#and they mean both my couples are gonna sail
respectthepetty · 5 months
I do not believe in the institution of marriage, I never want kids, and I'm only showing up for the queers, but
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I need them to be together so badly that I'm not even ashamed of how hard I'm rooting for the heterosexuals in a queer love story.
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Like good for Mork and Day and their cute little color-coded love story, but I'm here for these future parents taking pictures and videos of their kids.
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They are gonna make such good parents.
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Thanks, Last Twilight, for giving the straights their proper love story.
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I'm blaming this on my bisexuality.
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Thailand, you better legalize marriage equality so all my couples can thrive and Mork can take care of his HUSBAND properly, goddamnit.
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puppy-steve · 5 months
steddie ☆ G ☆ wc: 682 ☆ cw: teen dads
a little snippet from my teen dads au: tiny hands, little feet
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The bell on the counter dings. Steve tilts his head back with a sigh and gives Robin a sidelong look across the table.
"Nope," she says, flipping through the only magazine they have in the place. They can probably recite the whole issue from memory by now. "I got the last three people. Go work your Harrington charm so I can add another 'you suck' tally."
The bell dings again and Steve groans, kicking Robin's foot as he rounds the table and opens the door leading behind the counter.
The lobby is empty. Great, they're getting ding-dong-ditch'd now. Fan-fucking-tastic.
He rolls his eyes and is about to snatch the bell off the counter and hide it when a tiny hand reaches up and taps it again. Steve holds back a snort, because he knows that tiny hand.
He steps up to the counter and sure enough, there stands a toddler with wild chestnut curls pulled into little pigtails, wearing a pink My Little Pony t-shirt and bright blue shorts.
Steve glances around the lobby and doesn't see anybody else in sight, which means...
He puts on his best customer service voice and gives the girl a smile. "Ahoy there, little lady. How'd you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with with me?"
Of course, she doesn't completely understand any of that. She just blinks up at him and points at the pictures of ice cream.
"St'awb'y, p'ease."
Steve nods. "A wise choice, m'lady." He slides the cooler open and gives his scoop a twirl, making her giggle.
The door opens and Robin slowly peeks her head out, looking flabbergasted. "Who in the world are you talking to? Why are you talking like that?"
"Careful, Buckley," Steve nods towards the child. "There's a princess in our midst. Wouldn't want her to throw you in the dungeon for disrespect."
Robin looks at the tiny child who is watching Steve with rapt attention.
"I think she's more interested in the ice cream, actually."
Steve gasps as he puts a couple scoops into a small bowl. "Hearsay, Buckley. She'll have your head for that." He takes the bowl around the counter and kneels on one knee as if he's a knight, presenting it to her with a bowed head. "The finest strawberry ice cream in all the land, your highness."
She claps her hands and her shoes light up as she stomps her feet. "St'aw'by! T'ank, Da'y!"
Robin's eyes widen and her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. "Daddy?"
Eddie Munson comes sliding into the lobby, his shoes squeaking on the waxed floor. He catches himself before he face plants and gasps like he's ran here from the other side of the mall.
"Sailor, honey, you can't run off like that!" he says around gulps of air. "About gave me a heart attack."
Steve picks the child up and scrunches his nose. "I think it might be time to give those backpack leashes a try," he tells him. "She's getting too curious for her own good."
"Wayne said I did the same thing at her age. Said it used to drive my mama crazy, trying to keep track of me." Sailor's chin is sticky with ice cream and Eddie wipes some of it off with his thumb. "You're taking after your old man a little too much, bug."
Sailor holds out her spoon. "Da'y try?"
Eddie can only huff a laugh and shake his head fondly. "Thank you, baby." He leans forward to take a bite of the offered ice cream and then turns to Steve to give him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I swear I had a hold on her. She saw the Scoops sign and then took off before I could catch her."
Steve sighs. "It looks like we're gonna have a little Road Runner on our hands."
"She definitely takes after you in that department, sweetheart," Eddie grins.
A throat clearing interrupts them and they both look at where Robin has been silently watching the three of them.
"Someone care to fill me in on all of this?"
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more snippets from this au
taglist: @yournowheregirl @judasofsuburbia @steves-strapcollection @thefreakandthehair @stobinesque @tboygareth @starrystevie @inairbinad @flowercrowngods @starryeyedjanai @matchingbatbites @corrodedbisexual @theheadlessphilosopher @sidekick-hero @patchworkgargoyle @sentient-trash @wormdebut @legitcookie @corrodedcoughin @steddieas-shegoes @wynnyfryd
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anystalker707 · 22 days
gonna take more than a couple hours
Pairing: Shanks x [male, amab] Reader Summary: Shanks and you have been flirting for a while. It was about time things got taken to the bedroom Tags: top shanks / lots of petnames
Requested by anon ["Yaay! I'm starving for some Shanks or Mihawk fics 😥😥 I'm glad you're doing well! ❤❤ So, could I then request amab male reader (bottom) x Shanks (top) where reader is a booze merchant, sailing the seas and selling the good stuff for both local folk and pirates, but he always has some saved for Shanks(...)"]
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          “Oh, look at who we have here!” A familiar voice rang over the sound of glasses clinking together and loud chattering. “I’m talking with you, sweetheart.” Given the proximity of the voice, you turned around from the aligned glasses on the shelf and gasped at the sight of the familiar red-haired man leaning over the counter with a grin.
“Shanks!” You gasped with a grin before leaning over to hug him. “Oh, it’s been so long! How have you been?” You pulled away and looked him up and down. No new scars, as far as you could see.
“Oh, fine, of course, ignoring when I was missing the best boy around, y’know?” Shanks winked, holding back a chuckle at the visible embarrassment across your face.
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath. “Going to spend the night, yeah?” The golden seal of the blueish bottle came off with ease at your experienced ministrations, and the drink was placed in a large glass that you pushed toward Shanks.
“Of course. Only a couple of hours with you aren’t enough,” Shanks said as if it were obvious as he took a sip of the drink, and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from saying anything. “On a side note, I hope you have enough booze for us this time. We can’t find good booze like yours anywhere else, so we’re taking everything you have.” He grinned.
“Everything?” You raised an eyebrow. “I have quite a bit in stock, so maybe it’ll be too much. Are you sure?”
Shanks clicked his tongue and tilted his head. His thumb ran along the handle of the glass, tracing the shape gently, as his ring shone under the last rays of sunlight of the day that slipped through the window. “You know me, sweetheart.”
You shrugged, breathing a chuckle. “As long as you pay well…”
“Oh, love…”
          “So…” Benn muttered through the cigarette in his mouth. “Eighteen boxes.” He looked at you for confirmation before you nodded, and he handed you the berries, waiting for you to check before walking away.
“Great,” you whispered to yourself, tucking the bills into your pocket. Having the Red Hair Pirates over didn’t only mean pleasantly escaping the monotonous routine but also a good addition to your account. You were about to return to behind the counter when an arm wrapped around your waist, and you didn’t even need to look to know who it was, placing your hands over his arm as you instinctively leaned into the embrace.
“Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart?” Shanks pressed a kiss behind your ear with a hum. He already smelled like booze, but he drank so much that it’d take more than two bottles for him to start feeling something.
A small smile tugged on your lips. “Work, of course.” The bar was rather agitated with the Red Hair Pirates around, given how they attracted many people and how fond of partying they were. It didn’t matter where, it was all the same thing. In all the bars you’d worked, wherever you’d sell your stuff, the crew was there, down for a drink. “Got a lot of stuff to do tonight.”
Shanks’ arm tightened around your waist when you moved to grab a few empty glasses. “I don’t think so. Well, not here anyway,” he muttered, and you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warm up. He was being a lot more touchy and possessive than usual… “Y’know, you could show me the bedrooms in his place. I don’t think I’ll be able to find my way back to the ship tonight,” he muttered with an audible smirk, and he certainly had fun seeing you progressively melt.
Taking a deep breath, you placed a hand over Shanks’ before facing him, furrowing your eyebrows. You weren’t sure whether you were worried or afraid or something else. “Shanks…”
“I mean what I’m saying, sweetheart,” Shanks chuckled, rubbing your side, his touch soothing. “Please?” His breath fanned against your cheek, and you had to use all your strength not to turn and kiss him right there. Not that it would matter, but you needed things at a slower pace.
“Come on,” you whispered, squeezing his arm before you stepped away and headed over to the stairs that led to the second floor of the building. The stairs creaked under your feet, and the sound of loud chatter and music became muffled in the background according to how you reached the last stairs and, eventually, the hall. “This is my— Nngh!” 
Shanks pressed his lips to yours the moment you walked into one of the rooms, yours, kicking the door close behind himself and cupping your cheek. It was something you’d wanted for so long, but you didn’t know what to do now that it was happening, your mind going blank before you could finally start kissing him back. He hummed in appreciation, deepening the kiss once you started relaxing at it.
“That’s a good boy,” Shanks whispered between kisses, muffling any attempt to answer with more kisses, pushing his tongue into your mouth until he could snatch a quiet moan from you. His thumb ran across your cheek before he finally pulled away. His gaze held yours as he locked the door behind himself. “I’ve been having you in my mind for quite a while, sweetheart, did you know that?”
Your cheeks heated up, both at his words and how he stepped closer again, kissing your shoulder softly as his fingertips peeked under your shirt. “Mm, I dunno if I believe you,” you breathed, hesitantly placing your hands on his shoulders, and you couldn’t help but grip them when he started kissing your neck. His stubble scratched your skin, tickling. It was uncomfortable, but the kisses and nipping on your skin made it seem insignificant, even more so when he bit down on your neck, snatching a gasp from you.
“Maybe I’ll have to show you, then?” Shanks whispered with a soft chuckle, pressing kisses over the bite mark he left behind. The words escaped your grasp for a moment, caught in your throat, and an embarrassed sound came from you instead. “Oh, love,” he sighed softly, kissing your neck. Despite not trusting yourself enough to answer Shanks, you grasped onto his shirt, slowly undoing the last buttons, which earned you a hum of appreciation.  “Join me,” he muttered, tugging lightly on your shirt.
The clothes were removed one by one, discarded and forgotten on the floor while you moved towards the bed, landing on the mattress with Shanks on top of you, his mouth pressed to yours once more. Shanks nipped on your bottom lip until you whimpered before he ran his tongue over the bite and slipped it into your mouth. He kissed well, managing to make your cock twitch and leak just by making out with you, even more so when he kissed you deeper after you tugged on his hair.
“Fuck,” Shanks groaned, like revolted at himself or something else, and started nipping down your jaw, kissing and nipping on your neck and collarbones, anything to get from you the little whimpers that he loved so much. He seemed to know how to do that very well.
Despite how unstable your voice would be, you finally gathered some courage, cracking out Shanks’ name in a broken moan and arching your back into his touches.
“Do you—”
“There’s lube in the drawer,” you breathed, looking away to avoid the look he shot you while you reached for the bedside table and retrieved the bottle of lube. “Can I, please?” Your eyes met his again, and you forced yourself to hold eye contact despite your heartbeat hammering against your ears.
With a nod, Shanks sat back with your legs over his thighs, observing it as you poured the lube on yourself, groaning softly at the feeling of the cold liquid trailing between your legs.
“Fuck,” you breathed, putting the bottle aside.
Shanks could only reach out before your fingers pressed to your own entrance, and his breath hitched at the same time his eyes widened lightly. “Holy fuck, baby,” he breathed, placing a hand on your inner thigh. His thumb pressed to your ass lightly to spread it and give himself a better vision of your two fingers sinking inside yourself. He bit his lip, but the excitement was still clear through the way his cock twitched, with a drop of pre-cum dripping down the thick length.
Your eyes were focused on Shanks’ face, watching his reaction to how you fingered yourself carefully, and fuck, holding yourself back was hard. The arousal made you so sensitive, in a way you could just finger yourself until you came, but Shanks’ cock would be a better, bigger prize. He rubbed circles into your skin with his thumb, and you knew it was time to stop before you got close. Instead, you grabbed the lube again and poured it on Shanks.
A soft hiss came from Shanks when the cold liquid came in contact with his cock, but he gave you a real moan when your hands wrapped around his length, spreading the lube evenly while stroking him. He was so thick in your hands, heavy, making you squirm a little in anticipation. Shanks surely loved the effect he had on you, squeezing your thigh more, but your hands soon left him as well, only returning to his cock once you lay back on the bed, guiding it to your hole.
“Excited, aren’t we?” Shanks had that terrible smirk on his lips as he leaned over you again, kissing you before you could give him any answer. “I’ll make you feel so good, baby,” he whispered between kisses, and the most you could give him in response was a groan.
You arched your back with a gasp the moment Shanks’ cock started to push into you, stretching you nicely, which gave you a light burning feeling that only managed to heighten your arousal. “Mmph, fuck,” you practically whimpered, holding on to his shoulders tightly once he was almost fully inside. When he was, though, you could barely catch your breath for a moment, trying your best to adjust to feeling that full.
“Good, sweetheart?” Shanks’ breath fanned over your skin as his lips grazed your own, and you took a moment to nod, adjusting your arms around his neck. “Great,” he said before he could start moving, chasing a fast pace right away. His elbow was pressed to the mattress, right by your side, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, adjusting the angle of the thrusts lightly, though you doubted he even had to hit your prostate continuously to make you see stars.
It felt better than anything you’d felt in a while, sending an intense wave of pleasure down your spine, and you wondered if Shanks had put anything in your drink earlier—even if you hadn’t drunk anything for a while. He managed to fill you up so well, hitting all the right spots, and making you a mess so quickly.
“Too— Mmph, Sh—” You gasped, nails sinking into his back as your thighs quivered.
Shanks raised an eyebrow as he paused and pulled back a little to look at your face. “Yes, baby? Did I hurt you?”
You gave yourself a moment to breathe before shyly meeting Shanks’ gaze, swallowing. “A little slower, please?” You rubbed the back of Shanks’ neck, playing with his hair a little. “I… It’s too good. You didn’t hurt me.”
There was a pause before Shanks hummed with a nod and a poor attempt to suppress the smirk that tugged on his lips. “Of course, sweetheart.” He kissed you again, softly, holding the kiss as he started moving his hips once more. The thrusts were still intense, but they weren’t so fast anymore, allowing you to have some control over yourself.
Shanks swallowed your moans, keeping the kiss going, nonetheless. He was straining, trying his best not to fuck you as fast and hard as he wanted, but he needed you to feel good as well. There was nothing to lose by taking the slower pace, and it also meant enjoying you for longer. He craved the way you clenched around his cock, milking it with every thrust, a lot better than anything he could’ve imagined during lonely nights.
“You feel so good around me, baby,” Shanks muttered into your ear; his words and moans managed to intensify your arousal. He hissed as your nails sank into his back, his thrusts faltering. “Fuck…”
“Feels so good,” you breathed, arching your back and wrapping your legs tighter around Shanks’ waist. It felt like getting a relief you didn’t know you needed, and it felt like the best thing ever. “Mmph, more…” Your moans started sounding whiny, but you really couldn’t help it. It was one of the last things you wanted to care about right now, with Shanks’ cock filling you so nicely, making your head foggy with arousal.
Pride swelled in Shanks’ chest before he pressed his lips to your neck again, nipping and sucking the soft skin, leaving behind love bites as a token of his love—and lust—toward you. He couldn’t help but thrust faster again, paying attention to your reactions as he did so. He needed it so badly.
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah,” you said shakily, feeling your thighs quiver.
The strings of moans echoed in the room along with the obscene sound of skin against skin, and you found yourself lost in a nice haze, barely aware of the existence of anything beyond that bedroom. The reality Shanks pulled you into felt so much better, blissful, making you ache with need.
Your thighs pressed into Shanks’ hips to pull him closer, and the spots his hips hug into would probably hurt later, but that’d just be another sexy reminder.
Whenever you arched your back, Shanks’ cock would hit just the right angle that’d make you see stars, so you invested in it, squirming, doing your best to keep that angle until your balls tightened with the anticipation of the impending orgasm. “Sh—Shanks,” you mumbled, your nails sinking into his back and scratching it. “I’m— Mmph, ‘m close,” you breathed as your thighs quivered, becoming tighter around him, just like your walls tightened and squeezed his cock, craving it.
“Great, me too,” Shanks muttered as he paused before he started moving again, his thrusts faster, not minding how intense it was because your release was actually the goal right now. He loved your gasps and breathless whimpers, how you clung to him, scratching and squirming. His arm hurt a little from holding himself in that position for a while, but you were almost there, so he made a little effort.
A pleased sound that resembled a sob escaped your lips as you arched your back, thighs trembling as you came, cock twitching and spurting warm cum between the two of you messily. It was all it took for Shanks to follow suit, cumming inside you, allowing his seed to fill you while he kept thrusting sloppily to make sure to milk every drop of cum from you. The feeling of Shanks’ teeth tugging on your collarbones was what brought you back to reality after the orgasm, his stubble scratching your skin.
“Fuck,” you groaned before cupping Shanks’ face, bringing him for another kiss. “I think you gotta stay for longer.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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teddie-bear420 · 3 months
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Suggestive yuri square
A shipping chart for these four.
I have no idea how all 4 of them would function as a couple… but Charlie vaggie and Emily would be so cute, a demon, a pirate and an angel, sail the seas and explore the land! I think lute would be the navy that chases them around (because she is crazy dawg)
Lute is like my own personal blorbo, I love to headcannon her as this loser who sniffs Emily’s hair, and can’t even handle her feelings so she tried to kill vaggie
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And when I say on site, I mean they want to kill each others so bad it makes them look stupid (I do also want to see them fight and kiss maybe. Get just a bit of blood in the mix)
I imagine vaggie finally tells charlie about her past, About heavan, about Adam and lute. And Charlie (now looking a bit more demonic after the finally) is like,
“Im going to kill her,” but vaggie is very against it, since the fight they had vaggie tried to forgive lute, take Charlie’s advise and turn a new leaf but lute wasn’t having any of it. And now lute just wants to hurt vaggie. So she targets dear Charlie.
So lute and Charlie are on sight, and have hot fights… and both want to kiss Emily and vaggie
Sorry that’s how season 2 is gonna turn out I don’t make the rules
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simphornies · 3 months
So my sad gay self found this while scrollin: https://youtube.com/shorts/KTjKsm2uLPA?si=aHCxEMjey1iZ_u0A
Very cute, very wholesome I AM YEARNING. So if I may request a mlm!reader who will just casually people soda tabs as a subtle means of flirting or asking for affection (mostly because its such a uncommon practice that it removes most of the actual stress of flirting) with Vox?
No pressure, please take you time! Kisses darling <3
A/N: Honestly the soda tab thing is SO CUTE. I'm experimenting with more with how I write Vox so hopefully this is good
Word Count: 1.7k (1,755)
Soda Tab [ Vox x M!Reader ]
“Vox what the fuck is that?” Velvette pointed at a jar full of soda tabs on his desks.
“I’m gonna be real honest with you.” He took a deep breath in, “I have no fucking idea.”
You were just a regular sinner in the Pride Ring. You grew tired of the one time dates that ended with your date wanting to take you home into their bedroom. You held yourself to a standard. It made sense why you were placed in this ring considering your pride never allowed you the speak freely, not wanting to damage whatever was left of your reputation after a failed relationship.
You eventually landed a job with VoxTek as an operation’s manager. The job wasn’t easy but it paid and gave you shelter. Your soul remained intact but your sanity was slipping.
Then it all changed when the fire nation attacked when Vox personally invited you into his office to discuss a promotion. He needed someone that could hold their composure better than the Vees during important meetings and speak on their behalf. You were basically Vox’s representative so they wouldn’t have to deal with whatever, or whoever, you had to deal with. You held your status with pride and Vox admired the way you didn’t take anybody’s shit professionally.
After years of working with the Vees, you became close with them. Conversations with the three weren’t easy but they were mandatory for you to be able to represent them properly. You and Vox were particularly close.
So when he invited you to a celebratory dinner, you donned yourself in the best suit money could buy and set off. You never admitted it but Valentino definitely caught onto your secret crush on Vox.
Vox rarely faltered his usual persona in front of you, only losing composure a couple of times when his emotions were at an all time high. What you didn’t know is how he admired your consistency with perfection. Perfection. Running this business with Velvette and Valentino, who are both hot-heads in their own way, was difficult at times but since you stepped in, it’s been smooth sailing. Your constant shower of praise fueled his ego and he enjoyed keeping you around, just so he can get his fill of ego juice.
This dinner he arranged was to celebrate your work, and to boast about how he’s so smart and picked perfectly because of course he picked perfectly. He was the Vox after all. So when he saw you running up to him a couple minutes early before the arranged meeting time at the limo, he was taken aback at your suit. He was enamored.
You matched him in colors, even wearing the same bowtie as him but blue. Your suit was a darker shade of his and he loved it. It was perfect. You were perfect to him. He didn’t know why his heart pounded louder so he assumed that he was just excited to talk about how he made an amazing decision to you.
“Vox, sir! I hope you weren��t awaiting my arrival.” You said, anxiously fixing your suit and straightening out any loose ends.
“Oh don’t worry about anything. I just got here. The suit is perfect. Where did you get it?” Vox spoke, looking down at you with his hands behind his back.
“I listened to your suggestion, sir, and went to Velvette to get suited. I paid her in full, of course.” You spoke formally. So formal that it somehow bothered Vox in a way. As much as he loved being perfect, he wanted to see you when you weren’t so…tense.
“Paid? You shouldn’t have to worry. You are a part of the Vees, services are free for us.” He laughed. He took note of how you looked in front of him. You stood up straight, not a single thing out of place. He wondered what exactly could break this perfectionist standard you held yourself to.
“He likes you, Vox.” Valentino said, “I’m fuckin’ blind and I can see the way he eye fucks you whenever you start talking about how you’re the shit and you know what’s right or whatever.”
“And how can you be so sure, Val? I think he just respects me.” Vox scoffed, “Not any of that nonsense.”
“Yeah and because any other demon would willingly hang out with your egocentric bullshit. I’ve known you for years and I can’t stand hearing you say you were right. Even if you were.” Velvette rolled her eyes, “He literally posts romantic bullshit all the time and they’re all about bosses.”
“Are you stalking our employees?”
“Cut the shit. It’s not ‘stalking’ if his account is open to me.” She flipped him off, “And he’s basically a Vee. He likes you. And now you’re going on a date. Be a dear and stop beating around the fucking bush and own up to it.”
Vox recounted the conversation he had with the two other Vees. This wasn’t a date. Or at least he didn’t arrange it to be one to begin with but with this revelation, it might just turn out to be just that.
As the limo began to slow, he glanced over at you. He sees you fiddling with…a soda tab? He squinted at it, trying to understand why you kept fidgeting. “We’re here.”
You quickly shoved the tab in your pocket and looked at him, “I’ll get the door for you sir.” You reached for the door on your side but he stopped your hand with his own.
“No, I got it. Come on.” He opened his own door and pulled you out, keeping your hand in his as you stepped on the curb. Your hands were warm and he enjoyed it. He looked at the way you instinctively held his hand back and he couldn’t help but feel how perfect it fit in his own.
“Thank you, sir.” Your thanks got a scoff and you stiffened, pulling your hand back down to your side. “I’m sorry.”
“No. Not that.” He said, grabbing your hand again, “For tonight, call me Vox. No more of that sir bullshit.”
You nod in response, unaware of why he’d grab your hand to say that. You were even more confused when he didn’t let go until you had to sit across from him.
“Regarding today’s meetings, I’d like to discu—”
“Hush. Please. No business talk. This is to celebrate you!” He proudly spoke, “I picked the best demon to be our representative and I’d like to give you another promotion. To be one of the Vees.”
You choked on your wine, “Excuse me? Me? No, I can't possibly be a fit person for that.”
“Look. You’re aware of our image, correct?”
“Yes. Perfection.”
“Well that’s exactly why you’re going to stand by us and be part of us. I have contracts ready for you to sign so you can get a couple of souls under your belt. Some goons to do your dirty work.”
“Sir—Vox. Vox, I thought this was a business dinner regarding my work quota for the week?” You questioned.
“What—No. You already exceed the quota triple the amount majority of the time. Consider this a…date.” He grinned, taking enjoyment in your flustered state. “A congratulatory gift for your hard work and your promotion. I called it too, by the way, your success with us.”
You were dying on the inside. He just gifted you a promotion and a dinner and now the dinner’s actually a date? You panicked, not having anything to give him.
“Well…I’m flattered but I don’t have anything to give you a gift in exchange.” You rummage through your pockets. Your fingers grazed the soda tab and your cheeks flushed a light red. “Actually…Here. A small token of my appreciation.”
Vox squinted at the soda tab you held towards him. “A soda tab?” He asked, “Do you just carry soda tabs? Why?”
“Just…trinkets! You know, my little collection. Actually you’re right, I’m sorry. It’s probably stupid.” You start to retract but he swipes the soda tab out of your hand.
“No. I’ll keep it. It’s weird and a little stupid but it’s…” He flips the soda tab around, looking at it from different angles, “Admirable. In a sense. Thank you.”
Oh if only he knew what he unlocked. Ever since the date, he’s been getting soda tabs from you. You were greeted with confused acceptance every time you gave Vox one out of nowhere. He tried asking you what they’re for exactly but you’d just run off, using work as an excuse.
“Vox, when are you going to cash these in?” Velvette asks, picking a pink soda tab out of his container.
He looked up, confused, “Cash them in? What are you talking about?”
Velvette bursts into laughter, “Oh my god. You’ve just been collecting these and didn’t know?!” She taps through her phone and shows him a video explaining the soda tab trend.
His face turned red, “These…these are for kisses? He didn’t tell me these were for kisses—I thought they were just trinkets! That’s what he said!”
“Vox for someone as smart as you, you’re really fucking dumb.”
“Can you go get him for me?”
“I guess.”
You walked into his office thinking it was to talk about the latest update on his Angelic Security System. “Vox, I’m pleased to inform you that production is 80% complete. I was thinking the best workers get compe—” He cuts you off by placing a single soda tab on the stack of papers you had in front of you. You look at him confused.
“I’d like to cash one in.” He says, looking at you with a confident smile.
“Cash one in…” You think for a bit and as soon as you realize he knew what they were for, panic sets in and your face turns red. “Oh! Uh—Haha. What do you mean?” You lie.
“Y/N, dear, you’re terrible at lying. You’re perfect at everything but lying. And if you wanted some special attention, you should’ve said so.” He leans closer to you as he gestures to the jar on his table, “Also. I’d like to cash in half of this jar. 280 of them, including this one, I believe.”
“Sir! I can’t possibly—” He shuts up you with a sudden peck on your lips.
“Ah ah. None of that sir bullshit. I told you to call me Vox. Now…” He leans back and pats his lap, “I believe I have 279 left? Chop chop.”
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absolutebl · 7 months
This Week in BL - It's weird where I am right now, Okay?
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. However, I've put quite a few on hold for travel reasons.
Oct 2023 Wk 4
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Only a few screen shots for you this week, my hotel wifi is actually THAT bad.
Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 8 - Classic unlucky in love failed crush on straight bestie = both v queer and v emo yaoi. I gotta say I like these actors way better in this than their previous series, and maybe that’s because Tew is more like Tul and I just like Meen better when he’s… erm… mean. All of which is to say, this is off to a wonderful start and I am about to lose my very sleep deprived little mind... ready for a ABL ecstasy rant?
"I play support because that way everyone is happy to see me show up," might be the single best moment of characterization BL has EVER seen.
Look here, in the grand cornucopia of BL universes this is my metaverse. It's pulp... but relatively high production. It has an established pair that I know I like... but who were given crap before. It's a tidy little script, it's not gonna run too long, and it's ALL the archetypes and tropes I love but rarely see. It's Japan's style otaku plus Korea's style gangster, Thailand's style friendship group, and it arrived out of NOWHERE. It's Korea's IP & money, Thailand's talent, and China's streaming service.
Do we know what the hell is going on?
No we do not.
Do we care when it's this much fun?
No we do not.
(In this I speak for everyone... no, EVERYONE.)
This show I why I got into BL.
Don't bother me with trifles. Me and My Dear Gangster Oppa are sailing off into the infinite pixilated sunset together, thank you very much.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - I managed to watch most of it on low rez before YT "discovered" I was in Asia and therefore could not be allowed to watch Asian shows. (AKA my VPN failed me.) But it seemed like a good ep.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Lucky Love ep 10 of 24 - I enjoyed this 2 part installment, it’s a bit of a sad sack recovery SAGA, but the acting is genuine, the couple believable, and the story felt particularly queer to me. 7/10 but close to an 8. It was really quite charming.
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However: Next week looks not good on many levels - it's horror and I spotted guitar. Which is even more horrific. 
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 - do temporal paradoxes exist in Thailand? That is the question. I gotta say Tor (Ongsa) is carrying this show and is doing a really great job, it's just the story itself doesn't resonate with me. Ugh it's so sad.
Is it, indeed, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
We only on ep 5 and had a full story arc already, there is A LOT more to go.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 9 of 10 eps - the fact that in losing Sky Venus also lost his surrogate family explains his resulting bitterness a little bit more. I wish we had gotten this back story much earlier. Still stupid pulp made me cry, which of course means it's back in my good books. This story is slow as fuck, but I'm going on a rollercoaster with it.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 11 of 13(?) - I love them, okay? All of them. This is a great sappy classic Taiwanese BL and it is my baby and you can’t take it away from me. MINE. 
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 8 of 10 - oh noes it got sad, I thought they would at least would have had drunken sex before the drama. Sigh. Still the kissing was good, as it should be from Taiwan.
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - Amane is so brave. About being gay. Being out. Confessing. Its admirable if scary. Otherwise this ep was pretty slow. 
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Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 3-4 of 8 - how do I feel about this show? Conflicted. Are OnlyOneOf doing a great job? Yes, actually. Am I enjoying it? No, not really. Is this anyone's fault? I don't think so.
The little linguistic negotiation was cute tho. And we seem to have gotten idols kissing in a BL both in the same group, so that glass ceiling dildo has finally been broken.
NineMill are unexpectedly good, also KB plays a great evil ex. Of the 3, I think only Nine is good enough to go into acting permanently (but he's not tall enough). Still, all hail OnlyOneOf... kings of the "gay concept." You boys make me v nervous but as couple-branding goes, you just out branded Thailand. Mad props baibies. Legit never thought I'd see the day.
Trust Korea to be in it to win it.
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 6 of ? - i pretty much just forgot to watch this.
It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch and do a series review in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - completed but I couldn't catch the last ep, my final thoughts in Nov.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - completed, but see afore mentioned YT issues. I'll review it in Nov. I anticipate better internet soon.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - adaptation of Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like) about a convenience store clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Upcoming October BL
10/31 SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 1 of 14 - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
Upcoming November BL
11/3 Twins the series (Thailand ????) 1 of 10
11/17 Pit Babe (Thai) - Pavel my love!
11/19 Bake Me Please (OhmFluke but not, Thailand)
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Thailand) - horroresk
11/25 The Sign (Thailand) - horroresk
11/30 For Him the series (Thailand) - high heat
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Cooking Crush (OffGun, Thailand) - may be delayed, there some kinda gossip/rumor/shade happening at GMMTV
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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My Universe - I just enjoyed the angle of this kiss shot.
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Uh huh. Sure, honey. (Bump Up Buisness)
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(Last week)
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
The Old Guard x One piece AU got my brain going brrr and i'm gonna make it your problem now. Center of the matter is I want Zoro and Sanji to meet kind of like Nicki and Joe did (discovering their immortality by fighting on opposite sides and killing each other over and over and then becoming eternal lovers) so I went and did some research for the entire Straw hat crew. Main thing is I wanted to link them to historical events that will give them the right motivations and backgrounds! so here we GOOO
Sanji and Zoro: Because Japan has an isolationist past, the only battle I could find that would work is the Cagayan battles of 1582 in Jakarta between Spanish-Philippine forces vs Japanese pirates (a.k.a Wokou, which are basically pirate ronin) Sanji would thus be a reluctant "Rodelero" sent to South East Asia by his noble family (jokes on them he loves being in the middle of the spice trade and he hates being part of a noble family funding the conquistadores) who one day finds himself fighting a mysterious Wokou samurai Zoro. They're partly isolated from their respective camps when they first kill each other, and again, and again, until they realise they should by all means be dead but they keep healing. After a couple decades of -against all odds- running into each other everywhere, they reluctantly decide to try and figure out what the heck's happened to them together- struggling to communicate at first, then learning each others' language over the following decade, then falling in love and becoming inseparable. This makes Zoro and Sanji both over 400 years old, and they are the same age. Zoro learns about so many sword techniques and Sanji about different cuisines/ leg-centric fighting styles during this time.
all the other straw hats and their historical periods under the cut!
Robin as an Egyptian scholar who died during the burning of the Library of Alexandria in 48 BC/ was killed for researching something forbidden during the declining years of the Roman Period (early 200s) and found out she was immortal this way, making her around 2 millennia old. She spends her time recording history and traveling the world and encountering new cultures. Her long time enemy is religious obscurantism, and the Catholic church spends a lot of resources trying to kill her. (they have conspiracy boards about this immortal witch in the Vatican)
Brook: so ancient he doesn't remember much, other that he came from Kerma culture (2500 BC), loved music, and that his entire village had died from an illness, but he came back. His memory isn't great but if there's one thing he's loved in his Millennia of existence is discovering and learning how to play all the instruments that he could find. He mostly hangs in Vienna nowadays as a music teacher.
Jinbei is a Samoan chieftain from around 1000 BC who one day died during a battle with a Fijian chieftain. When he came back from death he assumed Tagaloa chose him. He loves navigating, sailing, exploring and going on voyages with his people. In more recent times (post european contact) he was forced to ally with the US Navy to protect his people.
Nami: Irish lass from around 800 who's coastal, tiny village was about to be raided by Vikings from Sweden. She made a deal with their chieftain Arlong to go with them and map out the British isles for them to help their raids be more effective and targeted, in exchange for not killing people in her village, and that she would make back the plunder they did not get from this town for them. She started to join their raids to try and make this money, but she died in battle. She came back and they believed her to be some kind of Valkyrie or Einherjer brought back to midgard. She took over the raider's leadership- also Norsemen always had women handle money, which works great here. During her time as an immortal she travels, seeks treasure, double crosses people etc.
Usopp a young double agent/CIA spy from the Cold War who died on a mission. He tragically could not return to his love Kaya because he was afraid of putting her in danger by revealing he was alive to the spies that killed him. He relocates and starts anew constantly, his entire life a web of lies. He's a great marksman/sniper.
Chopper died young of the Bubonic plague in medieval Europe. He resuscitated, tragically his father is infected as well and he's unable to save him- motivating him to get to the bottom of this disease, he decides to become a doctor. Looking like a 15 year old for centuries doesn't make this task easy and he has to hide a lot.
Franky is an American veteran of WWI who was heavily disfigured first, and died later (which is why he's not fully healed and needs prosthetics). He's heavily anti-government from having been sent to fight in such a meaningless war that sacrificed young men like cannon fodder. He learned to fix himself up and make prosthetics and masks for veterans, got into making tech stuff
Luffy is a modern, 21st century 20 something year old from Brazil's favelas. He dies in a gun violence incident (maybe linked to a drug war/gang war where he's been trying to protect his neighbourhood) and comes back, experiencing visions of others like him. He's resolute to find them and make a crew, thinking that with all of them together, maybe they can help liberate the world from opressors and inequality
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
So for the F/F we've covered the toxic standards for WLW. We've covered how badly characters are done. We've covered badly written F/F by certain people. Some time ago there was also the talk about blatant Biphobia in F/F writing.
Can I add on another thing I noticed, just Imo thing. F/F often feels like you're just supposed to accept it. Even if there is chemistry, it some times has absolutely no relationship curve. It's as if the sheer fact that it's F/F should be enough, and you don't need a real journey to build on that chemistry, the two girls will just slot together into a perfect relationship. Oh and any issue for the relationship isn't between the two, it's often completely focused on an outside source, but not the actual girls in the relationship.
I think the better WLW romances I have seen have actually had a relationship curve, and you see them getting together organically and build on that relationship. Which is kind of a low bar not gonna lie. The worst is always the one that's like "We're both WLW, so now we're a couple." kind of straight forward writing. As if the biggest hurdle in F/F is just figuring out that both women are WLW, and from then on it's smooth sailing. And I mean it the way I said it, some F/F is literally just "I'm attracted to her, but oh no am I really attracted to da wahmens??" and once the answer is a resounding YES, that's about it. Unless of course you have a biphobic storyline where the Bi girl has to repent for being Bi aka attracted to men, after that everything is fine.
I've noticed this too. My sense is that it's not a specific f/f thing but a small pool of works thing.
Romance novels and strong romance b-plots in adventure novels and that kind of thing routinely suffer from this same problem, regardless of gender. It's the most common failure state.
If there were a lot more f/f, there would be a lot more individual examples of it done well that people could look to. It's the % vs. absolute number thing.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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One Direction friends to lovers fics where one of the characters is having a sexuality crisis as requested in this ask. You can find all my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! Happy reading!
⊹ Learning to Breathe by youcomecrash / @drunkharrystyles-blog
(E, 110k, uni au) He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards. 
⊹ Heading for Limbo by @kingsofeverything
(E, 100k, famous/not famous) When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them.
⊹ Follow Your Arrow by Anonymous
(E, 78k, high school) It's senior year and everything is about to change.
⊹Passing By by Larry_you_know / @larryyouknow
(E, 48k, vacation) the one where Harry doesn't even know he's into guys until he meets Louis on a boat trip. There's something more to their friendship but it ain't gonna be smooth sailing.
That's What I'm Here For by @taggiecb
(E, 46k, farm au) Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking.
⊹ And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train / @runaway-train-works
(E, 35k, roommates) The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
⊹ Follow Your Heart by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 32k, fake relationship) “We think it would be best to market you guys as a couple,” Simon tells them. The tone in his voice makes Louis think there’s no wiggle room to even try to argue about it.
⊹ others i've seen might never be mean (but they would never do) by @cherrylouvol6
(M, 20k, girl direction) a When Harry Met Sally AU in which Louis says all the wrong things and Harry always feels one step behind.
⊹ Supposed to Be by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(M, 26k, high school au) the Geek Charming AU where Harry's a film geek, Louis' a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
⊹ Blush by orphan_account
(M, 15k, girl direction) the Christmas FxF Larry fic in which Louis is 99.5% sure she's straight and Harry likes to walk around shirtless and watch lesbian films
⊹ Waiting for Wonderful by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 13k, pining) Harry is willing to wait as long as he needs to for his best friend to realise that they're supposed to be together, but it kills him to watch Louis struggle in his relationship with Mackenzie.
⊹ Nobody compares to you by fallenflowercrowns / @headband-husbands
(T, 10k, tumblr au) the one where Harry falls in love twice, Louis is just incredibly sweet and supportive, and Al from tumblr is super nice but also really secretive about his identity - not that Harry can blame him, considering his own blog is run under false pretences, too.
⊹ Elle Me Dit by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 3k, girl direction) On the night of her bachelorette party she and her best friend/Maid of Honor, Harry, get drunk and wonder what they're missing out on.
—Rare Pairs—
⊹ You Don't Care About Me (One More Night) by @lululawrence
(NR, 60k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) the one where Louis pines for Harry and Nick helps ease his way into figuring himself out through a friends with benefits sort of arrangement. Things quickly turn complicated.
⊹ we're still the kings of the Friday nights by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 22k, Zayn/Louis) Zayn’s been everything, for so long now. His moral compass, his partner in crime, his ride or die. And as of tonight, the first boy Louis has ever kissed.
⊹ The Stories They're Not In by abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow
(E, 10k, Niall/Shawn Mendes) An AU inspired by Niall Horan's "San Francisco," the movie Rocketman, and Elton John and Bernie Taupin's real-life relationship (except more gay).
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salemcantupdate · 11 months
I’m sitting here, thinking about possible ships in Stardew Valley that don’t involve the farmer. I’ve seen quite a few. Of course there’s the canon stuff, aka the married couples and Marnie with Lewis. It’s also canon that Alex says he’s jealous if you get with Haley. Ignoring Clint and Emily because I’m sorry but that’s literally “nice guy creepy incel” getting the girl.
But! I don’t like most of the married couples AND I don’t like Marnie with Lewis. So I’m gonna go on a little exploration here.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot of Caroline and the Wizard. First of all I absolutely think that Abigail is the Wizard’s kid, but I also don’t think those two actually… like each other? I think it was more of a fling than anything. But low key? Part of me thinks the Wizard and Lewis could be kinda fun, I’ve also seen art of the Razzy with Marlon. Which would be fun! But I do think it’s really cute when Marlon says that Marnie is really pretty. It’s just precious to me.
But BUT, crazy thought
Willy and Razzy mic Dazzle???? HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT
Willy is a traveler! He fishes all over the place!!! He’s gotta have experience with sea monsters and weird magics, and imagine the Wizard requests some specific sea based spells or works with him to help find merpeople OR ensures the seas and skies are calm so that he can sail safely. DO YOU SEE MY VISION???
Cough, so— I’m thinking Willy with Razzmocious and Marnie breaking up with Lewis and Marlon slowly winning her over himself. Caroline though? Honestly don’t think she’s the happiest with Pierre, he’s pretty shit. Low key I like her with Jodi haha. Like Kent isn’t bad, not at all, I just don’t think Jodi loves him. But Caroline and Jodi feel a bit too obvious, so… hear me out… Caroline and Gunther. She regularly visits the library so— gah yeah that’s stupid. Caroline deserves someone who will just cuddle with her and Jodi needs someone who makes her feel alive again. They’ve got different needs. Kent also needs a lot of love and therapy, which I don’t think Jodi can provide. Ok, I’m gonna move on to an easier one I’m dying here.
Sam and Sebastian are so obvious, going insane here. 100% ship them. I’ve seen some people throw Abigail into the mix, but personally I’m not the biggest fan of that. Honestly? I’m kinda into Abigail and Haley—
OK LISTEENNNNN, listen. Abigail’s 14 heart scene… imagine if Haley was there instead of the farmer. It just fits so perfectly. Pretty girlfriend loving buff girlfriend. I THINK ITS CUTE OK LEAVE ME ALONE SOB SOB SOB
Speaking of the girls, I like Maru and Penny together a lot. I just see them around town together all the time and I think it’s super cute haha. Ah shoot, that reminds me of Robin. I do not like Demetrius, personally. Though I suppose there marriage seems to work. I wouldn’t break them apart.
Ok, now on to my hotter tea. Harvey and Shane. Harvey is just so sweet and so loving and so nice and caring and Shane has no experience with that and Harvey gets Shane access to a therapist dhkfhwkd— I think it’s cute. I think it would be really cute if they started hanging out and Shane realized how poorly Harvey ate and started scolding him like “You’re always scolding me but you eat like this?” And just keeps going as he cooks them both a meal and gruffly sets it out for Harvey and—
Ok my other somewhat hot take, Elliott and Alex. The reasoning here might be iffy, but I like the idea of Alex getting with a guy who broadens his range of what masculinity means. I think it would also be cute if Alex slowly gained a love for reading through Elliott. Plus I think Alex could be a magnificent muse given his past. It could be cute.
Oh and my final take is Morris and Pierre should hatefuck
But yeah, I don’t necessarily ship all these. Like, actively and actually ship them. I might one day, but right now I’m just sitting in my thought stew.
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mommangomom · 9 months
admit it
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~pairing: beidou x fem!reader ~cw: suggestive
content: beidou noticed you were being extremely friendly to the traveler, who you had just met a few days ago
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The Traveler had a domino effect with the people she met since she was always helpful, kind, and just an overall good person, and you were no different. You spent the whole last few days at Liyue with her after doing commission with her days prior. Considering your out of the blue burst of good moods, of course your girlfriend Beidou noticed.
It was late at night when you arrived at the Crux ship. Everyone was practically ready for departure and only needed to wait until the break of dawn until setting sail. But in contrast to everyone else who was full of energy, you were slumped backwards with the amount of quest-ing you and the Travelers did. You made your way to Beidou's room to catch your much needed rest.
You opened the door smoothly thinking the captain must be outside aiding with the departure of the ship. So it was only reasonable to be shocked when she was instead sitting on her desk with her legs and arms crossed, glaring at you.
"You were gone for quite some time Y/n.." She said.
Maybe it was because of your exhaustion, but you couldn't notice her concerned tone, so you didn't think much of it and responded normally. "Well I was out with the Traveler the entire night, I'm exhausted." You yawned.
She scoffed, which was when you finally noticed her foul mood. "Traveler this, traveler that - You've been awfully close with that girl the past few days haven't you?" She questioned as she stood up and began walking closer.
It was clear to you she was acting on jealousy, and as angry as she looked, frankly it was adorable. You stood in your place. "I mean we've been partnered for commissions a lot... I wouldn't be surprised to pair up with her again next time we see each other." You told her with a smirk which only ticked her off more.
By now she was right in front of you. She towered over you by a couple inches so you had to tilt your head up just to reach her eyes.
"Tch, you really know how to get on my nerves Y/n."
You tilted your head, still keeping that taunting smirk. "I'm simply responding, 'Captain', what do you want me to do?"
All of a sudden you felt her hand cup your waist and pull you in, making you flinch and let out a quick yelp. Just hearing your voice began to influence Beidou in more ways than one. "Tell me how you truly feel about her, that Traveler."
Out of everything, you weren't expecting that. "Wh-"
"Come on.. just admit it, with how much you've been spending time with her, you must feel something with her right?" She whispered in a seductive tone that only made your ears burn red and your stomach churn.
Although it might anger her a little, you still wanted to continue the tease. "..Do you really want to know how I feel about her?" You asked, making Beidou's eyes bolden.
She hmphed. "The floor's yours."
Her face was inches away from yours you could practically feel her breath on the bridge of your nose. As a response you instinctively wrapped your arms around her neck and tugged. "That girl.. she'd never compare to you, Beidou, obviously, because you're the one I hold dearest."
Her cheeks grew a light shade of red and you heard the quiet gulp she took - to think the renowned captain of the Crux had such a flustered side to her - the thought of others ever finding out made you chuckle, but also, you wanted to be the only person to see it.
"What am I gonna do with you.."
Almost immediately after, her head tilt and she leaned fully into you for a kiss, and you gladly accepted it while reciprocating the same energy. It lasted seconds straight until you could no longer breathe and you broke off sending a small string of saliva across your lips. You both now were in complete heat over something so frivolous, not that the two of you minded.
Before she was about to lean in again, you frantically placed your hand on her chest. "Wait, what about the ship, don't you have to sail it out?" You asked, still out of breath.
"It's fine, I asked Kazuha to handle this one."
From there, the two of you went all out. To be honest, you weren't entirely sure how it got to this point, all you did was catch onto the wave and moved with the current. But in the end it was safe to say that you were no longer exhausted, seeing as you suddenly had all the energy in the world.
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certifiedmattl0ver · 2 months
Love Across the Miles
summary: University!Matt and University!y/n are high school sweethearts. Ever since they graduated and set sail for their different universities, they hadn't communicated as much as a healthy couple should.
warnings: none! just slight angst and fluff
a/n: this is my first story dont judge por favor
It had been a good week since Matt and y/n had spoken. Of course, both subjects in prestigious universities like theirs didn't have time to goof around. Especially since this is their first year. Matt had been accepted into Stanford University, and y/n at Cambridge.
The two lovers had previously tried to make up time to call each other, but because of the time zones and endless amounts of assignments, they couldn't make ends meet. The UK is 7 hours ahead of California wasn't something they had put much thought into.
They both knew that one or even both would have to sacrifice either their sleep or their work to make this relationship work out.
"y/n i don't think i can afford to miss another due date, I really need to finish this or I'm done for.''
''just finish it when we end the call. we're supposed to have a 15-minute talk and update each other on things every other day. but it's been a whole week Matt. We promised we wouldn't drift from each other.''
''So you want me to fail? is that what you're saying right now?''
''no matt i-''
''because it seems to me that you don't care whether I fail or not. and why is it always e that has to stay awake past 12 am to be talking to you? I have a life too y'know. I've got shit to do and my professor will not take any bullshit from me.''
A tear rolled down your cheek. Matt had never acted like this before. was he really always staying up that late for you? how had you not realized the bags around his eyes and the constant stress he displayed?
''r-right...sorry I wasn't thinking. I should've realized earlier. I just didn't want us to fall apart. but I do care Matt. I care a lot whether you wanna believe it or not. goodbye.'' you say with a shaky voice.
''y/n no wai-''
you end the call before anything else can be said. you put your phone down beside your pillow and start sobbing, thinking back to high school when you and Matt would sneak out and have fun with each other. 'what happened to us' you think to yourself. after a while, you get a message from Matt.
It's an apology. the message read:
''Baby I'm so so sorry. I've just been so stressed out lately. my professor's been on my ass for days and I'm just really frustrated about all of it. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I know you care for me, you always have. I didn't mean any of the words I said. I love you''
as you read the message, you wiped off your tears and replied:
''its okay Matty. i love you too. but try something like that again and imma beat yo ass. good night baby''
Matt smiled at the message and texted ''goodnight😭''
you went to bed glad that the matter had been resolved as quick as it had been.
I would also like to say thank you to my 4 followers😭you 4 are always gonna be remembered in my stories love you lots!!
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ember-not-amber · 10 months
Ok, here’s all of my thoughts on S2 episode 6
• It was very interesting to see that flashback of when Aunt Julia and Susannah were closer and I’d like to see more of those so we can better understand why Julia always felt so left out in her own family. I mean yeah basically everything was explained in that scene but I just want more you know? It seems to be implied that Julia wasn’t biologically related to one of or both of their parents since the mom didn’t like her. Was this at all talked about in episode 5 and I forgot? Was this talked about in the books, too or no?
• Hear me out, what if…………………hypothetically just like, as a concept…………………..Steven x Conrad 🫣🏃‍♀️💨
- Swiftie side rant: OMFG ARE WE GONNA GET REPUTATION TV!? I’m convinced Taylor’s gonna announce it at some point bc SHE ALLOWED DELICATE TV TO BE PUT IN THIS SHOW and that’s gotta mean way more than the 1989 Easter eggs!!! -
• I was super suspicious about Conrad and Belly going on a supply run alone together so I’m glad Jeremiah went, too
• That scene where Belly got Jeremiah a soda was so cuuuttee🥺
Conrad saying “And I thought cocoa was your specialty” right after Jeremiah said that half cherry half Coke was her specialty was weird, idk what that was supposed to mean🤨
• I find it weird that Belly told Skye “Your first kiss is supposed to feel like a dream” bc I remember reading somewhere that someone said that first kisses are like, overhyped and in reality your first kiss most likely isn’t going to feel like a dream or like “fireworks” it’ll just feel like just a kiss and I think we should normalize the reality of what your first kiss actually feels like most of the time and it’s more possible that any other kiss that comes after your first will feel better especially since you’ll have more experience with kissing.
• “You’ve been looking at him all day like he’s this ice cream cone that you’re dying to lick” what the actual fuck💀 WHY did they make Taylor say that??
• I think it was so gross of Conrad to not call Steven out more on trying to get Taylor to be with him WHILE SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND and even if Milo is “all wrong for her” it is not Steven’s place to decide for Taylor who she should date or not, it is Taylor’s decision only. Steven is really giving Nice Guy energy in this episode.
• I find it so weird that Cam left his DJ-ing thingy (I’m sorry idk what it’s called😭) to also find Taylor bc shouldn’t he stay there so no one takes control of the playlist and plays sth else?? But I guess it’s ok since in the fight scene that guy Jumper is the one DJ-ing, oh well.
• I don’t remember if I already said this so excuse me if I sound like a broken record but I don’t get why so many people do not like the idea of Cam and Skye together. People are saying “Skye isn’t good enough for Cam” but I don’t see any reason that Skye is a bad person or unlikable besides maybe them being Julia’s kid but that’s a stupid reason bc they are not exactly like Julia and I think that’s been pretty obvious since their character was introduced. I like Skye, I think they’re great and while I did see a besties vibes with them and Cam I don’t mind that they kissed and I’m not against it and I don’t mind if they become a couple. I’m confused about who these people want Cam to end up with if not Skye bc there haven’t been a lot of scenes with just him and Belly and it’s very clear that that ship has sailed so who tf did these Skye haters want him to be with?? Are they just transphobic? Bc I just saw the official ig account for TSITP post about their kiss scene and a few people are saying that so many people in the comments are being transphobic and homophobic which I guess could definitely be a reason why ppl hate Skye even if they deny that’s the reason.
Also I was just informed that a lot of people think that Skye is cringe and I think I understand that a little bit but I mostly just interpreted them as having their own different personality compared to the more outgoing main characters and I just thought that they were more comfortable doing other things besides what the main characters like to do (I’m referring to S2 episode 5) and I don’t really see how they’re cringe but ig I’ll have to look at some compilations to see why so many people think that they are.
• I find it very hard to believe that Steven liked Taylor even way back when she had a big crush on him or as he puts it “even when you were just my little sister’s annoying best friend” bc he literally dated Shayla in the last season and he loved her so this isn’t making any sense to me and I don’t believe it.
• Oh how I wish that Steven didn’t get into a stupid fight with Milo so that Belly and Jeremiah didn’t have their KISS INTERRUPTED AKSJSBIDORHEJNFNG MY GOD WE ALMOST HAD THEM!!!!
• Steven rubs me the wrong way this season bc he’s been going after Taylor while she was still with Milo and I really, really hate that and I hated when he tried to speak for her during his fight with Milo like she can speak for herself on whether or not she wanted Milo to be there STFU and physically fighting another dude over a girl is not attractive at all like can we stop putting that in shows and books? It’s stupid and embarrassing.
• Conrad encouraging Steven to “kick Milo’s ass” was just…ew
• “It’s Madison. Her middle name is Madison.” Ooh I’m such a nice guy, I know absolutely everything about Taylor and you don’t and that’s why she shouldn’t be with you and she should be with me instead🤡
• That condition that Aunt Julia put into the sale for the cousins house seems like a pretty good deal. They get to rent the house for one week every summer, it’s not their house anymore but at least they’re still allowed to go back to it and keep having their fun summers, Conrad should be grateful.
• I honestly don’t think it was necessary for Jeremiah to use Belly and Conrad’s breakup to get to Conrad, I think he could have brought up anything else along with him refusing to accept the condition Julia put into the sale of the house and him not seeing their mom every day after they found out she had cancer, and it would have been nice to learn the specifics of what their relationship was like when they were younger and Jeremiah dealing with people telling him Conrad was better than him and more specific examples of Conrad “throwing things away instead of fixing them when they’re not perfect”. I get that he was mad at Conrad and it was all in the moment and everything was happening so fast but I just feel like the writers could have made him focus less on Conrad and Belly’s breakup and more on their relationship as brothers maybe?? Even though it does track with him in episode 5 thinking “I could have done everything right, I could have given Belly the perfect prom night and Conrad ruined it for her” I just don’t think that he should have blown up about it in front of Belly at the very least.
• Girly, so what if he remembered your middle name?💀 that is the bare minimum, Taylor could have at least said more about why she caught feelings for Steven again besides that
• I’ve been on edge this whole time about Belly and Steven staying at the summer house for too long that their mom will find out that they’re gone and I was rooting for them to go back home before their mom got back home but I guess she’s gonna find out now that Belly left her that voicemail giving it away and I’m so ready to see what happens next!!
• Okay clearly there was a lot of miscommunication caused by assumptions in Belly and Conrad’s relationship. Belly says that if she knew that Conrad cared about her and their relationship then she would have fought for their relationship and Conrad says that he thought she knew he cared about her from the moment that they kissed on the beach and I think that based on that, when things were getting tough he should have reassured her that he cared about her and loved her bc that just sounds like during that tough time he didn’t tell her that he loved her and so she thought he didn’t care. In relationships you need to always be communicating so both parties are on the same page and clearly Conrad isn’t good at communicating when he goes through a rough time and that hurt Belly. And I looked at the script for this episode and he never answered her question “Why did you throw it all away?” Why did he break up with her if he thought she knew he cared about her? That is a really good question that I’m only 50% interested in hearing the answer to, sooo Team Jeremiah for the win, I hope🤞
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ohanny · 9 months
dangerous romance: main couple mania ep. 1
so i love how sailom's instroduction is this is a budgeting king, in debt eating stolen rice porridge. he has a very pre-kinn broke ass porsche-chay dynamic with his brother (?) which is very sweet and also means it won't last five minutes.
oh okay so we get this ship sailing with a wall slam and a classic "do you understand my father funds your scholarship you poor piece of trash" and alksdflkfj
i know i am supposed to see sailom as the victim but he is like full on pete-ing this. he never breaks eye contact. he is like daring kanghan to escalate with his entire body and kanghan did not just go full "since you're my class mate i will be generous and forgive you if you get down on your knees" like that is a) spicy as fuck what the hell and b) going to backfire so hard
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he is puzzled by both sailom's actions and by what is happening inside his uniform shorts
honestly, kanghan is the villain here but i struggle to take him seriously as the bad guy because perth a) always looks like he is about five seconds away from bursting into tears and b) has bangs that form a literal heart. no matter how nasty kanghan tries to be - and he tries a lot - the inherent bitch baby-ness just shines through.
literal heart bangs what did i say
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this entire car shop sequence is just pure gold for so many reasons. 1. kanghan shows up in his business leather pants looking like he walked off the set of enhypen's blessed-cursed music video and he's driving a mercedes. like honestly, with all that talk i was expecting a lamborghini. 2. sailom's boss actually like... needing some evidence instead of just bending over backwards to please a rich client 3. sailom fucking uno reversing that credit card sneak and humiliating kanghan with the smuggest lil good boy smile and THAT is why chimon is the ultimate snake-cat like he has a face made for scheming.
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i am really loving sailom because he keeps his head, is really resourceful and will not take any shit. boy does not hesitate to drag this bastard for filth every chance he gets, beating kanghan in his own game without ever stepping down from the high road.
ooh, we are meeting kanghan's family and they are... both not as trash but also as trash as i expected? like i kinda thought more mafia vibes but if laws of attraction - and real life - has taught me anything it is that politicians are garbage.
on the surface his dad seems almost a jolly good fellow but the conversation with this random girl just confirmed there is something so much darker lurking under the surface. as much as it hurts to have a hyper critical parent, having one who has seemingly completely given up on you can be just as bad.
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he's basically been called stupid twice in under five minutes. someone save him.
sailom will not be fooled by a shady ass phone call and neither will he leave a friend behind. this boy will not be distracted by tits with a side of toast. he is a man on a mission.
the way i gasped when i saw this court set up and i have so many questions. do the students just have a cardboard gotham in the basement or - based by the fact we see loose boxes and a shopping cart - did kanghan build this just to prove how big his dick is to sailom ???
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chimon's acting is honestly a+ and he is carrying this show. the tension! the absolute rage that is bleeding through! the way he doesn't have to go big with gestures and expressions to convey everything sailom is feeling perfectly - and not just that. you know what sailom is feeling AND you can see his brain working.
kanghan, sweetie, you might want to take a moment and reflect on your obsession with getting this boy out of his clothes and making him kneel.
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not gonna lie, i kinda saw this move coming because tropes but god was it satisfying :D the reactions of kanghan and sailom's friends are hilarious (10/10 i am evil tea, he totally ships it) and then the camera pans and you can see all these bystanders just standing stock still, filming giving major horror movie vibes and aaaaaaah
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side notes:
i love how his best friend is just "auto." like his parents were "we are poor, naming the kid a vehicle will be fine. no need to bring brands into it."
auto's mom is an actual queen
the teachers are so fucking infuriating but also, that is kind of a sad truth? even when it's not like RICH rich people involved. like for too many adults, it is easier to it off as kids being kids and boys being boys over having to deal with the why and the parents and the drama of it all.
i was bullied in school so like this bubble tea waterboarding makes me feel some type of way? like some of the bullying is very oof-spicy-trope but a lot of it is actually cruel and i really wouldn't recommend this show to anyone who gets triggered by stuff like school violence.
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aroaessidhe · 11 months
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
1. Best book you’ve read so far this year
The Art of Prophecy - this was so fun and made just for me I enjoyed it a lot The Misadventures of an Amateur Naturalist - really good and also quite unique for the space it’s sitting in I think! The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - this is very good and fun I loved it
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
The World We Make - love this duology!! NK Jemisin does it again etc etc A Day of Fallen Night - prequel technically, but I enjoyed it a lot and more than priory I think! Sailing By Carina’s Star - i am enjoying this trilogy a lot we love queer pirates The Shadow Cabinet - somehow even more wild than the first book
3. New release you haven’t read yet
I don’t keep lists of books I need to read, so of course when I try to think of something my mind goes blank, here’s a couple from my library holds/kindle To Shape A Dragon’s Breath Wander The Night also does Flight & Anchor count if I’ve read the original patreon version but not the published version yet
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
(same situation lmao) I’m looking forward to He Who Drowned The World! that’s the first thing that comes to mind
5. Biggest disappointment
tbqh I’ve read a lot of disappointments but they’re mostly self published ones that I read soley because of aspec characters that didn’t hold up in the writing department and are not very well known anyway. (I’ve read tons of selfpubs that are amazing too of course!!) so I’ll just mention some traditionally published ones: Rosewater - I did go into this with the wrong expectations for one, but also the MC was so (intentionally) misogynistic it was hard to enjoy :/ The Wicked Remain - there were a few iffy things in the first book but also things I liked and the second book just...didn’t really add to the things I liked. idk Song of Silver, Flame Like Night - I knew this wasn’t gonna be entirely for me in the first place but man what was up with the only other female character (that’s not dead) having an absolute caricature of a mean girl rivalry with the MC in like. a calling each other slurs kind of way not a fun way
6. Biggest surprise
Beating Heart Baby - I enjoy reading YA contemporary but there’s usually a limit to how much I enjoy it compared to sff, but this went beyond what I expected and I really loved it The Meister of Decimen City - I didn’t have any expectations for this, someone just mentioned it on a discord and I got it from the library, but I loved it a lot!
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
See generally I only call people favourite authors if I’ve read and loved like, at least 3 separate books from them, and I don’t really have any of those for this year.....you need to work to get my loyalty Here’s a few authors that I’ve read a second book/series from them this year and am like, ah yes, I will read the next one: Ceinwen Langley Rebecca Schaeffer Liselle Sambury
8. Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
tbh I’m not one to separate an individual character from their book or like, the other characters surrounding them very often, so I just can’t think of anything specific... all the women in The Art of Prophecy are great
9. Book that made you cry
I’ve actually started recording this in my stats this year HAHA, with “fully crying” “teared up” and “cried from cute/happiness” and,, I did not expect that there are only 3 books that have made me fully cry????? Which are: In Other Lands and Lirael (nostalgia def has a part to play in both of those) and Beating Heart Baby. I can’t remember why I cried for that one but clearly it was a lot lmao
10. Book that made you happy
I mean it’s a reread but In Other Lands of course
World Running Down - only just read this and I really enjoyed it! a good mix of an interesting sci-fi future that isn’t super dark but also doesn’t shy away from various issues, and an interesting romance! (me enjoying a romance, shocker)
witch hat atelier! - how could it Not make you happy tbh
thanks @violaeade for tagging me!
I will tag @thereadingchallengechallenge @nycorix @speculatives @dkafterdark and anyone else who wants I guess
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feralkwe · 5 months
top five worst tropes, in your opinion?
ooh! a tough one, because there are so many tropes, and so many categories of trope (character trope, relationship trope, plot trope) that i could make a list just in one of them. but just generalized off the top of my head, no specific category:
5. amnesia. oh my GOD i hate an amnesia plot, especially when it is the only thing preventing the conflict from being resolved, or used as the conflict keeping a ship apart. the closest thing to an amnesia plot i have ever liked, and i feel dirty giving terry goodkind anything related to a compliment, but the chainfire spell in the last two sword of truth books was actually compelling because *everyone* magically forgot the character in question existed, every touch of her was wiped away in an actually cool concept. it's too bad tg wrote the most insufferable male protagonist ever committed to the page. he seriously ruined the entire series by existing. i wish there was a chainfire spell to make me forget richard rahl.
4. the misunderstanding. if your whole story arc/plot/reason a ship can't sail is because of some misunderstanding that could have been resolved with a reasonable conversation, you've lost me. it's uninteresting to me. it's just so flimsy as a concept that it cannot carry the weight of a compelling story. it makes the characters feel shallow. come up with a better obstacle. i believe in you.
3. deus ex machina. i love a good twist or unexpected turn, but babygirl you gotta leave us crumbs that lead us there, even if we, the reader, might be too dumb to see them. idc if it's a random convenient power introduced at the exact moment it's needed or a literal deus ex lowered on a crane to solve the problem. if it's too convenient without any context clues, i'm gonna be annoyed because i feel cheated. leave that stuff to the theatre professionals. you're not an ancient greek.
2. the perfect protagonist everyone loves. no, i don't mean mary sues as they've been smeared across fiction everywhere. i love me a mary sue! more people should be so bold! i mean the characters who never seem to have conflict with anyone ever. everyone is their friend. no one ever argues with or challenges them. no one is ever annoyed with them. wronged parties forgive them right away, even when they are wrongity wrong wrong. even the pc of an rpg runs into personality clashes with their closest companions and have to rng their way out of it. give me a little grit or friction, please! bonus irritation points if the characters just bang and it's all forgiven.
1. the love triangle. just... heck off i am so tired of it. no one writes it in an interesting way anymore. it's always obvious who will pick who in the most boring way. more often than not the third person is just mistreated and left hurt and alone or as a lazy plot device to keep the main couple in conflict. let me balance the scales of my terry goodkind compliment from earlier by saying that he did this most egregiously to my poor girl nikki in confessor, building her up in a relationship with the horrible protagonist who did not deserve her until the last minute when she helped rescue his real love. then he just... discarded her. it's boring. give me (believable, well developed) polyamory or find a better conflict for your obviously destined to be endgame couple. heck, even give me a person who genuinely loves both people and *tries* while slapping on a bittersweet ending! if your third person is disposable then your character did not earn their hea*.
*i purposely left off the hea. that's a post of its own.
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