#anyway hope the happy dorks are enough to make this enjoyable <3
seyaryminamoto · 1 year
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Fic-to-Art #29: Azula helps Sokka beat her guards at Mahjong
Sometimes, we simply need to fall back on chill moments to feel better about life, and I think my Patreons thought so too xD this month's prompt was teamwork, and I was quite surprised to see the winning prompt happened to be one of the most lighthearted moments of Sokkla teamwork in the story: Azula sneakily gives away false information about the tiles Sokka had been gathering... thus, her guards discarded the tiles he needed to attain victory. They're all quite shocked and confused by the outcome, while the co-conspirators are, of course, quite pleased instead.
This takes place on Azula's barge, unfortunately I still don't really know how to draw it without making a mess, but I hope I'll get better at it the more I do it :'D I hope the Mahjong tiles look okay too. This artwork kind of feels like a callback, or even a redraw, of one I did maaaany years ago, but Sokka wasn't in that one because that game would have been the ones Azula played while Sokka was riding Xin Long back to his house. Therefore, drawing them together here was even more gratifying than the first piece was!
At any rate, I hope you guys like it!
If you want to be part of the creative process behind these pieces, a $1 Patreon pledge is enough to make you eligible for suggesting the monthly prompts and voting on them, as well as reading Gladiator snippets 6 days before the chapter's release!
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Loud House Reviews: Racing Hearts
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Welcome back errbody. Continuing the Salauna trilogy with Racing Hearts. We’ve already seen the cute asking them out story , now comes the actual first date.. which ITSELF is massively important. Keep in mind even though Nick fully supported L is for Love and the crew put a lot of work into it given how good it turned out, Sam easily still could’ve vanished into Limbo. For it’s first 2 seasons loud house, the show HAD continuity: Once Ronnie Anne and Bobby moved away to set up their spinoff, there was an episode with Lincoln’s friends trying to help him deal with missing her in the first ep giving any of them  besides Clyde focus, a trend that would continue, they still showed up via video chat or in person where waranted and there was a full episode about Lincoln’s group of friends trying to help him deal with it... which also reminds me of a smiliar episode of ned’s declassified that was really damn good but unrelated to this... seriously that show is underated and I hope with the Netflix deal it shows up there.  Anywho back on the show we’re actually talking about, the show didn’t really have arcs, thigns that carried from episode to episode.. until Season 3. Season 3 is where the show REALLY hit it’s stride, with it now fully being an ensemble show and more continuity injected int, not interfering iwtht he show’s episodic nature but making it feel like events had meaning. Stella was introduced in “White Hare” and later got a full introduction that i’ll no doubt cover with “Be Stella My Heart” and afterwords rather than being forgotten entirely like the show used to do became part of his friend group in their episodes. Lynn SR. was revealed to have quit his office job to work at a restraunt and was working on opening his own, which while only a two episode arc, lead to the opening of Lynn’s table in the finale and it’s stuck around since. And Leni got a job at a clothing store she’s kept since and friends at said job who’ve shown up since.  See i’m fine with a show not having heavy duty continuity or serilzation, some shows thrive there but I love it when shows do this: even if it’s not all about plots, things progresing or being followed up on makes the show feel more vibrant and keeps it from stagnation in my book.  And as as show with a bunch of girls at dating age, it was invetivible theird’ be recurring romantic arcs, hence Chaz is mentoined as dating Leni, if not given any real focus so far hopefully that’ll change, while Luaan, in this episodes pairing brother, and most importantly Luna got followups on theres. And thus that brings us here to racing hearts,where nick earns the praise they got from l is for love by following up on it and showing in no uncertain terms the two as a blossoming couple.  I get to the actual episode under the cut:
We start with Lori being upset the bathroom is being taken up.... and that brings up a small issue I have: .. WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE BATHROOM FOR 10 KIDS. I do assume Lynn Sr and Rita have their own, and that it might be hard to put another one up there for plumbing reasons, but it still seems WEIRD to not have more than one up there or close to the stairs so that it dosen’t take 50 years for 10 children to get ready. And yes I said 10, Lily has a diaper and isn’t potty trained yet and any cleaning up or getting dressed, when needed, falls on Rita or Lynn Sr. But still it’s a LOT to ask for 10 children to share share one bathroom peacefully and it’s only through the power of not wanting to spend an animation budget on it that the bathroom isn’t a constant disaster area.  Anyways it’s actually Luna who, to her sister’s shock, is in a facemask getting ready to go to the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest with Sam for their first date. Naturally the other two are excited, and Luna, despite her usual nerves, is actually incredibly stoked and feels it’ll go perfectly. 
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At any rate, she’s happy and Lynn comes in to kick everyone out to scrape off her callosuses instead of you know... having Lucy leave their room or doing it while she’s not there, butttt that little detail is actually a tell for later so fair play to you. Plus Lucy may just understandably find int gross and Lynn dosen’t trike me as good at picking up after herself. As it turns out to no one’s shock, Lynn was banned last year for being a sore winner and rightfully so as we see in flashback, but she’scome to terms with it... wink. But they agree to leave as the louds need to get over there anyway.  Cut to the ASTONISHING QUEST.. which turns out to be a scavenger hunt with admitely a great name. Seriously someone use that. But we see tons of returning charcters including Scootst, Pop Pop and his girlfriend, and... 
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I”d apologize for thatbut I feel that way any time I see the little weirners face. Be glad this dosen’t happen every time he shows up.  On the bright side he looks as dead inside as I do whenever I find out he’s in an episode, and Zack looks the same amount of dead inside.. probably because he realized a filing cabnet would’ve been a better partner. A review of your choice for the first person to get that reference and send it to me.  Thankfully my extesntial dread at seeing a Rusty cameo is lifted when Luna meets up with Sam and the two are awkard dorks together for a second as they figure out what greeting to do, settling on a handshake. It’s fucking precious. We then meet Royal Wood’s Mayor, voiced by Shirley! Now if she’d just show up on Ducktales already. Though hearing her reminds me I should do some Harvey Beaks reviews at some point... anyways, she announces the quest and Clyde and LIncoln make a fist bump while Lori and Leni stare down their parents like their about to start brawling in the streets then and there. What.. what have you guys done to each other over the years at these things? I want to know the history there. Have astonishing quest show up again in another season. I”d also love an Brooklyn Nine Nine style heist episode with this show .  Anyways, the rules are laid out: Each team is given an evelope with a clue, standard scavenger hunt contest stuff, and have challenges at each location to complete. The first team to finish wins the key to the city.. er a tiny trophy with you did it on it. Honestly that last one’s better anyway. Anyways after from trashtalk from Scoots and her partner Helen, who seems oddly familliar, we’re off! The first clue is easily figured out by Luna and the two old ladies quickly take advantage of Luna saying it loud where everyone can hear it by heading off: It’s off to Lazer Maze , the local Lazer Tag.  The guy there gives them their challenge: They need to get 500 points to get the next clue. Luna takes to it like a fish to water and easily tags Lisa and her friend Darcy... another nice little cameo. And it also shows something I like: not only are all the louds except Lynn, whose banned, and Lily, whose a baby, are competting on their own. And only Lori, who pops back up in a bit and Leni,whose partnered with her are plot relevant, but the episode easily could’ve left them out or used extras for the other teams but wisely decied to instead use characters we’re familiar with. It adds a nice touch that makes this feel like an actual event and make sme wish the show did more townwide events like this. Stars hollow it up. You have a fun character in the mayor, who was hilarious in her one minute here, you have your taylor. Just give her a quirky sidekick and have fun with it. Granted I want every series to have a little gilmore girls in it, but still.  Anyways Sam botches it and instead of shooting the golden girls shoots Luna by accient, though by the next cut they have their points, and the lazer tag guy encourages them anyway. Sam apologizes not being good at Laser tag but Luna happily shrugs it off: While she enjoys it it’s not for everyone. Anyways it’s Luna’s turn to be confused while Sam easily figures out the clue: IT’s off to the farm. And if you wanted the exact oppsite of my reaction to a Rusty cameo...
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Yeah while my reactions to Rusty is “Why haven’t you died on the way to your home planet yet?” My reaction to Liam is pure joy. He’s like this generation’s stinky peterson and I love it and has a nice enjoyable personality instead of being my own personal Kahn.  Anyways LIam’s challenge is to get Eggs from the chickens. Which Sam does easily.. Luna however is nervous to start despite Sam’s reasssurances.. before totally freaking out. To be fair though, chickens can be downright terrifying. Just look at Poyo
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And why yes that is a chicken hell lordd whose also a cyborg  bisecting santac lause. And why no, you are’nt getting any more context than that, go read Chew.  Anyways theys till have enough eggs to complete the challenge, if now splattered in egg and with Liam disapointed with their shenanigans, but being a professinal about it. Total pro. Anyways, Sam is just as ready to brush it off as Luna, noting farms just aren’t for everyone. I also like this plot in general because while it has the series habit of “thing happens again and again and again then climax” it’s used to flesh sam out a bit. While she is there to be Luna’s love intrest, being a love intrest dosen’t mean a character can’t be good or fleshed out. Just look at tom from star vs the forces of evil for a good example of that.  Anyways it’s once again Luna’s turn to figure out the clue and we’re off to Werk It Dance studio.. I gurantee it was going to say twerk it but nick was like “oh honey no. “. The name is just awkward otherwise. Or maybe i’m just old. Also the twins are there. Just a nice thing to note and two characters I THINK are from an episode I haven’t watched yet but read about. Anyways, Luna’s pumped while sam has “oh crapbaskets” written all over her face and quickly does terribly. This one however is .. not as easy to brush of. Not liking going to farms or laser tag is easy, there just things not to do on dates. Not dancing.. is hard when your both musically inclined people whose taste in music is why you met in the first place. While they try to gloss over it, it’s clear this is an issue and worries them both.  Moving on you know the drill at this point: Sam gets the clue, Luna dosen’t, we’re off to rock climbing. Sam utterly loves it while Luna is terrified. Moving on We cut to Luna, whose sitting down feeling depressed, aka my natural state these days, when Lori and Leni show up. Lori even gave her a cute backpack for the quest.. that has a leash attached. I’d say it’s a bit extreme but i’m half convinced this happened at some point and is the reason Leni dosen’t wear laces. 
Luna is of course spiraling because it turns out she and Sam don’t have a lot in common. Lori however gives some really good advice: Turns out she and Bobby hit some of the same problems and she just suggest they both try embracing things the other person likes. Even if it dosen’t work, shocker given the episode is far from over yet, it’s not bad advice and I like that in relationsihp based episodes it’s Lori who tends to be the one helping out, having the most experince to deal with that and a, at least by this point early Lori could be a bit TOO asholish sometimes, really solid couple.  And if you read this before I apologize because for some reason Tumblr decided to EAT A THIRD OF MY REVIEW FORCING ME TO REWRITE IT. And yes i’m ranting a bit but in my defense I worked hard on this and to have most of it chewed up through no fault of my own pisses me off and thus I needed to rant a bit. Back to the review! So Luna tries Lori’s approach while Lori runs off to find Leni who got off the leash.. again. SHe’s probably just going to sniff some ground, eat the plants,she’ll be finnne Lori. Anyways Luna and Sam go to the local health smoothie shop, the kind of place that is my nightmare for people like me with Orangutan bods but makes sense Sam would be into, and the next challenge is identify what this smoothie is made of. I”ve played this game before: my guesses were fish bones,chicken bones, and dry bones.... seriously the glass was just purred bones. I never bought a smoothie from that guy again.. mostly because someone called the cops. There’s a lesson in that. Luna however spits hers out.  IN a break from formula the next activity is for Luna to come sail away, come sail away come sail away with Sam.. whose actually a pretty apt sailor. You can guess the rest. Luna botches it, they still get the clue, yadda yadda time for the sad part. The two have an honest discussion abotu the fact that despite chemstry being there, they seemingly have nothing but their music in common and are diffrent people, with Luna glumly resolving to finish the race as friends and neither being happy. WHelp my heart just broke, next episode.  So Mayor SHirley from Community greets the girls at the final challenge: A bake off... because apparently just being the first one there wasn’t good enough... then again i’ve seen far worse rule changes by a far smugger canadian man so i’ll let it slide. Thankfully the universe throws the two a bone: Neither can bake. What follows is a damn adorable scene: The two touch hands and blush over butter, before working in synch.. and Sam then procedes to cause their pie to explode in her face.. I could’ve phrased that better, but Luna giggles at it, Sam playfully tackles her giggling insues and the two end up on the ground, smiling at each other. Also Helen and Scoots win. Who cares. Luna realizes from this that she was an idiot to suggest giving up so soon, and proposes they simply try to find things they like together rather than focusing on their diffrences. Because as a coked out cat who sang a duet with a coked out Paula Abdul once said:  If things go wrong we make corrections, to keep things goin in the right directions, try to fight it but i’m telling you jack, it’s uselss opposites attract! By the way the show really dropped the ball not having Luna mention this song titles in one of her song refrence things she does this episode. Anyways the two decide to start dating and then hug. My heart.. it’s too full.  We end the episode on the reveal Helen is Lynn, a nice payoff for earlier as Lynn rides off on her elderly partner in crimes scooter into the sunset while Luna and Sam giggle and look on. Like any great love story. And we’re out.  Final Thoughts:  Okay second time around with this, and it’s a great ep. The repetition hurts it SLIGHTLY, but Sam and Luna’s chemistry helps the episode as does it’s terrific aseop: You don’t have to be exactly alike to love a person, or like the same things.. as long as you connect, and TRY to find things you both enjoy, you’ll be fine. The episodes also helped by plenty of nice little cameos, showing off the series new grasp on continuity, and Lori being Luna’s advisor and Lynn naturally being the douchey rival to them and everyone else. Overall a solid ep that was a natural step forward and set up a good status quo for Sam and Luna. The next ep dosen’t feel as natural a story step, but is still a nice one and the one that insipired me to take the leap and review these eps so join me next time as our faviorite couple bond with some cats and get into some scooby doo door shenanigans with “The Purrrfect Gig” Until then later days. 
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
Steady as Stars: Tragen Meta
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So time to ramble about Tragen because I am overly attached to this goober and have TOO MANY FEELINGS. Quick note, everything about his home planet is my own headcanon bc canon and Legends diverge pretty sharply so I just said “Screw allll of it” and am doing my own thing  😎 Also, i tried to keep some sense of order to it, but did not 100% succeed. Lots of parenthetical asides incoming. 
Brief backstory, for anyone who’s not familiar with my wonderful paladin son, Tragen is from Stenos, which is in the Outer Rim, right on the edge of Imperial space. They remained neutral during the Great Galactic War, but did host several Imperial supply lines. These supply lines eventually wound up integral to Stenosi economy, which the Empire used to blackmail them into actually joining shortly before the Treaty of Coruscant was signed.
Tragen’s love of the stars goes back to his childhood, but up until about 10 years old, it was just typical child’s awe and wonder at how many there were all the different places you could go among them, that sort of thing. Around ten is when the Empire started really pressuring Stenos to join, making threats, etc. This wasn’t common knowledge, but since Tragen’s parents were both high ranked government officials/nobility(the two are somewhat linked on Stenos; there’s the king/queen, their inner circle, and then a moderately-sized parliament of sorts drawn from the nobility. I’m still hashing out all the details, but that’s the basics), he’d hear them talking behind closed doors or after they thought he and his sister were asleep. They were worried the Empire would actually attack or invade or something like that, based off the displeasure the Imperial diplomat was conveying.
With the planet/culture’s future uncertain, Tragen started really appreciating the stars’ constancy. They’re always there, always the same, even if you can’t see them or are looking from a different angle. They’ve been there for ages and will be for ages more, and he finds that comforting.
Even moreso after the Imperial diplomat discovers how important the supply lines are to the economy and blackmails Stenos into joining the Empire with that knowledge. There are assurances things won’t change, of course, or at least won’t change much, but they do. And that’s before the Sith start looking for Force Sensitives. It’s very disconcerting for an acquaintance to be there one day and not the next. There are so many rumors about what happens to the people who go with the Sith(willing or no), it’s impossible to figure out the truth. With all the uncertainty, and his parents working even longer hours trying to merge Imperial statutes with Stenosi culture, Tragen finds even more comfort in the stars. Everything else might be changing, but they don’t.
And then the Sith find him. It takes a little over two years from winning Stenos to the Empire for the Imperials to work their way bottom of society to top looking for potential Sith, but Tragen’s one of the first they find when they finally get to the nobility/officials. By this point, the Imperials have abandoned all pretense of this ‘honor’ being optional, and so off Tragen goes to Ziost at thirteen years old. (He doesn’t want to, but loyalty/honor/duty are so central to Stenosi culture his father uses those to talk him down from a full-on freakout and into at least accepting this new path for his life, even if he doesn’t love it)
Tragen is not particularly gifted with the Force. It’s there, he has a decent enough connection to... amplify other things(ala Force scream, etc), but his real saving grace talent is martial combat. He’s been trained with a blade since he could hold one, is extremely observant and good at reading body language, and has a good head for strategy/thinking on his feet. The Sith training is where he’s introduced to the idea of dual-wielding(he’s ambidextrous, which is why one instructor suggests it), which is the only enjoyable thing about it.
Right from the start, Tragen has to hide his true self, bury it beneath a mask of anger and hatred he doesn’t really feel. He knows if he lets it slip he’s dead. He’s watched it happen; decent people who couldn’t ‘get over’ their scruples fast enough fall in duels to fellow acolytes who did, or are cut down by trainers as an example. He skates the edge of discovery the entire seven years he’s there; beating opponents to unconsciousness(so he doesn’t get stabbed in the back) but never killing anyone if can be avoided, claiming it’s so they have to wallow in the humiliation of defeat and/or “I rather like them owing me their life”. Still, he gets lectured multiple times about this merciful “flaw” he has.
During this time, he clings to the stars; to knowing that even when they’re hidden they’re still there, still shining bright, still the same. Just like him, sometimes their true nature is obscured or the constellations aren’t where you expect. bc you’re looking at them from somewhere different. None of that changes them, just how/if people see them.
Tragen’s survival tactic of hiding behind a mask of expected emotions he doesn’t really feel gets tested to its limit once Tremel summons him to the Academy for his trials, especially after Baras takes an interest in him. He’s constantly trying to outfox one of the most paranoid and brilliant Darths around, and sweats bullets the first few times he’s near the man. Once it starts to seem like Baras isn’t suspicious of him, Tragen relaxes ever so slightly. Not enough to do anything stupid, just enough he’s not a mess of suspicious tension every time he’s in his master’s presence. (And let’s not get into how hard the whole ‘wish the Jedi found you instead of the Sith’ thing with Dorgis hit him bc I’ll get too emotional to function. So many feeling for this dork.)
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It’s a little easier once he picks up Vette. He doesn’t entirely drop his guard or his mask around her, but she at least is okay when he does nice/reasonable things, instead of lecturing about how he’s a terrible Sith yada yada. The two of them strike up a friendship pretty fast(she reminds him of his sister, actually), and Vette is usually the one to tag along when Tragen leaves the ship, even after Quinn joins.
It’s a still-tricky balancing act to accomplish enough of Baras’ objectives he doesn’t get suspicious while not violating his own code, but somehow Tragen manages. He leaves everyone alive he can, trotting out the ‘yes, but now they owe me their lives, giving me power and humiliating them’ excuse when needed. The entirely of looking for Jaesa, he’s adamant and upfront that he just wants to talk to her, leaves everyone alive(even makes Master Yonlach question his view of Sith :3) and resolves things as peacefully as he can. Even when faced with Jedi who are raring to fight and operating with the bias Sith = evil(tbf, he’s a rare exception...), Tragen always tries to talk things out first. He’s found pointing out he’s acting more Jedi-like than them works really, really well. On the whole, his conscience is pretty happy with how the search for Jaesa is going, though it does make him uneasy when he hears Baras got his hands on her parents. There isn’t really anything he can do at that point, so he just has to hope for the best and keep going.
While he is happy with the increased freedom and decreased oversight of having his own ship and underlings to do his job, it’s still lonely. He can’t completely relax on the ship, and he’s so used to having his mask up, he can’t bring himself to drop it around people, even Vette. Quinn there’s the obvious reasons(the man’s born and bred Imperial AND owes Baras his career; there’s no way Tragen’s trusting him with this), but Vette it’s more... worrying she’d accidentally spill the beans. She’s such a chatterbox and very impulsive, so even though he thinks she’d try to keep his secret, he’d rather not take chances with something this dangerous. This means the only time Tragen can drop the facade and be himself is when he’s alone, in his cabin, with only the stars for company. This adds a layer to his love of them; alone with the stars is the only place he can be honest, and living this lie is so exhausting he treasures those moments more than he can say.
He’s very used to opponents(especially Jedi) jumping to conclusions about him based purely on him being Sith, so Nomen Karr’s reaction on Hutta is.. expected At least, the initial hostility is. Tragen tries and tries and tries to be reasonable and just talk to the man, but Karr doesn’t cooperate. That he starts calling on the dark side is a bit of a surprise(not a huge one, though; a lot of the Jedi Tragen’s met have been hypocrites, and he could sense Karr’s pride and anger from the start), but Tragen is a skilled enough swordsman(I guess swordsman still applies to lightsabers??) he handles it.
Then Jaesa shows up. Tragen sends Vette to check in with the soldiers outside, and for the first time in eight years, drops his facade. If Jaesa can sense a being’s true nature anyway, there’s no point fighting it, and he hopes a gesture of trust like this will convince her(I did a lot of flashpoints/side quests etc with him, so he’s Light II by this point, better than a lot of my SWs). Dropping his guard like this makes him feel exposed, vulnerable. Naked, almost. He’s been so hidden for so long behind that mask, it’s mildly terrifying to let go of it.
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*ahem* (But trusting Jaesa feels right, and safe, and this was the best course of action, right?)
(Wrong. She’s confused this Sith reads as merciful and compassionate against Master Karr’s arrogance and rage, and attacks him anyway)
During their fight, Tragen can’t help but admire her form; he knows dualsabers are tricky to wield and she’s very good. Good enough that it’s a challenge to beat her without hurting her(too much). By this point, Vette’s brought the Imperial soldiers back in, so he has to hide how giddy he is when Jaesa agrees to join him and help change the Empire from within. 
(Having her along is like surfacing for air after much too long underwater.)
It’s a little bit... cautious at first--they can’t speak freely enough on the ship to really connect. Tragen does encourage her to have confidence in herself; she’s grown since her days as a handmaiden, and understands all too well her struggles with pretending to be something she’s not. A lot of the advice he gives her  is the same things he’s clung to for years(”Keep your eyes on the goal” and “masks worn for survival are different than those worn for personal gain”) Jaesa has a million questions and Tragen’s dying to talk to someone he can be himself around, but they don’t get a chance until Taris. Tragen marks a couple firsts for me there; minorly, he’s my first male toon who did the planet arc but didn’t flirt with Thana, and more importantly: first Sith Warrior to talk every. single. War Trust target into surrendering. He didn’t kill a single one. (which I didn’t know was possible until him; I thought at least one of them[Frelka] fighting was unavoidable, but he did it.) This is where Jaesa starts accompanying him pretty much everywhere(she’s his apprentice, why shouldn’t she?) and they start building up trust and friendship and she gets a real look at his character.
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Tragen keeps his word to the Siantide miners, shows restraint, and is basically the least Sith-y Sith Jaesa’s ever seen, let alone met. This is what brings her curiosity out in Shining Bright. That conversation opens the floodgates and they talk freely as they work their way through Taris, a freedom both miss once they’re back on the Empire Dawn. But even if Pierce’s quarters weren’t right next to Jaesa’s, being more open is not a good idea. Too much risk.
It is, however, very difficult to keep their conversation quiet when Jaesa tells him about the other light-leaning Sith. Tragen’s ecstatic (and relieved) to know he’s not the only one(also, impressed by how much stronger + more skilled Jaesa’s gotten with her power). He’s very eager with his encouragement she keep looking, and so giddy when she actually finds them, they’re both equally to blame for Pierce almost catching them. (It’s very hard for a pair of excited 21 year olds to keep their voices down) He sends her to make contact with these light-leaning Sith and paces his cabin in antsy, impatient circles until she gets back.
Thanks to their Force bond, Tragen can tell even before Jaesa boards the Dawn that something’s wrong. When she tells him how badly her attempt went, the first words out of his mouth are reassuring her this wasn’t her fault. She tried, and no matter the outcome, that was the right thing to do. (He does hug her, even if it’s risky, just for a moment. She’s his friend and she’s hurting, he doesn’t care if it raises suspicions)
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(side note: this is where the first seeds of Jaesa falling for him are planted, when her feelings matter more than her failure, even if she doesn’t realize it until years later)
Disappointed as they might be by this setback, there’s not much they can do about it(both somehow find solace in the stars, though neither mentions it), so they soldier on. Both improve in combat prowess, Jaesa’s strength with her power grows, they become uncannily good at working as a team. (this is part experience and part Force bond--Tragen might barely be decent at most Force stuff, but he and Jaesa bond STRONG)
It’s almost a relief when Baras tries to kill him. He can stop even pretending loyalty. Though he does find it deeply ironic the Emperor’s Hand reaches out to recruit as Wrath someone so diametrically opposed to Sith values. He shares Jaesa’s excitement for potential influence he can wield, being so high-ranked and even less subject to oversight bc who’s gonna be brave enough to question the Emperor’s Wrath? Between that and Lord Emmoridg reaching out to Jaesa, Tragen’s actually feeling good about their chances at reforming the Empire. It turns out a bit more complicated than he’s anticipating--while there’s less oversight, there’s also a stricter and more definite set of expectations placed on the Emperor’s Wrath than on a run of the mill Lord. Expectations that are harder to look like he’s fulfilling while actually subverting.
Belsavis, for example. Tragen has no problem or qualms about killing Ekkage. And he knows Jaesa’s not going to tell anyone how readily he partnered with a Jedi(who he not only let live, but parted on good terms with) to achieve his goals. But he didn’t kill Col. Trill for not helping him, and he lets Lord Melicost walk away, and he has no guarantee those actions won’t raise eyebrows. Sure he can argue he doesn’t want to weaken the Empire/Sith in their war with the Republic, but a) it doesn’t stop other Sith and b) he has a history of being less brutal than a Sith should. With being Wrath now, Tragen’s starting to really stress over the balance and his facade is straining him to the breaking point.
The stars remain a huge comfort to him. He spends a lot on his time on the ship just sitting in his cabin and staring out the viewport(he calls it meditating if anyone other than Jaesa asks). The stars are still there, still the same. The constellations and which ones he can see might be different depending on where in the galaxy he is, but even when he can’t see them, he knows they’re still there. Still magnificent and beautiful no matter what happens. That thought is one of the few things that keeps him going strong.
Another is his friends. Tragen is all too happy to help Vette find her family(it makes him miss his even more) and backs her up in her reluctance to seek revenge for her mother’s death. The two of them are pretty close, and Vette always manages to make him smile, so helping her is no trouble at all. There are times Tragen wonders if she suspects how truly un-Sithy he is, but he can never quite bring himself to admit it to her for sure. That mask is such habit, it stays on around everyone.
Except Jaesa. Even if their Force Bond and her power didn’t make hiding things an exercise in futility, they’re a team and Tragen a) trusts her and b) is eternally grateful to have someone he can be himself around. Completely himself. And he feels like no matter how daunting this goal of reforming the entire Empire is, with her as his partner it’s possible. Jaesa found the light-leaning Sith, Jaesa reached out to them. Despite the initial disaster, she’s the one Lord Emmoridg reaches out to and she’s the one who keeps in touch with him.
Tragen is feeling very good about about their goals and actually starting to hope he won’t have to hide forever when they learn about Cendence. Jaesa is so distraught  when relaying her encounter with the tortured and dying apprentice, Tragen shuts and locks the door under the pretense of meditating so he can comfort her without being disturbed. Knowing there’s a Sith out there hunting down ‘their kind’ is more than a little troubling(terrifying is the word he would use), but Tragen’s too busy with the Hand’s assignments to do anything about it, so he entrusts this foe to Jaesa. He knows she can handle it. She a gifted Force-user, skilled saberist, and stronger than she realizes. He’s so proud of her when she goes face to face with Cendence and beats him bc he knew she could do it.
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Regarding the Quincident--bc how do you meta a Sith Warrior without touching on the Quincident?--Tragen of course forgives him. Has to dress it in the usual ‘Your life is mine now’ rhetoric, but he’s secretly amused at the irony. Baras is the Proper Sith(TM) between the two of them, is more in line with Sith values and would technically be the right choice by that metric. Tragen’s just more powerful--even if it’s still more combat skill instead of the Force. (He’s better with the Force than he used to be, but still largely relies on lightsabers. He’s more comfortable with blades)
After defeating Baras(which is a relief) and being confirmed as Wrath by the Dark Council(which is stressful af), Tragen takes a long time wrestling with how to balance his goals and his new position. Yes, he has more influence, but people will also be more wary/skeptical that the EMPEROR’S WRATH is light-leaning and trying to change things,and he’s pretty sure the more times he’s merciful, the more questions will be raised. If he and Jaesa thought what Emmoridg is doing is dangerous, training LS Sith right under the Council’s nose, this is.... too perilous for words. He actually talks to the Emperor. Tragen interacts with Vitiate; pure, remorseless evil and incredibly powerful, who he’s actively working to undermine. It makes the next few years extremely harrowing, but at least things are never boring(and most of his orders--what few there are--come through the Hand, so he doesn’t talk to Vitiate MUCH). The only thing that keeps all his plans from crashing down and totally wasting the years of wearing his mask, is that the Wrath is allowed to maintain autonomy rather than being bound to Vitiate’s will via dark side rituals. That would have led to his discovery and torture/execution, Tragen is 100% sure. Even as things stand he has to be incredibly careful.
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It helps him immensely that Jaesa’s sticking around; both for her help with their goals and just bc Tragen values her as a partner. He admires her growth and resilience, she admires his bravery and sacrifice(both admire the other’s inner strength), they work fantastically well as a team--by the SoR prelude they can practically read each other’s minds, and his future plans rely heavily on her being there. Which she’s all too happy to do.
(both of them are halfway in love at this point and both are completely oblivious to it. There’s no pining--yet--bc neither has a clue the true nature of their feelings-- largely bc they both come from planets where marriages are usually for politics over love, and then their respective orders; the Sith encourage lust, not love, and the Jedi ofc with their acting like Love Is Bad Bc Attachments)
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I’m toying with headcanon-ing that Tragen’s acquaintance with Lana and Theron starts with the Depths of Manaan flashpoint, bc I’m verrryyyy conflicted about him doing Attack on Tython. It feels OOC for him(I played him through it, but it didn’t sit right >.>).Whatever I do there, his familiarity with Vitiate’s nature makes him all the more frantic to stop Revan bc seriously, man, you don’t know what you’re doing, this is going to end so very VERY badly. He is, of course, right, and he hates it.The disgust he’s always felt for Vitiate multiplies exponentially at the end, when Mr. Embodiment of Pure Evil and Dickishness escapes and promises to consume his Wrath last since Tragen’s “special” to him(which makes his skin crawl; he doesn’t want to be valued by something so evil). And like all my Force-users, Ziost hits him really hard. He’s more familiar with how evil Vitiate is, so on that score he’s braced himself. But even with his mediocre Force connection, all of that terror and death so fast hits him hard--though not as hard as it hits Jaesa. She goes catatonic for a little bit, which scares Tragen half to death. It’s only about 5-10 minutes, but he recovered in under a minute, so it still feels like an eternity. And she’s quiet and closed off the rest of the day.
The one good thing to come out of SoR-RotE (aside from new friends), is Tragen can now openly, full-throttle oppose Vitiate and it’s okay. More than okay, Darth Marr himself approves. And being the Empire’s Wrath instead of the Emperor’s has him back with the increased leeway to do his own thing which makes it possible to work(still subtly) toward reforming the Empire. And he’s more sure they need it than ever now; with Vitiate out there as a threat, he’s pretty sure the Empire and Republic will have to ally again to deal with him. That’ll be much easier to do it they aren’t so wildly different. His progress may be measured in inches, but he has time; he’s not going anywhere.
Or so he thinks.
(KotFE onward coming soon in a separate post)
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lovixcore · 5 years
I guess that's how I feel about you. (Amedot Fic)
Summary: 3. I just told you I liked you but now I’m shy and say “never mind, forget it” and why are you looking at me like that? (Prompt)
Notes: So awhile ago a anon requested this on Tumblr (for a prompt game). This took awhile to rewrite, but here it is. This takes place after my other two fics ‘Comfort’ and ‘Swirling Emotions’. It takes inspiration from ‘Too Close’. Somethings are the same, somethings are def not considering it’s shorter. I hope this is enjoyable to read, and not a mess.  Anyways, I rewrote this before Escpasim aired so.
Word Count: 1855 words
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15736308
They were sitting on the edge of the top of the hill where the lighthouse sat, the hill that overlooked the Crystal Temple. The sun was setting. It was just the two of them. No gems or humans in sight.
“Sooo, why did you take me here?” Peridot asked.
"I dunno. 'Guess I just wanted to show ya how pretty the view is up here, especially when the sun is setting," Amethyst answered.
“It is intriguing,” Peridot intoned.
"Then I was right to take ya up here," Amethyst grinned. "And buhsides, I like hanging out with you, and I know you totally have a thing for Earth's aesthetics."
Peridot looked over at Amethyst, sightly smiling, "Yeah."
"Sooo.. I never asked you about this.. but.. how were things without us? Y'know, when we were on Homeworld?" Amethyst asked, out of curiosity.
"Oh really? I thought ya would've been hanging out with Ms. Buzz-er I mean Lapis," Amethyst pointed out.
"She took longer to regenerate then I did.., and when she came back, I guess I felt.. conflicted..," Peridot hesitated.
“Conflicted?” Amethyst questioned.
"Welll.. She was the reason I was depressed for a long time, and the reason why I hid in Steven's bathroom. She fled. After I was so emotionally honest with her! She took all my stuff into space, and then, she just left me! But I - .. really missed her," Peridot explained.
"Well.. Before she left, I ended up hurting myself just to make her happy. While yes, I was happy, and I thought I was happy, I literally had to 'walk on eggshells' to avoid upsetting her.., because I cared about her so much. She was the reason I felt so broken for such a long time. She was the reason why I moped and hid in Steven's bathroom. She fled. After I was so emotionally honest with her! She took everything that I ever had with her into space! Including my home! And then, she just left me! But - I - really missed her because she made me feel special.. I guess.. even though I had to bend over backwards for her.. and when she left, I felt lonely..," Peridot explained her thoughts.
"That's understandable.. I guess," Amethyst opined. Before, she didn't really like Lapis. She didn't like that she broke Peridot like that, and just didn't even care. Now, she was somewhat okay with her, just over protective of Peridot.
"So, how was being on Homeworld for the first time?" Peridot asked, genuinely curious. She knew that Amethyst was interested in learning about Homeworld.
"Dude. Garnet, Pearl, and I all got poofed at the 'Era 3' ball because Steven and Connie fused in front of everyone, so Garnet fused too to protect them, and Pearl and I did too. So yeah. Crazy. And it's also that, I've never been to Homeworld before. Everyone else hasn't, but I haven't. I guess it was just shocking.. there were so many gems, thousands, maybe even a million. I dunno. Heck, there were even era one Peridots! Buttt.. they weren't as cool as you are," Amethyst rambled. Peridot's cheeks turned a light shade of blue. "We even saw White Diamond! And her Pearl! Man. They were so creepy!"
"Also, they made put on limb enhancers for the Era 3 ball."
"Oh really?" Peridot asked.
"Yep! They were so weird to wear.. I even fell down in them, heh. I don't know how you put up with that for so long," Amethyst said. "I would've brought them back for you, except, they were left at the ball and I was poofed, so.. yeah."
"Well, I appreciate that you thought of it," Peridot smiled. Amethyst smiled back.
“So, how’d you like your first wedding?” Amethyst asked.
"It was fun. Up until the diamonds crashed it. But, it was very beautiful. They really love each other, so much," Peridot gushed, now twiddling her fingers. "It.. amazes me.. the concept of love, and how earthlings celebrate it."
"Yeah. Ruby and Sapphire really do love each other."
"The concept of love.. really is.. interesting to me.. it's intriguing and beautiful," Peridot smiled. Her smile quickly faded, "..On Homeworld.. we were never taught what romance is, or even the concept of love in general."
"Of course ya weren't, Dot! Those guys hate happiness! And they hate love. And they hate romance. It doesn't even benefit them. So, why would they like it?"
After a long moment of silence, Peridot finally broke it by asking, "... So, have you ever loved anyone else before?"
"Well -  of course I have. I love you guys. You guys are m'a family."
"No no. Amethyst - I meant a romantic attraction for someone else."
"Ohh. Well.. Um.. I've kissed others before. I've even kissed humans. I've done stuff. I've experimented. And I've even had relationships, buttt, they weren't exactly long term or serious," Amethyst admitted.
“You’ve.. kissed someone?” Peridot asked.
"Yep. Why? Ya wanna kiss me or somethin'? Or are ya jealous that someone else had the satisfaction of kissing me?" Amethyst asked, teasingly. Peridot's posture slumped, her lips clenched, and her cheeks turning blue. "Per.. relax, I was joking."
"Oh.. okay.."
Amethyst wrapped her arm around Peridot, "So tell me.. what's up?"
"Nothing really," Peridot answered. "So can you describe to me the feeling of having romantic feelings for someone else?"
"Well.. for me.. personally.. When I want someone, it's like my chest is pounding, or it's super tingly. And when I'm around the person who I have feelings for, it's hard for me to stop smiling, because they make me so happy, and I love being around them. And seeing them sad or upset, it makes me feel horrible too, because it hurts me when they are in pain. And when I see them, I just have this urge to pick them up, or hug them, or hold their hand, or kiss them, or do something to show them how much I like them," Amethyst gushed. Her eyes were sparkling, her cheeks were a deep purple, with her lips parted. "I guess.. that's how I feel about you.."
Peridot was speechless. She tried to speak, she tried. She tried to say something, but it felt physically impossible. Now she was finding herself trembling, blushing, speechless, and just staring at the pretty purple gem who just told her that she liked her. Amethyst. Amethyst, of all gems, likes me? But why? Why me? What is even so special about me?
Amethyst quickly jerked back, letting go of Peridot. Now she was getting shy, because Peridot wasn't saying anything. Now she was regretting confessing she had a crush on Peridot. Is she weirded out? Does she not like me like that back? Did I totally just screw up our friendship.. like I always screw things up? Was it too soon? "Urgh! I-just-nevermind.. Sorry.. I'm sorry. Forget it. Okay? Just.. forget that I ever said anything.. I'm sorry." She got up, now walking away, with her hair hiding her face. Peridot quickly got up too, now grabbing Amethyst's hand, and then just staring at her, with her eyes widened, sparkling, and her lips parted, with her cheeks very blue. "Per... Why are you looking at me like that? W-why are you even stopping me?"
“I like you too..,” Peridot gushed, weakly.
"Wait. Really? You do?" Amethyst asked, suprised, but also heavily smiling and gushing over her.
"Yeah! I thought it was totally obvious!" Peridot responded.
"Not obvious enough, ya dork," Amethyst flirted. Peridot giggled. "So in all seriousness though.. I thought that whenever I made you blush, it was just because that you were a) scandalized, b) flustered, or c) flattered. And I thought that whenever you trembled whenever we touched it was because 'Hey! She is probably uncomfortable with me touching her!' But.. now that you are saying that ya like me.. yeah, it was actually pretty obvious, I guess I was just oblivious."
"Yeah..," Peridot said. "But.. why would you feel that way about me though?"
"Because... why wouldn't I? You're funny, you're sassy, you're pretty, you're my best friend, you're smart, and I love being around you!" Amethyst explained. "But, why would you like me? I'm the quartz soldier who came out wrong!"
"Amethyst, you may not be well made. But I don't care. I like you for you. I love your personality, I love your appearance, and I love everything about you. Defective or not. You're amazing."
"Aww thanks. You're making me blush even more, and super mushy," Amethyst smiled, ignoring Peridot's comment about her not being well made.
"So you call the act where someone presses their lips on someone else's, kissing? Correct?" Peridot asked.
"Yep. Why?"
"Can I kiss you?" Peridot asked.
"Wait what?" Amethyst asked, suprised. "Listen - I know we just confessed our feelings and all but.. you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to.. like.. I don't want you to kiss me because ya feel pressured to. Okay?"
"I want to," Peridot assured.
"Are you sure?"
"Amethyst, for so long, eversince I was introduced to the concept of it, I've wanted to kiss you. Badly. I've just never had the courage to."
"Okay.. So first we gotta get closer," Amethyst grabbed Peridot's waist and pulled her closer to her body. "Okay." She noticed Peridot squriming a little bit. Amethyst then cupped Peridot's cheek gently, "Relax.."
"I'm sorry.. I'm just nervous.. I've never done this before, and I don't want to mess it up."
"It's ok Peridot," Amethyst said. She slowly leaned in. She noticed Peridot's cheeks turn blue, and her eyes were now half-lidded. She then gently and slowly placed her lips on hers. She could then feel Peridot embracing the kiss, and wrapping her arms around Amethyst. The kiss was held for at least a minute, and then they let go. All Amethyst saw was the green gem looking up at her, with stars in her eyes, sparkling, with her cheeks blue, and her lips shimmering and parted.
"Holy smokes..," Peridot stammered, wowed by her first kiss. She felt so many new strange feelings, she didn't know what they were. She could feel her chest tingling, and her stomach felt like butterflies were swirling. It wasn't a bad feeling. She wanted more, she wanted to do it again. She cupped Amethyst's cheek, and leaned in, and kissed her again. They both smiled at each other, and giggled.
Amethyst kissed Peridot's cheek, and then kissed her lips again. She then laid down on the grass, staring up at the sky. Peridot joined her too. Amethyst smiled, and then gently grabbed Peridot's hand, holding onto it. "Is this okay?"
"Yeah." Peridot held it. She couldn't believe how fast things happened today, she went from talking to Amethyst about Homeworld to getting poofed to romance to confessing her feelings, and now she was holding hands with her, and she had just shared her first kiss with her. She knew this was real, but it still felt like a dream. Then they just laid there, not questioning anything, but hand holding, and blushing, and smiling, staring at the sky.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
That video where it was "Imagine Gladio and Iggy at 2 am stopping for gas and dancing" was the cutest thing? Could you please use ur amazing writing skills to make a small short fic about that?? ❤❤❤
[I had this ready,  the introduction comments included, since Monday but, y'know, life got in the way.¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Posting this because I have to come back to my askbox sooner or later, right? YOSHI!]
Okay, so.
This was an obscenely LONG time in my ask. Literal months. This is the oldest entry I have.
I sincerely apologize for the wait, dear anon. This wasn’t as difficult to answer, so I really offer no excuses. :’(
I hope from the bottom of my heart that you’re still around, dear anon, and that you see that I answered. Late, but I did! And if you are, there’s nothing I want more but for you particularly to enjoy of it.  ❤
1. The video dear anon talks about was very sadly taken down; it was my visual reference, and watching it with Gladio and Iggy in mind was incredibly adorable, far beyond anything that could be written. I’m sorry I took so long even the video was took down :’(  Here’s the link of my reblog, anyway.
2. The idea wasn’t mine; I was tagged and given the idea by @penguinqueen102301​ (their tags included)
3. “ ur amazing writing skills “ OIAJSDJSAOPJDAONF DFIODAJDOSI AHDASOD you anon have a virtual cookie AND ALL MY LOVE, thank you SO MUCH for such cute words!!  (*ノ▽ノ) ♡
Thank you for this incredible, delightful prompt that had me laughing and smiling and grinning the entire time :)
Ignis and Gladio dancing at a gast station at 2 a.m.
Because they’re adorable dorks.
It was very late at night by that point, but the car was running too short on gasoline.
There was no way in the world that Ignis would return Lord Amicitia’s car with an empty tank; his boyfriend’s dad kept him on a very positive view, and Ignis did not want to disappoint him. It was enough with taking Gladiolus back home at two in the morning (“I know it’s normal, but I still feel terrible each time. Yes, I know he knows and that we’ve got permission and that we want to stay out as late, but I still feel terrible each time. I don’t know, Gladiolus, stop questioning me!”), so to come back smelling of alcohol (not drunk, but how could Lord Amicitia know that?), probably disheveled, and on top of that with the car’s tank empty? Thanks, no, Ignis was a fine gentleman and an even better son-in-law, he was going to be properly grateful with Lord Amicitia for the support.
So, as late at night, with the streets empty like a ghost land, Ignis parked at the gas station. Perhaps it had been the silence of the night, or that they had already poured all their energy and words back in the ramen stall, or the club, or the park, but both of them had stayed quiet during the ride. They required of no words to enjoy of each other’s presence; they did not need to interact to let their bond grow. If anything, being as quiet was only more beautiful, for it meant they had enjoyed their date to its limit, and hence had nothing more to say. It was greatly enjoyable, driving in absolute silence.
Once parked, Gladio took his hand, kissed its back, and whispered “I’ve got this, babe”, before exiting the car and taking the task of filling the tank. Ignis, by nature, quickly glanced at the rest of the gas station. It was deserted.
By mere curiosity, maybe to occupy himself while the tank was getting filled, Ignis turned the radio on. The broadcaster only said a couple words, before music came on.
“Oooh…” Gladio let out long along a hiss. “That’s my jam.”
Ignis grinned and laughed lowly; he knew as soon as the first beat had sounded how Gladio would react. The man had at least 30 different “my jam”s, and “Maneater” was definitely one of them. Gladio could be in a heated argument, but as soon as the first beat came on, he could stop to dance.
What Ignis did not expect was for Gladio to suddenly start dancing right there, in the gas station.
The adviser laughed and shook slightly the head, amused at Gladio’s silly movements next to the gas dispenser. To make his man happier, Ignis raised the volume. Gladio again let a hissed ‘Ooow’, and his silly dancing movements only increased.
Ignis thought his boyfriend would dance in his place.
But before he could notice, Gladio had moved, by dancing, with silly steps of tiptoe, sole, tiptoe, sole, and the arms moving as if exaggerating a walking move, to the literal middle of the station like it was a stage.
Ignis looked at him with wide eyes and an equally big smile, both amused and in surprise.
“Gladio, what are you d-” Ignis paused to laugh when Gladio turned to look at him, hips moving to a side, back to their place, and back to the side, while the man’s shoulders moved according to the beat. “Gladio, that’s embarrassing!”
“Ain’t no one here, sweetass” Gladio said while his body continued moving. Gladio turned over himself with more dancing according to the beat, saying as he did, “louder, DJ!”
Ignis only laughed, put a hand to his forehead as if to hide himself from the invisible audience, but turned the volume up yet again. He heard Gladio howl lowly with pleasure, focused in just dancing. He had grace, even for subtle pop dancing as that.
Ignis looked at him with an amused grin again. Gladio danced alone, but he timed and, right as the sax gave its first long note, Gladio pointed at him. With each of the following notes, timing on each of them, Gladio gestured for Ignis to approach and join him. At first Ignis just laughed at the ridiculously accurate timing. Gladio, playfully, gestured towards him again with the next of the sax notes.
Ignis really did not hesitate much.
Right as the singing voice came in with an emphasis beat, Ignis was closing the door and jumping into the scene right in front of Gladio in one movement. With the new, more lively beat, and now together, both started dancing with more emphasis; right shoulder out, then the left one, over and over, while their feet moved side to side, both doing a little circle together, dancing to each other, and hands moving from place to place. An arm went up here, another went to a side. Heads turned at times too, the entire body following the soft rock playing on the radio.
When the next verse hit, Gladio did backplay to it, movements growing a little more ridiculous. Ignis laughed lowly in response, but continued dancing with him, matching up with the energy. At some point, Gladio got closer, at which Ignis replied by moving backwards away of him, before Ignis did as Gladio and Gladio did as him previously. Both laughed, and then Gladio raised a knee and kicked to the sides, arms up. Motivated out of his shyness, and following the example, Ignis threw a leg to the side twice, as if it was a contest on who could look sillier.
Gladio jumped closer to him when the chorus hit, and put the hands to Ignis’ waist. Ignis didn’t hold him back, only continued dancing, none their feet stopping, following each beat of the background, while the rest of the body did as the melody. Gladio took one of his hands, at which Ignis replied by moving back fast, being stopped only by the grip of their hands, and returned by twirling. Gladio let go and both continued dancing in front of each other.
“Oh, oh, here she comes” both sang while making slightly silly faces, and let the music go as they laughed again.
“She’s a maneater!” Gladio sung alone, closing the eyes, and looking way too into it. Ignis only laughed, and thanked the astrals at least it had not been a disco hit what had come on in the radio, or they would really be offering a show to the security cameras.
Then, needing just once glance to suggest it and one to understand, they switched to dancing in an almost perfect imitation of some iconic dance scene from a movie, and their dance turned absolutely ridiculous by that point, Ignis swinging the hips too much, Gladio’s arms coming and going. The exaggerated movements with stiff grace (but still grace) had them growing more and more silly and energetic with each beat, yet, both tried to do their best impression of serious faces and direct eye contact. While their exaggerated dance movements continued, flashes of contained smiles came here and there, both with obvious struggles to not laugh. At some point, Ignis lost when they started moving the arms as if swimming, and stopped dancing for a moment to step away and laugh loudly, if shortly. Gladio laughed too, but continued dancing and brought Ignis back to join him again, the latter trying to keep composure.
The two returned to stand together, continued dancing for a while, as if in some competition of who could look the dumbest. The sax solo came in, and arms continued to come and go, feet skipping and stepping, hips twirling. They held hands and continued like that, dancing according to what they could do without letting go of each other. Needing no words and only glances and little gestures, Gladio took both of Ignis’ wrists, and the adviser let himself fall and slip on the floor between the Shield’s legs, only to be brought back up; Gladio let go of one of his hands, Ignis twirled over himself once, then twirled back, moved back once again stopped only by Gladio’s grip on his hand, and when Gladio pulled him back, Ignis, out of wanting to add more to their dumb dancing, suddenly raised a leg and rested the ankle on Gladio’s shoulder, while still dancing on his other tiptoe.
Gladio did not only laugh, he also hooked Ignis’ leg on his arm to not let it go back down as they continued dancing in tiny circles. Ignis, unable to put the leg down, threw the head back and laughed with Gladio’s name among the happy noises, but continued dancing as he could on a tiptoe and the leg, sure that they were looking majestically ridiculous, the leg hanging from Gladio’s arm, almost unnatural looking. Gladio asked a playfully naïve ‘What? Gotcha, babe’, but his laugh betrayed him as he too continued dancing, making sure to not move too rough to not drop his boyfriend.
A while later, Gladio let go of his leg, only to suddenly clap once as the chorus hit again, and he went frenetic mode; legs kicking one after the other, arms hitting to the sides, and Gladio making of the dance an absolute mess, too exaggerated, and playful. Ignis, not wanting to stay behind, started doing dramatic, exaggerated movements as well. Suddenly, they transformed into two “tube men” that were uncontrollably and dramatically flailing around with all four limbs and the head, as if suddenly possessed by some wild demon that made them behave like laces tied to a fan.
Each danced more and more ridiculously with each step, far too energetic, too ridiculous, limbs flying and flailing at high speed, one going down to the knees while still dancing here, the other twirling over himself as if having gone mad, arms up as if making some ancient ritual there.
While making eye contact with his boyfriend and going closer to him, Gladio mouthed one of the “Oh, oh, here she comes” before he hovered over Ignis, catching him off-guard, and biting his head, throwing Ignis into a loud yelp followed by an equally loud ‘Gladio!’ as he laughed, trying to get the other off him. The teeth still buried on Ignis’ head, Gladio muttered and unintelligible and screamed ‘She’s a maneater!’, while Ignis still tried to push him off, laughing. By the time he got it, Ignis tried to calm down enough to continue dancing, as Gladio did.
However, when the one part of the song that always made Ignis snort with amusement (because it was a way too quick and rushed ‘that woman is wild, wo-ah’ that was too sudden and incomprehensible) it did not only sound from the radio; Gladio stopped in his dancing to throw the head back as if roaring at the heavens, which he did, except instead of just a roar he literally screamed out that rushed, unintelligible phrase, as unintelligibly and rushed and as loud and as ridiculously as he could do it.
Ignis lost it; he stopped dancing and burst into the loudest laugh he had let out in months. He had to step away as if leaving, but his steps were staggering from how loud he was laughing; he stopped only a few steps ahead just to continue laughing as loudly as he was doing, while Gladio still danced in the background, sometimes quick and ridiculous, or slow and ridiculous, making exaggerated expressions and arms coming and going. Ignis returned over his staggering steps, still laughing.
“Gladio” he called among laughter. “Stop that, we’ve got to-”
“Watch out- watch out- watch out” Gladio sang as loudly and ridiculously, and while it could not compare to the unintelligible rushed phrase, it still sent Ignis back to laughter.
The adviser staggered over his place again and put a hand on the car’s cap for support. He lost the breath for a moment and held his tummy when it started aching, and he continued laughing as the song faded. Soon enough, he heard Gladio laugh as well, not as hysterically as he was doing. While he calmed and cleaned his eyes from a few tears, Gladio let out a loud ‘Huff’, putting the hands to his waist and smiling both innocently and as if proud.
“Now that’s what I call a pit stop!” Gladio said and went over to the adviser, laughing shortly and lowly while patting his shoulder. “What? Why are you laughing so much, Iggy?”
Ignis didn’t reply; he laughed again for a few moments. Gladio laughed and hugged him playfully, giving some silly slow and long steps side to side, until Ignis calmed enough.
“Better now?”
“Yes, thank you” Ignis said with a last short laugh, forearms and hands trapped between their chests. He quickly stood up on tiptoes to press a chaste, quick kiss to Gladio’s mouth, which was responded as sweetly. “Let’s go, we’ve got full tank now.”
“We sure do” Gladio said while letting go of him and heading for the nozzle to remove it. “We’ve got style, Iggy.”
“Sure we do” Ignis replied playfully as he opened the door and sat back down in his place.
By the time he was putting the seat belt on, Gladio was opening the other door and sitting at his side. The Shield sighed as he closed the door and put his own belt on, and stared at nowhere ahead while Ignis stared at him for long seconds, smiling, before Gladio stared back.
“Nothing” Ignis said with the smile still present. “We’re going to go viral on Eosbook or Kupogram, you know that? Mad, drunk couple do the most ridiculous dance ever at a gas station at two a.m.”
Ignis stared at him with a smile and slightly raised eyebrows while Gladio just stared again through the window, slowly nodding, as if processing the info. He turned to Ignis, took a breath in before talking.
“I like fame” he jokingly murmured, and it only made Ignis laugh again as he turned the engine on.
Before driving off, Ignis took one of Gladio’s hands and brought it up to give a kiss to the knuckles.
“Gods, I love you, Gladiolus Amicitia” the adviser said, if with that playful smile still present, very tenderly. Gladio smiled and blinked, but wasn’t given the chance to reply. “Maneater.”
“Be grateful it wasn’t Gloria Gaynor” Gladio joked, and Ignis laughed yet again, but at least controlled and calm enough so that he could push the pedal and drive off into the road again, headed for the Amicitia manor, slightly later than expected, but much happier than anticipated. And also a little more sweaty.
That had to be, so far, one of Ignis’ favorite dates with Gladio; a great, delicious dinner, hours of dancing, sharing drinks, kissing, laughing, jumping, and a stroll through the park to unwind. Yes, sure, that had been great.
But Ignis’ favorite part of the night was, probably, the unexpected and silly dancing in a deserted gas station late at night coming back from their planed date. It had been unplanned, and silly, but Ignis adored that Gladio did not need a special place or a proper date to have fun with him. He did not need to buy any gifts, or to take him somewhere expensive, or to make plans with anticipation, he did not even need to say anything.
With a deserted gas station at two in the morning and a radio, Gladio still had the ability to make him the happiest man on Eos.
He was a keeper, definitely.
That moment, and the one when a patrol that came from the parking lot of the gas station stopped them only a minute later, and, trying to not laugh, the officer told them it was only protocol, he understood if they were as weird in the everyday and this was normal for them, but he really had to ask if they were high or drunk before letting them go.
I know you said “small short fic” BUT MY HAND SLIPPED, i’M SORRY ;A;
Liked the fic? Tip Racc with a coffee, please? ヽ(・∀・)ノ 
Thank you for reading! ( ´ ▽ ` )
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spearbe · 6 years
sorry to bother you but i noticed that you post a lot of nct content and i was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about each member? maybe even link some videos (don't worry if that's too tedious)? im a new NCTzen and i would like to know more about nct :)
omg hello fellow NCTzen and welcome to this crazy and amazing fandom! it’s not a bother at all, hopefully others will find this helpful as well :) now let’s get this party started!
known for having “2D visuals” bc he’s so handsome but he gets really shy when ppl compliment him IT’S ADORABLE 
super powerful stage presence like just watch any nct u or nct 127 live performance and he will BLOW YOUR MIND
if he didn’t become an idol he 100% would’ve become a world famous chef  
actually pretty sensitive like he seems tough + cold but he just wants to be loved so LOVE HIM PLS
vocals voCALS VOCALS 
kind of awkward and a total dork but also really lovable
really likes mark’s ears lololol
would truly succeed if he debuted in nct dream
his iconic parrot impression. enough said
1/3 of the foreign swaggers squad (he’s from Chicago) 
really genuinely cares about all the members (not to say that the other members don’t but he especially sticks out to me as such); he cheers everyone on and is super supportive 
is a daddy
his healing smile could cure cancer 
loves winwin with all of his heart
so underrated like he can sing, rap, and dance (HE HAS IT ALL) but still doesn’t get much screen time or lines 
secretly the most savage person in nct
SM did him so dirty bc he has yet to debut in any of the current NCT units (but there are rumors about a china unit debuting soon so hopefully he will debut then or sometime soon!!)
so good at magic tricks like the whole world was shaken when he performed a card trick on one of nct’s v lives
a total sweetheart like you can tell that he’s a genuinely nice person 
nicknamed “fat kun” by his roommate, lucas (who else)
his eyebrows move a lot when he sings
does not and will not deal with anyone’s shit (like a no nonsense sort of guy but in a more relaxed way if that makes any sense lol) 
part bunny 
if you let him mc and host his vroom vroom talk show he will be a very happy camper
a dancing legend, his hit the stage performances are proof; this one is my favorite
a total scaredy cat 
you honestly can’t not love him he’s so full of love and gives so much love 
surprisingly really funny like some of the things he says will make me cry actual tears
1/3 of the foreign swaggers squad (he lived in america for four years which totally qualifies him as a foreigner lol)
can go from cute to sexy in half a second
apparently a couple people from his high school find him unapproachable bc he’s too good looking lolol 
has the cutest dimples
needs more lines + screen time + appreciation 
ridiculously flexible
used to be kind of lost bc he didn’t speak much korean but he understands and speaks a lot more now! 
needs to be protected
looks A LOT like taemin
so fluffy and soft i just want to hold him he’s so precious alskdjghada 
can impersonate several of the nct members
sweet + soothing vocals
will pick his nose anywhere (especially on v live) if he deems it necessary L M A O 
really wants to be part of the dreamie squad (he knows literally all their choreo) 
basically the most extra member of nct 
justin bieber’s doppelganger 
so so so hardworking he tries his best in everything and is the only member to be a part of all three current nct units
rly doesn’t want to be a square 
1/3 of the foreign swaggers squad (he was born + raised in canada) 
gets bullied by the dreamies 24/7
a true angel but may actually be the devil in disguise? like you do not want to get on his bad side he will FIGHT you 
used to have an adorable snaggletooth but it’s gone now :( 
a good bro to chenle; he used to translate a lot for him but chenle’s korean has improved a lot so renjun doesn’t have to translate anymore! 
early riser maybe idek lol 
has a beautiful eye smile :) 
“no jam” meaning he’s no fun (at least according to the dreamies); i beg to differ
animal lover 
goddamn he can dance (he and jisung need their own sub unit) 
a very affectionate troll (especially with mark); he will hug you + kiss you + LOVE YOU but he will ROAST ur ass a hot second later 
such a brat but everyone loves him anyway 
in my opinion he’s kind of an underrated vocal like i wish people would appreciate his voice more 
basically the king of covering other groups’ dances 
he was one hiatus for a while due to a back injury 
like it became a huge thing and fans were really worried but now he’s back better than ever!!
his rapping will set you on fire 
lowkey kinda jealous and possessive of everyone LOL
has the cutest dolphin laugh 
didn’t really know a lot of korean when he first debuted (renjun translated for him a lot) but now his korean is really good! 
really clingy + affectionate + overall just plain adorable 
has the potential to become a really powerful vocal, especially as he gets older
lowkey the most savage person in nct #maknaeontop 
made all the noona fans faint with his lemonade dance challenge
do not let him choose yaja time as a game bc he will go hard on your sorry ass 
used to be such a smol but is now all. grown. up. 
i hope this was helpful and that the videos (credit goes to all original owners) were enjoyable! sorry if this is ridiculously long haha. if anyone wants another “starter pack” like this one for a different group feel free to pop a request in my ask box! anyway, have a great day anon and i hope you learned more about nct and love them even more
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eris0330 · 7 years
The human weapon | Part Six
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(I saved this gif for lord knows how long ago, so i don’t know credits for this one) 
Pairing: JungkookxReader
AU: Robot!Cyborg, Sci-fi
Genre: Angst - Romance
Word count: 2.7k
☽M. List☾ ; 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 [END]
“Taehyung.” Turning around, you were met with your ex-boyfriend. He looked older and mature, rather sexy in fact. When you dated him, he was such a dork around you but quickly changed, knowing what he was up to later on.
“Wow…. It’s really you.” He continued to speak, stepping closer into the light. He was tanned, and suited in a tux like the others. A button unopened, to reveal the chocolate sweetness of his skin flash. Taking in a deep breath, you tried to forget the break and enjoy your night.
“Yeah, it’s me. I didn’t see you at the wedding ceremony?”
“I was late.”
“I see one thing hasn’t changed.” You blurted out, wanting to facepalm immediately. Taehyung might be your ex-boyfriend that broke your heart in a dirty way, but it didn’t mean you should make him remember. Maybe, he had changed.
“Yeah… You look beautiful, by the way.” He smiled, the smile you hated. Because, it bought back the great memories shared laughing together. In a boxy shape, you couldn’t help but mirror. You wished it was only Jungkook that could make you feel butterflies rising inside, but it couldn’t be fulfilled.
“Thanks. You don’t look so bad either.”
“I have to catch up with a few guests, mind I’ll come around later this evening? To catch up.” You felt weird, about how he wanted to catch up. Was it for the friends’ sake, or something else. He didn’t give you a bad vibe, and maybe for tonight, you would have an amazing night surrounded with loving friends.
“Sure, I’ll have to go back to the others too” An awkward nod of exchanging, you both parted ways with an odd feeling lingering in your stomach. Taehyung made you get butterflies, but he also made you feel an uneasiness of what you never got over.
“Are you okay, you look a little… uncomfortable?” Jungkook questioned, putting a hand around your waist. Normally, you would feel odd about it but this time, it felt right. The burn in the bottom of your stomach disappeared, not letting a simple guy ruin your whole evening.
“No, I’m fine. Don’t worry”
Within minutes, you dined into the food and wine. You had your annual discussion about science and human emotions with Namjoon, while Jin tried to rationalise everything. It was like a family dinner, with a little more spice around it. Even though the topics could get heated, it never failed to put a smile on the whole group. It was enjoyable, and later, after drinking multiple glasses of wine you knew, it was about to be real fun. Your mom tried to figure out the mystery boy about Jungkook, as well for Jin. Namjoon would yet again, explain everything about a lost cousin or something. In the end, you let Namjoon take over the spiral of lies in the conversation.
Though, the music, food and drinks were great. Something was bothering you, not just one thing, but two. Jungkook was quickly fascinated by new people, and a lot of the girls were too. You noticed your sister’s old classmates, finding their seat beside Jungkook whenever you left to the toilet. You were soon enough, seated beside Namjoon who was probably solid happy-drunk. Watching Jungkook being surrounded by girls, you felt… jealous. Was it happiness too? There was something, that made you happy about that he could talk with them. That someone, would take an interest. But, it made you jealous. You wanted to tell them, to scoot away because it was your seat. There was just this thing, you hated jealousy and knew how to control it. In whatever way, you always found a way to distract yourself. To turn around the way of jealousy and greed became mixed up, to pure happiness. Not only was Jungkook’s innocence bothering you, but from just two tables away, someone always got their eyes on you. Taehyung was staring intensely at you, and there is no knowledge for how long. Whenever you peeked, he was already watching. You didn’t understand, if he wanted to talk, he should come over. But, maybe that was just a foolish wish for something else.
“How much, do you wanna bet, that Mina is going to ask Jungkook on a date one day?” Jin took away your attention, feeling his arrogance grow upon your shoulders.
“90.000 KRW.” You called, making his eyes pop. Pursing his lips into a thin line, he looked upon the flirtatious girl that sat next to Jungkook.
“Deal. I see you’re confident.”
“Oh please. Everyone can tell, that she will ask him out one day. The poor boy probably doesn’t know what a date is, and just politely accepts it.” You scoffed, trying to sip the last of your white wine. Sour but with a taste of bitterness underneath.
“Someone’s jealous?”
“And what if I was?”
“Ask him to dance then!” Jin requested, making your shake your head.
“No way, Jin. I can’t dance, and I will not cockblock him.” You chuckled, taking the last bit of your drink left in the wineglass. Jin exhaled in exhaustion, getting caught by a figure walking closer. To your amazement, Jungkook was standing in a light bow and a free hand, asking for a dance.
“Can I have this dance, Princess?” You were in shock and too flushed to react, before Jin pushed you towards Jungkook. With a quick reflex, you were in the arms of him, escorted towards the dance floor. A new song starting, while finding the right posture for a dance. Centimetres between each other and hands connected, you were swaying together along the rhythm. Jungkook was quite good and was leading you better than expected.
“Did Namjoon teach you to call the girl a pet name?” You questioned to break the silence, making him smile fondly.
“He told me, it was something girls really liked”
“Fortunately, he is right. Damn right” You chuckled, feeling Jungkook’s hand squeeze on the small of your back. Your hips and chest coming closer, going from two to one. Your head fit perfectly along his chest and the crook of his neck, hoping the song would never end.
“I’m happy, you asked me to come with you” Jungkook whispered against your ear, making it burn along everything he touched. You didn’t know, if it was the alcohol that made your heart race and every piece of limb felt numb.
“It wouldn’t feel right if you weren’t with me…” The hand on your back, swirled tiny movement of strokes sending warmth to your core.
“Say… Jungkook. Did you sleep with me on the couch last night?”
“…..I did. Was that bad?”
“No…. I liked it. I felt like I have slept for an eternity, which was nice for once. I feel so safe around you” The alcohol didn’t help on your honesty around Jungkook, but you enjoyed telling these small confessions, when the response was his heart beating louder against your ear.
“I feel safe around you too”
“How? I mean… you have weapons and everything. I’m just… nothing compared to that”
“No… You’re everything to me-“ You were shocked, to hear this kind of thing. Making your head peek out of the comfortable warmth, to watch his face fluster with red. You smiled, feeling happy and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“How about we take the guest bed into my room, and make it a double bed? A little less space in the room, but we will be able to sleep together…” You suggested, watching his smile grow and the nose scrunching.
“I would love that”
“Me too…” You didn’t know, when the song started or when it would end. But the connection between you and Jungkook, was almost unbreakable. The feel of your heart bursting inside your chest, as your forehead clashing together. Eyes, only looking at each other and no one else. It was just you and Jungkook, together.
“Erhm… Excuse me?” The world created around you and Jungkook, made you silence the sound of music. None of you noticed, the song stopped and a new began. Turning to your side, retreating from his grip, you were met with a familiar face.
“Can I have this dance?” Taehyung bowed lightly, making you look back to your first partner. He was also asked to dance with Mina, of course. Doubting for a second, you thought one dance wouldn’t hurt. Neither did it seem that Mina could understand a ‘no’, but got her dance anyways.
“Just this once” You replied, putting your hand in his. Trying to look back for the one that got away, he was occupied with the drunk girl who could barely make it a twirl.
“Don’t worry. I’ll take loving care of you.”
Guided towards the centre, a firm hand was placed on the small of your back. It was already warm, but Taehyung made it warmer. Eyes that was unable to look away from, you tried to compose yourself in front of him.
“Someone’s a bit on edge?” He questioned, breaking the awkward silence that grew between you.
“Shouldn’t I be?” You felt the groan escape the back of his throat, knowing your answer this easily.
“It was a long time ago Y/N… I’m not like that anymore, I was an idiot.” Pondering along his answer, you couldn’t shake off the feeling that Taehyung did sacrifice a lot to be with you. But still, he did do things that wouldn’t be forgivable.
“I was actually looking forward to see you tonight…” squeezing you closer against him, you felt weak at the thought of him. The way every memory replayed in the back of your head, by every touch he left.
“You can’t be telling me… you didn’t catch me watching you, multiple times tonight?” He whispered against your ear, sending vibrations of pleasure directly to your core.
“Don’t… Go to Eunji with that bullshit” You tried to resist, but your body wouldn’t listen.
“Come one… We both know that Eunji and I, didn’t last longer than 3 days afterwards. She was nothing to me.”
“Then what was I?” You dared to question, putting a hand on his chest to feel his heart race against the palm of your hands. He was frozen, biting on his lip for his next cheeky answer. But you had enough, your head couldn’t take anymore. Taehyung knew, what he could do with your mind and body. You were like a doll, and that’s what scares you being around him.
“You know what, forget it, I don’t want to know. Excuse me.” Pushing your bodies away, you escaped to the balcony. Not looking back, you didn’t want to see his expression. If it was pained, or effortlessly happy, you didn’t care. The stars lights above you, gave you a soothing feeling inside. The sound of cheerful people laughing and talking to nights end, gave you hope for joy. Looking back at everything, all you had to do, was to let go of him. Taehyung wouldn’t come back, and it’s a chapter that finished a long time ago, but you never had the guts to put it away.
“Don’t get a cold.” It was like you were haunted, turning around to face the same man again. In the dim moon light, he would look like a seducing vampire at the first sight.
“Why would you care.”
“Because I always have. I never stopped caring about you, Y/N.” It didn’t matter how close he got, your body wouldn’t listen. It was attracted to Taehyung, it was taken care of from him, it memorises him.
“Why? Why now?” You felt tears threatened to fall, but you wouldn’t let him get the satisfaction that his ex never got over him.
“I didn’t know when the right time was. I was told you never came out, and stopping by didn’t seem like a promising idea either.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he was now standing front. Only a few centimetres separating, making it uneasy for you to escape. He was taller, broader and intimidating, like always.
“Why me…? Why her…?”
“I don’t know. It just happened and I was a dumb jerk, but I still love you. It was a mistake, but I never stopped loving you. I can’t give you an exact reason why, but you have to believe me when I say, that I still love you.” A warm hand cupped the side of your cheek, making you look at the man who made your world feel like a fairy tale and hell. You regretted the feelings that came, but it was hard to deny them.
“Taehyung… don’t…”
“I’ll make it right! I promise! I can’t stop thinking about you the moment I open my eyes, and hope that I will see you sleeping next to me. The way I can’t help to replay the memories, that we spent together. You feel it too, don’t you? Our love, never died, it can’t. One more chance. Just one, that’s all I need.” Biting on your lip, you were considering it. His eyes became glossy, and face reminded you why he caught your heart in the first place. Giving someone a second chance, was a way for them to show another side. Maybe Taehyung really had changed, or maybe he was just trying to play you.
“Y/N.” Another voice, familiar and warm. Jungkook was standing in the entrance, calling your name like it was nothing. You knew, what you have now, would be better than to restore a lost relationship.
“I’m sorry Taehyung, Goodbye.” Walking along the concrete floor, Jungkook was ready to take your hand in his, following you out to the car. Taehyung was confused, yet furious of the situation. You declined his offer, as if it was a piece of candy.
“Taehyung? What are you doing out here?”
“Jaein..? Oh… I was just enjoying the night sky.” Within seconds, he had fulfilled his cool attitude once again. Jaein didn’t know about you and Taehyung’s past, and it seems to be taken advantage of.
“Say… Who’s the younger guy with Y/N?” Taehyung seemed like a typical curious boy, when asked. Jaein only found it fair, for your ex-boyfriend to know who it was.
“His name is Jungkook, and currently lives with her. I never got a clear answer if they were dating, though they seem comfortable around each other.” She explained, making Taehyung smirk in pleasure.
“I see. It’s getting late Jaein, but it was nice seeing you again. Congratulations with the wedding again, tell Jimin to call me soon” With that, Taehyung was done. He tried, but was turned down. Right now, he needed to try again. He wasn’t the kind to give up, as in never.
“I have never felt any better getting all of this glam off… I’m so exhausted now” You yawned, taking your makeup off while Jungkook lifted the bed inside to your bedroom. It was fun to see the guys having some drinks together, but watching Namjoon fall asleep, was probably too much for one night. You and Jungkook didn’t mind, since you both wore equally something that hurt. His shoes and your heels, and for the tight dress it became too much. Looking like a million, takes a lot of time and pain. Jungkook could barely contain himself, wanting to put the bed inside your room. Now there was no need to ask for permission, it’s officially okay to just sleep together.
“What did Taehyung say to you? You didn’t seem that happy” Jungkook settled up the bed, sitting on the edge to watch you through the mirror.
“He was just trying to get a second chance…” You explained, putting the dirty cotton pads away to finally slide under the duvet.
“Did you give him one…?”
“No… But… I think he really has changed Jungkook. I don’t know… My head is really confused…Am I making the right choice?”
“Whatever you choose, I hope you will end up happy.” The feel of Jungkook’s heavy body was placed along the other side, gave you a new sensation of smells and feelings. He was tired, and almost arrived to dream land the moment his head hit the pillow, but he kept looking at you.
“I’m happy being around you.” You confessed with a warming smile, unsure if it was the alcohol, even though you stopped drinking hours ago.
“Me too…” Tucking you into his embrace, you could slumber together receiving hangover texts from the others while waking up. Taehyung might be giving you a tingling feeling inside, but it isn’t the same happiness you get from Jungkook.
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renaroo · 7 years
Double Time (15/24)
Disclaimer: Red vs Blue and related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth. Warnings: Language, Canon-typical violence Pairings: Tuckington, Chex Rating: T Synopsis: [Hero Time Sequel] After the events of Hero Time, the city and Blood Gulch are prepared for the true return of superheroes in a big way. But while Washington is attempting to adjust to a new relationship and a new living arrangement, the call of new heroes and a new mayor mean major changes for his professional life as well as his personal one. How will the balance of values fare when his new partners come to test everything he’s made of.
A/N: Sorry for the wait, but I had a great vacation last week at my family’s house and it’s been a lot of fun to play around with how to deliver this chapter. Hope you’re all happy with the product <3
Special thanks to @a-taller-tale, @secretlystephaniebrown, @cobaltqueen, @washingtonstub, @icefrozenover, @analiarvb, @notatroll7, Enmuse, Yin, and @thepheonixqueen on AO3 and tumblr for the wonderful feed back! I truly appreciate it more than you know.
Where You Spend Your Downtime
There were many ways that things could go wrong for them. Off the top of his head, Washington could think of twelve -- maybe twenty if he did not double check the basket. 
Really, just based on statistics, they were going to be in for a devastating time if he didn’t turn on the news and at least see the weather--
“Oh my god, Wash, we have been waiting at the door for ten minutes,” Tucker moaned from said door, his head rolling back and hitting the wood panel. 
Even Junior was beginning to get restless, running in and out of the apartment through Tucker’s legs no matte how much of a tight squeeze it had become for him as of late. 
“It’s just... waiting for an accident,” Wash replied candidly, looking at Tucker. “Something could go wrong any minute and we’re just... not going to be prepared for it.”
Tucker narrowed his eyes. “Will you feel better if I let you wear your uniform under your clothes like last time?” he asked.
“Maybe,” Wash said, rubbing at his scruffy chin. 
When was the last time he had shaved?
“Really? Because last time we went to the park and I let you do that, you had to wear a turtle neck and long pants to cover up the stupid thing and you nearly had a heat stroke,” Tucker reminded him. “Instead you went under that tree for shade and ended up sleeping the entire time.”
Pausing, Washington found he couldn’t stop rubbing the scruff. “Actually, I don’t think I was sleeping. That might’ve actually been a heatstroke.” 
“You’re absolutely ridiculous,” Tucker said simply, like that was the end of the conversation. He then turned back around and pulled Junior up into his arms with some great difficulty. “For someone who hasn’t had much to do this month, you really struggle with the concept of free time.”
“Struggle’s a harsh term for it,” Wash replied, finally walking to the door and gabbing the basket and apartment keys along the way. “Struggle would imply I was still clean cut every day. that I set up google alerts on my phone to check on everyone else’s progress without me. That I was hunting down Locus at night.”
Tucker finally gave up his struggle and set Junior down before glancing curiously at Washington. “So what’s it mean that you’re not doing all of those things and are still freaking out?”
Wash adjusted his sunglasses as they headed down the stairs and to the street. “I... I guess the only logical answer is that I’m... enjoying myself,” he said with some great amount of difficulty. “That I... like having less responsibility. Which, just to be clear, is completely against everything I know about myself as a person.”
To Washington’s infinite surprise, Tucker actually grew something of an affection smirk at the comment. “You’re a big dork underneath your scruff, y’know that?”
“That would also go against everything I know about myself,” Wash noted before finally sighing and gathering the last of his things. “But I guess discovering yourself is something you do when you have the time for it.”
“Nah, it’s something you do when the chips are down and you don’t know what’s going to happen next,” Tucker assured him, finally taking Junior’s hand and leading him out the door just in time for Wash to grab the young alien’s other hand. “That’s why you already know you’re a hero who sacrifices life and limb for ungrateful idiots all the time.”
“Is that really any way to talk about your friends?” Wash asked without being able to stop himself. For his troubles he got a grin and a punch to his shoulder as they moved out onto the streets and toward Blood Gulch’s one, only, and most disappointing public park.
“No need to be a jackass,” Tucker laughed.
The truth was, Washington still wasn’t sure how he felt about having time off to himself. There was a lot with his time that was just a curious anomaly. But the one thing he got used to almost immediately was the smile it put on Tucker’s face and the relaxation in the man’s shoulders.
For the first time in months, Tucker truly looked like the guy who had fished Wash out of the dumpster. In all the best ways.
And as much as there was a longing in Wash’s heart to go out, to do more, to be a hero, he also had to concede to the reality that at least some of that ache was ebbed by Tucker’s continued happiness. With the satisfaction of fulfilling the responsibilities he had to his own, personal, new responsibilities.
Balance seemed to be the word that Washington had been looking for but not quite found.
Getting to the park, there really wasn’t much of a surprise that there was no one else there. It was Blood Gulch after all, and if Junior hadn’t had skin as thick as literal scales and the ability to chew through most metals, Wash was sure Tucker would have been more apprehensive about letting him play on the equipment.
As it currently stood, the only thing between Junior’s enjoyment and Wash and Tucker appreciating a cool summer breeze was that some debris and tree branches were blocking one of the slides.
“You know what’d make my vote for this whole mayor thing?” Tucker asked, setting aside the book bag he shrugged off. “How about some goddamn civic service around here?”
“It’d be a good platform,” Wash agreed. “Between this stuff and the potholes.”
“Dude, don’t get me started on the potholes. The potholes are destroying the wheels of my car,” Tucker whined. Junior was hanging off his arm and, unlike only a few months ago, Tucker strained to lift him just enough to not have his feet on the ground. “Okay, li’l dude, you need to go play on the monkey bars while Wash and I clear this side of the playground up.”
Junior’s mandibles clicked together and he took off with a bounce in his step.
“I love how you volunteer me for things without asking,” Wash said dryly as they walked toward the slide.
“Oh, shut up, Mister Superhero,” Tucker laughed, beginning to tug on the smaller branches and leaving the actual heavy lifting to Wash. “You love this civil service shit.”
“And you don’t take any pride in your neighborhood?” Wash asked critically, lifting up some of the larger debris and carrying it toward the unemptied trash bin.
“No, I take pride in a paycheck,” Tucker responded. “Someone’s job could be to take care of this shit. Like Donut. Donut’s job could be to clean stuff. He needs another job. Lopez could probably use another job, too. And Doc. Fuck everyone we know is poor. Why isn’t the city paying people to do stuff it needs done?”
“Maybe because most of the people you just mentioned are part of the reason things keep getting broken around here,” Wash offered.
“That’s so not true. You can’t blame us for potholes. That shit’s from like… you causing explosions or something. How do potholes get made anyway?” Tucker asked curiously.
“I don’t make things explode,” Wash replied, aghast. “I save people from explosions.”
“Dude, it was just a way of pointing out that you like to, I don’t know, profile Blood Gulchers as some kinda depraved super villains,” Tucker responded sharply.
Washington stared at him. “Tucker. Literally all of your friends are former super villains, dating former super villains, or under the guardianship of former super villains,” he reminded him. “And that last one — Kai? I highly suspect she was lying when she told us at our last get together that she was legal drinking age.”
Tucker blinked. “Well, duh,” he replied. “But, I mean, you knew what you were getting into with us. And now you’re one of us. How’s that for losers?”
Humming to himself, Wash threw out the last of the debris just before Junior tested his luck and slid down the slide regardless of their preparedness. “I guess it’s slightly better trajectory than what usually happens to self-made superheroes,” he said as he caught Junior just before he landed.
“And what’s the usual trajectory?” Tucker snarked. “Dead before befriending super villains?”
“Basically,” Wash answered with a laugh, putting Junior down. He waited for the bundle of energy to race off again for parts of the jungle gym unknown and then turned to face Tucker more seriously. “Listen… I… Thank you for getting me to open up to… more help. Letting people, I don’t know, delegate some of my responsibilities. That way I can have more time to appreciate what I’m protecting… To appreciate you and Junior.”
There was a moment where Tucker seemed actually, genuinely speechless, though of course it did not last long. “Holy shit, that’s… Yeah. Good. Glad you get it!” He paused before rubbing his neck and then looking reluctantly back at Wash. “I know you don’t talk about Freelancer much… but the fact is… I wasn’t ever a hero and I wasn’t ever involved with the cops-and-robbers bullshit, but I watched what it did to the people who… I mean, at the time… Church and Tex were more than my best friends. Those years before I dropped out of college when I realized there weren’t any greek sororities, just Greek classes, they were my family. Our stupid little apartment, watching stupid reality shows, listening to Church try to take over the world with a computer that totally had a separate window for porn hidden in the corner, I’m sure of it. It was awesome… until it was like… Everyone forgot how to appreciate the things that counted. I don’t even know why Tex and Church were doing what they were doing before it all broke apart in the end. I don’t think they did either. And y’know. It killed my best friend to an annoying robot-status, and my other best friend disappeared for years without even bothering to tell us she was alive. Shit sucked. And I don’t… I need to know you’re not going to forget what you’ve got to come home to, too.”
Taken aback, Wash tilted his head and looked to Tucker, watching as a faint but still noticeable blush was beginning to spread across the other man’s cheeks. Tucker then covered his face and groaned.
“Nevermind, that was way too sappy,” Tucker whined.
“Well, I guess that makes me a cornball because I appreciated every word,” Washington assured him.
“Yeah?” Tucker asked, peeking between his fingers.
“Yeah,” Wash assured him.
“In that case,” Tucker said, losing any for of seeming embarrassment he once held. “Do you mind setting up the picnic table over there and stuff while I make sure there’s no more dangerous crap around the play area?”
Washington rubbed his scruffy chin. “Hm, sounds like you’re asking for permission to stroll around while I continue to do all the work. But sure.”
“And they say cats can’t learn tricks,” Tucker laughed, turning and walking with some pep in his step toward where Junior was hanging upside down from the monkey bars. “Is that a monkey I see or is it a little me?”
Junior cooed in joy, bringing a smile to Wash’s face as he grabbed up the picnic stuff and started toward the table.
It looked clear from the short distance between it and Wash, for which he was grateful. Less bird droppings or used needles to deal with the better in Blood Gulch, after all. But he found himself coming to a standstill when the easy breeze of the summer day temporarily picked up to a full on gust. It forced Wash to hold up his arm and shield from the blast until it passed as quickly as it came.
“Weird,” Wash muttered, lowering his arm before seeing that there was suddenly a scrap of paper on the table.
Sighing at the litter, Wash walked over to the table, dropped the basket onto the table, and reached over to throwaway what he had to assume was trash before noticing thick letters strewn across it in what smelled like fresh sharpie.
“The hell,” Wash said out loud before grabbing the note and reading it.
Only Trust Who You Know
Washington felt a cold chill run down his spine and he glanced around the park. He tuned out the joyous sounds of Tucker and Junior playing around on the playground and tried instead to focus on finding anyone in the area — anyone at all, who could be the source of the note and the sudden sense of dread spreading across him.
With enhanced senses, he surely enough detected someone in the line of trees nearby.
Eyes narrowed, Wash pulled a throwing knife he had secreted away in the back of his belt and threw it across the park with expert precision. It was a warning, and it left its mark by sticking to the side of the tree’s bark.
The action had been fierce enough that Tucker and Junior’s attentions were now drawn to Wash, and Tucker was immediately picking up the kid who he could now barely carry despite Junior’s protests.
“Wash! What the hell’s going on?” he demanded.
Not answering Tucker, Washington kept his hand back ready to grab for another — last — throwing knife on his person and glared at the trees. “I know you’re there, come out. Slowly.”
“Easy, easy,” a sly and familiar voice said before two gloved hands held themselves up and Felix walked out from behind the tree. “Just a friend, checking in on you. Haven’t seen you on the prowl much, after all. Had to make sure everything’s going alright.”
“Felix?” Wash asked, not easing up. Still, despite himself, a sense of calm was coming over his body. “What are you… How?”
For a moment, Washington spared a glance toward Tucker and Junior just to see as Tucker was already backing toward the playground to keep distance and find a way to cover his face. It was something they had known to look out for eventually, but Washington couldn’t help but feel the uselessness of it all. They were dealing with someone who had been watching them from the shadows while they carried on with their family day with some amount of reckless abandon.
Stupid stupid stupid, Wash, he growled to himself.
“Oh, come on, now, Wash,” Felix said with an easy shrug. “I mean, after all, who do you think let Kimball in on your little secret? I have to keep an eye out for my partner. And that means knowing who I’m keeping that eye on.”
“I don’t know you, doesn’t seem fair in return,” Wash said. “I don’t appreciate you coming around my family uninvited. I don’t appreciate you spying on me uninvited. And I don’t appreciate you sharing my secrets without permission,” Wash said darkly. “Leave. After all, I should only trust who I know.”
Felix seemed to hang back for a moment, as if he was expecting something else. But when it didn’t happen, he straightened up and grew a soured look. “That’s a dumb catchphrase, Wash. You could use a little more trust. But, hey, I’ll just take my leave if you don’t want a guardian hero keeping an eye out for you.”
Washington didn’t ease up until he was certain that the other hero was gone. Then he stood in silence, taking in the moment as best he could, while Tucker and Junior came up to his side.
“He’s watching us? Like… some kinda voyeur? What the fuck. I liked him but that’s weird,” Tucker said, struggling to hold Junior by his side.
“He didn’t recognize the phrase,” Wash said, glancing down to the note in his hand.
“What phrase?” Tucker asked curiously.
“Guardian hero keeping an eye out for you,” Wash repeated, getting lost in thought.
“Is that the phrase? What are we talking about?” Tucker demanded. “Wash! Hello? You there?”
Washington glanced back to Tucker and took a breath. “He wasn’t here for us. And this note I found isn’t from him. And I think we’re about to have more going on than I realized.”
Tucker stared straight into his eyes for a solid thirty seconds before pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out a long hiss of air. “Okay, sit down and go through what every part of that meant. We made way too much progress on talking feelings today for you to start your cryptic shit again, Wash.”
“Right, sorry,” Wash apologized, sitting at the table, though suddenly very aware of their surroundings.
Tucker sat down with him and they began their chat about mysterious superheroes, unknown anomalies, and blue blurs.
If they had been on the internet, they probably would have been at conspiracy theory websites already.
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onghwangs · 7 years
now i'm curious! who's your personal top 11 vs what you want the top 11 to be?
Wow okay…my personal top 11 is comprised of ppl I foundenjoyable to watch and have fun cheering for, I’m a sucker for dumb fools and hiddenstorylines so yeah. 
But, man if they put this group together I would screambecause noooomg it would mostly be a comedy troupe than an idol group. theymight as well be called 10gagmen1straightman (10G1S)
(edited for guys in the top 59, in no particular order) 
yoon jisung- I likedhim ever since ep 1. I think that most, if not all of the trainees were chatteringaway during the auditions but I find that he seems to not really censor hismouth. I think a lot of the trainees are very and tense image conscious (theyshould be due to mnet) and Jisung (and the other MMO guys) were more relaxed. He’s funny but not offensive funny…Iremember like when Daehwi was explaining his avengers team, Jisung was likeyeah, go ahead and eat up all the popular members, Dahewi and JKKSJDKSJKJKSTHAT MAN. He seems like a genuinely fun and nice person to be a round, judgingby how he seems close to both his label-mates and his 10/10 group-mates….anyways📢📢📢I LVOETHIS MAN AND THAT ANTI WHO DM’D HIM TO GET HIM IN TROUBLE CAN SRSLY FCUK OFF!!!📢📢📢
kim taemin -  he was so cute in his intro vid but he was sonervous his voice was shaking so much lmao poor thing…. But im fucking….ifthere’s really a meme in this show, it’s taemin…everything they show of him, he’smaking a damn fool of himself. Him screaming in the hiddenbox thing, himfailing to do headstands, him dancing to nayana…yeah I lof the fool!! What reallymade me like him was him acting so surprised and happy when someone called hisname wayyyy back during the first nayana perf. Like….he seemed so amazed to have fans lmao what a gem. He’salso quite photogenic too.
Ong seongwu – THEBEST ALL ROUNDER IMO???????????? He’s a good singer ( hE WAS ONE OF THE 6TRAINEES THAT SANG PICK ME! WITHOUT HIM THERE WOULD BE NO NAYA NA), a great dancer, already has charisma and is hotwhile being complete dork? Amazing. I really adore him and his three moles and I’msuper worried for when the 1-pick voting comes because he doesn’t seem to havea lot of individual fans (someone prove me wrong pls)
Park Jihoon –yeah that wink got me shook. But yeah, srsly speaking, his wink did catch myeye but I thought he was going to be wayyyyyy to cute-ish for my tastes. I wassurprised by the way he carried himself (cute, but not too much, he seems to bevery calm too).  I think he’s skilled butcan improve much more (esp his singing) so I look forward to his improvement!! @mnetI’m still waiting for his angry clip L I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I WOULD BUY ALL THELIPBALM HE NEEDS, JUST TELL ME WHAT BRAND U WANT BOY, I”LL GET U A SUPPLY SOBIG THEY’LL OFFER U AN ENDORSEMENT DEAL
Kim Yehyeon – He seemslike a really sweet guy and this story is what basically made me stan him (andgave him that 39+ rank rise) my boy is a fuckin saint he went to the emergencyroom because he was too overworked and he had to perform Be Mine will injured..T_T He did not almost die for no screentime and continuous repeats and zoom-insof ppl gulping….anyways he’s also dumb, you should support 
Lee Junwoo – an actualbaby!!!!!!!! He caught my eye in episode 0 but I totally forgot who he wasuntil I saw his famous TATATA dance. What I liked about him was that he didn’t completelygive up after messing up and he kept on going hard @ the dance (he even made itto a C despite those mistakes!) he’s an awesome dancer and has good expressions!I really look forward to seeing his Shape of You stage (I think) I heard it wassupposed to be real good. I’m also screaming because he looks like a baby is ashuge as an elephant IRL 184CM HOOOLLLLLY
kim yongguk – I gotto know him because of that pann post and I support and adore him so much butnot as much as kim sihyun does!!!!! He’s a pretty nice vocalist and pretty goodsinger..but I think because baekho stole the entire stage, it’s hard to judgehis stage presence,  I really do lookforward to seeing his stage and seeing him be more of a savage!
Ahn hyungseop – Ilove him, he’s such a textbook slyth, he even expressed disappointment ingetting a lower rank than before. I can see why ppl don’t like him (similar todaehwi) but I really do adore him and his quirky ways. While I think he’s agood performer, I do think he would be more a B-rank rather than A. I’m stillnot quite convinced of his singing just yet….
Joo Haknyeon – tbh,I feel like he was born to be an idol with a face like that, I think it has amore idol-ish feel than Jihoon’s. I find that he’s a really decent dancer too!I do wish he had a better audition song…like why’d u choose that song and b-boyto it omf. He seems to be a total sweetheart as well! Hanywayz…..i wanna seemore of his friendship with ong, they seem to be good friends as well Y_Y @mnetGIV EHIM MORE SCREENTIME.
Yoo Seonho – it’sa surprised to me how much I like him?? He’s so cute and harmless lmao. I can totallysee why he was casted, along with guanlin, and sent out despite being only trainees for 6 months. they will super popular in thefuture (if cube doesn’t fuck up). I’m not really expecting much from him, beinga 6 month trainee, but he did surprisingly ok in sorry sorry compared to hisexperience, I’m looking forward to seeing his next stage. He also seems to be agreat guy, judging by his fanaccs and activities.
Yeo Hwanung – he’sa great dancer and stable vocalist, why is he being slepton?????????????????????? He seems super sweet and patient with Justin too likegoing through the notes together…
Notable mentions: everyone else, I fucking love and support all of them!!!!!! I just find these 11 really interesting at the moment.
 hennyways……here’s my top final 11 AKA B.O.I. …sorta. I thinkit’ll probably change after the next eps as people come to prove themselvesmore!! But this group, I’ll be pretty comfortable with them debuting and confident that they will be able to handle different concepts, all can carry their weight, etc. (in noparticular order)
Kang Daniel – He’s another well rounder. So he seems like areal sweet person but he ( along with Ong ) don’t really seem to take shit fromppl and I like that they speak there mind, though I want him to be careful ofhis actions as well LMAO. He’s also a fuckn miracle worker, my friend went fromdisliking him in ep2 to being a full stan by ep5 so I think he seems to be aperson that would keep fans engaged for a long time.
 Park Jihoon – Yeah, I’m kinda being biased, but he’d doreal well as a stan attractor! He dancing is good and I feel like he’ll improveon his singing soon….okay enough…
Kim Jaehwan – holyyy shit his voice is sooo good. All theguys in sorry sorry team 2 were good, but the dude carried the vocals for histeam, lbr. Im sincerely hoping he pulls up into the final 11, the vocals would get a huge upgrade holy shit son.
 Im Youngmin – alpacaaaaa aaaaaa!! He’s growing on me somuch and seems to be a very kind person, teaching the be mine moves foreveryone. I love that group so much, they seem genuinely close to each other !!  His rapping is good and he seems to be quitecharismatic on stage
Kim Taedong – His jump from F to A holyyyy shit whattaman!!!  His moves are sharp and he’s astable singer, I’m really liking what I’m seeing from him so far. I think he’s real idol material and he seems likea complete dork too, I loff!!!!!!
Yoon Heeseok, lmaoooo he’s also another living meme. He’san excellent singer, I really want him to work on his dancing a bit though but heseems to be improving quite nicely, from F-B. his shoulders are also killer.
Lee Daehwi – Another all-rounder. He doesn’t deserve thehate he gets, I honestly hope he makes it, he has the skills and personality tomake it into the idol world. He’s a sweet boy.
-(wildcards) x 3
 lmao okay I cheated, it’s because I haven’t fully decidedyet….i still wanna see more perfs Lbut here are a list of guys I would love to see in the final line up as well.
from my personal top 11: jisung, yongguk, hyungseob, hwanung,anyone that shows they’ve got what it takes/improves immensely
vocals: sewoon, hoeseung, woodam, gwanghyun(???), donghyun,dongsu, kiwon, keonhee, seonglee. youjin
rap: woo jinyoung, namhyung, big woojin
dance: hyunmin, eunki, kenta, samuel, kim donghan
nu’est, hotshot members: I’m reallllllllly conflicted inthis. In a perfect world, they don’t make it in the top 11 but their companiesgive them comebacks they need and the make it big and win awards and it’s the perfectcomeback story lmao…but I’ll still be happy with any of them in the line up aswell
wow i’m sorry i wrote too long jdksajd
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Ooo, you must mean Ding Dong Dell! That's been my favourite city so far, for all those reasons. c: And I will definitely let you know if I pick up Rime! So. Ignis and the Beast. I'm giddy just thinking about what might happen next! Can you give us any teasers? c: No pressure though! I just love how they are slowly growing closer together and wanted to say again how much I loved the garden chapter. I'm a little biased (I love flowers), but I felt like I was there, floating right along.
Ya know, the last post I made was about Horizong Zero Dawn and this huge monster I found, like, claws, fangs, beam blasters and guns, like ten feet tall, and when I saw the ask make it into my inbox, the preview was “Oh, you must mean Ding Dong Dell!!”
So you can tell I sat there for a moment, mind entirely blank and confused, and I was like “…so you’re telling me the most giganormous and most dangerous machine is- is named Ding Dong Dell in english? I…I’m confused” but then I saw the rest of the ask and I was like OH MY GOD, IT’S IRIDAE, THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT NI NO KUNI AHAHAHAHHAHAAH
It was fantastic, got a damn good laugh out of me ahahahhahaha x)
Ding Dong Dell it is then!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CITY, it looks like the sorta kingdom city I’d love to live in. Lots of colors and happy things and pretty gardens and fountains alkjsdlfkgjadlg. No wonder it’s been your favorite so far!! :D
How ya doing with the volcano? I bet you beat it already! MAN, WHAT A GAME!! >3
A teaser of what’s to come in the near future for them? HMMM!!! THAT SOUNDS. TEMPTING. HURR HURR, PURR, A TEASER, HMMM~ (*ノωノ)
Well, why not, I guESS I CAN DO THAT, AYE!!!!
So I don’t have anything properly written yet, but I do have the summary of stuff to happen before the. hm. Plot twist? ASDJKDGKLADJ not gonna say anything, we know the original tale so it’s not much of a secret anyway but aksdjdlkgdaj HUSH MOON RACCOON
As you may know, I…accidentally destroyed my computer OTL And there was the original draft of the rest of the fic. I wrote down most that I could remember, and I think I got it all, or at least 95% of it. It’s just the fluffy shenanigans, more bonding moments, so I think it’s fine to give you a few teasers of what’s to come!!
I still have to arrange correctly the summary bits, but what’s soon to happen are these things:
Gladio sees Ignis sewing something, and he gets an idea. He has a dear piece of clothing that’s ripped in the center, so he asks Ignis if he could please fix it. Gladio’s really shy and hesitating about it, really insecure, and Ignis can do but wonder just what this cape means to him, but doesn’t question him and accepts fixing it. ‘It’s special’, is all that Gladio explains. Any guess what it may be? Only clue is, it’s also special for Iris.
Not in next chapter, maybe in 1 or 2 more, we’ll get a bit more of Ravus, maybe his last one until the “plot twist”. A Tenebraean dessert makes its first appearance here, and helps a lot! We also see Aranea again, after another search mission failed.
Flower crowns. That’s all I’m saying
Book nerds will keep on book nerding. But this time they may find other spots other than the library for their daily reading. Any guess where? :3
This is meant to happen in 1, 2, or 3 chapters more, but it’s still relatively soon: Ignis, less focused in the gardens now and retaking his daily exploring in the castle, finds a room he hadn’t been to before and, as he explores it, he finds a box. He finds something in it that captures his heart and breathe and starts giving him ideas. Any guess? Your clue is, it’s golden….~ ┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴
Hurrrr...you see how easy it is to set me in a writing-Iggy-and-the-Beast mood? DAMN, now I really want to start hurrying with the update to get to all these points listed above. I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS FANFIC, FLOUR, YOU HAVE NO IDEA KJSDAKLDGJAKLG I’M EAGER THAT YOU ALL READ WHAT’S STILL LEFT TO BE SHARED AAAHHH
(Lemme add a keep reading right here! :3)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, THANK YOU SO MUCH, FLOUR!!!!!! It makes me so happy and weak that you’re enjoying of how they’re slowly getting closer hnhgnhhnf. I think people are already at the limits of “THIS IS TOO MUCH I NEED THEM TO KISS NOW” which makes me a bit insecure of “am I going TOO SLOW, like, even slwoer than SLOW?” aksljdfakgljad and yes, I am, BUT IS THAT STOPPING ME? NAH MAN. SUFFER. WATCH THEM SLOWLY GET CLOSER AND CLOSER AND DIE WITH ME, DAMMIT.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I’m SO happy that you really liked the garden chapter!!!! You could say it daily, I’d never get tired ofi t. Indeed, it just- makes me prouder and happier, I’m really so, so, so happy that you liked it so much :’) It’s okay to be biased, fanfics are all biased because it’s what we like!! Haha! So if the author does a biased something that a reader finds personally enjoyable, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL THING, AH? Aklsjdfklgjdaklgjda
You love flowers, Flour. You couldn’t have a much better and appropriate anon signature. ( ˙꒳​˙ )♡
IRIDAE, THANK YOU SO, SO, SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH AAAAAAAAHHHH, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! ;A; It’s such a beautiful and big compliment to me that you say that you felt as if you were in the fic, floating along the little dorks. ASdjksladgjdaklgjadgKALS FALKDGJ ADKLGJ ADLKGJA  FLOUUUUUUUR!!!!!!!!!
U WONDERFUL SUPERB MUFFIN MADE OF SWEETNESS, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! You’re such a phenomenal reader and you support me so nicely and so good aksdjkflja I don’t know what to say, how to thank you enough, YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY, HOW DARE YOU AKSDJ FADKGL DGKLDJ
Seriously, thank you so, so, so much, Flour. It means so much to me that you’re enjoying of it. Thank you so much for all the good comments, Iridae. Thank you so much, wholeheartedly. You really help me with my confidence regarding this fic, a lot :’)
Thank you soooooooooo, so, so much again for being so nice and for taking the time to write to me!!!! IT MADE ME SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU AROUND AGAIN!!! :3
Thank you for all the good words, and thank you for asking about Iggy and the Beast. Honestly, I could talk about it every damn day and never get tired. Thanks for giving me the chance to talk with you about it. :)
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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