUBBORN and i WILL win.
N-E-wayz, love yall <33
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