#j2 fallout theory
sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Not an ask, just an opinion.
Personally, I think Jensen has been in love with Jared the whole filming of SPN and Jared and he were involved all that time. When Jared decided to try to make his marriage with Gen work, broke up with Jensen and wanted to leave SPN, it devastated Jensen to the point where he wanted to hurt Jared very badly, by stealing the legacy they created together and making the Prequel. That would explain the anger exhibited by those videos/pictures he posted of him body building during The Boys, the refusing to take responsibility for his own actions and blaming Jared, the bad decisions, the sadness and self-loathing he exhibits whenever he is around his wife, the self-aggrandizing (to get Jared's attention) and why he only looks alive and happy when he's with Jared. The supposed women he is having affairs with are just for cover, to appease his ego and stroke his soul, which is probably the only thing keeping him going right now, underneath the swagger of ego. He's an unhappy, jilted, ex who met his soul mate and now has to live without him. I don't see his unhappiness ending anytime soon.
Hmm interesting opinion/ask you shared with me here, Anon. I see you are a so called "tin hatter" who has managed to find my blog. Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts with me. So, I am going to begin by saying that I will admit I myself have had some questions about some things I've learned and noticed myself with what I have seen, heard, etc. I do think a lot of what you're saying here has some truth to it. However, it is not as simple as them being exes or in a secret relationship or in love with each other and I highly suspect things are one sided. I don't know if you've read much about my blog or if you've just seen certain anti Danneel posts of mine but my blog is mainly about the SPN cast along with spirituality related topics, particularly divination. For that reason, I am going to share with you a reading I did about this topic back on October 4, 2023 after a friend of mine and I have been seeing some things while dreamwalking, and noticing some things that have manifested after seeing said things.
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In the Tarot, The Hierophant who is said to be the masculine counterpart to The High Priestess represents spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions, personal beliefs, freedom, and sometimes on the contrary challenging the status quo. The 3 of Cups is said to be a card of celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations, independence, alone time, hardcore partying, and sometimes even the notion that ‘three’s a crowd’. The King of Pentacles is symbolic of wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance, or on the opposite end of things being financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, and also a stubborn personality. The Page of Wands represents inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, a free spirit, newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, and a spiritual path being presented. The 7 of Swords (a card I admittedly am not liking in this reading I did) is a card that stands for betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, imposter syndrome, self-deceit, and states someone is keeping secrets. Death in the Tarot may sound self-explanatory as to its meaning but is not always meant to be telling of a literal death. In the Tarot, Death is about endings, change (and resistance to), transformation (internal and external), transition, and inner purging. Lastly, The Emperor in this deck ties in somewhat with The Hierophant with some similar meanings and what the card represents, which include authority, establishment, structure, a father figure, domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, and generally being inflexible.
So, I post an extremely small fraction of the things I receive divination readings about and post things with the direction of my guides. Some of my guides include the higher selves (in Jensen's case, former higher selves [currently a "dumped" incarnation]) of both Jensen's and Jared's. Some of the things I have not posted on here involve the true nature of their relationship, which again is not as straight forward or as simple as a said secret relationship between them or both being in love with each other. I do agree with you that Jensen seems to feel some hurt from some thing(s) Jared has done (or not) behind closed doors. After watching some old interview clips, con videos, etc., I do notice some interesting looks and behaviors coming from Jensen's direction (body language, how he looks at Jared compared to other people, etc.).
The King of Pentacles being diagonal from the Page of Wands (which I feel symbolizes Jared in this particular case) and also the 7 of Swords is very interesting (and concerning as I'll explain why). The Hierophant and The Emperor (boot looking card) paired in present in this reading together states there is an authoritative father figure that's fairly religious (Jensen's father who Jared reportedly called "Papa Ackles") involved that is a big reason why Jensen is in the closet. However, the 2 cards that tinhatters are probably not gonna like seeing the explanation for here are Death and 7 of Swords. As I'll explain below, these 2 cards are setting half the tone in this reading with . I am not here to appease to people with what I write and such. If it resonates okay if not then it doesn't, simple as that. The card in the center (Page of Wands) curiously is the same card I feel represents Jared. This to me confirms that Jared is more or less on the receiving end of things and isn't so much "giving" out as much as some think but instead "goes with the flow". I also believe greatly that Jared doubts himself a lot and seems to put himself down a lot when praising Gen and others, which is part of what's called Imposter Syndrome.
Based on what I know of his dad Alan and have seen in some YouTube videos (like this one, [trigger warning: this is a Pro Life related video so if this is a trigger do not watch!]), I do believe now based on what I've learned about his past, have observed both on and off camera with women versus Jared say, and even his actions (or inactions) that Jensen is not of the straight orientation. I believe also his dad is a big reason for this, as I think he is afraid of not getting approval from his dad should he not conform to the Christian family man image Jensen to this day tries to sell (and is failing at doing so more and more as the days go on). The Emperor (authoritative father figure) and The Hierophant (religious, institutional, and traditional ways of being) I believe tie in strongly with the dynamic between Jensen and his dad. Is Jensen afraid of "getting the boot" (The Emperor) from his religious dad (The Hierophant) and therefore his family? You mentioned the women/woman Jensen's sleeping with is all for cover and even his marriage with Danneel, or the so called "bearding". I have been wondering if this is why Jensen has never once that I can recall shown Danneel any real affection publicly (and vice versa). You can talk all you want about feeling this and that about her Jensen at cons but those of us who pay attention know better. Actions (and inactions) speak much louder than words. The 3 of Cups in this reading seems to point to what you are suggesting here.
With regards to the King of Pentacles representing Jensen, he likes to dress "nicer" (personally, I want to burn the green shirt he wore to the Charlotte con a couple months back), is VERY big on personal image and sticks with the Christian family man persona that clearly isn't working out. However, I believe he makes a lot of very poor decisions both from a business aspect (thus the "financially inept" tidbit from the King of Pentacles description coming into play here) AND in his personal life. I also elaborated a good deal here on the King of Pentacles representing Jensen in this reading I did a few months ago regarding Drake and Jensen's relationship dynamic (Drake being a so called "mini Jared" or "Jared 2.0). I also mentioned in that post things about Jensen wearing green velvet to interviews before The Winchesters aired. Rumors have been going around for a while that Family Business Beer Company is doing badly but I believe it's becoming more apparent in recent months. They are aggressively trying to expand the distribution of their beers yet their location hours remain at a solid 30 hours, which in itself is a troubling sign (as is being closed for 3 days of the week). Recently I've read a couple posts here on Tumblr mentioning possible layoffs have happened at FBBC in the last couple weeks, which is also always a troubling sign things aren't going so well. With respect to his personal life, whew I think that's just a downright hot mess. The lawsuit that was announced at the end of August with Jensen and Danneel Ackles named certainly will impact both their personal and business lives.
The house that Jensen bought back in July is surrounded by cemeteries (aka marked graves, who knows about unmarked graves), as I posted about here. I'll make another post about this but some speculated it was for business ventures aka a business investment to which my guides say "not quite, more like a real estate investment period". I agree with my guides 100% for multiple reasons and trust they are right. If Jensen intends on using this giant mansion for purposes remotely related to business investments, he and Danneel will be very unpleasantly surprised for multiple reasons. There is understandably some doubt about whether Jensen actually moved to Connecticut at all, due to several sightings of him in Texas at different times after he and Danneel were announced as the new owners of their CT mansion back in July 2023. Regardless of whether Jensen is fully living there, lives there part of the year, just bought it for a vacation home or whatever the story is, the fact is the Ackles don't seem to have had any strong ties to the state prior to them buying this house. Why buy a house on the other side of the country where you've barely visited previously if everything good going on for Jensen is in Austin, including Jensen's said best friend Jared?
I hate the be the bearer of bad news here but if you all think this is merely a business investment and that this will be converted into a B&B or another brewery location, I'll point you to 3 sources that says to me any plans Danneel and Jensen may have like this are extremely likely gonna get foiled real fast (type of zone their house is in, what you can and can't do in different zones in Connecticut, and oh my someone tried to petition to allow B&Bs in residential zones over 10 years in a house that's not even 4 miles away from the mansion and DENIED). Oh, and when signing the papers for buying the house, the lines indicating the purposes of buying the house per the online deeds records did not include any commercial purposes, only personal residence purposes. Hmm.... I would call the mix of these things being financially inept.
Jared on the other hand I wholeheartedly believe is represented by the Page of Wands in this particular reading. While both of them own businesses, are obviously wealthy, and both have refered to themselves along with Jeffrey Dean Morgan "the three kings", I believe that Jared has a more youthful spirit and can be more free-spirited than Jensen by a long shot. Generally, Pages cards represent either children, the younger self of a person in question, or in my opinion someone who has a youthful spirit (can be full of energy, enthusiasm for new ideas, is playful, etc.). Although the description of this card doesn't directly say it on the link I provided I always think of a youthful or playful soul when I see the Page of Wands. The Page of Wands in my deck has 3 peppers on it. It has been said that Jared switched out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky Dean ate in Season 15 Episode 5 "Proverbs 17:3" (scene clip from YouTube below) with real Ghost Pepper Jerky as a prank. Sam and Dean in Season 1 Episode 17 "Hell House" (which happens to be playing on my new TV in my room now as I'm writing this) also pulled quite a few pranks on each other going back and forth, and also reportedly did so in real life on the set but off camera. Jared I noticed also tends to dress more casually or if he dresses up more nicely it's not in elaborate outfits unlike Jensen. I mean also the second clip I shared from YouTube below says it all for me with regards to this card representing Jared in this reading from a youthful spirit point of view.
I also recall reading about how Jared explored Epcot Center and Universal Studios for a day by himself when he was just 8 years old, scaring his grandfather nearly to death who was crying when Jared walked out of the gates of Disney World. This to me shows that Jared is indeed a free-spirited soul who isn't afraid of embarking on new journeys alone (even if others don't like it and Jared doesn't end up liking what follows, thus at times does challenge the status quo even if he and others don't like the outcome), and seems to value novelty or discovering new things and even has more of a creative streak than Jensen if we're to be frank. It was also stated in this article I linked to earlier in this paragraph that Kripke felt that Jared's soulfulness and likeability would be more suitable for Sam Winchester while Jensen's more "charismatic" character would better fit Dean Winchester. Therefore it seems that Kripke and others just might agree with my statements about Jared's personality and that the Page of Wands represents Jared in this particular case.
If you notice in this reading, The Hierophant (the card that looks like a hand) is pointing down towards the 7 of Swords. Along with the 3 of cups being next to The Hierophant, this suggests that secrets are being kept hidden from the public's ears regarding sexual orientation and feelings overall (many signs point to it... literally). I'm not going to go digging through the tinhatters stuff because there's frankly way too much of it ha ha, and I'm sure you Anon are aware of at least a lot of it (and others who are coming across this will probably know some things). It's interesting going across the reading on the other side is the King of Pentacles above The Emperor which to me points to Jensen and his dad, along with society's expectations of men like Jensen as a whole (thus the whole Christian family man image Jensen's trying to uphold versus the reality of things).
Now, onto the part where at least a lot of tinhatters are likely not going to believe what I say or will like me less for it. I'm not here to appease people's beliefs or tell them what they want to hear but I'm instead here to simply state what I've observed, my interpretation of this tarot reading, etc. If someone resonates with this cool but if not, well that's on them not me. The 7 of Swords card is one of the most dominant cards in this entire reading and very much sets the tone. This card as I mentioned earlier speaks of things such as betrayal, deception, keeping secrets, ulterior motives, and even getting away with something. Jensen has been called homophobic for multiple reasons, including his remarks regarding how Brokeback Mountain ruined western films for himself and also saying that Destiel is not a thing. I have heard of the saying that the most homophobic men are in fact in the closet and trying to compensate. As Dean Winchester once said "Of course, the most troubling question is: "Why do these people assume we're gay?" and Sam Winchester said "Well, you are kinda butch, probably think you're overcompensating." (interestingly the website however says "but I just think you're overcompensating). People also do say art imitates life (and sometimes seems to predict things), which I won't fully explain here why that is the truth with Supernatural and Jensen and Jared holistically, not just in a tinhatter's kind of way. It seems Supernatural really did model Jensen and Jared's relationship in many ways... at least, that's what we're supposed to believe.
Based on what I've been observing myself, have been learning via divination (and watching manifest), and what another friend and I have been learning via dreamwalking, a lot of what we're all seeing publicly is in fact smoke and mirrors. I do believe that some of the negative things that have happened between them did manifest in part as a result of Jensen acting upon hurt emotions, but also due to more self-serving ulterior motives on his part. I believe Prequel Gate (along with The Winchesters related posts happening while Walker was airing on multiple occasions) and YANA ring a bell for some people.
Regarding Prequelgate, I saw a Tweet of an old clip where Jensen specifically said "hell no" about doing a reboot as Dean after Supernatural ends and Jared confidently says "I'll answer that for him... NO". I agree with the OP that this didn't age well... This goes back to the 7 of Swords card. I agree with Jensen's critics, that Jensen is an opportunist who looks at every chance he can get to make money. Did Jensen genuinely believe he'd never consider making a SPN reboot as Dean, or did he intend to do so in the back of his mind all along? Clearly The Winchesters became the Dean Winchester show. I was given an interesting nudge a couple weeks ago to watch the movie Jennifer's Body in my divine hearing. I realized there are many parallels between Jensen and Jared, and Jennifer and Anita "Needy. In fact, I have concluded that the relationship dynamic between Jennifer/Anita and Jensen/Jared is in fact 100% identical behind closed doors.
Something else that's been bothering me lately as I'm doing this research. Now, I'm not sure what Jared's views were when Jensen decided to open the Family Business Beer Company physically in 2018 given the name was clearly a nod to SPN, 2 years after Jared opened San Jac Saloon in 2016. However, the FBBC LLC itself was filed and therefore was actually born November 5, 2014, which was 2 years before San Jac Saloon was opened. Did Jensen have plans of essentially "taking over" the Supernatural brand possibly for years and cashing in on it without Jared?
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With regards to YANA, I noticed also in my research that Jared wanted to end SPN multiple times (from what I understand 2 of these times took place in 2008 and 2015) but was stopped from doing so by Jensen and perhaps others chimed in as well. Was Jensen truly concerned about Jared's well-being and just enjoyed working with Jared so much he doesn't want to stop and that continuing SPN (and therefore those big paychecks) was just an added bonus... or was Jensen simply acting concerned about Jared's well-being while having ulterior motives up his sleeve the entire time? Also why, just why would Jensen and Misha even go with the YANA nonsense? I mean some of the posts correlated with things like Jared announcing his return to Gilmore Girls, Jared's McDonald's commercial airing the same day a YANA video gets released, Jared getting his 3rd national corporate sponsor from Chevy again on the same day a YANA video gets released, etc. Honestly, this YANA businesses sounds an awful lot to me like another money grab. And don't sit there and say this was all the studio making them do it. At the end of the day, we all have choices. You can't really force people to do things they don't want to. Instead of choosing to say no to making YANA a thing, Jensen and Misha still went about it. Conforming to an authoritative institution's wishes (The Hierophant and The Emperor) for self-serving business and therefore financial purposes (King of Pentacles), eh Jensen?
I'm also interested in hearing from anyone why exactly Jensen reportedly made 50% more than Jared per SPN episode in later seasons (100k for Jared versus 150k for Jensen). The most logical explanation I could come up with based on research was Jensen got a director title attached to his paygrade after season 5, even if he wasn't actually directing the episode in question (directed 6 episodes in all). I suspect some favoritism may also have played a role, even if no one is saying it. I especially find it interesting that Kripke who was the original Show Runner for Supernatural initially didn't think Jared was smart enough to play the role of Sam Winchester. Sure, Jared certainly may have proven he is intelligent and therefore Kripke stood corrected on that tidbit; however, Kripke has repeatedly praised Jensen for things like his charisma (riiiight, go watch any interview of Jensen and you'll hear lots of umms, uhhs, and even inconsistencies between what he says from interview to interview), looks, charm, etc. It can't just be feeling overwhelmed or burned out with work as to why Jared wanted to leave SPN multiple times but didn't, nor does it explain why Jared had the breakdowns that he did in the past and why he was diagnosed with depression to begin with.
Edit: Adding this in because I believe it's very important to note here with the suspected favoritism and hostility on the set of SPN. Now, if this is remotely true at all, that Kripke got onto Jared's case "for having a bad day" and essentially holding production up over what some called "a hissy fit" back when he had his breakdown in 2007, oh boy am I now a big time Kripke critic. Also, Kripke overly praising Jensen as seen here is just absurd. Get it together Kripke, you're embarrassing yourself.
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Now, for the other part of this reading the tinhatters are probably REALLY not gonna like... the Death card. Like I mentioned before, Death in the tarot isn't always about a literal death but is often times about the death of something and following that, the birth of another. This translates to things like transformation, change (and resistance to), inner purging, and endings. *Shudders* ENDINGS?! Like the so called "Jivorce" is really happening?! THIS CAN'T BE OMG! Chill out all... just a bit. I don't believe as Poseidon said that they will completely drift apart. However, there are only so many chances someone like Jensen will get from Jared as far as maintaining friendships and such goes. I also believe that with the physical distance that is presenting itself, a distance between them on a spiritual, psychological and emotional level will follow suit if it hasn't started already.
I briefly touched onto Jared's playful, youthful personality earlier when I explained my interpretation as the Page of Wands representing Jared and how this card has 3 peppers on it. I also touched onto Jared pranking Jensen by switching out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky with real Ghost Pepper jerky. The title of this episode is "Proverbs 17:3". The ESV Biblical verse says "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts." According to bibleref.com, the meaning of this verse says: "Scripture often uses the metaphor of a crucible: a container used to heat metals to burn off impurities. Passages frequently apply this in the context of God testing, purifying, cleansing, or providing loving correction to His people (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9; Jeremiah 9:7; 1 Corinthians 3:11–15). The "fire" of hardships, persecution, or God's testing proves what parts of a person's life are godly and which are not". Interestingly, Jensen eating real Ghost Pepper jerky could in a metaphorical sense be compared to "turning up the heat" physically and is therefore the "crucible" here. I believe however with the way things did go for Jared with regards to the set of SPN, YANA, Prequelgate, etc. that it is Jared's heart that is being tested and that Jensen (equivalent to crucible here) is being tested physically.
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
I mentioned earlier that I believe Jared struggles with Imposter Syndrome with regards to the 7 of Swords card, which is apparently common in people who have anxiety and depression. Jared was diagnosed with depression as many of us here know. I believe the one who is transforming and changing here is Jared, and Jensen is who is resisting these changes. Provided that Jared's been given the greenlight for a fourth season while Jensen's The Winchesters was cancelled (and not to mention a lawsuit naming Jensen and Danneel came out of it), it seems Jensen did not listen to signs pointing to no (and therefore resisted changing his ways). I do believe that the way things went with The Winchesters being criticized heavily was the death of Jensen's life as he knows it... Given the Page of Wands is in the center of this reading, it seems many signs and things in this reading point to Jensen and in this case ultimately going back to Jared. According to this Tumblr post, Jared took with him from the set of SPN the fact it's not necessary to work 14 hour days. Based on how this post was written, from my understanding of things it was suggested that Jared wanted it to be clear that people can joke around with him and be comfortable around him despite being the boss. I may be misreading this but to me, this does imply that there could've been some mistreatment or passive aggressive type of behaviors on the set of Supernatural... or just like I said earlier in one sweet word, favoritism.
On a final note, I noticed that timing is everything just as Jared knew while timing his announcements with the AKF versus YANA business. The Emperor in my tarot deck is the boot looking card and the 7 of Swords card is depicted as a mouse holding knives. The day I did this reading (October 4, 2023) I happened to watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1" a couple hours before I did this tarot reading. In the first scene of the movie after the title screen and Peter is no longer a citizen of Earth, he is seen putting his headphones on and starts kicking around small creatures that stand only a little above his ankles (equivalent to the mouse in this tarot reading in the sense of being smaller than we are and both being seen as "pests") while wearing what appears to be rain boots prior to stealing The Orb from Morag. Peter Quill aka Star-Lord is certainly no conformist, loves his freedom, is obviously free-spirited, creative, and is highly receptive to changing for the better. On a perhaps more odd note, my guides have told me for a while now that I am essentially the real life female Star Lord (personalities being very similar, some intimate life details, many encounters with "other kinds", issues with educational institutions, leaving Earth [in my case via dreamwalking many nights, almost crossing over aka "ascending" off Earth multiple times, and almost physically once too over 10 years ago], problems with authority figures and discipline, and more). I'm not sure if this is true or not but as an added bonus, some websites including this one stated that Jensen auditioned for the role of Star-Lord/Peter Quill.
How interesting, given I received this particular reading on the same day I watched this movie for the first time since I finally understood why my guides kept saying "nope" for me screwing or fucking around", and would instead consistently say "you Fooled Around and Fell in Love"....
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chocolatecakecas · 2 years
make sure you leave out some mantra supplements and toilet water for jared padalecki tonight😌 #spnfamily
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
God same about Jensen!
He clearly had some insight into Dean that came out intermittently I just thought it was Instincts he had because he'd internalised Dean so much but didn't actually understand what he was saying, stuck in ol' "oh haha Dean is a stupid repressed child who only likes guns" mindset
Turns out WE'RE the fools and Jensen's been playing us ALL
when do you think he took up plans to take over SPN himself? I honestly think it's when they decided to end SPN at S15 and talks about how they should end the story were going on and they had to send him to KRIPKE of all people
Yeah its wild. I would love for him (with Misha's help) to write a tell all book one day.
I feel like jackles has been a far better actor than we all gave him credit for. He has always been very switched on to fandom, he knew about the warring sides, the hate and the bullshit, and I reckon he was being told for years by his bosses to always keep all sides of fandom happy and to play his damn role at all times (ironically just like how Chuck ordered Dean to play his role - life imitates art too often in this fucking show its almost scary). Hence why he's insights into Dean often came across contradictory and odd. Sometimes he had beautiful accurate insights which make total sense, and other times (usually in j2 panels) he'd regress back to the "haha dean just likes guns and girls like a macho man should".
We will never truly know what went on behind the scenes following the moment j2m announced s15 was the end (unless jackles writes that book) so its hard to truly speculate when jackles decided to take things into his own hands, but I also believe it was around about the time they planned the finale and everyone was kissing jarpiss's asshole and jackles was left in the cold to stare down a shitty death scene he didnt agree with. Going to kripke was prob the final straw for him.
He was gaslit into thinking that ending was okay, and whenever he tried to question it he was told to sit down shut up and do what he was told, all the while watching his manchild tantrum throwing drama queen of a costar get his dick sucked by the entire production team for coughing a few times and puffing out his chest and singing the praises of a finale that pushed the spotlight firmly on him and his cop propaganda show.
So yeah, jackles was done dirty, and so he became That Bitch and started making plans. He had the production company set up only days after the finale aired, turned off his social media and refused to be involved in any spn finale celebratory CW PR (absolute King Shit)
I think he started making calls before they even finished filming. Dean wasnt even cold on the ground before The Winchesters had been dreamed up as a way to bring him back. Jackles rare few post finale SM posts all alluded to Dean returning again. He knew what he was doing.
At the same time he was ghosting the manchild, and planning to move his family to Colorado to get away from him. After SPN finally wrapped in mid 2020, him and Jarpiss went their separate ways. They barely spoke after that. Jackles was setting in motion all his plans to fix everything that he considered a personal afront to him (because he is absolutely deranged and literally possessed by the ghost of Dean Winchester) and those plans certainly involve fixing the ending somehow - in a way that isnt obvious no doubt, because he still has to be careful and at least pretend like he respects the ending and his egotistical douchebag of a costar (though he hasn't been doing a very good job of either tbh!)
Thats all my speculation anyway. Holding out for that tell all book jackles!
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castiellesbian · 1 year
Remember when Jared didn't congratulate Jensen on his win for best horror actor
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obviouslacking · 1 year
hey where'd the group chats go
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dothwrites · 10 months
you know, if you subscribe to the j2 fallout theory and the jivorce, then the "at least they're talking" jokes in the french mistake become about a THOUSAND times funnier
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Wait I’m late to this, so I’m genuinely asking. Do Jensen and Jared secretly hate each other or something?
oh. uh...
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kind of, basically, yeah. jared has been an asshole who receives special treatment from the network for a long time, while jensen has tried to keep the peace and got fucked over by the end of spn. now that he's free from having to work with jared all the time, he seems to have lost his patience with jared and has been getting noticeably more and more prickly toward him. jared seems oblivious to this, or doesn't care, because he thinks being an asshole is funny.
the punchline is, jensen now has full control of the spn franchise as it moves forward. if jared ever wants to be in a spn show again, he's going to have to do it on jensen's terms.
here's some links to further explore the drama:
the "gutted" incident + building tensions surrounding the finale
"j2 fallout theory" explained
jared's homophobic destiel rant + jensen's face listening to it, his angry body language
my jared tag, for all your "why is jared an asshole?" needs
my j2 tag, for more documentation of jensen having had it with jared's bullshit
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if the supernatural movie doesnt include a reference to
nevada and georgia turning blue, stop the count, destiel making putin resign, sherlock season 5 rumors, destiel news meme, which political person had to be briefed on what destiel is now?, jensen looks like he was holding back homophobic slurs, weird cuts in the confession scene, which way was dean thrown now?, bury your gays speedrun, gay angels get send to superhell/eeby-deeby/cas plinko, recognizing the confession scene only by the first letters of each word, 'homosexual declaration of love', The Tapes™ (Release them now jensen!!!), meta analysis after 15x18, 'i gripped you tight and raised you from perdition' callback as dean saves cas from the empty, why lamp?, onion field, pizza man montage, parallels be paralleling, dean screaming cas name so loud in one take that people heard it blocks away, dean offering to kill sam if it means chuck brings cas back, the 4 year old son of lucifer becoming god, chuck won theory, 'we explore the nature of destiel in act two', excitement for a long finale which could only be about dean saving cas, right?, the insanity inducing quotes of the day for episodes, 'the night we met' and 'angel with a shotgun' songs of the day on set, filming in a barn, worst finale ever (even worse than game of thrones), weirly short with 11 scenes cut, two thirds montages, carry on wayward son playinf twice, back to back, one a weird cover version, vampmimes, no cas in the finale but instead some random vampire from season one no one remembers, dean finally gets nailed from behind, dean dies from tetanus, party city wig, good cars go to heaven, Car/Cas and Biden/Bi!Dean/Bye!Dean, 'cas helped', blurry wife, misha and jensen are not in the thank you video, everyone was supposed to be at the roadhouse originally but no one was informed of those plans, walker backdoor pilot, covid/capitalism destroyed everything, misha was in vancouver for filming the last episodes and was in less episodes than he was contracted for, misha denies ever having been in vancouver, misha says originally he was supposed to be in the finale as jimmy, misha says cas was supposed to be in the finale and 'sidle up to dean in the roadhouse', heterosexual destiel whose kisses would have created entire universes, destiel reciprocated in spanish, rogue translator, #TheySilencedYou, Jensen Ackles sexy silence, jensen ackles longcon, deanbenny breakup in season 8 script leak, Heller Obama, fake italian dub, misha collins x bill clinton sex scandal, misha addressing the "scandal" and tagging bill clinton and monica lewinski, 'still beautiful, still dean winchester', mishapocalypse 2.0 and 3.0, 'eyes like the sky' beer from jensens brewery rumored to be misha description, cockles anniversay photo, chaos machine jensen ackles' production company, 'rainbow road' beer close to deans birthday, blue green ('destiel') shotglasses from jensen brewery, ash and ellen's actors roleplaying roadhouse reopening in twitter, people think they are planning destiel wedding, disappointment when thats not the case, fans celebrate Destiel Wedding anyway on Valentine's Day 2021, fallout with both actors after one said a 'queer interpretation would damage the integrity of the show',
*takes a deep breath*
jared calling cas junkless and comparing his love for dean to the love he has for his children, misha collins cameo including 'still beautiful, still dean winchester', saileen and midam wedding, spn prequel announcement and subsequent j2 fallout, '@/robbiethompson et tu brute wow. what a trully awful thing you've done #bravo you coward', the prequel being about the least favourite characters of supernatural and a love story disproved by canon, 100000 destiel fics on ao3, misha tweets about that, rumors if mishas secret ao3 account, real italian dub going 'you're kinda okay' instead of i love you, misha tweeting a video of him saying 'te amo' in response to that', jensen saying if there'd been more time he (he meant dean but he used first person pronouns) would have hugged cas and said 'i love you too', first anniversary, misha collins coming out as bisexual on accident and then saying he 'happens to be straight' three days later in a five post apology thread, hot sauce from adam/micheal actor advertised by him playing midam, casbaiting in the winchesters trailer, jarlos shipping by winchester main actors, dean with beard and turtleneck, jensen saying he wanted misha in the winchesters but it didnt work out because of scheduling conflicts but hed be there in a season two shortly before the show was cancelled, death of the rogue translator and destiel getting dragged to the trending page every time there is news
*panting* then i dont want it.
yes this is all i could remember without looking it up
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rowenalesbian · 2 years
what i want everyone to understand is that the j2 fallout was a rumor for MONTHS. so it wasn’t even that this was out of the blue necessarily, but that it was a confirmation to a theory that like half of bloggers already believed while the other half dismissed so it was liked wait??? it’s true??? for real??????
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angelsdean · 1 year
I saw your tag to a post about jp's bullshit answer at denvercon 2021. What happened there? What question were asked?
basically someone asked jensen: when did dean know cas loved him? and jensen said, for him he played it as dean didn't know until the end, and he talked about his interpretation (which he's talked about before) which is that dean has always seen angels as these higher beings and never would've thought them capable of love like that (which i mean. IS a headcanon that is pretty prevalent in the fandom and you see it in fics a lot where pre-getting together dean thinks cas could never love him like that bc he's an angel etc etc).
Anyways then J*red derailed and interrupted jensen (on a question that wasn't even about him or his character !!!) to joke that cas is "junkless" and then rambled on and on word-vomiting abt how spn isn't about romantic love or sexuality and basically invalidating cas's confession and saying it was not a romantic declaration of love, it was open to interpretation, etc etc. And then jensen was left to try to do damage control of all *that* in the moment and so he said cas's declaration went beyond the romantic because he's an angel and his love for dean would be more, and that there weren't really words to describe it, like it was more than just romantic. which TO ME, does not read as negating that it IS romantic but is instead saying that cas's love for dean encompasses the romantic and more. He was basically saying cas's love for dean is almost like worship bc he's an angel, and it's more complex than humans could understand, and well, that's another thing i have seen said in the fandom time and time again. Cas's love for dean IS vast and complicated and all-encompassing.
However, everyone was quick to lump jensen's response in with j*red's and say they were both negating the confession and saying it wasn't romantic, instead of what it really was which was jensen trying to fix what j*red said on the spot. And yea it wasn't a perfect response, he probably could've worded things better, but it wasn't like he had time to formulate a good response. He wasn't expecting any of this because the question wasn't even for j*red. There was no reason for j*red to speak. Also this was a Creation Con J///2 panel, so you can imagine which fans made up the majority of that audience and just what the atmosphere must've been like. Jensen also stormed off the stage after this and his body language toward j*red at the end of this panel (and really that whole con) was super closed off and hostile. This was like the first in person con since the pandemic too (and after the prequel announcement) so the j2 fallout theories were HIGH and some ppl also thought j*red was being an ass during that question on purpose.
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dynamightdean · 1 year
Alright so the j2 fallout theory idk if you already got the answer, and also I wasn't here for this at the time, but from what I got from reading about it:
The idea is basically Jared and Jensen had a falling out some time prior to spn ending, over whether Dean deserved to die in the finale among some other things (creative differences? not taking spn seriously enough? who knows, not us). Basically, Jensen disagreed and a week after filming the finale (September 2020), he immediately decided to make a production company for the purposes of doing Dean's story justice but didn't tell anyone. People theorized he didn't like the finale but fans didn't have any confirmation bc Jensen went radio silent after the show ended other than a couple comments about Cas's goodbye scene. But overall he kept quiet or neutral about the finale ("sexy silence").
Then June 2021 was when spnwin was announced which resulted in messy Twitter drama from Jared (the "et tu brute" and "I'm gutted" comments) bc Jensen didn't tell him about it beforehand. They supposedly made up afterwards but the theory is that there is still tension which is why Jensen looks pissed in so many cons when he's with Jared, allegedly.
Some fans still thought that Jensen was happy with the finale for a long time afterwards until uhhh I don't remember which con but he was specifically like "I didn't want Dean to go out that way, I think that's been documented" and it's been pretty clear since then though I guess some fans still aren't seeing it?
Thennnn all this stuff with spnwin recently about supposedly asking everyone but Jared to be in the show and we're at present day, more or less. There might be more but I'm not sure.
There's some connection to destiel bc the only comments that Jensen made or liked had to do with 15x18 but that is very unclear and I think it's just speculation tbh (though I personally 100% believe that a decision has been made about how to address it, but based on 18 YEARS of spn history, I have some serious reservations about whether it will be canon, but I'm also way more hopeful than pre jib11 in February - I did some meta about this you could find it on my tumblr). So the jackles long con is the (conspiracy) theory that all of the above is an intentional but low key effort to make destiel canon.
Personally I think all of this is still just a theory but it's objectively HILARIOUS how all of this played out publicly because of how messy and petty all of this is. 💁🏻‍♀️
Thank you so much, I think I vaguely knew a lot of bits and pieces but that def puts it all together. The jackles long con I did know about, I love it so much lol. And also I am very hopeful as well, but trying to be cautiously hopeful!!
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walkingtalkinggone · 2 years
I know the last thing we need is more prequel discourse but…
I have some thoughts lol. Not so much about the prequel itself, but about the fallout.
After everything settled down, a lot of previous J2 fans became more like Jared-only-sometimes-Jensen fans. Even a lot of hats started to show their contempt for Jensen.
At first, I got it—what Jensen did was shitty. I have my own theories but while none of us know and might never know what really went down, what we do know is that Jared has clearly forgiven him and they’ve both moved on.
I understand if you were mad a few months after the fact; after all, Supernatural meant a lot to us too, and hearing that Jared had no initial involvement hurt and surprised a lot of us.
But at the same time, we don’t know Jared or Jensen. Neither of them know we exist. Even if you have met them in the past, do you really think you’re so important to them as to have any right to dictate whether or not those two are on good terms?
It’s been almost a year and I still see snarky comments about what an asshole Jensen is, how apparently their 17 years of friendship were all fake, how Jared was abused, gaslighted, brainwashed, etc. And that’s just way too far. Even if it’s a joke (an unfunny one at that), there comes a point where it’s not you feeling “grieved” over what happened—it’s just an excuse to disparage Jensen.
What exactly is your end goal? What do you want to happen? For Jared and Jensen to make up? They already have—and you still hate Jensen. Do you want them to cut each other out of their lives? No, because you know Jared would be miserable if that were to happen. Do you want Jared to be in the prequel? No, because that means Jensen had to beat him into submission to get him to appear. You don’t want Jared to be in the prequel? No, because that means he’s being excluded.
And what’s crazy is some of you are still spending exorbitant amounts of money (which helps line Jensen’s pockets btw) to get an autograph from him or get a photo op with him and none of you will ever have the balls to say anything to his face. You’ll smile and giggle at him and act like you weren’t shit talking him an hour ago online.
I truly do not understand it.
No one wants the prequel to flop more than me. The horrible plot, the absolute decimation of canon and established storylines, the pathetic attempt at diversity (a Latino stoner named Carlos who serves as the comedic relief…really? As a Latina that’s just insulting. 😬) But I realize that Jensen and Jared’s relationship has nothing to do with me. If Jared has forgiven him, then that’s enough for me. I love both of these men and they both mean so much to me and it’s really disheartening to see so many so-called J2 fans be the ones to talk the most shit.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Given the utterly deranged and wrong things Jarpiss thinks about Supernatural and Dean, along with Jackles general contempt for the asshole, I am starting to think an actual SPN reboot would be impossible.
Jackles could attempt to close off Dean and Cas's stories in a proper way within The Winchesters if he gets more seasons of that, or perhaps bring out another spin off focused on Dean and Cas after having escaped to another universe perhaps?
But a full on SPN reboot with Jarpiss once again taking on the role of Sam? Honestly I think its unlikely.
The only other way to do it is either recast Sam, or wait another decade or so and then reboot SPN again from scratch but with a whole new cast of twentysomethings.
I doubt they'd recast Sam, as even with Jackles contempt and Jarpiss's general appalling behaviour, it would fire up so much bad press and piss of the deluded bronly/j*red stans so much they'd prob get violent (theyve been known to in the past).
So what does everyone think the options are here? A proper send off in The Winchesters? A new spin off focused on Dean and Cas? (Which could also generate controvery in itself), or a full reboot with all new cast and Jackles taking on a producer role and maybe some time travel hijynx for him and Misha to cameo as older Dean and Cas (like they did in the Star Trek reboot movies).
Personally I'd like a mix of all these options! So long as we get proper closure for Dean and Cas's stories, which I genuinely believe at this point is Jackles ultimate goal in whatever he is planning.
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angelcasendgame · 1 year
Remember when j2 fallout was just a theory
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
Tumblr media
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lulu-zodiac · 3 years
there’s just. there’s just so much to unpack here. I mean:
- jensen emphasising this is the FIRST story he wants to tell about the spn verse (read: the destiel spin off is coming)
- chaos machine's new pride icon
- misha joking the prequel needs a trench-coated angel, which, based on historical data, only means one thing: the prequel absolutely has a trench-coated angel in it (our favourite one with the rainbow wings and squinty eyes, to be specific)
- kripke causing multiple social media platforms to explode by liking said tweet
- jared hearing about the prequel for the first time on twitter at the same time as the rest of us
- misha absolutely not hearing about the prequel for the first time on twitter at the same time as the rest of us
- the entirety of tumblr and twitter trying to fathom why jensen decided to make a show about a character the whole spn fandom have spent fifteen years wanting to punch very hard in the face
- hot topics include: will john's shitty actions be ignored or explored? is the prequel really just a cover for a destiel spinoff?? or just an elaborate and expensive method of ensuring cas finally, in some universe, gets to smite john?
- rowena considered for the prequel but not sam
- it becomes clear danneel and jensen knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they named their production company "chaos machine"
- et tu brute, gutted, bummed
- the increasingly likely possibility that the french mistake and the mockumentary were actually prophetic visions (related: someone check on misha)
- bobo berens and kripke add more fuel to the twittersphere fire
- most of the fandom yelling "fight, fight, fight" at the cast of their favourite show six months after it ending
- a complete, collective tumblr meltdown as fires that have been brewing in opposing corners of the fandom for over a decade implode into either vindication or denial
- unprecedented scenes in fandom history as self-confessed ex-j2 stans quietly let themselves into the cockles trash dumpster
- the realisation that jensen has been plotting this for months (important questions: how long has he known? when they were filming the finale?? at the creation con panel? is this what was going on under all that sexy silence???)
- most of tumblr on tenterhooks simply from watching two middle aged men follow and unfollow each other on twitter
- the fact there are still conventions booked and j2 panels that are absolutely going to happen after all of this
- no one knows if biden is okay
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