#and then you semi sort out your issues and then properly get with the other guy which makes your buddy upset
phantasmiafxndom · 1 year
Hello! I really love your writing! Since the kny requests are open, can I request Kny Pet AU hcs for Hantengu's clones (the main 4) ? It's up to you if you want to add nsfw stuff, i don't mind🌸
I've been issued a challenge, I see. XD I really didn't care about these guys until I started really thinking about their characters, but now I'm getting kind of invested...
(Shout-out to @krystalwithakay, who helped with this one~)
. . .
• In this setting, the four of them are more like brothers than clones; at the very least, the "original" isn't around anymore. They were too much for their original owner to handle, so they wound up locked away in an overcrowded cage and left to fight over whatever minimal scraps of food and care they received. This did not do their mental states any good— before long, they devolved into constant squabbling and competition, to the point where restraints quickly become necessary to prevent further harm.
• By now, all four of them are half-feral and extremely difficult to handle. Nearly impossible to get close to, they're dangerously aggressive with humans, other demons, and each other; and being kept constantly starved, restrained, and agitated has done absolutely nothing to help that. The concept of a better life is always out of reach, leaving all of them hopeless and miserable.
• He's been used in fights before (as one attempt at finding some use for him), and the results are messy. Without enough food and rest to heal properly, Sekido's body is covered in scars and old, poorly healed injuries. The extensive damage results in near-constant pain— and always feeling hurt and threatened only makes him more aggressive. He lashes out like a cornered animal, responding violently to everything because he can only anticipate more pain. A lot of his outward anger is a defensive mechanism.
• All of that rage usually hurts him more than anyone else. Sekido is so tense that it becomes an extra strain on his body; he struggles until he's worn down what little spare energy he had, to begin with, and his unfortunate habit of fighting restraints until he messes up his body too badly to keep going is responsible for a fair amount of his scars. And yet, there's no making himself stop. He's reactive to the point of being unable to control it anymore.
• He's been used for sex before, with a very specific condition to keep him from mauling anyone who tries. Karaku has an odd, unintentional reaction to any kind of physical pleasure— his brain all but shuts off completely, leaving him pliant and non-aggressive until the response wears off. Thus, if he's drugged or handled just enough to make him shut down, he's plenty easy to use. The brief respite from misery, even if it means being put through such unpleasant handling, is too much of a temptation for him to care.
• It's easy for him to grow addicted to anything that makes him feel good, even if the aftermath is worse. Karaku has some highly escapist tendencies, where if he gets any chance to stop thinking and feel something other than pain, he gets desperate for it. He knows by now that most humans won't ever offer that sort of thing, though, and is every bit as aggressive and volatile as the other three until some possibility of pleasure arises.
• In a constant state of misery, he's reached a point of barely being able to do more than lie around and wait for someone to finally decide he's better off dead. By now, Aizetsu doesn't have any hope left for himself (or any of the rest of them), and his naturally pessimistic nature doesn't help that. Crying himself sick only adds to how awful he feels— and he's most often too caught up in his negativity to respond to much of anything. He's the only one who (mostly) stays out of the four's constant fights.
• Aizetsu is prone to semi-accidental self-harm; tearing gashes in his skin from clawing at himself in distress, biting and chewing his fingers until they bleed, and making himself physically ill from sheer stress. However, he's also unconsciously drawn to self-comforting behaviors in any form that he can get. He lacks enough appetite or will to live to make himself fight for whatever scraps they're all given, so his body is weak and wasted away.
• He's way too high-strung for his own good, and far too easily overexcited. Urogi is the one who keeps getting his hopes up over every little sign that anything good might happen... and suffering all the more for it when those hopes are inevitably crushed. He's always agitated and fidgety, and tends to pull at his restraints well past the point of blood just because he can't stay still. Thanks to his utter lack of volume control, he's often kept in a sound-triggered shock collar just so he'll be less of an annoyance.
• Urogi's wings were once cut off as a way of trying to make him easier to contain. They grew back soon enough, but his poor living conditions meant that the regrowth didn't happen how it should. He's incapable of flight in his current state, with near-constant pain from the poorly healed limbs. They only become more unbearably uncomfortable when the feathers molt, which is a process awful enough to put even him in a miserable mood.
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yuu-kumeii · 1 year
So this seemed like a major oversight on both your parts. 
Now, you're responsible for not regulating or even watching over your husband-to-be but it's also his fault for being so trigger-happy about finally living together. That's right, both of you finally decided it was time to buy an apartment to yourselves mostly because it was getting sort of inconvenient to leave your things at each other's apartment since at times you both leave things that you use semi-regularly. For example your spare toothbrush, it's not like you don't have a toothbrush it's just the fact that one time you lost it and you haven't bought a backup toothbrush since you forgot that you left your spare toothbrush at your fiance's apartment.
And sometimes he'd forget important things at your place too, that included the keys to his apartment. How you ask? Well funny story, he thought he was going to stay over but his friends decided "It's time for a surprise get together and we're going to your place in about 20 minutes". Which is absurd but not out of left field considering the people your fiance are friedns with, but then it ended up in him rushing through your apartment to get his bag, putting on his shoes and dashing out the door. Forgetting his keys and making you drive all the way to his apartment to give it back to him, but fear not you ended up staying the night after hanging out with his friends.
Though back to the present, it looks like you have a problem on your hands. An Alaskan sized problem. That's right, your fiance bought an Alaskan king sized bed for just the both of you in your new apartment which definitely doesn't have enough space for it especially in your guys' master bedroom. So what ended up happening was the bed getting put in the middle of your empty living room surrounded by boxes, which still took up a lot of space despite the fact that it was already a big apartment. You could still walk around just fine, it's just the overwhelming presence of the bed made it feel a lot bigger than actually was. It just took a good chunk of the floor but it feels like it took the entire room.
As much as you wanted to immediately give back this behemoth of a bed, you can't. At least today. Because both you and your fiance wanted to spend the night in your new apartment, that's why you both bought a bed first before anything else. 
Turns out it wasn't the best idea since your fiance ended up being so excited to sleep in your new apartment that he didn't look at the sizes available for the bed properly and just picked the biggest one because he assumed that it would be a queen sized bed. Oh how wrong he was because apparently the mattress store he was buying from was one of the only stores that had bed sizes up to Alaskan, what are the odds.
So given this predicament obviously you both ended up just sleeping in the living room, which wasn't too bad other than the fact that it felt a lot more open than the master bedroom. Another big issue apart from that was how you were so far apart from each other, you both decided to pick one side of the bed and thought that you would be able to sprawl across the bed therefore taking a lot of the space. 
You both sleep like curled human balls of density, both of you are one type of person that would take the least amount of space in a bed which is the opposite of what you want in a comically sized bed. Now both of you are just curled in your little corners of the bed missing each other and it's even worse because you can't turn you around to find each other because you're separated by the length of one full size bed, which is the equivalent of you both being separated by a gap the size of two hypothetical people. Clearly both of you are miserable, you're shivering despite the the blanket you have and he's just sad because he can't hold you.
So what was your solution to this? It was to shimmy closer as the night went by, not even bothering to wake up and tell the other person to just scoot over. Oh no, both of you decided it would be better to just move silently until you both meet in the middle of the bed and finally sleep like normal. Pressed against each other while you hug the blanket and he just lives off of his own natural heat as well as yours, finally together after about 2 minutes of agonizing separation across the sea that is your mattress. Just goes to show that love is strong and it can overcome any turmoil or maybe it's a lesson for you to always have your fiance consult you before buying anything for the both of you lest you want another one of these situations.
When morning rises you still find yourself pressed against your fiance despite the fact that it's a weekday and both of you have to get up, so you try to get up but then realize the true problem that this bed gives both of you. As you try to roll your way to the edge of the bed there seems to be too much bed so you ended up falling asleep about half the way there, while your fiance still in dreamland, subconsciously feels the lack of presence and also slowly scoots his way over to you. Tucking you back into his arms and resting his chin on your head before immediately going slack once more, all the while you sleepily reach towards the end of the bed before giving in to your desires. Turning back to face your fiance and snuggle into him as you lament the work day that you missed as well as the potential workload you'll have to deal with tomorrow, which doesn't sound so bad if your fiance has to suffer in his own way just as you will. 
ATSUMU <333, BOKUTO &lt;33, HINATA &lt;3, Lev <33, Kuroo <3, Kageyama, Hoshiumi, Oikawa (But only if he constantly complains about being too far away from you (on the bed) )
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chairteeth · 8 months
“Nemu Hiiragi: The Shadow”
The promised Magius Nemu essay arrives. I have given up on proper essay formatting and will simply leave my analyses in semi-rant form because my brain is too chaotic and goes on too many tangents. It cannot be tamed. Informal essay under the cut!
So. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has heard others refer to Nemu as a shadow, Touka 2.0, or some other frankly reductive term. Most of the time, unless her creations come up, she’s not discussed at all, and even then… barely. That’s not exactly surprising. Given Nemu’s normally calm demeanor, and the fact that she and Touka are joined at the hip, it’s only natural that Touka would be the one to get the most attention, the one who stands out. Where Touka is the boisterous sun, Nemu is the humble moon. Today, we turn our eyes to the moon.
There is so much to talk about when it comes to Magius Nemu and pretty much all of it is going to make you really sad. Much like Touka and all other magical girls, she led a double life the entire time, but in her case, when she “traded one terminal illness for another” she got the short end of the stick. Imagine being a writer and discovering that your magic allows you to give physical form to your stories, to breathe life into your creations—literally. Now picture finding out later down the line that each time you use it, it consumes so much magic that it shaves off pieces of your very life force. That’s one slap in the face. But, it gets worse.
Let me lay out everything we know about how Magius Nemu’s sacrifices affected her physically, and how each of the people around her responded to her worsening condition. First, we know it causes pain severe enough to temporarily affect her vision and speech, and severe enough to make her fall to the ground, though she doesn’t always faint from it. We know it inflicts exhaustion and that even something like releasing an uwasa for the first time can make her pass out on the spot, so presumably it’s a lengthy process that takes a toll on her at every stage (well not sure about conceptualization, but creation and release definitely do). A voiced example of one of these episodes is in Arc 1 Chapter 8, 4:02:36 - 4:03:43 if you're watching the video.
Now, as for the people around Nemu, starting from more distant to closest. Her family? Oblivious, responsible for her state of emotional deprivation and for several other issues. Alina? Ehh she seems to either not care or care very little, which is properly Alina-esque of her. Mifuyu? Oh let me talk about MIFUYU for a second. Disclaimer, despite her many sins committed against my favorite characters, I do love the sheep, she’s too much of a failure, I cannot hate her. But Mifuyu “I want to be a nurse” Azusa is insensitive beyond belief, and I was honestly surprised when they appointed her to be some sort of… ethics teacher for Touka? Bruh. You see, an MGS is supposed to put us in the shoes of whatever character it’s about. That’s what it does. However my brain is broken and perceives the world from a TouNemu perspective by default. Which means I had a completely different reading of Mifuyu’s MGS. I am going to illustrate my point with screenshots this time because I happen to have them on hand.
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Mifuyu says this about Touka and Nemu getting worked up over Alina wanting to prioritize witches above rumors. But. Here’s the thing. The thing that Mifuyu seems to be missing completely. Rumors are created by Nemu, through a sacrifice of her own life force that worsens her pain and makes her suffer more with each subsequent use. Evidently, the girls reply that no, they don’t think they were getting too emotional.
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YOU THINK? Have you given any thought to why that could possibly be the case, Mifuyu? But, okay, fine, we can look past this. Alright. Next scene, it’s Touka and Nemu being upset that Yachiyo just destroyed the Divorce Stairs (I call them that, but for clarification, it’s the Friendship-Ending Staircase). I’m going to bring something up that I don’t believe is exactly contradicted by canon, though not confirmed either, but I’d be willing to believe by the fact that Nemu knows of Iroha (by name and I assume appearance) that there’s a psychic link of some kind between the uwasa and their creator. That would make sense, considering they are made of her magic and have pieces of her life force. If this is true, then that massacre Iroha and Yachiyo go on during Arc 1 Chapter 7 is far, far worse.
But alright, back to the scene. Touka is standing up for Nemu here, and Mifuyu proceeds to go and dismiss their feelings because, as she says in her thoughts, “they’re just children”. Okay, Mifuyu, hear me out. They’re 11-12. They’re not toddlers. Just because they’re children doesn’t make their emotions invalid, unimportant, or not worth considering. Particularly in this case, where they have a good reason to be upset. Nemu even mentions the life force she’s using up and Mifuyu’s first and only thought is “Yacchan…” (this is a repeating pattern).
The next relevant scene is one where Mifuyu does something Alina has also done and Touka hasn't: ask Nemu to make a rumor for her.
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Nemu reminds her that it comes at a cost, and that she’s using up her life for this. Nemu gives in, of course. I will talk about this imminently. First though, the final scene of Mifuyu’s MGS. Where Mifuyu repeats the previous pattern but worse. How exactly is it worse? I’ll let the screenshots speak for themselves here. Nemu and Mifuyu meet at the shrine where the uwasa is going to be released, Nemu does the deed, and faints, then Mifuyu reacts like this:
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These screenshots are less than a second apart. It is the immediate follow-up. Absolutely zero concern for one of the people she’s supposed to be responsible for who just did her a pretty big favor (as if you needed someone’s blood to open a door, they stabbed themselves to get you the blood, and then you left them on the ground in pain). So yes Mifuyu is insensitive and she is not helping Nemu’s view of adults. Relatedly, before I move to talking about Touka, since I’d like to actually end this on a non-depressing note, I’m going to circle back a little to Nemu’s family.
I am infamous for not liking Nemu’s family. Her parents, mainly. Her brother, for as much of a snotty brat as he is to her, is presumably still very tiny and has had scarce interactions with his sister, therefore leading to the way Nemu describes their relationship (“strangers”). As a slight aside, Nemu does try very hard to have a relationship with her brother, not only in her MGS, but in her solo Christmas quotes where she’s lost on what to get as a gift for a kid that likes soccer and asks Homescreen-chan for advice. And you see, Nemu has this thing where once you get past a certain point with her, she becomes a people pleaser. Unlike when Ui’s parents have visited before (seen in TouNemu’s Christmas MGS), Nemu was shocked to hear that her mother and brother had come to see her. This leads me to believe the visits are an extremely rare occurrence and that there is no other contact besides them. Ui’s parents at least video call her, from what the quotes say.
And now we have reached the point where it’s unavoidable and I have to talk about Nemu’s emotional trauma. Her family does not seem to know about her writing, which was a good call because it shielded her from much of the gifted kid trauma. However, that doesn’t mean her parents’ actions (or lack thereof) were without consequence. A lot of these might be subconscious, so bear with me a second. At this point in the timeline, Nemu struggles to believe that others will meet her needs or care for her. She seeks affirmation, acceptance, approval, and fortunately seems to get it in the form of her website and Touka during this era.
Let me give you some examples of Nemu’s people-pleasing tendencies, as any kid would learn that catering to the needs and desires of others can sometimes lead to a sense of belonging or validation—she explicitly wants that, she is aware that she wants to feel loved. This is immensely obvious with her family’s visits, where her first reaction isn’t good but then she plays along and puts up a happier face (which drops literally as soon as her mother and brother are out of the room), even apologizing for the slightest inconvenience regardless of whether or not the reaction to that inconvenience was bad (the book that was hard to find, the general Presence™ of her family in the room, apologizes again for talking about her feelings, etc). So that she doesn’t have to burden them with her feelings. So that her mother can feel like she’s fulfilled her duty by walking into the room, giving Nemu a rundown of what the family has been up to, and leaving without really actually spending any real quality time with her or bothering to really ask about her. Touka gets (righteously) angry in Nemu’s stead once her mother and brother have left precisely because of this. Nemu proceeds to, like many children in her position, defend her parents completely and then chastise herself for “looking down on them”. Touka and Ui both understand at least the heart of the issues at play here, and express as much. My point here isn’t exactly “Nemu’s parents are equivalent to Sana’s” or anything, it’s more that they’re extremely oblivious and their actions (and lack thereof) have hurt Nemu deeply.
That habit Nemu’s parents have of never truly showing interest in their daughter’s life seems to remain after the hospital, and then they’re focused on her brother’s comfort. Not Nemu’s. Never Nemu’s. Then, later on, in the Wings of the Magius, every time someone asks her to make a rumor (read: sacrifice a piece of her life force and make herself feel physically worse presumably forever), she agrees. Mifuyu asks her to, yeah sure. Alina wants a rumor? Of course. I won’t count when everyone asked her for stuff to add to Fendt Hope solely because I’m not sure Fendt Hope works like normal rumors do. Something, something, difficulty setting and maintaining healthy boundaries, struggling to distinguish her own needs from the needs of others…
A child who learned that her voice and desires were not prioritized in such critical stages of her life naturally struggles to articulate her own needs and wants. Prime example, Fendt Hope’s creation. She listens to the others give their ideas for it, never suggesting anything herself after reminding them of her usefulness. Until. Touka asks. When she does, Nemu seems almost taken aback. She apologizes. Nothing comes to mind. That very same day, she gets home, tries again to have some sort of positive interaction or time with her brother, gets rejected. As soon as an alternative form of service (doing the dishes for her exhausted mother so that she may help her brother with homework) presents itself, she practically jumps at the opportunity. The scene after that one, with the way she views Touka, Alina, and Mifuyu, vs the way she views her mother and brother, only makes this more obvious. How is Nemu supposed to feel any sense of value at home? At least as a magical girl, she’s useful. At least as a Magius, she has people who know her. The feelings of low self-worth aren’t as obvious on Nemu as they are on many of the other girls who have them, though.
The next time there’s a Magius meeting, this time to decide on a name for their base, Touka is again the one who asks Nemu for her opinion. It’s important to note that Touka is never once hostile, aggressive, or even annoyed when she does this. She considers Nemu’s thoughts and feelings more than anyone. Heck, Nemu would have no way to doubt Touka’s care for her considering their history and the way she acts.
Now I get to talk about the relationship between Magius Nemu and Magius Touka. If I start gushing incoherently, I apologize in advance. I covered a bit of Magius Touka’s attitude towards Nemu in the essay dedicated to her, and slightly in this one, but now I want to draw attention to how incredibly sweet Touka can be when it comes to Nemu. Nemu desperately needs that reliability and that love Touka provides, the hope she brings. And Touka is the one person who openly shows her care, attention. Over and over again.
Touka considers Nemu an equal. During the main story, as I said in my Magius Touka essay, she shows concern for Nemu’s health and wellbeing when no one else does. This goes beyond her magic-given affliction! I only wish we had more bits and pieces from that era, but as for what we do have… Well, I have to point at Nemu’s swimsuit costume story for the easiest and shortest point of reference. I’d use screenshots, but if I did, I would just end up showing you every single piece of dialogue and expression.
In that costume story, Touka and Nemu are at Fendt Hope, talking about their future trip to the beach (which they made plans for together in Touka’s swimsuit costume story). Nemu has her insecurities, and she’s shy about putting on the swimsuit, but then Touka proceeds to be incredibly supportive by first making her feel comfortable—for some reason she also had her own swimsuit lying around and offered to wear it too because Nemu mentioned it’d be embarrassing if she was the only one wearing a swimsuit and Touka was wearing clothes—then as soon as Nemu expresses self-doubt, she doubles down via genuine compliments (these two compliment each other way more than you think, even in main story Touka praises Nemu for her ideas). This is also a rare occasion where we’re shown that Nemu’s parents, or her mom at least, who seems more present than her dad, mean no harm, since it was Nemu’s mother who helped pick out every element of her swimsuit. After that, Touka goes off to change back into her school uniform, and Nemu is “uncharacteristically giddy” (as she states) looking at herself in the mirror. Touka gets back, and Nemu is startled to have been caught in a vulnerable state, but, critically, Touka is happy to see her happy and doesn’t tease her, although Nemu (jokingly, blushing) laments that letting Touka read her heart is the greatest failure of her life. Nemu asks Touka to listen. And Touka complies. Nemu trusts Touka with her heart, with her honest feelings, and knows Touka will never hurt her. That’s why she’s able to be so sincere with her. This is shown in Nemu’s Tap 8 quote, where she also refers to Touka as trustworthy (Touka has a matching Tap 8 quote, and hers is about how reliable Nemu is for her). This relationship, no matter what it is, is deeply important to both participants.
Finally, to end this glorified rant… I know I used the sun and moon metaphor earlier, but. I would like to borrow the words of Nemu in one of my fics: “It’s silent at night. Touka stays up with her telescope, I stay up reading nearby. We are stardust brought to life. A quiet place, just for us. The gentlest fire in us, like binary stars.” (I’m sorry but the binary stars comparison is too good not to mention). Their connection was there before the Magius, and after everything they went through, their lives became irreversibly bound, intertwined beyond the understanding of quite literally anyone else. They practically always speak in plural, the time they spend together has been on the rise, and at the time of writing? To avoid spoiling Arc 2 Chapter 12, I won’t go into specifics, but the relationship has reached a beautiful point that I will froth at the mouth about eventually.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the Nemu essay, I went slightly more feral this time so apologies for that. I’ll see how soon the hospital era essay can be thrown into the wild. Nishi out!
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. Hi! Me again jsjs, for the next ITMF I need fics where people realize how young WWX still is, like not about how young MXY's body is (but if you have of those even better 'cause I love that idea too) but that he wasn't older than 21/22 when he died and for him he's still barely out of adolescence (considering the last of it he spent fighting instead of properly growing out of it). Bonus points if they realize he's closer in age to the juniors than his brother, his husband or the rest of his generation @jiangclaritybell
Help, My Dad Is Fucking Someone My Age!! by sweetlolixo (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Humor, Crack, Fluff, Romance)
The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide) (link in #11) has a scene where lwy thinking about how young wwx died when he's talking to a young girl.
All Technicalities by DummyDipl0d0cus (M, 4k, JC & WWX, WangXian, Rated M Just To Be Safe, Overprotective JC, Post-Canon)
2. Hello beloved mods. I'm in the mood for fics where Lan Sizhui, as the eligible bachelor and Best Boy he is, starts receiving marriage requests, while Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are very Parental about it.
A Civil Combpaign Series by Ariaste (T/M, 31k, ZhuiLing, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, the difficulty of arranging your own marriage, overly subtle courting or overly oblivious courtee?, awkward teenagers, Teenage Drama, Humor,companion fic, WWX POV, Feelings, Fluff, WangXian's Weird Flirting)
Lan Sizhui's Got a Crush! by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 46k, LSZ/OFC, Junior Quartet, Humor, Fluff and Crack, Case Fic, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Body Horror, Mild Gore, Post-Canon) is more about lsz and his friends but there is a whole chapter of wangxian trying to give relationship advice
3. I'm itmf some evil jgy fics who gets what he deserves no redemption arc and obv wangxian get their happy ending but way less trauma jc friendly pls :)
i would like to suggest the 'bad person meng yao' and 'meng yao bashing' tags for some (sadly not all) fics that fit the prompt.
The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)
To Mourn the Young Man by Iamnotawriter (T, 56k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF WWX, Most people live, but not the bad guys, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal)
Friends, Sabers, and Other Essentials for Solving a Conspiracy by MeridianGrimm for Lisa_Telramor ( T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mystery, Smart NHS, WWX doesn't stay dead, LWJ gets a new friend, Happy Ending, Fix-It, To be clear the WangXian is mostly background, This fic is about friendship) (link in #4) kinda fits?
4. Hiii!! I'm itmf nhs centric fics I would like it if they are fix it/time travel fix it/fix it of sorts type of fics thank you!!
💖 The Path by Seastar98 (Not rated, 279k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, fix-it of sorts, CQL verse, golden core reveal, angst w/ happy ending, BAMF NHS)
Friends, Sabers, and Other Essentials for Solving a Conspiracy by MeridianGrimm for Lisa_Telramor ( T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mystery, Smart NHS, WWX doesn't stay dead, LWJ gets a new friend, Happy Ending, Fix-It, To be clear the WangXian is mostly background, This fic is about friendship)
This Time Around by KouriArashi (T, 83k, JGY & NHS, NHS & WWX, JGY & WWX, Time Travel Fix-It, Kid Fic, Families of Choice, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Politics, Class Issues, Past Child Abuse, Moral Ambiguity, Everybody Lives, Eventual Happy Ending)
Third Sun by PhantomWriter (T, 57k, NHS & NMJ, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Fake Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Crack Treated Seriously, BAMF NHS, Protective NHS, Protective NMJ, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, LWJ is a Wēn)
Unexpected Salvation series by clipper782 (M, 162k, NHS/JGY, time travel fix-it of sorts, past incest, murder, psychology, love/hate, friends to enemies to friends to lovers, crack treated seriously, demonic cultivator NHS)
5. itmf Wei Wuxian being unused to Mo Xuanyu's body: he stumbles, is shorter than he is used to, isn't used to his strength, etc. Bonus points if there is angst where WWX has panic attacks or disgust about being in someone else's skin. Thank you!
the soft animal by cafecliche (T, 5k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, [PODFIC] the soft animal by flamingwell)
your own heart beating by varnes (G, 1k, wangxian, body dysphoria)
mine? by Anonymous (Not rated, <1k, wangxian, body dysphoria, post-canon)
If only we could never think nor feel by Alianita (M, 1k, wangxian, slight angst, body dysphoria, feels)
unsettled by cryptenhope (G, 1k, wangxian, post-canon, established relationship, body dysphoria, hurt/comfort)
6. hello! do you know of any 'The Wife is First' AUs for wangxian?? that would be lovely!
7. Hey! Are there any lwj/wwx/mianmian smut fics? I'm looking for one that i came across but i can't remember any details about it.
Time by WithBroomBefore (M, 30k, WangXianMian, Time Travel, Fix-It, Canonical Character Death - WWX, WWX Lives, JYL Lives, Polyamory, Ghost WWX, for a little bit, Grief/Mourning, Eventual Happy Ending, Trans LWJ, bisexual LWJ, Bisexual WWX, POV Multiple, Memory Loss, Minor Character Death)
winged cupid painted blind by isabilightwood (E, 6k, WangXian, XianMian, Modern AU, and they were ROOMMATES, wwx & lqy are strickly friends with benefits, and lwj & lqy don’t do anything with each other, endgame wangxian, background endgame qingmian, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Accidental Voyeurism, Explicit Consent, Threesome, Fingering, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Getting Together, Light Angst, Fluff, Bottom LWJ)
8. this is pretty specific but i'm itmf fics that in some way have creative variety in wwx's demonic cultivation powers! i see a lot of standard control-fierce-corpses-and-ghosts type of stuff in fics, but i recently reread the books and there's a moment where wwx gets a skeleton to crawl out of the ground and whisper to him that the juniors were kidnapped (without even using chenqing i think?), and (inspired by that) i'd love to read something where the author just goes ham with the interesting alternative techniques lol.
can be a focus of the fic or just a one-off mention, anything goes! preferably no character bashing or hard nsfw. thank you!
Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending) along with having a ghost companion, there's also a brief scene where WWX is spotted asking directions from a skeleton's hand that came up from the ground.
The envy of the world by vulnerable_bead (E, 48k, WangXian, Case Fic, Fluff and Smut, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, WangXian as teacher(s), WangXian as musicians, Spell-weaving) remember the Power Stunt WWX used in the Yueyang Chang graveyard, where he dramatically punched the ground to dynamite-fish for corpses? vulnerable_bead does: “The boys felt the earth under their feet vibrate slightly, painfully, as if some telluric current had radiated from him, sending a message all the way to the bedrock that a man stronger than the mountains had arrived and he would brook no resistance.“
Re #8 note that The envy of the world does contain hard NSFW sex scenes, although not graphic violence.
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt economics, Post-Canon, [Podfic] the field meets the wood by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), [podfic] the field meets the wood by jellyfishfire) (link in #14) WWX works a *lot* of inventive, sustained, and gruesomely detailed blood magic, including long-distance life support and a chilling application of Painted Eyes—and then there’s the climax, wherein he invokes the terrifying power of Higher Mathematics.
blossoms at the roadside by bleuett (T, 13k, wangxian, alternate universe, different first meeting, getting together, tenderness, gardens & gardening, happy ending, hand feeding) Wei ying uses resentful energy to heal plants 💚
all the bonds of nature by luckymarrow (E, 68k, wangxian, MXY & WWX, LWJ & MXY & WWX, modern w/ magic, romantic comedy, roommates to lovers, pining, necromancy, ethical necromancer WWX, music teacher LWJ, fluff & smut, ghosts, urban fantasy, light angst, kink negotiation, praise kink, BDSM, developing relationship, dom LWJ) Wei ying is an ethical necromancer using resentful energy from dead  animals and also putting them to rest.
9. Hi I love your blog and hope you might help me with finding fic we’re Lan Zhan is the dead one . It can be cannon or non cannon or morden Au just were Wei Ying is the one who has to grieve and care for Lan Yuan . @cfox86
Over the Rotted Bridge by vailkagami (T, 314k, WangXian, Temporary Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, LWJ dies, Wei Wuxian doesn't die, neither do (most of) the wens, JYL also lives, Original Character(s), outside pov, YLLZ WWX, Canon Divergence, CQL Verse, Illustrated, Grief/Mourning, Non-Consensual Resurrection, mute LWJ, Hurt LWJ, Slow Burn, canonical death of a child (mentioned), Survivor Guilt, PTSD) is very good I highly recommend it
Turnabout and Start Again by runningondreams (T, 34k, WIP, WangXian, Temporary Character Death, Role Reversal, Soulmates, Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, SuicideI, mprisonment, Violence, Minor Character Death, Mild Gore, Pining, Identity Issues, Getting Together, Happy Ending) I recommend "Turnabout and Start Again" by runningondreams on ao3. unfortunately it hasn't updated since 2020 so I understand if you don't actually recc it. but the 11 chapters is does have are really good!
the passing of seasons by tennssi (G, 12k, WangXian, Character Study, Canon Divergence, Family, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Moving On, Eventual Happy Ending)
10. Hi! It's me again haha -//- Do you have any recs for long xiyao with a happy ending? I've been reading the top kudos ones on ao3 and consulting Google, but so far not much luck (┬┬﹏┬┬) @thepurplewombat
The Halo You're Wearing, It's Not Yours To Keep by poemwithnorhyme (E, 54k, XiYao, JGY/WX, JGY/WRH, Forced Prostitution, Hurt/Comfort)
An Atypical Courtship by KouriArashi (M, 48k, XiYao, WangXian, Romance, Slow Build, Developing Relationship, Prostitution, Class Issues, Light Angst, Political Shenanigans, Asexual Relationship, Asexual LXC, Canon Divergence, Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed)
Last of Our Kind by Shiome (E, 103k, XiYao, Post-Canon Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Temporary Amnesia, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Issues, Case Fic, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Third Person, Pining, Sexual Content, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, Power Bottom MY, Action & Romance)
11. hello :) thank you for everything you're doing !! for your next im in the mood, i wanted to ask if you know of any canon compliant fic that follows lan wangjis pov throughout all (or even part) of mdzs/cql. thank you so much x
The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide)
The Hospitality of the Qishan Wen by treemaidengeek (T, 14k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Compliant, POV LWJ, Traumatized LWJ, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, WWX is a chaos gremlin, LWJ Has Feelings, Hurt LWJ)
well-met by warlight by wukuiyuxin (Not rated, 2k, wangxian, WIP, Old English Style Poetry, Epic Poetry, [Podfic] well-met by warlight by Cathalinareads (Cathalinaheart), Tumblr gifset) Lan Wangji’s account of meeting, loving, losing, and mourning Wei Ying and raising A-Yuan—in mock-Norse epic verse / see also #11 on this post.
12. I need fics in wich Harry Potter somehow ends up in mdzs and with one Character there. Until now Ive only read one with Harry x Sizhui and that one wasn’t updated in a while. Thanks in advance
13. I‘m in the mood for canon era fics where WangXian are living out some BDSM/BDSM adjacent kinks. Bonus points if there are no lengthy contract discussions or constant asking for safewords. Aftercare highly appreciated.
mercy, tear it down. by orange_crushed (E, 31k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Dual Cultivation, Light BDSM, In Which Wangxian Fumble Towards An Understanding of D/S Dynamics, Porn with Feelings, Recovery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Wangxian-Typical CNC Play, Aftercare, Slight Feminization (ie Wei Ying Keeps Saying 'Wife'), True Love, Past LWJ/Other)
old wounds by BloodRedCarnation (E, 23k, LWJ/MXY/WWX, wangxian, PWP, kink negotiation, age difference, powerdynamics, threesome, established wangxian, both top & bottom sub&dom LWJ, post-canon, fix-it of sorts)
at your feet by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 2k, wangxian, post-canon, sub LWJ, sexual tension, explicit sexual content, hairpulling)
the mortifying ordeal of being loved by attackofthezee (noxlunate) (T, 1k, wangxian, post-canon, established relationship, birthday fluff, praise kink, dom/sub undertones)
Closer than my hands have been by Spodumene (E, 5k, wangxian, post-canon, established relationship, rough sex, dom/sub undertones, consensual non-con, hairpulling, facefucking, bondage, spanking, cock slapping, jealousy, top drop)
i'll be your warmth here by mistergoblin (E, 1k, wangxian, canon divergence, PWP, dom/sub elements, sub & bottom LWJ, orgasm delay/denial, bondage, spanking, happy ending)
14. IITMF: Post-canon case fics my beloved 🥺
love lies beyond words by acrosticacrumpet (G, 4k, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Whump, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Yunmeng Shuangjie Reconciliation, not a completed reconciliation but the beginning of one, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Self-Worth Issues, painful conversations with a tasteful smidgeon of, Cuddling & Snuggling)
just as the stories say by TheDameJudiWench (T, 11k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Medical Procedures, some gore, brief mention of a farm animal dying, Yunmeng brothers feelings, Family Dynamics, Attempted Murder, Injury Recovery, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Established Relationship, brief mention of vomiting, Happy Ending, Found Family, POV Outsider, Guilt, Revenge, Mention of Suicide (not main character), Grief/Mourning, Forgiveness, Whump, Near Death Experiences)
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt economics, Post-Canon, [Podfic] the field meets the wood by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona), [podfic] the field meets the wood by jellyfishfire)
in your skin by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Horror, Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Non-Consensual Body Modification, kinda?, ?Reflections over death and self-worth, mentions of canon suicide, Near Death Experiences, [Podfic] in your skin by flamingwell)
shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (E, 24k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Night hunts, Curses, Intimacy, Light Angst with a Happy Ending, shadows in the sunrise: podfic by victorianotte)
JC and WWX's Get Along Sweater series by newamsterdam (T, 29k, JC & WWX, bg wangxian, post-canon, trapped in a closet, cultivation as a plot device, JC & WWX reconciliation, miscommunication, hurt/comfort, panic attacks, emotional tension, ghosts, action/adventure, brotherly love, complicated relationships)
🧡 climbing up that coastal shelf by Sour_Idealist (T, 15k, JC & WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Mutually Unrequited Forgiveness, Yunmeng Brothers Reconciliation, Family History, Generational Trauma, Discussion of Canonical Abuse, Awkward Attempts at Communication, [Podfic] climbing up that coastal shelf by RevolutionaryJo)
build me no shrines by occultings (microcomets) (M, 54k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, First Time, Getting Together, Confessions, Sharing a Bed, Hair Washing, Sentient Burial Mounds, Case Fic, Post-Canon, CQL Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Light Angst, Flashbacks, mild body horror, foot washing, Happy Ending, Non-Sexual Intimacy, ...then sexual intimacy, [Podfic] build me no shrines by flamingwell)
With Absolute Splendor by Lise (T, 43k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Wedding planning, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Complicated Relationships, Angst with a happy ending, [Podfic] With Absolute Splendor by kisahawklin, [PODFIC] With Absolute Splendor by Gwogobo)
some good mistakes by Lise (T, 18k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Road trips, rescue Missions, Hurt/Comfort, Awkward Conversations, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, [Podfic] some good mistakes by kisahawklin)
the soft animal by cafecliche (T, 5k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, [PODFIC] the soft animal by flamingwell) (link in #5)
grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Character Study, Post-Canon, [Podfic] Grow by jellyfishfire)
Wearing Down Every Bone by CSHfic, VSfic (E, 30k, WangXian, Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Case Fic, Curses, Pining, Getting Together, Time Travel, Hurt wwx, Mystery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Depression and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, gratuitous use of empathy, Wearing Down Every Bone [Podfic] by Rionaa)
The envy of the world by vulnerable_bead (E, 48k, WangXian, Case Fic, Fluff and Smut, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, WangXian as teacher(s), WangXian as musicians, Spell-weaving) (link in #8) LWJ and WWX supervise LSZ, LJY, and OC Lan Juniors on a village investigation; poetic fairytale prose; a casefic of unfurling complexity with an intelligent, subtle, and tragic antagonist; mysterious uncharted musical magic; a climactic confrontation that deserves to be animated. And then there’s the famous Windowsill Papapa Scene.
15. itmf canon compliant/divergent (not modern) politic heavy fics? Court life, politics and diplomacy, secrets and plot twists as people wait to play their hand, etc.
Between the Candle and the Sun by Legume_Shadow (T, 304k, ZhuiYi, WangXian, LingZhen, XiCheng, XuanLi, Angst, Friendship, Slow Burn, Falling In Love, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, MM is a Badass, WN is a Badass, Protective WQ, Most people live, Ensemble Cast, Action/Adventure) is a Royal AU more focused on plot, including politics, but is primarily a junior-pairings fic (with secondary Wangxian)
16. In the mood for fics where wangxian adopt another kid(s) post-canon
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, [PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
17. Fics where WWX is actually respected; as a scholar/genius/cultivator. @utxqia
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 528k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, WangXian, NHS & WWX, Post-Canon, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Inventor WWX, Found Family, Mentioned Character Death, Alcohol, Protective NHS, WangXian Endgame, Not JC Friendly, Not particularly gentry sects friendly overall tbh)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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misty-doodles · 1 year
AIB Executive Board found family HC's 2
He ho here are the last 4 of my exec fam. I decided not to do Arisu, but he is in my heart. as a reminder, this is a dysfunctional family unit, so there is some angst ahead.
This time on the board; Hatter, Ann, Niragi, and Lass boss.
-hatter is the fun dad. Hides the best alcohol in his room,
-also didn't intend to adopt a haggle of emotionally stunted 20 somethings', but here we go
-oh, is absolutely still gay for Aguni, but respects their friendship enough not to push it. Would 100% play matchmaker with the other execs and be fantastic at it (read this for whatever ship you desire)
-special spot for Arisu, as a fellow heart player. It is in the 'I can make him worse' kind of way, though, so this causes some grief with Aguni
-the person you go to for hair care tips, and nothing else. Can't cook for shit and would probably give you food poisoning. 
-Makes sex jokes, and every time someone covers Arisu's ears
-his slow descent into madness makes everyone sad, bc they know he's a good guy at heart. Everyone can see how the beach is slowly poisoning the humanity of those who run it, but they wouldn't have met without it. It's a sad reality the executive board face.
-Does like Niragi (again not in a good way) but they have an animosity between them. They both care for Aguni, and neither can express that properly. 
-Ann is the only one with her own brain cell, and she waves that above everyone's head.
-The older sister of the group and laughs wherever people find out she's like almost 30. Gives 'when I was your age' ironically but in a deadpan tone. Vibes with Chishiya the most bc he can be quiet.
-Wears shades all the time because she's shit at maintaining eye contact. 
-She and Mira are girl-buddies, and will sit and whisper during meetings whenever the disaster duo start arguing. 
-She likes to paint her nails different colors every day of the week, and has successfully gotten hatter, Mira, Lass Boss, and Kuzuryu to wear it as well.
-she wears heals to spite Chishiya, who is 5'5 in (1.65 m) elevated sneakers. They have peak sibling rivalry, thank you.
-the exec board likes to play 'is this woman Lesbian, Straight, or Aromantic?' bc with Ann it is honestly a toss up. (again, read this as you desire)
-Hates Niragi with her whole body, since she's quite close with Usagi. They don't get a long at all.
-Niragi is the most detached from the family unit. They all (reasonably) give him grief for the bad things he does around the beach, and he's too proud to apologize or, ya know, stop so here we are
-Being given a gun was the worst possible choice, and Hatter and Aguni both know it made him a worse person. He was a normal asshole with anger issue before, and since joining the militants he's become…. Well…
-He is a game engineer nerd at heart, tho, and will occasionally go off on a 20-minute tangent on something game related. The exec's find this side of him very cute.
-Although he doesn't care for other's lives, he's usually the one who can find loopholes in games that would allow for the least amount of deaths. He doesn't say this, ofc, but he does know it.
-Best friends with Lass Boss, and is the only one who gets first name privileges. They sometimes vibe in comfortable silence when no one else is around. Lass boss knows the most personal facts about him, and his silent acceptance is why Niragi likes him. They're platonic soulmates, no romance, thank you.
-Actually really likes Arisu and wants him around, but doesn't know how to do that in a healthy way besides making him as fucked up  (i.e removing Usagi from the picture). On a good day, they can have a semi-civil convo about games and be nerds together. 
-Has the most respect for Aguni and views him as a sort of father, but won't acknowledge that for shit. He knows hatter is what makes Aguni sad, unintentionally or not, and that's why he hates the man so much. Aside from the fact he's a bad leader.
-Lass boss is certainly neurodivergent, you can decide in what way
-A dyslexia journalist, (he just like me fr)
-Doesn't talk much, but agreed to be a chill militant with a stabby stabby obsession. Aside from that, probably the least problematic militant. Still not great, but really they're all different flavors of 'please seek help'
-Would have an in depth discussion on certain books with Kuzuyu, and they'd be very analytical. 
-Respects Kuina for her fighting skills and the fact she can do it in a bikini
-Gender? Fuck if Lass boss knows or cares. He/They/it pronouns, but you'd only know from context clues. Literally never came out, people just figured it out. 
-Would rather die than obey the swimsuit rule, and hatter has come to accept this.
-Is one of the few exec members who can cook, and since Niragi can bake, they're a functioning unit in the kitchen.
-(ha i did this all without using third-person singular pronouns without even trying)
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allknowingfaith · 1 year
IMPORTANT FOR PERSONALS AND EVERYONE ALIKE: Do not reblog any threads that you’re not apart of!  I’ve had this happen to me too many times and I’ve gotten tired with messaging people who refuse to take my posts down.  If you do this, I WILL BLOCK YOU.
For Personals: While I will not write threads with you?  I’m still fine with you sending asks and questions for my muses.  Even though this is an RP blog, this account is still considered an Ask blog too in my eyes.
Don’t try and spam me if I haven’t gotten back to replying to your thread.  
I usually reply to 1-2 threads a day, just to keep myself from burning out too quickly.  Most replies that you DO get from me will usually turn up within a two week time span.  However, you’re allowed to message me once or twice if I forgotten to get back to your thread within a month.  Sometimes I do tend to forget threads if I’m busy, or tend to drop them suddenly due to time constraints or I’m just not feeling for it anymore. However, if you feel I haven’t gotten to you in a while and you want to keep a certain thread going? Feel free to let me know.
Don’t get angry at me if I haven’t replied to your thread right away.  I’m human as well, you know.
I am NOT a RP meme achieve!  Please do not reblog RP Memes from me if you’re not intending to send one in return.  I’ve seen it done so many times on here that it just really hurts people only use me for that sort of content.  If you want to use/save it for later (like Reblogging/Liking it), go to its source, not my own reblog!  I don’t need that stuff clogging my notifications. Consider this as a warning: I WILL softblock or hardblock you if you continue to do this repeatedly.  This rule isn’t here for show!
I will NOT put up with having my muse(s) being controlled by others.  If it’s something minor though?  Please just ask.
My ideals and morals are not to be reflected in that of the expression/actions/and thoughts of my muse(s).
Please do not accept my muse(s) as a lover/spouse, unless it has been properly discussed between muns.
I am open to any story genres, but I’m semi selective when it comes to smut writing.  It just depends on the context.  If I ever feel uncomfy, I WILL let you know.
I’m also a Multi-ship blog, any ship that takes place here is fine by me.  However I will not ship minors with my muse(s).
Please do not harass me or send in anon hate.  You will be blocked instantly if I see that at all in my inbox.
Do not try to bring me into any personal drama of yours, especially with other users.
I do not accept oneliners.  I find it very hard to work with replies that are very short, as it doesn’t give me much to work with.  The only exceptions for this rule are asks or people sending rp memes.
Please don’t spam my notifications with a bunch of likes every 30 seconds. Unless you’re a close mutual, this type of behavior can get really annoying after a bit. I will not hesitate to block you.  (Liking things every now and then is fine.  It’s just when it overtakes my entire notification box is the issue.)
If you gotten this far and read this entire page: Let me know by sending “By the old faith, I summon thee..” In my inbox then!
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p3rf3ct10nn1nj4 · 2 years
Oh nice ut rquests 😎 could you do some headcanons for having Sans as a friend (and maybe even a bit of a mentor figure)?
Yeah but you better be ready for a very pun-derful time (i refuse to apologize for the gif of choice)
Tumblr media
Befriending Sans; The skeleton with a skele-TON of puns
He's semi-difficult to befriend, it seems easy but in the long run he has a difficult time trusting humans
It'll take years to properly befriend him, if you stay below ground that is
above ground his thoughts will all eventually lead to "when will they reset?"
he likely has some reset trauma
will message you at random moments to tell you a pun, even if you're well asleep
takes you to grillby's now and then, his treat
though you do have to slowly start getting him to pay a little, or pay a little yourself
if you pay yourself than sans will thank you and continue the conversation
he'd be a more laid back fella, even if he's a full out mentor
more words of verbal wisdom than anything
if you really don't get something then he might end up showing you himself
you're gonna need to get used to the taste of greasy food
especially if he's taking you to eat some place
if you befriend sans then inevitably you will end up friends will Papyrus, there's no way around that
once you befriend Papyrus you've ended up befriending Undyne, then Alphys, then Mettaton, and before you know it basically all of the underground
its a gradual thing
but it still happens
you'll have to learn some puns eventually
with how often sans says them it'd be a miracle if you never remembered even one pun
if you manage to tell him a pun he hasn't heard he'll be impressed
and his laughter will probably sound out for a while
his laugh is a type of laugh that almost always makes someone want to laugh along
would be one of the first monsters to genuinely understand any sort of mental issues, whether its depression or autism or anything else
if someone harassed you for something that you cant control oh boy
not only will sans be a bit pissed off at them, you'll probably have most of the underground after them as well
you might eventually learn to shortcut, key word there is might.
would love to learn about your culture, food that's important to you, important holidays, and outfits
so would just about everyone, except jerry.... jerry would think its boring
if you invited him to partake in some cultural things that you are in then he (along with probably any other monster you invite) would gladly accept
though sans might end up asleep somewhere
you will eventually probably also learn to play the trombone
maybe not but its highly likely
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roseplendunce · 1 year
Name: Like, my actual name? Or just an alias that I go by on this website? If it’s the former, I might disclose it if we talk long enough. But, if it’s the latter, I don’t think I have one. A few people (that have my Discord) call me Kuro, though. I know that there’s someone else in this community who goes by that name as well, so I’m open to other suggestions.
Preference of Communication: No real preference either way, but it is nice to be able to edit messages and/or correct my mistakes, so… I guess Discord slightly wins out in this regard?
Name of Muse(s): Goku Black
Experience/How long (months/years?): RP-wise? I would say about 10 or so years, give or take? Although… I did take a 2+ year break due to being burnt out from roleplaying as a whole (and have only just recently rekindled that spark earlier this year.) So, I guess it’d be closer to like 7 or 8?
Platforms you’ve used: Too many to list.
Best Experience: Maybe Y.ouT.ub.e (while profile customization and comments were still a thing) or ProBoards? I don’t know. It’s kind of hard to say since there’s a number of places where I recall genuinely having fun over the years while roleplaying as a whole.
RP pet peeves/Deal breakers: I don’t remember what most of my pet peeves used to be, but I think one of them was general flakiness? (I would also add people not actually including my username in stuff like asks and such in the tags whenever they answer these sorts of things from me (even though I clearly state that I track my own tag on my blog) or even properly tagging me in stuff, but won’t since it’s not that big of an issue and not that many people seem to be doing it.) And, uh, this isn’t really a ‘deal breaker,’ per se, but… I’m not likely to follow someone if their wording of ooc posts/rules comes off as ‘aggressive’ (if that makes any sense?) Like, The general vibes that I get from it just really puts me off.
Fluff, angst, or smut: I, uh… Get second-hand embarrassment whenever the idea of writing smut comes up and I just feel really shy about it…? (I also can’t help but feel that my portrayal of another character is sort of being held back a little bit because of this as well. Ah well. Maybe I’m just overthinking stuff.) As for fluff and angst, it really just depends on the type of muse I’m playing. Like, I haven’t tried to do any ‘hardcore’ type of angst with Black because his situation and character is already pretty tragic as is. Adding onto that would probably be a bit much (and also not really all that fun to read about. ^^’)
Plots or memes: I would probably say plots (if only because it’s easier for me to initiate stuff or come up with things if I have a general idea to work with/towards. And also, memes can be pretty hit or miss and/or situational. I don’t hate memes, but it can be difficult to find ones that would ‘fit’ or get people’s attention so that’s why I’d prefer to ‘test the waters’ a bit before trying to send stuff in and whatnot.)
Long or short replies: I consider myself to be a semi-paragraph to multi-paragraph roleplayer so… Probably somewhere in the middle? Like, I don’t mind shorter replies as long as I have something to work with, but I also find novella-styled replies to be quite daunting. …Not to say that these kinds of writers/RPs are bad or scary, I just don’t feel like I could really ‘stack up.’ (Whether it’s just due to my own lack of ability as a writer or feeling of not being able to match their writing standard, there’s just something about it that I find to be disconcerting.)
Best time to write: For me? Probably at night/early in the morning since it’s generally pretty quiet and gives me time to really think.
 Are you like your muse(s): In some aspects, yes.
Tagged By: @hopefromadoomedtimeline (thanks!) Tagging: Uh.... Whoever else hasn’t done this?
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gear-project · 2 years
I have two unrelated questions that i'd like to ask: 1. What controllers do you recommend for strive/xrd, since "a" button on my laptops keyboard now refuses to work properly after few months of gaming and i need a relacement-; 2. Even after another story in Xrd i still see people argue on "Who is stronger, Ky or Sol" Topic so i would love your input on that subject, from hopefully unbiased perspective! Thank you for answers in advance!
Picking a game controller would certainly be easier than winning any sort of debate, I imagine~ Hahaha~!
That said, it boils down to your personal habits to be honest.
If you're a PlayStation gamer, getting a PS4 or PS5 Controller (and a Bluetooth Adapter for Wireless PC gameplay) and perhaps a decent charging stand would set you well for quite a while.
Or at least, that's my own experience. Since I play d-pad, the biggest concerns I've had is worrying about whether or not the d-pad will wear out or get worn down with excessive use in fighting games.
A lot of people seem to like the Hitbox Joystick "keyboard"? But if you ask me using pure buttons for inputs feels like cheating (especially for fast tactile inputs). But, as with most things, nothing lasts forever… so whatever equipment you get, be sure to take GOOD CARE OF IT.
It's also been SUGGESTED (by friends of mine) that if you ever decide to get a STEAM DECK, do NOT use the controller on it for fighting games… instead use the plug-in options (like Bluetooth, as said earlier).
Also, this is just my preference as a long-time GG player:
Square (X) > Punch Cross (A) > Kick Triangle (Y) > Slash Circle (B) > Heavy Slash R1 (Right Bumper) > Dust R2 (Right Trigger) > Roman Cancel L1 (Left Bumper) > Dash Button (for Dashing/Airdashing/Dash RCs) L2 (Left Trigger) > Whatever Else/Taunt/Items R3 Stick (Right Analog) > Record Inputs in Training Mode L3 Stick (Left Analog) > Playback Inputs in Training Mode/Reset Screen
I also use Kick+HeavySlash for BlitzShield manual inputs if I'm playing Baiken, otherwise I put her Parry input on the L1 Bumper for Xrd.
Of course there's other input techniques (Holding Roman Cancel+Heavy Slash to activate Instant Kill)… but I'll list those in case-by-case since this list should be more than enough to set you up.
Also be sure to adjust your Latency. I set mine to 3 or 4 frame delay, but it's different for everybody. Adjusting the latency of your inputs helps cut back on any noticable frame delay timing in your inputs so that every input you make is meaningful and purposeful. Also, assuming you're on PC… even if you have memory issues with graphics, I recomment keeping V-Sync ON because otherwise stuff looks scrambly and awful.
The whole Sol versus Ky DEBATE… has been going on for 22 years, so I do not think it will end any time soon.
Even in the case that Sol is RETIRED, it's reasonable to expect a guy like him to not roll over as easily as any typical OLD MAN (even if Sol is technically a Grandfather Gear at this point).
Ky has just about reached the ZENITH of his powers and potential, if he hasn't tapped any further in to Dragon Install than he already has.
But, there's two factors here that keep both rivals in check (at least for the time being):
The first factor is Sol's Gear Body. He was completely remodeled in to a GEAR-CELLED Organism by Asuka in order to house the Flame of Corruption Divine Seed inside his Neck.
After nearly 170 years, Asuka finally took the SEED out of Sol's Neck, but that doesn't exactly change Sol in a complete sense.
Being a Gear will always mean having a semi-immortal body, so long as Sol's Mana Core remains intact, but Sol's development AS a GEAR has also grown along with the Flame of Corruption… meaning even if all that Divine Power was removed from his body… his body was still CRAFTED from that POWER… So Sol is still reasonably strong, if not stronger than the average GEAR.
If you compared an "enhanced Gear" like Sol with a VALENTINE like Ramlethal… I daresay they'd be near equal in terms of potential and fighting capability. While Ramlethal was NEVER going to be as strong as Justice was… she will always be STRONG because of her heritage as a "child" of Justice' lineage.
And while Sol lost all the crazy power he had… that's like saying he stopped being "equal" to Justice and simply went back down to "normal" levels of power for someone like himself… so Sol is still plenty strong… even if he IS a RETIRED OLD MAN.
Now let's talk about Ky: Ky has… at least up to last we knew about him… stopped being HUMAN… what that means and what will happen to him moving forwards is still a bit of a mystery.
That's not to say that Ky is becoming "indestructible" like Sol was… oh no… that's different. Ky's body is still relatively within the limits of a human yet.
But the mystery lies in his potential with the Blood of Juno… or rather, the SCALES of Juno that it seems Dizzy (and himself by proxy) seems to have inherited from Justice.
Just like the Norse Legend of Siegfried and the Dragon… the blood of the Dragon poured over Sieg's back effectively making him immortal… except for the parts the blood didn't touch.
The same is technically true for Ky… whatever's going on in Ky's body has to do with how much of Juno's power he inherited… and that is either fusing with or eroding Ky's body depending on how the story will go from here on in.
Given this is a fighting game saga… it's safe to assume that Ky's body is slowly becoming "like a Gear"… but that doesn't mean he will completely BE one yet… not for a while at least… to say nothing of any life-threatening side-effects or symptoms he may have as a result.
Remember what happened to the Japanese? They inherited a ton of Justice' genenetic information and that caused them to have Ki Overflow Syndrome… We don't know if Ky will have similar problems down the road.
But as with most situations… it simply means that Ky is being put at the "starting line" to being a GEAR like Sol. Does that change Ky's potential? Not really. Ky was always strong, even as a human.
The difference between Ky and Sol at this point is fundamental:
For Ky, learning to fight was part of his background as a Knight, but becoming superhuman was simply a side effect of his other circumstances… this is the opposite for Sol.
For Sol, his lifestyle AS A GEAR taught him how to fight (whether he wanted to learn or not) and the end result created a super-soldier… while Sol is still NOT as refined as Ky is… there's still the potential to improve his own style and reach that same level.
If anything, both of them simply need to adapt to their own circumstances.
For Ky, it means learning the true potential of his burgeoning Gear body.
For Sol, it means learning how to tap in to what remains of his "still strong" Gear body.
As for whether or not things will finally get settled for GOOD this time… I think it boils down to who wants it more. While Ky might be happy with the current situation… I think Sol will probably egg him on at some point in to another fight.
Of course, that will probably happen AFTER Sol settles the score with Asuka (if that ever happens as well).
Sol is a bit petty, all things considered, so don't expect him to take his recent losses lying down (even if he DID save the world from I-No recently).
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Do you have any projects your working on right now? If so wouldnt say no to a ramble about them (love watching artists/other writers talk about their passion projects)
Do I have any projects I am working on right now?
Overall I technically have one REALLY huge project going which is the said story I eventually will need to turn into a comic / webtoon when my skills are consistent and high enough. That one I've technically been working on with my writing partner for a decade about and honestly the passion and dedication the both of us have to said story has really saved both of our lives on more than one occasion if I'm honest cause it was the primary coping / processing mechanism for two teens surviving abusive households that ended up in two people with DID (well technically he hasn't been diagnosed and he likes to ignore it until it becomes an issue TM but I knew he had DID before I knew I had DID)
But like, writing wise, we've been writing it in RP format for about a decade. We had some off years while we were sorting out our friendship and figuring out how to have boundaries in the earlier portion, but we've really got a grasp on the overall story and are currently writing the prequel before we REWRITE the original story we started with when we were 12. Somewhere around the time of rewriting that story I'll probably start properly paneling and story boarding out the comic as we go, but until then I'm on the art grind.
Neither of us are in a particular rush to put the story out there though, cause the world is already really massive and we are still learning / figuring things out about it and the characters in it, and strongly do value letting it grow authentically on its own, so we are taking our time going through the prequel as the prequel will help us gain a better understanding of the world to really do the main and original story correctly.
On the art side of things, yeah I always have a project going. I actually usually am working on 1-3 art things at a time to keep myself satiated and not burnt out doing one aspect of one thing too long. I wouldn't call any of them "passion projects" since they're honestly like... if you think about a management sim like STardew Valley, its like... tasks activities and stuff and less "projects" cause I just kind of take my art really casually if its not for an art trade, commission or a gift.
I guess the closest thing to a larger scale project is that I'm trying to go about all my characters now that I'm getting a semi-consistent way I like to draw them and make it so that everyone has at least one decent art thing to use as their icon for their toyhouse gallery and like, that doesn't sound hard but the story have 40+ characters and I currently have designed 40+ characters so its a long list of things XD
I'm also trying to design as many characters up front to help conceptualize them as we write them, but also to have those as "beta designs" for whenever I get around to the proper comic.
As for like individual WIPs, I finished one really ambitious one which was actually drawing something that was a lot more illustration and scenery based than anything else and I really liked how that turned out considering it took like three hours (below the keep reading #1)
And currently my two WIPs that aren't complete is that 1) I am trying to draw a like, wall line up of busts of a basically massive family of like 15 people where I've only designed like 4 of them already and only named 6 of said characters. Doing this mainly to like, build a better image of the family and to give alpha designs to characters that theoretically exist in the world so I can have them in my back pocket if its a good idea to pull from them. The earlier art I did of the older man is the patriarch and the first bust sketch I got done for this and 2) I'm slowly trying to work on and come up with a tattoo mural for one of the characters taht i only now found out appearently has tattoos when shes older. The thing is, consider it story wise, its extremely important taht these tattoos actually tell a story and have a meaning in regards to the character, so I've been rather stumped on what I could add to it and since these are supposed to be highly meaningful things, I figured the best way to go about "finishing it" and designing it would be to leave that art infinately open until I come up with sparks of ideas of perfect images to add onto her body that represent her, much like soeone who wanted to get a sleeve / tattoo mural themselves likely would. (most recent WIP below the keep reading #2)
CW; mild suggestivity / nsfw
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oxycodone-medicine · 1 month
Oxycodone is utilized for the treatment of moderate to extreme agony in grown-ups. You could catch wind of it from a specialist in the event of serious torment medicines or on the other hand if the non-narcotic treatment isn't showing any improvement in the circumstance. Oxycodone is a narcotic medication that can prompt propensity development and misuse. It ought not be taken as an ordinary torment replacement medicine; it is for a few excellent cases in particular. It is a narcotic pain relieving that fundamentally impacts the manner in which the cerebrum answers torment. Oxycodone is additionally accessible in mix with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and ibuprofen. Prior to utilizing such mixes make certain to peruse the fixings and take the medicine from a specialist or drug specialist.
The medication is a semisynthetic medication accessible in different delivery structures. As a prompt delivery item, treating moderate agony and now and then extreme sort of pain is basically utilized. Though in the lengthy delivery structure, it is utilized to get high serious degrees of ongoing agony that require a significant stretch of treatment. 
Oxycodone 5 mg
A prescribed strong pain medicine Oxycodone 5mg is an opioid drug used to treat severe pain found in several products such as Percocet, oxytocin, and Endocet. The drug oxycodone 5 mg opinie provides long-term pain relief to the patient, so the patient doesn’t have to take another pill as often. It comes in different dosage forms including tablets, capsules, and oral liquid.
Oxycodone 10 mg
The 10 mg strength of oxycodone refers to the amount of the active ingredient in each tablet or capsule. This dose is typically prescribed when a higher strength is needed to manage more intense or chronic pain. However, the dosage should be carefully determined by a healthcare professional and adjusted based on the patient’s individual needs, medical condition, and tolerance.
Oxycodone 15 mg
A prescribed medicine brand name oxycodone 15 is used to relieve severe chronic pain. The product of Oxycodone works as an abused drug and is sold out under various brand names such as Roxicodone and Oxycontin. Sometimes overdosing leads to addiction which is very dangerous to health and causes many unwanted side effects like laziness, dizziness, dry mouth, and such.
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This 20mg Oxycodone medicine helps in reducing moderate to severe pain. The Oxycodone 20 mg pills are analgesic medications. Oxycodone 20 mg follows up on the central nervous system (CNS) to relieve pain. It affects your brain to change how your body feels and reacts to pain.
This medicine is not meant for mild pain or when non-narcotic medication is effective. This medicine is not made for treating that pain, which you only have once in a while or “as needed”. 20 milligram Oxycodone may convert into addiction-forming. Taking this pill can cause physical dependence and addiction.
Oxycodone 30 mg
Oxycodone 30(blue pill 30 mg oxycodone), sold under different brand names like Roxicodone and OxyContin, is a semi-manufactured opiate utilized helpfully for the treatment of moderate to ludicrous torture. It is altogether inclination outlining and is a normally abused drug. It is regularly taken by mouth and is open in fast movement and controlled-discharge definitions.
Oxycodone 40 mg
Oxycodone 40 mg pills are used for treating pain in patients suffering from chronic issues such as surgery pain, pain during cancer treatment, etc. These pills are used in patients who require round-the-clock treatment and when other medications do not work properly. The 40 mg pills are round in shape, yellow-colored bi-convex tablets. It belongs to the family of opioid analgesics. These pills work by binding themselves to opioid receptors and thus change how the brain feels about pain.
Oxycodone 60 mg
Oxycodone 60 mg is an opioid that belongs to the painkiller family and is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is an oral and prescription medicine and is available in round orange-colored pills. These are the FDA-approved pain relief medicines extracted from roots of thebaine.
Despite being in demand, these pills come with a wide variety of side effects if abused or overused. The side effects include Abdominal pain, Dizziness, fatigue, and as such. Hence it is advised to take pills only with the proper medical guidance.
Oxycodone 80 mg
Oxycodone 80 is an opioid painkiller medicine that is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is an oral and prescription medicine. Oxy pills work by manipulating the brain cells into believing that the pain has reduced to significant levels. It is made with a semi-synthetic opioid that works by binding itself to an opioid receptor to activate it.
Oxy 80 mg pills are one of the most in-demand pain relief medicines on the market. But they do come with common to severe side effects and hence should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription.
Oxycodone is widely available in 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg.
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camberm · 1 year
Why Your Business Needs Fire Alarm Servicing and Maintenance
With such countless interesting points while you're maintaining a business or liable for premises, it's reasonable that a few things get neglected; all things considered, we're just humans. The issue is that some of these neglected undertakings can have a more prominent effect than others. Assuming you're attempting to shuffle bunches of liabilities, you must get your needs right, and well-being and security ought to be at the top of your list.
It could be argued that the most important piece of equipment in your structure or office is your fire alarm framework, yet how do you know it's working unless there's a call to use it? The best way to ensure everything is ready to rock and roll is to guarantee that you attempt the customary fire alarm adjusting. The expected result of an absence of legitimate maintenance simply doesn't bear contemplating; we don't have to explain the potential dangers of it to you.
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This maintenance is essential to guarantee that you're not seriously jeopardizing your staff or guests. There are a lot of organizations out there that work in fire alarm maintenance; these organizations likewise offer overhauling contracts, ensuring that all parts of alarm overhauling are done to an exclusive standard. Their fire alarm adjusting agreements can cover all parts of fire security, including the testing and fixing of the alarm framework, fire phones, crisis lighting, and fire quencher investigation. You should likewise guarantee there is a "dependable individual" on your staff who is responsible for fire safety and the necessary alarm overhauling and maintenance.
While choosing a company for your alarm overhauling contract, ensure it adheres to BS5839; these agreements are completely consistent for protection purposes and consequently crucial to your company. Under their administration contract, they should be able to cater for all of your fire alarm maintenance needs, whether you have 1 or 100 fire alarm sensors on your premises, with a variety of overhauling plans to suit your specific requirements, conveyed by completely prepared and qualified engineers. For a completely comprehensive fire alarm maintenance contract, look for organizations that also provide crisis response assistance, at least two annual service visits, full discovery and proposal reports, and ongoing guidance and support.
Advantages of fire alarm maintenance
Less Irritating Alarms: Misleading problems and the absence of fire alarm maintenance remain closely connected. Your framework gear ought to be checked, cleaned, and tried consistently, which will assist with guaranteeing that the alarm sounds just when there is a genuine risk. How well your fire security framework performs is directly related to whether you have a good maintenance program in place.
Contingent on the sort of framework introduced, investigation and maintenance are generally performed on a month-to-month, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. When alarms fail to work properly and sound dishonestly, it can not just put an excessive amount of strain on the fire division and other specialists, potentially making them inaccessible where a genuine risk exists; representatives may become smug because they are used to alarms going off without reason, implying that they may not go to preparatory lengths.
Expanded assurance of your property and workers: Fire alarm maintenance is fundamental not exclusively to protect your property but also the individuals who possess the premises, like representatives, benefactors, and guests. Residue, soil, and different particles frequently cause issues with smoke alarms; ill-advised maintenance can prompt harm to your gear. An alarm that works properly and is well-maintained provides security and genuine peace of mind.
For More Info:-
Fire Alarm Company in Abu Dhabi
Fire Alarm System Installation Company in Abu Dhabi
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
haha. now 12 and 14 for hallows, vikki and kay
12: What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
writing, for sure. i desperately need to rewrite Legend of Nightbreeze, i didn't get very far in it and i feel like i could've done better on it.
14: If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
For Hallows, it's 1) that she's dumb but not stupid, and 2) she's caring but has weird ways of showing it. in the sense of like, you can make jokes about her being pretty dimwitted at times, which is completely valid to do so because she isn't very intelligent, but she can be very accomplished in areas she's comfortable with and that shouldn't be erased to make her purely a comedic relief or "dumb character thinks they're smart when they're not isn't that funny how ridiculous that is" jokes when she is good at certain things like chemistry or emotional de-escalation even when she's not the most competent in a lot of other fields. And in the sense of understanding "okay there's something wrong i should do something to comfort my friend" but not understanding/messing up trying to emulate what a "normal" way of helping is.
For Vicoros, it would be that 1) he's got serious anger issues he sometimes doesn't manage properly, and 2) he's trying his best despite that. for example during college he didn't have any healthy outlets and turned to starting fights whenever he needed to get anger out of his system, but dropped out when he realized that it wasn't healthy or good for the people he cares about (at that time he didn't care it wasn't healthy for himself) and started working towards finding other outlets to improve for his girlfriend's sake, then eventually was able to do it for himself, and then eventually to make sure his issues didn't fuck up his kid.
And for Caetora it'd be that 1) she's technically a war criminal and has some very very dangerous powers and 2) her sweet nature isn't some sort of persona to cover that up, that's just how she is. Necromancy is forbidden in their Homeland because during the war that brought Evalur into power necromancy was a large part of why Evalur's Army almost lost; the other side would bribe Fey necromancers to betray the crown and use their magic to turn Evalur's fallen soldiers against him,, and at some point it just became outlawed due to the association between necromancy and rebellion/corruption. nowadays necromancy does not have as harsh of sentences and plenty of people do necromancy behind the Law's back, like Caetora, but BECAUSE of her sweet and anxious nature she refuses to even speak the name of any of that magic in front of anyone other than her husband or other semi-known necromancers.
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keyjaguar33 · 2 years
Frightened To Travel? Here Happen to be Some Great Tips To Help!
A lot of people will be discovering that traveling today is definitely becoming far more available, nonetheless they aren't positive that they have everything covered in terms of traveling. Just like everything associated with, you have in order to always seek considerably more know-how on ways to know how to properly travel, so have a look at this particular article mainly because it serves because a good place getting just that. Make records of all the details of your own personal trip. Include your embassy's web address, physical address and phone number. If an individual run into any problems during your travels, these are the individuals you can need to instantly speak to. In the event you encounter any difficulties traveling, they can support with these issues. Employ noise-cancelling headphones. Because involving all the engine and history sounds on a great airline, you need to crank the volume on your earbuds upwards precariously high just to hear the music. Invest throughout a pair of noise-cancelling earbuds, which cancel out the background noise and let anyone clearly notice your music at some sort of reasonable amount. Even if you avoid listen to tunes, that they are great for just simply lowering the noise. If you've possibly traveled having young children you've certainly been requested far too many times how substantially further more the idea is. A single way of dealing with this is to get each one of the youngsters a new map and instruct these people how to read it. They'll be entertained, and you'll become teaching these individuals a technique that many people will use the relaxation of their lives! Whenever it comes to spots unfamiliar, on the internet bloggers can be a veritable treasure trove of local information. There is at least one in every city, in every land rapid someone who is usually passionate of the surroundings plus loves going over the issues that make each and every spot particularly wonderful. Personal blogs happen to be also generally written in the completely user-friendly way, which is often easier to examine as compared to complicated rating methods with review sites. Understand the showing culture with regard to whatever countries you approach to visit. In some ethnicities, showing is semi-automatic or fully automatic, while in others, it does indeed certainly not exist. There are usually still a few cultures in which tipping is regarded as a great insult, thus mind your ways by way of checking the customs. You never want to insult your storage space. Reading online customer reviews might be a great approach to find out regarding your vacation destination. There are usually various sites available, with multiple reviews from the two travel professionals and every time people. Reading the few opinions can assist you find the most effective hotels, virtually all popular dining places, and good out regarding the way places for you to consider traveling to during your travels.
Plan your finances ahead of your trip. There's little worse than being away from you from home and even recognizing you don't have sufficient income to do all of the fun things on your list. Approach a great deal per day to get foodstuff, amusement, souvenirs, in addition to cab/bus ticket if expected. Stick to that amount each and every day. At the conclusion of your trip, you will be pleasantly surprised by the way much you have left over. Be present at educational seminars even though traveling on board some sort of cruiseship. Outstation Cab provide these types of lectures for free of charge, and they are frequently entertaining and interesting. Numerous talk about something linked to your cruise, such as the wildlife that you might see when you port. That action can help to make your entire journey even more enjoyable. Turn to magazines for those great information regarding motels in addition to travel spots. You will find often the content to be crammed with honest together with useful data that you can use to plan often the vacation on your dreams. You will be able for you to learn which usually hotels to be able to book as well as best dining places to dine at. Write your get in touch with details along, and record this inside of your suitcase. Getting your information available inside the particular bag ensures that your own personal luggage will find its way back to you in the event that this becomes lost, even if the tags on the outdoors become impaired or perhaps taken away. The aircarrier cannot give back your stuff if these people cannot locate an individual. Whenever you decide to accomplish a city excursion, make sure you stay together with your party. Numerous good travel destinations offer well guided tours to help you see the best sights in a limited amount of time. If you let oneself acquire split up from your party, you can quickly end up fully shed. If your suitcase hasn't got a divider, some sort of healthy piece of cardboard can easily make an outstanding divider. Just place the cardboard within the middle of your own trolley suitcase. Pack some clothing on a single side of this cardboard and a few on typically the other. This will guide to keep your clothing organized and easy for you to unpack. Hopefully you will be now getting a better idea of where you want to travel for you to after reading this content. This article presents merely a portion of typically the information gowns out right now there on how to journey properly. Apply all the fact that you have figured out at present and all that you will know in the potential future, and you should turn out to be well on your method to traveling with good results.
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artanogon · 2 years
this relationship is driving me up the wall
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littlemissfiore · 2 years
Small Worlds | Cassie Howard
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pairing: cassie howard x f!reader
summary: cassie is messy and tries to find a way to cope with her problems by not confronting the issue, so she runs in the arms of someone just as messy as her.
content/warnings: homophobia, fwb, unhealthy relationships, slut-shaming, bitch!reader, mentions of sex, weed/cigarette usage, objectification, daddy issues, mentions of a fight, unrequited love(?), homophobic slur (d-word), cheating, toxic!reader
Cassie wasn’t too bright in her decision making. She was always caught up in her own problems to properly process how her decisions could affect her later on.
Cassie didn’t think through it properly when she decided to associate herself with you. It was supposed to be a strictly beneficial thing, at least the both of you agreed. Of course, Cassie was ignoring how a relationship like this could affect her later on.
She didn’t think too much of it, there was no way you two would build any other sort of chemistry aside from sexual. There would be no way Cassie could date someone that reminded her of her friend Maddie. You were outspoken and confident in your own sexuality, although you were very much different.
For one, you were only attracted to girls. There were always those guys that would come up to you, not-so-subtly asking for a chance. You would always reject them in a semi-nice way at first but depending on how they took their rejection, you didn’t mind knocking them - literally - down.
Cassie did remember in one of your many encounters you had mentioned you used to be in boxing. Or still were, she didn’t know, you never went further in a conversation of your own life. You’d usually put your clothes back on and leave or start up another sexual activity.
Maybe that's why Cassie found it so easy to keep you around. You didn't really offer much information about your life and you kept things simple. Cassie would still be able to swoon over guys who easily got her hopes up with meaningless words and she'd have your sexual relationship to fall back onto in case things didn't go her way.
Which was surprisingly a lot of times. You'd always have to begrudgingly listen to Cassie's sad stories about her life revolving around men. Even though it irked you to the core seeing how comfortable this girl had got around you, you felt forced to be there for her and lend a helping hand.
After that, Cassie had an affinity towards you. She no longer thought about your encounters as casual like you still did. It was hard to ignore the tender looks Cassie would give you in bed. How she would get shy talking to you in the hallways and sometimes ditch class to visit you during lunch.
"Cassie, what the fuck do you want?" You took a long drag from your blunt before exhaling it.
"I just... wanted to visit you," Cassie gave you a shy smile.
You gave Cassie a dirty look, wondering why she was acting so weird all of the sudden. She was hot, no doubt about that, but you wanted to tell her to fuck off. You had no desire to start a friendship with her much less a relationship. It was the perfect time to tell her your relationship was strictly about fucking.
Although you didn't say any of that to Cassie. You don't know why, maybe it was because you semi-related to her family situation. Cassie had an absent father, and while yours was still around he wasn't much accepting on the way you express yourself. Or maybe you just like to think it was good ass blunt that had you acting differently than usual.
"Goddamit..." You sighed. You held out your blunt to Cassie. "You wanna smoke with me then?"
You knew you had to tell her the truth. Cassie was laying right next to you, breathing heavily and staring at you with half-lidded eyes. You weren't ready for her affections, you weren't ready for anybody's affections. You had two options right now, break Cassie's spirit and not get her hopes up or indulge her in her fantasies for a while.
"[Name]..." Cassie gasped, seeing as you were leaning towards her face.
"Shut up, Cassie..." You dived in for a kiss.
You decided to indulge her for a moment.
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You knew Cassie would open her big mouth and out the both of you. Not that you minded, it didn’t come to a shocker you were having a promiscuous relationship with somebody but more with who that somebody was. Cassie Howard.
The boys at school saw her as easy game, all it took for Cassie to be swooned for somebody was a few soft words here and there. Although now that everybody knew about the both of you guys, you were sure the boys would be all up on her ass.
And you were right, the whole week leading up to the party, everyone tried to swoon Cassie. Even the dickhead of the football team, Nate Jacobs was on her ass again. You already knew of him, and you had no ounce of respect for him at all. Although both of you always managed to stay at arms length to not get in a fight.
Nate had a different story with Cassie. During one of your many nights together, Cassia had a breakdown, all of the guilt building up inside her. She had told you she cheated on her ex and had a fling with Nate. Her guilt was drowning her, Cassie regretted the whole night but she never build up the courage to tell her best friend of her mistake.
That night you provided comfort for Cassie. Instead of doing your normal routine, you held her on the couch while watching movies and caressing her hair. Cassie felt safe with you but you felt the opposite.
While you admit you grew some sort of affection for her, the situation Cassie was in had dawned on you hard. You weren't hopeful for a perfect romantic relationship, but you knew that if you found the right one, you wouldn’t be dealing with this shit.
There were times throughout the day you thought about how it would feel like to be with Cassie and do normal couple things. She was pretty, and you didn’t mind her presence that much anymore. You did acknowledge you had potential to feel something more for her but with the bizarre spur of words that came out of Cassie’s mouth that day changed it.
You always knew Cassie wasn’t emotionally strong. While she had promised to be a better version of herself, she constantly kept on relying on boys to make her feel validated.
You were no idiot. You just chose to ignore shit that was happening around you constantly that didn’t concern you. Yet, recently you found yourself noticing little things Cassie did. You probably always noticed but you would refuse to acknowledge that.
It’s probably why you also refuse to acknowledge why Cassie keeps talking about Nate or staring at him in class. That may be why Nate has been keeping his eyes on you.
There had been a couple of incidents where Nate had called you a dyke. You had to be restrained by your friends to not beat his ass in the halls. While he would always leave with a shit eating grin on his face, you weren’t going to let him get away off the hook just because you couldn’t put your hands on him in school.
While you knew of Nate’s increased disdain on you had something to do with Cassie, you didn’t want to think of the bigger implications of their relationship.
You didn’t know if you had reached a breaking point after Cassie confessed to you her guilt. All you know is that your relationship with her was now changed. In a way where Cassie didn’t know, at least not yet.
One day, Maddie had approached you after school, finding you in the same spot Cassie would always find you. You cursed under your breath seeing her walk towards you, already annoyed at Maddie. You didn’t like her at all and the feeling was mutual. You two only behaved in front of Cassie but you were sure if she weren’t there, you and Maddie would’ve settled your issues in a fight.
“I need to talk to you,” said Maddie, crossing her arms as she stood in front of you.
You took a hit of your cigarette. “Well, you’re here,” You responded, blowing all of the smoke out in Maddie’s face.
Maddie’s face contorted in disgust, letting out an “ew”.
“This is serious, so listen, bitch!” exclaimed Maddie, concern written on her face. “I have a feeling Cassie is fucking Nate.”
She is.
“What the fuck does that have to do with me,” You said, facing away from Maddie.
“Cassie’s is my best friend and your girlfri-“
You glared at Maddie. “She isn’t my fucking girlfriend,” You hissed, putting your cigarette off on the walls of the school building.
“Okay, whatever, bitch!” yelled Maddie. “Fucking listen to me and listen to me good. If I find out Cassie fucked him, I won’t hesitate to hurt her!”
You shrugged. You were sure if Maddie had told you this before Cassie admitted to hooking up with Nate, you wouldn’t hesitate to put her ass to the ground. Now, the situation was different, you had let that comment slide maybe, just maybe, because you were feeling bitter Cassie was still searching for Nate.
You didn’t know when or how it happened but you clearly had stopped caring. Just like Cassie you had started being with someone else on the side. Worst off, with her best friend.
You and Maddie were both high. She somehow found you after a big fight with Nate and all it took was a smoking session before things went down hill. Before you knew it, Maddie was on top and making out with you.
You knew you could’ve stopped it, knowing that Cassie wouldn’t take it in well if she found out you and Maddie had sex. Although, you knew Maddie didn’t care in the moment. Which gave you more of a reason to just continue it.
‘Fuck it, she’ll thank me later,’ you thought. You hid behind the excuse that Cassie fucked Nate first, so it was entirely okay that Maddie was treating her friend the same way even if she didn’t know.
There was no need to act this irrationally and you knew these bad decisions would all lead to drama but it didn’t have to involve you. You were perfectly fine before meeting Cassie. All of her problems were her own, not yours.
You wanted to curse her, be angry at her and while you did unleash your anger at her in ways she would find out later, you couldn’t blame her.
Maybe your loneliness had caught up to you, you had mistaken those loving and tender looks Cassie would give you in bed as part of your imagination. All of those times she wanted to skip class or get to know you was probably her offering you a piece of her friendship, not love.
In reality, Cassie did want to pursue something further with you. She wanted so badly to stop the soft words Nate would give her to persuade her to continue being with him.
Maybe you’d still give her a chance, Cassie promised herself she would leave what she had with Nate to be with you, hopefully you’d still be waiting for her by that time.
Although for you, you had closed of the possibility of ever wanting to be with her.
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