#anti thor: love and thunder
timeladyjamie · 1 year
Thor: The Dark World is the last great Thor film we’ve had and my mind can’t be changed.
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unlockyourmind-wp · 2 years
Listen if you're excited for Thor: Love and Thunder, I don't want you to feel like I'm shitting on your parade so please, for your own peace of mind, dni. But that scene in the recent trailer actually PAINS ME.
There's so much talk about sexualising women in the film industry. Black Widow is a perfect example of this. Because while yes, she can wear tight suits if she feels like it, there's no need to focus the camera on her butt all the time.
Yes, all Thor's previous shirtless scenes were pointless as well but this one is just outright offending. It's not funny. It's assault. Undressing someone, in front of an audience, WHILE they're chained up, WITHOUT intervention from their so called friends WHO ARE RIGHT THERE WATCHING, is so wrong on so many levels.
And to then have people actually faint when watching him (while nakedness was very normalised in greek culture but I did not expect Taika Waititi to respect historical and cultural property) only adds to the discomfort of it all.
I would even go as far as to say that to idiolise bodies like and presenting this idea that having such a godly body ironic lol makes people faint, contributes to present day ideas of beauty and attractiveness being these impossibly high standards that "normal" people can never achieve. AND it puts people who are deemed beautiful and attractive on a pedestal so that when they make a mistake, it's "impossible" or "not their fault".
ESPECIALLY considering Thor's backstory up to this point. While I despised the way his arc in Endgame was handled, I did appreciate what it tried to represent or what I hoped they were trying to represent: that looking a certain way doesn't mean you're not worthy of everything you were worthy of before.
Considering this I was hoping for more of a Maui from Moana, or Thor from the God of War games, body type for Thor this movie. To fully embrace this idea that strenght doesn't necessarily mean having shiny mucles. In fact, to be strong the body needs to have weight because it adds to the strength. But I knew going into this trailer that wouldn't be the case.
So I tried to focus on the positive.
It's amazing to see Thor getting better and being emotionally healed enough to start taking care of his body again. And I do appreciate the scenes showing him actually working for it. BUT all of that is then completely undone by the worshipping of his "god bod". Suddenly it's no longer about him surviving and learning to live with his trauma but about looking good again.
Last time we saw Thor he was made fun of and insulted for his weight gain, while the focus should've been on getting him the help he needed to process his trauma. Now he's finally getting better though I wouldn't go as far as to say he got the help he needed because a mere workout isn't gonna do it and he now he's back into shape and once again he's made fun of for his looks.
All this character is anymore is a pretty object to look at. Of course people laugh when his clothes are removed against his will. Because does he look uncomfortable, angry or sad? No. The opposite, he jokes about it.
Nothing that happens effects him and so nothing he does effects us. Even when it really really should.
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dkmbookworm · 1 year
Something that really pisses me off is this assumption that because you dislike the current direction with Loki and Thor’s characters, it must mean that you “hate comedy” and “want everything to be serious and gloomy”. As if the only form of comedy that exists is weird, random antics. What is this attitude that thor and loki were never funny in the previous films? The only difference is that the comedy was formed based on their personalities and conflicts with other people or situations, rather than just them being stupid or quirky.
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beheworthy · 10 months
How Taika Waititi Ruined Thor
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[This essay talks negatively about director Taika Waititi and his Thor films. Please don’t read if you happen to enjoy them.
Despite my best efforts, this post is 10,343 words long. Here is a table of contents for ease:
1. INTRODUCTION 2. CHARACTER – Personality – Funny nature – The way he talks – The way he operates – Power ups – Agency – Side note in ‘agency’: shirtless scenes 3. RELATIONSHIPS – His father – Odin – His love – Jane – Supporting characters – Weapons 4. HIS STORY – Character arc – His way forward – Torture p*rn 5. APPEARANCE – The ugly suit in Thor4 – Shabby AF casual clothes – Gouged out eye – Stripped fOr FuN 6. WEB OF LIES 7. CONCLUSION ]
Despite Thor: Ragnarok (2017) (Thor3) introducing a complete change of tone for the Thor franchise, the mainstream media has decided it was only ever received positively by 100% of the audience. Not a ‘divisive’ or even a ‘generally favored’, but a ‘unanimously loved’ tag was given to this movie and its director Taika Waititi for “saving Thor”.
You have to wonder who were those people who went to the theatres for the first two films if this film saved the franchise because they were both hits. But seeing as I’m the non-existent 0% of the population that doesn’t echo that sentiment of the media, I decided to shed light on how Taika Waititi didn’t save him, but actually ruined, destroyed, and annihilated Thor in every way possible.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: there is nothing wrong with Thor being funny, as long as it isn’t at the expense of his character. And now you know why I’m writing this thesis.
Keep reading
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This is exactly what I was talking about.
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thorarms · 2 years
Really not a fan of the new trend in the mcu that puts asgardians in regular human clothes it's boring and makes the films and tv shows look cheap in comparison like heaven forbid the norse gods look like norse gods
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leahcee · 9 months
no no no because I am very mad at how k*vin feige and the mcu made thanos and the blip this huge life altering event that was so traumatizing and heart breaking just to make it “silly” and have “funny” throw away jokes and restaurants in future films like that’s why ur shits quality is declining bro
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meimaru · 2 years
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Call me a hater all you want, but right now, I'm just disgusted.
As a movie lover, a fellow artist, and especially an animation student, who knows how much time and effort goes into those goddamn CGI effects, and how overworked and underpaid those artists are, sincerely - FUCK YOU, TAIKA.
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bardicious · 2 years
Chris Hemsworth, please, honestly GO FUCK YOURSELF. LMAO.
Okay, so, listen, this is honestly going to be the last I ever talk about this, but the fact that I've been proven right about this jackasses involvement in this whole affair has got me laughing!
In 2017, or the year previous, who the fuck knows, Chris Hemsworth got his friend, Taika Waititi to direct Thor 3. Thor Ragnarok, which heavily diverged from the cinematography and the lore of the previous two Thor movies. Chris Hemsworth decided Thor was too boring. He didn't like playing him anymore. He wanted to play someone new and fun. He wanted to play himself. And he got just that.
I'll give Ragnarok enough credit, that aye, I might be fooled into thinking there was some interest the title character. But after Love and Thunder? No, now I know I've been fooled into watching a costume party by Chris Hemsworth, his family, and his friends. Ding ding ding! What do we have here, Johnny?
A bottom tier celebrity making a franchise that not only was all about him - his character, but all about him!!! He's playing himself!
His daughter at the end of Thor: Love and Thunder, is his daughter in real life (she's cute, no diss). His two sons played younger versions of him. His wife was a wolf woman he made out with! His best friends Matt fucking Damon and Taika Waititi both star in the role and the latter directs it.
I'm sorry, but at what fucking point did I sign up for a lazy written fanfiction? Because that's sure as hell not what I thought would happen in Thor 1 or 2, or Avengers. And you know, I am still mad, because I enjoyed the OG Thor, I enjoyed the OG Loki, and Marvel and, wow, did it not pay off.
Alas, it's on me for watching any new Thor films (aye, listen, I gotta family here!), but I just wanted to tell anyone who ever said Thor is a walking self insert nowadays. You are completely and utterly spot on.
Applaud yourself.
PS. Full Review* -> Here
Have fun!
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musclesandhammering · 4 months
The way they went from Thor & Val having a very predictable male lead x female lead vague beginning of a romance arc in Ragnarok to them being platonic best friends who tease each other about their new relationships in Love and Thunder, with like zero explanation or acknowledgement…. that’s exactly what I need them to do with Loki & Sylvie moving forward.
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ellena-asg · 2 years
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lokisaves · 2 years
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beheworthy · 6 months
Whoa whoa I think I missed some stuff, is it okay to hate TW and how he ruined Thor now? I've been bitter about his treatment of the mcu and his attitude for years but never expected to see any mainstream agreement, what did I miss! (If u don't mind me asking, you seem to have better kept up with marvel stuff than I've been able to lol)
haha it's become mainstream to hate on waititi now, friend. we will not be publicly executed the way we'd have been back in 2017 when thor3 released.
i'm not sure how this came about tho. thor4 released and everyone suddenly decided that they will hate on it FOR THE SAME THINGS THEY LOVED THOR3. i don't understand this. make it make sense. the one reason people give for this is - the humor was balanced in thor3 but not in thro4. it is NOT TRUE AT ALL and these people should get some critical thinking instead of regurgitating sexist youtubers.
also, his attitude during thor4 was also picked upon by people to be unacceptable - calling thor's gf useless and boring, saying he set out to make a film that fans would hate and daring them to hate on it, saying he wanted to put cancer jokes in the film, and crapping on the vfx artists who worked to death on his trash film.
anyway, the general consensus of thor4 was that people surely want to see thor again but not at waititi at the helm at any cost. so, marvel kicked him out. fans rejoiced. moreover, marvel specifically wants the next film to be as far away from his 2 films as possible. fans rejoiced even more at this.
waititi had stated his ideas for the future of thor's story during thor4, implying he'll be stuck to thor forever. but then he also said that he'll only come back if chris does, implying that marvel will have to beg him to give his genius to them again and also take care of this side actor mr. hemsworth.
all this came back to bite him when he was unceremoniously discarded. since then, he has went in an overdrive trying to have the last word at any cost. first, saying he knew he won't be invited back and he doesn't care because he has so many films in his kitty anyway. second, backtracking and saying he said no to marvel actually. and third, saying he only made thor3 for money, taking a dig at superhero films in the process and saying he's above them.
this act in particular has incited fans the most. even people who didn't hate on him have now started calling out his sore loser act. this is why you're seeing a serious uptick of people hating on him and his beloved thor3. :)
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dr-doomsduck · 6 months
At the risk of rubbing some fans the wrong way:
It makes me feel some sort of way that Thor abandoning the Throne he was always meant to sit in for an ordinary life he wanted led to a sequence of catastrophes for him. His absence at various points led to Odin disappearing, Odin dying, Asgard destroyed, Gorr targeting New Asgard and finally, Jane dying for using Mjolnir to stop him.
Thor, tragically, walked away from his purpose and lost everything that was dear to him.
And now there's Loki, who honestly committed outrageous crimes in order to get that same throne, was denied it, and then ended up finding loved ones and friends and an ordinary life he could live. But when his throne presented itself, when he had to sacrifice it all for his (glorious) purpose, he accepted the burden and saved the TVA, Mobius, Sylvie and everyone else.
Loki fought for his purpose, tragically sacrificed his ordinary life, and got to live with the knowledge that those he loved were safe and taken care of.
There is something extraordinarily Shakespearean about that. The 'horrible' brother accepting his destiny and becoming the hero and the 'heroic' brother failing to be the big hero because he rejected his destiny.
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Thanos is treated rather nicely by the MCU don't you think?
He was made super powerful for no reason, dude had IW all for himself and EG never set the record straight, he even had a quick death in the first 15 minutes and the dude who was defeated in the 3rd arc was another Thanos.
Then in the Loki series the NYC invasion is entirely blamed on Loki as if Thanos had no involvement in it whatsoever, in Hawkeye we see Clint holding a "Thanos was right" mug...
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And in L&T they have a Thanos-themed ice cream shop in New Asgard...
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Turns out the Asgardians don't mind honouring a monster who murdered half of them shortly after they had lost their home then killed another half with the snap.
It disgusts me. They treat other "villains" far worse but their beloved Thanos? Even the Russos say he's sympathetic.
Miss me with that shit.
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justfandomwritings · 2 years
Marvel really made a movie where Thor was sexually assaulted while his friends and thousands of people looked on, and they painted it as if it were a funny/hot thing…
And Marvel fans really went “Haha! Male SA! That’s hot!”
And that’s on why I won’t be seeing Thor: Love and Thunder.
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