#apologies for this unnecessarily long post but i have a lot to say. you don't have 2 read all of this robin bc i said a Lot
irregularbillcipher · 9 months
hi hi birdie mutual, remember that thing i posted a while ago about how some companions might have gotten nothing in the update due to everything that needed to be known about them being already known?? i was thinking of how does this apply to birdie, and i think it could be becuz well olan and mad dog's mention of them being fathers was just snippets that you get to know of in their bios but dont influence them as much, so in the DE there is more talking about how their experiences being fathers shaped them, then there's birdie who's whole character is basically being the way he is becuz of his sons, succumbing to alcoholism because of the death of his kids and that's a different type of grief from losing someone to the flash, as he's been carrying with this probably before it, so maybe that's why he got little to nothing, all u need to know is how devoted to his kids he was. another interesting thing is he is in that one convo with the depressed guys, but i keep thinking him being in the background and not contributing to trash talking other people is made to show that as much as birdie has sunk in life, he's still a good guy. what do ya think abt this, sorry for long text
no no don't apologize
okay so i agree with you for the most part on the olan and mad dog thing! i would argue that mad dog being a dad is focused on in his bio in a way olan's fatherhood isn't-- his abuse and attitude towards his children makes up 3/4 of his bio after all-- but yeah, still not as much as birdie, considering literally every sentence of his bio either describes him as a single father, describes his children, or describes his grief over losing them. so i do agree that birdie is member whose role as a father was most important to his identity, and probably needed the least explanation
i do still think it's possible to miss that he's a dad-- i've mentioned once or twice that people pretty regularly claim there's no decent dads in lisa because they forget him, and i had a friend who admitted that he thought joey and jimmy were like, pals of his and that he was talking about missing friends since his dialogue just calls them "boys" and doesn't specify they're his kids-- but i can totally see austin and the other devs having the thought of like "the bio says everything about birdie as a dad that it needs to." i would have loved more, obviously, but i can begrudgingly admit that, y'know, i get it
your interpretation of the scene he DID get is cool though! my thought when i saw him in that scene is that it was a sort of meanspirited joke that he was the biggest "loser" in the party-- like yeah, these other losers will trash talk terry and gang up on percy, but birdie is so pathetic to them that they won't even acknowledge him-- but i really really like your interpretation. birdie is a mess in so many ways, but he's never cruel, and he's not resorting to purposefully bringing down others, and it would be cool if his inclusion in the scene was meant to show us that. yeah, he looks like a disaster, he's on his hands and knees and spitting up in a dark corner, but at least he's not joining the loser brigade and being unnecessarily nasty. maybe he's being left out and acting like a wreck, but he's the least loser-y guy in the group, and it says a lot that someone as messy and down-and-out as birdie walks away looking like the most dignified person there
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neopuppy · 5 months
Your writing is perfect and keeps inspiring me to write my own dark nct fics 😫 Do you have any writing tips? How do you get ideas for fics? because I must say you are extremely creative. And lastly any tips for running a tumblr fanfic blog? Sincerest apologies if you've been asked any of this before - I'm new and obsessed with your writing. I really want to write and put my stuff out there but also the thought of a kpop idol finding it scares me even though it probs won't happen. I don't want any male idol to have a big ego cause we write horny shit yk. Anyways hope 2024 is kind to you!
omg thank you!!! my writing is nowhere near perfect!!!!! but who’s is right? what would be perfect writing anyway…(sunnyjinx on ao3 lol😅😅😅 my mother fucking QUEEN🧎🏻‍♀️)
as for writing tips, you gotta just write. like if you’re inspired and have your own ideas, you gotta just go for it! that’s how I started on here, I was bored during lockdown and wanted to desperately read an Alpha Jeno fic and couldn’t find any(to my utter shock..) so I was like alright fuck it, and I wrote my own. now here I am💀
I literally had no idea what I was doing, I love reading fics tho so I at least knew *what* I wanted to put out. when I was posting on here at first no one was writing omegaverse or hybrids or stepcest or darker fics for nct really, and that’s what *I* wanted to read. I thought it was weird at first how everyone acted like I was doing something terrible and wrong and writing ‘really filthy smut’ but then I started reading some fics on here and I was like lmao. wtf. my advice would be to read on ao3 if you enjoy darker genres too, READ A LOT, don’t read on here, and don’t only read my dark stuff bc I’m actually very mediocre lol. read all the dead dove stuff on ao3……even if you’re not a part of the fandom, if it has a high number of kudos theres likely chance u will enjoy the fic regardless. BTW ITS FINE TO READ ON HERE AND WATTPADD(?) IF UR LOOKING FOR ANYTHING NOT DEEMED ‘dark’. as for what I’ve found on here mostly anime fandoms write the decent darker genres. kpop mehhhh.
I get ideas from reading, consistently reading, and music, and content I absorb. like if I’m listening to a song, 9 times out of 10 an idea for a fic will come to mind. I am definitely more the type that thinks with my creative brain than anything though. its a curse bc I end up writing whatever my heads stuck on instead of touching my rotting wips lol.
as for running a fanfic blog- don’t take it serious. people don’t pay us for this shit, this is NOT a job- do not treat it like one. don’t let anyone give you shit either, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK!!!! I think it’s better to not get close to other writers in your fandom either…..they’re almost always going to be hateful and weird. if people enjoy your writing, your community of readers will be all that matters. don’t worry about the social aspect as much or engagement… it will come as long as you’re consistent and have fun with what you’re writing. so basically- don’t get caught up in drama. its hard believe me, I’ve tried not to but 🤷🏻‍♀️ just do your thing, block weird loser anons, block anyone who comments your shit being unnecessarily rude, etc. your blog is YOUR safe space first and foremost!!!!!
lmao also don’t worry about male idols growing egos😭😭😭 they literally have women stalking them 24/7, invading their childhood homes, sitting next to them in first class, poisoning their food, bugging their phones. fanfic blogs are the LEAST of their concerns im sure😭😭😭 those egos are enormous with or without us.
good luck if you decided to start posting!💚
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seoul7revival · 1 year
The story
Glad you came to see the how the drama unfolds. 
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Like I promised I'd say what made us suddenly deactivate. 
Honestly...we have been through much worse situations but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
We felt frustrated with the constant accusations when our agency and us had nothing to do with the ongoing situation. 
Someone was triggered by an innocent meme that wasn't targeted to anyone in general...no one was named...or tagged...These people made it all about themselves...saying we "harassed" them with the meme. Like we always say...if you had never done anything wrong..you wouldn't have felt guilty. So it's a YOU problem if you felt the meme was targeted at you .
Then these people decided to take "revenge" by sending Duke threats and hate anonymously. Even going on "tea pages" to "expose" Meraki for things Meraki didn't even do.
These people tried to dig up old drama...that had been long resolved...just to drag and harass Meraki artists. They dragged in meraki artists in the tea page, trying to provoke them into thinking that meraki doesn't care about them. Even the artists connected with that drama came forward to say that they have moved on and they don't want to talk about it anymore and they are happy being in meraki.
Meanwhile this was going on...we found out who sent the hate anonymously(we have proof of their confession) and had exposed them to their friend who they were targetting in the hate tells...so they could no longer hurt people close to them by acting as a friend while sending them hate anonymously. 
This got the hater pissed and they directly attacked Meraki in dms...unnecessarily bringing up our old agency and old drama.
We decided not to post the dm publicly as it involves slandering of our old agency by the hater.(idk why they are mad at our old agency but ok)
The hater tried accusing us of harassing her friend..us sending haters to her to harass her.....but they didn't have any proof of the harassment they talked of.
They said we gave her friend panic attack...because we exposed her toxic self to her other friends. Don't start a storm if you gonna complain about the rain you get.
Moral- Don't do anything shitty if you don't want to be exposed for your shitty behavior. 
I think we did a big favor to those friends of hers. I personally wouldn't stay friends with someone who sends me hate behind my back and bullies me into leaving the community. Her friends didn't deserve to be still unaware of this toxic friend. So we exposed them. We will not apologize for it.
Moreover we felt really drained with everything going on. Moon was already stressed cause of irl issues and this added a lot of stress on him. So at the heat of the moment he said we should leave the community. Honestly we felt so too. The constant backstabbing...rumors...fake friends..was getting too much. So we deactivated. 
But after a whole day of not being a group anymore...it felt empty...we had grown too attached to each other .Dodo reached out to us saying how we shouldn't destroy our own group....which we worked so hard on...just for people who have nothing better to do than hate on others. Moreover there are so many people asking us to come back....we had so many plans, so much events and so much collabs we promised. We couldn't just let every one down because of some irrelevant loser who failed at life so much that they decided to ruin other's happiness.
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spurnedadulthood · 1 year
hello, could you please set your queue to every 6 or 12 hours? to have it go off every hour is clogging my dash. not to be rude your message could be read in an unfavorable light the way you point out that only three muses connected with kensuke while you go and take your partners for granted. it was borderline passive aggressive if not downright guilt trip and it might not be your intention. i’m sure you are a wonderful person with many ideas if given the chance and it might be the wording in that post. i wish you the best of luck
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First of all, I apologize for clogging your dash, but at the same time, you could always just unfollow if it bothered you that much? Like, due to the fact differing timezones is a thing, I wanted to ensure more people see my post so they can decide from there whether or not they want to unfollow/block me.
Second of all, I've been gone for a long while, so like I already said, everyone I was writing with either broke mutuals with me during my absence, became inactive, deactivated, or retired from the RPC entirely, so I don't know what you want me to say? Besides, I think you're overestimating how large my writing pool is, because not only is it rare for my threads to ever advance past two notes, it's not as though I had people clamoring to write with me; in fact, getting more interactions on here has often been akin to pulling teeth for the last two years and I'm not joking when I say the last notif I ever got was in February 2, so I have no idea what 'roleplay partners' I managed to take for granted, when really, it's the other way around.
I mean, you can say 'lack of activity doesn't reflect interest' all you want, but besides my own reblogs, my activity page literally shows two other notifs, and I can't even scroll down it... because nothing past it exists, and most of my followers I do have are inactive, because again, I have not been here.
Like, the whole reason I ended up vanishing from Kensuke's blog to begin with was because I was disheartened by how hardly anyone interacted with him and that has sadly been a reoccurring thing that happens again and again. Seriously, not only do the starters I write for people tend not to get replied to, I frequently get flaky muns essentially wasting my time and getting my hopes up for interactions... so when you consider how Kensuke is a character from a very niche series, how unwelcoming the RPC is towards characters from less than mainstream fandoms, and how dead tumblr RP has recently been, it's only natural for him to only have three bonds at best...
I mean, you might not like it, but it's the factual truth? And I'm not the type to really sugarcoat things, so as far as I'm concerned, actions speak louder than words; therefore, I don't really get the sense many are still interested in Kensuke as a muse. In fact, maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm genuinely confused on how it's guilt-tripping/passive-aggressiveness when I say that as a result of a lot of people moving on from tumblr roleplay (whether it's because they deactivated or retired from the RPC) and people I've been writing with understandably blocking me, Kensuke no longer has a lot of muses left that have a bond with him... so if people end up taking that the wrong way, then I don't know what to tell them, other than the fact I have legit been gone for a long time, so not many of my old roleplay partners are still around?
Either way, I do not appreciate the fact you didn't even bother to address this privately with me and forced me to unnecessarily post this on the dash where everyone could potentially see, so until further notice, I'm disabling the anonymous function... because I really would not prefer dragging this out longer than it has to be dragged out. I will, however, do as you request and space out my queue to post every 6 hours, but next time, please message me privately if you have any concerns.
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k8felge · 3 years
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[ @kittyboyrobin was going 2 write a bunch in the tags but. it's an essay atp so i'm writing here LOL. this is a bit of a ramble / long post on my experience with batman so don't feel like u have to read everything - there will be TL;DRs throughout - i just have a lot to say on this in general. and i also have adhd lol. once again though, i don't expect anyone to read this all the way through but if you do - thank you!! ]
okay. I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!! oh my god this is literally the biggest joke the universe has pulled on me. bc i used to be you. looking at ppl draw, write, and talk about superheroes going "um... smile and wave y'all!!" ( i know u didn't mean it maliciously btw i'm just making fun of my situation LOL )
when the marvel infinity war shit was going down i felt like an outsider looking in because it was so much information to keep up on and everyone just Knew what was going on. and it was so bizarre seeing people just act like knowing all the movies ( or those ppl who actually read the comics ) before watching infinity war or whatever was normal. i had seen like 4 movies at the time and it was all so very stressful, considering the fact that i was in high school at the time so i literally did not have enough time to like. scratch the surface with it.
because of the stress that came about from that time, i was put off from superhero movies and media for a WHILE. so i never thought i would EVER get into dc or marvel like. on a fandom level? but i think that's also because it was one of those interests i consumed as a kid - and when you revisit something you were into as a kid, it's kinda... jarring to see people "fandom-ifying" it if that makes sense. it's like you have that moment of realization where you go "Oh huh. I guess I didn't realize people could do that? and that people still like this. Huh." and you stand there for a second, looking at these people. and then you eventually move on with your life, right? WELL... it's a long story.
first, i think i need to establish some context because it can help justify WHY i became so suddenly obsessed with these superheroes. so, yes. this is going to be a very long post. what the hell, it already is.
i grew up with batman. i can't say i grew up with marvel, because for me it was tobey maguire's spiderman - not marvel. a lot of kids grew up with '02 spiderman so this isn't news. but batman - i grew up watching batman the animated series since my dad was a huge batman nerd, he wrote a college paper on batman and he even has a first edition hq print of batman: the killing joke!! but i digress. what I'm trying to say is that it really helped that my dad also had a lot of love for the series. the score in batman: tas is incredible and the animation is still so good, you can really tell that they put a lot of love into the series. the show aired '92 so i was literally growing up watching this - so it's a core memory.
flash forward to 2005 - batman begins comes out, and my dad buys it on DVD as soon as he can. the movie was so cool - here batman was in real life - and my mind was blown!! i never watched any of the old batman movies, so this was my first introduction to live-action batman. the nolanverse movies were a refreshing take on a series i had only seen animated as a kid, but i know i preferred the animated series' noir story-telling in comparison to the action-packed scenes in the nolan movies. ( scarecrow's actor was foine as hell tho * lip bite emoji * )
now LASTLY flash forward to 2009 - rocksteady makes batman: arkham asylum, and holy shit. my brothers were CRAZYY for this game let me tell you. if you don't already know, this game helped pave the way for other superhero games that would release afterward, a common example being the spiderman games. i remember watching my brother play these games because the stealth mechanics scared me ( and also the game was just? STRAIGHT UP TERRIFYING? and it still holds up to this day - the tone and atmosphere of the first game are unrivaled with the sequels that would follow. ) I want to say we didn't get it on release, though I can't remember.
Then the sequel, arkham city, releases (2011) and my brother is ALL over it. i had watched my brother play the first game, so you know i was going to watch him play this one. and this one had so much more!! when i was playing the arkham games later for myself, i remembered sooo much more about arkham city because my brother would play this game so much. i think he replayed it more than i can count - and despite me not playing this one either, the story was still so engaging my dad - being the batman buff he is - even got the special edition statue/figure + controller for the game, which was funny because i don't think we understood why our dad was THAT into it.
THEN AGAIN, another sequel comes out ( there was another one but we didn't get it ) called arkham knight - we get the special arkham edition ps4 that comes with the game. this one's a different story though, my same brother played and beat this game - but i never saw past the opening part of the game ( the opening is really fucking good though, i remembered it vividly as i played arkham knight ). I don't know why i didn't bother to watch, but i guess i just had other things. i felt my focus on batman slipping away finally - but i still loved the series to death. i was just simply getting into other fandoms for the first time, i think i want to say mlp was my hyperfix around that time.
TL;DR (#1) - batman was a big part of my childhood - largely batman: the animated series, the christopher nolan movies, and watching my brother play the batman: arkham games. i lost interest in batman as a whole around the fourth game's release (2015) due to other hyperfixations.
okay now flash forward to the present: i wanna say early october? my boyfriend is streaming injustice in discord, and i don't know anything about this game. it has a slew of dc characters i'm not familiar with, save for the batman ones. but now he's playing this stage with a stage transition and in comes scarecrow - but more specifically his arkham version. and i'm staring at the screen in awe because it's been like what? 10 years since i had laid eyes with arkham asylum's scarecrow - and here he is beating the shit out of the character in a fucking stage transition. it's one of the coolest things i've ever seen, because the 10-year-old in me that watched my brother play arkham asylum is jumping up and down. i didn't remember how obsessed i was with batman until i had that moment of just. unfiltered nostalgia. i was hooked again. there was another stage transition with the arkham city designs of the batman rogues - and i remember my bf, my friend jar, and i were just yelling off all of the characters in surprise as the animation showed them all. it was too fucking good.
[ here's the stage transition in question if you're interested. needle tw for scarecrow's hand needle things ]
and because this is what. early october? i had yet to figure out a halloween costume - and my ass was obsessed with scarecrow's arkham design again, so i decided to make that my halloween costume!! i don't have any good pictures because there's still some work to be done with it but i made everything myself on that baby. if you haven't noticed already, i really like scarecrow. ( which is funny because i don't even think he was my FAVORITE favorite as a kid? but the whole fear toxin thing is so good. )
as i'm working on my costume throughout october, i buy the arkham games on sale and start arkham asylum. oh my god. it's wayyy creepier than i remembered and the graphics were surprisingly still good? the combat was a little janky but i quickly got used to it, but my god. the story is seriously so good in these games, i'm largely biased because i know there's flaws with each game - but they're all so good in my book. and the stealth was not even that bad - in fact i was enjoying the stealth segments the most - this game seriously makes it so fun. if you ever want to try to get into batman, i would recommend picking up the games on steam when they're on sale. there's a good mix of combat and stealth so you're never really tired of it. also the combat is fucking rhythm-based - even if it feels janky in asylum, it feels so rewarding when you eventually master it.
TL;DR (#2) - beginning of oct. my bf streams injustice 1 in vc and i get a nostalgia trip for batman, so i play the arkham games for the first time. i make my halloween costume the arkham asylum scarecrow. and i have a lot of fucking fun playing the first two arkham games.
and the last part of this ESSAY?? this was supposed to be like 3 paragraphs at most. what the hell happened. okay whatever. the next part goes that batman: arkham knight ( technically the fourth game in the arkham series but this was the third arkham game i played ) goes into the backstory of another character whom i played briefly in injustice 2 ( i played this game a little bit after my bf showed injustice 1 ) and ZAMN. people say the story in this game is lacking but gawtdam my bar is in hell bc this game fucked me upppp brah. also, scarecrow was back * heart eyes emoji * but that's beside the point.
so now i'm interested in this character... i feel myself going ill... and i find out there's an animated movie ( based off of a comic for him ) and i just HAVE to watch it. i finally get my grubby little hands on HBO because everything dc is fucking locked on there and BEHOLD!! i watch the movie. but then i watch some more dc movies. and shows ( the harley quinn show is actually really funny ) and now my same dc friend and my bf are telling me i gotta watch the flashpoint movie. so i do. and then we watch more dc movies - not just batman. and well. that's the end of my story because that's where i am now. i'm doing fanart of fucking hal jordan green lantern who i never thought i would ever draw in my life. and now i know who each of the robins are and who fucking. reverse flash is. this is my life now i don't know what went wrong. something happened. something shifted. but NOW YOU KNOW * grabs you and shakes you around * NOW YOU KNOW WHY I HAVE LOST MY LIFE TO THESE SUPERHEROES. I CAN'T GO BACK I CAN'TTTT
[ also side note: i watched the new venom movie prior to this ( it was really good! i liked it a lot. ) and then i watched the first venom. and then the trailer for spiderman no way home drops - teasing the old spiderman villains i saw as a kid. another nostalgia trip for child-me to grab in her small, trembling hands. and - mind you - this happened before and during the same time as my aforementioned batman/dc craze. i think i may have adhd /hj ]
TL;DR (#3) - arkham knight introduces me to a new batman character, and goes over his backstory enough but i want to know more. i find out there's a movie for him on hbo, which has almost everything dc. i watch it and i watch more dc movies + shows, but not just batman. now i'm drawing fanart of other dc characters and i look extremely ill. also on a side note i also am excited for the new spiderman movie. THE END
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cooloddball · 3 years
I just saw the video where Jensen seemed pissed at Jrpad for pieing Misha a bit too forcefully and holy shit! He really does seem annoyed. And this was back in 2015. I’m questioning every single thing I thought I knew about j//2’s relationship now.
I’d actually feel really bad for j//2 shippers if so many of them hadn’t been so unnecessarily cruel and hateful towards Misha and the Wives.
I mean how long has this been going on? I do believe they were friends once, but clearly some things have changed in the last few years. How much of it was really pr? Because Jensen apparently wasted no time in distancing himself from Jred once he had the chance. I know we haven’t gotten a lot of content from the two of them and their wives together for years now, was it because they decided to limit contact? Or maybe their wives weren’t the best of pals? (I even heard a rumor that Jensen and Gen had some problems with each other, idk how true it is though). But they lived so close together for so long. At first I thought maybe Jensen was a bit upset with him because of the finale and that was it, but now I can’t help but think this has been a long time coming. Jensen just, straight up didn’t tell him about the prequel. And Kripke thought Jred knew, was he expecting Jensen to tell him? And he dropped the news right before Walker aired as well. Tbh, even if Jensen had a legitimate reason for not telling him (which I don’t think is the case) I do believe what Jred did irrevocably damaged what was left of their friendship. Jensen is a very private person and I don’t think he took too kindly to Jred just airing out their dirty laundry like that. Wow ok,I’m sorry this got so long. I’d love to hear your thoughts though.
Please don't apologize for the long ask. I don't mind.
TL:DR: The j2 fallout has been a long time coming.
Long text below:
The other day I got this ask that I think summarized most of the things you said here:
I have a feeling that the fallout began as early as 2009 and has built up until now. I mean for at least 3 years it was just Jensen and Jared. They were worshipped and adored by fans and it was clear who the "lead" was. In 2008 Misha came in and it was the cockles awkward phase so there wasn't much to it. But in 2009, things started changing. Misha became part of the show and the show started becoming more about Dean. I also think this is the year when cockles became serious. By s6 it was the Dean show and by extension a Dean/Cas show. It kept escalating from there and it led to everything you mentioned in your answer in that other post. It kept getting worse and the Jensen got the role for the boys and he had new, cooler, better friends, he did events with Misha, he ghosted J*red and the final nail in the coffin was Jensen making this new show without even a peep to him.
I agree that J*red has no right to be pissed. This has nothing to do with his, it's selfish to get angry that he wasn't told then go on a rampage of Twitter. What's even worse is that he had to tag Jensen for him to even acknowledge his existence. Unfortunately, Jensen has to deal with such drama while worrying about how to get back to his family and give his baby girl a proper birthday party. I know the two might work together in a possible reunion of the show in a few years but I believe whatever little respect Jensen had for him is long gone.
I personally have my own view of the whole situation. First of all, let me start by saying I don't know much about Gen or her relationship with Jensen so I don't know whether they are on good terms or not. However, Dee and Gen are not as close as they used to be. I am relatively new to this fandom but from what I have seen, they used to be family, hanging out together all the time, going to events and even lived a block away from each other in Austin.
The other day someone mentioned that Jensen and JP were supposed to start a business together in 2016 but the same didn't pan out for some reason. Whatever the reason we might never know.
As I have mentioned, I am relatively new to this fandom. However, when I discovered cockles last year, I scoured old cockles blogs and even landed into some anti blogs and saw things that I can never unsee. In that time, I also watched a lot of convention videos and that's when I started seeing something weird.
In the beginning, Jensen and Misha used to be very playful with one another at the US creation cons. They would crash each other's panels and flirt and then something changed. The flirting became mostly restricted to JIBCON.
Jensen and JP used to make fun of Misha a lot. This is understandable since when those two were together they were like frat boys. However, something changed and Jensen stopped seeing those things as funny. He was particularly angry at JP when he pied Misha too hard and almost broke his nose. He was also unhappy with JP for making fun of Misha's acting during JIB9.
The other thing I believe is that most of the Jensen and JP friendship was mostly for PR. I believe with all my heart that they were genuinely friends, brothers for life. That part I believe was/is real. However, what doesn't sit well with me is how they were always conveniently spotted by a fan or paparazzi whenever they hang out off the set.
The reason I'm saying this is because Jensen and Misha hang out all time. You have heard stories from them about how they went to a restaurant and ordered the 3 least ordered things, or when Misha and Dee ate the hottest peppers and Jensen just sat there watching, the private mass at the Vatican for the 2 of them, Dee saying Misha and Vicki helped a lot with FBBC etc. All these things we don't see in the tabloids. Unless they post them or tell us about them randomly without thinking, we would never have known. Why? Because it is not PR.
I think at least some of Jensen and JP friendship was for PR and ratings because every time JP got into trouble or was spotted drunk or acting up, he was always alone or in the company of other people who aren't Jensen. So, if they were actually bffs who were inseparable and hang out together all the time, why is it that Jensen was not involved in all those scandals that his bff was involved in?
There was also something I saw a while back. It was an excerpt of something that Jensen said. It was something akin to, once they were done filming a season and it was time for hiatus, Jensen would tell JP he didn't want to see him until after three months when they were either going for cons or back to filming. That is something pretty interesting for him to say if they were supposedly hanging out all the time.
I believe their brotherhood /friendship was real but it was overhyped for the show because the idea of family is what appealed to the audience.
As for Jensen and the spn prequel. I have to agree with the anon who sent me the ask I just shared with you. I believe that Jensen was under no obligation whatsoever to tell JP about it. He is neither an EP nor the creator of the show. So unless he would have just told him as a friend, the show is over, this is a prequel that has nothing to do with Sam. Jensen is telling Dean's story. So maybe the only people he had an obligation to tell were WB, CW, Singer, Dabb and of course Kripke. Anyone else would've been just as a courtesy as a friend/co-worker and nothing else.
The funny thing is that he did not tell JP even as a friend. He found out the same way we all did. This in and of itself was interesting because if they are such friends, Jensen would have literally told him he was thinking about it way before he went to Kripke.
What's even funnier is that he didn't even tell him after he told Kripke and the funniest thing is how JP said he was gutted. I mean why was he gutted? Jensen didn't want to tell him. He should've read the room. His reaction was adverse compared to how everyone else was excited for Jensen and Dee. What’s even worse is the fact that Jensen and Dee actually were happy for him and his new show.
In conclusion. I think Jensen is the type of person who once they are done with you they are just done. They move on and may or may not ghost you. They may see your text and say they will respond but it will be 30 days later when they realize they forgot to hit send on the draft reply to a text but it's too late now so they delete the unsent text and forget about you and they never tell you. In the meantime, you are sitting, rotting, wailing and waiting for a response and nothing. Six months later, Jensen announces so blantantly without any hint of subtlety on Twitter that they have moved on without you . You are gutted, so you throw tantrums and here we are now.
I hope this jumbled mess makes sense because it is too long and I can't undo it.
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Ok I don't want to throw hate unnecessarily fr take it as a creative criticism. At first when you started writing the drabbles I loved them too but after a while, even though the prompts changed, the concepts were just redundant( I mean the way you write out every story) At this point there's no reason to even continue writing these drabbles if it's just gonna be the same thing. It's so boring rn the same way they confess to each other in every prompt, they just suddenly confess,and also somehow end up loving each other secretly, them being so good to each other and nothing about school rivalry, I mean I know they're just drabbles but I've read what you wrote at first so I just think that you can do better. I hope what I said didn't hurt you if it did then im sorry
Hey friend!
Oof. Checking my notifications when I wake up in the middle of the night has finally bitten me in the ass.
I’ve written and rewritten this a couple of times because I’m having trouble not getting emotional about it.
Let’s start here: “I know they’re just drabbles”. You’re right, they are just drabbles. I don’t like to write things that don’t end happily, so in a drabble that’s only a few scenes long there’s only so much development I can do. I’ve actually said in several posts that I’m not a great drabble writer for this very reason. Maybe you’ll enjoy the longer, multi chapter things I’ve written when I find the time to post them. (Or maybe you won’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️)
Next: “they just suddenly confess, and also somehow end up loving each other secretly”. I like to think the ‘suddenly’ bit is because I’m bad at writing drabbles where there is limited space to build up to it, maybe that’s my pride speaking though. But ‘loving each other secretly’ is a little confusing to me. Do you mean that you’d like to see it be one-sided more often? (If that’s the case, loop back to the paragraph prior- I write things that have a sense of being happily completed.) Or do you mean that they shouldn’t be surprised that the feeling is mutual? Are you wanting one of them to confess and the other to say, “yeah, obviously. I’ve already planned our wedding.”? I just don’t get what you’re hoping for.
And I might have thought from those two bits that you meant you were sick of love confessions and want more established relationship drabbles but you go on to say that I address “nothing about their school rivalry”. In a drabble which is a couple of scenes at best I don’t have a lot of time to explore that and still end up with an ending that has them as even friends let alone together. (And these are drarry drabbles; they’re meant to end up together.)
I’m not entirely sure how to say the next bit without infusing my emotions into it. This part: “them being so good to each other” written as a complaint kind of gutted me. I don’t know what kind of world you live in, but mine feels shitty a lot of the time. I look at the world around me and I see so much pain, so much suffering, so much heart ache- I see people being unkind, people treating others disrespectfully, I see people who claim to love each other acting with anything but love. Things suck. And I can’t help but imagine that things suck for a lot of people. The world is desperate for a little tenderness. I am desperate for a little tenderness. At the end of the day, I want to put love and goodness into the world so I write about people being good to each other.
Let me briefly address these comments “I don’t want to throw hate unnecessarily but…” Justifying what you’re about to say with a precursor like that indicates that you know that the thing you’re about to say will be read that way. You reiterated it again at the end, “I hope what I said didn’t hurt your feelings”. Ooh boy. If what you want to say needs to end with an apology, maybe don’t say it, because all that says is ‘I know that I just said something hurtful but I don’t really care. I’m just trying to make myself feel like I’m still a good person’ because if you were really sorry, you wouldn’t have written it (or at the very least, you wouldn’t have sent it) in the first place. I say all of this only to ask that you not to send things like this to other people.
But you’re right. I could do better. I’m an amateur writer who only spends a couple hours a day writing fanfiction that I barely edit before I post. If I put in the time and energy I could probably write really beautiful things but I don’t have more to give at the moment. And maybe you’re right. Maybe these ficlets aren’t worth writing or reading anymore. Honestly the mean voice in my head says the same thing. My own internal monologue tells me that I am a one trick pony and asks me how many times I can possibly write about the same two idiots falling in love. As you say, the setting may change and the prompt may change, but the outcome doesn’t change.
But when that voice starts talking in my head I remember how many people have told me that the nonsense I write brightens their day. I remember the people who tell me that they love reading about the same two idiots falling in love over and over. Most importantly, I remember the people who say they want a relationship like that or that this version of Harry and Draco are “relationship goals”. I remember those people the most because if I can write something that helps people to know that they deserve to be treated like that, they deserve to be with someone who is good to them, then this isn’t a waste.
No, if my drabbles can brighten a day, or show the value of love, or help someone to know that they are worthy of love no matter what they’ve done or where they’ve come from, it’s not a waste.
And if it’s not doing that for you, if they’re boring, predictable, cliche, etc. that’s okay. Genuinely. You don’t have to like what I post. You don’t have to read what I post. Heck, you could start writing your own fanfiction so that it will be just what you want.
But I’m going to keep posting about these two being in love and being good to each other until it’s not doing any good.
Blessings on you and may you find what you’re looking for. ❤️
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
I literally had a panic attack when I watched Ayo take off Bucky's arm. I was born without my left arm and see a lot of myself in Bucky. I have a prosthetic and had to stop the episode and watch it later. And it really hurt me to see your completely disregard that and say I have no right to be upset. It really pisses me off. I'm fully acknowledging that Bucky did a terrible thing, and he needed to be stopped. But she didn't have to remove his arm. He wouldn't have hurt her. To see you refer to his arm in the tags as a weapon further hurt me. It's not a fucking weapon, it's his fucking arm. You're trying to twist this into a race issue when it's about fucking ableism. I'm brown not black so I don't know if you'll accept my concerns with your post
Hi, one, I apologize for what is sure to be a very long and very frustrated statement. But I’m dealing with a lot of shit rn (actually related to race and ableism specifically) but I wanted to respond because my ADHD ass will forget otherwise.
Okay. One, you say “he wouldn’t have hurt her.”
We, the audience, knows that. Ayo did not. What she knows is that the man before her was an assassin and sniper, even before he was captured and forced to kill by HYDRA. He was a WWII sniper and seemed to be quite skilled (I’m going to assume that’s one of the reasons HYDRA tried to experiment on him and picked him to he the winter soldier.) In any case, this newly reformed (and at the time, just barely reformed. As in, he was healed a month, maybe two months before the events of infinity war. So he’s been healed for a whopping seven months.) This newly reformed assassin, who had been the victim of either chemical or otherwise mental subjugation freed a terrorist from prison.
Not only did he free a terrorist from prison, he freed a terrorist that was obsessed with HYDRA. If any terrorist knew a back door to unlock the winter soldier again, it would be Baron Zemo, who knew each and every one of HYDRA’s secrets.
While Shuri is definitely brilliant, it’s entirely possible that HYDRA buried a safety within their “asset” just in case he was able to break his programming. It’s entirely possible that it was so well buried amongst the labyrinth that is the brain that even Shuri couldn’t find it. After all, Shuri isn’t a neuroscientist, and the brain is largely regarded as the final frontier. So it’s entirely possible that she missed buried programming.
So, we have a person that got rid of HYDRA’s programming seven months ago that just freed one of the only people on the planet that could have the information that could potentially reactivate the winter soldier. And THEN, we have a video of this man “acting” as the winter soldier in madripoor. This was uploaded on the internet and I’m assuming that Ayo saw it.
What proof does Ayo have that he won’t hurt her? That she won’t weaponize his arm and hurt her? What proof does she have that he’s not under Zemo’s control, that Zemo can’t control him in a second. The only thing she knows are that Bucky Barnes freed a terrorist that had access to all of HYDRA’s information, the terrorist appeared to control the winter soldier in madripoor, and it is entirely possible that there is buried programming designed to deactivate the winter soldier.
She deactivates it, realizes he’s fully in control of himself and says, “bast damn you, James.” As in, “fuck you for freeing a terrorist and acting like it isn’t a big deal. You are clearly acting on your own accord in this.”
And yes, it’s different being Black vs. being Brown. It isn’t to say that racism and ableism don’t intersect with Brown folks because obviously it does.
But l specifically asked for Black opinions bc of the demonization of Black folks, especially the trope of “big scary Black women” or “big scary Black men.”
It’s ironic I see this today when I have a story that is so relevant and anger inducing.
I work with white parents of Black children, usually through adoption since I work primarily with lgbt parents, but I do have some cis het white parents raising Black biological kids. One of the parents and friends got into it today because her autistic Black child got into it with their sibling (also disabled). The sibling intentionally triggered their older sibling and punched them and it escalated to the point where the bigger sibling finally reacted and shoved the younger sibling. It broke the younger kid’s glasses. The youngest is legally blind and needs very expensive and specific prescription classes to even have 20/40 vision.
The mom called the police on her child and the kid was arrested and charged. She is 15. Mom described the kid as aggressive and awful and terrible and all sorts of names. A ww called the police on her Black 15 year old child having a meltdown. And she played into stereotypes that Black people, Black women, are aggressive/scary/angry. A ww could’ve gotten her child killed for having a meltdown because she broke a white child’s disability aid.)
A ww couldve gotten her child killed because she played into anti-Black stereotypes. That white people need protection from them. Even when the white child was initially the aggressor in the scenario.
Sure, it’s different, but it plays to the same stereotypes. Poor white disabled person needs protection from the aggressive scary Black person, and we’re just going to assume that the Black person was being unnecessarily aggressive because it plays into all of the stereotypes about Black people. No, there’s no way that this Black person was making a decision based on a series of evidence that could point to them genuinely being harmed.
(By the way, in the scenario of the two kids, I think they both needed help and support, and that the police shouldn’t have been called period.)
Nope, it’s just an aggressive Black person being ableist.
The same systems that have everyone seeing Bucky as a cute little uwu cinnamon roll in need of protection are what caused everyone to see Ayo as an aggressive ableist Black woman. White people usually get the benefit of the doubt. The best intentions are believed even when the evidence clearly says otherwise.
The evidence Ayo had indicated that she had no idea whether the winter soldier could’ve been reactivated and whether or not Bucky could’ve been under zemo’s control. She had no idea. None. She made a decision based off that information. And the fact that Bucky didn’t react strongly indicated that he was acting on his own accord.
Mayhaps, Ayo might even have been trying to trigger the winter soldier. I just thought of this but it makes sense. That the WS would react very defensively and even potentially deadly to that level of fighting, even if his previous orders were different.
In any case, this situation isn’t comparable to every day disabled people because our disability aids to not double as weapons. Most people can’t do more harm with a prosthetic limb than they can with a regular limb. Bucky can. Bucky’s arm is also a weapon and that fact complicates matters considerably. If bucky’s arm were simply a regular arm with typical strength, it’d be a no brainer situation. But it’s not. We don’t know the wakanda enhancements of his arms, but we know in the comics, he could kill with a single punch using his arm. He uses his arm tactically to map his surroundings. He uses his arm to send off EMPs that can disabled weaponry. It even has a retractable blade for close combat. It is a disability aid that it also a weapon. It was designed to be a weapon. The normal conversations around disability aids don’t fit it because no one today has a disability aid that could kill someone in seconds and even cause larger scale damage with a targeted EMP.
And finally, I want to say this, I am truly sorry that you had a panic attack while watching the episode. That is never fair and it’s never fun to be triggered by television shows.
I do hope this helped to better explain and clarify my perspective.
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satrangee-ray · 3 years
I've never really posted serious stuff on my Tumblr before. At least not serious personal stuff, so this is gonna be a first. And I'm about to start a super emotional rant for no particular reason, except that I felt like I really need to put this out there, no matter how much other people feel like "I'm dragging down the energy", being a buzzkill, or just unnecessarily making things dark and heavy. So, if you're not up for it, don't proceed.
T.W.: Mentions of Trauma
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So, as I gathered from the fandom, yesterday was OPH2 Chapter 11 replay day, and I've seen a lot of my favourite fandom people post about how E should have FREAKING COMPLETED HIS SENTENCE, and not given us a "care about you" statement when MC was legit supposed to be on their deathbed.
Now I understand where that sentiment is coming from, because I have been that MC and I have felt frustrated. I know what you're talking about, and I support you wholeheartedly when ya'll go, "boy, just say it!"
But, having said that, I kinda understand why he didn't, and couldn't. Ethan and I have a lot of things in common, which unfortunately include childhood trauma. And I don't wanna go into too many details, but I've never felt completely safe anywhere with anyone because of very valid reasons. And to add to that, I've had feelings for my best friend, who I had known for eight years. Eight freaking long years, and I thought I knew her. I could trust her.
And yet when after eight years I told her about my feelings, she definitely didn't reciprocate, (which is perfectly alright), but she took advantage of that knowledge to f*ck my life in so many ways that I'm still in the process of recovering from it. And for a person like E whose literal mother randomly left him with no explanation when he was mad young, I could only understand where he's coming from. There must be an automatic voice in his head which keeps saying "don't trust no one"– which is at least true in my case, and till date everytime I don't listen to that, I end up hurt badly. So if I'm right in this context, then no matter how much he loves or trusts MC, I understand why he couldn't tell them that he loves them after knowing them for only about one and a half years.
So, I would not say that it wasn’t justified for E to act the way he did. I would probably done the same if I was in his place.
Also, for the people out there who are in relationships with other people who are dealing with mental illness, I have a message. Please be patient with your S.Os. Trust me, they're trying. And you don't have to be their therapist, cause you're not supposed to be, but being their supporter until they're ready to speak their mind would really mean a lot to a lot of people.
Okay this got real dark, so again I apologize, for dragging this into the OH context. Should I even apologize? Maybe not...
I'm a confused two braincelled human, leave me alone 😅.
Thank you for reading if you've made it this far.
@gaeipsstuff @jeetushmannfeelz @adiehardfan @irisofpurple I know this is not a fic but I'm tagging you here cause... idk we're friends I suppose, and I felt like when I'm doing an emo rant late in the night, you should know. Love you all <3.
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helsaguy · 4 years
I know you like Helsa a lot and your blog is your blog and I like looking through here for Helsa content, but don't you think you're going in circles? We can complain all we want that Disney and Lee and Buck didn't bother making Helsa canon or give a Hans redemption, but at this point do you believe it's even a possibility? Would you not accept a story that has a Hans redemption but no Helsa?
I like Helsa? Oh no, anon. I love and cherish Helsa. I don’t just “like” it. I’m not in a good mood today, so I apologize if I’m a little cranky with this message.
If I am or am not going in circles (about what exactly?), I don’t think I care at this point. I used to be a much better person than this, years ago when I still had an utterly unconditional love for Disney and I actually had some respect and faith in Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck.
Last month I was checking some old posts in my blog. I found some related to the Oscars 2014 and I just couldn’t believe I made posts congratulating Lee and Buck for winning the Oscar for Best Animated Feature 🤢 Though in my defense, Frozen was a good/decent movie (with its flaws) and the actors deserved the recognition (more than the directors).
“Would you not accept a story that has a Hans redemption but no Helsa?”           
Oh anon. You come 6 years TOO LATE with this question. Back in 2013-2015 I was all about accepting a Hans’s redemption story with no Helsa. I would still root for Helsa to be endgame anyway; but in those days I was a “Give me Hans’s redemption in Frozen 2 and you (Disney/Lee-Buck/whoever) can push Helsa for Frozen 3.” kind of guy. I made several posts and answered to anyone who asked me that Hans’s redemption was my #1 priority and Helsa was 2nd. The posts are still in there somewhere in the deepest, long forgotten parts of my blog.
Back then I used to be a happier person; full of dreams and hopes, respect and tolerance. Also patience above all. But now? February 2020? With everything that’s happened since February 2019? Mostly after the way Lee and Buck (or the writers, or whoever) retracted from the Hans’s redemption storyline Santino Fontana was contacted for in 2015; and the way Lee and Buck neglect and unabashedly, completely unnecessarily sh*t on Hans and his fan base; I’m done.
I’m done being impartial, I’m done being patient and giving these people and this company the benefit of the doubt. I’m done being optimistic and hopeful. And I’m done with caring about my health because I’m sure I hate Lee and Buck with a passion greater than anything I’ve ever known and because of their incompetence and ineptitude I’m going to develop some kind of decease that will end up consuming me. Some say hate and resentment kill the soul. That negative feelings or emotions taken to the extreme are draining and toxic for the body. Well, that’s exactly what and how I feel toward Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck. I hate them. And years ago I might have had the energy and strength and will to let all these negative emotions go. But not now after 6 f*cking years of them doing nothing but a terrible job on Frozen 2.
And I don’t mean just that they didn’t redeem Hans (they f*cking kept him out of the story completely) nor they made Helsa official. I mean they did a God awful job in every aspect of the whole movie. The plot is terrible (it makes no f*cking sense). The lore they tried to create was boring, unorigianl, irrelevant, very NOT Frozen-like (I swear to God Frozen 2 has no place in this franchise). The new characters are boring, irrelevant, and forgettable. Important time and development was so horribly wasted on characters that already existed BUT DON’T F*CKING MATTER (Elsa and Anna’s parents). The characters that I do know and used to love (or at least care about) are anything but themselves. And I honestly CANNOT tolerate how this sequel is the biggest F*CK YOU I’ve ever seen to a sequel’s predecessor. I don’t care about the improvement in animation; Frozen (flaws included) is a far better and enjoyable movie than Frozen 2, and Frozen 2 has absolutely no right to s*ck as much as it does. I’m still baffled at how could these people FAIL THIS MUCH! How is it possible?! Disney sequels have always been not the best of Disney (even if I do enjoy some of those); But Frozen 2 is a whole new level of horrible and waste. And I didn’t even mention the ending…
So, my point is: No, after all this WASTED time; after all the things I listed above (and possibly some others more) I won’t accept a story with JUST Hans’s redemption in it. Either they make a third movie, or cartoon, or whatever the heck they want to work on that includes not only Hans’s redemption but also Helsa; Or Disney can shove this franchise right up where the Sun does not shine and let it die once and for all. Because no new material coming out is good, is clear those behind the franchise don’t give a damn, and they only keep (or try) to focus and waste content on stuff that doesn’t matter. Disney can also delegate Frozen to someone new? But then again, my hope and faith has been pretty much destroyed that I have no hope or faith in other people to fix this unapologetic mess.
Do I believe it’s even a possibility for Hans to be redeemed and of Helsa happening? Oh YES. Because as bitter and pessimistic, and miserable all of this has made me in the past year; Helsa is the only Disney thing that gives me any hope and any dream. Why do I keep drawing Helsa? Because I love it and I care about it. It is something special to me. Because I want to share or give to those who love it too. 
I will be gone someday. It could be today, tomorrow, next month, years from now, of old age or not, no one knows. But the only thing I do know is that even then I’ll still care for Helsa, I’ll still care about these characters, and I’ll still know there’s possibility.
Now I think I’m going to take a break. Drink some water. And possibly play some video game to relax and distract myself. Plus it’s summer and heat tends to irritate me…
P.S. Dang it. My brother got to the game console first…. I guess I’ll look for something else to do :p
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Song prompts: Personally, when I'm feeling particularly bad I like to listen to things like Mudvayne's 'Cinderella Story' and 'Happy?', Sonata Arctica's 'Don't Say A Word', Dethklok's 'Murmaider', Korn's 'Here To Stay' to scream alongside the music (silently works too) and then I'll start dialing down to Ill Niño´s 'Everything Beautiful', Dope's 'With Or Without You', Serj Tankian's 'Sky Is Over', Korn's 'Make Me Bad', Slipknot's 'Snuff'... Hope u give'em a chance and this helps somehow. G'Luck!
Thank you for sending all this Anon! I really appreciate the time you took to respond and put together a playlist and I did actually listen to everything! Metal in general isn’t really my music genre of choice, but I do really like Kittie and Dir En Grey (and the Vegan Black Metal Chef guy on Youtube), so there are definitely exceptions. And I vaguely remember owning Korn’s Issues in middle school (though I admit that was mostly because it was from a music recommendation in one of those mail order CD catalogue things that don’t exist anymore). I was (and still am) a big fan of Orgy (I just pretend they broke up immediately after their second album and didn’t release any more music after that), which is where I think that CD came from. Pretty sure I gave it away to someone in high school though...
Honestly, I lean A LOT more toward the metalcore (I Prevail, We Came as Romans, etc.) and punk (Die Arzte, Rancid, Die Toten Hosen, the Dead Kennedys, Les Fatals Picards) end of the spectrum. I also spent a decent chunk of my teenage years listening to hardcore and post-hardcore bands like Thursday, BoySetsFire, Saves the Day (though they were probably more emo), so those genres are where I usually turn for my screamy, loud music when I need it. And there is also something to be said for righteous feminist outrage a la Ani DiFranco cranked up at full volume. :) But I do really appreciate all of the recommendations and will listen to most kinds of music.
That unnecessarily long response aside (very probably my single longest block of non-story text on this blog), I’m kind of stumped about what to do with your prompt because you sent me so many songs at once. Of these, “Snuff” was probably the most my speed. And “Make Me Bad” did bring back some memories (of when MTV still played music videos back before the invention of the wheel). But I’m having a really hard time coming up with something, so I apologize that my actual response will be a lot shorter than this rambling aside.  If you would like to prompt me any individual songs, please feel free to do so and I’m sorry for whatever this mess ends up being!
It isn’t very often anymore that he’s reminded of Abby Nowakowski, smiling at him from the hood of her cousin’s old Buick the times that they skipped homeroom English to smoke in the rear parking lot by the poplars. The sweatshirts she wore always hung past her wrists and her blue, chewed up nails tapped along to the beat of her headphones. She liked grape soda, garage bands, and worked most nights at the Shop Rite on Elmhurst, usually restocking the shelves in a part of the store where her piercings went largely unnoticed.
They had lost touch when he moved to Wisconsin for college. She’d given him a homemade CD at the party that Hannah Lane threw him, the two of them sitting outside under the pool lights, their feet dangling in the water and fireflies flickering to life in the backyard while their friends laughed and smoked marijuana in the dark, half-finished basement.
Hannah told him later that she’d enrolled in community college and got a job as a waitress somewhere that made her dye her hair back to auburn. That was the last that he’d heard about her directly. Hannah’d shipped off to Fort Jackson by then.
He’s still not sure exactly what happened to Abby. She was long gone by the time that he’d come home for Christmas. He’d thought about trying to call her, asking her out for a movie or pizza or something, but it was almost like she hadn’t really existed at all, just a few blurry photographs that somebody took with a disposable camera and a book of Emily Dickinson’s poetry she’d forgotten on his parents’ coffee table when she came over to finish a group project what might have been their sophomore year. He isn’t sure why he didn’t. She’d tried to call him a few times too, but he was always in class.
The newspaper article doesn’t say very much to allow him to fill in the gaps of the years since they graduated. She worked at a pet store in Sussex. Her stepfather died of cancer a couple years back. She had two kids but their father was out of the picture.
He put the newspaper down and remembered. Maybe things could have gone differently for the two of them. Maybe she wouldn’t have needed to be in that car Thursday morning.
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Least favorite zp characters
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And here we are, the other post I promised and totally didn't stall on putting out because lazy.
First, I'd like to address something. One thing that bugged me in my favorite list was that I put characters that didn't even appear in the comic on there. This was kind of unfair in my opinion. I rather give characters a chance to shine and not just go off of a few pictures and a bio. I rather see them in action first. This is why I will be excluding any characters that did not appear or have a prominent role in the comic. Hell, to put this in perspective, if I just went off of Damian's character sheet and not his role in the comic, he wouldn't be my favorite character.
And just in case you guys wanna know what my favorites list would be like if I excluded those that didn't make an appearance, here you go:
Honourable mention, Carrie. 5, Cameron. 4. Mackenzie. 3, Addison. 2, Jack. 1, Damian.
We good? And before we get into the list proper, let me say that I don't hate these characters. Some on here are characters that I like. I just like them the least for some reason.
Also, here are some unmentionables (aka, characters you probably expected to be here but aren't )
KAYLA: yeah, yeah, I went on an unnecessarily long tangent about her introduction (which I'm not proud of and plan to re do). I also said that I hated her in arc 2. I just wanna clear something up, I don't hate Kayla. I dislike how she ended up being written, but ultimately her problems came solely from her being the victim of a bad introduction, not the character herself. So, I'm leaving her off the list.
DAPHNE : I know, she's a femin-nazi, everyone else hates her, I ought to hate her too. Daphne, however, only made a brief appearance in the comic. She didn't even get any lines. I want to see her in action before I declare her a least favorite.
NOW onto the list! I will warn you all that since I limited this to characters that played a role and had more then 2 lines of dialog, there are going to be entries that you are NOT going to like. And I apologize for that. I didn't have fun putting some of these characters on here, so let's suffer together. First, a dishonorable mention.
Yeah guys, I wasn't kidding when I said that I was split on Addison. Look, there is plenty to like about him, and after the headcanons, he's grown on me. And he was an alright character in the comic. Not impressive, but alright.
Then came chapter 5.
Oh boy.
Guys, let me ask you a question. Have you ever come across a character who, no matter how many stupid or irrational decisions they make, they never get called out for it? Their dumb decisions never backfire on them? And like that, I think you know where I'm going with this.
A lot of us know by now that Addison was created by Xirxin, and that they do try to recapture him, and that he knows they're after him, right. So, Addi. ... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO OUT WITH SOMEONE YOU BEARLY KNOW!? Don't you have some sort of PTSD from being experimented on that is triggered by people touching you? Well, maybe not because you clearly aren't concerned about being recaptured by Xirxen. If you were, you wouldn't be heading out ALONE with a stranger. The funny thing is that, despite what Addi is doing by going on a date with Gustav, the story treats Addison like what he is doing isn't stupid. At most, Damian is made out to be irrational for being against this whole thing, and at most, Addi's mother only gets SLIGHTLY concerned about this.
Oh yeah, and there was that incident with Mackenzie. Look, story, I get it, no one likes Mackenzie, but are we just going to ignore that Addison attacked her when she was trying to help him? She didn't know about his PTSD, and yet not only does Addi not apologize to her, characters like Gustav act like Addi did nothing wrong. It's just brushed over as a meltdown. Um, I'm sorry, but no. Addi might have some issues, but Mackenzie didn't know, and is blamed for the incident by others instead of Addi because she committed the awful crime of trying to help. Kill me.
Look, I love Sahara. She's cool, and I love clumsy witches. The problem here is that she's kinda forgettable.
The issue is that not only has she not really done something no one else could do (no, really. Her role in arc 2 could've been anyone else, and nothing would have changed), out of her, Addi, and Dame, Sahara is the least interesting of the group.
Granted, she is going up against Mr." I was created in a Labratory, evil scientists are after me, and I'm cute and sassy" and Mr. "I am literally the anti christ and if ch 3 suggested anything, it's that I have issues and I'm somewhat sociopathic since I can torture my cousin and not give a damn". And besides, Sahara could still be compelling if given a striking personality by the comic. As my buddy, lillysash97, pointed out to me, there are some things here and there we can use to read between the lines and get an idea of who she is.
Still, what puts the nail in the coffin for me is that Sahara's lack of a compelling personality and story is made worse when you put her beside characters who have a lot more going on with them, and even vivziepop has called Sahara "that one friend no one gives a crap about " . Vivz realises that Sahara isn't as interesting as Dame and Addi, yet nothing is done about it.
I personally believe that Sahara is underrated, but at the same time, I get why not as many people like her.
Again, love this character. Especially love his moments with Cameron. However, when I started analyzing zoophobia for my rewrite series, I realized that Zech actually makes some of the wierdest decisions in the story. For instance,
In arc 1, he goes on about how horrible it is that Cameron was not informed about safe haven and what it was. He then proceeds to have her not know what safe haven is until CH 3, where she had to yell at people to get answers.
Also, Zech knows he has a demon as a student in school and that demons are outlawed in safe haven. And yet he apparently never tells the SH authority that Damian is attending school and is allowed to be up here. Kay then.
Look, Zech, love you, but for someone in a position of power, you might want to start making better decisions.
Now we get the characters I really don't like.
Not too much to say about Gustav here. I wish we had gotten more then just straight up douche before CH 5 for him. When he appeared in ch 2, he was just kinda there and didn't contribute much. When ch 5 rolled around, it was like "who's this guy again? "
Also, can we talk about how he treats Mackenzie. It actually makes no sense. In arc 2, he kicks Mackenzie off for wearing an odd costume. Gustav, you're in the theater world. How is a Fucking cat hoodie wierd to you? People dress up in much weirder things for Broadway musicals. Also, in ch 5, not only does he blame Mackenzie for Addi attacking her (victim blaming is definitely going to make people like you Gustav, totally ) when she was trying to help Addi, he says that he would've reacted worse. Gustav, please tell me you wouldn't have stabbed someone if they accidentally spill paint on you and then tried to help you. Oh, and apparently tripping is a terrible thing to do, and anyone who does it should be ashamed.
Even when Gustav defended Addi from Tom, I couldn't help but feel that the only reason he was acting nice now was because his smol baie was in trouble.
Basically, Gustav is a straight up douche. Apparently we were going to learn more about him later on in ch5, so maybe he might get better.
Oh yeah, and thus far, he hasn't become that interesting, but at least he isn't one of the main cast and hasn't had almost 2 chapters to star in. So maybe we can overlook him not being too interesting for now.
Oh yeah, and speaking of the character I was referring to just now.....
You guys remember how I said that Jack and Dame were interesting characters that had a lot going on for them and how both had strong introductions and were entertaining to watch?
What if we looked at the complete opposite? We'd get Zill.
Look, I'm sorry, but Zill is not that interesting. His introduction barely sets up his character. In ch 2, the most interesting thing involving him was the vampire attack. We get subjected to his and Kayla's relationship problems without being given a reason to care, and in ch 4, all we get is that he can sing, he is a good guy who does good guy things, used to be a womanizer, is in love Kayla and is drifting away from Jack. To once again reference something my buddy lillysash97 mentioned, it's disappointing that we can read into characters like Sahara who hasn't had as much time to shine than Zill.
Also, you have to admit, ch 2 made Zill seem like the most oblivious fucker on the planet. When Kayla dumped him, I couldn't help but feel that he kinda deserved it. I mean, is Jack really the only one who knew about the anniversary? We see Kayla telling Vanex about it, and since Sahara clearly knows about it, clearly there are other people who know about the anniversary. Are you telling me no one asked about or mentioned the anniversary to Zill in a week? I don't think Damian locked every student in ZPA in a locker. Either by some magical coincidence, no one brings up the anniversary to Zill, or Zill is so oblivious, he doesn't know that people aren't talking about the talent show.
Maybe Zill will become more interesting later on. At least he isn't a FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE -- --
Why did this bird show up? Not only is he kind of annoying, he had no reason to show up. Just have Vegenza f stuff up, leave him out, and nothing would change.
Even as I look more into zoophobia, I don't get why this character exists. Look, a character can be boring. They can be a terrible person. At least they'd probably have a reason to be there.
But this character. ...
And that's all I have to say.
Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think
I apologize for wasting your time
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simplicity1511 · 7 years
About the honey scene. People who don't like H@kyona usually refer to it because it's the most extreme one but there are many other similar scenes with Hak forcing himself on Yona it became a part of their relationship and the fact he makes Yona uncomfortable. I honestly don't understand how you said that hak was only trying to keep the honey from spilling when he himself admitted he did out of lust. At least Hak regretted that but in other scenes he just laughs it off (episode 9 for example)
Waking up to this ask made my fricken morning! I’m actually really excited to reply back to this :)
For me having been in the fandom for such a long time, I haven’t actually met a lot of people who don’t like the ship so @pepper-on-peach comments really threw me for a loop particularly because of that scene. For me, however, that scene was one of my favorites.
I guess I should explain my reasoning for that answer I gave. I’m aware he did it out of lust but before the incident, Jaeha had made a comment about how it looks like he doesn’t want Yona because he keeps his distance from her. Even telling Jaeha that she was someone he was entrusted to protect and his childhood friend as if he is trying to convince himself more than anything.
He was still thinking about that conversation when he encountered Yona and the honey and I think he just reacted. I know when I spill honey on my hand I lick it off.
So yes, Hak did it out of lust because in that split second all he saw was the honey and he reacted to it. He reigned himself in when she told him to stop. He wasn’t aware at what he was doing was inappropriate until he was doing it because I think that subconsciously he ended up responding to Jaeha of his true desires for Yona. How he wants to consume her like honey. However, consciously he saw the spilling honey and licked it off like how he would if he had spilled honey on himself.
We also have to take into consideration that he is only now showing any romantic interest towards her but if you have kept up with the manga, you would know that Yona just thinks he is trying to mess with her because he loves to tease her. She isn’t even aware that he has any such feelings for her. She just thinks its suppose to be some mean joke especially because he keeps saying she has no sex appeal at all. She doesn’t think he is sexually attracted to her and that he was just doing it to get a reaction out of her like he normally does.
Yes, that scene made her uncomfortable because no one especially Hak has ever done anything like that. When Kiji ends up getting a love potion created from the scale of the white dragon from a merchant, he discovers its a love spell and he ends up trying to seduce Yona and Yona replies that she was flattered by it when it wears off and he apologizes for his behavior.
He keeps telling himself that he can’t cross that boundary because of the difference in status of bodyguard and princess and his assumption that she still loves Su-won. You say he forces himself but other than the honey scene and him stopping from initiating kisses, I don’t see Hak as the forcing type because he won’t even tell her he loves her because she has other more important things to deal with. He doesn’t want to push his feelings towards unnecessarily.
Episode 9 is when he and Yona meet the priest and Yona cries thinking she lost Hak when he disappears at night looking for his weapon? Correct me if I’m wrong? I can see why that scene would be viewed as forced because had she not hit his head, thinking he had a fever and was checking his temperature he probably would have kissed her and since she was emotionally vulnerable that would have been a very bad idea. Thankfully that didn’t happen.
I don’t know if you read the manga but Yona starts to realize that she cares for Hak as more than just a friend. Even ends up initiating a kiss towards Hak. She forces herself on him so isn’t Yona no better then? Keep in mind neither are aware they love the other so both are clueless. Yona acted on impulse because she saw Hak looked really sad and worried for her so she wanted to ease his fears a little.
It sounds a lot like something Hak would do but he has never at the time that they have been together kissed her like a lover. He does end up kissing her on the cheek to ease her fears because he was going into battle alone as a village was going to get attacked and the dragons were all sick so he was the only one capable of protecting it. Again, similar to what Yona does to Hak.
I feel like we have to look at scenes within context and not label them as being forced because Akatsuki no Yona is anything but that. I have come across a lot of series, a lot of shojo where the guy forces himself on a girl by actually initiating unwanted physical contact like kissing or touching that the other person doesn’t want.
An example I can think off the top of my head is, Kurosaki-kun no Iinari no Nante Naranai. The guy ends up kissing the girl during a confrontation and ends up claiming her as his own when they first meet. This becomes one of many unwanted touching he does especially when she likes another guy in the series.
To me its all about context.
If people want to read where I said this and the context for this ask as this turned out longer than planned here is the link.
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hoe-imaginess · 7 years
I don't know if you've done something like this before but do you think Tobirama would be a good s/o?
Ooooo okay. This could have been a yes or no question and I could have left it at that but y’all know me with my unnecessarily extensive posts so this is going under the cut
To put it simply for those who don’t wanna read all this: No. He wouldn’t be. 
And I think the fact it’s plainly obvious that he’s my favorite Naruto character should erase any suspicions of me being unfairly bias when I say that. I’m not just saying it because he’s an asshole
In fact—and I don’t mean to dig at people—but a majority of the time, I see others write him off as being a 100% jerk and give no more thought to it. I guess that’s just natural given how he’s portrayed a majority of the time in the anime and manga, but I do see a different side of him. There’s more to the asshole exterior. I think there’s more potential there for his character if you look close enough. That in mind, I still don’t think it’s enough credibility to mark him as a good s/o but anywayyyyyy
In essence, if you can handle Tobirama’s brash attitude and his ignorance then okay yeah, he might still be a good s/o in your eyes. It’s just not going to be an entirely healthy relationship. Just a personal disclaimer though: I don’t think it’s easy to have a completely healthy relationship. I just don’t. I’m not saying it’s impossible or unheard of, but it’s just not easy. Obstacles will be in the way and I think especially in the shinobi world, and during Tobirama’s time in the founders era when contention was high even after Konoha’s establishment, you have to expect there to be setbacks in a relationship. Unfortunately, those setbacks are almost second nature when it comes to a relationship with Tobirama. 
Of course I love imagining Tobirama with a s/o because I think he deserves one (even if this post implies otherwise) but I think when it comes down to it, and if Naruto verse has implicated as such, he’d just work better without one. Work comes before anything else. Even if he really loved a s/o, that’s going to be a hard reality to accept at times. Even if it’s his pre-Hokage days, he was still dealing with Hashirama. And before that, the warring time. He’s always been busy. I don’t think there was ever a point in Tobirama’s life where he found free time to pursue a relationship. Which is why my favorite scenario for Tobirama is an arranged marriage AU. I personally just see that as one of the only ways you’re getting Tobirama in a relationship. Otherwise, if it was a casual relationship, and even if he really liked you, it would just be so difficult. He prioritizes work, blows the lid on his temper way too easily, and doesn’t have a sensitivity chip. If you’re a sensitive person, then Tobirama is not for you. When he’s angry, he doesn’t hold back. And there’s no saying he’s going to apologize for what he did either, in extreme cases
Let’s just take a play by play on this, I guess:
Tobirama is controlling. I’ve probably said that in other headcanons before, but he is. His intentions are to protect you and keep you out of harm’s way because really, he’s just protective. But he doesn’t always execute it well. You’ll feel constantly stifled and pressured by him to do what he wants, and when he wants. He gives you a hard time when you try to be independent or brush off his counsel
His pride is also a very big obstacle. He’ll do anything to save his pride. Whether that’s refusing to admit his guilt and consequently blaming you for mistakes/arguments even if they were definitely his fault, or, not showing you any affection because he’s afraid it will peg his pride. So if he’s constantly giving you a hard time and not compensating by showing you that he actually cares, you get pretty tired of it. It’s only expected. However, I will say that when it comes to reassuring you of his feelings and showing you that affection you need, he will do it eventually. You just have to wait for it. But that’s also a hassle. It gets draining after a while. The cycle of “why is he being so mean to me then trying to make up for it without even saying sorry?” just kinda sucks
He’ll yell at you a lot if he’s in a mood. For the smallest of mistakes. He’ll yell at you in public too like Tobirama doesn’t care. He yells at everybody. Goes back to his temper problem. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tobirama could make even the most strong-willed, callous s/o cry. He’ll make you cry a lot if you’re the type who cries easily. Even if you’re not the type, tbh. You know when someone yells at you/snaps at you and it bothers you for days? That’s what Tobirama will do to you if he’s in a volatile mood. Even if he’s not yelling at you, that cold glare and those sharp eyes are just scary when he’s irritated or when he’s talking down to you. Oh and condescending you: definitely a thing he could do. Tobirama can put you down a lot if he’s in a vindictive mood
So in general yeah he can be a huge asshole and being with him can 100% lead to an unhealthy relationship… But maybe in the beginning it would be okay? When he’s getting used to the relationship and actually trying to be a nice guy so he doesn’t intimidate you. But at some point, Tobirama just stresses out with work and he finds his train of thought focusing only on that work. Anything can set him off. Anything can irritate him. The arguments will be constant. You already know Tobirama is combative and will argue about literally anything, so it’s too easy to get into arguments with him. In some extreme cases, it would be abnormal to go a day without arguing
All this being said, I do have to give Tobirama some credit, if you can forgive him after all of this:
It might just depend on who his s/o is. What kind of person they are and how they react to him. If his s/o is passive and not combative at all, it’s easier for him to see the error of his ways and apologize for his behavior. That might not be enough compensation of course, but he feels incredibly guilty and knows he’s not being fair. In general, his mood might be more placid and you can avoid the arguments and tension. He’s actually pretty pleasant aside from the occasional attitude when he’s stressed
With a hardheaded s/o who also has an attitude and will argue in circles with him, it riles him up even more and the angrier he is, the farther that empathy and sensitivity to see the error of his ways is pushed. It takes a longer time for him to come around and apologize. It also takes a while for the frustration to go away and for the guilt to set in. Like I said, Tobirama will feel guilt for all he’s done eventually. Heavy, painful guilt. He doesn’t like hurting his s/o. He can’t help the way he is. He wishes he was different but he’s been like this for too long. It’s just with a stubborn and combative s/o (which let’s be fair: it’s natural you’d want to defend yourself when Tobirama gets snappy) he can’t really see past his anger when he’s in one of his moods, so it just makes the relationship so much more difficult. It’s with this kind of s/o that you’d see all the obstacles arise
I’m always in angsty moods, but when I’m in particularly angsty moods, I like to imagine that Tobirama is constantly afraid his s/o is going to leave him. Every time he fucks up and starts yelling at them or arguing with them about something, there’s an alarm going off in his head that says “Stop right now you idiot, or they’re going to pack up and leave you when this is over” but his anger fuels him and he can’t stop. He has to have the last word. He has to be right and he has to prove you wrong 
And one fatal flaw with Tobirama, is that although when you look at him you wouldn’t think he’s the type who could ever feel deep, deep compassion for another human being, when and if Tobirama finds someone he really cares about—loves, even—it’s so difficult for him to live without them. He just can’t see himself not being with them from that point on. They serve as a reminder that life isn’t all work and strain, but there’s good things in life too. They ground him. Which is why I think having a s/o would benefit Tobirama in a lot of ways. The compassion he feels for them just shifts his perspective on a lot of things. It’s that sentiment that drives the guilt when he upsets them, and leads him to try and make up for it in the end, even if he knows they might not forgive him. But he doesn’t want them to get tired of him. They could go find someone else who treats them a lot better, and he knows that. And it makes him panic sometimes. So he’d try hard to keep his temper under wraps and to be fair with his s/o, but sometimes, it’s just not possible. That’s just the kind of man Tobirama is
I’m so fucking extra sorry but basically yeah Tobirama has his ups and downs, leaning more toward the downs if he clashes easily with his s/o. ALSO to make it clear: I’m not trying to romanticize unhealthy relationships. If I were in a bad relationship w Tobirama Senju I would leave his ass on the spot. I would encourage anyone to lmao. I’m just saying that there are ways to work around a relationship with him and that he’s not completely heartless, which is why although I don’t think he would be a for sure good s/o, he wouldn’t be downright bad. He’d deeply care about a s/o if he found someone he liked, it’s just a matter of how you handle the relationship. And really, I think the way his and his s/o’s personalities mixed would really determine if he was ‘super volatile and cold’ Tobirama, or ‘decent and relatively pleasant’ Tobirama. 
The admin who thinks way too much about this on a daily basis
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sugarsculls · 7 years
Sorry this is unrelated to the ask meme, but do you have any headcanons/thoughts to share about freezerburn??? I love it and i really don't think it gets enough attention
Absolutely! It’s very underrated by the fandom smh and it has??? All the best tropes??? Rich girl/girl from humble beginnings. The graceful one/the bruiser. Tol/Smoll. Fire/Ice. If you wanna reach you could even say red/blue aesthetics in terms of personality, not really color scheme. THE NICE ONE/THE MEAN ONE. IT’S ALL THERE GUYS.
I think it’s an underrated and underappreciated relationship both in fanon and in canon (though I won’t get into that because that could be a whole other post.) But, one thing I can say, is that there is a chance for a more in depth relationship between the two if things go a certain way. Because honestly, they’re the ones in closest proximity to each other. And if my predictions are correct (which they probably won’t be, but it would be fun to think of) then they will be the first two to meet up.
Weiss is probably going to escape with Klein’s and Ironwood’s (and maybe Winter’s) help. So we’ll go off of that.
Let’s just assume that Yang is still in Patch when all of a sudden there’s a knock on the door and in comes Weiss. They haven’t seen each other in months, haven’t heard from each other in months, and here she is, having gathered data from Ironwood on where he sent the robot arm, right at Yang’s doorstep.
Yang probably wouldn’t react for a second, and Weiss would be albeit awkward about it, probably apologizing for “intruding” and “dropping by without warning” you know, because she still somewhat wants to portray that she is still the friend Yang knew back at Beacon, so Yang could feel familiarity and comfort. I think Yang would immediately break the silence by bringing Weiss in for a hug, which she would immediately return.
Tai would probably just be in the background a little shocked because ??? the last person he was expecting to see was the recently dethroned Schnee Heiress/his daughters’ friend and teammate on his doorstep but he’d immediately welcome Weiss in.
I think the Xiao Long family could do wonders for Weiss, and show her what a family should be like. Even if it’s broken, there’s care, there’s familiarity, there’s love. Even without a romantic undertone that I low key hope Yang and Weiss to take on eventually, it could give Weiss something she’s always wanted - love.
Now some headcanons going along with this scenario:
Weiss would serve as a sparring partner for Yang. Yang is very good in hand to hand combat as we were shown in 4x9, however, brawlers are not the only opponents she will be facing. In fact brawlers are probably the least represented opponents she will be facing. Lots of the characters we’ve seen in this show fight with swords and guns and staffs and something that they can use with speed, agility, and at a long distance too. Having Weiss, basically a polar opposite in personality and fighting style, there to help spar with Yang would do a lot of good, for the both of them.
Weiss has been, thus far, training to summon. She hasn’t had any sparring partners either. So, again, it works in both of their favors.
Yang being absolutely enamored by Weiss’ summoning and probably wanna fight it.
YANG TEACHING WEISS HOW TO COOK PLEASE it would be the cutest thing??? I headcanon Yang as being a very good cook and baker, and we all remember Weiss’ failure at watching a cake bake for 5 minutes in chibi. So it would be really cute seeing Yang teach Weiss and Weiss failing miserably multiple times.
Ten bucks says they’d start throwing the ingredients at each other and start a food fight which would end with them covered in flour but laughing on the floor, almost crying in a way, because they needed that, and they missed that.
Doesn’t mean they got out of cleaning up though.
Weiss offering to help with house work and yard work but she’s never done any of that before so it all ends up being a hilarious disaster and Yang just laughs at how badly she failed but regardless helps her up.
Weiss actually being really good at caring for plants. I’d imagine she would water the flowers without even telling them and Yang probably watches from her window, or the door, and just smiles. It’s peaceful and serene watching her work. She doesn’t notice the heat in her cheeks.
The two girls having nights to themselves while Tai is out teaching or doing work and it’s just a time for them to really talk. They talk about a lot of things, about the good and the bad, actually communicating. Sometimes it’s strained and sometimes it’s natural. I think Weiss could also help bring up Blake too, and we could hear from Yang’s perspective where this has left her. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Yang still held animosity for Blake. But deep down Weiss would know Yang doesn’t truly mean it, and they’d just talk about everything you know? I’m a slut for good communication content.
Those said nights where they have the house to themselves Yang would introduce Weiss to pillow and blanket forts. Weiss thinks it’s childish at first but honestly she loves it once the finished product is there. 
The two of them fall asleep on each other a lot, often with Weiss laying her head on Yang’s shoulder and Yang laying her head on Weiss. At this point Tai would come home to a living room turned into a fort with the tv still on, but the two girls asleep in each other’s arms and would grab an extra blanket and drape it over them. Maybe even kissing both of their heads before heading off to bed himself.
Weiss coddling and baby talking Zwei when no one’s around and Yang walks in with this knowing smirk and you can’t tell the difference between a tomato and Weiss at this point she’s blushing so hard.
I’m not sure if Patch happens to have a small town or village around, but assuming they do, I’d like to think they’d go into town and try and get a sense of normality back. Maybe go for cafe dates and even window shopping.
Yang telling Weiss about Summer would absolutely wreck my ass.
Weiss wanting to do something nice for Yang and Tai because of how kind they’ve been to her after escaping Schnee manor that she’d put all those skills she honed while at their home to use and make them a nice meal to show how much she appreciates what they’ve done for her.
Yang having a particularly bad day and Weiss leaving little sticky notes for her to read with compliments and little motivational one-liners. Some have really bad puns.
Yang teaching Weiss how to make better puns and jokes and Tai coming in and absolutely annihilating them because he is the joke and pun master.
Oh my god just. Just please imagine Yang teaching Weiss how to play video games. Just. Imagine.
I think Weiss could help Yang also control her anger and semblance too. Not a lot but giving her tips may help. 
I think at some point, the two girls would probably venture off on their own to start looking for Ruby since they probably where her destination is, and then from there find out where Blake could have gone. They want to make up with their team. They are the two steps forward and now they’ll take those leaps to bring their team back together.
With this in mind, and because embarrassing parents are embarrassing, Tai would probably make some dumb joke about how he’s “leaving Yang in your hands now, Weiss” and to “treat her right” and Weiss is honestly kind of embarrassed because she wasn’t that obvious right and Yang is kinda just like “DAD STFU”
Tai would actually genuinely be thankful for Weiss, because Yang needed a friend, someone close to her, someone her age, and here comes her teammate who was forcibly taken away. He’d express genuine gratitude for her coming for Yang.
I have more to add but honestly this got UNNECESSARILY LONG SORRY LMAO but it was fun to theorize about!
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