#and to top it all off theyre both like teenagers and i believe shes an adult
finally watching kny season 3 and. why am i not surprised that the pink haired lady is in all the marketing and the ed and advertised as important but its actually the two dudes who do everything and shes not even that much in it comparatively
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nighthaterfrfr · 5 months
Do you have any more headcanons/thoughts about your Steph and Max as half-siblings AU? :)
ive been wanting to discuss this for so long but for ppl who want to know (mostly background)
-i think that max and steph share the same dad, he seems like the one to sleep around. however, he settled w steph's mother and a secretly pregnant max's mother ended up w his ass of a dad.
-for a while, maybe 13-14 years, they never knew about their relation to each other. however, max and steph definitely saw the other one in school. max was praised as a football prodigy and steph was infamous for being a slacking and skipping mayor's daughter.
-they look somewhat similar. from the nose, ears, eyes, hell even the hair? there are small differences here and there, but they were definitely called siblings by their classmates
-they were also quite good friends. apparently, once u find out both ur dads are assholes, u bond. max would invite her to all his football games and she somehowb goes. these two were best friends, practically inseparable.
-one day in 7th grade, solomon was complaining to ms tessburger abt his affair. steph was overhearing about how it's odd to see one of kids succeed at something, while the daughter he has is doing nothing of importance.
-like any teenage girl w a completely shitty relationship w her father, steph was enraged, and a bit jealous. finding out she was related to max unlocked a bit of a one-sided hating towards him
-max however, always knew that he had a sister. before his mom divorced, she told him stories abt his birth father, and how when she was with him, she had no idea solomon already had a girlfriend.
-she reached out to steph's mother and had informed her of what happened. however, since she couldn't get out of the marriage jst yet, her mother instead acknowledged and thanked max's mother.
-ofc, max's mom never told him who his sister was. knowing him and his father, she feared that sudden new relation between him and the mayor's daughter may get to his head. so, instead she jst told him that he had a sister in hatchetfield.
-from around mid 7th grade to early 8th grade, max noticed how whenever steph was forced into a group w him, she'd always looked pissed off. annoyed. generally angry.
-in the 8th grade during lunch, max came up to her table, asking "the hell is wrong w me??? we used to be close u fuckin', uh... DINGUS!" this offended the hell out of steph and she umped out of her seat and started to swing punches at max. as any middle school in america does, a bunch of students started recording and posting it.
-steph and max sat in the principal's office, both with a lot of bruises and some bloody hands and noses. as solomon lauter and jagerman's father walked in, both of them stared at each other. eventually, max's father got into a full blown yell w solomon.
-as the two kids watched their fathers yelled at one another, that was when steph turned to max and finally revealed why she was so distant. "apparently, ur my fucking brother or smth."
-max sighed, looking at steph w a disappointed glare. "im sorry for being.. ur brother, i guess?" he replied, the two laughing as he explained his side of the story, and further strained the relationship between steph and solomon
(alr onto actual headcanons)
-they do love joking abt being half-siblings around their friends. despite it being true, theyre all so confused on if either max or steph is lying or not.
-the first person for max who found out that his sister was steph was kyle. he couldn't rlly believe it, but he jst kinda vibed. so max telling him went rlly chill.
-on steph's side however, when pete found out she had max jagerman as a brother, she was immediately bombarded with questions and pleas from pete. she tried offering these ideas to max, but he dismissed them, telling her "i need to remain on top, steph!" secretly, he does go easier on the nerds. by a little bit.
-max and steph spend the most time together outside of home, more at school or wherever. whether its going bowling w max's teammates at some bowling lanes, or hanging out in the lakeside mall jst the two of them.
-neither of them ever had a proper enough relationship w their family, so spending time w each other relived them of that disappointing truth a little bit.
-one time, max got so pissed at steph he threw a football at her from like, 40 yards away in order to get her attention. unfortunately, steph being preoccupied on her phone did not notice the absolute perfect throw coming right into her head.
-safe to say, he apologized and ran to her, trying his best to relieve her of a bruise.
-because of this incident, steph had wanted to begin learning how to play football. max was her teacher, and he sucked at it. like, explaining anything to her was alien to steph. however, over time, she slowly got the hang of it, and was good to a point when max stopped teaching her
-sometimes after a nighthawk game, if u stay jst long enough, u can see steph and max throw a football at each other from pretty far. and if ur lucky, seeing steph trying to tackle max. but most of the time, that mostly leads to the funniest image of steph falling ever.
i have a lot more, but my ask IS open yall lmaoooo
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bulbabutt · 2 months
I haven’t watched TFP, but I was curious about your tag mentioning the TFP hated women so much that it drove you crazy on your Arcee design post, so may I ask what you mean?
(And like, yeah, Transformers being misogynistic isn’t a big surprise, but I’m asking for the specific problems TFP has, rather than say TFA, which I’m more familiar with)
((Still really fucking pissed at TFA Arcee’s treatment too, btw))
number 1: agreed on the animated arcee treatment. that show suffered from the blackarachnia versus arcee dichotomy of women, the good and the bad, on top of the using a womans tragic backstory to push forward a mans character motivation. they did it TWO TIMES, with BOTH their female characters. their characters dont end up being their own because their backstories both feed in to their respective male counterparts motivations (optimus and ratchet) and like...... while i LOVE animated they didnt do a very good job at all with the women (sari is more so a child character as a whole than a woman character, but also something something all 3 women are like biologically weird plot devices? so thats. hrm. also the oversexualization of sari when shes forcibly aged. also shes south asian and so the oversexualizing hits harder etc etc) basically its a whole can of worms but a good scene setter to talk about prime with.
so animated is cancelled because "the hub" network is making its own transformers show, but this ones written by the live action movie writers. uh oh. those arent written very well at all. i believe their intention was "you can write a movie but way longer and do more stuff" which isnt really... how that should work. anyway the way both minorities and women are represented by those bad movies is really bad, theyre very pro military anti minority conservative garbage that i genuinely think has warped a lot of young minds at the time and its a problem now. human women being objectified and placed as reward in the narrative and all that. robot women WE CANT DO ROBOT WOMEN THATS TOO CONFUSING!!!! oh ok you get one. ok she died. are you happy women? now a show written by them.
now on its surface, here we finally have a girl transformer in the main lineup, thats good! on its surface, arcee is a main character, a badass warrior. if youve been on my blog ive talked before about this weird mid 2000s switch up to making girl characters becoming less girly and more like. idk tomboyish? more cool and into guy stuff, that kind of comes about from the ALL MALE writing teams going "well we dont know how to write a girl/we dont wanna be sexist" but they dont actually know how to write women. so arcee's characterization is like. oh shes cold and serious and has a tragic past. its like a dude character, how do we write tragic backstories for dude characters? we fridge their women. so we just do that in reverse. what they did with her was give her TWO tragic backstories, one being that her "partner" cliffjumper dies and shes mad and wants revenge. and the other is that her "partner" tailgate dies and she wants revenge. basically her motivations allllll revolve around men. its not about what she goes through, its all about that she's a "woman scorned". its not even that it implies romance, the show never gives you a clear picture of what "partner" actually means in either context. this is topped off by pairing her with a teenage boy. in fairness, three of the transformers get paired off with a kid, but oh boy do a lot of problems arise from this specific pairing.
so number one: women being objectified is a problem in general, but it comes across worse when the woman can turn into a literal object and you dont think about the repercussions of that. jack darby sees a cool motorcycle parked and he just... he sits his ass down on it. it violates her personal space, and then he continues to use her body to show off to teenage girls. this is the basis of their relationship, that she looked like a cool vehicle he wanted so he claimed her. yes, he didnt know she was a person, but narratively we do. this will continue to be a thing over the series, arcee is jacks object now, he owns her and thus can use her to show off. what does arcee think of being used this way? not important. outside of her relationships with jack cliffjumper and tailgate, we dont really know a damn thing about arcee. its all about her traumas over MEN. be it romantic or platonic, the show cant tell the difference, because jacks MOM enters the picture like "you seem to be out late with some GIRL who is she" and thus there is beef between the two. because... you know women.
speaking of jacks mom: she should have been in the show as a regular paired off with ratchet. shes a nurse and hes an ambulance. are the writers stupid? its so fucking obvious. but no, she exists to have beef with arcee on behalf of being jacks mom. which makes it more clear that they're trying to say..... SOMETHING weird about jack and arcee.... aaaaaand then as a romantic interest for fowler. shes here because of her son and romance partner.
arcee is this cool warrior whos done all this stuff and is trying to keep the world safe and her people a secret, BUT JACKS MOM THINKS SHES IN THE GARAGE! so she better get back there for his sake! also shes so cool and level headed and doesnt want to drag race a punk kid who's making fun of jack BUT THEN HE SAID SHE WAS FAT SO NOW SHE CANT HELP BUT BE MAD! thats basically her personality as it stands throughout the show. oh she also makes fun of bulkhead for showing emotion one time. cuz like.... girls! being! sexist! to! show! theyre! cool!!!!
anyway. theres an issue with the writing of all the kids, cuz their plot relevance is really weak and felt super forced to keep them all in the story, many other versions of tf have done this better, but they basically force a relationship between characters and say "yep thats it thats the set up every child has their own pet robot, done and done"
one of these kids is MIKO. oh miko. in a world in which this show was good they would have combined the child characters and just had it be miko, because this poor girl is so disrespected by the narrative. she's presented as a "wild child" and thus paired off with bulkhead, whos a big bruiser who now has to act as her handler. she gets into trouble with the transformers a lot, like sneaking on missions and not taking the disguise part seriously. cuz like....shes stupid or something! haha isnt that funny! shes an exchange student from japan, she offhandedly says things about getting detention and things about her home stay parents being afraid of her. we get NO ELABORATION. we meet jacks mom, we see raf's family, THIS PART NEVER COMES UP AGAIN. miko clearly has no support system outside of the transformers, and she is often disrespected and made fun of by jack specifically and the narrative never makes him feel bad about it. each kid feels ownership over their robot, and the most change she ever gets to go through is having bulkhead almost die and so she's sad about it (also this is the only time she has a heart to heart with arcee. ABOUT A MALE CHARACTER) like if we could combine all the kids traits into one kid and have it be miko, a wild child whos good with computers and make june darby her home stay mom who eventually notices she keeps being missing that would make it way stronger of a character. also shes suffering from that alt asian girl colour streak syndrome, cuz she wouldnt be characterful enough if she wasnt also alt. if she didnt like punk music and monster trucks who would she be? the writers dont care.
and then for our LAST girl character we have blackarachnia I MEAN AIRACHNID. totally new character. uh. okay so you know how blackarachnia in animated was just like.... a succubus? which felt bad there? its worse here. shes a very one dimensional villain, which is fine, but they couldnt even keep her as being arcee's arch nemesis without literally redoing the same backstory they had just given her with cliffjumper. first they write cliffjumper as her partner and he's killed by starscream. then okay, arcee has an old nemesis from cybertron and thats airachnid what did she do? kill her PREVIOUS partner tailgate.
you just....... you did it again? are you serious? they could only think of ONE way a woman would have any motivation and they just. did it two times. and they made that the basis of the whole beef, so even though this story could be the one to give you some toxic yuri ass relationship between these two women, it literally ends up being about men. AND THEN it's "shes gonna kill jack, arcees NEW partner"
do you see what im getting at? every woman revolves around men. they cant have motivations outside of men. they cant have any traits that make them interesting on their own. and even then, they dont know what to do with airachnid when she joins the decepticons so they just have megatron try to get her killed and she fucks off for a while, coming back to be turned into a LITERAL. LIIIIITERAL SUCCUBUS at the end. im not joking, they make her suck the energon out of men and shes on moon somewhere just doing that and thats how her story ends. like you can tell they casted a lot of bigger voice actors and had to get rid of them somehow but JESUS. double down on the issue with animated blackarachnia here ffs
aaaand. im pretty sure thats all the women. but yeah. none of them are well characterized, none of them have much agency if any at all. and on top of that, they are NOT allowed to be girly. arcee isnt pink PURELY because it would be weird to have a boy ride a pink motorcycle. arcee actually HATES pink (even though she is partially pink) and the writers literally make her say that. like why. just to show off "see shes not a GIRLY girl. shes just a girl"
like prime is bad for many reasons, like its depiction of disabled characters, turning bumblebee into raf's pet robot (who raf can magically understand without ANY explanation) without a care in the world for what he thinks or feels until he can speak again. like theres smalllll amounts of times he gets some good characterization, but for the most part he has no agency (see speed metal, an episode where jack asks RAF's permission to use bumblebee in a race, not bumblebee cuz he cant talk how could he have a choice). theres also weird characterization of bulkhead, which didnt really hit me until seeing him in RID alongside that grimlock, its only 2 black voiced characters who are very violent and clumsy and not very smart. uh. thats not good! there's also levels of homophobia to its depictions of starscream and knockout, things we can look back on now like "haha its camp" but at the time like. no they were writing it that way cuz its funny that they're queer. starscream being a complete fop IS the joke. calling him a "stiletto heeled freak" IS the joke. its a really bigoted show on top of just being written SUPER poorly. so you can all around TELL its written by the writers of the movies.
this got ramble-y but you activated my trap card, prime is the worst show because its presents itself as super cool and serious and dark while being written by bigoted idiots who couldnt write their way out of a wet paper back. "oh we ran out of money to pay this actor so we killed their character" THEN STOP MAKING BRAND NEW CHARACTERS MAKING YOUR TEAM DESIGN MODEL AND RIG THEM AND HIRING BRAND NEW PEOPLE TO PLAY THEM EVERY 2 EPISODES JUST TO HAVE THEM NARRATIVELY DO NOTHING AND THEN DIE!!! dumb. dumb show. dumb show so stupid. so stupid and it thinks its not stupid because its so so stupid. (doing the frankie from community bit cuz this is the way i calm myself down cuz the show makes me so mad because its so stupid lmfao)
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chaoticrokiroki · 1 year
i LOVE todojirou but you know who also deserves the world? momo. u know who's got two hands? that's right all three of them. this could just be called class 1A vs compulsory heterosexuality tbh
it's very confusing for their class, at first. momo and todoroki were pretty much treated as "inevitable" since second year, just like uraraka and deku or jirou and kaminari. that doesn't mean they were right, of course, just that everyone seemed to be expecting it in some way or another.
so, when they started spending time together no one was really surprised. and jirou's presence was, more often than not, seen as either emotional support (because momo was still not as confident as she ought to be but who was really? they were teenagers still) or just an unfortunate third wheel.
it didn't occur to them, to wonder about the way todoroki seemed to be going out of his way to hang out just as much with jirou as he was with momo - or that jirou had been splitting her time equally with both of them.
not untill it wasn't so much todoroki-and-momo or momo-and-jirou but todoroki-momo-jirou. all the time.
there's pushback, of course. there always is whenever something doesn't fit with the norm. whenever there's something that people don't quite understand (it scares them, always. and from fear comes anger, inevitably.)
by their third year, the class has somewhat adapted to compensate for it. a sort of shield, whenever it gets to be too much. when not even their incredibly strong classmates can put up with anymore of the world looking in and demanding answers (when kyouka's tired and retreats into herself and doesn't respond to anyone but them, when shouto goes impossibly quieter and holds both of their hands in his trembling ones, when momo's mad and miserable and refuses to let either of them out of her sight.) it's not enought, sometimes. their friends hurt, and all the support they can give falls short every once in a while. it's not their fault, its just how it works.
just how it works when youre a hero, especially. and you give so much of your life to complete strangers, devote yourself to them.
only for them to spit that devotion back into your face - to look at you and declare that you're wrong and weird and don't belong. only for them to look at your entwined hands and scream at the top of their lungs that it's disgusting.
some days, all the support you can get isn't enough to counter that kind of hurt.
but they make do.
they pick themselves up. they stand up and reach for each other through all that hatred and they move on. their friends help, certainly, but its their job in the end - to get better, to want to get better. theyre stubborn, all three of them. momo's the voice of reason more often than not but she's just as bullheaded when it comes to the people she loves. so. theyre stubborn and determined and harsh, sometimes. they need to be to face everything head on.
but what really makes them stand up every single time is the softness that comes with it.
the warm cups of tea momo pushes in their hands and the blankets piling up and how she always looks for them first when entering a room - the way she takes care of them and lets them take care of her in return even if she's not used to it. even if it felt like being selfish at first. all that trust between them that's chanting let go let go let go, let us have you now.
and the endless playlists and jirou humming their favourite songs just to make them smile - the way she's loud about being there, about being part of them, and them answering every time with stilted, off beat lyrics, i hear you i hear you i hear you, we wouldn't sound half as lovely without you.
in sleepy mumbles and cuddles and the way shouto tries his best every single day to make them happy - the part of him that believes he's got to earn that love and the way it shrinks, over time, gets lost under all of the parts that echo love you love you love you, we're here you're never alone.
it's worth it - for a chance to wake and rest and live side by side. worth shouldering all that pain a million times over, for each other.
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peejsocks · 2 years
casual - bam margera x f!reader
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a/n: hi!! this is my first fanfic ever! english is not my first language and i wrote this all in one night so be nice but im also fully open for criticism!! i currently have 3 parts written for this, and i modestly believe theyre a fun read, so let me know if you guys would like to read the rest.
i guess disclaimers: bam is a little more serious in this, id say. also this chapter is very mild in the smut spectrum, but parts 2 & 3 really make up for it
summary: reader will not admit she has a crush on bam. they keep their distance and it’s better that way. until bam makes a suggestion and everything changes fast. NO Y/N
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
PART 1 - A proposal
You couldn't complain. Starting with a cheap camera, taking pictures of your friends skating or drinking milkshakes at some dingy diner, you wouldn't have foreseen becoming a photographer for Big Brother magazine. Let alone joining a group of overgrown reckless teenagers looking to get hurt in front a camera, your camera. Well, yours among others, such as Rick's. Even more surprising, people wanted to see these men get into all sorts of bullshit. Again, not complaining, it was a fun way to get a much needed paycheck. And the boys were all very nice. Except for Bam, that one was a total brat.
Fine, maybe he wasn't so bad and was indeed nice. Still, a brat. What a shame for you, then, that you seemed to like loud whiny restless boys. Didn't help that he had the look you tend to go for. Dark hair, striking eyes, wide smile. Oh, and the tattoos. My god, the long hair was nice, very, very nice...You mentally slapped yourself for being so predictable. He may not be your favorite of the guys, but he sure was a fan favorite, especially among young women who watch MTV. He was cute, and they didn't have to suffer through working with him, so you got it.
As per usual, today was a full day. The group was all on site, shooting or watching. You stood to the side, holding a turned off camera as Pontius and Preston set up a big stunt a few yards in front of you. Suddenly, a southern slurred drawl calls you from behind. You turn to see Bam displaying his unique smile on his face and a skateboard on his hands. He was shirtless. Cool.
"Get this." He said, before putting his skateboard down and diving belly first on top of it, going down the hill you stood on. It was uneven terrain, with holes. Needless to say, it was pathetically disastrous.
He ran back up to you. His abs very much for show, glistening with sweat under the hot sun. He adjusted the snapback on his head. "Did you get it?"
"Didn't think it was worth wasting the battery." A little mean, but he also didn't give you time to turn on your camera. He frowned, so you quickly added, "But I saw it. It will live forever in my memory, and I'll cherish it so much. Trust me."
"Back in West Chester we don't appreciate sarcasm, you know?" He stood right in front of you now, holding his skateboard vertically with both hands, leaning on it a bit.
"What a lie. I've seen your show, maybe the rest of the town doesn't but you certainly do." You had seen it, it was popular.
"What are you, a fan?" You scoff and tell him no, your friends just always put it on when you hang out. "Any of those friends cute?"
"Gross." You simply walk away, making sure to bump his shoulder on the way to where Jeff stood. He wanted a wider shot of the stunt Pontius and Preston were participating in, so you were tasked with just getting the guys' reactions with your hand held camera. As the two men made another body of water their victim, Johnny, who wasn't part of the stunt, rudely ruined your footage by asking if you wanted to join them at a club they were going to later. Your immediate thought was 'I need a hot shower, good food and sleep, so no' but then he mentioned girls didn't pay to get in before 10pm. You got him to promise he'd pay for your first round, as he owed you for another night, and now you were in.
That was the night this whole circus started.
Just in time to get in for free, you arrived alone, getting word from Johnny that they were already there. That being him, Ryan, Chris, Dave, Jeff and Bam. You couldn't really see the youngest in a club, didn't seem like his scene, but if Ryan was there he sure would be too.
Planning to start drinking immediately - turns out clubs were not really your scene either - to calm you down, as soon as you spot the group and say your hellos, you pull Knoxville towards the bar.
"You look good." You thank him briefly, not wanting to give even the smallest thought to the tall man complimenting you. You were not capable of handling it, you had decided a long time ago, just not worth it.
A doubleshot of vodka later and nursing a Rum and Diet on your hand, you return to the rest of the boys. They stood comically hidden in a corner, monopolizing a booth in the surprisingly already crowded club. As handsome as they were, you couldn't say many good things about their taste in fashion, most of them wearing either what they did all day long or a t shirt and some jeans. It made you feel a little better about your old sleeved black dress, tight where it counted, accompanied by your trusted black platform converse.
Bam surprised you, however, standing up in front of the round table, wearing a plain white shirt, a black blazer on top with black jeans and a single dog tag chain. No hat. Rings on fingers on both hands. You remembered once telling the guys in a night of drinking that you thought rings were sexy but not all men could pull them off. Bam could pull it off. Good for him. Annoying little brat. You always liked his style, mostly black clothes, very skate park fashion. God, you sound like you're sixteen, not a woman in her early twenties.
When you finally look up at him, he's staring between you and Knoxville, who's sitting to your left in the booth, leaving you on the edge of the seat. Your eyes lock. He quickly turns to continue to talk excitedly to Ryan, but moves to sit next to you, asking you to scoot over so he can hear his friend better.
Laughing along with whatever stupid story about Dave was being told by Jeff, you finish your drink and decide you could go for another shot, why not. As if he could hear your thoughts, Bam says he's goint to get himself another drink.
"Mind if I join you?" You blurt out, not really meaning anything by it, just not wanting to go all the way to the bar alone.
"Are you sure you're not a groupie?" He laughs as he gets up, thankfully the other boys don't hear what he said, so you simply roll your eyes and get up after him.
As you walk together, you wrap one of your hands around his forearm to avoid losing him in the crowd. He tenses up and looks back at you briefly, making sure you're good. You shoot him a shy smile, which he returns and that small interaction leaves you a little too warm inside for your liking. Oh, now you sound like a stupid little girl.
At the bar, he suggests tequila with a challenge in his tone. You narrow your eyes and repeat it to the bartender.
"I've seen you cry because of stomach pain before. You don't even know if I can or cannot hold my liquor." You stare him down.
"If Knoxville's gonna buy you drinks all night, you better be able to keep up." Bam looks away.
Sensing a shift, you say softly "He isn't."
Too many tequila shots later, he finally asks "Why not?". It takes you a minute to get the callback, you're buzzing a little. You stop laughing at whatever stupid joke he had made just a second before, feeling lost. Explaining that the leader of their posse owed you a round and that was that, you straighten up a bit, nervous.
"He would cover you, if you pushed. You're pretty, he's Knoxville, not hard to see." That dark hair is pushed back a little, allowing his eyes to bore into you intensely.
"Not interested." You respond curtly, slightly pissed off, for reasons unkown. At this he shakes his head, as if to imply you're stupid for not taking advantage of his friend and your looks. "If you want to auction someone off to Johnny, be my guest, but leave me out of it. I need to pee." Abruptly, you leave to the ladies room, leaving Bam alone at the bar. As you're getting in the bathroom, you see him sit down back at the table.
You stay in there a little too long, not able to climb down from the rage you were currently feeling. Luckily, the bathroom was empty so you could hold back angry tears in front of the mirror in peace. I mean, the audacity to imply you should use Johnny, who was your friend too, to get free drinks was ridiculous, and juvenile! How stupid does one have to be to think that's something you should say to someone who works with you? You weren't even friends! He really needs to learn boundaries and maybe figure out what consequences are. April and Phil Margera were lovely people, but you didn't mind teaching their son one or two things they couldn't.
You were about to step out when the door swings open.
Surprised to see Bam, you take two steps back. To put you even less at ease, he turns around and starts messing with the lock with what you assumed was a hairpin. You hear the door lock. "What are you doing?"
"You've been here a while, wanted to check if everything is okay." He says, nonchalantly.
"The door, fuckface, why did you lock it?" He feigns offense at the insult, instantly laughing it off.
"Potty mouth, that's rude." Bam, who was leaning on the door, starts slowly walking towards you. "Are you okay? You seem...rattled."
Eyes narrowing and nose scrunching, you burst "Ha! Yeah, let me see, you suggested I should sell mysel-"
"No, no, no. I told you it could happen, if you wanted." He cuts you off, standing closer now. "Consensual."
You don't say anything. Maybe you exaggerated, he just has the ability to set you off so easily.
"Whatever, we should go back." You say, motioning to move past him. Bam stops you.
"I have a real proposal, this time." His hand is on your stomach, keeping you in place. "If you say yes, I think we could both be very happy. You could let out all that stress you're always holdin’ and I get you to say nice things to me for once."
"What's your idea?" You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes, sceptical.
"We should be fuck-buddies." His smile is so wide it throws you off more than what he actually said.
Assuming he's just fucking with you, you decide to play along, "Wow. Took you long enough to suggest it, didn't know you had it in ya, kind of always saw you as a bit of a pussy."
His whole face falls and his jaw clenches. You laugh wholeheartedly, and tell him you really should go back now, trying to move but he stops you once again. Looking up, you see he's not even smiling. "Bam?" Swiftly, he pushes you towards the sink in the poorly lit bathroom with black walls. Before you can process much, his hands are grabbing your face and his lips forcefully pushing your mouth open. With a premature and unexpected moan, you let his tongue slide across yours again and again. It's rough, your back is gonna bruise from how hard it's pressed against the counter, and it's absolutely delicious.
When he steps back, he's panting. There's a determined, ambitious look in his now darkish blue eyes. You glance towards the door, remembering he locked it. This is what he came in here for. Well, you were not gonna let all that be for nothing now. You were gonna let Bam Margera fuck you in a shitty club bathroom, with absolutely no dignity or respect for yourself. What are those good for when his hard dick is already pressing your inner thigh?
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Recently saw a tiktok that was like "if you ship [toph and zuko] than you have issues or you see something galaxy brained that i havent" and stumbled upon the concept of aroace Zuko and i concocted this idea ages ago so im posting it now: the epic Toph x Zuko Marriage of Convenience 
Okay what you are all thinking of is book 3 Toph and Zuko, which totally dont have romantic chemistry and with the added age difference is prob why no one ever considers this ship. Four years when you're a teenager is a big difference. Four years when you're in your twenties and beyond isnt that big a deal. So they're adults and they've been friends for years at this point.
You also gotta sit back and look at what they are. Toph is the only child to a very rich and very well known Earth Kingdom family. Her family name in general is huge and carries a lot of weight but you also got her own accomplishments: Master Earthbender, the Creator of Metalbending, the Avatar's Earthbending teacher, and shes a war hero. Thats big. And then you got Zuko, who at this point is the Fire Lord. Zuko himself comes from a prominent Fire Nation family, seeing as he's royalty. He's also descended from a Avatar, but i dont think thats all that well known. Zuko is a Master Firebender, the Avatar's Firebending Teacher, and a war hero. On top of being famous both these people have credibility to fall back on.
So what im leaning into here is not exactly a marriage alliance seeing as the Earth Kingdom has its own royalty but its definitely a political move
Anyways Zuko has a lot on his plate, dismantling his dad's empire and all that. When he's nearing 30 the council is all like "you need to find a bride". Zuko writes up his ex-girlfriends and finds out they're either married or he just cant bring himself to trap someone into a marriage with him after knowing how it destroyed his mom. So he's stuck with no one of his own choosing so the council and high up nobles are trying to fix him up and not-so-subtly set him up with their daughters. Half of Team Avatar comes and visits (lets say Toph, Aang, and Sokka) and witness the behind the scenes of all this. They're having tea with Zuko and two people come in at different times and try to casually talk about the marriage thing. Toph can hear things that happen in the hallways too. Zuko is all "noooooooo guys why is this happening to me" and Sokka probably finds it funny but also a little sucky, and Aang probably hates it because "Zuko should marry for love!". And Toph is all "I know right" because she can totally relate. Her parents were looking for matches for her since she was born, and now that shes visiting again they've started back up again. Her and Zuko start swapping match-making stories ("so i come home and this boy and his father are there and my mom is all like 'Toph have you met __'" "I'm in the throne room for a meeting on road construction and this guy derails the whole thing so he can introduce his niece to me"). Later on after Toph has been listening in on the palace for a few days now and shes starting to really feel sorry for Zuko. Sokka just keeps making jokes until Toph snaps at him. Aang is pretty oblivious and probably spends all day at the market looking for souvenirs to bring home for Katara. And one night while Zuko is up late doing paperwork by candle light Toph stops by because her body cant sleep at night sometimes and they get to talking and Toph jokingly throws out "what if we just married each other? Then everyone will get off both our backs!" and they're laughing and after they've calmed down Zuko has a light bulb moment and he's like "wait, that might not be a bad idea". They spend all night working out the details to their hypothetical wedding and a day later decide to actually go through with it. Theres uproar from the council of course because Zuko didnt choose their pick Toph isnt Fire Nation nobility. And then Zuko starts listing all her family's importance and stuff and the council is forced to admit to themselves its not actually a bad idea. Plus marrying Earth Kingdom would make the Fire Lord more relatable to the colonies where theyre having a lot of problems with people of mixed heritage right now. Sokka and Aang hear rumblings of this because palace servants gossip and they're debating wether or not to believe these rumors when they run into Toph and just ask her and shes all like "yeah we're talking about it" and they boys flip out. Aang still maintains that everyone should marry for love but Toph and Zuko won't budge.
Over in the Earth Kingdom Toph's parents are ecstatic because the only better option Toph could marry was Earth Kingdom royalty. They completely endorse it and only argue to not seem like pushovers and when topics revolving money come up (ex. dowery). The Earth King gets in on this because its too good a opportunity to not capitalize on it. The Earth Kingdom is abuzz because a foreign King is marrying one of their own. Everyone is hyped and Team Avatar are the only ones who find the whole situation weird because to them its not a fairytale its their actual friends.
All-in-all they get married in the Fire Nation and the guest list was awful to make but people from all over the world are there. Toph's mother freaks out the whole time because "what if Toph falls down all those steps!" The wedding is mostly all Fire Nation tradition but Toph wears a Earth Kingdom wedding dress because everything is political now. Toph and Zuko have a relatively fun night and Sokka has the time of his life. And their marriage actually really works out for them because they're friends. They make fun of fancy people and rant to each other in the evenings. Toph is still running metal bending schools but either now they have to come to her or she gets stuck with a Fire Nation security team for like 3 months of the year she spends in the Earth Kingdom and she gets flashbacks to her childhood. And Zuko is sometimes all "i miss my wife" and the servants are all "awwww they're so in love" but the truth is he wants to talk sh*t with her and because shes blind he always has to write letters with the interpreter's opinion/gossip in mind. Toph still sneaks out all the time because shes not giving up her independence willy-nilly and is not above pulling the blind card to get out of things, which irritates Zuko sometimes because that means he has to deal with boring meetings by himself. They gaang visits all the time and by the time Republic City rolls around Toph manages to get herself sent as a "ambassador" (her and Sokka have some fun their shared meetings) and then to stay on to help set up the police force, which is a little dicy since shes representing the Fire Nation but also shes teaching only metalbending so its a controversial thing. This also gives Zuko a excuse to visit Republic City more often so he can see everyone since they settled down there.
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mahoushoujo-core · 3 years
tokyo mew mew review pt. 2 !!! ( spoilers ! )
I’m back again! now discussing ms. Zacro formally joining mew mews ! this will be a much less broad commentary but instead just touching up on the things I’d like to hehehe
there were an amazing amount of filler episodes but they were all good so I can't complain
I loved this scene animated Oh my GODDDDD THEYRE BOTH SO CUTE EEEEEE she really said " I wouldn't be staring if you just had a shirt on 🙄" but ! i have one complaint. in the manga, there's this sweet, little moment of transparency between the two. her just running away is hilarious by itself.
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gay little mint
as a member of the lgbtq+ community, I obviously cannot express how much I love to see queer content in the magical girl genre, or in anything really. but!!! the one thing that really sticks out in Tokyo Mew Mew is how... unbothered everyone is with Mint’s crush on the idol Zacro Fujiwara. in both the manga and anime alike, it’s no secret how utterly infatuated Mint is with her, and no one had a thing to say about it other than the teasing that literally anyone would do if their close ( and usually quite cold and serious ) friend was down bad, regardless of who the object of their affections was. she’s even, in the anime, is caught with a photo book ( J-pop idol photo books are typically, from my own experience, bikini modeling, “ fan service ”, and the likes ) which Pudding then proceeds to chop the fuck up. 
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Actually, I really loved this scene as a whole. If my memory serves me, literally none of this happened in the manga, but I can’t complain. 
Lettuce comes in with a magazine ? newspaper ? with a front page article about what looks like a Mew Mew, including a photo which contains nothing but a dark silhouette. Everyone starts to panic and, instead of battling their worry with basic fact, Bu-ling begins comparing the figure of the silhouette to each of the known Mew Mews. ( This alone was hilarious because she whipped out a picture of them in swimsuits, one which no one recalls being taken. )
It was meant to be humorous, calling both Ichigo and Mint flat* and Lettuce “ too curvy* “, but for me, personally, I like to headcanon the body types of different characters in manga and anime. Typically, in anime or manga, the only real differentiation between bodies is maybe height and, among girls, whether or not they have big boobs 🙄 Bodies in real life, of course, vary much more than just these vague details, so I guess it was nice to see that applied even if it was just by verbal affirmation.
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* I don’t believe that this is in any way body-shaming but directly, factually comparing their bodies to that in the photo
zacro actually joining the mew mews
This all occurred rather quickly in the manga, but, in the anime, there were a ton of added details and scenes. So much so that I was beginning to think “ hey.... is this gonna be anything like the manga ??? ” But, amazingly, it all came full circle and I was very, very satisfied with how it turned out.
Still... there was one thing I wanted to specifically touch up on. You see, in my last little commentary post, I mentioned how happy I was with a large amount of the suggestive / sexual content being omitted, and it should be pretty obvious as to why. No matter what we do, however, there is one obstacle which makes it pretty difficult to avoid these scenes altogether. That is... the predatory nature of our main antagonist, Quiche. ( Quiche, Kisshu, Kishi... whatever you like to call him, I fuckin’ hate this guy. )
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* heavy sigh * Well... amidst the grand conflict of the 11th episode, something really concerning happens. I won’t describe it in detail, but ! it seems like he’s attempting to sexually assault Ichigo. He throws her onto the ground and gets on top of her, to say the least. Love this ( /s )
“ It’s troublesome if four other girls like you appear at once, but it’s not hard if I do it one by one. But, I won’t kill you, Ichigo. You’re my important toy. “
She knees him in the balls though. Thank god.
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Of course, ofcourseofcourseoFCOURSE, I hate this. I really, really, really, hate this. But, I must say that there’s one thing I am happy ( ? ) about. That is... how sheerly negative this is portrayed. You see, throughout the manga up until now, every suggestive scene exists purely for shock value or for the giggles of the viewers, whether they be teenage girls or... unfortunately... men. 
In this scene, though, it is shown quite clearly, I think, that this is bad. She’s struggling and fighting her off of him. It’s unpleasant to watch.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that instead of someone making perverted comments, instead of an older boy lifting up her skirt, instead of a non-consensual kiss from a stranger... all with no, idk, point to say “ Hey, this is wrong “, we have something, unfortunately, more extreme but with the message that this is wrong. 
Hhhhh.... anyways, on that note, fuck Quiche 😌🖕
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sourmochii-v2 · 4 years
Hc: Huan is actually a really talkative and loud guy when he’s around certain people.
Opal- That’s his little sister, Huan loves talking to her about anything. Especially some of the guys they both find cute at their school. Opal always reminds Huan that he’s loved not matter what. They are also constantly dying their hair together, then getting yelled at by their mom afterwards. When Huan turns eight teen, he take Opal to go get matching tattoos, acting as Opals legal guardian. Su has no clue about their secret tattoos.
Lin- Lin is his only aunt(canonily) and he loves to hear her talk about her job, and arrests she’s made. But he really loves hearing about the past six years she’s spent with The Avatar and them saving Republic City and other places countless of times. They also do art together. She’d never let her sister know, but Lin loves sculpting with metal and rock. After they sculpt in secrecy, Huan usually gets out the canvases and paints, knowing his aunt hates painting. Lin is actually a pretty good painter, she just hates it cause it’s messy. Kya’s had to scrub it out of Lin’s tank tops multiple times.
Wing- Wing is the only person Huan will spar with. Hun a isn’t a fighter at all but when he’s mad, he likes to have something that he can throw huge rocks at and they won’t get hurt. Wing stepped up immediately. Huan talks about what’s wrong, while throwing fucKING BOULDERS at Wing. Wing enjoys this because 1) his brother gets to let out his emotions in another way rather than ‘doodling’ as Wing would call it. And 2) it helps Wing with getting better at sparring. Wing uses Huan as a trainer, and Huan uses Wing as a therapist.
Kya- Why wouldn’t Huan want to get a long well with his cool stoner aunt? Huan probably talks most around her, because theyre both absolute pot heads and smoke together any chance they get. Lin absolutely disapproves of this, given that she’s chief of police, but will admit that she’s been very tempted to smoke with them multiple times. Su on the other head, has no idea about it, or aware of the fact that he and Kya talk a lot. Huan, like Wing, goes to Kya when he wants to express his emotions in another way besides art. Except, instead of expressing his anger like he does with Wing, Huan goes to Kya when he’s sad, or hurt. Kya does the same thing. He loves hearing Kya talk about her and Lin. Huan never gets anything out of Lin besides maybe a “sure I guess I’m in love with her and she’s pretty” or two. But Kya is the exact opposite. She loves to tell Huan about when they were teenagers, then young adults, and when they started dating. Huan tells his aunt (Opal too) about when he has crushes. Kya usually talks about her and Lin. But she also’s tell Huan about when they have fights(rarely). They have a great gay aunt/gay nephew relationship.
Zuko- Zuko doesn’t come around as often as he’d like to, but when he does, him and Huan talk a lot about the old Team Avatar and their adventures. Zuko talks a lot about how bad he was, and then how good he was for a second, and about how he was good again.. for good. Then about how bad he was at being good when he burned Huans grandmothers feet. Huan could listen to Zuko all day about his love for turtle ducks, if he would stop talking about all his inspirations for his abstract paintings and sculptures. He’s made statues for Zuko, that Zuko keeps in the palace, about the end of the 100 year war. About the change in the Fire Nation from bad, to great. About the ‘fountain incident’ as Zuko calls it. One of Zuko’s Uncle Iroh with a tea pot and cup that Huan made for Zuko’s birthday.
Bataar jr.(before Kuvira)- Huan would talk to his older brother about ideas for sculptures and about Bataar jr’s invention. Bataar talks about how much pressure he feels being the oldest son. Bataar sr. wants to pass all of his knowledge down to his first born, but sometimes it gets too much for Bataar jr. A few of the times, when Huan and Bataar jr. we’re working on ideas for new things, Bataar jr. would just start crying in front of Huan. The first time this happened, Huan didn’t know what to do and kinda freaked out a bit. “Oh jeez, oh no. I- uh- what do I- what do I do? Do- do you want- uh- this?” Huan took off his jacket and put it over Bataar jr. Now, when Bataar jr. starts crying, Huan grabs his jacket and puts it over him, and hugs him. It helps Bataar jr. a lot.
Kuvira(also.. before well.. Kuvira)- Huan and Kuvira practically grew up together. Kuvira came into Huans life when Huan was seven, and they’ve gotten a long ever since. Although, neither of them ever believed Su actually treated them as part of her family. Huan never thought that as much as Kuvira though, and Huan agreed that Su didn’t treat her as family. When Huan was sixteen (Kuvira seventeen) Kuvira became Huans first kiss. Huan was shocked when he didn’t feel anything for Kuvira when she kissed him. He was certain that he had a crush on her for the longest time, that’s when Huan thought he might be gay.
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in light of the final trailer finally dropping, i should finally post some of my bojack season 6 part 2 theories/predictions/guesses/hopes/etc.
warning: this gets very long!!! also, spoilers for everything, obviously.
the moore-carsons have to return. in fact, i think it’d be really interesting if the cold open of the first episode in part 2 was about charlotte. after all, there’s going to presumably be a flashback to bojack during the time when he was friends with charlotte and herb...
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given that season 6 overall opened with a flashback to sarah lynn’s death, maybe season 6 part 2 will open on what happened in the moore-carson house after bojack left penny and charlotte behind? since those are the two major incidents that part 1 set up to bite bojack in the ass. however theyre also not anywhere in the trailer, meaning they might not physically show up, or maybe something about their appearance would be a huge spoiler.
we also see bojack return to the club where he did stand-up during the 80s. this is probably what triggers the above flashback. maybe this ties into the charlotte thing too, as mentioned above?
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that scene of bojack with the letter from hollyhock has a lot of people talking, with how last season ended and how his hands shake holding it. interesting that it’s a letter and not a phone call or online message. this leads me to believe something physical must be in the letter, like money or some sort of memento or personal record. or maybe she just wants to be old-fashioned. it seems there is some issue b/w hollyhock and bojack because there’s an empty seat when he invites her to some sort of show he’s in, maybe with his wesleyan students. (also diane looks very unamused, even though she and bojack ended on a good note, which feeds the idea that this is after bojack did something bad or something bad about him came out. also, who are all these people in tuxes? are these waiters? is this tied to mr pb buying elefante?)
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i actually believe hollyhock will learn about maddy but not about penny, and bojack will assume she knows about penny and forget completely about maddy. this will lead bojack to realize something i don’t think he really has even after all his development: he needs to care about the people he hurts who were never close to him, because they’re still people even if he didn’t want their attention and didn’t “lose” anything in hurting them.
many people have noted that doctor champ isn’t a legal therapist and thus might not be under disclosure agreements, which leads me to believe that he will release information about bojack out of pure spite. i also believe maddy could be doctor champ’s daughter, which would give him even more reason to hate bojack.
however i believe that if everything about bojack does come out...the public won’t really care. it feels within the show’s nature to make a story about how “cancel culture” doesn’t really hold up well and how people will learn about a celebrity, but not care about what they did as soon as some other news overshadows it, and the celebrity won’t really lose anything in their career most of the time. bojack will suffer personally but his career won’t suffer as a result of being “cancelled.” this might actually send him spiraling and maybe he will try to convict himself or something, if he’s still at that level of self-punishing behavior.
something really interesting is that bojack is talking to biscuits braxby, the host of the talk show where he and gina covered up the strangling story. the fact this is the person to whom he’s dumping all his angst...concerns me. is he coming clean about that? does gina know he’s coming clean about that?
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speaking of gina, i think she will connect with kelsey after all, maybe even work on the movie. i think kelsey will see past the hollywoo bullshit and suspect gina isn’t being given a fair chance. idk if it’ll work out but it feels in-character for her. i just really hope we see more about kelsey’s movie and i hope it’s a success.
somebody else had to point this out for me to notice, but bojack appears as a...corpse?? in an episode of birthday dad. this means he must lose his teaching job somehow, or at least goes back to acting in LA during his break.
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on the subject of mr peanutbutter, i have a lot of thoughts about where his plot is going to go. for a while i thought pickles was going to leave him for joey pogo because of how episode 7 seemed to imply mr pb would set them up and joey is a lot like mr peanutbutter except close to pickles in age and spirit. i assumed this would send mr peanutbutter into a deep depression due to being truly alone for the first time in his life, which would ironically get him fired from making speeches about depression because he becomes unmotivated and irritable, which are symptoms of depression considered “too ugly” for the mainstream (bjhm is just the show to drop that sort of message on us). however, this theory is muddled by both this and the netflix january trailer showing them still together. so if the above does happen, it probably won’t happen right away. (maybe pickles will propose a polyamorous relationship but mr peanutbutter will feel actually jealous?)
and while i don’t like the bojack suicide theory at all, if i have to pick a main character to die, i would put my money on mr peanutbutter, or at least that he’d get really badly hurt after putting on an impulsive grand gesture. his path in life is self-destructive and reckless in its own right, and when he loses everybody, i think he’ll lose himself. i picture him waiting outside diane’s old apartment not realizing she’s moved away for good, possibly getting sick on the sidewalk, hachiko style. however i’m not married to the idea of killing off any character.
on the subject of diane, i really like that we’re seemingly getting more focus on her issues again, and we get more art styles to demonstrate her angst. this one actually resembles the teenage diane from “the dog days are over” which means it could be a flashback. more info on diane’s childhood!
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i also think guy’s son is going to muddle things for diane. as good as guy treats her, the son seems to be a major issue with guy, and diane has made it clear she doesn’t want kids so any long-term commitment probably won’t work out. i do hope things don’t end badly for her, and i really hope she doesn’t run back to mr peanutbutter or bojack. maybe she’ll take time to focus on herself and finish that book?
another interesting turn would be if maybe diane’s book ends up being about something that makes her happy rather than something that she thinks is important but stresses her out. or maybe she finds people who will listen to her and actually help her make change in the world, maybe not immediately, but in the long run.
as for princess carolyn i think her plot seems pretty straightforward. the only thing that seems to be implied is a stronger relationship with judah. i wonder if he’ll move in with her, since he’s in her apartment in one of the trailer scenes? she also goes to see him play in a band which seems to suggest we will learn more about judah and PC will get to know him as a person. i wonder if they’ll tease the idea of them as a romantic item, but i don’t think that would stick, though judah is a great man. (maybe we’ll learn he had a partner all along, or maybe he’s aromantic, or maybe he simply doesn’t want to date PC and make things weird knowing how her other work romances blew up in her face.)
as for todd, i’m wondering what’s up with his mom. i wonder if she gave him shit for his asexuality? all we know is she kicked him out of the house and he has some issue with her that makes his sunny attitude sink very quickly. i’m assuming she must have been cold and judgmental towards him like bojack used to be, but maybe even moreso. she probably wanted him to be more serious or something and he couldn’t follow through. i assume she’ll recover fully from her ailments (because they probably don’t want to try to top free churro) and maybe try to become close to todd again through some zany adventures (maybe tied to the reason she was in a coma). i feel like it won’t perfectly work out, though. todd and his father might be able to become closer, though.
i don’t know why margo martindale is threatening todd either, maybe she needs him for a caper? that’s bound to be wacky. imagine if margo is somehow tied to his mother?
todd’s bunny gf looks adorable, and i hope this relationship goes well. i notice maude has some family pictures up and i wonder if her being a rabbit will be relevant, because of the stereotype of rabbit families being so big. maybe her parents will want her to have kids but she’s unsure because she’s asexual. maybe she and todd will evetually have kids through nonsexual means, like adoption or sperm donation, if only because he’s so great with ruthie and the exploration earlier in the season of his family relationships might add some fuel to an arc about him as a father. however i wouldn’t die on this hill, though i do feel like maude and todd will work out.
in fact, i noticed todd is in formal wear during part of the promo and a lot of people from todd stories are there like emily’s firefighter boyfriend and the assistant from when todd was a ceo. initially i thought maybe this was a wedding party but then i realized maude is in the background talking to princess carolyn. i wondered if maybe this is for the peanutbutter and pickles wedding. however since todd is schmoozing and mr pb is giving out drinks, i think it must be something tied to both of them, so maybe a pb living related party?
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(the following shot has pickles in formal wear but mr peanutbutter isn’t, and pb looks sad, so she’s going somewhere fancy without him which interests me, maybe connected to the above “pickles tries to date both joey pogo and peanutbutter but pb is jealous and depressed” theory)
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i have a feeling they’ll do a time skip of substantial length for the final moments of the show. something that show’s bojack and his friends’ legacy or lack thereof. we can see an older ruthie, and how hollywoo changes, and how people remember bojack if they even do. it could end very bittersweet this way. but that’s just a wild guess, lol.
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zerochanges · 5 years
Valentine’s Chocolates and Glass Masks
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The romance genre in anime is a little weird, and honestly on the whole the majority of the genre in anime is probably a bit too slow for its own good. “Will they or won’t they” is something most romantic fiction is guilty of, but I think you’d be hard press to come across 150 episode TV series dedicated solely to that premise anywhere else. And this has nothing on the pure silliness that can come with the genre; hand holding, indirect kisses, masked secret admirers, all that good stuff. Really, I’m not here to trash talk romantic anime though, but as I sat down and tried to think about writing a Valentine's Day blog post I just couldn't help but think to myself how romance anime might be the hardest to explain to anyone not in the fandom. I mean, I think I’d have an easier time explaining the plot of any given saga in DBZ than I would explaining “Notice me, senpai” to somebody.
You know what though, I kind of ironically enjoy all of this. Yeah, pure romance anime can be cheesy, but it’s just the right amount cheese that it’s like, c’mon, how can you not enjoy this? Perhaps the worst (or best!) offender of this are older shoujo titles where they can seem almost downright like a soap opera at times. Shows like these are just so full of bizarre, off-the-walls, and over-the-top melodrama that they manage to suck me completely in. They’re heartbreaking, they’re engaging, and the times when they fail at being those things they are hilarious. 
My most recent experience with an older shoujo title like this would have to be studio Eiken’s 1984 adaptation of Glass Mask. Now Glass Mask (or Glass no Kamen as it is known by some) is a manga that started life in 1976 and to this day has yet to be finished, with the manga creator Suzue Miuchi stating she would like to finish it soon, but hasn't quite figured out when that will be (move over Hunter x Hunter fans). Having been one of the earlier shoujo titles starting back in the mid-70’s the series is full to the brim with pretty much every cliche and trope you can think of for shoujo anime, and to a modern audience it can often be almost hilarious at times to sit through. It is important to remember that for its time Glass Mask was a trend-setter and arguably if not the creator than certainly the reason why a lot of these cliches became cliches in the first place. Over the years Glass Mask has received its fair share of adaptations and even parodies, and currently has 3 different animes as well as a live action drama series and real life stage plays based on it. I heard the most recent anime, the 2005 TMS adaptation of Glass Mask, does a pretty great job at modernizing several aspects of the series, but unfortunately I have yet to watch that to weigh in so all I can say is that I was inundated with more cliches than I could count and laughed a ton while watching the 1984 series and I loved every minute of it. 
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Glass Mask is the story of a young 13 year old girl Maya Kitajima, who has a dream to be a great theatre actress. Unfortunately for Maya she’s from a very poor family, and even more unfortunately for her, she is incredibly average looking with no flair--and don’t worry, the anime will remind you of that fact countless times every episode. Despite her damnable curse of “just looking kind of average” Maya will stop at nothing to pursue her dream and eventually runs away from home after getting a scholarship for an acting school. There, the enigmatic Chigusa Tsukikage notices Maya’s talents and takes her on as her protege. Soon, Maya learns that her mentor Tsukikage was once a legendary actress thought to be truly one of the all time greats who due to a tragic Phantom of the Opera style accident had her face hideously scarred and retreated out of the spotlight. 
Tsukikage is looking to pass on her talents to the future generation and eventually pass on her greatest possession, the rights to the elusive Crimson Goddess play--a supposed legendary masterpiece that has not been seen by anyone in decades; not since Tsukikage’s career ruining accident. For some reason the director and creator of the the Crimson Goddess play saw it fit to beseech all the rights to his masterpiece to Tsukikage and thus nobody else has been able to produce this elusive phantom play since. It won’t be easy for Maya and the Tsukikage acting school, as media conglomerate and mega corporation Daito Entertainment will stop at nothing to get the rights to the Crimson Goddess, and isn't afraid to sabotage them at every step of the way. Perhaps Maya’s greatest rival however is the young Ayumi Himekawa, the daughter of an already famous actress who is said to be the favorite to inherit the Crimson Goddess role, and is everything Maya isn't; beautiful, rich, famous and well loved by all, and while not a student of Tsukikage she is more than willing to pass on the rights to Himekawa if Maya fails to prove herself.
It’s easy to already see the cheesiness just from me trying my best to summarize the basic plot, and we haven’t even gotten into the romances yet. Maya’s relationship with the young Yu Sakurakoji is fairly simple at first, as he helped rescue her from a feral dog and despite being in rival acting schools--one affiliated under Daito no less, he’s a pretty chill guy that enjoys spending time with her and doesn't care about all that stuff. It’s only after Maya starts to take off in her career that Sakurakoji starts to spiral into this insane inferiority complex centered around her, where he thinks she has become too good an actress for him to be around anymore and starts to give her the cold shoulder all because of his own make-believe shortcomings. It’s very odd and sudden, and the entire thing is blown out of proportions as Maya clearly does not think that and Sakurakoji eventually has to be lectured by bad boy Masumi of all people to come around and start spending time with Maya again. Even after this however it isn't like the old days anymore and the gap that was created from his own complex still lingers.
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And oh boy, don’t get me started on Masumi, he’s quite the character. Masumi Hayami is the 24 year old son of the president of Daito Entertainment and is currently running the corporation in his father’s stead. Masumi serves as both an antagonist and love interest (because of course he can be both) in the early parts of the story and is often behind some (but not all) the sabotage done to Tsukikage’s acting school. Masumi will eventually take a more reasonable approach when it comes to trying to yank the rights of the Crimson Goddess away from Tsukikage’s hands as the anime progresses, often just by having his acting school beating Tsukikage’s students in contest and the like, and it’s here where we usually see Masumi’s employees that work under him being the more underhanded characters instead of Masumi directly engaging in the conflict.
Despite being on different sides, so to speak, Masumi catches one of Maya’s earliest performances, her role as Beth in Little Women, and falls in love with the young girl, impressed by both her potential as an actress and her fortitude for going on with the show despite suffering from a dangerously high fever and immediately being rushed to the doctors after the curtains fall. From this point on her takes the role of “Mr Purple Rose” named for the bouquet of purple roses he sends to her at every show. As her secret admirer and the first fan Maya has ever had he means a lot to her yet as his true identity of Masumi he’s an enemy that Maya cannot stand to breathe the same air as. So in short, Masumi is just your average 24 year old CEO of a mega corporation crushing on a 13 year old girl from a small acting school he is trying to ruin and also her secret admirer. Somehow Masumi is one of the best characters in the series, and is my best boy. Only in shoujo!
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So far I've been having some cheap laughs at the expense of the 1984 Glass Mask anime but it’s not all like this. The over-the-top bombardment of old school shoujo cliches and the laughs I got from them may be one of the most memorable component of my viewing but there’s actually a lot more to this anime than that. When you get beyond the silly age gap romances and the flowery melodrama of young teenage love, Glass Mask is a story of artists trying to pursue their passions and dedicating their everything to them. Maya may be cursed to forever be “only average looking” but I really respect her drive to dedicate her entire life to theatre. 
Well, that is to say, the times when she isn't acting like punching bag to the rest of the cast (Glass Mask has a tendency to make Maya into a Cinderella surrounded by tons of wicked stepsisters). When Maya is written not as a Cinderella she’s fiercely determined, and never backs down despite some straight-up abusive behavior she is put through. At times her mentor Tsukikage is absolutely savage, regularly beating Maya and putting her through some training that is definitely highly illegal, at least for today’s standards. For instance she once threw Maya in a shed and locked the door refusing to let her out until she finally understood her character she was assigned. Did I mention it was in the middle of the freezing cold winter and snowing out and Maya only had the clothes on her back for warmth? She was out there for days with no food, water, or even warmth. But don’t worry, she had her script to read and that made it all okay. Like goddamn, somebody call child protective services on this lady.
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Speaking about “the art” and everyone’s passions, the more you watch the series the more it becomes obvious that the creator, Suzue Miuchi, really cares for theatre and isn't just using it as a vehicle to propel her own story. There are countless renditions of classic plays shown in Glass Mask, such as the mentioned already Little Women, The Miracle Worker, and Wuthering Heights, just to name a few. Some of these plays are presented without any changes while others may have reinterpretations made to them by the characters who are trying to give their roles a life of their own away from the original source material. Miuchi very much understands theatre and does a great job converting many famous plays into a more compressed and easily digestible form of entertainment that can be viewed on a week by week bases. The analysis characters give about the plays and other characters’ performances, the ways characters interpret their parts, and how the plays that we are privy to see in the series end up all show a deeper understanding of the medium. Watching Glass Mask is almost like taking a beginning course in theatre that covers all the classics, only with way more melodrama and over-the-top romance than you will find in your local theatre group. I hope.
What’s the most impressive however goes beyond just Miuchi’s renditions of other classic works and instead are her own plays that she creates herself. As not only does Glass Mask use pre-existing plays it also has its own original productions that will spring up in-between the real world plays. A lot of these self created plays are very enjoyable too, and some feel way more fleshed out than they have any right to be and you often find yourself regretting that you are only privy to a small part of the performance and not able to just sit there and watch the entire play like the characters in the anime do. Maybe that’s why it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that some of the plays Miuchi has created for her manga have later been adapted into real life plays in Japanese theatres. This is probably the greatest testament to the series’ popularity right there, where its own fictional works are turned real. I can’t think of many examples of something like that happening before.
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I’d be remiss not to mention the visual aspect of this series before wrapping up my thoughts on it too. While certainly no powerhouse in animation, Glass Mask 1984 goes for a more picturesque route, and does a great job with tons of beautiful still shots and intricately detailed background images. It’s a humble production but with the right use of lighting a lot of scenes can really shine (pardon the terrible pun it was an accident), especially the night shots which can be pure art. Hang it in a museum, I say. I’m almost surprised we don’t see more “aesthetic” anime blogs mining images from this series. Veteran director Gisaburo Sugii (Dororo, Touch, Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix) leads the production with skilled marksmanship you would expect from his previous (and future) pedigree, and along with legendary animator the late Shingo Araki (Ashita no Joe, Galaxy Express 999, Saint Seiya) the series has a wonderful 80’s flair to it that just fills any retro anime fan full of nostalgia whether or not they have seen the show before.
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Studio Eiken’s 1984 Glass Mask adaptation is a short, briskly paced 22 episode series that is easy on the eyes and not hard at all to still sit through for modern audiences. It’s full of tons of laughs (both ironic and sincere) as well as tons of melodrama and over-the-top romance. Most importantly though, it’s a full of passion; lots and lots of passion. During its short episode count the series watches Maya progress as an actress and grow older, with her finishing middle school and beginning high school while also balancing full time acting jobs on the side. The ending is left open--and let’s face it the manga hasn't even ended some 35 years later still--but there’s enough forward momentum in the series to really feel like your time with the characters wasn't wasted and that they were able to accomplish something--not to mention the ending spot is a pretty decent one leaving the viewer wanting more but enjoying a satisfying conclusion to one of the more interesting story arcs adapted. Overall I think anyone who enjoys cheesy anime romance can sit down with this series and have a fun Valentine’s.
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karazrel · 6 years
what are your thoughts on how Allison would've interacted with the entire pack? Would she have made up with Erica and Boyd? Or with Derek?Would she and Kira have training sessions every Saturday? Helped Malia learn how to drive? Punched Theo in the face for sciles? Would she and Lydia move in together for college? Been #1 deputy of the sheriff's department until she got the job/been Stiles FBI partner? I feel like I could write endless scenarios about teen wolf
i have so many hc about how allison/the pack would fit in if theyd all survived through s3 so im putting it under the cut!
making up with boyd starts with her approaching him at lunch and sitting down on the same table as him, it’s awkward and stilted and incredibly tense but she works through the dryness of her throat and spends fifteen minutes straight apologising. it ends with allison in tears and boyd holding her hands because he’s gentle and kind and too forgiving, but he knows what loss feels like so he understands. 
erica is a little tougher to crack, she’s sharp and too closed off. but allison is annoyingly persistent, she somehow convinces erica that sparring is a good idea because ‘im sure you wouldnt hate to punch me in the face a couple of times, right?’ and she does. but it’s good because theyve both been so caught up in the danger of their lives they never stopped to just have fun. and it is fun, every time one of them lands a hit they’ll smugly turn around and say ‘I thought you were pyschic bitch’  and it’s exactly the thing they need to heal.
she thinks that derek will always be a little wary around her, they have too much history between their families - too much bad blood - for them to ever truly be friends. she knows it’s not really her fault but she feels guilty all the same, and she wants to be better, to do better. than her aunt, her grandfather - even her mother. her olive branch comes in the form of offering to help derek rebuild the hale house. it’s never going to be the same, but it’s a start. and derek, while sometimes a little too proud for his own good accepts her help (if only for the sake of scott). theyre never going to be the best of friends, but they grow to respect one another and thats just as important.
it’s an undisputed fact that kira is too good for this world, she’s kind and pure and full of light. but she has the weight of her family, her legacy, her destiny weighing her down. and sometimes, sometimes she just wants to leave it all behind to run away and be her own person. and allison understand, she’s an argent, she’s a huntress by blood. she knows all too well what the weight of family feels like and so when it gets too much, theyll get into allison’s car and drive away from beacon hills. into the forest, the hilltop, the desert. theyll talk and talk and when it’s done and theyre both emotionally exhausted but content all the same, theyll drive back home, blasting music and screaming at the top of their lungs like the teenagers they are.
malia is suspicious by nature, years living in the wilderness will do that to a person, so its almost shocking just how quickly she takes to allison. at the end of the day, malia has always been good at reading people. she can always tell when they’re lying or they’re happy or sad. and for a while all allison does is exude sadness and guilt. at her actions, her family’s sins,  the role she played in hurting those she loves most. and malia gets it, she’s burdened with the blood of her family. she of all people understands what it’s like to want to rebel against everything your family stood for. it’s that deep understanding and empathy that brings them together, paving the way for their budding friendship.
theo underestimates allison. he figures it’d be easy to charm her away from scott and the pack, to play on the same weaknesses gerard had. afterall, shes done it before? he’s not prepared for her to punch him across the room and he’s definitely not prepared for her wrath when she finds out he’s hurt scott.
and finally i think allison would’ve loved what scott and the pack were doing, she was the one who came up with ‘we protect those who cannot protect themselves’ and i truly believe that she would’ve been at the front lines with scott helping him save people everywhere.
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d-noona · 6 years
SUMMARY: Kim Namjoon is a ruthless financier used to buying and selling stocks, shares and priceless artifacts. But now Namjoon has his eye on a very different acquisition – Y/N L/N. Left destitute by her father’s recent death, Y/N walks into Namjoon’s bank looking to extend her overdraft. As Y/N needs money and Namjoon needs a wife, he proposes the perfect deal: he’ll rescue her financially if she agrees to marry him. But in this marriage of convenience can Y/N ever be anything more than just a bartered bride?
WORDS: 1928
Kim Namjoon x Reader
M.List | Ch. 02
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Expecting him to be a middle-aged toad, Y/N was surprised when the man who rose from behind the large orderly desk was a tall, dark, middle twenties, very handsome, with dimples on top. Man was he handsome.
“Miss L/N, please sit down.” He gestured to the chair on the outer side of the desk and waited until she was settle before resuming his own sit. She knew nothing about him, except that his name was Kim Namjoon and he occupied a large office on the highest floor of a prestigious office block in the City. This area of Seoul was one of the world’s great markets. Judging by his discreetly luxurious surroundings, this man was one of the market’s moguls. To Y/N, until very recently, money has been something she spent with careless extravagance on clothes for herself, presents for others and anything else she wanted. Now the supply she had dried up. That was why she was here in the formidable presence of this well-built, 5’11 tall, whose physique didn’t match her mental image of a top-level financier. All she knew about him was that Mr. L/N, her late father’s lawyer, had said that Kim Namjoon wished to see her and -might be able to help her and her mother out of their predicament.
Predicament being the understatement of the year, Y/N thought wryly, leaning back in the comfortable leather chair and automatically crossing her legs, remembering a moment too late that this was a no-no in the books of advice on how to impress interviewers. The movement caused Mr. Kim to shift the focus of his cold brown gaze from her face to her shapely knees and then to her ankles. Y/N accustomed to men admiring her legs furtively or openly according to temperament. Kim Namjoon belonged to the latter group, but whether his frank appraisal was appreciative, critical of indifferent it was impossible to tell. He had the most deadpan expression she had ever come across. It made her nervous.
And Y/N wasn’t used to being nervous. She didn’t like it. The appraisal didn’t last long, perhaps not more than three seconds. Leaning forward, his forearms resting on the edge of his desk and his long-fingered hands loosely clasped, he returned his gaze to her face. “You’re in trouble I hear.”
Lacking any regional of social accent, his voice gave no clue to his background. Self-assured and brisk, it was a voice she could imagine giving decisive orders people would jump to obey. Had she met him in surroundings not indicative of his occupation, and had been asked to guess it, she would have assumed that he held a senior rank in one of the special units of crack fighting men called to the world’s trouble spots when drastic action was the only solution. He had an air of contained physical power. A man of action rather than a desk-bound number-cruncher. “Yes,” she agreed, “we are. Since my father’s death, my mother and I have discovered that instead of being comfortably off were extremely hard up – virtually penniless.”
“Not penniless,” he said dryly. “The watch you’re wearing would pay the grocery bills of an average family for several months.” She looked down at her Cartier watch her parents had given her for her eighteenth birthday “I won’t be wearing this much longer, but I don’t mind that. I can cope with the change in our circumstances. It’s my mother I’m worried about. She’s not young. She’s never worked. She –“ He interrupted her. “Nor have you, I understand. The press described you as a playgirl”
“The press put labels on everyone…not always accurate. It’s true I’ve never had a job. There was no point. My father was rich…so we thought. I wasn’t brainy enough to train for one of the professions. I don’t have any special bent. The most useful thing I could do was to help keep other people employed, not take a routine job someone else needed” as Y/N attempts to explain her situation. “You do not have to explain your butterfly existence to me Miss L/N. but without any work-experience, you’re not going to find it easy to start supporting yourself, particularly not at the level you’re accustomed to.”
“Presumably you didn’t ask me here to tell what I already know,” she replied, with a flash of irritation. There was something about his manner that put her back up.  He hadn’t smiled when he greeted her. Beyond standing up when she was shown in by his secretary, he hadn’t done anything to put her at ease. “Why did you send for me?” she asked quirking at eyebrow at the man.
Rising, he picked up a file lying on top of his desk. He walked round to hand it to her.  “Have a look through that.” He strolled away to a window looking out on a vista of rooftops. He stood with his hands behind him, the right hand clasping the left wrist. The file held plastic pockets containing illustrations taken from magazines and the glossier kind of catalogue. Mostly they showed pieces of sculpture, paintings and other objets d’art. There were also several photograps of horses, an aerial view of an island off Scottland and a picture of a small French Chateau. Half turning from the window, he said “Theyre all things that caught my eye over the last few years.  Some of them are mine now I’m in the fortunate position of being able to indulge my acquisitive impulses…as I expected you did before your father died.”
Shaking her head “Not on this scale,” said Y/N. She couldn’t see where the conversation was heading, as she glanced at him, Kim Namjoon returned to his desk, resting one long hard thigh along the edge of its polished surface and folding his arms across his chest. “There’s one picture in there that you’ll recognize. Carry on looking.”
Intrigued, she obeyed, turning the pages more rapidly than before. Suddenly, with indrawn breath of surprise and puzzlement, she stopped. She hadn’t expected to see a photograph of herself. It had been taken at a party of socialites. She was wearing a figure hugging dress of black crushed velvet and showing a lot of sun-tanned cleavage, having recently returned from a winter holiday in the Caribbean. “What am I doing here?” she demanded, baffled. “You, I hope, are going to be my next major acquisition, Ms. L/N” For the first time a hint of amusement showed in the hard steely-brown eyes and flickered at the corners of his wide, chiseled mouth.
Inconsequently, it struck her that his mouth was at variance with the rest of his features. It was the mouth of a sensualist in the face of a man who otherwise gave the impression of being self-disciplined. But it was the meaning of his extraordinary statement, rather than the contradiction between his mouth and his eyes that preoccupied her at the moment. “What do you mean?” she said warily.
“I need a wife. You need financial support. Do you understand the word fortuitous?” says Namjoon. “Of course I do,” she retorted, her long lashed – brown eyes sparkling with annoyance at the implied aspersion of her intelligence. It was true she had been considered a dunce by most of her teachers and had never done well in examinations, but that was because she hadn’t been interested in the things they wanted her to learn…grammar, maths, physics and incredibly tedious bits of history, all of them taught in a way guaranteed to send the normal teenagers – particularly the sort of restless, hyperactive teenager she had been…into well…boredom. She said, “It means happening by chance…especially by a lucky chance. But I can’t see anything luck about my father dying of massive coronary in his middle fifties, with his business on the rocks and his wife destitute,” she added coolly. Matching her coldness, he said “In my experience, most people make their own luck. Your father’s lifestyle wasn’t conductive to a long healthy life. As a business man, he took too many risks for a man with responsibilities.”
“Did you have dealings with him?” she asked. She knew nothing about her father’s business life. Since her late teens he had spent little time with his family. It was years since he and her mother had shared a bedroom. Y/N knew there had been other women. “Not directly. But after seeing that picture, I made a point of finding out more about you. I was on the point of making a contract when your father died and I put the matter on hold. In the light of subsequent events, I’ve adapted my original plan to deal with things more expeditiously. If my information is correct, you have no relationships with men in train at the present time?”
“How did you find that out?” she said baffled. He said coolly, “I had you investigated…a reasonable precaution in the circumstances. Marriage is a very important contract. When people are buying a house, they have searches made by surveyors and lawyers. I had you checked out, very discreetly, by a private detective. You may want to run a similar check on me. For the time being my secretary has prepared a file which will give you most information you need.”
Retrieving the file she was holding, he placed another slimmer folder on the edge of the desk in front of her. “I can’t believe I’m even hearing this, I thought this was a merchant bank…not marriage bureau.” Y/N’s eyes were both perplexed and angry. He didn’t look like a crazy person. In his expensive suit and diagonally striped tie, perhaps the emblem of one of those old boys’ networks which still wielded so much influence, he looked eminently sane and sensible. But he must be out of his head to believe he could buy a wife as casually and easily as everything else in the file he was putting away in a drawer. “It’s a bank and I am its chairman,” he said calmly. Y/N cocked her head to the side “You wouldn’t be much longer if your shareholders heard what you’re suggesting. They’d think you were out of your mind. You can’t buy a wife.”
“It isn’t the usual method of acquiring one,” he agreed, going back to his chair. “But these are unusual circumstances. I have neither the time nor inclination to follow traditional course. You are in urgent need of someone to straighten out the financial shambles you find yourself in. if you agree to marry me, your mother won’t have to move and you won’t have to worry about her future. I’ll take care of that. Think it over, Y/N. when you’ve had time to assess it. I think you’ll agree it’s an eminently sensible plan.” For some reason his use of her first name detonated the anger which had been building inside her. It was rare for Y/N to lose control of her temper. But she did now. Jumping up, she said fiercely “I don’t need to think it over. Nor would any sane person. I’m furious you’ve made me come here, thinking I’d hear something useful! This trip to Seoul has been a complete waste of time. I’ve damned good mind to write to you board of directors and tell them they’ve got a nutcase in control.” Without waiting for his reaction, she marched to the big double doors of solid mahogany and yanked one of them open. Glowering at the startled secretary at his desk in the outer sanctum, she slammed in resoundingly behind her and returned to the private lift which brought her up to this rarefied level of the building.
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christophersymes · 4 years
Celebrity Status
Celebrity Status, an ongoing L(G)B(T)+ story also on Wattpad and Quotev.
<– Previous  / Next –>
Chapter Two
masonfucker1000: hey! i cannot fucking sleep for the life of me
masonfucker1000: nosam show's today, isn't it?
familyjules: hell yes it is! im too excited to sleep too do u wanna talk for a while while i get ready
masonfucker1000: uh, yeah, arent we talking now?
familyjules: shut up i'm sleep deprived and playing bass my mind is off
masonfucker1000: playing bass? are you reallyyy playing bass? or are u playing around w ur secret bass-stripping software, wannabe christo?
familyjules: fuck you i'm actually playing, masonfucker! u want proof go here: rabb.it/familyjules
masonfucker1000: uh huh
Mason's heart was suddenly beating out of his chest as he sat up in his bunk and plugged in earphones. Was Jules gonna turn on her camera? He was already freaking out that he was in the same city as Jules, he might even see her in the crowd! The boys had already teased him plenty in the past week for being so excited for it. He took a deep breath and clicked on the link.
Elias: Show me the proof!
Jules clicked on the camera and stuck his tongue out, smiling. "Hey, dumbass," he said, internally cringing at his voice. He lifted the bass. "Proof. Right here." He started to play one of Nosam's songs, smiling while he did.
Mason had to take a deep breath as soon as Jules turned the camera on. He blushed for no reason at all as he looked down at his bare chest and SpongeBob boxers, even though she couldn't see him. Jules' voice was awesome. The first thing he noticed were her blue eyes. Mason had seen a lot of blue eyes, but these were... wow. It was as if Mason had been searching for a certain shade of blue and had just found the perfect ones.
Her hair was an absolute mess down to her shoulders, and there was glitter all over her face, and she had tattoos. Blackwork flowers covered her shoulders down to her elbows. Those flowers were framed by a thin black line that went across her collarbone and shoulders, down to the end of the flowers. He could also see a moth and red and blue outlines of a skull on her thighs. She looked good. Really good. And then she showed him the bass and started playing, and Mason was pretty sure he'd nut right there.
Elias: holy fuck. holy fuck
Elias: Jules you're gorgeous
Elias: Sorry i mean your bass playing is amazing, it is, my mind is blown
Elias: but ive heard that before. right now im looking at
Elias: your face and
Elias: you look so good
Jules continued playing a few chords while he leaned forward to see the screen. He blushed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "You're an idiot. My hair is a fuckin' mess right now, dude." He leaned back again, the bass just barely hiding the fact that he was in a pair of boxers and a tank top and nothing else. "I'm gonna respect you not turning on your cam or mic, but damn, I wish I could see you." He laughed a little at how weird that sounded. "You're making me think you're someone famous."
Mason grinned. Jules' voice was soothing and light enough to severely tone down the dangerous words coming out of her mouth, the fact that she had casually— jokingly— guessed who he was. Sort of.
Elias: aw!! youre blushing! thats a blush!! youre cute
Elias: you're gonna make me blush. are u really that desperate to see me?
Elias: im sure u wish i was some1 famous
Jules laughed again. "Asshole. Maybe I do, you could get me a record deal or some shit. I don't sing much but my sister sure as hell can and I can harmonize okay." He plucked a string. "Also I'm not desperate. Just curious."
Elias: i would in a heartbeat
Elias: SING
Elias: you gotta sing
Elias: oh im sure its a burning curiosity
Jules blushed again, but obliged. He started singing a Nosam song. He blushed through it, then coughed a little. "I'm really not that good. Better with other people."
Mason smiled wide when Jules started singing. It was similar to Chris' range— which was really good. And her voice was different. Or maybe he was just... crushing extremely hard on her.
Elias: you're a solid Chris! and better than you think!
Elias: your voice is super smooth but it also has a nice rough edge to it and its fucking rad
Elias: you're a 1000% band material all the way, jules, I swear
Jules laughed nervously, grinning. "You're biased. Definitely just saying it." He shrugged a little. "Ugh. An hour 'til I go stand in line all day for good views."
Elias: youre good!
Elias: it'll be worth it
Elias: I hope youre at the front of the stage
Elias: ha! is that what ur gonna wear? what are those, boxers?
Elias: they are!
"Hell no!" Jules laughed. "It's way too fuckin' cold for that. And yes. They are boxers— Spongebob ones to be specific." He set his bass on the bed next to him and leaned up on his knees, so Elias could see. "I should probably get dressed actually. Turning off my camera for a minute." He turned it off and started to get dressed, keeping the mic on.
Elias: FUCK
Elias: wow u have killer thighs
Elias: now im left to imagine
Jules stopped for a second to read the messages. "Twins! And boo for you. The thighs and ass are the result of a lifetime of hockey, my friend." Jules shrugged on a flannel and started buttoning it over his tank top. "I've got a killer ass too."
Mason bit his lip at that, significantly affected by imagining Jules' killer ass.
Elias: thank fuck for hockey
Elias: oh, I believe it
Elias: i have a lacrosse bod
Mason froze after he sent it. Sure, it was in hidden corners of the internet, but it was a little-known fact he played lacrosse in high school.
Jules grinned. "Lacrosse, huh? No wonder you like Mason. He was a lacrosse player."
Elias: oh yeah? bet he wasnt as good as me
Jules pressed the camera button again after he had his jeans on, stepping back as he buttoned them. "Better? Warmer." He grinned, turning in front of the camera. He was wearing a too big flannel since he couldn't wear his binder, and ripped black jeans. "With boots. It's kinda too pop punk for Nosam but y'know."
Mason swallowed as he fixated on Jules' ass. He blushed at the screen and looked up at the bottom of the top bunk. This was ridiculous.
Elias: hotter, definitely, yes
Elias: Pop punk is rad
Elias: and you rock it
Jules sat down again and grinned. "Thanks, man." He pulled the hair tie out of his hair and started to fix it, pulling half back again. "How are Nosam concerts? I mean, I've seen videos, but I haven't ever thought about asking about like... the fans? How did people act?"
Elias: lots of hype. really loud. lots of glitter, merch, posters. as u know, nosam fans are dedicated. altho some people won't even know who they are and pretend they know the songs, which is hilarious. lots of shirtless ppl after T-Shirt Song. might be some shoving around so be careful. theres some younger teenage fans too, they might get a bit much but theyre definitely passionate. older fans are adorable
Jules took a second to read it, playing with a pillow in his lap. "Sounds fun. I— nah, I'll just take off the tank when T-Shirt Song is played. Fuck, I'm so excited. That just made me even more excited. Fuck!"
Mason grinned as he watched Jules get gradually more restless in excitement.
Elias: youre adorable
Elias: hey are u in a relationship? i cant imagine not
Jules was still shifting around a little when he rolled his eyes, plucking a string out of the pillow. He looked up at the other message sound, blushing again. "Damn, you like making me blush. No, I'm not. Haven't been in many, either, if you're gonna ask that next."
Mason pursed his lips, silencing an excited yell. He fist-pumped quietly.
Elias: you're really cute when you blush
Elias: and you're
Elias: into guys?
Jules blushed more, rolling his eyes again. He was silent for a second as he struggled to force the words out. "Yeah. I'm bi, if that helps." He focused his gaze on the pillow again, smiling a little. Elias definitely was interested. "You're more flirty than usual right now."
Elias: can't help it looking at you
Elias: i just think you're really cool
Elias: hot, too
Elias: gotta include both ends of the temperature spectrum
Jules snorted. "I think you're really cool yourself. And probably hot as hell. Can't see your face though, so I'm relying on the idea that you're not some sixty year old mouth breather flirting with me through the internet, like my parents warned me about. And if you are, you're rich, so be my sugar daddy, please and thank you."
Elias: it means shit, i know, but i swear im not 60. ur right, im definitely hot. and young. v muscular. probably the guy of ur dreams. and i would happily be your sugar daddy, baby
Jules blushed, unable to hide his grin. He blew a kiss at the camera, laughing. Being called baby had definitely felt... weird. Maybe it was the nerves. "Thanks, daddy," he teased, blushing harder when he said it. God, his face was going to be the color of an apple soon.
Mason's eyes widened at that, and he cursed himself for actually not minding being called daddy. But, hey, if it works, it works.
Elias: oh, you're into that? ;)
Elias: record for blushing goes to Jules!
Jules huffed. "Asshole. Shut up." He wanted to hide his face in the pillow, but that would get glitter everywhere. "Fuck. I should go soon."
Elias: pretty sure you like when im an asshole
Mason frowned as their alarms rang at that moment. Andrew whined loudly as he dropped himself to the floor from the top bunk. He snorted. Nice timing, Jules.
Elias: :(
Elias: you should i guess :(
Elias: its gonna be good!!
Jules sighed. As much as he loved and adored Nosam... He didn't want to go. He wanted to keep talking to Elias. "I'll message from my phone when I get there, though! And I'll take lots of pictures and videos for the site. My sister is coming with me, too, I'm so excited." He grinned, his excitement returning. "I'll talk to you later, Elías! Have a good day!"
Elias: you better
Elias: i might not answer for a bit tho ill be p busy today
Elias: talk to you later! have a good day, jules x
Mason sighed as he left Jules' room, but grinned as he thought about seeing her in the crowd. It was gonna be awesome.
Hours later, the place was packed and Mason urged the guys along, getting hyped by all the noise. "Guys, c'mon! Let's say hi to some people."
Once they reached the lines, Mason grinned, touching hands and greeting people from the other side of the cord.
"Dude! You look hardcore!" he gasped as he saw a guy with glitter, lipstick, fishnets, and a ripped Nosam tank. A fucking killer concert outfit. God, he loved fans. The guy's eyes widened, and he grinned wide as Mason gave his hand a squeeze. He scanned the crowds, looking for Jules. She had to be there somewhere.
Andrew came up behind him, muttering in his ear. "You're fucking whipped before even meeting her."
Mason smacked his back and flipped Andrew's hood up over his face to annoy him. Andrew flipped him off as he pushed it back down.
Jules stood in line with Rosaline, bouncing a little as he messaged Elías.
familyjules: in line! we're way at the front but some assholes camped overnight and froze their asses off so they deserve being here first
"Oh my God, oh my God, Jules— Jullian! Look up, holy shit, they're right there," Rosaline said, yanking at Jules' arm. He looked up, gasping a little and bouncing even more.
"Holy fuck, that's them, in person, holy fuck— Fuck, look at Austin, he's so hot- And Chris looks so good—" Jules breathed, grinning.
Andrew blinked, impressed as he noticed a girl wearing a dress that... was made of Nosam shirts? Shit. And next to her was— Andrew stopped, almost barreling into a fan, who did not seem to mind very much. According to the few pictures of Jules that Mason had shown him, the person next to that girl was either Jules or a convincing look-alike. Andrew looked to Mason, who was scanning in the opposite direction, and rolled his eyes. He elbowed Mason, "Dude, check out that dress."
Mason whipped his head in the direction Andrew was pointing, and his jaw dropped. It was a cool dress— very cool— but holy shit, it was Jules. Fuck. He started to move behind Andrew until he remembered Jules didn't know it was him. Right. Duh. His heart beat unnaturally loud in his ears as he stepped towards them. What if he was wrong and he wanted it to be Jules so badly that he'd convinced himself that's who he was looking at? Maybe Jules didn't even exist. No person could look that good.
They were coming their way. "Holy fuck and they're looking right at us aren't they? It's the glitter and your Nosam dress, you funky little designer!" Jules breathed it all, grinning wide and shaking Rosaline's shoulders.
Mason pulled Andrew along with him and puffed out a breath as he walked towards them, smiling, looking to the girl beside Jules, eyeing her dress in awe. "Hey, guys! You both look amazing. I think this is the most impressive gig outfit I've ever seen. How long did it take you to make that?"
Rosaline grinned, shrugging off her jacket so they could see it all. "Around twelve hours. It was hard as hell to put all of it together and cut the shirts. Totally worth it, though!"
Jules grinned, taking her hand and twirling her. "And the bottom is rainbow and glitter cause she's definitely not gay but an ally and as campy as a drag queen." Jules laughed a little, meeting Mason's eyes, then Andrew's. Mason's breath caught.
"Shut up, Jules," Rosaline said, shoving Jules jokingly. He lifted his hands by his shoulders.
Mason smiled happily as the smallest sliver of doubt dissipated when she said Jules. "I'm impressed. Really impressed. Right, Drew?"
Andrew had been distracted by another fan he was taking a picture with, but he turned, glancing at Jules and Rosaline a little awkwardly and nodding, smiling a bit.
Mason laughed at her words and at her sister shoving her. He took a couple of meet-and-greet passes from his pocket and offered them, grinning. "That dress is the best thing I've seen all tour, so I hope I'll see you at the meet and greet."
Jules's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck, no way!" He laughed, looking up at Mason in shock. "You're kidding me, right? Meet and greets?" He grinned, taking one when Rosaline took the other, too shocked to speak.
"Yes way!" Mason grinned wide at them.
"Holy fuck, you funky little designer!" Jules said, latching onto Rosaline and lifting her the way he always did to annoy her. "I knew that dress was good luck. You didn't fuckin' nick your finger once while making it."
He turned back to Mason after putting her down when she threatened to punch him, grinning still. "Thank you. Holy fuck, thank you. Y— We'll definitely be there. It's not like we have anything better to do than meet you guys."
Mason's cheeks hurt from smiling as Jules laughed and lifted the girl. "Don't sweat it. Completely understandable if you find something better to do. Although, I don't know what people in Michigan do. Skate on Lake Mich? Hockey?" he teased. "Just give them to someone else so they don't go to waste. Although I'll be bummed if I don't see you there," he said, meeting Jules' eyes for a second.
Jules froze a little at the hockey comment, blinking and forcing himself to breathe. He suddenly felt a lot colder than he was. Tugging his jacket tighter around him, he forced a smile and nodded. "Don't worry. We'll be there." He felt himself shaking a little and found it kind of hard to breathe. His hand found Rosaline's after a second.
"We'll definitely be there," Rosaline said, grinning at Mason. She squeezed Jules's hand, knowing exactly what was going on. It had happened before. She took the pass from Jules and stuffed it in her bag with her own, one hand still in Jules'.
Mason's smile disappeared for a moment at Jules' reaction. Oh, fuck. Did he say something wrong? He grinned again, turning to Jules' sister. "So, I hope you don't mind, but I just need a picture with you...?" he trailed off, hoping for a name.
"Rosaline," she said, grinning.
"Beautiful name," Mason smiled. Jules' twin sister seemed extremely cool.
"I—" Rosaline looked back at Jules, who nodded and let go of her hand. "Okay. Jules, do you wanna take it?"
Jules looked for a second, then nodded, taking out his phone. He still had the convo with Elías open. That gave him an idea. "Uh— this is kind of a weird question, but could you message my friend too after the picture? He'll lose his shit if he knows I met you." He grinned again at the thought of Elías's reaction.
Mason watched Jules fiddle around with the camera. He was maybe freaking out a little. He definitely said something wrong. Was it the flirting? Or did he offend her with the hockey jab?
His eyebrows rose in surprise as Jules mentioned her friend, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course."
Jules lifted his phone after opening the camera, taking a picture of Mason and Rosaline together. "Oh— oh, do you need it on your phone? Is it for security or something?"
"Uh, yeah," Mason took out his phone. "Actually, you should get in this too," he motioned for both of them to take a selfie with him and made a silly face, and then took another one with a smile.
Jules blushed a little at the way Mason looked at him. He stood behind Rosaline, crossing his eyes and opening his mouth, then simply grinning.
He handed his phone over to Mason afterward, then explained a little bit where the text was and everything. "Oh, his name is Elías. Accent on the 'I'. Please, for the love of all things holy, mention the username and embarrass the shit out of him. He deserves it for that."
"Gotcha," Mason took the phone carefully, wanting to laugh at how ridiculous this situation was. God, how was this gonna end? He pushed the thought aside and managed to laugh at the username.
familyjules: hey Elías! its nosam's Mason! i met your friend Jules today, im flattered you wanna fuck me, maybe we can meet up sometime? ;) x
He smiled in amusement as he showed Jules the message. "How's that?"
Jules took back the phone and grinned. "Perfect." He looked up and met Mason's eyes again. His smile was better, just still a bit forced. "Thank you. You're awesome."
"Anytime, Jules," he gave her a silly, lopsided grin eyes bright. "It was awesome to meet you guys."
He saw Austin walking by and waved him over, hopping a little. "Hey, Austin, check out this rad dress and these rad people."
Austin smiled over at them, although he was surrounded by people. "Very rad dress! Thanks for coming, guys," he gave them a thumbs up.
Jules froze again when Austin came over, for a completely different reason. He grinned, unable to speak.
Rosaline snapped in front of his face. "I— God, sorry. Jules is a mess right now." She elbowed him, but he was just staring at Austin. "Thank you for coming all the way up here. It's the only reason we could come. We tried to go to Detroit once, but our parents wouldn't let us go that far alone in just one day and night." She grinned at Austin.
"Y— You're Austin," Jules breathed.
"No problem," Austin smiled, "That's me. Jules, yeah? Would it be okay if I hugged you?" he glanced at Mason for a split second. Mason glared at him for the same amount of time. Asshole.
Austin's smile grew.
Jules nodded enthusiastically, holding up his arms and hugging Austin tight. Holy fuck, he was hugging Austin Salinas. And Mason Hill was right there. And he'd meet Chris later, and Andrew had smiled at him. This was the best day of his life. He closed his eyes and buried his face against Austin's shoulder, then realized that was weird and he was hugging too long and pulled away.
Austin grinned, laughing and hugging Jules just as tight for a second longer. "You're a good hugger."
Jules laughed. "So are you," he said after they pulled away.
That was an unnecessarily long hug.
Mason pouted, glancing at Rosaline. "Now I want a hug. Rosaline?" he grinned, holding out his arms.
Rosaline hugged him, grinning. She hugged him just a bit too long too, wishing she could have hugged Andrew but beyond happy to hug Mason.
Jules paused for a second, then hugged Mason, face against his chest. "Thank you."
Mason was surprised at the hug, frozen in place for a second before taking a deep breath and relaxing into it. He wrapped his arms around Jules and smiled contentedly. This is what a hug is, fuck every other one I've ever had.
Jules was a little too relaxed into the hug. It felt right for some reason. While Austin's hug was awesome, Mason's was warm and soft and felt incredible. Jules didn't want to let go.
Mason hugged Jules as long as he could without it being weird, and then let her go. "Alright, we should go set up. See you guys later!" he smiled. Austin said goodbye, giving Mason a mocking look, sighing wistfully at him.
"Shut up, Austin," Mason shoved at him, hands on his shoulders as they walked away.
"I didn't speak, Mason," Austin grinned, "She's really cute. I get why you've been annoying the shit out of us this whole time."
"Don't you have a girlfriend already, Sally?"
Jules smiled at them as they left, waving, then turned to Rosaline, tears in his eyes. "We just— Holy fuck, we just met Nosam and got meet and greet passes, Rosa."
Mason loved performing. He'd happily do it for the rest of his life, and that was the plan. He was addicted to the roar of the crowd, to the sound of thousands of people singing along with him, to their songs. It was always surreal, always like being in another world. It was a high. But this concert, he had been especially happy that he could see Jules at the front of the crowd the whole time, just as excited as everyone else was. Jules' proximity was especially wonderful after T-Shirt Song, because fuck, was Jules even hotter without a shirt. Who needed shirts? Nobody. That's what T-Shirt Song was all about (not really, but roll with it).
After the concert, Jules had a newfound love for Mason Hill. He'd loved him before, but not like this. On stage, he was hilarious and bounced around and was so theatrical... it was exactly how Jules wanted to be on stage. He demanded a presence, and made sure he got what he wanted. There was no doubt in anything he did, even if he did make a fool of himself at times and absolutely roasted himself. It was astounding. Mason had delivered everything Jules had hoped for and then some.
At Mason's insistence that everyone in the crowd had to, Jules had stripped off his shirt during T-Shirt Song, then threw it on stage after. Mason had made eye contact with him... a lot, actually, after that, especially during flirty songs. It was like he wanted to fuck or something, and Jules had informed Elías of this. But Elías wasn't replying, which made sense, since he'd said he'd be busy, but it made Jules a little sad.
They were in the back of the line for the meet-and-greet, sadly, but would definitely get to see them because of the passes. Jules wiped some glitter off his forehead while they waited, closer to the front now that the event was almost over, humming to himself. He was sweating after all the moving around, so he was just wearing a bra and his open flannel, bouncing on the balls of his feet next to an exhausted Rosaline. His throat hurt, and it was the best experience of his life. Rosa's throat hurt, and it was the worst experience of her life.
"Wimp," he teased, grinning at her. He coughed a little. "Oh. We're up."
When they were reaching the end of the meet & greet line, Mason grinned as he saw Jules and Rosaline. All of Nosam was shirtless, even Chris, who was rocking scars from his top surgery, still looking fairly pink after over a year. It was incredible how it had gone from cold as hell to hot as shit with all the moving around.
"Hey, Jules! Rosaline!" Mason shouted, waving them forward when the twins had gotten to the front of the meet & greet line.
"Good to see you guys again," Austin smiled at them as he ran his hand through sweaty, wavy hair and pushed his glasses up.
Andrew shot them an awkward smile through the Twizzler in his mouth. His hair was sticking to his forehead as he saluted the pair.
"How're you guys doing? You weren't kidding, that dress is wonderful," Chris stared at the dress, leaning against the table to get a closer look at the detail.
Jules grinned, dragging a tired and stunned Rosaline with him. He still had some post-concert adrenaline rushing through his veins.
"That was the best concert of my life," Jules said. "You guys are fucking awesome up there. Better than the videos I've seen online."
"Glad we made such a lasting impression," Mason teased, smirking at Jules.
"The best concert of my life was probably All Time Low," Austin muttered absentmindedly, yawning. Andrew snorted as he stuck a Twizzler in his open mouth. Austin choked on it, yanking it out of his mouth and tossing it back at him. Andrew laughed, catching it and putting it in his mouth.
Rosaline coughed before she spoke. "Thank you about the dress. And for the passes. This is amazing."
"Thank you!" Chris grinned big, "It was a long time coming. Was definitely a weight off my chest." He winked and finger-gunned them. "You're the amazing ones."
Jules laughed softly, then took a deep breath and looked at Chris. "I— Uh— Can I get a picture? Please?"
"Hell yeah," Chris got up and put an arm around Jules' shoulder for the picture, smiling.
Rosa did the same with Andrew, a little nervous. "Can—" She stopped for a second, taking a deep breath, then smiled sheepishly. "Can I get a picture with you, Andrew?"
"Yeah," Andrew replied, almost inaudible. He immediately got up, taking a picture with her and hugging her.
Rosaline hugged Andrew back happily, on the verge of tears. This was the best day of her life. He spoke to her. He actually spoke to her.
After they got their pictures, Jules grinned at Mason. "And can I get another picture with you? I don't have one on my phone of us, and no one will ever believe me if I don't get one." He handed his phone off to Rosaline, who took it gladly. "Also— Uh— Could you kiss my cheek? I've seen a lot of those online—"
Mason grinned happily as he took the pic with Jules, hand on her back. He smiled, laughing warmly when she asked for a cheek kiss. He kissed her cheek, pausing a moment with his lips on her face for the picture. He hugged her again afterwards, almost picking her up off the ground.
Jules grinned, hugging him back. He squeezed tight, then thanked Mason and took a picture with Austin.
After a few more minutes of awkward conversation about the concert and Rosaline's dress, it was announced that the meet & greet was over and they had to go. Jules pouted a little, but said bye, waving. He turned around only after a few backward steps, trying to come to terms with the fact that he'd just met Nosam twice in one day.
Mason watched Jules walk away, biting his lip and slowly leaning back in his chair, sighing in abject sadness. He was sad, and he was staring at Jules' ass, and he was thinking that it was completely unfair that even though, yes, he finally got to meet Jules, it was for such a short amount of time, and she didn't even know who he was. And, yeah, maybe he had also been staring at her ass the whole time she was walking away.
Austin thumped him on the head. "I can practically hear your thoughts right now and they're gross, Mason."
Mason only smirked.
When Mason had finally showered and eaten, he fell onto his bed. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Jules. Which wasn't exactly new, honestly, but now it was like, multiplied times a thousand. He eagerly took out his phone.
masonfucker1000: holy shit !!! holy shit
masonfucker1000: i got a message from mason hill. you met him!
There was a knot forming in his stomach as he sent the message. The concert had affected this whole situation way too much. Mason had been stuck. It was a catch-22. He had to see Jules, but now that he'd met her everything was suddenly real, and horrifying and he was even more aware of how he was sort of catfishing, but like, next-level celebrity catfishing (that should totally be a show). And if he hadn't met her, he'd still be suffering dramatically and daydreaming about it, but at least it would have been simpler and he would have been ignorant.
Jules had passed out as soon as he got home, but woke up to messages from Elías. He grinned, rolling over in bed and rubbing at his eyes.
familyjules: FUCK YES I DID hold on i'll post the pics in the concert thread
Seven Photo Attachments
masonfucker1000: YOU GOT A CHEEK KISS? that is one hot man. and by that i mean mason. mason is one hot man. tell me the truth. who was the better hugger?
familyjules: okay look you know i love austin but mason's hug was so warm and soft i loved it. i made him hug me to compare for you and i preferred his (but don't tell austin i'm betraying him)
Mason kicked his legs, hollering. "In your face, Austin! I'm the better hugger!"
Austin rolled his eyes. "Jules is biased and doesn't even know it."
masonfucker1000: fuck yeah!!!! mason is the superior hugger! dude did u say earlier that he looked like he wanted to fuck
Mason could not fucking believe he had no self-control. She noticed that he was staring like a fucking idiot.
familyjules: yes i did he kept staring at me and he was singing all the flirty songs and looking directly at me and even kissed my hand once during one of them. i was shook. he's a flirt i knew that but it felt different. like he was trying to woo me
masonfucker1000: uhhhhh lucky bastard!!!!! you got a hand kiss and a cheek kiss! 2 hugs! lemme know when u guys fuck!!
Mason yawned, grinning as he posted the pictures with Jules and Rosaline on his Instagram. He cropped the one with him and Jules sticking out their tongues and made it his background, blushing as he stared at it.
Jules laughed again, yawning. He really wanted some more sleep.
familyjules: shut up that's not gonna happen and even if it did it would require us meeting again. i did find a new love for mason hill tonight, tho i'm not gonna nut for him all over the internet like you!
familyjules: i'm gonna get some more sleep, btw. my legs feel like they're jello
masonfucker1000: lies!!! youre definitely gonna nut for him!
masonfucker1000: aw, get some more sleep, darling jules! x
Jules smiled at the message, even though there was something a little weird about it.
familyjules: have a good day, darling elías 💙
Mason wanted to be happy about the message and the heart, but she'd called him Elias. He sighed, putting his phone aside and shutting his eyes in an attempt to sleep and not think about it, even though he suspected it wouldn't work.
0 notes
lollytea · 7 years
I have a three hour class coming up, so naturally, I need to give you something that will take you three hours to write to make it fair. Gimme all of them for either Satin Diamond or Jazzle, your choice.
Idk enough about Puzzle to do ALL of these about Jazzle so I went with the sparkles.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Now I’ve said that Guy is a HUUUUUGE impulse buyer who would probably throw money at whatever remotely reminded him of Satin. But I also imagine Satin as the type to spend MORE on stuff for Guy.
Just because while he’ll buy anything that holds his attention long enough, she’s more focused on the quality. If it’s expensive, its good. All shit that goes on her boy gotta be designer and she is hellbent on dressin him pretty.
So Satin. Its Satin.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
Guy. Whenever he has a tight schedule, he’s either working or napping cuz damn son hes exhausted. But the thing is, that leaves him with very little time to spend with Satin. So sleeping in her lap is the best he can get.
Meanwhile, my girl has a way better sleep endurance than he does. She can pull off an all-nighter and still seem perfectly composed the next day. Satin’s fuckin incredible.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
who tf u think
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Guy is often begging Satin to get some sleep. But listen, if she’s in the zone, you cant stop her. Yes, Guy, she’s aware its 2am.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Neither Satin or Chenille have much experience in cooking. They were pretty spoiled and never had to lift a finger in any kind of housework during their childhood and teenage life. Both of them have had to learn since they moved out but they gotta stick to the basic stuff.
Bless her, Satin’s heart was definitely in the right place. But what she tried to cook was gourmet which she sure as hell was not ready for yet.
Guy’s childhood ran more on a chore wheel kinda thing. He and his siblings had to take turns cooking dinner each week so like he’s a lot more acquainted with it. But is he proud of Satin’s obvious efforts, that’s his girl! You did amazing for your first try!
Tbh he probably tries to eat some of it just to be like “Nonono its fine, we can totally eat this for di-” *Chokes and has to spit it out* “Yeah ok imma make some cookies. You did a good job tho I love you”
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
At a petstore, Guy points at two lizards lying on top of eachother “That one’s me and that one’s you.”
“There’s a fine selection of squeaky toys over here and I'm going to pick one just to whack you with.”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
I mean Guy wears the clothes Satin MAKES so
I'm sure he’s tried on her actual clothes a couple times tho
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Satin: “Okay okay, so it was a good day. A really good day. A productive day. Bought the groceries for dinner tonight, made the phone calls, picked up the dry-cleaning, went to the post office, got the car fixed, vacuumed the living room-”
Guy: “Aww baby, that’s great. Hey, where’s Jade?”
Satin: “Where’s who now?”
Guy: “Our 2 year old son? You-you picked him up from day-care, right?”
*Sounds of Satin grabbing her keys and tripping out the front door*
Guy: “.....was that a yes orrrr?”
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Guy cant read maps so he drives. Also if they have a kid (or theyre babysitting the other kids) Satin’s better at telling them to behave so its better if she’s not behind the wheel.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Guy poses, Satin draws. Its like part of their whole model/designer dynamic. Duh
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
Guy backflips, Satin has chips
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
After the first article of clothing is removed, Satin is forced to confiscate Guy’s glass.
“Sweetheart, listen. We cant afford to do this again. We cant go back to jail.”
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
They both do ofc
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Satin did when she was really little but Guy hadn't the foggiest clue why she kept doing in. He just piped up with “That's not your last name, it’s mine, silly!” Then proceeded to tell her what her last name was in case she forgot.
She did start calling herself Satin Diamond a few years before they got married. Like it wasn't his real last name so it didn’t matter much. Plus it sounded classy as hell. You wouldn't wanna fuck with a lady called Satin Diamond.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Neither of them are huge fans of spiders but as Guy always had to suck it up and take spiders out for his little sister’s sake, he’s a lot more equipped to dealing with it.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Satin often doesn't wear jackets so if she cold, Guy’s on that shit in an instant
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
They both got a pretty good relationship with eachothers siblings. Guy’s brothers are all lovable nerds in their heart so they adopt Satin immediately
Meanwhile Chenille is like a sister to Guy so like she knows he’ll cherish Satin with all his heart but like. Like a sister. Tell me Chenille hasn't blown her top several time cuz her annoying little brother/her sister’s boyfriend is being a shit again
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Guy probably. Their relationship kinda develops from friends to occasional flirting to more recurring flirting to constant flirting and like Guy is almost CERTAIN they’re on the same page. Orrrrr flirty might just be a budding aspect of Satin’s personality because hey, it does suit her very well.
Eventually he just gets confused and impatient and blurts out like “HEY ARE WE DOING WHAT WE’RE THINK WE’RE DOING CUZ I LIKE YOU A LOT AND-”
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Pretty good, considering they weren’t really ready to be parents. The whole nine months was like last minute cramming for a test. They read so many baby books my fuckin god.
But no Satin’s a natural mom. Not as high energy as Poppy and a lot more subdued but still very caring and considerate. She’s calm and logical when helping her kid deal with problems and makes sure he always feel comfortable when talking to her. Jade is REALLY close with his momma.
Also if he gets caught sneaking out at night, he’s shish kabob. But he respects and understands that. His mom is the best person in the world. He just wouldn't dare fuck with her
Guy is also a very devoted father and tends to act as the sillier parent. His relationship with kid can be best described as “Lovingly argumentative.” But no matter, how much he makes fun of his Dad, Jade is probably his biggest fan. He knows the man’s complete filmography by heart and aspires to be an actor too. (Jade cant act for shit but ssssh he’ll change his career choice when he’s older)
But yeah, Guy spent years as his acting coach and tried so hard too because he personally believed his boy could do anything. Turns out he couldn't but ehhh, its the thought that counts. Guy loves Jade to bits and vice versa.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Neither of them use perfect grammar but Satin is most definitely the number thing. Guy is not.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
I dunno if either of them are the type to get bullied. At least in the case of Satin, she just doesn't take crap. But I guess in the case of Guy, who’s just so unashamedly himself, he might piss off a few other kids with that toxic masculinity mind-set. It probably doesn't happen often but if it ever did, Satin would bite their heads off. She aint here for this bullshit.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Guy: *puns*
Satin: “You’re doing amazing sweetie” (I imagine death so much, it feels like a memory.)
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Hear me out. Guy is the impulse buyer, which is why it shocks everyone when Satin is the one to buy the puppy. She was going through an emotional week ok?? Leave her alone
Guy actually has to be the voice of reason here because babe do we have time for a dog idk if we can do this
They end up keeping it and tbh they are TOTALLY the type of people to call themselves the dog’s mommy and daddy. They’re those people fite me
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
Satin doesn't get tired easily but she wears pinchy shoes a lot so Guy gives piggybacks when she needs it
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
I need to tattoo “Guy is Satin’s biggest fan” to my gotdamn forehead
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Satin. Guy hates candid photos so fuckin much so like nobody has any pictures of him laughing or sleeping or just walking around with no makeup on.
Except for Satin. Satin has like a billion. Guy just doesn't know about them cuz she knows he’d make her delete them.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
I mean Satin DID give Guy a makeover when he asked. You don't think the legendary Guy Diamond look was a one man job, do you? Nah, the twins helped create the icon.
Hell, his first experience with makeup was Satin hiding him the girls bathroom stall when they were like 12 and covering up the acne on his chin after she caught him getting upset over it.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Look if Satin ever gets a snake, Guy aint gonna be pleased
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Okay but listen to me. Guy makes a big deal every time his hair gets wet. He hates rain. He hates it so fuckin much.
One time when they were teenagers, they agreed to meet at the other end of town to see a movie. Ofc theres a downpour and Guy’s standing with his umbrella at the bustop, waiting for Satin’s bus to show up. But once she steps out, she looks frazzled af, clearly having not expected the rain.
So its been a long day and Satin is pacing back and forth, unintentionally splashing puddled as she rambles about an unfair detention she received, about Chenille stealing her hairdryer, about her homework not making any sense.
The rain suddenly stops pelting her head and a shadow falls over her frame. She turns around to find him with his arm outstretched and his umbrella looming over her.
Guy blinks, confused as she stares at him in shock, his hair a soaking mess. “What?
And Satin is just internally “Imma marry him. I stg imma marry this loser.”
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
Wherever there’s city lights and rooftop penthouses. Theatres, restaurants and glitzy ballrooms. They live for the night glow. Tbh take them to Paris. Let them dance under the Eiffel Tower at midnight. Tell me that isn't the pinnacle of romanticism.
Also Satin takes the pictures. She’s the better photographer between them. Guy gets too eager and so many of his pics are fuzzy
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loycos · 7 years
i finished watching the Judas Contract.
ok, guys, let me explain before i start. 1 )I’ve been a fan of the Titans for a long time. i watched the animated series when it aired, when i was 10 y\o. read the comics when i was 16. i prefer the comics version of the characters, but my favorite characters are still the titans i loved from the animated series- i just love their comic book, older personas better. these characters mean a lot to me.
2) i’m used to seeing a lot of shitty products with their brand name on them.
3) i have an entire au in my head that is based around them- it sort of combines my favorite elements from the show and comics into one.
I’m telling u all of it because this is the closest version i’ve seen of the titans i have in my head. and for that, i’m already impressed. i enjoyed this movie a lot- i know it’s far from being perfect, and i’ll address it soon. but my review is mostly positive, because i came in with very low expectations, and got a pretty good product. 
spoilers from now on:
* i’m confused as to why the beginning flashback was the one they chose. it doesn’t have much to do with the subject of the film- you’d think they’ll open with a flashback that shows how terra even got on the team- the only thing we saw last movie was her flying on a rock towards the titans tower. by the second scene of this movie, you already have her on the team, and no one questions it. but even me, who saw the last movie and is very familiar with the story they’re gonna tell, was taken aback for a second. TL;DR- introduce this lady properly to the viewers before diving in the deeper meta of her existence.
* the dialogue is quick and most of the jokes hit right. i laughed quite a few times. Raven’s snarky-ness works here. actually, everyone’s kind of snarky- except Kory, ofc- but hey, theyre teenagers.
* they actually foreshadow?? quite a few things a s well?? like Kory randomly hangs weapons on the walls of their new apartment and Dick kinda questions it but it mostly seems like a comedic thing- but in a later scene it pays off. they do it a lot with other things as well.
*everyone’s relatable (except the villains, of course. unless youre sleeping with minors  or taking a bath in someone else’s blood, that is). they added tiny scenes here and there to remind u that nobody on this team is perfect. the most obnoxious members for me are Damian and BB- and while they were cocky and bratty as usual, i didnt mind it as much cause they were given more depth and less screentime (ehm DAMIAN).
*the story follows the original comic pretty closely, for all the good parts. the cool machine the titans were put into- the exact same design. Nightwing saving the day. the cheesy traps the titans fell for. some shots are like panels from the comic, it’s insane. 
*minor detail that i liked- in the last fight, when they were fighting against Deathstroke\Brother Blood simultaneously- notice how Robin and Nightwing took care of Deathstroke, who is an assassin without superpowers while the super powered titans- Starfire, Raven, BB and Beetle took care of the  superpowered villain. small detail but it makes sense. no more Damian taking down a bunch of demons.
the characters, in general:
*Damian got his ass kicked. a lot. finally. and then Deathstroke makes a comment about it!?!? like dude knew exactly what i was thinking lol.
*BB shows some emotions beyond ‘turned on’ and ‘cocky’. his jokes are corny... it’s not even a complaint cause that’s comics bb for u. ppl who only watched the animated series dont know the pain.  
*stop making him say ‘mama’ tho. it throws me off the scene.
*Dick finally has something to do!?! i would say he’s the most boring out of the main characters, but he’s not bad at all. he kicked some ass there.
*Blue Beetle. i loved his portrayal here. A+
*Terra was given an interesting backstory, and yet they didnt turn her into this woobie teenager that was mislead (i mean she was, but shes far from innocent) they showed that some people cant escape their dark past, even if they’re not 100% evil. I loved how Terra was handled here- shes more like her comic book version, but not as over the top and ridiculous. i can actually believe that they fell for her scam here. 
*Raven didn’t have much to do in here, but she was definitely entertaining.i wish they would drag the Terra\Raven tension more, it was a big thing in both the comics and the show.
*and last but not least, my absolute fav, the orange wife herself, Starfire. She... was nice. she seem to have some debuts about her capability as a leader, shes never dumbed down. She visually looks better in this film (so does Raven, btw). i wish we’d seen more of her struggles, but i dont know if it’s just my inner fangirl starving for more or she was actually lacking something. i guess that because it’s not her story she doesnt get much of the spotlight, but comon. when is it EVER gonna be her story??? i’m waiting dc. that flashback doesnt count, it had nothing to do with anything.
*oh yeah, the villains. Deathstroke was so sassy lol. he broke the 4th wall a few times, called Damian a brat and kicked his ass (he’s a kid tho, slade, fucking chill). has a romance with Terra (i DIDNT think they would go in that direction holy shitttt)
*brother blood monologuing in his dramatic voice... very comic book like. ha.
*Jericho and Wondergirl.... well next movie i guess.
*some scenes were incredibly cheesy, but there werent that many.
* animation was AWFUL but it’s tolerable.
overall: its an ensemble film. and they did their best crouching as much character development and personality without losing track of the story. the result is decent enough. I personally loved it, if youre a fan of the titans i’d say its a must.
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sadlittlenerdking · 7 years
The Death of Magic (Rains Hell on Us All)
The Magicians, post finale, Quentin x Eliot
Word count: 2,351
Summary: Magic dies in Fillory, and Eliot refuses to accept it, because of loitering feelings that he can’t face. 
They don't get a warning when it happens. They're in the throne room, celebrating their victory, stressing over what the hell theyre going to do now that there are no gods to run Fillory. Now that they have to do everything on their own.
And then the flames all go out at once.
Eliots brow furrows, and he looks across the room at Margo, thankful that the sun hasn't completely set. "Margo...." he murmurs, "Is this a joke or...?" Margo shakes her head, just as confused as he is. He casts a spell to reignite the flames, but nothing happens. He can't even feel the usual energy course through him. Can't even feel the familiar hum of his telekinesis. It's just .  . . Gone.
"Leave us," Margo says, motioning for everyone else to leave the throne room. As soon as they're alone, she whips around and faces him. "Okay. What the fuck is going on?"
He stares at the ground in front of the thrones for a few long moments, shaking his head. "As loathe as I am to say, Bambi, I don't know." He furrows his brow, swallowing thickly and looking up at her. "Maybe it's just a brown out? The universe adjusting to its god being dead?"
"Even with the brown outs I could still feel it," she says, pacing back and forth, "I couldn't reach it but I could feel it. Static. Now it's just..." she stops, looks up at him. "Do you think -,"
"Magics not dead, Margo."
Her eyebrows go high and she takes a step back as she crosses her arms. "I wasn't suggesting that, but now that you say it -,"
"It's just a brown out." He repeats, slouching down in the throne and extending his legs to their full length in front of him. "That's all that makes sense."
She scoffs. "Quentin killed a god, El. There's no way there aren't consequences. Fuck - why didn't we think of consequences? How could he be so reckless?"
His gaze snaps up to her. "He saved us all. He did what he had to. And he'll be back any day to tell us everything’s fine."
"Or he won't. Because he did exactly what we were trying to stop."
Eliots jaw clenches as he scoots up the throne and glares at her until his shoulders are poised perfectly straight. "Honestly," he mutters, snide and not at all kindly, "Do you really think you have any high moral ground to stand on? You don't think about consequences before you do anything. Quentin did what he had to do."
She sighs, rolling her neck back and looking up at the ceiling. "I thought we were done with this argument. I lost an eye -,"
"And I lost my child!"
"You didn't even want it!" She yells, before her mouth drops open and her eye goes wide. Her hands fall to her side and she stares at him. “I -,”
“I didn’t,” Eliot mutters, waving a hand flippantly. “But it’s still a little me running around in some fucking fairy realm. Or whatever babies do.” He looks up at her, frowning. “I knew I wouldn’t be a good dad. Fen would’ve been a great mother though. And Fen’s . . . I’m not in love with her. But I’m fond of her. Now both my spawn and my wife are gone.”
Margo clenches her jaw. “I tried to -,”
“I know you did. I know,” He shakes his head, and clears his throat. “That’s not the problem right now. The problem is magic. We’ll send someone we can trust to check on the wellspring.”
“Please don’t say Josh.”
“I was absolutely going to say Josh.”
She looks at him, tired, before sighing and making her way across the throne room to sit in her own throne. “And if magic is dead?” She asks, quiet. “What do we do?”
“Magic can’t be dead,” Eliot mutters, standing up and straightening out his vest. “Magic isn’t dead.”
She looks up at him. “Why are you so fucking certain?”
He holds his head up high, jaw ticking as he looks up at the ceiling of the throne room. Some of the plant life above is turning brown and grey, like it’s dying. “Because it can’t be,” He whispers, turning his gaze back on her. “Quentin went through the portal. Can’t do that if magic is dead.”
Her eye widens a fraction before she nods knowingly. “I see.”
She shakes her head, licks her lips, and one of her eyebrows ticks upwards. “You have Idri, Eliot. Do you really need to focus on Quentin anymore? He’s still fawning over Alice - who, by the way, is the reason he left so quickly - and you’re still pining after him like a fucking love struck teenager. Maybe it’s time you let it go.”
“I am not pining.”
“Then what do you call it?”
“He’s my friend,” He nods, moreso to himself than Margo, “Whom I care for.”
She raises both eyebrows this time. “Eliot,” She says, slow, as she pushes herself off the throne. “What if magic is dead? What if he can’t get back through the portal? Will you be willing to talk about your fucking feelings, then? Or are you going to sit on that fucking throne, and pine, and whine and do everything you can to ignore what you’re feeling? No magic to ween you off the addiction, if magic is dead. You will kill yourself if you just keep trying to ignore it.”
“Magic. Isn’t. Dead.” He turns away from her and heads towards the balcony, overlooking their kingdom. “Magic isn’t something that just disappears.”
“Why are you so scared to just say what you’re fucking feeling?”
He’s quiet for a long minute, back to her, but he can feel her eyes on him, watching, waiting. “Why does it matter?” he finally says, “What I’m feeling? I’m a king.”
He hears her inhale before the soft click, clack of her heels moving across the throne room floor. “Because even kings are allowed to have broken hearts. And if magic is dead, and you refuse to get over this crush -,”
“I don’t have a crush,” he spits out the word, like it’s dirty. Eliot Waugh doesn’t get crushes. He uses and he loses. That’s it. Nobody to get feelings for. Just little moments of infatuation. Lust. That’s it.
She ignores him, barreling on, “If you refuse to get over this crush, and refuse to admit that magic is dead, what the fuck are going to do when you realize the portal is closed for good?”
He whips back around and points a shaking finger at her. “The portal isn’t closed for good. They’ll be back any fucking day.”
She looks at him like she pities him, and it’s not a good look on her. He sneers and turns back around to get away from that look in her eye, and she says, “If it is, Eliot. You have to prepare yourself for the fact that you may never see him again.”
“I don’t have a crush on him.”
She’s quiet for a long moment before she lets out a soft breath, and he think’s she’s relenting, until she murmurs, almost too soft for him to hear, “You’re right. Because you’re in love with him.” She laughs, soft, ironically, “I can’t believe I didn’t see it.”
“I’m not in love with him.”
“Why’d you take the role as King?” She asks. “You wouldn’t have done it. Marry a woman?”
“To stop the beast.”
“No. You did it because you didn’t want him to die. When we were with the beast, you nearly got us killed because you wanted to protect him. Fuck, Eliot, all you do is protect him. How can you not see it?”
“Why are you doing this, Margot?”
“Because you need to face it at some point, and its better now, than when you’re six feet under the ground. I don’t want to lose you.”
He laughs, hollow and without feeling. “That makes one of us.”
“El . . .”
He takes a deep breath, and turns back to her. “Quentin went through the portal. He said he’d be right back.”
“It’s been a week, El.”
“Time difference,” he shrugs, “The time difference. He could be on his way back to us right this very second. Could only be a few hours back on Earth.”
She’s looking at him with that look again, “Eliot,” she pauses and licks her lips, biting down on her top lip for a moment, “What are you going to do if he doesn’t come back? If he can’t come back? If magic really is dead? Where do we go from there?”
“We’re the Monarchy, Margot,” He says, as he makes his way across the room. He stops and rests a hand on her shoulder for a moment, “We go on however we can.” He squeezes her shoulder, and then makes his way out of the throne room. There’s nobody in the hallway as he shuts the door behind him
A panicked breath rushes out of him, as he falls back against the door. Because Margot could be right. He’s never not felt the telekinesis, not since he - not since he was fourteen. It’s always been this awful, calming hum at the back of his head that reminded he was different. But it’s gone. He can’t cast, either. All that remains where his magic was, is suddenly a cavern inside of him that he can’t even reach.
And if she is right, if magic is dead, that means, she’s right about one other thing, and it’s the fact that he will never see Quentin again. He lets out a bitter laugh, that’s too quiet and too loud all at the same time, before he rests his head back against the door and looks up at the ceiling. The flowers and moss are dying in here as well, he notices.
“I’ll be back,” Quentin had said, just before he’d left. “I just have to check on her, make sure the potion worked . . . I need to make sure she’s okay. I - I can’t not.”
And Eliot had nodded, barely paying attention, while Quentin stood fidgeting beside the table, running his fingers along the edges of the crown. “Take your time,” He’d muttered, “We’re not going to die any time soon.”
Quentin didn’t say anything else. He’d stood there for a long moment, before sighing and setting the crown down on the table, gentle and with grace, his fingers grazing the edge just along Eliot’s peripheral, and left.
He’d watched him walk away, a small smile on his lips.
He just didn’t think that that might’ve been the last time he’d see him.
He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until one of the guards turns down the hallway, and stops. Eliot looks at him for a long moment, before swallowing down a sob and yelling, “What are you looking at? Get the fuck out!” The guard doesn’t move, so Eliot shoves off the door forcefully, and screams, “Go!”
The guard nods and darts off down the way he came.
Eliot watches after him for a second, before a sound bubbles out of him, angry and loud, not quite a sob but somewhere along the lines, and he falls backwards again, until he’s up against the throne room doors. He slides down until he’s sitting there with his knees pushed up against his chest.
He sits there, tears slowly running down his cheeks, staring blankly at an empty hallway, just waiting for something. For magic, for Fen, for something, for -  
For Quentin.
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