#and they were talking about how poor people deserve nice things. even if its an expensive nice thing
cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
I had an idea for a story a few hours ago:
(Bbu setting.) Carewhumper is a Pet Owner, who had a stable income and thus could afford one, Whumpee. Onde day, they lose most of their money and are thrown in misery. Almost nowhere to go, no food, no money, just their loyal Pet who is the only thing that they own now, and they can't bring themselves to sell.
The story would be relatively short, with the Owner and Whumpee trying to find food for Owner and Whumpee servicing them loyaly, struggling to survive. In the end, however, Owner doesn't manage to survive and the only one left in Whumpee.
End :D
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Is it possible to do head cannons for digital circus characters with a reader who's too nice for their own good
Like they get in danger when trying to talk to the bad guy npc thinking that they could persuade them to the good side
TADC cast x reader whos too nice!
Anon I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get to this <\3! I gotta admit I've been in like, a bit of a burn out recently and I'm still recovering from my baking spree last week so I'm WOOOooOoooooO
That said I hope you enjoy!
Written ambiguously, if you want to see this as romantic or platonic, is totally up to you!
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Literally puts a pause on the IHA when he sees you being dragged away by the big bad guy, all while still trying to insist that the NPC with no chance to gain sentience can be good.. caine finds it endearing in it's own way, its sweet, you see the best in people... and non-people... but reader, this is exactly how you get hurt..! Keeps a close eye on you during IHA
While I dont think pomni fits the "too nice for her own good" vibe, I feel that shes... what word am i looking for? Submissive? She kind of just goes with what others are doing; asides from her initial freak out we dont see much pushback from her in the pilot, though that could be thanks to shock... perhaps shes still feeling it during IHAs given how random and intense they can be..? Point is I think pomni would give a meek resistance before scurrying off after you, trying to save you from the clutches of the baddie
Shes loves you so much, dont get her wrong. She loves that you're so sweet to everyone, even to those who dont deserve it. Actually if anything, Ragatha is also a little too sweet for her own good.. but shes not as trusting and naive as you are. Frantically pulls you away to the side when you try to make your way to the days villain, gently scolding you and asking what you were thinking. She doesnt mean to make you feel bad, but she doesn't want to see you hurt!
One of the only two characters that might get a little mean with you. Not like "mean as in berating you for being so naive" more so "I'm upset that you seemingly have no regard for your safety, I care about you and I cant see you continue to throw yourself into danger" way that can come off as mean, since jax isnt really.. the best as saying this softly.. immediately cuts through any "what ifs" you might bring up to him, you're the only person in this circus that he actually enjoys and hes not going to let you get flung around.. can his tone be softer? Sure, but can you blame him if this is a regular occurrence?
This poor man nearly has a heart attack when he sees you about to be absolutely demolished (but not really thanks to the digital world), probably ends in him getting hurt too.. but that would be mean.. but also can you imagine the angst? The guilt? He probably pushes through the pain to get to you and hes just. Feverishly pulling you to him and patting you down to make sure you're okay... he won't tell you to stop being so nice; in fact I dont think the thought crosses his mind ever.. but he does ask to never do that again, the getting into danger thing
The other character that might get a little mean when confronting you about it, but given zoobles general attitude as well as their tone of voice, it seems like they're more angry with you than they actually are. They think you're too nice for your own good, truly. While the others may find it sweet and endearing, they're constantly thinking about how one day you'll be in over your head and wont have a way out. This might actually result in an argument, thanks to zoobles tone and way of going about things.. but you guys eventually communicate and make up, at least I would like to think so
Very similar to pomni in the regard that she doesnt have the spine (haha) to tell you not to do whatever you're planning on doing. "I don't think... oh.. oh wait, reader-" as she scurries after you so you dont get lost. Gets legitimately sad and beats herself up if you get hurt. Similar to zoobles, you guys are going to need to communicate and work together on this because gangle cannot handle the fact that you're constantly getting hurt thanks to your kindness grating on her mind all day every day
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hello hello friendo! I was wondering if I could request a Wally x wolf puppet reader? the scenario being that the other neighbors are afraid of R (reader) no matter what due to them looking like a big 'bad' wolf, R's appearance is quite frightful; stitches in a few places along with big teeth and claws plus they are on the large size (roughly Barnaby's size, if not a bit shorter). While on the outside they look all mean they are actually really sweet and just want to make friends.
"Do you think I'm doing something wrong, Wally? 'cuz I feel...unwanted here."
"No, no. You've done nothing wrong, Neighbor! What made you think of such silly things?"
"...well everyone's still acting like I'm gonna eat them for breakfast."
"Breakfast?? Why, that's nonsense. Breakfast is composed of bacon, eggs, juice, and toast..not people!"
"Uh, that was just a....nevermind." Sighing, you shook your head as you gave up trying to explain the idiom to Wally. But having this conversation with him over the phone did manage to cheer you up a little.
How you wished it was this easy talking to the rest of the neighbors, though they were all absolutely terrified of you and would've hung up the second they heard your voice.
Fortunately, Wally had recently learned a valuable lesson from Barnaby, who told him that he should never "judge a book by its cover". And he lived by that philosophy every time a newcomer came to town, whether they stayed or left.
You were no exception despite being a rather frightening-looking wolf with large sharp teeth, untrimmed claws, and stitches all over your body that made you look like a zombie. Of course, your clothes covered most of them, yet they didn't fully hide all of the things your neighbors were afraid of.
Of course, it didn't help that you're the child of The Big Bad Wolf...but you're nothing like him! You're not deceptive or evil in any way; all you wanted to do was make new friends.
But that was tough to prove when someone screamed if you so much as smiled at them.
Poppy was understandable, given she was a bird who already had some anxiety issues to begin with. And Barnaby was alright since you're both tall canines (and even then, he was still the taller one). He tolerated your presence and can stand being in the same room as you.
As for Julie, Eddie, Frank, Sally, and Howdy....you unintentionally scared them out of their wits.
For instance, you visited Howdy's bugdega for the first time to get groceries, and he ducked behind the register as you approached. The poor guy sounded like he was in tears as he stuttered that everything was free of charge.
Back then you thought he was having a bad day..but even outside of work, he seldom talked to you out of fear.
How naïve were you..
At least you had Wally, though, considering he's able to have normal chats with you both on the phone and in person. He still kept his joyful tone when speaking to you, and when you left he'd turn around to scold the others for "overreacting".
Honestly, he was growing tired of them treating you this way and not taking his advice. No neighbor deserved to feel so unwelcomed.
You weren't scary at all! He'll prove it!
And now he finally got an idea that he believed would work.
"Say, [y/n]..whatdya think about coming with me to the park?" He suggested. "I'm organizing a little painting lesson, and at the end we're all gonna paint something we like! If everyone's there and sees us getting along, they'll finally see how nice you really are!"
"You think so?" Your ears perked up, a small smile forming on your face as your tail began lightly wagging, thumping against the furniture.
While you haven't done any art since settling into the community, this hangout seemed to be a good place to sharpen your skills and, hopefully, make some friends. If they saw you indulging in a passion, you'll be able to connect with them more.
"Yup! I think it'll work! So are you in or out?"
"I'm in."
"Great! See you in an hour!"
Your smile dropped. "Wait, it's toda-?"
However, you didn't get the chance to finish as you heard the 'click' on the other end, realizing he hung up. You sighed and hung up your phone, too.
The thought of seeing everybody at the park so soon had you feeling anxious all over again, but you tried shaking off your worries, not wanting them to deter you from going. You couldn't disappoint Wally after how hopeful he sounded.
So instead you focused on making lunch for yourself before packing some art supplies together, finding a canvas or sketchbook to bring with you.
And about an hour later, you were fully prepared.
'It'll be fine..Wally's gonna be there..' You told yourself, taking a few deeps breaths, heading out the door with your head held high.
Surely, the neighbors will finally change their mind about you once they see that you shared a similar hobby as them..
It turns out you were wrong.
As Wally hosted his painting lesson in the park, going over how to paint different figures and scenes step-by-step...most of the gang could barely focus on what he was saying.
Instead, their eyes were anxiously fixated on you as you tried ignoring them and listened to his words. Whenever you made direct eye contact with any of them, they'd quickly look away and shudder, their hands shaking as they pretended to paint or draw.
They kept their canvases close to their chest, as though you were gonna pounce and tear it to shreds if they let their guard down.
Obviously, Wally took notice of this fast and would ask them questions about what he just said, his smile slowly turning into a frown as some stuttered out answers..while others just didn't catch it the first time around.
You only expected this, although you did manage to impress everybody with your scenery of a moonlit sky after accomplishing the final task of painting something you liked.
But it wasn't enough for Wally. They only complimented you because they were scared you'll get angry if they said the wrong thing...he could just tell by their shifty gazes.
They're just pretending.
After everybody eventually left for home, as the sun was going down, you stayed in the park with Wally. He was still sitting motionless on the same flat rock, having already put his supplies away.
You frowned as you approached him, not knowing what's gotten into him lately
Of course this hangout wasn't going to immediately make you everybody's best friend, but you didn't think he'd be this upset.
If anything it should have been you who was upset, though you believed things went quite well considering nobody ran away from you this time around.
Unfortunately, Wally begged to differ, given how he hasn't spoken a word to you since everyone else left.
"Wally?" Crouching down in front of him, you tilted your head. "What's wrong?"
"...I don't get it."
"..look, it's okay-" You went to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, only for him to suddenly look up at you with frustration in his wide eyes. Even his pupils seemed to tremble as he spoke.
"No, it's not okay. I-I..I know they can't help it but..I thought they trusted me, Neighbor. I planned all of this so they could stop being scared of you! And yet...they..." He trailed off, fingers trembling as they curled into his pants. "They're never gonna change...are they?"
"They can. They just need some more time." You tried to reason, yet he shook his head.
"But how much longer will it be until y--?" He started, but quickly stopped upon seeing the flashes of concern in your eyes, shrinking away.
"...until I what, Wally?"
"Are you...scared that I might leave one day?" You finally connected the dots. "Is that why you're so upset over all of this?"
Given his silence as he looked back down at the ground, that basically confirmed your answer.
Now it all made sense.
"Oh, buddy.." You hugged him close, feeling him flop against you as he rested his head on your fluffy chest. "You don't have to worry about that. It's gonna take a lot more than just a few skittish people to kick me out."
"But..you're so nice...and I don't know why they can't see that.." He mumbled, slowly hugging you back. "I swear I've tried everything-"
"You don't have to do anything more, Wally. I appreciate what you've done, but..you don't need to be stressed for my sake. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll even pinky promise it for ya."
After a long silence you felt him nod, and you smiled, relieved that he trusted you.
Soon you let each other go and made that pinky promise, sealing the deal. You could see that lifted a huge burden off his shoulders--one you didn't even realize he was trying to carry this whole time--as his own smile returned.
"C'mon. It's getting late. I'll walk ya back home." You suggesting, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"Haha..that's usually my job, Neighbor." The blue-haired puppet chuckled as he fixed up his messy pompadour. "But thank you. I'll take up your kind offer!"
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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cocomintcat · 2 months
Heaven's Princess (Part 1)
Go To Hell
Prologue || Masterlist || Part 2
Song(s) of the chapter: Backstabber (Kesha) + Oh Ana (mother mother)
Looking up, water dripped through cracks in the roof. The house was in poor enough conditions, but it always got worse after bad storms.
“Dear, come here. Stay away from the leaking spots and wear this, it's cold.” A sweet woman's voice offering a dry coat. Moving over to her, putting the coat on was a small blonde haired child. “My sweet baby, you don't deserve to live like this.”
“Here sweetie! I was able to save up enough to buy some meat AND veggies! I made your favorite!” The portion set on the table was small but delicious and fresh. “It's all for you! You deserve it for being the best darling daughter!”
“There's my gorgeous girls!”
“Aww sweetheart!” They're love even prevailed through tough times. “Come here Bia give your Daddy a hug!” Running into their arms, warmth and tender love enveloped the small girl.
“I'm sorry we can't give you better… You deserve the world.” Mother's voice cried.
“I know mom.”
“Really think you're better than everyone here? Hahahah! As if you can't even get new clothes! You look like you found those in a dumpster, though with your home life you probably did!”
It was irritating to watch other kids at school. Always dressed in new clothes bought by their parents. Bragging about being taken to new restaurants. Talking about how their parents spoil them rotten. Pathetic, they don't even deserve what they have. Even being the top of all her classes, everyone looked down on her.
A dry dark night was lit ablaze from the flames engulfing a small rundown home. Heat engulfed the bodies inside, no one knew the cause nor really cared.
Heaven had been an interesting experience for Biatreh. So bright and gentle, however she was unaccompanied by her parents. As expected only she was worthy to get here. Unfortunately she still wasn't super happy, she was ranked 2nd lowest in Heaven's hierarchy. Just a winner, nothing special since there are thousands just like her.
One day she stumbled across a performance and met the Princess of Heaven. She was a very kind girl, full of energy. However Bia hated how sympathetic the girl was towards people. She wasted her energy on people that should be below her. She barely did anything for her title nor does she use it. It was a waste on someone like her. However being friends with Eliora had its perks, maybe she could help Eliora be more worthy of her title. Soon after befriending the princess, Biatreh met Sera, the head seraphim. Biatreh and Sera shared a lot of ideals and beliefs.
This friendship with Sera made Biatreh more aware of the type of person the princess was. Her sympathy wasn’t only towards lower ranks in Heaven but also towards those on Earth, and worse Hell. Bia thoroughly expressed her feelings of disgust openly towards the idea of sympathy for sinners, this made a discussion between the two angels.
“The princess needs to learn why there shall not be any sympathy towards such things!”
“Relax Bia. Though I agree the best we can do is steer her down the right path. Luckily she’s not much of a dreamer like Lucifer before the fall, but she is as kind-hearted as he was.”
“That might lead to her downfall…”
“Unfortunately if her innocence is ruined or she defies heaven because of it, yes, it will be.”
Eliora’s POV
“And here is one of my favorite animals, foxes! Oh, and next-” You excitedly showed Biatreh around Heaven’s zoo.
“Aurora* calm down, they're just animals. Nothing I haven’t seen on Earth.” You pout before your face lights up again.
“Do you have a favorite animal?”
“Hm. I quite like sheep. They were my favorite animal as a child.”
“Oh! So that’s why you have sheep features! Aw that must be nice!”
“I guess so. Why do you like foxes?”
“Well I think they look very beautiful, they are also like the perfect combination of dogs and cats!”
“Foxes don’t have a very good reputation or at least don’t symbolize good things.”
“I’ve heard, but that's like saying every human is bad because some sin? All the foxes I’ve met are very sweet, if not a bit cheeky and silly at times!” You giggle, Bee wasn’t the first person to ask you this. You catch a glimpse in her eye that makes you feel like she didn’t like that answer all that much. Before long you both are hungry for some lunch so you take her to a favorite spot of your’s.
“Granny, it's good to see you!” You quickly run into the older woman’s arms as she hugs you tightly.
“Hello darling! Come by for some lunch, and you brought a friend. Come deary, let me fix you up something.” You were led to a table where you were then given some menu suggestions to pick from. Soon enough, Grandma Estelle treated you both to a good helping of food, insisting you eat more since you were so young before leaving to go situate other customers.
“So you come here to eat pretty often, huh?”
“Yeah! It's so nice here and the food is amazing!”
“Do you ever eat at higher scale places or have servants that, well, treat you since you’re a princess?”
“That’s how human kingdoms are run, Bee! Heaven is a lot different structure wise.”
“I see, but you’re still of higher rank are you not?”
“Does it really matter?” You raised a brow, confused where this was going.
“Wouldn’t you intimidate a lot of people from going to lower status places or overwhelm the small business with your popularity?”
“I mean some people get nervous around me but I’m just another angel in Heaven?”
“You’re Heaven born, a seraphim, God’s princess, youngest sister to the 7 virtues? Must I say more. You really need to start treating yourself as such. How else will you be able to help your people?”
“How does that help my people?” You feel hesitant, the wings on your head lowering tucking themselves in. You didn’t know how to feel about what she said ‘I’m a princess, yes, but I'm just another angel in Heaven. Besides being holy and good, is there more I really should be doing?’
“Well, authority to have people respect your voice and opinion for one. You’re not an average angel, Aurora. You also should start involving yourself in politics. It’d be good for you to know more about hell and earth. Maybe work under Sera with Emily? You’re going to be an adult soon. You should start actually taking your future seriously.”
“I have been! I’ve been observing other upper ranks doing their work and assisting if needed.”
“But you need your own job. You can’t gain the power of an archangel if you don’t.”
“I don’t care to be an archangel or a separate title!”
“You should. It doesn’t look good on you if you don’t work as hard as you’re family. Not to mention isn’t that why they took you in? To replace the last seraph in the family?”
“Can we not talk about this anymore? You clearly don’t understand my family.”
“My apologies.”
“...It’s fine.” You couldn’t stay mad at her. She’s a winner and probably heard gossip from older angels. Though you didn’t understand why she’d want you to replace Lucifer as an archangel. She probably thought others were temporarily taking over his job. Brushing it off, you continue lunch on a slightly tense note.
Friendship with Bee was hard. She didn’t seem to like how you viewed your title, but she also seemed to care greatly about you having a good future. The past year has been stressful. Not too long after your 149th birthday, your father had fallen into yet another depressive episode. This time, you couldn’t help much since you had started working more under Sera alongside Emily. Though you were grateful for the experience you wanted to go and help your father. Bee and Sera were too insistent on it not being your job and making you work hard to learn for your future.
Soon, you were called to a meeting room with just Bee and Sera, “Princess we have an important lesson today. You’ve shown immense progress in your abilities, so we wanted to let you in on something important since we think you’re ready.” She and Bia started to explain the exterminations. Your heart shattered. What they had been doing went against everything. There’s no way your family approved this.
“Sera, who gave permission for this?” You kept a poker face, though obviously not happy about this.
“This is for the safety of Heaven.”
“Sera, do any of the virtues know? Does my father? Does your’s?!” Your anger bubbled up, feeling like it was about to burst. ‘Sera is going behind Heaven’s back! How could she do something so cruel?!’
“Princess I’d thought you’d understand this by now. Heaven is Holy and must be protected.” Your wings appear on your back and spread out far.
“Sera this goes against everything! You don't even have permission! What would the upper ranks say?!” You yelled, desperate to get her to realize how serious this was.
“Bia, do what you must. This can’t get out. I must meet with the returning exterminators.” Your eyes flash over to Biatreh.
“You knew about this?! Is that why you’ve been trying to- You wanted me to convince the uppers?!”
“Well yes and no. I could care less what the upper ranks think, but if you could actually do something worthy of your title for once, it would have been amazing. However, you've disappointed me.” Suddenly you’re thrown to the floor on your stomach. Pain seers through your wings next. You look back to see her ripping them off in half. One by One. Once she has all of them, she puts a foot on your back, your shredded wings bleeding profusely. “These would go nicely next to Lucifer’s would they not. I’ve heard they do this to all fallen angels, though the entire wing.”
You are infuriated how could she do something like this. “Well you won’t be doing that. No one so cruel can hold my wings like a trophy!” Suddenly your wings are on fire burning the ones in her hands to ashes and burning the rest on your back down to the bases.
“Well I guess you should be going now before you heal.” Suddenly you're falling through a portal of red.
Turning around, you slowly watch the sky as you fade in and out of consciousness. A weird, hot feeling makes your body feel like a fire is trying to burn your very being. Sharp pains on different parts of your body. This moment feels like an eternity before you feel someone grasp you safely in their arms. Your body finally gives into unconsciousness as you hear someone gently speak, “I got you.”
Heaven feels a shift. Something is not right. Emily alerts the virtues of Eliora’s odd absence from work. The siblings immediately search for her presence in Heaven. They can’t find it. They can’t let God know, or else his days of wrath may come back, and no one would be spared. Right now, they need to find Elly before she’s put in any more danger than she may be in. Word was told to high ranked angels. Even Adam was let in on it who was pissed someone might have hurt the princess. Everyone could tell this wasn’t of her own doing.
*Biatreh’s nickname for Eliora (yes based on Disney sleeping beauty princess)
Welp Bia is a little messed up in the head. Jealousy be damned i guess?
Anyways I tried to rush this so I could actually start the story (part 2 is written and just needs to be revised then onto drafting part 3!!)
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fayesdiary · 10 months
actually now that you've finished AM and re: Paired Endings, did you get the paired endings you wanted? I remember when I went in blind and didn't know how the hidden support points system worked in regards to paired endings, I ended up with exactly no paired endings I was expecting or hoping to get, and a few people I knew playing the game at the same time as me ran into the same "wait, how does this work" conundrum bc we all went and got everyone to A or A+ supports with everyone else and therefore had a roulette wheel of paired endings.
also just in general, how did you enjoy AM?
I barely knew paired endings were a thing so I wasn't aiming for any one in particular (although I'm upset by the Felix/Ingrid one. I'm sorry Ingrid, you deserved better).
That said, having paired endings almost hidden from the player if you don't know (I'm guessing it's a selection of the A/A+ support pairs, but if you have multiple it selects one based on which has the highest support points) is... really weird. Why not just have S supports at that point and give the player the active choice of which paired ending they want?
As for Azure Moon itself, I quite enjoyed it! Dimitri's journey is the good shit, his relationship with Edelgard is just tragic and overall it's a really nice personal narrative.
But for the larger narrative, well... I have questions. And they are not the good kind.
Let's start with the smaller things first - Sothis.
Why is she even in the game?
I'm saying this as a huge fan of her- I adore her, I think she's so much fun. That said, if she's barely going to have screentime in White Clouds and is completely absent in Part 2, why even pretend she's going to be a primary character if she barely features in it?
I enjoyed Ch9 and 10 with her because she finally had her time to shine, taking initiative, coaxing Byleth into investigating a bit more and being a little gremlin when she convinces them to eavesdrop on Rhea. She finally has the presence she should have always had, but then she merges with Byleth and... that's it.
Poor Rhea is in an even worse situation in Azure Moon, being completely absent in Part 2. They tell you she has been secretly been imprisoned in Enbarr all this time but they never tell you why (my guess is it has something to do with Edelgard's monster form?), and then when you beat the game... Nothing.
Just a small line telling you she has retired and moved to Zanado.
The poor woman feels like a complete afterthought in this route.
Speaking of things feeling like an afterthought in Azure Moon, the Dark Snakes (the personal name I'm going with for Those who slither in the dark because I hate that name so goddamn much).
In White Clouds? Hyped up as a major antagonist.
In Azure Moon Part 2? Nowhere to be seen properly.
You only get Cornelia and Volkhard who have been very blatantly replaced with members of the cult, and yet no one seems to notice.
Dimitri will say straight to your face Cordelia's whole demeanor changed around a decade prior but never think "hmm, this sounds familiar", despite him mentioning Kronya a few chapters prior.
They appear in the final chapter but only as an extra boss you can stomp to get rid of a bunch of soldiers, and again - barely acknowledged. The rest of them flee when you kill their leader so the Snakes are still around scheming, but this is never addressed in Azure Moon, not even in the endings.
And I am not accepting "it will be explained in the other routes" as an excuse, because if you're going to treat every route as its own game, then the narrative of every single route has to stand on its own.
As it stands, the Snakes in AM only exist to make Edelgard look better by comparison in White Clouds and are almost completely ignored in Part 2.
And speaking of Edelgard - we need to talk about the whole deal with Fòdlan's unification.
This game is... weirdly fascinated with the idea. I can understand why Edelgard views it as an ideal - of course the future Emperor of an Empire would have an imperialist mindset.
The problem is that several other characters and the narrative itself portrays it a good thing, when if you think of it for a few minutes... It's not. The mere existence of the Kingdom and Alliance as well as two of the major wars in Fòdlan being for their indipendence proves that.
And look - Fòdlan has many, many problems. Rampant racism and xenophobia, class inequality exacerbated by Crests, you name it. But it being united under a single banner, especially if by force, does nothing to solve any of the issues and arguably makes them worse.
Hell, as fucked as the status quo at the start of the game is, at least there was a clear harmony between the four powers, and Fòdlan had been at a state of relative peace for almost a millennia until Edie did her, um, thing.
Shamir has a line where she mentions Fòdlan will probably split again eventually, and she's right - it's increasingly clear that Fòdlan being governed by a single power does not work.
Also I know I barely know Claude at this point especially because he's deliberately written as hard to read but I'm sorry- him just giving the Alliance to Dimitri is bullshit. Both because of what it represents, both because I don't buy it at all he would just do this (especially with Verdant Wind existing), and especially because you really want me to believe every single noble would be ok with rejoining under the Kingdom they declared indipendence from two centuries ago?
So the narrative ends up saying "oh it's not that Edie's ideals of a unified Fòdlan are fundamentally wrong- no, it's her methods and the fact that she wants to destroy the Church". And the cynical side me is thinking that in the large scale of things, the main difference between the routes is choosing which war criminal gets to govern the whole continent.
So while overall I enjoyed Azure Moon, I can't help but notice so many warning signs for things to come.
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70svampyr · 1 year
Watch Yourself
Pt.1 because I've been postponing this for so long that my reins of patience have finally snapped. Not much action in this part, except Billy's usual erratic behavior through the phone. Also mentioned a bit of Phyl in this because my girl deserves some love and I barely see her brought up.
WARNINGS! brief sexual language, creepy behavior, pills (I don't know if this should be a warning but I've seen people put it as such before so just in case), alcohol usage, gn! reader (rather they are just visiting the girls at the sorority or living there with them is up to interpretation.) 3k+ words.
edit: rereading this, I just realized I accidentally referred to the reader as "she" once. SO SORRY about that, I fixed the mistake to a proper pronoun! hopefully, that's all...don't be afraid to comment if you see another mistake and I'll gladly fix it.
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Dread eased its way into the Pi Kappa Sigma sorority, a withered mask of weariness placed on top of the resident's exterior solid. A thick layer of frost encased the foundation of the estate and left a bitter imprint on the once nicely-looking establishment, marking its new territory. The harsh winters of Canada had made their appearance and took the drudgery to add another list of trepidations for the poor tenants that shook with the blistering winds. Batters of snow stacked on top of rooftops and devoured the driveways with its sharp canines, regaling the trees and encompassing the streets. The entire calamity resembled a rotting carcass, shaken to the bone and having premature icicles wilting from the milky muscles. The sorority girls of Pi Kappa Sigma, including you, felt like just on the edge of the cliff between falling to your demise and dulling the blades of the rock as it dug itself into your skin, illustrating your now lifeless body a pretty crimson-red; Flesh and bones becoming frozen on the shore from the vicious winter. Unless someone else does it first, saving you from this misery. Doubtfully so.
"Maybe he won't even call. The pervert's likely too busy with this harsh snowstorm as much as we are. He'll probably be shoveling up the snow off of his driveway so much to even consider calling us."
Phyl had been trying her best to lighten up the mood that had been drizzled with despondency and wariness. Not even an hour prior Barb had brought up the heinousness of it all and the talk of their little "prank caller" they'd been receiving for the past two months had slinked into the conversation. This had brought the girl's temper down at a frightening rate, now just recalling back to the ghastly phone calls this same man would initiate. They were sickening and perverted. It was the same damn thing every ring; him conversing about his carnal desire to plow his tongue in their nether regions and begging for his dick to be sucked─in summary. Profane rackets would be added to the mixture, not to mention pig sound reenactments and simply downright awful moans that none of the girls enjoyed. The vulgar phone calls had quickly become frequent, so the girls (more like Barb) had materialized up with the name "The Moaner" as an alias for their... unique guest.
The epithet fit, regarding how much he loves to moan into the receiver like he was deprived of it for all his life. So "The Moaner" stuck like honey. Except it wasn't sweet like honey, nor like chocolate or surgery sprite; something that you'd constantly want overlaying the base of your tongue and sizzling. It was more like the taste of copper, a taste seeping in between your teeth after biting down on your lip too harshly and letting the crimson liquid stain the skin of your chin and continue to rise back to the surface as you licked up the blood. It's not terrible the first time, sinking your teeth into the flesh of your lip, but overdo it and the metallic of it all begins to fester inside you, and all of a sudden it doesn't taste so tolerable.
Jess had circled the kitchen countertop to stand beside you while giving Phyl a kind, but dubious smile. "I don't know, Phyl. What if he doesn't even live in Toronto? Or Canada as a whole? He might live somewhere else, like Texas. It never snows up there." The proclamation coasted over the bungalow in a pristine bleak ambiance, eyes all equally passing back and forth towards each other, similar thoughts in each girl's mind, like a radio detector. You noticed the apparitions that now spelled the room, looming with a dark force, Jess's face lengthening into a hangdog right beside you. You began to feel guilty for not stepping up to Phyl's endeavor in a fresh atmosphere, but before you could even get a word out to arouse some kind of fresh air, the loud wail of the phone castigated your opportunity and brought an even gloomier vicinity.
"How fortunate." Barb sarcastically remarked as she carried another sip of her brandy. The acerbic beverage was just as broiling plummeting down her throat as the phone's ringing, everyone in the room knowing well who it could be. Not a soul dared to move across the space, too afraid and frankly too tired to handle what was on the other side. Regardless the ringing just kept going, until the noise finally got too pricking for you. Biting your tongue, you swerved the kitchen countertop and roughly picked up the plastic cable from its handset. "Hello?" Your voice was firm, yet just by reading between the lines, the habitue could easily tell how tentative you stood. You swiped the sweat off your brow as you anxiously waited for an answer, bouncing off of one leg and scratching the back of it with the other. Silence hovered above the outlying sound of static, your heavy breathing rolling as the singular proof of vitality. No one said a word, as if a ghost picked up the phone. "Uh- Hello?─"
"Just hang up, [Name]. It's probably him just fucking with you." Barb's resonant and hoarse voice scratched at you with its sharp claws from across where you stood; swaying back and forth for it was a habit of yours when the vines of impatience came creeping up higher and higher. Uneasiness too. You mulled over the brunette's words while still supporting the phone hooked to your ear, regarding the possibility that whoever was on the other line would finally gain the courage to speak. But as some more seconds passed and the sound of droning pervaded your ear, you let out a low sigh and lowered the phone. "Maybe it was the wrong number─?" Yet, whenever Clare's soft voice peeked up, the shrill of the phone echoed throughout the room once again. Not a ghost; If it was, it was a very teasing one. "That quick? Wow, he must be excited. Well go on, let's give this guy what he wants." Barb sat up from her place─, sprawled out onto the couch, holding a cup of brandy in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, ─and stumbled toward the phone with a tremble in her step. However before she could reach out for the crying device, you gently placed a hand on top of her chest and slightly pushed her away, shaking your head in a rejecting manner. You could see the look in her eyes, the underlying drunkness too clear not to notice. She was obviously intoxicated; It was best to leave Satan lingering at the door rather than have your inebriated friend piss him off and set the house ablaze. "No, Barb, you're too drunk to deal with him. Let's just all head to bed and call it a day. We don't need to end it on a much more terrible note than it already has."
Barb only scoffed at your proclamation, swatting your hand away from her dress shirt as if the touch scorned her, taking another gulp of her beverage like her very life depended on it. "I'm not that drunk! I can handle the son of the bitch! Plus, he's only gonna keep calling us until one of us picks up the phone. We might as well get over it." She eyed you like a piranha ready to forage, spitting out the words with fire. Nevertheless, you simply stood taller and kept your feet planted on the ground. "You're only gonna spur him on and add fuel to the crossfire. Trust me, the last thing we need is to piss him off, we don't know what kind of person he is. Now, go to bed. I mean it." Your words hung over the two of you in an icy blaze, and if it weren't for Jess coming up to rest a solacing hand on Barb's shoulder and tell her "they're right, we should go to bed", you would've been having to deal with Barb's violent episodes, certainly gaining a few bruises and a busted lip. With a coerced sigh, the brunette began walking up the stairs, before halting abruptly and twisting her body to face yours, a grim expression plastered on her complexion. "When he calls again, and again, and again until it drives the whole house crazy, you're gonna be the one picking it up." And with that, she went to bed.
Exhausted sighs washed over the tenancy room in sync the instant Barb's door slammed shut behind her. You silently thanked the divinities above for the tight-lipped exchange of agreement that was masked over with a dreary exhale. A low yawn from Clare broke the brief stillness and placed a cheeky smile on her pale face, slightly flushed from the cold. "I think I'm gonna head to bed as well. This day has drained me of dignity." Her candied-laced voice brought a few nods in understanding, a hushed giggle from Phyl, and numerous eyes tracing her figure spiraling up the staircase and to her coffin. Clare's retreat seemed to construct a rolling dice match; once she entered her bedroom, Jess had bid her good nights as well, then Phyl followed suit, until only you stood in the kitchen space, wide awake with the underlying fatigue. But you knew you wouldn't be able to fall asleep just yet, so you stayed put. You watched Phyl track up the carpeted stairs before she suddenly turned around to face you. "Thanks for that─ you know, with Barb and all. I'm sorry she can be such a priss, but you know she would feel extremely guilty for hurting you. Anyways, good night- Oh! And try not to stay up too late. Remember to take your pills once─"
"I know, I know! I've got the drill memorized Phyl, you don't have to remind me." You waved your hands in exaggeration as you earnestly attempted to shoo the curly-haired girl away. "Plus, I know Barb would never consciously hurt me, but hey, she can throw a few good punches." you couldn't stop a laugh from slipping out, Phyl chuckling along with you. "Now go get some sleep. You need it more than me." All she gave you in retort to that was a vacillating smile, before trotting upstairs and entering her room, gaining her once solitariness. You monitored her with a similar grin on your complexion. You cherished Phyl and all of the other sorority sisters as if they were your own blood, even Barb who was an alcoholic, but you didn't need them plaguing you like pigeons swarming a clutter of scattered peanut kernels. It wore you, as much as you didn't like to admit it; you needed your space as much as they needed theirs. And that came with being able to memorize when to take your zaleplon.
The resonate of stillness leaped off the walls with an eerie calmness to it, the distant racket of something ricocheting up in the attic remaining as the only noise to materialize. You brushed it off for the rats scurrying inside the house; it's become a recent convulsion that you quickly learned to overlook. Your eyes trace towards the stack of dirty dishes that sat In the equally dirty sink, its essence taunting you in a way that screamed for help. A wave of grimace washed over you at the tainted scenery, complying with the demands it spoke without a lip to invoke it. You made sharp work of rolling up the sleeves of your top and wrenching on the faucet, letting the water get poaching hot underneath your fingertips, and seizing a bottle of dish soap out from underneath the sink. An odd notion crept in the back of your head, recalling back to the sicko that had a guilty pleasure in harassing the sorority's phone line.
'I wonder if he "enjoys" washing the dishes as much as I do.'
The cognate clock on the paint-peeled wall ticked within your work time, a grating reminder and alarm of how vastly time passed as you set out your responsibilities. The snow had not lessened throughout clattering dishes and rinsing dish soap, preferably amassing up more and concocting an upheaval for the impending sunrise. You hummed to a jolly Christmas tune ─although couldn't fathom remembering what exact song, ─ with a newfound sense of clarity that shimmered in front of you like a dazzling star as you scrubbed at your last plate. Once you had turned off the sink and positioned the now soaking-wet ceramic on the laid-out kitchen towel, the sound of the phone going off brought a startled yelp out of you, the shrieking noise slicing through the air with its sharp, tantalizing knife, narrowly missing the flesh of your skin. 'Jesus fuck.' you grasped onto the cotton above your beating heart like a sheathing barrier, withholding a glare aimed at the maneuvering device that jerked in its handset with deduction. It looked as if the caller was desperate for you to pick up, screeching how badly they wanted to hear your voice throughout the receiver, hear it bark at them with such resentment that rippled a burning crackle of fire downwards. And maybe they did. Perhaps that was what lied behind the harmless gadget. However, that was unbeknownst to you.
Throwing the paper towel you were utilizing to dry your hands off on top of the marble counter, you trudged toward the screaming telephone and harshly picked it up, silencing the ring and lifting it to the front of your ear. "Hello?" You had said for the second time that night, uneasiness already seeping its way through the crevices of your bones and aligning your insides, Its long, twig-like arms enveloping themselves around your heart and squeezing it like a vice. At first, nothing. Just the sound of static and what you could make out as a subtle shuffle, but no words. "Hello? Who is this?" attempting at your voice again, you immediately were greeted with (dare you say, very realistic) reenactments of pig snorts. "He─"
"Pretty piggy! Pretty, pretty piggy!"
Your speech was interrupted by a voice that resembled a mix of nails on a chalkboard, and a busted windshield with cracks spiraling across the glass. "Oh. It's you again." was all you were able to muster up, clear annoyance laced with your words, before the male switched to making slurping noises like a light switch. "Let me liii ick it! Lick your pretty, pink─" Vulgurties already began to spew their way out of his mouth, the carnality and the pictorial of it all reaching towards you with its repulsive tongue, driving you to impulsively back away from the phone. It didn't take long for the caller to bring in his roundabouts of elaborating on his horniness and bragging about his dick, the slurping noises only obtaining louder and more explicit that you could virtually feel his spittle through the receiver. 'Gross fuck.' was all that you ruled to think during the esprit of the phone call. You could only handle so much until the wires snapped and you finally had your fill. "Listen, I hate to break it to 'ya, but these phone calls of yours are getting old. If you want to keep calling, be my guest, but at least change up the act. We're all sick and tired of your crap, and we could give less than two shits about how big your dick is. So either stop calling or makeup something new." you couldn't help yourself from snapping; the act was growing old, and the troubling frigid weather that you already had to deal with had given you a bit of a push. You didn't hesitate to hang up the phone.
Yet, of course, that didn't seem to be enough to scare off the male, as the ringing merely came for the umpteenth time, not even letting a second pass after you had abandoned the prior call. "Jesus Christ...What?!" you practically screeched into the receiver, fed up and exhausted for the night, your cup overflowing with crises. A resonate of giggles greeted you not-so-warmly, a vein beginning to appear on your forehead as you rubbed at your nasal. "M-Mommy's mad...real mad..." the male murmured between giggles, his luny cheerfulness bubbling up back to the surface, the rest of his insanity tied together in a swirl of madness. "G-Gonna...H-Have to punish...Discipline! You have to learn to discipline, Billy! Or else the baby will never learn! Learn from your mistakes! Mistakes, mistakes, MISTAKES!" The voices used seemed to alternate between a thunder of an angry older male and a younger one, paralleling a conversation between father and son.
"Punish pretty piggy...yes...punish, punish, punish, punish─"
You rolled your eyes to cover up the growing uncomfortableness, sensing the male's delirium within his odd speech. Responding with a familiar bite, you pressed the phone closer toward the flesh of your ear. "So you still live with your mother? I can't say I'm surprised. And I think I'm gonna have to pass on being 'punished'." All he did in response was laugh. Laugh after laugh after laugh, until he finally cracked and never stopped, even for a minute.
Amid his ongoing fit, you suddenly recalled that you still needed to take your pills. Placing the phone on top of the table it was residing at, face-up, you strolled towards the kitchen and opened up one of the cupboards, taking out two tablets from their dwelling and setting them aside on the marble counter, all while the faint sound of deranged laughter sufficed the room. 'What the hell is this maniac laughing about?' you pondered while you fetched your mug of water and swallowed down the tablets smoothly. Even once you crawled back to the telephone, what sounded like shattering windshields did not subside.
"What? You got a joke to tell me? You better make it quick then, I doubt your mom will appreciate you staying up this late, harassing a sorority house for that matter." the words slipped from your lips before you could even lasso them back in, and immediately, the male halted his antics. An uncanny silence poised over you for the third time that night as you gulped down nothingness, omitting your growing anxiousness. The pang of regret was already beginning to web around you, its spidery legs creeping all over your body as you waited patiently. 'Did I piss him off? Did I royally fuck up?'
You almost jumped as a normal voice spoke close to the receiver.
"I'm going to kill you." prevailed as the final thing you heard before the line went dead in your clutch, a sudden waft of chilliness sawing through you.
'What the fuck.'
Tentatively, you placed the phone back down in its respective compartment─hopefully for the last time that night─and paced two steps back from its plateau. His words dispersed inside your brain as you tried to collect your bearings, the frost-bite tone he held swelling louder and louder, drumming against your skull. A shaky sigh managed to escape your lips as you gathered yourself, mentally face-palming. "Stupid, he just said that to scare you. No need to be so worked up." you softly muttered as you glared daggers toward the plastic cable. With a final scoff, you stomped towards the light switch connected to the kitchen and flicked it off, allowing yourself to be bathed in darkness and take on whatever is obscuring among it. A yawn almost instantly evaded you afterward, feeling your exhaustion take its final bows. Not even bothering to take one last finalized glance at the house, you ambled up the carpeted staircase and made your way across your enclosure, not distinguishing the hazel-green eyes boring into the back of your head, pissed off and blood lust surfacing.
tearing my hair out, this took so fucking long and it's only pt.1. I know this might've been a little boring, but I swear the next part will actually have some mind-fucking because I believe billy would enjoy that type of torture. take this as a sample of me trying to get better at my writing. -cora
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lala1267 · 1 year
Chocolate and Vanilla (Part 3)
Summary: Claudia's revenge (black reader)
Warnings: racism, slurs, fighting, Claudia basically going insane, reader is belittled, mentions of murder/death, some sexual things (only goes as far as jerking off, its not a smut)
Not proof read btw.
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I woke up in a lavish bed, it felt like I was in the clouds, it was cosy and warm. I stopped to realise that this was not my bed, it wasn't even my room, where was I? I observed the luxurious room, red carpet, princess style bed, royal vanity, and even a couch and television. I could never afford this even with my life savings, I had spent my childhood in the poor area of Jamaica and the shacks of memphis. I was working two part time jobs and was going to school just to feed me and my drunk mother who I assumed was now behind steel bars. This wasn't my room. This wasn't my house. I attempted to get up and out of the bed but I could barely move, my body was aching all over from the beating I had suffered last night from my mother. I decided to stay in the bed until I has gained strength to get out. The 'strength' that I was expecting never came. I started to worry,I had no idea where I was or who else was in this house. Heavy footsteps sounded in the hallway towards the bedroom door. They grew louder each step until the golden door know twisted as a tall, dark-haired, handsome man walked in. It was Elvis. When you saw him you were confused as to why he brought you here but a sense of comfort raised as you looked into his baby blue eyes. He sat on the edge of the royal, he lifted his hand to move some hair out of my face. I had to know where I was and why I was here, "Elvis where am I, where is my mamma?"
Elvis looked at my with a apologetic look, "oh dear, let's not talk about your mother, let's just say that she is getting what she deserves"
"Of this is about her hurting me she didn't mean it I promise, please can I see her"
"No, she is a dangerous woman. Anyway how was your sleep?"
"Good, until I woke up and found out that I was in a random castle" Elvis giggled before responding.
"Honey, it's not a castle, it's my house"
I was in shock when he said that, the boy that grew up in the poorest area of Memphis, yeah no way I was believing that.
"Don't lie Elvis, this ain't your house, not the boy that grew up in the shacks house."
Elvis looked confused
"What do you mean, it is my house"
"Oh no it ain't, you probably work at the diner like me."
Elvis slowly realise that I didn't know who he was on the TV.
"Honey, I'm a famous singer, everyone knows me, that why I can buy this house and many more if I wanted to"
"But I ain't never heard of ya"
"Oh really, well look at this then"
He got up and walked over the TV, he fiddled with the buttons before a clip of him singing and dancing like a mad man on a stage in front of thousands of people appeared. My jaw dropped, I was in shock buy I was also proud of how far he came and made a name for himself.
"Elvis I never knew you could sing and dance, I'm so proud of you" Elvis let out an awkward giggle before he replied.
"How have you never heard of me, even people from other countries know who I am"
"Well I could never afford a TV and I still can't, I'm not really into newspapers either."
His face dimmed.
" I will get a hundred TV's just for you my dear" I giggled before looking down at my body, I was wearing a silk night gown that must have costed a fortune.
"Elvis, I can't pay you back for this night gown, I can't even afford a dress that made from table clothes ,never mind a SILK night gown!"
"Honey, you don't have to pay for anything, I just wanna look after you"
I nervously smiled before he picked me up bridal style and took me to a luxurious bathroom, it had the biggest bathtub I had ever seen. He sat me on the edge of the bathtub.
"Elvis what are you doing" I said as I tilted my head and gave him puppy eyes.
"Imma give ya a nice warm bath, now lift ya arms up honey."
I hesitated but complied. He took my silk dress of and tosse it on the marble floor. I was now naked in front of a man that was 7 years older than me. I felt uncomfortable but I knew he was just trying to help me after what happened last night with my mother. He quickly looked at my bare breasts thinking that I wouldn't notice. I quickly crossed my arms other them, Elvis now knew that I had caught him peeking, he went a light shade of red.
"Get in the bath honey" the bath was already filled with bubbles and smelt like cotton candy. I didn't hesitate to step in. My body and into the world of bubbles and soap. I dipped my long curls in the water to then fully submerge my head under the water. I lifted my top half of my body out of the water, breath wet and bubbly right in front of Elvis. My head was soaked since I had dunked myself under the water, I giggled at my sillyness. Elvis giggled with me. "What did ya do that for honey"
"I've just never been in a bathtub this big in my life"
Elvis admired my bare body, he looked my up and down.
I didn't notice, but even if I did I wouldn't really care since I didn't have a dirty mind.
" you get yourself washed up and I will be in the room" he said before he got up and handed me a loofah and a soap bar. I nodded as I watched him leave the room, the door was halfway open. Elvis wasn't a perv but he was a smart man, he knew what he was doing. A large mirror faced the halfway opened door that had a perfect view of me. The bed was opposite the mirror but pushed aside to make way for the door. Elvis sat in the bed and stared me down through the mirror. I had no idea of this. I stood up, my naked body all wet and bubbly, I took the loofah and started to scrub my body gently, when I reached my breasts I heard muffled moans coming from the room that Elvis was in. I ignored it at first when I heard the same moans again as I reached my lower body,I washed and scrubed around my vagina making sure it was clean. I got worried, mabye Elvis hurt himself, that was probably why he was making these sounds. I rushed to get out of the bath, I wrapped a towel around my still soaking body, it barely covered my ass. I followed the sound of the moans, only to be met with Elvis in the bed, hand moving up and down under the sheets. I was so confused. "Elvis are you hurt, why are you making those sounds , and what are you doing" I said. Elvis quickly whipped his head to turn to me, his face turned a dark shade of red before another voice followed mine.
"Yeah Elvis, what the fuck are you doing!" Claudia yelled with her fists turning white from how tight she was clenching it. Elvis turned to Claudia, he instantly got up and out of the bed, pants unbuttoned. "Sweety I can explain!"
"There is no need to explain, I know exactly what you were doing and who you were looking at in the process!"
Elvis turned to me who was still confused as fuck. Elvis let out a relieved sigh as he realised that I didn't have a clue what he was doing under those sheets. He whipped his head straight back to Claudia as she screamed, "I expect a new designer dress by today if you want me to forgive you!"
You could tell she was just using him for his money. Claudia gave you a cold death stare before storming off downstairs. I was just in the middle of all of this and I didn't know what was going on. I tapped Elvis on the shoulder before speaking, "Elvis why is she so mad, did I do something?" I said with my poor puppy eyes the were tearing up from being overwhelmed. Evis took me into a deep hug before letting go and saying, "It's not your fault, I've just that me and Claudia have arguments sometimes" I nodded in agreement before Elvis escorted me to the closet. He opened the grand closet to reveal the most perfect dresses I could have ever dreamed of. My jaw was on the floor. Elvis giggled at my reaction. He stepped forward, he was now right behind me, I could feel his unbuttoned pants on my ass. He leaned over my back and pointed to the dresses before saying "pick anything my dear" I turned around to gaze intensely into his eyes, my breasts were touching his chest. "Elvis, why ate you doing all of this for me" he looked confused before answering, "Well I care about you and I always have, even though we never really talked, I still care about you, I know what you've been through, I heard everything those nights where your mother would hurt you, I knew." I had to take a moment to process his words. I just nodded and turned back around to pick I dress. I bent over to reach a dress, my ass pushed against his cock that was now getting hard. I didn't know this of course. I stood straight again and lifted a pretty dress in the air to show Elvis. It was pastel yellow with little pink flowered on, I had also picked up a pair of white thigh high dolly socks. I stepped way from elvis before walking past him to the bathroom to try the cloths on. I walked out of the bathroom and watched Elvis practically drule over me. The yellow dress hugged my premature hourglass figure, the socks squeezed my slightly chubby thighs, my hips where wide and my ass was perfect, my breasts were small but not to small. Due to my age my body still looked a bit child-like and I still haven't lost some of the baby chub on my tights. I wasn't chubby but I wasn't entirely skinny like all of the other white girls my age. I stood un the bathroom doorway running towards Elvis and jumping in his arms. I squealed, and giggled happily before thanking him, "oh thankyou Elvis, I've never worn a dress before, I love it!" Elvis looked into my eyes before responding, "Anything for you honey" he smiled before placing a kiss on my forhead, it took me by surprise but I can't say that I didn't like it. I jumped out of his arms, giving him doe eyes before asking, "Elvis I'm hungry, do you have any food in this house?" Elvis replied, "Yeah of course I do honey, I will get Claudia to make you some nuttella waffles" I thanked him before happily skipping downstairs whilst my long, messy, curly hair bounced on my back. Elvis looked at me with a shimmer in his eyes.
I wasn't to fond of Claudia due to her actions to me recently. But u just sucked it up before I was about to walk into the large kitchen when I saw two women. Of course the blonde, two faced one was Claudia but another block haired woman sat next to her on the dining table. She had dark eyes that looked like a void, pale skin, and she looked intimidating, but she was also drop dead gorgeous, her long back has perfectly moulded around her face, her dress a pale pink and her face like a model. I secretly listened to their conversation, tears fell down my red cheeks as I heard the words that were coming out of there mouths.
"Yeah and he had the audacity to bring home a negro! He said it was because he wanted to 'help her' but then I walked I on him jacking off to the black bitch!
"Oh my goodness really! If I were you I would do something about her, get rid of the bitch, for good"
"I know but how would I get rid of her?"
"Drive her out and do the job for her, nock her out and dump her in the middle of no where"
"Good idea, I might drive her out tomorrow and then she will be gone for good, my man will never see the bitch again."
"Haha, her hair is so raggedy aswell, she needs to straighten it."
They both laughed and where unaware that I has heard their whole conversation. My breath quickened and tears ran down my face, I ran into the back garden, I went to the horses hoping to distract myself. The horses brought back memories from when I was a kid, I used to sneak out of my house with Lana to go to the fields and ride the horses, we had been chased by the crazy farmer everytime he saw us on his field, but that didn't stop us. When I stroked Elvis's horses, I couldn't help but step into the field that they were in. I carefully mounted the tallest one with ease since I had done it many times before. I had already gotten my socks muddy since i didn't have any shoes on, i just simply didn't care. I wasn't anywhere near 'ladylike' I was the complete opposite, I was always playing with dirty animals, swimming in random lakes, clothes always dirty from playing to much, I didn't wear any make up, my big curly hair always looked like an elegant lion's mane , I ran around bare foot, I ate a lot, I was athletic, I was tall, and I lived life freely. After I mounted the horse, I tapped it with the side of my foot. The horse ran around the large field at full speed, and I had completely forgotten about what Claudia and her friend were talking about. I was having a blast, the wind pushed my long curls back, the dress was now dirty and had horse hairs all over, and my socks were muddy. As I slowed the horse down, I saw Elvis standing behind the field gate with a smile across his face. I rode the horse towards him before dismounting the horse. I was quick to plead to him, "Elvis I'm so sorry that I ruined my clothes and I should have asked to go on the horse, I'm sorry!" Elvis giggled, "Honey it's alright, I'm really impressed with you"
"What do you mean"
"I ain't never seen a girl as courageous as you, and I definitely ain't seen a girl that knows how to ride a horse like you do, I dont even think I can go that fast"
"Oh thankyou, I wasn't brought up to be a lady haha" I said while itching the back of my head awkwardly. Elvis had an idea, "hey let's go on my motorbike I wanna drive you around" I looked confused before replying, "I know how to ride a motorbike Elvis, I'm not that dumb"
"Oh, well I guess I will give you your own to ride" I jumped up and clapped excitedly.
I sat on the leaver seat of the motor bike, without thinking I sped of without a helmet, I turned around to see Elvis following me with a worried look on his face, he sped up his motorbike to be right next to mine before saying, "Hey ya can't ride without a helmet, you might hurt yourself!"
"Don't be silly Elvis, I don't give a damn about no health and safety!" I said while giggling.
"Ok then honey!"
I wanted to show of to Elvis, I shouted over to him, "Hey Elvis watch this!" Elvis looked confused. I slowly stood up on the motorbike whilst it was going full speed on the private road, when I was fully standing with my bare feet on the leather seat, I began doing cute dance moves to show of even more. I turned to look at Elvis who was in shock, he shouted over to me, "Be careful honey, shit!" I laughed at how worried he was before sitting myself back down. When we got back to Graceland it was the evening and the horses were in their stables. Me and Elvis arrived, I parked the motorbike and turned it off as elvis did the same. Elvis said to me, "Don't ever scare me like that when you stood up on the damn thing" he said whilst giggling. I responded, "Death is scared of me, not the other way round, and I live how I wanna live, I don't care about health and safety" I said whilstI giggled with Elvis. We headed inside Graceland. I went to the bedroom that I now claimed as mine, I quickly stripped of my dirty clothes leaving them on the red carpet. I jumped in the bed and quickly fell asleep.
The next morning I had woken up and Elvis was nowhere to be seen, I had just assumed that he was probably out buying Claudia all of her needs as usual. I was still in nightgown when Claudia suddenly stood in front of me with a wide grin on her face.
"Heyyyy Aria, I want you to come with me on a road trip, just me, you, and Carmella, my best friend." I didn't even have time to respond before she nudged me back into my room, urging me to get dressed. I had picked out some short shorts and a crop top. I put it on and I lastly put on my old cheap shoes. But then fear rushed through my body when I remembered what Claudia and her friend Carmella were talking about yesterday. My only thought was to call Lana. I ran to the telephone whilst I forcefully dialled Lana's number, she didn't pick up, it was sent straight to voice mail. I left a voice mail, "Lana please help me, its a long story but Elvis's girlfriend is gonna kill me, she is planing to take me out on a 'road trip' her freind is coming too, they will kill me I'm telling ya, whenever you get this call Elvis presley, his number is **************, please just hurry I don't have time!" I put the telephone down after I sent the voice mail. I had to compose myself, I wiped my tears and headed downstairs where I was met with Clauidia and Carmella. They both giggled when they saw me in my poor clothes. I couldn't say no to them because they would have just killed me in the house instead of on the 'road trip'.
We where almost there, my heart was pumping like the speed of light, a teardrop fell down my cheek wich Carmella seemed to notice, they both giggled at my powerless self. Suddenly the car came to a stop. The girls both got out before opening the door and dragging me out, pushing me onto the sandy ground, I observed my surroundings. It looked like I was in a dessert but I could still see the large buildings in the distance. I was crying and screaming, the girls just pulled me up off the ground and began to beat me black and blue. I had just accepted that this was the moment that I was going to die, they will either leave me here to die or the will beat me to death. My vision was going blurry, the world around me was spinning, and I could just hear the girls that were towering over my almost lifeless body, they were yelling a bunch of slurs at me, pulling my hair, kicking me, cat fighting. I didn't even realise the blue lights that flashed behind the two girls. The girls suddenly stopped attacking me when a lot of tall men in a blue uniform cuffed them and shoved them in the back of the cars. I could barely make out what was happening, I felt people lift me and put me into a hospital van, the last two faces I saw that day were Lana's and Elvis's infuriated faces.
I woke up in an all white room and I could hear beeping noses all around, I was in so much pain and agony. I got the strength to open my eyes and look at my body, I was in a hospital dress that the patients usually wore, I had a cast on my leg and arm, there was a rather large machine next to me that was taking some blood out of the vein in my arm. I looked up and around the room to see Lana and Elvis looking down at me with tears in their eyes. I instantly began to cry, I quietly said Lana's name, she heard it and leaned over to me to hug me tight, she pulled away and placed a kiss on my swollen cheek whilst pushing my curls away from my face. She began to frantically apologise, "Oh Aria, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, I hadn't been with you recently since I had gotten a new job, I'm so sorry, this should have never have happened, just wait till I get my hands on those bitches!" She sobbed as her teardrops fell onto my collar bone. I nodded at her when I realised Elvis was there to, he hugged me tight and did his own little speech as well.
It would be a long time for me to fully heal, but what would happen after is unknown.
To be continued...
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rainypebble07 · 10 months
Just finished the story ♡
I'm so glad Mike figured his shit out, and just in time. A shame Will got caught in the crossfire of his denial bubble implosing. It's hopefully the last time that poor boy gets pushed to the ground.
Kinda wondering obsessively about the behind the scenes here. How did Mike react to the lost of half of Will's paintings? Did everything eventually get replaced? How was Will during the months before the shops were combined? It was implied that Mike helped him through something by being his rock.
I'm sorry, i know thats a lot of questions I'm probably being annoying lmao
Spoilers for my fic, It Wasn't A Bad Thing (Rewritten) ahead! Also CW bc I kinda go into some stuff about mental health and I mention suicide in the third to last paragraph
No no no, not annoying at all! This is the kind of stuff I love talking about! Seriously!! (And if anyone's annoying it's me. Do you see how much I wrote?)
First, I'm glad you liked it! I don't often get people talking about it, so this was super nice!
Ugh, and I'm just happy everyone got to figure out their stuff in the end (even if Mike was fashionably late). I wanted to write a story where everyone had a little different problem, but they were all sort of figuring themselves out, right? Mike's figuring out his sexuality, Jane's figuring out if what she's putting people through is really worth it (And side note: it was very important to me that El had a conflict in this story too and that she wasn't necessarily in the right bc I think her role in why Mileven is a bad relationship is often overlooked in the show and I wanted her to be able to figure out that sort of thing), and Will's figuring out how to go about wanting something he thinks he can't have. And then I wanted all the conflicts to kind of clash together at the end, but then they help each other out and get the (sorta) happy ending they deserve! (Sorry about the random explanation, I do seriously love to talk about this stuff)
And your questions about everything that wasn't mentioned before the epilogue were actually really good! There was a lot that was sort of left up to imagination (and a lot still to be fixed) that happened after the big conflict and before the end, so I get it lol. Fortunately, I've thought about it before!
I like to think that all of Will's stuff was replaced. I mean, he couldn't have done half his job without it. Rest assured he was gifted a new microwave from Mike for his birthday (not an antique one, so unfortunately less colorful, but it does the same job). And speaking of Mike, he'd obviously feel really bad about the fact that all Will's stuff was ruined (I think Will would try to keep it from him, but Robin already mentioned it over the phone, so there's really no way to do that now). He'd try his best to help replace what he could because he sort of thinks it's his fault (and Will's like absolutely not, you are not replacing my things for me), but Mike would very much end up doing it anyway. And Will can't really get his paintings back, but he makes a lot of new ones!
And I think there was probably a lot to unpack after the big conflict. Like, everyone's learning to live with these new discoveries about themselves and everything that did happen that night didn't immediately go away the next morning. Will never thought very highly of himself in the first place and what Mike said would stick with him. Even though they made up by the end of the event, I think it would take a while for Mike to fully gain Will's trust again. And also the fact that Will was out on that bridge (he said he never actually planned on jumping, but obviously he was thinking about it) was probably looming not only over his own head, but Mike's too (I doubt they really shared that detail with everyone- maybe just El, but they both got some well-deserved therapy afterward). Just the overall mental state of everyone would probably not be at its best, but Mike and Will are figuring stuff out together now (and obviously El and Mike made up eventually and forgave each other, so she's in the picture too). Not to mention, Mike's not at all used to living as an openly gay man, so Will helps him adjust to that too!
After a couple months, Will would move into Mike's big-ass apartment and sell his so they have some funds for combining the shops (which was Mike's idea, but Will was completely on-board). As for still making money while construction's happening, they probably found some other place to sell some stuff (maybe even just an outside booth in a park, Will can't really give tattoos for a while, but he can do commissions!) Their friends would also try to help fund the construction. Mike's the most well-off out of all of them though, and I like to think he made amends with his family after talking to Nancy more and his parents would eventually totally support the idea of the shop (it might have taken a while for them to come around, but they would. I mean, we saw that Karen was still trying to reach out to him so there's some initiative there).
And then they open the shop and that's the epilogue and they live happily ever after the end. (And sorry I wrote so much, I had a lot a lot to say! Hopefully, it wasn't a completely useless read to you, so have a wonderful wonderful day/night/whenever)
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flock-from-the-void · 10 months
Get to know my OC II
I was tagged by @gummybugg here! I encourage everyone to check out what Blair and Elijah said about themselves!
Tagging! @heavensfallenfaction, @chuuyas-beloved, @aether-wasteland-s, @silverslipstream and @fire-but-ashes-too too! i thought it was funny ok
Check out past contestants! Guan Zhuyu from MoS
For this one, I choose the main from And May the Moon Shine Over Your Ways, my little guy, Tiv!
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Behind the sea of golden crops, I saw an auburn bush. I chose a shortcut and after a moment, the rest of the elf was revealed. They were lying on the dry grass, reading a book. Even though they were pretty tall, they looked delicate. Without me asking, they softly said “how can I help you?”
“Ah. It’s pretty easy. You don’t have to go anywhere,” I added, as they were getting from lying to sitting. “I’d like to ask you a few questions, that’s all.”
“Oh? That sounds… fun?”
“It will be fun, I promise. Let us get started.”
1. Are you named after anyone?
That’s… not really a thing we do. Usually, we get names after some special events of talents. I have two! My first name ever was Tiveor’fiehuhue, it’s after an unusually warm winter day, when I was born. The second is Ipsenel, I got it as a child after helping a lot in something, I… I’m sorry, I don’t really remember what that was. My father should know, maybe try asking him?
2. When was the last time you cried?
*laughs* That was a bit cringey… My little sibling broke their tiny toy horse, the poor animal lost its head. When I saw it, them crying and the horse decapitated, my eyes got wet. It was such a cute toy, you know? 
3. Do you have kids?
awkward silence …No.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
While talking with my older sister, yes. She deserves some stings. quiet giggle
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I’m a bit interested in cloth-making, so clothes.
6. What's your eye color?
Brown. Sei, I mean my sister, could probably tell you more. She paints a lot and is so good with colors! You wouldn’t believe how many different colors she can make.
7. Any special talents?
I’m decent at lacing. See? Not that bad. shows the lace at the end of his sleeve
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. I… love all the stories, somehow.
9. Where were you born?
points at a close mansion Here!
10. What are your hobbies?
So nice of you to ask! Beside the laces, I make embroidery and knit! I practice Rhetoric, some tiny fun stuff. Usually things for my little sibling and their friends, spending time with tiny stars is inspiring beyond comparison. Of course, I read a lot of books too, of any genre like I said.  
11. Do you have any pets?
When I was younger, we had a cat. She was brown and fluffy, and I used to hug her all the time. I’m not sure if she liked it though… Now we don’t have any. I think we should, it’s good for the children.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Sei knows a lot of sports and she tried… actually still tries to find something perfect for me. I can ride a horse, but that’s hardly a sport, just a basic transportation method… Oh, I know, ice skating! I enjoy that a bit! I guess the summer made me forget that.
13. How tall are you?
Uh… pretty tall? About as tall as my mother, we’re both just a dot taller than most.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Rhetoric. Talking to flowers and rocks was always fun for me!
15. Dream job?
Helping Sei. That’s probably what I will be doing, lucky me! Some villagers suggest that I should go to the capital and pursue Rhetorics but I… I’m happy with what I have. I want to leave that possibility for my younger sibling as well, we don’t have enough to send off two children. Ah, and above all, Sei won’t manage to be an acceptable ruler without me. laugh
“And that would be all!” I say, clothing my notebook. “By the way, what are you reading?”
“It’s a very convoluted romance. It made me cry so many times… The main character…” [the remaining 50 pages of Tiv’s blabbering was cut out by the redactor]
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Ps, have I ever mentioned how much I love this tag?
ammsoyw taglist: @gummybugg, taglist is always open!
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sherifftillman · 1 year
okay i posted photos already but i wanna talk about the weekend so here is a summary: (this is a long post bc am on mobile i am so sorry)
1. FUCK showmasters. money-grabbing, delusional, godawful cunts. i'm glad he only had a 2-event contract with them, but i hope it doesn't put him off future UK cons
2. i got to tell him how much luke's character means to me, that he portrayed an autistic person very sensitively and properly which is tough to get right, that his range is phenomenal and i'm glad he's getting the love he deserves. i don't wanna be That Person and say he wanted to hug me but was ~forbidden~ to, but his arms definitely moved out before he looked at the staff member and then instead reached out to take my hand. he said "thank you, love, your words mean the world to me" and holy SHIT his hands are the SOFTEST THINGS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! this was also day 1 so he was in the cardigan look and he looked So Ralph i couldn't keep it together lmao
3. when i tell you this man was a CONVEYOR BELT for photo ops. we all joked that you could have put a cardboard cutout in there and it would be exactly the same. same face in all of them and everything. he really seemed done with it all then
4. the panel was. well. about the same as any other. same questions as always were asked. same answers were given. i think bc music as a topic is so opinion based he's been actively deflecting questions about his personal music taste but my GOD did people push that anyway. poor man went into hysterics when someone said to say hi to wes, he was so done with the day. and oh my GOD he hates that panel host guy LMAO his face would be so sweet and gentle when he was talking to the fans and then that guy would open his mouth and jq's face would DROP it was so funny
5. i haven't even mentioned!!!! i made so many friends!!! mostly by wearing my djo hoodie everywhere lol. joe squared supremacy <3 but yeah. i've missed the con experience of just telling someone you like something about them and then spending an entire weekend attached to their hips lol
6. day 2 was SOOOO much calmer. i think bc it was announced super late and also he was only there for half a day. HE HAD A LIL SCRUFF OF BEARD 🥰🥰🥰 and he seemed so much happier. like actual "hello! so nice to see you! how have you been?!" like you see how he is at most cons. he wasn't like that yesterday lmao
7. going off that, when i said "oh you know, just pressing on" he frowned and said "well i hope it gets better!" i said "oh it's great! i've had a good weekend, i hope you have too!" and he went "its been... fucking... lovely!" but the "fucking" was said under his breath in a tone that's usually followed by "mental" or "a shitshow" but yeah. THEN HE WINKED AT ME!!!!!! and said "take care now, won't you?" that's the jq i'd been seeing in videos.
8. photos were much the same but i liked my second one better AND he rubbed my back, said "thank you so much for coming, get home safe!" AND HE WINKED AGAIN
9. day 2 panel was fuckin. EMPTY. i asked him a question about how he said in the wonderland interview that he'd love to pursue a music career, i was like "was that for real or were you just saying it to get to the next question" and he was like "i'm just so lazy, it takes a lot of work to be a musician and i'm not one now, but someday i might start a band" aw. also he is a VERY sarcastic man who i think people take way too seriously lol. also x2 his bitchface towards the host was even less subtle LMAO
10. we saw him leaving and the poor man had his cap on and his head down, he REALLY wanted to leave and i don't blame him in the slightest
11. FUCK. showmasters. they deliberately oversold jq and didn't honour refunds, autographs were either included in diamond passes or bought on the day for £75 IN CASH??? and one of my new friends was the only one left when they cut for time from photo ops, she asked if she could just get one, JOE SAID YES BUT THE STAFF SAID NO. we had one staff member talking to us DIRECTLY about what time jq was paid to stay until, said "but it would be nice if he chooses to stay longer" and then started talking about how last year's summer event was so unfairly criticised?? and was like "even joe said he wasn't stressed" ofc he isn't gonna talk shit about a company he was still legally under contract for??? and one tried to tell us not to sit on the floor, 30ft away from the first aid room door, bc there was NO OTHER SEATING, saying that it's our own fault if we got mauled by a stretcher in an emergency. there was no emergency.
12. i have practically bankrupt myself at artist booths and i'm tempted to do it all again in liverpool in a few weeks lmfao
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simpingcowboy · 2 years
"Why Did You Do It?"
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x GN!Reader, established relationship
Warnings: Angst, mentions of systems of oppression
Word Count: 600~ ficlet
Summary: Years after the events of WW84. You ask your boyfriend Maxwell Lord why he became the dreamstone and threw the world into chaos.
Author's Note: I love Maxwell, and wanna send him to therapy so badly. Until then, we'll get some nice talking it out with a romantic partner instead. 
"Max…why did you do it?"
     You'd never asked him before. It was long a thing of the past. Something you inevitably always knew about him. Something most everyone who saw the broadcast that day knew him by. You never felt compelled to ask. The answer was obvious enough. It was the same fate that engulfed a world of people into its grasp. Greed.
     Even now, it lingers. A horrible reminder of the worst of mankind. Of the terrible greed that rots us all from the inside out. A haunting image with your now partner, Maxwell Lord being the terrible poster child to. The visual of him sick and decaying on your TV screen still carved into the terrible recesses of your mind. 
     Most of the world saw him as a real life monster, who came to throw the world into chaos. Many never forgave him. You never thought you would either. Let alone end up falling in love with him. How could you ever love someone so evil so corrupted. Yet, here he sat. Your partner of several years. Opposite of you on the couch in your shared apartment. 
     Warm brown hair messy from a day's work. Work shirt halfway unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up. His stiff work pants swapped out for comfortable blue jeans. Tracing further down his body, mismatched socks cover his feet. He was just a man. So far from the monster you once believed him to be.
"Max…why did you do it?"
Max shifts his attention over to you. Shuffling his position on the couch to face you. 
"What did you say, Mi Amor?"
"Maxwell. Why did you do it?"
He knows what you're asking.
     In your time together you'd never asked, he hoped you never would. He has long crafted an automated response, for all the strangers that came up and asked. For all the press speeches and public apologies he made. A perfect response that held him accountable while still playing on others sympathies. After all, most of the world has collaborated in his efforts and were they not just as guilty as him? But he knew that wasn't enough for you. You needed- no deserved more than that. You deserved the truth. Max only hoped you'd be understanding. 
     Max let's out a soft sigh as he presses himself against the couch letting his whole body relax. His head rolls back along the edge of the couch and he lazily closes his eyes.
"It was never about money…or power…or even greed." 
     He opens his eyes briefly to catch your initial response before closing them tightly again.
 He couldn't face you and the truth simultaneously. 
"I wanted to be someone. I wanted people to think I was worth something… No one even looked at me. I was a poor immigrant. I was nobody. I just wanted to be respected…I wanted to be treated like everyone else. I wanted my son to be treated like everyone else. Money and power…were just the easiest way to get that."
Max exhales dramatically. The metaphysical sin no longer feeling nearly as heavy. 
"That is why. Mi Vida." He reiterates as he opens his eyes back up to look at you, devastation and desperation cloud his gaze. "And I- I do not think I am so bad for that", a silent tear escapes Max and races down his cheek. 
"Maxwell" you say in a hushed tone as you reach out to take his tear stricken cheek in your hand "I love you" and you do. You love Max Lord. The face of greed, the minister of evil, the man who was once the dream stone itself. But you also love Maxwell Lorenzo the man who loved his son and just like any parent was so desperate to make the world a better place for his child. Maxwell Lord was not a bad man. Nor a particularly good one. He was just a man lost in the world, always trying to make a way for himself. 
"I love you." You repeat as more tears fall. Max pulls you into him as he begins to weep into your chest. 
"I love you…
I love you Maxwell."
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starting with the self-ship questions! first of all, how did you and your beloved meet? was it love at first sight or did some time have to go by? c:
allie~ i never do self-ship stuff on this blog and i should, i deserve it. we all deserve to indulge in self-shipping
mikasa and i are the epitome of friends to lovers. i don’t see her being the type to just get into relationships or start dating on the fly, she likes to know a person first. we meet through a mutual friend, probably armin, who says he thinks we’d get along and we exchange contact info to be nice. it’s kinda awkward at first since she isn’t the most talkative person and i am and if i think someone isn’t into a conversation i’ll drop it because i don’t wanna force it if someone ain’t feeling like talking. but i make a joke after seeing an exchange between armin and some poor soul triggering his sassy scorpio ass about how “we really can’t judge a book by its cover, armin be putting people in body bags i swear” and she laughs and starts telling me stories from their high school days where his pettiness really unlocked
friendship comes naturally from that with us talking quite frequently through text and we’ll end up planning to go to bookstores together and so on and so forth. i ask her out and because i don’t do ‘dinner dates’ for a first date, i ask how she feels about a couple’s cooking class for a date. the rest is history
mitsuya my beloved who i met by virtue of me seeing him looking fine as hell across the way. i fell first, he fell harder definitely because his voice sounds like liquid gold to me and he is such a pretty boy. i volunteered as tribute to be a model for one of his projects even though i hate that type of thing but it was just the excuse i needed to hang out and segue into some sort of friendship because i’ll be damned if we ain’t at least friends. when i need a break from the tired college life and he needs a break from work or being the best brother in the world, we hang out
he beats me to asking him on a date and i get strangely competitive after he asks by mentioning i wanted to ask him on one first and i insist we play rock paper scissors to see who gets to ask who first. he wins because he cheated by kissing me. i’ll get back his ass eventually but i enjoyed the kiss while we were having it
chigiri is another one that takes a while after meeting. in my mind, we both went to go see a movie and we were the only ones in the theatre and the movie was so bad we started complaining and those complaints started bouncing off each other as jokes and we decided to sit next to each other and complain about the movie proper. it takes a while for us to get together though because... i don’t take Ls that are preventable. i don’t confess to anyone that i don’t think there’s a good 50/50 to 60/40 chance they like me back. vulnerability? nope.
i confess first and got rejected but we remain friends but in an effort to maintain the friendship i try too hard to deny any signs of his feelings towards me changing towards the romantic. reject me once, that’s cool and completely valid. reject me twice because i possibly saw too deep into your feelings? absolutely not and that is an L i undoubtedly deserve. anything he does is twisted into being platonic if i try hard enough. chigiri says he appreciates me on a deep level? cool i just went from friend status to bestie status. bro got me flowers? he got me sunflowers, that’s pretty platonic to give a friend. he asked me to tutor him on a subject he already knows well? bruh that ain’t an excuse to spend time with me, he just wants to make sure he fully understands the subject!!
with nagi i think it was more like, clumsy encounter meet cute. like, you already know how clumsy i am TAT i remember complaining to you one day last year about how i dropped my christmas presents two times in a row and then proceeded to fall in the kitchen trying to dance. literally there is no way my first encounter with nagi isn’t based in clumsiness
like, maybe i knocked over his phone and panicked and insisted i’d pay to fix the screen. he says it’s cool but i insist we meet again to talk at the cafe on campus and figure out a venmo situation in a couple hours after a class. fast forward to then he tells me it was just the screen protector that just broke and he already has a spare. then he says something like “but if you really feel bad and have some weird honor system, if you play genshin just help me grind in co-op. i’m grinding for dehya” and we go from co-op buddies to occasionally hanging out in person buddies to now i’m wearing his hoodie and he’s wearing my bonnet because he likes how it just falls over his face like an eye mask and then we start hooking up and nagi randomly asks one night “this is an exclusive thing between us right?” “yeah” “cool, good night zzz” “zzz”
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seradyn · 11 months
Letter to my abusers.
Hey, so I’m gonna share something a little different. I don’t talk about it much, but my childhood was…less than perfect, to put it simply. I’ve been holding on to a lot of anger for over a decade because of it, and I finally wanted to let it out. I’ve contemplated sending a letter to the people who hurt me, but I don’t think I will. It’s nice to just finally let some of this out.
Read at your own discretion, this is a vent letter, and it features child abuse.
To whom it may concern,
There used to be a daycare run out of this house, by a Hawaiian family. Run by a large woman, who made us call her Auntie, I remember it well.
This is a letter from one of the kids who used to go there.
And let me tell you…I hated it.
The way you treated me, was nothing short of abuse.
And I remember all of it. Too many examples to properly give justice.
I remember when you put me down for touching something you left in your living room. How you condescendingly told me I wouldn’t like it if someone came into my house and touched my things.
I was a child. I was five.
But you didn’t care. Abusers never do.
I remember the time you let me go hungry for a full day.
In the morning, you served me oatmeal, a mushy, brownish glob that was in a bowl much too big. I took one bite, and cringed at the texture. I couldn’t eat it.
You took that as a sign of defiance. Wouldn’t let me leave the table until I finished it. When I proved my own stubbornness was stronger, you dismissed me, and I thought that was that.
Imagine my surprise when come lunch time, the same blue, plastic bowl filled with gritty mush was put in front of me.
I couldn’t leave until I ate it. I couldn’t join the other kids in front of the TV until I’d eaten it.
I had autism. Not that you cared, but it made the texture unbearable.
When, again, I made it clear I would not be eating your oatmeal, you dismissed me. I didn’t see food again until my parents picked me up, 5 o’clock sharp.
You didn’t seem bothered by the rolling of my empty stomach.
I remember when you punished me for not remembering what I’d read from my books during reading time.
I had ADHD. Not that you cared, but it meant my memory wasn’t as good as it was supposed to be. Hard as I tried, I couldn’t recall what my books contained.
So, when I failed your pop quiz, you punished me, believing I hadn’t read anything at all.
Can you even imagine my frustration? Not only because you didn’t believe me, but the fact I couldn’t remember was in itself upsetting. Why couldn’t I remember?
You made me hate reading. I had to start rereading each of my books three, maybe four times over, out of fear I would be asked to regurgitate its words. The sheer boredom I felt as I read the same blurb about Polar Bears 3 times was enough to kill, but I had to.
I was afraid of you.
I remember when you rubbed it in my face how much better the younger kids were than me.
You went the public humiliation route this time, made me sit at the kids table, reserved for 5 and under, while I was going on 7, maybe 8. Made sure I watched as you let one of the 4 year olds sit at the dining table, the real one. And at the end of the meal - lunch I believe - you made sure to praise her manners, and berate me for mine.
Poor kid, she hadn’t liked it either. She never smiled during this, not with pride or smugness. Only confusion painted her face that day, as she looked between the two of us.
She didn’t understand she’d been made a tool, a puppet for your petty games.
But you didn’t care. I doubt you even noticed her discomfort, despite your praise.
I remember when you made me repeat a nasty phrase I’d said to my sister during an argument.
Yes, it was mean. Very mean, and I deserved to be punished for it.
But you made me tell everyone. Every time one of the family members came downstairs to speak with you, you made me repeat it for them. You let them each individually scold me for it. Long after I’d realized it was wrong to say and why, long after my cheeks ran red with shame, you let them scold me. Made them scold me. Made sure I was humiliated as much as possible by being forced to repeat that phrase.
Your family isn’t small, and far from nice or gentle. When they scold, they yell.
I guess you figured one reprimanding wasn’t enough. Even for a petty squabble between siblings.
Much of these moments, carried out by one woman. Not the main caretaker; she was a relative. I can remember her face like I’d just seen it, her jet black hair, the streak of bright blue down the side, the piercings. I remember her, for she, out of all the family, was the worst of them all.
I will never forgive her. For almost 20 years, that hatred hasn’t lessened. Hasn’t gone away. No, it’s only intensified.
And I will never forgive you, for letting her be my abuser. The rest of your family was abusive too…but nothing compared to that woman.
I dreaded being brought to your daycare.
So much so, I once chose to sit outside my empty house, in the cold and rain, waiting for hours until my parents got home. I was too young to have a key.
I chose to be cold and wet and hungry over going to your house.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
How dare you treat a child like you treated me. Treated us.
This was only a sampling of all I was put through.
Sometimes, we’d see each other. When I got a little older, didn’t need the daycare anymore, sometimes we’d bump into each other. On Halloween my dad would take me trick-or-treating in your neighborhood, and I’d see you.
Your door would fly open, and soon your arms would too, squealing with delight at seeing me again. As if all those years had been some of the best.
While I had to force a smile. Had to pretend I was glad to see you too. I didn’t want to start anything.
But now I’m older. Now I understand.
What you were, what you did to me.
I hope for any child’s sake you don’t run your daycare anymore.
They’re better off without it.
- A kid you left traumatized
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ruffiorocks · 2 years
Soooo, a little (a lot) late to the party, but I just finished watching The L Word: Generation Q season 2: My takeaways:
• Finnley is a mess and ruining someone's wedding is cliche and a really selfish move. Its not romantic, its not cute and she deserved the punch in the face.
• Sophie gives both Dani and Finn the run around and it's not cool. Especially when she goes and sleeps with Dani again. Then she sings that song for Fin right IN FRONT of Dani!
. Shane is shane, she and Tess are perfect and I hope season 3 (if there is one has them together).
. Angie's storyline is done really well and the actress is really good to. Spoiler! It was so sad she didn't get to meet Marcus, but also very obvious that's what was going to happen. She and her girlfriend are really cute and that Prom Proposal was adorable.
. Alice! YES!! Finally they remembered that Alice is bisexual! They even snuck in a Easter egg with Bette's (past) opinions on bisexuality.
. I really liked Sophie's idea for unsung LGBT+ heroes, but why did we only see one couple?
. Tom is adorable and Perfect, a precious bean who must be protected and I hope he and Alice get more time together and they don't just ruin it by having a rejected proposal and we never see him again.
. Gigi, yeah.... I'm not to invested in her character, but she was good to Dani. I do however feel really bad for how she was treated by Bette!
. Alice's chapter on Dana 😭😭 right in the feels!
. Micah is a great guy, I'm not too sure about his love interests this season though. Mirabel is great and they have a cute friendship, the horse riding scene was cute but I think it went to "I'm in love with you" way to fast and she seemed reluctant and then didn't even tell her family they were dating (while perfectly happy to spill Sophie's drama). We got snippets of her struggles, her mum thinking she won't have to worry about dating, but that's something that could have been explored a bit more. Honestly, I found myself rooting for Micah and his co-worker.
. Tina, oh Tina, was she even there? She just pops up for a few minutes and is gone. She's defined by her relationship with Bette, that it, that's all Tina has. Even when she's being there for Angie, Bette is there. When's she's talking to her fiancé, it's all about Bette. The original series at least tried to give her storylines that weren't completely about Bette.
. Which brings us to Carrie, oh poor, loveable Carrie. Carrie is defined almost entirely by Bette as well. Every scene she's in its either with Bette or its a conversation about Bette. Seriously Tina, marry this woman who quite clearly loves you and can see your conniving ex for who she truly is.
. Which bring us to Bette f**king Porter! My God I hate this woman!! I hated her when I was a teenager and I hate her now! Bette (other than Jenny) is the worst character and I can't understand why people love her so much. She's not changed, she still a self centered, selfish, stuck up arsehole and I can't take to her. From the get go she's just a bully to Carrie who's just being nice. She uses women (Gigi) for sex and then can't be arsed with them later on. The moment something doesn't go her way she turns on Dani, she didn't even give her a chance to speak before she got all on her high horse and was nasty. She practically stalked that artist to get what she wanted, even though she had been told no. That's the thing about Bette, if she wants it, sex or even someone to be in an art show, she feels she has the right to keep going. Also, what is with Bette Porter and sleeping with people she works with?!!! I knew exactly how the therapy session would go and how she would flip out at Angie and I was right. But mostly what I can't stand about Bette is her constant need to have Tina but also other women. She has always been like this, she likes to have control of Tina or at least have Tina as a back up while she goes out and sleeps with other women. She was damn right Evil with what she did in the last episode, playing nice with Carrie on to basically tell her fiancé she's still in love with her. Then to top it off, they had door mat Tina turn up at Bette's door. TIBETTE SUCKS!! I've never quite gotten over Bette trying to force Tina to have sex with her and I never will. Come at me, I don't care.
.oh and Shane?! Telling home wrecker Bette that a VERY drunk woman was having pre wedding doubts (caused by said homewrecker) is a shitty thing to do! Bette took that bait and just thought "I can get what I want now".
. Fin went to rehab! Good stuff!
. Dani? You knew you would be in contempt of court and yet you went drinking and look surprised when you're arrested? Gigi you didn't help here.
. The Nat and Alice polyamory storyline (minus Gigi) felt rushed to me. Nat doesn't even think too much about Alice and jumps straight in. Honestly it felt like the season 2 writers just wanted Nat gone.
. The singing was great, I'll even applaud Bette for her part in Love Shack.
. Finally, Dani's dad is awful!!!
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
im so glad ive been taught to ride by people who respected and loved and understood horses bc. even in the non-elite equestrian world abuse is way too normalized, Especially when it comes to horses used for riding lessons (and especially in those places that are less professional, more abt the money, or touristy). the amount of times ive come across clearly exhausted & overworked horses, malnutritioned horses, those too old to still b working almost daily, those who were clearly lame or had some physical discomfort being ignored, saddle sores.... warranted bad attitudes or just outright depressed-like states bc they were overworked and constantly dealing with bad, unknowing new rides who are allowed to pull and jab and whip them and barely taught how to ""ride."" and ive seen plenty of outright bad or dangerous "horsemenship" from owners or teachers or employees
like it truly is disgusting seeing how some ppl pull on their horses bits as if theyre not sharp metal in the horses very sensitive mouth. the reins and the bit should be a gentle, back-and-forth communication btw rider and horse for gods sake. and then you see these poor creatures, clearly working out of fear, not out of wanting to please or joy, with their tongue sticking out, salivating, their head so drawn back and pulled it makes me wanna do the same to the rides to see how the hell theyd like it. and jfc, the way some people smack their horses, overwork their horses, get mad at the horses for things that are Their fault. its just cruel,,,, the damn way some people talk abt their horses too is just 🤮 a horse is not a thing or object or entertainment to be used, to be expired, to be broken in, it is a life and a soul and frankly, working together with a horse is an honor & privilege i dont think you should have if you think that way
its gross too because it is excused as "this is how we train them" or "tradition" etc etc "weve always done it this way it works" and "the stallion/mare has an attitude" but its all damn unnecessary. you can train a horse to ride competely without a bit!! something id like to do if i ever have a horse. and you can most, most certainly 100% train a horse gently, compassionately, without beating or scaring them half to death, to understand suddle cues in change in seat pressure & gentle tugs on the reins. and use soft bits. and not only can you, its the right way for it to be done. even more complicated things like "dancing" or dressage can be taught gently without cruelty, if the horse is willing. absolutely none of the horrible ways humans go abt horsemanship is necessary or unavoidable - and if some parts of it cant be done without the cruelty, then those parts shouldn't exist
.....idk its just. this is part of the bigger issue of the lack of respect we tend to have for animals and how we view many of our interactions with them in terms of using them :// horses are terrifying, beautiful, 500 kg + towering, highly intelligent and empathetic creatures covered in muscles which stand on 4 sharp toenails. and they have teeth. can most certainly outrun you. and they could easily give you a very painful death, if they wanted. but instead theyre usually nice and lovely creatures, and they can be wonderful friends and helpers, and they deserve a high level of respect & honor, not to b used & abused & given no agency so someone can make money or feel good about themselves bc they have power over another being.
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