#anything i do is in some way an homage to dick
dodger-chan · 6 months
Did I procrastinate by writing steddie fic again? Maybe. In my defense, I think this is very funny. Also on AO3.
Warning for non graphic but frequent discussion of sex.
Like a good number of things, it was Wheeler’s fault.
Under normal circumstances, Eddie would have no problem sitting back in his throne and staying above the fray while his little sheep had their silly arguments. Talking is a free action, etc. etc. And they’d wrapped for the night, were only delaying clean-up. But Wheeler, pressed by his friends to join in the defense of their favorite paladin, had gone with a very explicable but awkward choice of phrasing.
“I mean, Steve doesn’t suck.”
Eddie bit down on his tongue. He wasn’t going to say anything. He was not.
Unfortunately, something about the tepidness, the lackluster nature of Wheeler’s tone only encouraged Gareth.
“Au contraire,” he said, standing and making a gesture that Eddie chose to interpret as homage rather than mockery. “Harrington most assuredly does suck.”
Eddie bit down harder. He couldn’t say anything.
Gareth then began to list a number of harms done to the members of Hellfire that were, for the most part, merely tangentially related to the actions or existence of one Steven Harrington.
Perhaps it had always been a little unfair, to blame the social strictures of highschool on one individual who had no part in designing them and had done little more than anyone else in the way of enforcement. But what was the point of a figurehead if not to take the blame?
Of course no part of Gareth’s speech addressed the one way in which Steve truly did suck dick: literally. Steve had taken to oral sodomy like a duck to water. Eddie would love to claim credit by citing his excellent tutelage - largely by example - but he suspected his boyfriend was a natural.
Eddie tasted blood in his mouth. He couldn't keep biting his tongue. But he also couldn't set the record straight, so to speak. Even if he could tell all of Hellfire that he and Steve were dating, it would be beyond inappropriate to discuss Steve's cocksucking acumen with the freshmen.
“It's an interesting linguistic phenomenon, wouldn't you say?” Eddie interrupted Gareth’s spiel. “You are debating the merits and acceptability of one Steve Harrington, but using as shorthand a term that refers to oral sex. A phrasing that suggests people who give head are lesser than those who do not.
“Without making too many assumptions, I feel safe in saying that most of us would like to enjoy a bit of oral sodomy in the future. Now, I may not be the smartest guy in town, but it seems to me that preemptively insulting the people who might suck your dick is a good way to ensure they never will.”
He gave them a moment to digest his speech.
“So I should have said Steve doesn’t blow?” Mike asked, tentatively.
“Blow comes from blow jobs, so that’s the same thing,” Dustin corrected. A little less confidently, he went on. “Bites, maybe? Biting’s not a sex thing, is it?”
Eddie sighed. Surely there were insults that didn’t reflect some aspect of his sex life. Though biting was, at minimum, not related to oral. And it would probably be easier not to brag about the number of little bruises he’d left on Steve’s neck. And shoulders. And chest. All over Steve’s body, really.
Who was he kidding? He needed to shut this whole conversation down yesterday.
(this now has a sequel)
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dailycass-cain · 7 months
My 10 Favorite Batgirls covers
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You know something we never talk about much is some of the stunning covers Batgirls had (would you believe the series had over seventy-two different covers for a nineteen-issue run + Annual).
That's-- A LOT.
What happens when you get regular and virgin #1 covers that were available in other shops. Now these are my own preferences. I mean, to say the least, Batgirls covers never missed really. These are just my favs.
So are ten of my favorites plus a few honorable mentions.
Honorable Mention #1:
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Batgirls #16 International Women's Day Variant by Lynne Yoshi. I just love the way everyone is framed in this with Babs being "the Batgirl" but in a past B&W motif while Cass/Steph are the present Batgirls being juxtaposed in color.
Honorable Mention #2:
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Batgirls #12 90s variant by Paulina Ganucheau. I love the homage here the splashy page homage with a nice role reversal with Cass subbing for Tim here. My favorite Steph-centric cover.
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Batgirls #13 1:25 variant by Rian Gonzales. Her final one for the series, and man did she go out with a banger. Love the Powerpuff Girls homage with most of the supporting cast (Kyle, Maps, and Alyssa) with random Kon and Kate appearances.
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Batgirls #3 variant by Kim Jacinto. Jacinto would do a few variants for the series too, and this is my favorite one of them. Love that each had a fluidity with them but that up-close claw of Cass coming at ya is why this one is my favorite of Jacinto's Batgirls covers.
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Batgirls #1 the Glass Cabinet Hobbies variant by Dan Mora. This is one of those "store" exclusive variants, and probably my favorite Batgirls cover Mora did on the series.
I love the poses Cass/Steph have here, along with Bab's silhouette. I just LOVE the yellow dips down and to the right even making a rather striking cover. If anything negative I wish Babs was bigger and Dick was taken out of this cover altogether. Still love Bruce on the right though.
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#7 Batgirls #1 (though I forget which store had this exclusive) variant by Babs Tarr. If there's one thing I do enjoy about Burnside Batgirl it is the way Tarr drew Steph in it. Just captured that fun attitude perfectly. Also, love the first "official" drawing of her Cass.
I also love the homage to a famous Batman cover but the personalities of each Batgirl stand out in this one. Plus the pink just makes this one stand out and be so striking.
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Batgirls #14 variant 1:25 cover by Dan Hipp. Again, the pink is a nice striking contrast but Hipp one-ups it with the little details sprinkled throughout this cover. The easter eggs sprinkled in are PERFECTION here. Probably the best "layered" cover with so much behind it.
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#5 Batgirls #18 AAPI variant cover by Crystal Kung. The second of the two AAPI covers Cass got in the series, I love the colors in this one along with the pose Kung gives Cass here. There's that gremlin nature of Cass I love here.
Along with just the wash the background gets further back. I also love the secondary color Kung gives Cass's cape to make it stand out more.
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#4 Batgirls #17 cover by Jorge Corona. My favorite cover of the series with all three Batgirls in them. I love how Corona gets the personalities of the three in here while also the starry background along with the Clocktower. Sooo good.
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Batgirls #6 1:25 variant by Rian Gonzales. My favorite Gonzales cover of the series. I love the watercolors Gonzales does the most here. Just the wash of Gotham City in the background with Cass/Steph lying in the pool. Also Haley on the little batmobile float. SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
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Batgirls #14 cover by Jorge Corona. The best issue of the entire series and the peak for me of Corona as well with his covers.
Just the somber mood of the cover sets the tone alone. I also LOVE the way Corona has Cass and Steph's capes here. The way each pop sells it all.
So if that's my #2, what can be my #1?
Well... something that just uplifts me anytime I look at it. Something you'd probably not truly expect.
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Batgirls #6 AAPI Heritage Month variant by Audrey Mok. There's just something every time that I look at this cover that fills me with a warm glee.
I adore Mok's use of Cass here and the way the traffic around her lights a part of her up. I adore the pose as well that mid-grapple swing too.
I love the "mini story" this one tells too. Just everything about this cover is perfection to me.
So there are my favorite Batgirls covers. This was tough! 😅What are your favorite Batgirls covers? Please share and comment on which ones are yours, or if you share the same as I do!
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January 9 is Vivi’s birthday \;w;/ The date’s cheeky, it’s when I reached ShB on him ingame. A year ago. JUST A YEAR. No other oc of mine had such an intense development process. I wanted to try writing a disaster, and, well....
Lemme have today as an excuse to ramble about his influences. Of course I didn’t merely lump these together, I kept realizing the likeness as time went on.
The concentration of unhinged blondies and literal idols is past the critical level, take cover, it’s gonna blow.
Spoiler warning for everything.
Anarchy Panty
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Because his full name’s Vivien Fucksalot Rell x’D A good number of their tropes match perfectly.
This speech could as well be copypasted into his final battle with Emet:
Panty: You're right, I'm just a little bitch and I'm proud of it. But guess what, douchebag? That's not the point. News flash, I don't need special fucking powers to beat the shit out of you. You know why? Because I'm a bitch who doesn't give a fuck. You and your half-dead face can preach about hymens and demons and other weird words that supposedly mean shit, but that doesn't change the fact that if any of you fuckers get in my way, I'm gonna kick some twisted-ass ass. You hear me dick? I'm a hot bitch angel named Panty. And no matter what anyone says, I DO WHAT I FUCKING WANT!
Princess Ai
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An edgy fashion icon that I'm still in love with. Brainstorming the visual styles for Vivi, I simply decided to indulge as hard as I can.
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Howl gets his redemption arc, Vivi, uh.... Surprise, the entire ShB part of Fragments is his redemption arc of sorts. But he exists outside ShB as well. He’s not meant to be a goody two shoes. But hey, his drama queen moments are entertaining to watch.
Raha has a lot of Howl in his character too. With Vivi, he’s basically this, except he doesn’t swallow him.. Okay he does but in a different way *kicked*
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Arataka Reigen
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Because I’m physically incapable of writing a classic hero.
Vivi has a complicated relationship with his career and a pragmatic approach to most things in life. He also prefers words to violence, will fight only if that fails.
When confidence and persuasion carry so hard you don’t really need anything else. Vivi firmly believes in everything he says and does. He doesn’t derive any fucked up joy from being right, but he knows as a fact that he IS right.
Sakuma Ryuichi
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Duality my beloved \o/ And dorkiness. Other than that, Ryuichi doesn’t have as much influence on his character, but the visuals?
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I mean I literally use this shirt and necklace as an easter egg/homage. Gravitation triggered my queer awakening in the faraway 2006, might as well give it the acknowledgement it deserves.
And, lastly, the he.
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What else do you expect from a character tailored for a ship \o/
Short. Sassy. Dorky. Gremlin. All of their direct likeness stems from ARR, while the more subtle parallels and extreme opposite values form later.
If Raha’s eccentric, Vivi takes that just a tad bit further, simply because he’s always been allowed to.
What Raha keeps repressed, buried deep down, Vivi embraces in full. He’s an unruly, effervescent spark of life, he’s meant to be Raha’s “manic pixie dream boy” according to tvtropes, to slowly lure him out of his shell and teach him confidence, the joy of living, and find a way to stop him from killing himself over and over again.
Words of praise and affirmation have no effect on them. Both are competent in some field, but never brag about it. While Raha has a severe imposter syndrome, Vivi knows he’s cool as a fact, which still doesn't mean he loves or values himself as he should. He just acknowledges and uses his status for his own benefit as openly as the world keeps using himself.
Destiny (affectionate) and destiny (derogatory).
Raha’s The Adult (tm) Vivi needs to stay somewhat stable. This’s the reason they don’t quite get along in ARR yet, Raha must go through that century of suffering that, despite all common sense, refines him into something delightful, Vivi must go through HW-SB to realize his priorities in life and frankly get fucked up enough to form a perfect chemistry with Exarch.
Raha has a moral compass that he may adjust at will, Vivi has none at all. How much more questionable would they be if they weren’t cute and charismatic :’D
They’re feisty and competitive towards each other, Raha especially so. Vivi has a red cloth effect on him. Forever wrestling for that imaginary control (yep, in bed too). On the emotional side, it’s forever “you matter, I don’t”. They’re mirrors of each other, reflecting some parts as they are, twisting others in most peculiar ways.
Vivi literally wouldn’t exist without Raha, both ic and ooc. So I daresay Raha has the most influence on his character, at the same time he’s his own guy enough to stay interesting. I’m so proud of him. I’m holding him by the scruff and helplessly shaking him in the air.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
biscuits 😭
Literally just staying up all night crying about the end of an era and attempting to wrangle 7800 layers of feelings into a thing that can come out in English
But I've been thinking about the biscuits
Not just the croissants she's eating in the scene where we think they've slept together (I refuse to feel baited by that scene btw, even though it and Beard's entrance made me feel like I'd ascended to a new plane of reality; the scene happened for a reason; I'm too tired to go into it; my relationship to heterosexual ships is interesting enough as it is and I don't need to develop a fucking straightbaiting chip on my shoulder and walk around with that; also Ted/Rebecca's incredibly intentional yet incredibly unconsummated-within-the-three-season-arc connection is like every femslash ship I've ever loved; I've decided to just lean into T/R's story being unfinished and to treat the rom-com leave-cute reference as a fond homage to what could be; I'm allowed to be as generous as I want to be with this show and these writers; LMAO; crying my ass off [stilted Scorpio version]; but genuinely--I can be as generous as I want to be and I don't have to hate this if I don't want to hate this)
I've been thinking not just about the croissants she's eating in the scene where we think they've slept together, and how those aren't biscuits, but also about how she doesn't tell him she'll miss the biscuits and he doesn't talk about the ritual and he never bakes her biscuits again as far as we can tell and he doesn't give her the recipe
And it hurts but I love it
[[[[ The biscuits are his dick (-- @boglady ) ]]]]
Because it's so intrinsic to who they are that they just don't talk about this ritual engrained in the last 2.5 years of their lives, I think...and sure, sometimes we see Ted reference the biscuits when he walks in with some...but no one notices. Ted's mom doesn't notice. Trent doesn't notice. Higgins notices, but he was involved in the early s1 biscuit taste-testing, and he's all-seeing in a lot of ways so it's different. Lord knows Sassy isn't getting a biscuit even if she's gotten to enjoy Ted's actual dick a few times. Keeley is close enough to notice, but she's suspiciously quiet about it. Beard has to come over and fix Ted's oven all the time, but we never see him comment.
So how perfect is it that in everything Rebecca has to process about Ted leaving, she almost becomes another person who has taken for granted that Ted performs this absolutely deranged gesture of love in baking her biscuits every single week and delivering them to her in a pink box every day...because that's really telling. She puts a lot of work into asking him to stay. She's feeling all kinds of desperate things. She isn't at all like the people who don't see what he's been doing for her; her reasons for never mentioning the biscuits again are nothing like the biscuit-invisibility everyone else experiences. She just can't or won't say anything because the biscuits are untouchable
And in the season 4 that will exist in my head but will almost certainly never be a reality, someday, when they see each other again, he makes her some biscuits and she's so angry she can't eat them
(And then things get better and she does, but not at first)
(This is why I had to take Wednesday off work)
(I'm fuckin' losing it)
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vivaamor · 2 years
meet the harringtons
warnings: 18+, swearing, smut, thigh-riding, oral sex
relationships: steve harrington/ female reader
summary: you meet steve's parents
word count: 2,509
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and then if you can remember
keep smilin’, keep shinin’
knowin’ you can always count on me, for sure
that’s what friends are for
you hummed along, nodding your head to the ear worm you couldn’t get out of your head for the past hour while read the hobbit, a recommendation from your friend, eddie. steve smiled to himself as he listened to your tune, his arms wrapped around your waist with your back against his chest, situated in between his legs. he rested his chin on your shoulder, looking over at the book you were reading. he rubbed his hands along your midriff, where your pink and black striped crop top exposed some skin. it was one of those lazy days, having gotten to steve’s house two hours ago and he was already in his bed attire- boxers and a yellow tee.
his touch was comforting, how he always wanted to have his hands on you, whether it was rubbing your stomach while you read, holding your hand while in line at the grocery store, or resting his hand against your thigh as he drove—it made him feel at ease to have you at a hand’s length. 
he takes your chin in his hand, tilting your head all the way back until he can comfortably lean down and kiss you lazily. you hum against his lips, your hand finding homage in his hair while the other one holds the book. he moves his hands to rub up and down your sides, allowing them to wander your body mischievously until they meet the valley of your breasts, cupping you in his palms and squeezing lightly. You went absolutely crazy whenever he did that. dropping the book, you turn around and climb onto his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist as he continued to grope your chest. the kiss was lazy and soft, comparable to the cloudy weather outside, making you want to lay in bed all day. 
“mmm,” you moan, his tongue flicking at your lip, begging to be let past the barrier that was your lips. you play with his tongue, wrapping your arms around his neck and moving your hips over his. the erection in his boxers is obvious, his bulge rubbing your through your panties that were on display, thanks to the short skirt you wore just for him. he reaches for your waist, moving you on to his thigh. he breaks the kiss, pulling your shirt over your head, and unclasping your bra, his eyes on your chest as you let the garment fall off your shoulders. 
“fuck,” he curses, dipping his head to take one of your nipples in his mouth. you rock yourself against his thigh, wetness pooling between your thighs until you couldn’t take it anymore, needing to feel friction, willing to do anything. “that’s it,” he mumbles, groaning at the view before him—his beautiful girlfriend getting herself off on his thigh. he was impossibly hard, palming himself through his boxers to keep him from exploding just at the sight of you. 
you whimper, throwing your head back from the sensation. “I haven’t even touched you yet, and you’re so fuckin’ wet.” he grabs you roughly, setting you back in your previous position with your back against his chest. circling your clit with his thumb, he pushes two fingers inside of you and groans at how you wrap around them. “you can barely handle my fingers, baby. how do you know you can take my dick?” 
“wait,” you mumble, the involuntary buck of your hips sending mixed signals. you pulled his hand away from you and pout. “you always touch me first.”
he smiles, his breath fanning over your ear, “of course i do.” his smile is replaced with another low groan, watching you get on your knees in front of him, tying your hair back into a scrunchie. “oh, fuck, princess.” he mumbles, getting off his bed and standing in front of you, pulling down his boxers and kicking them off his legs. his cock stands tall and proud, slapping against his stomach. licking your lips, you take him in your hand, pumping him a few times. leaning in, you lick a stripe for the base to the tip and he moans, pulling at your ponytail. you smirk, teasing him by taking the tip of his cock between your lips and shocking.
“stevie!” the front door and opens and shuts, feet shuffling downstairs. your eyes widen and you let go of him, freezing in your position on the floor.
“fuck!” he whisper-yells, grabbing his boxers and pulling them up, finding a pair of jeans and frantically pulling them up his legs as well. the woman’s voice repeats his name and he runs to his bedroom door, shouting, “I’m home!” he jogs back to you, pulling you to your feet by your hands and tossing you your bra. “get dressed, come on.” he demands, finding your shirt as well. 
“steve, what the fuck? who is that?”
he sighs, yelling down to his parents, “be down in a sec!” you’re still soaking wet, and you can practically smell the lust dripping from your boyfriend. you quickly pull your clothes back on, letting your hair out of your ponytail. “my parents are home.”
“oh my god.” you mutter, running a shaky hand through your mess of a hair. you’d never met steve’s parents before, they were constantly out of town and steve and you always had the house to yourselves. “fuck, what do we do?”
“honey, come down stairs, we picked up chinese!” his mom hollers, talking to someone else, you assume it’s his dad. 
“come on.” steve grabs your hand, dragging you out of his room and downstairs, slowly opening the front door as to sneak you out. 
it doesn’t work. the door creeks and before you can run out of there, his mom walks into the entry way. “hi honey.” his mom smiles widely and kisses him on the cheek. “oh, hello.” she looks to steve. 
he looks between your wide eyes and his mom’s confusion. “uh, ma, this is y/n. my… girlfriend.” he’d told him mom briefly about you, and she had always talked about meeting you but with their schedule, it never worked out. “she was just heading out, has some homework or something.”
“oh, don’t be silly!” she laughs, guiding you into the dining room with her hand on your back. “we always over-order, there’s plenty for the four of us! you’ll join us, won’t you?” she asks, hopeful.
you look to steve, who is although terrified, nods at you. “um, yeah, i guess so.” you offered his mom a polite smile, taken by surprise when she hugs you. she pulls away from the quick embrace, holding her hands on your shoulders. “she’s perfect, stevie.” she turns her attention to her husband, who is taking opening the styrofoam containers that hold their dinner for tonight. “isn’t she perfect, bill?”
steve’s dad looks up from the table, looking at his mother and I through the thick frames of glasses balancing on the fridge of his nose. “nice to meet you, y/n.” steve’s mom smiles at me, shooting me another glance before returning to the kitchen, grabbing plates. 
“nice to meet you, mr. harrington.” 
“please, call me bill.” he nods at you, taking the plates from his wife when she returns with four dinner plates. “this is my wife, diane.” he motions to his wife, who is plating the food for all of you. “why don’t you kiddos take a seat and I’ll grab us all some water?” steve nods, pulling out a chair and motioning for you to sit next to him. you take your seat, looking around the dining room awkwardly.
the resemblance between steve and his parents amazed you. diane was absolutely stunning. her hair resembled steve, although a darker shade of brown and longer, her bangs framing her face.  her eyes were kind, brown like steve’s and she was easily the most welcoming person you had ever met. it was obvious to you where steve got his manners from, pulling out a chair for diane to sit, getting up to get her more water when she had finished her glass, and reaching over to fix a stray hair that had fallen out from behind her ear. he was a gentleman, asking you questions to get to know you more, and listening intently when you answered.
“so, y/n, what are you majoring in?” diane asked, folding her hands on the table in front of herself. 
swallowing down the last of your orange chicken, you wipe your mouth with a napkin. “biology. I’m trying to get into vet school after i graduate.”
“that’s very interesting.” she nodded, drinking from her glass of water. “stevie loves animals. we used to have a bunny, I think he was eight or so. does your family have any pets.”
you nodded, about to answer her question when steve distracts you, his hand lingering over your leg under the table. you know he’s just trying to ease your nerves, though. “well, me and my dad don’t, but my mom had a cat named tommy.” 
“aw, that’s a cute name.” bill comments, shoving a spoonful of fried rice in his mouth. “your mother left?”
“five years ago, yeah,” steve watches you converse with his parents and he couldn’t be happier. he knew his parents would love you, he knew you’d fit in immediately, so then why was he so nervous? “so, what do you guys do? you travel a lot?” you ask, wanting to know more about your boyfriend’s family
bill clears his throat, “well, i’m a resort writer. i travel to resorts all over the world and write about them. they put us up in fancy room’s and diane comes with me. i figure, why not share the luxury of constant vacationing with the woman i love?” he laughs loudly, holding diane’s hand over the table. “and what are you doing to support yourself through school?”
“well, i’m a waitress at leonardo’s down the street.”
“oh, the italian joint?”
you nod, “yeah, that’s the one.” steve’s thumb rubbing small, soothing circles on your knee was helping you relax. you felt comfortable around his parents, they were nice people. “we’re known for our cannoli’s. steve’s had quite a few over the past few months,” you joke, earning a playful eye roll from the boy next to you.
“i go and visit y/n when she’s at work a lot.” he explains, leaning back in his chair, full from the chinese takeout. 
“oh, that’s nice,” diane comments, playing the pearls around her neck between the pads of her fingers. “how long have you two been together again?”
“seven months now.”
“oh, wow.” diane sighs, looking at the two of you. “I guess we’ve missed a lot, haven’t we?” steve goes to say something, but she puts her hand up. “well, well… we’re just happy someone is looking out for you is all. and if you ever need us home, just say the word.”
“I know, ma,”
bill taps his fingers against the table awkwardly. “now, how did you two come to be together?”
“well…” you grin to yourself, reminiscing over that day. “i actually met steve when him and robin came by for dinner one night, we were the only restaurant open past eight on sundays. they were my last table and they stayed past close. usually, I would’ve been annoyed, but they were fun to talk to.” you rub the back of steve’s hand happily. “and he just kept coming in, every day over his lunch break at the video store, even though he only had thirty minutes and the restaurant is a ten minute drive from where he works. he always requested me to be his waitress and we’d talk his whole break. sometimes he wouldn’t even order anything other than a coffee.” you chuckle, remembering one day in particular. “and then one day, he left his number on the receipt and when i got home, I had to beg my dad to get off the phone to call him.” steve looks over you and leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “and I guess the rest is history.”
diane smiles, watching the two of you. “well, i’m delighted I got to meet you, y/n.” she stands, taking everyone’s dirty plates in her hands. “bill, we should get to bed. early flight tomorrow and all.” she walks over to where you and steve are sat at the table and kisses the top of his head. “goodnight, honey.” she ruffles his hair and walks upstairs alongside steve’s dad.
steve grabs your hand, walking upstairs. “well, that was unexpected.” he sighs, laying back against his pillows with a sigh.
“yeah.” you shrug, “I like your parents, though. i can see where you got your manners, steven.”
he scoffs, shaking his head. “do not call me that.”
“I’m glad i got to meet them.” you smile, shutting his bedroom door. “they seem like good people.”
he nods, “they are.” you wonder if you would have met his parents, if not for their surprise night home tonight. if steve had actually wanted you to meet them or if it was just because his mom caught you trying to sneak out. and almost as if he can read your mind, steve lifts his head. “i’m glad you got to meet them, you know. my mom already adores you.”
“she’s nice, i like her.”
steve looks at you, your eyes trained on the floor, a small smile sticking to your lips like velcro. “hey, I have a question.”
he sits up and scoots toward the end of the bed, grabbing at your hand and pulling you into his lap. “why’d you tell them your mom left?”
“because she did.” you shrug, looking down at your hands. “maybe she didn’t leave her marriage, but she left us. it sounds a lot happier to say your mom abandoned you, not that she died in a hospital... i always imagine that she’s living somewhere in the hamptons, getting tipsy off eighteen dollar mimosas in a penthouse.” you chuckle to yourself.
“mm.” he nods, kissing your temple. “i guess i can understand that.” 
you lift your head, meeting his eyes. “you know, I think my mom would be proud if i brought you home to her.”
“yeah. she’d think you’re charming, which you are.” you peck him on the lips. “handsome, and polite. she’d like you a lot.”
“well, i would’ve loved to meet her.” you chuckle again, nodding your head. he rubs circles on your thigh with his thumb, just like he did at the table. “i love you, princess.” he mumbles against your temple.
“i love you, too." you wrap his arms around his neck, leaning in until your noses are almost touching. "now, where were we?”
he smirks, licking his lips. “i think… somewhere around here.” he tosses you behind him on the bed on your back, quickly crawling over you and attacking you with kisses. you can’t help but squeal, pushing at him with your hands. 
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not-poignant · 10 months
I have a question about Gywn in UtB. I know what he said about how he feels now that Efnisien's out of the house, but I also remember Gwyn's nearly as unreliable a narrator as Efnisien. He went to visit and bring Ef clothes. I'm wondering if Gwyn's feeling in a similar situation to Ef from SotS after Gwyn left. Like the family dynamic is very off. Or Gwyn's version of it is anyway. It would make a nice narrative circle. And might effect future choices...? Or GC Gwyn is just a dick. Or both.
Gwyn is pretty terrible in this universe, I've always wanted to write a dark!Gwyn, and this is definitely a path to that.
I don't know if Gwyn is feeling like Efnisien re: Spoils. I'd say if anything, he certainly hasn't made any decisions to try and save Efnisien's life yet, so he's still firmly in the 'malicious coward' category and not like Efnisien at the end of Spoils who had found some courage/bravery to save Gwyn's life. Bringing someone clothes doesn't save anyone's life, the USB Efnisien gave to Augus and Gwyn was the thing that gave Gwyn his freedom, saved his life, and made him a millionaire in the process. The two aren't super comparable.
Imho for them to get there, Gwyn would need to have enough capacity for self-reflection to realise he needs to intervene and actively help save Efnisien's life, and then do something that directly puts his life in danger in the process.
I don't think he'd do that in this universe.
That doesn't mean he wouldn't help Efnisien, it just means that he'd do it in a way that protected himself first and foremost. This Gwyn doesn't have like... a mental disorder (like FFS Efnisien), he's a peak alpha who genuinely enjoys having power and control over others, and he's got a fair amount of control over Crielle as well. He's not really her victim the same way Efnisien was in FFS.
I do think there will be some similar narrative homages/acknowledgements, but imho, Gwyn's not there yet, and I don't really feel he's capable of the same kind of growth as like... FFS Efnisien. Partly because he literally doesn't have PTSD or a mental disorder or anything like that, he has no reason to change, and partly because Efnisien's memory isn't really that unreliable.
Gwyn incestuously (re: the mounting) abused him and was horrifically violent to him all his life. Gwyn was far more of an extreme and regular abuser towards Efnisien in UtB, than Efnisien was to Gwyn in FFS/Spoils. And we have never seen Gwyn have the kind of flashbacks towards Efnisien traumatising him in Spoils, as we've seen Efnisien have of Gwyn in UtB. In that sense, you can also just go by the concrete nature of what the audience is seeing in the story. Gwyn just doesn't flashback to what Efnisien does to him in the same way, meanwhile Efnisien's terror makes him immediately vomit, when Gary mounts him in Underline the Black.
So in that sense while there are similarities in the reversals, I don't want them to be a 1:1 comparison, because that's just...not really my favourite kind of AU to write. Like, there's already narrative circles in this story without them needing to be 'identical but just with different characters.' Y'know? I don't want to be like 'this is the same but' so much as 'this pays homage / makes nods to the original in these moments, and completely departs in these other moments' so I get to feel like I am actually writing an entirely new story.
Gwyn is a more extreme abuser with less likelihood of genuine change or redemption. That doesn't mean he won't try and keep Efnisien alive in the future, it just means his motivations will be different, and he's not going into like, an FFS arc or anything like that.
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002yb · 1 year
Current thoughts: Nicknames with the bird boys, and most specifically “Little Wing”. Because - most nicknames give some sort of homage to the role they have and Dick has given Jason his own view on who Jason is to him. 
In a way it's a promise, a way of sharing endearment because there's not enough softness in the world to make sure Jason never has to hurt again but Jason deserves it. He deserves reverence and worship and a devotion that won't waver even when he grows barbs from perceived threats (or worse abandonment). It's a damn near proposal for Dick.
Because the Flying Graysons are always in the sky- and how would they be able to fly without their wings? In all ways but legally Dick has basically given Jason the Grayson name - and given Jason the flight of Robin. Robin is magic - Robin is good - and Jason thrives on it. 
He lives for the way his heart shakes when Dick whispers it in his ear - just for him and nobody else - or the way he’ll loudly share it out, daring the world to touch his wings - his flight. And sometimes it's not even verbal - sometimes it's in the way he presses a hand to Jason's shoulder blades as if he's searching for feathers - like Jason isn't stuck in Gothams streets - like Jaosn is something angelic. 
And yeah it makes him a little dizzy to confront the fact that hes been fucking claimed but it also liquifies his insides and makes him feel so fluid and free he cant help but fall for it. Because even if he falls to a puddle in Dicks hands - the man isn't going to let him slip through his fingers. 
And maybe it's because Dick hoards everything he can actually call his, but Jason is HIS and he has no intention of letting him go ever. I.e Dick and his possessive tendencies.
(also sorry for spamming i have a lot of ideas and im on the verge of creating a separate writing blog just to expand on them - the brain rot is terrible lmao.)
Anon~ you should totally make that writing blog and then send me an ask with your username so I can follow first ahhhhhhhh you have such a way with words and concepts and maybe I'm biased because somehow all these asks have just been my preference to a tee, but LOL it's so much fun to read!!
Little Wing is such a tender and sweet endearment. What's extra sweet is that I don't think Jason would recognize it for the expression of fondness it is for the longest time. And maybe he'd be self-conscious about it because he'd misunderstand it for not being good enough; not being an equal, not being seen as anything more than something small, less than.
And then he figures out that Little Wing is just Dick not wanting to share lol. Regrettably Robin would be tied so much with Bruce/Batman that Dick would /: although Robin is his. So - Nightwing. Nightwing's Robin? Little Wing.
Also, Little Wing. Dick's baby bird/bro/beau. //3///
Dick giving Jason the Grayson name every way but legally no one touch me I'm screaming my heart is doing the pitter patters
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skadream · 4 months
ok actual final(?) thoughts on saltburn *spoilerinos*
im going to pretend that everyone exaggerated about specific scenes in that movie so that i would go into it thinking it was something else entirely.
obv i knew about the graveyard and the bathtub (tho i didnt know it was dick in the dirt and i didnt know it was slurping down the drain) but other than that was honestly going in blind. i knew it was set in the 2000s but i didnt realize it was going to be full on homage/subversion of the 2000s twee indie film. like that specific vibe of movies when a fuckin MGMT Summer Montage started happening i was going nuts over it like idk for some reason "set in 2000s" didnt register as THAT KIND OF set in the 2000s ykwim? anyway i kinda figured oliver was a lot more twisted than he let on specifically when he first threw farleigh under the bus when he caught him eating out a girl Every Day Of The Month. there were probably earlier hints but i dont remember i was too busy dying over the fact that 30 mins ago no cars go was playing in a college bar scene, but i was still shocked to find out that OHHHH LITERALLY EVERYTHING HE SAID WAS A LIE.
wrt this being a "too freaky/not freaky enough" movie: ofc the "too freaky" people are just cowards, but i dont think it was really meant to be full on like. pink flamingos eating dog shit or whatever? i really do think it was just the overhype about how weird it is and the people who just watch goth girl dirt ass fucking porn on the reg arent gonna be Phased by it but that wasnt really the point it was more about like, the insight into the character lol idk. and like at that point its up to the viewer whether or not they wanna empathize with the character at all i GUESS but even then idk i think everyone kinda sucked in all their own fun ways like farleigh was a dick, all of the fuckin family were just shitty rich people, the only maybe decent person was the blonde nerd right at the beginning of the movie. but personally as a freak enthusiast i do like going "i would do Literally Anything to become a manic pixie dream boy in a 2000s indie film" and oliver managed to do it i guess. ultimately felix's greatest sin was being a bland richboy character in comparison to ollie like jacob elordis job was literally sit there and look pretty lmao, but i like my psychotic evil boyxboy ships to go both ways ykwim like i want them trying to kill each other :(
closing thoughts: NEVER TRUST A TWINK NERD
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miss-nymphetamine · 2 years
Yeah, House of the Dragon.
I do not watch the show. I, in fact, have refused to watch it. I have my reasons, mainly that I am not that interested in seeing more Targaryens and that I don't want to witness the butchering made with Game of Thrones a second time -although eveyone tells me this isn't being the case, to which I reply that GoT's first season was wonderful too (I'll be happy to back on my words when proven otherwise).
Anyways, I follow fans here on Tumblr, and I have seen enough gifsets and opinions to know what's happening in every episode of House of the Dragon. I even voluntarily watched a clip of Laena's death, which surprisingly seemed to me like a good homage to the character, given that in the books poor Laena loved to fly but couldn't reach Vhagar one last time before passing. They gave her a dragonrider's end and I respect that decision (the Gods know I am a purist and I like adaptations as faithful as the original work as possible, but George Martin has this tendency of turning absolutely everything into a tragedy and writing female characters as cunning instead of straightforward, and I swear I understand it in the context of the world he has created, greatly based on our own in times when women had to survive one way or another in a fiercely hostile environment, but dude, my dude, give a girl a rest, let her fly one last time, let her ascend the heavens in her dragon's back before having her ripped in half by labour, just this once).
As always, the casting seems to be impeccable -none of GoT's problems had anything to do with the casting, because they were all fantastic actors who did their absolute best with the material provided to them. I specially like Eve Best and the flair she is giving to Rhaenys, and I hear Paddy Considine practically has an Emmy under his arm already. And last week I saw the portrayal of the adult Aemond Targaryen for the first time -heard some rambling, enjoyed some gifsets, read some opinions and takes on the character- and it was interesting. Interesting as in nice seeing the prince have a soul (something he definitely lost as an adult in the books), interesting as in exciting contemplating a kind of handsome face when I never imagined him as good-looking in any way.
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This Aemond is... attractive. In his mannerisms, in his movements, in his demeanor, even in that pout the actor displays. I like watching him move, I like that maddish smile of him, I even like the sense of protection, of duty to the family, I have seen almost hidden in the gifs -when he steps in front of Helaena, when he interacts with Alicent. And that's a huge deal for me because Aemond Targaryen is despicable in the books, as much as Daemon is in fact. I guess this is another of the reasons I'd rather not watch the show, because I long to see the real characters, not a bleached version. Now, there are levels and levels of bleaching, and I am not saying that's Aemond's case, because this is only the first season and a lot is yet to come for the character, so we'll see. I also understand the decision of giving him a soul because we don't know much about his youth apart from the eye episode, the claiming of Vhagar, and the feast incident: we can't have a plain character in a TV show, something needs to be done about that and I support it fully. We do know, though, he was kind of an unforgiving bitch from a young age, but he kinda had his reasons too having to deal with being the only dragonless one, with being poisoned against his nephews by her mother, and with having to deal with Aegon, who is a piece of work himself... But let's leave it at this: book Aemond is a dick and show Aemond is still studying hard to become a successful dick, showing promise already. He's still at a stage in which the watcher can (and probably will, taking into account the ever growing fan base he's amassing around here, because we all love a slut [Daemon lovers, I'm also looking in your direction]) feel for him something else apart from disdain, something positive and warm.
Which leads me to the point of this post.
What if I... what if I wrote a small piece about this Aemond? What if I, a purist fanfic writer who practically learns the canon so my stories make sense into it, forgot about the books and gave this Aemond a chance to feel attached to someone and to have something entirely his before his inevitable descent into madness?
Wouldn't that be interesting for me?
I might. I might do it. I will do it. I'm doing it already.
Necessary Edit: although in terms of succession laws in Westeros I have an opinion on who should be the ruler (an objective opinion I don't enjoy having because I hate it) , I feel the need to make clear I don't stand with the Greens or the Blacks (although I'll admit my special distaste for the Greens): I stand with whoever burns that fucking throne to the ground and slays every lord and lady that ever existed, starting with these two bitches kiling folks over an iron chair (warning: I also support Eve Best's last comments on smallfolk not mattering in this world: it's a fight for power in a feudalist world that uses commoners as a serving force, of course peasants don't matter in such a context you dimwits, she's talking about a fantasy world, not real life; the only king that ever cared about smallfolk was Aegon V and the fucking nobles did everything in their power to obstruct every reform that benefited these poor folks in any way, so much that Aegon went insane with the idea of reviving dragons so he could have something to fight these assholes with and ended up burning almost his entire family in the process. Shut the fuck up for once, will you?).
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Tame Impala - Currents
They're tame alright! This band is so toothless they can only drink music through a straw. Apparently in the 2010s psychedelic is when you put vocal filters over a really extremely boring song. This album sounds like it's made up out of tracks that Gorillaz threw away.
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Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pronounced ‘Lĕh-‘nérd ‘Skin-‘nérd
I don't know if this is an unexpected opinion for a transgender anarcho communist, but I like Lynyrd Skynyrd. Pre plane crash Lynyrd Skynyrd at least. Ronnie Van Zandt had great songwriting chops and was a solid lyricist. Going from the rollicking bar brawling Gimme Three Steps to the wistful Free Bird to the ripping solos of the second half of Free Bird. The variety here is something that a lot of southern rock albums lack. So yeah I'm recommending Lynyrd Skynyrd.
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Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
Mingus Ah Um is a collection of creative homages. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat eulogises recently departed band member Lester Young, Open Letter To The Duke refers to Duke Ellington, Jelly Roll to one of Jazz's originators Jelly Roll Morton. Rather than imitate the styles of his predecessors Mingus mixes a little bit of their essence into his style. Said style was ever evolving and this album, while still distinctly in the post bop era of Mingus' career, shows some signs of what would come later. The sense of orchestral arrangement within the confines of a smaller jazz band are present and this was the best that Mingus would record until he finally went full third stream.
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Rush - Moving Pictures
I must not cringe. Cringe is the mind killer. Cringe is the little death that brings total obliAAAHHFUCK! Nope I can't do it. Rush is cringe. Sorry I can't do anything about it. You can't suck Ayn Rand's dick that hard and come back from it. On the other hand these motherfucker are really, really good at playing their instruments. This is also one of their least lyrically embarrassing albums for sure. If you want to listen to Rush but don't want to feel any secondhand embarrassment then you're shit outta luck, but if you want to hear some drums go absolutely fucking wild then you could do worse than Moving Pictures.
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Run-D.M.C. - s/t
Believe it or not this was considered hard shit for the time. I guess. Whether or not you will like Run-D.M.C. is very dependent on how much you enjoy cornball shit. By modern standards this album is very corny. But if you let go of you preconceived notions about hip hop then you might find a really fun album with beats that hammer in an intense staccato that would go on to greatly influence future artists. Corny or not this album paved the way for hip hop's golden age so best pay it some respect.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'It’s perplexing. Who thought that it would be a good idea to pair the premieres of the films, Oppenheimer with Barbie? Ultraviolence (I am become the God of Death — Bim-Bam-Boom!) and Ultrasex (in the guise of some toy’s anatomical incorrectness being solved by Margot Robbie’s Babylonian generosities). Do we need another sign that it’s over for human civilization? That the twin allures of Das Kapital have finally found a way to make us munch popcorn and weep to Oppie’s loss of national security status because he once had pinko ties, and that Robbie has bravely taken pink Barbie out of anorexia nervosa and hangs out with the horns of plenty now. Why no GI Joe, sporting a new 3D printer dick, included in the flick for Margot to bivouac with?
That’s the mainstream for you. They’ve totally bought into the America yin-and-yang, sex and death, just as Freud feared in Civilization and Discontents. Popcorning to a nuke movie. How about that! We just can’t take anything seriously any more, can we?
Pssst. What? Not anatomically corrected? Then why would you go to that movie? Is it a nod of homage to the non-binary orientalists? Is it some kind of an AI inside joke? A fist-up stand of solidarity for poor old Alan Turing and the Singularity ahead? Or is it just omnipotence versus impotence? What a double bill.
Naturally, what’s left of the Left have been wringing their hands, and playing old Dylan tunes again, in disgust at how wrong Hollywood got it. Oppenheimer should represent an important ‘teaching moment,’ as they say, for those of us who have a tendency to forget, and look at Jewish friends with bewilderment when they say, “Never again.” Whaddya mean, Isaac? we go. And they schlep off, muttering at the wall.
I watched Oppenheimer yesterday. The story has been told a number of times now. This particular version, directed by Christopher Nolan (Interstellar, Inception), is based upon the 2006 Pulitzer Prize-winning biography American Prometheus by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin. It stars Cillan Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer; Emily Blunt as Kitty Oppenheimer; Florence Pugh as Jean Tatlock; Matt Damon as General Leslie Groves; Robert Downey as Lewis Strauss; Tom Conti as Albert Einstein; Kenneth Branaugh as Niels Bohr; Jason Clarke as Roger Robb; and, Matthias Schweighöfer as Werner Heisenberger. It’s a stellar cast for the Blast from the past (although it might have benefitted from casting the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman as General Grove). It’s an epic biographical thriller; but it’s too vanilla, and I feel that all that hellfire and angst(roms) should have broken my heart in twain for the last time. But, as Peggy Lee might have sang “Is That All There Is To An Atom Bomb Blast?”
Oppenheimer follows the Bird/Sherwin delineation and begins at the end of his career. In December 1953, the Atomic Energy Commission had suspended Oppenheimer’s security clearance, and a few weeks later revoked it, fearing that, although he could be regarded as a loyal American citizen, his past affiliations with communists, as well as his post-Hiroshima speeches regarding the need to control nuclear proliferation through UN measures, roiled rightwing militarists and political fascists, such as Senator Joseph McCarthy — and president Harry Truman, who referred to him as a “crybaby.” Their decision was influenced by an FBI report that stated that “more probably than not J. Robert Oppenheimer is an agent of the Soviet Union.” The three-hour film attempts to honor Oppie’s request to weigh his existential being in the totality of his life, rather than with reactionary jibes and jingoism.
The AEC move meant Oppenheimer could not work or know about future nuclear weapons projects, but more importantly the widely-publicized rebuke to his legacy as the Father of the Atomic Bomb left his name blackened and his mood blue. The full frontal assault led by Washington lawyer Roger Robb, known for his “ferocious cross-examination” technique, and played typecastically by Jason Clarke, who had us believin’ in torture from his role in Zero Dark Thirty. As the authors of American Prometheus put it:
In assaulting his politics and his professional judgments—his life and his values really—Oppenheimer’s critics in 1954 exposed many aspects of his character: his ambitions and insecurities, his brilliance and naïveté, his determination and fearfulness, his stoicism and his bewilderment.
This deeply contradictory and, yet, serene and highly literate Oppie is what director Christopher Nolan tries to capture in the film. Recently, Cillan Murphy summed up Oppie and how he approached the role of playing the enigma, whose rationale for continuing to develop the Bomb was the counter-intuitive notion that it would make war obsolete: “I do think that he believed it would be the weapon to end all wars,” Murphy recently told NME. “He thought that [having the bomb] would motivate countries to form a sort of nuclear world governance. He was naive.” Indeed, the United Nations has proven futile to stop the dominators amongst nation-states from nuclear proliferation. In the film, in a scene just following the successful explosion of the atom bomb (that’ll end all war), Oppie is talking with Edward Teller, when the former says he hopes that the message sent is that ‘all war is now unthinkable,’ but Teller immediately responds that, yes, maybe, ‘until a bigger bomb comes along’. Teller would go on to become The Father of the Hydrogen Bomb, a super fusion bomb 1000 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima.
Unfortunately, for my enjoyment of the movie, I’d read other accounts of the relationship between Teller and Oppenheimer. Daniel Ellsberg, for instance, who wrote in his last book before he died, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner — the book he says he wished he’d been able to get out before the Pentagon Papers — that when he came out of seeing Dr. Strangelove with a buddy they were convinced they’d just watched “a documentary,” and writes Ellsberg, “Teller was, along with Kahn, Henry Kissinger, and the former Nazi missile designer Wernher von Braun, one of Kubrick’s inspirations for the character of Dr. Strangelove, who wore, uncomfortably, the Glove that Vice President Dick Cheney would find the need to take off, but who was entirely self-satisfied with in the end. We got very little of this tension, or frisson, if you will, in the film. Director Nolan goes with “naive,” thereby painting all lefty rhetoric since the Double-Tap on Japan as ignorance of realpolitik.
A major question at the time of the development of the Bomb at Los Alamos was the actual urgency of its need. It has been presumed by politicians and military figures, and fed to the public for consumption, over the decades that the Bomb Chase was to get there before the Nazis did; that the prospect was real that if the Germans developed and used the device first it could have taken out the British and the Russians, ending the war a different way and leaving the world with the prospect of rule by super-fascists. Certainly the V2 rockets, already devastating London, were seen as a more terrifying delivery system for any super bomb.
In The Doomsday Machine, Ellsberg actually paints a different picture and suggests that he opposed its immediate development, in part, due to the safety concerns that were being reflected in droll bets being made before the test of Trinity. In June 1942, Ellsberg writes, Albert Speer and Hitler were discussing the feasibility of the Bomb and whether it could done safely:
Actually, Professor Heisenberg had not given any final answer to my question whether a successful nuclear fission could be kept under control with absolute certainty or might continue as a chain reaction. Hitler was plainly not delighted with the possibility that the earth under his rule be transformed into a glowing star. [Following this discussion, Speer reported,] “on the suggestion of the nuclear physicists we scuttled the project to develop an atom bomb … after I had again queried them about deadlines and been told that we could not count on anything for three or four years.”
Essentially, Ellsberg writes, Hitler saw no urgency, while the US and Oppenheimer forged on with the WMD.
In Heisenberg’s War, author Thomas Powers, discusses the Myth of the German Bomb, and ponders why the project fizzled despite the genius of Werner Heisenberg. In June 1942, would-be Vater of Der Fuhrer Bomb deflated some Nazi bagpipes when discussing a bomb’s likelihood. Powers writes:
If we want to know why there was no German bomb, nor even any serious program to build one, we must decide why Heisenberg gave this advice…Was Heisenberg’s advice no more, no less, than his considered opinion, honestly given in the hope of sparing Germany an expensive technical folly? Or did Heisenberg deliberately take advantage of the moment, his prestige, and the uncertainties of an untried science to prick the balloon of official hopes?
Oppenheimer had met Heisenberg and Teller had taken his doctorate in physics under him. Hmm.
Oppenheimer fails on another front miserably and, now, loudly. Nolan chose to enact the famous Oppie quote from the Bhagavad-Gita in a way that the writers of American Prometheus probably would have found misleading, let’s say, and which, some Hindus were said to be deeply offended by. The quote we have heard over and over from Oppie-mism is: “I am become Death, Destroyer of worlds.” Nice sound byte. But it is a quote from The Song of God, which, in American Prometheus, Oppenheimer describes as “the most beautiful philosophical song existing in any known tongue.” But, in Nolan’s film, Oppie, while screwing Jean Tatlock, his then girlfriend, an aspiring psychiatrist, is forced to read (in translation) the stanza embedding the quote directly, while she rides his meat pony to heaven like Belle Starr and he constellates her firmament with, um, time-stars...Hmph.
Nolan might have explored Oppenheimer’s deeper inner mythopoesis not only by more fully contextualizing “the most beautiful philosophical song,” and showing how it applies to the problem at hand. He was also digging on John Donne. I’ve been there, done that; I understand how that can happen. Oppie was drawn to the Holy Sonnets, to the Trinity (he named his Bomb project after it), and, in particular, the “Batter My Heart” one, which I just love to death. It goes on about the hopelessness of being a sinner and the need to be ravished and bodily owned by the Lord; in short, it advocates consensual moral rape. Nolan’s having none of that. In American Prometheus, we find out that Oppenheimer had read TS Eliot’s “The Wasteland,” too. And while Oppie is shown briefly reading it in the film, it gets no further fob; it’s just a gesture to the more literate in the cinema crowd, who might go, dig it, man. I hate lilacs, too, man. Hell, the authors of America Prometheus even describe how Eliot came to Princeton on a short term fellowship at Oppie’s behest, during which the poet wrote The Cocktail Party (“the worst thing he ever wrote,” opines Oppie, in the book) and avoided such faculty parties while at Princeton. Nope. Too highbrow to explore. Welcome to messy Democracy and its Discontents.
Oppenheimer was nominated for the Nobel Prize for physics three times, in 1946, 1951 and 1967. He was never awarded the prize, but many physicists believe that he should have been. Oppenheimer’s work on atoms was groundbreaking. He was one of the first scientists to understand the nature of positrons, and he made significant contributions to the development of quantum mechanics. His work on black holes was also highly influential. In 1939, he and his student Hartland Snyder published a paper that laid out the basic properties of black holes. This paper was one of the first to describe how a star could collapse under its own gravity to form a black hole. I Am Become Death Twice.
Preceding Oppenheimer’s release by just a couple of weeks was another Oppenheimer film (documentary) that appeared on NBC, To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb. The PBS Ken Burns-ish feel doesn’t have the manipulative soundtrack, or the wonder-filled moment at how They pulled off that Bomb explosion on film without CGI, or the titty sexual romps of Oppie riding two women (tragic as a molecule fissioning), or the play to the plebs for entertainment rather than factuality. But To End All War does have a nice compact story that unfurls over a mere 83 minutes. And everybody plays themselves. Including, surprise, surprise, Christopher Nolan, brought in to talk Oppie. And I would recommend that shorter doco over the epic tragedy of the Left’s demise.
The Barbieheimer phenomenon is bizarre, as already duly noted. Now I ‘ve just read that Oppenheimer star Cillan Murphy has announced his willingness to be a Ken in the next Barbie movie. More Big Bang for the Buck. Ee-haaa! And what sacred text will he despoil in that one?!'
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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Harley Quinn & the Legion of Bats #6 concluded the series last week. What did Cass do in the issue and what becomes of her? How is Cass's overall appearance in the comic?   Questions. So many questions.  Time for answers.
Naturally, every plot thread in the comic is wrapped up this issue by writer Tee Franklin with a nice tidy bow. No loose plot threads. Everything is contained and ended that the story created.
Harley and Ivy are the centers of the story, with each doing their thing well. I found the ending quite cute. That and it's not nice to mess with Mother Nature.
So what about Cass? What did I think about this issue aka the million-dollar question probably on many's minds? It didn't bother me at all.
Already at the core, Harley Quinn: TAS is flawed by having Babs as a college kid and Batgirl. So anything done with Cass is burdened with a lot of rules from the get-go.
#1 She has to be younger than Babs. 
 #2 She can't be Batgirl. 
 #3 She can't fully be with the Bat-Family. 
#4 She has to be written out to "preserve" continuity.
Course the question becomes will Harley Season 4 even acknowledge this mini? I hope it does, but odds are likely it won't.
Which odds are even more likely there will be 0 Cass in Season 4. 😖
So with ALL these rules, Franklin does a very admirable job with Cass. You can tell she likes the character (along with Tiffany Fox). Still surprised this series had 0 Stephanie Brown. Figured Franklin would go full League of Batgirls homage with three out of the four.
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Now I want to reread the comic as a whole to see if she fully slipped it in there. I'm a bit surprised Tiffany or Cass didn't have a line like, "WE WANT TO BE BATGIRLS!" But I digress, we did get a few nods of other things with Cass.
So let's talk about the “bat in the room” first aka the thing many fans freaked out about.  Cass pecks Damian on the cheek.
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I get the "why" fans are ticked. It's a common Batgirl trope outside media (mainly Babs) where the Batgirl is used as nothing more than a love interest for a Robin or even Batman himself.  The idea itself is 🤢🤢🤢 HOWEVER--
I took this kiss on the cheek as a nod to the past.  Namely showing kindness as best she can to kind people. Nothing romantic per se, just Cass expressing thankfulness for the kindness.
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See for this ENTIRE series Damian's been there for her.  Not Babs. Not Dick. Damian. I know Franklin couldn't fully showcase "the why", but given the two's similar origin paths. It’s more of showing then telling.
I think Damian realized after last issue's Cass owning of Babs and putting together the facts that she and Vixen's case involved children used as weapons. I think it's a rare case of Damian showing some humanity. Something he's barely shown in the HQ series.
The other is well-- someone to bond with. Damian has teenagers and adults he deals with constantly. No one HIS AGE. Cass and Tiffany are the first kids he's met and is vigilanting with. It reminds me of Steph coming to this realization in Batgirl Vol 3. That deep down thru all the ice Damian gives us, he’s a lonely kid who was denied this. So he’s giving Cass something he never got. 
This was one of the few times he let the walls fade and we saw him for who he truly was: lonely. Even the panel prior gives it away. Cass can see it in his body language.
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That he's not a punk kid and is adept enough to recognize things and showed Cass something she hasn't ever seen-- kindness.
So I feel the kiss on the cheek was Cass thanking Damian in her own way along with it being the only dialogue she had in the series.
I don't take it anything romantic at all between the two for the scene. Just Cass being Cass and Damian showing deep down he's kind of a softie and her being eternally grateful for that.
I really don't think Franklin was going with this trope AT ALL.  I found this mini to be a small love letter to the character, and Franklin doing the best she had with the limitations she's got.
Speaking of which, given that this was the end of the series what becomes of Cass? That was the question I was asking myself. Could she end up with the Bat-Family?
Doubtful, again given the "rules".
A happy ending with an adoptive family was what I thought was going to occur. Nope, and the twist Franklin gave us surprised me...
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Cass is going to Themyscira and being adopted by the Amazons with Diana as her "big sis".
For years Cass fans wanted this to a degree and well ironically we got this from TWO separate writers who decided, "WISH GRANTED!"
Now writer Tom Taylor's Cass from Dark Knights of Steel was more a sleeper agent of Bruce's who bonded with the Amazon ways.
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I think it's quite nice to have two writers reach this conclusion with Cassandra on their own and weave this take.
By doing this, Franklin takes the restraints and leaves it open for the possibility of this Cass coming back (if she's given another series).  But if not? We got a firm seed that she can return.
That is if the actual cartoon will ever acknowledge this (it probably won't).  Though I think it should.
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Cause Franklin took the stuff that Season 3 left and did an excellent job doing her own thing with these characters.
Like a sweet dessert after a hearty main course.
I'm not going to begrudge Franklin for not fully defining Cass here. She had six issues with MULTIPLE characters (and Cass wasn't a main). This was just a nice nod to the character.
Something at the very least the main series SHOULD have given us. I'm thankful for this gift. Because anything Cass should be cherished.
But that's just me. I'm just this way after this long road I've been on with the character.  I'm more open to new paths for the character and ones that open new readers to them.
I'll take this a hundred times over than what we got in Gotham Knights which was the same old same old. So yeah I want to thank the creators for this series for this fun story. I had a kick and I want more.
I really want to thank Tee Franklin for doing this. She didn't have to include Tiffany or Cass in this series, but she did. And they both stole it for me.  I mean obviously Cass for me because...
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cmsrainyasshole · 2 years
Well OK if I call Dr. Brian homage back it will make the fourth time that I’ve called him in four years… The police in Pepper Pike want to question me even though they do not have the authority to do so furthermore I may press charges with the police department in Pepper Pike and I believe that is absolutely what I have to do to stop these police officers from being so cocky you already know that we don’t harass people guys you’re getting on a power trip and you’re helping Dr. Brian be a bitch and I don’t really like the way that what was what was it Betty Jean was that it was Betty Jean Betty Jean is almost retarded Christie Jean can suck my dick and by the way did you use two vials of fillers per lip on her to miles per lip no no two vials now sure of course we have to run far apparently nowadays… I have no guarantee that you get anything at the end of it you know you had everything but not anymore kids that’s for the American bastards apparently… No I don’t think that the Pepper Pike Police Department is in at all because if they were in they would not harass me claiming that they had questions for me the next time a police officer calls me on my phone without my permission I’m definitely going to be pressing some charges in the supreme court and you guys already know that you’re being watched in that capacity so if you really want to fuck with me Pepper Pike Police Department we could call the mafia and have some of you taken out I mean why not you guys want to take my whole life and future so that your daughters can have cuter Asian faces and all of that disgusting shit
So what was your homemade or homage like what do they call it home ad or homage isn’t it like Ahmed or something I don’t know they say it differently here that like David being fucking pissed off and Egypt isn’t it that’s about how it feels to me I’m fucking done with all of you motherfuckers it makes me sad Bryant really does especially given the fact that I would cross so many motherfucking lines to protect children oh you’re goddamn right what a fucking lying to me what is Deepak Chopra nothing but a fucking pockmark ass piece of trash
Anyway Bryant did you consider hiring women with brains to work for you at your clinic no no I said Brian he’s not a Bryant and he’s not autistic and he’s not even that smart compared to some people but it’s whatever some of these guys are smart-ish just not too bright
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coldtomyflash · 4 years
omg let's def make a dick grayson is my one true love club \o/ by which i mean he is the only reason i started reading comics in the first place, but bc sometimes my taste in whump is almost as terrible as my taste in ships i never talk abt it with anyone. still havent caught up on titans bc netflix won't gimme the eps but also like, in my Completely Unbiased Opinion, some of dick's best characterization is in the Young Justice animated series. which is also p good as a series as well ngl
alright alright alright, club formed. membership includes me, Anon, and everyone else who loves this Soft Tired Boi.
yeah i haven’t caught up on titans but i’ve got a vpn so i really ought to. i’m taking a flight tomorrow, maybe i’ll download some eps for it…
ANyway -
in my similarly Completely Unbiased Opinion, Young Justice is one of the only pieces of DC media in the past decade to truly and deeply understand Dick Grayson, as least the way i envision him (again, totally Unbiased). I mean, the depth. The tension in his desire to be a leader but his youth, his natural need to prove himself and how that means he pushes himself so damn hard that Alfred even manages to get through to Bruce about it because Dick is like… gonna snap he’s so hard on himself. 
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(this poor child and the impossible standards he’s setting for himself)
the humour, the puns! the true and deep friendship that he just automatically is oriented toward even when he’s not allowed to tell his friends who he is!
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the ‘follow batman’s rules but like… not always. definitely not always’. 
and that completely devastating, gut-wrenching moment when he realizes that for all his desire to be a leader, for all he pushes himself, for all he sees himself as more or less in training to be The Next Batman… he actually does not want to be The Next Batman. He doesn’t want to be Bruce. Bruce is traumatized as shit and while Dick is too, he gets a taste of that headspace and that burden and he’s like… fuck. ow. okay. and has to sort out who he wants to be.
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(Just click through to the full gifset in that link because it’s perfect).
Anyway I’m curious to actually watch Titans because it seems very focused on Dick, which I love, and they seem to have written him as a complex character and specifically it’s in the era where he’s left Batman’s side and is struggling heavily with his identity coming out of the Bat’s shadow and eventually defining himself as Nightwing, and tbh i’m excited about that because that’s something Young Justice just time-skipped right the fuck over and deprived us of, but yeah it’s really hard to beat YJ in terms of characterization, especially in Season 1.
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
technically me requesting but also a thirst ask: peter thinking you’re gonna help him get off when you pull down his boxers but then you’re asking him if he can cum for you hands free. him begging for you to touch him because he can’t
I um...I got carried away. I hope you like it!
Word Count 1,302
Extended Warnings: Degradation, masturbations, teasing, spitting, internal orgasm, I think thats it honestly but she filthy.
It was messy and eager and horny, your lips were on his as you straddled his waist, your ass pressed against his hard cock that was rubbing up against you, his sensitive body eager from friction to satisfy the urge that was growing in his belly.
“Hmmhnnng” Peter whimpered as you pulled your mouth from his, kissing your way down his neck, sucking dark marks onto his pale skin as you went, marking the soft skin as yours as he wimpily bucked up into you but you pulled away, tugging his shirt from his torso and hooking your fingers in the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down to just below his balls.
“Oh look at you” you hum, tapping your fingers along the shaft of his dick, his abs clenching and body jerking with every slight press on the fiery skin, precum smeared across the engorged and veiny flesh. “So needy, such a little slut” your voice was sharp as you moved closer to his cock, breathing on it softly as you watched him squirm, having pinned his hands under his back so he wouldn’t inadvertently touch you, he knew the rules. “God, I am sure your filthy mind is thinking of all the things I could do to you,” digging your nails into the skin of his inner thighs to emphasize your words, he moaned in a concoction of pain and pleasure emanating from the tender crescent shaped marks. “I could take you from behind while you fuck a fleshlight,” your fingers were drawing nearer and nearer his hard on but evadidng touching it, “Could let you fuck my mouth, or my pussy” you draw some spit in your mouth and let it fall from your lips onto his shaft, his hips bucking up, trying to reach your lips.
“Want it all, want anything please, please” he was a mess, there was a pool of precum on his abs and the spit was dripping down his hot skin, trailing down the valley of his balls. You completely ignored his words, not paying him any mind as you sat back entirely.
“But I am not in the mood for any of those things” Peter's eyes snapped open, looking at you with shock, his brown doe eyes appearing as though they could cry.
“What, baby, no-” you pressed a finger to his lips, cutting off his sentence.
“Greedy boys don’t get to be touched” your voice was firm and harsh and Peter knew he had messed up.
“They get to fuck the air while watching me fuck myself on my fingers, isn’t that right?” Peter nodded his head forlornly, regretting his eagerness, wishing he wasn’t so needy, wishing you would touch him, god he just wanted your hands on him, he wanted to be in you or have you in him, he just wanted you. “Suck” you instructed, poking two fingers through his lips which he eagerly grasped, tongue tracing up and down them like it did when he gave head to your strap. “Good boy, getting my fingers all wet for me” you complement, pulling them from his lips but he chased them, wanting more, wanting to taste you, he ignored the warning signs, the growl from the back of your throat in displeasure at his disobedience.
“No!” you order, pressing the palm of your freehand against his sweaty forehead and pushing him back onto the bed. “Eyes on me, babyboy” you order as you spread your legs, a moan escaping his lips at the sight of you, your arousal dripping down to your asshole and smeared across your inner thighs.
“Fuck!” you cried out, your fingers pushing into you, your hand held in the Spider-Man hand shape, somewhat of an homage to the superhero you currently had whimpering in your shared bed.
Peter eyed you hungrily as he tried to work his hips against the air, groaning and moaning in annoyance as nothing was fulfilling the need that he had. He needed more, he wanted harsh touch and he wasn’t afraid to ask for it, helpless pleads leaving his lips as he continued fucking into nothing, but you ignored his words, too focused on your fingers working over your heat and his words just egged you on, arching your back and putting on even more of a show.
Peter developed a plan, starting to move his hips differently , trying to catch his dick on the waistband of his boxers so he could have any form of friction but it wasn’t working, it was just tweaking his back from the odd thrusts. His eyes were still on you, focused on the way your cunt glistened in the light that was shining through the window and how your fingers pushed in and out of you, your other hand rapidly rubbing your clit and he just wanted it to be him, he wanted to make you feel good.
“Baby” he whined, his voice broken and hoarse from the moans and grunts of neediness, it was all becoming too much and he didn’t know how much more he could take.
“Oh fuck, Peter” you moan loudly, your legs shaking as you throw your head back, letting it hit the head board repeatedly as you bucked your hips into your hand. It broke Peter, tears trailing from his eyes as he watched you peak, wanting the for himself as well, the cool wind on his dick was nothing compared to your tight heat and that was what he needed right now, your cunt.
“Please, Y/n, please, I just wanna be in you, please please please” his voice was broken and he was blubbering and god it filled you with pride.
“Okay, okay, just stop whining or I will change my mind” you ordered, raising yourself on your knees and crawling towards him, gripping his dick harshly and forcing a hiss from his lips. Shifting your hips you once again held yourself above him, but this time his cock was out and brushed through your folds before you sank down onto him, both of you moaning with ecstasy as you began to bounce. You knew that Peter was there, that he was about to cum and honestly you had already had a great orgasm and were tired and weak settling with finishing him off and being done.
“Cum for be, baby boy,” you order, tweaking his nipples in between your fingers as you rocked against him, feeling as he slid in and out of you. He was choking on words, not able to form a sentence as you felt him twitch inside of you. “Look at you, so cunt drunk you can’t even talk” you chide, your words of faux shaming snapping the levie in his belly and he was gone, his body twitching and high pitched moans and grunts and cries spilled from his lips, his cum spilling from his tip and painting the walls of your vagina. You continued rocking and bouncing, milking him until his face pinched in overstimulation, his cock unable to take any more and you rolled off of him.
In your movement of unsheating Peter from your core you caught a glimpse of the cum, that was dripping from between your spread legs, in the mirror at the end of the bed(conveniently placed for you to make Peter watch as you fuck him from behind)making you chuckle, he really needed that apparently.
“You happy now?” you ask as you look down, Peter’s face was soft and tired and his eyes were closed, cheek pressed up against your bare breast as he caught his breath.
“Very” he panted out, opening his eyes and looking at you, they were blood shot and tear track ran from the corners but god did he look fucking at peace, entirely fucked out and in love.
come talk to me
@capital-koreasofia @marvelhasmyheart235 @iluvdeja @quaksonhehe @lovehollandy12 @thollandneedy @prancerrparkerr @parkerpeter24 @hollandsour @hollandsvogue
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Conference Room
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | Bucky gets a surprise when he realises that things that were looked down upon, and people were often disgusted by in his day and age, are wanted in this one.
Warnings | includes smut, blowjob, cum facial, Bucky being an insecure bb, swearing
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Everyone filed out of the meeting room, one by one disappearing into the maze of the compound. Bucky watched you with tender eyes, slowly following behind, as you headed for the door.
But instead of passing though the threshold, so that you could make your way on route to the kitchen, in order for you prepare yourself a well deserved drink after sitting through the small conference, you closed the door, and pushed down the latch.
The action itself made Bucky stop in his footsteps, and fix you with a confused expression. He wasn’t sure why you had locked the two of you in here. Only moments ago you had been on a group call with Fury, and now that he had signed off, all of you had been free to leave.
But that freedom that all the else had fled feebly towards, served a much different price to that for which you specifically had in mind for him. “Sergeant Barnes, I think the two of us need to have a little talk; our ears only.”
Bucky gulped, remaining upon the spot that he was stood in. He racked his mind for reasons that you would want to do this here, and not in one of your bedrooms. It would only make things more difficult for when he left the scene, heartbroken by you cutting him off, and finally pushing him away.
It was inevitable that it would happen somewhen; but it was too early. Things were finally running smoothly, he felt content and happy, and as though he were making a good difference to the world, which is all he ever wanted. However, it appeared that all of that was about to come tumbling down at his feet, in the same very moment.
The two of you hadn’t been dating too long, just short of three months. And during that time, the pair of you had never once gotten obscenely intimate. So in your case, as he viewed it, you really had nothing to lose. But he couldn’t pin point as to why you were dressed in a sly smile, and creeping ever so steadily towards him as though you had a surprise.
“Doll.” He spoke softly, thinking that it would be the last time he had the opportunity to describe you with that pet name. From the way that he addressed you, your expression quickly became more innocent and happy.
As you got closer to him, you wrapped your arms around his middle, leaning forwards and pressing a kiss upon his material covered chest. “Baby.” You greeted him, moving to his lips next, and pressing a fluid peck upon them.
“What are you doing?” He unsurely asked, his voice cracking in the meanwhile, and his face scrunching up into a confused frown. Your hands rubbed down his chest, and plucked the band of his trousers, over again in a repeated motion.
Sucking your lip into your mouth, you looked up into his sky blue eyes, reading them for any signs of him being affected by your actions. Rather than feeling aroused, it seemed to make him confused, which was not at all your intention.
“You seemed tense Buck.” Your hands raked their way back up to his shoulders, soothing any apparent tightness that were held within his muscles. “I thought maybe... I could help loosen you up.” Fluttering your eyelashes at him, Bucky lightly groaned, rubbing his lips together as he mulled over what the pair of you could possibly get up to in this room.
His hands went down to the button of your jeans, but lightly, you slapped his hands away, doing the same to him, and undoing them. As your fingers toyed with the zip that helped the denim be adjustable to his size, your other palmed him through the blue material. “This is about you James. I want to make you feel good.”
Again, he swallowed his own saliva, he paid the utmost attention to your every movement, completely compelled with how you tossed your hair to the side by simply moving your head. “You want me to suck your cock, I promise I’m good at it.” A giggle erupted from your mouth, and Bucky clasped your chin in the feather light grip of his vibranium hand.
He pulled your lips to his, warming them up before slipping his tongue inside. It had been a long time, though he hated to admit it, since he had done anything even slightly sexual, and a part of him was afraid that he wouldn’t last long.
But the other was excited, back in the forties , blowjobs weren’t often digressed. The idea had always appealed to hun, however no dame had ever wished to dirty their knees before him, and take his sufficient length down their throat. It pained him a little, knowing that like most people he had encountered through his life, that they would take from him, but never return it with an ounce of kindness.
He’d perceive it as a dream come true, the woman that owned his entire heart, independently wanting to pleasure him in such ways that were looked down upon in his day. “Are you sure?” He pulled away, desperate for some clarity on the matter.
“Yes, of course I am.” You smiled, drawing him in for another locked lip session. After a minute or two of tasting his tongue, you trailed your direction down, running down his chin, and then his neck, until you completely dropped to your knees, rutting your hand against his growing cock.
Right then, from that image alone, Bucky swore that he would die. That innocent expression that was entailed upon your face had him mentally cursing, and he couldn’t help but groan to himself in a relaxed manner as you pulled his jeans down to his ankles, leaving only his boxers as the final barrier.
Lightly, you pressed a kiss to where you guessed his tip to be through the cotton, gently running your tongue down the shaft, and lower down to where his balls were stationed. “Y/n, please stop teasing.”
“Tell me Bucky.” Your fingertips cascaded up and down his v line, warming him up to what was to come(pun intended). “Have you ever been sucked off before?” His heart rate picked up, as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“How did you- that punk!” He said in reference to Steve, realising that he must have let the detail slip to you. But he couldn’t be made really, if the captain hadn’t digressed his secret to you, then he may have waited longer to experience the enthralling and dirty, as it had been known to be, engagement.
Without any pressure, you pressed your teeth upon his cock, dragging his attention back towards you. “Now that is no way to talk about your dear friend, I’d say he did you a favour.” He was getting ready to grumble in his Bucky manner, but was hit with your gasp as you suddenly pulled his boxers down, his dick slapping upwards, having your entire focus.
Reaching forward with a hand, you wrapped it around the mid section of his shaft, your palm hardly fitting around his girth. “It’s so big.” You gaped at the sight, moving your hand up and down to gouge a reaction out of the super soldier above you. His head leant back, his eyes screwing shut as he realised just how sensitive he was. He felt like a virgin all over again.
An obscene and loud moan was pulled from his mouth as you ran your tongue up his shaft, humming at the taste of his intimate skin. With the encouragement of his lie noises, you directed his tip towards your lips, rubbing it upon the cushioned flesh, before sinking him halfway in your mouth.
“Holy fuck!” He exclaimed, reaching down and on instinct entangling his metal hand in your loose hair. As though you were doing nothing, you innocently looked up at him with wide doe eyes., although he could feel you hollowing your cheeks around him, as you began to bob your head.
Only then did he realise how experienced you must have been within this department, for he noticed how you didn’t struggle nor gag the slightest around him, and it appeared that you were enjoying it as much as he was.
One of your hands planted itself on the thickness of his thigh as your other found homage with fondling his balls. His chest rapidly moved as he felt every slither of your tongue around him, and as you pulled slightly back, you began dipping it in the line of his slit.
“Baby, slow down, or I’m going to cum.” With his words heard, you took him out of your mouth, wrapping your hand around his saliva soaked rod, and began pumping him rapidly. For a moment, he swore his head was going to explode as he saw you stick your tongue out, awaiting his load that was soon to be delicious.
“Cum Buck. Want you to cum for me.” It was impossible for him to hold back any longer, and thus, his seed flew over the expanse of your tongue, whilst the rest spurted over one side of your face. “Hmm.” You mumbled, swallowing that of it that you caught, and scooping a swipe into your mouth.
“I swear to god that I’m in love with you.” He spoke breathily as you stood up, both of your faces flushed from the activity. He pulled you in for a few pecks, to which you could do nothing more than stare into his oceanic pools.
“Well that’s encouraging.” You laughed, reaching down and tucking his softening cock back into his boxers and jeans, giving it a loving pat before pulling away. “I love you too Bucky Barnes; always.”
“The conference room though, really?” He asked with a bemused laugh, causing you to shrug. “You’ve got to walk out of here now.” He said, motioning to the mess on your face.
“That is something that I didn’t think of.” You responded, your eyes darting a around the room, until your eyes landed on the box of tissues that Tony had brought in at the start of the meeting. Thank Thor for his cold! “Grab me some paper towels from the corner would you babe?”
He sent you a pleased, and you’d say very satisfied smile, before stepping back, and heading in the direction of the desk, picking a few sheets out of the cube, and walking back to help you clean up. He felt like he at least owed you that much.
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