#arthur has a crush on merlin
Title: The Magic of Christmas
Author: bunnysworld
Rating: Teen and up Audiences
Summary: Arthur has a crush on Merlin. Will this afternoon of pre-Christmas ice skating give him the opportunity to let Merlin know about his feelings?
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He's in love. What? With Gwen. I am not! Yes you are. No way! I saw you yesterday with that flower she'd given you. I'm not in love with her! It's alright. You can admit it. I don't even think of her like that!
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dollopheadedmerlin · 2 months
Might be bold and start my Old Merlin / Returned Arthur campaign, stop twinkifying my ancient man you cowards
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achillesuwu · 1 year
Post-return & reincarnated Arthur but it’s Arthur, 6 years old, trying to learn how to send a letter to the Great Emrys after he saw him on TV then crying when his father tells him he won’t read it. Then Arthur 14 year old trying to learn magic because he wants to be ‘’Merlin’s apprentice’’ but falling miserably.
Some sort of 5+1 times, 5 times Arthur tried to come back to merlin and one times he succeed
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justaz · 4 months
if i had a nickel for every time ive read a merthur fic and stumbled across a minor plot line that sounds exactly like one of my tumblr posts that i posted after the date that the fic was published id have two nickels which isnt a lot but its weird that its happened twice
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seokjinite · 5 months
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its just . harder and harder for my man to hide it
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gaiusbunnymask · 1 year
rewatch commentary: the dragon's call
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(look at this shot! I looks like a Renaissance painting)
"If I can't use magic, what have I got?"
Merlin arrives at Camelot feeling lost, inadequate and purposeless and I think that's what makes him vulnerable to Gaius and Kilgahrrah's ideas of destiny. EVEN if what the dragon is saying it's true, the timing is really suspicious.
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He used to want recognition too, wanted to be someone. He thinks that his magic is the only thing that makes him special, that gives him power over bullies like Arthur, but since the world sees him as something strange and dangerous and rejects his existence, he wonders if he's a monster that shouldn't exist.
That's why it's so easy for him to believe everything the dragon tells him, because he wanted to have some higher purpose. He wanted someone to tell him he was born like that for a reason. It's the beginning of his tragedy.
"I saw how you saved Arthur's life. Perhaps that's his purpose."
Gaius' dubious beliefs/morality about purpose, destiny, and the purpose of Merlin's magic. He was on board with Merlin using his magic to protect Arthur even though he had reprimanded Merlin for using magic recklessly before, and that Arthur is the son of the man that started the Purge. He equals using magic for good to supporting the royal family, which is... not good actually.
My headcanon is that Gaius was/is against dark magic and the abuse of it, but the Purge did more than just condemn dark sorcerers and destroy objects with dark magic, and it turned into something he didn't expect and didn't fully support. Not saying he supported the Purge but he wasn't as pro-magic as Nimueh, for example. He may have helped others escape but he stayed in Camelot and served Uther for 20 years so that says a lot about him.
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son!"
It seems to me that Mary Collins was a dark witch?? I'm guessing that practicing dark magic is what gave her that ghastly appearance (yes they also needed the audience to differentiate her from lady Helen because it was the same actress) but it says something about the state of magic in Camelot that most of the sorcerers we'll find later show the same signs of corruption.
Not saying Uther was right to attack all magic and all sorcerers for that, of course not, but Gaius did say that dark magic was running rampant before the purge, and honestly? It's not a surprise. If magic is a tool then people can use it to do bad things. This was probably what gave Uther leverage to carry on with the purge. Obviously the solution to that would be to have laws that condemn acts of dark magic that hurt people. But instead most dark sorcerers probably were able to lay low and hide whereas people like the druids and less powerful sorcerers where easy to capture and execute.
"When I came to this land this kingdom was mired in chaos."
Uther is a very very smart politician, at least on this episode. He beheads a sorcerer/the son of a witch, and right after the fact the announces a festival. This is a show of his power. It reinforces his authority and the idea that the persecution of magic is a good thing, that he's the savior of the land, the protector of the realm, for ridding it from the evil of sorcery. And since it's the anniversary of the capture of the great dragon, it also serves a a reminder.
"No, I'm his son, Arthur."
Arthur was not present at the execution of Mary Collins' son, nor is he there to welcome "lady Helen". Uther forced Morgana to attend but it seems that Arthur can skip it if he wants. I wonder why Uther allowed it? "Lady Helen" doesn't meet Arthur until the night of the banquet where she tries to kill him. I'm just wondering about Arthur, making it his mission to be absent from as many official occasions as possible.
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It seems that he used to spend all his time training and bullying helpless servants. No wonder Merlin didn't recognized him as royalty the first time they met.
"He needed to be taught a lesson."
Merlin is very very impulsive. He falls for Arthur's taunts really easy, and he just got out of the dungeons! I think this is not the first time he put a bully in his place/taught them a lesson. He was at odds with the people in Ealdor, where it seems he used his magic more freely. If he was going around "taking bullies apart with one blow", no wonder Hunith was worried.
"The more brutal you are the more enemies you'll create."
Morgana's conversation with Uther was another scene I liked. It established the foundation of her character quite well. Her standing by the window staring at the chopping block for who knows how long it's a thought that haunts me.
It seems she copes by wearing pretty and scandalous dresses that make her look stunning.
Final thoughts:
I was surprised by how much I liked the episode. This is the third time I watched it and I didn't know I would find it enjoyable, but I did! the music, the cinematography, the script (its lovely plotholes ♥) the acting! (Eve Myles' performance was superb) the peak comedy! There was a lot of foreshadowing too. Merlin and Gaius, Merlin and Gwen, and of course Merlin and Arthur are great comedic duos. overall the first episode it's really fun.
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oswinsdolma · 1 year
happy valentines to the deleted scene in arthur's bane when merlin and arthur argue about which side of the "bed" they sleep on.
#not to be overly emotional about this#but doesn't that just encapsulate the tone of s5 in one moment?#in a meta way i mean#they have one moment of domesticity in the wasteland of a mission merlin knows is about to be doomed#and yeah they still have the occasional quip and bit of banter#but this moment was pure and untainted and they cut it because there was nothing left of that innocence that had once defined them#or at least it was no longer important to who they are#and it's this#this stolen moment#that truly encapsulates how the story has changed from season one#back then it was a story about friendship#about humanity#about becoming who you are meant to be#but somewhere along the way that got lost and the story changed from one driven by hope to one driven by tragedy#merlin became obsessed with the fulfillment of destiny and this blind hypothetical i think he almost forgot what destiny was actually for#he wanted so badly for the arthur to become the once and future king that he lost sight of all that should have made that possible#piece by piece#he was crushed by a destiny that should hace allowed him to breathe and we see this in his choices#when he tries to kill mordred because of the words of the dragon above those of a human heart#and further still when he chooses the death or mordred over actually legalising magic#WHICH WAS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF DESTINY IN THE FIRST PLACE#but thw painful irony is that he does all of this from humanity and his love for arthur#he forgets his humanity yet it remains his fatal#his most inherent flaw#i suppose the diamiir was right in a way:#arthur's bane is himself#but that is not because of his mistakes but because of merlin's#arthur is merlin's fatal flaw and merlin is his#they represent a dual tragedy and drive each other to destruction#a two sided coin left devoid of that which once gave it value
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riverofrainbows · 1 year
Gawain my bestie
I love him so much
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cuchufletapl · 2 years
Every time I rewatch the first season of Merlin, Arthur and Morgana's romantic tension hits me like a fucking truck over and over again
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arthurslesbian · 1 year
the things i do to delay my inevitable merlin rewatch
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theroundbartable · 3 months
So, Arthur needs Emrys help.
The thing is, it seems that Emrys is impossible to find. So, Arthur asks Gaius for help.
Gaius: Emrys is a shapeshifter, Sire. He can look like anyone he wants. If you want to contact him, you need to spread the word and let him come to you. He'll reveal himself as people who are already close to you.
(turns out, with magic, this is actually possible)
And so, Emrys first reveals himself in disguise of a maid, or Guinevere, one time even Geoffrey the librarian. But at times, when Arthur is deeply at a loss about magic, he'll reveal himself as Arthur's manservant (and crush) Merlin.
Arthur notices that Emrys turns into Merlin more often than anyone else, too and he starts to really watch Merlin's behavior, to be SURE he can tell the difference.
Arthur is, however, disappointed to find that he can't make out any differences at all. In fact... Emrys and Merlin seem to have quite a lot in common. Even when Emrys poses as the cook, Arthur can find oddities about him that just scream Merlin.
Then, one day, Arthur has a crazy thought: what if Emrys had ALWAYS been hiding at his court as Merlin? What if the real Merlin is just a farmer's kid who died of the flu or something? Or, what if this is simply his true form?
It does occur to Arthur that Merlin may have always been Emrys...
But it doesn't come to him that Emrys has always been Merlin
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camelotsheart · 1 year
i dont think we talk enough about how popular merlin is with the ladies. like, this boy got gwen - the everyone has a crush on her gwen - to kiss him in the span of four episodes. he got morgana's "he's a lover" approval in less than three. he had freya falling for him in less than two days. mary saw him for less than a minute and insulted the prince of camelot to his face. he and mithian had basically the same or even more chemistry that she had with arthur, who was set to marry her. and then he has a quintessential anime meet cute "i bumped into you and helped you pick your things up from the floor" on the first episode of season 5 with sefa
forget lancelot being a knight in shining armour, hot rugged gwaine, hunk percival, loyal swordsman elyan, leon being leon, or literally any other bachelor including arthur "every woman in the land is attracted to this boy! i'm almost attracted to him myself" pendragon. ladies see merlin and immediately label him as marriage material
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pippin-katz · 2 months
Merlin Was Truly Willing To Die For Arthur From The Start
Okay, I know we talk about The Poisoned Chalice all the time, and how gay it is, but I don’t think any of us truly acknowledges how fucking insane Merlin is. Please consider this.
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Merlin drinks the poison not knowing:
what kind of poison it is
how lethal it is
how fast acting it is
if it has a cure
if the cure is something Gaius can make
if the cure is something Gaius can make fast enough to save him
What the hell was Merlin's plan?
He would have died. It's arguable that he does die, but his immortality brought him back.
Gaius couldn't make the cure the key ingredient was in a dangerous location and difficult to get to
the poison was magically enhanced it was enhanced by Nimueh to act faster than normal, effectively cutting their timetable in half
Arthur could've been prevented from going after his fight with Uther, he only decides to go possibly hours later, after talking to Morgana
Arthur would've died without Merlin's aid, he would have died in that cave and the cure never would've made it back
it was already too late Arthur gets the flower back, but he gets arrested and locked up, the flower gets crushed, and only gets to Merlin after Guinevere sneaks in and Arthur hides it in the food
the cure required magic Gaius had to use magic to activate the cure, so if he couldn't have gotten Guinevere out of the room, he couldn't have used it, and there was a strong possibility that he wouldn't have had the strength to do it because of the lack of practice
Merlin possibly died anyway he's immortal, and his breathing and heartbeat stop for a significant amount of time before he wakes up; I've written about it being possible that he's able to die and come back to life
So if Merlin was mortal, he would have died, and there was no way for him to know that they would be able to cure him prior to drinking the poison.
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He had known Arthur for maybe a month if we're being generous. They were still on rough, getting-to-know-each-other terms. Merlin was still adamantly opposed to the whole "destiny" thing. Despite all of that, he willingly drank that poison without any hesitation.
That is fucking insane.
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slice-of-lexie · 11 months
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AU where merlin is just Gaius' assistant and (OOC) Arthur has such a huge crush on the assistant that he can barely speak around him.
Merlin: "Gauis, does the prince have a problem with me? He barely speaks whenever I am assisting him..."
Gauis: "In truth, I have never seen him like this around another..."
I wish I was a fanfic writer, I would totally write this.... (>人<;)
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merrilinie · 5 months
Things I like to think would happen if the Knights and co knew about Merlin’s magic (and merthur):
• “Merlin, can you do the fire trick with the dragon again?”
• “I’m not drying your clothes, Gwaine. You chose to go in the river fully clothed, you pay the price.”
• Merlin making them flower crowns and them bullying Arthur into wearing his
• Everyone asking him if he can make them fly
• Merlin pretending he can talk to the horses and making them think him and the horses are shit talking
• Him and Gwen pretending to do chores together but really he magicked it and they’re just having a nice evening
• Merlin and Morgana having lessons in the forest while the knights what over so none one spits them
• “No, I can’t read minds.” One of the knights, “oh, okay.” *realises they didn’t ask that out loud.* “WAIT-“
• Merlin and Arthur cuddling together at night accidentally and everyone knows because Merlin’s magic is safe now and leaves a patch of flowers under him when he sleeps
• Merlin creating plants with his magic so he doesn’t have to spend so much time gathering herbs for Gaius
• the Knights and Gwen taking this a step further and making a garden of herbs for him and Gaius
• Arthur realising they should have done that years ago and putting the royal funds into it despite Uthers annoyance
• Morgana and Merlin being taught how to fight with swords (even if she already knows a fair bit) so they can protect themselves with something other than magic
• the two of them then teaching Gwen because they both think she’d be an amazing knight
• Gaius having a mini heart attack whenever he hears Merlin and the Knights talking about magic
• them realising he’s insecure about his healing magic because it’s the hardest form of magic and being sure to praise him whenever he does it or any other form of healing
• After Merlin and Arthur finally get together, his magic doesn’t want to leave him alone and so when he does his little fire show for them it instantly goes to Arthur and the others get jealous
• after an attack and Merlin nearly gets hurt, Arthur ‘forces’ his Knights to be sworn to Merlin with Merlin’s staff and so technically, they’re also his Knights and Merlin is a royal
• The druids instantly knowing this and calling him a prince
• the knights going along with it
• After a while the Knights (who know how) begin to teach the Druids things like reading and currency
• everyone teasing Merlin by saying his magic has a crush on Arthur despite the two being together already
• he blushes every time
• Merlin openly enchanting their amour to be stronger and magic proof
• him giving Gwen and Morgana matching necklaces that are also enchanted that they keep hidden
• all of them are so impressed with his power but then they are just straight dumfounded because like… how the fuck did he keep this hidden for so long?
• Growing strawberries once he sees how much Gwen loves them and they are really rare
• tricking the Knights into thinking he can talk to ghost just to laugh at their faces
• Just constantly embarrassed by the Druids cause they see him as a god or, as the knights point out, as a king and the Knights decide that means he’s Arthur’s wife and Queen of Camelot
• Arthur making this worse by saying, “Queen or Consort?”
• Merlin flicking water in his face despite none being near them
I’ll add more as I think of them :)
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