#angery kitty
domwitch · 8 months
I want to treat a boy like he's a stray kitten I found abandoned on the street. I want to wash his hair and feed him soft foods from my fingers so he associates human touch with food and begins to seek me out for pets and treats
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cuuzca · 9 months
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sinister thoughts, violent impulses
(he didn’t get enough sleep)
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birdcanart · 1 year
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angry cat fireheart
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neothebean · 1 year
The potato is angery
(Yes she has a scab on her head, she scratched herself too vigorously)
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cryptic-michael · 2 years
When I read I give everyone a voice and accent even if I can't act it out with my own, but I do love giving animal crossing villagers little voices in my head.
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lowdowndandy · 6 months
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Eck eck
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mikobeautifulheart · 2 months
Hiii (’◡’) I really liked that fan fiction of choso where he's jealous over the kitty but I think it would be so cute w nanaaamii plz plz💗(*ˊᗜˋ*)
Ahhh thank you for reading my fic (and liking it) 🥰.
Here we go
Tw: none, just fluff. But not edited.
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It all started after a hard day's work. Another overtime.
Nanami sighed as he turns the key and steps inside your shared apartment, he really needed to just feel you right now.
"I'm back." He mumbled kicking off his shoes.
He dosent hear you move or respond...weird. He walks into the living room, sunlight comes in golden rays settling on your sleeping figure. His mouth upturns into a smile.
Until it dosent.
There on you peaceful rising chest was a white fluff ball, it's form also rising up and down. It took his spot.
Feeling something around you, your eyes slowly open to see a very exhausted Nanami.
"Welcome back Kento" you say sleepily sitting upright the white fluff now in your arms.
"What do you have there?" He asked.
You were to tierd to tell how he asked the question. Was he upset? Angery? Hard to tell.
"Oh this guy. I found him on our window sill this morning and he was injured."
Right on que the cat lifts one of its paws up revealing a small bandage wrapped around it.
Kento thought a vain in his head was going to burst when the cat turned to face him only to snuggle right under your face and reveal its big blue eyes.
There was something wrong with this cat. Cats don't just show up injured on a 6th floor apartment window. Cats don't smirk and hit people's nerves.
And most importantly they shouldn't look like a carbon copy of a white haired co worker that passes him off.
"He looks better already." Kento mumbled glaring at the cat.
"You know I actually have a cut here to" He said lifting his shirt up only too show half of his torso with a deep wound on one side.
"Oh Kento, why didn't you go to Shoko?! She would have foxed this in a minute!" You said putting the cat aside and getting up to grab your patch up supplies.
"She was on break and I wanted to see you." He sighed.
"But I see someone beat me to it." He glared at the cat.
You brought over a box and started attending to the wound.
"Kento what if it got infected? What if you made it worse? You cant just ignore this like it's nothing!" You said as you finished disinfecting it.
He only watched as the cat jumped off the couch and weaved between your legs.
"Aww isn't he the cutest." You said looking down at the cat.
"If you say so darling. How long is he going to be here anyway, i'm afraid his owners might begin to miss him"
"Actually he's a stray, he doesn't have anyone Ken, isn't that sad!"
"mm very, what do you suppose we do about it?" he asked glaring into the cats back.
"We should at least look after him until he heals, and I know this apartment doesn't allow pets but I spoke to the land lady and she said I can keep him here until he's better" You beamed only making him sigh.
He can't make you sad when you were this excited about having a cat, TEMPORARILY.
"Okay. We can keep him for now, but I need to rest and that means me and you. No cat."
The cat meowed loudly from the other room.
"I mean it."
"Okay Ken!" You said just glad you could keep the cat.
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AUTHOURS NOTE: Tehe thanks for the request anon and sorry it took so long :( have a good whatever time.
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nevertoomanyspiders · 2 months
I made a drawing box. send me scarecrows.
I'll share drawings you make under a cut!
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oh that is damn adorable. he's so round!!!
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LMAO good. take it easy with the weed, buddy
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what a sweetie! thank you! love the lil bows!
18-4-2024: oops, I didn't realize clearing the cookies would remove my access to the drawing box so :'D I had to remake it. I apologize for any inconvenience.
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ohhh! what a cutie, thank you!!
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ohhh I only just saw this! such round cheeks, so cute. thank youuuu
oop haven't checked this in a hot minute and omg!
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goofy noodle arms, so good
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not a scarecrow but a still welcome kitty friend
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this guy's edgy!! nice
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oh! a friend with a butterfly!! thank youuu
22-5-2024: ok last hurrah before the site gets shut down, rip
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look at this smiling fellow! thank you!
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oooh that 1986 anime version of Scarecrow! so cute.
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awww it's Wedge! thank you, it's so nice to see people draw them!
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zack-creeper · 11 months
Ok so I all I can do while cleaning my body is thing if random stuff in the shower to keep me on track and I keep thinking of the of the bat boys and dcxdp au's how they are kinda' like a mix between tnmt12 and rottmnt, so like think of this.
Dick = Leo (oldest/leader but fun and punny)[Blue] [actrobatic] [Welds two weapons] [blue eyes]
Jason = Raph (angery and violent but sweet with kids) [Red] [biggest] [green eyes] [intimating when just standing there] [*can probably cook]
Tim = Donny (nervous and anxious but very smart and tecsavy) [Autism] [he looks good in purple don't ask] [stays up all night working] [most likely to blow up something for fun/Unhinged]
Damian = Karai/Miwa (scary assassination baby that is trying there best) [tried to kill there brothers] [connection with murder group trys to change it or keep ties with it because it's what they know] [tried to stab brother] [Blood related to the father]
Alfred and Bruce = The two sides of master Splinter or that ram guy I dont rememberhis name {Fight and family} (petty as shit, obsessive and paranoid but is a dad and loved being a dad/will fight and kill for family] [*taught the kids what they know ]
Ra's al Ghul or/and Vlad = Shredder (manipulative obsessive bitchy old assassin/ninja man who wants power and will sacrifice anything and anyone even there own daughter for power and control) [Obsessive and has beef with the father figure] [Stinky] [should be dead by now but isn't] [leader of a cult] [*has been revived] [**used a child there hole life] [*** is in the father's past]
Killer Croc = leatherhead (seen as scary and dangerous but deep down a really good guy)[friends with the bright smiley brother as they where not as a monster by them and the smily chaos brother probably has fed them a weird food combo before] [croc or gaterb respectively] [lives in the sewers] [dosen't like people as they see him often as a moster because of a mutation]
I'm thinking Jazz or Val or Barbara = April from either worlds (smart and resourceful and cary's a bat) [not the best with range weapons] [ginger or glasses or spunk] [hide talent] [novice fighter in training] [*will probably out smart you with words] [**100% thinks of smiley chaos as a younger brother/sunshine to protect]
And last but not lest
Danny = Mikey (chill and chaotic but very good with what they do) [has ADHD but has learn ways around it] [is awesome in another dimension that they are knowledgeable about] [are often not believed about something] [Has died and come back vea electricity] [*excited about aliens] [**bad lier] [***has weirdest pet {icecream kitty and cujo the ghost dog} and friends {leather head and killer croc, wolf, frostbite}] [sweetest pretty est blue eyes and freckles that let him get away with murder]
I rest my case.
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littleheartsong · 18 days
Chil deserves a good nights rest and god damn it this girly ass doll is gonna give it. Oooooooh but imagine that if he did the hypnosis enough the feeling of his hands through his hair would be enough to put him under. whenever Chils feeling restless he would just silently put my oc's hand on his head to try and drop without admitting what he wants hehe-🦑
petting chil and feels asleep in ur lap like a kitty cat (izutsumi angery she wanted to nap there!!!) hes just so used to the touch he subconsciously seeks it out whenever hes having trouble sleeping but you CANT point it out or he'll just brush it off like 'we cant risk anyone losing sleep or else we'll get killed!!' like yeah okay buddy whatever helps u get cuddles at night
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leopardgamer · 10 months
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Jojoland kitty 5 (part 2): ANGERY
Next Part <- -> Previous Part
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shrekshrek · 1 year
the bit in puss in boots 1 where kitty softpaws takes off her cowl and says "you hit me in the head with a guitar???" and the whole club gasps and puss is like "you are a woman?????"
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1. up until that point she had been making impressively Manly™️ grunt and cat noises so i'm ASSUMING puss is reacting to her voice only because
2. her eyes are visible through the cowl so her fake eyelashes should be as well (unless she turned around and quickly slapped them on while taking it off) and
3. why would cats perceive gender based off their faces ?? ???? ? none of them wear pants. or shirts. and that just doesn't make sense for cats.
4. kitty luring puss there to do a dance fight she knew was scheduled implies she's a regular at that club. so i choose to believe that the entire club (and meme cat) gasped because she was Angery. and they didn't think she would lose. maybe she regularly drags cats to clubs to dance battle them wherever she travels. maybe there's an underground rumor of the Dancer Panther. maybe she plays DDR
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doxiedreg · 2 years
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Here it is! The final artfight attack/revenge that I made and had been chipping away at! This is a revenge on my good friend @blaigoo and it also serves as a cover for our ongoing rp "Don Gets Shipwrecked"
Don (angery smoking man that wears sunglasses) and Kitty (pink tiefling lady that is looking very nervous) belong to blaigoo! the others are mine uwu. This is an enhanced version I made of the art as the version I uploaded to artfight was not quite polished to my liking because I wanted to make sure I would be able to upload it in time to artfight before the event ended and I had a feeling I wouldnt be able to work on it during normal hours (I was right. I had a day. yesterday) so this is the version that ended up on artfight:
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And for funsies here is the original sketch:
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I do prefer crom's and thorn's expressions from the original sketch but they sadly got lost when I made the sketch more accurate to the character designs. Also if you are wondering why crom's eye went missing from the sketch to the render, thorn's boyfriend yoinked it out when he impulsively attacked him in the rp. He is very mad about it. Anyway yeah! Enjoy!
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jiskblr · 2 years
Inuyasha Osmosis
Glowfic is doing an Inuyasha thread. Before I start actually learning things about the setting and characters, here is my not-actually-dashboard osmosis of what I know about the characters. Mainly from the Adult Swim Flash game ‘Inuyasha: Demon Tournament’ though I think I must have looked some of this up somewhere at some point.
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wolf boy
I Am Not Protagonist
probably tsundere
defector from Always Chaotic Evil
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I Am Protagonist
from the future
not going to change clothes ever so that you don’t forget I’m from the future
argh why am I here why are so many Things happening
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Mary Sue
“stop telling people I’m dead!”
but probably actually dead
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The Shiny Object
gets broken into pieces?
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Kobayashi Maru Sesshomaru(?)
thinks he’s much cooler than you
he’s probably right
Disc One Final Boss
the kind of villain who will team up with you against the scarier villain
probably Inuyasha’s father or brother or uncle or something
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designated pervert
generally kind of an asshole even besides that?
will do the right thing once he’s exhausted all other options
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Zeppo Marx Shippo
Rule 63 Squirrel Girl
designated cute smol
extremely annoying
metacausally very happy Miroku is around so he doesn’t also have to be designated pervert
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Xena Sango
not compensating for anything
makes Kagome feel insecure about not being as cool as her
bet she’s some kind of mercenary or something
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Danger Kitty Fox
friends with Xena
probably a person?
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also thinks she’s cooler than you
bet she’s the Big Bad’s daughter or something
the kind who flirts constantly but has absolutely no romantic tension with anybody
definitely not going to team up with you against anyone, you’re not cool enough
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wolf boy... two!
the kind who’s raised by wolves this time
doesn’t have anything against the heroes but they keep getting in his way for some reason
not going to team up with you because teaming up with people is lame
teaming up with wolves is fine though
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Toad Boy
likes fire
probably gets used as a stress ball by whichever villain he’s working for
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Voldemort Heroku Naraku
actual final boss
this isn’t even my final form!
gloats too much
might actually be just a normal guy under the toothy mask and big-ass cloak
would kill all the heroes even if they were absolutely no threat or impediment to him
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dollhouse-tales · 2 years
[concerning magical malevolence…]
COLLEGE *dies*
I’m sure you’ve all been wondering… what happened to Magical Malevolence! It’s been so long, where is it?! Good question! I have some good news and some bad news and some… slightly better news!
In short, the good news is ya girl isn’t failing her college classes! However, it took up SOO much of my free time that I just could not work on it. However! I’ve finished one of my classes for the semester which means my free time schedule has opened up which allows me to balance my free time with my work time!
However, now comes the bad news… Inbetween my very little free time I worked on the essence. This resulted in designs that were cute but looking back now? It isn’t the kind of final design I want to put out. It didn't represent what the essence was supposed to stand for! So... the bad news is I have to start over or else I'll just never be satisfied!! In the meantime, I've also studied different fantasy-esqe outfits on Pinterest, as well as actual IDV A-tier and S-tier costumes and different styled outfits [like Twisted Wonderland's Halloween Event, or my various different dress-up games lol] and I have a better idea of what I wanted to do!! Which is NOT what I rush finished oops.
And the slightly better news??? I am better now and I'm restarting the essence. yay! I am going to reveal the old designs below the cut but I'm not keeping them as the final designs so! Yeah! I'm also going to edit the line-up list a little! [Don't worry! Any roles that are already filled won't be removed or changed! New/changed roles are still up for grabs!] Just a little bit, some characters will be swapped or removed entirely but don't worry don't worry! I'll post the new list soon enough! But! I am working on them! They will [hopefully] not take forever and a decade!
TLDR; i don't like the old rushed designs i did before i got swamped by college work so the designs are all back at square one. But the essence is still on! look under the cut for rushed designs because what else am i gonna do with them/lh
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"Mister Mushroom" HIS DESIGN IS CUTE I LIKE IT STILL BUT I think I can do better!! It doesn't really represent the type of character he is supposed to be, so!! Let's try it again!!
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"Innocence" it was a really rushed design and it's just so. hmm. I don't really like it as much as I did at the time it's not. it's just not the vibe!! i love the colors though.
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"The Voices" had a very rough sketch set that never got finished due to not getting the other 3 voices but they... they're kinda plain ngl but I do have more planned for them and their outfits! At least now I do lol
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"The Storyteller"... funny story but my app crashed while i was in the middle of drawing her and I lost my good sketch and I was so. so angery. i know angery isn't a word but damnit it is now!!! and i wanted to separate her from her Neonized counterpart but I just. hmm. i can do better >:) might make her more fantasy based than how she is in reality i dunno yet
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"The Narrator" was probably my favorite design of old,,, it just captured the childish fantasy vibes the essence was supposed to have and it's a nice mix of the fantasy world and the real world [or his ties to the Narrator] he's just a silly guy. Still, I feel like there's something more than can be refined sooo here we go >:)
those were all I got to do before I got swamped :( but thankfully it's all i did before i got swamped so i don't have too many to redo!! anyways I'm sorry it took so long but!! hopefully! I can give you all updates soon!! real updates!
okay bye off to do Kitty's skin then cry and redo lets goooo
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aromothmantic · 5 months
Officially starting off 2024 angery because the neighbors' fireworks woke up my mom and scared the kitty >:(
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