#applies to all verses honestly.
zealctry · 10 months
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this barbie will murder you.
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sgterso · 6 months
@strnza : what do you do for fun?
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despite her better judgement, jyn likes kardel, more so than any of her other clients so far. since getting out of prison, there have been both easy and difficult jobs, with this one landing somewhere in the middle ; but even with the added challenge of managing kardel as a person ( as well as ensuring her safety ), she finds the other woman's attitude to be . . . refreshing. it's nothing more than a surface-level appreciation, however –– at the end of the day, kardel's a job, nothing more. with her background, so long as she gets paid, she'll do just about anything.
" i don't, " she replies shortly, not bothering to look at her client as she speaks. rather, she continues her sweep of the surrounding area, her head on a swivel as she checks for danger. even though she likes kardel, that doesn't mean she's suddenly willing to answer personal questions, simple as this one may be. and there is a part of her that finds amusement in own off-hand quips. " –– have fun, that is. "
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a-koschyei · 1 year
re : the white wolf & koschei's blood oaths
blood magic is obviously the go-to for mr koschei, and with that comes blood oaths, which apparently were pretty common practice in polovytsy tradition. usually they were done over the sacrifice of a dog/wolf. the sacrifice, i don't vibe with, however, i will say since koschei takes over dazbog's spot and adopts the wolf as a sacred animal, that there is a divine white wolf he's connected to who functions as an oath keeper. if either party breaks the oath before the pact is complete, the wolf will find and hunt them down ( you do not want to mess with this !! the beast is huge, mythically powerful and very scary - think death from puss n boots lol, but as an actual wolf ). the wolf mostly stays in the forest, he is not to be domesticated, not even by koschei, but does answer to him when he calls and visits on his own accord, particularly when viy has an advantage and food is scarce.
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fastfists · 1 year
...you can’t tell me Knuckles wouldn’t have a Tamagotchi
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lcveblind · 2 years
🌟 GLOWING STAR <3 for the lady
{  𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! || accepting! }
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
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There are many things to think about when Edeline goes out on her balcony to gaze up at a night sky. Important things, such as the future of her people, her ability to rule as queen, the relations between them and the nations surrounding them. Sometimes, though, there are nights she thinks about the stories her mother, the Queen, had told her when she was young. 
One such story was about the small traditions past sailors had, and how their love for the great, wide ocean was connected to the starry sky. After all, it was the stars, her mother had told her, that allowed those at sea to find those they love (her mother included, apparently). That’s how the Festival of Stars came to be. 
...A small bit of loneliness usually comes after remembering such a memory, and with it, the wish to gaze at the stars with someone she loved. But eventually those feelings are pocketed away to the back of her mind, and she would head back inside to resume her rest.
A wish was only a wish, after all.
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picavecalyx · 6 months
Truth meme: “do you admit that people are cruel, that people don’t care about you? Is pretending the world is different than it is really that helpful?”
" i ADMIT that everyune deserves a chance! that everyune has sume sense uf GUD in them, nu matter what they've dune, nu matter whu they are. " It came out as a growl, rather than anything kind or sweet like she usually sounded. She had heard this question enough, been asked this question ENOUGH. Always, always did she tell the truth. There wasn't a moment where she was dishonest, where she wasn't genuine in her feelings.
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" i dun't care if peuple dun't really care abut me. what matters tu me is that everyune gets that chance. sume peuple are BAD just because they never had anyune tu talk tu them, tu try tu UNDERSTAND them. they sunk deeper and deeper because nubudy culd reach ut and pull them ut. i want tu be that fur peuple, and i think that's HELPFUL. i want tu help peuple, i want tu help EVERYUNE. nu exceptiuns. "
Truthful Answers ( 3/10 )
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ofglories · 8 months
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Sometimes it's easy to forget that Richard is actually a fairly dangerous man no matter how much he softens himself around people he likes. And then you see him make a face like this and remember oh yeah, he's described as having the eyes of a beast and even said himself that all he's truly good at is war.
...And then he goes and shows that he's also still a gremlin of a man later.
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
Dick, Tim, Jason
Accepting || Send a 💛 + three names and my muse will tell who they would fuck, marry, and kill ( FMK ) …
Thad mutters something under his breath as he sees the list of names and then casts his gaze up at the anon, "First off, fuck you. Just because I said I had a type doesn't mean anything!"
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"...." And yet...Why was it so difficult to settle on a decision?
"For grife's sake." Thad hisses out, "Alright! Fine! I'd kill Dick, fuck Jason, and marry Tim."
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inevoblivia · 2 years
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“ I-I don’t...I-I don’t want to die a-alone, I-I...I-I don’t want to be all alone...! I-I w-want to h-have s-someone, a-anyone- I-I don’t care w-who I- I-I j-just...! I-I j-just w-want s-someone...t-to b-be t-there...I-I d-don’t w-want t-to d-die b-but i-if I m-must th-then...p-please...n-not a-all a-alone...! ”
The black haired woman curls up into a ball as she sobbed, trembling as her nails dug into the fabric of her dress, if not for the fabric she’d perhaps wound herself. She cried into her knees, begging to no one for that simple wish, to not die all by herself, for the very prospect terrified her.
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darklordofthesimp · 1 year
Dissonance (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader)
Part of the "Anything" verse but can be read as a standalone.
Summary: When a mission-gone-wrong leads to a confrontation, Ghost confesses the way that he feels. 
A/N: Get a load of the fucking ART OH MY G O D 
Category: Angst || Hurt/Comfort || Mutual Pining || Tension 
Warnings: Graphic Language 
Disclaimer: Sunshine is Gender Neutral as always, however I am looking to start showcasing fan art as the cover pieces on fics and it will always be up to the artists discretion to decide what they want their Sunshine/Saint/Birdy to look like.
Like the characters? Birdy Masterlist || Saint Masterlist
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Such amazing Ghost x Sunshine fan art by @hiskonigin honestly leaves me breathless every single time I swear to God.
The mission had gone terribly wrong. 
You felt like they always were, these days. Any task or deployment that started off well, started off controlled, they’d fall to pieces the second pressure was applied. It wasn’t all of them, though. Just enough that it had become noticeable to Price and the team. For the life of you, you couldn’t figure out the issue. 
But, as you stood nose to nose with the Lieutenant in the shared kitchen, you were beginning to see the common denominator. 
“I’m not doing this with you again, Riley,” you snapped. “I’m fucking sick of this conversation.” 
Simon’s fists clenched by his side, “I say when this conversation is done, not you.” 
Your eyes narrowed, grinding your teeth in an attempt to keep your mouth shut. You’d been warned by Price about your insubordination but the urge to risk it all was at an all-time high. Simon Riley was insufferable. 
“Yes,” you ground out miserably, “Sir.” 
The officer took a step toward you, unrest buzzing beneath his skin. You could feel the discourse running in his blood, you could sense the unreasonable rage that burned in his chest. You knew it because you knew him on a plane that nobody else would understand. You’d related to him. You’d experienced it all, too. 
“You’re a fucking pain in my ass,” he snapped.
Yet… every time. Every time. 
Rejection pinched your heart but the feeling was almost hollow. You’d been hurt by Simon so many times that you could almost say that you were numb to it. It’s not as though you were chasing his approval, it was that you were never going to earn it. You couldn’t get civility, you couldn’t get anything from him. 
You were tired. 
Things had changed, everything had changed since the incident. You’d been kidnapped, held ransom, beaten and battered, and then left to die in favour of your teammate. It was ironic that Simon had been the one to save you; it felt like he regretted it some days. 
The fire that burned beneath the skin had dimmed and you felt out of place. There was only so much you could take and you could feel that breaking point creeping up on you. It was foul that you were treated with the same hostility as König, your only crime was being brought onto the team. 
Your only crime was that you weren’t Birdy. 
“Okay,” you rasped, nodding your head. “Noted. Am I dismissed?” 
Simon took in a deep breath, eyes steady on yours. He didn’t waver and you knew that he had more to say. There was always more venom with Simon, quiet with others but angry with you. Always so angry. 
“Dismissed.” Ghost confirmed. When you turned on your heel, the man spoke up from behind you. “First parade tomorrow is 0700 at the gym with Birdy and König for training.” 
You whirled around as fast as you’d gone to leave. “Sorry?” 
Simon barely blinked. “You heard me.” 
“I have the day off tomorrow,” you snapped, “we all have the day off tomorrow.” 
The officer only shook his head. “Learn to follow orders and you’ll earn a day off.” 
Your chest burned, blood rushed to your head and you wanted nothing more than to just scream. You wanted to grip Simon by his stupid shoulders and shake him until that fucking mask fell from his face. You wanted to beat on his dumb fucking chest until you knocked some sense into him. 
“I’m sick of this, Riley.” Your voice shook as you raised a finger. “I’m fucking sick of this.” 
“Imagine how I feel, Sunshine,” the LT drawled, turning to leave like he hadn’t just ruined your night- like he ruins every night. 
You couldn’t breathe. The sensation of being alone, of being rejected over and over by the people that are meant to be the closest to you. You’d never stopped experiencing that particular pain. From your parents to your first few units, and now, to this. 
To the 141. 
To Simon Riley. 
“I won’t be there,” you rasped. The words escaped from between your lips before you could catch them. “I’m not going.” 
Your Lieutenant shifted his body to face you again, eyes square on yours. You couldn’t care less about the murder in his eyes, you couldn’t care less about the chill drifting along your spine. You didn’t care about anything anymore. 
If they wanted to treat you like some erroneous outsider, then you would act like one.
“What?” It was low, almost whispered, but you heard him loud and clear. 
You glared up at him, moving forward until you were only inches from him. You could taste his unrest, the shift in his body language, you could almost hear him grit his teeth. You didn’t care. His upset meant nothing to you, he meant nothing to you. 
“You heard me.” You dared him to do something. Anything. “I’m not doing shit for you people anymore. Especially you. I’m never doing anything for you again.” 
“That’s what you’ve been asked,” he snapped, “your job and nothing else.” 
“I’m trying!” You all but shrieked. You felt the tether to your calm demeanour beginning to slip from your fingers. “I’ve been doing nothing but trying and it’s never enough for you.”
Your lips trembled as you gasped for air. Adrenaline was rushing through your system and you prayed that he wouldn’t push you over the edge you teetered along. You felt the unfamiliar tingle along your nose and cheeks, the tell-tale signs of angry tears. 
Don’t say anything, you begged internally. 
But, if there was one thing Simon was good at it was disappointing you. 
“If you have to try that hard then maybe you’re in the wrong place, Sunshine.” 
Something inside you snapped.
Tension slingshotted from where it had been building in your chest and landed straight onto your tongue, tasting of venom and fury. Rage washed over you, tears spilling from your lashes as you pushed a finger into his chest. 
“Maybe I am.” You finally admitted to your own fears but you wouldn’t be conceding peacefully. There was too much you had to say, too much spite poisoning your lungs to leave it there. 
“Maybe this is the wrong fucking place,” you nodded, “because it’s just a fucking high school in here. Everyone’s fucking someone, everyone’s in love with someone and everyone hates someone.” 
The LT said nothing as you pushed him hard, stepping back from the force beneath your palms. 
“I can’t do anything right because I’m not Birdy,” your voice was warbled as you shouted, thick with tears and anger alike. “König can’t do anything right because of a mistake from the brass, Birdy can’t recover because they’re being babied, and you can’t be unbiased because you want to fuck Birdy!” 
“What?” Simon hissed, but the word was lost on you. You hadn’t even heard him as you pushed him again and again. He let you shove him, let you gain ground on him until his back was pressed against the wall. 
“And you!” Your voice cracked beneath the volume. “I’ve done everything for you, risked everything for you!” 
“I never asked you-” 
“You didn’t have to!” It was a sob. It was a confession. 
Simon’s jaw fell slack from beneath his mask. 
“I’d do anything for you,” you finally fell to a whisper. “We both know that.” 
The man took in a shuddered breath from beneath your palms. He was pressed hard into the wall with your hands splayed across his chest as though readying yourself for another attack. 
But then they fell slack. 
Then they left his body completely. 
He shivered at the loss. 
“I hate you,” you took a step back, body shaking from emotional overload. You had so much more to say, so much hatred built up over the months. There was just no energy to deliver them anymore.
And, the more you thought about it, maybe it wasn’t hatred. Maybe it was just hurt. 
The realization that you would never be loved, never be accepted- the understanding that you would never be the first choice. Always an afterthought, always a hindrance. 
A self-sabotaging menace that no one could tolerate. 
“You’re right. I don’t belong here.” You affirmed, sorrow forming a pit in your stomach as you finally came to understand. “But, I want you to know that you made this every inch as miserable as it’s been, you selfish cunt.” 
The insult fell like a gavel between you. 
You half expected Simon to yell. You almost wanted him to. A reaction would be better than the silence filling the small space between you both.
The air grew heavy with tension the longer the quiet continued. Your fingers twitched at your side, the understanding that this was the end of it all. The end of the farce that he’d put on in the hospital, the short pretence of caring. 
You supposed people did crazy things when lives are at stake. 
Maybe he only pitied you when he’d spoken those words, the sentence you’d been hanging onto for weeks. 
“I would follow you anywhere. We both know it.” 
The only thing that Simon followed you with was dissonance.
“Nothing?” Your voice cracked and wavered. “Got nothing to say?” 
Simon didn’t move, didn’t say a word, he didn’t even blink. You supposed you’d been expecting too much. The man never gave you anything when you needed it, when you were desperate for a sign. His silence was infuriating. 
“Yeah,” you said, wobbly and broken. “Of course, you don’t, you fucking coward. Never do when it matters.” 
You took another step away from him, forcing yourself to detach from the situation. The longer you stayed the longer you craved a response, you felt like he owed it to you. But no one is entitled to anything and you sure as fuck weren’t about to let yourself fall into that mentality. 
The man before you brought out the worst in you. 
As you were readying yourself to turn around, Simon Riley finally spoke. 
“Are you finished?” 
Your jaw fell slack. “Excuse me?” 
Ghost pushed himself off the wall, inches from you in what felt like a second. You could barely catch your breath at the sudden proximity, the overwhelming sense of being in his presence. The feeling of being on the back foot beneath him, rather than the one in control, was intoxicating. 
“I said,” he repeated, stormy eyes bearing into yours, “Are you finished?” 
Each word was enunciated, a pause in between that felt like a beat on your chest every time. You were, in all honesty, flabbergasted. There was no better way to put it. 
You couldn’t even string together a sentence to come back at him with, really. The audacity that it took to reply to everything you had said with such an arrogant question made your blood simmer beneath your skin. 
Simon took your silence as a confirmation that you were, in fact, finished. 
“Can I talk now, Sunshine?” He growled, stepping closer into your space as if there were any more room for him to fit. You receded, feeling as though you were gasping for air that wasn’t tainted by the taste of him. “You gonna let me talk?” 
You said nothing as he walked you backward, desperately wanting to dig your heels into the ground. When your back hit the wall you looked up at Simon with wide eyes, hands hovering over his chest. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna talk now,” the LT deliberated mockingly, nodding his head as though he’d given you the choice. The sarcasm dropped from his tone when he spoke next. “You have no fucking clue, Sunshine. You’re a fuckin’ clueless idiot, is what you fuckin’ are.” 
Tears burned in your eyes, collecting on your lash line against your will. Had he really trapped you against a wall just to shatter you further? Did he really hate you that much? 
His gloved hands came to grip your own and you flinched away, the back of your head thudding against the drywall. Simon’s eyes narrowed, pressing your trembling fingers against the thin shirt covering his chest. 
You could feel his heartbeat. To your shock, it wasn’t steady. 
His heart was racing. 
You met his gaze once more, watching as his eyes trailed the lone tear on your cheek. 
“You’re an idiot.” He repeated but, this time, his voice was a whisper. “You have no fucking clue.” 
You wanted to say something, anything. You wanted to believe what he implied, you wanted to hold onto it with the hope that you’d had so many times before. 
Unfortunately, vague confessions and sweet nothings weren’t enough anymore. 
Simon knew it, too. 
“I can sit here correcting half the shit you’ve said,” he shook his head. “But I’m not gonna bother ‘cos I agree with you.” 
Your heart dropped.  
“Don’t look at me like that, let me finish.” Simon rasped, his fingers tightening against yours. “You’re right about it all, ‘bout it being a fuckin’ high school. König wants Birdy, Price wants Saint, Soap wants Gaz, and everyone’s a fucking bitchy cunt to someone on the team.”  
You blinked at the last couple that he’d mentioned. 
“But,” he shook his head, gaze heavy on your skin. “I’m not targeting you because I don’t think you belong. And I don't. Want. Birdy.” 
You made a small noise, embarrassment burning flush along your neck. You cast your eyes to the side and took in a shuddering breath. 
“I don’t give a fuck who you want-” You began, the lie falling shakily from your lips. 
“Yes, you do.” Simon interrupted sharply. You looked up at him quickly, ready to defend yourself. “Because I give a fuck about who you want, too.” 
“Why?” You blurted, heart thrashing in your chest when he shoots you a pointed glare. 
“Come on, Sunshine, don’t play dumb.” 
“Then don’t be a coward, Simon.” 
The LT raised a brow, gripping your hands tightly at your words. The beating beneath your palms picked up in speed, reminiscent of a racehorse sprinting towards the finish line. You’d never have picked his anxiety if you were just watching him, those dead eyes unwavering. 
Maybe, that was why he let you feel it… feel him. 
He wanted you to know, he wanted to show you in the only way that he could- in the only way you would trust.
Simon Riley was laying himself bare. 
“I give a fuck because,” he paused, loosing a shaky breath. He blinked, finally. Those blonde lashes fluttered as his eyes scoured the features of your face, building the courage to spill his honesty to you. “I give a fuck because I want you, Sunshine.” 
There it was. 
There it was. 
You were frozen, suspended in time with your hands on his chest and your face inches from his. The taste of his words lingered on your tongue as you took him in with every trembling breath. 
“I give you a hard time,” Simon nodded, “I do. You put yourself in these fuckin’ situations to save me and I can’t do anything to protect you.”
And, as if someone had turned on the lights, everything suddenly became clear. 
The time he’d been so furious that he barged into your room after a mission to berate you. “I could have lost you,” he’d said, “You would have died and it would have been on me.” 
That shattering incident where you’d fought in the kitchen, “I don’t need you to save me!” Ghost had snapped, smacking your cup from the table. “I don’t need anything from you.”
And, of course, this mission. This whole debacle had started because you’d recovered him from an ambush. 
“This whole time…” You rasped, “I thought you hated me.” 
Simon scoffed, the sound bitter on his tongue. “No. I just hated the way I felt. The way I feel.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, your fingers pressing into the skin of his chest. These months had you doubting yourself, had you wondering what you could have done so wrong to deserve this treatment. The embarrassment of wanting someone that couldn’t stand you was crippling. 
But now… now as his eyes bore into yours, begging you to say something wordlessly. The way his body was on edge, waiting for your response, fearing your rejection. How could you be asked to articulate anything? How were you meant to formulate a sentence? 
You wanted to tell him how you felt, you wanted to tell him everything. 
You wanted him. 
But the craving to put your hands on his skin, to taste his confession on his lips, to show him what he meant to you, it was overwhelming. You wanted him to understand how you felt in a way that he’d never doubt, in a way that would explain why you were constantly risking yourself for him. 
You knew he understood when his hands moved to grip your waist.
“Oh, my God.” 
You leapt away, your body thumping into the wall as the spell broke between yourself and the Lieutenant. 
“Oh, my God!” Birdy said again, hands coming up to their eyes hesitantly as they stumbled back and forth in the doorway. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” 
You groaned, dropping your chin to your chest as you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“Relax,” Simon coughed, his fingers trailing along your skin until they fell by his sides again, slow and hesitant. “Just- We were debriefing.” 
You could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall and the urge to throw yourself out the window grew exponentially. Out of all the times for these two idiots to make an appearance, they had to pick the most paramount moment. It was as though they were the main characters and you were simply a side-plot, cursed to never be able to develop further than the main story-line.
You glanced up at Ghost who offered you a similar expression, unimpressed. 
König cast a shadow over the intruder as he rounded the corner to the kitchen, undoubtedly investigating the commotion. His eyes fell on Birdy first, watching as their hands came up and down from their face, unsure whether they were allowed to look. Then, jade eyes moved to observe Ghost who hadn’t moved from his position posted next to your flushed body. 
“Oh…” König murmured, realization slowly dawning as he returned his gaze to Birdy. “Oh.” 
Gigantic hands reached to gently but firmly tug on the back of the stumbling sniper’s shirt. He offered an apologetic wave as he began to drag Birdy from the room, the latter still sputtering embarrassed atonements. 
“It’s okay,” you slipped out from your space between Simon and the wall. “I was just leaving anyway.” 
You quickly moved towards the door, wiping away any remaining tears from your face roughly. Just as you reached the exit, you realized that you’d left the man hanging. What if he thought that you were rejecting him? What if he went back to hating you? 
What if you missed your chance? 
You paused, turning to look over your shoulder. 
Simon was already watching you, eyes soft and his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. 
“Don’t worry,” he offered. “I’ll catch up, Sunshine.” 
You hid your smile as you turned back around and continued. 
You left the room embarrassed, sure. But, you also left with newfound hope and a promise. 
You left with the promise of Simon Riley. 
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vax-merstappen · 4 months
f1 boys as sour songs 💜
listened to sour for the first time in a while and remembered how good olivia rodrigo’s lyrics are. had to pair my favorite group of boys with the songs on a great album. this def got a little angsty because this album is pretty much pure angst so readers beware :)
if you like this, send me more albums to do pls!
Lando Norris
enough for you-
I’m sorry to say it but he would definitely move on for someone who he thought was better than you. I could see his girlfriend trying to live up to his expectations and needs. Lando seems like he would look for “someone more exciting” and the next second he would be gone. Also he seems like he would be oblivious to you trying “so hard to be everything you liked.” He has high standards that would be hard to live up to for anyone. I’m not sure that many people could be enough for Lando and this song is so much about that.
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Oscar Piastri
driver’s license-
No because Oscar angst based on this song would go so hard. Him teaching you to drive but then you breaking up before you get your license? Sobbing… anyways. I feel like if one of the drivers were to teach you to drive, it would be Oscar. Also I can imagine driving through the suburbs with Oscar. Like maybe this is just my imagination so feel free to disagree with me, but like Oscar and driver’s license makes so much sense to me. Breaking up with him would hurt so bad omg
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Max Verstappen
1 step forward, 3 steps back-
He screams an unpredictable lover. Like I could see him getting mad at you over something small but then being literally the sweetest person ever next time you see him. Like the passion and anger he has when on the race track could become a problem in his relationships. I feel like a relationship with him could involve a bit of “do you love me, want me, hate me?” Especially Max when first started f1 fits this, I think he’s matured a lot since then and Max today doesn’t apply as much, but early Red Bull Max 100% gives the energy of this song imo.
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Charles Leclerc
deja vu-
The first driver that came to mind listening to this song was Charles. Like I hate to say it, but I see him reusing all of the romantic things he did with his exes with a new girlfriend. He would not be creative enough to come up with new ideas lol, like “everything is all reused.” Also I can see him doing “car rides in Malibu” like in his latest YouTube video and also telling “her you love her in between the chorus and the verse” since he likes music so much. I definitely see Charles angst based on this song.
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Carlos Sainz
good 4 u-
Imagining an angry breakup with Carlos right now. He would definitely make you angry when he left and I can see him just moving on as if you never existed and you trying desperately to get him to realize how he actually hurt you. Also his life seems to be going great right now like “you’re getting everything you want” and “your career’s really taking off.” He is the type of guy to get everything he wants while you loathe it from afar. This would make such a great angst fic omg, I need someone to write Carlos with good 4 u right now
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Lewis Hamilton
favorite crime-
I hate to say it, but I see him leaving to focus solely on his career. Which would lead to lines like “I watched as you fled the scene.” He would be the one to leave and would be blunt about it, leaving you feeling like a crime scene. Also come on, the line “I crossed my heart as you crossed the line,” is honestly so formula 1 coded and I can see Lewis crossing the line both physically while racing but also crossing the line in a relationship. This man would be so hard to leave and you would have been trying so hard to hold on while he was pulling away from you, like “all the things I did just to call you mine.” Ugh it hurts to say it but that’s what I’m imagining for this song :(
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Daniel Ricciardo
It’s giving Danny Ric being dropped by McLaren. “All I did was try my best, this the kind of thanks I get?” Like Danny definitely suffered at McLaren and this song screams the angst that must have come from that. Just imagine him blasting this in the car leaving his last day there. He’s “got a broken ego, broken heart” after all that. Could also relate to his hand injury, like with “ego crush is so severe, god it’s brutal out here.” Had to have been brutal for him to get his dream back just to have it kind of crushed again when he hurt his hand. Danny Ric and brutal just fits so well imo
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Yuki Tsunoda
Ok because if Yuki ever moved on, he would be the ex I would want to be happy. But like look at that man, I would be hella jealous but want the best for him in life. It would hurt to be left by Yuki because he seems like such a genuine guy. Simultaneously wanting him to do too well but to not move on just seems like how a breakup with Yuki would go. I know I’m purely going off vibes here, but like come on! I would hope he’s happy but not like how he was with me. Would not be able to let this man go.
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Alex Albon
jealousy, jealousy-
Out of the 2019 rookies, Alex has got the worst deal. I can imagine that he would constantly be comparing himself to Lando and George who have both have a lot more podiums than he has. Also having a teammate like Max at Red Bull also must have led to a lot of thoughts about him not measuring up. The line “comparison is killing me” just screams Alex Albon. Out of all of these drivers, he gets the most compared to teammates and the other drivers who joined the grid when he did. If anyone here is jealous, it has to be Alex.
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Logan Sargeant
hope ur ok-
Logan absolutely embodies this song and I will die on that hill. He fits the physical description for “blond with eyes of salt.” I feel like Logan has had to “unlearn all of their hatred” more than a lot of other drivers, as he did have a not so great season and received a lot of negativity. I actively hope Logan is ok and that he is able to be happy despite his bad start in f1. He deserves so much better and that is exactly what this song is about.
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inner-viper · 1 year
An Overview of your FS/Lover Soulmate. Who is your soulmate? What are they like? How will you meet them or what is in their current alignment? (18+ ONLY)
Hello everyone, I am Viper, a seer/oracle reader. I am well-versed in my divination and intuition. I decided to do this love tarot reading for fun. I love doing love readings because they are delightful. I hope you find enjoyment in it as I do. Remember nothing is set in stone, you are free to make any choice in your life. For entertainment purposes ONLY. NO MINORS. 18+ ONLY. TW: Mentions of SEXUAL CONTENT. If you are not into that then please leave.
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Choose an image that resonates with you. The image that you catches your attention the most is most likely your pile. You can choose 2 or more piles if it resonates. Only take what you deeply resonate with and leave the rest for another. Remember this is general, not every detail will match up.
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Classical Tarot Deck: Nine of Swords, Three of Cups, Eight of Wands, The Sun (in reverse), Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles
Oracle Cards: Appreciation, Contract, The Garden and The Gate, Woman holding a heart (in reverse), All Tied Up, Patience
Ok, this person is a hard worker. They are extremely ambitious and a go-getter-type person. I am also seeing that they are very soft looking. They present themselves with grace and they take amazing care of themselves when they aren’t working too much. Their features are very soft and round. You can tell that this person is very kind. They are also well-liked by their peers. They honestly might be very popular. (Like everyone likes them/knows them but no one really knows them. Although, this is very general you can apply this to everyone). They definitely give off Pisces energy or Gemini energy/FIRE ENERGY TOO. They could have strong earth placements as well. I see that this person is independent, they don’t rely on anyone because they are always achieving their own goals for themselves. They don’t care about other people's goals but they do care about their reputation. I’m seeing that this person has new creative projects or ideas that they value. They definitely have a lot of patience and balanced. Wow, this person is extremely balanced. Honestly, this person is reliable as fuck. If you are ever stranded in the desert, they would drop everything they are doing to come and help you. That’s the type of person they are. They do not wear their heart on their sleeves so they honestly hide their true emotions from others. They seem to have a fear of being vulnerable and a fear of things not going their way. I see how they can get caught up in taking too much workload. They are learning to balance though. The universe is definitely giving lessons to this person about balancing and being honest with themselves right now. They also have strong morals and or philosophy, they could be a lawyer or in the business/fine print side of the business. For some people, they might work in gardening or landscaping. I also see that they present themselves as very beautiful and they are not the type of person to show up in pajamas to go to the store. They are very rich/abundant. They love it when people appreciate them and they appreciate others as well. They probably didn’t have many words of affirmation and when others praise them they get happy. They love nature when they are stressed they stroll through gardens or forests to clear their mind. They would love to go with you to take a walk. Some people might get invited to some nature location and this might be them. They are very warm towards you for sure. This person will be madly in love with you, they will try to play it cool though. As in, they want you to see how independent they are and might be flashy with their material items. They definitely will flex so you can choose them over others. They definitely will respect whoever you choose but they will get secretly jealous but I think they think no one can tell but everyone can LMFAO. This person is mature and very wise beyond their years so they aren’t irrational, of course, everyone has their bad moments in life. If you are in your 20s, I feel like this person will be around your age as well. For some people they might be in their 40s. For those older, they might be in their 30/40s divorced. They also might have one daughter/son.
For their appearance: White person/Hispanic tan person/dark brown eyes/brown hair (could be light or dark), for a feminine presenting person could have highlights and she has long beautiful hair, (she’s fine asf), beautiful smile (it’s contagious), beautiful hands but they are strong
SONG: Lana Del Rey- Playing Dangerously (the lyrics 100% match this energy of theirs)
Classical Tarot Deck: The Lovers, Two of Swords, Six of Pentacles, King of Cups, Ace of Wands (in reverse), Knight of Swords (in reverse), Four of Pentacles (in reverse) extra card that went flying LMAO
Oracle Cards: The Garden and The Gate, All Tied Up (in reverse), Blossoming Abundance (in reverse), Attachment, Woman Holding a Heart, The Thinking Woman
Your Fs is probably a player/hoe. They like to sleep around with others because it brings them deep satisfaction with their HIGH sex drive. Honestly, not many people can keep up with their sex drive so.. They aren’t pushy either, they honestly attract a lot of people from their looks or aura. They are extremely attractive. This person walks into the room and everyone turns their head. If this person isn’t attractive to you, then they definitely have a strong magnetic aura that draws people’s sexual energy in. They have been in a couple of serious relationships. Once they see you, for some, you already know them (👀🫣) they will suddenly act strange. They will feel weird for wanting to commit to someone (commitment issues LOL). This person has strong qualities as well, they don’t let their emotions get the best of them and that’s very admirable. If someone is actively provoking them they will 100% ignore them and walk away. They are not afraid of walking away from others that don’t interest them. They also like you because you are intellectually challenging, you are able to talk to them about anything and everything. I see that they definitely have or will grow from their last flirtatious events. As they will learn to eventually move towards serious commitment. The majority of people have not met them. That’s why the universe is not putting you both together yet. I also see that they are very tall, or taller than you. This person likes to take you out on multiple fun dates, they need a friend before a lover. This is friends to lovers or friends with benefits to lovers. They are very honest about their emotions and feelings. They will communicate how they feel and they will tell you directly if they like you. They spend a lot of time worrying about meaningless things. I also see for some people that they might be attached to someone or something. They will eventually have to learn to let it go. Remember humans have free will and this is ultimately them not you. I also see that they are very free-spirited, like to spend on others, and are definitely a giver/provider. They like to be given gifts randomly as well. I also see that they love going out to parties and having a good time. They definitely party a lot if they are in college. They might have a hard time trying to balance school workload and partying. This person is very direct but something about them is that they won’t reveal much to you at first. I’m getting something from the cards that something is hidden from me, so maybe at first, they hide away from you. They stare at you and they think you don’t notice it. They have NICE lips. This person is very kissable. This person is open about their sexuality, they don’t give a fuck about the taboos surrounding sex. They believe it’s natural to want to have sex or make love. I’m also seeing that they are very romantic and passionate. If you are in your 20’s or early 30s this person is the same age as you, maybe being 1-2 years older. I really feel like most people will meet them through friends/college. For older people, this person is not what they appear to be. They look younger but they are actually older than they appear. There is no competition with them, they will make it known that you are seeing them. They honestly are possessive because they think you and them are meant for each other. They will respect your boundaries so if you don’t like something then call them out. They are definitely funny at times LOL. VENUS IN AIRES/VENUS IN GEMINI. Scorpio is strong in their chart.
For their appearance: Tan skin/darker skin color. Dyed hair or dark black hair. Their hair changes often? If they are very feminine presenting, they have long hair. Very well kept. Beard that suits their face. They got a nice body though, nice pp or vagina (LIKE ITS VERY PRETTY) Luscious lips for sure.
SONG: Boys a Liar Pt. 2 - Pink Pantheress (Yeah, this is 100% the situation i’m gathering)
Classical Tarot Deck: Five of Pentacles (in reverse), Nine of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, Ace of Swords (in reverse), Eight of Wands (in reverse), The Lovers
Oracle Deck: Blossoming Abundance, The Thinking Man, Financial Constraints, Seventh Chakra/Archangel Uriel, Angel of Balance (in reverse), Walking Away
This person is very calm when it comes to their finances, they are very smart too. They are connected with the divine and are most likely very spiritual. They aren’t a witch/magician but they do believe in the divine. This person is wise in multiple aspects of their lives. Their life might have been one of teaching wisdom and patience, good thing comes to those who wait. I’m also seeing that they are very serious about lovers and relationships. They will be very glad to have met you because they will go through a whole new journey with you! This person is very kind but you don’t want to cross their boundaries because their words are like sharp knives. This person is very attentive towards their friends. They won’t give them the whole world but rather push them to be the best they can be. They also like to focus on gaining material success. They are very materialistic, to be honest. They have so much abundance and wealth that they are trying to constantly grow. An empire that lasts for decades. I honestly see that they don’t give a single fuck about others opinions. I mentioned this before but be careful to not say something malicious to them. This person spends their time thinking. They are always in their thoughts, you will be in their thoughts LOL. They definitely are straightforward. They may lack a balance between work and their personal life. They lack knowing how to balance other areas as well. They like to initiate projects and ideas. They are very worried about money, to be honest. It’s like they are constantly worrying if they have enough. They are very humble and well-respected in their careers. I feel like you guys will match well with each other. You’ll both push towards the best. They will be very sweet to you guys in private. HONESTLY, IM GETTING BUTTERFLIES. They know how to talk 100%. This person is a charmer LORD-. Watch out because they will catch you off guard. They have strong mercury in their chart. I also see that they love being in silence. If you already met them, (which I feel like you all haven’t :<) they will like to just feel your presence. They appear to be striking. Like honestly they aren’t too approachable but you can definitely come up toward them? This is very poorly described but they are intimidating. They are probably thinking about what they are going to eat for lunch and people will think they are thinking about the next new technology. I also see that they are probably in engineering, COULD BE Mechanical engineering (look it up if you don’t know what it is), or something of engineering. They also dress casually ok! They know what to appear as in certain occasions/events but they like being comfortable more. They give very honest advice, but also might come off as cruel? They are like you ask for it LOL. ALSO, SARCASM IS BIG HERE. They definitely are sarcastic.
For their appearance: Brown hair, Colored eyes, (Skin tone is varied here! Very diverse for this pile) They got a nice body if not on the thinner side. Very nice lips for this pile as well.. For a feminine presenting, they like to have long beautiful hair. (I think all piles had long hair?!) They like to wear gold!!
SONG: Cry- Cigarettes After Sex (This person is SO FUCKING SWEET TO YOU KSNFKFD)
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yesimwriting · 4 months
How do you think Felix would react to bestfriend!reader coming out as bi/pan or nonbinary/genderfluid?
Do you think he would view women as much of a threat as men or…? And what do you think he would say if reader went: “OMG FELIX that girl is so hot” or something like that.
Sorry this was kinda long— 😭
i wanted to answer this fully bc it's a good question, and that got a little long so it's below the cut!!
also i analyze felix's sexuality a little just to give some background on my perspective,, but i try not to put my own speculations on felix's sexuality in fics (unless asked to) bc i want the person reading to be able to decide how they see felix
oh!! also! side note! i've mainly written bestfriend! reader with female pronouns,, and some plot stuff in the main fic i'm writing does rely on reader being female, but if anyone ever wants a specific blurb to have reader be gender neutral,, just specify in the ask and i'll make sure to write it that way :)
okay,, i think felix is extremely bi/pan leaning
and by that i mean i don't think he'd label his sexuality,, and not even in a 'too cool' way, he just wouldn't put that much thought into it,, like he probably sees himself eventually settling down/marrying a girl bc that's kind of the default (a tiny bit of comphet lol),, but i think he likes who he likes, he's attracted to who he's attracted to and doesn't pay much mind to their gender
i feel like this applies to most of felix's family/inner circle as well lol,, like attraction is attraction, why get caught up on the details if that makes sense
also no one can convince me felix didn't feel anything for ollie,, they are that romantic coded best friendship that ends dramatically and traumatically for all involved <3 but in bestfriend!felix verse reader will always be his #1, trust
but if we are reading felix as straight,, i still think he'd be super supportive (bi wife energy)
so considering that (and the fact that felix loves reader too much to ever make them feel bad about anything,, especially something like that) he'd be extremely supportive of reader's sexual orientation and/or gender identity,, and if anyone even implies something rude oh!! he's fighting!
depending on how bad it is, felix might just exclude that person socially, and bc of felix's influence, that means everyone starts to shun that person,, if someone was really homophobic towards reader,, felix would cuss them out fr,, might even instinctually get physical depending on how bad it is
as far as reader being like "felix! that girl is so hot" his initial reaction would be to agree/hype you up bc it's instinct to support reader,, but then it'd hit him and he'd be like oh. wait.. :(
true equality and acceptance of reader's sexuality/gender identity is wanting everyone of all genders to realize how wonderful reader is,, but from a distance <3 like yes i have the cutest, most perfect, lovely,, intelligent best friend, i'm glad you noticed,, unfortunately that's all you get to do
i do think that if it was just you two talking while out partying or hanging out and it didn't go further than some comments, felix would be supportive, but he'd be a little extra touchy to prove to himself that reader will let him
i think he'd be more bothered if reader called a guy hot, not bc he's more intimidated, but bc at least when reader finds a girl attractive it's much less of a direct comparison (bc female presenting and masculine presenting are generally hot in different ways) if that makes sense
if it goes any further than that,, felix is equally pouty no matter the person's gender
also we know felix's friends have a habit of hooking up with venetia,, so i could see this making felix more wary of venetia and reader getting along a little too well over the summer lol,, like he wouldn't assume the worst if they started liking each other a little, but he'd be wary
honestly, though,, at the end of the day, as long as it's clear that felix is reader's absolute favorite person of any gender, he'd be chill and even when he's jealous he's supportive
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As most people don’t know I just want to say I’m definitely more into shifting than any other spiritual practice as that is something very much apart of my life and I’m indulged in. Not to say I don’t care or want to talk about other stuff but I know way more about shifting and stuff related to that than the void state !!!! I love dicussion about quantum jumping, the multi verse, time, 3D vs 4D, chakras, plus I have so many shifting stories hehe. Don’t get me wrong, I love void discussions, it’s a fascinating thing and other Loa inquires but I also want to talk about shifting more because that’s something I’ve actually mastered 😋😋 I’ve also been in the shifting community for way longer than the void community so I have more years of experience, and have met so many people who have educated me so much more than for example the void state!
Anyways here are my reality shifting tips that I talk about often and can also be applied to manifesting (for those who separate the two concepts) and even the void state or whatever you desire
1. You are limitless.
When I first started I had a bunch of questions about limits and what I can and can’t do, and what are the boundaries I can’t cross after learning about this phenomenon. Now I can say, you make to own rules because you quiete literally are god. If you can intend and imagine it, you can make it your perception and reality. This can be applied to anything, shifting, manifesting, even something as minuscule as playing a sport or passing a test. Society did use to tell us we can do anything if we put our mind to it and to dream big and reach for the sky, but it truly is a real concept I wish they ingrained in us a little more. Unfortunately for society, us being prepared to work 9-5s to give back to the government is more important. You don’t have to follow that path though, you found this for a reason so utilize it to live your dream life. It’s your life and your rules
2. this ties back with point one but the universe doesn’t shift you, because you are the universe
every time I browse shifting communities it’s someone saying you have to shift like this or that.. for the universe, or other false concepts like divine timing Well, the universe doesn’t care respectfully, because we are the universe. You can ask for help from the universe if that’s your belief and manifest your environment to help in your biddings but at the end of the day, it’s all you. This is why when people try to enforce cutting karmic ties, doing shadow work, learning about chakras, giving back to the universe, etc, it can be counter productive to your journey. While that can help SOME PEOPLE… it’s not what everyone needs or should even do. I’m not methodical at all and that stuff didn’t mean much to me and when I tried to force myself to care and it honestly slowed me down and was a waste of time. You know yourself and what you need. So follow your heart and intuition!
3. if I could tattoo this in everyone’s mind I would but feeling is much more important than visualizing or affirmation.
The feeling is the single-handed most important concept that everyone can utilize. A lot of people are bad visualizers and think it’s the end of the world when the feeling is what changes your visualizations into reality. I’m a maladaptive daydreamer so trust me when I took the visualization part and only did that, I got super sad when it didn’t help me shift since it’s something everyone preaches is so important. I wish it was the key to shifting because I would have done it in seconds. But our subconscious can’t tell the difference between images we see in our heads/daydreams and reality, so it’s the feeling that changes the perception and awareness successfully. Someone asked me how to successfully “feel” so I’m just going to explain it here because I think it gets to the point.
It’s hard to feel something you’re not feeling. As for shifting.. that’s the content of knowing you’ll wake up in your dr, but then again if you haven’t shifted yet how would you know what it feels like. To us, it would be pure bliss, and a state of fulfillment, the same as accomplishing a goal. But it’s hard to feel the fulfillment while trying to fulfill it if it makes sense? That’s why most people utilize other things like music, to get to the happy feeling and pretend with that by using methods like the sunny or Estelle method but to me, that stuff is distracting so I just had to practice and enhance my “smelling, hearing, and tasting”
I think it’s easier to pretend to feel and see (as in the sense of feel) but it’s harder to try to feel like you’re smelling your dr, tasting food in your dr, and hearing other people in your dr. I would try visual practices like pretending to eat an apple. For me I’m a great visualizer (again I’m a maladaptive daydreamer) but could you get yourself to taste the apple and hear yourself eating the apple. And maybe feel annoyed because to me the crunch of an apple is so annoying lol. Could you embody the state of being annoyed?
Oh, yea also practices using the first person. That’s something I also struggled with because I like watching my visualizations but that’s not my feeling. That’s seeing, and you should use all 5 senses together
In short don’t just feel the happiness you know you would have, utilize your 5 senses in your imagination when trying to shift, it will bring you closer to your home.
4. stop running away from your problems under the guise of the law of assumption.
For a long time, I ignored my reality and would pretend oh “I’m going to shift anyways so it doesn’t matter” you’re not assuming you’re going to shift if you’re hoping to do it. I would say I assume it will happen then hope and beg for the universe to shift me. you can’t gaslight yourself to not have doubts lol and you may be saying you’re going to shift but again feelings trump affirmations and you feel in your heart you won’t so that’s your reality. Now I know a lot of people on here have hard-lives, it’s why and how a lot of people found shifting. But seriously try manifesting a better current reality you’re aware of while trying to shift. Manifesting and shifting are two sides of the same coin and you can easily intertwine them to benefit you both ways. Find what works for you. You’ll have a better time assuming you’ll shift when you’re not clouded with stress from your cr and the sadness you get from it. (Not saying you can’t shift if you’re sad depressed or have doubts, You can) I’m saying it helps to not feel a weighing pressure to shift to escape, instead of shifting to escape for your eternal happiness.
5. There is nothing wrong with escapism
This is such a huge discussion in the community and such a stupid one at that. Every form of entertainment is a source of escape. Watching tv, vacations, having friends, sleeping. It’s a normal part of the human psyche, why should we be forced to only work, go to school, and sleep and have that be are only life. Shifting can be for escaping! It is, wether you do it temporarily or permanently, and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. You shouldn’t be forced to stay here with everything wrong with the world, especially after you shift once you just know there’s so much better life out there for you. You are not confined to any reality, nor are you forced to stay anywhere you are not happy and anyone who tells you otherwise can shut their mouth. There is nothing wrong with change, and finding what makes you happy. The only thing wrong is staying where you’re not appreciated or happy when you have access to other sources. Please don’t let anyone gaslight you into feeling bad for prioritizing yourself and well being.
6.Lastly this ties back to the last point but find a support group whether in real or online
I know not everyone finds this to be some huge journey but I think we can all agree it’s become a huge part of your life. Find people to talk to not only about your journey but anything at all. I’ve made great shifting friends and they’re the only reason I’m coming back before I perma shift! I want to help them with their journeys before I go as well as all the amazing people on this subreddit who helped me.
Special note: All methods lead to shifting and manifesting successfully <3 behind every successful shifting method is a strong intention by the user of said method. All methods are doors to your desires, just choose which one you want to open, and don’t over complicate it! If you think your method work it will work.
that’s it. anything else could fall back into one of these categories! If one resonated with you, or all six or even 0, that’s fine! You’ll find what works for you as you go along but if this helps even one person I’ll be happy. sorry if it’s too long. I tried to keep it short and concise, cause I could probably go all day
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 4 months
You remember that AF episode where Ben pretends to be evil (Above and Beyond)? What would happen if he pulled that with the HoMies?
It lives rent free in my head, anon. It was one of the better episodes in my opinion, because it showcases Ben in a different and much more favorable light!
Ooof, okay, it might not be the light-hearted 'haha ye he probably did and it would be epic/hilarious' answer you expect, but bear with me im trying to think of like in-verse situation here and honestly? I don't think it's gonna go over very well. There is potential that everyone can get very hurt?? And not just physically but emotionally.
You see I'm pretty sure almost all of the HoM-ies (going off my faulty memory here, sorry in advance if its wrong), at some point or another faced off someone who have turned sides from good to bad (or even themselves). So, all of them got kinda burned in that sense.
I'm not saying that they all automatically assume/believe that Ben really went Darkside, but they would certainly not dismiss the possiblity of it happening. I mean, they are those kind of people that would believe in the best of people/fellow heroes/misguided friends until the very end, but prior experience would mean that they also will take those sort of threat seriously.
And you know, to put such a doubt in a friend and teammate is terrible and upsetting imho. Because, you see in A&B ep. it was a controlled training exercise/graduation exam with people Ben sorta knows but is not exactly close with, and that setting kind of doesn't apply to HoMies?? So it would be either an incredibly mean-spirited prank or like a plot point to, I dunno, trick a villain into thinking Ben betrayed HoMies?? Very different end results here depending on a scenario lol.
But either way, if Ben does do something like that, I believe that he could be just as terrifyingly efficient in 'attacking' others, by playing their weaknesses and using his aliens smartly. Because we all know that there is a part of him that is like that, (terrifyingly smart and a bit mean i mean), however small it is and usually buried under his honest desire to be a hero and a good guy.
However if he does that, there is a much bigger chance that others would hit back. And hit hard. Because HoMies are not just plumber rookies in a training exercise, but experienced heroes and they know him just as well as he knows them. And remember that little fact about a lot of them being burned about people going dark side? Yeah, that means that they would feel very motivated to contain a friend who has possibly gone bad, if only to stop try and get him to see sense.
So I can see it escalating to a degree of serious injuries, because, well, Ben is versatile and strong, but going against all 8 of others, some of who match him, would be a very hard fight (certainly not like toying with rookies lol). I mean, he could separate them and fight mano-a-mano but it still would be a lot.
And like, oof, the emotional part of it is what getting to me in my head. Like, there could be a number of different scenarious where a situation like this could happen, but my mind stubbornly goes to 'mean prank' and 'for sake of mission'. In case of second one, others could be in on it from the start and/or they are not but figure out that Ben is doing it for a reason and they would understand, even if it may upset them he didnt trust them to help from the start.
(and in the end of that someone would absolutely joke, how terrifying of a bad guy Ben would make lol)
But, boy, in case of the first, Ben could burn some bridges and hurt others. Because, a prank like that with fellow heroes who experienced that sort of betrayal before??? like OOOF im getting sad just imagining it. ;(
but BUT!!!!! You know this ask gave me a much better happier idea???
Ben asking HoMies to help him do the same sort of training excersice/graduation exam for earth based plumbers, by playing the role of the bad guys with him!!!!!
God just imagine, all the bonding with Ben and others, 'fighting' against poor terrified rookies who are suddenly faced with a previously protector of Earth Robot XJ-9 turned bad, or a ghastly apparition from outer space that kinda looks like that ghost menace from Amity, or some weird robot guy with Big Fucking Sword and a freaking dragon???
All the shennanigans!!! And those poor rookies that graduate will have such weird freaking stories to tell other outer space cadets lol.
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blitzyn · 5 months
don't worry
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gray raven x gn!reader
request: can i request a found family comfort for the grey raven trio where reader/their newly assigned commandant is practically a kid—basically regarded as a 'prodigy' (not really reader was just raised specifically to be a commandant). at first reader seems almost disturbingly professional & rational to a fault, but then one day before a mission they found reader crying because reader was afraid & they were like. "nah man we're giving you a happy childhood" and discovers reader has horrible self-esteem issues. constantly blame themselves for stuff going wrong sometimes even if it clearly wasn't their fault. BASICALLY GREY RAVEN TRIO AS READER'S OLDER SIBLING FIGURES, TAKES CARE OF THEM, HELP THEM THROUGH THEIR ISSUES & TRY TO MAKE HAPPY MEMORIES W THE READER. ty & sorry for the long req oml 😭 — ⚖️
a/n -> YES ABSOLUTELY. Oh my god I’ve been aching and itching and desperate to write something for pgr after hyperreal came out on global I LOVE YOU. Slight spoilers about about the battle in kowloong but my memory of its kinda fuzzy sorry. also this is pre empyrea and hyperreal. NEWAYS darker fics coming up soon dw whoever sees this
wc -> 2.3k
cw -> a bit of self doubt from reader but nothing too heavy
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Nearly everyone in Babylonia knew that you were, unarguably, one of the best commandants of their time. You were rational, effective, strong, and intelligent—everything needed in a leader. At a very early age, you could even be considered on par with the Egret commandant, Vanessa.
It was like a breath of fresh air for Lee, Liv, and Lucia, too. Their previous commandant had been one incompetent mess, to put it kindly. They were hardly able to submit their paperwork on time and often made one too many mistakes down on the surface, which inevitably led to their discharge.
You, however, were better in so many ways. You could keep up with the stacks of paper (which, honestly, the three thought was a bit much for a human), maintain a rational mind under pressure, and even utilize the potential they had during battle. Their growth had been evident to them and to many others, which is why when Liv hears you sobbing in your office, she isn’t sure what to do.
She’s well versed in the many different ways to console a crying child given her previous profession as a nurse, but she wasn’t sure how to apply her abilities to you. She readjusts her audio module after having increased it when she heard the faintest sound of a cry, quietly making her way towards the door that led to your office. She stopped in front it, a frown making its way on her face. She wasn’t sure how to handle this, but she knew she had to try.
“Commandant?” She softly knocked on the firm wooden door, listening intently to the sudden gasp that came from your lips and the urgent rustling of paper. “Are you okay?”
There was a pause, likely to recollect yourself and steel your voice. “Yes, Liv.” But she could hear it all—the shakiness, the faint sniffle, your raw voice. Although, there was one that deeply concerned her. She could hear the fear in your tone. Fear of what? She had only ever known you to be strong and brave; though, everyone had their breaking point.
She pursed her lips, tracing mindless patterns on the door before gathering the courage to speak again. “May I come inside? I would appreciate it if… if you could tell me why you’re so upset.”
“I’m not upset,” you countered quickly, even when you knew it wasn’t convincing for either of you.
“Please, commandant…” she pleaded, furrowing her eyebrows worriedly. She wasn’t about to leave you here when she knows she can do something about your tears. “I know you may not be comfortable sharing how you feel, but I would like you to trust me when I say that bottling up your emotions will only serve to hurt you. I know this, now. You taught me the importance of trusting one another, so, please, commandant. Can you trust me?”
There was a moment of silence before you shuffled over to open the door. Your eyes were rimmed red and you kept sniffling every so often, but Liv didn’t watch you with pity nor disdain. Her expression was free of judgement, and you seemed to recognize it when you relaxed the slightest bit.
“If you’re comfortable, could you tell me what’s bothering you?” She questioned softly, watching out for any signs of discomfort.
You pursed your lips, absentmindedly tapping a tune on the doorframe. It wasn’t that you wanted to shut your teammates out, you just couldn’t help but believe that you weren’t allowed to talk about your emotions ever since you began training to become a commandant when you were young. That was one of the main things your parents drilled into you: leading an elite squad had no time for how you felt.
So, you could only offer Liv a noncommittal shrug, slightly surprising her. She’s always known you to be decisive and often strayed away from gestures like that.
“It’s… what if… I’m just worried about tomorrow,” you finally admitted, averting your gaze. You fidgeted a little under your construct’s gaze, even if it was comforting. “What if something goes wrong, and I can’t do anything to fix it? Like… like last time, when Lucia had to switch to her Plume frame after Kowloong.”
A look of understanding crossed Liv’s face. You were afraid of not being enough. Of thinking that you could’ve done something better. She knew she was like that, and so was everyone else, most likely.
“I understand,” she said, noticing the way you perked up at her words. “I also have had countless experiences thinking that I could’ve done more, or that I should’ve done something different. But I would like you to acknowledge that what Lucia did in Kowloong was not your fault. She did what she had to as a soldier and our captain.”
You shook your head, looking down at your gloved hand. Underneath the fabric rests a scar that cuts horizontally along your palm. “But you’re a construct, Liv. It’s easy to say that since you’re so much stronger than I am. What if I’m just weak? What if you and the others are just slowing down to match my pace?”
Liv furrowed her brows, opening her mouth to retort when another voice beat her to it.
“We were humans, too, you know,” the voice said, and instantly you recognized it to be Lee’s. The two of you watched as he and Lucia made their way in the lounge.
“Yes, commandant,” Lucia nodded in agreement, quickly finding her place beside Liv.
You cringed a little, suddenly finding all the attention embarrassing. “How much did you hear?”
“Enough to figure out what was going on,” Lee replied nonchalantly, but with the way he always bore a flat expression, it was hard to tell if he was secretly scrutinizing you or not. “There’s nothing to worry about tomorrow. It’s just standard procedure.”
You frowned at his words, beginning to wonder if you were just overthinking it all again. Lucia seemed to notice as she watched you closely. Nothing seemed to go past her eyes. “Is there something else that’s bothering you, commandant?”
“I’m just worried, I guess,” you tried to shrug it off, fighting off the growing urge to fidget. There was a beat of silence before Lucia spoke up with an eager smile on her face.
"Then, why don't we go out for a while?" She suggested, taking a peek over your shoulder towards the pile of paperwork still stationed on your desk. "It's been a while since all four of us got to hang out together."
"Yes, that's a great idea," Liv visibly brightened, glancing at her friend before returning her gaze back to you. "What do you say, commandant?"
This was the first time in a while you were unable to produce a decision on the spot. But as your eyes flitted onto the expectant expressions of your companions (minus Lee, of course), you could feel yourself gradually being swayed by Lucia's words.
"Uh... Sure. We can go out for a while," you finally relented, earning bright smiles from the two girls before they led you out of the Gray Raven lounge and through the winding corridors that led outside the building. You noticed a few lingering gazes upon you when you walked past, pursing your lips when you saw theirs move in unintelligible whispers.
"They're jealous of how you're younger than them but capable of achieving more," Lee suddenly said from beside you, not bothering to bat an eye when you looked at him. You opened your mouth to reply when he ultimately beat you to it. "No, I'm not saying it just because."
You nodded slowly, unable to fight the faint smile creeping on your face. It made you feel a foreign yet welcoming warmth knowing that he wasn't normally the type to do such a thing like raise his audio modules just to eavesdrop, and yet he did it anyway. He quickly noticed your smile as a blush colored his pale cheeks pink, so you mercifully looked away before he could start complaining about his heat dispersal system "malfunctioning" again.
You winced when you finally made your way out of the building, the artificial lights mimicking daytime on Earth briefly blinding you. You don't remember the last time you went outside just for a leisurely stroll, honestly. Sure, you've been out to visit the gun range or when you needed to depart for a mission, but never really taken in the sights since you were young.
"Where should we go first?" Liv questioned, humming a gentle tune as she looked around for something to do. Everything in Babylonia was limited due to its launch as an incomplete colony ship during the Golden Age, so there weren't any things like public aquariums or gardens. Many plants were used for study in laboratories and preservation just in case they could be replanted on Earth again.
"Why don't we get ice cream? I remember seeing a stand not too long ago," Lucia suggested, glancing at her teammates for approval. You felt a little strange going to an ice cream stand as a grown person who trained all their life to be a soldier, but you couldn't resist upon seeing the expectant gazes of your fellow comrades.
"Uh, sure. That sounds nice," you agreed, albeit a little awkwardly.
"Oh, but commandant," Liv began worriedly as she quickly looked you up and down. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary—you appeared just as put together as always. But now that she knows more of you, she can't help but fuss over your well-being. "I don't remember the last time you ate or what it was. Maybe you should eat something first?"
You gave a nonchalant wave of your hand in dismissal, wordlessly urging her to not worry so much. Not that it'd ever work. "It's okay, Liv. I ate today. There's nothing to be concerned about."
She studied you for a moment longer before letting it go with a defeated sigh. But she wasn't genuinely upset now that she was able to see you in a way that didn't involve violence or dire situations. Continuing on, you could see the stand growing closer, noticing a few other people surrounding it. They were mostly children, with only a few parents watching over them.
Suddenly, one of them seemed to recognize who you were and came running in your direction with a wide grin. She was a little girl who couldn't have been older than ten, with messy, brown hair pulled into two droopy pigtails. "You're that person! The hero!" She cheered, nearly barreling straight into your legs. You steadied her with a firm hand, surprised when she abruptly raised her arm to request an autograph.
"Please?! You're so cool going wham! and bang! against all those bad guys on the surface! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!" She spoke so fast it was nearly impossible to keep up, but you made an effort to nod along with her words. "Super awesome and brave!"
"You haven't even..." You trailed off, wondering what she was told to believe that was solely what you did. Sure, there were a lot of Corrupted lingering around that you and your team disposed of, but there were others who did the exact same thing you did. But seeing this girl's excited grin and awestruck eyes stopped you from finishing your sentence. "Thanks, kid. It means a lot knowing that someone like you looks up to me."
You looked around for something to write with when Liv offered you a pen. You took it with a grateful nod before grabbing a spare paper from your pocket, not wanting to anger her parents by writing on her skin. She squealed and waved the paper around like a flag, staring at it like it was the greatest thing in the world. She repeated several thank you's before running off to her parents, leaving you back to your own devices.
You chuckled lightly, watching her before looking back at Liv. Your eyes widened in surprise when you turned a few times as you realized that Lucia and Lee weren't near you.
"Here, commandant!" Lucia said not a moment later, suddenly appearing behind you. She had an ice cream cone in her hand, holding it out to you. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was your favorite flavor. You carefully took it, giving curious glances towards the three.
"Oh, Lee picked out the flavor," Lucia informed, oblivious to the way the man tensed when his name was mentioned. "He noticed you had an interest in flavors similar to it.''
Lee's eyebrows furrowed as his lips dipped downwards into a frown, but there was no mistaking the embarrassed blush coating his cheeks once again. "There's nothing wrong with knowing my commandant's habits for optimal results and future developments."
Liv giggled quietly beneath her hand but decided not to comment on it.
"I hope you like it, commandant," Lucia continued on, eager to know your opinion on the treat.
"He'd be right," you said as you offered her a brief, grateful smile before beginning to eat your ice cream. "And, by the way, you can... you can call me by my name. If you want."
Lucia brightened, walking by your side as you all walked around aimlessly. "[Name]. [Name]! [Name]... [Name]," she repeated in various different tones, trying out how it'd feel to have your name on her tongue.
This time, it was your turn to turn away in embarrassment, futilely trying to hide behind your ice cream. "Don't wear it down all in one day."
"It's a very nice name," Liv laughed lightly at her friend's antics, taking part in teasing you just this once. Although, as she watched you, she couldn’t help but sadden just the slightest bit. Your features hadn’t yet fully matured, resembling that of a teenager just recently entering adulthood. She disliked how someone so young had to be forced into a world such as this, but all she could do was fight and hope that none others would be subject to the same fate in the future.
You just shook your head in exasperation, leisurely strolling forward. Being around your teammates—rather, your friends—like this sent a warmth through your body that only served to rekindle your determination to succeed on days like tomorrow just to have more times like these. It was a comforting feeling. But you could only hope that fate would be kind.
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