•°∘∗ the expedition ∗∘°•
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summary: you’re about to make the discovery of a lifetime, so why is it you find yourself more focused on the man you’ve hired to keep you alive?
pairing: mercenary!steve rogers x archeologist!female reader
warnings: SMUT (18+, minors DNI), swearing, mention of: torture, blood, death, alcohol, violence, and knives.
length: 6.8k
a/n: written for my 3k celebration, the prompt is bolded. inspired by national treasure, the mummy (1999), and similar adventure films. the premise of this fic is based on fact/real legends, then the rest is the result of my imagination.
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“Steve Rogers?”
The man hums in answer, his gaze fixated on the small television mounted above the bar.
Offering your hand, you introduce yourself. “We spoke on the phone.”
His head leisurely turns, and though they’re hidden behind dark sunglasses, you feel his eyes as they sweep over you before he accepts your outstretched hand.
“You want me to take you into the jungle.”
Glancing down at his hand as it engulfs yours, you can’t tell if he’s asking a question or stating a fact.
Either way, you respond with “Jake said you were the best man for the job.”
Sort of.
“Are you crazy?” Jake gawks, “I mean, yes, you’re crazy, but this is like a whole new level for you.”
“I’m not here for your opinion.” You assert, resting your palms on his desk and leaning forward. “I just need someone to take us, someone who knows the area.”
Running a hand through his spiked hair, Jake replies “Look, I know a few guys there but none are gonna buy what you’re selling. Treasure hunters are a dime a dozen in South America.”
“Explorers.” You correct, heaving a sigh. “C’mon, there has to be one guy willing.”
“I’m telling you there’s not.”
Slapping your hands on his desk, you straighten up. “Fine then, we’ll go alone.”
“What?” Jake splutters, “You wouldn’t, you - fuck, you would.” He groans.
Glaring at you for a moment, Jake shakes his head before rummaging through the papers strewn across his desk.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous Ecuador is? Do you know how many explorers die there each year?” He lectures.
“Why do you think I’m here?” You retort.
Muttering under his breath, Jake finds what he’s looking for and meets your unyielding gaze. “I’m not saying he’ll do it, but if you have a chance with anyone, it’s Rogers.”
You grab the small piece of paper Jake holds out to you, but his tight grip stops you from taking it.
“He won’t be cheap.” Jake warns.
“Of course.”
A few seconds pass before he relinquishes the paper to you.
Smiling sweetly, you pocket it. “Thank you Jake.”
Huffing, he gestures to the door. “Go.”
Your smile grows at his exasperated demand - which you quickly obey.
Jake’s voice calls out behind you just as you open his office door.
“Don’t tell Rogers what you’re looking for!”
Releasing your hand, Steve pushes up from the bar stool.
You have to tilt your head up and up as you watch him reach his full height.
“That was awfully nice of him.” Steve states dryly, his attention returning to the football game occuring on the television. “You didn’t say why you wanted to go into the jungle.”
“Well, I’m an -”
A low whistle interrupts you, drawing both your and Steve’s attention.
“Maxwell.” You greet the approaching man, smiling through gritted teeth.
Ignoring you, Max looks Steve up and down before announcing “Perfect, you’re just the kind of brute we need.”
He’s not wrong. Steve Rogers is built like a brick shithouse and most definitely suited for the task at hand.
Stopping beside you, Max extends his hand. “You must be Steve Rogers, I’m Max.”
Giving a small nod, Steve shakes his hand before aptly reminding you both “I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”
You keep your lie brief.
“As I was saying, we’re here to study specific sections of the Amazon rainforest for a thesis I’m working on.”
Throwing an arm around your shoulders, Max helpfully - and truthfully, adds “She’s an archaeologist.”
Steve studies you both, his face expressionless.
Your stomach drops.
He doesn’t believe us.
“You’re treasure hunters.” Steve declares, confirming your fear.
“Actually, we’re explorers.”
Continuing on like you hadn’t spoken, Steve says “And I’m guessing you’re after the treasure of Llanganates.”
“Good guess.”
Sighing at Max's admission, you try again “We’re -”
“Listen,” Steve cuts off. “The jungle and mountain ranges here are no joke, and I’m not risking my life just so you two can come to the same conclusion as every other schmuck that’s gone looking for that treasure, which is that it doesn’t exist.”
Your jaw drops at his words. “I’m no schmuck Mr. Rogers and just because you don't -”
“We’ll pay you well.” Max intervenes, shooting you a wary glance as you glare up at the large man.
Steve places his hands on his hips, his attention still on you while you bite your tongue.
You swear his lips twitch with a smirk.
“How much?” Steve eventually asks, turning his head to Max.
“How much do you want?” Max grins.
Silence falls as Steve mulls over the question.
“Five thousand a day.”
Your jaw drops again. “No way!”
Baffled, you gape at Max. “That’s an insane amount.”
Lifting his arm from your shoulders, he shrugs “This is an insane trip.”
All you can do is stare as Max holds his hand out to Steve once more, stipulating “Five thousand a day for you to take us exactly where we want to go and to keep us from dying horrible deaths.”
Nodding, Steve shakes his hand. “Deal.”
You should feel ecstatic.
“Well then, when do we leave?” Max asks, “We’re currently staying at the Tesoro Inn.”
“First I need to know where we’re going.”
Both men turn to look at you.
Reaching into your jean pocket reluctantly, you pull out the map you outlined the beginning of your expedition on and hand it over to Steve.
Unfolding it, he studies the red line. “It’s incomplete.”
Of course, genius.
“You can see the rest when you get us that far.” Arms crossed, you raise your eyebrows, all but daring him to argue back.
Steve regards you from behind his sunglasses before stating “We’ll meet in front of the inn tomorrow morning at five thirty.” As an afterthought he adds “Make sure you pack light.”
You can’t prove it of course, but you just know he’s directing that last comment at you.
Narrowing your eyes, you’re dragged away by Max before you can utter a scathing response.
Steve’s mouth twitches again.
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You stand outside the inn, watching as the sun begins to peek above the horizon.
“So he’s an ass and terrible at keeping time.” You announce in a cheery tone.
Max groans, taking a sip of his coffee.
I suppose after last night he’s probably had enough of me ranting about Steve Rogers.
“Darling, please, just ignore his personality and focus on his good looks.”
You scoff loudly.
“Oh, don’t even try.” Max laughs, “I know how much of a sucker you are for big arms and hands.”
A voice you unfortunately recognise calls out, “Good morning.”
Looking over your shoulder at Steve’s approaching figure, you use the barrier of your sunglasses to properly appraise him for the first time.
Steve’s tall and built, that much you had observed yesterday afternoon.
His hair is dark blond and long, the ends of it curling against the collar of his shirt while some strands fall around his face and over his still present sunglasses. The beard he has is thick and you’ll forcibly admit it’s the best you’ve ever seen.
You weren’t typically one for beards, but he made it work.
Similar to yesterday, Steve wears a long sleeved shirt that’s rolled up to his elbows and khaki military pants held up by a brown belt. Over one shoulder he carries a backpack while a duffel bag hangs from his left hand.
“Mr. Rogers,” You greet with a faux smile. “How nice of you to finally join us.”
Steve grins, coming to a stop in front of you. “Retract those claws kitten, I had to secure our ride.”
As if on cue, the loud rumble of an engine cuts through the peaceful morning air as an old pickup truck comes coasting around the corner, pulling up before you all.
“This must be the new Bentley model,” Max quips good-naturedly.
The older man hanging out of the driver’s window gives a rough laugh. “Ah, un comediante.”
“Solo medio tiempo.” Max retorts, earning another laugh.
Chucking his bags into the bed of the pickup, Steve grabs yours and Max’s off the ground and adds them to the pile. Twisting back to you, Steve extends a hand for the satchel slung across your body.
You shake your head, grasping tightly at the brown leather strap.
He raises an eyebrow but makes no further comment, instead gesturing to the bed of the pickup. “Alright you two, hop in.”
While you and Max climb into the back, Steve rounds the pickup and gets in the passenger side.
Max knocks twice on the back of the cab once you’re both seated and the pickup rolls forward with a loud bang, rocking the two of you sideways.
Resting a heavy arm around your shoulders for stability as you each sway with the motion of the pickup on the dirt road, Max states “I love riding in the bed of trucks, reminds me of -”
“Arizona.” You finish with a soft smile.
“Yep,” Max pops the p. “Where we found nothing but rock.”
“And got burnt to a crisp for our efforts.” You recall, looking up at him as he laughs.
“Let’s pray this expedition proves more fruitful.”
“It will.” You answer without a second thought, clutching your satchel again. “This time is different.”
Arizona had been a spur of the moment idea, something to do for fun and experience - nothing more. There’d been no prior research, no maps, no coordinates.
Humming, Max leans forward and grabs the rolled up sleeping bag from his backpack, placing it between the cab and his head before closing his eyes. “Tell me about it again.”
Settling against his chest, you recite the story you know by heart.
“In 1532, Spanish conquistadores captured an Inca Emperor named Atahualpa who promised them a room full of gold and twice as much silver in exchange for his life. The conquistadores agreed and soon treasures from across the region were being brought to them. However, the conquistadores’ fear of a re-energised Inca military led them to kill the Emperor before the ransom was fulfilled.”
“An Inca General named Rumiñahui had been en route with an enormous amount of treasure for the Emperor’s ransom when he learnt that Atahualpa had been killed. In response, Rumiñahui ordered his men to take the ransom into the uninhabited land of Llanganates and hide it.”
"Rumiñahui continued to haul even more gold, silver, jewels, and Inca artefacts to hide in Llanganates until he was captured by the Spanish. They tortured him for the treasure’s location, but he refused to tell them.”
“He’s a better man than me,” Max mumbles.
“In 1603, a Spaniard named Valverde married an Inca woman and claimed that her family showed him the treasure. Before his death, he wrote out the treasure’s location and even drew a map to guide others to it.”
“People have used and improved Valverde’s map for centuries trying to find the treasure, and the last person to have claimed finding it was Barth Blake in 1886. In a letter he detailed his discovery of gold, silver, emeralds, and other treasures, and stated that he, nor a thousand men could remove all that he had found.”
“So in over a century no-one has claimed to have found even a piece of the treasure?” Max questions, opening his eyes and looking down at you.
Lifting your head from his chest, you shake it. “Plenty have tried. A man named Mark Honigsbaum wrote a book in 2004 about his attempt. He concluded that either the Incans retrieved the treasure centuries ago or it’s been lost forever in the mountains.”
“You believe it’s still in the mountains, right?”
“Yes, in its original hiding spot, just not where it’s marked on Valverde’s map.”
Max huffs, “Why can’t they just say ‘go to this place, here’s the treasure, spend it wisely’?”
You chuckle, but both you and Max know you don’t - can’t agree with his sentiment.
Finding the location of this treasure has been your sole purpose for years. You’ve lived and breathed this lost piece of history for so long that you almost felt a part of it.
To be able to find something that you couldn’t simply be given a map to was everything to you. You’ve earned the coordinates sitting in your satchel through your own hard work and time - so much time. 
Succeeding at this would be your life’s greatest achievement.
As well as your greatest honour. The artefacts, like tiles from the Temple of the Sun, stowed away with that gold and silver were invaluable pieces of lost Inca culture that deserved to be returned to the people and shared with the world.
“How much is it all worth?” Max asks with a whimsical smile.
Sighing, you give him the answer he already knows, but just likes hearing. “Thirty-seven billion dollars, at least. However its historical significance is priceless."
Max squeezes his arm around your shoulders, pulling you even further into his side. "Well seeing how you’re in it for the history, I guess you’ll have no qualms with me taking ninety percent.”
“Ninety?” You repeat, shocked. “That’s generous of you, I expected you to take at least ninety-nine.”
Pressing his mouth to the top of your head with a loud smack, Max states “You underestimate my love for you.”
“Looks like we’ve reached the end of the road.” Max announces once the pickup has slowed to a stop.
You wouldn’t exactly call what you’ve been driving on for the past few hours ‘road’.
A door creaks open before being slammed shut.
“Alright kids,” Steve appears to your right, reaching for the bags. “This is our stop.”
Your legs wobble when you stand and your ass is completely numb from sitting so long.
Gingerly, you lower yourself out of the back of the pickup and walk over to Steve, Max ambling behind you.
Collecting your backpack off the ground, you straighten up as the pickup rolls forward with its signature loud bang and makes a u-turn.
“Buena suerte!” The driver calls out as he passes, raising a hand.
“Gracias!” You and Max return, waving back.
Sliding your sunglasses up onto your head, you turn around to face the famed Amazon rainforest and take a deep breath.
This is it.
“Please, after you.” Max smiles at Steve, sweeping his arm out towards the mass of green.
Dutifully, Steve pulls out a machete from the holder around his thigh and steps forward into the awaiting wilderness.
The first few hours of the trek are completed in silence.
You listen to the soundtrack of the Amazon, admiring the nature around you while getting tripped up by it more often than not.
It’s thick - and humbling.
There are trees that stretch up so high they must almost touch the sky, and their trunks are so wide that you can see nothing else when standing in front of them.
Unfortunately, none of it can distract you from the heat.
The humidity is like nothing you’ve ever experienced and the sun isn’t even at its highest point yet - not that you can see it.
You removed your long sleeved shirt a while ago, stuffing it into your backpack with your sunglasses. This left you in a dark green tank top and brown hiking pants.
“We’ll take a break here.” Steve declares, breaking the long silence.
Pushing your backpack off your shoulders, you take a seat on it and pull out your water bottle, taking a greedy gulp.
“I miss the truck.” Max sighs forlornly, collapsing beside you.
His skin is shiny with sweat, just like yours.
You pat his back sympathetically.
“I thought you were looking for the treasure of Llanganates.” Steve says suddenly, sitting on a fallen tree across from the two of you.
You think it’s a question, but his tone makes it sound like a statement.
He likes doing that.
“We are.” You retort.
“Your map doesn’t follow Valverde’s.”
Surprised, your eyebrows rise. “You’re familiar with Valverde’s map?”
“Do you really think you two are the first I’ve taken on this wild goose chase?”
Raising your chin defiantly, you assert “We’ll be the first to find it.”
Steve smiles at your confidence. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see kitten, but I’ll keep my bet on you going home empty-handed.”
“Oh, I like a good bet, what are we waging?” Max pipes in.
You roll your eyes while Steve’s sunglasses continue to hide his.
After a moment your guide decides “If we find the treasure, my services will be rendered free.”
Max scoffs a laugh “How kind, and what percentage of the treasure will you be asking for?”
Steve smirks, “Nothing absurd, just one percent.”
Which would only work out to about three hundred and seventy million dollars.
Yeah, nothing absurd.
To Max, it’s a bargain.
“I knew I liked you for a reason." He grins, picking himself up and walking over to Steve to shake on their bet.
“When we find the treasure we will be donating it.” You deadpan.
“Ignore her.” Resting his hands on his hips, Max says “She doesn’t understand greed like the rest of us simpletons.”
Steve hums in agreement, “You’ve got finder’s fee written all over you kitten.”
“Would you not call me that?” You glare.
His mouth twitches.
“I thought it was fitting.” Max mumbles from where he stands.
“And yes Mr. Rogers, we will be donating the treasure and accepting whatever finder’s fee we’re offered.”
Standing up, you place your backpack on, deciding for the group that the rest period is over.
As you stride away, you hear Max mutter to Steve “Don’t worry, we can fill our bags with goodies before the museum stiffs show up.”
You sit in front of the small campfire Steve built earlier as a light source.
Heat isn’t something you’re in short supply of.
Max is lying in his sleeping bag on the ground beside you while Steve sits across from you both, on the other side of the fire.
He’s finally removed his sunglasses, but the night hides Steve’s eyes just as well as his shades. Instead of colour, all you see in his eyes is the reflection of the flickering flames between you.
“I was thinking -”
“Shut up.” Max sighs, lifting his hand to slap your closest arm. “I was thinking about what you said about that Blake guy, the one who wrote the letter saying he found the treasure.”
“Hmm?” You prompt.
“Well, it sounded like he really found it, so why didn’t he take it?”
“Blake took what he could carry, planning on -”
“Returning with more men and supplies to retrieve the rest, but on his way to New York from Ecuador he disappeared overboard. Most believe he was deliberately pushed to keep the treasure safe.”
Your head snaps towards Steve and he smirks at your reaction.
“Once again, not my first goose chase kitten.”
You’re about to tell him once again not to call you that, but Max speaks first, clearly trying to avoid another back and forth.
“What’s your deal anyway? How’d you end up in this hot ass country?”
Steve’s smirk fades as he shrugs, his expression hardening.
You side-eye Max.
Good one idiot.
“There’s not much to it.” Steve states. “I used to be in the military, now I’m not. Now I choose what jobs I do, which is usually anything that pays well.”
The fire crackles.
“What about you two?” Steve retorts. “Rich kids with nothing better to do? I can’t tell if you’re related or dating -”
“Ew.” You groan, pulling a face.
“We are not related, nor are we dating.” Max informs.
“And he’s the rich kid.” You add, gesturing down at Max.
“Yep, she just mooches off of me and I mooch off my dad.”
That earns a chuckle from Steve.
“His dad is the director of one of the most respected museums in the world.” You elaborate. “I interned there while completing my degree, which is how we met.”
It’s hard to believe that was almost three years ago. When you first met Max you certainly had no idea how important he’d become in your life.
You’ll never forget the first thing he ever said to you.
“So, do you consciously dress yourself like Rachel Weisz in ‘The Mummy’ or is that just an odd coincidence?”
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“I take back my complaints about the jungle.” Max mutters, observing the swamp.
Midday has just passed and so has the first and shortest section of your expedition - the rainforest.
Now the wetland awaits you all. You estimate that it’ll take roughly three days to get through.
Three days of mud, stench, and the feeling of being constantly wet.
“Staring at it isn’t gonna get us through it any faster.” Steve asserts, taking the first step into the green water.
Everyone has tucked the ends of their pants into their thick socks to try and limit as much contact with the water as possible.
You follow after Steve, Max trailing behind you with a reluctant sigh.
It’s slow-going, trying to avoid branches and rocks hidden beneath the water’s surface that Steve finds with the long stick in his hand. The same stick he uses to avoid deceivingly deep puddles.
However, you soon miss the relative easiness of trekking through the water once you’ve reached the mud.
Loud suction sounds are all that can be heard as the three of you trudge through the mud that swallows your feet and then some with every step, a dark line on your pants indicating the highest it’s reached - halfway up your calves.
It takes all of your strength to free yourself, just so you can do it all over again.
“My legs are going to be ripped after this.” Max pants.
You can only huff a breath in response, too focused on pulling your feet from the mud. The suction is so strong you’re worried you might lose a boot - or two.
It also doesn’t help that your backpack feels like it’s full of bricks.
“Oh thank god, solid ground.” Max announces gratefully.
You look up - not to see if he’s telling the truth, but to see why he sounds so far away.
Wasn’t he just beside me?
“Shit.” You mutter to yourself.
Both men have made better progress than you. Max has spotted the solid ground because Steve now stands on it.
Staring back down at your engulfed feet, you grit your teeth and use every bit of strength you have left to try and quicken your pace. Every hour of daylight was precious and there wasn’t much left of today’s.
Maybe it’s their longer legs or strength - Max isn’t that much stronger than me, or maybe their backpacks simply don’t weigh a million tonnes -
God my legs are burning.
Then suddenly, it’s like a weight is lifted.
Because it is.
Your backpack is pulled from your shoulders before Steve places it over his own, his bags deserted on the hard ground ahead.
“Oh.” You squeak, startled by his presence. “Uh, thank you - wait, what - put me down!” You demand as you’re lifted from the mud with an echoing pop.
Steve’s hands grasp your hips as he pulls you out with what seems to be little effort, his arms bulging with the action. Then you’re upside down, thrown over one of his broad shoulders.
“Are you a caveman? You can’t just manhandle me!” You protest, affronted.
You brace your hands on his lower back, trying to hold yourself up so your face doesn’t bump into his back.
Is he just all muscle?
He’s rock solid underneath your hands.
Steve chuckles, “I just did kitten.”
“Would you -”
“Time is valuable out here, we can’t wait around for you to finish playing in the mud.”
Glaring at the mud beneath you, you insist “Put me down or I’ll fire you.”
It’s a very weak threat since you and Max kind of need him, but it’s all you’ve got.
Also… maybe you kind of don’t want him to put you down. 
Another chuckle. “You didn’t hire me, nor are you the one paying me.”
“You know what -”
“Quit whining!” Max calls out, sounding close. “I told him to go get you, I want out of here.”
“See? I’m just doing what the boss asked.”
“How noble of you Mr. Rogers.” You mumble.
“Well it’s a nice change of scenery kitten.”
It takes a moment for you to understand his meaning, but it’s obvious when you do, your sharp inhale of air audible as you open your mouth to tell him to go -
You squeak again as you’re abruptly dropped onto your feet.
“And stop with the Mr. Rogers talk.” Steve says, shrugging off your backpack and hooking it over your left shoulder before you can snatch it from him.
Dropping his head so that he’s looking into your eyes - his are still hidden behind those damn sunglasses, Steve purrs “But if you insist on being so formal, sir will do just fine.”
Your mouth falls open and Steve moves out of the way with a chuckle when you attempt to swing your backpack at him.
The absolute -
Max appears beside you and grabs your arm lightly, urging you forward as Steve continues trekking ahead.
“Please remember we need him alive.” Max implores.
“Now will you admit to me that he’s hot?”
“Shut up.” You snap at Max, shooting him a glare.
“Just look at his -”
Covering his mouth with your hand, you raise your eyebrows in warning.
You’re sitting on a log in front of the campfire not admiring Steve in the distance, illuminated by the torch on the ground beside him as he changes shirts for the night and -
Max snorts against your hand, making you drop it as your gaze quickly shifts to the fire while Steve changes into a different pair of pants.
Can’t he do that somewhere more private?
“Oh darling, you’d love his thighs, have a look -”
“Would you shut up?” You hiss.
“Too bad it’s dark,” Max carries on. “I can’t really see what his underwear is hiding - ow!”
Whack. “Shut.” Whack. “Up.” Whack.
“Alright, alright.” He surrenders, rubbing his arm. “Jesus, you’re in one of your violent moods today.” 
Then, as if he can’t resist - because he can’t, Max smirks “Unlike Harry, I bet he’d actually know how to -”
“Oh my god -”
“Who’s Harry?”
You jump at the sound of Steve’s voice and your hand freezes midair, interrupted on its way to hit Max again.
“No one.”
“Her ex.”
I will murder you before sunrise - that’s what the look you direct at Max promises.
Steve hums, taking a seat on the other side of the fire. “And what didn’t he know how to do?”
His smirk tells you he’s already assumed.
I want to die.
I want them to die.
“Cook.” You declare, glaring at him. “He didn’t know how to cook.”
“Was terrible at it,” Max reinforces with a sad tone.
You have to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“That’s a shame.” Steve states in his deep voice, a hint of laughter detectable in it. “Every man should know how to cook.”
“I wouldn’t call him much of a man.” Max inputs.
Fucking hell.
The comment is probably a little harsh, but Max is your best friend.
Harry had been your first and last attempt at a relationship. He’d been nice enough but… well, that was it really. Just nice, tolerable… passionless. You’d stick to the fictional men in your romance novels.
“Can you cook Steve?” Max asks, as casual as ever.
You turn to him with wide eyes.
“I’m a great cook.” You can clearly hear the laughter in Steve’s voice now.
“Of course you’d think that.” You jab, looking from Max to him.
Steve meets your irritated gaze over the fire with a smirk. “I’ve never had any complaints.”
“Well,” You shrug, biting back “Doesn’t mean they walked away satisfied.”
“I wouldn’t say they walked.”
Max chortles next to you, choking on his own spit while heat floods your face and neck.
“Okay.” Standing abruptly, you state “I’m going to bed.”
Their laughter follows you all the way to your sleeping bag.
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“I smell so bad.”
“I’m glad you said it.”
“Oh, because you smell so much better.” You mock, eyeing Max.
The wetland has been punishing. You’re covered in mud, bug bites, and drenched in your own sweat - not to mention every part of your body aches. It’s unpleasant, to say the least.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you decide to tell Max some more historical fun facts. 
Well, they’re fun to you.
“You know, Valverde drew the map to the treasure before his death because he wanted to give it as a gift to the King of Spain.” You begin, “The King sent out an expedition to find the treasure but -”
“They were unsuccessful - obviously, and the friar that was accompanying them died in a swamp.” Steve gazes around, “Possibly this one.”
You purse your lips at his interruption, but can’t find it within yourself to be annoyed.
“Also,” You try again, addressing Max. “The Spanish conquistadors would constantly dig up large quantities of platinum while searching for gold and while we know platinum to be more valuable than gold -”
“They dismissed it as junk because being so rare, they didn’t know what it was. All they knew was that it wasn’t gold, so they would dump it as scrap.” Steve concludes, his shade covered eyes looking over at you.
“They threw away one of the rarest and most precious metals on Earth because their lust for gold, something that only had value because they gave it value, blinded them to the true, unique treasure right in front of them.”
It feels like the air has been knocked out of your lungs.
Forcing a huff, you feebly respond “Would you stop that?”
“Stop what?” Steve smirks.
That damn, all-knowing smirk.
“Knowing… things.”
Wow, good one. You really got him.
Steve’s smirk widens into a grin. “Why kitten? You like it when I talk smart?”
Yes, it makes me want to climb you like a tree.
“No, I just prefer not being interrupted.”
“Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.” Max pipes up, “But is this hellhole about to end?”
You gaze ahead and see that Max hasn’t gone mad. The wetland is indeed about to end.
“We’ll set up camp on the outskirts of the swamp.” Steve directs, glancing at his watch. “Tomorrow we’ll head into the grasslands, there’s a lake on our path that we should reach by the afternoon.”
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“It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Max sighs lovingly, admiring the lake. “I dibs using it first.”
You shrug, “Whatever.”
After three days covered in filth, what harm could waiting an hour or so longer do?
Besides, you wanted to take your sweet, sweet time.
Leaving Max at the lake, you and Steve trek up over a small hill beside it. There’s a few trees here, but they’re slim and spaced out, unlike in the rainforest.
Steve selects a spot at the bottom of the hill to set up camp, giving anyone using the lake some privacy.
Max wanders down a little while later, after everything has been set up and a small fire is burning steadily.
You tell Steve he can go next and he’s quick to rise.
It feels like you wait an eternity, but you know it’s just your eagerness to be clean that drags the time out.
The moment you spot Steve coming over the hill you’re on your feet, heading for the lake.
At the lakeside you remove your clothes, leaving your bra and underwear on. You soak your clothes first, scrubbing them clean before laying them out over the rocks around the lake to soak up the afternoon sun.
Finally, you delve into the lake’s cool waters.
You don’t rush, taking the time to rub every part of yourself spotless. Afterwards you lie on your back and float around the lake.
When your face starts to feel too hot from the sun, you submerge yourself underneath the water and hold your breath for as long as you can before coming back up.
Breaking the surface of the water, you keep your eyes shut while you run a hand over your face, removing the excess water.
When you open them again, you flinch.
“Do you mind?” You all but shriek at Steve who’s sitting on a large boulder at the lakeside, watching you.
He smirks, “Not at all.”
Glaring at him, you hiss “That’s not what I meant.”
“I know.”
One of these days I’m going to kill him.
Swimming up to the edge of the lake, you keep everything below your neck underwater.
“Well, pass me my towel.” You snap.
Steve raises an eyebrow and it’s only then that you realise he’s not wearing his sunglasses.
His eyes are blue.
You’re too far away to see any great detail though.
Steve raises his other eyebrow, bringing you back to reality and making your teeth grind.
Leisurely, Steve reaches for your towel behind him on the boulder and holds it out to you, as far as his arm will extend.
“Are you serious?” You ask, exasperated.
He shrugs, “I’m afraid it’s the best I can do kitten.”
Groaning, you bite out “Fine, close your eyes.”
A moment passes before he eventually does as you demanded, his eyes shutting.
“No peeking.” You enforce, squinting at him.
When you’re certain he can’t see anything, you rise out of the water and quickly approach him.
The second your hand grips the towel Steve tugs on it, sending you toppling onto him.
You fall face first into his solid chest while your hands scramble for purchase to push yourself back.
“What are you -”
The words die in your throat when you feel his warm, rough hands grasp your waist and spin you around, bringing you down to sit on his lap.
“Let me help you.” Steve husks into your ear, his beard pleasantly scratching at your skin. 
His right hand presses against your bare stomach, holding you in place while his other hand picks up your towel again, swiping it over your left arm.
You open your mouth to object, but then his right hand is gliding up your wet skin to lightly wrap around your neck, tilting your head backwards so he can move the towel over your chest.
Any fight you might have had leaves your body in a giant whoosh, his touch turning you to jelly.
“There you go,” Steve coo’s. “It’s not healthy to always be so tense kitten.”
Fuck you.
That’s what you want to tell him, but instead you whimper as he suddenly drags the towel down and over your underwear.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Since you pleasured yourself? Yes. Since you had a man touch you? Even more of a yes.
But he hadn’t made you feel anything close to this.
“That’s okay.” Steve whispers, as if you had answered. “I’ll take care of you, it’s what I’m getting paid for.”
Abandoning the towel, his fingers dip behind the band of your underwear and you’re almost panting in excitement.
He’s so… big around you, caging you in and overriding your senses.
“Poor kitten,” Steve teases, dragging two of his fingers along your slick folds. “Just dripping for me, huh?”
You want to punch him so badly you -
“Oh.” You can’t help but moan as his thumb presses on your clit, lightly circling it.
Instinctively, your thighs squeeze together and both of your hands wrap around his wrist to stop the action.
You’re embarrassed by how sensitive you are.
It has been a while.
Steve hushes you, “I know, I know.” Using his left hand to pry your thighs apart, he begins circling your clit again. “Just relax, I got you.”
His words seem to have a pull over you, as your body instantly relaxes in his hold.
With your body pliant, Steve’s fingers dip down further and slowly push into you - first one, then two.
Your hips eagerly lift to meet his hand.
“Good girl, fuck yourself on my fingers.” The vulgar sentence sets your face on fire while also making you clench around his digits with a gasp.
How the hell does he know just what to say? 
It’s like he’s read one of your books.
Steve’s fingers start to push into you faster and a bit rougher as his thumb continues circling your clit.
Your stomach tenses, the coil within you already about to snap and god you want it, you want it so bad, so, so bad -
“Please.” You mumble, not recognising your own voice. It’s so airy and desperate. “Please let me come.”
Steve releases a guttural groan beside your ear, the sound rumbling against your back while his arousal pokes at your ass.
His thumb quickens on your clit as his fingers keep pumping into you, nudging just a bit more before -
You moan loudly when he hits the sweet spot inside you.
Steve’s warm breath tickles your cheek. “Come for me baby, make a mess on my fingers.”
Crying out, you whine Steve’s name as your orgasm collides with you.
It’s like the blood in your veins is replaced with fire, your body intoxicatingly hot as you jerk in Steve’s hold, riding out your high on his still moving fingers.
Steve’s murmuring in your ear, but it’s all white noise as you come back to yourself.
“Fuck.” You whisper when you feel a little less lightheaded.
Removing his hand from beneath your underwear, Steve raises his fingers to his mouth and sucks them clean. You watch him, mouth slightly ajar.
“How was that kitten? Was it good?” Steve asks once he’s finished, his blue eyes shining down at you.
They’re a light blue - baby blue. At first you think they’re pure blue, but then you see just a flicker of green within them. Somehow it makes them even prettier.
It’s a shame he’s always hiding them away.
“Very.” You breathe out honestly, your mind still muddled.
Steve grins and lowers to brush his mouth over your cheek, the feeling of his beard making you shiver. “The chef appreciates your compliment.” He teases.
Drawing the connection back to that night days before brings you out of your orgasm-induced stupor and kicks your brain into gear.
What the hell did I just do?
Pulling yourself from Steve, you stand - your thighs still shaking a little, and snatch your towel off the ground. Wrapping it around yourself, you collect your clothes from the nearby rocks.
When you turn back you find Steve still sitting in the exact same spot, contently watching you with a lazy smirk, like nothing’s out of the ordinary - like there isn’t a large tent in his pants.
Your core throbs at the sight and you quickly look away.
Marching past him, you don’t respond when Steve calls out “I’ll be up soon kitten, I just gotta wash some of my clothes.”
The smile in his tone is obvious.
Heading for camp, you try to process what just happened.
Did I really just let Steve finger me?
“Oh god, Max.” You groan, dreading his reaction.
Just act natural, he won’t know if -
“Hello there, you took your - wait.” His eyes narrow.
To avoid looking at him you begin drying yourself and re-dressing.
“What?” You ask, trying to sound casual.
Max strides over to you and grabs your chin, forcing you to face him.
“No. Way.”
How the hell -
“Did you fuck Steve?” Max whisper-shouts, his brown eyes wide with excitement.
“No!” You respond in the same tone.
“Then what -”
Gesturing for him to be quiet, you check your surroundings before answering “Look, he just… gave me a helping hand, alright?”
It was less painful to just tell him, otherwise he’d never drop the subject.
“Did he ask for a helping hand back?”
So damn nosy.
“No.” You sigh, exasperated.
Max grins, “I knew he’d be good to you.”
Squinting at him, you retort “What does that mean?”
“Nothing.” Waving you off, he sits back down by the fire. “Was he good at it?”
Looking over your shoulder again to make sure Steve hadn’t snuck up, you quickly answer “He was great at it, now can we please forget this ever happened?”
Max lets out a chuckle while you finish zipping up your pants. “Good luck with that darling, you can’t exactly avoid him out here.”
What were you thinking?
You were supposed to be searching for lost treasure - the find of the century, not getting some from your guide who you literally cannot escape from until this is all over.
A guide who is going to be unbearable after this, as if he isn’t already.
Dropping your head into your hands, you let out a pained whine.
It’s fine. Everything is going to be just fine.
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aliiok · 1 year
Chapter 8
Through the Stars
mando x reader
Summary: Mando helps you out!
NSFW! Mature content, 18+
Warnings: NSFW! graphic details of injuries & blood. fingering, & other sexual themes (unrelated to the injuries)
After returning to the ship, you registered Mando dropping his rifle, and carrying you to the room with his cot. It was spacious enough to accommodate a decent-sized bedspread, and the high ceiling allowed a small hammock to hang above it where the child would sleep.
Now, though, he was sealed away in his pod. Your mind was unable to process the events that had just transpired, but the term Jedi rolled around in the back of your mind. You were trying your best to keep it together, but the pain was almost too much to bear. Normally, you’d be grateful to be back on the ship, but it was only a small comfort compared to what you were surely about to endure.
The Mandalorian left you there on the bed for what seemed like an eternity. You heard his bootsteps as he climbed the rungs of the ladder, followed by the familiar sound of the ship's door closing and the vessel lifting off the ground.
Meanwhile, the sharp pain in your shoulder was unbearable, and it took all your strength to keep from passing out. The edges of your vision were hazy, and you felt sick to your stomach. For now, you were stuck alone with your incoherent thoughts.
After a while, the Mandalorian returned. You almost cried out in relief at just the sight of him.
“Help…” you groaned.
"How was this injury made?" he asked hurriedly as he inspected your shoulder. He touched just the wrong spot, and you clamped your eyes shut, squeaking as the pain pierced through you.
"He pulled my arm... sounded bad,” you managed to reply weakly.
Mando seemed to understand you, and maneuvered to your side. You barely registered him.
“This is going to hurt,” he said, placing one hand to grip your elbow tightly and another lightly on the top of your shoulder. “But it will be better soon.”
Without warning, he yanked your arm, causing you to cry out. You jerked away from him, tears starting to run down the sides of your temples. Your vision went black, but faded back to a dull haze as you made out the Mandalorian fixed to your side. But the pain didn’t waver. Later, you would be able to reflect that in your movement, you only seemed to deter him from actually fixing the problem.
He said your name, and you looked towards his helmet with glossy eyes. You had assumed him mercilessness, but the gentle way he tried to draw your attention reminded you he was only trying to help.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, his voice surprisingly soft and reassuring.
At this point, you couldn’t speak, but you mouthed a yes. He nodded, shifting his positioning. He moved to straddle your middle, pressing you down into the bed and making your stomach whirl. You tried to breathe, but it was getting harder to stay still.
With a sharp pull, he popped your shoulder back into its original place, and you let out a loud cry. The grinding sensation in your shoulder made you heave. This time, you weren't able to jerk away, and your world went back into place, leaving you with a throbbing shoulder. More liquid streamed out of your eyes, but this time at just the sense of relief.
You laid there for a few moments, taking in your full surroundings. Mando had moved off of you and sat perched to your side. His helmet was pointed in your direction, but you couldn’t tell exactly where he was looking. You started to feel almost normal, and then the numbness started to wear off.
You were suddenly very aware of the ache in your shoulder, and an area just below your jaw on one side stinging. The hand on your good side raised to your head, inspecting the wound there. It wasn’t bleeding anymore, but you felt dried blood that led down your neck to the top you were wearing.
It was almost as if your brain started to flicker back on, like a holocomputer. You felt panic rise up in your gut again, but realistically you knew you were safe.
“Is he okay?” The question popped in your mind suddenly, concern evident on your face. The Mandalorian nodded.
You started to sit up, putting your weight on your good arm. You hissed a little at the movement, but were grateful at how manageable it was compared to before.
“Slow down,” he ordered, placing a gloved hand on your stomach to push you back down again.
You huffed, but still not in any condition to argue. When he didn’t move his hand, you placed your own on top.
Your breathing started to pick up, and everything at once started to come back to you in full force. How you were attacked. The pain. The child protecting you. How you failed at protecting him.
Deciding to do anything to distract yourself, you placed a hand on the Mandalorian’s knee. He stared at you, his eyes piercing into you even from behind the visor. Your hand trailed up his thigh, headed towards his groin. Instead of meeting it, he caught your wrist.
You gasped, surprised at the sudden movement. He didn’t say anything, nor did he move. After a moment, you started to get restless.
“Please…” you said quietly, swallowing the emotion bubbling in your throat.
His hand moved to your thigh, resting about midway down. You stared into his visor, daring him to go further. Something awakened in your core as he moved his way up. You let out a breath, and he stopped, inches away from where you wanted him. He squeezed your flesh there, making you stir. You were sure he could see your desperation on your face.
Mando slowly moved, rubbing at the inner flesh of your thigh. You held in a whine, rubbing your thighs together for more friction.
“Stay still,” he said. You whimpered at his voice, feeling more arousal bloom in your lower belly.
He removed his fingers all together from your inner thigh, and resorted to undoing your belt and removing your holster. His hands pulled on your trousers, and you moved your legs up, planting your feet and bending them at the knee. You lifted your ass momentarily, and he was able to scrunch your bottoms around your lower thighs.
While you weren't naked, you felt exposed under his gaze. He could only see your bare legs, but it felt as though he could see right through you. Every inch of your skin prickled with awareness as his gaze lingered on you. He shifted his positioning, leaning in closer to you, and you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine.
Mando removed his glove, and you saw his hand. It was rough and calloused, with his veins prominent as he flexed his fingers. On the back of his hand, you spied a few light freckles dotted around his tan skin. You had already deduced that he was human, but if you needed anymore evidence, this surely would’ve been it.
He moved his hands towards your face. You felt his fingers at your lips, and opened them. They went in, and you almost gagged at their size. After taking a second to adjust, you closed your mouth around them and pushed your tongue upwards. Your mouth watered, and you began to suck on his fingers.
The Mandalorian groaned, and you reveled in the sound, deep and hoarse through the vocoder. You relished his fingers, lapping your tongue against them. After wetting them sufficiently, he removed them from your mouth.
Mando moved to sit on his knees, near your pelvis. Your pulse quickened at the implication of his movements. He pushed your underwear aside, and without warning, plunged the same two digits into you.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, your hands fisting the sheets.
You clenched around his fingers. They were so large that even just two made you feel satisfyingly full. At this point, your cheeks were aflame, and you avoided looking at him. Your stomach churned a little and anxiety made your chest icy, but you pushed it away to make room for the coming pleasure.
The pad of his thumb settled on your clit. With soft motions, he began a slow pace of pumping his fingers into you, and drawing delicious circles with his thumb. You moaned, moving your hand closest to him onto his leg, grasping the thigh-guard there. The cool metal felt good against your palm, as the rest of your body was starting to heat up.
Your eyes focused back on him. He was watching himself work intently, and the sight caused your heart to skip a beat. The way his muscles tensed and relaxed with each movement was captivating. The thought of touching him, of feeling the heat of his skin against yours, sent a thrill through your body.
Finally, he started to quicken his pace. At the same time, he curled his two fingers inside of you upwards with each thrust. You tried not to move, your first instinct to buck up your hips. You groaned, one hand clenching his leg harder and the other still lost somewhere in the bedding.
“So wet…” he trailed off, and you whimpered.
Your head nodded to the side, and you clamped your eyes shut. Your body shuddered with pleasure, and your breathing became uneven. The pad of his thumb pressed down harder on your bundle of nerves, and you shuddered. His lazy circles turned into competent motions that made your back arch off of the cot.
“Shit, Mando!” you cried, and all of the muscles in your legs contracted.
You once again wished you could see him at this moment. Without the helmet, without the armor, just the person behind it. You longed to see his eyes, to know what he was thinking, feeling, behind that stoic expression. Maybe it was silly to dwell on these thoughts, but you couldn't help it. He had become such an important part of your life in such a short amount of time. You trusted him with your life, but there was still so much you didn't know about him. The thought made your heart ache.
The thought, though, soon vanished. The Mandalorian’s other, unoccupied, hand trailed up your stomach, and to your chest. He only left it firmly planted there for a second. In one swift move, he again shifted his body and placed your feet over his shoulder. Your legs were up in the air now, your calves sitting where his collar bone would be, and angled towards the ceiling. This gave him better access to keep up his pace between your legs.
It was becoming more difficult by the second to keep yourself still. His hand was rocking against you, building you towards orgasm brick by brick. Your heart beat fast and steady in your chest. Your moans crescendoed, and you surprised even yourself by the volume.
Your attention was fixated solely on him. He wasn’t looking at you any longer, now entirely focused on getting you off. You even didn’t care anymore how you looked, choosing to close your eyes once again.
The noises you were making raised in pitch as he kept his impossible pace, and your pleasure soared. You tightened around his fingers, arousal almost at its peak. Every muscle in your body was tense, you still trying (but failing) to follow his earlier directions and keep from moving.
In that moment it only took one thing to push you over the edge: the Mandalorian said your name in that low, steely voice of his. You were blinded by bliss as your orgasm tore through you, writhing and coming on his hand. A feeling of white hot euphoria spread through your torso to all of your limbs. Your hand gripped his armor so hard that it moved out of its rightful positioning.
His finger’s were still in your pussy, drawing out the feeling. Quickly, the last sparks of pleasure were being replaced by oversensitive aftershocks.
As the moment came to a close, you were left feeling breathless and content. The room was small, and the cot barely fit the two of you. Mando pulled his fingers out of you, and laid your legs gently back on the sheets. You felt yourself ease some, your muscles relaxing. The pain in your shoulder returned to you, but it was manageable. Slowly, you fixed your underwear and pulled your trousers back up.
You shifted on the bed, trying to find a more comfortable position, but couldn't help start to feel a little panicked. He must have noticed your discomfort and asked if you were alright.
You nodded, but the feeling didn't go away. You started to feel like the small room was closing in on you. It wasn't just physical discomfort, but also an emotional one. You had let your guard down before, but now you felt vulnerable and exposed.
Mando gently placed a hand on your chest.
"You're okay," he said softly. "You're safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you."
He stayed like that with you for a while, and the both of you just listened to you breathe. You calmed down more, trying to move to peaceful state of mind.
Mando eventually got up from the cot and walked over to a small cabinet, retrieving a container of bacta. A few moments later, you heard water running. He walked back over to you, and poured some onto a cloth, gently pressing it against the wound on your neck. You winced at the sting but breathed through it. After all, it was nothing like the pain you experienced before.
"Sorry," he said, his voice laced with concern. You noticed he had righted his armor, and donned both gloves once again.
"It's alright," you replied, grateful for everything he had done. "Thank you for taking care of me."
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kakyoinscheryblush · 2 years
Once upon an lost island [Joseph Joestar x reader]
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Summary: Y/n was an archaeologist at the Speedwagon Archeology Centre. After being paired up with a famous adventurer Joseph Joestar to an upcoming expedition, she will have to overcome her many fears in order to prove to her agency that she is fit to be one of their best researchers they have.
However, neither Joseph nor Y/n were prepared for what the mysterious island had in store for them…
This work is originally posted on Ao3 on my profile @Tena_HH
Masterlist << Next chapter
Chapter one, Somewhat a celebrity
Dear grandpa,
New York is livelier than ever, even after many letters we have exchanged over the years. My job is still the same and I swear the rats are getting bigger and bigger. And the Speedwagon Archeology Centre is thriving as usual!
You know how every time I write to you I say there aren't any major discoveries? Well, this time I have a surprise for you! 
One of our satellites discovered a medium island in the Pacific ocean two months ago! But I wouldn’t be writing to you so urgently if it wasn’t a major discovery.
The satellite caught a picture of a temple in the middle of an island. Though, it is surrounded by probably kilometres of rainforest. 
Today there will be a huge conference with all the famous archeologists you could think of, and the commission will be choosing the candidates for the expedition to the newfound island!
Since the Speedwagon Archeology Centre discovered the island with our satellites, we have to recommend who we will be sending to the expedition. 
And I sincerely hope it isn't me. You know I’ve never been good at such things, I’m better off brainstorming in my lab rather than getting eaten by a huge beast or something. 
The news reporters are going to be swarming within minutes the conference is done and there will be numerous articles and theories about the island. Even though we ourselves don’t know much about it. 
But, I’ll be updating you in the next letter. Until then keep safe and don’t forget to lock Roger in his cage at night!
Your dearest granddaughter, N/n
The h/c haired woman sighed as she put down the pen next to the letter. “I’ll send it off tomorrow…” she murmured as she folded it up and put it aside. 
This was the biggest discovery that the Speedwagon Archeology Centre ever had! It felt as if it was just yesterday when everything happened.
And today, there will be a conference where her agency will have to recommend two people to go on the expedition.
It would probably be Jessica and Christoper… The duo was an ace when it came to going on expeditions to unknown places.
Which made Y/n extremely happy since she didn’t have to really go anywhere. Most of the time it was her assistant, Penny Adamas, who brought her the news or a cup of (favourite drink).
Y/n greatly appreciated her and she showed that by sometimes giving Penny gift cards for some clothing stores. 
“Ms. L/n! Ms. L/n! We must get you dressed! NOW! ” a short woman with her hands full of clothes slammed the wooden doors open, making the vases around the huge office shake.
“Oh God, Penny! Don’t scare me like that!” Y/n exclaimed as she placed her hand on her heart. 
Penny laughed and dropped the pile of clothes on Y/n’s opened books, “No can do in this kind of emergency, Ms. L/n. Also, I picked out this outfit for you! Now go change quickly!”. Without observing the clothes Y/n picked them up and rushed out of her huge office and went into a nearby toalet. 
There were five of her other coworkers inside touching up their hair and make up.
“Hello, Y/n!” one of them greeted as she pulled out a red lipstick out of her small handbag.
"Hello to you too, Nicole!” Y/n greeted as she rushed into the bathroom stall and locked the doors. 
“Let’s see what Penny has brought me…” she whispered as she unfolded the freshly ironed clothes.
It was a white blouse with a knee length black skirt, black blazer and black heels. https://imgur.com/a/SV7GEcR (look reference)
“Hm, looks promising…” Y/n muttered as she took off her previous clothes and put on the ones that Penny gave her. After she dressed up she neatly folded her clothes and grabbed her shoes. 
She opened the bathroom stall doors and walked out, while trying to quietly stepp in her heels.
The other five women left and now it was only Y/n in the bathroom. “Thank God I washed my hair yesterday…” the h/c haired woman mumbled as she brushed down her hair, keeping her (type of hairstyle) intact. 
Y/n walked out and entered her office, and spotted Penny observing the artefacts in one of the tall showcases. “What do you think, Penny?” Y/n asked as she placed the clothes onto her chair. 
The brown haired assistant whirled her head around and gasped.
“Ms. L/n! You look absolutely stunning!” Penny’s hazel eyes glimmered in happiness. “Of course I do… After all, you’re the one that chose my outfit.” Y/n smiled at her assistant. 
Penny laughed and clapped her hands, “Now… Time for some perfume!” she exclaimed as she pulled out a glass bottle with translucent pink substance in it.
Y/n’s eyes widened in alarm, “No- Penny, put that thing down!” she shouted as she hid behind her office chair. 
“I’m sorry Ms. L/n, but this has to be done!” Penny shouted as she ran to Y/n and sprayed her multiple times with the pink perfume. 
“Gah-” Y/n choked and squeezed her eyes shut. Penny rolled her eyes, “Ms. L/n… Really?”. Y/n fixed her posture and sucked in a deep breath. “Yes, really …” she mumbled as she shook her head. 
After a few moments Penny chuckled as she sweated a bit, “Ms. L/n… I may have forgotten to tell you a tiny detail about the press conference…”. Y/n raised an eyebrow at Penny, “What is it?”.
“Joseph Joestar is attending the press-”  
“WHO IS WHAT -” Y/n screamed as she grabbed her chair, preventing her from falling on the wooden floor. 
Penny grimaced a little, “Mr. Speedwagon invited Mr. Joestar to attend the press… Hehehe… Apologies for not telling you sooner…”. Y/n’s throat went dry as she shook her head. 
“O-Oh God… I think I’m about to faint…” she mumbled out as she paced her palm on her forehead.
Penny panicked and rushed to her, “Oh, come on Ms. L/n! Don’t be like that! Isn’t he the person who you always considered an icon in the archeology world?”.
Y/n shakily nodded as her cheeks flared up in embarrassment, “That’s the thing Penny! I will fumble with my words and make an absolute idiot out of myself! I can’t even have a normal conversation with anybody and now I’ll have to talk to the Joseph Joestar!?”
Penny patted her shoulder, “There, there, Ms. L/n… Maybe you can ask him for an autograph when the press finishes?” she suggested.
Y/n sighed and shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah, but which one?” she muttered as she bent over a bit and opened one of the desk drawers, revealing up to 10 magazine covers with Joseph on them. 
“Wow, Ms. L/n… I didn’t know you admired him that much…” she teased the taller woman. Y/n rolled her eyes as her cheeks flushed, “Don’t even start, please …” whined as she placed her face in her palms. 
“Alright, alright I wont…” she chuckled as she looked at her silver wrist watch. “Oh shit! Your ride is waiting outside the facility!” Penny shouted out as she pushed out Y/n out of her office. 
“W-Wait- You’re not going with me?!” Y/n exclaimed and Penny rushed to the table, picked something up and ran to Y/n.
“No, I’m not. I have too much paperwork to finish. Now take this and go!” Penny slammed one of her magazine covers into her chest and closed the doors in front of her. 
Y/n stared at the doors for a few moments until she shook her head, folded up her poster and hurried to the elevator and pushed a button.
Once she entered the elevator she pressed the button for the first floor and the metal doors closed automatically. 
The elevator opened and Y/n walked out into the huge reception floor. Many people were also in a hurry, many of them wearing lab coats while some were wearing suits and dresses. 
“Excuse me- Sorry-” Y/n apologised as she bumped into a few coworkers.
Once she got out she spotted a man dressed in an all balck suit holding a paper with ‘Y/n L/n’ on it. “Sir! That’s me!” Y/n exclaimed as she waved at the driver. 
“Took you long enough, princess…” the older driver grumbled as he opened the doors of the back of the limo for her. “I’m sorry sir, it was a real struggle to get out of the building…” Y/n apologised to him. 
“Eh, it doesn’t matter, I just wanna get paid…” he muttered as he entered the limo and looked at the back of the paper. “The Sci-Dispatch Press facility…?” he mumbled to himself as he started the car. 
Y/n stayed quiet as she swiftly stuffed the magazine cover into the pocket of her black blazer.
The driver started driving and noticed Y/n fidgeting a bit, “You ok over there, champ?” he asked as he looked at her through the rearview mirror.
She looked up into his eyes in the mirror and bit her lip anxiously, “Not really… There is a big press conference that I have to attend and I’m starting to think that I won’t be able to do it…” she admitted in defeat. 
“The Sci-Dispatch Press doesn’t like weaklings like you, buster. Let me tell you that… I hear a lot of nasty shit that they do behind the scenes…” He muttered as he opened a piece of bubble gum and popped it into his mouth. 
“Want some?” he asked as he outstretched his hand and offered her a pack of pink bubble gum. “No thank you sir…” Y/n replied politely.
“More for me… By the way, the name’s Tony Castellano…” Tony introduced himself. 
“I’m Y/n L/n, nice to meet you sir.” Y/n said to the older man. “If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of ‘nasty shit’ did you hear that the Sci-Dispatch Press does?” Y/n peered over to the limo driver who loudly chewed the pink bubble gum. 
Tony laughed snarky, “Cara mia, you sure ask a lot of questions… But alright… I overheard that the Sci-Dispatch Press is helping with multiple artefact smuggling from all across the world. Not sure if it’s true, but you didn’t hear this from me, capish?” Tony warned the e/c colored woman and her eyes widened in shock. 
‘This is where we will have our press conference about our newest discovery!’ Y/n thought as many alarms balred inside her mind.
Tony laughed as he speeded up a bit, “Keep that capo of yours focused and don’t answer any of the questions you find suspicious.” Tony said as he lightly shrugged his shoulders. 
“Thank you for the advice, Mr. Castellano…” Y/n thanked the limo driver who only popped the pink bubble, “Eh, it’s no problem kid. Now go get em’ tiger…” he chuckled as he stopped at the gigantic building. 
“Goodbye sir!” Y/n exclaimed as she opened the doors and closed them. Tony laughed a little and dove off. 
Now it was time to face her biggest fear… 
The press conference in the Sci-Dispatch Press
She sighed as she walked on the stone path that had small pine trees and flower bushes lined up on the side.
There were dozens of news channel vans parked by the building, the reporters scrambling to set up their equipment the quickest. 
As Y/n was about to open the doors, a loud screech acoed around. She turned around and saw a white limo that stopped by the building.
For a few moments everything quieted down until the driver walked out and opened the doors. 
“It’s Joseph Joestar!” one of the reporters shouted as he and his camera crew rushed to him.
Y/n’s heart stopped functioning and she stopped breathing, ‘He… HE IS HERE!’ she panicked as she saw him flash his signature smile at every camera he looked at. 
As he moved, the paparazzi and the news reporters moved with him, attacking him with numerous questions. 
“Mr. Joestar! Is it true that you almost died on your last expedition!?” “Will you be attending this year’s gala?” “Are the rumours about you crushing a million dollar plane from your last expedition true?” 
And so many noncoherent questions that Joseph tried to answer. “Thank you so much for all the questions, I know my fans are worried…” Joseph said as he flashed his smile at one of the cameras. 
Y/n saw that they were nearing her and she quickly opened the doors and rushed in. She breathed out as she observed the scene outside.
Joseph stopped by the doors and answered the questions that the reporters were bombarding him with. 
Joseph looked inside and made eye contact with Y/n. He smiled and slammed open the doors. 
“Oh, look! My private assistant is already waiting for me! I’m sorry, but I have to get going!” Joseph exclaimed as he smiled one last time and closed the doors.
“Somebody better lock the them or they will break in…” he mumbled as he dusted off his black suit. 
Joseph’s bright green eyes fell upon the frozen Y/n. “My dear, you really saved me from the paparazzi over there…” Joseph laughed as he smiled at her. Y/n opened and closed her mouth but nothing came out. 
“Dear, are you alright?” Joseph asked the unmoving woman as he approached her. “Uhuh- Yeah- I’m fine-” Y/n mumbled as she fumbled with her hands.
Joseph laughed, “Oh, alright! You’re also here for the press conference, right?” he asked the h/c haired woman. 
Y/n nodded shakily, “Y-Yeah… I am… I’m here under the Speedwagon Archeology Centre-” “Oh! Speedwagon! Man, I can’t wait to see him!” Joseph exclaimed in happiness. 
Y/n laughed awkwardly, her throat going dry. 
“You two! You’re going to be late for the conference!” rushed out a ginger woman with a clipboard and a pen.
“The seats are full so you’re going backstage-” She instructed as she led them to metal doors. 
“The curtains haven’t risen so you can go and prepare yourselves.” The woman said as she opened the doors, pushed them in and locked them again.
Joseph and Y/n looked at each other and exhaled.
“Ladies first…” Joseph smirked as he walked to the beginning of ten stairs and stretched his hand. “Urm- Thank you-” Y/n squeaked out as she lightly placed her hand in his bigger one. 
“No problem dear, now let’s see who else is behind the curtains…” Joseph muttered as they both reached the end of the stairs. 
“Joseph! You finally arrived!” Whisper shouted Speedwagon as he rushed to the duo. “Speedwagon! Hello!” Jotaro quietly exclaimed as he hugged the older man.
“I see you have already met Y/n.” Speedwagon noted as he broke off the hug. 
Joseph chuckled as he pulled Y/n closer to him by wrapping his arm around her shoulder, “And I’m glad I did! She saved me from the paparazzi outside…” The brown haired adventurer smiled at Speedwagon. 
Y/n’s face erupted in fiery red colour as she felt his strong arm around her. ‘This must be a fever dream! This can’t be true!’ she slightly fawned at the scenario that was happening. 
“Nice to see you two getting along, but I must go back to my seat. I, along with some of my associates, are sitting in the first row. Unfortunately we don’t have enough seats for some reporters over there so I don’t think that there would be any free seats for you two.” said Speedwagon as he scratched his head. 
He led the duo deeper into the backstage and as they passed they saw six older men clad in navy blue suits and red ties, quietly discussing something. 
“That’s the commission of the World Archeology Organisation… Be nice and be quiet, because one wrong move around them, and you can say goodbye to your career…” Speedwagon mumbled quietly. 
“You’re saying that as if we’re children…” Joseph huffed, removed the arm that was around Y/n’s shoulder, and crossed his arms.
“Yes, and the child in question is you, Joseph…” Speedwagon muttered as he sighed. 
Y/n surprised her laugh with her hand as she averted her gaze from Speedwagon and Joseph. 
Speedwagon rolled his eyes, “Alright, you two, stay here unless somebody calls for you…” he said as he quietly walked away. 
“I thought this would be much more interesting…” Joseph rolled his eyes, but as he glanced at Y/n, his frown changed to a smirk.
“At least you’re here with me.” he flashed her his signature smirk and Y/n swore she wouldn fall unconscious. 
The chattering from the other side of the curtain suddenly quieted down and the dark red satin curtains rose, revealing the commission to the press. 
“Hello everyone! I thank you for showing up in such a big number in the name of the World Archeology Organisation!” exclaimed the man in the middle of the table.
Everyone clapped and so did the other five members by the table. 
Joseph and Y/n were still covered by the curtain, making the commission the only thing they could see. 
The man in the middle rose from his chairs and cleared his throat. Flashes of cameras could be heard from the edge of the podium. 
“Today, we all gathered around to hear out our esteemed member of our organisation, Robert Edward O. Speedwagon about the break-through discovery of his agency!” Exclaimed the man as a roar of applause echoed around the conference room. 
Speedwagon rose from his seat and humbly smiled, “Thank you, Dr. Jenkins for having us over… This discovery has shaken up our whole laboratory from the minute we noticed the satellite footage on the big screen.” Speedwagon started his speech. 
“You recieved photos and a brief explanation in your mail, so I’m going to keep it short. Dr. Jenkins has said that I have to decide two people who will be the two lead researchers on this expedition. And I’m proud to say that, Y/n L/n and Joseph Joestar have been chosen!”
“Y/n L/n and Joseph Joestar, please walk to the podium!” exclaimed Dr. Jenkins.
Joseph cheered and without thinking he picked up Y/n and spun her around, “I can’t believe this! This is a dream come true!” Joseph exclaimed as he gently put her down. 
Y/n stood petrified on the floor. “I’m just going to touch up you a bit before we go-” Joseph mumbled out as he smoothed out her hair and laughed.
“Let’s go!” he exclaimed as he grabbed Y/n’s hand and dragged her over to the podium. 
Roars of camera clicking and applauding almost blinded both of them, but Joseph, an expert when it came to such things, only smirked and waved. But Y/n… she was lost, completely lost. 
“Just hold my hand and everything’s going to be alright…” Joseph whispered to her and Y/n shakily nodded. 
The whole commission turned to them and Dr. Jenkins humed, “... Interesting choice, Mr. Speedwagon… I know why you chose Mr. Joestar. But what about the girl?” he questioned. 
Speedwagon smiled warmly, “It may not look like it, but Dr. L/n has proven to be a great researcher over the course of time she has worked under me. And I think it’s time for her to prove herself to be worthy of working under my agency.”
Dr. Jenkins, and the rest of the commission, nodded in thought. “We confide in your choice for this, Mr. Speedwagon.” he said as he sat down.
“Now, does anybody have anything to add?” questioned another commissioner next to Dr. Jenkins.
The conference room went dead quiet, Y/n was ready to sigh in relief but a sudden male voice echoed through the room.
“Mr. Jenkins, as much as I agree with all of what was said… Don’t you think that having just two lead researchers is a bit… too little for such an important expedition? I mean, there haven't been any discoveries as big as this one for hundreds of years…” the man explained, earning a few gasps and glares. 
Y/n’s eyes widened in shock while Joseph released her hand and clenched his fist. 
She took a closer look at the suit clad man and observed him. He was visibly taller from most people in the room.
He had longer purple hair and striking red eyes with violet eyeshadow covering his eyelids. 
It was none other than Kars
He was the top dog of the archeology world. He was smart and didn’t shy away from newly discovered ruins or such.
Kars was mostly known for doing everything in his power to reach his goal, even if that meant hurting somebody on the way.
“What exactly are you initiating Mr. Kars?” Dr. Jenkins said as his wrinkly face scrunched up in confusion.
Kars smirked as he glanced at Joseph who was clenching his fists and glaring at the wooden podium floor.
“What I’m trying to say is that I would like to join the expedition to the island.” Kars said firmly, leaving no space for disagreement. “He does have a point…!" mumbled out Dr. Jenkins as the other five members whispered together. 
The room fell into a big tension as Kars was waiting for the response.
Dr. Jenkins rose from his seat and cleared his throat, “Mr. Kars, you will also be a part of the expedition team, along with Ms. L/n and Mr. Joestar.” he said as he nodded in Kars’ direction. 
The cameras flashed in an instant speed, the reporters now piling over Kars and asking him too many questions. 
While he was busy, Joseph and Y/n looked at Speedwagon who was sitting in his chair with widened eyes and gaping mouth. “I can’t believe this…!” Joseph sneered as he tried to keep a neutral face. 
He wanted to pounce on Kras and tear his skull apart, but he held himself back. If he did what he wanted to Kars, not only would he lose his spot on the expedition but he would also end up in jail. 
Y/n wasnt any different from Joseph, only without the whole ‘I’ll murder him’ part. Of course she was afraid of Kars… At this point who wasn’t? Even the commission was afraid to decline his proposition. 
Once the crowd of reporters calmed down, everybody sat once again. 
“The expedition will start in one week, so I advise you to start preparing now. For any other information, we will send them to you via mail.” one of the commissioners said as all of them rose. 
Each one of them walked towards Y/n and Joseph and shook their hands with a thigh smile. 
Once everyone left, Speedwagon went up to Kars, “Mr. Kars, you’ve met Joseph a few times, right?” he asked politely.
Kars laughed as he swept a few of his purple hair strands off his shoulder. 
“Why, yes I have. But I haven’t met you, dear.” Kars smiled as he turned to stiffened Y/n. “I’m Y/n L/n, and it’s a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Kars.” Y/n said to the taller man. 
“I have read a few of your works in the past, so I think that it would be a pleasure to work with you… Would you like to come to my place so you can explain more about this mysterious island, dear?” Kars purred and Joseph placed his arm around Y/n shoulder in an instant. 
“I’m sorry but she’s already booked with me.” Joseph retorted and Kars’ smug expression fell as he looked at the brown haired adventurer.
“I don’t remember asking you anything, Mr. Joestar …” Kars scoffed in Joseph’s direction. 
Speedwagon and Y/n felt the tension rising and looked at each other with worried expressions.
“Alright, alright… Joseph and Y/n you’re free to go. I have few other things to discuss with Mr. Kars over here.” Speedwagon said as he motioned to them to walk out. 
“No problem, Speedwagon! Let’s go, dear…” Joseph gently tugged Y/n with him as they both walked out of the conference room and into the huge marble floored lobby. 
“Do you want to get some ice cream?” Joseph asked as a smile climbed up to his face while unwrapping his arm from her shoulder.
Y/n stopped in her tracks and looked at him shakily, “U-Uh- Sure- Why not…” She squeaked out. 
Joseph laughed, “Great! I know a secret place where I go when I’m free…”. But soon they stopped as they noticed a pile of reporters from earlier waiting outside with their cameras and microphones ready. 
“We can leave from the back exit-” “No need, dear! Now let’s go!” Joseph exclaimed Y/n’s hand and ran to the glass doors. 
The cameras flashed as the duo ran to Joseph’s limousine and quickly entered it. “Henry, our next destination is Vincenzo’s Gelato!” Joseph exclaimed and his driver nodded his head and speeded away. 
The clicks of the camera became more quiet as they drove in the distance and Y/n sighed in relief.
“Vincenzo has one of the best ice creams in the whole New York! Ever since I was a kid, I always went there for ice cream…” Joseph spoke as his eyes sparkled with joy. 
Y/n nodded her head and hummed, she didn’t really know what to say without stuttering, so she kept quiet. 
After a few minutes, they arrived at a more secluded street that was partially empty.
"Thank you Henry- Now let’s go!” Joseph opened the doors of the limo and exited. Y/n sighed as she exited the limo, trying to calm herself. 
It was a rather small ice cream shop on the corner of the street with pastel green and pink palette decorations. 
“Vincenzo!” Joseph exclaimed as he walked the glass ice cream display. An older man, similar to Speedwagon’s age, walked out with a pink apron and white dress shirt. 
“Joseph! Long time no see! I see that you brought some company with you…” Vincenzo laughed as he prepared his ice cream grabbing tool.
“Vincezno, this is Y/n L/n, my partner on the upcoming expedition!” Joseph introduced Y/n who smiled politely and waved, “Hello sir.”. 
The older man chuckled, “Nice to meet you too. Now, are you ready to order?” he asked and Joseph pointed to a caramel flavoured ice cream.
“Two scoops of caramel, please.” Joseph said and Vincezno scooped out the ice cream and put in a cone. 
“And you, dolcezza?” Vincezno asked and Y/n pointed to a f/f ice cream, “One scoop of f/f!”. Vincenzo chuckled as he scooped out the ice cream, “Good choice…”. Once Joseph and Y/n had their ice creams, Joseph patted his suit for his wallet. 
“How much is it?” Joseph asked and Vincenzo shook his head, “It’s on the house, Josephino.” . Joseph and Y/n looked at each other and smiled, “Thank you, Vincenzo/sir!” they both exclaimed at the same time. 
They started to walk towards a small park that was nearby as they ate their ice creams. “You live somewhere around here, Mr. Joestar?” Y/n asked Joseph wno nodded.
“Yeah, I live in that huge building.” Joseph pointed to a gigantic building that was down the street. 
“That makes more sense…” Y/n chuckled as they both sat on a nearby bench.  Joseph looked at her and shook his head with a smile, “You can drop the formalities, just call me JoJo!”.
Y/n blushed, “I- Sir- I can’t… You’re my colleague!”. Joseph licked his ice cream and raised an eyebrow at her, “Don’t be ridiculous! Just call me JoJo!”. Y/n nodded hesitantly, “Alright… JoJo…”. 
“See! It wasn’t that hard!” the green eyed adventurer laughed as he ate his ice cream. 
As the sun was starting to set behind the horizont, it gave the park a soft orange and pink glow. 
Both stayed in silence as they ate their ice cream, but Y/n glanced at Joseph a few times. It still felt like a fever dream.
She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that Joseph Joestar was sitting next to her and eating ice cream. 
After they finished their ice creams, Y/n sighed in sadness. “I’m sorry Mr. Joestar- I mean, Jojo- But I have to get going now…” she said to Joseph.
“You’re leaving so soon already?” he asked as his expression partly fell. 
“Unfortunately yes… I left my assistant all by herself with piles of my paperwork and I promised to help her after the conference…” Y/n said and Joseph laughed.
“Oh! I just left Caesar to fend for himself with my paperwork!” he sniggered as he slapped his knee. 
Y/n shook her head, “That isn’t quite nice, Mr. Joestar…”. Joseph didn’t even hear her as he was laughing at his miserable assistant. Once he calmed down he whipped a stray tear coming from his eyes. 
“If you must go, dear. My driver will drive you to Speedwagon’s agency.” Joseph said as he got up and dusted off his outfit and Y/n followed suit.
Once they arrived at the limo, Joseph opened the doors for Y/n and smiled, “Ladies first…”. 
Y/n smiled and awkwardly chuckled, “Thank you…”. Joseph sat next to her and looked at his chauffeur, “Harper, can you drive us to the Speedwagon Archeology Centre?”.
Harper nodded his head, “Of course, sir.” he said as he started the engine and started to drive. 
Once they arrived in front of the huge building, Y/n turned to Joseph and smiled, “Thank you Mr. Joestar, and see you next week…”.
Joseph smiled and grabbed her hand, “See you next week too…” he mumbled as he pressed his lips at the back of her hand. 
He gently let her hand go and watched as Y/n’s face exploded in mad blush. “Uh- Yes- Goodbye!” she exclaimed as she opened the doors and rushed out. Joseph closed the doors and laughed, “Can you drop me off at my building?”. 
His chauffeur nodded and they drove off. 
Y/N stumbled into her office and she noticed Penny napping on one of the chairs. “Good grief…” Y/n mumbled as she saw Penny drooling over one of the papers.
“I guess I’ll have to print out a copy tomorrow…” the e/c eyed girl sighed as she sat on her office chair and held her face in her hands. 
How will she survive this expedition? She is extremely afraid of bugs and snakes, and seeming that this was a secluded island that hasn’t been discovered yet, there was a huge chance of it being filled up with them.
“Time to do some paperwork…” Y/n mumbled out tiredly as she picked up her pen and started filling out numerous papers.
After a few minutes she turned on her desk lamp since it had gotten darker outside. 
As she was filling out one of the papers, her vision became blurry and her eyelids started to close slowly.
“Maybe… I need to take… a little nap…” Y/n mumbled as she rested her head against the paper and breathed out loudly. 
She would worry about the expedition tomorrow, but now, she needed to take a much deserved rest…
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the-kr8tor · 12 days
I had a thought last night
Archeologist! Hobie who's the best in his field. A no nonsense archeologist whom you almost always run into digs no matter which part of the world you're in.
Archeologist! Hobie who doesn't just find rare artifacts but also occasionally drops into the British museum to 'borrow' (just like how they put it) their exhibits/ artifacts and brings them all back to their respective countries.
Archeologist! Hobie who would go on perilous journeys to find the centuries old lost city, and yet never forgets to send you a postcard and a letter.
Archeologist! Hobie who loves seeing your face light up when you finally find that one piece you needed. And maybe he has found his missing piece in you.
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tlouwhore · 5 months
thinking about gf!archeologist!ellie
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she loves astronomy but the sight exploration and hands on aspects of archeology (and the lack of physics) had her fall back on. it wasnt her first choice but she still loves it. you love when she comes home from a site projects because she always looks so fucking hottt.
shes got casual carhartt work pants slacked down her hips, they only grip onto her slightly on the hips as they sag down, shes got beat up leather boots on that look like theyve been through the ringer. theyre dust covered and creased. shes wearing a tank top that is flush agasint her body as sweat slightly lingers on her. her boxers poking slightly out as her shirt rides up. small bits of her hair plastered to her wet forehead that have fallen from her loose bun. shes a little dirty everywhere, dusted with loose powders and minerals. shes got her beaten up hands shoved in her pockets as she talks with her coworkers about what they found. she has no idea how hot she looks, shes always been so nonchalant about her appearance. when she finally waves them bye and pads over to you as you lean against your car waiting for her she chuckles (shes so hot and has idea i feel crazy about it actually)
"hey els"
you're always so excited to see her you push from the metal car frame and reach your hand out to link your finger in her belt loop to pull her in for a kiss. her lips are chapped and dirty and you do not care.
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babbushka · 3 months
I’m so excited to see all the lovely Moodboards you create! You’re so artistic! I would love it if you did one for an archaeologist or Egyptologist AU. Or even one with Adam and Harrison 💛
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un-local · 1 year
Still Waters Run Deep Update:
Next set of Still Waters chapters has officially entered drafting!
Which is to say, hey, it just might be out before the DLC is!
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thatdeadaquarius · 7 months
About your language brainrot. I see your "Reader's writing can't match tyvat's long and flowery writing" and bring you "Tyvat isn't used to books over 50 pages long so a short story to the Reader is a whole dictionary to tyvat readers".
Seriously, have you seen how thin the books are? They don't wrote novels, they write short chapters formatted in the way really old stories are. As in, summarizing all the events down into one smooth story then adding a few quotes. Fanfiction writers are insane. They will willingly sit down and write hundreds of words at a time. To them, a proper modern day story of maybe, oh 10k words or so, would probably be like the Oddessy itself.
If we were to combine the two headcanons. It would end up as many historians being intimidated by this insanely long written scripture in the language of the forgotten.
I'm going to take this a step further and say that if the creator asked some people to proofread their things, it would establish a hiarchy of who is able to actually finish the book the creator read and who isn't.
I'm so sorry this is so old!! u probably all know this by this point that I've really slowed down as the year has gone on, but I graduated university and then got my first job so its been pretty crazy!
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: dash of all the book/nerds of Genshin, heavy on Sumeru?
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing, 16+ Mature Audiences, Spoliers for Sumeru Archon Quests/Scaramouche, & Trigger Warnings: mention of shipping/characters shipping themselves with you.
Comment if any missed, please.
You fall from the fucking sky like a 5 star, or pop out of the Irminsul or whatever
and immediately are mobbed by scholars. LMAO jkjk (not really, bc that's what it’d feel like)
can you even imagine the dread older stories(”the classics” to them), that was instilled in the poor students around Teyvat??
id like to think ur works are the most preserved over the thousands of years of Teyvat archeologists excavating them, in comparison to other authors (teyvat just likes you more, suck it William Shakespeare)
also, bc I cant resist language differences/world building I'm sorryyyy 😭 😭
the vocab of Genshin lang vs. ours, has significantly less vocabulary like their actual dictionary is 1/3 the size of ours type of energy
(Omfg all ur fanfics being considered like insanely long realistic romantic classics or tragedies like Jane Austen-level, and only the richest and biggest play companies put on plays about ur stories bc the script goes on for hours)
(ur plays only get put on for rlly big events bc of this, like Lantern Rite or like a Summer/Winter festival/your birthday, which is, yes, an international holiday)
dude the sheer power move of anything you’ve written being essentially “Journey of the West” to them, like Damnnn.
endless like adaptations, plays, Teyvat-short stories condensing it, (THEIR OWN FANFICTION ABOUT UR STORIES)
the power is, in fact, going to your head every time another scholar both deflates at how long ur stuff is, but also lights up bc they get to read it
speaking of scholars… you know who snatched you up first. you know. you don’t even need to read the next line.
sneaky bastard he is, absolutely manipulated, mansplained (and manwhored bc he knows he’s handsome, cheeky little shit) his way into getting you to sit down with him and interview you about both translating other classics, your own, giving your own analysis of others works and ur own, and picking ur brain apart of how/why you wrote urs, etc. its fucking endless,
Kaveh had to come rescue you bc u were starving to death after getting stuck with the Haravatat scholar in his office for nearly 7 hours of interrogation discussion about literature
and Alhaitham wasn't even nearly done, he’d informed you as you left that he already had another appointment for later conversation scheduled (how?? you don't even know ur own schedule??? you have a schedule???) and was looking forward to more of your “creative and enlightening input” :)))
(you’re never going to escape him, not even Nahida herself can save you from his stubborn ass)
On another note, Xingqiu is quaking when you agree to autograph his copy of your stories (of which he has all hard covers of the first edition translations)
Zhongli/Rex Lapis is known for having a near-lifelong passion for searching for your works specifically, and learning how to translate them better into Teyvatian vernacular
like the same way he can absolutely speak on Rex Lapis facts/rocks/adepti info, is the same confidence he speaks about knowing ur work lol
(yes he did also ask for several autographs and another sit-down talk about the works, tho a lot more sneaky then Alhaitham bc he just casually gets u guys into it during dinner)
Barbatos/Venti has written some of the most famous songs based on your stuff, he has his favorites too,
but he always claims the best songs are any that have been written in the story, like either when a character sings something, or there are like quotes from songs ur fanfics are based on lol
(he also demanded to hear what they actually sound like from you, yes, you have to sing them for him lol)
Venti also can surprisingly drunkenly ramble the entirety of at least one of ur stories, like, word for word lmao
(Diluc gave in and did give him a drink on the house for that one, just once, Venti doesn’t remember it lol)
(I forgot to mention, u guys still speak the same language, just like, different versions of it)
ur works being one of the few things all the Archons can freely talk about with each other, like it’s neutral ground bc they’re all fangirling about it lmao
Furina and Neuvillette have had like,, fierce debates over the decades about character dynamics and the general drama of ur stories, they’ve gotten into it enough they’ve stopped talking to each other for a couple days a few times lol
Albedo, Sucrose, Kokomi, Yae Miko, Ei, Raiden, have read every single work they’re gotten their hands on in Teyvat (it took them like a literal year or longer)
Albedo drew you fanart for every single story, bc he’s hyperfixated on everything related to you ngl,
Kokomi had commissioned smaller pocket versions of ur works (which later got popular thanks to Yae Miko) both the OG and the Teyvat shortened versions
Childe has literally tried to recreate battle scenes from ur works lmao
and gets especially riled up about fighting someone who resembles any characters from them (esp villains, what a cutie)
You cannot fathom the amount of research throughout Teyvat that has been secretly or indirectly funded by Pantalone/Tsaritsa
from the experts to analyze them, to funding play companies to act them out, to actually excavating places to get more of ur stuff unearthed
(the Harbingers absolutely are the first group of people that got to read several of ur stories first bc of this, like the world’s most exclusive secret book club lol)
Scaramouche used to clown on Childe all the time about how he was too impatient to even “sit down and read the King’s classics”, and he was downright insufferable when he found out about Tartaglia’s habit of recreating battle scenes/that being what motivated him to fight sometimes lol
that being said, Wanderer surprisingly never forgot ur stories.
Even when his memories were wiped for a bit, he found comfort in these fantastical epics still sticking around, even when his old names did not
(he mayyyy or mayyy nottt have secretly namedhimselfafteroneofthetragicprotagonistsherelatesto- )
oh btw, Nahida also found joy and comfort in ur stories when she was trapped, they also helped her literally grow as a person bc she had ur stories to help her sort of process the world/what life was like outside of her dreaming prison 🥺💔❤️‍🩹
like specifically how Teyvatians like to give all the context ever thru their words, but older deities/beings like you just do simple phrases that can have deeper meanings (whereas teyvat just explains all the meanings behind their words)
STOP there’s like an official display at the Akademiya and Fontaine Institute of red string theory boards 😭😭 (look what you’ve done to themmm LMAO)
for like every story of urs, INCLUDING THE FANFICS STOP
that's actually what Akademiya scholars argue about the most viciously, it’s like politics you can’t just bring up ships from ur stories casually in regular convos 💀
(poor Cyno has to deal with a shipping war once a year bc someone always makes the mistake of reading ur work for the first time (without being told to not talk to others abt ships lol) and it starts an all out brawl in the cafeteria every time LMAO)
Also yes.
Cyno is a fanboy.
(he has read Creator x Reader-insert fanfiction.)
(As have most of the characters mentioned, and those not lol)
(I'm gonna make a whole Creator x reader fanfic post one day i stg lmao)
an iced coffee? for me?? :0
ok but real talk…
wtf do you guys wanna see for new years!!
i didn't do a inktober/october days thingy bc i felt too unprepared (and bc id wanted to post that 1000+ followers eldritch au for Halloween)
but now i kinda wanna, at least for a few days :o
ill post a poll in a minute, so check it out!! but still, please feel free to comment some ideas here! :)
Safe Travels Deafening Dreamer,
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Vacation: Part Three
Pairing :: OPLA!Sanji x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+ Content, NSFW/SMUT, Semi-Exhibitionist(under the table deal), Light Fingering, Sex
Word Count ::  3,469
Summary :: Sanji is finally reunited with you
A/N :: A more perverted pathetic Sanji because GODDAMN. That is all and I am sorry if this feels a bit rushed- Thank you all for your support!
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“Sanji?” You asked quietly, almost afraid that if you spoke louder, you’d be waking up from some sort of hyper-realistic dream.
His stunned expression quickly shifted into a joyous smile. He ran up to you, scooping you up in his arms and twirling the two of you in the air.
“(Y/N)! I missed you so much!" He cried out. "Your beautiful voice! Your perfect smile! The way your nose scrunches up when I say something annoying! I've missed it all!" He put you down but kept his hands on your arms. "Especially the way your boo-"
WHAMP! A wooden staff came slamming down on his head, nearly knocking him to the ground.
"Sanji, how many times have Robin and I told you to quit going around harassing women!" A redhead lady showed up behind him, followed by a black-haired one and a green-haired man. She gave you an apologetic smile as the man stepped forward to pick Sanji up. "I'm sorry about him, miss. He's a flirt and can get carried away when he sees a pretty lady sometimes."
You laughed awkwardly, cheeks flaring up due to memories from the past. "Oh trust me, I know how heart-eyed he can get."
The women each raised their brows, surprised by your comment. The man didn't seem to care, instead being preoccupied by holding Sanji back. He was holding him with one arm and covering his mouth with the other, his voice being muffled by his friend. Sanji was clearly upset; he couldn't explain that you weren't a random stranger he decided to hit on.
"Do you know each other?" The dark-haired woman asked.
You nodded, eyes moving past them and over to the blond. "We know each other quite well actually. I guess you could call us special friends."
The man released him. He walked back up to you, muttering under his breath about how the green man smelled. 
His mood seemed to pick up once his focus was back on you. He reached a hand up to brush your hair behind your ear, the tips of his fingers grazing past your cheeks. He didn't pull his hand away after resting it on your shoulder. He couldn't say it at the moment with his friends around, but he missed how you felt in his hold.
"How are you, darling?" He asked in his usual charming voice.
You smiled warmly up at him. “Happy to see you’ve made yourself some new friends.”
“They’re my crewmates. Don’t get too scared now, but,” He leaned down close to your ear, “I’m a pirate.”
His hot breath hitting your ear sent a familiar tingle down your spine and your fading blush intensified.
He backed away, quickly introducing you to the three before you, all the while rubbing a small circle into your shoulder with his thumb. Nami, the redhead, was their navigator, Robin, the tallest, was their archeologist, and Zoro, the greenhead, was their first mate. Sanji, naturally, was the crew’s cook. They had ported into town for a quick stay, leaving the day after tomorrow.
“So, do you think I could stay at your place tonight?” The question was so sudden, you almost didn’t know how to answer in front of his friends.
“Oh, erm, I wouldn’t mind it. I’ll need to get a few more ingredients then to make sure I have enough for both of us,” You mumbled, attention finally returning to the vegetables you had come to purchase.
“Sanji, it’s rude to suddenly ask someone if you can stay with them, especially if you didn’t give them a heads-up in advance,” Nami scolded.
“I don’t mind!” You were quick to defend him. “It’s no trouble at all, especially since we have so much to catch up on. In fact, I wouldn’t mind having you three over for dinner as well.”
“Really?” All four of the pirates asked in sync.
Sanji seemed to be a bit annoyed, while the other three were genuinely surprised by your hospitality. You reassured the lot that it was fine, especially since you could easily get all the extra ingredients you needed since you were already in the market. Zoro was the only one to decline the offer and instead offered to break the news to their captain that Sanji wouldn’t be cooking dinner for them tonight, so they'd have to find someplace to grab grub.
On the walk back to your home with Sanji and the other ladies, you started a small conversation with Robin and Nami.
“So, (Y/N), what do you do for work?” Robin asked.
“I work for Greylock Trading, a merchant company.”
“I’ve heard of Greylock Trading when I was a kid,” Nami said. “They used to come by my hometown to buy tangerines.”
You nodded. “That was in the early days. Greylock started with basic produce eventually moving up to luxury goods like fine silks or rare paints.”
“You must get to see a lot of interesting places working for such an impressive merchant.”
“I did.” Your smile fell a bit at Robin’s comment. “Long story short, a few years ago, Greylock fell ill and the captain of his ship retired so he could take care of him. Ever since, we’ve downsized considerably and just work from here.”
You could feel Sanji’s hand squeeze yours. “Is that why you never came back to Baratie?” 
“Yes. Greylock asked me to stay and help him restructure the business. He and Captain Tommy are father figures to me, so it was near impossible for me to decline, despite how much it saddened me to stop traveling. Now that everything’s settled with the business though I’ve found myself feeling a bit melancholy as of late.”
Greylock and Captain Tommy had tried to convince you to join a different crew so you could travel once more, but you refused. You didn’t want to leave them behind to join a brand new crew full of strangers. It didn’t feel right to you.
“All she ever talked about when we were together was traveling and all the different places she had been to and all the different places she was excited to see,” Sanji explained to his friends. Quickly, he then whispered to you, “At least, that’s when you weren’t a babbling mess.”
You quickly hit his shoulder, embarrassed that he’d make such a comment in front of others.
His teasing behavior didn’t end there.
When you got back to your place, he helped you in the kitchen while the girls made themselves comfortable in your living room. Your kitchen was small, but one would think it was cramped with how Sanji was acting. Whenever you were trying to grab something from one of the cabinets, he’d come up from behind you conveniently also needing to grab something. His body would push against yours, trapping you against the counter with one hand fondling your breast. A scheme so he could grind against your ass for a moment.
When you were chopping up some lettuce, he came up from behind you and placed his hands on top of yours to help you “properly” chop the lettuce. He would lower his head down to your neck, claiming it was easier for him to see if he rested his head there. A ploy so he could kiss your neck.
It didn’t end in the kitchen.
Once dinner was served, you sat next to Sanji and Robin sat with Nami opposite you two. The three of them started to enthrall you with tales of their adventures on the sea, making you a bit envious of their wayfaring.
You didn’t have much time to feel sorry for yourself though, as midway through dinner, Sanji’s hand fell under the table and began petting up and down your thigh. At first, you decided to act normal and ignore it. You two were at a table in front of his friends, there’s no way he would be dumb-
“Hmph-!” Your body tensed, feeling his hand slide up your skirt and in between your thighs.
You clamped your thighs together hoping to halt him in his tracks. Your head snapped to him, but he remained unfazed, acting as if nothing had happened.
Unfortunately for you, he was able to wriggle his hand just enough to get closer to your panties. He pushed his finger against you, pushing your underwear to the side to stroke your growing wet folds. After that, he stuck one long finger in, pumping slowly with just one finger.
You gulped, biting the inside of your bottom lip, hoping to stay silent. You’d be mortified if Robin and Nami found out what you two were doing right now.
Sanji didn’t do much else after he started fingering you. He continued that slow pumping pace, not doing too much so you could act normal and giving you just enough to be excited for when dinner ended. He only pulled because you started to clean up the table while they were still around.
Eventually, it was time for you to say goodbye to your two guests.
“It was nice meeting you, (Y/N).”
“Same here, Robin. I’m glad you two enjoyed the meal.”
“It was delicious, thank you so much for having us.”
“And if Sanji gives you any trouble, just come and find us. We know how he can get.”
You chuckled, walking the two towards the door. “No worries, Nami. I know how to deal with him too. Have a nice night!”
Almost the second the door shut and you two were alone, Sanji shoved his tongue in your mouth and wrapped his arms around you. His hands roamed your body, jumping from caressing your thighs to your ass to your breasts. He was so needy.
You struggled to keep up with his pace, but you couldn't break away. He was refusing to let you go. His kiss was so messy and rough, that you were sure your lips would be puffy by the time he pulled away.
His hand that was fondling your breast pulled away, hurriedly working on removing your blouse, something he had to stop the kiss for. Your head was dizzy with how he had rushed you, you almost didn't pick up on how eager he was to see your bare chest. His eyes lit up once your bra was removed.
"God, I've missed your boobs."
He reached down past your skirt to grab onto the back of your thighs and they hooked around him instinctually. He carried you over to the table you two had just been having dinner at and placed you down. His face fell straight into your chest, kissing and nipping your flesh. His hands latched onto your nipples to start pinching and rolling the buds in his fingers.
His crotch was directly against yours, allowing you to feel his erection growing. You started to move your hips against his, remembering the tingling pleasure he always gave you. He was eager as well, as he started to grind into you.
"Sanji," You moaned softly, hand reaching out to tug his hair.
He groaned at the action, and the speed of his hips picked up creating more friction. He removed a hand from your breast, reaching around to squeeze your ass and pull your body closer to his.
You were about to beg him to start fucking you, needing more than this to push you to cum, until you noticed the expression on his face. His eyes were tightly shut and he was biting his bottom lip. He was desperate to cum, now.
You had never seen him so worked up before, it turned you on, even more, to know he was being like this for you. If there wasn't a wet patch on his pants before due to your soaked panties, there certainly was one now.
"Fuuuck," He said, a mix between a whine and a moan.
So entranced by the sight before you, you decided to let him finish like this, already coming up with a plan for the aftermath. A bit of revenge for how he acted during the meal if you will.
His speed was getting faster, and his hold on your ass and tit tighter. "I just- I need-" He was struggling with his words, clearly lost in his head.
"Are you close to cumming for me, Sanji?" You asked in a teasing tone.
He completely froze, his face turning red with embarrassment for the first time since you met him all those years ago.
"(Y-Y/N)- I didn't mean to-" He struggled, stammering out a sentence, but his words were silenced when you slid your hands down his pants and cupped his length in your hand.
You could feel him throbbing in your palm, he was so close that he was already twitching in your hand. "It's okay, Sanji. I'll let you finish, but then we play my way. Okay?"
You squeezed your hand around his dick at the end, earning a small shaky breath. After he quickly agreed, you pulled your hand out of his pants, allowing him to continue grinding on you.
You pushed your breasts together for him, to which he happily planted his face in between.
He bit down roughly on your right tit when he finally started to cum in his pants, his hips jerking against your wet clothed cunt. When his peak ended, he raised his head from your breasts, trying to steady his breathing.
You hopped off of the table, grabbed his hand, and led him to your bedroom. "You know, I always remember you making fun of me for being so needy all the time. I guess the tables have turned now, huh?"
"It's… it's been a while okay?"
"I can tell," You said while pushing him down on your bed.
You pulled down your underwear before lifting your skirt to reveal your exposed wet pussy before moving to straddle him. You worked on unclothing him, carefully undoing each button on his shirt while rolling your crotch against his. In no time, you could feel him hardening up again.
Once you got his shirt off, leaving on his tie, you repositioned yourself to sit right below the hem of his pants. You zipped his pants open and pulled them down, along with his underwear, springing free his messy cock. It was smeared in sperm from before, already lubed up when you wrapped a hand around it.
You scooted closer so you were able to bring his tip to your entrance. You moved it up and down your slick folds, humming at the feeling, already ready to be filled up. But you had to be strong, remembering how you wanted to get payback.
He jerked his hips in your hands. "Love, I'm begging you. You've already made me wait such a long time."
You put your hands on his chest, raising your hips so your entrance was right above him. "I said I was sorry." You began to move your wet cunt against his length, not allowing the sweet tightness he desired. "Don't you forgive me, Sanji?"
He let out a shaky moan, feeling your slick folds slide up and down his length. His tip was so close to entering each time you went up his dick, only for you to slowly slide back down.
His hands went up to cup your face, thumbs tracing against your cheeks. He pressed a long deep kiss onto you. It was so unlike the kiss from before, with there being a slow passion to it, he was able to distract you.
You gasped into the kiss, feeling him push his cock into you. He pulled away with a devilish smirk, continuing to push until he was all the way in you. You started to whimper, it had been such a long time since anyone filled you up.
"I do, darling. And that's why I'm so happy you're not going to get upset with me for breaking our little agreement." He pulled out a bit before thrusting up into you, earning a moan.
He wrapped his arms around your torso, pulling you closer to him so your chest was flush against his. He continued to thrust into you. He had quickly developed a pattern, he did a few shallow thrusts, not pulling out very much, before pulling out nearly all the way, leaving only his tip in you, then rammed himself back in only to repeat the process.
Each time he pulled out more, he hit hard, and with each thrust your moaning got louder and louder. His moaning grew in volume as well, as your walls tightened with each deep thrust.
This feeling was getting him close, along with watching you on top of him. Since you were flat against him, he could feel your breasts bouncing up and down on him with the thrusts. His favorite part about this though, was that your face was clear for him to see. Your half-lidded eyes, the small 'o' shape your mouth was in got bigger each time you moaned loudly.
Eventually, your entire body tightened and you began to spasm. Your walls clenched, finally hitting your high. Sanji wasn’t far behind, as seconds after you came you could feel his cock twitching inside of you and hot spurts of cum poured into you.
“I hope you don’t have plans tomorrow,” Sanji breathed out.
“Why?” You asked in between pants.
“Because,” He pulled out of you, beginning to reposition you two, “I don’t plan on stopping until you’re exhausted.”
Your palms fell flat against your bed as you found yourself on all fours now. His hands went down to hold your ass, his now hard again dick ramming into you from behind. He was much rougher this time with his thrusting, and his hold on you was tight so you couldn’t pull away.
At this faster pace of his, it didn’t take long until your arms gave out and your top half fell against the bed. You bounced your ass in the air with him, hoping he’d hit deeper with each thrust. So fixated on cumming again, you didn’t notice how his grip had loosened and that he had slowed down again.
“There’s my good girl,” He moaned. “So desperate to cum around my cock.”
Your eyes fluttered open, feeling a pair of arms wrapped around you along with a leg thrown over yours. Your vision began to clear and you saw a blond sleeping in your bed. The events of the night before began to play in your head, reminding yourself why your body was so sore.
“Hm… I guess you were telling the truth when you said I’d pass out.”
“Of course I was. I’d never lie to you, love,” His eyes opened.
You narrowed your eyes. “How long have you been up?”
He shrugged. “A while.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“Because I made you do a lot last night. Plus, I enjoyed how peaceful you looked when you were asleep. I was trying to save it in my memory in case…” His voice trailed off, afraid to finish his sentence.
“In case what?”
“In case… you said no to being a pirate with me.”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
He sat up, and you followed. “I want you to join the Straw Hat Pirates. It’s a really friendly crew, aside from Zoro. Everyone’s nice, aside from Zoro. You’ve already met three of them, and got along great with them, aside from Zoro, but he’s just a grump. And I’m sure Luffy would be fine with it.”
“Who’s Luffy again?”
“He’s the captain. He’s a good kid, and he could use a negotiator.”
You fell silent, contemplating his offer for a bit longer than he’d like.
“Alright, I’ll join.”
Sanji continued to plead with you to join, having not fully processed your answer. “Please, (Y/N). You’ll get to travel again, and sure, we’ll have to deal with occasional bad- Excuse me?”
“I said, I’ll join. I’ve already helped out Greylock and there’s not much left for me here anyway. What I want is to travel on the sea again, going to new distant lands with you.”
You grabbed his hand, smiling happily up at him, knowing you’d be starting a brand new chapter in your life. Unlike all the other ship crews that had offered you a spot amongst them, you didn’t feel like you would fit in. Joining The Straw Hats felt right somehow, especially since someone you were close with was already a part of the crew.
The sweet moment you two shared ended shortly, as in your peripheral line of sight, you saw a tent rising in the sheets.
“Really?” You asked, throwing the blanket up to expose his erection.
“You’re just so cute when you’re sincere!”
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
(1) a classic get-together | I got a bad idea series
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southern!wandanat x fem!city-girl reader
tw: mention of past animal death (horse), alcohol discussion and consumption (r), r gets drunk, messy family dynamics, R is an emotional drunk lmao (enjoy the embarrassment), introduction chapter (I’m sorry if it’s boring, but this sets up the story haha)
a/n: NOT proofread. I’m so sorry for the choppy writing and if there’s any grammar or spelling errors. I’m publishing this right after I had finished writing it. Please be patience with me, I’ll edit later tonight :)
The fields that stretch in for miles and fresh breeze brings a sense of nostalgia when you step out from the car. Small rocks grind together under your feet as you make your way up towards the door. You greet your grandparents with a smile, shrugging your bag further onto your back to hug them comfortably.
“Oh dear, let me grab that for you.”
Your grandpa reaches behind you to remove the weight from your back. You thank him and turn back to your grandma.
“It’s so good to see you,” she starts, “how’s the job doing?”
“Good, pretty good.”
Your mom comes up behind you, resting a hand on your shoulder, “my sister’s family is coming behind us. Can you help them bring their stuff inside?”
You nod at her request, kicking your shoes off and following them inside. Being in the city you’ve had a few dreams about their home. Now being back in town, it feels unreal.
“You can take the guest room upstairs, I have set some blankets out since our AC doesn’t work very well keeping the chill out.”
You thank her and walk behind your grandfather towards the stairway. Each step elicits a cracking sound from the old wooden stairs. He sets your stuff on the bed and pulls you into another hug.
“It’s so good to see you again, it’s been what, almost five years?”
“That’s too long,” you relax into the hug, “it’s good to see you too.”
“We got a new horse. We’d love for you to take him out sometime to get him used to another rider.”
“Well, I can try later in the week.”
He leaves you alone, giving you time to unload your stuff into the drawers. You’re tucking your duffel under the bed when excited voices from below float into the room. There were five more entering into the room, exchanging hugs with one another.
You wonder down the stairs, a smile on your face as you greet everyone you from across. Keeping true to your promise, you walk out to their car to carry any extra luggage they had during their drive down. Your aunt pulls you into probably the tenth hug you’ve had today, and definitely not the last.
“You’ve grown so much. Last I saw you was when you were a senior in high school.”
“And since then you’ve had another son,” you squeeze her hands to show your elation, “congrats.”
She laughs and waves you off, “thank you. How’s your job been treating you?”
“It’s good,” you almost wheeze from the weight of her suitcase. Trying to drag it up the stairs was impossible, she had to help you lift.
Each hour passed brought more people until almost fifty people were residing in the house. There weren’t enough rooms for everyone. Those who didn’t have a room had booked a hotel room not too far away.
It was a flurry of people back to back. The building wasn’t small, but it wasn’t the best space to host multiple family members.
A surprised noise sounds from you when your grandpa comes up behind you and drags you towards his bedroom.
“I’ve been re-fixing the fence out there after that storm a couple weeks ago, and I found this. I want to give it to you before I forget.”
He places a heavy object into your hands. You turn your wrist, flipping the item to look at it better.
“Is this the international coin I lost as a kid?”
He nods and you look at him crazy, “how?”
“You raved over that. Came and told me you were going to be an archeologist. Now here you are in corporate.”
You roll your eyes dramatically and put it in your back pocket, “life isn’t very fair. I would have done that if I could understand math.”
“That’s alright. I’m not good at math either, I leave that to my wife,” he says with a weird laugh, leading you back into the hallway.
The youngest in the family, a cousin of yours, comes barreling towards the two of you. You’re quick to pick him up and rest him on your hip. Though having three younger siblings was a mess in and of itself, it helped you and other’s when you were able to care for the kids during events like these.
“While the others finish setting everything up, would you be alright with watching him until then?”
“I don’t mind,” your answer brings a smile to his face.
You wondered back into your bedroom, reaching into the old closet to grab a few things before heading back downstairs. He squirmed in your arms, whining about being let go so he could find the horses.
It was a matter of time before him, and the three other little ones, spent their time outside with the animals. They believed it was a 24/7 petting zoo where they could slap their hands on an animal for hours and laugh at every movement they made.
For now since the sun was beginning to set, the entertainment had to be inside. That news was seemingly the worse thing to tell him.
“But why?”
“Because it’s dark, there could be a fox out there. They’re not like the horses, they’ll bite.”
“Horses bite.”
“Yes, but for a different reason. That’s because you’re giving them food.”
He has yet to understand that horses can be devils, but now isn’t the time to scare him of the one thing he enjoys seeing. Your aunt is happy to see you with him, and she tells you such.
“Oh it’s no problem.”
“Thank you still for watching him. Once everything is set I can take him.”
“All good. I’ve done this for most of my life it’s like second nature.”
With a squeeze to your shoulder, she’s left to head back to chatting with your parents.
Your grandfather brings you to sit on the couch, letting your cousin play on the almost uncomfortable rug.
“We now have a minute to talk. How’s New York?”
“It’s beautiful, definitely smells at times.”
“Ah, just like here. Your mom told me when you got here that you’re thinking of staying up there, is that right?”
“I think so,” you look down, watching your cousin, “I feel more at peace there.”
“You mean scooping up horse manure isn’t for you? Or hauling hay? Or driving an hour to the store to get more feed?”
“No, not anymore.”
He laughs, “and I was going to ask you to help around this week.”
“Oh,” you start to feel bad, “well I don’t mind—“
He jumps up from his seat, the action causing you to jerk back, “alrighty, thank you.”
He allows no do-overs as he wonders towards the front door. His hands come to grab a nearby person and he shoves them towards you.
“I watched you get roped into work.”
“I didn’t get roped in. I was going to help regardless, or else I’d be staying here for free.”
Your younger brother grins, “or maybe it’s because I’ve had to do all of it while you’ve been gone.”
“I know, you’ve told me this every day since I’ve gotten back.”
He shrugs, “it’s the truth.”
He reaches behind himself and reaches into the cooler, handing you a can. You go to move it out of your face, but he persists.
“I know you’re a lightweight, but one drink? Gonna turn down one?”
The door opens and another group you don’t recognize walks in, you’re taking it from his hands while he’s distracted. You crack the top off on the opener beside you.
“It’s not that I don’t want to be here, it’s that I don’t want to be here with so many people,” he tells you, jumping back when the bottle cap flings at him.
“That’s because you’re an introvert.”
“I can talk to people though.”
“Are you stupid? I’m not calling you awkward, I’m saying you don’t like crowds.”
“That’s the same thing.”
He watches you drink it with a wince, “you didn’t have to do all that to prove a point. You’re still a lightweight at the end of the night.”
“No, I did that because ma’s coming toward us.”
He gives you a faux pout as you get dragged off by your grandma. She brings you to the front of the house, past where a few people had gathered in random spots of the living room.
“I wanted to introduce you because I’m not sure if you remember who they are,” she begins, and her words hit a nerve. She acts like you have dementia after a five year break, but still you put your hand out.
“It’s nice to see you again.”
“You as well,” she responds, and it’s then you realize you don’t remember who they are. The room fades slightly as you wrack your already dizzy mind for something.
Your grandma looks at you funny, “have you had something to drink already?”
In the distance you swear you hear your brother laugh. The mood grows more awkward with each minute. You’re grateful for the people around giving a sense of community while you feel like strangers to those in front of you.
“Neighbors, right? I think we met just before I left for college.”
A short conversation later and the memories appear more clearly. The two talking with your grandparents just before they had driven you to the airport. It was short, but you’re thankful you remember as it allowed you to dodge your grandma’s last question.
Your grandma seats them in the sun room and promptly leaves the three of you, saying she needed to make sure her husband wasn’t ruining the labeling of food.
“How was college?”
You look to the one with a braid, the one whose hands were rough when they shook yours, “it was alright. I graduated.”
“Glad you did what you go to college for.”
Her delivery falls flat and it makes your heart race. Your eyes slightly water, the sight making her face squeeze into confusion.
“How much have you drank tonight?”
“One,” you say with a pitiful sniffle.
You nod and they look at you in amusement. Your eyes follow where they’re looking and they land on the half full bottle in your hands, “oh whoops my bad. Actually this is my second.”
You lift the bottle with a proud look and one has the audacity to clap. You smile silly at the affection and ramble into your city life, delving deep into the tea between you and your boss. The two stay seated, hands interwoven as they enjoy the show you’re giving them.
The wall against your bicep is cold. With the way your body was warming, your skin chased after the feeling. You find your face leaning into it before your whole body is on the ground, right by the doorway.
You were sure you were maintaining wonderful conversation with the two new faces, but everything you remember was becoming a blur. It felt like ten seconds, but it happened open the span of ten minutes. The embarrassment had completely disappeared as you laid there unsuspecting, growing incredibly wasted.
One of the women, the one you recognize as short braid, sits beside you. She puts a hand to your forehead but you try to push it off.
“No,” you cry, “you’re mean.”
“Her face is burning,” she relays the information to her wife. The two look at you in amusement as well as concern.
“I’m burning because a beautiful woman is touching me.”
Your sober self is grateful she chose to ignore what you said. Hands lift you off the ground until you’re lying down on a softer surface, and definitely colder. The pressure on your arm leaves and it spirals you downwards.
You can hear them talking in the back, a man’s voice between them. What they’re saying, you can understand but you’re not grasping anything. With your mind focused on how the cold hand left you, nothing else seems to be your focus. It’s the creaking of the door shutting that feels like you’re drowning.
“Don’t leave me,” you look blearily at the door, “please.”
You hear a laugh, but it doesn’t register as anything other than someone mocking you.
“Fine, then leave me here like to always do.”
“Nobody’s leaving you.”
“No it’s okay. You just hate me”
The expression and dramatic nature exuding from you is hilarious. Every small laugh coming from you throws them off when more tears glisten down your cheeks
“Nobody here is upset at you, angel,” wanda’s hand rubs gentle circles against your back. You find yourself leaning into it, the tears stopping as your mind clears. The floor creeks and you’re being sit up.
“I don’t feel super great,” you mumble to them, “I’m sorry for being annoying.”
“Not annoying,” wanda responds and tilts to your head back, “I have some water and I’d like you to drink some, okay?”
After you’re laying back on the bed immediately. The world had begun to feel dizzying, almost nauseating when she held you upright. Without her hand there, you’d surely pass out.
The room is suddenly too quiet. You had tried to see them but the overhead light took a stab at your already overwhelming headache.
“We’re still here. How’re you feeling?”
Wanda laughs softly and Natasha feels your forehead again, “you don’t feel as hot.“
Your mother enters in then, and you attempt to sit up but you wince. A cry spewing from you, “I can’t see anymore, mom.”
She clicks her teeth, “mom told me you drank too much. Should’ve known. Thank you for helping, I can deal with her from here.”
Natasha’s wrists are enclosed in a tight embrace, your hands squeezing the life out of them with as much strength as you had.
“Please don’t leave me with her,” you whine, “she’ll toss me around.”
The clock beside them reads 11:28PM. She looked to it and sighed, deciding it was too late to deal with anything. Wanda stood from the bed, crossing the room to stand by her.
“I love her but she’s as stubborn as a mule.”
“Completely up to you, but we could her stay on our mattress downstairs?”
“That’s fine. I don’t think she’ll allow any of us to help her, I mean look at her.”
You were half lying in Natasha’s lap, tangled with her body. Dried tear marks lined your cheeks, dust from the floor lining your jeans.
It was a journey trying to drag your body down the hallway. A moment collapsed where you tripped over the rug. The best plan of action was Natasha carrying you princess style. Your grandma got a glimpse from where she sat in the living room.
She rushed to your side, “you taking her back to your place?”
“Only if that’s alright with you. She starts to cry almost everytime we begun to leave.”
“Absolutely,” she pats her shoulder with a slight laugh, “she got wasted, I could tell right away. I’ll have to talk to her brother, he’s collapsed on her bed right now. I’m sure he’s initiating something.”
They wish you a goodnight, stepping back and letting them through. You tilt your head back once they’ve stepped outside.
“Feels nice.”
You back far enough that Wanda reaches a hand to cup your head. Natasha adjusts her hold on you while looking to Wanda.
“I’m betting she’s going to get sick. Our guest room is the closest to the bathroom?”
“I won’t get sick of you,” you tuck your head under her neck. The first minute of the breeze was wonderful, but since then and due to your lack of layers, you’re relying on her body heat.
It gets darker the further you walk from the house. Wanda takes out her phone, using the flashlight to help guide their steps.
The pond nearby holds a connection of small critters, their sounds echoing through the trees. The married couple makes small conversation. Every two minutes they’re trying to keep you awake, but it grew difficult.
“Hey, stay awake. We’re almost there, you can see the porch light.”
“I can’t see shit, I’m drunk.”
Natasha laughs at the quip, enjoying the look of annoyance on her wife’s face. Wanda walks up the porch first, the keys jingling in her hand as she searches for the right one. Their home smells like clean fabrics and floral perfume. Your eyes grow heavy, each step and soft sound luring you in deeper. The gentle nudge does nothing to stop you completely falling under this time.
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adiluv · 3 months
✦ : ❝ 𝐥'𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐨 !
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꒰synopsis—wc꒱ in which you're dear to him. 415 words.
꒰warnings꒱ reader is a professor of the armed archeologists, self-indulgent fluff.
꒰adi moment꒱ honestly felt like that one stock image of the person breaking their chains while i was writing this—thank you dr. ratio for helping me actually break through my writer's block! ♡ anyway, hope you enjoy! ໒꒰ྀི ˆ ˘ ˆ꒱ྀི১
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Despite the assumptions that one might make upon learning of your relationship with the self-declared "Mundanite," let it be known that Veritas Ratio is not a subtle lover. Far from it, really, at least when you get to know him.
And, for both better and worse, there doesn't exist another being within the universe that knows him just as intimately as you.
Undeniably arrogant, yet painstakingly obvious. Sharp-witted, with seemingly no care for the feelings of those around him, yet, in his own way, surprisingly caring of those plagued with misfortune. He says what he means and means what he says, if only because he cannot bear the inefficacy of beating around the bush, yet it means little when most find themselves in desperate need of a dictionary while attempting to converse with him.
It's contradictory, to say the least. Hypocritical, even, given just how misaligned these traits are. But such is the nature of the man you call yours, a decision that elicits both confusion and envy from students and staff alike.
Admittingly, however, it's rather difficult to bring yourself to care.
You can't, really, as the depths of his adoration become increasingly transparent over the course of your unlikely romance. As the walls he'd devotedly built come crashing down before your bright eyes, alabaster head all but abandoned as he embraces your presence, almost akin to a flower that turns to embrace the Sun's warmth.
No, you can't when he rushes to seek you out the moment his classes come to an end, muscular arms wrapped firmly around your waist as while you grade exams, chin resting atop your shoulder as he scolds the never-ending idiocy of his students. When he comes to dub you as his third panacea, mind and soul wholly entranced by your love, leaving him uncharacteristically tense whenever you're called away for an expedition.
Because it's practically impossible to care when you visit his home after returning, chatting with the man while he works on his latest sculpture only to find that its features come to resemble your own as the evening progresses. When he awakens the next morning, long before dawn, carefully untangling your bodies as he prepares to depart for his daily workout.
When, right before leaving, he presses a chaste kiss to your temple, half-asleep mind barely cognizant enough to understand the words he whispers against your skin.
"Σημαίνεις τόσα πολλά για μένα."
... He's not subtle. Not at all. ♡
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꒰𝟏.꒱ "Σημαίνεις τόσα πολλά για μένα." — "You mean so much to me."
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aliiok · 1 year
Chapter 1
Through The Stars
On a dig to find an ancient relic, you meet The Mandalorian, and his little green friend.
archeologist!reader and gn!reader
A/N: Hello! I'm not the best writer, but I struck some inspiration the other day and came up with a story that I wanted to share.
Karabast. This was going to take longer than you initially thought. You had spent your last few credits for a ship to this planet, and now you might be here so long at this excavation that you starve to death. That was, if your janky breathing mask held up long enough.
You came to Shivao looking for ruins that might uncover the rumored existence of an ancient Mandalorian relic. It was a dangerous place, full of sandstorms, treacherous terrain, and wild creatures. So far, this was your second attempt at an excavation, having found nothing but sand and old root systems from long-dead trees at the first. Now, as you began your second dig in the past few weeks, your food supply was starting to run low.
After a few hours of digging, you decided to give it a rest and set up camp. With the air on this planet being toxic to your race, you brought along a small portable tent that allowed you to seal it and use an air filter so you’re able to eat and sleep without your breathing mask inside.
Your arms ached after another day of work. You lazily set up your sleeping pad, plopped down, and ate the first thing you saw when opening your pack. As you laid down, you could already feel yourself giving into sleep, mostly from pure exhaustion. You didn't even bother to remove your boots or outer clothes.
Not knowing how much time has passed, you woke up with a start, feeling the pumping of your heart beating fast throughout your entire body. That’s when you realized: you heard the familiar noise of boots on sand. It was hard to tell just how far away the noise was from inside the tent.
Moving slowly, you reached for your breathing mask and your old, but trusty blaster at the side of your cot. You ensured the mask was sealed and the motor on it running before slowly unfastening the tent with one hand and gripping your gun in the other.
You took a deep breath, holding it while exiting the tent. Between your heart beat thrumming in your ears, and the small noises you made while fitting on your mask, you didn’t notice the sudden silence outside as you exited the tent. But, it was all too obvious now. It was too dark to see anything, even the cobbled ruins a mere 10 paces from you. You slowly turned to face where the sound was originally coming from, raising your blaster and fitting your other hand overtop.
“Reveal yourself, or face the consequences,” you stated loudly, trying to keep your voice from wavering. You weren’t that confident you were aiming at the source of the noise, but even if you could see them, you were sure the anxiety blooming in your chest would cause you to miss. “I will not hesitate to shoot if threatened.”
Then, you heard an unintelligible noise a few feet to the left of where you were originally aiming. Your chest tightened, and you slid your finger from the side of the gun to rest over the trigger while adjusting your aim. “I am not your enemy,” grunted a voice, deep, gravelly, and sent through a vocoder, you realized. “Who are you?”
“Who are you?” you questioned. “I am here to study these ruins.”
You lowered your blaster towards the ground, but left your finger on the trigger. “Reveal yourself,” you said again, moving a hand towards your face to turn on the light in your mask. The light illuminated around five paces in front of you, enough to show footprints leading from the ruins, but not the intruder themselves.
“You’re an archeologist,” the voice stated, not a question, just a statement. You nodded, your shoulders relaxing some but your heart not stilling. “Why are you here? What do you know of these ruins?” it asked you.
The source of the voice took several steps forward, and you finally saw them. Tall, broad-shouldered, and most importantly: wearing a full suit of shiny gray beskar armor. Your heart seizes. A Mandalorian.
You’d never seen a Mandalorian in person. Sure, you’d taken many classes back at your training center on Corellia on the history and culture of Mandalore, but you'd never thought you’d get to meet one in person.
And now, one stood in front of you.
“Um..” you stammered. You began to wonder how much information you should reveal, but you quickly decided to divulge to this man in front of you in exchange for being able to say you spoke to one of the great warriors strapped in beskar. After all, if there was anyone who deserved to know information about the Mandalorian ruins you were studying, surely it would be him.
Although, how were you supposed to say you were following long lost trails all under the funding of a mysterious organization who didn’t give you much to go off of in the first place? You had been chasing dead leads since you got here. Really, you wanted to know just as much about it as this organization did.
You decided to explain, anyway.
The history of the ruined settlement was shrouded in mystery, with many legends and tales passed down through generations about the brave warriors who once lived here. Some believed that the settlement was destroyed in the Great Purge, while others believed that it was simply abandoned as the Mandalorians moved on to other parts of the galaxy. Whatever the reason, the ruins have remained untouched for many years. The artifact that you are searching for was believed to hold key information about the Mandalorian people and their way of life.
You explained this to the figure, finishing with the relic. “This is a possible site that may hold this relic of Mandalore. I don’t know much about this specific location, but,” you paused, turning on the safety and holstering your weapon, “I do know the relic is somewhere on this planet. I’m just here looking for information.”
“So you have no new information.” He states, taking a few more steps forward. Gods, is he huge. “This planet is dangerous. You’re going to get yourself killed.”
You frowned, making a face. “Why are you here?” you asked, choosing to ignore what he just said.
“I will help you, in exchange that you do not keep the relics you find. You will be paid handsomely instead.” He disregarded your question. It was only now you noticed a pod floating behind him. This planet’s sun was starting to rise over the dunes, the sky turning from black to a deep violet color on the edge. Finally, your heart slowed and you fully relaxed.
You thought for a moment. Really, you were only here for information. The man who gave you the job didn’t say anything about bringing back the relic itself, just that you would be rewarded for any information you found. Could you trust him though? You knew nothing of this man, unsure if you could even fight him off if he were to turn on you.
Ultimately, you decided to agree. If he was going to kill you, he would’ve done it already. The only reason you heard his footsteps in the first place was because, other than the windstorms, this planet was usually eerily quiet. Including now. That, and you had gotten used to sleeping lightly.
You told him your name, turning on the power for your strip lights by the entrance that otherwise would have left you vulnerable while encountering an enemy in the dark. “Fine, but don’t expect me not to shoot you if I find a reason to.”
You hear a foreign huff behind the mask. Was that a laugh?
With the outdoor lights on, you could now see your surroundings clearer. The ruins came into view, the walls mostly crumbled, and stones scattered around. The Mandalorian walked closer, and the strange pod behind him followed. The top was made of a clear material, and it floated a few units off of the ground. The most peculiar thing, though, was the tiny green creature sitting within.
“What is that!” your question came out more as an exclamation. You’d never seen anything like it. Its little head was covered in wrinkles, with long, pointy ears extending from both sides. The creature stared at you with big, dark eyes. Strangely, you thought, it’s very cute. It looked like a child.
Before the Mandalorian could respond, the baby cooed at you. “We should begin before sunrise,” he ignored you. Again.
You let out a sigh. “I gave you my name. What should I call you?”
He turned, already heading towards the entrance to the ruins. Before he passed through the entryway, you heard his voice again.
“Most just call me Mando.”
Edit: I've gone through and made some minor edits to this chapter, including the planet this section of the story takes place on.
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kakyoinscheryblush · 2 years
Once upon an lost island [Joseph Joestar x reader]
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Chapter five, Nights in New York
Penny roared as she kicked open the bedroom doors and ran inside. Behind her rused a blonde man, who was out of breath, clad in black trousers and a white dress shirt. “-Ms. Adams, I think you should’ve been more careful-”
“The fuck I’m going to be careful! We almost lost our friends! And here they are, sleeping like logs!” Penny exclaimed as she rushed to Y/n and frantically started to shake her.
“Ms. L/n! Please wake up! Now !” Penny shouted. 
The blonde man rushed to Penny and tore her off Y/n, “God dammit, woman! Calm down! Don’t you see that signorina has wounds on her arms!?” he exclaimed as he saw the markings on Y/n’s arms.
Y/n opened her eyes in panic as she frantically looked around herself, “Penny!? What- Where am I- Who is that!?” she shouted as she pointed at the green eyes man in panic.
He sighed as he glanced at still snoring Joseph.
“Ms. L/n, I’m Joseph Joestar’s personal assistant, Caesar Zeppeli. Ms. Adams called me in an emergency after she found out about your whereabouts.” Caesar explained in a calm voice, which made Y/n relax and looked at Joseph. 
She sighed as she slapped her forehead, “This is giving me deja vu…” she mumbled as she flicked Joseph’s head and smiled, “Wake up, JoJo… Your assistant is here.”. Joseph groaned as he stirred in his bed and opened his eyes. 
“Ngh… Tell him I'm busy, love…” Joseph muttered into his pillow and Caesar rolled his eyes and walked up to him and pulled him up by his ear.
“That’s enough, Joseph! Look at you! You’re full of dirt and dried up blood! The only thing you’ll be busy with is the long ass shower you’re going to take!” Caesar snapped as he pulled Joseph out of his bed and dragged him to the bathroom and slammed the doors closed. 
Y/n and Penny only looked at Caesar with wide eyes as they heard Joseph’s muffled protests through the closed doors.
Caesar noticed the weird glances he was getting and coughed a little, “Do not worry, I’ve had to deal with this kind of situation numeros times.” he said as he nodded his head.
“This will… take a while, so I advise you two to head home and we’ll meet you at the Speedwagon A.C.. Does that sound alright?” Caesar said while sighing. Y/n, who was still in Joseph's bed, nodded her head and slowly got up. 
“It’s fine, I have to tidy myself up too…” Y/n laughed as she showed her bandaged arms. Penny and Y/n bid their goodbyes and walked out of Joseph’s building and into Penny’s car.
“Ms. L/n… Next time you arrive from an expedition do call me or something! Do you know how worried I was for you!?” Penny exclaimed as she started the engine of her car and took off into the direction of the Speedwagon A.C.. 
Y/n only listened to Penny's ranting as she looked at her and nodded. After a few more minutes Penny exclaimed and rolled down her windows and exhaled deeply.
“You’re done?” Y/n asked softly and Penny nodded her head quietly.
“I know I should’ve contacted you, but I was just too tired to do anything… I almost got sacrificed to Aztec gods for goodness’ sake!” Y/n laughed as she tried to ease up the tension inside the car. 
Penny jokingly rolled her eyes, “Well, if this happens again, I will sacrifice you.” she started to laugh hysterically at her joke and Y/n looked at her with a flabbergasted expression. 
The shorter woman noticed her boss looking distressed and stopped laughing, “Ahem- I was only joking-” Penny coughed as she focused on the road ahead of her.
Y/n smiled as she patted Penny’s shoulder, “Do not worry, I like this side of you much more.” she said warmly.
Once they arrived at the Speedwagon A.C. Y/n took a shower and got dressed in a plain black shirt with the logo of the agency on the back with some dark blue jeans and black shoes. 
As she was tidying up her office with Penny in peace and quiet she was interrupted by a series of knocks. 
“Penny, can you open the-” Y/n began but her doors were slammed open, “Nevermind…” she mumbled as she looked at the entrance of her office. 
There was Joseph, in his usual crop top and dark blue jeans, Caesar in his white dress shirt and black trousers and Speedwagon in his suit with a small black box in his hands. 
“Before we get into anything, I would like to apologise from the bottom of my heart for putting you two in such a dangerous situation. I understand if you would like to take a break from any new expeditions in the meantime.” Speedwagon apologised with a heavy sigh. 
Y/n and Joseph looked at each other and then at Speedwagon, “It’s alright, Mr. Speedwagon. There was no way that you would have known Kars’ true intentions on going on this expedition.” Y/n said as she glanced at Joseph to continue. 
“Come on, Speedwagon! Don’t beat yourself up for this! Y/n has a point, you couldn’t have known that Kars is descendant of the people that have lived on the island. And while we’re talking about Kars, how did the Commission handle this? Especially Dr. Jenkins?” Joseph asked in curiosity. 
Speedwagon put the black box onto the table and sighed, “They’re in a mess, Dr. Jenkins the most. His death shook the archeology world grately, but some other stuff also came out.” he said as he bit his lip. 
The others looked at each other, wanting for Speedwagon to continue. 
“While Dr. Jenkins was being interviewed, a reporter asked a question about the Sci-Dispatch Press possibly smuggling the artefacts and does Kars have anything to do with this. Dr. Jenkins was already in a bad mood but this made him snap and he shouted at the reporter that, what if they did? This shouldn’t be a primary concern of this press.” Speedwagon said as he crossed his arms. 
Everyone’s eyes went wide as their mouths hung open. 
Y/n remembered the first time she talked to her chauffeur, Tony Castellano. 
“The Sci-Dispatch Press facility…?” he mumbled to himself as he started the car. 
Y/n stayed quiet as she swiftly stuffed the magazine cover into the pocket of her black blazer. The driver started driving and noticed Y/n fidgeting a bit, “You ok over there, champ?” he asked as he looked at her through the rearview mirror.
She looked up into his eyes in the mirror and bit her lip anxiously, “Not really… There is a big press conference that I have to attend and I’m starting to think that I won’t be able to do it…” she admitted in defeat. 
“The Sci-Dispatch Press doesn’t like weaklings like you, buster. Let me tell you that… I hear a lot of nasty shit that they do behind the scenes…” He muttered as he opened a piece of bubble gum and popped it into his mouth. 
“Want some?” he asked as he outstretched his hand and offered her a pack of pink bubble gum. “No thank you sir…” Y/n replied politely. “More for me… By the way, the name’s Tony Castellano…” Tony introduced himself. 
“I’m Y/n L/n, nice to meet you sir.” Y/n said to the older man. “If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of ‘nasty shit’ did you hear that the Sci-Dispatch Press does?” Y/n peered over to the limo driver who loudly chewed the pink bubble gum. 
Tony laughed snarky, “Cara mia, you sure ask a lot of questions… But alright… I overheard that the Sci-Dispatch Press is helping with multiple artefact smuggling from all across the world. Not sure if it’s true, but you didn’t hear this from me, capish?” Tony warned the e/c colored woman her eyes widened in shock.
Now it all made sense! Dr. Jenkins was the one that used Kars to find the artefacts and smuggle them around the world to sell them. He probably promised Kars that he will help him find his lost family, but in return he had to find the ‘clues’ that will help him in doing so. 
If it weren’t for Dr. Jenkins, Kars would've been a lesser known archeologist, but would he turn out the way he did now? Probably yes.
Y/n sighed as she remembered the events that happened at the island and walked up to her desk, “He was unfortunately a victim of someone else's greed… All he truly wanted to know was his true heritage but Dr. Jenkins used him to find him the artefacts he would later sell to other people.” she said with a bit of sympathy in her voice. 
Penny and Caesar, seeing that this was more of a discussion for the three of them, decided to slowly and quietly exit Y/n’s huge office and leave them alone to talk. 
“You have a point Y/n, but what’s done cannot be undone. You have to understand that.” Speedwagon said as he opened the small black box, revealing the Red Stone of Aja placed on a velvet red cushion, reflecting the warm sunlight. 
Speedwagon smiled, “Besides the pictures you took, this was an astonishing find that was thoroughly looked in the laboratory yesterday night… And the pictures of your scars and the notes you took, I think that you proved your devotion to this agency and I think that you have a great potential to become a great expeditioner.” Speedwagon said with a warm smile as he praised Y/n.
“I… Thank you Mr. Speedwagon. I truly appreciate your kind words.” Y/n said gratefully to his praise.
Speedwagon looked at Joseph and saw him smiling at Y/n as a slight red tint appeared on his cheeks. 
“Of course I can’t forget you, dear Joseph! I didn’t expect anything else from you on this expedition! But now, I must go back to my office and look at the notes and pictures that Y/n left for us. Goodbye you two!” Speedwagon closed the small box and walked out of Y/n’s office, leaving Joseph and her all alone. 
A quiet moment passed and Joseph walked to Y/n and stood extremely close to her. 
Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked into his bright green eyes in surprise.
Joseph slowly moved his index finger and lifted her chin a bit higher, “You know… To apologise for almost crashing us with a plane… Would you like to go on a date with me?” he whispered slowly. 
Y/n’s cheeks flared up, “Oh- Really? When-” she barely squeaked out. Joseph laughed at her embarrassed expression, “How about 7 p.m.? I’ll pick you up at your building.” he winked and kissed her cheek quickly and walked out of her office. 
The h/c haired archeologist stood frozen with a flabbergasted expression on her face as she touched her cheek gently and sighed, “This really happened…?” she mumbled out as she gripped her table. 
After notifying Penny about what just happened, she went crazy. 
“OH MY GOD! IT’S TIME TO GET YOU ALL DOLLED UP!” Penny roared as she pulled Y/n out of her office, down to the building and into her car.
“Good God, Penny calm down! The world won’t end if you slow down!” Y/n exclaimed as she gripped her seat as Penny speeded through the busy New York traffic. 
As they arrived at Y/n’s apartment, Penny pushed Y/n into her bathroom and went to pick out an outfit. 
She chose a plain knee length black dress with a pair of black flats and a small pearl necklace. 
“What do you say, Ms. L/n?” Penny asked as she showed the outfit in her arms. “It’s perfect! Thank you so much!” Y/n smiled as she took the clothes and closed the bathroom doors. 
After 15 minutes Y/n walked out and Penny grinned, “Looking stunning as usual I see, Ms. L/n! Now let’s get your hair and make up done!” Penny exclaimed as she opened up Y/n’s make up bag and took out all the products and brushes out.
As Penny finished applying make-up on her face, Y/n was touching up her hair in the bathroom while Penny went into the kitchen and decided to make herself something to eat. 
“Alright, Penny! I’m going out… Wish me luck…” Y/n said nervously as she grabbed her purse and walked to the doors.
“I’m wishing you luck from the kitchen, Y/n!” Penny shouted with her mouth full of food. 
Y/n laughed as she opened the doors, walked out and closed them. 
As she walked out of her building, she was met with grinning Joseph standing on the pavement with a black vest, white dress shirt and black trousers. And his hair was a bit combed out.
His smirk disappeared the moment he laid his eyes on Y/n, “U-Uh… Hi, my dear. You look absolutely lovely…” he gulped down as he re-adjusted the collar of his dress shirt.
“Thank you, Joseph, you too look stunning…” Y/n replied, equally nervous. 
Joseph stood there for a few seconds until he cursed under his breath, “God dammit! The doors!” he whisper-shouted as he walked to a black limo and opened the doors.
“Here you go, dear.” Joseph laughed as his cheeks flared up in embarrassment. 
Y/n smiled and entered the limousine and was greeted by Joseph's chauffeur, Henry.
“You know the route, Henry.” Joseph said with a smirk and Henry nodded his head. 
“Don’t mind me asking, Joseph, but where are we going?” Y/n asked curiously.
Joseph turned to her and shrugged his shoulders, “You’ll see my dear… But do continue to call me Joseph, it’s much more better than Mr. Joestar.” he laughed as he winked at her. 
She didn’t even realise that she stopped calling him ‘Mr. Joestar’ until now…
“Oh- I’m glad to hear that then…” Y/n smiled as she looked out of the window to see them slowing down. 
“Mr. Joestar, we’re here.” Henry said and Joseph grinned, “Excellent! Thank you, Henry!” He thanked his chauffeur, grabbed Y/n’s hand and exited the car. 
Y/n looked around and in front of her stood a fancy restaurant with a red carpet and flashy decorations. 
“Well? What do you think?” Joseph asked as he let go of her hand and suddenly put his arm around her waist.
Y/n’s eyes widened at the beautifully decorated restaurant and grinned, “It’s- It’s beautiful!” she said with excitement. 
“I’m glad you think so, my dear! Now let’s go in!” Joseph exclaimed and they both walked inside. 
They stopped in front of an older man with a big black leather book on the desk. “Good evening, sir. Reservation for Joseph Joestar.” Joseph said politely.
The man smiled and checked the list of many names and checked Joseph's name on the list.
“Let me escort you to the table, sir and ma’am.” the man said as he got up and started to walk deeper into the restaurant.
He guided them to a table with two chairs and motioned for them to sit on them. 
“Your waiter will shortly be with you.” the man nodded his head and walked away. 
Y/n looked around the restaurant, “You go here often?” she asked Joseph with a raised eyebrow.
Joseph chuckled at her question, “From time to time I like to have my favourite pasta dish here. And you won't believe me, but this is the same place I met my assistant Caesar!” he sniggered. 
“Really? I hope you didn’t try to crash him with a plane or something.” Y/n laughed and Joseph huffed in embarrassment.
“Hey now! It was only three times, alright?” he tried to stop Y/n from laughing but only made her laugh even more. 
“A-Alright- I’ll stop-” Y/n wheezed out as she calmed down. Joseph sighed in relief and noticed the waiter coming their way.
“Good evening! I’ll be your server for today. Here are the menus.” The waiter said as he handed Y/n and Joseph the menus and they both looked through them. 
“I’ll have (food of choice) and (drink of choice).” Y/n said as she handed the menu to the waiter. He nodded his head and looked at Joseph.
“And you sir, I presume you’ll have spaghetti di nero al seppia and red wine?” the waiter asked and Joseph smirked. 
“You got it right, sir!” he laughed as he handed the menu to him and the waiter who walked away. 
Y/n looked at Joseph in confusion, “You order that every time you go here?” she asked in puzzlement.
Joseph nodded his head and smirked, “Yes! It’s the best dish I have ever had! Besides granny Erina’s cooking of course.” he said with pride in his voice. 
“Well, when we go there next time, I’ll make sure to try it out.” Y/n said with a smile. 
After some time and chatting, their food arrived and they ate in peace with a few occasional questions.
As they finished, Joseph paid for the food and they walked out of the restaurant. 
“Good God, I think I’m about to explode…” Y/n sighed as she shook her head. The food was absolutely magnificent and she thought she would pass out at the moment.
Joseph laughed and grabbed her hand, “Don’t pass out on me now, love. I have another surprise! Follow me…” he said quietly as they rushed through the busy streets until they reached a small half empty park. 
It was illuminated by the setting sun and it had a pond with ducks and fishes inside. Across it was a small wooden bridge decorated with flower vines. 
“This is the place I like to go with granny Erina when I’m not on expeditions or doing paperwork…” Joseph said as a small smile appeared on his face.
Y/n turned to him and saw the orange glow casted across his face, which made his green eyes sparkle in the warm sunlight. 
Y/n laughed as her cheeks flared up, “Well, I hope that one day I get the chance to meet her.” she said as she averted her gaze from Joseph.
“Do not worry, love! She will absolutely adore you, I can promise you that!” Joseph gushed as he grabbed Y/n’s hand and walked her to the bridge. 
Y/n looked down and saw a family of ducks calmly swimming in the pond. “Look at them, Joseph!” Y/n pointed at the duck and Joseph smiled, “Wait, dear! I came prepared!” Joseph exclaimed as he reached into his vest pocket and pulled bird seeds out of it. 
“I- You had that in your pocket this whole time?” Y/n asked as she looked at the fistfull of the bird seeds in Joseph’s hand.
“Well of course I did! As I said, I came prepared!” Joseph said with pride lacing his voice. 
The e/c eyed archeologist sniggered as she took some of the seend out of his hand and threw them to the ducks happily ate them. 
After a few minutes of laughing and giggling, they were out of bird seeds. 
“I think we fed them for a whole week…” Y/n giggled as she dusted off her hands and looked at the happy ducks swimming in the pond. Joseph nodded and scooted closer to her.
He quietly nodded as his expression changed to a nervous one. 
Y/n noticed his lack of response and looked up to him, “Are you alright, Joseph?” she asked the green-eyed adventurer.
He slightly cleared his throat and nervously smiled. Y/n nodded, still unconvinced and continued to look at the sun's reflection in the lake. 
After few quiet moments Joseph’s voice rang out.
"Y-You know… I had a really good time with you Yn..." Joseph murmured as he looked down at the h/c haired woman.
She looked at him with a slightly surprised expression, but let him continue. 
"I didn’t really have a proper chance to do this before, and I really think that this is the perfect moment to do so…" Joseph murmured as he leaned in closer to Y/n and looked into her widened eyes. 
He smiled as he put his thumb on her cheek and softly held it as he leaned in closer and put his lips softly against hers.
His other hand wrapped around her waist and brought her closer to him. 
After a few moments they  pulled apart and Y/n breathed out, “I… I have no words…” she whispered as her cheeks warmed up.
Joseph pulled away his hand from her cheek and placed it around her waist so he was fully holding her. 
“My dear, there is no need for words now…” he muttered as he kissed her once again, but this time more slowly.
Once they pulled apart he took her hand and they both leaned against the bridge to look at the setting sun. 
"I can't wait to see where the next adventure will bring us..." Y/n said  as she glanced at Joseph and smiled sincerely.
He looked at her and softly squeezed her hand in his as they continued to gaze at the orange lit horizont. 
Bonus scene…
*Five years later*
The cathedral bells rang and the summer sun shone inside the colourful windows. The atmosphere was lively and exciting.
Because on this fateful day, Joseph Joestar and Y/n L/n have finally decided to marry each other. 
Joseph nervously looked at the cathedral entrance and fiddled with his fingers. 
Speedwagon only smiled at him and nodded his head signalling it will all be alright. Erina brought a handkerchief to her eye and sighed shakily, “I cannot believe my boy grew up so fast…” she whispered as he looked at Joseph dressed in a black tuxedo with a small white rose being placed in his breast pocket. 
There weren’t many people. Just some of Y/n’s family, Penny, Caesar, Speedwagon and Erina. 
All of a sudden the piano music started and Joseph fixed up his posture and looked at the entrance in anxiety.
The priest who was standing at the altar chuckled at Joseph, “Don’t worry, young man… Just smile…” he whispered to Joseph. 
After a few seconds Y/n slowly walked in with her grandfather with their hands looped around each other. 
Joseph’s jaw dropped to the floor as he saw Y/n smiling at him brightly in her wedding dress as she was holding a small bouquet of flowers. The dress fit her so perfectly that he thought he saw an angel. 
As she approached him, her grandfather kissed her cheek and sat down next to her grandmother. 
The priest smiled at Y/n and Joseph and started to talk. “Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Joseph and Y/n in holy matrimony. Now you may say the vows, Mr. Joestar.” the priest said. Joseph nervously cleared his throat as he peeked inside his palm only to see black marker smudges. 
“I guess I’m going to improvise on this one… But here I go…” Joseph sighed but continued, “Y/n, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us.” he said with calm voice. 
Y/n smiled warmly at Joseph and nodded her head, making Joseph less nervous. “You may say your vows, Ms. L/n.” The priest said. 
“Joseph, I promise to cherish and protect you in all the hardships we may face. In sickness and health, in poverty and in wealth, I promise to be truthful to you in all things until death parts us away…” she said slowly and Joseph nodded his head with  a nervous smile.
The priest smiled at the couple and continued with the ceremony.
"Do you, Y/ L/n, take Joseph Joestar as your husband, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" asked the priest.
"I do." Y/n says softly as she smiled at quivering Joseph.
The priest turned to Joseph, "Do you, Joseph Joestar, take Y/n L/n as your wife, to love her, to honour her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" asked the priest once again.
"I... I-I do... " Joseph replied, hia eyes watering slightly.
The priest smiled, "I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love." he said as he took out a plush pillow with two rings on it.
Y/n took Joseph's ring and gently put it on his finger. Joseph slightly fumbled with his, but successfully put it on Y/n's finger.
"Now... You may kiss the bride." the priest announced and Joseph softly placed his hand on Y/n's cheeks and placed his lips on hers.
Wild cheers erupted inside the chapel as Erina and Speedwagon smiled at each other warmly and Penny sobbed their eyes out while Caesar stood behind her, patting her back trying to comfort her.
Joseph and Y/n pulled apart and smiled at each other.
"Welcome to the family, Mrs. Joestar..." Joseph mumbled as he hugged Y/n and kissed the top of her hair.
Who would've thought one expedition to a lost island would bring two people much closer than they had ever expected?
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throwaway-yandere · 10 months
FLAWLESS (Yandere!Various Genshin/Reader)
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A/n: This is a complete interactive fic w/ CGs! There’s an HP system and 4 possible endings (yandere!Scaramouche, Alhaitham, Kaveh, and Kazuha). This is my final fanfic and I really put my best effort into drawing and writing this. Have fun!!! Your choices matter so read the evidences properly and try not to get a bad ending hahaha. (Pls answer this poll after and feel free to send me memes about who you got hAHHAHA)
Unreliable Synopsis: (Danganronpa!Genshin AU) If this is your last dance as an idol, then you do not want it. No. You’ll make the real criminal sing instead.
CW: yandere themes, blood, murders (well duh ansy–), and brief mentions of suicide.
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Kazuha frowned. "For (L/n) (Y/n), this whole ordeal must seem like a flawless crime."
"They don't know the murder weapon, the suspects— no nothing." Kaveh sighed.
Alhaitham interjected. "Indeed, but the real questions will begin in a moment."
Words punctured the air in nameless accusations. Each time people enter this room, only distrust looms acting both as a safety blanket and suffocating plastic. You stared at the people left. One, two, three, four, five... You clenched your fist, and all those fingers pointed back at you. 
The sixth. 
There are only six survivors left.
"Say, (L/n) (Y/n)." Your Akademiyan companions stared at you as Kunikuzushi’s smirk could practically be heard in his voice. "Where were you at the time of the murder?"
You gulped.
The Teyvat Akademiya. Home only to the most renowned student of their craft. The faculty carefully picks out select groups of students to be their new freshmen- and it can only be counted by hand how many had declined such a generous offer. It was a government state university, but it was also a golden ticket to knowing people from high places.  
Each student was known for contributing something in their fields of interest. In fact, both your adoptive siblings were alumni of this prestigious school. Your brother Aether was a famous "adventurer" (as he loved to call himself instead of an artifact-obsessed archeologist) whereas your sister Lumine was a remarkable swordswoman with a straight-edged track record. Even your older friends, Dainsleif, and a certain glasses-wearing individual you had forgotten the name of were graduates and now boast incredible resumes befitting of an Akademiyan. Each alumnus you've met wasn't someone any person with a head on their shoulders would dare disrespect. 
But that was not the reason for your schoolmates’ evident intimidation.
“Allow them a moment to process,” Alhaitham scoffed. “The Body Discovery Announcement was approximately 2 hours ago. It’s challenging for individuals from the entertainment industry such as them to comprehend complicated matters in a few seconds.”
“I would’ve fainted at your rare attempt at empathy if it wasn't obviously pointed,” Kaveh scoffed before turning to you with a soft stare. “(Y/n), don’t listen to these two, I’m sure we can find out if you’re innocent or not later.”
You gave a short nod of assent.
Tragically, murders had become the norm for college students like yourself. No one has flinched at Kaveh’s grim mention of a suspect lurking by and none had the insanity to deny what had occurred.
It began when you first woke up in one of the Akademiya's classrooms. You stirred awake on a desk near Shikanoin Heizou, the "Detective Prince". He was a famous figure, so you instantly believed him when he said you were both hauled into this location against your will. You were enthused by his infectious desire to uncover whatever was behind the “kidnapping” you found yourselves in. He told you not to worry, that despite the barred windows and inaccessible exits, you'd both "probably" find a way out.  As you both wandered around the area, you found fourteen other students (some familiar faces, some not as much). For a brief moment of hope, everyone thought escape was possible. 
That was until a certain cold-eyed puppet entered the scene.
A heartless puppet you’re sure was waiting for everyone just under that elevator.
“Is… Is this everyone?” You asked like a mouse, frightened as your eyes darted for any hints of twinned cyan hair. Nothing about your recent behavior had gone unnoticed.
Senior Faruzan is missing…
Yoimiya frowned, grabbing your hand for comfort. “(Y/n)…”
Kunikuzushi scoffed. “Enough of this dumb ohhh boohoo exhibit. Let’s go.”
The most mysterious of the bunch left for the stairs immediately, punching the button on the elevator to its ground floor. Yoimiya huffed, muttering complaints about Kuni’s behavior while the three other men followed her silently. No one took the stairs two at a time and walked at a snail’s pace. A clear indication that no one wanted this to occur. 
And just like in the previous cases, Kazuha’s eyes were on you the entire time but spoke nothing of this behavior.
The elevator door opened. You looked at the camera above it. If the Shogun's words are to be trusted, then the outside world is watching your every move like reality TV.
If that's the case, might as well give them a show.
Kunikuzushi stepped aside, royally ushering everyone— and specifically YOU— in.
“Idols first.”
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Everyone entered the trial room. If the mood from earlier was tense, it is worse now that you’re inside. Stepping into the cold room makes the situation all the more real.
There is an execution waiting to happen, but without a hint if it’ll be “us” or “them”. Every bright person inside the room here had previously partaken in 4 of these court sessions by force. Since no one can exit the premises nor contact the outside world, the only key out was to kill and avoid getting caught. 5 people had attempted to commit murder, and considering how you’re still breathing, none of the “blackened” had succeeded in getting their way.
How… How did it come to this? 
You enrolled in the Akademiya in hopes that you'd also find the subtle clues as to why Aether went missing, this wasn't in your plan.
Getting roped into this killing “game” was on no one’s to-do list. You received an invitation to enroll in the Akademiya because of your stark idol career, although your siblings being famous alumni may have greatly increased your chances of receiving that privilege. You would’ve thrown that paper into the fire if you knew you’d get dizzy upon arriving in the Akademiya and will wake up in such a heartbreaking dilemma. Hearing from a grapevine, you discovered that Kaveh was invited for his architectural drafts, Kazuha for his poems and a bit of swordsmanship in his repertoire, Yoimiya for her firework shows, and Kunikuzushi?… You don’t know. But you are wholly aware as to why Alhaitham is here as your senior— you were there when he opened his letter after all.
The “mascot” is yet to make her entrance. So, as “obedient” students, you’ve uncomfortably shuffled to the places you were meant to stand. Bile rose inside your throat as you looked at the last five students excluding yourself circling the room— with Faruzan’s crossed-out portrait to your right while Kamisato Ayaka’s on your left. It would appear that most of the dead students were on your side and the closest breathing person next to you was Kunikuzushi, who was two photographs away.
Alhaitham, Amber, Tighnari, Ajax, Albedo, Kamisato Ayaka, You, Faruzan, Xiao, "Kunikuzushi", Kaveh, Cyno, Yoimiya, Layla, Yunjin, Kaedehara Kazuha, and Shikanoin Heizou.
The deceased faces had been crossed out in bright violet paint, a nauseatingly unsubtle reminder that only six remained. Yet, the one that was meant to sit towering above was missing.
“… Where’s The Shogun?” Kazuha asked.
“Ah, so you do have a voice. And here I was about to call you a cricket. I thought our poet lost his words, considering how the previous trial ended,” Kunikuzushi mocked, rolling his eyes. “Just wait and see.”
You sighed, hoping it was quiet enough for Kuni not to have heard it. 
The last trial broke everyone’s spirits and sense of camaraderie the most. Before trials, the puppet gives everyone an incentive to kill. In the Ayaka-Heizou murder case, each student was given a videotape that raised more questions than answers. Yours was a clip of Lumine, your fellow theater actors, and idol mates congratulating you for your enrollment before it cuts off to a scene of your home burned to cinders. As for Ayaka, hers was a short-lived message of her older brother asking her to come visit the clan for Thoma’s upcoming birthday— before it cuts to a gruesome scene of her brother fatally wounded on their living room floor. 
“Find out what happens once you graduate!”... and then the tape ends.
Whoever was the mastermind behind this killing, you had to admit, they were an expert in psychological torture. And unfortunately for everyone, Ayaka was a smart individual— killing the most trustworthy student, Heizou, to cover her tracks better. She put up quite the fight in manipulating everyone to think that you and Kaveh were possible culprits.
You even got into an argument with the calmest person around. Kazuha was “convinced” that Ayaka was right, which led to you two entering an incredibly heated argument that left him depressed with his rejected apology. You were on "good terms" with him before, that being he would always offer to cook food and accompany you often. 
… Perhaps that was a good thing. Discreetly, you thought he strangely knew you to a degree that makes you far from comfortable. It still bugs you how he knew you all too well and yet you know nothing about him other than his aspirations: traditional Inazuman poetry writing with a bit of karuta on the side.
Maybe he used to be a big fan of yours? Even so, the foundation of your music, choreography, and persona was weaved through a tapestry of feel-good lies. And yet, he was wise enough to speak your true thoughts before you even hesitated to voice them in your cheery idol tone. 
But that’s not the issue right now. 
The issue on your plate was that you had no evidence to prove your innocence except for the list of school rules on your E-Handbook because you were convinced someone will kill you during the investigation.
You laughed to yourself bitterly. Might as well review those rules now.
You opened the E-Handbook.
As per “school rules”, there are regulations to be had in a murder game, but none stick to you as these three. Rule #10 and #7: A class trial will commence after three or more students have discovered a corpse, and a Body Discovery Announcement will play as soon as it occurs. However, a trial will be held if and only if every survivor is present; failure to do so will result in class “expulsion.” 
And the last rule that never left your mind was Rule #8: If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.
By the end of Trial #4, she did not receive a proper execution. Ayaka was compelled to restore her honor and raised her sword to…
… You couldn’t hate her for it. Even though you were close friends with Heizou, you couldn’t hate any of your fellow students. They all had family, hopes, and visions for the future. Each one here was "a fledgling barely out of the nest." You couldn’t deny that you would’ve done the same.
"Since the Shogun isn't here yet, let's get a headstart," Kaveh gripped the court fence, eyeing everyone with a nervous stare and stiff posture. "What's your alibis?"
Nobody raised their voice initially. You cast a pitying glance toward Kaveh. When it comes to your closest friendships, he comes in second only to Heizou. As someone who had seen the horrors of the media which is essentially a mirror of the world's social issues, Kaveh's one of the few decent individuals left on the planet, in your opinion. In moments of quiet, you, Kaveh, and Faruzan used to chat together, with Heizou periodically interrupting to share his findings regarding everyone's entrapment.
Considering how Kaveh is your last true friend left, you volunteered yourself.
"I never left my room," you spoke audibly depressed, no longer caring that you appeared un-idol-like. "And I refused entry as well. I heard a couple of angry knocks at 9:37 p.m., but I didn't open my door for anyone."
You looked at Kazuha, hurt and accusingly.
You'd never forget how Kazuha called you a murderer. That intense argument made up 30% of Heizou's class trial. He lost his composure and called you a "dishonorable monster". The whole back-and-forth was very much unlike him. After the trial, neither of you talked– and you never left your room unless it was to get something to eat without anyone in sight.
If he was the one who killed Faruzan because he can’t get to you, then you’ll…
"9:37 eh? You got a watch now?" Kunikuzushi pointed at your wrist.
You snapped out of your aggression and nodded, which made him break out in a fit of laughter. 
"HAHAHA!!!" Kunikuzushi grinned, wide. "Learned your lesson, huh?!"
You scoffed, but your ego was humbled and your heart sank at his harsh words. 
Everyone in the room nearly lost their lives because of your time-blindness. It's precisely what made Kazuha suspicious of your motives. You were always unsure of the time, hence, you didn't have the most watertight alibi compared to Ayaka. Before you entered your room to lock yourself, Alhaitham blocked the door with his shoe and handed you his spare wristwatch. He was the last person you saw before your self-isolation.
"Good," Alhaitham said. "And you, Kunikuzushi?"
"Are we going to ignore that angry knocking thing?" Kaveh rightfully asked.
"Let's complete the first task first," Alhaitham answered. "Let's follow the circle; it's (Y/n), then Kunikuzushi, Kaveh, Yoimiya, Kazuha, then I."
"Conveniently putting yourself last," Kunikuzushi snarled. "But whatever. I was napping in my dorm. Woke up when I heard footsteps outside and decided to investigate. The discovery alarm rang off when I entered the nurse's office the second time."
Kaveh fell silent, his face pale.
"I… never went to m dorm that night"
"Oh?" You and Yoimiya curiously said in unison.
"I-I was with Alhaitham, patrolling!!!" Kaveh defended; his arms in the air. "I swear on my life, I was with him! We're probably the footsteps Kuni heard."
He spoke as if it was a good thing with his mouth, but he was whispering that it wasn’t with his eyes.
"Can't be certain," Kunikuzushi threw in a quick grumble and snapped his fingers. “But I think that's probably the case.”
"That makes sense. I mean, if Kuni was telling the truth then that just means there's more chance it's just those two hopping around. Oh, and I was actually on the second floor at the time. I was in the recreational room cause I wanted to get tokens for the cute little Shogun Stall.'' If Kuni’s side comment lasted a month, then Yoimiya's would be a year– but her good cheer is just what everyone needed to alleviate the tension.
"I wasn't in my dorm room either," Kazuha said. "I was in the cafeteria. I couldn't sleep so I decided to fry fish."
"True, I think. When I checked the cafeteria a knife was missing from the shelf."
"We’ll keep your fact-checking in mind, Miss Naganohara." 
No soul was sure if Alhaitham was being genuine about it except for you. And the answer was yes, he was being warily appreciative. Admittedly, you don’t know any of these people before this killing game started, except for one person…
Alhaitham looked away, conscious of how you looked at him.
In all fairness, Alhaitham was closer to Lumine than you and Aether, and he wasn’t your favorite neighbor either. As a kid, he was the type who would leave in the middle of hide-and-seek simply because the ordeal wasn’t “stimulating” to his developing intellect. He had a habit of causing uncomfortable situations just to “observe” your reactions with an emotionless stare. Alhaitham had once given you a sumeru rose with a startling grasshopper to see how you would behave, and the worst part is that everyone knows he did these without malice. His grandmother had to force a sorry out of him for your tears to dry. “He probably has a crush on you, you know how boys are,” was the excuse the old lady tried, but your twin siblings were quick to shut that thought down. You and he were simply oil and water, nothing more, nothing less.
But there were times you two got along. When you aired out loud sentiments regarding how stuffy his room must be, you snatched the book he was reading and dashed up the nearest tree. Despite his grumbling reservations, he was thankful that you taught him how to climb that afternoon. That was the first you saw him smile wider than usual and offered to narrate the book you stole: The Little Prince. 
However, that version of Alhaitham you’ve come to love remains awol amidst this killing game.
"As for my whereabouts: Kaveh is correct. He and I were patrolling just the first floor and exchanging conversation. Neither of us could sleep. We started at 9:15 and ended abruptly at 11:05, when we, along with Kunikuzushi, found–"
"The body." Kunikuzushi finished.
"Yes," Alhaitham said.
Kunikuzushi smirked. From your perspective, the worst part about this was not Kunikuzushi’s inappropriate smugness, but the look in his eyes that mirrored what Heizou used to have— what your good friend used to be. The light in his eyes, his more forward demeanor, the way he crossed his arms and snapped his fingers– it was as if he was copying him. 
Mocking him.
You hate Kunikuzushi. You detest just how much you don’t know why he’s in the Akademiya or anything else about him other than his first name. You loathe how he had made it his job to be the antagonist of every damn class trial. You hate how he looks at you as though you’re beneath him. You despise how much he is willing to withhold vital information till the very end.
Kunikuzushi is like a commedia dell’arte stock character. A Scaramouche. An unreliable servant. You can’t trust a man who said he was moved by your acting in all your filmography only to act like he wants nothing more than to crush your spirits once lives were at stake.
After listening to everyone’s alibis, your intuition screamed from something deep within a place you had begun to trust after experiencing these trials:
Out of six survivors, FOUR of them are hiding something.
“Is everyone present?”
Before you could speak up, a low and refined woman’s voice stole everyone’s attention. All turned to gaze at the long synthetic-haired lady with a katana by her side. She returned the stares with an unfathomable coldness as she strutted to her throne, the silk of her grand kimono touching the floor. 
There she is. The lone audience and judge. The puppet: the Almighty Raiden Shogun. Undoubtedly made of metal and not flesh. Xiao had learned that firsthand when he sacrificed his life in an honorable duel against the captor— but seeking freedom by force was of no use when she herself is capable of the murders she wished to witness.
“Very well. We shall begin.”
“W-Wait, hold up, ma'am!”
The last vaguely extroverted cheerleader raised her hand; her bravery to interrupt the Shogun was acknowledged.
“... Can I share my E-Handbook data with (Y/n)?” She asked, high-pitched.
The medical and criminological technology of this era eluded everyone. Trapped inside the Akademiya with no phones or any signal to the outside world, each student only has their E-Handbook to rely on. It contains information the owner investigated regarding murders and records testimonies made by their peers. A handbook is only “handy” for both people who were hoping to survive and those who were hoping to twist the facts. 
And that offer is exactly what you need.
“You see– they didn’t leave their room during the investigation period– probably worried that the killer might be after them next and they kinda turned into a hikikomori for the past few days. I’m kinda worried they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves on this trial so… So, uh… Pretty please?” The blonde girl smiled nervously.
The Raiden Shogun stared, calculating.
“I shall allow it.”
“Thank you so much!” Yoimiya tapped her E-Handbook as fast as she could, more eager than you were in watching the loading screen fill up.
You smiled at Yoimiya but it came out crooked and jaded. She didn’t complain that you weren’t at your top form today, but she did send you a loud “Do your best!” in her native tongue.
The Shogun walked to the throne and took her seat.
“Now then, let the class trial begin.”
Out like a bolt of lightning, the doors behind you were completely shut with metal bars in her flick of a wrist. In her twisted form of justice, she hammered the circular surface with her gavel.
“Court is now in session.”
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
Hi! I really love your work, and I’m loving these pieces you’ve been writing. Could you maybe do a Sanji x reader where they’re not a couple or anything. But clearly they have feelings for each other, yet the reader doesn’t like his smoking habit? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺💚
Hiya!! Thank-you, I really enjoy writing them and I'm glad that I can share them with you all! and absolutely I can, here you go!!
[heads up!: cigarette usage/smoking]
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Click, snap. Click, snap. Click, snap. Click – 
You listen as Sanji finally lights his cigarette, finishing his idle playing with it – the end of it gleams red briefly as he inhales. Pause. Exhale, thin cloud of white smoke leaving his parted lips. 
You look up from your book. “Sanji,” you intone, a light warning in your voice – and he looks over. “I enjoy your company, but smoking in a library probably isn’t the smartest idea. Robin will have your head if any of these books end up smelling like smoke.”
True, the otherwise mild-mannered archeologist won’t be very fond of him if something happens, and he tugs his cigarette from his mouth. “Come outside with me then,” he says, “it’d be a shame to leave your beautiful company so soon.”
A born flirt, that’s what he is – and normally you’d roll your eyes and wave him off, but it’s rare that you get much free time to spend around each other. The boundaries of Luffy’s appetite are few and far between – who knows when your beloved captain will demand a snack or a meal. 
“Okay, okay,” you relent, watching as Sanji’s expression lights up, and he gestures at the door with a dramatic bow, the flourish of his hand included.
“After you, my sweet.”
Now you roll your eyes, though the gesture is good natured as you exit the library, Sanji in tow. He follows close enough that his hand brushes against yours, other tucked into his pocket – and you allow the brief graze of your fingers against his before you pull ahead. 
The lower deck of the Sunny is a bright contrast to the lighting of the library, and it takes you a moment to adjust to the bright blaze of the sun above before you move towards the sanctuary of the table Robin often sits at. 
“Want me to make you something to drink? Iced tea? Lemonade?”
You sit down, setting your book down before you look up at Sanji, a small smile tugging at your lips. “What if I want you to sit with me?” 
His own smile widens, even as he takes another drag of his cigarette – and misses the way your smile fades as he exhales a cloud of smoke and takes the seat across from you. Opening your book, you hesitate, debating for a moment before you look back up at the man across from you. 
“Sanji,” you begin, “why did you start smoking?”
The blonde blinks, not expecting the question – and he pulls the narrow cylinder from his lips to tap it into the waiting ashtray before he snuffs it out all together and leans back with a sigh. Guilt already tugs at your insides – you hadn’t meant to bring up any bad memories for him, though he speaks before you can voice your apology.
“I’m not sure,” he answers. “Couple of the guys back on the Baratie used to, and I picked it up from them. Helped calm my nerves during services, and definitely made taking the crap geezer’s shit a lot easier to handle.” He tugs his hand free from his pocket, lighter in hand – but all he does is thumb at the intricate swirls. “I know you don’t like when I smoke.”
Your brow furrows. “That’s–” 
“It’s not really a secret,” he says, but there’s no anger to his tone, and the fond look on his face is unfaltering as he reaches across the table to take one of your hands into his. “I know I should stop, and I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable with it.”
You stare down at his hand, the answering stutter of your heart at how easy he makes affection like this look – that though he still flirts with Nami and Robin, at least this is reserved for you and only you. “I could help you find other outlets,” you say, earning a look of momentary confusion from Sanji before you continue, your gaze still on his hand. “When you get anxious. I’m sure we can come up with something that isn’t…smoking.” 
Sanji stares, clearly considering it – and again, you worry that you’ve overstepped a boundary – and then he smiles. “We can try that,” he says, “I can’t promise anything, though.”
You squeeze his hand gently. “Trying is more than enough.”
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lunaapudleonem · 2 months
Can you write for every midheaven what would be the ideal job position for them ???
Yess I can 💕
Aries MC
- athlete, solder or any military position, trainer, firefighter, CEO, coach
Taurus MC
- cook, artist, interior designer, photographer, architect, degustator, perfumist
Gemini MC
- teacher, writer, journalist, businessman, consultant, debater, someone in the international relations, politician, anything related to marketing
Cancer MC
- nurse, psychologist, sociologist, psychotherapist, social worker, kindergarten teacher, cook
Leo MC
- hairdresser, hairstylist, make up artist, model, actor, celebrity, CEO, performer, fashion designer
Virgo MC
- attorney, engineer, mathematician, physicist, writer, architect, doctor, dentist, pharmacist
Libra MC
- stylist, interior designer, fashion model, publisher, judge, HR manager
Scorpio MC
- astrologer, tarot reader, detective, police officer, architect, scientist, doctor, pilot
Sagittarius MC
- tourist guide, philosopher, professor, captain, sailor, pilot, archeologist
Capricorn MC
- CEO, project manager, anything related to business and finance, lawyer, anything related to banks, accountant
Aquarius MC
- anything related to IT, activist, humanitarian, pilot, astronaut, astrophysicist, journalist, blogger, electrician
Pisces MC
- artist, therapist, director, singer, musician, dancer, sailor, writer, counsellor, veterinarian
Dm me for a natal/synastry/composite chart reading!!
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