astronomodome · 27 days
New favorite tango noise just dropped: dog bark
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woahcoolbear · 9 months
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more (relatively) quick lae'zels
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puppygirl-panopticon · 9 months
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saturnstringz · 1 month
drew starkeys arms
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please let me have one bite!
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ofteasandherbs · 17 days
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Commander of the Coruscant Guard.
May someone help these guards.
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justxangelxthings · 1 month
You know in porn when two or three girls are kneeling in front of one man and they're all fighting with their lips and tongue over who gets the most cock in their mouth and one girl puts his balls in her mouth and one girl licks sloppily around the bottom of the shaft while the last girl sucks his cock like a dog afraid that someone will steal her bone? Yeah. 💕
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
Eat Your Heart Out
Yandere!Zombie Horde x Male Reader
Cw: Apocalyptic world, mention of death, poly relationship
A terato request by @xweirdo101x, hope you like it! (*´∀`*)/
Edit!! Nsfw content removed!! Apologies stinkers
💀 You don't remember the last time 'normal' was the norm in your life. Bustling streets became barren and gigantic cities were nothing but ruins and hot spots for survivors or whatever monsters ruled the surface now. Ever since the start of the virus outbreak, the world fell apart into something out of an apocalypse movie, where the only rule was survived and pray the infected doesn't find you.
💀 You could remember however, how this all started. not only was it because of a virus, but it was man-made. It was supposed to be humanity's saving grace, a way to cure all ailments and boost the abilities of whoever took it, but it turned out to be a horrific world-destroying disease that ruined the mind of everything it infected. Humans, animals, plants, almost everything mutated into mindless, bloodthirsty monsters.
💀 You winced at the memories of seeing the news on tv, the sight of people running and screaming from infected, their snarls echoing in your mind as the memory of seeing your friends die in front of you one by one flashed in your mind. You groan, knowing how hopeless it was in this world, but your will to live was too strong.
💀 Living in the ruins at was your town isn't so hard, there was always food to scavenge for in the old mall which you lived in, and you were the only one left to your knowledge so there was no competition for supplies.
💀 Although there was a tiny problem...
💀 A small horde of zombies decided to take residence in the mall as well. Unlike their movie counterparts, they weren't heaps of rotting flesh but pale-looking creatures that looked like they didn't eat in days, albeit with bits of their flesh missing but nothing too gross. They still moaned and groaned but at least they didn't smell from a mile away. At first you were very weary of them, but after a certain encounter, you found out they never seemed to be interested in attacking you.
💀 They were surprisingly docile, only getting aggressive at other monsters that wandered in the mall.
💀 You didn't know the virus mutated once again, allowing certain infected to regain a bit of their consciousness.
💀 The horde met each other through wandering aimlessly before bumping into one another, they formed somewhat of a pack or group of sorts, knowing they were all different from the rest of the monsters that infested the world.
💀 You noticed the horde would be around wherever you went, the food court, the arcade, the cinema, it was like they were following you.
💀 Although they never tried to eat you at first sight, you still didn't want a fight with an entire horde, so you avoided them whenever, much to their dismay.
💀 You would then see one of two of them follow you around. You'd be spooked for a bit before realizing they would copy anything you did. You jumped and yelped and the zombie following you would do the same.
💀 The zombie would coo and purr at you, sniffing at the air like a lost pup. You hesitantly put down your weapon and walk closer to him. You get out a soft 'hello' and the zombie gurgles out a 'hi' back, making you utterly astonished, taken aback by the zombie's intelligence.
💀 Ever since then you would study the horde and their behaviors. They all had different personalities which intrigued you further. You decided to give them names as you couldn't just call them 'zombies' all the time.
💀 One with the flesh from his right arm missing was named 'Screw' because of his tendency to collect shiny bits and bobs from the ground of broken objects. He was shy but loved to show you the things he's collected.
💀 Another had parts of his ribs showing, but surprisingly nothing inside was named 'Ribs' as he fiddled with his most of the time. He was curious and a bit hyper, always wandering the most and the fastest among them.
💀 One, which was probably the smartest, had only one eye, which he could move from one socket to the other by tilting his head was 'Soda' because he had the quirk of copying you eating or drinking. One time he copied you drinking a bottle of soda pop and he gurgled in happiness over the fizzy taste. He knew what certain things were if you told him and he recognized objects in pictures like dogs or planes, things you haven't seen since the first wave.
💀 The last and most likely the leader was named 'Bo' as he had a dog tag on him, probably from serving the military when he was human. Despite his stomach being missing he was weirdly strong, always protecting the rest of the horde when there were monsters that were more aggressive than most.
💀 You and the horde quickly grew a bond, sometimes they even found food for you or protected you from danger or even other zombies. You never knew what drove them to be so protective, but you were happy you didn't have to live alone anymore.
💀 You noticed the horde being more affectionate, being found wandering closer and closer to where you usually stayed. You figured it was because they were so close to you until one managed to make its way into the boarded-up store you lived in.
💀 It was Screw looking through your clothes, sniffing and rummaging your shirts and underwear, you remember they relied on smell a lot and assumed he wanted to look for you and followed your scent into your home.
💀 Unbeknownst to you, they were absolutely in love with you. They came to the mall for refuge and found something much better, a lovely little mate to call theirs, one soft and squishy and warm and very very tough, something that is important when surviving in the wastelands. The times where you would touch them whether it was a light brush on their hands or pats on their shoulders of heads were the best. Your warm body making contact with their cold, dead ones.
💀 The horde had enough of you hiding and running away from them all the time, playing a teasing game of cat and mouse with them, they wanted to take care of you don't you see? They won't hurt you! You're their little mate!
💀 Bo sent Screw to track you as he was always the one to follow you around back when they first came to the mall. He followed your scent to a small hole that was hidden behind a dumpster. He crawled inside and was hit with the most powerful smell of your sweet scent he could ever encounter. He coos, knowing he found your little nest.
💀 The others were standing by the dumpster, waiting for a signal from Screw that the area inside was safe for them to enter. Meanwhile you were trying your best to shoo Screw out, scared that he might hurt himself with all the delicate objects and weapons you kept in your home.
💀 Ribs heard your voice and gurgled happily, quickly crawling inside, Bo and Soda going in after him.
💀 You finally got a purring Screw in your hands as you spot the others entering your home through one of the entrances you made. You feel your eye twitch as you try to process what was going on.
💀 Screw was happily cooing in your arms as Soda limps over to you smiling and chittering, his hands on your arms as Bo curtly moves closer to you like a guilty puppy.
💀 You then notice you didn't see Ribs and you turn around as you're tackle-hugged to the ground by the zombie along with Screw, the two of them cuddling and rubbing themselves on you as you try to wriggle out of their hug.
💀 Soda leans down beside you three as Bo does the same, the four undead men now cooing and purring all over you.
💀 Now you don't really have to leave your little home as they would always keep you gently nestled in the bundle of blankets and soft things they found around the mall. They would take turns with whoever would stay by your side for the day as the rest wandered around in search of food or trinkets to bring back to you and maybe a survivor or two for a little snack.
💀 All in all, they can't get enough of you, and you can't help being stuck with a zombie cuddling you 24/7
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i didnt mean to write them so asfjnakfeqkgkaeg they are such little meow meows i cant-
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jelliellii · 1 month
el in sweats hehehe
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 4 months
Idk guys, maybe we should hear him out about the other nations
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puppygirl-panopticon · 6 months
It's cool when you and your gf are gross enough she can wake you up by cumming on your face and it's just awesome you are both like "hey that was really hot"
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saturnstringz · 1 month
I've just woken up and the demons inside of me crave drew starkey.
that's me in the first clip
his arms…
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oliviawhen · 4 months
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Some of my favorite of the bond illustrations, plus the full version of the completion reward illo, and some little concept sketches. Thanks everyone who played our Chemistry CuPd game! It's up in the [archive] if you ever want to check it out.
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linkedin-offficial · 6 months
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i suppose thats just the way the cookie crumbles ‼️
i suddenly wanted to draw feral pomni .. thank u @attleboy for the big brain connections 🫡
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rendoesart8 · 8 months
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mrsfeiix · 8 months
Fox on the run by sweet and Scooby-doo were my greatest inspiration for such a masterpiece
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Question is what are they running from ?
Is it corridor ghouls? Cthons? Or worse…fan girls
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