#anti drarry?
highonincense · 2 months
One thing I absolutely despise in drarry fics —and by this I mean a specific subset, not like in general cause there are many amazing fics— is the characterization of harry (and draco), the way he's an absolute fucking doormat!!!! I get it y'all are tryna portray him as a social dimwit, it can be done in a normal way without making him seem like a piece of cardboard! Are we talking about the same dude here?? You don't actually have to completely demolish a character, take away their key traits just to make the other half of the ship look better.
Let me give a pointwise description:
1. Dude stutters after every bloody sentence, like he's so overwhelmed talking to draco "smirking, smooth as butter, sardonic, sleek, godly" Malfoy who keeps insulting him every fucking second. Do you really think that harry would entertain that bullshit, especially in post-war fics!!! Like he'd just take it and not put him in his place?
2. I read this fic long ago and I don't remember the name, but good god it was unbearable. Basically the golden trio apologizes to draco for his tragic life that they were responsible for after the war? Like wtf? Why is there even a need to do that? 😭 That was too much and I stopped midway
3. Again, draco "3 OWLs" Malfoy, some supersmart / second coming of tom riddle, keeps patronizing every action of harry, the amount of times harry's intelligence is insulted? Immediate no from me, like are we still doing the whole "harry dumb mf potter is unobservant, slow, stupid, can't function without some rat hissing in his ear that he's an idiot 24/7"? Don't you think it's lame?
4. Harry has to always put up with his shitty attitude, I am all for character development, I know characters are multi dimensional and complex, and showing draco having a difficult personality is well and good, but it starts to get annoying when there's no real growth in him. I've read fics where he's absolutely despicable until the end which is covered up as him being a dickhead in general and harry "fondly" keeps up with his shit. *gag* canon harry would NEVER
5. I think it genuinely wouldn't make a difference if harry was there or not, I am not kidding or being dramatic, those fics might as well be character × y/n fics
All of this leads me to hate draco's character more! You portray him as this insufferable bastard who has a heart of gold apparently (where?) who has no real growth, shows no humility or regret or even pretends to and you think harry will put up with that?
It would be interesting if he starts out that way, works on himself and grows and changes, that would be more tolerable and interesting!
But no, he's always this annoying guy who hurls insults, keeps mocking harry or his friends every other line, you might argue it's in his character, but aren't those the traits which make him unlikeable? like those aren't cute or quirky? wouldn't it make more sense to show him grow out of it? It's really annoying
And harry, let's not go there, he's a completely new character, might as well be an oc atp, you can't even compare him to canon harry, that's how bad it is! I still haven't completely discussed it cause it's already getting long, but he's this wet bloody blanket and I can't stand it, the gryffs (except Hermione) in general are shown as some bumbling buffoons who can't differentiate between their hand and foot!! And the slytherins are all savvy, masterminds, geniuses... I really don't know whether it's admirable cause it's weird seeing them pushed into these moulds where they can only behave a certain way!
I'm so tired this is still going on like?? Why are their characters such caricatures? All of this sounds like it may have been a thing of past, but I am appalled it's still happening!!!
This is not directed at all drarry fics out there, cause there are some gorgeous fics written by amazing authors who fucking get these characters and make it about them, about their relationship and explore it in a depth and nail their characterizations without making either one of them boring. There are a good number of fics that I actually enjoy cause of the way they write drarry's characters, which makes or breaks the fic imho
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
JK Rowling: you can tell harry is in love with ginny bc in book 6 he has a momentary fantasy where he imagines her weeping over his mangled body
Also JK Rowling: anyway here's a scene in the same book where harry does almost exactly that when he thinks draco is dying
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wizardemotions · 3 months
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pinterest showed me some screenshots of posts that gave me the concept for an au where both harry and ron are sorted slytherin & draco is just slightly less rude in the first book. i could go into why i think this makes a lot of sense for ron but i won't. i've affectionately dubbed them the platinum quartet in my head and they will not leave me the fuck alone
#quill to paper#draco malfoy#harry potter#ron weasley#hermione granger#romione#drarry#slytherin harry#slytherin ron#golden trio#platinum quartet#actually i'll go into why it makes sense for ron here in the tags.#imho a major slytherin trait is ambition#and ron *has* ambition he's just never had it actively encouraged and fostered#book fucking one the mirror of erised shows him winning the quidditch cup & being head boy and all#he HAS ambition! and by god does he have something to *prove*#youngest weasley boy who desperately wants to do something different from his family#not get lumped in as 'just another weasley'#he's the anti-sirius in this context tbqh. old pureblood family of gryffindors and he's plastering his room at the burrow w green and silver#in my head draco is also in the train compartment when ron walks in and asks to sit there & harry speaks first so draco shuts up#a little tense but draco also relaxes a little bit. he's ELEVEN he just wants FRIENDS.#ron watches the boys he sat with on the train both get sorted slytherin and has just the biggest burning desire an 11 yr old can have#to get into slytherin instead of gryffindor. to do something different from his other siblings at the gryff table. to Prove Something#the hats like 'ohh. a weasley huh. but so much to prove... there's real ambition#and the potential for cunning... slytherin? alright#good luck! slytherin it is!'#and draco's smug little ass is like 'i suppose there's hope for the weasleys yet if they can turn out a slytherin#and ron is psyched out of his eleven year old gourd bc harry fucking potter is grinning and clapping for him#and also because percy n the twins look SHOCKED AS FUCK as do half the profs#snape is over at the table realizing w complete clarity that he's going to be put thru the ringer as slyth head of house these next 7 yrs
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toorumlk · 2 months
Hey, sorry to bother you but, I just wanted to say that I LOVE you and your art! It’s so beautiful! I would love to see more Drarry art by you, if it’s not too much of a bother, I really like the way you draw Draco. Ofc if you don’t want to, you don’t have to, I just thought it would be nice. If my request, in some way, made you uncomfortable or uneasy, then I owe you my deepest apologies, it’s was never my intention to hurt you in anyway possible. Again, sorry for bothering and I love you, your art is so beautiful and inspirational, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, take care love 😘❤️
ohhh you are so sweet thank you so much for liking my art!! you have nothing to apologize for my friend, if anything i should for making you wait for a response
you seem so kind and sweet… so i hate to break that i’m not the biggest fan of draco……….
since reading the books, he’s become one of my least liked characters, but it wasn’t always like this ! when i was movie watcher (so literally up until i’d say december 2023), i liked him quite a bit! during this time drarry was also one of my favourite ships, definitely my favourite harry ship! i liked them so much as a ship actually that i’ve outlined a whole fic of them post-war that i still hope to finish this year!
for you, i’ll share my one (1) page of draco exploration and some doodles of scenes from the aforementioned fic
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i mean look at these twinks (affectionate)
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functionalbidisaster · 10 months
the scariest thing a mauraders fan can see…..
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a mother with her child 😱😱😱🤯🤯
no but seriously you guys need to stop acting like harry and teddy don’t have mothers who they miss dearly and would do anything to be able to meet
also, lily and tonks would 100% be involved in raising them even if wolfstar and jegulus were a thing so PLEASE stop acting like they don’t exist and only using them to give your mlm ship a kid
so you can write fics where wolfstar raises teddy or jegulus raises harry, i don’t care, have fun, go crazy. just stop erasing lily and tonks completely because they WOULD be in their children’s life
also also, because i’m feeling extra petty here’s more mothers and their children for the drarry fans who do the same thing
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😱😱 frightening i know
it’s like everyone forgets that mothers exist
(also i don’t support jkr or am really in the hp fandom, i just decided to scroll through some of the tags because i was bored) (also be thankful because i could of been a lot more petty if i wanted to be)(i also know not all fans do this but a lot do)
art credits:
tonks and teddy - rielles96 on instagram and tumblr
lily and harry - cableknit_remus on instagram and tumblr
ginny, lily luna, james sirius, and albus - beeyoungkah on instagram and tumblr
astoria and scorpius - upthehillart on instagram and tumblr
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keishara-korianthil · 4 months
Multifandom Ships #2
Am I the only one that hates when in a show/movie they make a straight couple just because it's straight instead of making a LGBT couple that definitely has more chemistry?
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maladaptivewriting · 11 months
the people posting chatGPT generated fanfics on ao3 can go fuck themselves
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
the fact that a lot of drarry shippers can treat astoria better and more respectfully than most dramione shippers is crazyyyy
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lunaxart · 9 months
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them forgiving each other is always my fav part in fics, so i felt like i had to draw my own version of it
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cubeberries · 2 months
my chronically annoyed ass comes across one of those "canon characters react to fanon ships" and one of them was tomarry and in the post, harry's like, "UM EW WTF.. blah blah" and i just got So pissed, like, just because the ship that you like is canon doesn't make you morally superior! obviously canon harry wouldn't want to get fucked by voldemort! but you do realise that talented people who make this pairing plausible with their amazing writing skills and headcanons exist, right?
and another post that was like, "i can't believe millenials get these amazing ships like jily, remadora, hinny, (continues stating het canon pairings) but gen z decided these were trash because they were fxm... and decided drarry, tomarry.. (continues stating gay pairings) etc. were better," and, like,
NO???? you just stated the most bland, boring pairings in the whole series?? it's not our fault your reading comprehension is so abysmal that you think jily, a white heterosexual couple that got married straight out of highschool is more interesting than the hot mess that is drarry/tomarry???
like, i'm not bashing you for liking canon pairings, but it is factually untrue that fanon pairings are automatically less interesting than canon pairings! that's a you problem! your statement reads like you think heterosexual pairings are better than homosexual pairings and i hope you realise that just sounds homophobic.
and also! grindeldore doesn't count! there is no canon evidence for it. jkr did say it was canon, but it... it literally wasn't in the books.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
No wonder Drarry > Hinny in HP fandom
Harry seems to be more attentive to Draco than Ginny.
Harry with Ginny (book 7)
Harry swung the Cloak back over himself and walked on. Someone else was moving not far away, stooping over another prone figure on the ground. He was feet away from her when he realised it was Ginny.
Harry with Draco (book 1)
Harry bolted to the door and looked out. Even at a distance there was no mistaking him. Malfoy had seen the dragon.
Poor Ginny. She deserves a better boyfriend. I don't like her character but even I feel sorry for her.
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iamnmbr3 · 1 month
Harry loves Quidditch so much he smells a scent associated with it in his amortentia potion
But in 6th year he stops caring about it as soon as Draco stops playing
Even tho Ginny is on the team and it’s one of his main opportunities to see her. Absolutely wild.
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yourhighness6 · 2 months
I'm such a hypocrite because I'll see a toxic m/f ship and be like "bleh! ew! get it away from me! ew!" but I'll see a toxic f/f or m/m ship and I'll be like "oooh tell me more"
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Can you talk about your thoughts on hinny? I have no problem with people shipping it but to me personally it just doesn't work. It feels like Rowling tried too hard or maybe just wasn't good at writing romance and messed it up. Maybe it was too rushed? The ship doesn't work for me but I'd love to hear your views.
Okay, sorry it took a while to answer this, I actually have a lot of thoughts and I have posts on some of them that I hope to get out soon-ish. I also wanted to go back to the books to make sure I'm not talking out of my ass. But I don't like Hinny, never did. And my reasons are kinda divided into three categories.
Disclaimer: I don't have anything against anyone who ships hinny, it's just really not my thing and I don't see it working with the way I see their characters.
And that's like the core of it. I just don't see Harry and Ginny as compatible on a character level. That and their relationship never really read as believable to me in the books.
The 3 categories I mentioned are:
Harry's character
Firstly, I think Harry is gay. Not bi, but gay. I think he was never actually attracted to a woman and I have a whole post to prove it. So, because that's how I read his character, I just can't really see him with any girl.
(Now, I don't think JKR intended for Harry to come off as gay, but he did)
Secondly, he never thought about Ginny, like, up until book 6, and even during large portions of book 6, he just isn't thinking about Ginny as a potential romantic interest. And when he does think about Ginny in the final two books it never reads like he really likes her. It reads like they decided they are dating, but I don't think Harry knows why he supposedly likes her. He just decided he does, but doesn't know why. It was kind of the same with Cho, where he said he had a crush on her and was nervous around her, but if you asked Harry what he likes about her, his answer would be: "Ehh...."
Like, Harry doesn't really seem to know why he's dating Ginny, and neither do I. It's just how it's written.
2. Ginny's character
So, this is again my opinion, but I don't like Ginny. I just don't like her character. I wish her off the page whenever she talks.
And, when it comes to shipping, for me, I need to find both the characters involved interesting and fun for me to explore to ship them together and care about the pairing. As I don't like Ginny and don't really care for her, I can't really ship her with anyone, not really. It's not even like I hate her (not the way I hate Dumbledore), I just find a lot of her actions and behavior iffy and she annoys me more often than not.
I'm not going to list everything I don't like about Ginny (some of it appears in the rest of this post). But her treatment of Fluer, for example, really soured her character to me. Like, sure, Ginny's young, but, she's 15, and by that point, I think she should take responsibility for being awful to Fluer who was nothing but nice to all of them. Envy is not a good look for Ginny.
3. How they are portrayed together
Like I mentioned in the Harry section, their romance just never really felt there to me. The descriptions were off and left me feeling annoyed at their scenes together more than anything else.
Again, I'm writing a more comprehensive post about it, but the gist of it is that Harry's thoughts about Ginny in books 6 and 7 are weirdly detached for a supposed crush at best or outright uncomfortable for me to read at worst.
Now, we know Harry can describe characters he finds attractive in greater detail. There is none of that detail with Ginny. He only mentioned her hair color and that her hair is long and smells nice. Like, he doesn't talk about her eye color, her facial structure, eye shape (like he does sometimes with characters he does find attractive) — nothing. He doesn't even call her pretty once! At least he referred to Cho Chang as pretty twice in the series.
In the books there is never a scene (not even one) that convinces me they should be together. Like, they have no chemistry. They kinda remind me of Ron and Lavender tbh. They make out and are present in the same space often, but they never talk. Not really. I don't think Ginny actually knows Harry all that well because he never honestly talks to her about anything real. They don't really have chemistry or a relationship, they're just together. At least, that's how I always saw them.
And yes, Harry has his jealousy moments (that are portrayed so weirdly I always narrow my eyes at them to make sure they were actually there, but that's a whole other post about Harry's chest monster of jealousy), but he still doesn't really explain what he finds in Ginny. He doesn't mention she's attractive or pretty at any point, nor does he mention anything he particularly likes about her personality (except that she doesn't weep like Cho and is good at Quidditch. Neither of which are particularly good basis for a relationship).
Like, Ginny mentions why she likes Harry and that she does multiple times. Harry by contrast, just feels so incredibly uninvolved in his own relationship, to me.
Also, personally, I just find the setup of their relationship iffy. Like Ginny outright says she never gave up on Hary and always knew they'd end up together. It means, that since she was 11 (or earlier), she was crushing on Harry, never gave up on her crush, and considered them ending up together fate. She dated other guys to make Harry jealous and pay attention to her, and that's just really gross. I don't like her long obsessive crush on Harry or her treatment of the other guys she dated on her way to get Harry.
Proof of that, for those wondering:
“I never really gave up on you,” she [Ginny] said. “Not really. I always hoped. . . . Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more — myself.”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 647)
She literally said she dated other guys so Harry would take notice of her. That just grosses me out.
So, no, I don't like Hinny (or Ginny).
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goldenromione · 6 months
My Opinions on Harry Potter Ships (controversial but not for shock value)
I have tagged the ships that I talk negatively about under anti, so check the tags before you read this. Keep in mind there are a few here that I feel iffy on but did not tag as anti.
(Shrug means I prefer them sometimes or specifically in one medium over another (book vs. movie), check means I love them in every version, X means not at all)
Golden Era
Drarry: 🤷‍♀️ The appeal comes and goes; the further from canon it gets, the more I like it, but in a canon compliant universe I don't. Still, they were immensely important to each other growth wise, and I enjoy seeing the different interpretations of that.
Romione: ✅ One of the all-time greats. Sure, the books are kinder to their relationship, but the movies aren't completely lacking in the way some people would like to believe (newsflash: it's not just Ron's character that was butchered in the movies).
Dramione: ❌ I wouldn't be exaggerating when I say that finding out someone ships Dramione makes me lose respect for them. If you understand Hermione at all, and not the self-insert version of her that the fandom has created, you'd know that she would never.
Linny: ✅ I enjoy them, but specifically the book version of them that features Ginny as Luna's weirdness translator and Luna as the cryptid hanging out at all the Gryffindor parties under Ginny's arm. Platonic or romantic, they are a great match.
Deamus: ✅ Love, love, love. The fact that they are one of the few characters that don't have a confirmed marriage by the end of the series just adds to the delusion that they ran off together. Hard to find any content of them that I don't like.
Hinny: 🤷‍♀️ Harry finding happiness and a family after everything he was forced to go through is all that matters to me, so I never want to rain on his parade but, again, their relationship is so much better in the books. Ginny, specifically, is better in the books, but I digress.
Jily: ✅ I hate seeing them shipped with anyone else. Their love literally saved their child. They're written in the stars: stag and doe. They were in each other's lives longer than they weren't. Plus, you know who else tried to separate Jily? Voldemort.
Wolfstar: 🤷‍♀️ I started out as a decent fan, but my appreciation has slowly fizzled out. Their dynamic is more interesting when you see them for how they really are: the last of their group. They aren't the ones they wanted, but the ones they got.
Jegulus: ❌ I have little else to say about it other than that I miss when it wasn't being shoved down my throat and washed down with Lily-slander.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 2 months
One thing I've come to realize is that male Kataang fans don't even try to hide their hatred of Katara. They're the ones behind those dumb memes about her talking about her mother. They're the ones who ignore that she was parentified. They're the ones to try to downplay how strong of a water-bender she is. They're the ones who preferred her in LOK.
They're the ones who show the most overall contempt for Katara. But they love Kataang because the "unattractive" guy got the "hot" girl he's been pining over the whole show
anon where’s the lie?? You’re so right. Katara’s value to them is “caring pretty girlfriend” and her other characteristics — positive or negative — are just not relevant to them. Never mind her trauma or her rage or her incredible accomplishments.
Tbh, I’ve seen some female Zvkka shippers act this way about Katara too, and ofc they also ship Ka/taang. The Katara ship I see in most Zvkka fics is Ka/taang, which is unfortunate because I also like Zvkka, but that makes it harder for me to enjoy most of the content. Anyway not every woman relates to Katara, obviously, but the way some Zvkka fans aggressively distance themselves from Katara is almost weird. I mean it’s not new for a female character to be downplayed in favour of an M/M ship, but it still annoys me. My pet peeve truly is “female character gets stuck in a mediocre canon relationship bc the M/M shippers can’t be assed to give her a better partner”
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