#annual asters
mossmosss · 2 years
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the forest floor during the rain!
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aisling-saoirse · 6 months
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Annual Saltmarsh Aster - Symphyotrichum sebulatum
Found in mid September on a decaying roadside within a wide swath of spartina salt marsh is this small species of aster.
Like all asters, the petals are purple rays which lead to a collection of small yellow disc flowers in the center where pollen is found. This flower is an herbaceous annual (only lives one growing season) and can grow about 3 feet high. They can be seen flowering purple in autumn and may be rather difficult to find amoung other larger high marsh species.
In terms of ecology, it's common to find monarch butterflies present near these flowers on their return migration south. Asters typically provide local pollinators with late meals before winter. We only spotted one butterfly in the marsh this year, which was not ideal...
This species occupies a high marsh habitat niche, usually these are areas subject to tidal flows only twice a day. In disturbed open ground this species can often fill in small patches, occasionally it can also be found growing on highways due to high salt concentrations. This aster is native to saline coastal environments from Texas to New England (for some reason wikipedia claims this species is native to the Pacific coast and Californian deserts, this is almost certainly incorrect and contradicts their own source). In some northern states such as Maine and New York, the annual Saltmarsh Aster is apparently becoming somewhat rare in those native ranges due to development and sea level rise.
Next time you're in a coastal salt marsh and can stomach the smell, look around for these cute charismatic flowers.
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invoke-parlay · 9 months
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It’s aster!!!! Star leaves 🍃 🌟
September 15, 2023
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mmwm · 2 years
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greenwitchcrafts · 9 months
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Matricaria chamomilla (shown) | Chameamelum nobile
Known as: Chamaimelon, earth apple, German chamomile, ground apple, heermannchen chamaimelon, maythen, manzanilla, Roman chamomile, scented mayweed, whig plant & wild chamomile
Related plants: There are two species of chamomile, both are in the Asteraceae family (Roman chamomile & German chamomile) with plants that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within the order Asterales. They are commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite or sunflower family. I am from this point forward referring to Matricaria chamomilla in this post specifically.
Parts used: whole flower & leaves
Habitat & cultivation: This flowering plant is native to South-West Asia, Eastern & Southern Europe but can be found on almost  continents nowadays. The wild-growing chamomile species normally grow on sandy to loamy soils that are mostly acidic and should be open.
Plant type: Annual
Region: 5-9
Harvest: Can be harvested as soon as blooms have established which is about 10 weeks.
Growing tips: The roots of chamomile are shallow and just barely grip onto the top soil which makes it more sensitive to water conditions during the initial stages of growth when the plant is establishing itself. However once it's established, it is drought tolerant & need about an inch of water a week. Wait until after the last spring frost to add chamomile to your garden. It grows well in raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens. Space chamomile plants 8 inches apart in full sun for best flowering. In hot climates, an area with partial afternoon shade is ideal.
Medicinal information: Chamomile has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years. A mouth rinse with chamomile might relieve mouth sores caused by cancer treatments. Some research suggests that chamomile could help with other conditions, like diarrhea in children, hemorrhoids, anxiety, and insomnia. When used on the skin, chamomile might help with skin irritation and wound healing. Some research has documented that it may be as effective as hydrocortisone cream for eczema.
Cautions: Most experts say chamomile is safe. It can cause drowsiness and, in large doses, vomiting. It also has the potential to trigger allergic reactions in people who are allergic to related plants in the daisy family, although such reactions are very rare. Given the lack of evidence about its long-term safety, chamomile is not recommended for people who are pregnant or chestfeeding.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Cernunnos, Karnaya, Mercury, Oshun, St.Anne & Sun gods
Magical uses:
• Burn as an incense to aid in sleep and meditation
• Plant around your house to ward against psychic or magickal attacks
• Wash your hands with chamomile before gambling to ensure good luck
• Use in an infusion to wash your thresholds to stop unwanted energies from passing through
• Place the flowers in your wallet to attract money
• Keep in a satchet to protect against physical or magickal danger
• Add to a dream pillow with lavender to ensure peaceful sleep
• Anoint a green candle with crushed chamomile for a simple money spell
• Steep in hot water, then sprinkle around yourself as a metaphysical barrier
• Add to spells to increase the chances of success
• Use in ritual baths with catnip and rose to attract a lover
• To alleviate overwhelming emotions, you can hold dry chamomile in your hands as you recite affirmations or prayers to ease the heart
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flowerishness · 8 months
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Callistephus chinensis (China aster)
Asteraceae is a large plant family that contains asters, daisies and sunflowers but the genus Callistephus contains just a single species and this is it, the China aster. This plant is native to China, Japan and Korea but the original wildflower only came in purple. After 2000 years of cultivation, it now comes in a dazzling array of colors and forms.
The China aster was introduced to European gardens in 1731 and is now grown in temperate gardens around the world. Callistephus chinensis is a cool climate annual and is much loved by florists for its long-lasting, cut flowers. China asters start to bloom in late spring and, as you can see, they're still 'strutting their stuff' in early October.
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foolondahill17 · 5 months
Annual Favorite Supernatural Fic Rec List of 2023:
I bookmarked 66 fics in 2023 (and read…a lot more than that), but only 9 were written/updated in this year of our lord. SMH we gotta pump out more content, friends. Seriously though, I’ve got several more 2023 fic reads in my Marked for Later, but some are still WIPs or I just haven’t gotten around to picking them up yet. I’m sure some (like the much-hyped Lighthouse Keeper AU where there is darkness by the talented quiettewandering [@wanderingcas on tumblr]) will end up on my Bookmarked favs…but, alas, they’ll just have to wait for the 2024 recap.
The list below is in no particular order, barring the first, which has joined the ranks of one-of-my-favorite-fics-ever:
A Cliff That Knew Too Many Tides by luulapants (@luulapants)
E, early series Dean/others, 94,508 words
Partial Summary:
A canon rewrite AU diverging from the events of Some Cruel Tide, in which a shifter disguised as his father used Dean's blind obedience to molest him. By the start of S1, Dean's relationship with his father is more strained, his devotion more intense, and his life consumed by the need to hide the parts of himself he is most ashamed of.
My words:
If you’ve been looking for a gay!Dean manifesto, you’ve found it. Obviously, the subject matter is dark: warnings for past childhood sexual abuse, internal and external homophobia, past suicide attempt, and traumatic outing. It is also beautiful and heart-wrenching and scratches the swollen, itchy, weeping rash on my heart in a way that only the balm of good Dean angst can.  
Favorite part:
“I wasn’t acting out,” he blurted.
“When I – I wasn’t trying to act out or anything.” Deacon’s presence hovered behind him like an aura, and Dean reminded himself, Don’t rock the boat. Don’t rock the boat.
Dad sighed. The line crackled, and Dean pictured him standing in a phone booth somewhere, probably huddled up against the cold. “Then what the hell would you call it?”
Dean tried out a few words in his head, imagining how they’d sound to Deacon. He ended up with, “I misunderstood. I thought I was supposed to.”
Asterism of an F-Series Ford Pick Up by disabled_dean (@disabled-dean)
M, Destiel, 17,408 words
Partial Summary:
When you've been to hell, desire is isolating and ugly.
Or: Cas drives his truck for a case and Dean is exceptionally horny about it
My words:
The way Dean’s PTSD is described in this fic, like a slow, oozing poison that awakens the longer he and Cas travel together, is tantalizing and masterful. Ostensibly, this fic is about Dean and Cas road-tripping to a case. It’s actually about how you, a monster-hunter, can come to terms (or not) with your body and soul when you think you’ve become the very thing you’re spent your whole life hunting.
 Favorite part:
"Like everything will be going fine and then all of a sudden I just. Can’t. I can't stand it. And the more fine everything is, the worse it gets and I feel-" he breaks off, eyes on his hands like they aren't his hands, thumb rubbing over and over the ring on his index finger, "It's like everyone else is living this normal fucking life and I'm still back in the pit."
Personal Space: The Final Frontier by botley
M, Destiel, Star Trek AU, WIP, 63,570 words
Partial summary
"Captain's Log, Stardate 10918.8. Captain Ellen Harvelle reporting, First Officer… Castiel… attending. After a month of bargaining with the Gehennian government, efforts to permit a search party within the Rack facilities still proved unsuccessful. Although Starfleet’s orders dictated we tuck tail and leave, I elected to disregard this decision and beam a rescue operations team down for the recovery of Lieutenant Commander Dean Winchester.”
My words:
This fic has been on my rec lists before. It’s still a WIP, but it very unexpectedly posted an update after a 3(?) year hiatus, so I’ll cling to hope until my fingernails leave a bloody, mauled mess.  This is basically a Star Trek AU where our favorite Supernatural gang are fucking around in Starfleet instead of the Midwest. Fantastic stuff – worth the read even if it does remain unfinished.
Favorite line:
"Dean made a face. Castiel decided the man was hideous."
Receding by minkmix
T, early season gen, 38,729 words
After a visit to an old, abandoned theme park in the desert, Sam begins to notice strange lapses in Dean's memory. As his brother starts to disappear before his eyes, Sam must rush to find an answer before there isn't anything left to save... My words: A Lucky Charms fic if I’ve ever read one. Delicious, crunchy marshmallow goodness of some fantastic Dean!whump and panicked caretaker!Sam with the solid undercurrent of slightly sweetened amalgamized oat and corn cereal of a solid case fic. Yum.
 Favorite part:
“Sammy?” Dean cut him off.
“W-What is it?”
“What’s Dad’s name?”
Sam’s chest heaved as he fought himself from sounding as stunned as he felt.
Swan Upon Leda by kelsstiel (@kelstiel)
E, Destiel real-world AU, 174,096 words
Pediatric Surgery Fellow Dean Winchester meets baby Jack Kline and neuropsychologist Castiel Novak his first week on the job. Dean’s been accused a time or two of caring a little too much in the past and it’s hard not to care about the neurotic adoptive father and his medically needy preemie. After a series of run-ins between the pair, Dean and Cas develop a friendship that everyone else around them suspect more from immediately, though it takes them a little longer to get the memo. When Dean struggles with a particularly devastating patient loss, their mutual understanding of loss and love bring them closer in a way that neither of them could have expected.
My words: A solid, old-fashioned romantic AU. It’s unpretentious, fluffy, heart-warming, authentic and the kind of could-have-been-a-novel goodness that makes up the heart and breadth of fanfiction. Warning for infant illness and death (not Jack).
Favorite part:
"I know they say there’s a chance, but I’ve just got this feeling .” She shook her head and looked down for a moment. She looked up again and took a deep breath as if steadying herself. “I wish I could see you grow up.”
five minutes to six by saintedcastiel  (@saintedcastiel)
M, Destiel real-world AU, 23,383 words
Castiel Novak has been the co-host of Good Morning, Lawrence! for a little over ten years when he stumbles across the story of a lifetime. But after a producer pulls the segment and tells him to forget it, Castiel begins to wonder who's really pulling the strings. Can he bring the truth to light while somehow managing to keep his co-host, and the man he loves, in the dark?
 My words: Another Goddamn quality AU. This one is a little quippier and fast paced than the Hospital AU above, but it’s full of fantastic characterization and even a last-minute breaking and entering romp. Fun that’s perfect for the whole family!
Favorite part:
“Been asking you out all week.” Dean tells him, and Castiel realizes all at once he’s right.
“Oh my god.” Castiel laughs. “You have.”
This Is Not My Beautiful Wife by luckshiptoshore (@luckshiptoshore)
T, Destiel, one-shot, 4,755 words
“Dean,” says the man again. “This isn’t real. You need to come with me, now.”
Dean’s been zoning out again. But he can’t escape the feeling that something’s very, very wrong … and wherever he goes, a strange man in a trench coat follows.
My words: You gotta love the Djinn dream trope. This one has everything you want in a caught-in-a-fake-reality-while-your-lover-pleads-for-you-to-return-to-the-waking-world story, plus an extra dash of on-point characterization and some truly imaginative scenarios for Dean’s alternate realities.  
 Favorite part:
“We could look into adoption,” says Cas. “If you’d like. Of course we could also simply take a child, but I think that’s frowned on."
we really shouldn't be doing this by LoversAntiquities (@tragidean)
E, Destiel, 17,138 words
After Castiel goes missing for a week, Dean finds him in an abandoned cemetery in the middle of nowhere Kansas, suffering from a mysterious welt. Only, as the hours go on, the deeper the curse grows—and Dean finds more than he bargained for, namely on every surface he and Castiel can find.
My words: This is more straight-up (not straight) porn than I usual rec, but this is a fantastic take on the from-sex-to-love fic where everyone was already in love to begin with. There’s a hefty sprinkle of idiots-to-lovers and sex-curse. Also angst, which is my bread and butter.
Favorite line:
Castiel stares up at him, his eyes gone soft, hooded. Dean thumbs over his eyelid, just to watch it flutter shut. “I’m not solely interested in you for your hands, or your mouth. They are wonderful attributes, but I don’t long for them so much as I long for you.” He leans into Dean’s palm and kisses the center. “I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but it would take the death of the universe to get me to stop.”
Postpartum Prometheus by babbyspanch, saltslimes (@dragqueenpentheus @nifedick)
E, Destiel, technically mpreg, WIP, 18,959 words
Welcome to the Supernatural renaissance. Welcome to Castiel and the terrible naissance.
My words: warning for the fact that this is technically an mpreg fic even though Castiel is an angel and not really a man. Warning, also, because this is another WIP that hasn’t been updated since the beginning of the year, so I don’t know if it’ll be finished. Basically, Dean and Cas bump uglies to unexpected results. Cas kinda freaks without telling Dean he’s his baby daddy. He also yanks out his intestines so said baby can be nice and comfortable in there. Funny and angsty.
Favorite part:
“Are those—?”
“Yeah.” He waves his hand at the door again, starting to feel like one of those used car lot inflatable men, limbs akimbo. “A total murderer looking guy just bolted that way. And not like— the regular murderer-looking people who come in.”
“And he left his organs.” Dennis thinks a moment, and then shrugs, as if this isn’t the weirdest thing he’s ever seen. He’s been working here longer than anyone Henry knows, maybe it isn’t. He opens his mouth and Henry can’t help hoping some miracle plan of action is going to fall out of it. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Um. What?”
“I don’t want to offend you.” He pauses, brows furrowed. He rolls Henry’s cup over in his hand. “What is a ‘FABINISTA’?”
Add your favorite written-in-2023 fics in the tags or a reblog!
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apod · 5 months
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2024 January 11
Quadrantids of the North Image Credit & Copyright: 염범� Yeom Beom-seok
Explanation: Named for a forgotten constellation, the Quadrantid Meteor Shower puts on an annual show for planet Earth's northern hemisphere skygazers. The shower's radiant on the sky lies within the old, astronomically obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis. That location is not far from the Big Dipper asterism, known to some as the Plough, at the boundaries of the modern constellations Bootes and Draco. In fact the Big Dipper "handle" stars are near the upper right corner in this frame, with the meteor shower radiant just below. North star Polaris is toward the top left. Pointing back toward the radiant, Quadrantid meteors streak through the night in this skyscape from Jangsu, South Korea. The composite image was recorded in the hours around the shower's peak on January 4, 2024. A likely source of the dust stream that produces Quadrantid meteors was identified in 2003 as an asteroid.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240111.html
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konjaku · 2 months
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照手桃[Terutemomo] Prunus persica ‘Fastigiata’
照手[Terute] : Name of a legendary princess
桃[Momo] : Peach tree(Prunus persica)
This is an ornamental peach bred by the Kanagawa Prefectural Agricultural Research Institute. While normal momo has branches that spread horizontally, those of this one are upright and broom-shaped. Another name is 箒桃[Hōkimomo](Broom peach.)
Today, 11 April, is the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar, and in the past, one of the 五節句[Go-sekku](the five annual ceremonies,) 上巳[Jōshi], was held this day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosekku
睦月七日[Mutsuki Nanoka] The seventh day of the first month (16, February) 人日[Jinjitsu], 七草の節句 七草[Nanakusa](Seven herbs)
弥生三日[Yayoi Mikka] The third day of the third month (11, April) 上巳[Jōshi], 桃の節句 or ひなまつり[Hinamatsuri]
皐月五日[Satsuki Itsuka] The fifth day of the fifth month (11, June) 端午[Tango], 菖蒲の節句 菖蒲[Shōbu](Sweet flag)
文月七日[Fumizuki|Fuzuki Nanoka] The seventh day of the seventh month (10, August) 七夕[Shichiseki|Tanabata], 笹の節句 笹[Sasa](Bamboo grass)
長月九日[Natatsuki Kokonoka] The ninth day of the ninth month (11, October) 重陽[Chōyō], 菊の節句 菊[Kiku](Chrysanthemum, aster) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugetsu_Monogatari#Kikka_no_Chigiri_(菊花の約,_The_Chrysanthemum_Pledge)
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just--space · 2 years
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Quadrantids of the North : Named for a forgotten constellation, the Quadrantid Meteor Shower puts on an annual show for planet Earth's northern hemisphere skygazers. The shower's radiant on the sky lies within the old, astronomically obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis. That location is not far from the Big Dipper, at the boundaries of the modern constellations Bootes and Draco. In fact north star Polaris is just below center in this frame and the Big Dipper asterism (known to some as the Plough) is above it, with the meteor shower radiant to the right. Pointing back toward the radiant, Quadrantid meteors streak through the night in the panoramic skyscape, a composite of images taken in the hours around the shower's peak on January 4, 2022. Arrayed in the foreground are radio telescopes of the Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph, Mingantu Observing Station, Inner Mongolia, China. A likely source of the dust stream that produces Quadrantid meteors was identified in 2003 as an asteroid. via NASA
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vandaliatraveler · 10 months
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Late afternoon at the balsam fir swamp in Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge.
From top: nodding bur-marigold (Bidens cernua), also sometimes referred to as nodding beggarticks, a clumping, wetlands-loving annual whose flowerheads nod as they mature and get heavier; bushy St. John's wort (Hypericum densiflorum), a gorgeous, densely-packed shrub with vibrant yellow flowers and copper-colored bark; white meadowsweet (Spiraea alba), a rapidly-colonizing shrub whose branching clusters of white flowers are one of summer's most generous gifts; narrow-leaved gentian (Gentiana linearis), a tall, elegant bottle gentian that can only be pollinated by bumblebees strong enough to pry open (or chew through) its closed petals; flat-topped white aster (Doellingeria umbellata), also known as parasol whitetop, a tall, attractive mountain aster with flat, branching clusters of white flowers; and the dainty white flowers of virgin's bower (Clematis virginiana), a vigorous, twining vine that forms beautiful, dense waves of foliage and flowers.
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mossmosss · 2 years
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rotomblr-island · 17 days
You're watching Mii News!
Rotomblr Island held its annual hot-air-balloon event today.
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A whole flotilla of balloons went up into the blue skies.
One participant, Wallace, was on top of the world when she said, "It was like a dream to fly up into the air like that. The wind felt so great."
We asked some islanders for their thoughts on the matter.
Bugsy: I'm completely speechless...
Aster: Do you guys ever cover anything serious?
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brostateexam · 1 year
The native perennial species of our meadows — milkweeds, asters, Joe Pye weed and others — will make one more offering in fall, as if they haven’t given enough already. They will offer up their seed.
Gardeners can nurture the next generation by collecting some of it, and propagating more of their favorite wildflowers. But there’s a little wrinkle.
“Everything about sowing native seeds is counterintuitive to what people have been taught in horticulture,” said Heather McCargo, who founded the nonprofit Wild Seed Project in Maine in 2014.
Sowing wildflower seeds requires a shift in the how-to mind-set centered around the late-winter-into-spring ritual of sowing vegetables and annual flowers, she said.
That’s because wildflowers are sown at a different time: from late November to early January. They’re sown outdoors, not inside under lights. And they’re not sown one lonely seed or two per cell in six-packs, like lettuce or kale. Instead, they are sown thickly, into pots or open flats.
As Ms. McCargo put it: “Native seeds are like teenagers. They love to be together.”
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lupinus-bicolor · 2 years
Red dead gang + flowers
Arthur Morgan - Dudleya cymosa; Canyon liveforever, native to California cliff faces and craggy areas, thrives in the sun and blooms vibrant red and orange cymes. Pointed rosettes of succulent leaves form the base which sends out a delicate bloom in early summer. This flower is also the one found in the terrarium jar on Arthur's bedside table.
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Tilly Jackson - Helianthus annuus; Common sunflower, a showy plant native to grasslands in the US, its undomesticated form is a branching annual plant with many flower heads. Its domesticated form is an important food crop grown both for its seeds and seed oil. It's common in sunny gardens, where its unmistakable bright blooms attract pollinators. Commonly symbolizes longevity and adoration.
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Sean Maguire - Tripolium pannonicum; Sea aster, native to Ireland, a very hardy plant that requires very little to thrive. Showy purple blooms usually a bit ruffled, but all the brighter in their seaside environments.
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Charles Smith - Quercus alba; White oak, a staple crop for thousands of years, white oaks of the Quercus genus are amongst the most important habitat species for wildlife in North America. These trees provide food, shelter, fuel, and fertilizer for countless native flora and fauna, and oaks are among the few trees that thrive in both open fields and sheltered forests. Their diminuitive flowers (catkins) are wind pollinated and mature into thousands of acorns per tree every 2-10 years. Traditionally associated with bounty, wisdom, and protection. (Not a flower in the traditional sense, but catkins do count and white oak really REALLY suited Charles so I'm putting this in)
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Dutch Van Der Linde - Pueraria montana; Kudzu vine, a hardy, subtropical plant introduced to the US with bright sweet pea flower spikes in spring. Rapidly spreads to completely cover native flora, shading out and crushing plants and depleting habitat for mutualistic wildlife. This vine is a noxious invasive in the southern US.
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Hosea Matthews - Triticum aestivum; Wheat, grown as a staple crop around the world, wheat has many uses and is considered the backbone of western cuisine. Often grown in wide monocrop fields, mature wheat's golden color makes for a striking image. Commonly symbolizes bounty and resurrection. (Yes, grass (Poaceae) is a flowering plant family!)
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Mary-Beth Gaskill - Viola riviniana; Common dog violet, native to europe, its nodding purple blooms can be found along roads and creeks in lightly shaded areas. Flowers in this genus traditionally symbolize modesty and humility.
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Abigail Roberts/Marston - Rudbeckia hirta; Black-eyed Susan, a popular midwest native wildflower common in gardens for its sunny florets and contrasting center. Its association with gardening is a long established one, and traditionally symbolizes encouragement, adaptability, and determination.
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Molly O'Shea - Passiflora alata; Winged-stem passionflower, a species native to the south American tropics and known for its visually distinctive red petals and exotic striped filaments. A delicate looking nodding flower with an edible fruit, commonly cultivated for its medicinal benefits and its beauty.
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This post got very long! I will make a part two to save you the effort of scrolling <3
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metalbvcky · 5 months
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Bloom!Verse Masterlist
It's been three years since the birth of this enormous series. I never thought a oneshot (which became eight chapters) could lead me to such character development and world building, but here we are. And I'm still writing, the muse hasn't died, and I'm not nearly finished (or ever will be). The lore is ✨ infinite ✨ So I thought I'd make an updated masterpost— in chronological order (as it's been written in reverse)— for the new year. Aster should be finished by the late spring and then I'll likely start the wedding fic 😉 I still have dozens of ideas for this series, it's insane. In fact, I have a poly fic in the works, I just need to continue and finish it 😋
Shelves of Aster - 96k (WIP)
Tags: Alternative Universe - Bookstore, Sugar Daddy, Meet Cute, First Meetings, Age Difference, Falling In Love, Healthy Relationships, Experienced Dom/Inexperienced Sub Snippet: Their eyes lock the second Steve pulls back slightly. They gaze at each other for what feels like forever, as if a magical force is drawing them in, closer, and closer until neither of them can ignore the tension surrounding them. Steve’s breath puffs against Bucky’s lips when he speaks, “Can I kiss you?”
Peach and Lemon Blossoms - 1k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Office Sex, Implied Top Steve/Bottom Bucky, PWP Snippet: Bucky has always fantasized about office sex, and always found the risk to be a bit thrilling. He made sure to lock the door before he came inside, so there wasn’t a chance of anyone walking in on them, though there was still a possibility someone could knock.
Rose Blue - 60k, 8 chapters (complete)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, 24/7 D/S relationship dynamic, Kinky Husbands In Love, a whole bunch of smut tags Snippet: Steve smiles at Bucky before he reaches across the dresser, to the dedicated spot where they keep their accessories and things. Draped around a velvet bust is a sterling silver choker, the petite chain link gleaming in the soft lamplight. Beside the bust is a ring boat containing a wedding band that matches the one attached to the choker’s oval pendant, curved downward. Blue accent roses decorate the gold tinted sides, a crystal stone shining in the center with leaves tucked throughout.
Dreams of Poppy Fields (3 times Bucky pretended to be asleep and 1 time Steve caught him) - 4.8k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Fluffy and Smut, Light Angst, Possessive Steve Snipppet: Steve kneels down to pry the trowel out of Bucky’s hand from where he’d been tending to the garden. He slides Bucky’s stained gardening gloves off and tosses them aside, out of Dum-E’s reach. It isn’t the first time he’s had to carry Bucky to bed, and it surely won’t be the last, so Steve sees no problem in picking him up.
A Mug Filled with Pink Irises - 2.3k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Kitchen Sex Snippet: Steve crosses his legs, fixated on Bucky’s exposed collar bone from the low-cut neckline. Peppering kisses to his husband’s neck, not to mention sucking on the most sensitive spots, has always been his favorite part about foreplay.
Dark Dahlias at the Annual Potts/Romanov Costume Party - 6.5k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Halloween, Humor, House Party, Domestic Fluff, Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov Snippet: “Give me your best sexual pick-up line,” Bucky says, one-hundred percent intending to use it on Steve, if Nat doesn’t beat him to it. Clint leans against the counter, scratching his head in thought. Dressed as Fred Jones is truly uncanny for this particular moment. “I’m peanut butter. You’re jelly. Let’s have sex?”
Wild Amaranth Desires - 5.1k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Roleplay, Cages, Leashes, Blink and you'll miss it mention of a threesome Snippet: Bassy music thrums through the walls, the sound rushing in and around the small, closed-off area. A few multi-colored lights gently strobe in the background, occasionally highlighting over the cage that sits in the middle of the room.
Amaryllis in Baskets - 1.3k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, PWP, Dirty Talk, Cooking Snippet: Now here they are, Steve finishing up lunch while Bucky sits at the breakfast table with the warm, afternoon sun slipping through the curtains.
His Precious Primrose - 4.1k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Christmas, PWP, Aftercare Snippet: Steve takes the steps one at a time, his cotton, calf-length robe grazing the railing. Once at the bottom, he strolls through the hallway and into the kitchen, passing the dining room while on his way. He walks slowly, with no rush at all, when a gift wrapped up in front of the lit fireplace slips into the corner of his vision.
Identical Mauve Carnations - 3.6k (oneshot)
Tags: Established Relationship, Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Dream Sequence, Wet Dream, Self-cest, Bucky/Bucky, Winter Soldier Bucky Snippet: “It’s been a while since I’ve been with a pretty thing like you,” James purrs, reaching up to brush a metal knuckle over Bucky’s cheek. “Think you can handle being with me?”
Because I know not everyone reads threesomes, I've listed the rest under the cut (and this post is long enough) 😉
Cattails In the Rogers-Barnes Household (A Scavenger Hunt for Lube, 5 +1) - 12k, 2 chapters (complete)
Tags: Married Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Threesomes, Pre-Poly, Dom Loki, Switch Loki Snippet: Loki vaults themself forward and successfully closes the door without alerting anyone. They scan the room slowly, spotting every little detail. The desk is rather tidy, however, the sitting area is the polar opposite. Magazines are scattered across the floor, throw pillows shoved to the side, and overall just in a disarray. What really catches their eye is the pair of leather cuffs poking out between the cushions, along with a thin strap for a blindfold.
A Toy to Share, Restrained by Coriander - 6.7k (oneshot)
Tags: Threesomes, Pre-Poly, BDSM scene Snippet: Loki pushes off of the wall from where they’d been leaning, arms no longer crossed, and takes a couple of long, determined steps. Bucky cranes his neck up due to Loki’s height, just an odd number of inches taller than him. Both of their gazes are locked in on each other, eyes unmoving while Loki curves a single finger under Bucky’s jaw.
Strangled by Thoughts of Poison Ivy (Bucky Rogers-Barnes and the No Good, Very Bad Week) - 9.2k (oneshot)
Tags: Pre-Poly, Scene Gone Wrong, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst Snippet: Steve doesn't think, he just reacts, his body moving on its own as he scrambles to loosen the straps holding Bucky in before he hurts himself. The second they loosen even a fraction, Bucky breaks free, scrambling rapidly backward off of the bench, his back slamming into the wall behind them. Steve tries to catch him but Bucky pulls his arm away, and god, it feels like a stab to the heart to watch Bucky curl on himself like a wounded animal.
Honeysuckles Growing on the Window Sill - 22k, 5 chapters (complete)
Tags: Threesomes, Feelings Realization, Friends to Lovers, Relationship Discussions, Fluff and Smut Snippet: Steve’s face turns serious, absolute fondness written in his expression. “Without a doubt in my mind. You were so beautiful for me,” he says, voice turning soft as he tucks a loose strand of Loki’s hair behind their ear. “I really like you, Loki. We like you.”
Lobelias in the Meeting Room - 4k (oneshot)
Tags: Threesomes, Polyamory, Light Angst, Fluff and Smut Snippet: Loki follows Steve with their eyes, holding their gaze until Steve comes to a stop near them, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. They regard Bucky with a soft look before capturing his lips, inhaling through their nose as arousal swells in their stomach.
A Threatening Snakeroot (Hidden in the Crowd) - 7.1k (oneshot)
Tags: Threesomes, Polyamory, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sex Club Snippet: As Bucky is led down the hallway, taking an immediate right, Loki directs him over to the side of the bar. There’s a square pedestal off to the side, which was added the same day Bucky received his pillow. A sign on the left of it read, ‘Pet on Display,’ while on the right it said, ‘ Display Only - Do Not Touch.’ It was a nice little spot to watch people come and go, and was close enough to the bar that Val could help keep an eye out for him if Loki and Steve weren't nearby.
Succulent Strawberries, Dangling from the Branches - 1.6k (oneshot)
Tags: Threesomes, Polyamory, Fluff and Smut, Domestic, Bookstores Snippet: The warmth of Steve’s breath causes a shiver to travel through Bucky’s back. He lets out a whine upon the slender hand urging him back inside, his legs going into autopilot mode as his doms tower over him. The door shuts with an audible click, followed by the window shades rolling down and blocking the evening sunlight.
The First Sprouts of Spring - 1.6k (oneshot-- recently switched to complete since my brain had other ideas back in 2021)
Tags: Threesomes, Polyamory, Fluff and Smut, Cuddling & Snuggling Snippet: As Steve steps onto the porch for a few pieces of wood, Loki strolls over to the closet and takes out some blankets. They return to find Steve rearranging the furniture, pushing the two couches together, creating a square hollow. They promptly hand the stack of blankets to Steve at his instruction, then head back to check up on Bucky.
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