#anti sullivan
jeekyl · 2 years
Station19 : 6x02 : Are station19 ok ?
The obvious theme on this episode and the last one is clearly Maya and Jack the two messed up people of this station. But are They ?
TW : mention of sexual assault  Because believe me when i say, Vic is next into spiraling out of control. She being all “ oh Carina married Maya without knowing that she’s a blackmailler” bitch  shut up, you’re next. You know what Karma is ? watch it. , jesus, Vic honey why are you opening up your mouth ? why ? she hide her pregnancy, she spend her time lying and being oblivious and she open her mouth gossiping ? why ? just shut up. That all i have to say. Beside the fact that she is insecure and selfish too. Wanna talk about the time you didn’t care about Theo’s feeling? Your body, your choice, won’t argue it, won’t dispute it, it’s you’re right. When theo talk to her, she didn’t care. And basically theo said “ i cried, because i was hurt you ignore me and left me out”. But Vic espect the other shoe to drop, but why ? Is it because you know that you left him out of you decision ? again your body your choice but at least talk to your patner, say “ listen i don’t want a child right now, maybe  later,  but for now i’m not ready, can you accept that?”  
Travis is being out there stating over and over again the same thing while his station encourages him while ignoring what he is saying. Jesus. Travis have always said he want to run for mayor to steal vote from dickson, great name for a great pun. He never said he wanted to be mayor, he said i want to run for mayor so dickson can’t be, can be any other person. 
Amusing how Ross use it and the firefighter names to provoke dickson. Jack is just out of control but he has being for a while, for those who missed it, rewatched it will be obvious. dude learn he is a bother an uncle, wanted to rekindle with his foster sibling but failed miserably, understandably i must say, being in the foster system is never kind, he literally admit that he was sexually abused so.. there’s that,  Carina was abuse mentaly and sexually because it was the theme of the day. Sorry but at this point if Maya goes to a therapist and say that her father abused her more than physically i will not be surprise, she start to spiraled after Andy’s attacked, so there’s that.  Beside Carina trying for a child which doesn’t help that Maya is going out of hand and hurting. She’s scared, hurt, fells like being rejected, inside and out, literally. So yeah she’s hurting and still in control somewhat. Watch out for Italian women they are strong. I think that she’s hurt that, her wife doesn’t trust her enough to tell her something as important as the backmailled, but more importantly, why Maya wants to be captain. For her it’s because Maya  have a goal that she have to obtain. But : Something Carina doesn’t get or at least don’t understand, Maya have choose her. Yeah she reverted back to her old self, but Maya have made Carina her priority. Her captaincy is because being a person or people pleaser isn’t easy to get ride off. But Maya did choose her, She doesn’t care if she’s promoted back to probe as long as it’s fair. Her demotion isn’t fair. Her watching sullivan and beckett being at each other throat for the post is just ridiculous at this point. Yeah beckett is sober, allegedly, but how can we know ? Andy did most of the work as much as captain and as a lieutenant. Maya at this point barely care about her job, she cares that she his helping and that her wife is happy, and now ? none of that works. She’s demoted for unfairly reason, she pointed out the obvious ( do we need to talk about the time she call Diane for help for the death of George Floyd because she didn’t know how to help and clearly her team was affected or are we going to ignore that?) She see her team, but right now she can’t see them because the team is a wreck, the team is messed up, all because, she decided that saving a life was more important than a lawsuit, that they would win btw. She was saving a life, like a doctor would do. Like a fucking firefighter is supposed to do. Anyway. She prioritize a life over paper. At what point did fighting fire and being a paramedic come over paper ? i don’t know, ask Travis. He would know either anyway. She did nothing wrong, but she is punish, and right now she is pushed back into her childhood where her father would treat her unfairly and smash a boll into the wall because she help someone in needs. Ring a bell ? If not, re watch. Pretty sure you’ll see it. Someone point out that Maya isn’t that bad, and that her treatment is more or less unfair. She help a life, and got blame for it, she was so aware that she saw what no one else saw, and Ross as long as sullivan deny it, and beckett who was drunk during work, brought out by sullivan got away with it with nothing. Sullivan, beckatt and at this point Ross is in the wrong and they still think they are right.  That communication. And Fuck these people need to talk. Bring Back Diane for the love of god because those people are so not okay. 
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
Ted Sullivan.
Ted Sullivan legit believes he is a misunderstood genius. Ted Sullivan wrote his own name into an episode as someone who penned a brilliant critique of Americana. Ted Sullivan has a Texas-sized ego for someone who took a silly CW show from a profitable entity to losing 75%+ of its viewership and becoming the literal lowest rated show on the network.
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ivygorgon · 2 months
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📣 Exciting news from Resistbot!
They've launched a new feature called approval polls. Now you can express whether or not you would re-elect each of your federal elected officials.
This is an important step in making our voices heard and holding our elected officials accountable. Let's use this tool to let them know what they need to do to earn our votes! Try it out by texting "approval" to the bot. Your input matters!
Resistbot continues to innovate for civic engagement. I look forward to seeing more developments like this in the future. Share your thoughts and feedback in the general discussion. Let's make a difference together! 🗳️✨
📱Text APPROVAL to 50409 and earn FREE Coins!
I just tried it out and here's my feedback:
For President Biden, I might vote to reelect him because he took steps to repeal discriminatory policies like the Trans Ban (DADT 2.0). While I appreciate this progress, I hope to see a more critical approach to U.S. support and funding for Israel. Even still, Trump would be worse for Palestine. Vote Blue No Matter Who, until we get Ranked Choice Voting.
For Senator Murkowski, I approve of her reelection because I appreciate Senator Murkowski's dedication to child development and her progressive stance on LGBTQ+ rights. However, I wish she would support stronger gun regulation and prioritize green initiatives more consistently. I'm encouraged by her stance against Trump's policies.
For Senator Sullivan, I strongly oppose Senator Sullivan due to his positions against reproductive rights, transgender rights, and affordable healthcare. Additionally, his denial of climate change, support for gerrymandering, and alignment with extremist views surrounding the January 6 insurrection are deeply concerning. He is an un-American Trump Sucker and I need him out of my chair this instant.
For Rep. Peltola, I approve of her because I appreciate Senator Peltola's support for COVID-19 proposals and her progressive stance on marriage, children, LGBTQ+, and transgender rights. However, I believe there is room for improvement in her support for military service members, veterans, and moderate gun regulation.
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userlaylivia · 11 months
i really hate writers/showrunners who COMPLETELY ignore the fans and the people who made their show what it was and the fans who deserve better!! like honor your characters and ships that watched your show, honor the fans because without us you wouldn't of even made it as long as you did!! your shows wouldn't exist without us!!!!
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britneyshakespeare · 3 months
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This is just a map of New England (minus Connecticut the fake New England state)
#text post#new england#source: boston 25 news website: believe it or not massachusetts is not the most irish state new study finds#18.9% of mass residents have irish ancestry#really this is not surprising at all. massachusetts is the most population-dense state by far with the most immigrants#and new hampshire? ask anyone where their family lived before they came to new hampshire. it was massachusetts#new hampshire is full of ethnically irish and italian and polish catholics whose families have been here long enough#to assimilate and move to the suburbs and become xenophobic and anti-immigrant.#literally bothers me so much when ppl named molly o'flannigan and patrick sullivan talk shit about dorchester lawrence etc#and other immigrant-dense areas in new england. i'm like baby your grandparents lived there#well or at least that's my experience#new england still does have a shocking amount of wasps whose families have been here since the fuckin mayflower#i dont have a direct link to that in my own family but it's very strange how that is taught to new england children as like#'our' heritage in schools. plymouth plantation and the puritans and all that. you're weirdly made to identify w it#and like as time goes on#just factually that only represents the population of ppl who live and are raised here less and less.#not to mention it does nothing to address DIVERSITY in the area. but i suppose there's like a local mythos#we have to teach a story to children and it has to be a 'we' story and that story has to be pilgrims#bc the story has to start at colonization and not expand after that. thats too complex. happy thanksgiving?#new england white people have a habit of thinking theyre irish catholic anglo-protestant settlers and they built this country#they dont parse out their own identity at all and they certainly don't want to have to consider other ppl's.#wow i didnt mean this to turn into a culture-critical rant im sure most of my followers arent even from here so idk what this means 2 u guy#happy saint patrick's day!
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bettyminicoop · 1 year
Well, that was to be expected.
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UPDATE: Shortly after the publication of this statement, Rep. Andrade withdrew HB 951 and introduced an even worse bill, HB 991, in its place.
HB 991 exacerbates the threats to freedom of expression presented by HB 951. For example, with regard to anonymous sources, HB 991 does not simply presume that statements from anonymous sources are false, as in HB 951. Instead, HB 991 retains that presumption, but also goes further: When the journalist or media outlet refuses to identify an anonymous source, plaintiffs bringing a defamation claim need to prove only that statements from anonymous sources were published negligently, not with actual malice.
FIRE will oppose HB 991 every step of the way.
Statement from FIRE Legislative and Policy Director Joe Cohn
Yesterday, Florida state legislator Rep. Alex Andrade introduced HB 951, a bill that seeks to roll back the protections for free speech secured by one of the most important Supreme Court decisions of the last six decades: New York Times Company v. Sullivan.
Sullivan has prevented the powerful from using defamation lawsuits to intimidate and silence their critics for more than a half-century. In Sullivan, a decision issued at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, the Supreme Court held that when suing for defamation, public officials must prove the defendant spoke with “actual malice” — that is, the defendant knew his or her words were false, or spoke with reckless disregard for the truth.
Sullivan doesn’t protect deliberate falsehoods. But it does protect our right to speak out about our government and the issues of the day. By ensuring that simple mistakes made in criticizing powerful people and public figures don’t result in a costly, chilling lawsuit, the Sullivan threshold secures vitally important breathing room for public debate.
HB 951 dangerously attacks the protections Sullivan recognized. If passed into law, it would narrow the list of people who may be deemed “public figures,” meaning a wider range of commentary on today’s public issues could result in a successful defamation lawsuit. The bill also declares that speech from anonymous sources will be presumed false, and that failure to “verify or corroborate an alleged defamatory statement” will constitute actual malice. What’s more, the bill proposes awarding costs and attorney’s fees to any plaintiff who wins a defamation suit — making it even riskier for both everyday citizens and the free press to engage with important issues.
If HB 951 becomes law, the result will be far less discussion and debate on matters of public concern, as powerful public figures will be able to bully citizens and critics into silence via costly lawsuits. By presuming anonymous sources are lying, the law would kneecap investigative journalism. And by awarding costs and attorney’s fees to successful plaintiffs, the law would effectively dismantle Florida’s anti-SLAPP law, incentivizing meritless defamation claims and dissuading lawyers from representing defendants who can’t afford counsel.
Passage of this dangerous bill would spell disaster for free speech by constricting the open debate that is critical for a democracy to function.
FIRE will oppose HB 951 every step of the way.
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shawnfreki · 1 year
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Title: The Path Of Glory
Artist: Edmund Joseph Sullivan
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giibh · 11 months
Honestly this season is a disgrace, we are literally only 6 episodes away from the series and they are playing house please, I like Beronica's friendship but honestly with only that many episodes to go I wish we were moving towards something instead every episode what passes continues in the same shit except choni who is the only couple that seems to matter in the series
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
the worst part is that he’s saying “in 15 years when you go to work” like he knows he’s arguing with young teenagers and still can’t help himself.
me to ted when some nepo baby he pissed off gets him fired 15 years from now for messing with their favorite show
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readinthedarkpod · 1 year
Trying to solve the age-old mystery of what came first, the chicken or the heart of Lightlark?
KRISTEN: The rulers of Lightlark used this egg yolk to lay the curse.
LAETY: Yeah, you've said it multiple times and we still don't understand how.
KRISTEN : I... I don't under— trust me, I'm telling you— I'm telling you all the information I have. I can't give you any more cause I don't have any more! Did a chicken lay the egg? I don't know, maybe?!
Click here to find out where you can listen to the full episode (spoiler alert: anywhere podcasts are!)
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I'm glad that even back then, people were still against tobacco and weren't tricked into thinking that smoking would make you look sophisticated or manly.
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onthwayhome · 1 year
the way sullivan irks me, like oh my god this man. how do you try to rationalize what you did by comparing it to andy’s speech and actions??? like she did not throw her own captain under the bus just so she can be at the top, like please not everybody is as selfish and “ambitious” (so eager to be at the top he can’t even see it’s ruthlessness) as you, does he hear himself???
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kingdom-dance · 1 year
Finished my FH:Retribution Daniel romance playthrough and OUCH THAT SHIT HURTED
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blckthrns · 2 years
for a movie released in the middle of winter, uncharted surely feels like summer
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