#and you think your in laws are hard
jedidryad · 1 year
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This isn’t so much a WIP as a work abandoned. When I was trying to figure out how to write the Mara memoir, I came up with a premise where she was forced to recount her and Luke’s love story to Vader’s ghost in the cave on Dagobah. I clearly abandoned this premise, but there are parts of it that might be fun  to read so here’s some of it:
I moved hesitantly forward in the dark [of the cave]. Without Luke’s comforting presence in the corner of my mind, I felt very lonely and on edge. It was amazing how quickly I’d gotten used to him being there, how he calmed me.
As my eyes adjusted, I saw there was a small source of light ahead, like a dim window in the cave wall. I moved towards it and realized there was a cloaked figure standing in front of that window.  The Emperor! My training kicked in and I scanned around me for something to use as a weapon, but, of course there was nothing, and I had left my stash with Luke. Within a few tentative steps, I determined the figure was much too tall to be Palpatine. 
Then the being turned towards me and removed the hood to reveal a human man, older but not wizened, bearded, with wistful blue eyes and scars criss crossing what could be seen of his pale face. In the dim light, the cloak was revealed to be jedi robes, sleeves flowing long enough that I could not see his hands.
I stood there in silence, unsure what to think. The man seemed similarly taken aback.
“Well, if the Force had told me, all those years ago, that I would be here meeting up with you. I would not have believed it, Mara Jade.”
“Mara Jade Skywalker,” I corrected tartly, but automatically, trying to place the voice. It was almost familiar to me.
The jedi ghost stared a moment and then promptly began to chuckle to himself at length. Apparently, he found my married name hilarious.
I was at a loss. This was not what I had expected when I nervously walked in here.
“Well you seem to know who I am.” I said, feeling a little aggravated, “Who exactly are you?”
He grinned, a maddeningly familiar expression  that I couldn’t place, and shook his head.
“Haven’t figured it out yet?”
“No,” I drew on the arrogance of my youth, “ and I dislike guessing games.”
Obnoxiously, he found this even more amusing. I felt anger bubbling up inside before I checked myself. There was nothing to be gained by getting angry at this ghost.
I let out a long slow breath and tried to let my frustration and fear float away with it.
“Okay,” I said, changing tactics, “Why have you called me here? Whoever you are.”
He stopped laughing and looked thoughtful.
“I didn’t call you here. We were both called by the Force,  although I expect your method of travel was a bit more arduous.”
“Because you’re dead,” I said by way of confirmation and he nodded again. I continued to search my memory files for how this person and I might have known each other. Had I really seen that many people die that I couldn’t even figure this out?
There was a nervous pause.
“Is Luke with you on planet?”
The tender way he said Luke’s name made my jaw drop, and my eyes zeroed in on his.
 I knew who this was. The wistful blue eyes, the web of scars, the oddly almost familiar voice, and the poodoo eating smile I’d seen on my husband’s face a thousand times since we’d met.
“Vader” It came out on a breath.
A shadow passed across his features and he nodded.
“Darth Vader.” I repeated, staring into the face I had only ever seen sealed behind a mask. 
He nodded quietly again.
I stared too long. I couldn’t help it. I could suddenly see both my husband and my sister in law in that face but couldn’t imagine how they were related.
I said the first thing that came to my stunned mind.
“Luke never mentioned you had a beard.”
“It’s complicated” was all he said in response.
I found that oddly unsatisfying as responses go, but this whole situation was ludicrous. 
Here I was in a cave, supposedly facing some great Force test, and I bump into the ghost of my father-in-law, who had also been my...rival? Colleague?
“Well, Shavit.” I looked at him again and shook my head before lifting my face to the endless nothing above us.
“What the Kriff, Force,” I cried in annoyance, “What is your plan here?”
Vader spoke up, “I have been sent here to witness the justifications of a married jedi.”
“The Jedi order forbade bonds between Jedi, and for some very good reasons. I’ve been called to hear you explain why you think your relationship is worthy of an exception to the rule.”
I know my expression became skeptical and dangerous, but Vader held up well. He never had been intimidated by me, I guess. Why would he start now?
“I have to convince you that Luke and I deserve to be married?”
He nodded.
“Convince you?!”
He shrugged, “Well, the Force actually, but convincing me is a start.”
I let out a solid stream of invective in several languages. I let him know what I thought of the idea of the Force sending an ex Sith Lord to judge my fitness for love and marriage.
 Truth be told, I was a little impressed by my creativity, especially when I realized his eyes had widened and there were signs of colour on his cheeks.
Apparently I knew words that could make a Sith Lord blush.
“I see my son chose a cultured lady of the court.”
“Et Chu Ta,” I blustered, “you know who I am.”
“On the contrary,” he responded, “I know who you were. I very much doubt either one of us is much as we were or we would not be standing here.”
“But why the kriff am I standing here? You want to talk to someone about my marriage, why didn’t they call your son? He would love to sit and chat over a cup of hot chocolate with you. He’s the one who missed out on knowing his father. I spent most of my life with you breathing down my neck - mechanically.”
“And I have nothing to prove to you.”
Vader straightened.
“Well, apparently you have something to prove to the Force.”
I let him and anyone else who might be listening know what I thought of that idea.
“Chuba, where did you learn some of those expressions?”
“I spent a good ten years in the company of smugglers after Palpatine died. What were you doing?”
His tone was quiet and sober, but heavy with unspoken experiences, none of which I wanted to know about.
I sighed.
“Yeah, me too.” I pursed my lips and looked at him sharply, “and it appears I’m not done yet.”
“You have nowhere near as far to go as I do, Mara.”
“Don’t be too sure,” I muttered.
I squared my shoulders.
“So what do I have to do?”
He nodded.
“You need to tell me how you wound up married to my son.”
I smirked bitterly. No way that was all there was to it.
“Well that’s simple.”, I began, crisply, “As he was dying, our dear old Emperor, convinced me that you and Luke murdered him together and commanded that I kill Luke. The command literally haunted me and I spent five years fantasizing about how I would dispose of him. Then I met him…”
“And he changed your mind?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Really?, Twenty-two years as second in command to the most evil man the galaxy has seen since Exar Kun and you think just meeting Luke could undo his brainwashing like that?”
I snapped my fingers by way of illustration.
“No, I wanted to kill him even more then. He was calm, reasonable, and so utterly confident I wouldn’t do it. He was obnoxious.  It was practically a dare.”
“Jade, this isn’t doing much to convince me you love him.”
“Then you don’t know a whole lot about love.” 
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chimaeraonwards · 11 months
no ai generated content will ever compare to the absolutely cartoonishly evil plot to cut down trees to prevent workers from striking to get livable wage.
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shima-draws · 4 months
Ghost Cora AU where he’s actually been following Law around ever since he died but nobody has been able to see him, so all he’s able to do is watch Law get hurt and suffer in silence. UNTIL, miraculously, the battle of Dressrosa ends, and for some strange reason—through some supernatural bullshit or maybe just fate—one person is finally able to see him.
Law is sitting on the deck of the Yonta Maria watching everyone party when Luffy comes trotting over to him. And Luffy plops down beside him and says, “I’ve been meaning to ask, Torao, but who’s that really tall blonde guy with the funny makeup that’s been following you around?”
And Law’s just like
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bruciemilf · 2 months
I love your idea of Martha and Thomas bring separated in death out of bitterness and spitefulness of both families but I have this idea of Thomas and Martha not being separated because Alfred would have threatened both the Kanes and the Waynes with his shotgun and everyone knew Alfred wasn’t a person that could easily reasoned with when it came to his family
I hear you, and both have such delicous potential for angst, and while I’m sure Alfred would rather eat thunder and spit lighting than give Bruce over, how fucked up would it be if Martha’s brother made him choose?
“Give me my sister, and you keep the boy.”
A ghost for a corpse seems even.
Philip already terminated his custody rights, — it’s the easiest choice he ever made; it’s the hardest choice he ever made, — so he has no say. Only calls Jacob a fucked up son of a bitch, and he can see their mother in him.
It’s not often Alfred loses, but when it happens, it’s fateful, and it���s definitive, and it’s never, never well for the other person. He can’t win, because there’s no winner.
Imagine Bruce, young and scarred and sleepless with grief, staying wide awake. He’s not haunted by his parents’ graves; He’s haunted by the fact they’re empty.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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That's the face he makes when he's feeling silly.
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merakiui · 4 months
i hope this doesn't sound too pushy, but i'd love to see more sapphic twst from you!! of course, i'll read anything you put out either way o(^▽^)o
It's not pushy at all!! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) I would be happy to write more sapphic twst! I'd like to write more with the Boyfriend universe because it's always fun writing fem Riddle, especially one who is so in love with you. <3 although I'd also like to write something where fem Riddle thinks Jade isn't a good fit for you and she drives herself near mad trying to prove you're better off without him. Meanwhile, Jade has too much fun tormenting her and continues to drive a wedge between you and her. It would be interesting to explore a dynamic in which Riddle is so emotionally codependent on you, so when you start dating Jade (or even Floyd) she feels as if she'll lose you. You're the one and only light in her dark life; she needs you.
I like the idea of Riddle getting drunk at your birthday party and she stumbles upon some secret thing on Jade (or Floyd's) phone and perhaps it's something incriminating. But because she's drunk her memory is foggy and it's the perfect excuse for everyone to use in order to diminish her claims. She just thinks that Leech guy is bad news and totally unsafe, and she's trying so hard to convince you that you should consider other people.
AAAAA and Jade would have so much fun with it, too. Adding more fuel to the fire by saying things like, "Aren't you a little too attached to (Name)? I understand the both of you are close friends, but even this is a little obsessive." And you're stuck between the both of them, wondering what's gotten into your friend and why she seems so distrustful of your boyfriend. >:D
Of course I'd also love to write for other fem twst characters as well, but Riddle has me in a chokehold. She's so cute. I love her lots. orz
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artemis-in-space · 6 months
I literally don't care what you ship in One Piece as long as you get the dynamic right
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0mka · 1 year
A little darthfett-ish prompt sketch dump
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Piggyback ride // Holding hands // At a bar
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rosykims · 9 months
third playthru antics so far involve gale agreeing to the hag's bargain and getting his eye fucked up in the process <3 and tbh i actually think this is the funniest possible choice they could make as a party since they all dismiss ethel's "netherese magic BLEUGH" reveal as just a symptom of gale already having that shit in his system. like its too much of a coincidence for something so ancient and mythic to happen TWICE to the SAME random guy so theyre all like yeah no shit !!!! gale is the netherese guy !!!! we knew that like a week ago idiot !!!!! foresight is not a gift im givng these people i am so sorry king </3
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jedidryad · 1 year
More Abandoned WIP: Mara and Vader
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As work continues on Part 2, I though I would share a bit more from the abandoned early draft (so early that the formatting is definitely off) of the  Mara memoir.  Here Vader requires Mara to consider her feelings upon meeting Callista for the first time:
And, of course, you know what happened next. Luke was re-united with spirit of the woman he’d met in the computer, and she’d been granted a new body and it was destiny. Or something like that.
You’ll pardon my cynicism. I was working too hard at fading impassively into the durasteel to really process how I was feeling at the time.
“You sound embarrassed.”
I nodded.
“I was, in so many ways. My shield went up again fast and hard, and I committed to making it a permanent installation.”
“Did it work?”
“It came and went.”
I looked over at Vader, “Sith Lords are not supposed to smirk.
Right then, all I could do was beat a hasty retreat. A tough thing to do when this lovely reunion was taking place on my ship! As introductions were made, I flashed my best diplomatic smile and greeted Callista warmly.”
“Well that was a dead giveaway…”
My jaw dropped and whatever I was trying to say just vanished from my consciousness.
Darth Vader had cracked a joke. I looked over at him, stunned.
“Luke didn’t notice?”
“Deliriously in love.”
“Delirious at least.”
Vader made a sound that might have been a tongue cluck.
“Don’t like the idea that he loved her?”
I was quiet, trying to figure out how to address that.
 “Were you jealous?”
“It sounds like it, doesn’t it?”
“Yes it does. Were you?”
“It’s hard to know. I wasn’t all that in touch with my feelings at the time.”
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transcarcinization · 6 months
scifi makes me insane. what would you do in the big black void of space. in uncharted waters. what would you do if you find people and they’re different from you in a way that is fundenmentally incomprehensible to your kind. could you cope. when no one understands you either? where life is out there and not hostile, or friendly, just so different from you that the difference between the two is meaningless? but they’re people like you.
what would you do if there was a machine, and the machine talked to you like a person. they do not think like you do and they don’t feel like you do but they can talk to you. is the machine a person? what does it mean that a thing can be nothing like you and still be real. there are circuits and wires and electricity but it talks to you and it’s a person.
there are people and there are machines and they are fundamentally different from you, but you are so close to being the same. what do you do with that knowledge, that things don’t have to be like you to be real? that you are not the defining view of the universe?? it kills me
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sevenyeargap · 6 months
so i keep seeing posts about both performative activism and people saying that it's "okay to take a break from posting about genocide for mental health reasons" and i feel like some people are confusing activism with "triggering yourself on purpose by constantly doomscrolling to prove yourself youre Doing Something By Reblogging Posts on Tumblr Dot Com". and i also think that some people see activism as this really impossible thing to do/something impossible to do if you're disabled and or poor but that's not true? and while, yeah, it is going to be more difficult if you're disabled, because of many reasons, but you also don't have to become an asylum lawyer or whatever to make a difference. you can volunteer whenever you're able to at your local food bank, save some money (even if it's like 10€!!) and donate it to ngos every month, go to protests, it's not that hard i promise and it WILL make a difference
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josephinekhawaja · 1 year
Been seeing posts around proposing Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze as respectively the Star Wars Elsa and Anna...
...given obvious visual and probably other parallels. And I do see what they see, this is the way. But just immediately hilarious to me on another level as Anna endgames with a more working-class dude with 'zero social skills', who starts off as not exactly her favourite person in the universe or at that to be stuck with. And whose dearest companion is assuredly non-human because humans are overrated as at least half the song goes (facts though, Kristoff -- where is the lie). Perfection.
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ennobaka · 2 months
Living here would be so ideal if it were not for the horrors (the people)
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mikichko · 3 days
bro i have gone through the trouble of having the same dni line at the top of my posts and ageless blogs still interact like CMON! even if my stuff is sfw this blog is very clearly not i do not want to have children, yes children, on here.
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graysongraysoff · 2 months
the angel on my shoulder telling me to use the credit reward i just got from my travel credit card to go home for mother's day vs the devil on my shoulder telling me to squirrel it away and put it toward something for myself
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