#are you talking about. i don’t even use lip balm at home. like.
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
People who leave the house with like a massive bag and are prepared for anything amaze me. I just show up to places
#i leave the house like a cishet man who doesn’t care about his wife. phone; wallet; keys. done#but i see all these posts where people are like ~essentials every woman needs to have with them~ and i’m like what in the goddamn hell#are you talking about. i don’t even use lip balm at home. like.#hand sanitiser? girl i’m washing my hands in the bathroom. plaster/band aid? buying one. scrunchie? already in my hair#deodorant? i’ll smell. hairbrush? i’ll look crazy. sun lotion? i’m either getting out of the sun or buying it. or i applied it before i left#painkillers? i’ll suffer til i get home. power bank? i don’t want to be here long enough for my phone to die#water bottle? buying it & then taking the plastic bottle home and reusing it until it splinters to pieces. food? buying it. i probably only#left the house TO buy food#safety pins??? what in the goddamn hell are you talking about#like i have this friend of a friend who randomly decided he needs a handbag and apparently had an insane dozen item long list of stuff#he needs to put in it. which like.. fine. you’re a father. but also how many times realistically have you been out of the house and wanted#to apply body lotion????#maybe i don’t want the answer to that. idk. shit just baffles me man#i wouldn’t even bring myself if i didn’t have to#i give him 2 weeks before he leaves that bag on a bus or ditches it#personal#really literally the only essentials besides the big 3 for me are tissues (for my perpetual allergies); mask (self explanatory)#and dog poop bags (because of mabel). that’s it#why would i bring a giant bag around with me. just gives me an extra thing to be anxious about
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wcters · 2 months
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: the relationship between matt and a girlfriend in cosmetology school
warnings/notes: established relationship, swearing, nudity innuendos?? they are naked together, kinda went off the cosmetology thing but it’s cute so whtv, a bit short but this is my first time doing preferences
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- first . . . he’s totally spoiled
- like really spoiled
- you would practice at home, and then whatever you could on matt
- manicure: hand massages, cuticle cutting, nail painting, hair washing: head massages, shampoo and conditioning his hair
- he would let you practice shaving his beard but it would take awhile for him to let you
- not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he was going through a beard phase
- matt would loveeee the head massages and would get you to do them all the time
- eventually it becomes second nature and so you’ll be cuddling on the couch or outside sitting down with him between your legs and your hand will just find it’s way into his hair
- and you have fake nails so you know it feels reallyyy good
- waxing . . . but he would not admit that he lets you do it
- you ALWAYS smell good
- your shampoo and conditioner, perfume, skin/body care
- nick always asks you what you use for your skin
- sleepovers with nick where you do skincare, face masks, nail painting
- and chris begs to join until nick says yes
- matt always finds you three on nick’s bed watching a movie
- you had been obsessed with makeup your whole life
- def the designated hair braider on your sports team
- bubble bath, candles, you talking about your day and drama and he’ll be listening
- he’s just happy to be there
- studying at his house while you’re watching a movie together or if he’s busy with the podcast
- chris coming up to you and randomly asking you a question about what you’re doing when you’re studying
- “why do you push your cuticles back?” “how do perms work? like how do you do them?”
- it makes you smile because he’s genuinely interested
- will show him some things if you can
- you’re super sweet
- everyone likes you
- you’re a girls girl
- someone needs a pad/tampon? you got it. someone doesn’t want to go somewhere alone? they aren’t because you’re coming with
- you don’t gatekeep skincare or makeup
- always have lip balm on you
- you and matt go to the gym together
- always have a matching top and pants for your workout outfit
- matt just can’t believe you’re his 🤍
- like he looks at you like you hung the moon and stars
- i want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck vibes
- you literally have a necklace with his initial, you walked it with it on and his eyes popped out of his head
- totally share jewelry
- you steal his sweaters, shirts, shorts, boxers, basically anything you can get your hands on
- give matt face massages
- he be lookin’ flawless
- pays for you even though you decline because he knows how much money you use for school stuff
- that shit is expensiveeee
- nick asked you first to help him dye his hair red
- ofc you said yes! he’s your bestie
- played ariana, doja cat, clairo, stuff like that
- #danceparty
- your stuff sort of pops up around the house
- chris will find like a bobbypin or a hair tie on the floor
- smells like you because you bought candles for them that you loved
- thrifting and going to flea markets and getting stuff for your apartment like vases, cups to hold jewelry, etc
- your hair is amazing. everyone’s jealous. i’m jealous.
- no split ends, doesn’t get greasy until at least 5-6 days after you wash it, perfect for styling. also sleep with a bonnet because that does wonders for you
- lashes are amazing as well. it’s because you get them done while at school 😉😉😉
- you drive nick and chris around if matt’s not there or busy
- they literally love you
- think you’re perfect for your brother
- so nice, so sweet, literal angel
- you’ve been on the podcast
- made a tiktok account after matt suggested you do
- blew up. and it’s partly because you don’t gatekeep
- you’re so relatable too, being completely honest about how you feel . . . and are so funny
- “hot take . . . men should shave their armpits. like how do you put deodorant on?” “you ever too lazy to wash your face so all it is is a makeup wipe and a rinse with water? me too.”
- will trim matt’s hair if be wants just a trim
- you first said no, didn’t want to mess up, but he believed in you 🤭🤭
- your biggest supporter
- they would totally be there when you graduate
- cheering loudly when you walk along the stage
- like the pricilla movie scene but with no creepy old men
- you love that movie, hate elvis, but love pricillia
- you sometimes cook for them so they don’t eat out all the time
- you’re a good cook 👩‍🍳
- force them to have some form of vegetables
- his parents love you
- go fishing with jimmy and the boys the one time they do (sorry jimmy but it’s true)
- fans will ask for pictures when you visit matt on tour
- who’s the triplets? they’re here for you
- matt is so proud of you
- if you ever need him to pick you up he’ll bring you food or starbucks so you have energy when you’re done
- is at your beck and call
- ask him to jump off a cliff? he’ll hesitate a bit but will ultimately do it
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boydepartment · 8 months
idk what you can turn this into but jay asking for lip balm so you apply some on your lips and start making out with him
cherry- park jongseong oneshot
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a/n: sorry this took a bit :( i was working on my spooktober and homework. also i hope this oneshot is okay. i’m not very good at like makeout scenes tbh :/ so i hope it’s okay :(
warnings- obv making out, probably cursing he’s americain - lowercase intended
wc- 150-250
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yours and jay’s relationship was always sort of blurry. the perfect trope to describe you both was “not dating but DEFINITELY not just friends.”
it hadn’t even crossed the lines of friends with benefits either. it was a weird grey area where you both have shared kisses that you remembered and some that were hard to recall, and if someone talked to you to him the other would get inevitably jealous.
it was a weird blurry line that made your own vision hazy when you thought about it too much. being around your friend was intoxicating to you. god forbid he wore his glasses around you, or wore that cologne that smelled a little too good.
you sat at the kitchen table of his home, he had a break and was housesitting for his parents. you decided to join him due to not getting out of the house recently, too busy with school, and your only close friend being busy preparing for tour.
you chewed on your pencil as you read over the notes for your class, it was complicated and it stressed you out. you started writing again and your chewing was drawn to your lip. you always had this horrible habit, jay would always tell you to knock it off but he’d never tell you why. you’d just assumed that it was because it was bad for you, that it’d bust your lip open eventually.
noticing how chapped they were, you dug through your bag in search for some lip balm. you found your favorite and applied it(like a normal person.) you’ve had this same flavor for years, cherry. classic.
at the very same moment your friend walked in, he had just got back from a phone call and he leaned over the table to see what you were working on. jay didn’t have personal space when it came to you. his hoodie strings waving back and forth near you.
“molecular biology?”
you hummed and finished putting on your lip balm. jay must’ve smelled the cherry on your lips and looked down at you. taking off his glasses and setting them down on the table near your laptop.
“where do you get that chapstick anyways? they don’t sell out ever?” his tone almost came off as annoyed.
you kept writing and answered, “i don’t remember maybe like the convenience store down the street. i’ve had it forever. chapstick lasts me a long time.”
jay knew you’ve had it forever, everytime you put on that damn chapstick, he couldn’t help the thoughts that would run through his head. the smell enough drove him crazy. jay sat down next to you, fairly close and moved hair out of your face.
“can i have some then?”
your eyes were drawn away from your work and they met with his. his gaze was intense, especially when his eyes kept flickering from your eyes to your lips.
adorned in that fucking chapstick.
his hand was still softly caressing your face, you grabbed the collar of his hoodie and finally kissed him. the taste of your chapstick was a drug to jay, and you weren’t about to cut him off. you’d happily enable him.
his hands trailed down to your waist to the leg of the chair. using the chair he pulled you closer to him effortlessly. how that was even possible- you didn’t know.
when you pulled away for air, jay pulled you back in to kiss him again, his hands traveling up from your knees to your waist. his hands shaking, they only shook when he was physically trying to hold himself back.
your breath hitched when you felt his lips hit your neck. softly he let his teeth nip you. jay was this close to snapping. especially when he got flashes of every time someone got a little too close to you for his liking. it drove him insane, mad, animalistic in a sense. he let himself lose control as he sucked love bites onto your skin. your chest heaved and he ripped you from your chair to sit on his lap.
“what.” it came off as a whisper, his hands tightening on you. the tone of voice he used didn’t even make it a question. his head immediately went back to your neck to mark you up more. you were his, even if this relationship status was a grey area. you belonged to him.
“you’re driving me crazy.”
you felt his smirk against your skin, “you drive me crazy everyday.”
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eepwriting · 29 days
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Strawberry Lip Balm ✶ IV x GN! Reader
Warnings: drinking, kissing
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You had met iv through a friend of a friend. He slightly scared you at first, his mysterious nature and general presence making you nervous. Until he finally came up to talk to you, stating that his shyness usually came off the wrong way sometimes. You could tell he was nervous as well, his eyes never staying on yours long and his speech somewhat rushed.
The two of you had been invited to a small gathering of friends and acquaintances, which allowed you to talk to other people if things got too awkward between you and your new mystery friend. His small glances in your direction didn’t go unnoticed and you made an effort to smile at him if you caught his gaze. You’d like to think he was blushing under that mask of his. You were intrigued by him and found yourself wanting to know him, hoping he thought the same about you.
The night slowly died down, people leaving every 10-15 minutes as it got later. You excused yourself to the restroom, not wanting to leave before using it. IV noticed and stood up from his seat rather quickly.
“I’ve got to go too. I’ll walk you there.” He reached your side.
You smiled slightly. “Oh thanks!”
He led you out of the room and down a short hallway, stopping in front of a door on the left.
“Here’s one.” He slightly pointed into the dark room. “I’ll go use the one upstairs but I’ll meet you down here?”
“Oh, uh yeah.” You give him a laugh and smile before making your way into the restroom and closing the door behind you.
IV is out in the hall, his back against the wall in a casual lean when you open the door. He immediately straightens up when he sees you and by the way his eyes crinkle, you can tell he’s smiling at you. You smile back and step fully out into the walkway.
“So, uh I wanted to talk to you more tonight but it’s getting late and I don’t want to keep you out. Is there a chance we could meet again and get to know each other better?” His eyes stare into yours.
You silently cheer in your head, as you’ve waited all night for him to ask you a question like that. “Yeah, that sounds nice. Is tomorrow night okay? I’ve got kind of a crazy schedule.” You hope you don’t sound too excited.
“Tomorrow night is perfect. I know a nice pub not far from here if you’re okay with drinking?” The smile you wish you could see returns to his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m cool with that.” You say, in an attempt to sound cool and casual. The alcohol will surely help to soothe the nerves you’ll most definitely have.
“Great. Uh, could I get your number? I’ll send you the address and we can meet there?” He pulls his phone out of his pocket.
The two of you exchange numbers, you sending a small “hi :)” text to him to make sure he’s got the right number and pick a time to meet. You’re sad to leave, wanting to just talk now but he is right, it’s getting late and you have work in the morning.
The day goes by in a blur. All you can think of is your little “date” with iv later, if that’s even what it is. You’re excited about the idea of getting to know him, to figure him out. When you get home from work, you take a quick shower and pick a simple but somewhat dressier outfit. You knew the place iv had picked wasn’t the fanciest but you still wanted to look nice.
You called a ride, knowing it wouldn’t be smart to drive home tonight. Out of nervousness, you called your ride early and arrived at the pub way earlier than the planned meeting time. You wanted a second to scope the place out, maybe get one drink in to calm down.
When the car pulls up to the sidewalk, you’re surprised to see iv standing outside. You tip the driver and push open your door. A small chuckle leaves your mouth as you walk up to him. “I guess we both had the same idea?”
He looks just as surprised as you and laughes. “I guess we did.” His head snaps to the side slightly. “Shall we head in?”
The pub wasn’t too busy, mostly full of what you assumed were regulars based on the way they chatted with the bartenders. It was still early in the night so you wanted a table before it got too crowded. It was your pick, settling on a booth in the far corner of the pub. Before iv sat down he got your drink order and excused himself, coming back a short time later with your drink of choice and his. He sat down across from you and lifted his mask slightly to take a sip of his drink.
“This is a nice place.” You said, setting your forearms on the table and leaning forward slightly.
“It’s not bad. Perhaps not my first choice but it’s homey.” He matches your position.
The conversation starts off surface level. Basic interests and dislikes. You know, favorite movie, color, food, 20 questions. IV gets up periodically to get refills and by the hour you’re pleasantly tipsy and not so nervous. IV is a great listener and is pleasant to talk to, always seeming genuinely interested in what you’re saying.
Having left to get another drink, he reaches the side of the table and instead of sitting across from you, scoots in next to you. Jokingly, he pushes up against you, crowding you against the wall. “Oops, just wanted to sit next to you. A little more crowded in here, wanna be able to hear you.” He laughs and lets his knee rest against yours.
He slides your drink over to you. His arm swings up and around your shoulders, his hips slide forward in the seat, body in a comfortable slouch. His other arm rests on the table, his fingers drawing shapes on his frosty glass. You internally scream. He’s closer now, touching you. He smells good and looks good. He’s showing his goofy side.
“So, tell me something you’ve never told anyone else.” He looks over at you.
You smile slightly, your shoulders coming up in a small shrug. “I don’t think anything I tell you would be all that interesting.”
“Oh come on. Everything about you is interesting.” He scoots closer, if that’s even possible.
His one question opens up a giant pool of conversation. You open up and tell him about some of your insecurities and some of your more unpleasant thoughts. The whole time he listens intently, giving you his undivided attention. It’s nice. To have someone who just listens. He doesn’t try to offer solutions, just gives you an ear. He opens up as well. Letting you see a little more of him and who he is. You’re grateful that he’s letting you in.
More drinks and more conversation ranging from deep to insightful to funny fill the next hour.
“These drinks are running through me. So, excuse me.” You jokingly poke and prod at his side in an effort to make him move.
“I’ve got to go too. I’ll walk you there.” You laugh as you stand up. His words are the exact same as yesterday and the whole reason the two of you are here tonight.
He places his hand on the middle of your back as he guides you through the significantly busier pub. The two of you both do your business once in the restrooms and meet outside.
While on your way back to your booth, you notice 4 people had made it theirs. Luckily you had brought your drinks with you and you had wanted to stretch your legs a little anyway. “I guess they beat us to it.” IV was behind you now, his voice close to your ear as he slightly leaned against you.
“I guess so!” You yell over the music before you feel iv grab your hand. He gently pulls you back through the small crowd, stopping at a wall on the far side of the pub. Less people and not as loud. Now in front of you, your back against the cool brick wall.
“Are you having fun? I’m sorry we have to stand now.” He leans down again, his temple brushing the side of your head.
“Yeah! And it’s okay, I was getting tired of sitting.”
He pulls his head back slightly but stays close to you. His eyes are glossy and you can tell he has a lazy smile on his face. You smile back, finding his tipsy state endearing.
Taking a sip of your drink, you’re reminded of your slightly chapped lips. You wanted to reapply your lip balm before you left the restroom but it had completely slipped your mind. You unzip the small bag you had brought and pull out the tube.
You look back up at iv as you take the cap off and find him still looking down at you. He sways forward an inch before leaning close again. “What flavor is your chapstick?” You don’t miss the way his eyes continuously flick down to your lips.
“Strawberry. You want a taste?” You rub your lips together and cap the balm. You’re genuinely surprised by your boldness, thanking the drinks in your system for helping achieve what you’ve wanted to do all night.
You see iv’s jaw tense slightly before he gives you a small nod. You can’t help but let out a drunken but giddy laugh as you bring your hands up to his mask. Your fingers slowly slip under, brushing his throat and neck before you pull it up over his chin and mouth.
You barely see him smile before you bring his mouth to yours. Giving him a small peck, you pull away just slightly, looking for a reaction. IV quickly leans back in, one arm coming to rest on the wall behind you. Your second kiss lasts longer but stays relaxed. You feel him smile into the kiss before you pull away to look at him.
He laughs. “I don’t think I got a good enough taste. Could I have another?” His hands rest on your hips, giving them a small squeeze.
“I guess that would be okay.” You joke, bringing your hands up and around the back of his neck. Pulling him back down to you, giving him another taste of your strawberry lip balm.
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I’ve had this idea rotting in my head for weeks now so here!!!
Once again, I apologize if this is shit.
Also, requests are open so if you want to see anything let me know!
K, bye bye.
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shes-nott-me · 2 years
After a long day of work Your boyfriend draws you a nice warm bath
Warnings: minors be gone, Mild smut, fluff
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You are outrageous, Austin thinks while watching your interview after not being at  the met gala. “Why weren't you at the Met Gala, Y/N?” the interviewer asks.
Your response is simple, “Wasn't invited.”
The interviewer continues to egg you on. “ Why do you think that is” trying to get a reaction out of you
“You tell me?” your voice is flat. 
“Why didn’t you go with your boyfriend, Austin Butler?” 
Austin remembers what you said when he invited you as his plus one, like it was yesterday  “I don’t wanna seem desperate.” you pause, dramatically throwing yourself onto his lap, causing a laugh to escape his lips. “I don’t go where I’m not welcome.” Austin was quite shocked by your maturity, an event like this was practically made for you, it was an excuse for you to “show up and show out.” as you would say. 
But your response to the interviewer is different, more arrogant and less mature, one that he initially had expected from you. “Didn’t wanna outdress the invitees.” he watches his tv screen in awe of your boldness. Despite your bold claim you looked bored. 
“After seeing everyone’s looks do you still think you would've outdressed them.” Austin could see the narrative the interviewer was trying to create from a mile away, he prayed for you to not take the bait. You remained silent, a playful smirk playing at your lips as you look down at your hands. He could tell you were getting bored of the conversation. You laughed a little to make it seem like a joke, but Austin wouldn’t put it past you, aside from making music, extravagant fashion is what you’re known for, you didn’t believe in overdressing.
“Oh wow.” the interviewer says.
“Please forgive me if this offends you.” you begin and Austin swears, he feels his blood pressure rise. “But, if I wanted to talk about the Met Gala, I would’ve gone to it, why don’t we talk about my album instead.” proud of you, Austin releases a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. 
“Ah yes,  your album.” Austin continues to watch the interview on the tv screen as you return to your usual sweet, bubbly self, ecstatic to talk about your new body of work. 
Realizing you would be home soon, Austin decided to prepare you a small snack of cherries and dark chocolate, your favorite. He lays out a satin babydoll for you to sleep in, and starts to run a bubble bath for you. You used to do stuff like this for Austin before he made it abundantly clear that after a long day of work he’d rather skip the aesthetics, and settle for a quick shower and a good blowie. 
“Aus.” your voice fills the apartment. He quickly dims the lights in the bathroom, and goes to greet you in the living room. 
“Hey Angel.” he says, bringing you into his chest. 
“Hi daddy.” your voice is velvet as you bury your head into the crook of his neck. Austin swiftly picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. Austin places you on the counter, and begins to slip your shoes off.  “What did you do?” you question your boyfriend, as he begins to unzip your dress.
“Nothing.” he defends, lifting you up, allowing your dress to fall to the floor. You grab your cleansing balm off the counter only for it to be plucked out of your hand. Austin gently places you in your large bathtub, and kisses your lips softly. 
You watch your boyfriend open your expensive  jar of product and scoop a more than decent amount. “That is way too much.” He brings his finger to your lips and makes a ‘shhh’ sound as he smears the product on your face, massaging it. You close your eyes and try not think about how much product he wasted as he rinses it off.  
Your eyes snap open at the sudden absence of your boyfriend's warm hands on your face. He comes back minutes later with a tray of cherries and chocolate and his camera, you pucker your lips and lean over the tub, Austin sets the tray of snacks down and snaps a picture of you . It might be his new favorite, you looked cherubic, blowing kisses in your cloud of bubbles, like an angel. 
“Stop, I look bad,”  you pout
“You couldn’t look bad if you tried.” Austin says, finally reciprocating your kiss. 
“You ate some of my chocolate.” you giggle, tasting the bittersweetness on his lips, successfully melting his heart in the process.
“I would never” He feigns, bringing the tray of food to me. Snapping photos of you here and there, maybe asking for a pose two. 
“Stop taking pictures, and get in with me.” He doesn't need to be told twice, he’s already got his shirt off and is working on his sweatpants. 
After stealing your last piece of chocolate and removing the tray from the tub, Austin slides in the tub behind you, kissing your wet skin. “I watched your interview today.” He breathes into your skin. 
“Did I do good, daddy?” you ask, tilting your head to give the man easier access to your skin. 
“Yes you did,”  He nips at my neck. “I’m so proud of you.”  
“Really?” you turn to look up at him.
“Really.” Austin reassures you. “Even though you had me scared for a moment.”
“How?” you cock your head to the side. 
“Well, I know how sharp that tongue of yours can get, but you keep your cool, even when I could see how antsy you were getting.” He praises snaking an arm around your waist. He began to rub circles into your clit. You bite your lip, throwing your head back. 
You feel a familiar knot form in your abdomen, but you're quickly pulled from your bliss when you feel Austin pull his hand from you. “The waters getting cold” he says and you can hear the smirk playing at his lips as he climbs out the tub and drains the water before  picking you up and placing you back on the counter to dry you off. It’s not long before he carries you to the bedroom to finish what he started.
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Lukanette Idea
Kitty Section (& Mylene) Sugar
Marinette's Calender - It has the whole class not just Adrien he just has the most activities and takes up the most space - Gets used against her by Lila and Alya
Kitty Section offers The Liberty as a safe place to hide
They find out most of what Marinette knows (Minus being Ladybug obviously) And supports her through and emotional break down.
And then plans (On their own because Marinette deserves to be taken care of) How to take down Lila, Alya and Adrien, who is unsupportive despite knowing Lila is a liar
Also a JuleRose, Myvan, and Lukanette triple date sounds cute
Lukanette is my favorite pairing for Miraculous Ladybug, so I love the choice there! This got...a little out of hand, so I couldn't fit everything in there, but I hope you like it!
Marinette was genuinely forgetful, and incredibly busy.  The fact that she had a calendar with everyone’s events on it was a natural progression of that, since she would, actually, like to spend time with her friends on occasion.  Adrien’s activities taking up such a large portion of the calendar was just because he had a lot of activities!  But Alya…she’d taken a picture of it, and shared it with Lila, who in turn showed it to the rest of the class and twisted it into something creepy and stalkerish.
She was good at twisting things like that.  One day full of side-eye from everyone except Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Ivan and snide comments about being a stalker and Marinette was ready to cry-or scream.  Fleeing to the park after school had been a thoughtless decision, brought about simply because she didn’t want to go home and have to look at that calendar quite yet.  She collapsed under a tree and couldn’t help the silent tears that spilled over.  
She knew she had to calm down.  She knew.  But Marinette couldn’t stop replaying the day over and over in her head, seeing Lila’s smug little smirk and Alya’s self-righteous look.
“Ma-Ma-Marinette,” Luka’s low voice greeted her playfully before he caught a good look at her face.  “Hey.”  He sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug.  “It’ll be ok,” he murmured to her.  “Whatever it is, I’ll make it ok.”
Marinette let out a wet laugh as she swiped at her cheeks half-heartedly.  “I don’t think it will be,” she told him tiredly.
“Come to the Liberty,” Luka offered.  “We’ll talk about it and make a plan.”
“You hate plans,” Marinette said, a small smile tugging at her lips.  Luka was definitely more a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy.
“Yeah, but you don’t.”  Luka’s gentle look somehow ripped Marinette apart and put her together again at the same time.  
Marinette should have expected the ambush at the Liberty, but she wasn’t even mad about it.  Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Ivan dragging her (and Luka by way of proximity) into a group hug while telling her that they knew it wasn’t anything creepy was a balm to her battered emotion.  The brief explanation about what happened during class had Luka’s eyebrow raising incredulously.  “They’re stupid,” Juleka concluded darkly.
“I-you’re busy,” Luka said in disbelief.  “How exactly do they expect you to keep track of all of the events they have-that they ask you to make stuff for and don’t pay you for-without having it on a calendar or something?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Marinette murmured.  “But Lila’s a huge liar, so I’m not surprised she’s pulling something like this.”
“You’ve said that before,” Mylene said slowly, her voice soft and considering.  “What do you mean?”
Marinette hesitated for a moment, but told them all, “I don’t know if you know this, but I got Alya that first interview with Ladybug.”  Rose let out a soft noise of realization.  “So she and I have…a professional relationship, I guess.  So I know for a fact that Lila isn’t her ‘best friend’.  And Jagged Stone doesn’t have a kitten, he has Fang-his crocodile.”  She sighed.  “I just…I can’t stand liars.  Maybe I shouldn’t have been so harsh with her, but it just really bothers me.  And then this.”
“I asked Prince Ali about the charity she said she worked on with him,” Rose said after a moment.  “He said he didn’t know what I was talking about-Lila said it was very confidential, and that’s why he couldn’t say anything but…that didn’t make a lot of sense to me,” she admitted.  “I’m sorry Marinette, I should have stood up for you today!”
“No,” Marinette said immediately.  “No, I wouldn’t want you to do that.  It’s better that she’s just focused on me.”
Ivan was not someone who spoke often, but when he did it made an impact.  So when he told Marinette, “It’s not your responsibility to protect us-we care about you, and you deserve to be protected too,” she paused to let it sink in.
And then Marinette promptly burst into tears.
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elly99 · 8 months
us without me IV: new jeans
A story series from the perspective of Mia (fem!Reader/OC) as she goes through her memories and recounts falling in love with her best friend in high school, Minji. She suffers in silence until she breaks and it all comes crashing down.
Part 4 of 7. Check here for more details. Reading previous parts for context is encouraged. CW for language.
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“Mia-ya,” she calls from behind her locker door.
“You wanna do something this weekend?”
“I dunno. Just relax, I guess.”
“You don’t wanna do something together?” She closes her locker, revealing her face pouting at you.
There were so many things you wanted to do together. But you bury those ideas under the books you stuff into your own locker.
“Did you have something in mind?”
“Nothing in particular. Just something with you.”
Fucking hell.
“Well, I think I need new jeans. Help me pick out some?”
You catch her smiling to herself.
“Nothing.” She giggles. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Why are you laughing?”
“I’ll tell you later!”
“김민지 이상하다.”
Before closing your locker you notice a tiny bear sticker on the door.
“How did this get here? We’re only a month in and you’ve already started vandalizing my locker?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro.”
“Is this why you were laughing at me?”
“No, no! But I will admit it’s funny how you only noticed it now. And also how easy it was to guess your code.”
“Wait, yeah! How the fuck did you know?”
“Mia! No need to be so angry that your best friend knows you so well.”
It slowly dawns on you. “You remembered the date?”
“Of course! The day we got these,” she says, lifting her ring finger up to your face. “It was my idea after all.”
You look down at your own fingers. And you start to feel your sanity slowly slipping through them.
“To be fair, it did take me a couple of tries before I got it. But still… I know you’re sentimental like that, so it wasn’t hard.”
As she proudly struts away to the cafeteria you spot her applying lip balm - the same one you used.
You thought you’d buried it in your locker along with everything else but you find yourself powerless to stop the idea of kissing her making its way back into your mind as the lip balm touches her lips.
The smell of spring wafted in through the open bedroom window. You had your phone to text her in one hand and the chocolate bar she got you on the walk home in the other.
so we’re just going shopping tomorrow?
yeah unless u had something else u wanted to do
wanna watch a movie?
huh? i thought u didnt like movies
yeah but i just want to spend time with you and i know you like going to the cinema so
You admire the blue ring on your finger and laugh.
My girlfriend really likes me, doesn’t she?
As long as you had it on you could pretend. So you never took it off.
i just checked and there arent any movies showing rn that im interested in
wanna come sleep over at my place then? we can watch the movies we want
wow u really wanna spend time with me huh
you got a problem with that bro?
no its just ur being sweeter than usual idk
well i do have something really important to tell you and i just wanna spend the day together so we can talk about it
No, Mia. It can’t be what you think it is.
is this what u were being so secretive about earlier?
why so serious bro is everything ok?
yeah everything’s perfect! i just want to tell you in person
No. Fucking. Way.
why not now?
i’ll tell you tomorrow dw
you promise?
of course! i’ll pick you up at 10? or is that too early?
no im fine with it but i doubt youll wake up that early
you’re right 😖 i’ll just text you tomorrow
okie good night mimi ily 💗
good night <3
Mia, there’s just no way. Calm down. You’re being silly. You’re being delusional. Stop it.
You start laughing again at the absurdity of the situation. At the fact you were even entertaining the thought. You laugh until tears start pooling in your eyes. Until you forget why you were laughing in the first place. Until the tears fall and you find yourself crying into the night.
i’m up
congrats on waking up before noon ig
hey i set an alarm just for you so you better be grateful
woah im so touched
we have a date today so i better be on time right? 😊
Damn it, Minji.
does that mean youll be here soon?
yeah in 30
It was 11:10. You’d gotten ready to go two hours ago. But she didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know that you were dying to know what it was she wanted to tell you.
hey i miss you
What the fuck?
bro whats up ur never this clingy
sorry i’m just really happy
about what?
you’ll see
It was 11:11. You wish for what you’d always wished for. You knew there was no point but with her being like this and your ring still on your finger, the line between fantasy and reality had never been more blurred.
Waiting outside your front door, you see her approaching from down the street. Even at that distance you could see the radiant smile she was giving you.
Often you wondered what life would have been like had you not moved in just down the street from her. Had you not gone to the same school. What if the universe didn’t give you so many opportunities to get close to each other? Why did it have to give you so many reasons to fall for her? But you had no choice. This was your life now. The girl you called your best friend, the one standing in front of you, was the person you so desperately loved.
“It’s not morning anymore. You’re late.”
“미안!” You’re reminded that every apology would sound like your name. “But I’m here now. Let’s go.”
“Don’t you have something to tell me first?”
“Later. Over dinner.” Her smile was cheeky. Teasing.
“We have dinner plans?”
“Yup. My treat.”
Your heart trips over its own beats.
“Bro, it should be my turn.”
“Mia, no. This one’s important to me.”
Then it starts to scream as it hits the ground.
“My god, Min, what’s this about?”
“Don’t worry about it! Let’s just go get your new jeans first.”
She starts laughing again and you still don’t know why.
“Minji! No way!” you exclaim, shopping bags filled with clothes in one hand, her hand in the other as she tugs you along to a familiar part of the mall.
She just smiles and sticks her tongue out.
“This place is expensive!”
“But it’s your favorite. So it’s where we’re going.”
“Minjiii,” you whine.
“Hey, if you really cared about me spending too much you wouldn’t have such expensive taste. You left me no choice, to be honest.”
For the first time in a while you’re laughing together. For a reason you both knew.
“For real, though, Mia. It’s fine! It’s my treat, so don’t worry about it.”
“You’re so sweet, Min.”
As if that needed further confirmation, she pulls out a chair for you.
“Mia! Are you blushing?”
“What? No!” You quickly cover your face with your hands. Your ring smiles a devilish smile as you bring it close.
“Don’t fall in love, bro,” she says teasingly. But it was way too late for that.
“What do you mean? I’m just excited for the food.”
With that one word her expression changes. You couldn’t quite parse it. But you convinced yourself that there was something about her face that told you that she knew. And there was nothing more terrifying.
As your meal comes to a close and the night slows down she finally says it.
“I have something to tell you.”
“I know.” Your voice falters as your heartbeats quicken. You clear your throat to hide it. “Just tell me already.”
She leans over the table, looking straight into your eyes with something like anxiousness in hers.
“I’m… I’m debuting in July.”
In that moment, as your pounding chest comes to a crashing halt, there was no greater dissonance than wanting to be happy for your best friend but being disappointed that she didn’t want to be more than that. Being excited for her future but being bitter that her future wasn’t you.
Then came rage. Fury. The dissonance between expecting, wanting, praying for her to confess and knowing that that was just a puerile, selfish fantasy you conjured for yourself. “You’re being silly again,” is what she would have said. You were so angry and there was no one else to blame but you.
“Bro, I’m so happy for you!” you strain. “All that hard work’s finally paying off!”
“Thanks, Mia,” she says softly.
“I don’t even know why you were worried you wouldn’t debut! You’re so talented. It was always gonna happen. I’m so proud of you, Min!”
“Thank you,” she repeats with her eyes.
“So, what’s the name of your group?”
She laughs once more and you finally understand why.
“Oh my god, no wonder.”
“But don’t tell anyone, ok?”
“Of course, bro. Why would you even think I’d tell anyone?” you ask a little more aggressively than you’d like, still barely controlling your anger. Thankfully, she doesn’t notice.
“Just making sure.”
“How many songs do you have?”
“Four. And, yeah, we’ll be filming our music videos in Spain.”
“Oh, wow!” You wonder how much longer you could hide it. How much longer until she realizes you were faking it. “When are you leaving?”
“Next week. Which is why I wanted to spend time with you this weekend.”
“Wait, will you be gone for your birthday, then?”
“Oh.” You struggle to find words to say as your anger is replaced by sadness. “I’ll miss you…”
“I’m sorry! I’ll miss you, too! I promise we’ll spend lots of time together when I get back.”
“But I’m sure you’ll be really busy even then. Even more when you debut…”
“Let’s not worry about it yet, Mia! I’m still here. And I’m just happy to be with you now.”
“Me, too.” You smile weakly.
“I’ll just go pay, ok? I’ll be right back, then we can talk more about it at home. We have all night anyway!”
“Thanks, Min. For the food. For today. For everything.”
“Aww, bro, you sound so sad!” she says as she stands up. You look up at her from your chair. Seeing your hand on the table, she gently wraps hers around it and you hear the subtle clink of your rings as they touch. “I’m still here, ok? I always will be.”
You don’t take your eyes off her as she walks away. And they remain glued to her in forbidden admiration as she returns. Every time you looked at her there was always a part of you that wanted to just rush over to her and tell her everything. That she was your everything. Your first love. Now, knowing the world would soon fall in love with her, too - because you knew everyone would - that part of you wanted to keep her all to yourself.
Then there was the part of you just happy to see her. To have her in your life. Because she did make you happy. She always tried her best to put a smile on your face. She was an angel like that and today was further proof of it. And her smile - the same one you could see on her face now as she approached you - it made you feel safe. Like things were going to be alright. There was a strange, counterintuitive comfort you found in it, knowing that, even if she didn’t know your pain, she’d be there for you. She thought the world of you. She loved you like no one else could. Just not in that way. And you were happy with that. You’d have to be.
At the sound of her soft voice your sadness gives way to resignation. You remind yourself that it wasn’t her fault she couldn’t give you what your heart yearned for. And in doing so, you could finally, truly be happy for her.
With your hand hidden from her in your pocket, you slip your ring off with your thumb as she takes you home.
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frog4278 · 2 years
Some useless Stranger Things headcanons from @dawg3i and I
Mike has OCD and if his schedule is disrupted he will combust
He's also lactose intolerant and is that one kid who has to drink skim and almond milk
Despite this he will still eat dairy products no matter how sick it makes him
He takes out the pickles and tomatoes from his burger, eats plain hotdogs, and eats his fries with mustard. Sick in the head how did Will fall for him
Steve always carries around chapstick, he just has a drawer of nice lip balm
Will is allergic to nuts. What a loser. He and Mike belong together as losers with food allergies
Lucas is terrified of snails and Erica will pick them up after it rains and chase him around
He will climb the tallest tree to get away from her while screaming at the top of his lungs
Mike is the guy who considers ketchup spicy
Robin's that kid at the table that dares Steve to mix chocolate milk and cheese and drink it for ten bucks
Steve is like that middle school friend I had who would drink hot sauce for fun
Dustin's the person who pops chip bags and empty milk cartons and makes everyone think someone fired a gun
If you emptied his backpack you would find an impossible amount of crumbs, crumpled homework, and quarters
Dustin does that thing when you don’t have your homework but you have to act like you lost it
Mike, Nancy, and Robin are the ones who own an air fryer. Robin's was a gift from Nancy
Everyone is banned from the kitchen except Steve and sometimes Nancy only because she actually knows how to cook
Steve’s house holds THE sleepovers ever. He always has the freezer stocked with ice cream for the kids
His parents are never home so literally almost every weekend they’re all over there having the monopoly game of a lifetime
Max and Mike always fight over the car
Max ALWAYS wins
Dustin is always the first to go bankrupt. He's all strategic and talks big game and all of the sudden starts going bankrupt
Will is the banker and has to stop others from stealing money when he isn't looking
The UNO games. Oh man.
Everyone is yelling which person has two cards or three cards and begging each other to target someone else even when they clearly have two cards
And then El just says "Uno" out of nowhere and everyone turns their attention to her at lightning speed
Steve and Dustin keep going after each other even when they have like, half the deck
They both have the most cards and they still put down their best cards when it goes their way. At some point it’s not about winning but having at least a LITTLE less cards than the other
After El wins three games in a row everyone starts suspecting she’s using her powers
Dustin: No I fucking bet it she’s looking through Eddie’s eyes at his cards
Eddie starts squinting really hard to the point where he can hardly see his cards
Twister always comes down to El and Dustin (No collarbones comes in pretty handy)
El got tested on as a child, I know she can twist into pretzel ass moves (Also because she's hypermobile)
Jenga is always insane
El gets accused of keeping the tower in place when she and Max go
El: My nose would be bleeding
Max: Literally she isn’t
El, clearly holding her nose:
Max gaslights everyone
Robin: I don’t think so
Mike: YOU TOO?
It gets to the point where even Nancy is like nah. I don’t see her doin that. And then all the boys realize they have a unspoken truce
The boys team up and scheme in the corner but they end up failing even when El doesn’t use her powers
Dustin: Don’t tip it over
Steve: I’m not
Dustin: Steve don’t tip it over
Steve: I’m literally gonna kick this thing over because of you
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disasterofastory · 2 years
Doll - Part 5 (Stucky x Reader)
Part 5 - Deal // Doll Masterlist
Stucky x Reader
Bodyguard AU
Warnings: none
Summary: You talk with your bodyguards about what happened.
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You wake up in your own bed, tucked in. Your bottom is sore, and only a shower can help with the burning feeling, but you have no idea what to do with your mind. Your thoughts zigzag in your head about yesterday. Bucky spanked you while Steve watched the whole scene. And you enjoyed every minute of it. What happened last night? What does this mean to your relationship? What does it mean for you?
After a shower, you still plan on hiding in your room the whole day when a soft knock disturbs your overthinking. You stare at the door, not knowing what to do. You have to answer. Yes. You should. That's what you should do, but you can't move.
"Y/N?" You hear your name from the other side of the door. "Are you awake?" It's Bucky.
You bit into your lower lip until it hurts, and you force yourself to get up and let them in. They wait for you patiently, looking at you up and down when you show yourself.
"Hey," you greet them meekly.
"Can we come in?" Steve asks with slight worry in his voice.
What Bucky did yesterday, what they did was reckless and risky. Maybe they hurt you even though it was far from their intentions. Maybe you regretted it, and now you think they are perverts, but you are too afraid of them to send them away. So many possibilities how this can go wrong for all the three of you.
"Of course," you hum, letting them in and closing the door behind you with a soft click.
"How did you sleep?" Steve asks, trying to bring up the topic slowly, but Bucky has other ideas. In contrast with his friend, Bucky has no doubts about last night.
"How's your backside?" He asks at the same time as Steve. The blonde stares at his friends for a second before his attention is back on you.
"I sleep well," you reply. "And sore."
"Do you need the soothing balm?" Steve asks.
"No," you shake your head. "It's fine."
"How do you feel about last night?" Steve asks after a deep breath. You can feel both of their eyes on you as they wait for your answer. Heat creeps up on your cheeks, and you bite into your lips once again.
"I-I'm confused," you confess, glancing at them for a moment and then back to the window. "I mean, it wasn't bad... I enjoyed it," you continue because you don't see a reason to lie. "But I don't know what that means... for us."
You don't want to seem like a girl who imagines too much into things, but you still need some explanation. It's not every day that you get spanked by your bodyguards.
Bucky seems much more confident than Steve. The blond man is worried while his friend knows what he wants and just waits for you two to catch up with him.
The brunette thought about it a lot since you got comfortable around them. Yes, it's totally unprofessional, and they risk everything with it, but he knows his feelings. And he knows Steve too. You excite them and keep them content at the same time. You make them laugh and warm and horny with everything you do. They didn't feel like this a long time ago. So what if you don't reciprocate their feelings? They go home to work as mechanics. But what if it works? What if you are the missing piece?
"Come here, Doll," he says, sitting down on your bed to pull you on his lap. You let him move you with wide eyes. Your legs are at the sides of his thighs, your hands are on his broad shoulders. His large palm is warm on your hips.
"Bucky? What are you doing?" Steve asks, worried. The brunette has to force himself not to roll his eyes. Steve was always like this. He worries and thinks too much. His heart is too damn good.
"Doll told us she enjoyed it," he replies. "Right?"
"Yes," you nod.
"And you want to know what it means for our relationship," Bucky continues. You nod again. "We like you, Y/N," he says easily. "Even when you are bratty," he smirks, pinching your ass and making you jump up a little.
"I like you too," you answer, licking your dry lips.
"But there are a few things you should know, Doll."
You frown, thinking about the worst immediately.
"We are a package deal," the man says, glancing at Steve. "You get both of us or none of us."
"I don't have a problem with it," you reply without thinking. You like both of them. You couldn't even imagine one without the other.
"And we like certain things in bed."
"Like what?"
"Like dominating our partner," Bucky explains. His thumb draws small circles on your hip. "We like it when our partner is obedient and does as we say, but we like them bratty too so we can punish them. How do you feel about that?"
"Like... yesterday?" You ask, trying to keep your breathing even. You can't deny that Bucky's words excite you like nothing before.
"Exactly," he nods. "You did something wrong, you got punished, and now you are forgiven."
"I liked it," you admit. "I really... liked it." At this point, you don't even remember how it feels like when you don't burn from embarrassment and excitement at the same time.
"And you liked it enough to try it with us?"
"As in a relationship?"
No matter how much you like Steve and Bucky, you don't want it to be just a sex thing. You want much more than that.
"Yes," Bucky nods. "We have to keep it a secret, though."
"Yeah," you agree. "I understand."
While you are busy talking with Bucky, Steve just stands there, thinking. He can't help but think about ways this could go wrong for all the three of you.
"Go and kiss Stevie over there, Doll. He seems a bit lonely."
Bucky's words wake him from his thoughts. He whips his head up, watching you get up from his friend's lap to make your way to him. Even though you look a bit shy, there is a cheeky glint in your eyes as you look at him.
"You really want this, Doll?" Steve asks quietly.
"Yes," you nod. "I really want both of you."
Steve leans closer to you, placing his hand on your hip to pull you closer against his chest. You are warm and soft and smell like berries and body lotion. Bucky stays in his seat, watching his friend's gaze getting hooded as he closes his eyes at the last moment. His lips are on yours. At first, you can barely feel it, like a light breeze early in the morning. An impatient grunt leaves your lips, making them smirk.
"And here is the attitude again," Bucky sighs without real annoyance in his voice.
Steve hums, closing his mouth on your lower lip, sucking it in before caging you in his arms as he licks into your mouth much more confidently. Soon, your whole body trembles against his as you let him lead the kiss however he wants. And he ends it too soon.
"How about a date, Doll?" He asks hoarsely, still keeping you in his arms.
"Yeah," you hum. "I would like that."
Maybe it's not professional. But what can they do when it feels so good?
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year
Double-Date from Hell
Y’all ever think of something so hilarious that you HAVE to write it, and then it just spirals out of control? Yeah, this is it.
8941 words; I’ve seen versions of this general joke going around and it’s still pretty funny in my brain so please just humor me; I guess it’s a Modern AU w/No Devil Fruits, but Brook is still a skeleton and Minks and Fish-men exist… somehow…? idk; SO MANY PEOPLE ARE ALIVE IN THIS AU THAT SHOULDN’T BE but you know what this is my story too damn bad I mean it’s already set in a quasi-Midwest metro; this took me so long to write because I kept cracking the fck up and I’m sure you’ll be able to tell where
Double-Date from Hell; Law has a new girlfriend. Cora-san’s got a hot date. Nami’s shagging a doctor. Things might be easier if Bell-mère had mentioned to her daughters she’s actually bi before she reconnected with an old flame. [modern!AU, LawNa, Bellazón]
Shuffling into the kitchen, Law blearily went into the fridge and began to poke around almost absentmindedly, hunger the only reason as to why he was currently existing on the mortal plane. What had supposed to be a twelve-hour shift in Logue Town General’s emergency room—as a favor, no less!—had turned into a twenty thanks to the perfect storm of call-offs and reckless pieces of bullshit trying to copy a social media trend. It reminded him of why he never wanted to stay down in Emergency full-time—fuck… doing clinicals there had been bad enough…
“Oh, there’s the sleepy-head!” Law jumped at the sudden confirmation that his father was in the room as well. He took a container filled with leftover noodles and popped it in the microwave oven with a bit more aggression than was necessary. “Rough night?”
“I remember when social media was used to share pictures of cats with poorly-spelled captions and complain about the accuracy of the fantasy book-to-movie pipeline, not to show off doing handstands in dangerous places and getting high off lip balm.” He glanced at his father to see he was dressed rather nice—that was a risk, considering how clumsy the older man was—though most things were better than his current pajama-pants-no-shirt-tousled-bedhead-at-four-in-the-afternoon look. “Cora-san, you know what happens when you wear a tie.”
“I know, I know, but I need to look nice tonight. What do you think?”
“That you look like a man about to turn forty who can’t so much as wear a tie without catching it on something every five minutes.”
“Well, yeah, but the shirt’s nice, right?”
An extremely pale pink with a red heart pattern; the tie was black, though his trousers were white.
“It’s… you.”
“I’ll take what I can get.” The microwave oven beeped at Law and he took the container out to stir. “Probably won’t be back until late, if I’m back at all tonight, so don’t worry if I’m not in.”
Law stopped mid-stir and stared at Cora. “Why would you both be alright, but also not come home tonight?”
“What, you can’t tell?! Your old man’s got a hot date!”
The silence that fell over the kitchen was simply unbearable. Law did not currently have the reserve mana to process that the grinning goofball he referred to as his foster father—foster roommate, on particularly irritating days—had anything even close to a potential sexual encounter lined up. He put the noodles back in the microwave oven and turned it on again.
“You don’t have to lie to me, you know,” he grumbled. “You know I don’t care what you do—we’re both adults now.”
“Oh, come on… you aren’t even the least bit happy for me?”
“I can’t legally be happy until I get at least six cups of coffee and these noodles in me, then we’ll talk.”
“Fine, fine; spoilsport.” Cora sat at the table and pouted, watching his son put together some coffee. He knew he was tired when he brought a mug of it over, as well as the noodles still in the container he heated them up in. “It’s not like I’m an old man—can’t I take inspiration from the fact my son got himself a cute girlfriend?”
“You’ve never met her, so there’s nothing to get inspired from,” Law replied dully. He twirled some of the long pasta on his fork and scowled. “No, this is not an offer for you to meet her either. I want to make sure of this one before that happens.”
“You make it sound like I’m embarrassing.”
“You picked me up from school in clown makeup.”
“It wasn’t that bad…”
“Multiple times.”
“It kept things interesting.”
“Kids recovering from near-terminal illness don’t exactly enjoy being interesting.”
“The assholes that were scared of clowns never bothered you after that.”
“Okay, that I’ll give you.” Law shoved more pasta in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “You know, I think I’ll go out tonight too—bound to be something going on.”
“There you go,” Cora beamed. “Here we are: a couple of young stallions, ready to make the night theirs!”
“Never again say those words in that order again, by all that is good in this world.”
“Spoilsport,” Cora scowled. A devilish grin then flashed across his face. “We should double-date!”
That too was a resounding, firm no.
It was the generally-accepted consensus that there was no party like a Straw Hat party.
They weren’t all rowdy affairs that got the cops called at two in the morning—they reserved those for when the on-duty officers were ones likely to just turn the music down and bring their own drinks—but it was always the collection of people who were there that boggled Law’s mind. He had only started attending such shindigs recently after a weird series of events led to him pulling the charismatic teen out of the bay and helping make sure he was still alive. Luffy had declared them friends and that he now had an obligation to hang out, which would have been a one-and-done thing if it wasn’t for the people he collected in the nearly-rural house hidden amongst trees and actual property.
The East Blue kendo and archery champions? A world-class chef? A teenaged medical prodigy? The preeminent Void Century historian turning academia on its head? One of the most sought-after mechanical engineers in the world who also moonlighted in architecture? A living rock music legend? The man that kept literally all the trains in the region running smoothly? That didn’t even get into the kid’s brothers, or people outside of his innermost circle…
…and it certainly didn’t get into Nami.
He had originally begun talking to the redhead after observing her at that first party he attended. She was very level-headed—especially compared to Luffy despite that not meaning much—and knew precisely the situation they had going. It was the modern equivalent of the Enlightenment salon, where people got together and exchanged ideas and made changes happen. It was a counterculture hotbed with significantly fewer hard drugs and way more bellyflop competitions between people who couldn’t swim in the backyard’s in-ground pool. It was the next generation figuring shit out, getting ready to usher in a new age. Except, not only did the weather-and-surveying whiz keep everything running, it was very easy to say that she was the brains of the entire operation, making Luffy’s natural charm work for something. The next thing he knew they were chatting amiably, then kissing, and—after a considerable blackout—woke up very naked in bed with her the next morning.
It was a little awkward as they put everything together after that. They both thought the other was older than they really were (he thought her only a couple years younger than him instead of the actual six, and she thought he was well into his thirties (to be fair, he did say he was an actual surgeon while flirting)), and there was the wolf whistles that came out of some of the other Straw Hats as they went down to breakfast, but they settled into something… comfortable after that. The “crew” generally accepted him and he found their antics… tolerable, he guessed, especially considering what putting up with them meant for his love life…
“Oi! Witch! We need you to stop sucking geriatric face for two minutes and rein in Luffy!”
Nami groaned into Law’s mouth in frustration before breaking the kiss to glare at Zoro from across the large, open-concept living room that thankfully only contained the main Straw Hats crew aside from the man beneath her. Law knew to not remove his hands from her waist and rear, else she get pressured into something more involved. “What happened to someone saying he could handle him?”
All she got in response was a one-eyed glare.
“If she’s not back in two minutes like you said, Roronoa-ya, I will make you regret that age comment,” Law warned, voice dripping in sarcasm. Zoro flipped him his middle finger, which he returned.
“Boys, behave,” Nami sighed as she left the room. Law took it as his opportunity to see if there was any food available yet, shuffling over to the kitchen island where Sanji was working. A mug of coffee was already waiting for him as he sat down and watched the blond at work.
“Thanks,” he muttered, drinking the coffee gratefully.
“Just keep her happy,” Sanji replied. He and Law were in a tenuous sort of agreement, both men recognizing they were from the same Blue from the moment they met. Neither of them talked about it much, but it was clear that they were both in the East because it was not the North, and that was all they needed.
“If not, then you know it won’t be from lack of effort on my end.”
“True. Oh, Nami-swan told me the other day you don’t eat bread. Is it a gluten thing, or…?”
“Nah—just don’t like it. I physically can eat it, but just haven’t wanted to for a while now.”
“Not since home?”
“Something like that.”
“Okay, good, because I remember you eating breaded things the last few times you were over, but I have a special coating I can use if it’s a gluten issue.”
“Nope—just a preference.” Law sipped his coffee and watched the other man work, his hands nimble as he prepped and cooked. It reminded him of himself at his own craft, in a way, mesmerizing him until he felt a pair of arms warp around his midsection from behind. “Luffy tamed?”
“For the time being,” Nami murmured in his ear. “He’s going to be a handful next week when his brothers are over.”
“Not entirely sure how you do it,” he admitted. “Then again, I don’t know how any of you do it.”
“Luff just has that magnetism, you know?” Sanji chuckled. “When we’re all together, it’s because he knows we need to be in order to move forward. It’s why we’ve even got old-timers with us, as you know.”
“Nami, your friends are childish.”
“People wonder why I don’t date boys,” she replied. “That would just set both parties up for disappointment.”
“How true your words are, Nami-swan,” Sanji crooned. “We are all but mere amateurs compared to your beauty and grace. The fact you decide to honor us with your presence is more than we deserve.”
Fuck… to be that idiotically horny again. Law tried to remember the last time he said anything as stupid as the heart-eyed cook and, to be honest, couldn’t remember anything of the like. Seas… was he really that old…? No, he decided… just… busy during those years. He would take busy… as though busy was having an impact on him now…
“Sanji-kun,” Nami said sweetly, “I’m going to bring Torao upstairs for a little discussion before dinner, if that’s alright with you.”
“As you wish, Nami-swa~a~n,” the blond swooned. He blew her a kiss as she winked and pulled Law onto his feet.
This place was so fucking weird.
Heading up the stairs, Law silently followed Nami as she led him through the house he was already strikingly familiar with. They slipped into her room and she locked the door behind them. Finally—peace and quiet.
“Don’t you think you were a little rough on Blackleg-ya?” he asked as she unbuttoned his shirt. “I only meant it as a joke…”
“Don’t you worry about Sanji-kun,” she hummed, pressing kisses along his neck and collarbone as her fingers went over his toned abdomen. She guided him down to his knees before sitting on the edge of the mattress. With his hat long-forgotten in the living room, she was able to gently card her fingers through his fluffy hair as he turned his attention to her legs. He gently massaged her calves with his expert hands, wandering up her thighs. He went under the hem of her skirt and his eyebrows rose at what he discovered.
“Nothing…?” he smirked. “Naughty.” He lifted her leg to hook her knee on his shoulder before slowly tracing a line of his own kisses down her inner thigh and towards her hot, wet core. Hiking her skirt a bit higher, she let her other leg fall a bit more to the side, opening up for him. He lapped at her experimentally, smiling smugly at the noise she made.
“Fuck me good, Law-kun,” she ordered. “Make him hear me scream.”
It was quarter past four in the morning before Law actually left the house at 1000 Sunny Road, dragging his ass into his car and wishing it was quieter as he pulled away. The only consolations to his pre-dawn walk of shame was that he slipped out when all the other Straw Hats sans Nami were asleep and that he could still taste his girlfriend the entire drive back. She had seen him out after some additional, varied rounds in her bedroom, kissing him through the open car window.
“Don’t be a stranger now,” she had smirked. Fuck… she had him on a leash and they both knew it. Her taste had almost faded by the time he pulled into the driveway at his dad’s. He killed the engine and leaned back against the seat—a few hours of sleep and he could be back into something of a normal rhythm for when he went on day shifts the following week. It was all he could do to haul himself out the car and into the house, blaming his exhaustion on the twenty hour ER shift from hell messing with him and not his girlfriend fucking his brains out.
As Law walked through the dimly-lit house, he heard a snore come from the living room. He took a peek and saw Cora-san laying on the floor again, having passed out after some sort of fall. Again. Law hefted the other man onto his shoulder and helped him up the stairs to the main bedroom, where he deposited him on the mattress with little fanfare.
Wait a second… were those bite marks…? He looked closer at the bit of Cora-san’s chest that was exposed—buttons undone while his tie hung loose around his neck—and sure as shit, there were bite marks and smeared lipstick on both his chest and neck. It was a burnt-orange, which was definitely not a color that was in the house, lending credence to the “hot date” theory as much as Law shuddered at the thought.
He left a container of salve on the nightstand and made sure the other man was at least fully on the bed before going to sleep himself—with any luck, he wouldn’t have to hear a thing about the date and they continue on with their lives in peace. The less he could think about his father and sex, the better things were going to be.
“So… this old man you’re fucking… he at least cute in some weird geriatric way?”
“Ugh, what has Usopp been telling you?” Nami groaned. Her sister Nojiko chuckled at her from across the table, drinking her tea smugly. One of her rare mornings home and she was already being grilled. It was too early for this shit. “I’m not fucking an old man. He is in his twenties, thank you.”
“Turning thirty next month, is he?”
“He is twenty-six, for your information. He just looks a little rough because he’s got tattoos and is already a surgeon. Med school, clinical rotations, and residency are all vampires.”
“Sounds fishy to me,” Nojiko frowned. “I can’t be worrying after both you and Bell-mère now.”
“Bell-mère is a lesbian who just started reconnecting with an old flame from her Marine days,” Nami reasoned. “The circumstances are completely different.”
“You keep telling yourself that, sis,” Nojiko teased. “I still have on great confidence that he’s older than dirt, and that’s despite the fact you hang out with a man so old he’s a skeleton.”
“I am going to kill Usopp!”
“It wasn’t Usopp…”
“Who the fuck are you talking to behind my back?!”
It was then that their adoptive mother shuffled into the room, still half-asleep from the looks of things.
“I was woken by the sound of mockery; show me the object of ridicule,” Bell-mère grunted. She looked at her daughters and knew instantly what was going on. “We calling out the Old Man Fucker for what she is?”
“Honey, if you’re planning on becoming a young widow, then at least make sure he’s loaded first,” Bell-mère said, unfazed by her youngest’s ire. She poked her head in the refrigerator and frowned. “Nojiko, sweetie, did you get more milk?”
“Haven’t been to the store yet,” her elder daughter said idly. “Will take care of it on my way back from work.”
“Since we’re currently in the habit of wanting to know about each other’s love lives,” Nami growled through grit teeth, “how’s Cora? That was your date’s name from when you went out the other night, eh?”
“That tongue still knows its way around a clit, let me tell you,” Bell-mère grinned devilishly. Both her daughters grew pale at the admission and immediately excused themselves from the table, neither in the mood for the conversation to go from zero to a hundred in less than a sentence.
Fine—ask about details, then run away at the details. Bell-mère chomped on dry cereal and wondered how she got two prudes for daughters.
“Please don’t embarrass me more than they already do,” Law warned. He had his three best friends piled into his sensible, bright yellow crossover—Polar Tang—in the middle of making the huge mistake of driving them to the Straw Hats’ lair on a Saturday morning. They were already on the freeway, headed from the city towards the outer suburbs.
“We get it, we get it: you’re in it for the tight-ass pussy,” Shachi scoffed from the back seat. Penguin hit his shoulder in jest.
“If he was in it for just pussy, he wouldn’t be bringing us to the weirdo, sus-as-fuck party house in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere he goes to get said pussy in,” the other backseat gremlin said, tone rather matter-of-fact. “We’re a nurse and a couple of techs—how would we be embarrassing to a surgeon?”
“By talking about pussy the entire time,” Bepo stated flatly. He looked at Law and saw his grip on the steering wheel was unusually clenched. “Do you want me to drive?”
“No… I just need to remember this conversation for the next time I get asked why those two don’t just bite the bullet and get full nursing degrees instead of being the most overqualified nursing techs in the East Blue.”
“This,” Shachi said, pointing at himself with the first two fingers on both hands, “being able to sign off on patient care-related shit, would be dangerous and you know it.”
“It’s best for everyone involved that we stay Bepo’s gofers, because that makes us available as your gofers, and if we suddenly have to worry about shit like responsibilities, then where would you be?”
“Able to have competence on all my shifts?” Law snarked.
While tuning out the indignant protests in the back seat, Law turned off the freeway and headed towards Foosha Township, where Sunny Road was located. It was generally a tranquil road, with clusters of houses now and then to breakup wooded areas and the occasional farm. The car was thankfully quiet as he turned down a wooded drive, with Penguin breaking the silence as the conspicuously large house came into view.
“Law? Is this Straw Hat kid, like, loaded?”
“I don’t ask, so you don’t ask,” Law sighed. He parked the car on the front lawn next to Franky’s turquoise muscle car and turned to fully glare at the hooligans in the backseat. “Strawhat-ya’s not fully legit, but I don’t think he’s technically breaking any laws, and the cops here like him for some reason, so don’t fuck it up.”
“I thought you said the kid’s nineteen,” Penguin frowned. “How are you not wholly-legit at nineteen?!”
“Like I said: don’t ask.” Law then unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the Tang, getting some cloth shopping bags and his backpack from the trunk before heading around to the back of the house. It was just Luffy and his brothers there, all three splashing about in the shallow end of the pool while wearing arm floaties and inner tubes.
“TORAO!” Luffy squealed in delight. He jumped out of the pool and ran towards the surgeon—floatation devices and all—who got a sopping wet hug whether he liked it or not. “I was hoping that you’d come over today! Ace and Sabo are here! And Auncle Iva’s coming later! Grunkle Rayleigh can’t though because Grauntie Shakky made him promise something, and…”
“Strawhat-ya, I want you to meet the friends I was telling you about,” Law said, turning so that Luffy could get a good look at them. “That’s Penguin and Shachi, they’re nursing techs on my floor, and Bepo there’s one of the floor and hospital’s best charge nurses. We’ve known each other for ages.”
“Any friend of Torao’s a friend of mine!” Luffy grinned. He wrapped the two techs in a noodly hug, making them gurgle. “Oh! Yeah! Ace! Sabo! Say hi to Torao and his friends!”
“Luff, you’re going to kill them with affection,” Ace smirked.
“Yeah,” Sabo agreed with a laugh. “I don’t think we have enough space to bury more bodies in the backyard.”
“Please tell me that was a joke,” Shachi squeaked.
Law opted to not respond to that and instead left Penguin and Shachi in Luffy’s clutches while he and Bepo brought the bags in. Sanji was already in the kitchen prepping, while Usopp, Franky, and Brook played a racing game on the television.
“Did you get the goods?” the chef asked, pointing at Law with a knife. Law put one of the bags down and pulled out a bag of white powder covered in Wanolese script, which he threw at the man.
“I feel like I just watched a drug deal,” Bepo deadpanned.
“Even better than drugs,” Sanji claimed. “I don’t use a lot of it, but I’m practicing dishes from Wano for whenever it is Luff makes good on his threat to temporarily kidnap the consul’s son again.”
“Say the word ‘borrow’; it’s less incriminating,” Usopp shouted from the living room, not even taking his eyes off the game once.
“It’s just MSG,” Law shrugged.
“Yeah, but the good shit,” Sanji emphasized. He helped Law and Bepo unpack the rest of the bags and put everything away—odds and ends that weren’t of much consequence, but would be dangerous if missing later. “Nami-swan’s with Robin-chan picking Chopper up from school, by the way. They won’t be in until after lunch.”
That made Law’s eyebrows raise. “Sakura U is in Drum County. Four hours just driving round-trip.”
“Yeah, I know; I helped move the kid in freshman year.”
“Nami never volunteers to go get Chopper… unless…”
“Sounds like her mom’s getting some speecy-spicy dating action this week and she doesn’t want to hear about it,” Franky laughed. “I give the woman credit; she’s super feisty.”
“My dad just started dating again too—I get it,” Law said. “There are just some things you don’t want to hear… or learn… or think about…”
“If my old geezer started dating again, I’d die,” Sanji admitted with a shudder.
“Saaaame,” Usopp chimed in. The race ended and the teen groaned. “Brook! You are literally older than video games themselves! How did you beat me?!”
“I guess I’m a gamer down to my bones… which is all of me!” Brook cackled. “Law’s friend! Would you like to join us for the next round?”
“Uh… sure…” Bepo said warily. He sat down next to Usopp and accepted the fourth controller. “Are there any bear characters?”
As Usopp explained the game mechanics to Bepo, Law took his backpack up to Nami’s room and began to set himself up for later that night. He took care of the shit like condoms and lube because he wasn’t a goddamned barbarian and didn’t want his girlfriend to get worried if in the chaos of everything she forgot her medication for a couple days. It was just part of being a responsible adult and not some skeezebag looking to fuck how he wanted and whom he wanted without thinking about repercussions. The thought of a physical consequence crossed his mind as he shut the nightstand drawer and shuddered—Cora-san as a grandfather of all things would be something he’d need more than a few months to brace for.
“Law, there you are, holy shit.” He looked over his shoulder to see Penguin and Shachi both standing there, looking precisely the amount of moist that would be appropriate if they had been dragged into the pool against their will. Not only that, but they appeared to be absolutely flabbergasted by the entire situation they found themselves in. “That’s the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army in the pool… the national-level political party, not state-level!”
“I know, Penguin.”
“…and the other’s one of the lieutenants of the Moby City mayor!”
“I know, Shachi.”
“…and apparently the host of Impel Drag Race is ‘popping by’ later?!”
“…and the straw-hat kid’s referring to the former state lieutenant governor as his grunkle?!”
“…and the one in the kitchen you had us go to six specialty import stores for is sous chef and heir to the Baratie?!”
“…and apparently your girlfriend is currently on a fetch quest to haul over here one of the few who can out-prodigy you when it comes to medicine?!”
“…a kid, may I remind you, whose grandparents are part of the reason why we even have world-class medicine in Greater Logue Town, let alone the state?!”
“…and Bepo’s getting his ass handed to him in video games by the Soul King himself…?!”
“I get it: we stick out the least despite the fact you two hold multiple state-level swimming records each, I’m the youngest surgeon in all departments at Logue Town General by at least a decade, and Bepo’s a bear,” Law reminded them casually. “To consider this as anything close to a normal party house is sort of a disgrace to the very concept of a party house.”
“This place is batshit,” Penguin stated. “It also might break physics because it feels like it’s bigger on the inside.”
“That’s your crisis to work through, not mine,” Law said. He reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out two single wrapped condoms, throwing them at his friends. “Be careful; if Hancock-ya shows up tonight, she’s going to bring the whole team, and I know how strong of a will you two have in front of a pretty face and thick thighs.”
“Wait, what…?” Shachi gaped. Law shrugged.
“The captain of the Amazon Lily roller derby team out of Kuja has a weird crush on Strawhat-ya that he doesn’t quite recognize and when she’s here, the entire team is here.”
“Law, have we ever expressed how much we truly appreciate your friendship?” Penguin said, his and Shachi’s demeanor clearly changed. They were in such awe that tears were beginning to well in their eyes. “This could honestly be the best night of our lives!”
“Step-on-me-pussy is literally the best pussy,” Shachi added with a sniffle. “We are in your debt.”
“Remember that next time I need changed dressings, blood draws, and vitals from everyone in the unit half an hour before shift change,” Law warned. His friends didn’t hear him—they were too busy imagining the possibilities for later on.
“What does it say about everything that you still don’t strike me as an adopt-into-single-fatherhood sort of man?” Bell-mère asked. She was at Cora’s for the evening, glad that the mysterious kid of his was gone with friends for the weekend. Picking up a picture frame from an end table, she looked at the image of her former comrade-in-arms hugging a sullen tween with Reverse Mountain National Park in the background. “Cute kid though.”
“Yeah, that’s from not long after I became his official guardian,” Cora said from the kitchen. “He was sick when I got him—didn’t think he’d make it past thirteen.”
“No shit. Now you said he’s in his twenties?”
“Yeah—went into medicine; his birth family was full of doctors and I think he wants to honor them that way. Works at Logue Town General and everything.”
“Who knows? He might know my youngest daughter’s beau.” Bell-mère went into the kitchen and sat at the table, watching Cora cook on the electric range—the only reason he wasn’t spontaneously bursting into flame while cooking their dinner. “She’s fucking some doctor who’s got to be closer to our age than hers if the intel we get from her friends is anything.”
“Possibly, though there’s a lot of doctors in LTG.”
“True.” She watched as he splashed some sauce on himself accidentally. “Sure you don’t need help?”
“I’m sure,” he winced. “So, what about you? Still never gave me an answer about the girls.”
“Something just clicked in my brain, you know?” she shrugged, taking it upon herself to pour the wine instead. “I’m sure you had a moment like that with your son.”
“Yeah, but Bell-mère the Beast? Adopting two little orphans while out on deployment?”
“You blew your cover on a covert job when you left, and the only reason you’re not dead is because it involved infiltrating your brother’s criminal empire and you both are worth more to him alive and unperturbed.”
“Technicalities,” Cora scoffed. He brought two plates of food to the table and sat down. “Things are still a little frosty between Sengoku and me for it, but I’d do it all over again and I’m sure you feel the same.”
“Beyond a doubt.” She ate some of the rice on her plate and chuckled. “At least fatherhood made you a decent home cook.”
“I’ll show you what else I’m still decent at after dessert,” he teased. She snorted in laughter—of course he would, because of course he was.
It was late that night as Law and Nami both laid in bed, curled up together with their naked bodies flush against one another. The house was finally quiet and they could both just relax—a rare treat for the place they were currently occupying.
“Hey… Nami…?” He could feel her smile against his chest at the dropped honorific; something he did only when they were alone.
“Is this… what you want…?”
She sat up and stared at him, raising one perfectly manicured eyebrow in a curious arch. “What do you mean by that?”
“Having the extent of our relationship being sneaking off to fuck in the middle of a house party?” He tried to shrug aloofly, but was too taken in by the sight of her in the moonlight to do more than twitch. “Would you like to be… I dunno… more involved…?”
“Depends on your definition,” she replied. She hugged her knees as she looked at him, the very sexy and very naked man in her bed bringing a tattooed arm up in order to rub circles on her back.
“Seeing one another without any of our friends needing to be there,” he mused. “Showing up at one another’s workplaces as a surprise, meeting my dad… your mom and sister…” He exhaled heavily, avoiding eye contact by staring at her shoulder tattoo. “I’m not saying commitment, but…”
“I get it; you want to know what’s on the table, if you need to keep future options in mind.”
“I guess.” He paused, trying to find the words. “I don’t mind if we’re a temporary thing…”
“You can say ‘fling’. I won’t be insulted.”
“Okay, fine: I don’t care if this is a fling and we drift apart or we’re actually friends with damn good benefits or I’m just what you’re into for now and you drop me like a rock next month. I mean… I’m getting sex out of it… sex with you…”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” she reminded him, patting the bit of blanket covering his dick. “This is working for more than just you, trust me.”
“What I’m saying is…” he swallowed hard, “if you’d like, I’m willing to start exploring what a life together might be like.”
“See if we like what’s being laid down?”
“Pretty much. We’d need to meet each other’s parents first—hiding you from my dad any longer than I have to will be torture.”
“Well, I’ve never tried the meet-the-parents routine with anyone except for friends, so if you want to try, I’d say it’s worth a shot.”
A small smile twisted the corner of his mouth upwards. “Yeah…?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Law exhaled, only then he realized he had been holding his breath. “Okay. We can do this…? We can do this. I mean, we’re adults.”
“We are.” She then laid back down, settling herself between his arm and his chest. “Let’s talk about it more after some sleep. Then I’ll tell my mom when I get home.”
“…and I’ll tell Cora-san.”
“Wait…” she giggled incredulously. “Your dad’s name is Cora?”
“It’s an old nickname,” he grumbled, “but it is what he prefers to be called. I’ll break that down for you later as well.”
“No, it’s just funny because that’s the name of the woman my mom’s dating. Sorting through the Two Cora Situation is going to be a group bonding exercise in of itself.”
“I guess so.” He closed his eyes as he felt Nami bring the blankets around them again, taking in the wonderful silence of the night.
Well, it was silent for people without really good hearing, as he could have sworn he heard Shachi sob through an orgasm in another room. Only his friends could ruin a moment and not even be there.
The following morning went the average amount of well an after-party morning could go. Most of the house denizens were some version of worn-out thanks to either staying up late, copious amounts of alcohol, or both. The pair of Kuja that stayed the night with Penguin and Shachi both left early—Law had still been on his first cup of coffee when they did—dragging along the smitten Hancock with them. The surgeon watched as his friends found their way into the back by the pool, plopping down at the little table next to him as he scrolled through news headlines on his phone.
“You’ve been holding out,” Penguin scolded.
“Yeah,” Shachi said, expression to be too relaxed to be anything but blissful. “We got them on social and everything. What took you so long to bring us here?”
Law shrugged through his coffee, which his friends refused to accept for an answer. They both glared at him, waiting for whole minutes until he cracked.
“I wanted to make sure of it… you know.” He contemplated his next sentence, thought better of it, and went through with it anyhow. “I’m having her meet Cora-san.”
“Oh, fuck,” Shachi cringed. “That’s… that’s a hell of a step for you.”
“The number of people that have both met your dad and seen your dick is extremely small, and the list even exists in the first place purely due to changing rooms and nothing sexual,” Penguin noted.
“Yeah, you think I don’t realize that?” Law fired back. “Nami-ya and me, Cora-san and his… lady-friend I’m surprised actually exists, and Nami-ya’s mom with her lady-friend—just going to tear the bandage off and get us all together.”
Shachi let out a low whistle. “Oooh… you got it bad.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Law grunted. “I’m putting up with Strawhat-ya to be with her, so might as well.”
It was then that Luffy, almost if on-cue, ran out of the house and did a cannonball into the pool, splashing water all over Law, but not Penguin and Shachi. The latter two tried to hide their giggles as a now-familiar shishishi echoed through the yard.
Yeah, he had it bad alright.
As it turned out, it didn’t take long for Law to get a hold of everyone’s schedules. After looking at the family calendar and swiping her mother’s phone while she was in the shower, Nami was able to confirm that three weeks from that Tuesday worked well. He felt a sense of triumph as they coordinated the event, all the way down to the thumbs-up emojis that were sent his way when she asked her mom to join them.
Now, for the big one. It was luckily Law’s turn to make dinner that Monday, which meant that he was able to have everything ready by the time Cora-san came home from work. The older man raised an eyebrow when he saw his son in the kitchen with food nearly ready.
“Anything the matter?” he asked.
“Nothing’s wrong; just sit.” Cora did and Law brought over two plates of carbonara. “I just want a nice dinner for once.”
“Not complaining,” Cora nodded. He twirled some pasta on his fork and took a large bite, proceeding to talk with his mouth full. “So… you gonna tell me what this is about…?”
Fuck, busted.
“Okay, I’m going to need you to listen to me and not get too excited,” Law frowned. Cora perked up, his attention piqued. “Since we’re both dating someone…”
“I thought it would be nice if we took a very non-committal step to clear the air and all meet one another.” Sparkles formed in the older man’s eyes and Law almost instantly regretted it. “She’s inviting her mom and mom’s girlfriend, while I’m supposed to invite you and… whatever it is that you consider a hot date. You know… be adults.”
“A triple date! How social of you! This young lady of yours must be doing wonders for your tolerance levels!” A thought then came to Cora and he instantly grew serious. “The crew isn’t jealous, are they?”
“Shachi and Penguin were both ‘stepped on’ by tri-state roller derby champions over the weekend and Bepo has decided that he’s determined to mentor this kid who we hang around now so he also doesn’t get the life sucked out of him by being a teenager in med school.”
“Then they approve! Excellent! Let the appropriate parties know and we can set up a day and time! Oh, this will be fun!”
“I was thinking three weeks from tomorrow, at a place near the hospital so it can be for lunch. We double-checked your schedules.”
“Not a dinner-date here…?”
“No, because I want to keep your shenanigans to a minimum, and that’s usually achievable when you’re trapped in a booth seat.”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” he admitted. “I’ll pass the word along tonight.”
“Thanks—let me know if anything comes up.”
“Oh, not a problem.” Cora couldn’t stop his wide smile as he looked at his son across the table. “You’ve come a long way, you know.”
“Yeah,” he blushed, “I know.”
“They’d be proud.”
“I know.”
“Now: does this mean I’m getting grandkids?”
It honestly took all Law had to not fling pasta in Cora’s face.
Later that night, Cora found himself having his final smoke of the evening before turning in for bed. Law was already asleep—kid’s circadian rhythm had always been fucked—and that meant that Cora was able to take his cigarette on the patio in peace without hearing his boy nag him about emphysema and other such things. He was nearly done when his phone buzzed: The Beast.
“Hey,” he answered, applying a suave tone to his voice.
“You said you wanted to talk about something?” Bell-mère asked. The text was actually a request to call when she was free, but he wasn’t complaining. “Is this about phone sex? Because I am actually in the mood for some phone sex…”
“We can do that later—there is something I want to get out of the way first.”
“Who’s dying?”
“No one,” Cora said cheerily. He stubbed out the cigarette and made his way back into the house. “It’s just my boy’s decided to coordinate something between us, so we can meet his girlfriend and her mom and mom’s girlfriend!”
“A triple date? With mostly people he doesn’t know? Kind of a lot for a kid that only tolerates hanging out with three people aside from his girlfriend.”
“Well, rumor has it that he met her at a party, and he tolerates her friends, so who knows?” Cora was beaming brightly as he looked at himself in the mirror next to the door—this was the sort of thing that was a rite of passage, wasn’t it? Meeting your kid’s significant other? Her mom? Oh, it was exciting! Was this a sign something more was on the horizon?! “He was thinking of going and doing something low-key: lunch at this restaurant that’s near the hospital.”
The line went quiet for a moment. “…Don Silver?”
“Yeah! I guess he and his friends go there during and after shifts a lot. It’s the kind of place that doesn’t need a reservation, but he’s asking them to set aside a table for us anyhow since he’s such a good regular.” Cora then paused, expression falling “How did you know?”
“My daughter wants us to meet her old-man-doctor-boyfriend, his dad, and dad’s girlfriend for lunch there. Tuesday at one?”
Both Cora and Bell-mère were silent—no… it couldn’t be…
“Did she tell you what the reservation was under…?”
“Her old-man-doctor-boyfriend’s name, but it’s not Donquixote…”
“I never gave him my family name, Belle. The adoption papers went through too slow for it to take effect before he started med school, even if he wanted to change it.”
“It’s a weird name, hold on, she wrote it down for me…” He heard a rustling of paper and then her grunting as she attempted to figure out how to pronounce it. “Tra… Tra-faye-el-gar?”
“Trafalgar; my son’s family name is Trafalgar.”
“Huh.” Cora began to chew at his fingernails and pace the kitchen as his mind began to race and the woman on the other end contemplated. He then began to pace and tug at his hair.
“Belle, answer me.”
“So,” she chuckled, “wanna fuck with ‘em?”
Don Silver was a well-patronized family restaurant within walking distance of Logue Town General, which made it the perfect location for Law to slip out to during his shift, but also to slip back in should an emergency arise. He left Bepo in charge of his patients until he came back, promising to stay late if he was out so long it threw everything off. When he walked into the restaurant, the owner simply gestured to the usual back booth he normally haunted with his friends, seeing that Nami was already there.
“Ah, there you are,” she chuckled, exchanging a quick peck as he sat down next to her. “Everything seems like it’s going as planned. Nojiko was a little irritated that she wasn’t invited, but she’ll get her chance.”
“Yeah, she will,” he agreed. Law felt as though his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. “I still can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“I know… kind of exciting, isn’t it?” She leaned in close and pressed a kiss to the back of his jaw, smiling as she saw how confused the owner was at the scene. “I should have you know that you might not be on the list of favorites after this.”
“Your mom that big of a menace?”
“More like Gin over there and Sanji have had beef since culinary school,” she chuckled. Law caught that the owner was staring at them and he shrugged—how could he have known? “Oh, hey, there’s Bell-mère!”
“…and that’s Cora-san,” Law noted. He watched has his foster father held open the door for Nami’s mother. “Wait a second… where’s their dates…?”
“That is… huh…” Nami trailed off as Cora and Bell-mère made their way to the table. Both parents decided to slide directly into the booth seating, with the leggy, clumsy one on the inside. “Do we need to wait for the others, or…?”
“There’s no others; what are you talking about?” Bell-mère scoffed. A waiter came over to deposit some glasses of water—a handled mug for Cora, as they were warned beforehand—and battered menus, leaving the four to their own devices for the time being. “It’s just us and our manfriends, although I’m honestly impressed you went as old as you did considering mine’s just a year younger than me…”
“Nojiko and I have been under the impression you’ve been seeing a woman named Cora…”
“Short for Corazón,” Bell-mère shrugged. “That was your codename out in the field, right hon?”
“It was, wasn’t it, Law?” Cora smirked. He tried very hard to not notice the deep sense of confusion his son was radiating. “You’ve been here a lot; what’s good?”
After some awkward deliberation, the waiter came back and took their orders and the menus while depositing a breadbasket. A silence settled over the table once the waiter left, one that made the younger couple hold hands underneath the table for strength, while the older couple decided to put their plan into action.
Operation Fuck with the Brats was a-go.
“We want to thank both of you for meeting us like this,” Cora said seriously, deciding to be the one to break the ice. He nearly couldn’t stop himself from bursting into laughter as he watched panic settle in on his son’s face. “It’s not exactly the sort of thing we want to talk about when I’m liable to trip while wandering around the house.”
“What…?” Nami wondered, cocking her eyebrow.
“Man’s a complete klutz,” Bell-mère said before Law could explain. “Let’s just hope it’s not inheritable.”
All the color left Nami and Law’s faces at once.
“What… erm… do you mean by that…?” the younger woman asked. Bell-mère shrugged.
“Eh, just putting shit down in the right places,” she replied. “Should’ve done it years ago, but never had the reason, until now…”
“Cora-san…? What is she talking about…?” Law asked, his voice faint. His foster father grinned widely.
“We wanted you two to be our Best Man and Maid of Honor!” he beamed. “You’d be perfect for the job! It doesn’t even get into being Emergency Guardians…”
“Oh I’m going to be sick,” Nami grimaced.
“Don’t you dare, you little shit,” Bell-mère warned. “I would think it’d be an honor. You did always want to be an older sister growing up.”
“…and we’re already on the older side for a baby, so having their older siblings be the ones to take care of them in case we can’t is perfect!”
Law sank into the booth, completely dumbstruck. Cora-san…?! And Nami’s mom…?! He was almost regretting not making this meeting at the Southern Blue pub down the street—at least they had a liquor license. “Does Doflamingo know about this…?”
“My brother wouldn’t know what to do with a kid if he had one walk in his front door,” Cora scoffed. “I know because I watched it happen. Multiple times.” The mortification on the younger couple’s faces was definitely worth the ruse; the kids seemed to be inventing new stages of grief. “Speaking of front doors—Bell-mère’s moving in since there’s more room, so you have the choice of staying in your current room or out elsewhere.”
“Nami, you and Nojiko get to fight it out over what to do with where we’re at now,” Bell-mère added. “Just don’t rent it out to any of your weirdo friends—I’d like the place to stay intact, thank you.”
“You have to be fucking with us,” Nami decided. She dug into her purse and whipped out her phone. “I’m calling Nojiko.”
“Go ahead, be that way,” Bell-mère said. She watched as Nami hit the button to dial her sister and held the phone up to her ear.
“So…? How’s it going…?” Ah, fuck, she sounded too smug.
“Nojiko, did you know anything about this?”
“…about what…?”
“…about why the hell our mom decided to meet my boyfriend so easily…”
“Ooohhhh, that,” Nojiko replied, a grin on her voice. “Yeah, she should have told us that her kinky reconnect was a dude before she got herself all prego. She offered me Maid of Honor first, but I said you can have it since you’d actually want to sleep with the geriatric Best Man…”
“I fucking hate you all,” Nami said before ending the call. She put her phone screen-down on the table and glared at her mother. “You are absolutely mortifying.”
“I am what I am,” Bell-mère shrugged. She then wrinkled her nose and looked at Cora with a frown. “Oh… the kid’s gonna be a Donquixote, isn’t it…?”
“Unless you’ve got a better idea.”
“Then how do you suggest we tell your brother? Ease him in gently or just let him discover on his own?”
“I honestly don’t know which would be worse.”
“Your brother—that’s up to you. Oh! Food’s here!”
Sure enough Bell-mère did notice their food coming out the kitchen as the waiter dropped off the plates cheerily. Both Law and Nami really didn’t feel like eating anymore, while their parents both began to pick at their fries…
…and laughed.
“Ah, fuck, we really had you going!” Bell-mère snorted.
“Your faces are priceless,” Cora added.
“So… you’re not having a baby…” Nami stated.
“…and you’re not getting married,” Law continued.
“Tch; don’t think I’m ready to settle down quite yet,” Bell-mère scoffed. “Besides, this klutzy nightmare? Fuck baby-proofing—I’d have to Rosi-proof.”
“Then you’re not seeing one another…?” Law knew it was dangerous to be hopeful. He was anyhow, only for his hopes to be dashed against the floor unceremoniously like a slippery water glass.
“Sorry to burst that bubble, kids, but I am one-hundred-percent fucking this goober despite all logic and reasoning telling me that I probably shouldn’t,” Bell-mère shrugged. “Didn’t think I’d be with a man again after we last hooked up in the Marines, but I have to admit he’s improved with age.”
“Belle…” Cora giggled, blushing furiously. “That’s still my son and his cute girlfriend…”
“…and that’s my daughter and her geriatric manfriend,” she replied. “They’re adults; I think they can handle it.”
To be honest? Neither Law nor Nami wanted anything to do with anything at that very moment.
It was actually a fucking gorgeous day as Law laid face-down on the grass in the backyard at 1000 Sunny Drive. He hadn’t thought it was particularly appropriate to show his face at Luffy’s sus-as-fuck party house in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere after what had happened earlier in the week, but Bepo and the goons insisted. While the bear chatted amiably with Chopper and Kaya (how the fuck did Usopp of all the kids got himself a girlfriend? That he wasn’t having sex with yet? No one really knew), Penguin and Shachi were biding their time before the Amazons Lilys showed up (and let’s be real: the nursing techs knew they were the lay-conquest), while Law… he was just trying to not die of embarrassment.
“So…” a voice said, almost consolingly. “You fucked your sister.”
“She is not my sister, Roronoa-ya,” Law replied. He didn’t need to look to see the kendo genius standing there, nor that it was the chef who nudged him in the side with his foot.
“Well, your parents fucked before you did, so that makes you siblings.”
“That does not make them siblings, mossbrain,” Sanji scoffed. “Come on, Law. What do you think you’re going to achieve by doing all this sulking?”
“I’m touching grass; go away.”
“I don’t think that’s what they mean, but keep telling yourself that. Besides, you know the marimo never learned about sex-ed, birds or bees. I bet his old man would have reproduced via budding if he could and skipped the adoption paperwork.”
“Yours probably wishes he could bake himself a less pervy son.”
“Fuck off, you overgrown grass stain,” Sanji hissed.
“You realize none of this is helping, right?” Law said into the lawn.
“Eh; worth a shot.” Law heard Sanji flick open his lighter and the familiar smell of cigarettes hit his nose—the man smoked the same brand as Cora.
“Get away from him, you vultures,” scolded a very familiar voice. Zoro chuckled lowly as Sanji pulled him away. Once the clowns had dispersed, Nami sat down on the grass and sighed, hugging her knees.
“I blame Bell-mère for getting Nojiko in on it,” she reminded him. “She’s the reason any of these morons know anything… well, that and Sanji not having Gin blocked on social.”
“I know—it doesn’t make it any less embarrassing.”
“True, but it does mean that we’re probably going to spend holidays together at the very least, whether we’re fucking or not.” She reached over and began scratching his scalp, eliciting a heavy whine. “Look at it this way: they could have not been joking.”
“Doesn’t mean it can’t still happen,” he replied. “Pregnancy can occur all the way until post-menopause, and many are accidental.”
“Shhhh…” she soothed, smoothing his hair. “Don’t think about it.”
All he could do was squeak out a pained groan—he was a doctor… all he could do was think about it.
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katblu42 · 1 year
For @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #180
I'm super glad that @alexthefly covered the part I had in my head that I couldn't get to in the word limit, because I could not have written it that well!
And, since @gumnut-logic beat me to the first part that came to mind, and covered that so perfectly . . .
This bit kind of follows on from there.
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: G Word Count: approx 978
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Virgil had made the request of Scott before he left for basic training.  The desperation buried layers deep beneath the words echoed in his own heart.  He had made the promise as much for himself as for his brother.
The two of them had been so close for so long, had shared so many moments, so many secrets, and such a strong connection that Scott found it difficult to adjust to not having the brother who had become his best friend around.  Often had he turned to say something, or ask something or share something with Virgil, only to feel his shoulders drop and the words die on his lips as the smile faded from his eyes when he realised he wasn’t there.  So often in fact that Smithy had commented on it repeatedly.
“Looking for your shadow again, Tracy?”
And the name had stuck.  To Scott’s Air Force buddies Virgil was now known as Shadow.  He would never say it to Virgil, but Scott saw the truth in the nickname.  He really did feel like he was missing a part of himself, and yet he was still whole. What was missing was the presence he’d come to think of as always being there, just over his shoulder, a few steps behind, or right beside him.
True to his word, he had written texts and emails almost every day, and called home as often as he could to speak to the brothers he missed.  His new band of Air Force brothers were great, but home was where his heart remained, and writing to Virgil was less about keeping his promise and more of a necessity for his own sanity.
A few years later, with Virgil and John both now away from home, in different cities, different time zones, and communications with Scott more restricted due to strict Air Force protocols while on missions, it had become customary for the two next eldest Tracy boys to call and chat at least three times a week before John headed to bed.
This particular night Virgil had played piano as they talked, mostly about the stars John had been gazing at, and a request one of his professors had made for some of John’s assignment papers to be used in new teaching texts.
Both the music and the stars were comfortingly familiar, a soothing balm for John’s conflicted mind as he mulled over his decision. 
If he agreed to what the professor was asking, some of the information contained in his assignments would need to be rewritten in a way that was a little less technical, a little more approachable for those new to astronomical study.  He wasn’t sure he could do that.
“I know you can do it, John.”  Virgil stopped playing for a moment.  “You have such a poetic way of talking about the stars, and an infectious enthusiasm for all the discoveries made through exploration of space.  Just write as though you’re explaining it to me.  Or, even better, write the way you talk to Alan about the stars.”
John sighed.  Virgil resumed playing.  John changed the subject.
“Is this one of your compositions?  I don’t think I’ve heard this one before.”
“It is.  It’s new.  Still working out the kinks.”
“Promise you’ll write this one down.  I like this one, and I’d hate for you to forget it when you move onto the next piece.”
Virgil gave a soft chuckle, not surprised that John was enjoying listening to a piece that was essentially an attempt to capture his brother’s love of the stars.
“I promise.”  Virgil stopped playing again and looked directly at the holocam, trying to look John in the eye.  “But you’ve got to promise you’ll write those teaching texts for your professor.  I can read through what you write and let you know if I think there’s anything that’s still hard to understand if you like?”
There was a moment’s pause.  “Send me a recording of this piece of music, and I’ll send you the new version of my astrology paper.”
Another couple of years go by and the littlest brothers are growing up.  Gordon is Olympics bound, excited and apprehensive as he prepares to join the rest of the US swim team and depart for the games.  His bags are all packed and Virgil is here to drive him to the airport.
“Here,” Virgil thrusts a book into Gordon’s hand.  “You’re about to experience a whole bunch of new and exciting things, many of which you’ll never want to forget.  This is a journal.  Promise you’ll write everything down – how it all feels, the little details that catch your attention, the big moments you think you’ll never forget, everything.  I want to see it all through your eyes.  That way it’ll be like I’m there in the village with you.”
Gordon wrapped his big brother in a tight hug and held him there until the tears that threatened were back under control.
“Thanks, Virgil.  I promise I will.”
And soon enough Alan is navigating his way through home schooling on Tracy Island, racing ahead in the subjects he enjoys, but tending to lag with the assignments he’s less interested in.  All his big brothers, and his Grandma have helped supervise his studies, and taken their turns at keeping him on track.  Today it’s John who’s checking in on his progress.
“I know you like the math and science subjects more than English, but you can’t let your assignments slide like this, Alan.”
“I know, I know.  Education is important.”  The eyeroll was big enough to see from space.
“Promise you’ll write those two overdue book reports.  Get them done by the end of the week, then maybe I can show you the photos I took of that nebula we talked about.”
“Really?!  Photos from Thunderbird Five?  I promise!  I’ll get started now.”
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 10
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Chapter 9
I want to apologize in advance for the change in narrative. I know we are already at chapter 10, but the truth is that I still don't like it in the third person and it makes me a little angry to see that I don't like it when I describe some things well (all this from my point of view), like this which I will change to first starting in this chapter. I really like writing from the character's point of view. My apologies again 🙏 🙏 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I decide to focus on finding an online store some glass for the store that I destroyed. I hadn't thought about the store since the first day in Daliah's apartment, packing up her things. I had to at least set it up so we could sell some things we could use before customers wanted to sell things they didn't want or have value. But I have to wait for Mom to be in the right mood. She was the valuables expert.
I haven't spoken to her since I went home with my friends. I didn't even talk to her at the funeral. She was so absent that… It was as if she had forgotten that she had another daughter. But I can't blame her. Maybe she thinks I'm old enough not to need my mother trailing behind me like a little girl… Wondering how I am… If I'm okay… If something hurts…    "Don't be mad, MC…" I sigh, shaking my head to focus "You know how things are lately."     I get a notification on my phone. Someone has added me. It's Carter. I smile relieved. At least he's someone I know who knows Jane perfectly well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carter Good morning MC I wanted to apologize for what happened with Jane yesterday As I said, she is somewhat upset with what happened 😔
MC No, don’t worry I’m also a bit bad with everything that is happening.
Carter While I was making dinner for my brothers, I began to think about what you said In which she received a toy of a horse
MC Do you know anything about it?
Carter Unfortunately, no But I've been thinking that it could be any of us... And I don't want to point anyone out, but Seo-ah is good at crafts
MC Crafts?  I don't think I said what kind of toy it was...
Carter Oh! No! Don't think wrong! Grace told me this morning before going into classes And right now, I can't concentrate while I'm trying to find information about the best film directors
MC Oh right You wanted to be a director
Carter Yeah Now it was my turn to direct and Mason to handle the camera Although he was not very happy about it  🙄
MC Huh huh… It must be pretty tough then
Carter Mason likes to be the boss And more when it comes to impressing Seo-ah But don't tell anyone that I told you 😋
MC And why did you say about Seo-ah and crafts? Do you suspect that it could be her?
Carter Hmm… I don't believe it Well, at least, not that she’s a prankster But it was out of curiosity
MC You won't say it so I don't suspect Jane?
Carter I know, I know that Jane is a little difficult sometimes But when you know her well, she's a good girl It's just that both Jane and Daliah had their differences.
MC What kind of differences? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After that question, Carter fell silent. I wait for his answer, starting to get nervous.
I take out the lipstick balm I had bought yesterday before I got home and put it on my lips. I lately made myself more nervous than usual and my lips couldn't stand so much dryness.
I finally get a text from Carter, but my hopes are dashed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carter Sorry MC, I was talking to a teacher We have to meet about the movie Since after Daliah, there are many things that we need to change in the short
MC Yes of course I understand We'll talk later
Carter Okay Well bye 🙂
----Carter has disconnected---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put the phone aside, raising my hands to my head.
That damn movie… I'm sure Daliah didn't even really want to be involved, but by dedicating herself to studying everything related to film, she had to cover all the subjects she could. I smile when I remember the first time she had to shoot a short while handling a camera. She hated having to handle it herself, complaining that she didn't like carrying something so heavy. But that was the situation, if you wanted to be in those film classes, you had to practice each and every one of the subjects that they covered.
I hear the song Lavender Haze in the background and I remember that I had not put Spotify on. I look at my phone remembering that it was the melody I had on. Sometimes I forget when I'm concentrating.    "Hi Dan." I answered, not taking my eyes off the computer.    "Hello, MC" he greets me, encouraged ", we were wondering if you wanted to meet us before we go to Duskwood."    "Yeah, sure" I replied, finishing ordering from the window shop. It's going to be more expensive than my apartment ", the truth is that I have something important to tell you."    "Uh, that sounds like a good deal and it sounds really weird about you" he laughs and I join him ". We will be in a restaurant called ‘In the Paradise’-"    "Oh yeah, I know which one it is, we used to go there as a family every Saturday." I replied, turning off the computer.    "Then I shouldn't give you directions" he jokes, knowing I'm from here ". We'll be waiting for you."    "Okay, I'll try not to be late."    "Later, MC."     I hang up and tap my phone. I should tell them the truth about everything I'm doing, but I know that if I mention Jake, Dan will be upset that I'm getting back in touch with him after everything that happened.
I get out of bed and go to the closet for something decent to wear. I see Daliah's clothes and for a second I think about putting them on. I back off grabbing a shirt and jeans like always, then head straight for the bathroom. I'm not ready to go out in her clothes yet.
As soon as I get ready after my shower, I see that I have a new message from Ralph. He has added me at the time when I was busy. It seems that little by little they want to have contact with me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ralph Hey Uh This… I guess you didn't expect me to add you, did you? 😅
MC No, the truth is that no But I guess it's to help me, right?
Ralph Yeah I'm sure what happened in the chat has left you a little confused.
MC Well… You are quite a peculiar group
Ralph Yeah It's not that we have the same tastes and things like that The truth is, we're only together because we're good at what we do. We are better together Or that's what they say in TV dramas, right?
MC Haha, I guess By the way Ralph Thanks for making Daliah's funeral video It turned out very nice 🙂
Ralph You are welcome Um… Well, actually I wanted to tell you something It's about Jane
MC That she and Daliah didn't get along?
Ralph That they did not get along is not enough Let's just say you never agreed with each other. And then there is Carter
MC What does Carter have to do with it?
Ralph Except that he was Daliah's friend and Jane's boyfriend? He was always between the two of them, trying to calm them down. But Jane was always making her usual little speech And Daliah with her sarcastic laugh They were both like... How would you say it?
MC Queen bees?
Ralph Something like that If you want to know my opinion, I think there was something else behind their rivalry And precisely, it is Carter
MC You mean Jane was jealous of Daliah because they got along?
Ralph I think that… There was some kind of love triangle between them. Once we had to separate them because they almost reached each other's hands
MC Excuse me?! Daliah has never told me that!
Ralph Because maybe she didn't want to worry you You were her sister after all I think that's all I have to say about Jane. If it serves you as information
MC Thanks Ralph It's interesting to know this
Ralph You're welcome MC Hopefully soon we know who it was. I don't want to say directly that it was Jane, but… Who knows? This town hides too many crazy people And Jane is one of them.
MC Hmm… Well, I wouldn't call her crazy
Ralph Because you still don't know her Give her time to show her true nature Anyway… We’ll talk about it
MC Yes of course
Ralph And… I didn't expect you to be such an awesome girl Investigating your sister's death and all that. After so many rumors and you never talk to anyone, I thought you were really a psychopath
MC Well, you see that no I'm totally normal
Ralph Yes, I see it well 😆 Until we meet again, MC
----Ralph has disconnected---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I keep my gaze straight ahead, thinking about this information about Jane. The conversation they had must have been something strong enough to reach the extremes of fighting and almost coming to blows.    "Jane and Seo-ah…" I murmur, given the information I've been given "But Carter has reason to divert Jane's attention and focus on someone else…"    <<And I still have nothing against Seo-ah, her crafting means nothing. On the other hand, that Jane and Daliah had a fight is something very positive for the investigation. >>     I put my phone in my bag and put on my sneakers, ready to go. I look forward to discussing this new information with Jake later.    "Let's hope everything goes well."
When I get to the restaurant I adjust my bag and let out a heavy sigh, hoping they won't get mad at me for what I'm doing. When I enter I see them animated at a table. Who was going to tell me that I was going to have a group of friends? I smile to see them and approach.    "Hello." I greet, placing things on an empty chair.    "Hello MC." Cleo greets me with a hug "What happened yesterday? You didn't contact us."    "That's exactly why I agreed to come here." I sit up and watch her face change expression.     Dan crosses his arms, waiting for me to speak. Jessy frowns at me, confused. Cleo places her hands on the table. Phil is kind of relaxed in the chair. I took a breath, closing my eyes trying to sort the words out of my head.    "It's about…" I look at them a little afraid of their opinions "I'm investigating Daliah's murder, along with the help of 'him' " I whisper at the table, so that no one else outside the group would hear.     I watch Dan start to change his face, rubbing his hand together in annoyance.    "But what are you saying?" Jessy asks me nervously "MC! It's not a kidnapping! They murdered your sister!"    "And that's not the case either." Dan leans against the table and points his finger at me "What's he doing back? Didn't he give you enough trouble to put you in danger again?"    “Who is Dan talking about?” Phil asks Cleo.    “Nobody you should know about.” she answers, looking at me angrily.     I shrugged into the chair, uncomfortable with the situation. I knew that was going to happen.    "I know" I answered, in a calm voice ", but I worried him because he thought it was me who died-"    “Sure! Let him try to fix it now!" Dan exclaims, furious.    “Dan, calm down.” Jessy says, holding him back.     He calms down and leans back in his chair. Then Jessy looks at me, concerned.    “You understand how we feel about all of this,” my friend tells me, releasing Dan slowly “, but he put you in the FBI's crosshairs for a while, what if it happens again?"     I start tugging at my shirt sleeve nervously. I don't think it's going to happen thanks to the Nymos chat, I think that's the only thing they haven't been able to detect, besides when they saw it, I told them it was some kind of note-keeping app.
Curious that in the end it turned into something real.
I try to calm down, not because I feel like I'm doing something wrong by being in contact with Jake again.    "You see it?" Daliah appears between Dan and Jessy, leaning on the table with her hands under her chin "If you didn't listen to me, why don't you listen to them? Stay away from him."    "I won't." I reply, looking at her.    "MC?" Cleo looks at me and I look surprised "Are you okay?"    "Yes, sorry..."     I try to hide my face with my hair. I hear Phil snort, then look around the group.    "I don't know exactly what you're talking about" he begins to say ", but I don't think this person has anything to do with whether or not this person is helping her, it's just that she's getting into another fucking mess again."    "We know that, Mister Aurora" answers Dan, looking at him furiously ", that's why we don't want him to get into trouble again either."    "Nothing will happen to me" I answered, trying to remain calm ". I understand you don't like the idea-"    "Zero, true, exact, unconditionally." they all say at the same time.     I shake my head. I fully understand how everyone feels, but I need support on this.    “The police are always watching me” I say slowly, so they understand there's no problem “and he's just passing me clues we found in Daliah's journal."    "Stop right there." Dan raises his hand, confused "Daliah had a journal and this guy has it?"    "Yes" I nod slowly ". Daliah's computer was locked with a virus and all the files in that diary are affected, that's why I need his help."    "MC..." Cleo shakes her head, disappointed "You should have told us before."    "That's why I'm telling you now" I look at them decisively ", believe in me when I tell you that everything is going to be alright."     They look at me with doubt, fear and concern. I wait for their response, but they just stay silent.
Finally, Dan sighs, looking at me concerned.    "If something happens, you come to Duskwood immediately" he tells me as if he were a father or a brother ", no staying here with a murderer, do you understand me?"    "Yes."    “We don't want to lose you after all you've done for us. To be clear."     I smiled at him and Jessy gave him a kiss on the cheek with pride in his words. Phil rolls his eyes at the sight of them.    “Great, looks like I'm the only one sane that this isn't a good idea.” he says as he pinches the bridge of his nose.    "Well, you didn't to come with us." Cleo answers, annoyed with him.    "Please, it's our last day together" I say, looking at them ", a truce just for today?"     Cleo and Phil look at each other in disgust, but in the end they shake hands, although they don't look at each other's faces. I giggle and Cleo wipes her hand on a napkin. Phil mumbles "exaggerated."    <<I don't think they'll ever get along, do they? >>
After the meal, they go to the hostel and together with their suitcases, we go to the train station. One by one I say goodbye to them, even Jessy still talks to me worried.    "Please keep us informed of everything you discover, okay?" She tells me a little sad.    "Yes, I will" I nod, looking at them "See you soon guys."    “By the way” Phil points to me, along with a smile “, I've been told you can play the guitar and sing, so you have a special slot at the Aurora when you want to perform."     I look at Jessy who shrugs. They knew I sing for the night of the bonfire in the hut, because out of nowhere a lyric popped into my head and I couldn't help but sing. It was instant. The guitar thing came later, when we all started hanging out and Thomas lent me his guitar. After Jake, they were the ones that I showed them my love for music. Along with Daliah.    "Thanks Phil, I'll see if I can one day." I lie a little, I still don't dare to show the rest of the world my songs.    "You're welcome, cute." he winks at me, but I know he's not doing it to flirt.     The train arrives and they slowly approach. Cleo waves her hand goodbye and the rest of her follow.    "Be careful, okay?" She tells me before they close the door "And no putting herself in danger."    “I'll have it!” I exclaimed, as the doors closed.     The train starts to leave and I keep waving. I sigh putting a hand to my chest, melancholic.
I have been completely alone.
I take a walk through the town while I go in the direction of my house. I want to take things to clean the store. I should do it before they bring in the glass and ask me too many questions.    “Which reminds me… I need a new lamp and bookshelves” I say with a sigh ". Great MC… You did great."     The ringtone rings. I can notice a shy smile when seeing the name of Nymos on it.    "Hello?"    "Are you busy?" I hear Jake on the other end of the line.    "I'm in the street" I answered, while I looked around me ", I want to be careful with what I say."    "Understood" he replies, his voice calm ". I have read the chats."    "And what do you think?"    “Pretty interesting” He makes a throaty noise and I swallow hard at the sound of him. The sound of his voice always keeps me distracted from my thoughts ". I think Carter wants to divert Jane's suspicions with Seo-ah."    "I've thought about it too" I stop for a moment and lean against a wall, to concentrate on the conversation ", and the information I've gotten afterwards has been much better than I expected."    “So, Ralph saw Jane and Daliah fighting."    "And quite a strong fight" I reply, remembering the conversation ". They almost hit each other."    "If we find out why, surely we can expand the theory that Jane might be guilty."     I look at the undercover police car. Elliot is still my watchman. I wonder when he sleeps. I know that he knows that I have noticed him, because he gives me a signal to see if everything is okay. I nod slowly, so it doesn't show.    "MC" I hear Jake call me "Is everything alright?"    "Yes, excuse me" I resume walking ", I was looking at the police car that was following me."    "Is Elliot still the one protecting you?"    "Yes, why?"    "For nothing."     I look at my phone for a moment when I hear him upset, why is he like this? He always seems upset when it comes to other guys. Is he…. I shake my head. No. To think that he is jealous is nonsense, why would he be?    "MC, a conversation now." he tells me quickly.     I stop for a moment and watch the spy chat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mason Seo-ah
----Seo-ah has connected----
Seo-ah ? Yes, whats up?
Mason What do you think about yesterday's chat? 🤔
Seo-ah Hmm… I think Jane went a bit too far... I don't know… But I don't want to talk bad about her either 🙁
Mason Yeah, me the same I understand the rivalry that she and Daliah had but… My goodness! Jane cross the line! 😩
Seo-ah I know I still remember when Daliah confronted her because she convinced a group to choose Jane They both really loved to stand out 😓
Mason But that was always so The worst was when they got into a serious fight Do you remember what Jane yelled at her?
Seo-ah Yeah… I like to think that she told her because she was really angry…
Mason ''The murderer should have taken you! You are a real bitch!’’ It was scary! I don't think I've ever seen them so confronted
Seo-ah And do you know why?
Mason No idea Luckily Carter separated them in time Because the rest of the class was recording the video
Seo-ah Oh right What happened to that video?
Mason Hmm… I don't know if they managed to upload it to social networks 🤔 Hey, I have a couple of things recorder and I'd like to get someone's opinion Where are you?
Seo-ah I'm at the academy I can help you if you want 😊
Mason Perfect then! 😁 And where are you? Seo-ah?
Seo-ah Sorry, I just saw Grace and Jane argue.
Mason What?
Seo-ah Oh, oh… Jane is in a rage
Mason 😲 And so?
Seo-ah I don't know…. Aah! She look at me! We'll talk later 😨
Mason Sure, see you later then
----Seo-ah has disconnected---- ----Mason has disconnected----
I finish reading the chat and get back on the call with Jake.    "Are you there?" I ask nervously.    "Yes, I am still on the call" I hear him say ". It seems that it touches something more than a simple rivalry between actresses."    "Yeah" I sigh, wondering what Daliah could be into "What do you think Grace and Jane were arguing about?"    “Hmm… Maybe since Grace is on your side, maybe she will tell you at some point."    " 'The murderer should have taken you’ " I repeat Mason's words, which Jane said.    “It sounds almost like a death declaration."    "Yeah..."    "I am so sorry" I hear him sigh, with a sad voice ", that you have to see all this-"    "We're doing it for Daliah" I answered, reaching my apartment "I have to stand my ground and be objective."    "But I do not like that you have to be like this" he says quickly ". You do not… You must be like that, MC… Not in relation to her death…"     I smiled sadly listening to his words. His concern for me makes my heart race.    "I'm fine Jake" I reply calmly ". Don't worry so much about me, really."     He stays silent. Breathing slowly. I go into my apartment and go for the broom and dustpan, along with a couple of garbage bags. I put my speakerphone on as I do it, but Jake still hasn't said anything.    “What’s going on?" I ask worried. I feel like we're reversing roles.    "Nothing, do not worry" he answers seriously "I am trying to find the video that Mason has commented on. It may cost me a bit."     I grip the broomstick tightly, worrying about him now me.    "I'm giving you a lot of work, aren't I?" I ask with a trembling voice.    "I keep busy and not looking at the wall, really" I hear him laugh ". And also speaking to you."    "I don't give you interesting topics, do I?"    "I do not care as long as I can hear your voice."     I start to tremble when I hear how he says it. It's like a whisper that penetrates me and remains stuck in my brain. I sigh as I bite my lip. A strange feeling in the stomach appears. I see Daliah shaking her head, moving her lips at the word 'FBI'. I blink awake from my thoughts.    “Hey Jake, I have to leave you” I say quickly ". I have to go to the store to clean it up."    "Alright" I hear her exhale heavily ". So I continue with the search for that video."    “Okay, we'll talk as soon as I have more information."     I hang up and gasp for air, nervous. I feel my cheeks burning right now.
Walking into the store, I try to see everything from a negative side. There are so many crystals that it overwhelmed me to see them.    "Okay, here we go." I roll up my sleeves and start cleaning.
I'm careful not to cut myself trying to pick up the big pieces of glass and put them against the wall. I take the last one and carefully, I put it slowly with the rest.    "Oh! Here you were!" I hear yelling from the door. A female voice.     Out of fright, I cut myself with the glass. I turn and see Jane striding toward me.    "Can you tell what you're doing by asking about me?!” she asks me, cornering me against the wall.     In fear, I pushed the glass and ended up knocking it to the ground. I look at Jane fearfully and lean against the wall.    "I don't know what you're talking about." I say nervously, avoiding even looking at her.    "Whoa! We are brave by message, but when it comes to talking you don't dare to look me in the face and tell me that you are accusing me out there!" she starts hitting me, as if she were pushing me.    I swallow nervously, beginning to tremble in fear at seeing her furious expression.    "What's happening?! Why don’t you answer?!"    "Jane! Stop!" I hear a man's voice, but because I'm focused on Jane not attacking me, I don't start thinking about who she is.     Elliot separates us and stands between us.    "Get out! Now!" he yells at her, pointing to the door.    "Not before she tells me what she's doing investigating me!" Jane yells louder "I got rid of bitch number one but bitch number two is more annoying!"     Elliot approaches her, standing up to her. I stare at them while I grab my injured hand.    "If you don't want me to arrest you for attacking a person, then walk away." Elliot's voice sounds cold. Jane looks at him and then back at me. She twists her mouth and lets out a cry before walking away.
I hear Elliot let out a long breath and he turns to face me.    “Are you okay?” he asks me, placing his hands on his hips.    "I think so-"    "Wow..." he approaches me and looks at my hand "Look what you've done to yourself."    "It's nothing" I watch as he takes my hand to look at the wound ". It's just a cut-"    "We'd better heal it for you" he looks at me worriedly ". Come on, we'll go to the health center to have stitches done."     I nod and he places his hand on my back, leading me to walk out of the store. I hand him the keys so he can lock everything and then we go to my car.
Great, now Jane knows what I'm doing…
But how did she find out?
*Jake POV*
I try to stay focused on the search, but everything ends as always thinking about MC. I worry about her. Something happens.
I remember moments talking when she seemed to show interest in me, making me talk so she would not feel uncomfortable talking to a stranger. Then there were those moments when she would pull herself away. I want to be able to ask her what was going on before and now, but I feel like it's an awkward question and that I would be bringing up a topic that I should not.
I run a hand through my hair, trying to focus. Now she need me to find that video of Jane and Daliah in that fight.    "Exactly when it was?" I wonder, looking at Mason's social network “Knowing that he named it, it must have it somewhere…"
    There are too many videos, I even put keywords. It is as if they have deleted it from social networks, have they deleted it from social networks?
I hear the notification sound that a file has been decrypted and look at the other computer for the new entry.
My eyes widen in surprise at its content. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have gone back to the “Two Candles” to meet Mike. After so long, I've gotten what I wanted.
I think that the guy has become fond of me, because he has asked me when we would see each other. The truth is that I don't even know myself. I have only used him, as always.
But I have promised him that if everything goes well, maybe I will pay him a visit like every Friday at nine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   "Mike?" I ask reading the content "Who is this man now?"     I rub my chin thinking, I do not remember MC saying this name, it is new to us.
Friday at nine... It's Friday… So maybe he is at that place waiting for Daliah if he does not already know she is dead.
I pass the document through PDF and send it to MC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s [Entry number ####.PDF] MC, I have a new entry. It is pretty interesting.
I wait for her to connect but she does not.
I miss knowing it's important. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s I have been looking for the video on social networks, but I cannot find it. I suspect it has been erased, but do not worry, I will find it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Again, I am still waiting for her to come online.
Nothing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s MC? I am sorry if you do not want to talk because of earlier. I know I am being too direct right now, but I cannot help it. I do not want to make you uncomfortable with my words. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I read my messages, thinking that with them she can connect if I apologize.
Seeing that she does not connect with those words either, I put the computer aside and start to walk nervously. Will she be okay? Could the murderer have caught her?
The police are with her, so she must be safe, I should not worry.   "Please answer when you see my messages…" I sigh, going back to work looking for the video.     But while I do it, I cannot stop looking at my phone. Waiting for a signal to answer me.
Chapter 11
13 notes · View notes
inkedrkives · 1 year
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A Fuckboy's Oath
“Oh my gosh, hi Jeongguk!” One of the girls mustered up the confidence to greet the jock. Jeongguk looks their way and only gives them a small smile. 
Jimin clicks his tongue, shaking his head. Jeongguk carried Jimin’s bag and books and walked with him to the cafeteria. 
“What? I only smiled at them.” Jeongguk says, putting the books on the table where the council usually sits. Jimin is the council president and Jeongguk’s one and only favorite nerd. 
“Oppa, do you wanna have lunch with us? We have a free seat on our table.” Another girl approaches them. Jeongguk shakes his head in refusal, “No, thank you.” He respectfully declines. 
Jimin sighs, giving Jeongguk a pat on the shoulders, “Stay strong.” He teases.
“Oh please, like she’d ever move me.” Jeongguk assures Jimin.
Let me tell you the story about how the two met. Jimin was a transferee a year ago, and when Jeongguk caught wind about the genius transferee, he looked forward to getting a good banter with the latest nerd in school. “Your standards are so low, there’s no way a nerd can be cute.” is what Jeongguk told his friends when they couldn’t stop talking about Jimin. 
So, to prove his point, he walked to the next building and went straight to the nerd’s classroom. 
“Alright, where is the nerd...everyone..is talking…about..” His voice trailed off when his world moved in slow motion. Jeongguk feels a ray of sunlight shining behind a gorgeous man, smiling with crescent moons as he laughed, hands shyly covering his face. Cherry blossoms float in Jeongguk’s mind when he watches his lips move as he talks, and that pout, that pretty little pout— “Hey bro, were you looking for me?” His thoughts get interrupted like a screeching record when his friend, Namjoon, approaches him. 
“Ya, ya, ya–” He hits Joon’s chest lightly with the back of his hand. “What’s his name?”
“Oh? Him? Park Jimin. He’s the transferee everyone’s talking about. Apparently he got a perfect score on the entrance exam and got recommended by many professors.” 
“He’s perfect, alright. I’m going to make him mine.”
But Jimin had standards, and he wasn’t easy. He’s determined to never date playboys like Jeongguk; besides, he always focused on his academics first. Dating someone with a fuckboy reputation would just do him more harm than good. 
However, Jimin’s dedication to his academic affairs is just as how Jeongguk was relentless in pursuing him. He’d walk him to class everyday, drive him home on his motorbike, and would even dedicate his points to him, saying “This is for you, Jimin!” The jock would wink before landing a three-point shot in basketball tournaments. 
So, Jimin decided to give him a chance—in one condition: Jeongguk proves that he can be faithful and mature. 
Hence, the fuckboy’s oath.
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After basketball practice the next day, Jeongguk immediately showered and went straight to the university fair to look for Jimin. It wasn’t difficult to spot the kissing booth, as a large group of students lined up for their spot. 
“Oh my God it’s Jeongguk!” “Do you think he’s participating too? I don’t mind paying for both of them.” “Jeongguk is so hot.” The player could hear the murmurs, but he ignored them all. He walked past the people lining up and went behind the booth. 
Taehyung spots Jeongguk, so he gives Jimin a little nudge, sporting a smirk on his lips, “Your Romeo is here.” He says. Jimin quickly turns to look for Jeongguk, and when their eyes meet, Jeongguk curses under his breath. “Did you really have to wear a lip balm?”
“Of course he has to, there’s looooot of lips to kiss today.” Taehyung answers for Jimin, who rolls his eyes at him before looking at Jeongguk. “You really came.”
Jeongguk leans on the doorframe. “Of course, I told you I’m proving my oath to you today.”
“Hm, sure.”
“I told you. You won’t see me flinch.”
Hoseok enters the booth, “Hey, Pres. These are ready!” He says, hugging three large fish bowls in his chest and placing them on the table. Jeongguk walked towards them and stood beside Jimin. “What are these?” He asked, but before he could take one of the papers, Jimin took both bowls with him. “Come one, Tae, it’s time to open the booth.”
Jeongguk watched on the side as the girl first in line squeals in excitement. “I’ll take this bowl, please!” She tells Tae, who moderated everything. “That’s ₩5,000.” He says, and she drops the money in the box in front of the bowls he chose. Then, she fishes out a paper.
‘Knuckles.’ the paper read. 
Jeongguk sees Jimin stand up and take her hand in his. He gives her a charming smile before he brings her hand close to his lips and kisses her knuckles. Her cheeks turn pink and she quickly covers them, shyly thanking Jimin as she leaves the line. 
Jeongguk tapped his feet but aside from that, there was nothing to worry about. Jimin could never be interested in her anyway, Jimin liked men. 
The next person was a girl as well, she paid for the same bowl. 
“It says cheeks.” She excitedly shows Taehyung. 
“Cheeks?!” Jeongguk whisper-yelled and Jimin sends him a glare. Jeongguk immediately regained composure, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“Ya, Romeo, you’re scaring our customers.” Tae snickered in a whisper. Jeongguk watched as Jimin dipped down a little to reach the girl’s cheek. “Remember your oath, loverboy.” He hears Taehyung tease before Jimin lands a kiss on the student’s cheek. 
“Oh my God.” She covers her face, “Thank you very much, Jimin!!” She jumps.
Jeongguk let out a breath. This wasn’t Jeongguk, the heartthrob everyone knew was always calm and composed. “Get it together, keep your cool. It was just on the cheek.” Jeongguk tells himself. 
“Neck.” He hears a guy’s voice and his eyes immediately dart back to Jimin’s direction. Apparently, while he was busy giving himself a pep talk, a guy paid for the bowl of choices worth ₩10,000. 
Jimin’s hesitation was so quick that everybody else wouldn't notice it, but this was Jeongguk; he knew it made Jimin uncomfortable. 
“So lucky!” “Damn, I'm definitely paying for that bowl too.” Jeongguk hears. He watched as Jimin pressed his palms on the table to support himself. He was about to stand on his tiptoes when the guy interrupted him. “Sorry, I–uh, Jimin, can I do it on you instead?” He bites his lip shyly. Jeongguk’s eyebrows narrowed upon hearing his request.
Jimin looks at him in surprise, “What?”
“Can I be the one to kiss you on your neck instead?” He smiles, dimples showing. 
“Uhm��I—” Jimin stutters, but he doesn’t even dare finish his sentence when Jeongguk stands in the way and towering over Jimin. 
“I’m sorry, Jimin, but this is where I draw the line.” Jeongguk said as he looked straight into Jimin’s eyes. “Fuck the oath, this is making you uneasy.” He says under his breath, loud enough for Jimin to hear.
Jimin was relieved, heart racing as he let out a breath. Frankly, Jimin was thankful for Jeongguk’s intervention. 
The jock turns around to face the guy. “Sorry man, no one’s kissing his neck.”
“Why not? He’s not your boyfriend.” He raises his eyebrows at Jeongguk. 
The athlete tilts his head, pissed, “Are you blind? Can’t you see he’s uncomfortable?” 
“I don’t hear him complaining.”
Jeongguk clenched his jaw, using all his energy to resist the urge to punch the man. “Hwang Min Seok, Engineering department, right?” Jeongguk shoves his hands in his pockets. 
“Yea and what about it?”
“I heard from my dad that your father is involved in money laundering. You’re not paying for this booth with that dirty money of yours.”
“How did you—”
“Your dad is being sued by my father’s client. My father’s a lawyer, you see. So might as well keep that ₩10,000. After all, it might be the last piece of change you’ll have in your pocket for a while.” Jeongguk smirks, maintaining eye contact with the guy that people around them were sure he was starting to shoot lasers from his eyes.
Embarrassed, the guy finally leaves. The person next in line stood there awkwardly, as if he was waiting for Jeongguk’s permission. The athlete raises one hand up before turning around to face Jimin, who was seated back down. 
Jeongguk bends a little, resting his left hand on the table while the other is in his pocket. “Are you alright? Will you be okay?” 
Jimin looks up to meet Jeongguk’s eyes; because of his sense of responsibility, he wanted to answer in the affirmative. However, he was a little shaken up by the man’s request earlier that all he could manage to do was subconsciously pout.  Jeongguk gives him a comforting smile, touching Jimin’s chin with his pointing finger before whispering, “I got you.” He then turns around to face the crowd.
“Bad news, booth is closed.” He paused when he heard the crowd whisper and grunt, “Good news, everyone in this crowd is invited to my party. Tonight, 9 P.M. at the Jeon estate.” and the crowd cheers. 
Of course, everyone would die to be invited to one of his parties. People who have been invited always boasted about being in the Jeon estate—it was a bragging right. Being invited meant being leveled up a status.
While the crowd was busy celebrating being invited to his party, Jeongguk took it as an opportunity to bring his attention back to Jimin. 
“Let’s go?” He offers, dimple showing as he smiles. 
“You know how to host my parties. I’ll leave it all to you.” Jeongguk was on the phone with one of his closest friends, Yoongi.
He and Jimin went out to eat dinner together after what happened in the booth. Jimin was still a little shaken up but he was feeling better than earlier. 
“Yea yea yea, it was impulsive but I know you love me Yoongs. Bye.” Jeongguk says before ending the call. 
“What do you mean the party was impulsive? Didn’t you plan your party beforehand?”
“Nope.” He pops the ‘P’ as he replies. “I couldn’t let them leave without anything. I don’t want them getting upset at the council, especially at you.” 
Jimin almost chokes at the food he was about to swallow. No, it wasn’t because of what Jeongguk said; rather, it was because his heart skipped a beat. Jimin paused, wide-eyed and jaw shut tight, right hand clutching the glass. 
His heart skipped a beat.
“Nerd, hey, hello?” Jeongguk’s voice jolts him back to reality. “You alright?” He waves.
Jimin swallows his food. 
Jeongguk took Jimin on a night ride on his motorbike. It always seemed to calm Jimin down—wind blowing through his face, the speed making the sounds of Seoul turn into white noise, arms tight around Jeongguk’s waist while he rested his head on— “What am I thinking?!” Jimin shakes his thoughts away. 
“We’re here.” Jeongguk announces. Jimin realized that Jeongguk had driven him home. Jeongguk hops off the motorbike first and offers his hand to assist the smaller one down the bike.
“But I didn’t ask you to take me home.” Jimin replies, refusing to leave Jeongguk’s bike. 
“It’s almost eleven in the evening, you must be tired.” The jock laughs, although he found Jimin really cute at the moment. Jimin shakes his head. 
“Alright, sir. Anywhere you want to go?” Jeongguk asks. 
Jimin shrugs, “Where do boys like you go?” He returns the question. Jeongguk lets out a soft chuckle before putting his helmet on and riding the bike. 
Jimin’s arms move to hug Jeongguk’s waist like it was a reflex; his leather jacket still warm from Jimin’s previous hold on him.
“Alright then.” Jeongguk says before the bike roars back to life.
“Here we are.” Jeongguk said as he got off the bike. He takes his helmet off. 
“Where are we?” Jimin looked around and it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere. 
“You asked me where guys like me go. So, this is it.”
“In the middle of nowhere?! You’re not going to do something bad to me, are you?!” 
Jeongguk laughs, rolling his eyes as he takes Jimin’s helmet off his head. “That’s my house over there. This entire estate is ours.” Jeongguk points to the far end, where you could see different colors of light coming out from the window. 
When Jeongguk turned his attention back to Jimin, he almost melted at the sight of his surprised face. “You’re so pretty, I just want to put this helmet back on your head and hide you from everyone else.” the athlete smiles, offering his hand once again for Jimin to take. 
Thump. Thump. Thump. Jimin’s heart races again. 
The council president finally accepts the assistance. He takes Jeongguk’s hand and hops off the bike with ease. Jimin followed Jeongguk as they approached a small cottage. The smaller one watched as Jeongguk revealed his pendant. It was a key. He takes it off and unlocks the door. 
“This is where I go when I want to be alone.” The athlete says as he opens the door. It was his hobby room, where he painted to his heart’s content. 
“You painted all of these?” To say that Jimin was in awe is an understatement. He never expected Jeongguk to be the type to look for a ‘quiet time’ by himself. “May I?” He asks, and Jeongguk nods. “Of course, and yes, I painted all of these. Didn’t expect that from me, did you?” A proud grin finds its way to Jeongguk’s lips, earning a smile from Jimin. 
Jimin let his fingers feel the canvas, his eyes observing each stroke Jeongguk made. He realized he judged Jeongguk too quickly, and there was a lot more behind the surface of the athlete, there was more to him than just being the university superstar and heartthrob. 
There was so much more to Jeongguk; and Jimin wants to know all about it.
“Jimin that’s—” Jeongguk’s warning startled Jimin that his hands flew to his chest. “—wet paint.” the jock stifles a laugh. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. You got a little–” Jeongguk points to his neck, and Jimin sees that his fingers had wet paint in them. 
“I’ll get you a washcloth.” Jeongguk says. Jimin looks at the painting of the dog with eyes full of pity. He ruined Jeongguk’s work.
Jeongguk comes back with a damp cloth. “C’mere.” He motions, and Jimin follows. Jeongguk leaned down a little to get a better view of the paint on the smaller one’s neck, and Jimin prayed to the heavens that the athlete couldn’t hear his heart hammering against his chest. 
“Don’t feel bad about my painting.” Jeongguk says softly. “I could always make something out of it.” He assures before standing upright, “There you go, clumsy. All clean.” Jeongguk’s dimples make an appearance again, and Jimin couldn’t take it anymore. 
Jimin takes Jeongguk’s collar in his fists, pulling him into an eager kiss. Jeongguk drops the washcloth on the floor, hands automatically finding Jimin’s waist. The athlete smiles into the kiss, spinning them around and cornering Jimin onto the table.
now playing: i'm yours by isabel larosa
Paint was all over the floor, materials bathing in different colors. Jeongguk had pushed them all away as he lay Jimin on the table while Jimin’s legs hung off the edge. “Haa–” Jimin moaned out, taking Jeongguk’s cheeks between his palms, “Please, I’m r-ready.” They were just making out, but here they are, skin to skin desperate for each other’s touch.
Jeongguk basks in the sight before him, drinking in Jimin’s flushed cheeks and swollen lips before looking into his eyes, “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks for the nth time. Jimin nods eagerly. “Jeongguk, I’m yours.”
He looks into Jimin’s eyes again before whispering, “Bear with me for a while.”  Jeongguk dips down to capture Jimin’s lips, and slowly, he slides into Jimin. 
The sudden pain caused Jimin to wrap his arms around Jeongguk’s shoulder, holding him close and tight. The latter winces when Jimin bites his lip. “Fuck, i’m sorry—” 
Jeongguk softly ran his fingers through Jimin’s damp hair, “Ssshh, it’s okay, you’re doing great.” His voice gentle. “You can take me.” He says, leaving small kisses on Jimin’s cheek. 
Jeongguk gently pushes forward and Jimin runs his nails along the athletes back, “Jeongguk.” Jimin pants. 
Jeongguk kisses him again, and Jimin moans into it, both in pain and pleasure. 
Breaking from the kiss, Jeongguk lifted his head a little to look at Jimin’s expression, his chest was heaving up and down and tears were slowly rolling to the side of his eye. Jeongguk kisses the tears away, tasting the saltiness in his tongue. 
“Ssssh, you can do it, baby. Just a little more.” Jeongguk comforts, palm cupping Jimin’s left  cheek while his other hand grips on Jimin’s leg. He moves forward slowly, eyes never leaving Jimin as he does; and when he finally bottom’s out, Jimin lets out a string of moans, lips parted, eyes closing and back arching. 
Jeongguk dives in for a kiss, trying not to move his hips until Jimin is ready. “Are you okay?” He whispers into Jimin’s ears. 
Jimin tangles his fingers in Jeongguk’s hair before nodding slowly. “Jeongguk.” his voice came out as a whisper. Jeongguk touches Jimin’s cheek with his nose, “Hm?” “I like you.” Jimin confessed. “Take me, take all of me. I’m yours.”
Bonus-- the painting, before and after Jimin accidentally touched it. Legend says Jeongguk proudly displays it in his bedroom to remind him of that night.
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lunarscaled · 4 months
your name :   kakyoin noriaki .
romantic or platonic ??   i think you know the answer to that .   you’re not an emotionally repressed man with dark hair .
a night in or dinner out or an activity ??   preferably a night in ,   though going out can be fun   &   make for good memories .   but if we get dinner ,   you’re paying .   
ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries ??   why are chocolate - covered cherries not an option ??   strawberries are overrated .
what’s your perfect date ??   museums   &   libraries are ideal .   i like intimate settings because they encourage thoughtful   &   meaningful conversation .   or you can just sit there   &   listen to me talk for hours .
would you cook for me ??   if you deserved it .
would you let me cook for you ??   no .   i don’t even trust you to boil water .
can we make-out ??   no ,   but i will let you use my lip balm ,   &   that’s basically the same thing .   this requires a lot of trust ,   however .   do not betray me with your mouth germs .
make out in private or in public ??   you can .   hold my hand .   in front of people we both know .   
do you like to cuddle ??   not really .   i don’t like sweating .
blankets or no blankets for cuddling ??   i said i don’t like sweating .
couch or bed ??   i prefer the floor ,   actually .
what are at least 3 hobbies of yours ??   i like drawing .   &   reading .   &   bullying french people .
tell me something about you no else knows :   in primary school i used to use hierophant to fuck with kids i didn’t like in my class .   
why do you want to be my valentine ??   you’re chronically bitchless   &   i feel bad for you .
what makes you a good valentine ??   i’m good at everything ,   duh .
"I—chronically bitchless?! Not all of us can find our husband in high school on a trip to Egypt, you know! What would you even do if you didn't have Jotaro! You'd probably die alone without me!"
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"I don't even think you wanna hang out! You just wanna make me pay for dinner and then cuck me by going home to hear Jotaro talk about fish or something! Denied!"
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Hiii i am Francesca! I love Taylor Swift. In my mind she is my bestfriend and I will make her my bestfriend and I will meet her. I love her personality and the way she articulates words. I am obsessed with reading her old blog posts and I wish Myspace was still active because it would be so cool to see her continue to blog her life. I am 18. Some similarities between Taylor and I are, we both were born on the 13th (her december and me august).We also share the same lucky number. People may say “oh you are saying 13 is ur lucky number because it’s hers” and you can believe what u want but it was my lucky number before I even knew it was Taylor’s. It was the date I was born and I was born on a Friday so Friday the 13th. We both love playing guitar and we were both born in Pennsylvania. She is a sag and I am a leo so we are very compatible which is how I know we would be bestfriends. I cannot wait till she does meet and greets again. I know I will meet her.
Anyways it is Father’s Day so happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers. I woke up so early this morning and I was sooo tired because I was up really late watching Taylor swift edits and the rookie. The rookie is such a good show I love it. I go through shows really fast which is why this show is good because each episode is so long and there are a lot of seasons. I wanna write music but it’s so difficult. My friends and I used to write music but that was forever ago and I wanna start again. I went to my grandfathers for the morning for Father’s Day and I laid out in the sun for a while. I got Starbucks on the way home. I cleaned my room a bit and then I napped because exposure to the sun makes me exhausted. I then had to wake up again because I was driving my siblings and I to my dad’s house for Father’s Day. I’m at my dads house currently and just chilling on the chair while my siblings talk. I am expecting dressers tomorrow which I am super excited about because I have SOOO many clothes and they do not fit anywhere and my other dresser is broken. I was looking for my Taylor swift red tour concert shirt last night but it is nowhere to be found. There are two things that could have happened: my sister stole it.. 😡 or… I accidentally gave it away when I was going through my clothes. I’ll just get a new one eventually plus many more from all of her tours.
I have to wake up early again tmr so I plan on sleeping early tonight. There are so many things I wanna buy but I only have $170. I need…well more so want… a new purse. I also want some new necklaces and bracelets and jewelry. I also want some essentials like new lip balm, lip gloss, some vitamins, makeup remover, and face stuff like panoxyl and snail mucin.
There’s this thing where Swifties don’t remember most or all of the eras tour. I am experiencing that. It feels like I wasn’t even there. Which sucks but at least I took a ton of videos so I can try reliving the experience. People say it’s like they blacked out the whole time or part of the time because there are parts they just cannot recall and if their weren’t videos they would not have believed it happened.There were also people where after the concert, the brain tried convincing themselves it never happened. I am just blessed to have been in the same place as TAYLOR SWIFT. I will make it my life mission to go again. Every time I see her, whether it’s a picture or edit, I get emotional. Honestly. I don’t know why. I just love her so much. She is such a good role model and she is beautiful and her music is so good.
I’m planning on getting a tattoo of the number 13. I was gonna get matching ones a couple months ago w my friend but idk if we are still. We were planning on doing that because 13 is also her lucky number but like me, it’s not because of Taylor swift dw. She’s not even a fan of Taylor swift (which I do not understand tbh).
Anyways these are all my thoughts for now. I’ll post again later if I have anything new to say. I need a journal to write all my thoughts down but until I find the perfect one I will continue to write my thoughts here. I will actually end up writing in my journal and then posting what I want out of my journal. No one is gonna follow this and I don’t want anyone too. This is just for me when I get older so I can look back on it and remember what I thought about on a certain day. It is a good way to see my growth.
June 18th, 2023
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poppy-metal · 3 years
mean armin :(((
You see a girl flirting with him and it twists your gut because he’s such a rich pretty boy all the girls want him, they think hes sweet and charming, and you like the fact that you know better, but it still pisses you off that people flirt so shamlessly. With their hands on his arm, their lashes batting up at him, you’d go over there a splash water in her dumb stupid face if you could, but you dont. Armin would strangle you if you did, but honestly that was starting to look alot more pleasant than allowing this to continue. Still you let it boil instead. On the car ride home you don’t speak, and frustrated tears build in your eyes the whole way. Won’t he even ask what’s wrong?
He doesn’t. It makes you want to throw a fit so bad. You end up throwing yourself dramatically on the bed, and he just rolls his eyes. He rolls them! You’ve had enough so you whine, “You’re so mean to me!” 
He’s not paying attention to you, instead going through the measures of toeing off his shoes and taking off his cuff links. You crawl to the edge of the bed, fat tears spilling down your cheeks, you fist the sheets in your hand. “That girl was flirting with you, and you didn’t even care about me at all!”
Armin looks at you then, and its an almost bored look, his blue eyes cool and tempered. “That’s what this is about?” He has the audacity to sound like its trivial, like its a meager thing, like you aren’t crying about it right now. You boil with rage and jealousy as you growl “yes! Im your girlfriend and you didnt even pay attention to me the whole night…”
He hums as he takes a strand of your hair and tucks it behind your ear, mockingly gentle, “My girlfriend doesn’t know how to behave at parties, she’s lucky i let her tag along at all. Dont you agree?” 
You stiffen….you hate this, you hate how he talks down to you and makes you feel stupid, because now you do. Tears spill down your lashes and you look down, your anger dwindling. “I behave fine. You’re just mean” 
His thumb strokes over your cheek, thumbing it. “Poor baby” your eyes squeeze shut, knowing you’re being mocked, but you lean into his touch anyway, it feels like a cool balm to your torn up emotions. hes always so collected, he doesn’t get how emotional you are. “My poor pathetic girlfriend who needs her busy boyfriend to remind her every hour he still wants her” 
“Min…” your voice trails off, against your better judgement, heat spills between your legs. He tilts his head, and a blonde lock falls over his forehead, the face of an angel when hes actually the devil. 
“I think the silent treatment was a bit bratty, no?”
You don’t think so but if armin says so….he’s always right, isnt he? “If you say so, min” your voice has lost any hostility, soft and demure again, as it always is with him. 
He smiles “mm, it was. And you know what happens when you piss me off, right?”
You dip your head in a nod, “you have to correct me, make me understand” 
“See? Dumb puppies do learn”
You find yourself in his lap, back pressed against his chest, tears pitiful as they trek down your cheek and chin and mouth as your cunt is speared open on his cock, forced to sit still as he scrolls through is phone in disinterest. Its the humiliation, of having to be motionless when all you wanna do is move your hips in small circles. His cock, hot and hard inside you throbs, you can feel it in your gummy walls, pressing insitantly against that spot in you but not doing anything to hit it. 
Your hand grabble at his thighs, he hand’t even bothered to take pants off, merely unbuckling himself, and sitting you on his cock before opening his phone. Its torture, he knows it is, and thats why he’s had you here for and hour. Your pathetic sniffles and hiccups go unattended, and eventually you can’t take it anymore. You move just a little, a tiny motion, shifting your hips forward and then backwards and your eyes almost roll back at the friction of the head of his fat cock shifting inside you. Your eyes cross a little, and your mouth pops open and you barely have a moment to realize that you’re almost cumming before you feel a slender hand wrap around your throat, cool fingers digging into your skin. You whimper helplessly, as you feel him lean forward. You expect him to throw him off you, but he just uses his other hand, puts it on your tummy and bounces you on him a little.
A sob catches in your throat and his voice barely registers in your hazy mind “you’re a bitch in heat” he sighs, rolling your hips on his cock in tight little circles. 
You shake your head wildly even as you grind your hips back into his movements, fucking yourself on him, feeling yourself clench and flutter around the sticky girth of him splitting you open and rocking inside you “no, no, m’sorry min”
“Are you?” he asks, his voice just slightly breathless. “Are you sorry enough to not cum?”
“I-” But you’re already cumming, pussy spasmically palpitating around him as slick gushes out. “You got-” he fucks into you, battering himself into you “-my fucking pants dirty” His lips are at your ear, teeth gritted, you can tell hes lost a little of that composure of his, you imagine his hair all fanning around his face, it flushed pink, his eyes heated. “Gonna make you lick my cock clean after i cum in this dirty. misbehaving. cunt”
“Need me to tell you i love you that bad? That you’re my special girl? Then start making me like you” 
“Want you to like me!!” you cry, out, humping his cock at this point, “want your love, please” 
“Then stop cumming”
You cant, you cant, you cant. Your humiliation rises as you babble and sniffle, dumb and cockdrunk. 
“You” his breath puffs your hair on the top of your head. He sounds resolute, and somehow fond at the same time. “Are so fuckin’ pathetic” 
His tongue flicks your ear as one of his hands travels down to rub your clit, “you’re lucky i think its cute”
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