#anyway yeah i was just waiting for my laundry to be done. it done now so LMAO i should go get it bye
todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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laundry takes nine years to do
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iluvmorales · 1 year
Earth 42, Miles Morales
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summary you’re practically part of the family.
a/n none
word count ??
You placed a lid over the pot of arroz, allowing it to steam while Rio, mrs.morales, played her reggaetón. “Mija, you can leave it now it’ll be a couple minutes before it’s done for sure.” She called out, waving you towards her.
You nodded and smiled, making your way over to her. “Miles and Aaron should be back before it’s ready, thank you for helping me mija.” She smiled sweetly. Mrs. Morales was always so sweet to you, she believed you were a great influence on her son and an even better future daughter in law.
“Ah I’m not in a rush anyways, I love cooking with mi suegra” you took a seat next to her. She beamed at the name, she couldn’t wait til you and miles married, even thought that would be years from now since you both are still teens.
Just as she was about to get up to finish laundry, the front door open and a sweet familiar voice called out. “Mamí we’re home!” Miles.
Rio walked over to greet her son with a warm hug and a side hug to uncle Aaron. Miles walked over to you with open arms as Aaron and Rio walked to a back room. “Hola mi hermosa” he rolled his r’s and his voice was deeper, but you got up to give him a big hug anyways. “How was it today?” You asked, a smile across your lips.
You knew who miles was, even after a big fight when you found out, you both came to an agreement. The terms being he made it home safe every night, No killing innocent people, and he’d text, call or tell you in person about every job he worked.
“It was smooth actually, no fighting, no ambushes just an honest transaction.” He huffed, his hands slowly sliding off your waist before falling back into the chair.
You just hummed as you went to check on the rice once more, peeking into the room and seeing Aaron slide Rio some cash, to which she reluctantly accepted after he told her to take care of his nephew.
You went back to minding your own business, watching miles walk to his room to change. After a good 10 mins, the rice was finally done “Food is ready!” You called out. Rio and Aaron walked to the kitchen. “Smells good as hell” Aaron laughed, causing rio to laugh along. “All cause’ of Y/N! I think she’d make a perfect nuera para mi” she winked at you, and you smiled.
“You all can sit down I already started serving plates.” You hummed. It was Arroz con gandules y bife, nothing too special. You set their plates down before looking around, noticing miles was still not back.
You turned to Aaron with a puzzled face ; “did he eat at all today?” The man shook his head before gesturing for you to go after him. You huffed before marching towards his room. “Get on his ah mija!” Rio jokingly called out causing a laughter.
You knocked lightly before opening the door. It was dark, and all you could see was clothes all over the place and his silhouette laying on the bed. “What’s the point of knocking if you’re just going to come in anyways?” miles joked, his voice strained.
“Miles are you alright?” You walked up to his bed, sitting next to his lap. “Yeah I’m just tired, really sleep for some reason.” He yawned mid way through his sentence, his shirtless chest rising and falling.
You placed a hand on his leg, patting it; “Can you eat something before you pass out then? Uncle Aaron said you haven’t eaten, and I cooked for you.” Your voice laced with concern and a hint of pleading.
It wasn’t all too uncommon for miles to forget to eat, his job took up a lot of his time. “Yeah, yeah.” He sat up, rubbing his eyes before placing a hand around your waist. He pulled you with one hand and another lifted your chin and placed a kiss on your lips.
“I knew the food smelt too good for it to be my moms cooking.” He joked, causing giggles to erupt from the both of you.
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
Please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 do a yandere miles morales scenario if reader runs away from him
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Pain Isn't Strong Enough
A/n: I'll get as close as I possibly can to "running" away as I can. If nearly spinting almost counts, then absolutely.
Miles didn't know what went wrong. You two were fine with each other the entire time. You often came over to eat dinner. Paid attention to his jokes. You made jokes back. You seemed comfortable when you came over to his place, and vice-versa seemed comfortable when he pulled up at yours. You stole hoodies from him like he wished for you to do. You often texted and called, and everything. You two had great communication skills, the whole fucking nine. So why....? Why are you not...being you??
He knew something was up when you gave him weird strained smiles all throughout the school day. Only would greet back when you two ran into each other again during passing period, and never said anything past that, especially when you two had physics together. He spoke the whole time. You best understand that he definitely checked up on you. Multiple times.
"...baby, are you okay? You've been kind of....kind of quiet lately. Did you eat? How'd you sleep last night?" "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. I'm good." You'd say, nodding at him. He'd stare at you for a few seconds. Waiting for your face to crack or anything. But nothing. So he let it go for now.
At the end of the day, he offered to walk you home. He asked every single time you two walked back to your place, and you always told him to stop asking since you both always would go, no matter what happened. "Lemme you home, ma." He mutters it softly like every other time. "No." Miles stopped in his tracks and snapped his head toward you. "No?" He nearly shouts it. The confusion he felt was embedded deep into his voice when he repeated that word. The fact that you felt, he assumed, uncomfortable enough to openly decline him walking you home just rubbed him the wrong way entirely.
But he didn't mean to respond so abruptly. He collected himself as soon as he said it to not alarm you. He gives you a concerned stare, making sure to watch your eyes. "You sure?" He steps closer to you, getting rid of the space that he felt like was separating the two of you. "Yeah. I just want to go home." You made up some phony excuse to get him off of your back, but of course, it didn't work. "Then let me take you." "I just said no. Is it wrong that I don't want you to come with me this time?" You slip on your wording, wanting it to sound nicer to not be suspicious. And it just left Miles with more questions.
The undertones on your phrasing made him frown. He stays silent and you regret opening your mouth for every second he doesn't respond. You avoid his gaze, staring down your designated block. "No. Go 'head. My mom prolly need help with the chores anyway. I'll see you later, Mi Corazon." He softly whispers the nickname to you, pecking your cheek. You cheese every time he does it. Giving that laugh he loves and saying that you love him back. Now, you don't even flinch, not meeting his gaze once. "Hm." And you walk off.
His initial thought was that you're cheating. But he would know. So, he lets his heart and bones ache for the rest of the day as he waits for you to talk to him. He lets his mom bother him about where her "step-daughter" is and tries to stay chill the entire time he does his homework. His mind was loud and quiet at the same time. He couldn't seem to focus on one thing at a time until he knew the two of you were good. But he didn't want to press you, he didn't want to stress you out. He wanted you to take your time in reaching out to him. So, he stays patient.
By 9 o'clock, he was done with all possible things he could've done to pass the time. Did the laundry, made dinner, cleaned his mom's car, spoke with a neighbor, he even fixed the fucked up cable wires that had been preventing everyone from watching TV this past week. And it was until then, that Miles finally gets a text message from you. He was practically staring at his phone as if he knew you would answer and immediately swiped it off of his desk to see what you finally said. But nothing in the world could've prepared him for what he saw on his screen and he felt his heart drop as he read the message.
Baby - [Are you the prowler?]
He was ready. He was ready for any response you could've given him. I need space, I'm sorry, how are you, what are you doing, can you come over, hey, i miss you, i love you, fuck you, don't talk to me ever again, lose my number. "Is he the prowler"?? Is that what he's seeing on his screen right now?? Miles firmly believes he's hallucinating that message you sent, but the other ones above it that he had read a million times over are still the same, so it has to be real. Miles thinks of all of the hiding places for his gear, his other computer, his hidden weapons, his other bunch of keys, the paperwork for the deals he made, fuck, he couldn't think of what you possibly could've found that made you draw that conclusion. He cursed aloud and watched his hands begin to shake.
It wasn't the end. You wouldn't end the relationship over something as small as this, right? I mean, he would never hurt you, he knew that you knew this. But on the inside, he knew that this was the end of something. And he didn't know if he wanted to know what. Another message came up. You knew he saw it.
Baby - [Answer me.]
Miles - [I'm coming over.]
Baby - [No, don't.]
He shoved his phone into his pocket and rushed to put on a jacket and some shoes. Sneaking out to the fire escape, he rushed down to the street to speed walk over to your place.
You were scared. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but in the back of your mind, you knew the truth and just couldn't help but feel real fear in your heart. He really was the prowler. You saw everything. That hyper-realistic metal mask you found under his pillow, it couldn't be for just nothing. For fucks sake, it even had the same holographic colors and shape. You found the claws and couldn't bring yourself to see anymore than you already did. And what made it worse is that when you spent the night the same time that you found his gear, he snuck out of the bed....not returning until the early hours of the morning. It made you sick to your stomach.
He was supposed to just be your boyfriend. Not a killer and a fucking robber and whatever else he was. Secrets as big as these just made you question everything else about the relationship you two had. What if he also had bitches on the side? What if you weren't the only one? What if he was using you? Would he......would he kill you...? You were gonna vomit.
Your body felt numb as you put on his hoodie and a pair of shoes he had gifted you. Everything that reminded you of him, you couldn't get rid of. You love him too much. The more you try to shove him away, the more he surrounds your everyday life and mind. And now he was going to find you. You weren't ready to talk at all.
You turned off your location on your phone and left. Maybe you can stay at one of your girl's houses tonight. But she lives in the direction of Miles's place, and you'd probably run into him on the way there. Maybe your cousin that lives like 30 minutes away? It's dark and....the walk would be so fucking dangerous, but it's safer than literally talking with a killer who you slept in the same bed with who-knows-how-many times. What were you going to tell your mom? Your family? His family?? Did his family know? How can you break up with him without causing an uprise? It almost seemed impossible because everyone loved you two being together. And the ones that hated it wanted it more than the two of you did. Too many people had hope in your relationship, it was horrible. It shouldn't have come to this. Maybe you should've just minded your own business.
You round one, two corners. It's dead silent and there's no one on the streets, which somehow feels worse than actual people being there stalking the streets. You hate that you can hear your own heartbeat and breath. On your third corner, you crash into a chest and rough hands grab you before you can fall. "No! No, get off of me!" You thrash in his arms and he seems to almost yell in your face. "Y/n, can you calm down? What the hell is you screaming for??"
"You know why I'm screaming at you, nigga!" "No, I don't I actually don't. So instead of running from me, can you talk to me?" You huff and go silent, pulling yourself out of his grasp to try and breathe. Miles's face falls when he sees how stressed you look. Your veins almost seemed to pop out of your neck. Did you really not want him there? He didn't know what to do. "Please, cariño, I just want to understand..."
You didn't want to start the waterworks and looked up to keep tears from falling down your face. You struggle to croak out the words, gesturing to help yourself cope. "The stuff...t-the stuff under your pillows and bed." Miles looks off to the side. "What is that stuff you got, Miles?" Suddenly it was quiet again. He didn't want to tell you. You didn't want it to be true. Why wasn't he denying it? Why wasn't he hugging you and telling you it was all fake? A science class experiment? Something? Anything but this?? He looks back at you and gains the courage to step closer, bringing a hand up to wipe away your hot tears on your face, like he promised he'd always do for you. He shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about, baby."
You just seemed to cry harder at his words and pulled his hand from your face. Your throat was beginning to close up, the truth showing in what wasn't said. "I hate when you lie to me. I know you know that I hate when you lie to me. Don't lie....don't lie.." Miles wanted you in his arms again, not far away, distancing the two of you in your mind like he knows you're doing. You're great at disappearing when feeling stressed, but to leave him alone? He doesn't think he can take that. He gave his heart to very few people in his life, and somehow it can never fix his problems. His mom's stressed, Aaron wants more from him, and his Dad.... You're the only one that's given him what he didn't know he needed. You're his salvation. And for you to slip out of his fingers is something he can't allow. His only option left is to tell the truth that he has been hiding for so long.
"I am." You sniffle and wipe your eyes. He can't seem to look at them, instead he stares at the necklace he gifted you when you first got together. Knowing that you kept it on was all he needed to keep speaking. "I am the Prowler."
Your face shifts from sadness into one of frustration as he explains. "I've been the Prowler for 2 years now. I go out almost every night. It helps my mama pay the bills, it keeps Brooklyn safe, and it keeps my close family safe as well. I don't do this for nothing." He whispers the words so quietly, as if he was whispering a taboo to you. Never slipped out of his lips before until this one moment with you. You turn your face the other direction. Miles watches you clench your jaw and rushes to take your hands into his, kissing them lightly.
"And I know that's a long time. And I know I was hiding it from you, baby. Pero tienes que confiar en mí. You're on my mind every single night when I'm out. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I couldn't come back to you one night because I wasn't careful. So I stay careful."(But you have to trust me)
Both of his knees hit the hard concrete as he stares up into your glossy eyes, not daring to look away. "You can do anything, anything to me. I don't care. You can beat me the fuck up, mami. But, por favor, no me dejes. I need you! I need you to live, baby. I can't be without you. I don't wanna see you walk away from me. Please." (Please, don't leave me)
Miles whispered the words only for you to hear. All you wanted was that apology and you wished to give in so bad. You wanted him to stay. Miles stood when you looked the other way to catch your eyes again. "Just let me walk you home, mi vida, and we can talk about this in the morning, okay? Or even tonight, if you want to. Just don't give up on me, not like this." Miles's heart was racing a mile a minute. He really didn't know if he could convince you in this moment. Your face seemed to be stone cold. But when he grabbed your hand, you seemed to tighten your fingers around his. His eyes told you what his mouth couldn't say. And by communicating through silence, you let him pull you in the direction of your home.(My dear)
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kelcemenow · 11 months
Call Her Daddy.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 829
Warnings Sexual references, fluff and strong language...obviously.
I hope I've done this one right! I've never heard of the podcast, nor have I listened to it but I did a some research and just went for it! "Hello first of all I’m a huge fan of your work, I have an idea in mind hope you like it. Y/n and travis have been dating for a bit just there close friends know about the relationship and Alex copper a close friend of the reader invites them on her podcast call her daddy where they talk about there relationship/sex life"
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"Okay, next question. What is your favourite sexual position?"
You hummed in thought, "I love being on top." You smiled at Alex who nodded in agreement, "There's something about being on top that gives me a sense of power, isn't there? It's a bit dominating."
"Would you say that you like being in the more dominant role in the bedroom?" Alex questioned.
"Sometimes." You giggled, "But on the flipside, I really like being thrown around, you know? Like...lifted up, thrown onto the bed, pushed up against the wall, carried around...that's what I want."
Alex fanned her face with her hand, "Phew, you're speaking the truth here Y/N. So, I promised an exclusive scoop earlier to everybody and I think it's about time that we get to that. Y/N is not my only guest on this episode, we have someone joining us, don't we?"
You laughed, "Yeah, I've been seeing some rumours flying around regarding my dating life and I gotta be honest, a lot of people are getting it all wrong!"
"Gotta love those rumours!"
"So, when Alex asked me to come on Call Her Daddy, I thought it was the perfect time to set the record straight. Plus, I'm going on tour soon and he'll be at quite a few shows so everyone will figure it out eventually anyway."
"So, our guest is someone that you're dating?"
You smiled and adjusted your headphones, "Yeah, we've been dating for a while now and so far, it's only family and close friends that have known about it but we agreed that it's probably time to let everyone else know."
Alex leaned into her microphone, "Just for full transparency, I knew!"
"Yeah you were one of the first people that I told, I couldn't keep that secret from you!"
"Id' have gotten it out of you eventually, I'm good at that!" Alex cleared her throat, "Right, let's not keep everyone waiting for much longer. Daddy Gang, our extra special guest on today's episode is none other than...Travis Kelce!"
You both gave Travis a round of applause as he placed headphones over his ears and smiled into the microphone, "Alright now!"
You grinned and placed your hand on his leg, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Alex took a sip from her water, "Okay, now Travis, you're not new to the podcast scene, we all know that."
Travis snickered, "Nah, I feel at home like this! But I gotta say, New Heights is completely different. You know, me and Jason don't talk about what I think we're going to be talking about here!"
"Yeah, that would be weird!" You laughed.
"Right, let's get straight to it. What's the sexiest thing about Y/N?"
"Oh wow, no messing around here, baby!" He rubbed his beard, "The sexiest thing about my girl?"
"You can only pick one!" Alex lifted an eyebrow.
"That's not easy. Honestly, I think she's the sexiest woman in the world. She could be folding laundry and I'm still mesmerised by her! But the sexist thing about her is definitely how ambitious she is. She has worked her fucking ass off to get what she has got and what makes it even better, is that she did it all herself. I love watching her perform, because I can see what it means to her and how much she has sacrificed to be able to do it. It's amazing, man."
Your lips curled into a huge smile, a wave of happiness washing over you.
"Aww guys, you're going to make me cry! And that's not the vibe I was going for! We want the juicy details!"
Travis mumbled, "Oh...umm...her ass?"
You and Alex both laughed loudly.
"Is that's what you wanted?" Travis looked to Alex who was clutching at her stomach.
"I liked your first answer, baby." You placed your arm gently around his shoulders and traced circles on the back of his neck with your finger.
"I'm sure a lot of people will want to know how you two manage to date with your busy schedules."
You clasped your hands together, "It's difficult, it really is. But we make sure that we keep some time aside for each other. Even if it is just sitting down to have breakfast together or an hour long phone call."
"Technology helps. We like Facetime, we use that one a lot." Travis agreed.
Alex grinned a mischievous smile, "Do the Facetime calls ever get a bit heated...a bit explicit?"
You glanced at Travis with a knowing look, "If I said no-"
"She's be lying." He said loudly.
Your mouth flew open in shock and Alex clapped her hands together, "I knew it!"
"Oh, come on" We're all adults here, we know how those calls can end up sometimes. If Travis calls me shirtless, chances are I'm gonna get a bit...distracted. I Facetimed him from the shower last week." Your cheeks were beginning to deepen in colour, "My God, how do you get this information out of people?!"
I hope that was okay! As always, your comments and messages are always appreciated! You're all too kind! I'll be working through some more requests this week (whenever I have some spare time) and if you want to be added to my Taglist, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @killatravtramp @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles
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autumnsnuggling · 9 months
"I Have a Room Here"
Thanks to @stargazing-enby for the screaming, @rei382 for the alpha, and @annanother-thing for the beta!
2.5k words. TW: Minor panic attacks. Draco has anxiety.
“I have a room here,” he blurts out. 
He’s in the hallway, making his way out of the building when he sees him entering. Sees his eyes widen in recognition. Sees his carefully constructed world set to crumble around him. 
 “I— I mean I live here. Now. I’m not here illegally, or doing anything dodgy. While I'm—” His leg jigs. “I— I have a room here and I like it and I can't move, please don't make me.”
He frowns, and it's almost convincing, almost makes him believe he's not just a lion lying in the grass, waiting to pounce.
“I'm not here to make you leave. I have a room here too. I moved in last week. Ask the landlord.” He regards Draco for a moment. “I couldn’t make you move if I wanted to, Draco.” He pauses, as though for effect. Draco’s skin crawls. “And I would never want to do that.”
He knows it's a lie, that it’s just a matter of time, but he nods and scarpers anyway, door slamming too loudly behind him.
“Oh.” Draco claps a hand to his mouth, heart pounding when emerald eyes land on him. 
“No, wait—” he calls, and Draco curses the way his entire body freezes. 
“You don’t have to leave. Just— come and do your laundry. I’m almost done anyway.”
He can’t keep from chewing his cheek whilst loading the machine. And then his change won’t fit in the slot. And then the air, too humid and sweet and dizzying, starts to close in around him.
“Er, Malfoy—”
“Shut up.”
He can feel him staring, can imagine the self-righteous look, can hear the taunt in his voice. 
“I just—”
His eyes sting, his fists clench, and the stupid coin keeps hitting the steel slot.
“Please, can I—?”
“Just leave.”
He’s wailing and he knows it, but a moment later there’s a sigh and slow footsteps recede, and he finally takes a shaky breath. 
On the next try, the coin clunks into the machine. 
“You weren’t in so I signed for your parcel,” he says.
Scowling isn’t polite in these situations, but it’s all he can do right now. 
“Th—thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he shrugs slightly. Draco fiddles with a bit of brown tape. “You can look at me, you know. I’m not going to burn your retinas with my ugliness.”
The forced lightness in his voice fails to hide a deeper ring of something, and it’s unmooring. He never used to play games like this, and it makes Draco’s hair stand on end.
“If that’s all…”
There's a beat, but then he sighs heavily. “Yeah, that’s all.”
“Hey, Malfoy, you’re okay.” 
He’s not okay, how can he be okay? He can’t find his keys and he dropped his change and his coat is too old so rain’s dripping down his back and there were all these kids and where the fuck are his keys—
He blinks, bright eyes suddenly there while warmth holds his elbows. Which appear to be shaking.
“I’ve got you, breathe with me, okay?”
He can barely swallow, let alone breathe, but he chases that voice regardless, the praise so kind his knees tremble and ungodly noises crawl up his throat. 
Too much time has passed when he asks, and now too much tiredness weighs down each slower, steadier breath. Bronze hands still hold him gently, and he squirms at the wetness on his face. 
“I— I have to go.”
His smile is tentative yet blinding, and his ‘Hey,’ is low and private, like they’re sharing a secret instead of passing on the stairs. 
“I got your note.” He stops, so Draco has to stop too, right on the stain on the carpet. It looks like a hippo from this angle.
“You’re welcome, Draco.”
It sends shivers down his spine, hearing his name like that, and he sounds so real, so genuine, he can’t stop his eyes from flicking back to his. They’re just as dazzling as ever, and happier than should be humanly possible. He feels his cheeks heat.
“I want you to know, I’ll always help you if I can. So, if you need something, just—” he shrugs, “knock on my door.” Then, when Draco’s brow pinches, as it always does, “I mean it, Draco. I’m not going to make you move. You can trust me.”
And when his voice is so gentle, he really wants to believe him.
“Fuck, sorry.”
Footsteps run towards him as he bends to pick up the apple.
“Apparently one of my shopping bags broke, and, well, decided to attack my neighbours with fruit.”
“Maybe they’re trying to escape your horrendous hair.”
His bark of laughter covers Draco's choke at his reckless words, and Draco's stomach does a weird flippy thing at the sound. 
“Maybe.” His grin could light up an entire city. “It’s either that or it’s trying to escape the crumble it’s destined for.”
Crumble. His mouth waters, and from the quirk of his lips, it’s far too obvious.
“You could come over for some, if you wanted?”
“Uh— I— I don’t— Um—”
He chuckles softly, and it shouldn’t sound fond. 
“Just think about it,” he says, and there’s that soft, too-beautiful-to-be-real smile making his head spin again. “I’ll save you a bit.”
He swallows hard. “I'm returning your bowl.”
“I can see that,” he grins too easily, lounging against his door frame. “Did you enjoy it?”
Too much. “It was pleasantly surprising.”
The answering laugh curls his toes and flips his stomach. “I'm honoured to receive such high praise.”
“Don't get used to it.”
“Oh, no,” he smirks. “Of course not.”
Draco bites his lip as the silence extends, hands too empty, cheeks growing hot.
“I could make some tea, if you'd like?”
It's quieter than the other requests—more gentle. Devoid of all pressure but cushioned by tentative hope, and Draco begins to want. 
“Not yet,” he murmurs, tongue too traitorous for his heart. But he gives a light huff, and through his lashes, Draco glimpses that sugar-sweet smile.
“Okay, not yet.” And it's a promise Draco knows he'll have to keep. 
The bass drums through the walls, into his skull, and his fingers clench.
'Get some space. Take a break,' his head whispers. But outside is too dark, and his chest tightens.
'It's just a bad night. Just one party.’ He tells himself, trying to stay calm. Then fails when his thoughts run away from him.
His feet landing in his hall tell him he's moved, as do his shoes, now on his feet, and his jacket in his hand, but he can't tell how they got there. Someone knocks on the door before he reaches it.
“Sorry, I didn't want to startle you,” he says, hair wild enough for birds to nest in and just as cozy. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay with— this.”
He doesn't mean to whimper, or sway on the spot, but another shriek of laughter lances through him and it's so loud it hurts. 
“Obvolvere,” he murmurs, and then it's barely there, just a distant thud beneath his feet, and his eyes flutter closed.
“Thank you.”
He says it before he can think through the lingering buzz, but he can't summon the energy to care. 
“It's nothing.” His molten emeralds shine only with concern, and for the first time in months, he feels cared for. “Get some sleep, Draco.” 
“Wait—” He blinks, panic hissing at the threat of him leaving. “Um, would— would you like— t—tea?”
A slow smile warms him from the inside out.
“I'd love some.”
“You should sleep.”
He knows this. Knows from the way his eyes are heavy and itchy and weeping. Knows the disappointment at the idea of letting him leave, the fear of the noise—the gap between them—returning.
“You're one to talk.”
Potter snickers, and it's unfairly pretty. “I'm not the one falling asleep on his sofa.”
“Hmm.” It's all he can say, eyes drifting closed once again. 
“C'mon,” he murmurs, and then there's a hand, solid but gentle, at his elbow. “Bed.”
He stumbles willingly into Potter's solid warmth and sighs. Safe.
“I won't come in,” Potter murmurs, chivalrous to the core. “Just wanted you to get some decent rest.”
“Will you—? Um, I mean, when will—? Can we—?” His brow hurts from wrinkling.
“Can I come see how you slept, tomorrow?”
He shivers at the care in his voice.
He's always kept his word. Draco knows this—scorned him mercilessly for it in a previous life. Yet still his heart leaps, relieved, when Potter smiles at him as he opens his door.
“Hey,” Potter breathes, and butterflies, beautiful and wild, explode everywhere in Draco's chest. 
“A movie I wanted to watch just came out on video,” Potter says. “Want to watch it together?” 
Draco barely knows what movies are. He nods immediately. 
Potter’s too-bright smile is impossible not to return, Draco’s stomach jumping like the kernels of corn Potter shoves in the microwave. They smell almost as good as him. 
“Okay,” Potter soon sits beside him, remote in one hand, bowl of popcorn in another. He flashes Draco another smile, a hint of nerves hiding in the dimples of his cheeks. “I hope you like it.”
He nods, knowing he won’t be able to focus on anything but the warmth coming from just centimeters away.
The buttery smell emanating from the bowl is too alluring, and after Potter’s crunched on a few mouthfuls, it seems socially appropriate to reach for some popcorn too. His fingers brush Potter’s. Electricity crackles on his skin. 
“After you,” Potter murmurs, his smile as sweet as the kernels. Draco thinks kissing him would be even sweeter.
His mouth waters at the scent wafting from the oven, and he bites his nails. 
The last three haven’t been right—too burned; too flat; too bland. But this one smells dangerously promising. 
He still jumps when the timer dings, despite watching the final seconds tick down, and the heat of the oven takes his breath away. But these lemon cupcakes are golden, springy, and perfectly risen. 
He flits from the sofa to read, to the radio, to the bathroom to clean whilst waiting for them to cool, then painstakingly slathers on the lemony icing. Once they’re arranged just so on a plate, he sucks in a deep breath, hesitantly walking up the corridor.
“I made cupcakes,” he blurts as soon as the door starts to open, Potter’s face not yet fully in view. Potter’s kind chuckle threatens his already shaky grip on the plate.
“I can see that. They look amazing.” Potter leans forward, inhaling deeply. Draco curses the heat rushing to his cheeks. “I could make some tea for us both, if you want?”
Heart rabbiting in his chest, he nods once. “Y-yes, please.”
Potter’s beam warms him down to his toes. 
Cooler air teases at his cheeks, the first hues of autumn painting the leaves. He burrows further into his thick scarf, letting his eyes fall closed.
“You look so cozy,” Potter audibly smiles as scuffed his trainers crunch on the gravel path.
“Not everyone can be a walking radiator,” he snips, knowing the scarf doesn’t hide his smile at Potter’s chuckle.
“Well excuse me for having good circulation and a bit of meat on my bones.” A shoulder knocks into Draco’s, then stays much closer than before. He has to remind himself to breathe.
“You’re not excused.”
Potter’s laugh seems to dance on the breeze, loud, and carefree, and infectious, and Draco wants to bottle the sound; to clutch it close and bask in it. Then the shoulder knocks into him again, and this time long, sure fingers hook around his gloved ones, halting the earth in its path. 
“Hmm, what if we get a hot chocolate and a cinnamon bun?” Potter asks, low and private. “Would I be excused then?”
Tentatively intertwining his fingers with Potter’s, Draco forces his voice to stay steady.
“We’ll have to see, won’t we.”
“I should probably get going,” Harry frowns. “Apparently, I have to be up in the morning.”
“However will you cope?” Draco rolls his eyes, his heart sinking slightly all the same. 
“Your kind words support me endlessly, did you know?” 
Draco pokes his tongue out. Still, the warmth of Harry’s leg pressed against his disappears, and he rushes to stand too. To delay the inevitable. Harry just smiles, slots their fingers together. Squeezes tight. 
“I’ll come round tomorrow? After 3?” he asks, standing in front of the open door but facing Draco, emerald eyes sparkling and kind and reassuring. 
“After 3,” Draco nods. “And we’ll make pasta?”
“We will,” Harry promises. “I’ve already got the garlic bread.”
The seconds stretch into more, but his grasp on Harry’s hands never wavers, and neither does Harry’s smile. Then those emerald eyes flicker lower, to Draco’s lips, and Draco’s breath stutters.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Draco,” Harry murmurs again, lower this time, closer too. Draco’s vision clouds as Potter creeps into his space. Just close enough for soft, plush lips to brush against his.
Draco just stands, still as a statue, barely breathing. 
He manages to gulp as Harry leans back, wanting to melt back against Harry’s lips. 
“Cuppa?” Harry asks over his book. His hair is mussed from lying down on the sofa. Draco wants to run his hands through it.
“Cuppa,” he says, stretching. “I’ll help.”
A hand finds his, warm and soft, guiding him up from his seat and safely into the kitchen. His grasp feels empty when Harry lets go and moves towards the kettle, but he turns to dig out some mugs anyway. Harry always came back.
There are teabags already plucked from the barrel and waiting when he turns around again, and a hand on the centre of his back tells him Harry’s reaching for a teaspoon, while he gets the milk. 
“We make a good team,” Harry murmurs close to his ear, an arm snaking around his waist. 
“Hmm. Maybe you’ve just been stalking me,” he whispers back, leaning into him. 
“Always,” Harry grins, pressing his lips to his temple.
Warmth. Endless warmth is all he knows as he slowly floats into consciousness. 
“Morning, gorgeous,” Harry’s sleep-husky voice rumbles in his ear. 
“Mm,” he moans into Harry’s chest, purring when fingers stroke through his hair. “Too early.”
He grumbles when Harry snickers, jostling him unfairly, but then the arms holding him in place tighten around him, and maybe he can forgive the indiscretion. 
“So I guess I’m not allowed to go to the toilet yet, either?” Harry asks. Draco wraps his legs more firmly around him.
“Message received,” Harry chuckles again, lips close enough to graze his forehead. Draco sighs approvingly when they stay there; a prolonged kiss. 
Long seconds, minutes, or hours later, his hand finds Harry’s jaw, thumbing gently over the stubble that’s grown in, then leans up to capture Harry’s lips with his. 
“I really like our room,” he murmurs. 
Harry smiles against his lips, giving him another sweet kiss back.
“Me too.”
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rodeoxqueen · 7 months
Buckle up, because we're about to make (well, I guess more in this case have) some good domestic tunes! So, Dante and his S/O doing some house chores like doing dishes together or washing clothes together and chatting about the daily shenanigans in the Sparda fam? I just need some good slice-of-life-y with my man and delivered by you is truly a delight, dear Rodeo! It's also my first time requesting on non-anon here, btw hehe, cherry kisses for ya! ❤
HOWDY HOW YOU DOIN'?? Here's some headcanons for domestic Dante. I'm a bit burnt out from school but this is what I was able to write in my spare time.
Being Domestic With Dante!
Expect that if you don't do chores with Dante, he won't do them himself. He loves your attention and begrudgingly does chores with you to spend more time with his beloved.
Especially dishes. God he hates dishes.
And LAUNDRY. He'd rather just buy more clothes.
So when you first start dating, you get your work cut out for you.
Eventually, you and him form a symbiotic relationship with keeping house. If you both do it together, you're positively unstoppable.
Dante loves to talk and you often find yourselves gossiping like middle school girls over a rack of dishes to clean and dry.
He'll always squeeze in a little hip bump as he is an audaciously flirty man no matter how long into the relationship you guys are in.
If you bend over to grab the laundry from the machine, just expect a swat to your ass as this man cannot help himself.
Dante is a bit of a bum when it comes to doing laundry regardless, so it's a good thing you're here to help him with it.
He also knows what you can do in your spare time while you wait for the machines to do their thing ;).
Dante puts the dishes up higher and cleaning supplies where you cannot reach so you have to ask for his help. He also likes to see you on your tippy toes anyways.
Dante starts looking forward to Sundays when you two keep house.
You can find him sliding along the hallways in his white socks while singing a song, dusting as he goes along.
"Hey babe?" you ask, looking for the detergent.
"Yeah-*CRASH*" Dante is cut off, his smooth path deterred as he trips over the carpet from sliding around.
What a mess.
It's nice to have you there to keep your shared home nice. When Dante was younger, he was alone so it didn't matter what the place looked like.
However now, he's got a sweet doll like you in his life to make sure that everything is in tip top shape.
He's so grateful for the fact that there is work to be done around the house.
It means more time with you <3.
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izukuwus · 2 months
darlin' i got your number now - nishinoya yuu/reader
m.list - read on ao3
A/N: I'mma keep it real with you chief it is finals week in my last semester of college and I have a five page paper due saturday I haven't started on but I took the time to bless you with porn instead and advance the noya agenda. you're welcome. my bachelor's degree, at least, will thank me, if no one else will.
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Summary: On your day off, you spend some time cleaning and getting caught up in old memories. Your boyfriend gets home from work and helps you make a new one with your old school uniform.
Warnings: SMUT, noya has a senpai kink, he fucks you in your old school uniform, reader is afab and described as having breasts
Word count: 1700+
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Four months ago, you moved in with your long-term boyfriend, and you couldn’t be happier. Sure, Noya is… an acquired taste, we’ll say, but he’s bright and sweet and always finds little ways to let you know he loves you. It’s hard to be mad at the mess that now permeates your living space when you wake up in the morning to needy kisses and no room for even a shred of doubt that you are wanted.
That being said, on a day like today—him out at his part-time job, you with no classes or shifts at your own job scheduled—you can’t help but try to fight the mess, just a little bit. An early morning, prodding Noya out the door because no, your landlord won’t accept “I wanted to stay in bed with my beautiful girlfriend” from him as a reason why rent is late, leads to restless looks not just at the piles of clothes scattering the floor, but at the overflowing laundry basket, the disorganized closet, the scattered boxes here and there that you still haven’t gotten around to unpacking. By lunchtime, you’ve made your to-do list and started working down the items on the list—throw in laundry first, tidy up, unpack the shit from your move that still needs to be unpacked so you can get the boxes out of the corner.
Of course, you get distracted. Laundry in the washer and not on the floor means, wait a minute, you can clean the floors now without too much trouble, and long story short, by the time Noya’s shift would be ending, you’re panicking a little because you still haven’t started on the boxes you need to unpack. You fly into the room, grab the first box you find—mementos—and are immediately slapped in the face with nostalgia.
To be fair, this is why you saved unpacking boxes for last.
On the top of the box, in pristine condition, staring back up at you, is your old uniform from when you went to Karasuno.
You’d been a year below Noya, gotten roped into managing the volleyball team. Mostly just gone along with it to have something to do after school, and then gone along with it because hey, their libero was kind of cute and they were overall pretty fun to hang out with. On his last day before he graduated, he’d asked you out, and of course you’d said yes, thrilled to not be losing your beloved senpai to the cruelty of time just yet.
Lost in memories, a little delirious from all the cleaning, your first coherent thought is I wonder if it still fits?
But you don’t get distracted again. You’ve got a lot to get done.
So anyways, you hear the front door closing and your boyfriend wandering through the apartment just as you’re remarking on the fact that, apparently, judging by the cries of pain the buttons on your chest seem to be making, your boobs have gotten a bit bigger since you last wore this uniform. No matter—you tug on the vest, slide into the blazer as you hear your boyfriend call out to you.
“Did you clean up a little today, baby?”
His voice is getting closer, and you realize, as he opens the bedroom door the rest of the way, that it probably looks a little weird to be standing in the middle of your room, several years out of high school, staring at your reflection in your full-length mirror to appraise your uniform. “Yeah,” you reply, looking at him reflected in the mirror. He’s stood still in the doorway, eyes suddenly wide. “I had the time and it was getting a little cluttered in here. Thought it’d be nice to actually get some of this shit unpacked. How was work?“
His eyes are burning, raking over your body. You guess the skirt is a little too short now—you’ve filled out over the years, and, well, Noya has never really been able to resist you in a short skirt. You can actually see him swallow. “What are you wearing?”
“My old uniform? I found it in one of these boxes and thought I’d see if it still fit me. Answer: not really.”
The next thing you know, you’re being pressed up against the wall, his mouth against yours, and—oh.
He’s hard.
He pulls away just enough to nearly growl against your lips: “Did one of the guys tell you?”
“…no,” you reply, more confused than innocent. “Tell me what?”
“You’re actually just that perfect?” He laughs, sounding delirious. He captures your lips again, needy as his hands come to rest on your hips. “Amazing.”
“Noya, baby, you’re gonna have to give me a little context for what’s got you so revved up,” you tease. “What’s going on in that empty head of yours?”
He kisses you breathless before he’s willing to answer. “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about fucking you in this uniform.”
You laugh, rest your forehead against his shoulder as your own shake with laughter. “Okay, I’ll bite. How many times?”
“Think every time I saw you in it?” He presses open-mouthed kisses against your exposed neck, urgent as he intersperses little nips here and there. You try not to gasp or wriggle too much at the ministrations—it’s more fun when he thinks he has to work harder to get you as worked up as he is.
Your hand winds into his hair, dropping your head back to let him access you a bit better. “Every time? I was being so innocent, working hard for the volleyball club and looking up to you, and you were thinking about fucking me? You’re such a pervert, senpai.”
The fingers gripping your waist twitch, and then he’s biting you properly with a growl.
“Thought about you calling me that while I did it, too.”
You’re learning so much today, you realize with a swoop in your stomach.
You drag a hand down his chest, find his hard-on with practiced ease. “We can arrange something, I think.”
He hisses at the touch, rolls his hips into your hand. “Fuck.”
Noya grabs your wrist, gentle but unyielding, and pins both against the wall with the one hand. His other slides up, under your vest, searching for the buttons at your chest. He pauses when he finds them—it takes almost no effort to slip his hand in to grope you over your bra. “You didn’t even bother buttoning the top?”
“Doesn’t fit anymore,” you gasp out when he runs a thumb over your nipple. Damn thin t-shirt bras. “It was buttoned, at least.”
“Uh huh.”
He pulls back, releases you just enough to tug the vest off, flinging it somewhere in the room and putting you properly on display for him, buttons undone so he can easily access your tits. He leans down, pulls one out of both bra and half-unbuttoned shirt just so he can tease you with his mouth.
He grows impatient before long—wandering hands snake beneath your skirt, grope your ass hurriedly only to swipe over your panties. Noya groans into your flesh. “You’re so wet already.”
“Well, someone came home and decided to ruin me—“
“Oh, I’ll ruin you, alright,” he declares. In the next moment—he was always too fast—he’s on his knees, pressing his nose against your clothed sex and inhaling.
See, that’s another thing you like about him.
He’s such a pervert.
He takes the chance to mark up your thighs, lathes his tongue over your wet panties instead of taking the time to at least pull them aside.
“You’re so perfect,” he breathes. “So fucking gorgeous. Look at this. Look at you.” This time, he pulls your panties to the side to plant his mouth on your pussy and suck harshly at your clit. You whine, tug at his hair.
“You already know what to call me,” he chides. His head is buried under your skirt—two fingers dip into your sex and begin to frantically pump.
“God, I can’t take it. I’m sorry, you’re too perfect, I—“
And there’s the athleticism rearing its head, because he’s got you underneath him and on the floor in two seconds flat, grinding his cock against you in desperation. “You’re going to have to wear this again for me, beautiful. Need you to. I’ll literally die if you don’t.”
Whatever response you were going to give catches in your throat—it takes him no time at all to get his dick out, pull your panties aside, and slide into you in one sharp thrust.
“You’re so good. Such a sweet little kouhai. Used to feel so bad about it—other girls were pretty, but I couldn’t stop thinking about pulling you into the equipment storage and lifting that short little skirt—“ he grunts as he sets his pace.
You whine. Before long, you can’t help but wrap your legs around his waist, clinging to him any way you can just to stay in your body with the way he’s fucking you breathless.
“—think every time you called me “senpai” it took me at least fifteen minutes to recover—“
“Senpai,” you respond, more a moan than an attempt to say anything coherent, and his hips stutter.
“Yeah, like that,” he laughs. “Exactly like that.”
“Fuck—please, senpai, harder—need you—“
He growls again, arms shaking as he drills into you. It’s all you can do to keep holding on, keep whimpering into his ear while he has his way with you. When he cums, it’s harder than you’ve seen him cum in a long time, pulling out of you just to paint hot ropes across your now fully-askew uniform. He reaches between you, rubs at your clit frantically until you see stars.
When you’re both satisfied, he collapses face-first into your tits, winds his arms around your waist. Mumbles something you cannot begin to comprehend with your head still spinning.
“Love you, senpai,” you mumble back.
The arms around your waist tighten. He lifts his head just enough to be comprehensible. “If you’re going to keep calling me that, I’m going to have to demand a round two.”
“Next time, I’ll try to find your old jersey.”
That comment earns you a few more rounds and the decisive undoing of all the cleaning you’d gotten done today.
Worth it.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
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As always, thank you for reading!
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gunilslaugh · 4 months
Flash Drive
Lee Jooyeon
Summary:Jooyeon accidentally left the flash drive he needed for a class presentation with you. Naturally you went to his class to return it for him, which somehow ended up with dating rumors about you two. (non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
It was your off day. You didn’t have any classes to attend to, so you were gonna use your free day to relax, study and get your laundry done. You grabbed your laundry basket and headed to your small utility room in your apartment. You began to load the laundry machine. When you pulled out one of your sweats from the basket you noticed that there was something in one of the pockets. You reached your hand into the pocket and pulled out a flash drive. A wave of confusion washed over you. Why did you have a flash drive in your pocket? You hadn’t used any flash drives recently. Then it hit you. This was Jooyeon’s flash drive. He asked you to hold onto it yesterday because he was paranoid about losing it while you guys went out to dinner after finishing your classes for the day. The flash drive had his presentation on it for one of his classes. That’s when another hit of realization hits you. This flash drive has his presentation on it that he was supposed to present today! You quickly threw on a pair of shoes and practically went flying out the door of your apartment. 
Meanwhile Jooyeon has just gone through his bag for the third time. Panic started to settle in. Did he really lose the flash drive that he needed for a really important presentation? A presentation that makes up most of his grade. 
“Dude, what are you looking so frantically for?” One of Jooyeon’s group partners asks. 
“Just something,” Jooyeon answers while rummaging through his bag, yet again. 
“Wait, don't tell me you lost the flash drive,” Jooyeon’s other partner says. 
“I swear I put it in my bag,” Jooyeon defended. 
“What are we gonna do? You know how important this presentation is.”
“Looking for this?” You appeared behind Jooyeon. Holding the flash drive out, dangling it in front of his face. Jooyeon lets out a breath of relief, letting you drop the flash drive into his palm. 
“You're a lifesaver. Why do you have it though?” Jooyeon asked, turning around to face you. Now he is able to take in your appearance. Hair messily pulled back and you're wearing your lounge clothes that you usually only wear at home. He notices that your breathing is a bit labored too. Did you run here?
“You asked me to hold onto it last night. Then forgot to take it back,” you tell him. 
“Ah that’s right. When we had dinner,” he said, now remembering that he didn’t put it in his bag. 
“Yep, you’re lucky I found it before I washed it with my laundry. Anyway I’m sure you guys want to go over your presentation before presenting, so I’ll leave now. See you after class” you tell Jooyeon. 
“See you. Thanks for running this to me.” He held up the flash drive.
“Sure thing. Do well.” You gave him two light punches on his shoulder. With that you took your leave.
“Jooyeon!” a dude a couple rows back called out. Jooyeon turns around to look at the guy. 
“Yeah?” he asked. 
“Was that your girlfriend?” he questioned. 
“Why?” Jooyeon feared that he knew what was coming. 
“If she isn't I was going to ask if you could give me her number.” There it is. Exactly what Jooyeon feared. Because technically no, you weren’t his girlfriend. However he was planning on confessing to you. He still doesn’t exactly know when yet, but he is going to confess to you. He could do it sometime next week, next month, next year, sometime in the next ten years, but he was going to do it. Jooyeon definitely doesn't want anyone else trying to take you from him, so he lies. 
“She’s my girlfriend.” He only feels a little bad about lying. He does plan on making you his girlfriend, so it won’t be a lie forever. 
“You’re lucky,” the guy says. 
“I know,” Jooyeon replied cheekily and turned back around. 
“Y/n I didn’t know you were dating Jooyeon.” Your friend stated upon taking their seat next to you. 
“Who spread that rumor?” you laughed. “Jooyeon and I are only friends,” you informed. 
“Really? How come people are talking about Jooyeon’s pretty girlfriend who dropped off his flash drive yesterday then?” 
“I don’t know. I mean I did drop off his flash drive, but I did it as a good friend,” you say. You wouldn’t have minded dropping it off as his girlfriend though. Truth be told, you thought about what it would be like to be in a relationship with Jooyeon more than you should. Then again how could you not think about dating Jooyeon. He would walk you back to your apartment whenever it was late. He buys your favorite snacks. Even if you’re too busy to actually see each other he always texts you. He leaves little doodles in your notebooks for you to discover later. He insists that it wasn’t him, but who else would have left the exact plushie you were talking about wanting on your desk. 
“I guess people just misunderstood then,” your friend said. 
“Yeah, I guess.” You wish it wasn’t a misunderstanding though. 
After classes you headed across campus to go meet Jooyeon. You took a seat on one of the cement around a big planter. 
“Are you waiting for Jooyeon?” a random guy asked you.
“Uh, yeah,” you answered a bit awkwardly. 
“I was a bit sad when Jooyeon said you were his girlfriend. I wanted to hit on you,” he disclosed. Wait, it was Jooyeon who spread the rumor about you two dating. That must mean that he likes you too. Why else would he spread such a rumor?
“Oh, sorry to disappoint,” you joked. 
“All good. It makes sense that you’re taken. He better treat you right though.” 
“Y/n!” Jooyeon calls for you. 
“He does,” you answered. You got up to go meet Jooyeon. Who was feeling uneasy because he saw the guy talking to you was the same guy who wanted your number yesterday. 
“You ready to go?” you checked. 
“Yeah, but uh what were you two talking about?” Jooyeon had to ask. He has to know if that guy was hitting on you despite knowing that you were his “girlfriend”.
“He said he felt sad when you told him I was your girlfriend because he wanted to hit on me.” You gave Jooyeon a look. “Care to explain?” Jooyeon knew he was screwed. 
“No.” Jooyeon began to quickly walk away. 
“Jooyeon wait!” You caught up to him and grabbed his hand. “I’m not mad, but I do think we should talk,” you say. Jooyeon could only feel partially relieved. He was glad that you weren’t mad. He was still nervous about talking to you about it though.
“Ok,” Jooyeon responded. He let you drag him somewhere where there weren't many people around. 
“Why did you say I was your girlfriend? You know we aren’t together,” you questioned. 
“I know. I’m sorry, but that guy said if you weren’t my girlfriend then he wanted your number. I couldn’t give it to him though. I know you aren’t my girlfriend, but I was planning on confessing, so I didn't think it would do any harm if I lied a little bit. I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend in the future. I know it was probably not the right thing to do, but I didn’t want anyone else to steal you from me,” Jooyeon rambled out, long winded. 
“Yeah?” He can barely hold eye contact with you. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” you stated. 
“Like- like me?” Jooyeon’s heart races. “So you’ll be my girlfriend then?” he questions.
“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend,” you smiled. Jooyeon pulls you into a loving embrace. 
“Thank you. You saved me again. It would have been so embarrassing if I had to tell them you weren’t actually my girlfriend,” Jooyeon says from over your shoulder.
“Yeah what would you do without me,” you joked. Jooyeon laughs and pulls away from the hug. 
“Come on. Let’s go on a date.” He laces your hand with his. The two of you happily walk off campus together.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 6 months
My biggest regret
Part nine
"Y/n?" His voice was soft trying to wakeup her up from her sleep. "Baby, you need to wakeup and eat,"
Chan softly shook her body.
Her eyes slowly flutter open. She was tired and exhausted from the chemo she had just recieved a few hours ago. It was obvious.
"Hey," she said. A tiny smile played on her lips as she stirred. "What time is it?"
"8:10 and mum said that you haven't eaten ever since you got home with Hannah. Let's go eat and you can come back and rest yeah?" He sat by her and slowly stroked her hair trying to keep her awake.
He had showered and his hair was wet. He was dressed in a shirt and a pair of shorts. His silver hoops were on and he had his silver bracelet on.
"Okay, I'll shower first and come down stairs," she finally gave in and slowly (with the help of Chan) sat up on the bed. "Where's Hannah?" She asked rubbing her eyes.
"She went out with her friends but she'll be home in a bit, do you need help with anything? I haven't done this whole care taker thing ever since I left so I totally forgot how it works," He frowned.
"No it's fine Chan," she giggled appreciating his concern and effort, "I can shower on my own, go ahead and eat. I'll be down in a few."
"I wanna wait for you though," his hands intertwine with hers. Y/n liked that he was being so clingy. They hadn’t had time to be close to eachother all day and she missed him.
"Okay then, I'll hurry up and we can go," his face brightened and his hands automatically carry her out of bed and into the bathroom.
"Channie you have to get out so I can change," Her laugh was so contagious that Chan couldn't help but break his act.
"Fine, call me if you need anything. I'm right outside," and with that he closed the door behind him and let her shower and get dressed.
Dinner was quiet. Everyone enjoyed the hot home cooked meal that was before them as they discussed their day. The boys explained the little things they did in order to prepare for their show in a few days while the parents talked about how proud they were and how they loved watching them grow. The usual.
"There's a party tomorrow night-"
"Ou a party I'm so in!" Hannah exploded out of nowhere interrupting Changbin causing everyone to laugh.
"Where is this party? And will there be adults?" Chan's mum asked.
"Mum. We're literally grown men," Chan chuckled.
"Oh sorry, I'm sorry. It's a habit," she laughed while covering her face in embarrassment.
"It's fine Mrs.B," Han assured her, "Your good but yeah the party is at one of our idol friends. She leaves 30 minutes away,"
"Oh lovely! Well I hope you guys won't be out late at night. It's Christmas time nothing is safe,"
"Mum can I please go?" Hannah dropped her fork.
"No Hannah, these are Chan's friends."
"Chan can I please come? I promise I'll behave and I'll do your laundry for the rest of the time your here and I'll even forget the fact that you ghosted me for 4 years of my-"
"Fine, fine you can come," Chan throws his hands up in the air in surrender.
"You can go BUT Y/n has to go with you Hannah," Chan’s dad instructed.
"What? But dad you know she doesn't like partying!" Hannah rebelled. She was determined to go for the party and it showed.
"Well then, you'll have to convince her because no Y/n, no party,"
"Y/n come on! You have to come," Seungmin encouraged her, "It'll be so much fun!"
Y/n looked around the table. She didn't know what to do. A part of her really didn't want to go to the party. It wasn't her thing but a part of her didn't want to disappoint Hannah or the boys. So she let out a sigh.
"Fine I'll ask my mum,"
This alone made Hannah jump into her arms squealing and leaving kisses on her face before she got a scolding from bangchan.
"Yah! Don't you know she just got chemo?! She's tired! Get off," chan scolded his younger sister.
"Whatever grandpa, Y/n's my wife anyway," Hannah stuck her tongue out before climbing of the now laughing Y/n and sitting besides her.
Chan’s dad rubbed Y/n back before whispering in a joking matter, "Y/n good luck tomorrow,"
"Thanks. I'm going to need it uncle," the boys cheered, giving her the motivation she needed.
The next day. 8:15 pm
The music was loud. The room was hot and it stunk. Y/n didn't like any bit of it. She hated it. She wanted to be home sleeping in her bed but she was here instead...
"Let's go get drinks!" Hannah's voice rung through her ear. She simply nodded and followed behind her closely. Trying to avoid the popular rich kids. She had no intention of getting any type of attention but if you arrive to a party with THE straykids you kinda already attract attention anyway.
Once they had arrived to the party, the boys had been each pulled away by someone. Everyone wanted a peace of them. Everyone wanted their attention and that left the girls alone in the middle of the room trying to navigate their way through people they didn't even know.
"Here, it's non-alcoholic," Hannah passed her the cup while filling up hers with the drink that had alchohol in it.
"Don't get too wasted Hannah, I don't know these people and-" before she could even finish her sentence I.N was already by her side pulling her away from the now lost Y/n.
"Fuck," she whispered to herself before looking around trying to look for Chan.
People were staring at her weird and she didn't like it. Was it cause she was the only sober person in the room? Did they know about her and Chan? Did they like her? Was she dressed weird?
The thoughts run through her head as she consumed her drink. She didn’t want to start panicking when they just got here. It hadn’t even been 45 minutes.
She was going to enjoy this party. She was already here anyway.
The music wasn't that much enjoyable but she was able to stand it for the moment while she padded through the crowds.
"Felix!" She called out for the boy who was sat on the couch with two females in his arms. One on the left and on the right. This took her by surprised because She felt uncomfortable but decided to shrug it off because who was she? she barely new him so she couldn't say anything about it.
"Hey Y/nnie!" He was drunk. Y/n could instantly tell, "Whatsup babygirl? Looking for someone? Having fun?" He removed his hands off the girls and decided to pay attention to Y/n because in his state right now. He was going to flirt with her. He didnt care what anyone around him thought.
Both girls looked iirtated by her presence. Who was she? They had never seen her before and yet here she was stealing their “man” who in all honesty didn’t even know their names.
"Felix where's Chan? I've looked everywhere and-"
"Cannonball!!" A loud, familiar voice yelled before the sound of water splashing and gasps run through the room. Who was that? Y/n didn’t even bother to look.
"Y/nnie, do you wanna smoke?" Felix pushes the girls off before standing up (barley even making it)
"Felix you're drunk, this isn't good. I hope the boys aren't as wasted as you. We should get you some water,"
"Oh your cute, you know that right?" His eyes were red and her eyes landed on his shirt because it was halfway unbuttoned. “My eyes are up here babygirl,”
"Thank you but come on, let's go to the kitchen Lix,"
"I like it when you call me Lix," he giggled. Y/n was shook. Why was he like this? Her hand wrapped around him and guided him into the kitchen and she helped him sit down on the stool. She grabbed the bottle of water and started feeding it to him.
His hands wrapped around her waist so he would fall backwards.
"You smell- you smell nice," he hiccuped through sips, "and you have pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty face and you're thick as fu-"
"Felix! I think you should just keep quiet," Y/n said feeling embarrassed, "sit here and drink water, I'm going to check on the other guys,"
"Okay, yes ma'am," he sat up straight and stayed as still as he could. Y/n found this amusing all though she was extremely worried.
She was wondering around the room when she decided to check in any of the boys were outside and indeed she found Han...in the pool. In the pool? In the pool! In. The. Pool. Everything made sense. He was the one yelling a few minutes ago.
"Jisung! I swear to God if you don't get out this instant-"
"Y/nnie! Come swim with us!" He slurred trying to pull himself out of the pool. Her anger was slowly growing. She was frustrated but mostly shocked because yes they could do whatever they wanted but she thought they would be atleast responsible.
“Han you need to get out the pool and put on clothes or else you’ll end up falling sick!” She exclaimed while grabbing his clothes off from the floor.
“Fine but you’re such a buzz kill,” he pouted and grabbed the clothes out of her hands before proceeding to go back into the house.
She followed him just in case he decided to go back into the pool but he didn’t. He entered the bathroom got dressed and followed her to the kitchen where they both found Felix making out with some random girl.
She was disappointed but she didn’t want to say anything. Making note to talk about this later when she had calmed down.
“Okay, both of you just drink water. Please. You can barely walk,” she passed Han a bottle of water and watched him drink it all. As she monitored the boys she couldn’t help but worry about Chan and his whereabouts. She needed to find him quick because she was ready to go home.
They had been there for 3 hours and she had enough of it.
“Han have you seen Chan?” She asked him.
“Hm…Maybe- I’m trying to think here. Oh! Check upstairs,” His words were a bit hard to understand but she understood it.
“Thank you,” she grabbed her phone off the table and made her way up the stairs.
There were a few couples making out by the stairs case but she wasn’t phased by it. She just wanted to go home.
The second floor had four rooms.
Her sweaty hands open the first door and she could not believe her eyes.
“Leeknow?!” She screamed. “Leeknow?! ew! That’s so disgusting!” She covered her eyes and slammed the door shut. Whatever she saw she swore never to talk about it again.
You’re probably wondering what she saw. Well…Uhm. Let’s just say he was busy and he was sweaty.
Her head was spinning and her eyes were burning. Someone was smoking a blunt so it was understandable but she knew this wasn’t safe for her or her condition so she rushed through each door until she stopped on the fourth door.
She quickly opened it thinking she wouldn’t find Chan but there he was. Sat on the bed. His legs spread apart and a-
a blonde girl in between his legs? He was smiling and stroking her hair. Then he leaned in and they started to make out.
She watched in horror. Her heart shattered into a million pieces. She couldn’t believe it.
But are we really surprised?
The book gets crazier lol
Tags 🏷️: @ka0ila @lozurcoz @lixie-phoria @kai-lee08 @moonofthenight @greyyeti @jinnie-ret @yangbbokari @sungprotector @felixoasis @leetaste @hanniemylovelyquokka
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adsmae · 1 year
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴜɴᴅᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ᴅʀɪɴᴋɪɴɢ
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You and Rodrick recently had a bad fight and it ended up with you ignoring him for days. Every time he tried texting you or calling, you would ignore.  You kept re-hashing what went down that day. You were upset that he was being secretive and sneaky around you. You noticed before everything that he would turn his phone away from you anytime you saw him texting. It made you think of the thing you both promised each other; loyalty. Every bit of you wanted to trust him But you couldn't. Maybe Heather finally gave him the attention he craved and you were just a second choice. After all you've only been dating Rodrick 6 months.
After a long day of doing nothing but laundry and moping around, you decided it was best to take a break from everything. You have been so upset about the fight you had with Rodrick that you forgot about yourself and what was important. You just wanted to chill and get things off your mind. It was getting dark out so it was the perfect time. It lead you to call the only person you could think of.
"Hey Bill. I know it's late but I was wondering if you could do a favor for me?"
"Y/n! heyyy. What can I help you out with little lady?"  
"Uh- well,  I was thinking you could get me some liquor. I'll give you money if you bring it"
"Hmm…okay. Is everything alright? You never drink."
"Mhm mh… yeah everything is fine. Now are you going to get it for me or not?"
"Sure thing. I'll see you in about 10 minutes."
And with that you hung the phone up and waited patiently.
You knew what you were doing wasn't the smartest Idea but you wanted to take a risk. You weren't a goody two shoes but you weren't so bad either. You've never smoked, drank, or did any drugs but you have done things that you probably could have easily died from like; Hiking with Rodrick at the Burnside lake. It was quite the experience.
As you thought of all the bad things that you've done and haven't done, you heard a car pull up. You jumped up from you bed and walked straight downstairs and out the door to the end of your driveway. The cool breeze hitting your cheeks and a blondie in your sight.
"Hey y/n. I hope this is okay for you." Bill smiled as he handed you the bagged bottle of liquor.
"Yeah it's fine. Thanks"  You quickly shove the bottle in your zip up hoodie
"I hate to ask but does Rodrick know about this?" Bill asked with concern.
"This doesn't concern him. I should probably go inside."
"Uh yeah..right. The money?" Bill looked around and whispered.
You roll your eyes "Here." You hand him a 20 dollar bill and head inside.
When you get to your room you grab the  'life is peachy' Cd by Korn and play Good God on your player. You walk over to your bed and sit down and grab the wrapped bottle from your night stand and unwrap the bottle.
"I guess this will do" You shrug and grab the cup that you brought from downstairs from your night stand.
You watched as the clear liquid filled the cup but realized that you didn't have anything to chase it with. You didn't really care but your friends always say "If you don't have anything to drink liquor with then why are you drinking?" You ignored it anyway.
"Here's to my boyfriend that I apparently know nothing about" You raise your glass to the fake audience and shoot back the harsh liquid in your throat.
It's been about 30 minutes and you were really starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. You were jumping around and dancing like a crazy person. You were so drunk you started laughing at your own jokes that you could barely speak out.
"Why haven't I done this beforeee oh my god this is soooooo fun ahaha"
You began to get dizzy so you walk over to your Cd player and pause the music to take a moment to breath.
Just as you were about to go sit down, you heard tapping and ticking noises at your window. You weren't sure who it was but you were curious.
You open your window and appear down at the dark figure with messy dark hair. Just what you needed right now.
"Rodrick? What the hell?" You quietly yelled from your window.
"Y/n Can I come up?" Rodrick carefully asked. You were contemplating it but you didn't have the energy to think.
"Yeah sure" You left the window open and rushed to your bed and waited for the emo boy. You missed him but you were still mad at the fact he hasn't told you why he was being secretive or what was going on.
Rodrick slid in and closed your window and locked it before walking to you
"I know you probably don't want to see me r-" You cut him off
"Why have you been sneaky around me? I thought we w-were honest with each other." You said with a bewildered tone. Your eyes locked onto his and that's when Rodrick knew he extremely screwed up. You had the look of disappointment and he didn't ever want to make you feel like that towards him.
"That's why I'm here. I want to explain to you that it's nothing you're thinking" Rodrick sat next to you on the bed.
"Sh-so then what is it?" You slurred out. You notice Rodrick's confused face.
"Wait- have you been drinking?" He looked you up and down and glanced around the room and saw a half drunken  bottle of liquor on your night stand. You knew he was going to be pissed and angry but you didn't care
"Yeah I have. Sh-so  wh-what" You rolled your eyes and laid back on your forearms. Rodrick looked at you with guilt written on his face.
Rodrick shook his head "Forget it. Let's get you some water." He grabbed the cup from your night stand and walked to your joined bathroom.
"Here" Rodrick handed you to cup of water and sat down next to you.  You took a few gulps then put it down on your desk.
"Why are you taking care of me right now?"  You questioned. He furrowed his brows in response and scooted closer to you.
"Because that's my job. Jeez I'm not a bad boyfriend." He reached for your hand and clasped his hand with yours. You couldn't help but smile at the way he was being with you.
"I unfortunately agree. Is-it's so hard for me to be mad at you." You confessed.
Rodrick laughed before sighing "You should probably try to lay down and rest" He stated.
"Yeah but-"
"We can talk tomorrow. Just lay down." He unshed you to get in the covers.
You rolled your eyes and nodded. He tucked the blanket around your figured and started heading towards the window.
"Rodrick?" You called out.
"Yeah? is everything okay?" He turned around.
"Yeah. Can you stay?"  You asked with a soft tone. You felt bad for everything you had put him through tonight and with him having to deal with your mess.
"Yeah but are you sure?" Rodrick walked to the side of the bed and stood in front of you.
You turn to look up at Rodrick "Mhm. I'm very sure" You replied and moved closer to the wall for Rodrick.
He couldn't refuse the offer. He missed you so much and wanted everything to be normal. Rodrick took his shoes and shirt off before turning the lights off. He walked over to your bed and slid under the covers.
"C'mere" Rodrick whispered. You scooted closer and laid your head on his chest. It felt just right being in his arms. You hated to admit it but you've missed this. His fingers tracing circles on the side of your hip and you having your hand placed on his chest occasionally tracing it. It was very comforting to say the least.
"I've missed this." You whisper softly. You felt him move you closer.
"I've missed you stupid." Rodrick chortled out softly.
"Goodnight Rockstar" You smile. You felt him kiss the back of your head.
"Goodnight beautiful."
(N/A this kinda sucked but I hope everyone had a good day/ night. Comment some ideas of what or who I should write about next)
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soapyghostie · 1 year
I DIDN'T SEND MORE REQUEST CUS I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY HAD A FULL INBOX, BUT I WONT KEEP YOU WAITING, ask and you shall receive ma'am 😌 Could i please request Bubba and my man Pyramid and what they would think of reader who just loves to make acts of service for them, like cook, clean their weapons/clothes, make the bed or even clean their chambers if they are more bold, y'know, them both really need it! - Pyramid Anon
No worries! I do have a lot of requests to take care of, but you are more than welcome to spend as many as you want! 🤗 Sorry for being absent the past couple of days; I’ve been having some technical difficulties. 😒 Well anyways! Here is your request Pyramid Anon!
Pyramid Head
Pyramid Head is always too busy patrolling for intruders that he doesn’t have time to take care of himself. Why does he need to take care of himself anyways? He’s an immortal humanoid beast. He’ll be just fine… right? 
Well, you don’t give two fucks if he doesn’t need to be taken care of or not: you baby him anyways. At first, it annoys him. He’s the most feared creature in Silent hill! He doesn’t need you to shine his helmet or his knife or wash his clothes: the rustiness and blood gives off a scarier look. Are you cooking him food?! Yeah, he has given up completely on trying to stop you. 
Eventually, he comes to appreciate the acts of service you give him. He didn’t realize how nice it was to come back to a little bit cleaner living space, a home cooked meal, and a comfortable bed after a long day. He can just relax. 
He pitches in too; he hates not doing anything while you work. You’ll have to teach him some of these home-like skills since he’s never done them before. He technically only patrols and punishes trespassers so…. 🤷‍♀️ 
Pyramid Head will help you fold clothes and dust in places you can’t reach. He’ll clean his own weapon because he doesn’t want you to get cut on it and make his own bed; he feels the need to be obligated to the duties that are, technically, his to do, not you. However, he will not cook: that’s your job. The first and last time Pyramid Head tried to cook he almost burnt the house down. 
Bubba Sawyer
Even though you're Bubba’s significant other and you technically do all your acts of service for him, you still do stuff for his brothers and they all appreciate you. Bubba enjoys not having to do anything after a long day of chasing and killing victims. Nubbins and Choptop just really like your home cooked meals. That’s it. They just like food. Drayton, though won’t admit it, appreciates you taking the majority of the chores he normally does. Now he doesn’t have to stress about all the house chores and putting his brothers in line all the same time. 
Anyways, back to Bubba. Bubba is just so relieved. For once in his life, he can actually relax. Normally Drayton makes him help with dinner or yells at him to get his chaotic older twin brothers to act right. Bubba, now, is able to get more rest and feel more refreshed for each day. He’ll go upstairs and take a quick nap, on the clean sheets you wash weekly, before dinner every single day. 
He thinks you make the best homemade meals. He’ll have three servings of food at dinner every night. He’s a big boy and he works a lot so he needs to eat. Drayton might as well stop cooking because no one can beat your home cooked meals. 
Bubba never had clean clothes before you came along. Drayton would never do his laundry; he was always told his own clothes were his own priority. However, Bubba never had time to do laundry so he’d always throw on the clothes he had worn the day before. Now that he has you around, he has clean clothes everyday! He also helps you out with the laundry when he has time.
The Sawyer’s have a clean and tighty house thanks to you. There used to be chicken feathers, bones, and dust all over the place. Although it took a few weeks, you were able to get the house spotless and now the brothers have a more comfortable home to come back to after a long day.
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manicplank · 1 month
The Color Pink (Part 15)
Aaaaa sorry this took so long. This piece has been written for a while so I decided to post it since I've been too busy to write more. Sorry if it sucks.
Theodore awoke in the morning to see that his room was spotless. All the laundry was put away, and his army of half empty water bottles was gone. He tried to sit up, but it was too painful. He never picked up his painkillers from the pharmacy, so he had no means of relief. He groaned as his shoulder throbbed. Hazel appeared in the doorway almost instantly. “Theo,” she spoke calmly even though she was very worried. “Are you okay?”
“No,” he mumbled. “I can’t get up. It hurts too much.”
“Oh, okay, um…” She walked over to him in a hurry. She took the pillows out from underneath his right side. He winced in pain. “Sorry!” She was a little unsure of what to do. She went over to his other side and placed her hands underneath his neck and back. She slowly pulled up, but this only rolled him over. He cried out in pain again. She began to stress. She went to the foot of the bed. “Give me your hand.” She reached out and grabbed his left hand. “I’m gonna pull you up, and you’re gonna try and sit up at the same time, okay?”
“Okay, on three. One… Two… Three!” She strained as she pulled him up. He winced again, but he was sitting upward, so their mission was accomplished. She went over to him and held his face. “You okay?”
“No. I’m in pain.”
“Um… Okay, uh… I don’t know what to do.”
“They sent a script for painkillers over to the pharmacy. They should be ready by now. We need to go pick them up.”
“Oh, right! Good idea. Do you need help getting dressed?”
“No. I’ll just go like this.” He was dressed in sweatpants and an NTV t-shirt.
Hazel put her hands on her hips. “Really? Just like that?”
“Dude, I’m in too much pain to give a shit right now. I’m not walking down a red carpet. I was gonna send you to get them, anyways.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah. I was gonna wait here… Is that okay?”
“Isn’t your wallet still on set?”
“Shit, that’s right. Fuck, okay, um…” He sighed, “Ugh, I guess I’ll have to go with.”
“Plus, I need to pack a bag with some clothes. I’m going to stay here for a couple days to help you out.”
“Hazel, you don’t have to-”
She repeated herself in a firmer, more assertive tone, “I am going to stay here for a couple of days to help you out.”
He huffed. “Fine.”
“You don’t have to pity me, Theodore. I’m helping you because you need it. I’m helping you because I want to.” She went up to him and gently cupped his face in her hands. “Okay?”
He smiled. “Okay.”
She gave him a gentle peck on the lips. “You sure you don’t want to put any better pants on?”
“I’m sure. I’m comfortable.”
“Okay,” she rolled her eyes playfully, “whatever you say.” She stuck her hand out. “Come on, I’ll help you up.”
As she helped him to his feet, there was a knock at the door. He sighed, “Stay here, I’ll get it.” He dragged his feet as he walked. The entire right side of his body was stiff and sore. An ache radiated through his body with each step. The door knocked again. “SHUT UP!” He screamed in frustration as he walked up to the door. He opened it up; it was Dougie.
Theodore inhaled deeply and huffed with frustration. “What do you want?”
“Hi, boss. I have your keys and your wallet.” Dougie handed them to him.
“Oh… Cool… Thanks…”
“The set manager wants you to call him.”
Theo rolled his eyes. “What does he want?”
“He wants to know how you’re doing. We all do.”
“I’m in pain. Shout it through a megaphone and make sure everybody hears.”
“Yeah, but-”
Theo slammed the door in Dougie’s face. Hazel had come down the stairs to see that Noise had his wallet and keys in hand.
“Who was that?” She asked.
“It was Dougie. He dropped off my stuff.”
“Oh, okay, good. That’s one less stop we have to make.”
“Yep. Let’s go, I’m in a lot of pain and I want to go back to bed.”
Theo waddled behind Hazel as they headed out.
After everything was said and done, Theodore was completely exhausted. He had dozed off on the way back. He picked his head up once the car stopped. Hazel helped him up and out of his seat. She grabbed his hips from behind and guided him to the door.
“I’m not drunk,” he said, “you don’t have to lead me.”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“You don’t have to baby me.”
“Shush. Let’s just get you inside so you can take a painkiller and go to bed. You need all the rest you can get.”
Theodore rolled his eyes and walked up to the door. Hazel unlocked and opened it for him. He dragged his feet as he walked in, holding the door for her to walk in behind him. He plopped onto the couch and kicked his legs up. His body was too tired to move anymore. Hazel hurriedly grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and gave him the painkiller. He swallowed it without hesitation. She twiddled her fingers together as he laid his head down.
“Do you want me to take you up to your room?” She asked.
“Mmph,” he mumbled. “No. I’ll stay down here. That way if I need anything, I can just get it myself. I won’t have to go up and down the stairs a million times.”
“Hmm… Oh! Hold on, stay here.”
“I wasn’t going anywhere anyways.”
She rushed up to his room and grabbed a pillow as well as his fuzzy pink “blankie”. She came back down to see him already dozing off. “Here,” she tucked the pillow under his head and spread the blanket across him. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and he smiled. “Will you be okay if I leave?”
“You’re leaving?” He whined.
“Yeah. I’m sorry, but I have to go home eventually.”
He chuckled softly. “I’m just teasing you.”
She rolled her eyes with a smile. She ran her fingers through his hair. “I’ll be back. I have to pack some clothes and such.”
“Call me if you need me, okay?”
She cuffed his cheek and pecked him on the lips as goodbye.
She had to go through The Slum as she headed home. While she did, she was stopped by someone calling to her. She turned around to see The Vigilante running up to her as fast as possible. He looked incredibly disheveled as if he had seen the devil. “Hazel,” he shouted in a huff. “Hazel, you’re alive!” He stopped hard enough to leave skid marks from his boots. He huffed and puffed as he tried to catch his breath.
“Oh, hi Vigi,” she greeted.
“Where…” He sighed. “Where have you been?! Is everything okay?!”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I haven’t seen you in a couple days, and your cafe has been closed. I was worried sick!”
“Sorry. I should’ve left a note on the door or something. I ended up closing early once I was done with the NTV order the other day. Something came up.”
“What happened?”
“Well, um… I don’t think it’s any of your business, but… The Noise got injured at work. He needs some help taking care of himself.”
The Vigilante rolled his eyes. “Oh, sure, big celebrity man can’t take care of himself.”
“No, seriously! His shoulder is all messed up. It’s his right shoulder, and he’s right handed. He can’t do much.”
The Vigilante still looked doubtful. “Well,” he sighed disgruntledly. “I suppose your cafe will be closed for a while…”
“Hm… I never thought about that. That’s going to be an issue… I’m already a little behind on my rent.”
“Yeah, well, you know how Pizzaface is about money.”
Her shoulders tensed up as she imagined the giant floating pizza being angry at her. He was quite intimidating naturally. She didn’t want to know what he was like when he was angry. Closing the cafe to take care of The Noise was going to cost her in the long run, but he had no one else to depend on. She chewed on the tips of her fingers nervously. How was she going to make this work? She was worried about Theodore, but she was also worried about losing her career. Regardless, she wanted to take care of him. The Vigilante was snapping in her face as she came to.
“Hazel? You okay?”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thought for a moment.” She chuckled nervously.
“You look like a deer in headlights.”
“I’m fine. I have to go.” She turned around and rushed off.
“Hazel, wait-” The Vigilante tried to catch her attention again, but she was already gone.
Once she got home, she was stuck. She was torn between taking care of The Noise or taking care of her cafe. She shook her head and went into her room to start packing clothes and accessories. She figured she would take care of him for one more night as she thought about how she could work things out. She tried to keep it out of her mind. She wanted to get back to Noise as soon as possible. Knowing him, she was afraid he might do something stupid. Once she was all packed up, she hustled back over to The Noise’s. She couldn’t shake off her anxiety, and she wanted to get there as soon as possible so she could talk to him about it.
Hazel used the spare key to go through the backdoor of Theodore’s home. She walked into the living room to see him still zonked out on the couch. Those painkillers knocked him out, she thought. She slowly walked up to him and gently nudged his arm. “Theo?” He was out cold. For a moment, she feared that he was dead, even though she knew how irrational that thought was. She nudged him a little harder. His eyes slowly peeled open.
“Oh,” he muttered, “you’re back.”
“Yeah, hey, um…” She spoke frantically.
He let out a groan as he stretched then picked his head up. “Are you okay? You seem… upset.”
“Yeah. I mean, no. Well, kind of.”
He slowly sat up on his own. “Come here, sit.”
Hazel sat on the couch and twiddled with her thumbs. “So, um… I have to talk to you about something.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Uh… So… I gave it some thought and-”
Theodore’s heart sank. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen. He was worried she had gotten overwhelmed and was going to leave him.
“- I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to take care of you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t take care of you and run the cafe at the same time.”
He shrugged. His worry suddenly faded. “Then take care of the cafe.”
“But you can’t take care of yourself.”
They sat in silence for a moment. Hazel felt insanely guilty.
“Hey,” Theo broke the silence, “I have an idea.”
“Hm?” Hazel looked at him with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“What if, and hear me out here,” he put his free hand on her shoulder. “What if I took care of you, too?”
“What… What are you talking about?”
“What if I helped you out financially while you help me? Like, what if I paid you for taking care of me?”
“What?! Theodore, no! I’d feel so guilty!”
“Please. Let me help you.”
They made eye contact for a moment. Hazel took a deep breath. “Okay.”
Theo smiled and gave her a quick smooch. “Relax. We can make this work. Everything will be okay. Anything you need, I will take care of. Okay?”
“Okay.” Hazel’s eyes were glazed over with tears. She wasn’t expecting him to react in such a way.
“You look like you’re going to cry.”
Hazel’s lower lip quivered as she nodded.
“No,” he pulled her in for a gentle hug. He wrapped his left arm around her as tight as he could. “No tears.” He kissed her cheek as she whined and shed a few tears into his chest. She sat up and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.
“Sorry,” she apologized. “I don’t know why I’m crying. I’m just stressed.”
“I know. It’s okay. You can stay here as long as you need to.”
“Okay. I mean, I’ll have to grab more clothes and things. I only packed enough for a couple days.”
“That’s fine. Everything’s fine, okay? Stop worrying.”
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
I just wanted to say regardless of whether you've seen the show that you're my favorite ST writer. I dont know how you capture the characters so well while further developing them perfectly but it's genuinely incredible. I must've read your steddie fics like 97 times just because I adore them <3 If you're still taking prompts, I'd love to maybe see Steve and Eddie! Maybe with "Oh this is too good to pass up" as the dialogue? Either way, you're incredible and I can't wait to read all your other work <3
Okay, wow this is VERY sweet ;w; You are so so kind anon. I think I'm getting better at writing them now after having practiced. Those first fics have a fond place in my heart for being the first ones, but every day I am tempted to rewrite them LMAO
anyways, I'm certainly far from perfect but I'm grateful that you enjoy them!! This warms my heart so much. I really do love writing them and the positive response to those fics made me wanna keep going and improve. Still haven't seen the show yet but honestly I'm chilling in this little niche I've carved for them.
Hopefully this fic makes you happy and pushes me a lil closer to being worthy of the honor of being your fav. Really hope you enjoy--I fuckin love these boys <3
Ahoy, Sailor
You can read this as a season three au or as season four. Either way, Steve and Eddie have a bitchy will they/won’t they rivalry situation going on. Eddie REALLY likes pushing Steve’s buttons. 
It’s not unusual for Eddie to find his way to the Harrington house for some excuse or another, but he’ll admit it’s unusual to be invited. He tends to just appear and haunt Steve unasked. It’s more fun that way. 
Steve had called him, muttering something about how Eddie needed to come pick up his vest because it ‘smelled like a depressed hippie’. Eddie had fired back that Steve’s room couldn’t possibly smell any better without it, and their usual bickering had Eddie leaving fifteen minutes later with a grin on his face.
He loves Steve. Messing with him, that is. So, naturally, when Eddie ascends the stairs and sees Steve dressed like a little schoolboy, he takes a minute to compose his best jokes.
“Ahoy, sailor.” Eddie whistles, leaning in the doorway to Steve’s room. He drinks in the Scoops Ahoy uniform and all it blessedly has to offer. 
“Wh—oh, fuck off. It’s laundry day.” Steve rolls his eyes.
“Aye aye, cap’n.” Eddie salutes. Steve flips him off.
“Cool the attitude, sassy lost child.” Eddie snorts. There’s piles of clothes on every surface in the room, arranged in a way that suggests intention but would baffle even the most equipped psychologist. Eddie wants to ask about the system here, but he knows he’s no better, so he just watches Steve flit around with a little pout on his face. 
“You look like Donald Duck’s worst cousin.” Eddie snickers into his fist.
“You done?” Steve puts his hands on his hips.
“For now.” Eddie shrugs. Steve huffs.
Steve keeps rooting through the piles on the floor--slow enough to be mesmerizing, but fast enough where he’s clearly looking for something specific. Oh, his vest. Laundry. Eddie scans the room until, aha--he spots it hanging over the back of Steve’s desk chair, smooth and loved. Striking, compared to the state of everything else. Eddie smiles before he can catch himself. 
“My vest is over there.” Eddie jerks a thumb towards Steve’s desk. 
“Yeah, I see that.” Steve gives him a perplexed look. He shakes his head and keeps drifting through the clothes. 
“Then what are you looking for?” Eddie ventures, stepping into the room properly. As much as he wants to, he doesn’t shrug his vest on. It feels like a conclusion of business, a visual excuse for Steve to kick him out despite the olive branch he’s inexplicably extended. 
“A shirt. Robin’s got a date to impress.” Steve sorts through a pile. He looks between a yellow sweater and a green one, sighs, and tosses them both aside. 
“By wearing…your clothes?”
“Yes, Munson, keep up.” Steve puts a hand on his hip. “She’s gonna be here eventually, probably freaking out, and I wanna give her two options. Just two. She’s gotta look good, but she’s gotta be comfortable.”
“Right.” Eddie nods slowly, as if this makes sense. 
“Hey, make yourself useful. I’ve got this shirt, uhm, dark blue? With a little stripe? If you find it, let me know.” Steve flaps a hand at him. Eddie knows precisely the shirt--it fits Steve distractingly well. 
“I’ll get right on that, sweetheart.” Eddie flops backwards on the bed. Steve shoots him a withering look. Eddie gives his most charming smile and folds his arms behind his head. 
God, he loves this part of their little dance. The way Steve looks at him, the undeniable fondness buried beneath the exasperation—it’s a thrill. 
Steve tugs at a shirt underneath Eddie’s body, but he can’t get it free. He heaves a belabored sigh. 
“Do you mind?” Steve’s eyebrow twitches. 
“Not at all. I’m enjoying myself immensely.” Eddie smirks. 
“If you stretch out my shirt, I’m gonna push you in the goddamn pool. Get up!” Steve jabs Eddie in the side. Eddie giggles and flinches violently.
Steve Harrington is looking at him as if he’s the best present he’s ever received, and while some deep and unacknowledged part of Eddie does flips at the sight, it’s terrifying. 
“Oh, this is too good to pass up.” Steve crawls onto the bed after him, his devilish grin curling wider by the second. Eddie’s face burns and he scrambles to flee, but Steve’s already on top of him. 
“Don’t you dare, Harring—aaah!”  Eddie’s soul and dignity flee him in a high-pitched shriek. 
“Holy shit. I’m barely touching you.” Steve staccato pokes him everywhere he can reach, quick and light, and Eddie can’t stop the giggles bursting from him in waves. He wants to think of something witty to say, but it tickles, and Steve’s smirking—it’s a lot to ask of man under these conditions.
Steve starts tickling him in earnest, his fingers skittering wherever they can reach. When Steve trips up his ribs, Eddie arches like he’s being hit with a defibrillator. He smushes his face into his hands, hoping maybe he’ll smother himself and they can call this a day, but Steve tuts at him and pulls his hands away from his face. 
“No way you’re this ticklish,” Steve says again—does he really need to rub it in—and gives Eddie’s sides a curious squeeze. Eddie shrieks and flips himself over, attempting to crawl towards freedom. 
“Where’re you going?” Steve drags Eddie back into place by his waist. He makes an incoherent whining noise that breaks off into laughter and goes limp on the bed. He tries to roll back over but Steve is solid on top of him. Being face-down gives him the small mercy of being able to hide his face while he cackles.
God, he didn’t even know that the back of someone’s ribs could be ticklish. Holy hell. 
Eddie grabs at Steve’s knee and releases a desperate jumble of syllables. Steve yelps and falls backwards off the bed.
Eddie peeks at him over the edge of the bed, laughter petering off into gentle embers. Steve stares up at him, wide-eyed. Eddie backtracks, trying to figure out why a simple touch would’ve elicited such a big reac—oh. Oh. 
Steve’s halfway down the stairs before Eddie even realizes he’s gone. 
“Hey! Get back here!” Eddie skids after him two stairs at a time, swiping at the back of Steve’s shirt. 
Eddie tackles Steve over the back of the couch, both of them a tangle of screeching, flailing limbs. Steve’s stronger but Eddie is scrappy, having long since abandoned his self-preservation instincts. Steve tries to roll them over and Eddie goes limp. Steve grunts under the deadweight, and it gives Eddie the two seconds he needs to clamber on top of him properly. 
“Now—“ Eddie finally wrestles Steve down, huffing a lock of hair out of his eyes— “What the everloving fuck was that?”
“Nothing.” Steve’s poker face is good, but Eddie can see right through that easy smile. He walks his fingers across Steve’s stomach. Steve inhales sharply. 
“Didn’t sound like nothing.” Eddie raises his eyebrows innocently. Steve narrows his eyes at him, but his fake smile is very slowly twitching into a real one. 
Spurred on, Eddie kneads into Steve’s stomach, gentle and a little clumsy. Steve trembles under him, wrenching a hand free just to cover his face. Little huffs and snickers wobble out of him. 
“Dishing out what you can’t take? Oh, this is precious.” Eddie snickers. Steve shoves his hand into the side of his face to push him away. Eddie licks it.
Steve screeches, but that breaks the dam. The first beautiful sound from him is a snort. Eddie gasps happily, then laughs right along with Steve. 
It’s not that Steve doesn’t laugh, he does, but it’s often the restrained chuckle that Eddie loves to give every royal NPC in his campaign. Eddie’s never heard anything like this, this bubbly rush littered with voice-cracks and little bouts of nose-scrunched hiccups. He didn’t know Steve was even capable of these kinds of noises.
The stupid little Scoops shirt rides up and Eddie takes advantage of bare skin. Steve squeals and goes boneless on the couch. He hits Eddie with the full brunt of his smile, unfiltered and radiant, and something in Eddie’s chest flutters. 
“EddieEddieEddie--” Steve snorts again, and the speed at which his face turns scarlet suggests embarrassment. Eddie can’t imagine why. 
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.” Eddie reaches behind him and finds Steve’s knee, tickling just where the goofy shorts stop, and Steve wails. He curls his head into Eddie’s chest and seems to resign himself to die there. Eddie has absolutely no feelings about how warm Steve feels or the desperate little leg kick he does. 
Steve grabs Eddie’s wrists and he relents, figuring the promise of future mischief is a sufficient tradeoff for a truce. Steve collapses back into the couch cushions with a delirious little giggle, rubbing his hands over his beaming face. Steve peeks at him overtop his hands, then snickers again. 
The longer they sit here, both breathing a little hard, the longer Eddie has to notice the gentle warmth and curve of Steve’s eyes. A hysterical man would call them doe-like. Eddie accepts this new state of being and leans a little closer. His guitar pick necklace dangles over Steve’s chest. Steve’s jaw falls slack, eyes flitting to Eddie’s lips. Eddie’s hair falls in a frizzy curtain around them both. 
Eddie doesn’t see Robin so much as he hears her—the screech of disgust bounces off every wall. He pops his head up and they make direct, unfortunate eye contact. She shoots him an all-knowing look with her beady, accusatory little eyes and he gives her his most threatening zip it gesture. 
Steve decides that that’s the moment to counterattack, sending a cackling Eddie toppling off the cushions and onto the floor. Steve slides down after him, ducking under a flailing arm and scribbling his fingers wherever he can reach. Eddie curls up like a pillbug. He can hear Robin saying something but it's unintelligible over the sound of his own laughter.
“I know, right?” Steve grins back at her, then looks back to Eddie. Softly. 
Steve has the audacity to wink at him. Eddie files that little moment away for Tonight Eddie to scream into a pillow about, and instead focuses on launching a counter-counterattack that’ll save his life. 
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The Lucky Shirt
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Summary: You were sure you had the right bag. But turns out, when you walked head first into a wall of perfection, you swapped laundry bags with him by mistake. Now, you’re stuck with only his clothes to wear and not much time to find him again before the presentation that could change your life.
Pairing: Dean x F!Reader
Rating: G
Word Count: 1600
Warning: stress from work, but mostly fluff
Squares: Laundromat meet cute for @anyfandomfluffbingo​​​​
A/n: This is the first thing I’ve written in a while, so it’s not perfect, but I’m trying to fight that writer block and my heartbreak with some fluff. I’m still working on the requests I have, I just had to write something else to try and clear my mind
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It was your first apartment and it was a good deal. The rent was cheap, but you had everything you needed, a bathroom, a bedroom and a kitchen. Three rooms, small, fourth floor, a balcony opening on the road below. Nothing special, but it was your home.
The only thing missing was a washing room. Not that you had a washing machine anyway, it was already complicated to leave home to go and live alone. And there was a laundromat down the road, so there was no need at the moment.
A week after moving in, a pile of dirty clothes was slowly turning into a mountain of laundry in the corner of your room. You finally had a day off, so you took advantage of it, put the clothes in a trash bag and headed to the laundromat.
It had to be said, you always had that problem of focusing on the task at hand. While the clothes were being washed, you were on your phone, texting your boss about your next work and playing candy crush at the same time. Once the washing and drying was done, you put back everything in your bag and walked to the exit, your eyes still glued to your phone.
That’s when you hit it. The wall. Well, you thought it was a wall, with how hard and solid it was. With a little shriek, you dropped everything you were holding. Your bag was luckily tied and rolled away while your phone crashed and a broken sound echoed in your ears.
“Shit!” You exclaimed, immediately going for your phone, sighing in relief when you saw the device had no damage, as the phone case took all of it.
“Son of a bitch, I’m so sorry,” someone said and legs entered your sight. Your eyes roamed up, noticing bowlegs hidden under the distressed jeans. Up and up and you saw flannel, black shirt, and finally, perfection.
That man was beyond beautiful. Getting up quickly, you stared at him for a few seconds, getting lost in his magnificent green eyes. “It’s uh… My fault, I should be looking where I go,” you managed to mutter as you understood you didn’t walk into a wall, but into him.
“It’s fine, really, you got all the fall damage,” he grinned at you, and god, that smile was devastating. “Your phone’s okay?”
“Yeah,” you awkwardly smiled, waving your phone to show him. “It’s okay.” You stayed like that a couple of seconds more before noticing it was plain creepy to stare at him. Gosh you were so awkward. “I should be going, so… It was nice uh meeting you,” you babbled, walking quickly to the trash bag on the floor to pick it up.
“Hey, wait,” the man said and you turned your head towards him. “What’s your name?”
You pondered if you should tell him, after all, it wasn’t everyday that you met the perfect man in a laundromat. Perfect man that even asked for your name. You had to take that opportunity, go out, see him again, do something else than work…
But you were too stubborn and invested in your work for that.
“I’m late, sorry!” You said instead of answering. 
It was only back home that you realized you should have told him your name and asked for his.
At first, nothing was wrong. You threw the bag in your room, planning on putting away the laundry in your drawers later. There were things you needed to do before work tomorrow if you wanted to have that holiday off next week and perhaps, that promotion you wanted so much. 
Around midnight, your eyes were burning, so you decided to call it a day and go to bed. In the darkness of your room, your foot met something round and soft, and you remembered your laundry. You had to put it away before it wrinkled in the bag.
Once the light was on, you opened the bag and fetched one item inside.
“Huh?” You wondered as a green, long sleeve shirt emerged from the bag. You didn’t remember buying that shirt, let alone wash it, but maybe you were just too tired to remember. You shrugged it off and plunged your hand inside for another item. This time, a white button up shirt appeared. Your brain started to spin as you got the next clothing quickly. Ties. T-shirts. An endless amount of flannels. Men’s underwear. Black socks. “Fuck.”
As men’s clothes formed a mountain of problems around you, you realized you had the wrong bag.
Finding one particular person in this big ass town you were not familiar with turned out to be more than difficult. It was impossible. 
Not only were you stuck with the green eyed man’s clothes, but you had nothing else to put on except the clothes you had on today and joggers. And tomorrow you had an important day at work, you had to leave a good impression on your boss! You couldn’t go to work with… those!
It was too late to go shopping since it was midnight. And tomorrow, your shift was way too early for you to buy clothes before it started. You had no other choice but to wear his stuff.
The next morning, it was with anxiety at the top that you put on his green shirt, noticing it was very comfortable, in the end, and picked a random pair of jogger pants. That would have to do, you were already late.
Turned out, your outfit didn’t seem to please your boss. Even if your presentation was more than perfect, flawless, even, that you worked your ass off for it, the moment you stepped in with that shirt (that was very comfortable, so much more comfortable than the tight skirt and blouse you usually wear), you knew you lost your chance, your holiday and the promotion.
But it wasn't a bad thing. Because somehow… It opened your eyes. 
You put so much effort in that work, so much time, lost so many opportunities to simply live, pushed away your dreams… And for what? To get denied when you arrive in a shirt? It made you realize you didn’t even like that job. It was stressful, and it made you miserable. It wasn’t what you wanted to do. You wanted to go back to school, study and get your dream job. And it wasn’t it.
With all the overtime you did at that place, you were okay financially to quit that job and get a less stressful one while you would go back to school. So that was what you did, you quitted your job and fuck, did it feel good to be free.
You were on your way back home, feeling lighter than ever, when a familiar voice sounded behind you.
“Hey! That’s my shirt!”
Turning back, you met those beautiful green eyes again. But this time, the man wasn’t alone, there was a taller man next to him. You noticed the green eyed one had baggy clothes on, probably his.
“It’s you!” You smiled at seeing him again. What were the odds? “So, I think we mixed bags,” you laughed at his expression following the more than obvious statement you just made.
“Yeah, I think so too,” he grinned, relief washing over his face. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Sorry, I was at work, losing my job,” you shrugged, but before he could add something, you were quicker. “This is the best day of my life. And this,” you touched the shirt, “is now my lucky shirt.”
“You lost your job and it’s the best day of your life?” The other man wondered. You nodded. 
“It’s my shirt, by the way,” the green eyed one muttered under his breath, his comment making you smile more.
“It made me realize what I was losing with this job,” you shrugged simply. “I wasn’t happy there. But you weren't looking for me to know about my life, right? Come on, I’ll go fetch your clothes at my place.”
Once the laundry was with their right owner, it was time to say goodbye. Only one day went by, and yet, it felt like an adventure that lasted a week. Just because you met that stranger at a laundromat and switched bags by mistake. 
Who in their right mind put their clean laundry in a trash bag anyway? Like, really? You thought you were the only one.
Before the two men left, you stopped the green eyed one. The other said he would wait outside, leaving you alone with him.
“I’m still wearing your shirt,” you said, shyness filling your face with heat. 
“You can keep it,” he replied. “Seems like it brings you luck. And it fits you nicely,” he winked, starting to walk away, but you stopped him again.
“Wait… Uhm… What’s your name?” 
The man turned, and you met his beautiful eyes once again. “Dean. I’m Dean.”
“I’m Y/n, nice to meet you,” you smiled. “Do you think I could get your number? You know, just in case there’s still some clothes we mixed,” you swayed from one foot to the other, not believing you had the guts to finally ask him. If someone told you just yesterday you would ask someone their numbers, you wouldn’t have believed them.
“Of course,” Dean said as he looked for his phone in his pockets so you could write your number in it. “Only if you give me yours first.”
Yeah. That day was good. And it was official, that shirt was your lucky shirt.
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​ @eevvvaa​​ @wickedinspirations​​ @fictional-affairs​​ @awkward-and-indecisive​​ @cryptichobbit​​
Supernatural Tag List: @cryptichobbit​ @sexyvixen7 @stixnstripesworld @charred-angelwings @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @lyarr24​ @fiftyshadesgrl​
Dean Winchester Tag List: @akshi8278​​ @siospins2​​ @kazsrm67​​ @wtrpxrks​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @thoughts-and-funnies​​ @charred-angelwings​​ @jensendreamland​​ @deanswaywardgirl​​ @happyt0exist​​ @waynes-multiverse​
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 5 months
Hello! If you’re still taking prompts, “what have they been putting off even though it will only take 10 minutes” and Julie?
“Julie!” Luke calls as he bounds up the stairs, “have you seen my Screams from the Attic tee?”
Julie looks toward her laundry pile and then around her room at the other items of clothing scattered throughout the space before returning her attention to the mounds of embroidery floss covering her desk in front of her. “Nope!” she shouts back.
Luke makes his way into her room and looks around, “really?”
She doesn’t look at him as she finishes choosing the colours for the next bracelet she intends to make, pulling out strands from each skein, “yep.”
He offers a disbelieving hum before settling in on her bed, “I’m running out of clothes, you know.”
Julie shrugs, “sounds like a you problem.”
He coughs out a laugh before standing back up and walking over to her, looking over her shoulder to watch her.
“If you want to watch, fine. But don’t hover. Get a chair,” she tells him and he complies, pulling up another chair and sitting beside her. 
“Can you teach me?”
She looks over at him and then back to the bracelet that she’s now several rows into before speaking, “yeah. Pick some colours. No more than four.” She shoves a pile of skeins his way before carefully setting her own project aside so she can help him.
Luke has managed to sit still and listen to Julie’s instructions long enough to have mostly made it through making his first bracelet and Julie is just finishing up the one that she’d started when he showed up when they hear another set of footsteps making their way up the stairs. They both turn toward the doorway when Alex appears.
“Jules, do you have my hoodie?” 
Julie’s gaze returns to the strands between her fingers and she feels her face heat slightly. The boys exchange an amused look over her head as she answers, “don’t think so.”
Alex looks around her room before making his over to Julie and Luke.
“Whatcha doing?” he asks. 
Luke holds up the ends of his bracelet, somehow managing not to dislodge it from under the tape it’s secured to the desk with, “making pretty things!”
Alex rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a light chuckle, “alrighty then. Can I hang with you?”
Julie nods as she finishes her last knot and turns around to face Alex, bracelet in hand. “Yeah, but give me your arm.”
He responds with a curious look but holds his arm out for her and she wraps the bracelet around his wrist, confirming that it’s the right length. When she’s satisfied, she turns back around and sets it on the desk. 
“Do you want it removable or no?” 
“Whatever’s easiest for you. Wait, is that for me?”
She turns her head to look up at him, “is that ok?”
He nods and goes to sit on her bed, “yeah. Thanks!”
Luke frowns at the bracelet in front of him, “but mine was gonna be for Alex!”
Julie laughs and shakes her arm in Luke’s direction, displaying her own extensive collection, “he can have more than one you know.”
“Yeah, I can have more than one!” Alex exclaims from where he’s sitting, pleasantly surprised at the gifts his friends are making for him. “Actually, can they maybe be removable if I’m gonna have a few?” he adds after a moment of thought.
“Of course!” Julie exclaims, “I was honestly already going to tie it like this for you anyway. I’ll teach Luke how too.”
“Thanks, Jules,” Alex says. 
Julie finishes up and trims off the ends before turning back around and handing the bracelet to Alex. He promptly puts it on, struggling slightly to pull the ends tight so she reaches out to help him. 
“All done, boss!” Luke states proudly, holding up his first attempt at a bracelet. Alex holds back a slight grimace as he looks down at Julie’s intricate and precisely knotted bracelet and then back up at Luke’s very solid first attempt. Julie clocks it and hides her own giggle behind her hand before turning to Luke to help him finish up.
“Maybe I’ll just keep it for myself then,” he grumbles as he directs an offended glare Alex’s way.
Alex is about to rebut with an almost-apology when he’s interrupted by yet another person bounding up the stairs. 
“I can’t find my flannel anywhere!” Reggie exclaims as he runs into Julie’s room and takes in both the state of it and his friends huddled together.
Julie throws her hands up in frustration. “Fine! I’ll do my laundry! You happy?” she cries and is met with laughter from Luke and Alex and a very confused look from Reggie. She ignores them and pulls herself out of her chair, directing Reggie into it. He spins around, watching as she whirls around her room to gather the items of clothing scattered throughout and throwing them into her laundry hamper. 
Luke notices a (several) very familiar t-shirt make its way through the chaos and laughs, “thought you hadn’t seen that?”
“Shut up,” she mutters as she gathers the last few things and lugs the basket out of her room, laughter trailing behind her.
THANK YOU!!! This was fun :D
Prompt List
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jongseongsnudes · 2 years
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warning/genre; 🤔🤔🤔 1.4k words.
twenty minutes.
twenty whole minutes of complete silence and random awkward glances across the table as you and your step brother ate dinner together.
after the unfortunate incident inside the laundry room earlier, you just couldn’t look sunghoon in the eye, neither could you speak to him. after all, he is the first man in your life to see you completely naked... and it just had to be your step brother of all people.
“eat. i’m not buying you food if you get hungry later,” sunghoon suddenly speaks up, his gaze fixated on the untouched plate of food in front of you, “i’m done anyway.”
you silently watch as the man heads out of the dining room, finally leaving you to yourself. just as you were about to leave as well, you hear the front doors open before loud laughter and an unfamiliar, male voice beam from the living room where sunghoon was.
you could only assume that one of his friends must’ve came by to visit.
“where is she? your famous step sister?” you hear the stranger say, peaking your curiosity. he’s definitely talking about you. “i knew she wouldn’t have any suitable clothes so i bought her some on my way here. she can come with us!”
before you could even react, a rather handsome man about sunghoon’s age appears at the kitchen entrance with a huge grin plastered across his face. his bright energy and adorable eye smile immediately has you copying his expression in return.
“hi i’m sunghoon’s friend, leo!” the man takes a hold of your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it, his eyes never once leaving yours, “it’s a pleasure to finally meet park sunghoon’s younger sister. you’re so beautiful.”
“th- thank you-” your gaze immediately diverts to your step brother who had just entered the room, his face completely grim at the scene before him.
“i just say it as it is,” leo sends you a mischievous wink as he lifts a white shopping bag up towards you, nudging for you to take.
“this... this is... for me?” you mumble off and grab the bag. your brows almost immediately furrow in confusion as you pull out a flimsy piece of black, sparkly fabric. a skimpy cocktail dress.
“yeah! go change into it so we can go party! it won’t be fun if it’s just me and sunghoon.”
you immediately look back to sunghoon who hadn’t said a single thing since appearing but you know the look on his face too well. he’s obviously not happy with his friend’s suggestion. of course he wouldn’t want to hang out with someone as lowly as you. he’s made sure to tell you that numerous times before.
“what are you waiting for?” sunghoon says in his usual annoyed tone, his eyes rolling at you staring blankly at him, “quick or i’m leaving without you.”
you... hanging out with park sunghoon?!
did park sunghoon hit his head today?
before you knew it, you were standing in the middle of the bathroom with the so-called dress on. it was a beautiful, strapless dress that barely covered anything it was supposed to cover. if anything, it was more like a shirt than a dress. how one would be comfortable wearing this, you had no idea because you weren’t at all comfortable.
reaching around your back, you attempt to slide the zipper up to secure the dress on you but of course nothing you do ever goes as planned. even something as simple as zipping up your dress seems impossible at this point because it’s now horribly tangled with a big chunk of your hair.
you struggle about for a few minutes but the tangle only worsens by the time you finally decide to give up... and get some help.
“sunghoon... sunghoon-” you whisper out into the empty corridor, hoping he’d hear you but with no response, you repeat yourself a couple more times.
you sigh at the bluntness in his tone but you don’t really have a choice. as much as you didn’t want him to see you in such an embarrassing situation yet again, you really needed his help.
the unamused man finally appears in front of the bathroom door to the constant call of his name, his eyes already staring daggers into your face before you could even ask him the favour.
“my- my zipper is tangled with- with my hair... can you... help. please?”
“i didn’t think it was possible for you to get dumber,” he says with such disgust in his tone before gesturing for you to open the door. once inside the bathroom, sunghoon opens his mouth to (most likely) insult you some more but pauses. his eyes are now silently travelling up and down your body in a way that made you feel bare, even though you clearly weren’t.
“wh- what? why are you... staring at me?”
you could see his jaw clench as his eyes finally come up to meet yours. there’s a moment of silence. a moment of weird glances shared between you and sunghoon. you want to look away so badly, to hide away from those dark eyes that you could never seem to read. but there’s something different about his gaze tonight, it’s not filled with hatred or annoyance but rather something hard to explain. something that’s making you so nervous already.
your entire body tenses when the man suddenly takes a step forward, closing the already tiny gap between your bodies. the familiar scent of his cologne fills the air around you, the smell that you’ve grown to secretly love ever since moving in with him. a smell that always gets your heart thumping for a reason unknown to you.
the close proximity has you immediately weak in the knees, the fact that your face was now barely a step away from his chest was starting to have its effect on you. why all of this was making you so nervous, you had no idea but you needed to get away asap.
his hand suddenly grabbing onto your shoulder snaps you right out of your daze but before you could even question it, the man spins you right around with your back now pressing against his chest.
“how can i help you if you don’t turn around?”
your fingers anxiously fidget about as you wait for sunghoon to untangle the mess behind your back. his fingers would often enough graze against your skin, the coldness of it instantly sending shivers down your spine but you don’t dare react. the last thing you want is for him to find out how much you were freaking out over such a little thing.
no one says a thing for the next few minutes but the complete silence seems to be a lot worse, especially when he’s staring directly into your bare back... and especially because the chances of your dress slipping off your body was relatively high at this point. definitely not something you needed happening again today.
it felt rather strange to have sunghoon’s fingers threading through your hair. but he was gentle. boy, was he gentle. you were almost starting to enjoy it.
“i’m not helping you again the next time you do dumb shit,” he says lowly into your ear from behind, his voice only loud enough for you to hear. you could feel his hot breath fan across the tip of your ear, an indication that he was indeed way too close.
if you were nervous about the close proximity before... well you were feeling ten times that now.
“sunghoon!” leo’s loud voice echoes out in the corridor, gradually getting closer and closer, “where are you dude? are you ready to go?”
“we- we should probably go,” you quickly turn around, your heart only beating faster to the sight of the handsome man standing closely behind you. maybe you were seeing things but you swore there was a hint of a smirk on the ends of his lips. “thank you... for helping me sunghoon.”
just as you were about to step around him to leave, sunghoon suddenly raises his hand up to stop you in your tracks. he doesn’t say a thing but his threatening gaze alone is enough to have you frozen all over again.
“do i really make you that nervous?”
taglist; @i-dalso​ @wony6ung​ @jeonjungkookkk @j4yluvr​ @soobsbby @astra-line​ @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @yabukkura​ @sonmil @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @lhsng​ @abdiitcryy​ @hwasatiny​ @uuvjungwon @dehydratedami @enhasengene​ @enhacolor​ @my5colors​ @kyutiepeachyhy @miiiwaa​ @miixsh​ @vantxx95​ @jakespecs​ @outrologist​ @9900z @axartia​ @yuakagi @bunhoons​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​ @manaswi-madhusudan @skylaryoung2002 @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​ @emoworu​ @kyoyangwon​ @taekbokki​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @cherryblushtzy​ @carateum1​ @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​  @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​​ @thedemonundernikisbed​ @rosie-is-everywhere​ @kuleo26​  @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ 
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© jongseongsnudes. please do not copy, translate or repost.
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