insanelyadd · 1 year
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Pinkie Swear :)
The Collector then promptly made a wormhole for him and Papyrus to leave through as the Archivists immediately vaporized the planet (uninhabited for a reason). They're attached to each other via ribbon because they didn't want to lose track of Papyrus in their hasty retreat, since they're both wearing the symbol that makes them invisible to Collectors.
Here's my second picture for #LetPapyrusSayFuck Day, following my crossover prompt. Personally, I am of the opinion that children should be allowed to swear (not necessarily at others, but you know), because life is hard enough for them already without there being Secret Words that they get in trouble for saying. Also it's very funny.
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daydreamer-corvidae · 5 months
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Oof. Okay I had a lot of fun making this. Its My Bois for the Christmas Party AU comic done by @xpau-official
Now a bit of info for the Bois and their AU.
In UnderArchive, despite being able to see and view other AUs, they are usually incapable of leaving their AU. It’s only during occasions such as the Christmas Party that they have the opportunity, let alone option, to leave their home AU. In this instance, they kinda just saw the party and kinda invited themselves. Creator, the papyrus, had been keeping an eyesocket out for the next Christmas Party since the last one and even had his sweater custom made due to the circumstances of the last party. Script, the Sans, had his sweater made afterwards, in hopes to dissuade too many people approaching him at once.
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ask-thearchivists · 6 months
I get that you guys don’t want your youngest sibling to be alone but why not just do your own thing in secret. Like don’t tell anyone and lie to the other collectors?
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The Coordinator: We do not know how the others found out what our parent was doing. We have never discovered how they knew. They did not tell us either. Since they could have just been scrying on us randomly and seen it, it is not safe. Since we do not know how they found out the first time, there is the very serious possibility they will eventually find out again. Even if some of us do not like it we have to just continue as we have been. It is how it is supposed to be done, and it is safer.
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The Charmer: It is better for the mortals and for us to continue to follow our code as it is written.
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The Cartographer: Yep. I would rather not be arrested. I. Hated. Watching our parent be taken.
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plotyeast · 11 months
Uhhhh UHHH I DID A TMA UNDERTALE AU (Archivetale????????!!!!!)
okay so i wrote this shit at like 2 fucking am and im a writer so i wrote it like a summary u find at the back of a book instead as a proper description of an au idea and im not gonna edit or remake it to make it legible cause sleep deprived me is a me i dont mess with
I would love to ramble more about this au if anyone else is interested tho. I have so many ideas
my fucking undertale hyperfixation came out of the dead to smash my tma hyperfixation and now we have this mess:
One day Assgore notices a certain position has gone empty for quite some time and decides to fill it.
Now Alphys is the Head Scienctist of the Underground's Royal Archives and has a large backlog of work she has to get through. A wonderful position for an equally worthy scientist.
If only Alphys didnt lie about the creation of a soul. 
Well at least she has her girlfriend (maybe?! its a little scary to think about) to support her. Even if Alphys doesn't really deserve her either. Not that Undye would approve of that frame of mind.
The more Alphys looks into the strange events recorded within the royal Archives, the more Alphys's eyes widen and see a whole new world underneath the world of monsters she came from.
The monsters weren't the only things the humans sealed with the barrier...
Aware of and Beheld by the fourteen fears that haunt monsterkind in their shared prison, Alphys buries herself, and those closest to her, deeper into her work and the work of the previous Head Scientist. 
A man who speaks in hands, and no longer exists in the memory of anyone in the underground.
Somehow, Alphys must find a way to banish the Dread Fears once and for all until the fifteen and final Fear, the Exitinction, falls from the surface and Changes the Underground into a wasteland of wind and Dust. All the while keeping herself from giving into the temptation of endless knowledge and Undyne's urge to give into endless Slaughter.
hahahahaha im losing my fucking mind i have almost everyone sorted into their respective entities and i wanna show them off so badly im working on it rn i swear
um idk how ill show off this au, probs via contextless doodles and comics of events thatll take place in this
um yeah
rip everyone. A lot.
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1863-project · 3 months
For the ask game: common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about?
[ask meme]
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I...actually get frustrated with the infantilization and/or demonization of characters that could be read as autistic, because it happens so often and there's such a lack of self-awareness when people do it. If one person headcanons it, a bunch of other people pile on, and before you know it, your character is being treated like someone else entirely - and unfairly so.
Let's take the most obvious example and the reason I don't engage with fandom much:
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I am so tired of what fandom at large has done to Emmet since 2010. He's been infantilized since day one, often being portrayed as needing Ingo to take care of him or otherwise be his brother's keeper. He's also been turned into a violent, 'unhinged' stereotype since day one. Neither of these things are new. They've been happening since the release of the games. Neither of them have any basis in his canon characterization - a competent railroad employee who's a goofball but simultaneously responsible and always puts safety first.
I was hoping people had moved past that the way they moved past Blankshipping (though some people still do this, too, EW), but it seems like they haven't. Emmet is still either a helpless child or a serial killer waiting to happen to so many of these people, and as someone who actually felt so validated and seen the first time she discovered Ingo and Emmet, it hurts so deeply.
In real life, I'm also infantilized. I turn 35 this year and have a Master’s degree and work a big grown-up adult archivist job and live outside my parents' house, but because I'm neurodivergent and short, I'm frequently assumed to be and am treated like a teenager way more often than you'd reasonably expect. It's incredibly frustrating to constantly be treated like an innocent child because you don't meet neurotypical benchmarks of adulthood the way they want you to or because of the way you carry yourself or enjoy things. But at the same time, people shy away from me because I'm "too intense" about the things I care about.
Sound familiar?
Fandom was, when I was a younger girl, a place where neurodivergent people (especially autistic and ADHD people) were safe from the real world not understanding, accommodating, and accepting us. We generally kept things on the down-low, since it was another thing we'd be bullied for if people knew, but for us, it was a safe space. Then people realized fandom could be commodified, and once capitalism got a hold on fandom and made it mainstream, all our bullies were suddenly in our little space again, and...well, you probably know the rest. (Yeah, they brought their ableism with them.)
I'm not saying old fandom didn't have its problems. It had a LOT of problems. But it was, altogether, a safer space for neurodivergent people to find community and themselves than it is now. Now it feels more about producing things and moving on to the next big thing to produce more "content" to keep engagement instead of an actual community of nerdy, passionate people getting excited about each other's fanworks and chatting about their favorite things together.
And that reflects in how people treat autistic and autistic-coded characters now. Emmet is one example of many - look at Papyrus, or Entrapta, or numerous others.
This trend really, really fucking hurts, and I cannot stand how willingly fandom spaces just go along with it without thinking critically about it.
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popatochisssp · 7 months
Hi!! If the Papyri are knights what are the Sanses? Also you should totally make an AU of this, you beautiful brain
You have no idea, none of you have any idea how absolutely insane I went about this goofy little one-off AU concept
...Some of you have an idea. And some of you maybe know me well enough to have just guessed I would go off the rails the way I have lol
Anyway, this is the first, but absolutely not the last of The Court AU:
Sans (Undertale): The court jester, in possession of a quick wit and a cutting sense of humor and with no desire to let either go to waste. He’s much beloved at court and prides himself on his ability to make even the stuffiest of courtiers chuckle with his jokes and pranks—and his jester’s privilege makes him nigh untouchable to those who somehow aren’t amused by him. It’s a good life…
Papyrus (Undertale): A proud knight of the kingdom and a member of the Royal Guard! Er…well…eventually, he will be. The Captain won’t make him a full member of the Guard until he’s proven his valor through a series of knightly quests…but she won’t tell him what the quests are, so he travels the kingdom as a knight-errant, helping those in need and solving problems that may or may not have needed solving! You’re welcome, good citizens!
Sky (Underswap Sans): A squire, or knight-in-training, attendant to the Captain of the Guard until he properly earns his own knighthood. …Frankly, he’s already capable and qualified to be a knight now, but he’s aware that the Captain has some reservations regarding his health and is hesitating to just give him the job because of it. He fully intends to prove himself to her in the line of active duty, and someday be recognized as a fully-fledged knight of the realm.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): The court archivist, most at home amidst shelves of tomes and records and far away from the social obligations of the court itself. He tracks and preserves all kind of documents, from agricultural reports to genealogies to romantic poetry, and is on call to locate specific texts for any nobles or otherwise literate folks seeking to reference them. It gets a bit musty sometimes but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): A mercenary, traveling the kingdom in search of people to sell his sword to for a bit of coin—and then traveling in search of satisfying ways to spend that coin. He does occasionally venture outside the kingdom for both of these things, but he has quite a few connections to well-paying opportunities within the borders, so as much as he avoids putting down roots, he tends not to stray too far from ‘home.’
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): A knight in the Royal Guard, touted as a black knight for the scorched and stained armor he wears—a marker of the many deadly, heroic feats he’s conquered. No quest is too dangerous, no enemy too great for him to overcome, and he bravely takes on what lesser knights fear to risk. He’s quite accomplished dealing with dragons, and wildfires, and even mages, who always seem to cast fireballs and…well, perhaps that’s the reason his armor is so blackened…
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Personal guard to the Empress herself, nominally part of the Royal Guard as well but far from the front-lines of battle as his duty to her highness’ safety comes first and foremost. He’s involved in a lot of the structuring and scheduling of patrols for the lower ranking guardsmen, and his opinion is often sought in matters of state and military, but his primary concern is accompanying the Empress wherever she goes, or standing post just outside the door. Only on rare occasions does anyone else fill his role, and that’s just the way he likes it.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He’s a nobleman who used his wealth and free time to pursue a passion in painting. His passion paid off in the form of a bit of notoriety for his work and several offers of patronage from other nobility seeking portraits and frescoes and the like done in his hand. …Or as he sees it, rich people paying him to do what he loves instead of some sort of actual job. As long as he can comfortably afford his paints, he’s happy.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): He’s a stableman at the queen’s castle, looking after the horses and hunting dogs kept there. He isn’t as quick as he used to be, and his memory hasn’t been the same since his head injury, but he was graciously employed elsewhere rather than dismissed and it’s…fine. Well enough, at least. It’s dirty and often thankless work, but he is fond of the animals, and much prefers their company to anyone else.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He’s a medic in service to the knights of the Royal Guard. He actually used to be among their number…sort of…but there were some changes, in his life, and his eye-sight isn’t really what it used to be anyway, and… Well! He spent some time learning from the court physician and got very interested in ways to treat illness and injury. He’s not as skilled and knowledgeable as a full-fledged healer but he’s happily on hand for minor training accidents and sicknesses or injuries in those coming back from patrols. He loves to be able to help!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): A musician who plays his trusty horn for the court during all the feasts and festivals. He’s only one player of many but enough of a talent to be selected for the job and pleased that his music should entertain the king and queen and all their noble guests. It’s not the most glorious of positions but he’s happy enough doing it and lives well for his station.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Head cook in the castle kitchens, a station he worked up to from the bottom as a lowly kitchen boy. He has a lot of experience making meals for the royal couple and for all the nobles that regularly attend court gatherings and he knows how to give the people what they want. There are several other cooks and kitchen attendants that work with him but it’s his job to make decisions and keep everything running smoothly, which keeps him busy but happily so.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): He sticks exclusively to the royal court these days, not as a hired sword but as a wealthy and rakish duke of the kingdom. His brother gave him the title and it’d be stupid not to take advantage of the perks—though he does have to earn them. He’s less a hired sword now and more a hired axe, performing the duty of the royal executioner whenever he’s called upon to do so. No need to wear a hood, everyone knows who he is and what he does to enemies of the crown.
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): The king of the castle, in a very literal sense. Some may call him a usurper or a traitor to the crown to have seized the throne for himself without proper claim… and for those people he arranges a meeting between their necks and his brother’s blade. He seized the throne because he’s loyal to the crown and the queen he deposed was wearing it quite poorly. If he could, he would’ve stepped down by now and given way to the true queen, but the people have been through enough upheaval—so he will remain as their king, as long as is necessary.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): A cursed king who lives an austere, lonely life in a desolate castle by the sea. He fled from his true realm in disgrace and now awaits an end to his curse or his shame—whichever comes first—in the ruins of a fallen kingdom as degraded as he is. He doesn’t expect to be found, or saved from the curse that his own choices wrought upon him, and just tries to bear his fate with the grace expected of him.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Prince-errant of his kingdom, meant to be ruling his people but instead gallivanting off across the countryside in search of his missing brother. He wants to find him and know he’s well about as much as he doesn’t want to go back and be the ruler of a kingdom, for which he was never properly trained and is wholly unprepared! Maybe in his search and his hardships, he can find the strength and maturity to do what the kingdom needs him to do…but he’s not there yet, and finding his brother is his priority.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Every knight in the Royal Guard is hand-picked and trained by him. He held a high office among the guardsmen once, but a severe injury put him out of commission and without his sight, he was no longer fighting fit, as they say. Still, his strength and his skill didn’t abandon him and while he could be a liability on the battlefield, he’s nothing less than a powerful asset when it comes to training the knights up to his own exacting standards. Only the best make it through his gauntlet.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He walks the wall of the castle at night, standing guard for any threats to the kingdom that might otherwise go unseen. He takes his duty very seriously and refuses to let any night pass without a watchman on duty, even in foul weather or nights of great feasts and festivals. His vigilance has protected the kingdom from many a threat and he feels certain that his job is of much higher importance than any frivolous pastimes he absorbed himself in before.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): A courtier of…mysterious origin. He’s often at court, making conversation and telling colorful stories to anyone whose ear he can snatch—and he manages to snatch quite a few—but no one can manage to figure out quite where he came from or what he ought to be doing. Mostly, he entertains himself and others with various leisurely pursuits, games, hunts, dances, songs, and as such he’s a well-liked person at court…wherever he came from.
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): Another man of mystery who appeared at court on the heels of his brother, though far less flamboyantly. He’s obviously a learned man, well-educated and well-spoken, and though he wasn’t as warmly embraced by the courtiers at large, he was eventually welcomed into the king’s confidence as a royal advisor. The backing of the king being what it is, he’s accepted and respected as probably some sort of nobleman, regardless of his unclear origin, and continues to advise the king on matters of state.
Spectr (Transcendtale Sans): A wanderer, uprooted from his life and former kingdom and left to walk the land in search of meaning. Some say his kingdom was destroyed but for a small handful of survivors. Some say he turned to dark magic and sold his soul for the chance. to take revenge on the one who desolated his home. Some say he’s ageless, bones turned to cold iron and chest empty of breath to contain the power he now holds. …They’re all right. But his quest is long over, and all that’s left to do now is wander.
PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus): He’s a proud knight of the kingdom! He may not have been in the Royal Guard when he was tragically cut down before his time, but he did come back from death as a ghostly semblance of himself at the same time everyone else did—and when your Captain is no longer worried that you might get yourself killed in battle because you already did, promotions are in order! So, he now serves his phantom kingdom as a phantom knight, valiantly and eagerly, but of course, taking time every now and then to visit his (mostly) living family member, to keep him from brooding too hard.
Xanth (Ascendswap Sans): It’s…slightly unclear what he does. He’s seemed strange for a time, a bit touched, but the queen seems to hold him in high esteem and never fails to consult him (among others) before any major decisions are made. Sometimes he’ll appear in unusual places with cryptic messages, or look into peoples’ eyes and divine their intentions (should they be ill ones), and for all this, though he holds no specific title, he’s at least informally called the court mystic. There are rumors that his strangeness and that of those closest to him is because he made contact and some sort of bargain with the faefolk…but those are surely just rumors.
Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus): The royal falconer, primary trainer, keeper, and handler of all the hawks and falcons owned by the queen. It wasn’t a job he was born into, but one he sought out of the blue one day, and he earned his way by demonstrating a remarkable affinity for the birds even prior to any training. By now he’s a figure of great respect for the command he has over the flighted beasts, and he happily demonstrates it during the queen’s feasts and king’s hunts.
Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans): He’s earned his way at court with talent, performing dazzling displays of bullets and other magic for nobles and royals alike. He’s a standout from other such entertainers in that his well of magic never seems to run dry and he can keep showing off his juggling and his light shows and his dancing bullets from sun-up to sun-down without ever tiring. He doesn’t talk much about his life before coming to court, but he’s happy now so it’s just as well.
Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus): He was trained from a very young age to be a soldier, a paladin meant to fight in a holy war and raised to believe his greatest purpose was to die on the battlefield and bring glory to the cause. That all…never happened. He was freed from the grip of the zealots and reunited with the brother he hadn’t seen in ages, but then left at odds for what to do now—a warrior with no war to fight. Eventually he becomes apprenticed to a carpenter in town in the hopes of learning a trade to live on, and…he’s starting to be content.
Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans): Spymaster to the crown, head of a small network of covert informants, assassins, thieves and the rest of their ilk. It was a career he…inherited…but also one he carried out diligently, carefully, and above all, secretly. At least, until his brother married and he left to join him in his new kingdom, where he serves much the same function at court—with the added responsibility of wrangling and occasionally nominally filling in for the crown prince. All according to plan.
Hunter (Swapfell Fruition Papyrus): He was in the same family business as his brother, but when he caught the eye of a visiting monarch and won an invitation to their kingdom, to marry, well… how could he refuse? And when, after an unsuspicious amount of time, his spouse is found dead under mysterious—but not too mysterious—circumstances, and no one from the proper line of succession seems to be coming to take their place… He really has no choice but to go from the prince consort to the crown prince, for the sake of his late spouse’s people. He’s far from a proper or responsible prince, and certainly has some kind of reputation, but he’s pleased enough with how everything’s going.
Kohl (Descendtale Sans): He minds the royal dungeons. It’s not what he started out doing, but somewhere along the way he lost the humor for anything else, and it’s as good a job as any. Not too many strangers make it into the kingdom these days, but plenty have foul intentions and it is something he takes some pride in, keeping watch over those ill-meaning outsiders and making sure they stay put, where they belong. He’s not the kindest of dungeon-keepers, but quite frankly, since when was ‘kindness’ part of that job description?
Bram (Descendtale Papyrus): His brother keeps the dungeon and he keeps the grounds. While a groundskeeper isn’t anything close to what he thought he’d want to be, a lot has happened—to him personally and to the kingdom as a whole—and well, he’s providing a very valuable service with his work, humble though it may be. Anyone with skin would have a horrid time pruning back all the wicked, cursed thorns that keep trying to consume the realm, and unchecked, they could probably run wild in less than a fortnight, where would they all be if he let that happen?
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sentientgolfball · 2 months
A little gift for @copiasjuicebox :3 I hope you like it, I thought about it all day
Pairing: Copia/Reader (gn)
Word Count: 1211
Summary: Reader is anxious that they might be getting sick. Copia offers his best comfort.
It had been one hell of a week for you. The Ministry recently came into possession of some ancient texts that supposedly talked of ghoul mythology. You and a team of archivists were given the task of translating and rewriting the stories. There weren’t many, just three calfskin books. The problem lied in their condition. The papyrus was worn and the pigment used for the text was faded. Some pages were unlegible, marked in your notes to return to it later. You were only halfway through the first book by the end of the week and you couldn’t have been more grateful for a break. 
When the excitement of a new find finally worn off, you were only left with stress. You were worried about preservation, about getting a complete translation, about the possibility of the Clergy getting impatient and demanding a deadline. You worked yourself into the darkest hours of the night, determined to do as much as you could as fast as you could. You were beginning to regret this. 
It started as a simple headache, pressure building right between your eyes and spreading up. You ignored it. Then came the fatigue and you brushed it off as a symptom of your disrupted sleep schedule. When you woke up with a sore throat the panic finally set in. You couldn’t be sick. You have no time to be sick. Your mind couldn’t help but wander to the worst possible scenarios as you trudge back to your room from the archives. What if this thing knocked you out for days? A week? What if it was something worse than simple allergies from being a cramped, dusty room all day? What if you had to spend a night in the infirmary, oh you hated going to the infirmary. 
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice the sound of footsteps from around the corner. You try to make your usual turn, body on autopilot, but instead you crash into something solid. The figure lets out an ‘oof’ before apology after apology follows. You blink a few times, shake your head, and finally take a look at who you bumped into only tp be greeted by none other than Copia. 
“Please forgive me my head is ehh not here at the moment.”
“No Cardinal it’s my fault I should’ve been paying attention.”
“Please call me Copia. I am only Cardinal when the sun is out.”
You smile, “Then I’m sorry for running into you Copia.”
There’s a brief pause while you two just stare at each other. Copia fiddles with his hands, the sides of his mouth quirking up a few times. You can tell he has something on his mind and you decide to ignore the heavy feeling in your body to see if he’ll say it. 
“Apologies if I am ehh stepping out of a line here, but you do not look so well. You do not sound great either.” 
“Is it that obvious?” 
Even you can hear the scratch to your voice when you ask the question. You cringe at the feeling of dryness in the back of your throat. 
“I am afraid so” Copia nods, “you should go see Omega he can work wonders when you’re feeling ehh a little under the weather.” 
You feel a wave of cold creep through your body “I uh I’d rather not have to do that.” 
“Que? Well that is understandable he can be a bit intimidating at first. I am sure Aether wouldn’t mind a visitor.” 
“No it’s not the ghoul that’s the problem.” 
Copia raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. 
“I hate going to the infirmary. It’s like actually admitting I’m sick. I always feel worse leaving than I did before I showed up” you explain. 
There’s another long, awkward pause where Copia stares at you, tapping his chin in thought. His eyes widen and he snaps his fingers. 
“Follow me!”
He turns and starts walking down the corridor without looking to see if you’re following. 
“No infirmaries I promise just ehh trust me” he calls over his shoulder. 
You consider him for a moment before smiling and shrugging and moving to catch up with him. You end up following him all the way back to what you can only assume is his room. You hesitate when he opens the door for you, but when he looks at you with a lopsided, nervous grin you relent. It’s a little messy, trinkets and books and photos strewn about but it makes you feel at ease. It’s almost comforting seeing how well lived in the space is. You take a deep breath and though your nose is a little stuffy you can still pick up the hints of vanilla and lavender incense. 
“It is not much but I make do” he smiles at you. 
“I think it’s lovely.” 
He blushes a bit at the compliment before walking over to his desk. He pulls out a small box, muttering to himself while he sifts through the contents. You watch him as he works, setting out cups, filling a container of water. 
“It is a special blend of tea from Mountain. It is ehh meant to soothe sore throats and to help you sleep.” 
“Please do not be a stranger, make yourself at home” he works on preparing the tea. 
You happily take a seat on the small couch in the corner of his room. Your body aches and it feels like heaven to finally get off your feet. You sigh heavily and sink back into the softness of the cushions. When the tea is finished Copia sits down next to you. He takes a sip and curses when it burns his tongue. You steadily sip yours after letting it cool down a little. 
The lowlight of Copia’s room combined with the warmth of the tea has your eyes drooping faster than you can process it. You’re tired and your head feels heavy on your shoulders. You feel like you could sleep for days. You don’t even notice how close Copia has gotten while he filled the silence with whatever thoughts came to mind. He pauses in some rant about some new statue the Ministry is supposed to be receiving when he feels your head slump against his shoulder. He’s tense for a moment before setting his and your cups down. You suddenly remember where you’re at and jump up, quick to apologize.
“Please” he laughs “it is alright. If it will make you feel better I am ehh happy to oblige.” 
The rational side of your brain said it was an intrusion, but you were too tired and too anxious about the possibility of being sick to care. You settle back on the couch and, leaning against him, deciding the comfort of another was more important than any possible embarrassment. He pulls a blanket from the back of the couch to wrap around you two. You close your eyes, not willing to fight off sleep any longer. The warmth of his body, the sound of his heart, and the vibrations of some tune he’s humming are the perfect combination to finally put you at ease. You fall asleep with his arms wrapped around you. 
“Goodnight caro, sleep well.”
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undertale-museum · 20 days
Behind the Stacks
Part 1 (Here) / Part 2
The Orb bought the archive from a private collector who we'll call "Being X." This is relevant due to the surplus of exhibits that have yet to be archived and some that have fallen apart.
Most of them still exist but several had to be salvaged from Comic Dubs or other people's reblogs.
None of the following has yet to be archived. There are links with mature themes but no full nudity as far as the Orb can tell from a cursory glance.
_Roughly 21 items
Look Into Abyss by drawloverlala
sans, alphys - waterfall
All That's Left by dyonisia96
sans, gaster - labs
Note: dub
Asylumtale by furgemancs
sans, frisk
Note: dub
Shattered Realities by Ink-Mug
Sans, Gaster, Papyrus
Note: dub
Skele-Chara by InsanelyAdd
Papyrus, Sans, Chara
Note: deviantart link gone, only dub available
Edit 3June24: We haven’t checked deviantart yet but InsanelyAdd did have a back up of the comic saved on Tumblr
Game of the Creator by Gloomyowl
Red, Blue, Underswap Ensemble, Underfell Ensemble
Note: dub
Can't Find it by Gochigocochi
Comic 2 / Comic 3
Ink Sans, Dream Sans, Cross Sans
Note: Japanese/English
Crushed by Garbi (nsfwgarbagedump)
Sans, Red - Kustard - Surface
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 /
Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 /
Note: +18, mature themes, revealing clothing, no smut
Kustard by [same]
Sans, Red - Underground
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 /
Part 5 / Part 6
Note: +18, mature themes, no smut
Guide: Being X found this source, last time ze checked 3-4 years ago some of the comic was on patreon or sub-based website
Later Guide: Part 6 skips several dozen pages. This may be why Being X noted that some may be on patreon. This theory is, as of 18May24, unconfirmed.
Love Fool by [same]
Sans, Mobfell Red - bar
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Guide: there may be more of Love Fool. Again, Being X collected and we have yet to check if it has updated. Considering it's from 2019, doubtful.
Guide: the Sans Comic Dub video was lost. RIP
Lover of Piggies Dubs
(Crayon Queen Multiverse Verse ) April Fools Comic Part 1 - 6 by loverofpiggies
Christmas Party AU Movie (Undertale Comic Dub)
Momma CQ [ Halloween special!! ] Comic Dub
Sans and Frisk look so adorable The Movie【Undertale Comic dubs】
Momma CQ   /  Playlist
Guide: copied straight from OG archivist's notes, none of the links are broken incredibly
Guide 2: loverofpiggies content is still intact. we haven't archived the dubs as of yet.
Hopetale by HappYenDay
Undertale ensemble
Dub [3:20]
Cross x Dream by crossxdream
The Truce by Jakei
Ink Sans, Error Sans
Note: only salvaged link
Undervirus by Jeyawue
Sans, Papyrus, Undertale Ensemble
note: dub
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
MAG 53 - baking something with all those apples I cut in the kitchen
Love that a lot of the episode titles have two meaning or are outright puns. Crusader here referring to the tank and the knight corpse.
Another I had a bit of a hard time following. I think the voice acting is really fitting here, but the frantic tone messes with my ability to process what's told.
Gloucestershire… British pls… why? Just… why??? T_T (Knowing that this is a trick pronunciation I would just say "Gloshshshshsh")
"I was the gunner. I’ve always had good eyes, you see, and you really need that for the gun." - Good eyes you say…?
3:29 " The Italians had unsurprisingly taken a page out of Rommel’s handbook", right at "page", someone turns a page! The VA actually turning the page of the script or intentional soundscaping (since there is more paper rustling to come)?
"Then I saw it: a flash of light, a twinkling glint of sun from the enemy tank. In the back of my mind, I knew what it meant: the sun reflecting off their own binoculars" - music is playing at this part and I don't understand why? xD Usually music accompanies something spooky happening. While this is a scary situation especially hearing someone burning to death without any way to help them, I don't know if it's mean to be supernatural spooky stuff? I mean it's an Eye statement, binoculars would fit that bill, but otherwise?
Very soft at 5:33, very briefly at 6:58, 7:49 - scraping sounds (at 7:00 with a knock, like making a period with a pencil) and paper shuffling like someone's taking notes? Gertrude perhaps? I think this is indeed intentional soundscaping.
10:10 also shuffling can be heard. All throughout the statement there's a bit of shuffling here and there, I think it fits very well.
"but instead there came the scent of something else. All that, at that point I had no idea what it was but I would have described it as not unlike wood." - Paper and Papyrus is made of plant fibers ¯_(ツ)_/¯
"It should have been pitch dark. Though there was no light at all filtering through into those underground caverns, but it still – I could see everything. " Good eyes indeed.
"At the same time I suddenly got the most intense feeling of being watched, like a thousand eyes turned to me at once." <.<
"From within its huge, flowing hood I could see nothing except a single lidless eye." - I think that one is the inspiration for the Eye of the Entity Tarot designs which are in the Rusty Quill merch shops.
GERTRUDE "The bronze grate over the entrance to the archive." <.<
WALTER "I have just now. That funny turn I took on the way down the stairs, I felt it again. All those eyes watching me." - <.< (I absolutely love this Archive lore in this episode.)
"There’s even one unnamed contemporary historian that describes the mob attacking the Serapeum not as Christians, but using a phrase which roughly translates as “those who sing the night”." - Worshippers of the Dark attacking the Archive? It would make sense, they are complementary. Things unseen and things seen.
"What was it? A guardian of some sort? Or perhaps… perhaps… it too was once an archivist." - Ok, so on my first listen I already had a suspicion that Archivists are not just people in an archiving job. Jane called Jon "Archivist". Also before I reached this episode my sister once called me "Archivist" and I was already like "Why would she do that if there wasn't a deeper meaning?". Hearing Gertrude contemplating, if this creature was once an Archivist, confirmed my suspicions.
Martin being a blessing once again! <3
"I just worry. You needed five stitches after you “accidentally” stabbed yourself with the bread knife." - My sister visited me just two days ago and she managed to stab herself with the bread knife XD Nothing severely, but it made me laugh. Also, Martin totally doesn't believe Jon here…
Ok ok, Martin asks Jon, if he wants a sandwich! I understood this like "Should I get a sandwich for you while you stay here and I go alone". And then Jon says he's coming with Martin! He totally didn't have to do that? Does he think Martin would poison the sandwich? I mean, Martin could poison every cup of tea he makes, so don't think Jon's thinking of that. Keeping an extra eye on Martin? Personally, that's my headcanon: This is where Jon starts going on lunch breaks with Martin. At first under the pretense of more surveillance and trying to find out more about him. But eventually he starts to just enjoy it and keeps doing it, especially after he finds out what that letter to his mum was about (in like 3 episodes). I mean, it would make sense, right? Why would someone think of the two of them "being close" otherwise?
"It reports an explosion in Alexandria which destroyed several buildings in the vicinity of Pompey’s Pillar and killed 17 people. Official investigation determined it to be a gas mains explosion" - THAT FUCKING FORESHADOWING!!!!! Biggest weakness of an Archive - gas mains.
Those damn gas mains are always full of spiders
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chrisis-averted · 6 months
Reunions (part 1)
"When did this happen?"
Jon shuffled uncomfortably, avoiding Martin's gaze. "Ah—It started badly hurting shortly after you left. I tried to ignore it, I—I thought it would take d—days to finish changing, like—like—l—" his voice shook and he had to take a deep  breath before continuing. "I started listening to the tapes Tim found. There was this one… labelled Alexandria… I don't know, something about it called to me. In it, a retired soldier talked about an underground ruin full of papyrus books and—and—" he swallowed and looked up with eyes glazed over with tears. "It was an Archive, Martin. Another Archive, with another Archivist."
Martin felt his blood freeze.
"And it wasn't human, it didn’t look human, and I thought if Elias hid those tapes then he knows what's in them, he knows I wouldn't stay human either. I tried to Know if there are other Archives, in the world, I tried to reach out, but—"
"The moment you did, this started to happen," Martin finished for him, fingers threading gently on his skin until they rested on the spot where his right shoulder split.
Jon nodded, wincing away from his touch. Martin knew the comparison wasn't flattering, but the action clearly reminded him of a wounded animal, and before he could stop himself, he was stroking his head, making soothing noises.
“I don’t want to be that—” Jon murmured, sobbing with his eyes closed shut. “I don’t want to be a monster, I don’t want to stop being me —”
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insanelyadd · 10 months
At this point my blog exists solely for the 49 people who are invested in Papyrus conspiracy theories, deep analysis of Undertale, and memes about the Archivists from the Owl House. I love and appreciate all my followers who are here while I simultaneously lose my mind about skeletons and space children. <3
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daydreamer-corvidae · 5 months
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Say hello to the prior Archivist, “Codex” Wingding Gaster. This is Creator and Script’s father. He was dragged into the void during the time span a bunch of other WD Gasters ended up in the void. What dragged him in? Unknown (or at least that’s how i’m leaving it. Hehe). But due to him being the archivist he was able to get out of the void and now lives in “retirement”. Let’s be honest though, he just makes sure things are cataloged properly rather than working on writing and/or binding the stories for every AU that has come and gone. He tends to be found either by the Codex logs (see what i did there? lol) doing cataloging, or in the Cafè with his lover and life partner “Sulfate” Grillby, who is the main barista. The bow Codex wears was given to him by Sulfate.
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nicopony79 · 1 year
Seeing X-Men: Red
Is X-Men Red well-written? Sure. So is a doctoral thesis. Doesn’t mean I want to read it.
I’m just finding it really hard to give a crap about these Arakki mutants. Is their war-mongering culture that glorifies violence off-putting? I mean, I could say the same thing about US American Monday night football, another thing I don’t give a shit about. So the hedonistic violence is not the problem entirely. Maybe it’s the complete lack of relatability. <—I’m sure I’d be called a racist on XTwitter for saying that.
Exhibits below:
First we got this person. They have a snake. They don’t talk. They do nothing but sit there, except that time they got their head cut off. Dying silently was the only interesting thing they did.
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This chick. She’s constantly having tedious diaper-baby meltdowns. She’s not only boring, she’s annoying too.
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Next: a giant floating eyeball. Behold, the only Omega Mutant who can be taken out by a really pointy stick. I can’t help but think, if the Arakki have evolved to the point where they don’t look remotely humanoid, how do they reproduce with one another? How have they not died out? Then I remember I had this one friend who told me her BF liked to have his eyeballs licked during sex and so there’s someone for everyone, just goes to show.
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There’s these dweebs. One is an amphibian. One thing I’ve noticed in the last decade or so, is the sudden popularity of some random animal. First it was llamas. Sloths enjoyed a brief time in the sun. Then the corgi was having a moment. Now it’s the axolotl. Friggen axolotl’s on gift cards, notebooks, t-shirts, socks. My kid got axolotl Valentines Day cards. They’re everywhere, including X-Men comics! Dude, if you’d been introduced like, five months earlier, you’d a been a corgi. The guy next to him is something out of a Tim Burton movie, a talking bag of bugs. Bag of Bugs is the Arakki’s archives. The Arakki collectively said: “papyrus? Lasts for centuries you say? Vellum? I mean, if it gets wet, we’re fucked, but otherwise okay. Paper, likewise has a long lifespan. But no! fuck it, dont write it down. let’s store our memories in maggots!” I am just glad I’m not an archivist for the Arakki’s bc I’d have taken a can of Raid to this mo-fo first day.
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I don’t even have anything to say about Space-Cloak. A year’s worth of issues and I got nothing. Lactuca? Sounds like a off-brand of canned evaporated milk.
Our last contestant is Tarn. Tarn was the only interesting one, but he’s purely heinous. He’s like if Mister Sinister was twice as evil and had half the personality. He sucks. That’s why he has scrotums for ears. Is the plural of ‘scrotom’ still scrotum? Scrotums? Scroti? Balls. He’s got balls on his head. So yes, I’m sorry the Arakki have failed to capture my imagination.
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cowtale-utau · 2 years
I did fantasy races, I was planning on picking specific d&d 3.5 classes buuuut. That wasn’t working for me. So these are pulled from several d&d editions as well as Pathfinder.
Undertale Sans/Ace – Vexing Dodger (Rogue Archetype)
Undertale Papyrus/Lief – High Guardian (Fighter Archetype)
Underfell Sans/Chisel – Battle Smith (Artificer Subtype)
Underfell Papyrus/Spur – Noble Fencer (Swashbuckler (Fighter/Gunslinger Hybrid) Archetype)
Underswap Sans/Scout – Arcane Trickster (Rogue/Sorcerer Prestige)
Underswap Papyrus/Piper – Negotiator (Bard Archetype)
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip – Pit Fighter (Fighter/Barbarian Prestige)
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote - Hunter (Druid/Ranger Hybrid)
Horrortale Sans/Tender - Circle of the Shepard (Druid)
Horrortale Papyrus/Cook – Alchemical Trapper (Alchemist Subtype)
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc – Sword Binder (Wizard Archetype)
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint – Concoctor (Alchemist Subtype)
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze – Warmind (Psychic Warrior)
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus – Imperial Agent (Vigilante Archetype)
Underlust Sans/Shine – Brazen Deceiver (Bard Archetype)
Underlust Papyrus/Calico -Voyeuristic Seer (Cleric Prestige)
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – Street Performer (Bard Archetype)
Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot – Celebrity (Bard Archetype)
Outertale Sans/Saturn – Maverick (Artificer Subtype)
Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – Archivist (Artificer Subtype)
Farmtale Sans/Sage – Oathbreaker (Paladin Subtype)
Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – Stalwart Defender (Fighter Prestige)
G!Sans/Aurum – Shadowdancer (Rogue/Beguiler Prestige)
G!Papyrus/Viridis – Horizon Walker (Ranger/Wizard Prestige)
Bermudatale Sans/Archi – Coastal Pirate (Rogue Prestige)
Bermudatale Papyrus/Pelago – Buccaneer (Bard Archetype)
If anyone wants to hunt down the race post, and then try to merge these two to make an actual character, I would love to see it.
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/ was immensely helpful for this post
I still don’t understand the difference between Archetype and Subtype XD
For the ‘prestige’ classes, the ones listed are not necessarily the only way to reach that prestige, just how the skele in question did so.
I do think a case could be made for one of the Divine classes (Cleric, Paladin, Inquisitor, etc) for any of the Judges.
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they-thespian666 · 2 years
Papyrus, Jon Archivist, and Dukino
Honestly a good chunk of my personality is a combination of these three
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tiimecrash · 2 years
( PLOTTED STARTER ) @lightcreators​.
The Time Lady has been stuck in Rome for the last 100 or so years. She had been travelling around the region all in order to remain anonymous. This was to not cause a stir with herself not aging. She never stayed in one place for too long, there was only a few places the Scribe stayed long enough to make any long term companions. Not that they were travelling companions, not at all. Her TARDIS was inoperable at the moment and stuck in the form of a fig tree. She had been trying to fix it for the last 10 years, but nothing seemed to work. She chalked it up to the lack of technology here in the 1st century.
Of all the people the Scribe had met, only about four people knew her actual name, Sola. To everyone else she was either the Scribe or the Woman - but either way she enjoyed the anonymity. She liked being here among the humans, finding their way of life fascinating and interesting. She had learned to live like one and it oddly came easy to her. Something the Scribe would use later, in order to remain unidentified as anything but a simple Roman. She took the name the Scribe, due to her love of history and storytelling. Something that she was fond of on Gallifrey. Before she left her planet, she was an archivist and historian in the Capitol Museum. She was never too fond of politics, but somehow being forced to stay in Rome made her take notice of it. 
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Sitting in the Library of Rome, the Sola was scribbling away on her scroll of parchment paper. She had been accepted into the inner circle of academics to write about history. There were very few ( if any ) female writers and historians in this time and the Scribe found that absurd. She wouldn’t argue with the people over it. It was their history and she wouldn’t change it. That wasn’t allowed by the Gallifreyan High Council. She was just an observer and listener here. To help if she must. That’s when she heard the footsteps of someone approaching her gaze did not move from the papyrus scroll. “What brings you here? Are you lost?” she mused.
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