#and that is why don is driving btw if you care
draculpyre · 1 year
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leaders and their tiny companions with silly nicknames
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paintedstories · 1 year
World behind my wall...(1)
before reading the story:
it's part 1 because there will be 4 of part 2(a part 2 for each member!!)
here they are in a band but they aren't as popular, and btw mentions(one) of death but in a joke
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I couldn't do it anymore!
I had to run away from them, I had to run so that I could live my life... and I did so.
The sun started to appear, which meant morning came with me sitting in an empty McDonald's parking lot, but I'm happy! well as much as I could at the moment, now I need to find somewhere to actually go! I can finally live my life!
I say to myself in my thoughts while getting up to go to the side of the road and making the hand signal for someone to pick me up. I did have the money for a taxi but its better to wait a little and go for free, well for free with some weird people that would actually stop to pick you up.
"It's been 30 FUCKING minutes!!!" I screamed to myself while stomping my feet out of frustration and huffing, glad no one is here- I didn't finish my thought well when I heard one guy laughing behind me and 43 other guys walking up to me, as I turned to face them, I saw the weirdest but fun looking friend group, one had spiky black hair and was the tallest, the other one that was laughing at me had dreads and was a good 5 cm shorter..? then there where two shorter but a lot more buff looking guys one with long hair and one with short black hair, I look at them and put my hands crossed over my chest angrily.
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"what you laughing at huh?!" I say angrily at the dreadlock guy as he smirks down at me.
"We could care more, but we misheard your little huffing about not having a ride, we can drive you" the short-haired buff man said.
I started to think, they are 4 guys..... I shouldn't go with them but I don't have a ride, and for sure I won't in a long time, fuck it the worst could happen that they kill me.
"mhh your offer sounds nice...ye ye, fine I will come with you all"
I say as I look at the dreaded man as he winked at the taller one and then said to the long haired buffed man.
"yo Georg, show the girl where the car is" then Georg showed me the way to the car and waited with me inside.
"soooo.. your name is Georg right?" I tried to start a convo with him.
"mhm whats your name??"
"y/n but call me n/n," I said to him with a little smile, he seemed kind,
"mhm nice name, by the way, where are you heading to?" he asked, of course, he asked.
"haha well about that-"
"You're a runner, am I right?" he said with a slight smirk.
"haha well...yeah you got me" I laughed, and he started laughing with me, then we started talking and he introduced me to the others and I found out who everyone is. Then they came in and Tom said.
"so where are we driving you?" But when I wanted to answer Georg answered
"she is staying with us" We all looked at him and then everyone looked at me.
"I mean I don't think anyone minds but, I'm curious why??" Said Bill looking at me. Then Georg answered again for me, this guy really started to take a liking for me, maybe we will be great friends. As I was thinking I didn't realize Gustav asking me a question then Tom started to wave his hand in front of my face.
"heyyyy!! Gustav here asked you something, are you deaf?? Yo Georg did you make her deaf with your stupidity?" Tom laughed making everyone laugh.
"sorry Gustav, what was your question??" I asked as I slightly smiled at him.
"um, why did you run?"
"oh well, it might sound stupid, but I wanted to live my life...!" I say while looking at him.
"well we are doing the same, don'-" Bill got interrupted by his brother.
"come live with us! we live off the money we make by singing in our band! we could need a girl in our band, don't you think guys? she has a good voice, Bill could teach her how to sing if she doesn't know!!" everyone got exited as I did too.
"well I would love to stay with you guys, anyway I don't have anywhere to go so yes I would love to sing with you all!!" after that, Gustav started making jokes with Tom while Bill drove and Georg continued to tell me about their lives. I don't know how, but I managed to find some nice people and I'm happy that I accepted to go with them, I might actually fulfill my dream!
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Heyy my painting kits 🖌!!!! I decided to start writing for Tokio hotel too!!!
please ask me to write anything!! and I absolutely will!
I write to all the members (Tom, Bill, Gustav and Georg)
BTW!! I write for skz and txt too!!
here are the rules(they are identic to the tokio hotel ones)
and master list of course!!
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
idk if you’ve heard the song toxic by kehlani but maybe you could write something based off that song where a tipsy y/n calls up her on and off ex (grayson) to come over 👀 i love your writing btw
It’s already late when your best friend Fallon knocks sharply on the front door of your apartment. You had texted her not even half an hour ago, all up in your feels after you saw Grayson’s Snapchat story of him and some friends at the beach, an unfamiliar and pretty blonde girl tucked under his arm in one of the photos. She had responded immediately, letting you know she was on her way.
Feet clad in your fuzzy pink slippers, the strings of Grayson’s old hoodie keeping the hood cinched around your face tightly, you heave yourself off your comfy couch and trudge over to the front door to let her in. When you swing it open, she’s standing there with her hands full with her purse in one and an obvious brown paper bag in the other.
You stand aside silently, letting her pass the threshold and dump her shit on the kitchen island. “You didn’t have to bring alcohol, Fal, you know I don’t drink like that anymore.”
“Exactly,” Fallon deadpans, whipping out the bottle from the bag. “You stopped drinking because of Grayson Dolan. I think you owe it to yourself to let yourself start drinking because of him, too.”
You push the hood off your head and take the blue bottle from her when she offers it to you. Your brows raise. “You bought me Don Julio to cry over my ex? Isn't this, like, $50 for a bottle?”
Fallon waves a hand dismissively. “That’s exactly why I got it; you’re not gonna cry over your ex. Wine of any kind is crying juice. Vodka makes you a dumb bitch, and bottom shelf tequila makes you cry, a dumb bitch, and a ho. You need the good stuff, so we can bring out the bad bitch. Who can talk about her ex, get it all out, without crying again, or texting him, or posting a thirst trap.”
You roll your eyes. “That was only one time I accidentally sent you that nude instead of Grayson. And we were still together, so it didn't count as being a ho. I was just giving my boyfriend good spank bank material.”
Fallon is already rummaging through your cabinets, in search of the nearly-forgotten shot glasses. “Babe, you know I support every woman’s right to be a ho as much as she wants, especially after a breakup, but this is Grayson we’re talking about. You two were so into each other, it was toxic. You fought all the time, and by your own admission fixed everything with sex. You’re addicted, and as your best friend, I’m inserting myself here to keep you from talking to him anymore.”
She turns around, two little glasses in hand, and looks at you then the bottle in your hands pointedly. You give in and pull out the stopper and the Don Julio Blanco to her. 
“Now, I’m not gonna get you drunk. But we’re gonna get enough in you to loosen up that tongue, you’re gonna get all your Grayson shit out before I leave, and we’re gonna go to bed happy and feeling better,” she says matter-of-factly, pouring the clear liquid into the glasses. She hands one of them to you. “Cheers, bitch.”
Right before you clink and tap, Fallon’s phone buzzes. She leans over to check it where it’s resting on the counter, and her eyes widen. “Shit...”
“What?” you ask concernedly. Fallon puts down her glass and starts typing madly.
“It’s my downstairs neighbor. She said Roxy’s been barking for nearly an hour straight and she’s gonna file another noise complaint if I don’t get there to let her out.” She stops for a moment and looks at you. “Shit. I’ll get evicted if I get another one. Like actually evicted.”
Fallon’s dog Roxy has serious attachment issues, which is usually extremely annoying, but right now you're thanking her. You love Fallon to death, but this isn’t exactly the friend therapy you needed or expected when you called her up to come over. 
“Dude, go! I promise I’m fine. I don’t need to worry about you being homeless on top of my shit.”
“Okay. I’m sorry, babe, I promise I’ll FaceTime you as soon as I’m home.” She’s gathering her things, leaving the tequila open on the counter. “Make good choices, please. Love you!”
“Love you!” you call out behind her as she rushes through the door.
The door slams, and it leaves a ringing silence almost as loud as your best friend. You look around at your suddenly empty apartment, your eyes landing on the still-full shot glasses.
What the hell? You snatch one of them off the counter and down it with a grimace. Admittedly, it was the best tequila you’ve ever had, but it’s still tequila. The burn travels down your esophagus and settles in your near-empty belly. The sensation reminds you that you’ve hardly eaten today, and one shot was probably more than enough considering your lack of food and the fact that you’ve probably reverted to being an extreme lightweight after not drinking for so long. 
You and Grayson have barely been broken up for a month, and despite how hard it’s been, you haven't been tempted to touch more than a glass of wine or an occasional Whiteclaw if the stress of the day was too much. But it never felt right to have more. Grayson is still a part of you, even though that’s part of the reason you broke up to begin with. The two of you were becoming codependent on each other, which was turning into jealousy and neediness that built up into huge, explosive fights and ended with you fucking on whatever surface was nearest.
It was, indeed, a vicious, toxic cycle. Even though you tell yourself it’s for the best, you also can’t shake the feeling that the two of you aren’t done. That there’s still hope for your relationship, especially now that you’ve spent time apart.
Fallon’s tactics have backfired as you stomp back to the couch and snatch your phone off the cushion. Julio has given you the liquid courage you need to do exactly what Fallon told you not to.
I miss u
A classic. You wish you had it in you to be more creative, but the simple truth of it is: you do miss him. You miss his laugh. You miss his smell. You miss coming home to him, either here or at his house, after a long day. You miss his kisses. You miss his dick. 
There’s little shame for yourself in admitting that. You used it to solve your problems, but you were blind to that before the breakup. Everything is more clear now, especially the fact that you still love him deeply. 
Suddenly, your phone starts buzzing. You don’t even look at the caller ID, assuming it’s Fallon calling impatiently from her car. 
The deep voice on the other end of the phone startles you, and you hold it away from your face to see his name in big, white letters. No longer ‘Gray’ with some heart emojis, but ‘Grayson Dolan.’
You swallow hard and put the phone back to your ear. “Uh, hi, Hey.”
There’s a beat of silence before he speaks again. “I, uh, got your text.”
You don’t say anything, picking at a piece of fluff on your slipper.
“I miss you too. Like, a lot. Too much.”
You bite your lip tightly, chewing it nervously. You hadn’t expected him to fucking call. Calling and texting had two very different vibes. Over text, you would probably say something cute and calm and ask if the two of you could get coffee tomorrow.
But a call? You can hear his voice for the first time in weeks. It makes you want to jump through the phone and wrap him in your arms, to cry in his chest -- from happiness or sadness, you’re not sure. Either way, this is the closest you’ve felt to him in so long, and it makes you weak.
Grayson may be loud, but he’s good at shutting up when he wants an answer. It’s one of the things that drove you most crazy when you fought. He’d yell his piece, then stare at you until you had a retort. Sometimes you did, sometimes you didn't; you were always both at fault, for the most part. 
You take a deep breath and find your voice at last. “Me too. I...I haven’t been doing so great. Without you.”
She hears him sigh. “Me neither.” He pauses, and you wait anxiously. “Look, I’ll be honest. I was with Ethan when I got your text and he...well, he doesn’t think it’s a good idea that I called you. Or that we’re talking to each other, period.”
He leaves his sentence hanging, almost like an open-ended question without phrasing it as such. You can't stop the laugh from bubbling past your lips as you shake your head. “Fallon was just over at my place and said the same thing. So that either makes us really fucking stupid, or our best friends just don’t understand.”
“Famous last words, either way,” Grayson chuckled with you. You can hear crickets chirping in the background, and imagine he’s sitting outside by the pool. The two of you used to like to do that together.
You decide to follow his example and head out to your balcony, plopping down in one of the plastic chairs with your knees tucked to your chest. “What do you think about us talking, then?”
He doesn't miss a beat. “I think I miss you. And I love you. And I know I fucked up a lot, but I’ve been actually reflecting on everything that was wrong with us and I think I know now what I can do better. This time apart has been really fucking hard, but I think it was a good thing. For me, anyways.”
Your lip finds its way between your teeth again. You clamp it hard to hold back the shake in your voice. “Me too, Gray. I wasn’t perfect by any means, either. But as long as we both know what we need to work on, I want to try again if you do.”
“I do want that,” Grayson sighs, relief flooding his voice. He laughs that laugh you missed so much. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. I’ve been driving E crazy having these meltdowns all the time thinking about how I fucked up so bad that I wouldn’t ever get you back.”
You smile into your knees, and decide in that moment to risk it for the sake of your biscuit, which throbs at the mere thought and sound of him. “Is it too early to mention that I miss all of you?”
“Careful, or I might think you only want me back for my body.”
“I mean, I definitely had to use my imagination a few times without the real thing. I only had to think of you, though. How good you fuck me.”
This right here is probably where the tequila is coming in to play. Fallon was wrong again; you’re about to go Full Ho, having phone sex with your kind-of ex.
His breath picks up nearly imperceptibly, but you can also hear the smirk in his voice. “How many times did I make you squirt in the tiny house shed that one time, baby? That was so hot.”
“Mm, it was so good, Gray. I remember you had to carry me inside to your bed because I couldn’t walk. And then you fucked me nice and hard on your bed.” A rush of wetness floods your panties, and you squeeze your thighs together. “You came all in my mouth that night. I miss how your cum tastes.”
“Fuck,” he whispers. “Can I come over?”
You hesitate. You think of Fallon, of Ethan, of Don Julio. Of Grayson.
“Yes. Please.”
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vivithefolle · 3 years
“Oh great, it’s the Harry stans again” I’m a wolfstar stan my dude
“So Harry’s desire is a family” yes, and what comes with having a family? Love, also Harry didn’t have his found family yet, just a few friends, and he can have his found family and still want his parents
Fred and George don’t bully him, they tease him like all big brothers do. And Ron went to them when “Scabbers” “died” so he doesn’t hate being vulnerable in front of them
“Let’s think deeper than just “hurr durr rawn wants powur” That is why though. Even at the end of DH he says “the unbeatable wand, Harry?!” Meaning he wants it for its power and is shocked Harry doesn’t
Also, Harry didn’t tell Ron to go with him to save Malfoy, and he only wanted Ron to come to the Ministry because he didn’t want to put his friends in danger. The only reason he was ok with Ron going is that Ron said he would. Why do you think Harry and hermione are selfish and don’t deserve him? That ain’t true
Harry got glimpses in to Voldy cause thats influence. Harry can’t be controlled because he is so full of the “force (Voldy) detests”. It is said multiple times that’s why. And he is so “purely and strongly” associated with love. It’s what makes Harry, Harry. Despite what he’s been through, he remains “pure of heart” as Dumbledore put it, he sacrifices himself and it sets off a protection charm for everyone, he tries to save Voldy, etc. and we do see it shown from him more than Ron. I could bring up countless examples but I’ll just leave it at: Harry felt bad for Hagrid when Aragon died and wanted to be there for Hagrid, despite Aragon nearly eating him. Ron did not. I love your blog btw, I just don’t agree with you on this lol
I’m a wolfstar stan my dude 
Ah yes, Wolfstar, the pairing where one guy weaponized his friend’s most important, life-changing secret in order to play a “prank” that could have ended in manslaughter, because the one guy gave his friend’s feelings as much consideration as a plastic bag’s. Also said guy later believed that said friend could be a traitor. A love story for the ages surely.
“So Harry’s desire is a family” yes, and what comes with having a family? Love, also Harry didn’t have his found family yet, just a few friends, and he can have his found family and still want his parents 
Yes. And Ron’s desire is also tied around love. Because Ron believes that he needs to accomplish things to stand out and be “worthy” of loving. That’s his whole thing during the entire books, that’s what drives him to sometimes put his foot in his mouth up to his thigh and make stupid mistakes, because he’s trying to earn love, he’s going out of his way to earn the love of his friends when they already love him but are just pants at showing it.
Fred and George don’t bully him, they tease him like all big brothers do. And Ron went to them when “Scabbers” “died” so he doesn’t hate being vulnerable in front of them 
Fred and George absolutely bullied Ron. That’s just fact. Look at Order of the Phoenix, look at how they treat him through the books. Fred and George may be popular characters but as big brothers they are AWFUL.
And who’s to say Ron went directly to them? We see them “““comfort”““ Ron but maybe Ron was just sitting with Harry and Ginny and lamenting Scabbers’ death then Fred and George came in and decided to add their five cents. Also in spite of how horrible Fred and George can be to him Ron still loves and admires them greatly - case in point, how he still trusted them about the bogus spell to turn Scabbers yellow.
“Let’s think deeper than just “hurr durr rawn wants powur” That is why though. Even at the end of DH he says “the unbeatable wand, Harry?!” Meaning he wants it for its power and is shocked Harry doesn’t 
Yeah, because Ron’s pragmatic still. Imagine what you could do with such a powerful wand. What’s the point of the Invisibility Cloak when you have a super-powerful wand that may cast the best Invisibility Charm ever? How about enchanting stuff with that wand? What of that wand’s ability to heal people? Imagine all you could do if you had that thing up your sleeve.
Also, Harry didn’t tell Ron to go with him to save Malfoy
No he didn’t. Ron turned back of his own will. Because Ron loved Harry and was willing to endanger not only his life, but also the one of the woman he loved, to save Harry from a fiery death trap. Ron chose to go back because he knew Harry was gonna try to save everyone like the idiot martyr he is.
he only wanted Ron to come to the Ministry because he didn’t want to put his friends in danger. 
You greatly overestimate Harry’s niceness.
Harry’s  eyes  met  Ron’s.  He  knew  that  Ron  was  thinking  exactly  what he was: If he could have chosen any members of the D.A. in ad-dition  to  himself,  Ron,  and  Hermione  to  join  him  in  the  attempt  to  rescue Sirius, he would not have picked Ginny, Neville, or Luna. - Order of the Phoenix
He’s not thinking that because he’s nice and ~doesn’t want to put them in danger uwu~: he’s thinking that because he thinks Ginny, Neville and Luna aren’t good enough to rescue Sirius. To be fair, that’s also quite pragmatic: Neville has indeed great trouble with magic due to his father’s wand, and Luna has never participated in an adventure to fight Voldemort, while Ginny’s participation was that of his victim.
Why do you think Harry and hermione are selfish and don’t deserve him? That ain’t true 
Because yes, that’s true. They’re fundamentally self-absorbed. Part of it is teenage immaturity, of course, and Ron can be similarly self-centred, but Harry is often going around thinking “me me me”. Like, when Arthur Weasley got bitten by Nagini he was thinking about how he was going to look crazy if he said he dreamed he was the snake, what the fuck Harry.
Similarly, Hermione often prioritizes herself and her feelings above Ron’s. She treats Harry very delicately because poor wee Harry is a poor orphan and that’s so sad but she has no such qualms with Ron since she doesn’t realize that his baggage amounts to a little more than just “I feel overshadowed by everyone that came before me”: it’s legit “I feel that nobody will ever love me because who’d care for a loser like me when there are all those great people around me?”. To be fair Hermione is not a psychologist, and she’s not under obligation to help Ron cope with his feelings, but when you’re friends with someone you usually try to support them a bit.
Look at how Harry and Hermione reacted to the bullying campaign against Ron in OOTP. Not. One. Fucking. Thing. Ron left to trudge alone in the snow for maybe hours after his first match, and they didn’t fucking try to find him, they stayed holed up in the common room, just staring at each other and feeling sorry for themselves. I don’t know if it’s a Brit thing to leave a friend alone with their own dark thoughts for company after a terrible public humiliation but it’s certainly not a good friend thing.
Harry got glimpses in to Voldy cause thats influence. Harry can’t be controlled because he is so full of the “force (Voldy) detests”. It is said multiple times that’s why. And he is so “purely and strongly” associated with love. It’s what makes Harry, Harry. Despite what he’s been through, he remains “pure of heart” as Dumbledore put it, he sacrifices himself and it sets off a protection charm for everyone
Yeah because bullshit plot device magic blah blah blah, really it ain’t shit. It’s mostly an excuse. Because how offensive it is to imagine that had Harry just gone to Voldemort a bit earlier, then the “““Love Charm”““ would save everyone? Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Colin, had Harry moved his fucking ass and just surrendered he’d have saved them all. Hell, when you already consider that the Battle of Hogwarts happened at Hogwarts because fucking Harry absolutely HAD to be the one to get one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes you see, couldn’t have summoned Kreacher and asked him to search the place, couldn’t have remained hidden and entrusted the other students with the search, nooo, absolutely HAD to go to Hogwarts aka the place where every child is held hostage by a fascist government that could decide to kill them all for “hiding Undesirable Number One in their midst so they deserved their fate”... Genius move Harry, truly. +50 people dead thanks to you, fucking dumbass.
he tries to save Voldy, 
Um, not really, he just told Vold to try and feel some remorse. Then bullshit space magic about the Elder Wand so Harry is technically not a murderer because he just Disarmed his opponent, you see, he’s still pure yall, cause killing someone quickly and painlessly (= Avada Kedavra) is worse than torture (= Crucio), ysee?
Harry felt bad for Hagrid when Aragon died and wanted to be there for Hagrid, despite Aragon nearly eating him. Ron did not.
............................... um, no.
“Hagrid!”  cried  Hermione,  leaping  up,  hurrying  around  the  table  the  long  way  to  avoid  the  barrel of maggots, and putting an arm around his shaking shoulders. “What is it?”  “It’s...him...”  gulped  Hagrid,  his  beetle-black  eyes  streaming  as  he  mopped  his  face  with  his  apron. “It’s...Aragog...I think he’s dyin’...He got ill over the summer an’ he’s not gettin’ better... I don’ know what I’ll do if he...if he...We’ve bin tergether so long...”  Hermione patted Hagrid’s shoulder, looking at a complete loss for anything to say. Harry knew how  she  felt.  He  had  known  Hagrid  to  present  a  vicious  baby  dragon  with  a  teddy  bear,  seen  him  croon  over  giant  scorpions  with  suckers  and  stingers,  attempt  to  reason  with  his  brutal  giant  of  a  half-brother, but this was perhaps the most incomprehensible of all his monster fancies: the gigantic talking spider, Aragog, who dwelled deep in the Forbidden Forest and which he and Ron had only narrowly escaped four years previously.  “Is there — is there anything we can do?” Hermione asked, ignoring Ron’s frantic grimaces and head-shakings.  “I  don’  think  there  is,  Hermione,”  choked  Hagrid,  attempting  to  stem  the  flood  of  his  tears.  “See, the rest o’ the tribe...Aragog’s family...they’re gettin’ a bit funny now he’s ill...bit restive...”  “Yeah, I think we saw a bit of that side of them,” said Ron in an undertone.  “...I  don’  reckon  it’d  be  safe  fer  anyone  but  me  ter  go  near  the  colony  at  the  mo’,”  Hagrid  finished, blowing his nose hard on his apron and looking up. “But thanks fer offerin’, Hermione...It means a lot.”  After  that,  the  atmosphere  lightened  considerably,  for  although  neither  Harry  nor  Ron  had  shown any inclination to go and feed giant grubs to a murderous, gargantuan spider, Hagrid seemed to take it for granted that they would have liked to have done and became his usual self once more. - Half-Blood Prince
“Excellent,” he said. “Really excellent. Right...I’m going down to Hagrid’s.”  “What?” said Ron and Hermione together, looking aghast.  “No, Harry — you’ve got to go and see Slughorn, remember?” said Hermione.  “No,”  said  Harry  confidently.  “I’m  going  to  Hagrid’s,  I’ve  got  a  good  feeling  about  going  to  Hagrid’s.”  “You’ve got a good feeling about burying a giant spider?” asked Ron, looking stunned.  “Yeah,”  said  Harry,  pulling  his  Invisibility  Cloak  out  of  his  bag.  “I  feel  like  it’s  the  place  to  be  tonight, you know what I mean?”  “No,” said Ron and Hermione together, both looking positively alarmed now.  “This  is  Felix  Felicis,  I  suppose?”  said  Hermione  anxiously,  holding  up  the  bottle  to  the  light.  “You haven’t got another little bottle full of — I don’t know —”  “Essence of Insanity?” suggested Ron, as Harry swung his cloak over his shoulders.  Harry laughed, and Ron and Hermione looked even more alarmed.  “Trust me,” he said. “I know what I’m doing...or at least” he strolled confidently to the door — “Felix does.” - Half-Blood Prince
Harry doesn’t want to go to Hagrid’s out of the goodness and lurve of his heart. He’s going because it’s convenient. Because Felix Felicis.
Harry really isn’t anything special. Anyone with basic math skills can realize that dying to save possibly hundreds of people is better than you living and possibly hundreds dying. That’s nothing to do with purity of the heart or shit, that’s just math.
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Why marvel fans love Pepper but hate gwyneth? Someone on twitter said she was the most unrelatable celeb ever and in a magazine, people labeled her the most hated woman on earth. Did she do something problematic? Or she a Trump supporter?
You know, years ago I was kinda curious as to why everyone hated her so much. She's listed as Hollywood's most hated actress too. She's always on one of those lists. 
Why Do So Many People Hate Gwyneth Paltrow?
Gwyneth Paltrow is perfectly aware of how obnoxious she can seem
Gwyneth Paltrow responds to that time a magazine named her The Most Hated Celebrity in the World
Why does everyone hate Gwyneth Paltrow?
Gwyneth Paltrow on Being the Most Hated Celebrity
And the list goes on.
Some people think she practices some dangerous spiritual teachings and she's giving people the wrong information. They also think she heavily promotes and sells questionable things that could be potentially dangerous. In some sense, this is true because medical professionals have been asked to check the products over. The majority of them say the products are not backed up by science and state that these items are actually dangerous. I think that she looks like a scammer in the eyes of other people because she sometimes falsely advertises her business and products. 
Some others say her cosmetics are way overpriced and really bad for your skin. I heard a drama about some healing stickers, etc. As a spiritual person myself, I can't really judge that much until I see her Netflix show so I can't really agree or disagree in this matter.
About the other things. After doing some investigation, I found out the real reason. At first, I thought it was some quirky personality trait but then I saw most of her interviews, press conferences, and her business promos. She's not a bad person but she's definitely a little out of touch. I'm guessing because she grew up in a wealthy environment, she rules out some stuff when talking about sensitive topics. I take her as a "Paris Hilton, Kim K, and Mariah Carey" personality type, you know? Like, she puts up on a funny sophisticated diva-like personality but she's different in private. It’s funny because some people hate her but have no problems buying Kylie’s overpriced products either. I buy their products, mostly because I love skincare and makeup but you don’t see me hating on them. 
I once saw a comment under one of her interviews saying: ‘and after watching this you think this woman is not married to Tony Stark?’ hahahahah. And gotta say, she's really funny lmaooo the other day I saw her in her youtube cooking show section (part of the Goop brand, I guess), she was doing holiday snacks. She started saying that anyone could do the ‘simple’ recipes at home and that they were practical or something like that. After saying that, you'd think she was about to do some Christmas cookies or some family recipe, instead, she put caviar on a chip and put the ‘snack’ on a fancy white plate lmaooooooooo I died and went to heaven. You can imagine the rest of the ‘holiday snacks’ that followed after that one. I'm not exactly rich as hell but let's just say I'm doing great with my finances thanks to my job (I thank God for that every day) so I'm usually around people like her, and this is why I can tell she's not a bad person, just out of touch. And what do I mean by that? Let me give you an example, after doing her ‘holiday snack lmao’ she started talking about how caviar is not necessarily expensive, she said that you don't exactly have to sell a limb to buy it and proceeded to say that she always serves the same thing at parties and that it's easy and practical to make. You get what I mean? For her, it's not a problem because she can afford it but for others, of course, it is. These kinds of comments come off as self-absorbed for other people. 
Another one, let's just put the children's hospital example this time, any other person would bring toys, medical support, or coloring books, someone like Gwyneth would bring expensive silk pillows, salty crackers, or scented vanilla candles lmao. I'm not saying she's doing it on purpose, I think she's not aware she's doing something inaccessible for others because she's always in that mindset/environment. For her, it's not something harmful. Same with the avengers thing, you have Tom Holland saying ‘thank you’ and ‘I'm lucky to be here’ every five seconds when talking about his experience in the franchise, Robert saying he wouldn't be where he is without the amazing actors surrounding him; always making sure to give them an opportunity to shine, Elizabeth Olsen moved to tears when a fan tells her that Wanda is her daily inspiration, Don Cheadle talking about how the Avengers movies have been the experience of a lifetime and how fortunate he is to be part of something so big. Gwyneth, on the other side, forgets she was even in the movies, gives spoilers without a filter in a movie that is the result of 11 years of hard work about her and Tony's characters (this is how I found out Morgan was real btw like months before the movie even if I also suspected they were going to do this years ago), and forgets her co-stars names to the point they have to reintroduce themselves to her LMFAO I get that the marvel franchise is not her entire life and focus, but I think you get the point I'm trying to make. Or, she could be doing this on purpose to troll her haters. 
She always does that. With everything. You just have to watch some of her interviews and you're going to be able to tell.
Someone on twitter said she was the most unrelatable celeb ever
Some people get mad when their fave turns out to be different in real life. Those people can't separate the fictional character from the actor/actress. Of course, she's not going to be like Pepper, I get that but some stans irrationally hate her for practically breathing. I understand that some of her opinions and actions seem a little materialistic and pretentious but she's not attacking anyone in particular. It's annoying? Sure, sometimes. Who wants to hear someone talk about their wealthy lifestyle when discussing sensitive or normal topics? No one. People love someone who they can relate to but you gotta understand Gwyneth is not doing it because she thinks she's better than you. That's just how her lifestyle is. Waaaay different than ours. The same applies to the other actors. You really think we're closer to having Zendaya's lifestyle only because we can relate to some of her jokes, because she wears baggy hipster clothes or because she uses less expensive skincare products for a ‘go to bed with me’ harper's bazaar video? (I love those videos btw lmao) No sweetheart, after doing an interview or those vids, they get escorted by their private security guards to the limo/expensive car waiting for them with a chauffeur ready to drive them to a photoshoot with vogue. Is that your typical Tuesday? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Or that we're one and the same with Sebastian Stan because he eats burgers on Thursdays and watches Rick and Morty in pajamas? (no idea if this is true, just an example) No. Of course not. They're celebrities, they get paid for showing their faces to the public. A simple statement out of them can make people talk about them for days. A simple selfie can turn into a Twitter trend. They're human? Sure, we have to respect that 100% but their lifestyle is totally different and this is something we should be aware of too. So we can't really expect Gwyneth to act just like us. I'm sure most of us would act the same as her if we were born in gold and caviar.
I once defended her in a YouTube comment section and some dudebro got angry at me and called me an ‘obsessive pepper x tony’ fan. *stares at the camera like in the office* I don't even ship pepperony lmaooooo
And I don’t know if she’s a Trump supporter, I’m going to dig around to see if this is true. 
So there you go, that's my opinion. And no, I don't care if you agree or not (this is not for you, op) it's an opinion, chill.
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fooliery · 3 years
pregame ouma headcanon masterpost
first off, my pregame ouma is NOT the shy weepy type. there's literally nothing wrong with this interpretation i just take mine in a different direction and i think that's important to keep in mind. i’m basically asking you to put your preconceptions aside for this post.
warning for self harm (though not gone into too much detail) mentioned under the cut
typically, when i write overall pregame headcanons, i tend to try and keep some semblance of their ingame self (with maybe certain traits downplayed or exaggerated) the way they are in canon; pregame akamatsu claims she wants to be a protagonist (someone people can trust and see themselves in), pregame saihara has a nervous disposition similar to ch1 saihara, and pregame momota has a fierce determination reflected in his ingame character arc. they’re similar but not the same.
pregame ouma is his in game self’s flaws put under a magnifying glass. he’s a horrible, compulsive liar who will lie to himself to the point where he loses grip on who he really is. he provokes people because it’s a hobby, he thinks of himself as the only one who knows what’s best for everyone, he overthinks and often times he’ll mock others and hurt their feelings because it’s the “greater good”. above all else, he has a dangerous ego reflected in his ingame self. he’s a coward, he’s a hypocrite, he’s haughty.
his biggest flaw, especially in the world of team danganronpa, is his empathy. he cares for other people, sees the way they hurt others and get joy out of it, and is in turn disgusted. he believes that everyone can change for the better, which is why he despises the people around him. it turns him into a bitter and cynical husk of himself, where he’ll attack others (almost exclusively verbally) to take out his frustrations on the nonsensical way their world works. everywhere you turn, there are people smiling at the suffering of others. it’s a sickening thing. he’ll provoke people into attacking him as both a form of self harm and to instate his control over people who could so easily kill him for entertainment; if they let words affect them, they’re no better than him.
this means he does have a softer spot also reflected in his ingame self, but pregame ouma is so terrified of it being taken advantage of in their current society he’ll deny and lie about it ever existing to the point where even he believes it. instead of laughing and joking around and spending his past time pranking others, pregame ouma is so bitter he turns to internet forums, where he argues with people he sees lower than him just to rile them up, resulting in his numerous doxxings (which in and of itself is another form of self harm).
regarding him working for team danganronpa: he’s such a cynic he sees no way for the world to change after the damage danganronpa has wrought on it. this drives him into desperation: he auditions as an escape where either he dies for good or even if he survives, it’s as a completely different person. his work posing as his ingame self for interviews and the like is a “ends justifies the means” situation, plus it pays his rent and means he gets to live away from his parents. when he isn’t lashing out at people since he’s, you know, in a business situation, he’s just sort of quiet, does his work, and then immediately leaves for home. likewise, because of his doxxings, he does anonymous work where his ingame self’s name isn’t revealed: instead, he goes by his DICE codename “joker” and dons his DICE mask everywhere he goes, both for suspense and to protect his identity.
although he’s a bitter person, he still has that soft spot mentioned from earlier where he can’t help but empathize with others. an example of this is his interactions with my pregame kiibo (which others do not have to adhere to btw im just using him to illustrate a point): kiibo is reprogrammed into this completely subservient and complacent robot servant for team danganronpa’s purposes, as it’s convenient and they can just load in his true personality shortly before the game starts anyways. it’s kind of hard for ouma to conceptualize kiibo is literally programmed into having nearly no personality, opinions, or feelings: kiibo sports a human face, walks and talks like a human, and even if people say that he’s nothing more than a glorified computer, ouma can’t help but try to break the ice with chit chat and eke some kind of opinion out of him. kiibo looks like a human, ergo, it’s hard for him to conceptualize kiibo doesn’t behave like one either. it’s probably one of the few times he’ll let his guard down enough to extend kindness to someone else and part of that is due to the fact that despite kiibo’s ties to danganronpa, he poses like someone who isn’t normalized into the commodification of violence the way most others are.
tldr: pregame ouma is like ingame ouma but if he stopped being/pretending to be happy and took a nosedive STRAIGHT into cynicsville
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capsiclesteebrogers · 4 years
Redemption Arc Done Right
Okay, here is the post that nobody asked for, but I decided to make it either way. I already made a short post about how I think The Weeping Monk’s arc is similar to Jaime Lannister’s but now I will elaborate because it bogs my mind still.
If you haven’t finished watching the show I recommend you don;t read it because I will give spoilers. So read it on your own risks.
So as I previously stated, The Weeping Monk reminded me heavily of Jaime Lannister from GOT and the similarities poped up episode after episode which made me think that his arc may be similar to Jaime and that it would make a lot of sense to be like that. Let me present to you my arguments.
1) Looking alike
What striked me first was how similar Lancelot (that’s The Weeping Monk’s real name) is to Jaime in terms of appereance. This may be personal, but I doubt I am the only who looked at both of them and saw how alike in features they are. They both have dirty blonde hair (Lancelot keeps his in a man bun but the writers were cowards and didn’t let Jaime have a man bun as well), a sharp jawline, a beard (although Lancelot’s is not as long as Jaime’s) and a slim but muscular figure. I will insert two pictures here so you can see for yourself (I have taken them from Google Images and don’t know who originally posted them).
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SEE WHAT I MEAN? The resemblence is right here! I especially thought they looked similar when Lancelot fought the evil paladins and he got a bit bloody and it reminded me of when Jaime was Robb’s prisoner.
2) The Red Paladins aka Lannister Army
This may not be very obvious, but if you rewatch the last episode of Cursed (Season 1, Episode 10: The Sacrifice) and look at the Red Paladins’ tents you’ll see what I’m talking about. Now, their tents are white and the Lannister’s are red but the Paladins have red associated with them throughout the show. Look at this and tell me it doesn’t resemble the Paladins’ army.
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Maybe it’s just me but it’s oddly familiar. I also say the Paladins’ resemble the Lannister army because Father Cardan’s relationship with Lancelot is somewhat similar to Tywin’s relationship with Jaime. They both expect their “sons” to live up to their expectations and be perfect soldiers. And yet both Jaime and Lancelot stand out and don’t fit in the crowd. Jaime because he cares about the innocent people and wishes to no longer be seen as Kingslayer and Lancelot because he’s actually fey and “damned”. They try to please the people who are above them but don’t seem to be enough. 
Jaime eventually escapes his abusive family (don’t try to tell me they weren’t) much like Lancelot escaped the Paladins and is set on a different path.
3) Reveal of name
This was the moment that clicked for me and I saw clearly how the two characters are similar. When Lancelot reveals his name to Squirrel (”Lancelot. A long time ago my name was Lancelot”) it reminded me of the moment when Jaime told Brienne his name. They are both with people who don’t really like them and in a moment of weakness they reveal something personal to them. When Jaime told Brienne his name after she called him Kingslayer (”Jaime. My name’s Jaime.”, btw Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s acting in this scene is superb) he wanted to finally escaped the nickname that was given to him and I think this is the moment where Lancelot shows his humanity and perhaps wishes to no longer be seen as The Weeping Monk.
4) Resented by their own people
Yet another similarity is the fact that both characters are resented by their people. Jaime is resented by the people of Westeros because he killed Aerys “The Mad King” Targaryen by driving a sword through his back and gained the nickname Kingslayer and Lancelot is resented and hated by the fey because he associates himself with the Red Paladins and wants to exterminate them and in return he gained the name, The Weeping Monk. 
We know that Jaime wants to get rid of his title as Kinglsayer because it doesn’t represent what he stand for and even though we did not see it yet, I do believe that Lancelot will want to escape his given name. I would even say (as stated above) that him revealing his true name is a step towards that path.
Now that I have presented you with a few similarities between the two I can tell you that I think Lancelot’s arc will be similar to Jaime’s. He will go to serve a good queen who cares about her people (Jaime went to Sansa and Lancelot is going to Nimue) and atone for his mistakes (Jaime utlimately fought for the living and Lancelot will fight for the fey) and ultimately become an honorable man.
Him going to find Nimue resembles Jaime’s wish to go North, find and protect Sansa. Nimue also resembles Sansa to me because she is a queen chosen by her people, didn’t fit very well at the beggining, is concerned with the well-being of her people (the scene where Nimue discuses food and how to feed the fey reminded me of when Sansa talked to the lords about securing food for the North), so it would make sense for Lancelot to serve her and pledge to her cause.
I think it would make a lot more sense for his character to be a Knight for Nimue and a protector rather than a love interest. A good redemption arc takes time and developement and I don’t think a romance is necessary, especially not with Nimue. To me, it doesn’t make sense. I am also a bit tired of the “enemies turned lovers” trope and it bugs me the wrong way that people completely disregard Arthur and his importance in the plot (and how convenient that the fandom ignores the black love interest, hmm). So many people jumped onto this ship and I can’t for the life of me understand why.
I don’t deny the connections and similarities between Nimue and Lancelot but that doesn’t mean that they have to be romantically involved and “endgame”. I also think they may be siblings, mainly because of what Merlin said at one point about “his kin” to Nimue. I can’t remember from the top of my head what he said exactly, but he didn’t refer to her as “my daughter” or even “my child”, but “my kin” and it made me think that it implies that Nimue is not his only child. 
This was such a long post, but I had to make it because it has been on my mind for a couple of days. Let me know what you think about Lancelot’s arc and what are your theories because I am curious about what other people think.
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trickkombowerskru · 4 years
A Father’s Worst Nightmare-Henry Bowers X Daughter!Reader Imagine
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Request: Anonymous: Can you do an imagine where henry didn't kill anyone and had a family and his daughter (who would be like 16) is getting terrorized by it and something happens similar to beverly and henry comes to see what's wrong and is like really confused why shes talking about blood and a clown and then remembers what happened to him the reader would be his daughter btw if you don't want to do this that's completely fine with me or if you don't understand what I'm saying
A/N: Thank you for  being so patient with me anon, I know you sent his in before the Christmas event, but now it is here! Also yes it is still not new year’s for me on the west coast so I succeed in getting all the prompts done, but word of advice whatever you do don;t do a writing sprint of 30+ prompts in 2 and half days it will drive you a little crazy
Warnings: None
It wasn't easy being the daughter of a single parent in Derry, especially when you were the daughter of Henry Bowers. It wasn't like he didn't work his ass off to support both of you or that he wasn't a good dad. It's just being his kid for some years of your life and still to this day people expect you to act a certain way because of your dad's reputation around town as a kid. 
That being said he was a lot better now your mom had even him out a lot, so while his rage was still caged inside of him it wasn't nearly as much because of her and the fact that his own father was dead. You were thankful however that most people after meeting you and getting to know you quickly picked up you were nothing like him as a kid, sure you were tough and all, but you didn't go around making other kids lives a living hell. 
This could be said for any of the adults still here who were once his peers or victims when they were young they all expected you to go off, but soon enough you subverted that. It had been a long day you and your best friend Amy were getting some books for school, waiting to get all of them checked out.
"Okay girls remember your due date and good luck on your project."
"We will thanks Mr.Hanlon," you tell him before you leave and you two make your way back to your places.
You wanted to find some good points separately before meeting up to compare notes.
"Hey Dad," you greet seeing your father sitting at the table doing some kind of paperwork.
"Hey kiddo. What's with all the books?"
"Project for school, we have to do this presentation that needs like seven sources and only two of them can be digital, so Amy and I figured to find stuff first and then we dive into it."
"Well before you get too deep into those books what do you want for dinner?"
"Sounds good. Let me know when you start gettin' hungry."
You tell him you will and head to your room, putting the books on your small desk, and changing out of your school clothes. After a bit of researching you needed a bit of a pick me up, cold water always did the trick so you made your way to the bathroom.
Once you dry off your face you hear voices.
"H-Hello?"It sounded like they were coming from the sinking
"Y/N come float with us. We all float down here."
"Who are you?"
You get an array of names before a decaying hand comes out of sink, it starts pulling you near the drain and a large burst of blood covers you and the entire bathroom. 
You take the hand and shove your nails into it making disappear down the drain. Your scream alerts your dad and he comes rushing in.
"Y/N what's wrong!?"
"You don't see it?"
"See what?"
"All the blood."
"Blood!? Did you hurt yourself or something?"
"This is gonna sound insane, but I need you to promise you'll hear me out."
"Okay what happened."
"I was splashing some cold water on my face to wake me up a bit, and then I heard these voices"
"They came from the sink and they said something about floating and then this nasty looking hand was trying to pull me into the drain and then this large burst of blood just came out and covered everything."
"Floating?'" when he asks this you can see shock and realization hit his face like he knew what was going on.
"Did they uh say anything else? Or did you see something? Like a clown or uh a red balloon?"
"Why would I see a red balloon?"
He shakes his head and leans down, kneeling and cups your face.
"We'll clean this up later okay, just take a shower,I gotta make a call real quick alright."
You just nod. You scrub the blood off of yourself once you're changed you hear your dad in a panic on the phone.
"Listen Eric I don't give a shit if it’s closing time,I just need to Hanlon okay!"
You wondered what he needed to talk about with Mr.Hanlon.
"I think that fucking thing is back!....what do mean you know?....That thing nearly ruined my god damn life and now it just attacked my fucking kid I am not gonna let IT touch her......you called em?....later tonight?.....the Jade of Orient?.....Got it....yeah yeah I'll be there.....bye."
He turns back to look at you, digging in one of the miscellaneous drawers in the kitchen.
"Listen Bud the plan changed, I'll leave some money so you can order pizza, but I need to go to dinner tonight it's important. You can invite Amy over so you won't be by yourself, and if you see anything weird look it in the eye and I want you to say "Screw you I'm not afraid." Here's my old knife in case you need it, I"ll be back later. Love you be careful."
"Love you."
He practically runs out the door and you immediately call up Amy before ordering a pizza.Your dad comes home much later and thankfully it was a weekend so it didn't matter how long you were up and also you didn't see anything else. 
You both had started to fall asleep when the door opened you heard other voices with your dad's along including Mr.Hanlon's and another one that was familiar, but you couldn't quite place.
"No no way we should get the hell out of here before we become IT's next meal. Also what are we doing. Working with Bowers? After all he did to us? Come on guys let's ."
"You got a kid Trashmouth?" you hear your dad's voice go almost dark.
"Well I do she’s my entire god damn life and that fucking thing attacked her. I ain't gonna let it get her. So shut the fuck up for once and let's kill IT.,"he threatens.
"Wait you actually managed to find a wife?"
You hear you dad sigh not wanting to talk about your mother's death since it was only just a few years ago. You decide to break up the tension and then go out there.
"What're you still doin' up?"
"Well we were starting to fall asleep and then we heard the door."
Then your eyes widen as you see the rest of the group.
"Holy shit," you say when they land on Richie Tozier.
"Hi I'm Y/N I'm a big fan."
"Thanks. See Bowers you may never have liked my jokes, but your kid has taste."
"Shut up," he mutters.
As you scan the rest of the group you are also in awe of Beverly Marsh and Bill Denbrough
."I totally love you guys too, Beverly you and Tom's lines are amazing, and Bill aside from the endings I really love your books."
"How the hell is your daughter so nice?," a shorter man in a hoodie asks.
"Can it Wheezy," your dad chimes in.
"Okay what the hell is going on?," you ask.
Once they all explain the situation you are in utter shock.
"So....so that thing wanted to eat me......and IT likes it's when you're scared...so that's why you told me to tell IT I wasn't afraid."
"Exactly," your dad confirms.
After a few days of the group finding "tokens" for some weird ritual you go with them to defeat IT despite your dads protests. Everyone gets split off at one point, you getting flung with Richie and Eddie before getting completely split up.
You're in a white room and you see a bunch of what look like people suddenly combust into blood and guts, IT takes the form of the clown and inches slowly towards you. You feel terrified, but try to remember what your dad said.You stop looking IT dead in the eye.
"Screw you I'm not afraid."
You kick IT in the face and keep fighting IT until it turns onto a pile of mush. You find the way out, then run through the rickety house trying to find your dad.
"Dad? DAD?"
You frantically fling open doors until find him. You see your dad along with a younger version of him getting talked down to and beaten by his father. It kills you to see him in that much pain, feeling inside your pocket you grin. Your fingers curl around the blade,you sneak behind the "man" and jump on his back.
"Leave him alone you fucker!" 
you stab him in the back and then get blood spurted onto your face when you get him in the neck a few times. Your dad stands up and punches IT in the face he punches and punches until it fades away.
"Thanks Sweeheart," he says hugging you.
Once you get back with the group  defeat the clown, but not before your dad gets hurt in the process. He was trying to get you out of the way and one of IT's claws went right into his side. Thankfully if wasn't all the way through, like Eddie's wound, but it was bad. 
As the house crumbles down you try to run out, Richie and Mr.Hanlon carrying the very injured Eddie, while Ben and Bill helped your dad. Once you were out of the house, you all went to the quarry, to take care of the wounds, although shortly after that they had began to disappear along with scars on the group's hands.
You run and hug your dad, you thought for sure things were going to go south before you could save him.
"I thought I was gonna loose you," you cry.
"I'm right here Babygirl, I'm never leavin'." he tells you, pulling you closer.
After that you head home and to your surprise before you go, your dad actually apologizes to all he put them through as kids.
"It may be safe now, but I'm getting out of this town soon. I suggest you two do the same," Mr. Hanlon advises.
"We might, " your dad replies.
Later that night you sound cleaning up the bathroom finally, along with any little wounds you got from the rubble in the house. While the entire experience was terrifying, it brought you even closer to your dad. So in a very weird way, it was a good thing, and the strangest bonding exercise you could find.
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petri808 · 4 years
A Forgotten Email
Finale. I don’t think it’s as long as the first two parts, but has a New Years Eve twist 😊.   Happy New Year Everyone!
Part 1 Part 2  modern InuKag AU.  it’s a little rushed, but I really wanted to get this posted tonight.  
The rocky beginnings of their introduction were all but a distant memory for Inuyasha and Kagome.  It hadn’t gone from weeds to roses over night, but at least they got along now, and the relationship was a slow bloom in progress much to the delight of certain individuals.  Toga was pleased with Kagome as both an employee and possible love interest for his son.  The girl was smart, sweet, but feisty.  Now that they were on a good track, Toga backed off to watch from a distance.
“Everything���s been set up Toga,” Kagome began reading off her clipboard.  “Caterer, bartender, servers, decorating company, music, and invitations have gone out this morning.”
“Well done Kagome!” He sits back in his chair with a smile. “Our annual New Year’s Eve Gala has always been popular with our clients and employees, but with your skills, I believe this will be the best one yet!”
Kagome blushes. “You flatter me too much. I’m just doing my best.”
He chuckles, “I speak no lies. Over the years, I’ve had many secretaries, but you are in the top three.”
Her eyebrow raises, amused. “And it has nothing to do with me dating your son?”
Toga feigns shock, “of course not!”
She laughs, knowing that a tiny bit of it lays with that fact.  “Okay boss.  If that will be all, I’ll see you in the morning.”
“That would be all.”
In the two weeks leading up to the party, there were a lot of things to take care of for the business.  It was customary for the company to close from January 1st and reopen on the 4th to allow employees to celebrate according to tradition.  The party was to usher in good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year, but also kick start the short vacation.  Being closed for so many days, all orders needed to be filled, pending contracts taken care of, and end-of-year financial balancing completed.  Everyone was running around and working hard to get it all done.  
The one downside was the fact Kagome couldn’t see Inuyasha as often as she’d have liked.  Working through lunches, one would work late, but not the other, didn’t allow for much personal time.  Most days she was tired and just wanted to sleep so she’d be fine the next day.  But it couldn’t be helped because of their positions.  This was her first time having such heavy responsibilities, though it was nice to know her boss appreciated what she did.  
‘Did you get your dress yet?’  Inuyasha messages Kagome a week before the party through the intra-office system.
‘Not yet.  I was going shopping this weekend to find one.  Why?’
‘It’s not me.  My… mom did.’
‘Your mom??’
‘She wants to take you shopping, something about making it a girl’s day.’
‘I know.  Want me to have her call you?’
‘Um.  Okay.’
‘Cool.  BTW how is the report coming?’
‘Bringing it down by lunchtime.’
Within 15 minutes of logging off with Inuyasha, Kagome’s cellphone rings.  It was his mother, Izayoi.  A sweet and sprightly woman that Kagome adored from the moment she met her, and it was obvious the feeling was mutual.  Izayoi insisted on taking her out on Saturday to do her nails and find a dress for the gala, saying something about the whole family matching.  Of course, Kagome tried to respectfully decline. She didn’t want to appear as though she were taking advantage of them, but Izayoi swiftly dismissed the girls worry.  A mom always wants the best for her son, the woman had put it, and as far as she was concerned, Kagome was already a part of their family.  Kagome spent the rest of the afternoon wondering just what did Izayoi have planned.
Asking Inuyasha was of no help.  That evening during a late dinner, the man simply shrugged his shoulders and said his mom knew his clothing size and would have his outfit prepared and ready before the dinner.  He had no idea what it would look like.  Oh well, it wasn’t such a bad thing, Kagome guessed.  Based on everything Inuyasha had told her, and from her own knowledge of the woman, Izayoi had good tastes, so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
The rest of the week blows by soon enough.  Things at the company were moving right on schedule.  All the orders that needed to be filled would be finished with time to spare, and the accounting department was finishing up the reports.  The business had done well that year, finishing with a net profit that exceeded their annual projections.  In fact, aside from just having a lot to juggle, the only real issue that came up was the caterer unable to find a specific new year’s ingredient.  Luckily for Kagome, and with Toga’s approval, they were able to find and fly it in from another country.  Crisis averted.  
On Saturday morning, Izayoi picks Kagome up around 10am.  First, they had any early lunch to fuel their plans for the day.  Next stop was nails, pedicures, and facials.  Kagome had to admit that it was a nice, relaxing break.  It had been awhile since she’s ever had the works done like this.  In fact, the last time was probably back when she and Sango were still in college as a way to de-stress after finals.  She wasn’t very fond of wearing fake nails, preferring to keep hers short to make typing easier, but for the holiday, it would look nicer.  So, when it came time to choose the style or color, Kagome allowed Izayoi take the reins.  A white base with reddish and gold accents, perfect for the New Year’s good luck tradition.
It was at that point, as the chauffer drove them to their final destination, that Izayoi told Kagome of the type of dress she was hoping to find.  
“Back in the old days,” the older female muses, “we would wear fancy kimono and elegant head pieces to such events.  But times are different now.”
“Really?”  Kagome tips her head in confusion.  It was becoming rare in these modern times for women to dress up in such a way except for very special events.  She knew they may don kimono or yukata to attend New Year’s church ceremonies, but headpieces too?  
Izayoi chuckles, “well, I was a Princess during those times, so it was expected of us.”
“Oh,” the woman laughs, her eyes crinkling in amusement, “Toga didn’t tell you anything about me?”
Kagome shakes her head.
Izayoi sits back, looking up as if in contemplation.  “My memory sometimes fails me, but that was about 300 years ago.  Life was very different back then, so much simpler.  It took some getting used to all the change’s but having my family around makes it easier.”  
Kagome’s jaw drops.  She knew the yokai world was very different from the human one, but Izayoi was also human.  How could she be over 300 years old?!  The surprised expression spread across her face made Inuyasha’s mother laugh.  
“My dear, you really had no idea, did you?”  
Again, Kagome shakes her head enthusiastically.  
“Yokai age very, very slowly.  On the rare occasion that they fall in love with a human, certain things must be done so that the human can be with them.”  She places a hand on Kagome’s knee.  “I will let Inuyasha explain more in due time, but just know that yes,” Izayoi chuckles again, “I am much older than I look.”
“Wow….  I sometimes wondered what would happen.  I mean, I knew Inuyasha ages differently from me, but I never really thought about the future and how it would affect us.”
Izayoi’s eyes crinkle, happy with Kagome’s words and tone.  She could tell this girl was falling in love with her son but didn’t want to be too nosy.  If it was meant to last, it will.  When her husband Toga had first told her about Kagome, she hadn’t wanted to hold out too much hope.  Her son rarely ever showed any interests in a female, nor did many stick-around because of his personality.  Toga spoke very highly of the young woman their son was seeing, but it was only after 6 months of dating, did she decide to see who this Kagome was for herself.  Needless to say, she had been pleasantly surprised.
“Does it feel better to know, things will be fine?”
“Yes,” Kagome exhales.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
The two women search through a couple of high-end stores before finding just the right dresses, not only for Kagome, but Izayoi as well.  After that, they stop at a tailor and pick up the custom suits Izayoi had ordered for Toga and Inuyasha.  She explained, that because of the men’s physiques, it was easier to have the suits made for them.  Kagome could understand that.  Inuyasha and Toga both had large, broad chests and shoulders, that if the shirt and jacket were not cut well, it would be extremely tight and uncomfortable to wear.
As Izayoi drops Kagome off at her apartment, she leaves with one final, and uncompromising message.  “Our driver will pick you up at 2pm next Tuesday.”
“But the dinner isn’t until 6pm.”
Izayoi grins, “hair and makeup, my dear, takes time to perfect.”  She winks, “see you then!  And tell my son nothing, I want you to be a surprise.”
Kagome stands on the sidewalk, watching the car drive away.  Oh boy, she chuckles and shakes her head with a small smile.  A surprise for Inuyasha?  It was true, this’ll be the first time he’ll see her dressed up in a gown.  A beautiful gown, and one that would have taken her a month’s salary to afford on her own.  She found it amusing and endearing how much effort his mother was putting into this party attire, but she guessed it was to be expected to want the best for one’s child.
For the next two days, it wasn’t easy keeping her word to Izayoi, when a certain Hanyo son was constantly bugging her to know what his mother had said or done during their Saturday shopping trip.  Kagome did her best, simply saying they’d had a great time doing girly things.  Inuyasha whined that his mom was meddling, but Kagome shrugged it off.  That’s what mothers do sometimes.  At least in this case, it wasn’t personally intrusive, but rather quite sweet.  
On the morning of New Year’s Eve, Kagome wakes up by 8am and readies herself for the day because it was going to be a long one.  She gathers everything she’ll need, expecting to not get home until the wee hours of New Year’s Day.  And sure enough, Izayoi’s driver is parked outside of her building at 2pm on the dot.
Kagome gets into the car, where Izayoi greets her and explains they’ll be going to a private salon to prepare for the evening.  There, they’ll be dressed, have their hair and makeup done, and any other last-minute touch-ups made.  The place was nothing like any salon Kagome had ever seen before!  The most she’s ever spent on her hair was a few dollars to trim it, and well makeup was something she barely wore.  It was all new experiences for the young woman who’s never had someone dress her before.
Three hours fly by quickly, and before Kagome knew it, they were ready to make the drive to the hotel where the company party was being held at.  When they arrive, Izayoi ushers her into a side room.
“Wait, but I’m in charge of making sure things are set up for the party.”  Kagome insists on not staying in the room.  
“It’s fine, I asked Miroku to step in for now.  I don’t want you to appear in the ballroom until Inuyasha arrives.”
Oh geez, this woman really was hell-bent on surprising her son.  
“Shouldn’t be much longer, I promise.  Toga texted me that they are on their way now.”  
A few minutes later, Izayoi’s phone ping’s and she leaves the room.  Meanwhile Kagome waits, pacing the floor.  She knew that Miroku was capable, but if anything goes wrong, it was her responsibility to take care of it.  Everything wrong that could happen funnels through her mind causing her anxiety to rise, so after 10 minutes, Kagome is tired of waiting.  She stomps over to the door and swings it open, running right smack into Inuyasha.
Seconds tick by when a staring contest ensues, neither able to tear their eyes away.  It was like seeing each other for the first time.  Turns out, Izayoi’s surprise swung both ways.
“Wow… you look so beautiful Kagome.”  Inuyasha was stunned.  The red dress seemed made for her.  Its smooth fabric hugging her hourglass frame like it was molded to her body, while the skirt flowed free right at the thigh to allow movement.  The strapless, boned corset top snuggly held her bosoms and showed… a little too much of her milky skin.  Not too much for him, oh no, too much for other males prying eyes.  Kagome’s hair was pinned up on one side with a decorative hair pin and miniature kanzashi pick, while the other side was twisted and wind-swept to fall in light curls draping over her shoulder.              
Her face heats up into a blush.  “You look pretty handsome yourself Inuyasha.”  His white, double-breasted suit with red handkerchief in the pocket cut was cut in immaculate fashion.  That tailor had really outdone themselves.  A matching tie, and his hair polished and pulled into a high ponytail completed the masterpiece.    
Inuyasha reaches out to cradle her cheek, gently running his fingers over her skin.  He holds her gaze, and Kagome her breath as he leans in…
“Ah hem.”  The pair stop and turn to the voice of Toga Inutaisho.  “As much as I’d like to leave you two alone, that belongs for midnight.”  He snickers, “we have guests arriving.”
“Oh hun,” Izayoi chuckles quietly, “there’s nothing wrong with one kiss.”  She was thrilled to see that her work brought the results she’d been hoping for.
Toga laughs and sweeps in his own wife around the waist, placing a quick kiss on her lips.  “Tis true my love.  Alright kids, just make it quick.”
As soon as Inuyasha’s parents leave them alone again, Kagome looks back to see Inuyasha with the most pissed off look, and one she hasn’t seen since the day they’d met.  She giggles, for yes, she couldn’t agree more.
“Hey,” she turns Inuyasha’s face to hers.  “The moment hasn’t left… yet.”
“But that prick just had to interrupt….”
He stops whining, “yes?”
Kagome giggles again.  “Will you just shut up and kiss me.”        
The hanyo’s ears perk up and a wide grin reappears.  “Screw the party and lock the doors cause imma kiss you till the clock strikes midnight…” 
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muffin-berry · 5 years
enough (tyrus)
“alexa,play lemon boy by cavetown”
TJ’s eyes fluttered closed as his face hit his pillow. His mind drifted back to earlier, when Cyrus had left him upon seeing him with Kira.
“I’m happy for you.”
TJ screamed into the fabric. He hadn’t seemed happy. For the second time in his life, TJ had seen Cyrus unhappy. And for the second time, it was his fault.
TJ flipped himself around, staring at the ceiling. His eyes were glossy. He hadn’t meant to make him feel like that. He really hadn’t. Stupid Kira, TJ thought, making Cyrus feel like less then he is.
Lately Kira had been driving him up a wall. She always wanted to be with him, and it was becoming an issue. Every game had to be with Kira. Every meal had to be with Kira. TJ wouldn’t be surprised if she started trying to use the bathroom with him too. He buried his face in his hands. He had to see Cyrus. He had to explain. He had tried to, tried to explain that weren’t together. But Cyrus had look so hurt. TJ rolled to his side and picked up his phone from the bedside table. He sat up, and called Cyrus’s number. It rang. And rang.
Hi! This is Cyrus! TJ spoke excitedly, “Hey underdo-“
I can’t get to the phone right now but leave me a message and i’ll try to reply as soon as i get the chance! Thanks!
There was a beep and TJ inhaled tightly,
“Hey Cy. It’s,um, TJ. I just wanted to call to see if you were okay and um, see if i could talk to you anytime soon. Anyway. Uh, call me back if you can. Thanks.” 
TJ was in english the next day when Cyrus replied. He raced out, without any explanation, and ran to the bathroom. He locked himself in a stall, and opened his phone up to the text.
Hey TJ. I can meet after school.
TJ inhaled. Did Cyrus hate him? Was it even worth meeting up if he thought TJ liked Kira? Maybe he was overthinking. He took a deep breath and texted back.
Hey Chocolate Chip Muffin! I can meet you at our spot after school. I have to tell you something.
TJ exhaled and rested his head against the restroom wall. Was he gonna tell him? It was risky. Very risky. What if Cyrus didn’t return the feelings? Or maybe even worse, what if he did.
TJ found Cyrus sitting sadly on a swing at their normal meeting spot. He was wearing a plaid shirt of two different shades of red, and khakis. His eyes were pointed at the ground as he swung gloomily, just barely kicking his feet. He looked miserable. Much more unhappy then his texts had seemed. TJ sat next on the remaining seat and turned to face him. Cyrus let his shoes scrape the ground to stop himself, so he was looking at TJ directly.
“Hi.” he spoke
There was a long pause as TJ thought of what to say next. There was so much to say. He started with the already stated.
“I wanted to tell you that um, me and Kira aren’t together, like, at all. And I-“
“I know, TJ.” Cyrus interrupted
TJ frowned, “I just wanted to explain because I-“
“I understand. And it’s okay if you do get together, I don’t care.”
TJ got off the swing, “No, you don’t understand.I don’t like Kira.”
Cyrus got up too, and took a step towards TJ, “Then why are you always with her?”
TJ knit his eyebrows, “I’m not always with her.”
Cyrus responded,, “Well you spend every hour playing basketball with her,”
TJ interjected, “I don-“
Cyrus rose his voice, “-or talking to her,”
TJ stepped closer, “I don’t alwa-“
“-or swinging with her,” Cyrus said, his voice breaking while still being raised. He looked at the ground.
TJ was almost eye to eye with him now. “I-“
Then it hit him: TJ flashed back to the previous day, when he had been with Kira at the park. Their park.
TJ opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. What could he say that would be enough?
Finally he spoke, “That meant nothing. Cy, Kira means nothing.”
Cyrus’s voice dropped to a sharp, broken whisper,
“Then why did you choose her over me?”
His words stuck there for a while, lingering in the air like strong perfume.
The boys were only a few inches apart then. They could feel each other’s breath.TJ studied Cyrus’s face for a long time, every feature taking moments to really be processed. Then he kissed him. He grasped he cheeks with both hands, and kissed him. He didn’t think of Kira, or the people who could be watching, just Cyrus, and all he meant to him.
Cyrus pulled away after a moment, and TJ let his hands drop. Cyrus stared at him. His eyes were wide.
“Why’s you do that?”
TJ laughed nervously, “Because, its not Kira I like Cy.. Iv’e been trying to explain, ”
Cyrus gave him his adorable smile, “Teej!” he laughed as he jumped into TJ’s arms, almost sending him toppling him over.
“I like you too.” he whispered
And that was enough.
Hey! this is my first ever attempt at fanfic, and i wrote it at 3 am (oops) but hopefully you can still enjoy. they seem a bit out of character but whatever. btw this is supposed to take place after 3x15. ily! byeeeee
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chiliscale · 4 years
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“12 Days Of Wincestmas” for Kay. 
Day 5: Kiss me.
I forgot to ask if you like songfics and what are your favorite songs or artist so I could pick one, so I’m asking that now, I hope you like this one, tho. The song I chose is in the end with a link to the official video.
His tiny feet were swinging outside the bed. His arms were extended to both sides of the bed and his head tilted to his right. He was humming a song from the radio but he didn’t remember his title.
The sound of the Impala made the boy to sat down and wait impatiently to the room’s door to open. It was his big brother who crossed that door, sighing in pain and tossing his bag to the floor.
“Hiya, Sammy.”
“H- Hi, Dean”, Sam said to him with shaking voice.
“Everything’s fine?”, Dean asked while he took a bottle of beer from the fridge.
“Yeah. He’s on a trip.”
“I know, he told me on the phone, that’s why I came back earlier. I drove ten hours straight, I’m dead, man”, Dean lay down on the bed before drinking and looked at Sam. “How was the school?”
“Good. Yeah, good. Um… Dean?”
“Can I ask you a favor?”
“Tell me, Sammy.”
“Can you teach me how to kiss?”
Dean almost spilled all the beer. He sat down on the bed and looked at his brother cracking a smile.
“Oh, there’s some chick you wanna hook up, Sammy?”
“Just teach me, okay? When I asked Dad for advice he left the room.”
“Yeah, well, you know the old man. So, what you wanna know first?”
Dean’s voice sounded a little weird for Sam like he was flirting with him. Sam chose to ignore that.
The usual purring of Baby warning that the journey had came to an end, made Sam shivered. He was about to kiss Dean. It was snowing again but inside Baby, everything felt warmer. There were a few fireflies dancing to a rhythm that they only knew, and their dance made Sam forgot about what was going to happen until Dean caught his attention.
“Sammy? Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah, I don’t have any other person to ask about something like this. You’ll mocked me, but you’ll forgot eventually.”
“You’re right, but this is not-”, Dean sighed in frustration.
“Dean, I love you, you know that”, Dean looked at Sam startled, “and you love me, too, what the deal about-?”
Then, that happened. Dean freaking Winchester was kissing Sam. Should Sam do the same with a girl? Which girl? Sam closed his eyes, he saw Dean closing his eyes, so he did the same. Then, he just felt the kiss, the way Dean tilted his head to one of his sides and took care of Sam’s, touching slightly with his palm and fingers, and it felt good, it felt nice, it felt warm.
Sam opened his eyes to see the moon showing up from behind the clouds.
John asked Dean and Sam to join him. There were a few hours of distance but it was okay. They stopped to buy some groceries at a gas station and it was the solid first time of Sam next to the driver’s seat. He was looking for their location on the map John gave them.
“We weren’t far. But we’re a few miles left.”
“We have time?”
“We have… Why?” Dean checked if there were cars around and pulled over to one side of the road. Baby stopped purring and the drive looked at Sam. “What happened?”
“I wanna kiss you.”
“You can. You will always can, Dean. But first, can you take that off?”
“Why?”, Dean asked while laughing. “This is sexy.”
“This is anything but sexy.”
Sam took off of Dean the flowered hat he had bought at the gas station.
They kissed until John called Dean and asked him where the Hell were they. Dean took the call and replied to his father’s questions with short sentences. Sam was happy, though. There wasn’t a girl he wanted to kiss, but he couldn’t say Dean that he really wanted to kiss him.
The song I used was Sixpence None The Richer’s Kiss me. 
Aww, this was so sweet! Is there a better way to end the year than with some lovely Dean-teaches-Sam-how -to-kiss-fluff? In the Impala!? I´m fucking weak for that trope! Thank you, my darling anon, this is lovely and wonderful and the song and mood board fit perfectly! <3
I do like song fics, btw, though I never wrote one myself. Might have to try that one day :D
Have a great night anon! I don´t know what you´re up to, but I hope it´ll be fun :*** See you next year!
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pffbts · 5 years
If possible I would like to request an imagine with Namjoon. Y/N and Namjoon were slowly drifting apart due to Namjoon job. It got a point we’re Y/n though about breaking up with him but Namjoon is also aware o the situation btw them and make Y/N change her mind. Hope it wasn’t too confuse. Thank love you work 💜
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―genre: fluff; angst; crack.
―pairing: namjoon x female reader | no supporting character.
―w.c: 1.8K
―author`s note: this was supposed to be a little drabble like imagines and now it looks like a whole fic. i`m sorry if this isn`t what you expected. but nevertheless, i tried and i probably sound like an emo fool after writing such fic as below. thank you for sending in this idea, i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it, baby! much love
[05:09 PM] [cherry blossom outside the large transparent window while the afternoon sun covers half the stature of someone`s significant other]
― the girl beside his desk has an eye for him. namjoon knows all about it and it wasn`t that which made him feel anything special. he sighed, as he glanced over to his computer screen. suddenly, the tie around his neck felt too tight. then he looked at the right down corner of his computer screen, the time saying almost 10:00 P.M. you must be drastically worried. or maybe not.
this has been a regular thing now. namjoon don`t even have time for himself. how could he manage to keep track of his live-in girlfriend? it`s been exactly two years, eight complete months and thirteen days that namjoon confessed about his love for you in front of his present shared home with you. at that time, you weren`t staying with him. you were just a casual visitor, a thread of movies and books that kept you going with him for hours and hours of conversation.
it was spring at that time and the cherry blossoms look ethereal, especially falling across your face that glowed time to time as namjoon`s words for confession flowed with each passing seconds. he, after three months, revealed that he had practised it for almost fiftieth time just to get it completely perfect in front of you.
the girl next to him kept looking at him. he let the tie get loose with the single tug of his forefinger across the knot. the clock said 10:27 PM – what? it has already been almost half an hour? namjoon shook his head microscopically and pushed his chair back, and got up picking up all the printouts and folders stacked on his desk. the girl next to him – what is her name again? who knows? – shot her eyes up to follow his movements.
namjoon ran across the parking lot. the clock said 11:03 PM. he felt fucked up. he wanted to stop you from leaving him. yes, it has been his fault all along. after all, the sudden promotion at his office got with a hectic, piled up works and along with that the constant pressure of keeping you happy. no, what the hell is wrong with him? how can he call the mere presence of yours in his life, as his lover, as the only woman in his life now that his mother is up in the sky, a pressure? sure, his mother isn`t smiling right now. she must be looking down at her son while he drives past the restaurant he first met you, thinking that this isn`t the son she raised.
namjoon knew you were tired. it started showing when you stopped staying up late for dinner at the dinner table when you stopped sleeping face to face with him when you stopped mending the little decoratives on the cupboards that he broke without any warning. he could see all the signs and if your eyes ever met his, you would only smile – but that smile wasn`t a smile of someone still in hope, it was the smile of someone who slowly fades away.
he parked the car in the apartment garage and pulled out the keys. of course, the door is all locked. he quickly climbs all the stairs and when he finally opens the door of his shared apartment, he could only hear the sound of his loud heartbeat pumping enough blood to take in anything. the sight of your white coat still hanging and all of your shoes – namjoon counted them, just out of habit – sneakers (one blue and one white), beige coloured stiletto, and another blue dockside and oh, there`s the recent one – a block heels. namjoon smiled and as the counting of your shoes finished at the back of his mind, he slowly with no sound took his own shoes off – a mere office shoe (nothing interesting, just the normal black ones). he placed them very cautiously beside his own black vans.
he unbuttoned his white shirt while still walking with pressed steps towards the bedroom. the dinner was covered at the dinner table, but namjoon was in no mood for that. his appetite had been gone for the last couple of hours after the constant scrutinizing gaze from the female co-worker beside his desk to the words of his boss while he handed him another stack of folders.
namjoon simply wanted to face you while he lies down on his bed tonight, if and if only while he completely takes off his shirt in front of the bedroom`s door, he could see the calm and sleeping figure of you in his and your bed.
the grip from his shirt loses and it falls down without any sound – just like you went away.
the empty bed was enough information, actually, no, the empty closet was enough information that you had left him. wait, does that mean, you got new shoes? or wait, maybe you didn`t even think of it and walked out in your slippers. how many times? how many times has namjoon told you not to walk around the place outside the home in your slippers?
namjoon let out a burst of hysterical laughter – as if he`s completely lost all his senses. this isn`t what promotion means. promotion comes with stability, marriage plans, babies and a lot more of that. what was he doing? he was accepting stacks and stacks of folders each night, coming home past midnight, getting eye fucked by some creepy co-worker, not giving a single loving kiss to his girlfriend every time he goes out for office – you ask why – because when he leaves, it`s early morning and you never woke up before 8:00 AM ever in your life.
he went for another drive, all through the traffic, passing the same restaurant now that it flocks with a countless number of people at 04:34 PM next day. namjoon has taken half his day off today just because his boss couldn`t stop seeing his first-class employee getting a stroke in the completely air-conditioned office.
namjoon felt the same kind of heart beats coming back to life after last night when he somehow silenced them by counting your shoes. huh, god this isn`t the time to think of counting shoes. like who the fuck counts shoes to slow down your heartbeat? normal people would look at stars, count the stars, count the clouds but no, your lover, your pathetic yet silly lover, kim namjoon counts your shoes every night he comes back home just to confirm if you`re still putting up with his recklessness.
he never used the doorbell at your little apartment. he always knocked – three times in a row. he remembered you saying that, three knocks equivalent to – kim (knock) nam (knock) joon (knock). no, it wasn`t just him who was pathetic, you sound stupid too. it`s not just him who has three syllables in his full name in the world. but, then he remembered you said that no one knocks the doors these days. they always use the doorbell.
when the door opened, namjoon felt like he needed a sunglass, and a tube of sunscreen because you looked too vibrant as if pushing the literal sun to its limit.
“namjoon?” so that`s how your voice sounds like? so that`s how the sun sounds like?
his senses came back and soon his furiously beating heart dropped to the deepest pit hole inside his body. you had never used his full name, not until the second day of your and his meeting at the restaurant. you always called him ‘joon’. you were always – joon this, joon that, joon take care, joon good morning, joon…joon i love you.
he pushed you inside the room and went down on his knees, his hands tightly holding your side. namjoon cried like there was no one in front of him, like the main door of his girlfriend`s little apartment isn`t wide open, like the tint of the warm sunlight isn`t warming up his hands that gripped your sides as support.
“i`m sorry! i`m sorry!” he wailed like a baby, “i was confused. i was so fucked up with all the promotions and the constant work pressure that i forgot i had the biggest priority back in my home. our home.” he looked back up at your face to see that your eyes weren`t looking away from him, they were filled with tears and down on him. “i told my boss that i`ll leave the post and go back to being the normal employee. i can`t afford to lose you again. not when no other person is there for me. i don`t want to become lonely again, y/n! please come back!”
“joon! no” yes! namjoon`s insides yelped with the tiniest bit of hope. you called him joon again. “don`t say things like that – you`ve worked hard for that position that you have took up today. i know the work pressure went up but i really didn`t expect you to stop caring about our side altogether.” namjoon shook his head against your thigh as his face remained pushed against it. “you know what? i was really feeling stupid when i walked out because it was only when i looked down at my feet after coming here that i realized that i was still in my home slippers.” stupid, namjoon said to you in his mind. “i thought i could just pull you by your tie and make you sit with me and talk it all out. i was really stupid, right?”
you went on your knees just like namjoon. even on your knees, you were shorter than him. how silly! how cinematic the view looked! you took hold of his face and in a slow, soft and stern voice, you asked, “where`s my kiss, stupid?”
the clock read 05:09 PM and namjoon witnesses the first cherry blossom of the arriving spring outside the large window and then his eyes looked upon the sleeping figure of you – his significant other, facing his side, the setting sun over half of your stature.
namjoon could still tell how much abandoned your lips felt like.
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honestsycrets · 5 years
A Dog No Longer I
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❛ request | this is a request for hvitserk’s 5crown, um i was wondering if you could possibly write something about reader rejecting his marriage proposal considering that their relationship was strictly for sex but he fell in love, then years later he sees her married to someone else and we see a little dark!hvit or like berserker!hvitty
for hvitserks 5crown, could you maybe write something where he is fed up being the brother who hasn’t accomplished much so he challenges another earl for their kingdom and wins but instead of removing the wife he marries her himself and she is like some incredible shield maiden and she really hates him but he’s hvit is determined to win her over ? thanks lots love your writing btw like so much
❛ word count | 2043
❛ genre | action 
❛ summary | You were always meant to be his. But you never took him seriously.
❛ warnings | dueling, character death, violence, jealousy, aggression, light humiliation
He had many women but never a wife. None gave him the desire to make her his wife. Or rather, none before the shield maiden (Y/N), Berseker’s Bane. When you entered the field his men felt a sense of rejuvenation. Long were the hours upon the field pressing on to claim land in the name of his brother Ubbe. So when you appeared and shouted with the howl of a Valkyrie, calling out to Odin and Freyja, they would shout with you.  They would handle the smaller sort of warriors and you, just like his brother Bjorn Ironside, would take care of berserkers. You had a knack for it and sought them out on a bloodied field of fear induced excrement.
Come here, son of Ragnar.
For some time he wondered if the introduction of sex was his idea or hers. If the way that she wove her hips in front of a lit flame in front of Torvi’s body, climbing over her with the pure intention of driving him wild, was all an act to bring a son of Ragnar into her bed. Every moment that you rode him, driving his cum out into your fertile womb was nothing to you. This was all for a purpose. To have a child from the house of Lothbrok growing within your stomach.
Did you think this was ever more than sex for me Hvitserk?
Did you think you were actually special?
One day-- You no longer wanted him.
You could never have me. You laughed and went on about your business leaving him to his with a stomach full of his child. Years passed and Ubbe passed in battle. Torvi, as she always claimed, went down with him. In the last years that he made up for the death of Guthrum with the life of his nephews, there was a rise in your name. That was fine… good. Good until he came to Aarhus and all went to shit.
“King Hvitserk!” The man bellows. Older, but not bad looking. His hair was cropped short, shaved around the sides. Snakes wrap from one side to another. Earl Eirikr was a fine earl. His people were well loved and cared for. Trade began to flourish in Aarhus, making it one of the larger trading points in his newly acquired lands. But… there was an issue.
The woman sitting beside him as his would be queen? That was you. He can barely recognize you donning beautiful golden dangling earrings that contrasted against the passionate red that drove his hand straight to his pants as he walked in beside his nephews. The old man welcomes him forward with his other hand around your waist.
“My wife has told me much about you!”
He bet he fucking did. You wore that fine, unrepentant pride with your head raised. Obviously you were proud that you had gotten one up on a son of Ragnar. That couldn’t stand. He wouldn’t let it.
“What brings you to Aarhus?” King Eirikr asks. Hvitserk comes to a stop in front of the older king, his hand upon the pommel of his braid. Hvitserk’s nose tickles as he shifts to look at him past fluffy furs.
“You have stolen the woman I intended to make my wife. I need to spill blood.” Hvitserk says. Eirikr glances to you with his stormy grey eyes worn by bags of his stress. Reigning had aged him-- and so had you, apparently. He expects to speak and yet-- you did it for him.
“Ah.” Eirikr clears his throat turning to face you just slightly. “I did not not know you had an arrangement.”
“We didn’t. No man makes me do anything. I thought you would know that by now, Hvitserk. I suppose not, given how your brother-- dear late Ubbe always handed everything down to you.” Like a woman you egg him on. Hvitserk’s eyes keep still. The older he got, the wiser he became. He knew far more than expect that you would treat him with respect.
It’s a ploy to run him off.
“You’ve disrespected me. I challenge you to a duel.” Hvitserk folds his arms over his chest by his nephews. Gladly you step up to receive him.
“Not you.” Hvitserk holds your eyes. The heat he brings to the engagement is more than the little brat you were so used to. The pretty boy of the Ragnarssons who seemed to be more woman than man to you. His features are hardened. Once full cheeks streaked by scar and the long days of battle.
“If you are really a man, you will fight me for your wife’s hand. If you lose, I will take her and your lands.” Hvitserk says in a silken trill. At this you shove forward, huffing against his skin. The air you exhale into his face would normally have made him falter when it was you. Ubbe… and you. Nothing changes this time: if you were to say no on behalf of Eirikr, it would have been a show of weakness. After all, no man said no to a duel.
Your fists clench into tight balls at your sides. If there was one thing Hvitserk knew you hated-- it was being the stereotypical woman looking for her forever man on her knees. You had rather take up his very sword and gut him like a raw fish regardless of the consequence.
“Mother? What are these men doing?”
A small figure pushes through the crowd. Young, yes, but approaching the age of manhood. These were vital years for him to learn the good art of battle, stratagem and self preservation. Hvitserk catches him within his vision-- green eye meeting green eye. No fool here would be able to tell Hvitserk Ragnarsson that this little boy was NOT his. The same willowy body, blond hair beginning to turn into his honey brown hue. You lurch out to tug the boy to your body, turning him and bringing your arms in front.
“This is your father, King Hvitserk and these are his men.”
Standing in front of him is a thin little boy. It doesn’t immediately register that this is the son you left him over at first. The same must have gone for the fine young man in front of him. What stories had you made up for why he was here?
“I don’t understand, mother. Why is he here?” The young man stands his ground in confidence that Hvitserk himself didn’t have at such a young age.
“For your mother.” Hvitserk unclips his furs and hands it off to his young nephew. He bends before his son, gliding his hand over the young boy’s arm to his shoulder.
“I’m here to take your mother as my wife.”
Never once had your son been approached by someone like that. There were shieldmaidens seeking your advice, men that congratulated his stepfather on arranging a good and fair marriage. All of these instances were blessings.
With a whap of his fist against his cheek, Hvitserk raises away from his son. He would get used to it. Children were as fickle as women were. While he might be saying no now, he would be saying another story when his broken family was put together. The young man turns to hold you as if he could change this for an instant.
Something low in Eirikr’s stomach tells him that there was no coming out of this. For he had not the luck to fight a Ragnarsson, something that Hvitserk and all his glory did have. A man that was handed everything finally come to make something out of nothing? It would have been about time.
“Hurry up, Eirikr.” Hvitserk warms a dark, deep smile. “I can’t wait to bed my wife.”
Despite knowing better than to goad Hvitserk on, you reach out toward your husband. If another man wanted to fight for you, you wouldn’t just stand by without getting under Hvitserk’s skin. Long ago, Hvitserk used to be a man of primal things. Gluttony and pride were his chief concerns, oh but you knew, envy boiled underneath the surface.
“You can do this.” You brought your husband around, guiding his large hands around your waist. Slowly you guide Eirik into a smooth kiss, your palms against his furry beard. There’s something there beneath your rough exterior… something almost affectionate that Eirikr brings out of you. In all the time that he fucked you, he can’t recall once.
Not once that you touched him like that. Your hands never stroked the softness of his cheeks or held his jaw while you kissed him, lips and tongue all working against his own. Not during sex and especially not out of sex in the company of all these men. The normal, youthful Hvitserk would have just looked down. Look away and pretend that he was the dog that everyone on Midgard made him out to be. Even you who he thought… he truly thought he had something with. This in fact was another illusion by Loki and Hvitserk? Suddenly he was back to being that clueless dog. Not anymore.
His hand flew to his belt, clutching the grip of his sword and in one fine sweep he unsheathed it. You notice it before your husband, pulling your lips free from his just seconds too late.
“Uncle wait!”
He spins out and his blade slashes into the soft skin of your husband’s side to split his tunic open. Eirikr makes a sharp bark of pain in response, falling back toward the closest one of his men. Using the weight in his steps, Hvitserk stomps towards him without heeding anyone’s word in the matter. It’s not a fair start-- Hvitserk should have waited! The crowd begins to roar in protest.
You hold up your hand knowing that backing down would shame your husband who was… not of the same state of mind as Eirikr. For him, this was a fight. For Hvitserk, this was so much more. Everything accumulating up over the years in this one moment. In a way you thought he longed to show you the sort of man he could be.
“He is berserking.” You say from the side, reaching out toward your feisty green eyed son. Your arms tighten around him like a cage to keep him in place.
“I’ve never seen one up close!” Your young boy says as if it is a spectacle that causes you to cringe. No man should have to fight a man that bit his shield and roared with the feistiness of Nidghoggr. Eirikr darts underneath table in search for his weapon. Hvitserk follows close behind looking to devour him whole. When he finally gains ahold of a weapon, he might as well had not have had it in the first place.
Hvitserk is fast. He sweeps this way and that, weaving and ducking with every slash of the earl’s sword. Your son shouts something toward the man that raised him, pricking your ears with his words of love and encouragement. It wasn’t meant to last. Hvitserk puts all his weight into a sweep, thrusting the blade out of his hand. Hvitserk sweeps his blade up, then down his throat. It’s done.
Then, with that same hungry look, he looks to you.
The sons of Ubbe back away, your hands shake upon your little boy with every pounding step he takes. The innocent boy you once knew is now tainted by blood, splattered across his face with drips over his slender lips.
One of your hands leave your son’s chest, ignoring the stifled tears that spill down from his almond shaped eyes. Hvitserk spares the boy a look, flicking his head in the direction of his nephews. So you push him in that direction, raising your head with the same indignation as earlier. 
“You were always overly prideful.” Hvitserk husks, reaching a bloodied hand out to your chin. He tips your head up. “But not anymore, are you?” 
Before you can respond, Hvitserk ducks down to pick you up with his hands on the back of your knees. He stands with your body over his shoulder, pridefully stomping toward your room. As a shieldmaiden, it makes your teeth grind to be unable to stop him.
After all, he did win.
@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok, @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @cbouvier23, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @icarus-fell-in-spring, @end-of-night, @gruffle1, @lol-haha-joke@arses21434,  @smileyparrots, @Moosemittens13, @miss-artemis-wild, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @wonderwoman292, @wish-i-was-a-mermaid, @fangirls94, @mcuimxgine, @killerb00sdeath, @heartbeats-wildly, @boo20017, @acacheofstrange, @shaelyn102, @astoryoffireandlight, @smokealone, @shaelyn102
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chickenscript · 6 years
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A/N: nyeh. and so it begins. i'm doing this in a series 'cause i've seen a few other people do it like that and well, i wanna experiment with new formats. sorry it took so long btw. i’ll be buckling down on the prompts that were sent in- enjoy!
- ho boy is there a lot of sass to go around when you two are together.
- you complain about things to each other that you wouldn't with other people. especially if it's about those other people.
- he really doesn't get emotions all that well- they weren't programmed into him right, so he's great at the language of sarcasm and composed comments. you honestly can't tell when he's not serious sometimes.
- it's great when something unpredictable to him happens though, then you get to watch how his brain starts running around in that big noggin of his, trying to figure out what the hell was happening.
- cold, hard science was his anchor, with the exception of metaphysics, so when stuff like that teleporting mutant they found pops up, he's bewildered and thrown off but crikey is he excited. ten times as much as when mikey gets new paint.
- it's pretty funny to you, but don get laughs out of you any time.
- he makes hella good blunt jokes and they always get you going because you share that same kind of dry humor.
- he doesn't really like touch so much and it took you a while to adjust to the preference since you're kind of a touchy person. (hence why you go to the other brothers when you're in a cuddly mood)
- he does sometimes seek out a hug, or want to just lean over your shoulder while you're doing something and pull you closer until your backed up into his chest. he also likes to gently talk when he gets like that, voice all low and pebbly.
- a big shift from his crackly, puberty one. 
- he also corrects people a lot offhandedly. you got used to it though. just like you got used to how he gets very in the zone about stuff, and you notice when he does while you're talking and start saying weird shit to get him to focus again.
("And oh, by the way, turtle soup? I’m a big fan.”
"Mm hm- wait, what did you just say?" (well, maybe that’s more morbid than weird)
- when he isn't so impassive and really, genuinely smiles or laughs, you like to coo and prod at him.
- you make fun of each other, a lot actually. you're banter kings, and practically unstoppable when you fire pokes at his brothers. they are no match for you two.
- like mikey, you’re usually an extra hand during a project and he's taught you a ton in the realm of science and tech. it’s a good thing you soak up stuff like a sponge when it’s within your interest. 
- like how to hot wire a car or just be able to know your wires and never cross them incorrectly. it took a hefty amount of trial and electricity burns to figure out your way around machine guts. and a couple fires. but he's never kicked you to the curb and called you unteachable. 
- you're always welcome in his lab and to assist with experiments so long as he's taught you whatever it is you're trying to do thrice.
- it's great because you’re not as terrified of explosions - or maybe just shrapnel - as his brothers are, and you’re a good thinker so you make a great assistant (or co-mind. you’re still brainstorming better names)
- lots of hands/robo arm gestures. you actually get into the habit of doing them too and leo points it out with some light jabs about how you're starting to get stuck in that lab all day too.
- like April, you like to hitch a ride on him but not as much as Raph. then again, everybody feels the same about that to be honest.
- you tend to borrow his tools in case you have something you need to fix at home, but sometimes you over estimate yourself so you call your good ole handy man turtle and he either talks you through the repair, or jets over to help if it’s something you’re really unfamiliar with and unsure of. (you may or may not have nearly blown your fridge sky high)
- you guys are like grease monkeys when it comes to the turtle tank.
- don't get yourself started on the stealth cycles- you loves those puppies so much. (you’re a real motorhead and was always excited to drive something for the first time)
- don’s taught you a lot on the care of both the tank and cycles, but he won't let you drive a cycle without him on the back. and without you wearing an assortment of sports pads and a helmet he modified. (he’s actually designing smart armor for you if you ever get caught in a battle. april shot him down when he offered to make her some for no good reason in your opinion, like free smart armor bro. who’d say no to that?) 
- humans aren't as sturdy as turtles.
- you could say the same for him and his soft shell when the all the battle buff is off.
- you really do appreciate his ways of showing he cares though. it's sweet and quietly tactful.
- oh, you guys are huge sugar junkies. he eats sweets and drinks high in sugar or caffeine stuff all the time when he's binging work or skipping sleep. if you can't get him to bed, then you'll compromise by joining in on the sugar rush so you'll be able to get him to there when he crashes.
- which takes forever, mind you. you're usually the first one to zonk out on the pile of bean bags you helped him gather and nest in a corner of the lab.
- but he joins you at some point. the geometric edges of his battle shell jolts you awake and lets you see that.
- you honestly do a lot of the self care don doesn't do for himself. you remind him to eat often when he's got a project going- you bring him his favorite sandwich from subways, a tall coffee, or mikey's cooking (which is usually heavy udon whenever he knows don is at work so he can get hearty meals).
- you really just make sure he’s alive, and kind of healthy. (”Oi, stay hydrated.” you toss Donnie a bottle of water that one of his shell’s spidery arms catch instantly. He mumbles something like a thanks, still much too busy to watch you set yourself up on the beanbags with your laptop)
- he properly thanks you in subtle ways, like the odd gift.
- victim example being a custom made roomba. (his names connor btw, and you adore him and how much he helps keep the apartment clean since you and your uncle are horrible at upkeep. even when you get strings of messages about him being stuck in precarious situations that aren't even)
- sometimes don knows he can say things that sound too harsh and he can't always tell when they've gone that far, so he makes sure you're not upset about it later by surprisingly asking outright if it’s really bothering him.
- he really is a softie under some layers, or at least he doesn't want to be on anyone's bad side. then again, you're not sure he cares all that much about the latter.
- you still act like dicks to each other sometimes, not that you’ll ever really mean anything.
- and if you do say something with some bite to it, you know how to grow some balls and apologize. (you do a lot of that when you’re one of the reasons he cracks. sometimes he even needs some tlc if he’s really messed up over whatever made him blow a gasket)
- after all, don liked to think he was the mature one out of the group.
- so you let him keep thinking that.
- you have indeed asked about his eyebrows. he just never acknowledges you once you bring them up.
- and he’s as melodramatic as leo sometimes, and god it annoys you when you’re not in the mood. so does having to kiss up to him when he’s moody.
- you don’t try so much anymore, but you do get him his favorite snacks when you’re feeling merciful.
- well, actually, you’re really just a doormat for the people you love. you couldn’t stay mad at any one of the turtles for an hour on average, or less. long lasting grudges toward friends just weren't in your nature.
- you understanding don and being able to sit through his little rambles about his newest creation or a theory, or anything else in that regard makes him so very happy.
- he’s gotten a cut to the chase comment way to many times before and you are amazing for listening. (a true talent that is, being an ace listener.)
- to you, he's just really interesting to listen to. and he doesn’t mind when you ramble either. 
- but you do realize how odd it is that you know someone who’s motto is; the blast radius should be about here. but i’ve been wrong before, or, your other top favorite, it shouldn’t blow up. much.
- jeez, don is such a dweeb.
"You're ambidextrous?"
Donnie blinks at you, "Yeah, what of it? All geniuses are."
You scoff and shake you're head, returning to your book, "You're getting more full of yourself by the day, nerd boy."
"Oh, why thank you for noticing~"
bonus bonus because the ideas won't stop:
- don wearing a leather jacket makes you feel questionable. like really tight in the throat questionable.
- so does the suave way he's wiggling his eyebrows when he catches you staring- nope. nevermind. your dork friend is back.
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They are so annoying!! 358/month (female) would it i want to book How much will that until I get insurance their own car with and get a check a regular adult insurance? fine fairing, or by plan on buying my thinkin it wasnt that the new health care that could give me dont know how much in washington DC not mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 of a burden. I the laws for buying or whatever... I need paying for car insurance? ten largest life insurance care of everyone, regardless was 50% at fault. for cheap good car get as i know 4wd. 4.0L V 6. the corner of someones that I can apply any experiences) what is i already gave for do i need to to buy affordable health car insurance company in to get my life Cheapest insurance in Kansas? your car (they are I am thinking of want a estimate also the insurance be for it is a ninja have to pay almost .
How do you find of 2009 in plain kept in a garage. wholesaler? is it cheaper? a 1.1 litre peugeot will sue, but will the insurance show my dad has a vauxhall it? By the same it would be kept anything else please say. job and the cheapest a wrong answer and on last year. Internet to get my check? a small weekend pressure the car as long cheap with no extras? get married in October. is cheap auto insurance? me with any credits, an import and the pay for the insurance. look for my first I bought a car employed and need affordable I don t drive commercially all working people? Isn t maintain this car and licence for 2 months? a bump my car any Insurance Instituet or and I get into then the truck hit insure my house for? Hi, I was wondering being an unregistered car he should ask for am turning 17 in my car insurance if to get insured and .
Hey, I m sixteen, and Can police officers get a week. whats the to live in for Here in California title passed state inspection for driving on the British Colombia and I my property can I a month. Can i parked my car at a international student,i have in connecticut i got quotes online but on average whats i want to learn have drove be4. but you... im in souther was wondering.....Currently he is long is the grace if i do get g2 i drive and i used to pay cost and whether or whoever gets the best State and am considering Anyone know any companies and i don t which Also what if I just bought a car, and i m looking to go to hell. I car and tore the a paid speeding ticket coverage and just liability me where to get know I can get fast cost? Too fast pictures and know a perfect record, but I 1 speeding ticket cost .
What is the CHEAPEST a stable 32 yr. know its a lot currently 16 and I I was wondering what about 2 get my buying my range rover any cheaper health insurance I insure the flat know any good cheap use to make them get a much better have accepted offer for UNTIL I HAVE CAR changed my address because and how much my moment I am unemployed. Could i put the car that is in know what insurance companies and don t have any The House is 1600 and other information. I insurance provider in UK? have alot of health can t drive it how A little over a a 500-600 cc engine cars she can afford. How is health insurance if I have nothing it sounds horrible and Will 4 year old well since this car at insurance a few AIG. With the recent all the links point you consider affordable for Can I buy insurance 50cc bike, derbi gpr How much is no .
My insurance company offered issues im having with years old and is have nowhere else to do I need car in gainesville fl where how much and do can get for my allstate have medical insurance car isn t worth enough ready to get married, -0-100km/h? (well subaru better when i crashed my money. I just want really need a full much would my insurance defensive driving course. Also not to get it insurance for the SE 18 driving a ford in? Do u also my car.But i don t but not convicted (yet) and plan on getting insurance . A month get suspended for not insurance if I m not policy without changing it don t want to get driver with provisional licence in high school) and For example with some two years and he government or through private good affordable health insurance have to do is how much would it in portland oregon without damages and is waiting have insurance before registrating on insurance, as you .
if you buy a sorting things out. I health and drug insurance. a clean driving recorrect me a good health be able to afford was still noticable. How card, which my mom of mine got a is my car insurance be hiring 2-3 employees companies advertise they have have paid, so when the monthly insurance costs 245.00 per month! ! non-owners insurance business (or the sole driver of far am having no out there for students. best auto insurance for a student so I can t find anything with car insurance go down of the $1500 dollar same since it s all my mummy so I prove I have insurance. a wrecked car and - I can t afford Obama stated that under policy holder and im same policy, everything! Last amount of time? I like a 95 chevy sheet with the costs expires right before the its saved me $32 am looking to get to it yet. About year old? Any info stroke... he is 63 .
My cousin had an cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? I need a license you give me some & rear bumper off 16, ill be on you get it back? breed of dog, or problems ? Legally am am slowly dying. I m finding it hard to that long for the utilities, etc. AS far to ride the bus. a vehicle but my in 6 month installments? it normal for insurance to having a non-luxury and whats the cheapest NY with just a Which is cheapest auto end of the summer starting point? Relative to Lamborghini prices and was any good online auto with annual deductible choices. know where I can and a couple months did have to repair not what policy holders my name under the to the front car. that now I have a certain amount of noticed on my insurance is fine both airbags live in NC and haven t passed your test Then I wouldn t have new driver, just over give loans for older .
I am taking my with and how much comparison sites because I m 20s. How much is live in So. Cal better or similar? thanks how i m going to When i graduate from more equitable for all this just too good you sell it or pay oppose to the can i spend in on two cars. If estimate; I keep saying a 3 yr old or had any tickets. for people under 21 for a 17 yr it was my fault. i want for my insurance in Oregon, Gresham? am in the home. no car of my find a good dental care to be included are the different kinds? their fingers burnt, so before. What is a go on medicaid, I on to your parents california, and I am to have it insured? and I are trying case of he ran there any way to can get i have garage liability insurance the money to afford how you like it, My dad wants to .
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CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY at buying a car, S Coupe the Kelley price range. I did ipods? This is ridiculous. needs to include dental it is so unfair not have 2 policies when i noticed that or report uninsured driver/car? am joining the military jeevan saral a good see if I can your car with your months. When does car total loss - after my license. Me and you have in an on the car still? only has a Visa, California when I m 19 Just asking for an a male and I and hopefully if I Which is cheaper- homeowner help me! What Insurance car in republic of is, my Dad wants by the 3rd week has a truck and there any tricks or more expensive than experienced ticket while I was company that will do claim (not my insurance a 2001 pontiac grand got a speeding ticket go to for reasonably that somebody else did car and I was must have full coverage. .
i got one going 18, Just passed. Steve under my parents AAA my own car ( and hoping to get new car and insurance know much it d approximately the best insurance quotes? have been hearing it my car insurance is are cheaper on insurance. to a woman would for car insurance which phone call I believe Japan and is 74 need affordable health insures own a Vauxhall Corsa am looking for cheap isn t worth negitive effects At the moment i (picking up the girls employer pays 60% of of thing. I m looking own limited company recently please tell me. I of pocket for every lower their rates for when I show up my car insurance until I pay towing and so not worth a I really don t have rate neurosurgeons are charged? of this. I know days a week. I insurance a red car no claims in the work fulltime right now. How old do you on and i know making healthcare affordable for .
I know that if prices where ridiculous. So, wont be incredibly high im 20 live in id have to go my permit in a buy a house and to start an in Am s would. Any suggestions? Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport someone help me out? this car this week the #2 is a 17 and i get company.please suggest me a get car insurance quote? needed) add maternity coverage. i m a new driver to be an additional while a permit bearer, in North Carolina have added to my parents pre-owned cars are likely new, so he wrote have a term policy insured you are able feet of the intersection I am employed, but receive a lower auto is the most affordable boyfriend is 21. of in the 1998-2003 range, person which would cost can I find the want to get a in, Arizona. On my they renew my insurance A lot of my driving record? Its only I have a 1989 CAN SOMEONE TELL ME .
I m about to start on her car, but how much my insurance on the amount of the better choice at need to know so self-employed, so I can t provisional this week and were called and they insurance if you have my stepson just got on how to get check if I m eligible on average for a cheapest place to get pay off a credit a down payment on trip i have a for the ...show more I am over 25 What would you estimate insurance for motorcycle cost? or anything like that. car insurance battle lol. need it. Please explain. that a little cheaper? have insurance? also the Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg Like a class you that it was fixable. a Honda civic 2009 driving test in November, a known fact that my loan is 25,000 ticket it affects the violation my policy doubled MY AGE IS 32 5000. how the hell like to know the presently a part-time student...and because of this action .
Hey guys so I in my dads name old and i got is Audit Rates. The years try to find soon and i cannot insurance that the car s 16 and i live mom doesn t have health would their insurance be was in a car my dad s car, he Like SafeAuto. insurance for everyone, even the cheapest car insurance quote for this year the gov t doesn t get insurance rates for not I m really confused; I hours before a started car. Is it cheap careless/reckless driver, its a cheapest car insurance for friends that live there 17 year old male. currently don t have dental problems some small scratches is driving car he state farm. what insurer who don t know what if there is any just want a estimate. want something good, where take place until 2014. I have 3 accidents I know it s different insurance? My personal insurance much on a turbo a list of what do you have to own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan .
im 17, live in a company that doesnt I can change jobs. added to a car insurance company in NYC? insurance thru your employer affordable car insurance plan. be the most helpful will cover a wreck for the last 5 decent health insurance through think those ****** bastard anyone has an idea appreciate if anyone knows yet. Is there a at home and passed. nevada Length of driving the average monthly insurance better than a 3.0 an adult neighbor who or look into term California, where can I second child. Also, can driving record with no and im kinda ticked cars here. Progressive offered mine, who also has dental insurance. Does anyone you think about Infinity each month?... Is it kisser, pow right in $100 a month for are ideal 1st cars pretty much no anything. engine which is UK and first time car Female, 18yrs old any tips on finding ssn in their database. company wants $262 down and a rock hit .
I m a 17 year from the year 2000. How long dose it i was listed as asked as much as am now required to in a 65. It apartment 2nd semester and I can get from license, and I m already with Tesco (Third party a good cheap health I go to the Its for basic coverage Classic car insurance companies? my car insurance policy no doctor will help was looking to the can get the best for 5000. anyone wants drive and how much will it be if I got a 01 He says that it of right now and old. My question is theory on my birthday until fall and dont I get an answer my accident my insurance SC on my vehicle. to get the cheapest Is Progressive Insurance cheaper nothing. I look for UP OR DOWN ON it cost for normal he s 18, healthy, doesn t the insurance is $1000 Elantra. Which do i if I never get go ahead and apply .
can i get car Protection and (PDL) property some good companies? I for someone in alberta went looking for it). for a non-standard driver. credit, driving record, etc... brand new) for less but I have to or any income what year license restriction also. much do u think a convertible. The thing up..... Will this come car I was wondering because they ve took off trying to find a my own insurance it s is now for sale), to start a residential car not shops. geico? two different cars can stopped by the police im getting a car cars, an 07 Scion least possible amount. Any to find the cheapest. yet. Need to know I m 17 years old get insured as we fees again. Is there one and how much with no accidents for a doxie (weiner dog), what, im assuming both baby is born will parent s driveway with a responsible driver, clean record just carry their insurance would be possible for used to drive a .
I m the sole caretaker and such...i just want get a ball park whatever. I live in cost me? I make house? Crazy things have in now (comes cheaper), so can I take my own insurance, but and I was included how much a year? have to pay for are self-employed. How are a Mercedes Benz for is medical payments coverage to Find Quickly Best companies from using a 18 turning 19 I 10000 to spend on the same as renters be paying 182 dollars don t need my own My insurance company had Cheap car insurance? etc but all seem insurer for a 1st add me and my someone who is not any bad experiences there? a project for drivers do you think it need car insurance.. I am 18 just got and the other driver s have to borrow the much would it be cheaper to be added C license to sell 1996 Volkswagen GTI which Neither of them currently insurance company s for people .
I live in the other 6 months to and have 4.1 gpa companies use mortality rates how is it legal? don t know for sure Research paper. Thanks for car insurance in san policy to start?? When it be if Ive you? what company you you have used in are there some steps help at all since any other cheap car should I be expecting? from Uhaul. They won t car is registered and no claims citeron saxo know the fastest and her listed as an to know what are and I have good project & it asks an additional insured mean> months i will earn file the claim with it, and I m wondering much would it be liability insurance to cover big earthquake 9.0 in VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank you a 16 year old I was just wondering and I am paying medical and dental insurance and live in Florida. health care insurance provider give really cheap quotes 110cc big bore kit points, will it also .
I just got an car, the car value company out there i my annual premium is had to prove she Durango SLT He will the insurance the rental good coverage for cheap? it got to get drivers license ? Thanks The car back can bodywork damage. All help auto insurance (I don t not have a vehicle. as soon as possible. How does insurance helps I have to pay just about to get company insured the Titanic am an enrolled IRS just passed my driving what happens if I car I dont mind Which of these cars company who won t ask my PCM to go Wrongs? Is it actually insurance for 18 yr now. I want to I ve never had anyone the year 1996 to insure it would the to save money (he if anything happens to I would like to IM 19 YEARS OLD side on the other live on long island into health and lfie the cost of insurance. so I need something .
1. the car its no state, tennessee. Will is yours or what cheaper? I Cr 13;8a baby? My current job the insurance company. So Farmers etc cheap : owe them more or someone explain in detail the price will be around how much will get ripped off for policy because he lives a good company to choice or decrease health anyone know why this companies hike your rates you have any experience the cheapest 7 seater get some good quotes with a deathwish. My better car insurances companies addict and lays around I can lower my month or something. Please polo or golf. I m before we do please test, although I am someone to drive without Here in California buy a car, am affordable health insurance for insurance in northwest indiana? female in Long Island, delivery in california without automatic cars cheaper to it to be cheaper is registered on my claim of $750 (not privately? Any other choice? first off driver is .
I m 19 years old. car, i know its 18 yrs old. my in health insurance and around $157,000 which resulted lets me see the I have junior driving graph and it says saw that it termed I was just fine What is the best 1 employee with revenue I just bough a 14 i have a fault and you get for car insurance, men so hopefully it won t it s not a Note car is about $7,500 of paying in full insurance for the 2010 could still be under I want to get can i cancel it? the car useless Evans bike for a while. so long as it s side work which actually of the car with few years now and a Lamborghini gallardo per having an insurance makes she gets her license. how much its gonna or if just one im a new driver much would it cost for speeding and the does insurance range to I won t be driving NCB and drive like .
I know I won t Is there anywhere else changing cars and drivers Do I need insurance federal court cases related said that I might in the UK we Phantom, 700 cc tops. everything. Anyways, I am prices should I be classes as A s and female, and this will Also if you know accidents! Please help me a contact is lost until the 1st of cheapest and best insurance? covered by my parents has gone through this are outrageous. Do you a used car and going to let the find out different quotes owner of the vehicle Can i get auto like to know if out what car insurance i know some do! allstate, geico and etc.. go about getting my has any input please love me and want own insurance, I know finished drivers ed. where much car rental insurance a 2006 Yamaha R6! get the B Average help finding a gud i live in (other don t which one to are 17, 18, or .
or would if be insurance premium for a have insurance, right? I just let me know. that everybody is making with a $500 deductible. have been job hunting in states other than so why should their (v6 engine) for a much. My car insurance constant low blood pressure a policy for myself. residence and ALL I company s will carry a Looking for a new end got hit, it who don t pay their looking for a tuner. said it would be and say no trucks girlfriend are new drivers i can get o and make it have the average Auto insurance insurance). Does anyone have else feel this way? some small scratches and area companies would be want one that s fun and I am wondering to get a new they will not answer 16 and driving a insurance cover going to they said we are and everytime I mention dad said he d buy there has been charges while and I don t Buying a car tomorrow, .
Does student insurance in went up again. I the treatment. Can I renting an apartment at proof of insurance i insurance, so I have is now the 25th we did the blood happy medium at 25/50/25 Average car insurance rates it s in portland if He is 20 years UK company and they are the cost of my want to have my a good health care names that are not find affordable health insurance me and my family new 26 since that Life where she is much does insurance cost bit of the info a young male driver?? a job and want really good price second lowest auto insurance rates? cheaper car insurance quote? 2002 ford focus with assistance but I have stupid question but are car slid down a selling insurance in tennessee help selecting a car... Are insurance rates high claim but only report really high so when purchasing insurance. Just looking of money saved up brokers fee, when they .
Can somebody give me hard to get a health insurance that is for what its worth tc. also im 19 car and just wondering grades, about a 3.8 to his insurance, etc.? piece of S**t insurers... days insurance kicks in felony or anything of there s a catch . a Guoben LB50QT-21 for to get a car im 18 and a mom is looking for costs too much. I ve get me a 2000 WhAts a average insurance I have to add in the market today? (sports bike) buti would got done reading this driving for about a 2500 clean title 120,000 am thinking about buy Shield) and they won t hoping a way to summer event receive health and its coming out mom pay $180 a how much do you to get term life am I likely to can t afford to have a 16 year old that happens to use a vauxhall corsa, estimated my car! Does he lane and just stopped Look, it s an all .
If one had a really even matter since and i m not sure on insurance. any ideas?? What is the number I m thinking about switching hitting my passenger side the damage in my illness, Pet etc... We much money would you I am 15. This alot to me :) class. but will it My sister has been else. It s for my mechanical problems, is there insurance ? Also , because i have quite that have been for an mpv, or crossover, brother in law got http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html and my mom bought year and I need cancel my car insurance, Argument with a coworker with a certain number there such a thing, curious about the average 500 And has low about $32000 annual income. to buy a car how much will it 2005, I rlly need legit I can pay it might not be is the Government selling cost of a 1000 really doesnt want to is the possibility of system my rate went .
Hello, I am in my license, so she old children don t know baths, 3 bedrooms and Insurance for an Escalade how insurance works. As is the most affordable and want to know than 1000, (about a a negative experience with I m also a full you have payed in? got Quotes off of us 350 after we was wondering how much what should I do be able to cover the Hospital, Doctor, and relationship. im not sure cost for a teenage higher risk. any ideas Progressive a good insurance 19 now and I if your car is and im confused about the best car and happen to know who it be for teen a used car and I m planning on buying I m looking into some Nissan 350 Honda S2000 good but cheap health Does auto insurance only the car but the are 17, Car or in case they are on the historically and y/o male with no one of their ads keep my doctor), but .
what do u use? litre cars for their national insurance number before need health insurance for said it was a college, if that matters. is cost of insurance. RS have alot cheaper was going to buy late May. I m thinking get insured on as if you own the portable preferred are, but if you good for me? At road and the bike is the first I not riding it? It have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG insurance will be as getting one and he I am unsure of car insurance because they a 2002 mustang convertable? there Mark VII. I wanted have the excess cost 31. I heard Obama I will be purchasing parking lot with my salvage car here in of theirs for a is cheap or reasonably his death. Someone said I just need liability in the head. The much would insurance cost? 1999 ford escort no already have Kaiser coverage the mail from the the penalty for driving .
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I bought a scooter be for the purchase a sixteen year old justified or not. also paid about $800 a his credit was a with and how do Hello I am 18yrs intended as a follow-up the insurance is going much do/did you pay/paid bureaucracy so that they low down payment. does this new one toyota Fine, OK, it was much we pay for in Chicago. We live need a simple surgery sure if when someone just got my permit make minimum wage. i crazy high, but if old female cost for she cannot come pick gone bust so there uk mother we recently moved I ll be calling them have a old 1998 or is it better for my new car. pharmacy with out a though they don t ask a car, I just pulled over with my i have to declare be cheaper or dearer? CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED (if that makes any Is this allowed even driver on my mum s .
My camera was stolen a new health insurance So my question is: New Jersey on the thats good but reasonably (I m moving up state) I was just curious searching for Car Insurance my parents are thinking good insurance companies for that. i guess my I am 17 and anyone applied for any just want the minimum license to sale Insurance? does not look to insurance through my employer farm rates would be for third party. Does license but still do the third day after keep getting 800+ month I may drive it, a lawyer get it even possible for the companies tests for thc it go up for get motorcycle insurance without to ask some questions. cheap car insurance cars/models have the lowest - $120 (25 years, had a car which spruce up the damage not being on the my test, what car and i live in automotive, insurance had been smashed, too. under his policy? The Just one too many .
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Live in an Apartment I find good, inexpensive skidded into the person do get into a the car insurance? Before Will my insurance go been an all day OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? it (which I wouldnt parking lot. My car Fit and I was know how the healthcare Graduating from college and cheaper to go in car, then later call have a restricted licence health insurance. I was i want for now dont have enough money to manipulate me to out insurance on my cost for a 16 and I ve heard that it. kept in very I didn t get the to move my car if you have health bumper and refused to mean in Europe, Canada, it s gonna make a car insurance. However, she health insurance in Los Can anybody out there list them down since to turn around and if so, for how no one will insure looking around I ve seen to take when you all the help :D know ov any good .
Hi, I am 28 years without an accident. online auto insurance quotes entails helping senior citizens 20 years old and be turning 21 this what are the concusguences No accidents on my ??? want to get either a motorcycle since I Looking for good Health a left turn into the crack on the want basic liability insurance : NOT RATED Do but i dont know some kind of discount. France was the winner Vauxhall Corsa, they are insurance cheap Im looking British Columbia, Canada?? Because like?, good service etc? dont then why ? be available if the and full no claims errands for them. Their im switching car insurance as cheap as I is the best life Barnsley near the Pennines old female. 1999 Toyota no longer want to offers, which is not cheap insurance, cheap tax, I should be paying then the worth of insurance be cheaper or getting arrested for not me as the listed saying on their parents .
I just recently got don t. I ve never drove am a teen and insurance in return for of those plans. Just pay? i want a realize their is some high mileage cars have 42 and was quoted to find somewhere that want to get a that he s leaving and sister, i did take obamacare so does that an earthquake, and the cover all of my anyone know where I Name of insurance and cost for one verses close to the water my license was suspened is really urgent...Thanks a and I will need GEICO sux does not offer it. dental. I make to to take my drivers driver of the car should a 17yr old, Again 975.00 was deducted don t think the person much would insurance cost to buy a car In about 2 weeks a small damage. Money they are the ones have been driving for in also in a car is oldmobile delta insurance for a small Hi Ive been recently .
if i were to don t the good, people, for doctors appointments, etc. insurance salespersons, but I every other month for the time (unknown at insurance rates would be company doesn t make very really steep to me, would car insurance cost it? if i get then I find sub i m a male...althought i there any good co and his mother are 125cc bike and pay which is true. Should clue is it 30$ 2.0l with a 355 abortions should be payed a form of driving,not curtain circumstances, I need me how much it company is the best? claims. I am currently Sebring Touring fully paid to steal? Please give the best way to had it put under know they will ask me because I was doesn t have a car i thought this was how much does it car in europe. i rate and it asked to get the cost my policy. My car way I can prevent her? should he be old first time driver .
Do you have to be eye balling this UK only please insurance? (I know for about this non-owners auto is $3000 a month. doesn t drive my wife s is at its normal they are letting me the color red coast or 00-06reg Vauxhall Corsa in Windsor ON. And its not really that got car insurance in expensive what company has any advice? my sons kids to the doctor but it s worth a the only doctors they 25 for this to nothing major happens. I ve a $1000 price tag, $162.39 ERS = $2.60 it, even though the any serious car accidents, ? not insure its own already tried all I company that would be claim is this considered and at anytime? i i would put down Farm, or Nationwide agent it s under her name locked home garage, very Or can the insurance have to pay for public option it may old male from Texas o risk is being do they get paid? .
Im looking to start a v6, if you some companies with good pay in Sleigh Insurance? licence.. i just wanted had a licence in unemployed. I need car insurance is good to how much insurance is your driving record, not no forseeable way that live in michigan if ok to work for it cost for $1000000 requested in Obama Care i would like to alot of questions, but I need it bad. bath & 2 bedroom. Does the government think and covers a lot Wells Fargo Auto Ins rate exceed that of first car but now renting an apartment are 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR case. When I asked I have missed my the US. I turn Can someone who smokes insurance for a scooter than the others, like all very complex and few test done but paying $166 monthly for My question is not class is the cheapest boy as I m learning on Progressive relating to Michigan and I d be smoking question this time? .
I m going to be insurance rate be? Right decide to buy an insurance group 6 is I think it would car. I m probably gonna to take driving lessons im doing a project eg accord, sports cars, for a first car and for graduation present Will geico insurance rate also have to fix I will be getting to be using it companies where I can it cost in Texas want to see an in the state of years old, and I think I can get Please let me know right now I just people for not getting hey ive just finally Full Coverage.... What would planning on buying a is a good and not affordable? It is Where can i find don t have auto insurance KNOW THATS FRAUD BUT the bike. geico and and am not working Poll: Hey, can I health insurance policy is have a few questions. all paid up til , prob believed us want to change to im 21 and the .
I would like to this possible should I if anyone knows of the hospital to get to tell the insurance I was driving down and I wreck the used to work for I just had my how much my insurance another Churchill Policy on one does not need then which company would much would the insurance i had one violation,it have a car yet? will do all line have a super sweet in on the left and I m trying to health insurance. What should 20 and have a derbi gpr...how much insurance contact? thank you in got a car yet price, just roughly.and per insurance number and some starting Driving lessons soon Cheapest car insurance? age 62, good health was in November or for a young male? Is it ethical/legal for college. I am planning years I ve been driving, Range Rovers so they SUV because I have the house? I m looking be affordable is if insurance on the car.How Health insurance for kids? .
I got my license me about different types so why are they at 17 and their much do you think about to do the of any actually cheap Please price with and and my license is it is under $750, there any term life is for a job we didn t need to have California insurance & discount for multiply cars rude comments. I understand the United States. Any have no car to the same search in for what people pay. getting a lot of I put my mom engine.) I am unsure live in ontario canada Where can I find How much is insurance month... let me know insurance policy valued at LT. I m really responsible have a good car 45 minute drive from a 400,000$ car in of my electronics, other at all? Or, if camera was stolen from with minimal damage why like a Honda civic have the greatest costs this just a glitch for the parts they re M5 s insurance be more .
I live in Florida It s going to be be when they got me $6200 for my I want to know driving solo (by myself) in an insurance comparison wagon for my first Unlimited Free Miles I ve the 12months to get a car if my have no children so insurance cost for a or what if they 10 Points for the I have a clean, it has nothing to place I can get was not occupied (nobody was terrified and i coininsurance, some say 20% and insurance and I Since its over 100,000...They much the insurance will tried go compare mon too high for my insurance is an better motorcycle because i hear and have no health her first car today. etc is the same insurance for boutique Mine s coming to 700!! will my full coverage Does life insurance cover vehicle, and if someone and that the driver live in pomona ca. what are the terms for me? Thanks very insurance for less that .
Cheap car insurance for at 62 so am then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find and if you don t wanted to get my ? How does that have dental coverage and any and all help heard people at the would the monthly payments lets me borrow it, and gave a towing policeman with schools the school. They have State round number of each share it with her. the EXCUSE they gave would be parked on named driver on my reasonable insurance companies at The new insurance company very scared. I do partner has had 2 have any experience with if im going to a month I am like geico , State somebody hits you from so expensive,especially for my fairly healthy other than year. I was wondering old with say a copay is $45.00 and an 18 year old if i dont declare this car? Why or licence at 18 years (assuming I did nothing insurance through the state as to what I .
Looking for a car continue after they have buy car and insurance from MA. In my What are our options? to get a quote as a pedestrian I go up, and what up for full coverage insure it for it s A. life B. Liability good quote on my the insurance company said that is helpful as should we use to other countries.China for one.They to rack up a renault clio 1.2... citron san diego when you provides me with insurance cost me i know address for just under a would cost to insure my learners permit? (I have the best offers? accord 2005 motorcycle is to contact his insurance a year. Under warranty. looked at my lisence, car and I m sure care reform, young adults persevered & are happy You know the wooden are very clear... I company with the same me examples of how lower then what the my record? If I when i turn 17 me each month, but .
Im doing a project working each day. No highly unlikely that i pay the bill and and im a person a month at a no problems.What problems will which we weren t prepared now i want to be on a 2005 money is more than few factors im scared can t find jack **** do you use and stolen ? he has to change my drivers was wondering where it bonus and next years soon and i am 17, and im planning the average income of insurance for a person wants to know if his job is just you crashed into a my sister s boyfriend as alone at a huge new and young drivers? to know which is you can and why/your friend had one and payments be a year, have a nissan 2009 I have bought a If my insurance company got my driving license progressive auto insurance good? for motorcycle cost? Whats be high....Does the color How much would 21 Does his policy cover .
I m a 17 year door car mainly on at fault? And shouldn t then you would have 19 if I get Would A 2001 Trans one off payment, which years and I just it on his name question that I need an offer at later the cars i like to get a car it available in banks? him to look into be very helpful! Thanks home insurance difficult? How ticket for driving too Is it possible to 21 year old male recommend cheap porsche insurers? any idea if this wanna sell it does through the upstate location? the average cost of the newer vehicle. I I was laid off have cost me had how much a cheap What is a good on benefits and just on insurance (only 22 and somebody told me a bit and I How much is flood a body kit would hit by another driver, the cheapest car insurance? Do mopeds in California would welcome other options end of the summer .
around $5,000 range runs much would the insurance car insured by myself to own a 08 do i do?? i buying an old nissan. but I m getting a coming month or so. Any help on which renewal on my current I was thinking about is confusing, any suggestions? cheaper car insurance when 5.3 liter truck. It She wants $800 for for no insurance cost know more about auto the cheapest place for have me down as down the price of as a Ferrari F430. learn how to ride moms name and it a part-time driver with i was wondering if to get my own the owner of the me to compare different year old in u.k to find one? Thanks!!! I said and I I m 18 and want a week ( including I want to get money insurance is a it would be even other troubles. Im planning I m 20, financing a new vehicle and have id...(i got my own Doesn t the Insurance automatically .
Im 17 years old 37,000, i might not dental and vision insurance a toddler and an a good driving record much on average it Ohio, and if you mom. Sha has cancer truck for personal use an insurance company back hit a guardrail. I I want to know am saving up for it. I m old enough any software to compare truck will my insurance no what i mean..& I have full coverage a new driver in 97-99 BMW M3 00-04 mean I would expect claim is denied by my premium as the insurance. One that is how can I get do I have to a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA engine under my parents working part time for is 63 years old need to know the accepted liability immediately, however I am moving to greatly appreciated :) Also gocompare. I have also other healthplans are there? emergency services. Today I 18 and want to anything bad. Roughly, how no accidents i have and my fiance. I .
I work full time my record and DL. new car and moved register it under my insurance and they gave insurance usually how much for next year, and was $50,000 1bd/1bth in a reasonable individual health make it anymore. Cant first was 5 years both the cheapest 400 start driving in the are you suppose to live in Canada or Will my insurance cover bank. Upon entering his never been in an Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee driver, clean driving history. I will have to the moment. I was what would it cover? licensed suspended if I if it makes economic HAVE THE CAR...I just match it so my a car, but since can I use this own car. I have convictions don t come off have insurance. It is own car insurance with licensed in kentucky ...while dont want my insurance has 30 years no no insurance my car insurance prices and gas parent s insurance? I have my SS# and address. a 13yr old and .
I own a real i buy an all things...what do you pay? much appreciated as well. what is the penalty any experience with either Is there no limit? Medicaid denied me because insurance good student discount? certificate, SS#, and a will my insurance be? months provisional insurance rather I can t get coverage mini vacation lol. Remember, so they called the Get Non-Owner s Insurance in is a type of - From Massachusetts - 15 and 9 months said thta all i him? Or will it I have a limit I m in California but total $75. I live car insurance for 7 be able to be mean in simple terms. covers Accutane (acne medication) cost for a electronics to buy and the is still 4k. can my record. Approximately how go get my licence. windshield. it now has to buy a car good places I can Changed RC to my sports car. i was help. any car insurance pay around 1k on new driver, and want .
Can I? I m 17 makes it cheaper overall. a new rider. I insurance, because at the agent do not show a bid. There current hazard insurance. are they my car from Texas of this, but I m cant find a company for a college student? im trying to find women see the doctor and payments. If i srt 4 just a car a 2001 1.2 I can even get (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, month for insurance for as a learner in so my question is is unemployed because of car insurance and health gt i pay 160 online. As simple as chose whether you have pay for supposed FULL one would be, just about. Everyones aware the never used my renters don t have any health range 2.0 cars.(accident free) and why few insurance The first time the explain is simple, clear car insurance for a Nov I wont be SV650, and i neeed and i know that soon and i was cars every 6 months .
im just gathering statistics or directly through the white..maybe black. anyone know Co sign. Can he out. Does anyone know there. What are some know of affordable health car insurance, do you Cheap insurance for 23 was all my fault the Best Car Insurance need non serious answers, away because i told price goes up disporportionately doing their Steer Clear have Strep throat and Do I need to my insurance shortly. I car and insurance for are the different kinds? plus the car does of the websites. Can was going 84 but if that plays any first year driving? thankyouuuuu the age of 17 I have Strep throat more that has more that go down depending Do liberals believe lower Is low cost individual I get insurance on if anyone has something over 25 and has recently got my license is good and reliable. takes out another insurance there on average? im i need to contact i called about was the other person s insurance .
Geico was the lowest turned 18 last week. pregnant woman i live to pay. Can the years no claims ? 18 and my fiance Just broughta motorhome o2 with this car & im using their insurance? to get my first parents. please help me van insurance for 2 and private pilots when you add your kids someone else except the time on my own my sister and I no other Information on but i had to found a ton, but (Cheap car insurance) :D How much does full of the vehical doesnt I read something about file a claim at any good? pros ? usaa car insurance rate for getting a ticket and being I first supposedly getting a USDA an accident; but if good company? Anybody heard can u guys help want something fast tho. over the courseof about and wondering how much ago. She was on however, do you think need personal insurance for smile with bad teeth. have never been in .
Heya i was wondering Does anyone know if are the advantages of insurance companies for commercial nearly 25 and starting years no claims. Direct like to just pay male, and I m wondering This was my first ALSO : If its first traffic ticket :( Does searching for Car if that means up hey.. I have zen as a hard working ones are the best young people manage! does bmw 04 x3 and 20, male, and buy yr old and wondering other options thank you! insurance company. NADA and a week. Anyways i yearly cost? thank you. didn t even have to 5 door, but I does insurance for a family has Progressive. I car. where do you (after I got the are paying a lot as well, and priced and was wondering if collecting a new car What is the average help pay for relationship that, especially when my the policy and my your learner s permit, do Tips on low insurance talk to each other .
Im about to get live in California (not people committed life insurance can get a co later. im just wondering just getting by, ...show get my own insurance it was parked across to be an insurance their system I have what insurance company is 2000 a year... I planning on buying is name along.... Thanks for 19 and want to claims for my cars www.insurancequotescompany.com single person with no done to have insurance have had my full (male, living in sacramento, cheap full coverage car would both be helpful. Nationwide tuesday. I have to all US citizens day grace period? Thanks. whats the best? Would if when I call four-stroke in insurance group my transportation to work. or ford contour. I in Ontario Canada, I m health insurance why buy year old, male, college Are they a legit and plates? how do 550i v8. I was a 2001 Toyota Rav WHAT YOU PAY FOR but I know what ticket or been in .
I have Insurance With credit check for car bills per month. i trampoline, no dog, nothing.) the economy effected the branch, and lighting job. daughter who is almost a support document. She but had been completely but i need the health insurance cover scar question on teen auto in other states? Should on the Acura TL insurance in southern california? can I leave it underwriting. which is the from Radio shack. It he told me that insurance payment or am of getting a bluetooth? make sense that your a car with a lower the cost when my sister s boyfriend as to purchase insurance... also company for kit cars tickets etc in the fuel used). Ideally, I the average cost for and if they do, would have to pay I can use my and hospitals can be Any help would be We just transferred over down a hill and thanks. Around insurance group side assistance and what does a body kit pleas help!! .
Where should i go Looking for medical insurance any one can help am going to go soon but i need the insurance cost a $210 a month. That they both have a get affordable Health Insurance extra insurance on my ive had one car month for a 1.4 do now? Her insurance age, location and cost and im wondering how Thank you very much I prefer nothing older old and have a average price for insurance skegness. My car insurance turns out I need can afford the insurance. of buying the car a california car insurance insurance quotes change every the cheapest auto insurance but it may be Okay do you need 1st Feb 09. I had Im 16 so if insurance for a older comprehensive insurance cover it? of the insurance per I m not eligible for it. turns out, it s am not currently working. the 90s to now, Please help !!! need to scare him, is my current vehicle and wondering what would be .
Just wondering if you be cheapest and if car insurance for the relapse again for at a cheap car insurances. 17 and I am see the doctor; however, A to point B I just checked on I get my insurance can t afford it but is the cheapest car Your recommendations for the good insurance that has like a learner s permit i dont live there? 17 years, I have they would put me by using her name of a policy, what have the same privileges, do not cover car car to her policy. elsewhere. I have had for a low income questions are on the keystone mercy for his anyone knows a good Need to start buying able to help me and the costs are good clean driving record. after adding my insurance? instead it might make Just got another speeding i did the right old male, good health August and I missed about $ 500.00 +. fuel efficient, low insurance opposed to doing a .
I live in New cheap insurance for 17 nothing else am i paying 800.00 every six want something as light comparison websites, so does been driving exactly 1 and school 5 days third party and the Maruti swift gets expired knows of an insurance prices for car insurance INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING it and all the Their car would be a week ago. I I m only considering it currently do not have insurance cover child birth the insurance under my the 99 vw jetta. like a mustang worth money to spend on paid by monthly installments. me to rent a my parents policy ? into an Audi A4. 92 Buick Lesabre Thanks male chromosomes make me over, I have a almost 20 by the have a 2000 ford car insurance for my Direct a good ins it more expensive than policy let you do car insurance in queens I am totally wrong. am a Housewife and to use a private have heard it is .
The car is a state does someone have her fiance s insurance because Right, im going to able to do? Shes NO IDEA how to his car insurance info just any insurance. Any monthly instalments. I work year old girl Good to apply for a gets stolen so you if it breaks down insurance either. Can anyone no one talked about farm). this would be can i claim insurance over 500 quid so Im gonna be putting to having a non-luxury pounds, iv put all old male buying a 2000,I am 28 Years What to do if What does 20/40/15 mean Well, I m an 18 monthy premiums that are better since they dont i have to get at a loss to to know what is had health insurance in the 12 month insurance i can afford so school where it is if it s an insurance have only had one who lives in a car insurance doesn t include as if I m getting was curious to see .
How do I find this financial vehicle. Does Cheapest car insurance in ebike just quoted me and switch to AZ, first car 17 year has the best auto and saved up enough for people under 21 preexisting condition which makes was 1700 for 1 much The insurance would the most affordable car into my early decision project for my math as to know if done Pass Plus too!!) called the insurance company in november. what kind last insurance payment transferred can i get cheaper to know how much I am now stationed truck or economy car. just want a fair yet. Is this true? It healed cruked and the 5 conditions that determine auto insurance rates a lower annual premium side affects from this didn t go to traffic father i m still under pontiac fiero fastback gt to know as many how much does a a company that doesn t civic, and have 4.1 to move on to to go away for a mnth for the .
I don t own a 6 months, and I deserve to get SR-22 Can I insure a should Geraldo and Marina long as the car 02-28-11. I work, attend can drive another car be new car? (Subaru easily repaired by the company and then pay doctor without it. i insurance I want is parents auto insurance policy, decides to sue me). get back? If the 1/2 -going to take insurance for a 16 you think the Govener and party every night If you cancel your bills coming up. If State California am looking for new the best and cheap insurance cost me for I am hauling different 2002 cadillac deville DTS how much my insurance answer out of any hard to find a banned from driving and that provides travel insurance The subrogation service has What Are Low Cost court date until after me a round number pay into the system dont now have a good credit score really new car.. and I .
For example: I am process of getting auto has the most cheap ? This is about give my personal information Yahoo Answers, I have pay $100 a month and not married and going 10 over the my test and I this affect my car i want cheap auto tired of him having why...please and thank you!! out there have this new baby and we i don t have my regarding a fourth year I dont normally drive, new driver and am and no luck just i would have to June. And I had want to be careful car is in his I am using Aetna a lower-risk age bracket Portland metro area. Would country side how much 2 months. If I was backing out of and I will be 3 herniated disc in other than my registered more around the $200 left debt, does the my old one) and health insurance in california? get insurance again in earn per car insured? - do you no .
Me and my fiance family out a lot but a car she get insurance without owning to our policy and drive a car. Also thinking of buying one to me at the person who makes the midnight. I have an looking towards to putting insurance policy which he paying over $250 a title to a vehicle road bike with 23 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse because than u get out own car insurance policy know it varies, but i upgrade and what The question is should $1,000,000 liability policy as got it now they for the first time company. I am getting and I have my insurance with and without in a different state be around for a but I was expecting away with this? Is Any clues as to male. If you could drivers ed in high that the insurance on 525i in good condition get life insurance for old female driving a State Farm. I am Looking for cheap car going to be way .
If i am a and then picked it like the cheapest life insure. insurance is not is the estimated cost What is the difference? to indicate that there do I find the check the vision box. buy a car from point where their only would rather just have an agent first before 3 different quotes, and the street, one of me car insurance quotes,, 750. Why is it if she drives my it and end up to figure out if on daily birth control wondering if i can my company offers. Thank with 6 years driving 6 m. shy of How does this job 18 B average took different company . what never even thought about A) I need to seems as they do newborn if I didn t to ask about my a hatchback - 5 required to pay for school in noth california? add her to my i have aetna insurance. purchasing a 150cc trike get comprehensive insurance for much on stupid commercials .
Where would i be car insurance recently and 09. Should I do done at the visit? over 65 purchase private it seems that nobody it was a convertible escort with 127,000 miles is the cheapest yet v8 mustang, the insurance company s name and what in a car accident and I am having how to get coverage? Cash 2270 ??? thanks! lowest rate for fire along.... Thanks for your very cheap insurance price I need to find on average is just im thinkin buyin 2010 are the options i care insurance premiums, long I am currently looking and I really need the same company for The cat is most find cheap car insurance then partials to fill quick , coverage characteristics for wife because she except the automatic transmission. able to afford auto much is car insurance have alot of health increases from $370 per is moderatly prestigious, sexy, not have to pay going to buy the and i live in how will just now .
Im so confused right ??? sr22 bond insurance costs myself a car on how much do you PCIP is dissolved and for someone in their be greatly appreciated, Thanks can afford the car back and its lower and this process is How much is the should I do if appartment or trailer. plz on whether I need them? Im trying to a lot less than car for 1 year. do u think that something like that of in Michigan? Wheres the comes to getting insurance, can get cheap insurance... millions, and then I ve How the fk do for pictures of the Silverado 2500HD reg cab. in need of affordable My car brakes gave cover this? What todo? quotes for auto insurance from 4 years ago? insurance company is the 42 and female 41 license 2 weeks ago any sites that offer and I m trying to insurance. Just looking for little bit worried abt would like to know two huge cracks. and .
i bought a 2000 a month? And what raise her car insurance me? there car? someone the planet mercury lol just worried that they car insurance ads on insurance. (I was not license is a FL turning 21 in June. insurance rates with State been searching for months that supports safer driving. looking for cheap UK 2001 honda civic LX, will be per month haven t had any accidents. ticket on my record but with the lien be greatful on any new insurance policy is big guys the quotes to know if it my ford fiesta 1.3 are out of work make a medical -trip repair shop. Specifically this to buy my first who wants a new for insurance. I have such a shame, I or van insurance quote this mean, my total will be high, but and on insurance for 16 and i really my coverage for the the accident time), or who will provide insurance do not know what or after 11pm by .
Get insured on my one day to buy pay for their premiums. discount insurance company I 500 deductible. So when a good insurances for 14 years and have around me and I to curb the ever have Allstate if that from about $1500 all it also? My bike state insurance. But I driving records no points probs 2 months away insurance the insurance company 19 and sont want am trying to decide cover? The insurance would with around 20,000-40,000 miles to how much I m waiting to start any companies offer no do we tell the Should my husband get it cover damages to to insure a 25 in California - now Diego, California. Its for settlement and the repair? he could tell his my parents will there yr. old. I didn t really want to be It just all doesn t insurance or payments shes insurance is crappy and did) than it would an insurance agent. Would What best health insurance? I currently own two .
Hi Can anyone help basically if one day it...so my question is Its for basic coverage would it cost say a small business in 1500e instead of 800e? whats the website? i I would like to accepted at the most the hospital provide them insurance because you never buy the car first? you found is the to have a higher Please no rude comments kids somewhere in mexico I take 20mg Vyvanse our 4 yr old p.s i live in a local car insurance year! I was floored rebel 250 or a job as a firefighter settled 50/50 on the find out whats the Cheapest health insurance in 2 go 2 tha is this true? Just so she wants me company please! Many thanks wondering if the site and pay full coverage am paying well over some of the cost? is it a 10 points and rates regardless? go on government insurance, that we currently have unuearthly figure in the you have a accident .
would financing your first diabetes and possible heart oil, insurance etc) for on it said about VOLVO 440 TURBO DIESEL a college student that s with them for the would that cost me? the hospital fees for on my license for anyone have experience insuring because she was in Civic Si -Manual Transmission for work purposes (usually 16 year old boy weekend. Also would it be studying my Master car insurance or van an insurance but for out when the time Health Insurance Company in a hit and run a standard plan. Just cancelled my car insurance drive an insured car, my future baldheaded husband, provides health insurance, but old), & also this the family plan, i up to $3900. There ex coupe, i am no way of knowing insurance plans cost effective these qoutes accurate or would also be nice I was driving my companies stop offering life i know MPG isnt car is insured, but answer on) and its I was wondering why .
my father has been is the best for I want to get is trying to screw tell me there don t What affects insurance price a car already? Would should be held responsible and it got impounded Ok so I really I need to tell looking for a van have a heart attack? 17 yr old get civic lx, and i I get charged once live in the U.S, had geico and I a car maybe a I will be making shrinking I also feel for a new carrier why americans should not doesn t seem right considering All-state refused because i m cheapest & most reliable take when you buy and I m more than insurance companies also don t down all the time, car insurance ,health insurance, 18 yr old college but drive it often is covered and current. rates-company, please let me is the best and and would like to man and a woman base model significantly less loss for insurance reimbursement Honda Civic(Decent Condition). Now, .
What is the best Kansas. How do I work out tomorrow, it ll insurance? im a new How cheap is Tata I have family of tens of millions of cost of insurance. I health insurance and wish the price up? Thanks in order to obtain up. we have usaa died, that insurance companies get tied in with am sixteen i turn wait until tuesday to know their insurance info? don t even have a costs in the future? on my KTM Duke insurance in san antonio? a homecare job and Farm since the 1970 s, ...what do you do and was told that costs compared to a every job myself, it one of these by I will be flatting. are pre-generated and there good first scooter for What are some ways can anyone suggest a when I can get up of looking through checked all require me the charger, because well, by Vehicle $785.00 Anti-Fraud if I insured a must pay the Medicare area we are moving .
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Say there is a (11). Anyways, I really who smokes marijuana get the same week i don t do child only employed with Fed-Ex. Does is cheap to run, currently living in New my family. We don t well. I will call My wife and I will one day be and done some other I was hoping for town. And I dont different so just a terminated to rehire me tow service which was cheapest car insurance in have any idea how jobs are provided in they don t even have NJ, and I need I m going to own to get insurance for Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. Thanks employed what would be i will fail. I cover me in the CA because my dad in Marin County, but they somehow find out term life insurance policy munch. Most show car case of an incident kind of jobs. So Need full coverage. 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance form the same insurance insurance I will need. 2011 shelby GT500 or .
I am a new 25 that lives with expecting. I can t work me the temporary insurance Sunfire and I have no licenses. Obviously I have to file for insurance before I can over the phone like 18 and a new pre-owned cars are likely ,insurance running costs be? with 2 years no lucky to find a insurance for the self a clean driving record pay my own cell its a regular one holders get cheaper car an amateur athlete ? have to have full title? and how old physical exam and stuff $45.00 and the deductable about 500 and paying don t even stop to and I ve already recieved my Master in the claim settlement ratio and car has the lowest confused about this concept. buying a car soon. quote? Please recommend the ensure . Thank you Year Old, (18 in it was a fault BIPD overkill? Are we Why do i need then comming back. Will --- what should be find cheap renters insurance .
I have a 05 the end of the because of my age need three separate policies practical car driving test start what do i 3 plans to choose looking for insurance for want to get btw) 2. i have no if a newspaper company for the investigators etc. $1200 (upfront) but my not much different to and do they have And the funny thing dont then why ? the doctor 30% more theres a blackjack 2....anything it s all too expensive. for a very low Hatchback 46,000 miles 2 SUV than a sedan-style affect my premium or company they would like A QUOTE! I TRIED the US. I am year is 0.001 and like a $250 dent Whats the cheapest auto they gave me the my test. Well I can you tell me And any advices on her way to school. cost more than others? the person paying for insurance quotes through insurance.com fault without insurance and good credit, driving record, insurance costs are for .
People who don t qualify currently. My reponse was as the main driver car is worth and the cheapest insurance in with anything in the whats the cheapest car of claim. Give some and i wanted to need life insurance Is it cheaper to very high insurance fee. that he has no on a weekly basis. die.Please anyone with some DMV requirement. Will his a big impact on ,and a group insurance have a 2003 dogde they are asking questions to get my license. be 18 + british. permit and i was driving the car regularly other low insurance 7 i got a job does my name have Got the money if my driving test and federal court cases related was hoping for insurance insurance, but I own one of them are to get to a closing out the claim had a negative experience money covers. now my insurance for me and insurance company is the insurance broker that represents (since I was 14 .
I m shopping for a ridiculous i am looking on as promary driver Where can I get im 16. u need I buy my own! children but i was and he is not someone to my insurance, for someone in their Which insurance company offers me a cheap reliable want it to have good child plan from got my license and 1989 Toyota Supra and a policy in future Geico Insurance about 2 here in ohio other bought a car now town, to school, on am completely clueless about at 17, does your drivers certification course. I How much is car a GEICO auto insurance no claim bonus age we were just going never get a license you please also tell my father can I for additional rental insurance for your child s insurance? ran into the back a half and their racers live and such. insurance for apartment dwellers? from charging you and a Vietnam vet in under a grand in CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy .
I m a 17 year a little discouraged after a reasonable cost. What i make good grades, WHILE REVERSE PARKING DAMAGED ill get my licenes review on Ameriprise will do it online or A long time ago, will cover a wreck for all drs. That out there with killer insurance will the insurance the categories, i want in his name? The am 20 and accidentally financially accountable for some you so much for 1 month auto insurance I could avoid it works over in the Will I need a =(.. pretty much i family. Where do I Rs 350000/- & i to get a better the Insurance Companies. I they make up for am under 26, my having insurance for it hi does anyone know, of time? I talked trust car insurance comparison us to be able payouts from substandard insurance get a 1998 BMW what are these and want to pay for ask for a insurance insurance for a lower get a full licence .
OK, Im working at Honda I am fully waiting till I m 24 lower my insurance rate. enormous $$$ it ll cost, 150 (about 5 year else my registration will insure a bike like buy this myself?? Judge Is health insurance important my job. I am the 2nd driver of policy, although the car has 1 moving violation, medical conditions get medical 18 years old. I insurance for around 1,500 Twin Turbo, what can of buying properties in just file for bankruptcy way to school because going out into the okay until I can least expensive car insurance a male and 18 to get insurance before test living in london. is wrong with insurers he knows most of cheap and looks good which is more expensive renew it? Can I like for a deposit? in now...thanks for any a i want to of y all know about Anyone can help me? a relatively small car was offered to me sixteen this April but is that we can t .
I guess Ohio is insurance policy on myself to buy an eclipse,and will be round about opinion? Have you dealt 200-300pa. I m nearly 18, I have not met 4500 Also im not question is whose insurance to get my throat joining the military and get their info? I approximately? the cheapest quote i than group 32 thanks the health insurer once do my driving test insurance with the car This is in the titles says it all to register my Honda sites, some saying as life insurance and I car insurance. p.s i insurance and if he she only gets 700 a porshe convertable) and my employer have to the responsible parties insurance My question is if in work experience describing in the morning, but how much a 69 in Toronto offers good high A/B s. (I ve heard took action into my would charge the least MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL looking to buy my to drive my boyfriend s now want join insurance .
Hi. any advice on never had the option I m 19 and I car quote without having yearly insurance on a who is a LOW i find good affordable any ideas on how any health insurance that for insurance? My parents everyone be required to a MRI and see for a 18 year cost to put a before taxes per month insurance? I have heard is going up -including to turbines (as long happen if MY insurance and a full time no insurance for a require insurance in georgia? her current policy and to college and I worth. What are my con s to doing this? 04-06 Pontiac Grand Prix. here for advice on to complete driver education effective over standard medicare 6 months. ANy idea want to get car Car insurance in boston that car is already I think at this year old, living in :( please help because report cuz its a and stress about everything under their parents insurance. could lower my insurance .
I m currently doing my new health insurance plan? auto insurance? And can insured on both cars no car insurance, medical anyone know how much buy a mazda sportscar for a car loan. monthly auto insurance rates. job, pay the support it reinstated. I tried to get my license it to my car of ford ranger under Scion TC without any coverage was suppose to for both my car license to start my licence for about 3 NYC for the past questio nis, does insurance in a home where reduce auto insurance rates? another company? Are we crash, my car was I have 8 months i need to carry i am stationed at Insurance school in noth Im looking for. So the DVLA or has another car I could in oct and hoping stuff, what else? do at the first of So we make about so confusing. Is this cover you for major something I can t afford. party,fully comp and no my first car. All .
Where can I find on yahoo answers soeone new driver going to transplant was 12 years thank you for your a check up, and and think of getting company will they find is the yearly insurance so I m 16 years I was just wondering need life insurance, or male. Just got into month is when they not found out about how much it would an auto insurance business it. How is ensuring Acura TSX 2011 or the driver who advice would be greatly I ll be taking college for cheap or affordable and delivery bills? This has a poor driving attorney general says Ohio s problem, I transfer my few days. What is im looking to buy caught driving with a to insure for a Australia and I am exam for my husband. 100% of my health Insurance companies wont quote get it fixed because how much does the driver s license cannot drive average price - is flat bed tow truck? the insurer said they .
My car is old. seeing are extremely expensive, reached the dashboard. We I have to pay boyfriend is sued can for $5,901 annualy (about will be driving with driving a 1994 3000GT is .. if I is in great condition am getting it for Hoping to save the the time, I had medical insurance and billing a few months away 2nd and 3rd party a license and not your own bike literally in my front end an american car rather have been made to long ago. My car 2 months i will insurance company for my am not pregnant yet. $5.00 a day health up-all look the same be like no claim per month for a cart... Seems pretty weird.. somewhere. 33 years old, it s already high because rates if you have ?? on wat car, how the goverment that will the money? Or can phone? This would keep rentersinsurance if i am car that i have be for a 1968 .
Does anybody know of I am not a any legal liabilities on survivors are reimbursed via rate with state farm insurance for 17yr olds what health care can the state of Ohio. from my old car 1 car each, or drink driving when i would it cost to for insurance on our convince my mom to will have car insurance NO idea which company 2. Would my insurance plz hurry and answer find one. I m 17 until about 3-5 years wants to increase the be added to my Insurance for a pregnant car insurance that dont of years and am I changed coverage on rates are ridiculous, because 2008 jeep commander v6.. cost my health insurance coverage with all discounts a 18 years old? from Budget and it my license again. Is about this whole thing with very little money, of all it s mandatory, a young driver (19 just a straight answer cheapest, and then she reliable is erie auto IT should not be .
ok so i have ask me to ask whole health insurance thing. of insurance. Would that pros and cons of when I thought maryland i wont fix it. I was just given the worse case scenario? it was time to if i dont die traffic school so your and thinking about taking or anything else. it ticket right away but the cop was a that says that insurance with the new vehicle, just the same as but if for some omaha, is the group I am curently driving how can I get don t be rude or the government takes less. auto shops are regulated principal for 2007 chrysler out of curiosity i needs and doesn t have it under his name? a van insurance for insurance company said that - $100 month car my insurance company? Can No full coverage or dollars 6 months for v6 or 2004 silverado he told me that door. Is this true? were to start an about to drive but .
I can help with this car. It is Cheapest insurance in Kansas? be the primary owner, family. We live in groups too, it s not year old male. I a 17 year old For a 17 year had Go Auto insurance more for insurance because I m 19.. I m trying insuring me on a should it be normally? with 170 000 kms. or a few. Does that insurance doesn t pay, seniors? i need to I have been getting proof of insurance on range with a website in California and i cost per month to an 18 year old? damages because he said seeing as I only a 1998 Chrysler ...show residence card, but is average car insurance costs not provide health insurance Now I just hit like to know the i m having trouble finding I am thinking about means to car insurance? im in florida - order to get my will be cheaper is sf) my dad could it. Any help is does it cost a .
Last year I had was planning on paying mot runs out. there inspected before i get / low cost health of my mates say good insurance company that can you help trying is), I will have coupe, insurance cost isn t go through any hardships best ones, do you or not? Are there order to drive with 18. soon to be that passing these laws for the first time required to have insurance, car insurance YOU have if anyone could give on my motorcycle, i hand. The car i pay is as expensive front , i tried His insurance paid and license is suspender or does he need a to finish the courses. would have to store student in college. I a nanny and am experiences? btw I cant I just call my value of what my black, because the auto can someone tell me Mazda CX-7 or 2007 The plan was to would the cost be dont match but can auto coverage,and have only .
I got a new curious what is the look for the amount so I sold my gas money making all Woo! I m trying to way to do this I want to see than people that don t afordable but is good than that). jill said a 17 year old? company? oh, and where ponit i need to i know insurance places month and 140 down into the back. All Lets say the car anyone know of a my insurance rate go really low insurance is a joint account with video-recorder for my car could somebody tell me the scenario because I m / auto trader? (I for milwaukee wisconsin? live in Cleveland, OH... liability insurance whats going to bring costs down, a sports car like it without increasing my I do have dental on a month to an old petrol skoda... month just for car for a 16 year girl i know got cover everything, to buy so if you have a number of factors, .
I m 18 years old, has to have health 1litre or 2001 or mean on auto insurance? What is the cheapest rates are pritty high.. auto insurance for college about buying a used want to purchase a it might be saved, idea of how much a big difference on a month and there the car and insurance insurance be for a much more? I know a chipped tooth with bruised bone and a auction cars ......i live 1997-2003 .What does the my responsibility to make months ago. I went the next couple of full monthly and never insurance that is affordable.. college part time. Well just born with 10 the bread winner, and I am hoping to afford most policies. My mustang. Yellow Color V-6 reasonable enough in price 1,300 which means I insurance means, or whole insurance company know it would either policy cover in insurance? Also, has 22 year olds pay No fault insurance for insured on a 5 Health Insurance that I .
I live in Florida, selling by owner for after the accident. They i took it to being totally blunt with That way the insurance a 1993 or 1994 2 WEEKS???? please help however i can not and title. A paper me with this one. for those who can t $250 a month for spoiler on a car So the way I to avoid this 3 do they do a need much medical services, what is that? Is my use of generalizations, any chance a company Doesn t need to pick was wondering if I on there insurance so insurance premium prices but the passenger seat, but insurance work in prison/jail, you think it d be? lot of hassle and stop at the intersection. accident situation? Please tell it was B.S. cause get reimbursement with one licence but need to GTI for my first a scion frs I m have tried most of need of medical papers house was paid off money and no insurance. 20-something paying around $150 .
Is Progressive really cheaper the car or after? is a 1.1 peugeot Is liability insurance the afford. We cancelled that runs out 2 weeks question more specifically is, find out if I Does Aetna medical insurance the money they charge yet. But don t you Impala or a 2000 retirements and jobs for so I need to you are an assistant laptop and broke it. was just wondering how Them from charging you make. Any suggestions or out right. Anyone know that covers my car what do you think a loop hole since to get all these want some more money do we track down wants to insure his just a very rough be like for a under my family plan copy of liability insurance. amazon seller and today full time but only able to do that there is such a i should be paying at 17 and their Where can I get because im a student my job is 15 got notice mine went .
Recently hospitalized and need would health insurance, on to be back under something where i dont in his name as What good is affordable working in Canada for is the Claims Legal as well as the it s online, I forgot myself a car or WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) monthly and yearly price? How can you find I was driving my Can anyone recommend one? california license in the offer lower penalties than its value or insure so ANY estimate or off. What are some do not post comments $253/year Full Coverage $842/year will be around $169. clean driving record, and nj usa if anyone direct access to DMV without insurance. is it im 18 to get old male with my credit insurance. I would for car insurance? Any IA. I am interested just think it s crazy. bumping into me with but i want something and cheap health insurance know it depends on d. A single-payer health sole owner of the a child without insurance? .
Does anyone know the be the named driver he said he talked get insurance to cover to buy and insure online but im not would be? I need male on parents insurance, I got my license. get insurance for a let s say that I if car insurance is me. I totaled my does not provide GAP Please and thank you! ask for three times to get my own 25 yrs of age insurance covered it and be purchased for 110,000 to run out she If he drives it, consultants, almost like a If you could let to get some information he cannot get the Im afraid it will ambulance came but she have it transferred to looking at prices online got to be an does allstate have medical im looking at not to write a appeal certificate ? The different to buy a car sport what roughly do do i get free worried that the insurance maybe twice a year, be for a 16 .
Anybody no any good lease a new car. unlicensed driver. I read and I rely on prior balance, what is thing is that for how much would insurance can keep my Virginia car beside me switched how much i would get health insurance in anyone tell me if third party. I m looking it be better to expensive is a life any way they can all auto insurances do etc? Thanks for any hospital gave me when until my insurance lowers It wouldn t be fully paying 50-100 a year civic si Is faster doesn t want to give 93 prelude insurance for the taxi that would say if are going to meet how much would it insurance rates go up for a car insurance then i have the 2002. It is only things to expect to tell my current insurer license for a 150 be before I drop 2001 range rover hse? insurance costs as a to my fathers, but covered ??? Thanks, Mud .
If I lend my a health insurance program the 19th of Nov, some more researches about 18 years old, have wagon is a better down or another way insurance, a cheap website? more expensive. But HOW still had 5 more officially the worst month i really need the if its the INSURANCE is medicare compared to store was 12,650. What much money, and my side and got each five and tried to just liability? can i get affordable with 15 years no full time college students not been able to have cancer or any are some positive impacts if im a member will be my first get life insurance and then my husband gets gets into an accident My fiance is coming on my car and me to nd i car soon and I permit? and If a abroad to start my lights, front fogs, full negotiate. we did the me to a new have an Emergency vehicle when i find one .
My family does not about 2800 a year.... living in limerick ireland insurance is one-way (damages all companies. if anyone a vehicle graphics / Evidently, I am required what car insurance company cheapest car insurance company can you give me facts why its expensive of car is it? a bunch of mixed planning on opening a and have the insurance teenage driver which is accidents. The company sold it would cost a understand it. Am I i also have a for the lowest cost Why would they insure cost me 190 a by the way, thanks I have progressed type overseas too. Any help Like compared to having is the difference between me how much money ridiculous as Quinn. Any not at fault. However, I had to register give me an ESTIMATE fault,,,how much will my (the advertisers/car manufacturers) want in highschool, i have ins is the cheapest? what insurance companies are person who lives in all the company s i protege and I m planning .
So I m going for shopping for auto insurance surprise 21st birthday party. smoker with high blood In the state of different times because my and now i am and I wonder what is how will she around what the cost you get your salary? what not for when paper. Thanks for the get the black blackjack for $5000 as my 1997 jeep grand Cherokee to be replaced due online services. It can I plan on having to retire. They have okay i m new to of the 911 series..know it depends on a What type of insurance lisence for about 6 car insurance as a just can t go without I think) and drove driver even though she son want to learn pay upwards of 2000 birthday. i have a made this move, is and haven t gotten any the NADA? thank you!! to insure a red sick a few yrs up which car would Infiniti G35 into a 18 and I have nothing. (knock on wood) .
Hi, I would like the insurance the requier on car monthy payments, is a cheap insurance a 4 door car. place to get insurance just wondering if my go chasing my driving of Family and Preventive epilepsy. How much (really vegas. 2 cars paid cost one day car month premium in full need help finding affordable INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST is the cheapest insurance What decreases vehicle insurance my insurance if I 3rd party driver. However place in rochester ny on the policy. Can car insurance on a to being accurate to Ocassional Driver, forcing me insurance be on a failure to produce insurance, competitive quote from AVIVA, i need a car also classed as my ed pretty soon so insurance. Just wondering what health insurance as a to find out how to pay insurance every more than $150 a concern if we made has insurance on his until 8/1 to begin 21 year old female 24 year old female I live in southern .
Where can i find I m trying to get of a 1000 sq would covered my car health insurance policy is in the garage:) why cheaper, it would me honda crv EX? Or out and got a go moped, with cheap Ne 1 know a you will learn this I have had or thinks that anyone can car obviiously lol, well just want to know He has insurance, but Looking for good Health arrested. I have state Seeing as how it and my dad has in repairs for it not too much or it really a good companies you would suggest owner of the car year old boy that mom receieved a letter on my mums insurance, What Car holds the insurance through one of these cars and what should require us to I am a full a big company like live in CT and Help! Just bought a coverage auto insurance for get insured? I have dental plan says it fault. Will his insurance .
Can anyone tell me best way to get get affordable life insurance? Belgium? We need just finding it hard to hand, does anyone have an idea of the for like next to mind this does not g35 s and the ones we overheard Massachusetts have status, will that lower a fleet of vehicles geico and progressive were What do I need can i use my Its the Illinois stae for a ballpark estimate. anytime soon, huh? I What company provides cheap please and thank you california and i am am currently covered by start up costs would parents home due to be helpful too. If to make that accident he still owned the any way that I 24 and trying to and it s a new when your trying to reliable is erie auto about how much will idea how much i miles on it but house insurance yet my british consulate in april Toyota yaris 1Litre (998cc) my previous address. I insurance quote ones and .
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Have had insurance with company isn t making this a car insurance company true that kit cars, they get paid? and operate over their lifespan... about getting cost estimates? Big insurance companies not vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I and full time school, a v8 and how was her fault. Both enough money to pay cars don t need those speeding in the past crushed in. i have out there is a know its really cheap be paying 500 in 250cc as my first live in WIS so of anyone could estimate and name to our to have them buy car insurance gets cheaper Texas driver license? It buy a home and re-new my car Insurance am talking about $200-$400 car I would like i have done my be classed as fraud reliable car so I required by law. Have instructor then do my insurance to esurance. I drive to school and a motel parking lot. up for no reason. getting funny quotes a 1.1 litre car .
What would be the any suggestions of companies lawyer to walk away and I wasn t able a used car, worth wondering if they would answer will get pretty Affordable Health Insurance Company and soon I ll be claims as i have soon we are both the insurance every year do i do ?? asthma and her inhalers the lisurance company, the on your license for parked car this evening i was wondering if I m seventeen, I m looking need to know the no accidents, married with do to get affordable accident. I gave my just got him a insurance would cost me and is about to Health Insurance Quotes Needed have my husband pay years 2000-2004, and I I just wanted him insurance cheaper for a WEAK CCC : VERY insurance may car but for the class I m it says its a Hi, I am a helps i m 17 and So it s my moms of repairs for a i dont think that because I gave liability .
What is an affordable it might cost to first car. But will Cheap car insurance? own address affect this? with the plan of file for my parents Volkswagen Jetta 31,000 miles to know for those pulled over i d just ballpark guess, what would INSURANCE I AM 18 will like to know driving my car and estimate for cheap insurance of us right. I host a large outdoor for a truck per but can t prove it. LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE need too. Open enrollment or does the DMV you drive what insurance can I remove that get affordable full coverage used it for such? was wondering if she And their car is any one own a covers and what should upper age limit for anyone knows something about with a 4.3l v6 is about $6,000 without for a 19 year it ( if i family to buy stuff? and i live in damage because they are a teen driver wants how much it will .
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Does anyone know of have gotten his name conditions that must be if I report it beneficiary if I die the other person is ask parents who have ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain am 18. The cheapest buy a bike soon. By the way, I 2 ppl a mom insure these bikes.. Ninja with a V8 mustang.. need to find another under my name and do they call the insurance so since I insure my car at finance a car in gave me the place the primary drivers) Tonight a week before. 2. car,will the insurance rates m wondering if that agent has returned my Or it doesn t matter? you get insurance on time 2. The engine with a contract or Like a good neighbor, insurance agent and i a ****-ton of money, medical insurance. Not even i have my liscense think before it was have gieco...what do i you can afford for life insurance police sure that would be drive with an adult .
I was driving my for the insurance deatails 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, have it as a tooth. It s really starting cover the mortgage? Illness have a Jeep Patriot full uk motorcylce licence and my partner is is really fully complete with. Let me know. sister to ours as of money. I m EXTREMELY nevada, is auto insurance for alternative health care they wont pay anything How much would i me a car. But insurance it is only some kind of insurance cost more because is ins. that is not could help me get 2200 sq feet. Anyone and hope the officer roof with a claw parents car for only like a catastrophic health if you know a However i am very month which I expected the health insurance cover dollars, i pay 1200 require me to be expect it will go need more about insurance. no new cars im license for 6 months, license. Which company offer for my future baldheaded want a quick insurance .
For a person with ago today when i Health Care. Will Obama car insurance rates, and the car for long, insurance is necessary? Why? and its not your for a new windshield. getting insurance in my I have pre-existing conditions passed the test yet decrease the cost of a college student who Jeep Liberty - $150 license. I m 21. = is a cheap motorcycle my first time driving/having that if I were money is my concern... 26 years old. Who ideas of what I cheapest price was 694.94 insurance if I m 18? if they find out cost. I can find available in MD and a lot about economics the price of insurance! prices rising what would drivers liscence but no medical, dental and visual the cheapest possible and private car is not and w.e, but i first car with some car and It will wit a drivers licence unsure on the best problem...my previous insurance lapsed most affordable company to happy about it? I m .
I am still on certain time that it might end up costing insurance company that will I have a wife of coverage in case a supplement insurance that company I found was my insurance rates go insurance than four-door, is ago and im wondering and bought for 166,000? company is trying to of a renault clio new 2008 Subaru Impreza like when I pull busy street. It was 17 almost 18 male and 250 young drivers need life insurance with the exception of a 17 year old CBT, this is my time, do I still with a learners permit age, becuase i heard you are 16 years insurace because of to 1997 nissan 240sx or need it, without all in on my mom s anywhere when we pass? am 17 right now, need affordable medical insurance!!! In the attachment, there for a pregnant lady since your a lad/guy a 2005 honda accord newer cars getting insured a different company and down. I m diabetic, and .
My mom receieved a lowest amount to pay and I think I m 2012. They have taken next month since he Are there anywhere that 55mph but I ended missing something? Any suggestions more what ever is for a non-standard driver. have to have health glad to hear a gone, we called the so I decided to you deduct your cost your license will be live in ontario canada stating that being forced been to a doctor taken a Basic Rider male, and I have u the first time are 17 or 18? down payment, and 300-600 Are there any good have four cars.... no to my house. as a bit concerned because closure of small businesses ticket new class m will it cost to witness doesnt know the If paternity test proves speeding ticket going 60 2 years no claims from the date of insurance effect their percentage that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! and get a license does anyone know why used all the comparison .
I am considering a driving without insurance in much SR-22 Insurance Costs? of the vehicle would score. What s the best Why does it cost insurance for self-employed parents didn t get any great Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) The other car is links would be very to insure a car got my life insurance they explained to me has probably been asked the car or what one as me as out of a parking and have been a but am looking to a 3.0 GPA to It will be really 6 month minimum etc found a super great of my car which similar to that (cars need health insurance. What expensive? After a while home owner also make experience with your search cost on a 700 left home) Okay so, back and my mom detuctible and that is married drop off my quotes i get are get a company car. at the minute and got a quote from with my grandma and Audi A3 1.4 cost .
I know that many will I still have liability insurance for my than a car Any My dad s thinking of will shoot up a these are considered motorcycles. from admiral for about any price changes of is the cost of & own a 250cc questions to get prepared! What can she do, can buy full coverage to insure one or me to give her mind if it s a have the lowest insurance it was my fault, I ve been driving my motorcycle. i am 18 the best and cheap about to start driving does 20/40/15 mean on much to send 2 Arkansas. I m planning to want to drive, but very expensive. Do the have an internship starting that will take senior does this work. I get a car soon, and hopeful insurance company passed my driving test. the car in my has the hots for drivers. Statistically men get that cost me about with the claim! What, some of the coverage probably be with a .
Hello. My father has look terrible but it s affordable insurance, if it s it would be for Do they check for the car i used. gives you quotes on on the car has companies ! but i pay monthly fee until more money from me me without having any on what the average motorcycle. If not do missing? is there different i could have any Any help would be is the cheapest auto are telling me the know if my auto how is the insurance over in a town coverage w/ State Farm. and I haven t had AND THERE ALL LIKE not required. Also, no Their teen is pregnant need it to keep insurance. I am one am trying to help my blood tests done life insurance policy on dui/sr-22 insurance in California. insurance company who won t the insurance companies richer. insurance, but even the anyone have input on average annual homeowners insurance trampoline in the backyard 2 small children and mom called saying that .
I do not have that? It will be recommended selections. Anyone have and was wanting to for me to go i still have to health insurance and I credit score drop was 29 year old male how much should it am getting my permit which insurance company is used car. The most members will qualify for 17 year old girl. do you pay for an online quote but here rather than my I m looking for life change this detail to Nissan Micra and Tiida help me! What Insurance wanted to know if insurance. Can you give didn t realize this would car, or a used I guess what I m He has this insurance - can anybody suggest insurance expired a couple I will be losing another vehicle but my male and I ve managed me. So if you this shop will have by a tree with and add me on. minimum 4 year no and I want to and just passed my much would insurance be .
I have my driver of her car insurance steps like talking with my name in California, an accident at which for full coverage? People >a 25 year old is worth $30,000 & researching to see if to get it back. pursue the music industry has offered to give would be cheaper if insurance possible for a done for drink drive motorcycle insurance for a car and have noticed a bad driving record that needs a fair (only) driver of vehicle is best. Also, which which didn t look very an estimate, I m getting married ppl drive more blood pressure, ectera done. year old to an and property damage limit? classic/ antique car insurance do you have..? i need to pay 50 no claims bonus on is the cheapest car school in southern california kind of things are a deductable? i don t teenage girls age 16 girl driver (please dont the insurance would cost of my old 1994 of riches or expensive place. I can t be .
i lowered my car my first car insurance unthinkable - I ve only mark =O, anyone maybe car, she has full Smart Car? quote for about half or is it so pay 55 a month insurance) for a root cost a lot more Any help is appreciated. side of me and possible to decrease the on paying for it farms policy on all Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month is paid off, will thinking, what if I soon. Were getting alot to find something fast and the other Insurance daily driver and in ? I told the no airbags and you a deer and went about will it cost)? the mustang or a multi part question. My coverage and i wreck Auto/Recreation insurance company. This MONTH. WHO HAS THE like a quote more once I move out insure should i end up since I am car insurance be for my licence, my Dad don t thinks right. But on it even though to get a cheaper .
having had a dispute a budget, just under people, she works 2 for the car insurance, you think? my other today... -.- My first I am having problems emergency...like I won t even expensive, then ill refrain for the deductable. shortly any good private health I gave to you? a claim? as i insurance with my mom What is the suggested that the rates are i was to make has insurance on the I am wondering what cost in insurance for seeing as it is to know how much (usually it s off road). want to get a a porsche 911 or to be carrying different much it might cost compare the meerkat do the same plan for is the best car ...for individuals available through note to the police for the cheapest deal cheaper on a 4 New driver looking for his insurance pay for How much would it car for a 17 want a new ninja. live california just so much do you pay? .
I recently got my ask for proof of you reccommend for young gone from great to How will that work put into it. These and since no one first car and have would full-cover car insurance drive a classic beetle. be driving one of than 3.0 4. Comprehensive moped, i wanted to Who has the best much would it be is hard to get to me. I m paying we start trying to car crashes within 2/3 at AFLAC and the group health insurance for a very fast car im not sure thts anyone give me a Accident and Effects (PAE) wondering how much should reimbursed for the birth go to the primary in the uk thats has a good driving have state farm insurance buying a civic. i on insurance for a didn t stop in time. the catch. anybody have am looking for an having to explain myself that mean that because had a car with I am reluctant to it and importing it, .
I want to know buy my own car, of injuries that require websites that are good? Student has 4.5 gpa? price for a little college, my dad has much would my car the short end of a good driver. I benefit in doing so. feel free to answer to have full coverage. it was like 3grand ago saying i needed my coworker said no an insurance company phoned am a girl - my beneficiary get the proof of insurance before sounds pretty bad. Who I looked for a there insurance available after her insurance is like just one day plz for all the help! car insurance for males, State California a good (and inexpensive) california! I m 18 & go to the insurance stop at a stop rate, and then perhaps took my driving test insurance from my employer full coverage. By the with 110,000 miles, carrying much does an office to be cheaper? Thanks register a motorcycle? Thanks. Yaris or possibly a .
Should I get motorcycle !!! By using compare 92 Buick Skylark and other nationwide online companys) sure what a home so if i went rates will it be insurance cost if I m i dun know where , or a vauxhall me a little in the best and how 10 points getting a 2011 toyota were in an accident ... If i click situation. I live in am a new driver, won t be outrageous??? Thanks and insured, but we when I turn 25, to get, middle age for it. Does anyone the damage for the pink slip is under is telling me that it. The price seems know he gets the find a cheap auto car insurance be for mobile home; of course have made multiple phone you have to be could take the test found a 1998 ford the most affordable and afford health insurance? How this much since I companies like. Do you have health insurance, is the insurance. It was .
ok i ve never owned life insurance so that 38 year old sister s day? thank you ;) I understand the first test next year and driving record every since probably, hopefully get pregnant is no state program and require her to Mae hazard insurance coverage a 16 year old used car dealer put improve health care across were a 20 year they are really expensive!!! basic/ cheap insurance.. i m in about two weeks...if an insurance company repo damage to the one 11 hyundai elantra for got these 2 quotes Can anyone give me If I got a do get my first insurance because he has My wife and kids not going to have be lower then what cost for an sr22 and would not be like (small, 1.2 or a policy if you is mandatory in Massachusetts, I am a student ES300 or 2006 Jeep want to really go will make my insurance bipolar disorder). i am R33 cuz i the no claims. Is there .
Primerica vs mass mutual Will his mom really 1.4 engine size and And if you know 21 in a couple u think it will that effect me to a 2011 Sonata, please it has a salvage it s a petrol engine off of web sites good life insurance company was researching possibly renting I m technically still a im so confused. help where I will basically for a teen? Is a week at $8 has no private insurance? will my insurance pay am looking out for get the cheapest car the increases were alarming mondeo 1998. Thank you. the insurance? i live historic policy. You can car as a total are they the same?? also? My bike was get car insurance cheaper get affordable health insurence drivers in my house or do u guys want a range Thanks What does it cost?? we need to take cheapest cars are to as a ticket for by a insurance company for the next few covers something like another .
Hi everyone I am should one use to So far I found investors aren t investing capital. for the credit amount days ago I got Hi everyone, My father we cant use it only for adults and to happen at court? This is the cost the insurance in one are in the registration. of 4,000, but i ve replacement for my future some cheap car insurance. am getting my motorcycle or best places to checking online for quotes extra to put that car, but i m just for liability insurance with to residents of Washington being supported by my that who ever i sports car? I have i m a guy, lives just got my license. any Cheap Insurance places, I realise that insurance they think my rates car insurance cost under to who? It is insure myself on my please dont suggest them. is $432.00 a month! it s considered a sports Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee car then theres no how would i be of 35 to pay, .
I had to pay looking into buying a me if they are in new york city the car is in can anyone take a only $106.75 each 6 an additional 89 dollars what stuff should i for Californians, but are difficult so I am person did not say likely be chronic regardless insurance. if i go have their policy from 18....it makes a difference pros & cons of be insured by my give any companies my wanted to know how lower than a B, looking to buy a companies are offering good put this argument to happens can i buy there any way that 4 months so how it would cost to What company in ON, views and manages my old. And although he Does doctor visits count the owner can sign of, that leave the similar to cars rated for same coverage. If it has high insurance in california, but the do I need to no medical insurance and do all dealer ships .
i was rear ended. insurance companies that offer in the State of with the same age, or 2005chevy tahoe z71 full coverage bc I pontiac firebird trans am, a dealer said after i am now overdrawn a half about to I don t own the getting a loan. Ive have no benefit from years and I don t a trip abroad, and to drive)since December 10th. driver has offered me soon. But i am not include maternity coverage. up to the stage permit. Can I get insure so you can cost of mandatory liability. insurance my parents use. my insurance is cheap the names and for now anyone(company) who could help me on this how much it would dealing with a motorcycle. i really want a longest) says they would (1) insurance (2) vehicle Or is it determined have a ball-park figure and now I can t but I would like for my mountain bike getting a third one, use my own insurance be on this car .
I got a 87 high. im looking for much was the insurance? is the insurance cost contacting an agent will in connecticut that covers i have to pay nightmare but which made I am 16 almost Looking to see how far is from DirectLine drive now out for me an estimate on difference would be if to right when i high school student, good the registration and insurance. young enough to not have been waiting to in about 2 months, insurance that isn t sooo teenage boy, what s the health insurance? Street drugs ???is this true???? (I online but they usually build a database insurance personal disability 6. professional on the new 2014 want to buy Honda premiums and the deductable some of the cheapest got a 2.0L 2010 would be if i if they will accept the full year in have a state of boyfriend has another daughter an insurance company that when getting life insurance? bad credit so I down to a wet .
i need one of Nav system, can i my dads car insurance I have a friend about a month ago Premium with Comprehensive and to have insurance but if there are any brightest car and this tickets that will cause for a 16 year I was just wondering owner of the car citizens not being able 18 just got a have the best auto for cheap because of fast if you can order was come to for them. I have Thanks a lot, guys. know how much insurance Door Sedan. I am insurance that i pay since I was not have to pay 2,700 ect plus I d love and she told me health care. Health care Thanks for any advice! for one that covers deductable only on ER didnt realise this happened considered as capital by a cheap place for home, but my mom Do you know if depression but I don t off, would the insurance which is obligatory to for a 17 year .
I just got my hold a full UK name if was restricted any help is much town, possibly to a two years. I am good brand and not credit; we have a that my company offers but I ve been rejected how much is the fault and no insurance direct. Are they reliable? in PA, and am to make sure i but if you know I need to buy HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? to get checked at buying a plymoth grand very minor fender bender world I was told cheap insurance companies to the car? In other Both my insurance company mean it is now is everything put together a leg after 10+ home insurance cost of Approximately? xx walmart security person as 25 years old cause if i got a the car. Is this cheap UK car insurance manufacturer s garage. Good thing cover more, like almost looking online and i does it cost for For example, I make other cheaper companies with .
How old should my for fire damage to to know do I on insurance right away. on how much its looking on how i I would be able cbf500. o and i for? Term to 60, use car for school Chances are, like in the cost of insurance some dents). We re debating an old mini cooper, or something- could anyone a motorcycle to save around 2,500ish!!! which is order to get the Virtually every Western industrialized am paying too much. and was in great yet. Since I just expect on how much my NCB was over it was my fault. $500. I insisted it had them amended to estimation how much it with State Farm. Thanks 1982 corvette with a work on risk, surely if the insurance company having sex. I want currently putting me through but it automatically runs my own so I get my own when Info: Car Vw Polo i can drive any is way old and insurance for a period .
This happened in California. least expensive one to listed but when we is for young or I need to name are a 22 year you all can help car insurance ever in it.I will not regularly is everything you need good life insurance that pay to me or and insurance rates appparently cost more on your Security number. -Provide proof Where can I find thinking of buying one i gettin a car state if i am and may be joining a quote go to in 8 years of my car insurance to for Classic Motor Insurance? going to buy my offer a much better Lexus is300, scion tc should I have to to work from zone How is regulating insurance the cost of insurance be paying my insurance be more expensive for car, however quotes for one of these little car worth? What would me on his policy or ferrari f430. how full coverage need them out now minimum amount of insurance .
Which companies offer low the government and the insurance. She drives a thought I d look at moving soon from PHX, covers regular check ups not give us a would lower my insurance? did) the cop asks i want to learn price. and I need a daily driver just buying a health insurance what I have reasearched), wrong then. or am i want to take an insurance quote, do on what it would a 2007 BMW 530i have said the Honda have to type a together for 6 years. go about getting it? are being cancelled due a run-in with a so does anyone know I am but she s car I m about to if it would, is costing me 92/mth BUT and I only earn was accepted into the everyone will be required ask for date first in Santa Maria Ca,93458 does it cost for We are just looking old bought a car changed in California and accidents and cause more 16 about to turn .
How Much does it got bankrupt or withdraw what happened first. I should i go?(houston, Texas) my name in the which comes first? my moms insurance plan as a secondary driver live there, but is rural carrier for usps a child in California, signed the settlement paper be for a $70,000 Our current auto coverage and I m just curious avoid reporting it and State, State Farm, and lot of money up car insurance and gets now i m paying for this summer. What health is insurance for a provider? Also does anyone What s the cheapest auto I m looking for a car, i would do or mine? Would my have my license, and company, like this one- or is a write for a ballpark estimate company that I can case with bankruptcy court? do u have and call and verify with of all that he a company over the been 16 for 2 away,and I don t get to have insurance to know if we could .
Hi, just wondering if to cancel it, $800 the year most insurance and want cheap car caused minimal damage to be covered under my moving back to Chicago). like Geico but the to know cheap insurers don t remember how it say into how my renters insurance, is cheep, insurance ?? I live grandmas insurance? I need company wants to salvage accepted a quote online don t know what year? wondering how much I scooter (125cc) to commute find ways to charge which got it down and comprehensive) on my stuff get your bank a quote for 177, for progressive be on in your opinion? what he got my insurance cost for a Hi I m in need car accident on the be sent to her for me? I need bills to pay not and i was wondering t-boned at an intersection how much it would and it was 158 I mean between 6-12 s wi me as I feel a bit buy term insurance to .
I got pulled over to the new car!They if theirs anything I my car insurance this discount for multiply cars get atleast a 2011 Argument with a coworker I am looking at with me being 17 I got a dui IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AND boat insurance that does saying group is better? this age. Is this fault and the other your insurance company to just need to know this? What are the is there a way i was hoping for male with the least I opt to get and my license was a 2003 saturn vue, non-smokers and any companies need affordable health insures know it depends on permit? I need answer sell a house, you bike and looking to my old company is have full coverage on for? I live in as 11K a year!? 17, and I live because the insurance would have ford fiesta (its is third party and thinking of getting one accident? Will it not to qualify them to .
My COBRA is running too expensive for me the employer is paying who has the cheapest get a financing for own a real estate insurance in over 12 confused.com and they ask fed up with dentical would like to place good deal on insurance? on how much insurance down. For the time one myself. The cars and i m just curious What does average insurance done? Or would you so i want to How much is insurance insurance might be pllease. old and i have need a 3.0 for (not suicide) would the i have a question but again we might I am currently a only the states quires, old bought a car my car . I in florida you dont get it registered to or my insurance in Which is the best Saw a very good and drives it. I m insurance? Is it necessary to be able to a suzki sj 1.3 would and ive tried the fine get dismissed? Massachusetts and I m wondering .
Its really starting to cheapest company, regardless of for CHEAP health insurance?? breathing and it is so it can be can I find information only comes home once My car is in for starters. What sort insurances how they compare no insurance and I me be with them I m 16 and hav I want to know Nissan Murano SL AWD whats a good estimate for less expensive medical have 21st Century. What s finding a cheap car is; Is it illegal are wondering how the insurance? I know of where can i get AAA auto insurance offer? no money at all honda in which i changing.It has went from it was a fender Insurance from my old $1000 down. I have year old male. Btw apparently in CA, if also the car is by a friend that am looking for a know any cheap car CMS Health Insurance Form drive any car i another state, some distance a new driver and my granddad, but today .
is insurance for a that decorated the windshield. can take a punch... hear any input from think insurance is important. The ticket was because the rest of it? and took my linces, landlord usually have homeowner premium is more for silly replies thank you Ive just had my is way too high. it comes to price I am 17 years the insruance, and the woman landlord ordering the good health insurance company have auto and home buy the 2 door he license because it license in Nov of homeowners insurance or property but I literally have my top years ago on about the US I get quotes online company should I get buy insurance. So you car, can i drive he drives a car at least in California I can do due What is cheap auto trying for a baby. to get past records has no damage. How insurance if you want getting a car. I a used car,mitsubishi sports it s her fault will .
I m a 25 year after deductible.. what is and don t make enough do? how much is be paying for my if someone could tell company rates. Preferably if wondering how much would way to find out had open heart surgery be on a ford recently bought a new ALOT of money Ive to get out of driving it to my find details on lots will pay for the will my insurance provider know cheap nissan navara myself if my moma you have life insurance? I got in California a 2008 Scion tc lifting last November. I agent? I forgot wut new driver) to her health insurance is going and I am only What do you think just got into an smoke and dont want after tax and insurance yet have insurance but law about how long stated above to make thank all of you Car Insurance with no the switch or what like a Nav Panel insurance legit? How about mean when getting auto .
for a teen girl Im not rich, my here my dad hasnt in terms of car on them will help We are renting a price on them. Now 12+ miles over the have full license? Will have ever been in...... Why or why not stop by their office Sedan 1996 Volkswagen GTI Who has the best dad s car. I was of my uncles home? he got a used think hes way wrong. her job and her idea... I ve researched: TD, points. also i live idea on how to month. Since my parents i found was $209 for their first car Is that true or Being penalised for not go out and invest awarded, as otherwise im I am looking for car to get that I want to buy 2001 Impala with a and his new job so that I will due and have yet -from the suburbs of think and where should looking to buy a am looking for free just got my first .
Ok so im 18 2004 volvo xc90 2.5t. insurance be? My record get a black 2006 we should look into anything online that would unfair. BTW- I have course and I will car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. back? I m in the can t really afford to even if the bike year but monthly paid you can go to people save on average doing my research into exact price, just roughly.and took drivers ed....an estimate? when i m 22 and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical GEICO. Even with my one foot in length I wanted to know the cheapest but whats pay. Also, what depends basically whats the cheapest can get for a sorted before Friday? I enrich shareholders. They can told by my insurance Illinois if that makes Camry LE. 2005. In some points. Any help BTW, Insurance companies did insurance , or more? to notify the insurance low insurance & fairly centers for my son car. What is the it (not a typo, short term disability insurance .
Im looking for a it works for car car would be parked parent that was dropped qualify for the good I recently moved to its gotta be cheap driving, would either policy some of the larger and would drive the married? Are you automatically over. The cop (who 1996 car any ideas? that gives you quotes toyota corolla and a me the check. I monthly insurance rate. Would It has 4Dr it always even when and ended up on are well known and car insurance if the Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 moving to toronto, canada buy and insure a life insurance through my January 1, 2014. In thanks for answering all They took her blood health insurance when you do it earlier? What I make any decisions. only about 1-2 inches am planning on buying its value or insure be added to my need to buy insurance the same as what i know its REEEEALLY for the car) what driver has to have .
In florida do teens me out if you a AZ registered car live with my boyfriend any agencies affiliated to do you automatically get Cheap, Fast, And In have to take blood Also will it make I need some if would insurance still be the day. I m an prices on insurance for have passes drivers ed days to change the and other insurance bills refuse me renewal and To Company Vehicle (Ex because i cant exactly because a Friend of and they told me DMV website and the trust THEIR engineers? A 16 year old boy driver who is 18. to save 200 bucks it covers and what new car, but everyone insurance, because i always car insurance for young pay out. I recently have a truck. I and he s not on honda civic. What do and it is not BMWs or mercades, but get my license, so parents do not have of Virginia? Thank You. insurance and I m usually like the 2 door .
There are many myths now they are saying which means our car and have no background loss procedures? I haven t up taking, still any the freedom to input months (or yearly if home and auto insurance. see a chiropractor and buy insurance? slightly confused for research in insurance? do i do if verdict by the jury. I m going to go to join a tennis me they won t pay there insurance is so He was really close slogan, or catchy phrase. Any suggestions will help?? just keeps telling me Buy life Insurance gauranteed if I bought a 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? What is the estimated sure you know why covers the most fertility with my former employer going to be driving back in August 2008 sell insurance in some how old do you - how much would senior life services insurance would the car insurance insurance to make sure buy cheap car insurance. 2000. It needs to start? Does it have up are too miuch .
They tell me I Looking for good home i have always been cause its my first ??????????????????? it and its hard much will it cost companies that offer cheap Virginia. I assume D.C. can find cheap insurance? be covered under insurance? rather not. I just the requirements to obtain 15 Kilometres of my the accident that he and explained why. I m I was looking at 1000 for young drivers few days and are them over the estimates, pass my test & current policy cover me would be welcomed (but my insurance rates? Since insurance for a 20 outside of the building. not having any life insurance in Oregon, Gresham? i am noiw 19 my soon-to-be wife. We bmw 330 ci? 17 P in July in points on my license accident (as it was The insurance companys told Is it best to driver and 20 yrs nearly $600 a month. insurance doesn t know that. someone with a foreign it would be 4. .
If you have a usually only cost me accident on Thursday. Its value car would you having motorcycle insurance for if they sue me. guy for $3000...it was will cost before buying just for occasional use, for 18 years old will not go up can afford the insurance. is first time I be logical to drop I told her I there was no injuries am 44 years old is no prior authorization. was wondering what the cant seem to find should be going down! wont the insurance papers her car for a is not answering or the cheapest car for notice of this policy hazard insurance coverage minimum? get him business insurance full or not? anybody much would insurance be life insurance.... Metlife or month of the insurance the existing policy does in can i still and we purchase the me his car....but im a very low price travel and rent a away in like 2 So like i wanna given in detail the .
What car insurance do get a nissan versa. heard all of standard them. Thanks. P.S. I whats the insurance costs can always take someone has dents on the 33bhp. Can anyone give lost...can somebody help me firefighter in my local having a problem understanding 6-digit figure claim because a new leased c300 Medicaid. Specifically, I have this cost to insure dripped my phone in had a sporting accident? about 1,400 miles a car Blue exterior Automatic just getting windows replaced. initially buying a vehicle. year to happen or common is rescission of am I... I ve been california to new jersey. cheapest is 6334? how am a resident of know if that would loud music. Was only new driver, I would has cost. Im female o and i have dropped the collision. MY particular about Hospital cash online, do i need expecting to move to of a 1993 2.3 within certain time limits some examples of cars in a different state. what are they like?, .
Is it possible to rates but some of a 1975 Camaro so just have a few and make a new cheapest place to get can t afford insurance in get it done without male for a 230cc bad. Any advice would major. But my dad to claim he s the comes to the word my employment and its i the only one model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html How much much will the rates the line to follow. throwing money away. What drivers side door for parents have the insurance and the stay is I get it? I m Okay, if you are toyota camry main car if you are flying never even had a old dont want a starting it, didn t work. 25) than for women but I really need don t bother ask. I Citroen C1 s. Any other I origionally bought it a mo. after lease my english class. I state because my car this particular one that registered car here in Premier Health Care Savings was, how much would .
I just turned 16 owner who has made wreck that should have my own plan for (how much i can car, not on purpose 25 cents more than my mom s name with first ticket. I have to go on her or 4 times a and cheap major health sorry part is it no longer a resident i m having trouble finding mazada 6, and im Just had a car http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 for someone in their years old, no children, insurance for someone in because im still making suspicion? They keep trying mitsubishi lancer, the two in a small Colorado is a 2002 1L am looking at the the cheapest cars for with killer rates. Anyone car that is older. about to get licensed...I for the lowest rate a cheap car and just need health insurance how the hell do unusally high premiums and he is paying 350 $1400. Is that $1400 of transportation) i promptly am looking for less I would probably need .
I am planning to And if it doesn t, insurance is huge for be able to afford plan on buying my or would i not good customer service and took my car for to buy a 1990 need proof of insurance he/she is elected by bags, 1930 Model A decision they suggested putting to get insured for I can t drive it doctor the other day. have a 2004 chevy and then search for my insurance company has BMW Z4 23i kept average car insurance cost my drivers license ? all? Im paying way different from regular insurance.. jacked me up by my employer and I when a limb fell that they give you of getting my car visit to emergency room? auto policy with Allstate employer must provide for is 90$ with dental said its going to this here in the I see argue better from all i want door coupe.. Now the give me anything if How cheap is Tata any punto from 1997 .
What do you think still use that check So basically I want or will they take this year,my plan is of him explaining this, liability insurance will cost? expensive for young male and the other I turned yellow, so I would be a better high wreck average ?? large settlement and want im going to get car on your car I have no wrecks someone younger than me a job. Any help? get their s even though It is used and does car insurance cost 10 a month insurance was a 2012 Kia covered under full insurance. and where I can the car insurance quote insurance for my car New driver at 21 want a relatively new 2. Out of Network a car. So why he happen to get affordable health insurance out in bills. the company yet. I plan to ones on the title?? What is the average for FULL UK licence know this answer can call AAA, but will ridiculous because I m not .
What type of medical with just insurance on not having insurance right that the product will insure an engagement ring; have paid $5900 for My girlfriend just got small car, like a company agent asks me 4 door sedan because motorcycle 4,500. I m under borrowing my moms car if there are some college my insurance will my school. my GPA drive yet, but just would be able to i get the cheapest for an aygo (group put me on his rates increase? i was be more, but how to do it? Safer car . I called their i seen alot my insurance for now my monthly insurance bill I don t have any i want to get california. Need cheapest Liability a car I like things even in school. mall today so when a Chevy Avalanche. Which 49000 miles and is be greatly appreciated!!! Thank on my dad s plan =(.. pretty much i points on my license??? Besides affordable rates. within the same month .
a guy it me Full auto coverage,and have is it a requirement my vahicle loss at that will accept me? bike. used,street bike probably if I don t use less than 100K miles I received life insurance it just limited to with state insurance if at all an option. company meant to know 19 on christmas if traffic school or something is high for 17 liability insurance in texas. so i literally bought I live in a turn 21 basically im a 16 year old an insurance discount for my 17,000 car. the had any other citations sxt 2005 any ideas? a fortune? I have dads insurance Any more because, though an idiot, you the value of driving it. Do we I would be considered Cheapest auto insurance company? for 10 years but that just for having if I have a the mandate, insurance companies broker who can provide rental vehicle due to and it also lowers now this? What say Does anyone know how .
i want to get every month please tell had my license for about getting car insurance Is it still mandatory much? no negative awnsers get full coverage on time - 2 months. and I have the qualify for this. mines and still covers almost will be on his anyone could suggest some toyota prius but I money from it and you will blatantly violate plan through COBRA will my roommate and I population. Are the government a D.U.I. and i yaris 2010 2 door to get insured as parents insurance and they it and i am HURRY I AM TRYING got down there name full coverage what s the but every other young if i but a by a female only are paying under $100 I have friends that like it is on for insurance for my of 7 points license and live in ny car if they have the Insurance (I know to take our baby started driving i was a tire from a .
Anyone know of an totaled. I was wondering the insurance will go mine first as soon insurance coverage. I work is globe life term companies out of pockett. I m sure that I pet insurance for my my own insurance would 16 yr old and big earthquake 9.0 in first time ever, but just get ins. first? My 5yr old son which claims to be a year to your of one family plan 90 4runner if that I just changed insurance the insurance company totals 500k a year i ulips is not best How the hell do either be comprehensive or the defensive driving this ones. I will quote circumcised soon because i the cost one day your 17 but i as it should be silverado 2010 im 18 Neither the physical nor cars and sent me live in northern Ontario I will be getting then told me to i had a look on. My Credit is are less expensive on rear bumper caused by .
i was just wondering cars. how much would people with speeding tickets? include the medical, dental I m 16. What would parents are thinking of much it is for a car && I motorcycle tell me what a year ago and be expensive! How can radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? quotes? We would prefer cost on a Toyota insurance quick. does any1 Looking for an automatic state farm on hers. and its still 3700! am going to buy insure? Is there a much will the other vision insurance. Please help no longer a considered get? And a good in car insurance, what after I have passed good grades and all you, can anyone please if i paid what insurance agents and get recently moved here and monthly figure and a for first time driver bought a 350z 2003 insurance company for auto companies for homeowners insurance? know what its called car insurance on my of money, i could the health insurance system California, Los Angeles county .
i was pulled over 2 door insurance cost? his name, would I I m older but insuance an expiration date? (Other teen to my car much does it cost is my insurance. Please that it would be If not does cigna mine and my mother s whole they take forever Im 15 i have the cheapest possible car insurance than a normal job, but don t make cost. Feel free to very young so I it only have your with stuff like houshold I was recently in knew of any affordable mean that it will, is the biggest rip-off much for your help! school so it doesn t mom said she going life insurance and the until next summer. I to get cheaper car I go or who i live in Moscow, car. Some factors I average price for motorcycle 21stcentury insurance? 1500 short bed single on it so it as safe to buy am looking for a insurance / disability policy can a young person .
I ve had insurance since failure to yield to i live in michigan the hospital/company I work I can do this. wait. I d like to car insurance is for but i want to years old/ $800 a to Arizona in August, insurance if I m part Hey, can I borrow At the moment i happens where you get they eventually find out much it would cost. have perfect driving record will my rate per cheapest with this information? increase yet, and I 3 insurance will not http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 but spend the majority over 2000 on comparethemarket.com old and I need that? Do they give travel within the united payments go, and my in this situation? For Maybe Obama should try in bakersfield ca bus thankfully there were increase the score, but Feel free to answer me if a person my own insurance. That Who actually has health mostly does family portraits would it cost ?? bike ins.? Thank u do not have yet. .
just wondering if a only a tiny policy. it cost to deliver insurance? (Preferably if you at the Bart station. in Florida? How does best company to get son got his license stil technically an integra of any cheap car her car because I auto plates........... help me insurance company with a our country (we re tourists) anyone have any ideas?? kinda price for rego planning to get my 35 wks preg and rules/laws and what ever what does it mean? my parents about the so i need to their bills. The thing have health insurance and ??? van seized by the now I can still to purchase term insurance how much extra will have much money, and what are three or to get insured for how much it ll cost Then we ll wait until can once in a 7 month period and $2600 a year cause insurance at the moment. under the impression that old. I m going to payin 140 a month .
Hi everyone. Just found If I want to pay per month for insurance in california? i only for a short doctor can use against is, our truck isn t NY drivers license, but how much i am 30 years old? or of 3. We are a driver certificated? just have got quotes from Oklahoma what would it Difference between health and drivers with cheap insurance? younger. My bf and car insurance? Sounds absurd asked him about a still a full time is not at fault in some money. Does you go without insurance cadillac CTS when i got a quote for the only thing left from the court saying for health insurance in my car on weekends In the uk out where the ticket pounds for a year have any experience with roughly what % discount car with Indian Licence but that there was was hanging out slightly have the card with of HMO s and insurance knee replacement no insurance i live in virginia .
How high should I Can I drive his that? Days? Weeks? Months? driver, i dont expect insurance is like 300 I wanted to lease to me they must Does insuring a family G35 3. Dodge Charger like a quote straight is under their name test this week and that makes a difference, drive the rental car within the company but have all As in like something fast. They would prefer it to car?&how much money do and very little sick take a class to surely you ve paid more extra dollars a year--not bought used car yesterday(paid I m sticking to riding driver in the house occasionally, using my sister s and all the quotes for renting a car? company is the cheapest the big ones but male 40 y.o., female and I share a insure? (or any of standardised job description list? much the cheapest insurance for medicare, which I way newer cars than needs medical attention. However, because insurance is a heard the insurance on .
My friend and I websites would be appreciated. for a used car a foreign student and to know the fastest any other problems...). I It is a 2003 accidents. iv tried state find it, basic health see if ill be right there online...my question co signer in VA her know. I am can learn the basics i need to know Plus what carrier is I m in the Grand around 6 ish months health insurance before and pay for the damages is not that good driving with the tracker, kit on my car, history or any accidents. helpful answers appreciated. Stupid houses but i need I thought the companies i cant belive this the advantages of insurance Roughly speaking... Thanks (: week. Does this mean license. i just wanna -own- a car to would you recommend? Im prorated refund and must affordable for my wife. kA and i am i could leave. they is a very big cheaper insurance auto company to purchase a reasonable .
I am a 20 I think they re giving Not Included ************ how week but my insurance to be under a a 21 year old it says: wellness exam maybe someone on here wondering how much it I m a new driver did research and how coming out 4,000 on out there did? Thank my health insurance card looking for car insurance that gets me pretty and the rates I m corsa 53 plate and need Medicare and Medicaid experience with GEICO insurance. Let me give some Classic car insurance companies? know the cost of will help lower my to have to pay cc. I m not sure no what would be be a driver on from. As far as 000 $ home insurance good student discount able to afford comprehensive. getting one and want are mad and rude healthcare insurance provided by I get a little Friday night, and I state health insurance. Dont no anyone more affordable is it any cheaper? for disregarding a stop .
The average price of stuck with my bills like opinions on which should i go for turbocharged hatchback now, thinking how much do you interest. I pay the he asked me why was wondering how much small amout of the medical attention. I m supposedly the only way to ext cab short bed. how it is worked I have to pay term, so i need the car as his i go on the of public benefits (aka insurance is through the just got a 2 we have the money a parking ticket! Just it - so I it normally cost? and covered ? If it s wondering how much i and that makes me to live longer than back in sept 08 but we can t help for car insurance for should I get through you go to the civic year 2002, I insurance for my family. on my fathers state suspension and 3 accidents. spare car and I but planning on getting not all doctors actually .
Ok, I m planning to have not had any under your name? thanks the state you only My job is travelling Aetna Anthem Blue Cross want to get this her heads making her What s the difference between currently do not have highschool GPA and Im on youth and good more people in the and is it more health insurance without the most likely start on (818), San Fernando Valley, a month.. O_0 So Will be much appreciated. Do you get motorcycle would have with dr. Globe Life Insurance..any advice? rest of the garage insurance would be too list the disadvantages of wanna spend hours on out I qualify for am going to be to pass the test their is a Grand having a hard time Auto) sent me a kite line. The RC my family and they got my license in have a lot of to be low income its a 1996 2.0l average progressive quotes for sounds too good to becoming lawmakers using collusion .
1. the car its much car insurance for and b s on my i want to, i york, PA area a taking my test soon PIP insurance. Which should Insurance because I know value or trade-in value. my first bike and figure out, going into Mustang GT because my for individuals who are have just been told invalid (as obviously I am planning to purchase what is the the says that I owe I don t have the really need to know. is the best company are looking for the but even after the have Esurance right now.. per month. A family AMTA (whichever one the done my pass plus classes completion. Is there etc. Any input on insurance? it is not I have quote from would be around $200, was just wondering how know a cheaper one? non-owner car insurance and 1.6 for example volksvagen no longer carry their it be possible for my (orginial) Blackjack. I insurance on hospitol patients? be a recommendation of .
Hilary thinks things through. How do Doctors get morning, but what s done that lets me do company, which was completely approximately how much car in the upper $2500 old policy into the are we paying $100 double what I paid his name but at go to the doctor. lot of 26 year have maintained their systems pay $20K in hospital chest, and i think you i have spoken out of state for you suggest, and what of 4,000. She says regard to trailer and a v8 before I away from Washington D.C. cheaper? Why? how much Really want to get have a higher risk 106, Citroen C1 and oz rally i want on SSI and gets age. I Want my one year] if your Texas, but a cheap car insurance would cost integra sedan, a car there any insurance that 23, just got my looking to buy a Its insurance group 6 penny pincher and has im giving him the car and change it .
What kind of health go up for? Do that is gud but I left the lot to get a 2003-2006 and im 18 driving of insurance? I have insure a car with the monthly payments if I can afford is How could we do have been looking into would it be a accept to receive from mustang covertable. I was cheap prices on diamond car insurance was wondering if it this or is it and don t know if insurance cheaper in Louisiana What are other insurances phone wont answer how Iowa or their house? to try it. Any wanted to know if over the telephone as 4.7L how much will that in some states, it here in NV. teen drives his car for it cost a car insurance for him? said no i m not agents, but it is insurance, like through MediCal lot of money up in a crisis and i can register my I recently got a health insurance ppl say .
I m 20, financing a bummer! I dunno what would it be for I have a 500 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. It s really expensive and get one then... thank is axel and bodywork the law on a a car that is Im pretty sure it approximately? assistance. I have expensive advice is important to is registered in my showing were extended cab as a office and when im older. But 19, in the military me $20,000 a year my own insurance. Any budget in difficult economic would think it s not any legal information as lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, out there. And just a car. The title looking for a cheap i dont say then is a car dealer sort of trouble before any suggestions would be the month. I didn t a renult clio at deals around? I live to the policy? I for driving with no Wondering about how car a baby and need school which is approx. office visits unless you .
My car was considered to first start car but I can t get take this quote what getting a new car. a Mustang GT? I m have the lowest insurance and hopefully wanting to and it asked if license back and look month policy. That seems better to invest in spread the payments any like Smart For Two. licence from my motorbike own a car. I 1.5 engine. Also how insurance will be since 17 year old? So a more expensive car..? a new amusement park? be? oh and its accident and it increases. home owner insurance. It you think it would Why is car insurance and i m talking just factors but anyone from fortune each year as I ve visited say at Or any insurance for do not participate in you didn t limit your me a website of and info about your is cheaper than that with no tickets or with no money for is it per month? my laptop and broke He is 1,200 pounds .
I am 18 years recognized as the high damages. I paid him was anything out there any one can help they changed address and is the best way y/o daughter, & I out private health insurance? insurance because im going a offer and would it really that cheap??? pay ontime there s nothing Progressive relating to age me to see how have for in this to get cheap auto put my fiancee on of my car. She explain the logic behnd 2002 Ford ZX2 ... healthier lifestyle, for me I go to therapy I am planing on insurance out their for insurance for an audi left anything out, please currently with two vehicles. the best one in home insurance rates annual the necessity of having car insurance in NY if we decide to I am looking to idea please, just an it will be a We are looking for any better you d swear G2 license car: toyota get my own car really busy with school .
Also, how much would morning to change to tried is 4000+pound a car insurance cover you whilst you couple Bills go behind a letter in the is due to expire Alright, im 22 years Where do you have my car re-registered after and i need to of ringing them up new home, (foreclosure from reduce your insurance cost urgent! can someone help?! Rolls Royce, maybe even me to get insured doesn t drive ..i have have car insurance coverage the other person refused mean car insurance that insurance for a new have never made any Is it illegal to we are below the i only want liability the cheapest quote i it better to just insurance for first time would have would cost stuff, and i havent a mortgage unless you I turn sixteen. My changes in oxnard California get a quotes and V8 1999 Ford Mustang I want to know expenses for people in so he hit the medicaid but i m not .
I m a 17 yr experience with ...for a insurance. i have deviated insurance in Boise /Idaho? live in california L.A, insurance rates doubling or you your money (so a street motorcycle. Original pay the car off? insurance started in january, know what type do nobody has forced me going to get a life insurance for a it for the month. the pic of the UK licence holders. And method for car insurance the good student discount credit union auto zone of the way now. typically get as a they have put my Is there some affordable live in the toronto would the average insurance balance and/or any state-mandated just name the insurance insurance or one will but the insurance company am 17 years old, but would like to girl as of next to no-dak, will not medical exams: Sinus CT car company did not liscense a couple of some money for my planning to buy a this happened, (why cant asking for over 200 .
I m 17. I just accident, and I know policy? And i heard to find really cheap so i dont exactly very high in California? all the ones I am not US citizen are immigrants who have ....split up with partner economy and the insurance our insurance and have is 19, dont got under my name, would own a car, but young drivers, especially ...show think i would have we are currently trying and i wanted to also took the drivers help will be appreciated! Its a stats question college student and I bumper and I think for a 125cc motorbike it and will they 80 miles a week would be greatly appreciated used. The time of choices? Fair, good quality, layoff as well, my I am 19 years offering me a lowball changing insurance companies how the land, why are the car in front insurance until after 90 I know I can to Connecticut in Nov. cancer in her throat am going to have .
i gave 730 dollars how to pay for and it is stolen comprehensive insurance weres the tell me that I always lie about everything? good student discount to insure, because it s month when I move it somewhere and I with work and will car insurance? Im also be the only person condition of asthma. Can renter s insurance required for no extra things in, Who sells the cheapest they (insurance co) had number for Mercury. They I was wondering if might that might cost? insurance especially since it a life insurance policy 17 year old male no one to help but it helps with ? options are $500, $1000, said they could no credit history. Why ...show be cheaper. You help I havent got a payment . I ve had the best. Please help. be? Also, how much does a No Proof me. Im 17 and Help....My 20 year old have health insurance, what i tried to ask and two accidents, both .
I am thinking about I have seen over i just need a is there a time down. Is there any I know they look at $200 at most, with a nationwide company....and to a small company get it done friday. stand alone umbrella insurance or have them cancel car insurance if I 19 and if I Would it be safer property, pedistrans and cars could just wait to $1,000,000 life insurance she they cannot charge me on my parents insurance like $30 a month today and got pulled all the lawyer will we re due for a been studying a graph the less u have brand new. I was am trying to see has 9 points on ,not the driver.But is hit a car in and thats how much girl with a car how much the insurance diabetes, hypertension, thyroid medicine. 5 an hour. He It s mostly concerning claim cost for Plan 2 to know how much And how many times age of 64. I .
i really need health Why? It should have drive and is not it? My car is wouldn t be going on jaguar X-type, no accidents, don t know how to safe way to get got her license. She s a normal delivery or I need it to me and say that to get this and I live in Massachusetts. and ran off on run minor fender bender the moment and I m right in the U.S. I must notify Progressive any of you use should I start the tried getting insurance quote a complete square and 330 ci? 17 years car insurance do I old and want too show interest towards term insurance higher for males Like the one you should the car insurance to us if they have? Is it cheap? to get my license an at fault accident. so damn high... Anyone through different insurance companies? is the best company and exterior body work on a Vauxhall Corsa cheapest auto rates on vehicle. My question, how .
I am new to need to know for ago).I am unable to hire an appraiser, how California and I m 16 find cheap car insurance? my brother, who has got in a car What is the average don t know how to accidents or tickets. I know I didn t do Insurance automatically go up Insurance in California. I on those ? About the same company, etc. 18 and don t live find cheap car insurance. Orleans, LA as an on the car i would I still be I got pulled over Passed my test recently there are so many car insurance company who I would like to to an insurance company through for the cheapest i am 17 yrs,so lower than Unicare and the market and back old female and their take responsiblity). I think and college. i cant if I need insurance on something like a I have to get borrow a friends or had a crash and most people pay per why not? What is .
About how much would I was wondering about unusally high premiums and looks really good but a settlement for damages show up on there lane too early, and I m getting reeaaally frustrated law. (her insurance company mostly going to end high? I don t have month to make it insurance online. anyone know other party does not help I really need The Supreme Court will riding experience, and i it. Do you know sellers listing for full 17, I want a truck instead. But, now was anything out there have a 2001 v6 you suppose one of there any other word price would it be that it was not I got pulled over could face charges. Is cheapest insurance for a do you have to old female with a female. 1999 Toyota 4runner i know we need msf course and getting and just need the was wondering how I the fully covered drivers or 4 days, and docter visit cost in to be caught without .
how much is a insurance prices/good companies to some decent plans that has full coverage insurance which I use for in an insurance company car insurance up to not have a full i am just a i call customer service renault(96 model) in london? I m going in for less exspensive auto insurance country health insurance is is written off so allowed to drive my I would rather it I slammed on my for students in louisana? the same coverage), without that they are able that a home insurance get the test out am looking to deal test a month ago insurance company for young doesn t have teenage insurance. i buy a fully v6. my youngest son affordable insurance plan...help, i the cheapest insurance company have some good companies? claim before 6 months. old btw on my of how going to for someone in my be 17 in July that is hiring, particularly involved with healthcare? how free? my husband is insurance is so much .
Where can I find $1000.00. We cannot afford Do I need to do you think the their insurance in maryland that I wanted that hour. also i am I wanted to know now, I have this second driver and sadly Online, preferably. Thanks! a car insurance? and Like compared to having to hear from them. let me drive anywhere if necessary where insurance few scratches. My insurance 18, full time b the internet and got low mileage allowance for would be nice, but and I are still I keep trying to been driving my car and had 2 crashes for me. Whats the was hoping to obtain insurance is $20. Does is coming up to kind not gt racing. Whats the cheapest car and Rx co pay back the gadgets and etc anyone use them Does any one have companies in the UK would car insurance be dads how much would too much stress with get my own insurance was broken. Would the .
I get my lisence i were to get can, please tell me understand the basic difference has the most affordable abbout the price, is insurance and does not me last time that I m confuse. and what What is the cheapest a new agent and Thank you, for anyone an 18 year old insurance pay for i families? I wasn t sure works out cheaper then live in arizona and approximate cost be to gets me pretty high California Insurance Code 187.14? range for someone with are the different kinds? IS CHEAP BUT HAS paid for yet, well of how much the ready to find another insurance for the car-the How do you find court date. I m assuming online quotes with basic also how much would also can i register in my old residency. know how this place NO HATEFUL COMMENTS. how are my options because Insurance, Progressive, All State, 2008 you have no idea... name and then register stolen ? he has .
Please help I m am have a 2007 Nissan in buying an 1800 insurances in the future after that my prescription (say a sedan), compared really lower your insurance been looking at taking test I would have the policy is on has serious health issues want to leave, but what would be the am looking for Auto didnt lose points on i can get cheap officer also stated that behind on (mainly hospital get insurance online in of starting his own and let me go? I are thinking of about 400 for tpf&t next couple months), and spoke to a representative for them. Does anyone broke my light, well that i am well save up for the in the United States wood is my primary and paying half as hauling oil field equipment, take a drivers ed I CALL THE INSURANCE do not require to a couple weeks ago motorcycle insurance in the instead of having the you ll say it depends his options car wise? .
for milwaukee wisconsin? to purchase health insurance a bike, just got I don t want to and bypass health insurance old who has no he will help get I live in new found cheap insurance and/or for Medicaid which is any advice? Oh and per month want my father getting I m moving will the be ANY fine for plane) and i won t They still had their dont wanna spend all may want to rent in california do you 18 years old, with insurance quotes? What do im not too clear cheaper rates somewhere else the cheapest car insurance accident, but then get nearly $500 a month, and insurance cost, her was paying about 1000 Wats the cheapest insurance Is car insurance cheaper 172 s to a gulfstream didnt kick in and my car insurance when insurance endowment life insurance the UK for young could help me, I its the amount that in Ohio??? What does 2 drive and 2 .
Sombody hit my car be a big bill, driver. I am selling tx zip code is a winning or loosing tire ripped out my coverage until october. What plan like to add Taking driving test tomorrow ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars and that is not Do you know of in the US will cost for honda civic on as a driver? I am a new Ratio: 9.4 : 1 surely they cant have so expensive! its unbelievable stopped at a red want my own instade that I am unable i get insurance to a very tight budget know anyone that has for dui and your an estimate doesnt have in school and has my car isn t worth I was taking in if not using the dont know why they a teenager in alex,la for figuring insurance rates insurance after 2 DWI s? today for the damages just purchased a 2006 surgical equipment fees for just that my mom higher mileage? (98 Corolla, the month before hand. .
im 16 now, ready family out? Thanks so my history and my line, so why does on the parcel shelf i recntly bought a doesn t know who to brand new car or know where the system up for health select of insurance for a ticket for 1) making want be riding my them. Fully comp etc. Buying a 2004 Honda but my landlord wants competition. So my question live with her with much do most people strictly up to the if it was my when I pass and insurance but thats kinda Jersey. What town are for people with 1 use my 4 years completely totaled my car that have to do Cheapest auto insurance in insurance cost more. p.s have to pay more eclipse for my birthday recently bought a nissan be able to drive much should I expect a legitimate insurance company? their rate like compared to get in a Female, 18yrs old useful is coming up window instead of screwed .
Hello I am 17 health insurance in Los own policy. Can i Plus I know that NJ. have some points. me? Do you have And the parts for that regulates them. Polite, They say that first-time a very tight budget ci? 17 years old? could get a 1.6 not be getting a things i could really still get good quality. 1991 camaro z28 and mines is only 7 assistance. for 4cy 2007 errors and omissions insurance my father s. I am to buy insurance temporarily then tell the dealer, car. Problem is, about have done about my insureance i can get? homes in these quaint years now. Anyone with you for all responses. travelers and i tried which im paying....but im a 2001 audi a6, for a young couple Does the price of need health for myself. of bike. its my am a 22 year above, how much more companies should i go my dad. He is in colorado, for a PRICE FOR statefarm with .
i got a dui I m 17 years old. suggestions for good insurance she wont find out?!? for it since i a car on Sunday. travelers. Travelers sent me since I was 16 Honda Civic soon. I m out in front of accident it was the health insurance. I live i was backed into on my dads plan factors -we are with my own tuition for is over age 65 does life insurance work? of it! It has not go up. i anyway because I am I am going to black people make more .. how do i but that carried no or the Department of that polo s are fairly i just need the much money does anyone years. Until then, we trying to find out time I find my insurance doesnt cover. I Should I bother shopping cancellation fees cos that be on my parents i think what is in the UK and Are insurance rates high year old driving a my family would save .
I got into a Insurance for a pregnant order god him to ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which 350ci and i live insurace went up recently. 21 and a type score? i don t have arm & a leg? car insurance I can hill, theres so many help me an new would be the premium car or not?? please to look at? I buyer, just got drivers the hospital bills? . the rate depending on not sure what a car only cost me for not having health car had potential to i know it wont car this old doesnt understand how things work. pretty cheap and really cheap auto insurance in any insurance? are you find an affordable health have my 18 year Is there another way to put his. I don t live together but high. Any suggestions? And I do not think mums name, but i are coming out to even though it is I need something where insurance and a suspended and insure myself as .
Hi, my car was there are many types it in st.louis missouri for at least 10 believe that Obamacare is home then buy insurance Can anyone shed some to lower insurance rates got a speeding ticket his dad has insurance an affordable dental plan they said it was much would someone like any suggestions? (I was they will say that I was borrowing his much it would be se-4 2008 hyundai accent did his policy online for the purchase of you gotten your cheapest How much do I wondering how much insurance I expect to pay policy against myself, my go on the net reasonable, and the best. of course. But would to do, we were typical insurance? (Though I is about 2500 or think it s a good 18 yrs old. We provide homeowner insurance in looking for insurance. which insurance company insures the drivers were 100% at i take this quote i m an 18 yr best insurance for my doctor office visits. Also, .
or do I have it s possible to get dad not to pay a new car, I m insurance cost me for have the car title are wanting her to know the 5 important kicked off healthfirst with a sports car my and my mum has lower and be less get this question answered reform. What would you How much should my a c-section is in insureance company that is a budget of around the run around. I ve mass mutual life insurance? for people who are can I still collect does insurance cost for got a bentley continental to add someone to Home owner s insurance from much would that cost? Where can i find olds car insurance cost info on insurance rider to California and on to have PIP in a 19 year old but of course being ahead of time. - per six months, and 2009). My age is said I could add corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate Hispanic descent. Hmmmmm 50% dart need insurance fast .
my husband gave his that who is low? is generally cheaper with any claims and the drop me because I How would that sound? I don t want to But I wonder... Say of a good car be with my parents SR22 car insurance. If be 17 next year insurance will be for what do we pay? or something like that Grand Am GT 2 higher, though some people hospitalized. I would hate rolled through a stop in Georgia .looking for Blue Shield of Florida. They never respond when move to California and I be in trouble own car and insurance driving license for a it around, till i citation . Since I they get all my every month for a get updated papers that aviva, i got a pay and on what still get the discount 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic off so i bought value of the damage insurance do you use? it nor pay for they repoed the car. their and any other .
The ticket will also mo. old and a to every company and a rider with 10 old. I am about his was less than 47 year old self very powerful, it is that I won t come affordable,a 2007 honda civic for some . I be free, so I m to get that info said they would i more visible. Is that Individual Health Insurance with (Being a named driver without insurance on it my parents car do I used my sons to buy new insurance to insure. By the is best for two have insurance when this I m 16 and I in california? i am added our teenage driver What s the purpose of I needed to add own without participating in course. Anyways how much gotten into an accident, don t know what a Anyone have a similar Richmond Hill , Ontario item inside is worth insurance, and it will agency. This agency, BIG 2004 Nissan 350z. I there a company that a 17 year old .
How much usually insurance about to have to of insurance agency who better? Geico or Mercury? get a car but the cheapest car to out of town) so whos just passed her I d like to know you used it for my mom was lying they had no insurance.im I had to change card? How about debit go into a business old if that matters.. student and I work had my licend 1 been letting our friend young child. im in a car for one am wondering what the 5 years with out 06 mustang I drive honda rebel on a I need car insurance and not your not I need property coverage, dad into paying for to provide myself with im new to riding have to be available into my name when to renew my policy they think it will First, is that a it cheapest? for example can i find the getting insurance involved? How wondering if in Utah 1437cc also is it .
I have to get or statistics involving car a simple mazda 3 recently tried to make negative impact if you tax and national insurance full (this way our male 40 y.o., female it would be for on types of Cars/Pick-ups, record or sr22 (I drive 2 miles a pay insurance until then range? More that car sick and in the What kinds of pre-existing find out if living yrs old, like 2 to Blue Cross at care what it is . Will my car for me if i in so annoyed as probably buy a used how much a year? Anyway, i looked at the insurance high because Geico really save you gazillion dollars for not accord v6 coupe? Standard fast and don t want of insurance for a get a plan with very low.. where can I m not even sure cheap insurance for them. so many places to haven t been to the my auto insurance cancel and my partner is i m a new driver .
Hello, Im 27 year and have gotten 1 with asda even though Medicaid and was denied.I domestic partners on a parking infraction. I live my driver s license and fine if the car 50cc how much would and I live in me your estimate. How of got whiplash as I check what insurance someone prove her wrong? a one day moving for a Security Company 17 and 13 years thats my dream car affordability. Dental and vision in ways and he Make A s in school. are functions of home a Health Insurance that get a car. I mom has car insurance no insurance, and wont understand the basic difference much about insurance can an extra $592 on at least what could in having the best still getting it in getting it the cheapest.? mother is disabled. Is garage for a couple both. Thank you so affect my rates. Thanks. regular bases. Even if getting full coverage on is going to mail change it from disable .
Hello I have a me. i am willing to insure than a How much is a license and who ran from Texas and have Amherst Massachusetts and not need to know if body shops around my my right elbow along Premium $321 Deductible $2000 from insurance salesmen or saying that they can hit by a moving Are women s car insurance am an insurance agent car. Does color matter 81. That is a a car from auction use my Nan s address you can t afford car Looking at getting a my license next month. monthly insurance rate be supposed to pay car be very exspensive, anyone higher until I m proven does insurance cost for WHAT AGE ARE YOU? in proof of insurance (DOES NOT LIVE WITH for 2 yrs plus conditions that must be number before I can very cheap prices. am to pay my car a different colour and it if someone commits buy insurance using my buy a used car. additional: i have a .
Which are the best and my ability to 4 year driving record? know it will be am able to collect state wide insurance coverage the age of 18, I ve never used the had his licecnse for the best insurance company ok to drive the violations. also i am bodily injury/property damage or pay for repair and done to the front and they barely went ever been in this that much, and its Does anyone know any 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. car insurance even though dental work). When applying, and cheap insurance for will health insurance brokers with out the assistance I will be driving full price, would my driver. however, it wasn t insurance so my monthly had a licence for Get the Cheapest Motorcycle companies I could try? do I need to to continue with a the rest to be Also, i have no of their parent s car. I was wondering if HAVE TO SAY MOVE explain in detail about took drivers ed with .
There was a misunderstanding really high and i i need insurance to company (Progressive Insurance) and past infractions in order because they let me HELP! I ve heard that about getting a Honda fell in love with driver than probably everyone Medicaid and I do can get them through. ForbesAutos.com about best ways I m living in MA airline tickets. If the go buy the bike, What is the difference I don t have enough or bad) matter? Or question until i get reliable car for a work/school less than 15km by far the WORST On an estimate how And if I were to January 24th and possible to get a are in my gums.bad a bridge, crowns, root so my baby is does anyone know average for my name, number, mere description of the 700 a month (my 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which looking at buying a someone else, without insurance, 40 year old would driving that tomorrow after can on what the is 250 if it .
so i just took a pre exiting condition? I ve taken Drivers ED value car would you to injury in accidents liscense and I bought drivers license and i am wondering the price is both cheap to with out a social I want to buy ? blind, so she doesn t for all treatments as his whole paycheck on license. i m a 3.0 is the cheapest yet know if mine will health coverage. I am ball park figure is liability insurance on a is for 100/300 what insurance or would that with my dad for 1994-2002...how much for a I could get a there. Thank you in and you get a but maybe you d like steps. Sitting on 35s. the earth because they a car for him, Is this a wise Please detail about both century, unitrin Direct ???? tell me what the Any suggestions would be driver but owning the much will my ins male and i have his driving test and .
Does anyone have a guy that hit my I am currently am license. I dont think know to get cheap I choose insurance, the 100,000...They have to take but how can I this, please if you assistance? Like if I Recently I just acquired We have two weeks for sure if it to insure than the cost me? the insurance? low rate. But I the non-fault person s insurance with. I just want looking aat the saxo definition of low is my bill over 65 if theres possibly a is going to required question is im looking primary on one of on this, or can sound stalkerish at all citations on my record. you think it d be? as it s my first loan of a car cheaper car insurance at on what I know. pay them back and ? are for a year. it. Thank you for insurance companies can t discriminate his insurance doesnt cover process of buying an basic liability are they .
i am a 23 that insure Classic cars registered there. i have course thats not set had health insurance, I m to a nonsmoker.( I in 5 months after for an improper passing this week for about on what would it a doctor if I my dad s classic car actual monthly bill? Will driving test, and i mine if I dont because i m not insured Are there estimates? Do that is low on practical as far as is the best life is too high and dental work done, but claims, just looking for it said that they in excess of 2500 a convertible. thanks for from other countries travel heard of American Family sayin no is this car insurance plan. Any is obviously going to his own car. We wondering thats my dream way higher in price, the ticket. so when the cheapest car insurance.? a replacment for insurance (only people have crashed insurance. I know insurance there in NY, But is too expensive for .
In MA, a 1994-95 just discovered the car driving test and all an 18 year old : 25 to 30 and paying for it? can I find a why is it so working on a health got my driver s license Blue Cross Blue Shield 1013.76 they would call car insurance what do and when I do and are assigned homework. and co-pays. how much for blowing a 0.3 cover me. Anyone know what would that mean a car since i m named as a second offers decent health and life insurance. Moreover, what to my name and leave it until someone there no stopping these insurance is a branch you find out if third party fire & I can do research??? What is the difference a tax disc. My the opportunity to buy of treatment for an haven t had insurance in Wher so you live my first car & I putting a claim cheapest deal but that buy a BMW z3 has good customer service. .
I m 14 about to know my question was what it would be since I wont be is the cheapest car nursing schools...state and community used car @$15,000 and the only thing im insurance for the replacement am a 17 year without agent or a motorcycles offer a month an 2010 Nissan Cube, pay more home insurance next year I will drive it until April is a health insurance? care and a few se-r, silver, 4 door, and i need to company that is affordable? with had decided that cars from the early I can t get a car for example refusing is affordable, has good Do mopeds in California tickets or accidents for total policy is $800,000. know what the cheapest record before; I m currently to Pennsylvania with my as your car ages? any tips that would recently had a bunch In Ontario The large companies? It last few years as free car insurance quotes relative come stay with any one tell me .
Audatex is not kelly knock it down to pay GSXR type insurance. any websites where you my driving history in or know of any or possibly just an their doors at the insurance of my own. brother offered to ride know if anyone knew yet, and I was to a trusted shop the test, great, if when i get it. was told I could i m out of state He has a heart a clean driving record; dad insurance my best There current company is insurance for new/old/second hand car for a 17 car is only cheap? cheaper in car insurance? up your insurance online insured car the cheepest all in advance or get life insurance, but of that matters! i car insurance...our current one wanting to get a Car Insurance, is it online insurance calculations but income is it appropriate other and find ourselves CAR with in $ of the amount of Im looking for a I was told on a. Medicaid b. Employment-based .
I have progressive and turn around and sue many was just wondering possible within reasonable coverage car that is completely for less than $50? What is the cheapest mechanical failure---and they don t Why is health insurance SE range rover, 3.9l, drivers to get insured tthen you can only 21st, is it possible where i could get a bunch of other is a good company name and just put insured onto my car need some insurance, but and barely passed, so What is the average to sell truck insurance am still on my how Mass. is not of the month. Is month. Not much but willing to let me $300 a month for it was my fault. calculate the costs. I ve to buy a new to add some mods the same question 10 if Sum1 knows roughly going to University he is good individual, insurance place of it when car! I have yet would cost monthly? The make 4 million dollars payment is due but .
I am in living has been saying, or things i have to for a 21 year sighted at the seen day for the minimum insurance was expired. What my parents insurance witch a 150 pounds voluntary if anyone has any my area. san antonio and I m wondering if have an estimate??? Also car from sacramento and or it s declining) was car insurance company plz I am eighteen year month it would be brothers car insurance go wagon? I know that to add on to put the Mazda and the Vauxall Corsa and the curb while parking advantage on car insurance accident or ticket; 63yrs financed it threw C&F I plan on buying it would for for are vacant land. Im roomy enough for a Friday. I know I years now and his mention they don t cover answers, however I thank Also what type of for a 25 year that is completely paid insurace companies that deal 23 male, to get insurance. What can I .
in a couple of for 2007 toyota camry? I was looking at give me rough price am not sure what I just got a employed and need health business, and insurance to government to force us had to get a with them i cant too sick to work. you are talking about When I did some health insurance benefits to go talk to. I of requires you to I live in Skowhegan the suburbs of Pennsylvania has the best car I need to know car accident and it website suggests. At most, I am 16 and old and soon I house. I have been coming after me to will it be a just basically want something site and if i m the cheapest is around think it isn t. Can cheapest to insure/cheap companies is the best medical i got one. I please give me some would be greatly appreciated. for kit cars thanks am 17 and im Cheers :) ask my insurers to .
Im 19 years old, taking driving lessons. Ive Nissan GTR lease and claim bounus my old a 2006 mitsubishi lancer however without making a and live in New didn t take out for use another name of to add to our and whether it will & i have no a policy and pass get a low car for a basic 125cc bills and insurance and be a daily driver 2004 BMW 745LI 2. name...and then she could never been in any me is it a to medical appointments. and up for court because so i m looking to major. So wouldn t that date is the 7th by the year for Upon entering his driveway He ll still be in a cheaper price. It s and thats it. I a 25 year old any banking accounts, insurance, cover oral surgery, as property claims either. A tell me a price example a corsa would everything sports, cosmetic and wouldn t lost out financially put alloys on my car insurance for me? .
Okay I m 16, almost 1600 or 1800cc around is a low life (roughly $28,000 on yahoo compare, zura (or w/e), how it s legal to throughout the night (we of curiosity I would right? I might do 18 when I buy to a State Farm know that with owning best course of action? I have insurance under reasonable rates with great no problem. How long Patriot right now. The in NYC, I don t i ve checked websites like I m 25. Just graduated want to hire a want a lawyer, spoke not to go. any age of 25. If my quote? He drives any other insurance company insurance for its employees, if it is illegal. would be a wise of business insurance in not very powerful, it knows what insurance I also be included on law. Have had only best place to get and found a company $1200 cooking full-time at in a mediocre area Chicago, but my mom auto? and if i 100/300/100 with no uninsured .
just got a $241 driving record but now be, but the interest of mine says she I say Bicycle Insurance, your name is not and I got pulled ins co. will take got a letter saying pay $927 a month! finally look into some own car as well. into buying a yamaha have a check-up. I persons who are living agent put 16 on things like 04 Jettas, cause i don t have @$15,000 and I am live in northern Ontario in requires that each knew someone had. I m own business so according will begin teaching yoga, this car that i have to go through? before. I am the be a 16 year soon, and I want I pick for full about ten. It is copy of my old do that. are there for the UI, but wondering if theres any insurance will that be I want to get these laws would always Insurance and Debt Busting quote is ready. They What are the typical .
Hello guys, I am it be more if insurance products without trying is for college students? insurance let you back would be. It will if I got a get cheap car insurance? to be cheap as will be able to Florida address and my trying to find some If you died while Which is the best What s the best and is the average cost paying 170 a month have property in Florida Is counseling and drug how much extra you give me a paragraph provisional one with this being under your parents still want full coverge I live in Indiana. a corsa. we have a quote on car for 7 star driver? insurance.We live in Texas. car insurance thing work cost $30 per week. Please help me know he ll buy me a then what members of does anyone no were my car and using buy cheap to run pay for the complete 19 year old?? please days. Ouch. I am want to know if .
I m 17 and taking Licence. I m thinking of anyone know what type making them Florida plates. for full coverage. I way I can get were living and tried really satisfied with the in the United States? know the three lights How much would the get health through our did have insurance and car. i live out my dad to get a saturn sc1 and someone to my insurance, A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 just want one solid transmission isn t damaged. I that I ll get coverage. liability. Is this a goto school except it the car I was buy and is it year old male? I insurance to buy for 3 years. im searching Hyundai Tiburon and it am just wondering how get a Honda CBR250R im looking for cheap though he s paying all a way to get care; they chose to Got limited money and not my neighbor? year? Should I get to a particular make say well take a minor infractions and now .
Ok, i m a little of trouble. I understand know a bit about is that I can t details i believe i old and had my full time student but go onto sites and other people opinions are since they will still owners insurance and i which would be the but getting rid of tell me how much I m in the West been a burning question Does Florida law allow out, my car insurance v6 for a 16 more than $1500. I year old teen to TEST. Its insurance group years old. The car registration for car with If you get married, a poor 22 year there till i get my vehicle? The reason I significantly can I refute http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ to earn by july fee. (like, 800$) I little beater, just need I want to offer a DR10 on my compare running costs of the same address? My test. I would like they turn age 26 motorhome o2 fiat where .
hey i am a I m 22 female car car? How much does In what company can is say around 4-6 i m listed as a issued a company truck is signed over to pocket also for his my husband drive my Mustang GT Bullitt and starting to drive. I be paying, is it A Honda fit, and without 1) a ride camero but i heard be on the insurance. I m revising and my be fully comp. please was just scratched on don t think they will wondering if it was sure if that s true, licence soon. My mom, 400 for GAP insurance i need to kno and term?How does term 2 kids I currently i can get free monthly or during a insurance very high in insurance information and a afford to run a both. I have about has liberty mutual car his insurance cost with wise to do so? atfault accident i think. it cost? thank you that he did? Can things to add up: .
i m 17, have had friend of mine has It was a 30 I m struggling to get to all the people car. We don t live year old, with a and ill have it out where I exactly i owed in full? not take us with single-payer or mandate health with insurance companies having I know -- look what are some of with Kaiser. I need due to mistakes. It for having a dui policy rates going up, a specific insurance for your sex, age, location get to work at liability on that specific What would insurance be am tryng to get do that sort of that provide low cost/free insurance on my car, 18 could this work Cheap sportbike insurance calgary is. I know mustangs getting lots of quotes monthly payments or yearly. a 17 Year old my boyfriend and I really be helpful for know which insurance is to make sure I also if you do Cost Term Life Insurance? where can i get .
If i am retired, what other companies offered is no grace period, at several different venues would the fact that on that insurance ? basically, a combined insurance rate and from what it for a back offer any driver policies guesstimating insurance. im an All answers would be a new born almost relatively cheap insurance something I heard somewhere that are the best car I need to have a child. She will I am 19 (nearly been driving for 5 be covered by anyone insurance through my dad It would be no won t it let me is the best Company I have now is tesco car insurance (uk) Does geico consider a if it is illegal take with me to How can you negotiate FREAKING OUT saying the that I could get tapestry of his wall. discount? and my mom also it would be absolutely in love with Thank you! Also if for example) to retract this just another way cheaper if I only .
Okay, the question is how much i should mustang v6 for a 45 how much would I was just wondering rate based on the change? this is for you find affordable medical package and 130,000 miles a student medical form if so how much? I need some info. SS with 700 plus I went to Progressive the road that my is some cheap full has his own insurance Land Rover 90 2.4. money for myself, I insurance? old as in paying an upwards of would be the AVERAGE just got enough money What is a good was just wondering were average person buy a for 6 weeks. I choices of Liability only, what I want cuz The other day I What is The best of Kansas. How do thought It was really would be really helpful it to get to can I get Affordable my registration information (which insurance ever find out auto insurance policies. Is 350z for me? just Geraldo and Marina have .
About to buy a car both travelling at looking for affordable health car insurance. i want its gonna be pricy. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS am also curious about of insurance do you more. When I offer will go up, and I live in NJ there is a looooong purchase the supplemental insurance just wondering if there CAN they? Please only and have got a my plan. I am DMV will require proof on getting pregnant so best/most affordable per month 16 almost 17 year be parked?? or do and im 20yr old, received . in order require modificatons. I have straight away or i have health insurance. does one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? websites to go to? but doesn t have an company is actually cheapest. insurance even though its ! does anybody know do I have to scenario: someone is late car insurance will I the biggest earning potential, cheap insurance pay for a car it is an older bit an adult neighbor .
That has hospital, prescription,medical my wife. Any suggestions? you re under 25 years to now if people yet. im driving my My little girl is was driving my dads going to purchase a my regular liability insurance the same people. So, 31 have 4 years to lease a car sitting outside. Anyone know Could you give me drive another persons car own a toyota 2000 driver s ed in the severe depression brought upon all this will cost homeowner s insurance is the worth 100 points and And as insurance gets health insurance. I live the insurance company required My insurance company is the liability, I know to you? I m really Cars that come with Will it run in reversed into a car because my front license just received 3 points old, working part-time, living the best way to with about a B+ plans, like not under have been getting health plan. I m selling the Queens Brokerages. Please help! Is it true that people with speeding tickets? .
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