#and this is all really dumb and overblown
perenlop · 2 years
mentioned this in vc but i find it hilarious that the minute i got on zoloft i looked at my twitter feed and all the arguments and discourse about the pokemon anime and just went. wait why do i care about this. 
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ztarduzted · 1 month
So like the Illymation drama????
vile take I support illy like fully I don’t get the people who don’t rn
So like ok ok don’t get me wrong, illy isn’t like perfect 100% by any means but who is??? That one carrot and chocolate thing she said in her video could have been worded better but cmon, it’s really not that big of a deal, for the most part you out understand what she was saying. The video that TBYS posted wasn’t “criticism” the way that people are trying to say it was. People are trying to play it off as just a normal constructive criticism video, but if your “constructive criticism” includes like two whole minutes of making fun of someone’s appearance for no reason, I’m concerned. Illy’s response was a bit immature, but I understand where she’s coming from. She said not to send hate and to just take down that one video, not his whole platform, because it was damaging her reputation and mental health because TBYS never even tried to make a statement telling people not to harass illy and she got sent hate for it. People are blowing it way out of proportion saying she was trying to “deplatform him” when she just wanted one video taken down because it was causing her to be deplatformed, and she never even talked about it to her actual YouTube audience, just the small community on tumblr, then TBYS made two more hate filled videos and people just kept dog piling on her. If your gonna get mad at someone for “deplatforming” a known homophobe and transphobe, maybe practice what you preach. And alongside that, I know that some sources were shown in TBYS’s original videos, but there were no links in the descriptions, and absolutely nothing in any of the response videos I’ve seen. There was one video I saw just speculating that all of her doctors were dumb and lied to her, and TBYS also said that most doctors that specialize and make money from being good at nutrition were just wrong. Also, that one response video I mentioned tried to claim gym bros were better at health than licensed professionals???????? It just feels like this is all a massive, overblown hate campaign to a creator because of mistakes. There’s a difference between constructive criticism and just making fun of someone, and while some things that TBYS said were understandable, he made a point to straight up make fun of illy in the middle of his video, not even attempt to stop his fans from harassing illy, then when she replied (and barley received any backlash mind you), he blew up making more videos sending more and more hate and trying to ruin illy’s career. I know illy could have clarified that one point in her video and acted more maturely about the situation, but people are entirely overlooking the fact that TBYS was no where near “perfect” in this situation. (Also, final note, yes, you can absolutely be fat and healthy, saying otherwise is just wrong and makes no sense. Do your research before making half hour long videos making fun of someone)
I assume this drama will just die eventually and people will move on, but either way, I’m going to continue watching and supporting Illy no matter what. She’s a fantastic content creator, and when that video first came out (and there wasn’t some dude bro on the internet telling me it was bad) I absolutely loved at and had a great time watching it. It made me feel really good about myself (since I’ve been exercising daily and been working on myself a lot, but I’ve seen little to no weight loss despite eating healthy and going on a calorie deficit and working hard. It turns out I have something up with my thyroid, and along with that, part of it is just genetics.) I’d started feeling really bad and was trying to eat the bare minimum and it was making it harder to work out and I was feeling sick all the time. One day I was staying home because I felt sick, and I watched illy’s video. It’s not like one video is going to fix my relationship with food, but it has helped. I’m still not losing weight, but I’m getting stronger, feeling better, and eating healthier. Despite all this drama, illy’s videos have helped me feel more comfortable being myself and I will continue supporting her. And Illy, if you’re (somehow) seeing this, just know that there are some people that want to see you fail, but there are so so many more people that love you and your content.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
The Price of Breaking Up - By Aidera (8/10)
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Revenge can get a little overblown. Sometimes it feels unnecessary. In this case it doesn't. It's about a toxic husband that goes way too far, and a queen that isn't willing to put up with his behavior.
Ersia has the perfect life. She is the spoiled daughter of a Duke. She was born with pink hair, which is the symbol of the Saint. Only the next Saint has pink hair, so Ersia is whisked away to marry the prince.
Which kinda sucks.
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Ersia has to work hard to be a worthy Queen and Saint. She does it because she loves the prince. She adores him. Her new position makes her lonely. She was separated from her beloved family. He was and is her only comfort...and her first love.
That's not toxic at all...
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One day...the Saint Prophecy changes? Huh? Ersia is already Queen though??? It's been more than a decade, but a woman named Neva takes her place. Neva is a moron that doesn't know how to do anything. There's a plot afoot. A very suspicious one. The prince has become a king now, and Ersia can barely recognize him. It's like she doesn't know him at all. The King heartlessly annuls their marriage for Neva, even though it's a politically stupid move.
Ersia vows to make him pay, literally. She's one of the most influential nobles in the Empire. She's not a spineless baby that needs a king.
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Her parents and brother also adore her. They immediately invite her back home, and Ersia coldly asks for permission to leave. Neva starts bullying her. The ladies who kissed her ass start trashing her. She just wants to go home and get over her heartbreak....
....after she causes as much destruction as humanly possible.
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Ersia drugs Neva. She uses Neva's new title as Saint Queen against her. You can't just be the Saint Queen. You actually have to do work. Neva fails. She's not able to rule anything. Not even her tiny group of followers. Nobody in the castle actually likes Neva. They would prefer Ersia. The switch in the prophecy threw a wrench in the works. The few people who like Neva are also lazy people who were jealous of Ersia for...well being the perfect Saint and Queen all at once.
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Ersia does horrible shit to Neva and the King she no longer recognizes. She uses her sexy servant, Asha, as bait and Neva falls for it right away. The King isn't paying attention to Neva. He barely speaks to her, even though she's supposed to be the new Queen. What the heck is happening? Alfrado, the second prince, is madly in love with Ersia by the way. He starts to bully Neva, and he joins Ersia's side over the king.
Neva becomes so pathetic and misguided that you almost feel bad for her. She tries to steal Ersia's old wedding dress, because she's really that obsessed with just looking like a Saint...instead of actually behaving like one.
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Alfrado is clearly not going to win, but he is definitely a yandere. He's in Ersia's personal space as soon as she gets divorced. He betrays his king and brother for her. He is willing to do so much violence for her. He brings roses to her bedroom and he's frustrated because he's younger than her. He's willing to do anything to make her see him as a man....but that isn't going to work.
He is not the love interest.
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The plot thickens like soup after chapter fifteen. King Asshole is in love with Ersia. The issue is he wants her to love him more. She cares about duty, and her pride, and her family. He wants her to ONLY care about him. He knows Neva is a fake. The prophecy is kind of political anyway. A loser like Neva can never have the position of Queen. King Asshole is just using Neva to make Ersia jealous. It makes sense...but it's totally nuts. King Asshole is bitter, because he knows he loves Ersia move than she loves him. He's super misguided and dumb. Bringing in another woman is going way too far. Obviously, he's not the love interest either.
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I think it's this guy. Asriel. The Pope. Religious magic people are really important in this story. Somebody in the temple lied to make Neva the fake Queen, and now Ersia is single again. The pope immediately proposes, and he's extremely shady. Ersia has zero chemistry with King Asshole and Alfrado. There's also a dirty implication...
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It seems like the pope is letting this bullshit happen because he wants Ersia. Apparently, they have met before. She just doesn't remember him. Hmm. I read some novel spoilers. There is no real saint. It was always politics. Ersia was chosen because of her high rank, pink hair, and the fact that the previous king was in love with her mother. It's complicated, and at least three men around Ersia are nutty in different ways.
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five-one-two-station · 2 months
You know, there's a long established dynamic of a very *particular* genre of Those Dudes backslapping each other about women being humorless, just because so many of them are too dumb to recognize hyperbole or sarcasm from a woman.
So they just don't know when women are joking because they're dense enough to take any wildly overblown/comically exaggerated statements at face value. This confusion then becomes proof to them that women are both irrational and joyless, and they disappear up their own asses in an ouroboros of ignorance.
All of which is to say that the ham-for-brains'ed dumbasses who keep trying to start a thing about duuuhh the lesbians don't really know what Signalis or survival horror is duuuhhhh they think it's just light yuri duuuh do not deserve your time and attention. They don't deserve any time and attention.
99.9% of the stuff about being "tricked" into Signalis by the fan art is essentially a comedic injoke, and the rest is neutral, incidental observation. This is or should be *incredibly* obvious to anyone inside the fandom, anybody even passingly familiar with the story.
The unique appeal of the game itself is in the construction of an intense central love story in equally intense horror mechanics, themes and visuals. And these things are inextricable - anybody who tries to play down the love story side doesn't get Signalis, and those people seem far more numerous than their opposites.
The gore and intense grimdark of the story and setting is what creates an appetite for a light relief in fanwork as dessert - and it's why the jokes about it being a romcom work - but let's be real. All of the most popular creators in the fandom regularly incorporate extreme gore into their stuff, including their most romantic stuff, if not focussing on it primarily. (And other creators are no less entitled to do their own thing regardless of what elements they enjoy leaning on. You don't have to justify any of this shit to bad faith dweebs)
Fans of the game are not the ones missing the blatantly obvious here. Even forgetting the games descriptions and explicit warnings, it would be effectively impossible not to realize Signalis was bloody or sad just based on any random sample of fanwork.
Please just stop indulging those patronizing assholes, and please don't let fandom creators feel like they owe anybody some atonement or apology for "tricking" anyone. These doofuses can't - or won't - grasp very obvious fandom memes and tongue in cheek gags if there's a chance to take a cheap shot at the folks they associate with it. Don't waste the energy or amplify their misunderstandings and misrepresentations by engaging with them.
They don't get it. It's not your job to spell it out for them, and inflating it into ~discourse is a great way to exhaust and discourage creators from bothering to touch the game anymore.
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thesmollestsnek · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of fics n headcanons where Dick Grayson has adhd, and I see you. But also. Consider: Tim Drake having (undiagnosed) adhd. As a certified adhd bitch myself, I have A Lot to say about this, so more under the cut.
Before we get into it, just a quick disclaimer: pretty much all of my dc knowledge is from fandom osmosis, so. If you see something that’s ooc or contradicts canon no you didn’t. Now with that out of the way, on to the main event!
Okay, so! First of all, let’s start at the very beginning. That’s right, I’m talking about Tim Drake’s “night photography”! Now I’m not gonna say neurotypical kids don’t get up to some dumb ass shit when left unsupervised for long periods of time, because they absolutely do. But. The complete disregard for the many, many dangers a young child alone in Gotham at night would face is still notable. And he doesn’t just ignore danger - he runs straight at it. That shows an impressive lack of impulse control, and inability to factor future consequences into current decisions, both of which are hallmarks of adhd. Plus, hyperfixation kinda… changes? How you perceive things. So if Tim was hyperfixated on getting the perfect shot whenever a major crime/fight happened near him, he may not have processed that he was danger at all during the part most likely to scare a neurotypical child away.
Next, we have the coffee. Yes, I know the coffee thing is super overblown by the fandom and not really supported by canon but ssshshhhhhh my world my rules Tim drinks lots of coffee. Now, this one’s kinda obvious, but caffeine is a stimulant and surprise surprise so are most adhd meds. I have seen firsthand how ppl with undiagnosed adhd will mainline caffeine as a form of self medication, whether they’re aware of it or not. Some people use soda or energy drinks, but coffee’s also a really popular choice for this kinda thing. So not only is it completely plausible for someone with undiagnosed adhd to self medicate by drinking a shitton of coffee, it’s extremely common.
Next up! We have the insomnia. Which, again, I think might be played up a lot in fic? But this is my world and you’re reading in it, so. Tim’s an insomniac. This is one of the less well known symptoms of adhd, but again I speak from firsthand experience when I say it’s a big one. Insomnia is extremely common among ppl with adhd, for a couple reasons. One is time blindness, which I’ll come back to in the next point. But also? It’s just really hard to turn your brain off. And if a large portion of Tim’s brain space is being devoted to casework, guess what. That inability to turn one’s brain off will manifest as late night case solving blitzes. Not to mention that hyperfixation, again, changes the way you perceive things. When I hyperfixate on something I often lose hours at a time, and bodily needs like hunger, tiredness, the bathroom, etc aren’t just unimportant they straight up don’t register. With the number of times I’ve come out of a hyperfocus to realize that I have a dehydration headache that’s been brewing for at least an hour, or have completely skipped a major meal, or desperately need to pee, I can 100% believe Tim not noticing any sleep deprivation symptoms until he’s finished whatever he was working on. And I, again, speak from experience when I say that if you happen to hyperfixate at something at the wrong time of night you will be staying up way later than is reasonable. Which brings me to my next point of…
Time blindness! My most favoritist thing in the whole wide world! (/sarcasm) This shit can and absolutely will fuck up your ability to be a functioning human if you let it. Having no internal clock causes more problems than the obvious losing track of time. It means your appetite is sporadic at best and you could very easily forget to eat. It means your sleep schedule has a tendency to just disintegrate if you don’t keep on it. It means being completely dependent on external clocks to know how long things are/should be taking, even for stupid shit like cooking food or brushing your teeth. It means that if you don’t set an alarm for something there is a very real possibility that something isn’t happening no matter how much you want or need it to. In short, it completely fucks up your ability to care for yourself without a lot of external regimented support. Now, who does that remind you of? Which member of the batfamily is known for neglecting his own health? I may not read many comics but the sheer number of “Tim Drake subsists solely on coffee and spite” jokes on ao3 and tumblr is very telling.
His brains. Tim is very, very smart. Have you ever heard the phrase “twice exceptional?” It describes Tim Drake to a t. Plus, I’m living proof of how you can be both smart of brain and dumb of ass. This may be more of a “my family who just so happens to consist entirely of twice exceptional adhd dumbasses” thing than something most ppl with adhd experience, but. You can be really smart and incredible at putting together complex plans, both ahead of time and on the fly, and still have. No common sense whatsoever. Which seems to be a lot of Tim’s characterization: incredibly smart while simultaneously being a complete dumbass. So make of that what you will.
And most compellingly? I think it’s funny. This kid is brothers with Dick Grayson and best friends with Bart Allen and especially next to those two people would never expect Tim to be the one with the quote unquote “cant sit still disorder”. Yknow what? Let’s take this a step further. Let’s make Bart autistic. (I don’t know enough about the flash family to say how accurate this is but for the sake of the joke let’s say he is). People see Impulse standing next to Red Robin and they think they know which one is adhd and which is autistic and they are Wrong. Tim n Bart are Completely unaware of this but the rest of their team finds it hilarious. There’s probably at least one running joke about it.
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saintjimmeh · 6 months
Jesus fuck I really really really don't get all the hate that Avatar gets. Like yeah there are legit criticisms of the films (like the white saviorism & appropriation of Indigenous experiences for starters) but the haters never go for those. It's dumb shit like "it's so overblown/overrated" "lol no one cares about Avatar anyway bluuhhhh no one can even name a single character!!1!" (yes, people think both of those at the same time despite them contradicting each other it's so stupid) "the first one is just Pocahontas with blue people" (yeah and the Lion King is just Hamlet with lions wow sometimes people tell the same story a new way)
And like I understand not liking a thing. I don't like a lot of things! But when it gets to the point where people are shitting on it constantly and hoping it bombs and fans never get to see the story finished, like... do y'all not get tired having the thing you hate live rent free in your minds? It's not healthy, it's not a good look, and it gets exhausting to deal with.
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thejockout · 11 months
So I’m pretty smart and non-confrontational but stand my ground when necessary, yet it can be stressful and when I’m off work and just having fun I would like to be a himbo. Also while I like having what I want clear, I find the idea of being a sub really hot. Is there any way to have it both ways? Can I be the intelligent professional and also the sexy, happy himbo when I just want to stop thinking and have fun? And should I call you sir?
Short answer: yes to the professional/dumb duality, and "if you wanna" to the Sir thing, but I can tell you do want to.
Longer answer: It's early and I haven't been up long, so be warned this isn't going to be the most eloquent response in the world. Howeverrr. To make things easy, my stance is that the risks of 'dumbing' in hypnosis are hugely overblown by subs (including myself once upon a time) and represent a misunderstanding of how causing such an effect could actually be done. To be perfectly honest, if all the depth a hypnotist gives their dumbing is to put you in a trance and tell you over and over again that you're an idiot or that you love making mistakes, etc etc, you have nothing to fear from that kind of suggestion ruining your life. Are there files which represent a potentially dangerous level of dumbing? Sure. I'd probably shout out Vive's dumbing conditioning series as an example of that, where I believe that file system's engine really could have a lot of knock-on effects outside of trance.
But generally speaking, when tists like me or most other muscle/jock/himbo tf boys talk about dumbing, it's either done in so abstract a sense that it's up to the sub to decide what dumb actually means to them, or it's explicitly clarified to be more about becoming laid back, not giving a shit, etc. than it is actually 'losing intelligence' or something.
And to be honest, even that concept is so vague it's hard to make firm statements on - what does 'losing intelligence' mean, in a specific sense? Does it mean flubbing your words, changing your hobbies, losing the power to count past ten...? Everyone's going to have a different answer. But for my money, I believe THAT kind of dumbing to be the more unattainable kind. It can be achieved by hypnotic conditioning, but conditioning always fades with time, and the level of work required to keep someone in that state is just too much. (Sleepingirl's "The Brainwashing Book" covers a lot of this in more detail.)
All this is to say that in my dichotomy, the question isn't "can you be a drooling moron for half the day and a regular, competent person the other half?" Instead, it's more "can you be dumber, codeword less in your head and less inhibited by shame and higher thought, in specific circumstances and retain your normal self-awareness in others?" And the answer to that one is definitely yes. I'm not going to dig into how that'd be done right now because I've written enough and that wasn't your question, but hopefully this answered... something.
Basically man, you can do what you want. The only limits with this kinda thing, beyond common sense ones, are the ones you imagine for yourself. I mean, if nothing else, hypnotic triggers exist and can be very effective; why shouldn't you be able use some to be dumb sometimes and not at others?
(Also, as for whether you can sub while having a clear idea of what you want and needing that to be respected... yes, you can. And you should. That's just having good boundaries. You should never submit without knowing that ultimately, even in a domsub dynamic, you are PLAYING the role of a submissive/inferior and the truth is that you both get equal say in what happens.)
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sidetable-drawer · 18 days
Besides KaBlam!, what are some other media (movies, TV shows, etc.) that you used to like, but have since grown to dislike/hate/have mixed feelings about?
Bratz in general. There are some great outfits (and really high quality!) and I love how diverse the lineup is, but a lot of the messages in it were just so shallow and materialistic. Fun as a tongue-in-cheek thing I guess, concerning when you're pushing a "looks are everything! Spend all your money on expensive clothes and makeup!" to eight-year-olds (I had some Bratz activity books at that age that included....makeup and boy tips. Most kids that age aren't wearing makeup. Or dating!). I also remember being disappointed that the tie-in material didn't do that much with the girls' personalities, and made them increasingly stereotypical as time went on (Cloe, the blonde one, was originally the artsy one. Somewhere down the line they threw that out and made her "the dumb one"). As for all the "too sexual/revealing" complaint about the dolls and their outfits....yeah, that for the most part is overblown. I actually love most of them, and ESPECIALLY the first ones- you didn't see a lot of hip hop-influenced doll fashions before then (2001). Though I will admit SOME lines in the mid-2000s were pushing it, but not out of "not appropriate for kids to see" and just more "uh....these characters are minors canonically". The only time it was REALLY gross was Bratz Babyz. They had the baby versions of the characters in makeup, fishnets, skimpy outfits, etc....it made them look like pageant kids, and they were only about a year old in this line.
And the cartoon was awful. Amazing voice acting, though. And the music is legitimately really good on its own. But not only is the CGI awful even by 2005 standards, but the characters were just so shallow and unlikeable. The girls didn't gave much to them besides fashion. You'd sometimes get a hint of something more from Yasmin or Sasha, but it never lasted. And for all their "you're beautiful the way you are" preaching, if you dressed a little more unconventionally or worse glasses, you'd be in line for a "makeover" to make you more like them. The antagonists were a lot more fun to watch, and even as a 10 year old I would prefer them. That being said while the cartoon is so bad it's good...the live-action movie is horrible. Cliche, annoying, and actually pretty racist.
I definitely think in the right hands, you can make this franchise work better. You can keep the fashion and beauty focus WHILE giving the characters their own aspirations and goals beyond that. But further revival attempts in the 2010s could never get it right, which is why it's cemented as a 2000s nostalgia product and nothing else.
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noirineverysense · 2 years
You are 100% correct that there is a lack of POC representation in the whump community on Tumblr. However, part of the reason for this is because when white content creators try to interact with characters that are POC, they are often told that they shouldn't. That they shouldn't try to write for POC or even draw fanart of them etc. etc. because they aren't a part of that character's culture and shouldn't be trying to represent it.
So unfortunately, its a double-edged sword. Content creators are told to stick with what they know, so they do.
Also, quite frankly, can you imagine the uproar if a white person created a POC whumpee? If they created an OC who was black, and then proceeded to just have the OC treated awfully, tortured, kept as a slave (like any other whumpee OC that's ever been created.) I just don't see that going over well.
So unfortunately, the creation of content for POC characters is going to have to be done by POC content creators. There is really no way around that.
Anon i couldnt disagree more
Okay firstly POC arent a monolith, we're like the majority of people on earth so some might disagree with me and thats fine. But personally and to the other POC i've talked to, we want to be represented! We didnt come to whumpblr to be forced to relate to white people experiences. I'd happily say the majority of poc do want white people to write us bc like youre the majority here. And specifically in whump, if poc didnt like whump about us, we wouldnt be here. We're not here for white people, we're here for oursleves. We like whump, we here bc we like torture or comfort or pet whump or whatever. We're not here for white people to take inspiration from our irl suffering and use it for their white characters while we cheer them on.
Also like white people have written and drawn characters/whumpees that arent white lol, and there hasnt been that uproar. Also what uproar, there arent that many of us, are white people going to attack you? Why do you care about their opinions on poc? I think this idea of white people being under attack if they write poc is overblown and makes no sense.
Imo stick to what you know is dumb, like most of us dont know what its like to be tortured, yet we're all willing to do often intensive research. Yet we won't put that same energy into characters of colour?
Theres definitely nuance, I would be uncomfortable with a black character as a domestic pet for a white character that was written by a white person for example. Depends on how the writer handles it, but yeah theres nuance but that doesnt mean no poc ever can be written by white people. Like is research into anti racism and culture/stereotypes necessary, yes. But only poc writing characters of colour or #own voices, means our stories barely if ever get written. It leads to spaces that structurally white without any white person even doing the basics of trying to include poc. Also not every poc has a culture massively different to white people.
Like ofc poc writing poc is the goal, but to get there we need to make an inclusive space and that involves white people writing poc, sorry its true.
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daisywords · 1 year
Fablehaven reread: book 1, chapters 1–5
okay I forgot how much I love the beginning of this book. Before we even get into any of the fantasy elements, the vibes are just impeccable. Going down the long, winding driveway; feeling lowkey abandoned by the parents even though it's not really their fault. The way we know something is off but not what exactly.
I admire the choice not to start with anything particularly flashy or exciting. The car ride scene works perfectly, actually, because it sets up some suspense without being overblown about it, and introduces us very well to the characters and their "normal."
Kendra and Seth might be a factor in why I'm partial to brother/sister duos in my own writing. I love them <3. (Maybe identified a little too hard as a kid bc I have a brother who's almost three years younger than me, which is pretty much the same age gap)
But seriously they're so well-written as siblings. Like the opposite of all those memes about writers with no siblings making the dialogue weird. Brandon Mull gets it
Down to when Kendra finds the chocolates and tells Seth it's soap. girl same
I love how they're both explorers in different ways. Seth is the one venturing out into the woods, but Kendra is solving the key puzzle, investigating the milk situation, etc.
And then even later after they figure it out and Seth wants to go out in the woods again, but Kendra is the one that finds out the real bombshell just by talking with Lena. (Like you don't have to be "daring" in the typical sense of the word to be a good detective, or a good protagonist)
Also I love how one of Kendra's key traits is being a rule-follower, how early that's established, and how we see that as a strength and a weakness to her later on. (And how that's a big part of what saves her in the end, tying back to traditional fairy tales—but I'm getting ahead of myself)
Same with Seth as the rule breaker and how that plays out. Like they're such good foils to each other while still being believable, regular people.
I love Seth too okay. Like sometimes he's dumb but he's not stupid. His first meeting with Muriel like no I'm not going to put my hand in your creepy box. "Are you a witch? Seems like something a witch would do." Iconic
I love how they don't immediately trust their grandpa when he finally tells them the truth. Like he's lied to them twice, so how can they trust him now? and he acknowledges this.
Reading this like a writer is so fun—to see the way things are set up to pay off later. Like I cannot express how perfectly done some of this is, because it feels natural in the moment, but it's amazing how early some of the key pieces of the ending are established, like Muriel and the Fairy Queen's shrine.
Lena's whole character is honestly so fascinating. I never get tired of this storyline. Like "I think I prefer this life, but it might be because I have changed fundamentally." And like mortality as a different state of existence because of the awareness of the passage of time??? hello?????
Also I love how she starts out the story of Patton "He was a young man at the time, quite good-looking, wore a mustache—" like ok girl first of all he was hot, so jot that down
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multitrackdrifting · 3 months
It honestly doesn't faze me that star wars canon these days has like 30 jedi that survived Order 66, that's like less than 1% of all Jedi in existence and it doesn't interact with the canon in any meaningful sense because it doesn't really change the fact that the order had been destroyed
If I'm one Jedi am I gonna be dumb enough to save one person while being hunted for the next 30 years? Probably not. I think that specific gripe is overblown
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
Hello! I watched the wot show and liked it but I’ve been really curious about all the complaints that people made about how the plots don’t fit with what happens later on in the books. My assumption is that it’s not that major a thing but is just the critique people latched onto and repeat. But as you’re now a way through the series and I appreciate the thought you put in, would you say this might be a problem or is it overblown that some later plots can’t be salvaged already? Is part of it true
Hello, that's a really interesting question!
I’m trying to keep this vaguely spoiler-free with the exception of elements from The Eye of the World and The Great Hunt covered on the show, but this still got long.
I do think it is overblown, but I also liked the changes made, so I might not be the best judge here. I'm trying to approach your question from the angle of what is there and how it affects the story.
From where I stand in my reading, the majority of the changes in the show can be categorized in:
moving forward some arcs (dagger theft, visit to Tar Valon),
new material introducing important groups and dynamics early (Aes Sedai, warders),
plainly streamlining those THICK books (cutting the 14578 villages Mat and Rand visit, merging certain elements)
To me, those changes will serve the story going forward, both in terms of pacing and clarity, and do not affect the core of later arcs. The plot points still happen, just differently or later. The complaints about some changes are honestly hair-splitting, like making the girls ta'veren or Lan not being stony enough: it’s POV adjustment, not plot-damaging.
Some important discarded encounters will obviously come up later when there is more time. I get the frustration of fans who wanted to see those relationships play out now instead of new material (Nynaeve/Moiraine dance battle, how I mourn you), but I disagree shifting them around altered the story. The Eye of The World consists of A Lot of traveling and encounters, with a clear focus on Rand, despite the established five main characters. I think these changes allowed the show to lay the groundwork more evenly, particularly for the girls. 
Now, the biggest change that could affect storylines soon is Moiraine being cut from the source. It could change her arc significantly, short and long-term, but I don't see it as a major hurdle since Moiraine gets a meatier arc that is thematically relevant to book 2. I have qualms about how it could make later arcs redundant, but the execution will do a lot of work here. Mirroring is good in a narrative. 
Another aspect is Siuan/Moiraine potentially affecting their respective story. It may require some reshuffling/cutting characters, which will happen anyway with so many side characters gallivanting. But I'd absolutely argue their love life is not the most important element on their gripping journey in the books. Also, although I loathe admitting it, being together now does not necessarily entail being together always: there's wiggle room here, even if I don't want it.
Giving Perrin a wife only to kill her is dumb, but does not really change his later arc, come on. It will certainly add a certain weight to the story, like with Siuan and Moiraine.
Overall, I find the criticism all the more unfair that fans admit the first book is not representative of the rest of the series (it’s mainly Lord of the Rings references with more innkeepers and jugglers). To me, there's a fair margin of improvement in the books, pace-wise and story-wise. If fans come from the books thinking not one line should be rewritten, of course they're not going to enjoy the show doing away with dated or slower elements. I do. Ultimately, we don’t know how the story will be told: even if certain plots seem barred to them now, it may not be always so.
I hope I answered your question and I profoundly thank you for asking it because I could talk about these books/this show for hours.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
For those new years prompts! Number 5 of the dialogue for Josh Sam? I’ve been dying over them again lol
happy holidays!!! I hope you a lovely time, and happy new year!!! We made it!!!
It felt weird being at Emily’s New Year’s Eve party – not bad, just weird. Sam couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone anywhere but the Washingtons’ to watch the ball drop, it was just sort of their thing! Their house was made for New Year’s, what with all the giant tvs and wide, open spaces for people to mingle, and Emily’s place was nice, but –
Oh who was she kidding? This had nothing to do with the Washingtons’ cushy interior design and everything to do with missing Josh. The twins too! Just…just mostly Josh.
“Someone’s got it baaad,” Jess singsonged as Sam walked by, letting herself out into the chilly night, and she couldn’t even disagree.
As she shut the door behind her, the party grew muffled but not silent; she could still hear Mike’s voice going up and down with excitement as he made his way through a definitely-not-embellished story, could hear someone laughing, could almost make out the words of the song playing over the speakers. It was another major change from the Washingtons’ usual shindig – there was no silence at those, no matter how far you ran.
Sam zipped her coat up and sat down on the stairs leading up to the stoop, letting her head tilt back as she took a deep, deep breath of the icy air. This wasn’t how she usually did things, chewing at her nails and waffling back and forth, that was the kind of thing Chris and Ashley did, not her. And yet…there she was. Jess had been right to tease her, she didn’t think she’d had more than two conversations tonight, and the party had started hours ago.
It kept coming back to Josh. Like always.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned it over in her hands, knowing what she was about to do but pretending she hadn’t quite made up her mind yet. It was funny how one stupid crush could send you spiraling back to your middle school days, making you get all wobbly in your knees and fluttery in your stomach. How many times had she jokingly nudged her friends, teasing them for being too shy to say anything when someone was clearly flirting with them? Probably more times than she could count with all her fingers and toes. And what was she doing now? Pretty much the same thing.
Well. Sort of.
“This is so…dumb,” she laughed at herself, swiping to wake her phone back up. There was no going back now, she opened her contacts and tapped on Josh’s, setting her elbows on her knees as she hunched herself against a slight breeze.
For as long as she’d known the twins, Josh had been – there was no nice way to say it – a problem. He was snarky, he was rude, he was funny, and worst of all he was smart enough to know exactly how to use all of that to his advantage. She’d spent more time than she was willing to admit pretending she didn’t have a big old crush on him, not just because he was her best friends’ older brother and that was as cliché as cliché got, but also because he was, well, kind of a dick. An endearing dick, sure, but a dick nonetheless.
The thought made her snort, and she smiled as her phone rang, knowing full well what she was about to do to his already overblown ego. That was fine, though. He really hadn’t left her any choice. When he and the twins had revealed they wouldn’t be able to do the usual party this year because they had a Big Important Family Event, the only thing more ridiculous than their theatrical groans and wails of distress was how her stomach had just…dropped into her feet. That was when she’d realized there wasn’t any point in denying it.
Jess had said it best: She had it baaad.
Sam sat up a little straighter as the line clicked and rolled into Josh’s voicemail recording, her eyes similarly rolling up towards the mistletoe and holly Emily had hung from the eaves above her. “Washington Pictures, Incorporated,” his message began, and God help her, she could hear the smirk he’d recorded it with, “our kills are your thrills. Please leave a message after the beep, and remember: All requests for autographs will be denied.”
“You really need to change that,” she said once the message tone played. “One of these days, someone’s going to think you’re serious, and I’m not saying your dad would sue you for copyright infringement, but…” Again, she had to laugh, shaking her head as she came to terms with what she was actually about to do. “Know what? I take that back. Yes he would.
“But hey, I know you’re busy with family stuff tonight, so don’t worry about getting back to me or anything…it’s just that I’m at Emily’s thing, and…ugh, okay, go ahead and laugh at me all you want when you’re listening to this, but I’m going to be honest with you, Josh. I’m not having fun here. I mean, I am, don’t tell Emily I said that, holy cow! What I meant to say is I didn’t really realize how much I was looking forward to your party until you guys said you weren’t doing it this year. And…I didn’t really realize how much of that was me looking forward to spending New Year’s Eve with you specifically until…you weren’t…here. So.”
She reached up and quickly tucked a piece of wind-blown hair behind her ear, rubbing carefully at her face so as not to smudge her makeup. “So. Um. Happy new year. I hope your family isn’t being completely unbearable, and…I promise that if you were actually here, I’d say this all to your face, okay? I would. But you’re not, so you get a voicemail, and if it’s a voicemail you choose to pretend you never got, well…that’s fine too. Now, I’m sure I’m about to get cut off, so – ”
And just like that, the line went quiet, and she was left shaking her head at herself on the stoop. “Professionally done, Giddings,” Sam sighed, sliding her phone into her jacket pocket. “Just like in the movies!” She took one last deep breath of the winter air, then stood, stretching herself out. Rambling message or no, she had to admit, having the whole thing off her chest felt pretty good. Maybe she’d go back inside, have some snacks, one more drink, watch the ball drop, and put the whole thing from her mind until tomorrow, when she’d no doubt begin to wonder whether Josh would –
“Oh man, we get a welcoming party? Sick.”
“Jesus Christ, if you’re out here, it must really be miserable inside…”
There wasn’t enough time for her to understand what was happening before someone had thrown themselves against her, their arms wrapped so tightly around her that she thought she might suffocate. “Please don’t say you’re leaving!” Hannah begged, hugging her even tighter before letting go, putting an arm’s length between them to look her over suspiciously. “You’re not, are you? Not when we just got here! Please? Please!”
“I’m…I’m not…” Sam looked around her, and lo and behold, there were Beth and Josh, both wearing similar looks of relief. “I thought you guys were at a family thing all night?” she asked, looking between the three of them.
“Yeah, funny thing about that,” Beth said, hopping up the steps and walking past her, already tugging her hat off and shaking her hair out. “Dad was being an even worse tool than usual, so we bailed. Tell me there’s pizza, oh baby, tell me there’s pizza…” She didn’t wait for an answer, hurrying into the party and leaving them on the porch.
“You just bailed?” Sam asked.
“Waited until he wasn’t paying attention, then we dipped out the back door. Real smooth, you would’ve loved it.” As she watched, Josh glanced down at his phone, a wrinkle of confusion creasing his forehead. “One new voicemail from Sammy, huh? My curiosity has been piqued!” Smirking, he started his way up the stairs to join her and Hannah, waving his phone teasingly. “Anything important? A confession of undying affection, perhaps?”
“Perhaps,” she said right back, quirking an eyebrow. Beside her, Hannah grimaced and pretended to gag, sticking her tongue out.
Josh only grinned wider, tapping his phone and bringing it to his ear. “Easy way to find out…” he joked.
Hannah said something then, Sam knew she did, but she couldn’t really bring herself to pay attention. She nodded along, smiled, made the right sounds as she went through what was probably a more detailed version of how they’d made their escape, and all the while she watched Josh from the corner of her eye, feeling her palms go sweaty and tingly in her jacket pockets.
“…what?” Hannah asked as she caught on, looking from Sam to Josh and back again. Her tone grew slightly more frantic when Josh slid his phone into his pocket and turned to Sam, his expression caught somewhere between cartoonish disbelief and what she hoped was dawning delight. “What?!”
“You heard the lady yourself, Hanz,” Josh said, still looking at her like he was trying to decide whether she was playing some sort of prank on him. He must’ve decided she wasn’t, though, because his smirk became a smile became a grin, and Sam was positively helpless to keep from returning it. “Confession of undying affection. What can I say? I’ve got that effect on people?”
“Oh, you’ve got an effect, all ri – ” Sam started, but when Josh brushed past Hannah and bent to her, she wasted no time in popping onto her toes to meet him halfway, taking hold of the front of his coat to steady herself as their lips came together in a kiss either much too late for the mistletoe hanging above them or much too early for the New Year’s countdown. It was perfect either way, soft and slow and everything she’d let herself daydream about since her traitorous crush had first taken root.
“Oh God!” Hannah groaned, whipping the front door open and launching herself into the party as though escaping a hatchet-wielding maniac. “We should’ve stayed at Aunt Frannie’s! We should’ve stayed! Eugh!”
Sam turned to watch her flee, laughing through a heady mix of relief, elation, and a teeny-tiny shred of embarrassment. It occurred to her for the millionth time that yes, this was the danger of falling for your best friends’ brother, and yes, she’d probably have some explaining to do once they went back inside. But that would come later. Right now it was New Year’s Eve and the stars were bright, and as Josh bent to kiss her again, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she wasn’t the only one who had it baaad.
And that was all she could’ve hoped for.
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eolewyn1010 · 9 months
Farewell, Darkover - part 7
There's a real piece of sugar I found in the process of writing my Darkover reminiscences: MZB's own Darkover reminiscences, a retrospective she had penned down in 1980. Oh, darling, do tell. From the mouth of the beast herself. Time to get nasty.
First of all: When she writes in her own voice, she sounds mind-bogglingly similar to Stephenie Meyer, of all people. I cackled. MZB was a fucking Suethor. The same self-importance, false modesty, immaturity, the same condescension toward "cruel editors", the endless "oh, look, how special I am, how educated I am, how many important people I know!" It would be cute if I didn't wanna stomp on her face. Admittedly, it feels good to be able to talk about her like that - what's she gonna do, climb out of her misty sepulcher of oblivion and haunt me? It's a relief that she isn't someone I would have held in high regard, even without knowledge of her crimes. But let's look at some tidbits of this.
"I have referred to the Darkover books as "the series that just growed"."
So, I found zero hints at all that "growed" was ever the correct past tense for to grow. It's always been grew. Am I petty? You bet I am.
"A good part of the credit for encouraging the Darkover series to continue must go to Donald A. Wollheim"
I feel bad for the poor man, having his name attached to yours. I have great respect for Wollheim, and if I thought the Darkover books were way better written than the Avalon series, I have zero compunctions to credit your editor for it.
"with a sick husband and two very small children to support"
I wouldn't exactly call your husband sick. That implies an absence of responsibility, and I think he should very much be held responsible for his actions- oh, you were talking physical health. Carry on. And quit acting like the caring, loving mother; the sheer mention made me grab for a knife. I read what Moira wrote. I can't stand that hateful, homophobic fury, but I have a pretty good inkling who made her that way.
"when I protested, rather diffidently"
Aw, she wants us to think she has a shred of humility. Meanwhile, I think I should go poop on her grave.
She then goes on to tell us how she doesn't actually think her books in terms of series and prefers self-contained stories and thus didn't write Darkover in a way that one book had to rely on its predecessor to be understood (I hope she has to watch the entire MCU in hell ad nauseam), which is fine; just her overblown style of talking about herself is annoying to read. She also shoves in a quote about oatmeal that she doesn't bother to give credit for and I don't recognize; I suspect it's to make her look smart and to make those look dumb who are not in the know. Well, shove it.
Next, she gets really patronizing to fans who'd love them some consistency. Because she can't be arsed.
"Admittedly the inconsistencies are many. Some are minor, and they occurred simply because I have a very faulty memory with a self-correcting mechanism."
Bitch. I started to reconstruct the Comyn family trees and a timeline for Darkovan history at age 11. Surely you could have helped your faulty memory by writing things down??
More about how she doesn't like writing series, how she hates cliffhangers... my God, Bradley, this is a retrospective! You don't need to pad your word count here, too! Then a long story about how she had to give up on becoming a singer (which puts her hang-ups in the Darkover books about female singers constantly in peril of being considered better prostitutes in a very strange context; any complexes there, by chance? Gonna go with yes, as there are numerous female characters in her books that put everyone to awe with their singing in ways that more conventionally beautiful women couldn't with their looks), and how she always wrote, from childhood onward. Yeah, so did I. So did many. It's not that unusual. Almost everyone I know on tumblr wrote from childhood on.
"Well, in my middle teens, [...] I started to write fantasy novels with a framework of science fiction."
Heh. I also liked to call what I wrote in my teen years "novels". I assume it's nice when you get published and can feel verified in your blown-up presumptions.
"[Around age eleven, I did] an ambitious project called Ten Tales of the Ancients, which had a short story about a girl in ancient Rome, and one in ancient Greece, and one from an Arabian-nights kind of world, and then I ran out of ancient civilizations and gave up."
...Is that a shoutout to the American education system or what? Not sure if I would have gotten to ten civilizations at that age, but come on! Mayans? Ancient Egypt? Ancient China? Mesopotamia? I feel like her interest in ancient cultures may have been limited. Research is haaaaard, you guys!
Then a lot about the Fantasy and Sci-Fi writers that influenced her. I don't recognize most of the names, might look into those at some later point. The development of the whole Darkover idea via cannibalizing her older stories, that's fairly standard.
"During this time I also managed to read a few books on writing and began to get some foggy notions of what a plot was [...] I was beginning to learn how to plot, and how to tell a story"
By the time she wrote The Mists of Avalon, she had already forgotten it again.
...and I'm setting a cut here. My God, she's being wordy. Next up: her introduction to writing smut!
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yaniasogames · 8 months
Tumblr media
okay i do agree the ai panic is overblown and dumb (what the tags say) and that not all creation of ai art is negative + if u wanna just do ai art for fun then go for it as long as you dont upload it and avoid saying its ai. but if u seriously wanna do art i dont really see why you wouldn’t want to yknow let yourself actually enjoy the process to some extent
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junebuggeryy · 1 year
11, 14, 17 for the oc ask thing
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Physically, Prism is made of light. However, talking to hir is a lot more akin to the experience slipping on a muddy sidewalk in the rain, skidding through wet dirt before landing on whichever body part is least comfortable, and also there's a middle schooler laughing at you, so we're going to put hir in another meteorological category.
Otherwise! eGor has quickly become my most hopeful, most warmhearted of the bunch? eGor's whole existence is an inherently fraught one, that creates dense emotional complications in the people it loves most. And yet, I don't think eGor's story ever really stops being one of love, of being given unwavering support. Seeing a brighter future is built into the heart of eGor, and it's not going to stop reaching for it.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
judge says i can't say "all of them" when the answer is all of them.
One that I hardly talk about is Atlas, who was tricked by a malevolent fae to stand in one spot for 40 years, so that he could act as furniture and hold up that fae's table. Despite the fact that there's no overblown death or gore in there, I still find Atlas's story to be oddly harrowing. It's one of being stuck, of having all your effort go into something that is outwardly worthless, but the alternative is collapsing.
17. Any OC OTPs?
I UHHH don't really ship my own guys very often? 8)" They're more likely to divorce each other behind my back. I think it's nifty to figure out what relationships would look like between them, but I tend to deconstruct it or zone in on the messy or unrequited.
That being said, there is like............. one that's suddenly cropped up to strangle me from behind. Just goddamn bludgeoned me. I'm. I didn't plan for it and it just happened. I'm almost averse to saying who's involved, because I think half the fun of ~them~ is the specific path of their idiotic journey towards holding hands?
Rest assured, there is Stupid Feelings Stuff happening behind closed doors. Consider this is an invitation to badger me about my WIP since apparently my most comfortable avenue to explaining the mystery-TP is actually writing the dumb thing.
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