#and studio exercises to go with these lectures
sarasa-cat · 2 years
I finally took time during lunch today to watch the first lecture in a lecture series (aca stuff) I have wanted to watch and when I pulled out my note pad to take physical notes, I realize that I had already titled and dated a page for this lecture
And the date
It is now a full fucking month later
If you are wondering why I am so random and often non existent?
I’m never getting the last 7 weeks of my life back. My brain is too numb to hurt.
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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Taguan ng Anak series 4
Idol! Donghyuck x coffee shop owner! reader
Summary: Donghyuck was a dreamer. He dreams of becoming an idol someday. You know that as his childhood friend turned girlfriend, that’s why you let him go.
But he also has other dreams, which is you. To have a family with you. Can his other dream still come true?
cw: mentions of pregnancy.
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“Thank you for today’s hard work!”
“We’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Fighting everyone!”
Donghyuck watched as the backup dancers left the practice room one by one. They were laughing and chatting, excited about going to this barbeque place nearby. Donghyuck could only hold on to his stomach as it grumbles — he’s starving but he’s on a diet right now.
“Hey,” a soft nudge removed his hands from his stomach. “Starving yourself is different from dieting, okay? Go eat something and then burn it with exercise.” a long-time friend and the head choreographer of his team, Ten said.
“Ugh hyung! You know how mad Johnny-hyung will be if he finds out that I ate something,” Donghyuck complains. Sometimes, his manager Johnny can be strict especially with taking care of his body.
Ten rolls his eyes, “I’ll tell him to cut you off some slacks. Your concert’s in a few days! If you fainted due to starvation then I’ll give him an earful lecture.”
Donghyuck only pouts. Giving time to think about it.
“Come on now! My treat! I heard that there’s a new coffee shop near this studio — I passed by the place and the smell was something!” Ten suggested, tugging the idol out of the dance studio.
“Hyung~” Donghyuck complains.
“If Johnny lectures you, he'll have our divorce papers sent to his office the very next day,” Ten mischievously grins. “Now come on!”
Donghyuck doesn’t fight anymore and follows Ten who keeps on lecturing him about maintaining a figure that is not all about cutting his food intake. Their feet found their way towards a coffee shop painted sky blue and had a huge teddy bear displayed on the window. Donghyuck couldn’t help but smile at how oddly unique the teddy bear was.
“Welcome — oh. Hello.”
Donghyuck's eyes went wide. Stopping his tracks when he saw you by the counter.
“Good, it’s just you here,” Ten smiles, scanning at the menu plastered on the wall. It was handwritten neatly on the blackboard, Donghyuck knows that it was your handwriting and the doodles were also made by you.
“Can I have one large americano please and oh, the glazed donuts looks delicious, I’ll have two please but can you wrap the one as a takeout?” Ten said casually, not even noticing Donghyuck’s stare at you.
You ignored Donghyuck’s piercing gaze, punching the older guy’s order.
“That’ll be 16,800 won,” you simply said, trying to fake a smile as you accepted Ten’s card.
“Wait a second. Hey Hyuck, what's your order?” Ten turns around to Donghyuck.
“I got it from here hyung, find us a table please,” the younger one says, shooing his friend away who seems to agree with him somehow.
You only roll your eyes. Trying your best to pretend that he’s just a random customer.
“I’ll have the taro latte and matcha brownie please,” Donghyuck says.
You didn’t say a word, punching his order.
“How have you been?”
“That’ll be 14,900 won sir,”
“Wow, you’re unbelievable,” Donghyuck mocks. “Do I have to remind you that you’re the one who broke up with me?”
“Yes, that’s why I am ignoring you,” you smiled sweetly. “Your order’s 14,900 won. I’ll just put it in your friend’s card too.”
“Really, you broke up with me with no valid reason over a text! You think I’ll let it slide that easily!?” he taunted, raising his voice a little bit. It was a good thing that it was a graveyard shift and it was only you who’s manning the shop.
“Donghyuck,” you whispered. “You’re an idol, I’m just a girl who’s working at a coffee shop. You have everything in this world, a breakup from your high school love shouldn’t change a thing.” you handed him the receipt and was about to go to the kitchen when the back door of the coffee shop opened.
“Mama!” a tiny voice shouts, making you run towards the voice. Your daughter sometimes gets so excited that she might trip while running.
“Haesoo, I told you to stay put inside the office,” you went to your knees and smiled endearingly at your daughter.
“But I’m bored! I want to go home,” she pouts. You tried your best to find an excuse when a shadow hovered over both of you. That’s when you realised that you made a mistake.
“You…” you looked up to see Donghyuck standing in front of you. His eyes locked on Haesoo who you immediately hid behind you. But your daughter seems to have caught Donghyuck that she slipped out of you.
“Oh you’re Haechan! You’re that idol,” Haesoo excitedly shouts pointing at Donghyuck who was in disbelief. Tan skin, bright eyes, and the set of fucking moles on her cheeks — the child looks so much like him.
“Yah, is she…I — she looks exactly like me!” Donghyuck shouts as if he’s not an idol. It was really a good thing that you’re the only person working during that hour.
“Hey, what’s going on here…” Ten’s voice trailed off as his eyes wandered at Haesoo who’s staring at Donghyuck, still starstrucked.
“What the fuck,” Ten whispers. Hands covering his mouth, gagged apparently.
Donghyuck was a dreamer. He wanted to sing. He has loved singing ever since he was a kid, which leads him to performing at many events. On your little town’s festival, on school events, or just any occasion that will give him the opportunity to showcase his talent.
He also has another dream — you. You were his childhood friend. Neighbours, classmates, friends, and eventually lovers.
Loving Donghyuck was the easiest thing that you could do. It was as if it was a natural thing for you to do. You know all his fears and deepest secrets and at the same time, he has seen you at your lowest and most fragile moments.
Eventually, Donghyuck has to choose between his dreams. When he heard that he was accepted as a trainee for one of the biggest agencies in South Korea, you don’t know whether you should be happy for him or not. You know what will be the end of your relationship if he becomes an idol, he’ll be in the spotlight and having a girlfriend is considered to be scandalous.
But Donghyuck fought for you. He wanted you to be part of his dreams, he was willing to keep everything a secret because he loves you so much that he doesn’t want to let you go. And so did you, so in the remaining years of his trainee life, you two shared a secret affair that made your love stronger than ever. You even moved to Seoul just to support him which has been the hardest for you especially when you’re balancing college too.
You didn’t tell Donghyuck that the reason why you broke up with him was because one of the staff of their agency caught you two. You weren’t threatened but instead, you were told that for the sake of Donghyuck’s career, you have to break up with him. Seeing that he’ll be debuting soon. You knew that it was best that you don’t go in his way.
And weeks later, you realised that you were right when you found out that you’re pregnant. You were scared at first but asked help from your family who helped you. You went back to your hometown and soon, everyone knows that you’re carrying Donghyuck’s child. They didn’t feign any disgusts to you but instead helped you in raising Haesoo especially when they know how much it hurts you that you have to let go of Donghyuck.
Haesoo was raised to be loved by everyone, the same way Donghyuck was raised to be loved by everyone. You wanted to stay in your hometown but when your friend pulled you into opening a coffee shop, which has been your long-life dream, you couldn’t miss the opportunity.
But it seems like fate is pulling the strings because somehow, you’ll end up meeting Donghyuck after many years.
“I’m angry!” Donghyuck shouts with annoyance. “You hid all of this from me! Do you know how devastated I was that I wasn’t even happy that I debuted!?”
From the outside. The coffee shop’s signage was written closed. Three tables away sat Ten and Haesoo who seemed to be enjoying each other’s company.
“I want to be his godfather!” Ten exclaimed, gushing at how cute Haesoo was.
While you and Donghyuck sat at another table. He says he wants to talk but it seems like his emotions are still all over him.
“I can’t believe it! I mean, look at her! She’s so cute!” Donghyuck shouts. “And you hide her from me!? I wasn’t there when she was a baby! I didn’t even carry her when she was a baby!”
Now Donghyuck was being overdramatic. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Donghyuck you know the reason why I hid her from you,” you said with a serious tone.
“Why!? Because you think I’ll choose you over my career?”
“Yes! That is why I made a choice for you! You were about to debut! I don’t want a child to stop you from achieving your dreams!” you shouted back.
“Stop that,” Donghyuck calmly said.
“I’ve known you ever since I was a kid, I know how much you love performing and becoming an idol. That’s why…I have to make a choice for you. I know that you don’t want to choose so that’s why I did that.”
“You’re stupid you know that?” Donghyuck sneers. “You’re so so so stupid. Do you even know me that much? You know that you’re also my dream!”
You stop when Donghyuck stands up and pulls you away from your seat. Confused, you didn’t even notice how Donghyuck’s hands slipped perfectly to yours.
“I may have achieved my dream of becoming an idol but you’re still the dream that I want to achieve the most,”
“Donghyuck —”
“I love you so so much. Don’t ever let me go again, okay?” Donghyuck promises to you. “I don’t care if I get scolded by my managers, just stick with me this time okay? You’ve fought for me, now I’ll fight for you.”
“You’re such an idiot Donghyuck,” you said breathlessly. You know that no matter how many times you say no to him, Donghyuck will come running after you.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot,” he teases.
And even before you can even speak, Donghyuck holds your cheeks gently and crashes his lips onto yours.
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sweethartlullaby · 6 months
you, among the art
word count: 1550 genre/theme: fluff and angst later, sculpting series, graduate student and her professor/supervisor, female and male pairing as always, imagine whoever you would like... find part ii here sweethartlullaby ꕤ masterlist
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“Have you picked out your supervisor?” Her friend asks as they stuff their books into their bags. Thursdays are always the calmest days. Students get let off early so professors can meet for their weekly meetings. Her friend likes to call them cult meetings. 
They probably do rituals and all the statues come to life before they talk.
“Yeah, I think I’m going with…you know who.” She says as they step out of their lecture hall. She knows no name needs to be spoken for her friend to understand. 
“You’re joking.” She shrugs as they keep walking.
“Do you not remember that horror story last year? He made that girl cry!”
“But she graduated with three job offers. That’s two more than the average.” She reasons. 
“You know how you always say that this class, or that project, or this team, or whatever it is, will be the death of you?” She shakes her head with a small smile before they push through two big doors, going into the library. 
“Having him as your supervisor will actually be the thing that takes you out.” 
“I think the rumors are exaggerated.”
“You just tend to be naive.” She gasps and her friend only raises her hands in the air as if to say, I said what I said. They stop where the hallways meet and she turns to her. 
“He might not even accept me. Maybe there’s another project more up in his alley.”
“I guess we’ll see next Thursday.” That’s when it hits her. It’s next week. 
Her big presentation for a supervisor to scout her is next week.
“Shit, I’ve got to go.” She hisses before she waves goodbye and rushes to her studio. She snakes around the maze of hallways, thinking about what to work on today. It wasn’t like she was far from finished, but sculpting consumes more time than you think.
Even though it is in the same building, her assigned studio is far from the classrooms. She likes to joke that it is her weekly bout of exercise. When she passes the familiar statue of an angel opening her arms, she knows she is near. 
Despite the distance, she loves that this is where she works. It’s quiet and it allows her to burst with so many ideas; sometimes, it feels too much. From the windows in her space, she faces the back of the angel, the illusion of her skirt pouring onto the floor. With the windowed dome above, rays of light shine on the statue, creating the most beautiful sight on this campus. 
She takes her notebook out and flips to her most recent page. She was up figuring out the math behind her sculpture. It’s inspired by her favorite movie, Black Swan. The ballerina curls into herself as wings shoot out of her back in different directions. It is meant to portray the dancer falling into darkness as she tries to hold onto the pure image she currently has. How does she balance both at the same time?
The thing she isn’t quite sure about is the face. She’s always struggled with them and this time, she wants to perfectly capture the fear and excitement in each half of the face. There is only so much one can show with a still statue but she wants to make sure that it is the most that she is showing. 
She looks back between the sketch and the statue a few times before she starts her work. She doesn’t have to finish it before Thursday, that’s what the supervisor is there for. However, she does have to show enough to convince the professors that her work is worth investing in. Scoring a supervisor will give her many benefits. Not only does she gain help in this final graduating project, but she gets more opportunities than if she were on this journey alone. 
As she works, her mind drifts back to what her friend says. Yes, he has high standards. Yes, he made that girl cry. Yes, this might be a little ambitious. And yes, she is a little scared of him. But that isn’t enough to convince her not to go for it. He is the only one that she has considered as a supervisor. She’d be grateful for any other, but it’s him that she has her eyes on. 
No, this isn’t crazy. This is just getting out of your comfort zone a little.
Seven days fly by and now she’s standing on the stage with her work behind her, and seats full of professors in front of her. 
Her heart beats in her ears and she has to grip the microphone with two hands so no one can see her tremble. This is unlike her. She’s usually outspoken, the first to answer any question thrown at her. But for some reason, the faceless people seem to be terrifying her.
“Uh…” Breathe. They’re just people, after all.
“H-Hello.” Good. She introduces herself before taking another deep breath. 
“I’m here to talk about my project, which is an inspiration from my favorite movie, Black Swan.” After that, it’s a breeze. She feels her muscles loosen and she starts actually speaking to her audience. She only has five minutes to present, with the next five for any questions.
They applaud when she finishes and the lights come on. Professors begin to raise their hands to inquire about her project and vision. 
“I’d like to know why you chose that movie.”
She opens her mouth to answer but a short burst of laughter erupts from somewhere in the crowd. She thinks she must be imagining it from all the nerves but when she tries to speak again, it happens once more. She quickly looks for the source and her eyes find him trying to contain his laughter.
“My apologies, please continue.” He says but she is too stunned to speak. Did he, the professor that you’ve been eyeing, just laugh at her work?
The room feels like it’s spinning for a bit and she has to remind herself that there are other people interested in what she has to show. But she can’t speak properly. She feels as if all hope has been sucked out of her soul.
“I chose…that movie…”
The rest feels like a blur. Those last five minutes felt like an eternity of shame and embarrassment on that stage. She answers the questions with as much enthusiasm as she can muster. It isn’t much. 
When she finally steps out of the hall, she feels her knees collapse beneath her. 
It’s over. He thinks I’m a joke. Everyone in that hall probably thinks the same. 
She doesn’t know what to feel. Shame, anger, sadness? She sits there for a while, trying her best not to burst into tears. 
“Letters are sent out.” 
She doesn’t even want to check. She hasn’t told anyone about what happened. It’s too embarrassing. 
She tries to avoid it as much as possible. Maybe she won’t ever have to open it. It’s probably a rejection letter. Maybe he had the time to write out what he didn’t like about her project and why he laughed at her. Maybe she is alone on this journey after all.
But as soon as she enters her studio, she finds the letter that has been slipped under her door. 
She has heard many stories of this moment. They say interested professors leave their contact information on slips of paper. Some of them come with messages, others are just addresses and emails.
She clutches the pieces of paper in her hands, reminding herself to breathe. 
“This isn’t going to break you. It’s just words. It’s just words.” She repeats to herself as she opens the first letter. 
…Below is the list of professors who have expressed their interest in becoming your supervisor. Should you choose to contact any of them, please refer to the following pages on how to reach them. Congratulations and we wish you all the best.
The list isn’t long. There are only five names. And the very last one almost sends her heart flying out of her chest. His name, with the words ‘Preferred Choice’ in brackets right next to it. 
She doesn’t believe it.
She flips to the last page and to her surprise and fear, there is a paragraph waiting for her. 
First and foremost, congratulations, and thank you so much for having me as your preferred choice. I wasn’t expecting anyone to even look in my direction after last year. I would like to take this time to apologize for my actions. I cannot fully explain why I laughed that day but I do want to stress that it wasn’t because I was undermining you and your work. I think what you have going on is brilliant and I am very excited to see how it turns out. I believe you have great potential and it would do me the utmost honor to guide you on this journey towards greatness. I understand that asking you to choose me after what I have done is audacious. But I promise you, I will do my best to make you a successful artist. I do hope you accept my request and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
a/n: hello!!!! i'm starting a series! this is part one of it and i'm really excited to release the rest. it might take a while since it is finals season but i will definitely aim to get everything out before the year ends or early in the 2024! thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy! i also hope you've all been well in this busy time.
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mwebber · 9 months
i actually just gasped out loud i am overwhelmed
assuming this is about art student mark and wahhhh yeah :') he's never been great at school, but he needed a piece of paper to jump over the industry hurdle, since he's from fuckall nowhere with jackshit connections. little did he know it would lead to the best thing in his life, huh? he loves his boyfriend so much, more than he's willing to admit to himself. everything he touches has a bit of seb in it. when he's supposed to pay attention to another lecture on fucking, idk, hume's aesthetics, his reading on of the standard of taste just has doodles of seb's wild morning hair in the margins. when he's supposed to be christmas shopping for his family, he finds himself picking out a dozen things just for seb and he can barely afford it all and seb isn't even that big on trinkets anyway but everything joyous reminds mark of him. when he's working late in the studio to meet a deadline and seb quietly slips in to bring him food, he's ready to abandon it all and smudge graphite all over seb's skin from his greediness because sometimes he feels insatiably in love. even when he actively tries not to make art about seb, his hands inevitably slip, and he'll mix paint in a distracted daze trying to find the exact shade of blue in seb's eyes (a futile exercise, he's seen seb's eyes up close in all ranges of light and there's at least six distinct blues) or he'll give someone else seb's smile (inevitable, it's the only thing he ever draws these days) and the worst (best) part is the whole department knows. profs teasingly tell the first years that they've got no chance when seb comes in to sit for a session. the admin office sneaks seb a key to art student exclusive areas. mark feels like he's going insane half the time, and like he's being perfectly rational the other half, because he's like if midas was cursed with sunshine instead of gold, minus the death and horror.
but that's the burden of the artist, isn't it? we love to the point of creation, it's a complete obsession.. very much in line with transness and godhood, partaking in the act of creation out of love. no wonder they're a forever thing.
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Tami Liu's Day Off
So I didn't steal a Ferrari and I didn't jump on a parade float (on my bucket list though), but I did do laps around Vice City in a commandeered Cheetah in GTA. Good enough, right?
I also started working on a new painting. I'm not too sure where its going yet, but I think I'll just go with the flow with this one. I've really been into Fauvism and Primitivism art lately, especially the later works of  Paula Modersohn Becker where she starts to explore those art movements.
I've been meaning to hit the gym, but I've also been... procrastinating. And I won't lie to you, I struggled a bit with the exercise machine. But the dance studio is roomy and well lit - perfect for some zumba and yoga.
Not pictured, but I treated myself to a nice massage afterwards. The masseuses at Wilki's work wonders on the knots in my shoulders. Next weekend I'll have to do their facial and mani-pedi bundle, and I've heard their sauna package is the best bang for your buck!
Remember to treat yourselves with some self care and spend some time on your hobbies this weekend!
~ Love, Tami
click the readmore for a mini art history lesson because i love to yap
Okay so when I was taking art history classes for my degree my prof made it a point to use Paula Modersohn-Becker as an example of Fauvism because Henri Matisse was an abusive piece of shit. Imagine my surprise when I did a little googling and she didn't even show up in the list of artists for this movement.
I dug up my notes and these are the characteristics of Fauvism:
Visually - "Violent emancipation of colour"; unusual uses of colour, freedom from colour as a to-life descriptor. Bold contours, simplicity of shape and form, "primitive".
Thematically - stubbornly unsubmissive, beastly; embodying vitality, individualism, and reclamation.
Here are some of Modersohn-Becker's works. Gonna break out my MLA citations for this.
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 (Left) Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 1876-1907. Self Portrait. 1906. JSTOR, https://jstor.org/stable/community.13593095. Accessed 22 May 2024.
(Right) Paula Modersohn-Becker. Kneeling Mother Nursing Her Child [Knieende Mutter Mit Kind an Der Brust]. oil tempera on canvas; Gemälde / Öltempera auf Leinwand, 1907. Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin; http://www.smb.museum/smb/home/index.php?lang=de, JSTOR, https://jstor.org/stable/community.15716943. Accessed 22 May 2024.
Modersohn-Becker's works subvert the traditional uses of the female nude - in fact she is considered the first known female artist to paint nude self portraits. Her portraits are not idealised, they don't proposition the viewer, and they are monumental, an outright rejection of how the female body has been painted by men.
My prof was incredible, she always made her lectures about how women are often forgotten in the big Western art movements, and how their contributions to art history are overlooked for your Picassos and Degas and Matisses. All shitty men, yet the face of the art movements they were a part of.
btw don't come in here asking what male artists did to deserve my ire, this is a sims blog and google is at your fingertips, thanks :)
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figofswords · 1 year
hi !! so i’ve followed you for a while now and i like all your posts but i’m really interested in whenever you post about your art classes in college! i want to be an art major myself but my college doesn’t have that good of an art program and i also don’t really know how art classes usually work. obviously if this feels like it’s too prying or would be too much information than is safe to give online then u can ignore this but if you don’t mind/have time could you tell me a bit about how being an art major works or what classes you took? your art is really cool and a huge inspiration to me and i want to try and be where you’re at one day. thank u :)
Sorry for the very late response to this! I have been In Hell with final projects which I guess is the first thing I have to say about art school: every class gives you a huge final project at the end all at once and expects you to have time for it. haha
So I was actually in a similar situation to you when I started college. I was originally a music major at a university that had really great programs for performing arts but was sort of lacking in the visual arts department. By my second semester of freshman year I was taking an art minor, by sophomore year I switched to an art major and a music minor, and by spring break sophomore year I knew for sure the existing art program wasn’t going to give me what I needed, and so I transferred schools in between sophomore and junior year. I knew I didn’t want to go to a private conservatory school because a) the prices are exorbitant, b) I have a lot of interests and wanted to have options in case I changed my mind again, and c) the lack of exposure to other academic areas means the rate of burnout at those schools is ridiculously high. I ended up at a university with a highly rated art program in a major that includes courses in the subject matter I wanted (namely comics/sequential art and concept art).
for how art classes work: generally your art classes will take the form of “studios”, which at my school are ~3hrs long twice a week. during that time you either sit through lectures and demonstrations or just work in class, or sometimes a combination of both. Professors assign projects to be completed based on a given rubric. It’s pretty standard to have 3-4 projects per course, sometimes with additional smaller homework exercises that are usually either graded lower or not graded at all. At the end of each project most classes will hold in-class critique, where each student informally presents their finished piece and receives constructive feedback from classmates and the professor. Some professors allow you to make adjustments after crit before turning it in again, and some don’t. Generally I’ve found most art professors to be pretty flexible about stuff but there are a few bad eggs in any department.
Generally I don’t think majoring in art is necessary for being a professional artist. There are tons of wonderful resources (YouTube videos, online workshops, in person workshops at your local arts center or artist studio collective) that can give you the same things you would be getting in college just for a fraction of the price. The benefit of art majoring is, I think, mostly about making connections with people in the industry and with your peers. It’s been the right move for me because I have trouble self-motivating and I’ve loved having access to student publications and clubs, as well as having access to student-organized art markets and other similar events, but I also have always done well in academic settings and college scheduling in many ways mirrors the way I was homeschooled which fits my learning style very well. Again, though, it’s not for everyone and it 100% comes down to the individual person. You could also always do a combination of things: getting your associates at a community college will get a lot of your gen ed coursework out of the way if you then transfer to a full university to finish your bachelors.
Hopefully that was helpful! Let me know if you have any other specific questions I didn’t address.
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wyndig0 · 1 year
Things I’ve Learned Going to a Great Art School
To preface this, I go to SCAD in Atlanta, GA. This particular college is ranked as one of the best colleges to go to for certain programs, namely fashion design and animation (of any kind; 3d, 2d, MOME, technical, the sorts). And here are some of the things I learned from going on 4 years of attending this school for my bachelors in animation
The school you go to does not matter to companies as much as you may think. Your portfolio/demo reel however? It makes or breaks your chances of getting work within your desired field.
Appreciate the assets your professors and your college gives you, but do not turn a blind eye to very real struggles you or anyone else will encounter
Do not be afraid to take inspiration of any and everything. People, animals, sounds, music, film, etc. Now, this does not mean trace/copy/steal other peoples hard work.
Be NICE and cooperative to your professors and peers. These are people you will work with in the industry. Networking and making good connections while you are in school is absolutely everything. These people can recommend you for projects and will help boost you in your career, given you do the same for them.
Your professors know what they are talking about. You are just starting out (whether you want to think so or not) and are here to learn and soak up any knowledge your teachers have to give. They have worked in and studied the industry for years. You have not. You do not know better than your professors, so be open minded and receptive to critique. Even if they seem mean. They are here to make you better and more prepared for when you do get to go out and work.
Be proud of your work. Whether you spent 20 minutes or 20 hours on something, own your work. Put 110% into everything you do like you are submitting it to your director/client/boss. Because a bad grade on something translates to you being fired your industry.
Take notes! Whether this be in a lecture or studio class. You will need to look back at this information. For example: Program shortcuts. Instead of searching for them, you have it in your notes.
Get involved in your schools community. Be in clubs, go to events, participate. My school requires you to attend at least 1 field trip and 3 other events for each class (usually). And if there isn’t a club you’re interested in? Make one. This also includes school discords/group chats.
When you can’t go to your professors, your peers/upperclassmen are your best assets. They are or have been in your same spot questioning and worrying about the same stuff. Ask them for help and do not be afraid that it is a stupid question. You are learning so not everything will come naturally. Everything takes practice.
It is ok to fail a class or two. This does not make you lesser than anyone. We’ve all gotten less than stellar grades before. 
 Take breaks. As an animation student, or just someone that does art, you can just sit for hours upon hours doing one thing, but that does not mean it’s good for you. Let your body and eyes rest for a couple minutes. Take a step back from your work and observe at a different angle. Go get a drink, take a walk, whatever you can do to decompress for a moment before getting back to the grind.
Stretch. For the love of god, stretch. Your hands, neck, arms, legs, feet. Carpal tunnel and muscle tension is not fun and will inhibit your workflow. 
Exercise. Even just a little bit. It is easy to lay down all day whenever you don’t have anything to do. But your body needs movement. You can go on a walk, do yoga, lift weights... Just do a little bit of something every day. It does wonders for both your physical and mental health.
Some people will have more skills coming into something than you. They are NOT your competition, they are your ally. Treat them as such, because you can learn from them just as they can learn from you. This also does not mean you’re bad at something. Your work is great, always. Because you took the time and energy to make it.
Step out of your comfort zone. I started school in fall of 2020, height of covid. All of my classes were online. It was so hard to make friends at first, but branching out and talking to classmates allows for some great opportunities and that’s how you make your lifelong friends.
Go to extra help sessions and office hours. This is where you get individualized help from your professors catered to you and your work. This also shows your professors you take initiative and are willing to put in the work. It makes you look great. 
Keep updating your resume.
Enjoy yourself. Take some time to do things you love outside of classes. Hang out with friends, play games, watch shows/movies. You deserve it.
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aangussca · 16 days
Art Studio 1 Lectures (17.5.24)
Lecture: Presentation and installation of works (by Salote Tawale)
NOTE: The takeaway notes below use both Tawale's 2023 Carriageworks exhibition (detailed in a previous blog post) and the 2023 SCA Grad show.
Having an idea of how your works will be presented in a space is important:
What is the scale of your artwork, and how much space does it take up?
What does it look like overall, and how does it relate to the conceptual underpinning of the work?
Is its appearance (colours, textures, etc.) affected by the surrounding lighting?
What do you need to present it (technology, etc. - any delieverables need to arrive on time!)?
It is also important to consider the space itself, and accomodate the artwork within it:
The overall architecture and design
Scale of the space to exhibit your work
Lighting within the space
Technology available within the space
Safety to anyone walking through the space
Exercise: Talking about your art practice and/or your artwork/s in an interview (with Jacky Redgate)
Part 1: Interview questions to think about
What was the idea behind your work?
Why have you chosen [this artist choice] in representing [this idea]?
Why do you consider [this medium]?
What artists/literature/etc. influenced the processes within your work?
Why is [this theme] intrinsic to your approach to artmaking?
Part 2: Notes of your practice
Consider your history with art overall. When did you get inspired and what inspired you?
What are the materials and mediums you use (usually or occasionally)?
What ideas/themes underpin your practice and why do you consider them important?
Part 3: Find examples of an artist statement as reference.
Jes Fan's statement on works like Palimpest (2023), another artist who I have posted on here, from the interview Ari Larissa Heinrich had with him:
"JF: ...Each part of the body is indexed to a chapter, each chapter branches to an unimaginable entanglement of consumable goods, which in the end, is connected to me. As I was reading this book, I also started taking testosterone, and charting the changes in my body. One day, ... I held the vial of hormones and read it in the same light – “Where is this from?”, “How is this made?”, “How can I make this?”, “What life is involved in its production?” Upon asking these questions, I discovered that the source for pharmaceutical production of steroid hormones is soybeans, which is then suspended in cottonseed oil. So who am I to the soybeans? And what is its relationship to me? I think it was around then that I began to realise that I am beyond myself. And in asserting “I am”, I am also aware that the “am” is a verb, an extension of “to be.” So I am constantly in a verb-action relationship with the idea of being beyond myself... A pearl-producing oyster and I have so much difference!"
Toby Zoates' statement on his paintings such as Framed In The Kross (2015) from the webpage linked here - he was in a talk with us that day:
“I’ve found it hard to get support in my non-career and it’s always surprising, unusual places like this that have backed me,” Toby says. “Mostly because I’m anarchic and I’m intersectional.”
“If you asked me who I am, I might say queer first, but I’d say I’m an artist, a traveller, a nurse, I’m into science,” he trails off. “It takes mad men and mad women to be visionaries and make art.”
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dikshu24 · 27 days
Best Animation Training Campus In Delhi
Pickles Animation stands tall as one of the premier animation training campuses in Delhi, offering a transformative learning experience for aspiring animators. Here's what makes it the best in the capital:
Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Pickles Animation's curriculum is meticulously crafted to align with industry standards and trends. From traditional 2D animation to cutting-edge 3D modeling and visual effects, students receive comprehensive training that prepares them for diverse career paths in animation.
Experienced Faculty: The campus boasts a team of experienced and passionate faculty members who bring years of industry experience to the table. Their expertise not only imparts technical skills but also offers valuable insights into the real-world challenges and opportunities within the animation industry.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced animation labs, high-end workstations, and industry-standard software suites, Pickles Animation provides students with a conducive environment to hone their skills and unleash their creativity.
Hands-On Learning: The campus emphasizes hands-on learning, with practical exercises, live projects, and workshops being integral parts of the curriculum. Students get ample opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering experiential learning and skill mastery.
Industry Partnerships: Pickles Animation has forged strong partnerships with leading animation studios, production houses, and industry professionals. These collaborations open doors to internships, mentorship programs, and guest lectures, providing students with invaluable exposure to the dynamics of the animation industry.
Portfolio Development: Recognizing the importance of a strong portfolio in the animation industry, Pickles Animation offers guidance and support for portfolio development. Students are encouraged to work on diverse projects, showcase their creativity, and build a compelling portfolio that showcases their skills and talents.
Career Support: The campus provides comprehensive career support services, including placement assistance, resume building, interview preparation, and networking opportunities. Through career counseling sessions and industry interactions, students are empowered to pursue rewarding career paths in animation upon graduation.
Student-Centric Approach: Pickles Animation prioritizes the holistic development of its students, focusing not only on technical skills but also on soft skills, teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking. The campus fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment where students can thrive and unleash their full potential.
With its commitment to excellence, industry relevance, and student success, Pickles Animation emerges as the go-to destination for aspiring animators seeking top-notch training and career opportunities in Delhi's vibrant animation industry landscape.
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apexart-journal · 2 months
Jevijoe in Tbilisi, Day 16
I started my day with a dynamic hatha yoga class at Lumos Yoga Studio. The yoga was intense and a lot of stretching exercises. Salome, the yoga instructor, was very helpful. We have a one-hour yoga class followed by 30 minutes of individual yoga lessons. She asked me about what I wanted to work on, and I told her that I wanted to improve my back posture and do some shoulder stretching. Some exercises were challenging, but they gave me great relief afterwards.
I went back to the apartment for lunch before heading to the guided tour. Sometimes it's better to cook food at home since I have a nice balcony to relax and eat.
Zura was our guide today for the Tbilisi Soviet tour. He was really articulate and knowledgeable about Georgian history. Our meeting took place at Liberty Square. He pointed to the monastery or school where Stalin attended and also some buildings that were built during the Russian Empire and later taken over by Stalin's Bolsheviks.
We took the Metro subway for the tour. The Metro subway going down was really deep underground, as if the escalators do not stop going under. Zura told us that these subway underground stations were also used as bomb shelters during the Cold War, so it makes sense to me now. We went to the Underground printing press created by Joseph Stalin (who was born in Gori, Georgia) for his communist agenda. The place used to be a secret printing press during the Russian Empire and later became a glorious museum during the reign of Stalin's USSR, but now it looks like a ghost house or a dilapidated museum. My guess is that there is no government initiative to restore these post-Soviet historical sites that glorify Stalin since Georgia has a strained relationship with Russia, and its "candidate status" for European Union membership.
At night, I attended a presentation by Ubani, a Tbilisi Cityscape Research Center. There was a presentation by the non-profit organization about their new projects in Tbilisi, followed by a lecture about "Realism After Real Socialism."  Here was a panel discussion about how to revitalize the cities from the post-Soviet era. There was a question from the audience that struck me about how architects design buildings without any consultation from the local communities or other research-based experts such as sociologists and ethnologists. The architect had a vague answer about their task -"being to play and be creative, not to be involved in politics", which I found abrupt. I wanted to talk to the person who asked the question after the event, but she had already left.
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konmarkimageswords · 9 months
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Iranian visual artist Shirin Neshat uses film, video, and photography to explore issues of gender and identity, with a particular focus on women's relationships with religious cultural systems of Islam.
Her advice for aspiring visual artists and filmmakers:
Don't make art for the art world, and don't make films just to get into festivals. Being an artist is such a commitment. It is so painful most of the time, so there has to be a really good reason why you're doing it. I always say to people that it's not a hobby; it's a full-time job. It's like art and life become one thing, which means you have to give it everything. My art has been my life, and my life has been my art. My story, as a human being within my circle of friends, always relates to the artwork. So if you think that you're going to travel around for fun and then come back to a studio where you deal with your pain, that's mistaken. It has to be immersive.
On grappling with anxiety and loneliness:
Those of us who are survivors, immigrants, or others who are constantly negotiating between different places have become masters of coping and adapting. I've often been very sad, but my whole thing has always been to say, I must survive this, I must survive this. I like artists who are vulnerable because they're not afraid of admitting their fragility, which shows in their work. But if I feel too vulnerable, I say no to things like travel because I know I will be really lonely. Learning to recognize when to temporarily pull away to help my own spirit is important, as is remembering that I have a choice: I don't think my work is as important as my mental well-being. I want to be surrounded by people I love, and that love me and make me feel safe.
I'm very disciplined about confronting my anxiety and really do whatever I can. Four years ago, I listened to every lecture that Pema Chödrön has given and read all her books. She's a Tibetan Buddhist monk, and she's incredible. The majority of the time, though, I don't go to a therapist. I deal with my anxiety with physical exercise. I don't meditate, but I really talk to myself: by writing, moving, and just being able to come to a place where I can get a better perspective on the foundation of the fear that is eating me. I think a lot of people meditate or seek whatever transcends them. For me, it doesn't have to do with religion or spiritual practice. It's art, really. What has helped me more than anything, other than my son and motherhood, is my work. It has always been something I can come back to. In the darkness, I find something incredibly creative and really beautiful, and it gives me energy and brings me back up.
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aimzfitness · 1 year
Here Are Four Advantages Of Joining A Gym And Taking Classes
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Do you feel like you've hit a plateau with your current workout plan? Are you looking for a fresh way to get in shape? Participate in some sort of physical activity, like joining a gym. Environment, community, and results are all top-notch, and they provide a broad variety of workout alternatives to boot. The four most compelling reasons to join a fitness program, whether by taking a class or purchasing a membership, are discussed in this article. What makes attending the gym (any gym, from Gym Howick to Fitness Classes Botany) so amazing is going to be investigated.
Fitness Routine
People sign up for gym memberships and attend exercise sessions mostly to work out. It's the foundation of every fitness program that has health and fitness as its ultimate goals.
The exercises you do in fitness courses will challenge you in new ways and strengthen your body in new ways. Aerobics, weight training, yoga, high-intensity interval training, and dozens of other options are available.
You may boost your health and well-being in many ways by engaging in different types of exercise. Aerobic exercise helps enhance cardiovascular endurance, while strength training increases muscle mass and strengthens bones.
In addition, personal trainers in Howick may design unique programs to meet your needs and preferences. They will instruct you on how to do the activity correctly so that you gain the most benefit with the least chance of harm.
Working to exercise on a consistent basis is crucial to your health. Start working toward your ideal figure right now by signing up for a gym membership or signing up for a fitness class in the East Tamaki or Botany area.
The Tune(s)
Listening to music while working out is an integral aspect of any fitness program. You may get more out of your workout, push yourself further, and maintain a high level of energy if you listen to music that inspires you.
Listening to music during exercise has been demonstrated to increase stamina and performance by as much as 15%. This is why a lot of fitness centers and studios spend time curating the ideal music for each class.
The top fitness courses know how to produce a dynamic soundtrack that will keep you moving and sweating all at once, from energetic pop tunes to heart-pumping techno sounds. What if you don't like commercial music, though? Not at all! Alternative music fans aren't short of playlist selections, with genres ranging from indie rock to hip hop.
The Power
The motivation gained from regular gym visits or participation in exercise programs is a major perk. There's an electric atmosphere in a group exercise class or on the gym floor. The upbeat music, inspiring lectures, and inspiring peers all contribute to this infectious atmosphere.
The buzz of a group exercise class or a crowded gym inspires its participants to achieve their personal bests. The collective pressure encourages everyone to show up and put forth their best effort. It's hard to quit up when everyone around you is going all out.
In addition, the optimistic energy that is produced by such a group is infectious. Without without realizing it, you often find yourself drawing energy and inspiration from others around you. In addition, spending time with people who share your ambitions might help you stay motivated.
Common Folk
Meeting new people is a great perk of going to the gym or taking a fitness class. Whether you like to exercise alone or in a class setting, you're bound to meet others who share your enthusiasm for being healthy.
Having a workout partner may be a great source of inspiration and motivation. It's motivating to witness someone else challenging themselves, so you may as well do the same. Having someone to work out with or depend on may also make working out less of a chore and more of a pleasure.
In addition to the chances presented by the daily workouts, many gyms also provide extracurricular social events and activities. Activities like team sports leagues, group hikes, and other activities are great ways to meet new people and enjoy some physical activity together.
Final Outcomes
Consistently using your gym membership and participating in fitness programs will lead to noticeable changes in your body. Seeing your body change as a result of these activities is a great motivator.
Your muscles and joints may ache and you may feel tired after every session, but after a while, you will develop more strength and endurance. You'll find that it's no sweat to run longer distances or lift more weight.
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genmakesmedia · 1 year
re-learning html without the pressure of a project deadline
When practicing HTML again, I worked through a PowerPoint presentation given to us by my lecturer Phil. It went a lot smoother than expected, and actually was a lot simpler than I thought it would be. I decided to document my process of going through it:
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To start off with I created a NotePad file and saved it on my desktop under the name "index.html" as the tutorial advised. I have also experimented with other coding software - such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Visual Studio Code - but this was my first time coding without any of the helpful autofill suggestions and colour-coding both of these applications offer.
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Next, I set up the basics of the HTML page, including its document type and title. Then I added my first heading and paragraph. I decided to keep my text pretty clear and to the point so that I wouldn't get mixed up looking through the code.
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After this I experimented with lists! We didn't really need anything like this when coding our Narrative Project, so it was nice to just have fun and explore the many possibilities HTML has to offer.
As I have had experience coding images from the previous project, I decided to skip these for now and focus my learning on things which I didn't know.
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The next thing I decided to try was "inline frame" or <iframe> tags. The presentation I worked through describes inline frames as "An HTML document embedded inside another... Typically, MS Stream or YouTube videos." To play with this, I tried to link a YouTube video (to make myself chuckle, I decided on this video posted by the account Rat. However, even though my code was correct, YouTube wouldn't show the video on the page, so I ended up scrapping this feature.
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So that the Horizontally Spinning Rat video still got a feature on the page, my next experiment was with hyperlinks! I tried this a couple of different ways, first of all by leaving it as just a generic hyperlink that opens in lieu of whatever webpage you're on, but - once again, supported by the tutorial provided - was able to change it so that the video opened in a new tab when clicked.
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The last thing I wanted to experiment with was adding boxes and borders and I did this by attempting to use the CSS box model. I learned the base code for this from this W3Schools tutorial, and used it to essentially add a pink border around all of my <div> code (which essentially gives some really clean line breaks).
All in all, I really enjoyed this exercise. Admittedly the code I produced here is nothing special, and the web file is quite plain to look at, but as I have already used a lot of style functions for other projects I wanted to focus purely on things which were new to me. Coding in NotePad wasn't as hard as I was worried it would be, either, though it was frustrating having to comb through personally to figure out what wasn't working each time I made a mistake (I decided to leave those moments out of my walkthrough as there would have been many.) In the future, when I have more time, I would love to explore creating my own websites in this way, and giving them more interactivity.
My newfound interest in interactive websites I owe almost entirely to the ARG Welcome Home, created by Tumblr user partycoffin. ARG stands for Alternate Reality Game, and essentially these games use real world mediums like websites and social media to tell a story (. I feel particularly inspired by Clown's website as it is of the psychological horror genre, and utilises a lot of hidden/floating text elements to tell its story. I would love to have the ability to create something like it one day, I just think it's so cool.
Clown. (2023) Welcome Home. Available at: https://www.clownillustration.com/welcomehomeyou (Accessed: 17 April 2023).
Rat (2022) 'Horizontally Spinning Rat for 10 Hours' [YouTube] 15 May. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXm9qeq1_eE (Accessed: 17 April 2023).
Richardson, P. (2023) 'Into Web Design'. MD4004: Digital Media Foundations. Kingston University London. Unpublished.
w3schools (2023) CSS Box Model. Available at: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp (Accessed:17 April 2023).
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bunny-blogger · 1 year
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.・゜゜・ 4.12.23 ・゜゜・.
Only had a lab and lecture to go to today so it wasn't too bad. Trying to maintain that A in that class is difficult but I just need to ace a few more exams. I'm about nearly recovered from my cold so I decided to go do a barre class today. It's honestly been my only way to exercise this semester. Happy to be back in the studio. 😌
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amityranchi · 1 year
List of B. Tech private colleges in Ranchi | fee structure, eligibility 
Looking for the top B. Tech private colleges in Ranchi, Amity University Ranchi (Jharkhand) campus is one of the top listed universities. 
There is a significant relationship between academia, as represented by students and teachers, and the corporate world on the AU Ranchi campus. The goal is to begin ongoing dialogue with business, exchanging business experiences, comprehending business needs, and offering business the necessary support, as well as giving students the chance to collaborate with business.
Best engineering colleges in Ranchi
The AU Ranchi campus performs ground-breaking and innovative research in a variety of fields, thanks to the support of several centers of Excellence. Academics are encouraged to publish high-caliber books, research papers, and patent applications. High-tech labs that serve as the perfect training environment for aspiring professionals and enable students to explore and obtain practical knowledge assist our research programme.
Our goal is to develop leaders who are not simply exemplary professionals but also instill ethics and values. In order to establish a strong foundation for learning, our instructors and senior team members go to all corners of the world to learn and absorb the finest practises. We have a well-stocked library with books from various genres, magazines, and National & International Journals as part of this endeavour. This is why we are among the top B. Tech private colleges in Ranchi.
Courses Offered
B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering)
Eligibility: PCM min 55%
Duration: 4 years
B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engg.)
Eligibility: PCM min 55%
Duration: 4 years
B.Tech (Mechanical & Automation Engg.)
Eligibility: PCM min 55%
Duration: 4 years
Top Colleges in Ranchi
Every classroom is spacious, air-conditioned, and most of them are designed in an amphitheatre format. They offer the environment that is most suited for lively and concentrated discussions. 
Amity's classrooms are equipped with integrated audio-visual teaching aids for lectures, presentations, and other learning activities. These classrooms were created to combine analysis with action.
The Syndicate Rooms offer the ideal environment for team-building exercises such as brainstorming meetings, group discussions, role-plays, etc.
E-learning studio
The main hub for conducting Amity University's many online courses through remote learning is the e-Learning Studios. The use of PPTs, graphics, and other teaching aids by faculty members during tutorials is known as "live virtual classes."
In a project funded by the Indian government, Amity also provides tele-education to all 53 countries in Africa.
Major Equipments
Digital storage oscilloscope
Signal Generator
Spectrum analyzer
DSB/SSB AM Receiver Experimental Setup
DSB/SSB AM Transmitter Experimental Set
CDMA Experimental System
GSM Experimental Set
And the list doesn’t end here.
Amity has been ranked among the top universities globally for employability. In a survey conducted among 9000 employers worldwide by Times Higher Education (UK).
We also take pride in being among the top universities with innovation and achievements in India by ARIIA (Atal Ranking of Institutions in Innovation Achievement) 
We hope this blog helped you in shortlisting B. Tech private colleges in Ranchi and move ahead with your decisions. Additonally, if you are still flustered with the same you can connect with our team for better counselling and guidance. 
Visit us on www.amity.edu/ranchi to check more details on fee structure, Study abroad programme etc.
Source : https://sites.google.com/view/amityuniversity-ranchi/home?authuser=5
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