#and relatively little bulk buying is a very good thing!!! for the environment!!
bomnun · 8 months
another thing that shows blue box only want () to make money is they get so many album versions compared to everyone else?
i feel (queencard) had 11 (!) album versions while the highest I’ve seen from any other cube group is 3 (love or take, wind and wish)
and while I think 11 is way too much it’s just wild how much effort they put into blowing up ()’s numbers and keeping them up with the market and then they still compare their other groups to () and the rest of the market at such a disadvantage.
another thing is pitigi (not sure about the others but I feel like they won’t be far off from pitigi) have sooo much less fansigns than the other groups they’re compared to, including other mid tier groups. of course a group with a fandom of the same size or slightly smaller will sell more albums when they literally have 10x as many fansigns as pitigi. 10x as many fan signs is also way too much both for artist health and for the environment, but that’s one sure way to inflate album sales that blue box will compare them to pretending the promotional difference doesn’t exist.
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williams family headcanons
this will focus largely on my HCs regarding the dynamics between different members of sarah’s family. jeremy is also there.
looooong post under the cut!
for much of her life, especially after her mother left, sarah has felt like she hasn’t had anyone to talk to or anyone who cares about her. because of this, she would often keep her feelings to herself because she didn’t think anyone would understand, and she didn’t want to bother anyone who wouldn’t care anyway. it’s this restraint that used to make her feel like lashing out and hurting people whom she knew didn’t deserve it, particularly members of her family. linda was usually exempt from this anger; sarah feels tremendously guilty for her occasional violent desires and is trying to work on them, but she appears to be clinging to the vain hope that linda might someday change her ways and the two can be at peace. even after her journey, she seems to have difficulty accepting that that “someday” might never come.
whether sarah inherited or learned her temper from linda is up for debate; what is known, though, is that it runs in her mother’s side of the family. when the two argued, it was often because sarah felt that linda was putting too much pressure on her or not understanding her. in the heat of the moment, linda has said things once or twice that one can’t exactly take back. sarah once justified this to herself by thinking that she provoked her mother, but she’s coming to realize that it isn’t what she thinks so much as it is what she believes she’s expected to think. either way, it hurts her deeply. in fact, sarah is so close to linda that the idea that her mother can do (and has done) anything wrong still comes as a shock to her. she’s especially inclined to forgive her mother for having been petty and nasty in the past because of linda’s affectionate (and admittedly sincere) way of trying to make up for it. sarah’s RSD is the type that makes her feel enormous relief whenever she has some sort of closure. she can spend days agonizing over the idea that someone might hate her, but the minute she’s told she’s been forgiven or even that the other person was never angry at all, she can let it go in an instant. (in fact, this is partly why she’s so kind to her friends, especially hoggle. she knows how it feels to think you’ve done something horrible and unforgivable, even if that isn’t the case—and she doesn’t want anyone to feel the same way.)
sarah likes jeremy, who is exceptionally nice to her and genuinely wants her to feel included. he does his best to be a “fun” sort of father figure, but also acknowledges that he can’t replace her own father and doesn’t try to pressure her into accepting him the way irene somewhat did when she moved in. in fact, jeremy treats sarah almost like a friend and is more lenient with her even than her own mother. he’s always standing up for her and buying things for her that he thinks she’ll like. the two also have several inside jokes that they find hilarious. in general, whenever jeremy cares about someone, he’s very keen on making it known so that they never doubt his authenticity; this is partly why linda gravitated toward him, as she felt like he was more compassionate and cooperative toward her than robert was, and they had more in common.
sarah wasn’t pressured into sharing her mother’s interest in theatre; it came naturally. though linda had some influence, most of sarah’s special interests developed largely on their own. however, sarah tends to be saddened by the fact that linda doesn’t seem to care about her interests unrelated to theatre and never really has. when it comes to anything she has no personal connection with, linda seems indifferent and unaffected no matter how excited sarah is. linda wishes she could bring herself to care more, but she simply doesn’t know how and in some cases isn’t even willing to put in the work. there are few subjects on which linda and sarah are able to have in-depth conversations; one of these is the performing arts, so whenever sarah is around linda it makes up the bulk of what she talks about. sarah desperately craves her mother’s approval, still blaming herself for linda’s departure, and often catches herself acting in ways she thinks will earn that approval even when linda isn’t around.
this is compounded by the fact that sarah has no way of knowing whether or not robert and irene are interested in her thoughts at all. if they are, they certainly don’t show it. on most occasions that they do show intrigue, sarah has some difficulty not interpreting it as them judging or interrogating her. in other instances, she’s simply gotten frustrated and given up trying to communicate with them because she doesn’t feel like they understand or listen. irene in particular wishes she was closer with sarah; however, the two have very little in common. irene has difficulty expressing warmth toward others’ children and doesn’t exactly know how to foster a good bond with them, aside from disciplining them and following the rules she’s read about in her parenting/self-help books. her collection of these books is enormous; many are under the impression that, because of it, she fancies herself an expert. irene tends to be a bit literal and persnickety with rules. she would like to foster emotional and mental health in both her son and her stepdaughter, in addition to raising them to be upstanding citizens; however, she doesn’t quite know how to do the former and is kind of learning as she goes along. though she has difficulty expressing it, she’s fiercely protective of sarah and would like to shield her from anything that might hurt her.
linda and robert separated partly because they had very different ideas on how to raise sarah. while they both had relatively equal expectations for her, they wanted her to pursue different fields; robert sought to push her in the direction of something more conventional while linda wanted sarah to pursue her dreams in the arts—so long as they aligned with linda’s dreams, as well. however, this was just the tip of the iceberg. in reality, the arguments that eventually led to their divorce (sarah was 10 at the time) began when each parent felt that the other’s career wasn’t supporting them as much as they would have liked. linda and robert had lost the spark in their relationship over time; they simply didn’t connect with one another. the phrase “you’re not the person i married,” or a variation of it, was said often on both sides. when the environment in the williams household became too stressful to her, and robert grew too obstinate, linda decided that she was leaving; this happened after she met jeremy, who understood her in a way that she felt robert never had. the realization that linda was forming a relationship behind his back was, for robert, the straw that broke the camel’s back. i think that when it comes to the relationship between sarah’s parents, the song “moral of the story” by ashe applies pretty well. like, really well.
linda’s love language is giving and receiving gifts. she sometimes sends presents and letters to keep in touch with sarah; over the years, though, the influx of gifts has declined for reasons sarah doesn’t understand. linda is usually just too busy or too forgetful to bother; it’s often jeremy who sends gifts in her stead and apologizes on her behalf. furthermore, it’s made sarah uncomfortable how linda always seemed to expect something back whenever she gave a gift or did a favor for as long as she can remember. sarah considers herself lucky that linda sometimes finds the time to send her mail without having to be reminded. because linda can’t be there to physically provide sarah with affection, she instead appears to use gifts as substitutes. in fact, she’s almost always used material objects to convey the things she couldn’t figure out how to communicate otherwise.
part of what makes sarah feel so angry is, ironically enough, the feeling that she isn’t allowed to be angry. when she gets upset, she wants to mouth off or yell, throw things or hit someone; because all of those things will get her into trouble, and she has some difficulty handling her emotions, she has no idea what she’s supposed to do to not be upset anymore. all she feels like she can do is wait for it to go away—which is not only something that she rarely manages to do, but also something that makes things far worse in the long run.
overall, sarah has a complicated relationship with her mother. on the one hand, the two are very close with one another. linda loves sarah dearly and is immensely proud of her; in spite of all her flaws, she seems to be coming to the realization that she should try and be a better mother even if it’s from a distance, and that just because sarah isn’t physically with her anymore doesn’t make the two any less related. on the other hand, though, linda has quite a few selfish tendencies she hasn’t matured past; her love for sarah doesn’t stop her from using her as a pawn to stroke her own ego. she also isn’t afraid to lash out at her own daughter for bruising said ego, intentionally or otherwise. the only reason she initially considered doing better was because she didn’t want sarah to stop talking to her entirely, though she’s begun considering the principle of it all. it would be interesting to juxtapose linda’s selfishness with sarah’s at the beginning of the film, with the implication that linda is the way she is today because she never got what she needed in the past and/or made the conscious choice to put herself before other people—but sarah doesn’t have to be the same. in fact, throughout her arc it’s proven that she won’t be the same—not only because her journey provides her with courage and her friends provide her with support she may not have and otherwise, but because she chose actively to be a kinder person out of compassion and not because she feared repercussions.
sarah’s insistence that linda has never done anything wrong ever is almost certainly denial. logically, sarah knows that some of linda’s actions have been wrong; that doesn’t stop her, however, from scrambling for a million different ways to justify it. part of this can also be attributed to what sarah feels is an unspoken rule that forbids her from being angry, especially toward the people whom she loves and who love her most; she wants to say that linda has hurt her on several occasions, but doesn’t know how to communicate it and is afraid of setting off some sort of nightmarish consequence. as such, she settles for trying to rationalize it when no amount of explanation can make it okay.
linda is also fiercely protective of sarah and doesn’t want her falling in with the wrong crowd by any means. it does sadden her that sarah doesn’t have many friends (at least to her knowledge), and she’s always encouraging sarah to put herself out there; however, a small, wicked part of linda has wondered if it would be better if she just had sarah all to herself.
sarah has felt ever since the divorce that, to her father, she’s more of an inconvenience he has to “deal with” than his actual daughter. of course, robert doesn’t see her that way; but he doesn’t know how to communicate with her or connect with her, as much as he’d like to, which results in a wall between them. despite this, she does know that he loves her and is doing her best. as bad as it makes her feel, she explains it to herself by saying that she sometimes wishes his best was better.
i personally interpret sarah putting away linda’s pictures at the end of the film as her realizing that there’s someone else who has no power over her: her mother. granted, sarah doesn’t destroy the pictures because she still loves linda and hopes she gets better as a person. but the fact that she puts them somewhere safe can be thought of as symbolizing how she isn’t going to let linda manipulate her anymore and it isn’t her responsibility to help her get better—let alone be her personal echo chamber. sarah has decided, in my opinion, to keep a reasonable distance from linda (to the extent where “i can talk to you, but you can’t hurt me”) until she can be certain that linda has changed. in particular, sarah feels safest interacting with her mother when jeremy is present, as jeremy isn’t afraid to come to her defense and has made linda reconsider her behavior on several occasions. i also think it could be interesting to contrast maria’s fierce and unconditional love and linda’s genuine, but often self-serving and distanced love toward her own child.
sarah remembers her family being happy before things went downhill and still finds it difficult to grasp the fact that it wasn’t her fault in some way. when her family tells her that, she doesn’t think they’re telling the truth. when her classmates tell her it wasn’t her fault, she feels like they just don’t understand.
robert feels like he didn’t pay enough attention to linda’s needs back when the two were married, and he thinks that’s most likely the reason she left. to make up for what he perceives as his neglect of his ex-wife, he does his best to make irene feel like a queen.
i think of sarah and toby when i listen to “evelyn evelyn.” i’m not sure exactly why, but it would make a good comic or animation someday.
i also made picrews!
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post-canon!sarah - in this one, she’s about 16. i always loved the idea of her just deciding to cut her own hair one day and her parents being shocked about it. shorter hair is also especially conducive to speedrunning the labyrinth every other week
link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1272810
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adult!sarah - my headcanon is that she was a stage actress for a while and later went on to have a film role, but eventually decided that the life of an actress wasn’t for her and settled down to become a college drama professor. once she cut her hair as a teenager, she never went back. her family was frustrated by it until she got older and they mellowed out about it because they realized there was really nothing they could do
links (in order): https://picrew.me/image_maker/457566 and https://picrew.me/image_maker/696219
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adult!toby - i don’t know why, but i feel like he’d be really into alt fashion. like i think sarah would introduce him to her punk and hair metal vinyls one day and he’d just latch onto those and never let go. i also think that he didn’t leave the labyrinth unchanged, and sarah does her best to help him readjust and cope with it all; i’m tempted to also headcanon him as ND, so it’s possible that she’d be able to relate to him a lot in the future and that would make things easier for him
link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/696219
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sarah and toby! i think they’d get along really well as toby was growing up, with sarah telling him these wonderful stories and playing fantastical games with him and whatnot. she’d have some of influence on his taste in music and books, too, i think, as explained above. but because of the whole “evelyn evelyn” thing i’m considering incorporating some degree of angst into their relationship when they’re adults. i do have an idea, but i’m not quite ready to spoil it yet! i’ll wait until i manage to draw At Least One Thing for it!
link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/399481
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etudier-avec-bella · 4 years
My First Term at University
Hello! If you’ve been following me for a while, you may have noticed that this blog has been pretty dead for the past few months. Like, literally no new posts have gone up from me since results day. Yikes. Where have I been, and what’s been going on? That’s what I’m here to clear up. Because I have a lot to talk about.
I am going to be touching on three main topics: Life at York, my course and how I’ve been studying, and- finally- my mental wellbeing.
So, grab a hot drink, get cosy, and prepare for what is possibly the longest piece of writing I’ve ever produced in my life. Seriously. It’s huge.
**Disclaimer: In no way is this post supposed to reflect the ‘real’ life of the average student at York, nor am I making any comment on the quality of education or student life at York. I am aware that I’m extremely lucky to be a student on one of the best Chemistry courses in the country, and this post is simply detailing how I found the transition from living at home to living independently as a university student. York- I love you. Even if you weren’t my first choice, I am so glad I ended up here. I’ve met some wonderful people and learned so many incredible things just in this first term alone. Please don’t take this post as me hating on York or something, because I really, really don’t lmao**
Life in York
Let’s kick things off by talking about what it’s like to live in York!
Contrary to what I initially assumed about moving to a university in the middle of the countryside (i.e. that there would be nothing to do), York is a beautiful city, and I’m so excited to get better acquainted with it over the next three years.
The high streets here are jam-packed full of hidden gems- I seriously think that you could go to a different coffee shop every day for a year, there are so many of them dotted around. I’ve loved being able to wander around and see where my feet take me, and there’s always somewhere new to discover; bookshops, cafés, museums, the castle walls, art exhibits, concerts… Oh, my!
Some of my favourite places that I’ve discovered so far are:
●      Drift-In- my favourite little coffee shop! It’s never too busy if you go before midday, making it the ideal place to crack out some work in a more relaxed studying environment. They also offer a 10% student discount, and have a wall of polaroids of the dogs who have visited the café. Incredible.
●      Lucky Days- the perfect place to take your friends for lunch! They also do really good cakes if you ever feel like treating yourself after submitting an assignment.
●      The Little Apple Bookshop- There are lots of cute little indie bookshops on the road leading to the art gallery, but I think that this one is my personal favourite. Stock changes frequently, so it’s worth popping in every once in a while, and they have classic novels at much lower prices than the likes of Waterstones (for all of you English Lit students out there!)
As for the University Campus, it’s similarly wonderful. The River runs right through Campus West, making itself home to lots of ducks, geese, and other waterfowl. We also have wild bunnies outside the Biology greenhouses, and I always see them hopping around in the dark when I walk home from my French classes. Campus West isn’t too big- you can walk from one side to the other in about 15 minutes- so the student community is super tight-knit. I have friends from loads of different colleges who I’ve met through mixers, societies, and my classes, and it’s really easy for us to link up and do stuff together because we’re all so near to each other.
There are also some pretty cool places on campus, if you don’t feel like leaving to go to the city centre- the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall are always putting on lunchtime concerts with cheap tickets for students, which is a nice way to wind down after working all day AND show support for the music students, and there’s also a student-ran supermarket in Wentworth College called Scoop, where you can bring your own containers and buy spices/grains/pasta in bulk for much cheaper than you can in other similar supermarkets. Scoop also sell boxes of locally-sourced produce, making it easy to support small businesses on a budget!
Honestly, there are still lots of places on campus that I’m yet to visit. Whenever I get fed up of working, I like to go for a little 30-minute walk to the other side of the university grounds and see what I can find (there’s a really lovely garden behind Derwent College, it has a big stately manor house and lots of fancy greenery). It’s a nice way to get some fresh air and change up the scenery when I get stir-crazy from being in my room for so long.
My Course/Studying
As many, many people have told me in the past- university-level Chemistry is hard. And you know what? They were right. However, I like a challenge as much as the next overachiever, and as a self-confessed science nerd I’ve got to say… My course is a dream.
I know I’m only one term into my first year, but the way I look at basically everything around me has already changed so much. The fundamental knowledge you gain just from first module covers all of the main bases, and I’ve found that the way I think about and approach scientific problems is already very different to the way I would have looked at them during my A-Levels. You’re encouraged to think a lot more openly, and apply relatively basic concepts to solve really tricky problems instead of just learning the answers to a syllabus- it’s a great chance to utilise your all of your skills.
In terms of how I’ve been studying, not a lot has changed. My exams don’t carry any real credit this year, but I’m still aiming to achieve high grades. Over the Christmas break, I’ve been focusing a lot more on resting rather than working- so I whilst I haven’t done a LOT, the revision I’ve done has been productive. I still use flashcards and Quizlet, but I’ve recently introduced summary posters onto the scene as well, which has been working well for me. I’ll make a post on how I make these in the near future!
Overall, the first term has been pretty good academically. I feel stretched and challenged, and things are at a manageable level of difficulty. Which brings me onto something that has not been at a manageable level of difficulty this term…
My Wellbeing
Mental health. Something of a taboo topic within the study community. It’s something we all will deal with, and something most of us will struggle with to some degree at times. So, why don’t we talk about it more?
I won’t go into super deep, personal detail in this next section. Mostly because there are some things I’m not comfortable with sharing on the internet. However, I do think it’s important for me to use my small platform of followers to talk about my own experiences and attempt to tackle the stigma about being a student and struggling with mental health, so I am going to be as honest as I can about what’s been going on.
Before coming to university, I was already having a difficult time with my mental health, and had been for a few years. This summer was a particularly bad one for me. A-Levels left me completely exhausted, results day was a bit of a sticky one, and thinking about life as I knew it coming to an end was terrifying. I knew that, once I moved to uni, I was going to feel even sadder, lonelier, and more out-of-place than I already did. And I had no idea how to deal with it.
I believe that one of the biggest contributing factors to my sudden and sharp decline in mental wellness after arriving in York was the fact that, even two months later, I still hadn’t gotten over my Durham rejection. Ignoring my initial disappointment was a bad idea, though I didn’t know it at the time.
As someone who has been a high achiever their entire life, rejection and failure aren’t things I’m used to dealing with at all. Not on this scale, at least. Academics was the one thing I could always rely on, the one thing underpinning all of my successes. The one thing within which I had manifested almost my entire personality. Before, I was always Bella, the smart one. Bella, top of the class. Bella, the straight-A student; set to do great things; capable of going anywhere… But, now, here I was. Bella, just got rejected by her dream university.
Trying to settle into student life with a completely secure sense of self is hard enough- trying to settle in whilst struggling to cope with all of these new, conflicting feelings? It was so, so difficult. WAY more than I would ever admit to in real life. Stupid me was too proud to admit that I was upset to ‘only be going to my second choice’ so I told friends, family, and everyone else that I was perfectly happy to be going to York instead of Durham, and that I wasn’t sad about it at all.
(I want to clarify that I am in NO way trying to diminish the hard work and achievements of anybody who got into their second choice university, or anybody else who got into York. Only now have I realised that it’s nothing to be ashamed of, and if anything you should be proud that your efforts got you into whichever school you ended up in. I’m just sharing with you all how much I struggled to accept this rejection, and how it affected my mental health).
I knew people who had gotten in, and I saw them posting on Instagram about matriculation and other social events at the university. This completely broke my heart. I was happy for my friends who were studying there- they worked hard and more than deserved to be there… but I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I wanted to be there with them. The place that I had worked so incredibly hard to receive an offer for.
Although it’s embarrassing to admit, I did actually cry a bit after seeing these posts. I didn’t know how to process my feelings, because for those first few weeks after rejection I absolutely refused to let myself mope (looking back, I’ve got no idea why I did that. Wtf Bella?). I was determined to be strong about it and try to force myself to be happy with the situation I found myself in- despite the fact that, deep down, I knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be. Not at first, anyway. Pair the bittersweet pain of first-time rejection with my consistent struggle with self-esteem and low moods… Things got ugly fast.
If I had to put a finger on when I started to feel things getting really bad, I’d trace back to somewhere near the first month mark. Freshers week, whilst it felt awkward and drawn-out, wasn’t too bad in terms of my mental wellbeing. I think I was so caught up in trying to adjust to this crazy, new life I had that I didn’t have a lot of time to stop and wonder how I was feeling. Those of you who also struggle with mental health issues will know that they never really go away. They always at least linger in the background, if they aren’t in the forefront of your mind. So I suppose you could say that I felt my strange, healthy-but-unhealthy version of ‘normal’.
I hadn’t yet adapted to life as a York student, but that wasn’t much of a concern at this point. It takes a long time to adjust to change, and I had only been there for a few days. I thought I just needed to wait it out. But, after the first few weeks passed by, I started to notice something weird.
I still didn’t feel settled in. In fact, I didn’t feel like I was there at all. Nothing felt ‘real’. After years of dreaming and wondering what life would be like at university, I suddenly found that the situation I was in wasn’t what I expected it to be at all. I didn’t ‘feel’ like a university student here, even months into this first term. Or, rather, I didn’t feel what I had decided that being a university student ought to feel like.
For my whole life, I’ve attached so much of my identity to my intelligence and educational aspirations. To reach the highest stage of my academic career thus far- the place I’ve been working to get to my whole life- and find out that it was possible that this wasn’t where I wanted to be caused me to completely lose my sense of identity.
The conflict between feeling ‘too good’ for here, but simultaneously viewing my rejection as me ‘not being good enough’ for Durham left me drifting somewhere in the middle with all aspects of my life. University was a big deal for me, and had been for as long as I could remember. I attached so much of who I was to my work, and ergo the university I was going to go to. Having failed to prove to myself that I was who people had been telling me I was for years, I didn’t have scraps of personality left to hold onto.
I felt as though I didn’t belong here, but also that if that were true I didn’t really know where I did belong. I knew that I was smart, and that I was capable of achieving the A-Level grades that I needed to meet my offer requirements for my first choice. Things just didn’t go to plan in my Maths exams. But, at the same time, whenever I struggled with the work here in York, I would say to myself: ‘Oh, look. You can’t even manage the work they give you here. How did you ever think you were good enough for Durham?’
As you can imagine, this made my mental health quite difficult to manage properly. My inability to cope with rejection, trying to live independently for the first time, facing a whole new series of academic challenges, and missing my friends/family ALL took its toll on me in more ways than I care to say. But, stubborn old me tried to make the best of an unexpected, difficult situation. I decided that I wasn’t going to be ungrateful.
I had been accepted into one of the best schools for my subject in the country. I was going to try and make the most of life here, even if it wasn’t what I had wanted in the beginning, and even if it was proving to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. I wish I could say I was able to move past the sadness I felt because of my rejection and because of all of the other things going on in my life (my already poor mental health, trying to live independently…), but that just wasn’t the case.
To keep it short and sweet, student life was kicking my arse.
The dip in my mental health began to affect my ability to work and take care of myself. I was struggling with this sudden and total lack of motivation to keep up with just about everything.
Independent study was completely forgotten about. I skipped countless music rehearsals, and rarely spent time with my flatmates and friends. I didn’t cook properly- I relied on foods that took less than five minutes to cook or didn’t eat at all. I didn’t put as much effort into looking after myself and looking presentable as usual; I usually love dressing nicely, carrying out elaborate skincare and makeup routines- but all of that immediately went out of the window. I rarely left my room, and I would stay essentially completely by myself for days at a time.
There was no part of my life that didn’t take a blow as a result of my poor wellbeing. It was like I’d given up and decided I would just settle for the bare minimum and float aimlessly until the winter break arrived. I didn’t care anymore. Not about appearance, not about my work, and not about me.
Now is probably the time to mention that I didn’t actually tell anyone that this was going on, spare one of my closest friends who I knew for sure wouldn’t judge me. To this day, most people still have no idea that I was having such a bad time, and that I’m still feeling the residual negative emotions from the last few weeks of term. There are a lot of reasons why I didn’t talk to anyone about it, but the main two were that I’m a very private person, and that my family isn't always the most understanding when it comes to helping each other deal with mental health issues. I desperately wanted other people to know what I was going through, but the thought of coming out and telling them straight-up petrified me. I knew I couldn’t do it. So, I chose to hide all of it under the façade of being exhausted from my busy timetable. Or whatever excuse was most convenient at the time for whoever asked me what was wrong.
Another reason I didn’t tell anybody about what was going on kind of plays into the problems I’d been wrestling with before coming to uni (they’ve been an issue for much longer than just this summer, just to point out). I won’t talk about them in detail, because I’m not ready to discuss a lot of what I went through and what I’m still going through, but I’ll say that part of it is that I have a pretty crippling fear of being judged by other people. For my physical appearance, for my academic achievements, for my personal opinions and preferences- for everything. Everything. I don’t really talk about myself to anybody, so even just writing this post feels a bit odd. As you can imagine, admitting I’d been having a terrible time with my mental health to my close friends and family was out of the question.
I had basically reached my lowest point ever. I felt lonely, isolated, and completely lost. I wasn’t living the life people were expecting me to, and I wasn’t
Maybe this seems silly to some of you out there reading this who are dealing with a much bigger and more painful situations than my own. I recognise that there are much worse things I could be going through. And no, of course not every day of the past term was awful. I’m not trying to say that being rejected from my dream university caused this- rather that it fed into what was already a significantly complex problem. But, for someone like myself who pinned all of their self-worth on their educational goals and achievements- for someone who had never really ‘failed’ at something like this before- I was pretty fucking crushed. Enough to make me lose track of basic things I’d never usually had a problem managing before.
My problems had engulfed my life. I was miserable and couldn’t stand it. I was fed up of sticking it out alone. Desperate to let someone else take the burden for a little while, I finally, finally decided it might be worth considering getting some help.
I made an appointment to go and visit the University mental health services, and they signposted me to the local NHS mental health services. The waiting list for an assessment was surprisingly short- it only took me 2-3 weeks to get an appointment where I could receive an initial diagnosis and learn what treatments were available.
It was at this point I found out that I had an anxiety disorder.
This wasn’t particularly shocking news- I struggled with social anxiety as a young teenager- but it made me quite emotional to finally hear someone tell me that what I was feeling WAS part of a bigger problem. It wasn’t just me blowing things out of proportion.
So, that brings us to where I am now. Currently on the waiting list for group therapy. I haven’t really decided if its something I want to talk about on this blog yet, but I feel like even just sharing with other students that I took the step to go and seek help from my uni will hopefully encourage more people who are struggling to do so as well. Most universities have decent mental health services, or at least someone who can point you in the direction of the appropriate resources to help you, so it’s definitely worth looking into in my opinion.
But, right now, I’m feeling okay. This term has been challenging for me and my emotional wellbeing, but the knowledge that I ploughed through and (for the first time in my life) asked for help when I knew I needed it makes me feel proud of myself. A month away from halls has definitely helped me, and I’m actually looking forward to going back with a new, rejuvenated perspective on student life- which leads me onto the final section of this long, waffly post...
What have I learned? How am I trying to make changes? What are my plans for the future?
Well, aside from developing my Chemical knowledge through some pretty fantastic lecture courses and practical sessions, I’ve discovered a lot about myself this term. For example- I’ve realised that I place too much of my personal value on academic achievement and the prestige of the institutions I’m a member of. I should learn to accept that I am so much more than my grades, and that it doesn’t matter where I go to school. Sure, it would have been nice to enjoy all of the things life in Durham has to offer, but does it really matter when I’m living in a beautiful city, studying the subject I love with people who are just as excited about it as I am, and watching myself change and blossom into a completely new person? Not at all.
The most important thing, and the most difficult, was to admit and accept that I wasn’t having a good time here. And that it was okay to feel like this. I could lie to everyone around me about it and say that I was happy, but I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. In fact, it took being honest with myself for me to actually start to feel a little bit happier about where I was- literally AND mentally.
I suppose this begs the following question: would I consider transferring? Surely, after all of the emotional chaos I went through trying to get over what felt like the biggest setback of my life so far, I would take the ‘easy way out’ and re-sit my Maths papers so that I could re-apply to Durham and live the life I was convinced I needed to be living?
Honestly… No. Partially because the heartbreak of being rejected was kind of enough to put me off potentially going through it again by re-applying, but also because I feel like this is an important life experience for me to have.
I need to learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with rejection and being in situations I didn’t initially want to be in. Obviously, there are lines and limits with this kind of thing, and it differs from person to person and situation to situation, but I’m in a good place for me, I think. It isn’t perfect, but it isn’t meant to be. And I know that if I work hard to make the most of everything my life has to offer me, I’ll reach a point where the struggles I’m dealing with now will be but a distant memory.
So, that’s all I want to mention for now! I hope this explains why I’ve been so absent from this blog. Being productive was something I really struggled to do this term, so I didn’t have much going on that I could really post about. However, I’m looking forward to showing more of what my life as a Chemistry student at York looks like when I move back up for term two.
 Talking about this has really helped me to reflect on my experiences and gain a little bit of closure from what was a pretty wild and confusing 11 weeks. I might post more content like this in the future, because I think it’s important to show other students that they aren’t alone and more people are dealing with things like this than they realise, but I won’t make any promises just yet.
I hope you are all having a lovely winter break, wherever you are, and I hope you are all looking forward to the next term of school, college, university, or even just the New Year by itself!
See you soon.
Bella <3
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Most Expensive Food in the World (Revealed)
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because the food programme explores in ‘britain's mystery saffron story’, the pink spice is one of the international’s most high priced substances – really worth more according to ounce than gold. However what other ingredients would provide the sought-after spice a run for its cash? What is it that makes these merchandise so luxurious? And are they surely well worth their charge tag? Here are some of planet earth’s maximum pricey foodstuffs. How many have you tried? 
1. Saffron
if your rice is luminous yellow, then the chances are it’s been sharing a saucepan with saffron. The spice, nicknamed ‘pink gold’, is the shiny crimson stigma (or threads) from a crocus flower, and it’s used as a colouring agent in meals. Why does some thing so small value so much? It's miles, weight for weight, extra costly than gold itself. The motives are easy: saffron crocuses only flower for per week or  a year inside the autumn; harvesting the spice is labour in depth (it’s amassed and processed through hand); and each small flower has simplest 3 stigma this means that it takes around  soccer pitches of crocuses to create a kilogram of saffron. That’s as many as 300,000 flowers! 2. Caviar
caviar is the pickled roe of the sturgeon fish, and considered one of the international’s great delicacies. It’s difficult to handle and package deal but, extra significantly, it’s relatively uncommon. The most well-known caviar is from the beluga sturgeon – observed in the caspian and the black sea. Now seriously endangered, very little of its eggs may be bought legally. It takes up to two a long time for the beluga sturgeon to attain maturity and it’s grownup length! Even rarer is the roe from the albino sturgeon - now nearly extinct in its native environment. In keeping with the guinness international data, the maximum expensive caviar recorded is from an elderly (probably 100 year-antique!) albino beluga sturgeon whose white caviar offered for about $34,500 in step with kilogram. My cod that’s steep! 3. Oysters
now taken into consideration a luxury, oysters haven’t continually been the food of the filthy wealthy. Within the early nineteenth century oysters were reasonably-priced as chips and an crucial food source for the working classes in coastal communities – a snack so plentiful that they were used to bulk out meat pies. From plentiful to rarity, the fee of oysters has gone up drastically! But overfishing and pollutants have had a catastrophic effect on oyster shares and shortage has bumped up their cost. A dozen in a top london seafood eating place will set you back round £fifty one. It seems a few human beings are satisfied to shell out for a slimy mollusc or … of route, you’re also buying the oyster’s infamous aphrodisiac characteristics. Be careful who you dine with! 4. White truffle
discovered within the piedmont place of northern italy, exceptionally esteemed white truffles will best develop amongst the roots of sure trees, are a great deal scarcer than every other form of truffle, and feature a in particular extreme flavour and aroma. They are able to’t be cultivated or grown – although folks have attempted for generations to farm the truffles, they are able to nevertheless most effective be sourced within the wild. It's miles this unpredictability, at the side of the lengths people go to to locate and harvest them, which leads to their hefty fee tag. The report sum paid for a unmarried white truffle changed into via macau casino proprietor stanley ho in 2007. He splashed out $330,000 (£165,000) for one among the largest muffins exposed in decades – weighing 1. Five kg. A quite exceptional rate for a pungent underground fungus. 5. Iberico ham
a sort of cured ham produced in spain and portugal, the finest iberico ham is from free variety pigs that have a food plan of only acorns over the past duration in their lifestyles. The class of iberico ham is extraordinarily strict, with ‘black label’ ham considered to be the very excellent – made out of natural-bred iberian pigs, roaming very wellforests and feasting on acorns. On top of that, the ham is cured for a prolonged 36 months! In keeping with the guinness global records, the maximum high-priced leg of ham commercially to be had is an iberian ‘manchado de jabugo’, retailing at a whopping £3,192. 76 (as of 20 march 2016). Despite the fact that the pigs are reared for just 3 years, the ham legs are then cured for up to six! 6. Wagyu beef
wagyu in reality translates as ‘japanese pork’, and it can come from any of 4 one of a kind breeds of eastern cow. The meat is intensely marbled with fats, which renders down during the cooking procedure to make the meat smooth, moist and soften within the mouth. Some enthusiasts describe it as falling aside like a tender piece of fish. The excessive price factor is all down to the rearing procedure: to qualify for the wagyu mark the cows must be reared and fed in line with strict recommendations, with calves being given special feed to guarantee the signature fatty marbling. Kobe pork, one of the maximum pretty-prized, fetches as much as £500 a kg in japan. That’s a number of moo-ney. 7. Kopi luwak espresso
good enough, so technically it’s a drink. However with luggage of kopi coffee promoting for as much as $seven hundred in step with kg, it’s honestly worthy of its location in this list. Kopi luwak, or civet espresso, is made from espresso beans eaten, partly digested and then defecated by means of the asian palm civet or civet cat. Doesn’t sound all that appetising? Continually test wherein your coffee comes from. A few believe that the part digestion and fermentation caused by the animal’s belly acid complements the flavor of the coffee, with other critics in settlement that it’s simply a gimmick ensuing in a in reality horrible coffee. Unluckily, there are growing numbers of extensive civet farms, in which animals are restricted to cages similar to battery hens, and pressure-fed. It’s well worth doing your studies earlier than shopping for. 8. Foie gras
foie gras is a costly pâté made from duck or goose liver that has been fattened (to up to ten times its ordinary size). The flavour is wealthy, buttery and delicate and the product pricey however the birds pay a better rate than we ever will – the geese and geese are force-fed corn through feeding tubes. It’s a practice dating lower back to as early as 2500 bc, whilst the historical egyptians found out that many birds can be fattened via compelled overfeeding. Nowadays many countries have laws in opposition to the practice, and the production, import or sale of foie gras.
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colortheorydesignco · 5 years
PORTLAND’S Eco-friendly Flower shop
Hi all! As you might have seen in our latest Instagram post, we are getting very close to finishing up the work on our flower shop in Portland Oregon and hoping to open by January 1st, 2020! If you didn’t see the post, the components of our walk-in cooler have arrived, rough-in plumbing work should be finished by tomorrow, and the glass garage door is slated to be installed by December 13th.
Now that we are tidying up some of the loose ends on the flower shop build out, which has consumed much of our attention and energy over the past few months, we would like to momentarily shift our focus to some important details in defining:
- Who we are as a flower shop -
- What we stand for -
- What we believe in -
- What type of impact we aim to have on the community and on the planet -
We’d like to go into 2020 having a plan with clear intentions. Today we will elaborate on what we’ve decided these guiding principles are for us, particularly emphasizing the principles that pertain to the environment, our magnificent planet and sustainable floristry practices. Every little action that we take on a regular basis can immense impacts when mapped out over extended periods of time. We often take our environmentally-friendly practices for granted, but we realize that by publicly sharing and spelling out what that looks like for florists, this may enlighten and empower others to evaluate and potentially refine their daily practices for the betterment of all.
First of all, our flower shop in Portland will be completely floral foam-free! Foam is plastic-based and full of toxic & carcinogenic compounds that can compromise the well-being of humans. Even if you’re taking precautions to reduce topical or respiratory exposure to the foam, the fact that the foam breaks down into micro-plastics that are not bio-degradable makes the usage of this product inescapably detrimental due to it’s impact on the environment as a waste product. We have not wanted to announce this change until we had devised a practical plan for realizing a foam-free operation, but we have retooled our practices to achieve such a state and can now confidently declare ourselves a floral foam-free operation.
Up until now, we have intermittently used floral foam when we felt it was “necessary”, but this has been a form of lazy thinking on our part. We will be designing much more frequently in the flower shop and therefore will have the potential to create more hazardous waste if we do not reassess the processes that we implement. We will also serve as a working example of “green” floral design practices for budding florists, since we will be operating on a more publicly visible platform. We wish to make use of this platform to show how possible it is to create systems that have definite rules and boundaries so we are forced to think outside of the box and come up with design solutions when we would have just used foam instead! It is our hope that our clients will value the purpose behind our environmentally-friendly methods and be flexible with crafting floral designs in the absence of traditional floral foam.
Our courses and workshops will incorporate foam-free designing, so if you are interested in expanding your scope of knowledge on this aspect of design, please join a class! Being foam-free does take a good chunk of change to invest in enough floral frogs and chicken wire at first, but these elements can be reused for events. Since we will be designing a lot of our deliveries with floral frogs, they will be ever so slightly pricier. However, we will be offering a vase and floral frog recycling program where you can bring them back in exchange for flowers or cash. Stay tuned for more information about this program!
First of all, we are thankful to be in a city that provides easy access to composting services, so…thank you Portland! We will certainly be separating our green waste from our other waste. As a florist, we naturally have a ton of compostable waste, so this is a huge perk! When processing flowers we will place our green bin under the chopping block where stems will be cut in bulk. This will streamline the process and make composting and separating green waste relatively mindless. As soon as we open up the flower shop in Portland, we will have a large composting bin and will schedule weekly, rather than bi-weekly, pick ups from the city.
Recycling is definitely something that we are a bit torn about, as arguments for and against city-wide recycling programs have seemingly rational points. It is inarguably preferable to re-purpose disposed of plastics rather to produce more. Some critics of large-scale recycling programs claim that the service ends up consuming resources and generating environmentally pernicious side effects with large carbon footprints that may or may not offset the programs’s proposed benefits. We don’t claim to have a comprehensive grasp of the macro-level cost-benefit analysis of recycling programs. Although, aiming to have a full recycling bin each week is definitely not our goal. We would love to eliminate as much waste as possible, recyclable or not…which means that we avoid consuming things that require the purchase of disposable and single-use containers. We try not to have all of our flowers wrapped with paper or put into boxes when those options are available. When we buy flowers from the market we often decline any kind of wrap and just stack the individual flower bunches on a cart to be placed directly into our vehicle. It creates more physical work when transporting flowers from one place to another, but eliminates the wasteful aftermath of boxes, plastic and paper wrap left after numerous trips to the flower market each week.
As a Portland florist, we are lucky to have so many local options for blooms. Throughout most of the year, we will be able to source 100% locally and we will do so happily! Our reasons for buying flowers locally:
Flowers are generally not wrapped with plastic…and often they are not wrapped with paper! This is amazing and decreases the waste that we have to dispose of quite dramatically. If you are a flower farmer that happens to wrap product with plastic or even paper (specifically waxed paper, which isn’t recyclable), we urge you to research more eco-friendly alternatives. Let’s eliminate trash at the source, PLEASE! It’s much easier to simply stop producing or using a product which is inherently destined to become a byproduct waste rather than to hope that somebody down the line will figure out how to manage it’s disposal properly.
Buying locally supports small businesses. Any time that we can support a local business we are excited to do so. We are thankful to live in an area of the country where flowers abound and supporting conscientious local farmers who adopt responsible flower farming practices ensures that these small businesses can remain competitive in an industry that doesn’t always promote or prioritize a preference for flowers which are produced by way of safe and sustainable practices.
No major transportation footprint on the environment. This is HUGE. So many flowers come from South America, Holland, Kenya and beyond which requires extensive transportation logistics involving massive refrigerated warehouses, refrigerated cargo trucks and refrigerated airplanes. Every leg of the transport process consumes insane amounts of energy and generates a LOT of CO2 emissions. Buying locally bypasses ALL of these factors.
No chemical-ladened blooms. Turning the spotlight back to importing floral products from international flower farms: flowers from, say, Columbia, are COVERED in very toxic pesticides. Many of these pesticides have actually been banned in the USA, but since they aren’t being applied to food crops, developing countries are still permitting their application in specific industries. Therefore, depending on where the flowers are grown, we florists are potentially being exposed to very toxic stems, which we then unknowingly pass along to our customers. Our skin is a very absorbent organ and exposure to these chemicals on even a semi-regular basis, let alone a DAILY basis, could be very detrimental to your health. By sourcing flowers locally you have the ability to speak candidly with the farmer about the pesticides that they may use and, consequently, make more informed and safer decisions. The widespread use of pesticides in the flower farming industry and the associated toxicity is a massive subject that I’d like to write more about some day as it’s an aspect of the floral industry that hasn’t received much attention other than a few research studies in Europe. Evidently, the purported consequences of peddling toxic flowers on a daily basis could include a whole host of health complications like reproductive issues and cancer! Kind of a big deal and definitely worthy of further research and investigation!
Flowers are fresher!! If we are buying locally then the blooms don’t have to be shipped to us by airplane, where they lie compressed in a box for 1-2 days after they are harvested. Avoiding the hardships of transportation means that the flowers are going to have a few more days of life in our customers’ homes. The local flowers we provide will be fresher and live longer. Can’t be mad about that!
Most of this post is about waste and this section is no different. When flowers don’t sell at the peak of their freshness, many flower shops throw them away or take them home. Flowers are generally enjoyed by most, but not affordable for all. Flowers brighten a room and bring a sparkle to the eyes of many and we want to share this love in Portland. We will be donating flowers on a weekly basis (rather than composting perfectly lovable flowers) to a variety of places such as hospice care centers and youth shelters. We are totally open to suggestions if you know someone whose day would be brightened by a room of flowers. Please send me an email and we can discuss the situation.
We have been fairly free of plastic for many years and plan on extending these behaviors to our Portland flower shop. It’s fairly easy to do when you aren’t interested in consuming packaged foods and products, in general. It seems that if you value toxin-free living you are most likely fairly waste-free. We have long made use of re-usable containers at grocery store bulk bins, avoided single-serving packaged products, and DIY’d our own health and food products using glass, wood and stainless steel containers. We will continue to do this. Some other ways we will continue to be plastic & waste free in the shop are:
Liquid (soap, cleaning agents, etc) contained in glass dispensers, refilled from bulk. No one-time-use containers will be purchased.
Stainless Steel Berkey Water Filter - no plastic bottles
Vase recycle incentive program - stay tuned for details once we open!
Washable cloth rags only - no paper towel use
No trash bags will be used except for biodegradable trash bags for our non-compostable, non-recyclable waste, which we will keep to a bare minimum.
Coffee maker with reusable filter only
Bouquets will be wrapped in minimal recyclable paper and tied with raffia
Reusable dish scrubbers and “toilet'“ scrubbers will be used made out of WOOD and natural fibers, not plastic. We use a toilet scrubber for cleaning buckets, which is why we are mentioning this detail. We use a SEPARATE scrubber for the toilet…don’t worry.
Reusable gloves - no disposable gloves here
For some time now, driven by concerns for our own personal health, we have strived to eliminate chemicals and toxins from our workspace…barring the occasional use of floral foam. We are relieved to move forward knowing that this harmful product has been phased out of our floral shop and that we are able to provide a better work environment for our team and a safer product for our clients.
Toxic things you will NOT find in our shop with the corresponding safe solution:
Floral foam | Instead: Flower frogs and chicken wire
Quick Dip (used to facilitate hydration of flowers after initial processing) | Instead: Maintaining a sharp and clean edge on cutting tools so the stems of your flowers do not structurally collapse when cutting. Fill buckets with tepid water and do not put in the cooler for at least an hour. For some specific woodier stems, flowers hydrate better if the bottom of the stem is crushed or burned - another topic for another day.
Flower food | Some flower food is not toxic, however we are not a big fan of either packaging options: numerous small individual packages OR huge plastic containers. The benefits DO NOT outweigh the amount of container waste that is produced. Instead: Keep your buckets and vases bacteria-free using vinegar and wash between each use. A little bit of sugar can be sprinkled into the vase as “food” and this can perk up the blooms.
Toxic Cleaning Agents | Instead: Use vinegar, a thieves oil-based cleaning spray (make it yourself and spray from a glass container), and Bon Ami when you need a deep scrub.
Bleach | Instead: Vinegar
BPA-Ladened Receipt Paper | Instead: Source BPA-free receipt paper and be sure to disable the function of printing a receipt with every sale. Very few people will want a receipt - be sure to offer a receipt by email instead.
The consequences stemming from humankind’s activity within our terrestrial eco-system is immense, complex and multi-faceted. We aren’t pretending to have all of the answers nor are we taking a fixed, agenda-backed stance (i.e. political, religious, etc…). We shall remain flexible and willing to change our mind when presented with new data. It seems that a legitimate way to start making a difference is to be the change that we wish to see. This requires action. We aim to take action aligned with the best possible sources of knowledge that we currently have access to. There are no bite-sized, 144-character silver-bullet statements of wisdom that can define for every human, in every walk of life, what it means to be living in harmony with the surrounding environs. What we DO know, is that instead of pointing fingers, we need to look at ourselves and ask, “how can we do better?” Determine what we have the ability to change…and then take the necessary steps to implement those changes.
Let’s support each other’s journey forward in re-engineering the best versions of our daily practices. Please feel free ask questions, challenge the ideas presented here, or share any other tips that you think would make the floral industry more eco-friendly!
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phoenixbi00-blog · 5 years
In 10 Minutes, I'll Give You The Truth About Best Cheap Email Hosting
In case your e-mail has added substance over a web site or will take a reader to work with an on-line invest in sort to obtain the product, then you ought to make particular that each one the one-way links in the email function. As it's possible you'll demand that file or electronic mail correspondence to acquire your operate completed, The problem is action essentially retains you from carrying out what You should do. If you can commonly search for and Find a specific email, it'll assist you preserve you time and lower your aggravation. If you wish to search out services, you may try to look for dutch translation providers. You do not have to have a service which would not present the solutions it claims or one particular that isn't reliable. Therefore, outsourcing database developing services gets to be An important Section of these a company company. There numerous cost-free e mail support supplier readily available to utilize but it's totally challenging to select the perfect service amongst them. The best possible this sort of expert services include pre-designed templates in your ideal email e-newsletter and drag-and-fall interfaces. Discover More Here You must be sure to are choosing the perfect provider attainable. you should not have to be worried about whether your institution's correspondence and saved knowledge is vulnerable to exploitation. Therefore if your online business is not working with Exchange 2010 or if you are not working with Firefox or Windows, then you really are limited to employing Outlook Website obtain light-weight in case you never wish to employ Online Explorer. You can easily choose any enterprise that provides electronic mail advertising and marketing India and receive a direct in excess of the Competitiveness. even though substantial companies utilize the services, individuals that require to secure a personalized domain, linking for their non-public site or Online portfolio As an example, use it likewise. widespread providers working with e-mail promoting providers contain technology distributors, well being treatment business enterprise, manner market, automobile business, monetary firms, and publishers. The support has two one of a kind plans dependant on minimal quantity and higher quantity bulk email marketing. It also includes Sophisticated Spam safety. When the majority of this kind of services are highly-priced, it is tough to run into an email e-newsletter service which serves your intention. There lots of no cost e-mail services service provider available to work with but it's very difficult to pick the ideal support among the them. Therefore, let us get launched to a number of the very best free of charge email e-newsletter companies for your Group. promoting is only reaching out to the prospective customers with info relating to your organization items and options. e-mail promoting is just Just about the most profitable types of constructing revenue on the internet, and All round it's a fairly simple course of action. e mail marketing has the chance to herald customers from remote corners from the World and spread the phrase about your business and model. the e-mail advertising and marketing may additionally be tracked making use of that. enable me to briefly demonstrate what's email marketing and advertising all about, in another section, in advance of speaking about the many benefits of adopting it. If you would like to seek out service, you may search for dutch translation providers. It can be achievable that you should go over the providers which you might have used by utilizing on the internet transactions As a result it an easy endeavor, you don't need to satisfy While using the purchasers For additional processes. if you're picking out an on-line company, you're alleged to have an intensive evaluation in the fax services supplied that you can buy. Once you have found out a great company, you need to sign up by paying a small registration charge. It is really that's why required to encounter the best and most secure email services. In the event the 1 promoting the company gets to be irritable, even when they're authentic, They're proving they don't seem to be the kind of individual you desire to to operate with. it provides bulk mass electronic mail providers with by far the most cost-successful strategies and has its outreached segments in India and all over the globe. Once you've Situated an excellent firm, You will need to register by spending a little registration price. soon after you do have a few services you might be considering check with if they might give you a number of references from purchasers which have enterprises very similar to your own. There several free e mail company supplier readily available to work with but it's extremely tough to choose The best support amongst them. you could possibly provide the best support on earth.
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blissfulbathroom · 3 years
How To Make $1000 A Week Online Resting On Your Couch
You'll learn how to make $1000 a week online in this post. We'll look at ten approaches to achieving your objective, no matter your skill level.
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For many people, earning $1000 per week by working online is the first step toward financial independence and financial freedom. It's amazing that there are things you can do online to make $1000 of money. From anywhere in the globe this is something that a lot of people are interested in for obvious reasons.
Whatever your motivation for wanting to make this kind of money, I will tell you that it will take a lot of effort to achieve this level of success. As a result, many people don't think you can earn $1,000 per week working online, but that's only because they didn't put in the effort to make it happen.
I'm here to tell you that it is very much feasible than it was before, with so many more options opening up!
If that's the case, let's get started. Here are ten different ways to earn $1000 a week online.
How to earn $1000 per week online even if you have no prior experience
To begin, let's have a look at the greatest methods to earn $1000 online without any prior expertise. These money-making ideas are ideal for anybody seeking to establish a side hustle as a way to break free from their day job or supplement their income on weekends.
Many of them are enjoyable ways to supplement or replace a full-time income, so figure out what you love doing and get started. To get started, all you actually need is a laptop or PC.
1. Blogging
The amount of things you can do with a blog is staggering. As a side business, you may establish a blog to complement your present income. You may leave your day job by using your blog to generate a full-time income. Your blog may be utilized to create free traffic to your services or goods if you are already self-employed.
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A blog may be utilized to contact your target audience for free, every day, whether you run a company of any size. You may also use a blog to just express yourself or to improve your writing skills.
A blog is used for many purposes like earning $1,000 a week online. Blogging has a low entry barrier since you don't need any prior expertise to get started, and a professional site can be had for as little as $2.95 a month.
There are many methods to make $1,000 each week with your blog, including:
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is my preferred technique since there is almost little risk and a very big return, as many excellent affiliate goods give a large proportion of the price (some as high as 50 percent ).
This means you can focus on expanding your site and earning more revenue instead of spending time creating a product or a course.
2. YouTube
YouTube may be a fantastic method to make over $1000 per week online if you like creating videos or believe you would enjoy making videos. The beauty of YouTube is that you can get started right away using the gadget you already have in your pocket: your smartphone.
Most contemporary smartphones have such high-quality cameras that it may be difficult to tell them apart from more costly mirrorless cameras.
Regardless of the kind of video you want to create to get started is simple. You don't need any prior experience. You don't need to know anything about YouTube optimization, monetization, or video creation to get started; you can learn all of that as you go.
3. Virtual Assistant
A virtual assistant is a person who helps you with small-to-medium-difficulty chores via the internet. In most cases, you won't need any prior administrative expertise since you'll be given specific instructions from the customer on what needs to be done.
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These activities don't need any decision-making, so they're simple to do, but they do take time, which is why companies and entrepreneurs often outsource them.
General assistant duties such as arranging appointments, making travel plans, responding and forwarding emails, maintaining an appointment calendar, data entry, and so on are examples of these jobs.
Some virtual assistants specialize in a particular field and can provide services such as social media management, graphic design, and even accounting.
Virtual assistants may earn anything from $20 to $40 per hour, and the majority of those who make more than $1000 per week handle several customers.
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4. Voice Artist
Do you have a radio-ready voice? Or do you have a distinctive ring to your voice? You may use your voice to make over $1000 each week online as a voice artist.
Many businesses all around the globe need voice artists, and by having a distinguishing element, you may stand out from the crowd and earn a lot of money by utilizing the sound of your voice.
As a voice artist, you read from a screenplay written by the customer in your own distinctive manner (whilst adjusting to whatever needs the client may have). This implies you won't need any prior experience since you'll be able to learn on the job and increase your prices as your demand grows.
Companies need their advertisements tailored to particular demographics in today's digital environment, and employing voice artists with that dialect/accent makes them more relatable to the listener, boosting conversions and making you as a voice artist extremely valuable.
5. Podcasting
Podcasting is a relatively young medium compared to blogging and YouTube, but it has exploded in popularity, with some producers earning over $1000 per week from their podcast.
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Like the last two instances, podcasting requires little to no prior expertise to get started, yet if you have a following, you may earn a substantial amount of money.
Because podcasts are still relatively new, guests you wouldn't be able to get on your YouTube channel or interview in a blog post may be more eager to come on your podcast for a few minutes if your themes match and you ask some excellent questions.
This may increase the number of listeners, who may be listening while working in the garden or taking a stroll, which is something you can't do while viewing a YouTube video or reading an article.
The following are some methods to make over $1000 per week with your podcast:
Affiliate marketing
Products and services
6. Digital Marketing
A digital marketing consultant may be many things, and depending on the services they offer and the value they provide to their customers, they can make much more than $1000 each week.
A digital marketing consultant, on the other hand, maybe looked at as an executive virtual assistant while you're just starting out.
As a digital marketing consultant, your role is to address your customers' digital issues. This may be highly specific, such as SEO consulting, where you evaluate the client's website and provide ways to enhance their SEO performance.
It may also be a jack-of-all-trades service where you evaluate digital performance across all channels and provide solutions to accomplish whatever objective you and the customer decided on.
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7. Dropshipping
You don't need much or any experience to get started with Dropshipping, but any kind of knowledge or skill will be very helpful to your Dropshipping business's success.
Dropshipping allows you to sell goods on your website without having to ship them yourself. When a client places an order for a product, the manufacturer (or warehouse) delivers it straight to them.
Because you only pay for goods that have already been ordered, you save money upfront. In contrast to a normal internet store, the disadvantage is that your profit margins are often considerably lower since you cannot take advantage of a discount because you are buying in bulk.
8. Writing as a Freelancer
Unlike blogging, when you work as a freelance writer, you are paid for the words you produce, therefore the companies and customers you deal with will often want to see some of your past work. This is why I put it in the "requires some experience" category.
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Freelance writers may be paid by the word, by the article, by the project, or by a monthly or weekly retainer. You may earn upwards of $500
every 1000-2000 word piece after you've established yourself as a reputable freelance writer, which means you can easily make over $1000 each week simply writing.
There are many freelance writing sites and Facebook groups, but Upwork is one of the most straightforward methods to get started and create a portfolio of work. Once you have several articles to use as a reference, you may pitch big businesses in comparable areas with your services and discover consistent, recurring, and well-paying streams of revenue.
9. Affiliate Marketing
I stated that affiliate marketing and blogging go hand in hand, but you may also start affiliate marketing without a blog or create a blog purely for the purpose of earning affiliate commissions.
Finding excellent goods that address a need and then promoting them in a genuine manner across the channels where the audience that needs it the most is located is the key to becoming a successful affiliate marketer. A baking equipment review site, for example, maybe most suited to being on YouTube. This is because baking equipment, such as mixers and cake airbrush tools, are items that you want to see the outcomes of “live,” which makes them ideal for a video search engine like YouTube.
Affiliate marketing is a kind of marketing in which you Because the main aim of YouTube channels, blogs, and Pinterest accounts are conversions, visitors and viewers are typically more ready to make a buy, as you often search for a review or comparison when you're already in the market to make a purchase.
When compared to a traditional blog or YouTube channel, where you have many streams of revenue and the main goal is to offer value to your audience, visitors may not be as willing to buy (although this is not always the case, as you can also do reviews, comparisons, etc. on a regular blog).
10. Stock photography
If you like photography and have a high-resolution camera or a hard drive full of high-quality photos, you may be able to get money from them by signing up for a stock photography website.
These websites are searching for a variety of stock photography and will pay a decent price if you have the appropriate photographs or a big collection of high-quality images.
Shutterstock, Alamy, Adobe Stock, and other similar websites are excellent locations to start selling stock photos.
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helloyoganandsblog · 3 years
Types of Wooden Cutting Board
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Types of Wooden Cutting Board
  There are several types of wooden cutting boards that are available in the market today. It depends on you if you would want a plain wooden cutting board with no pattern or if you would want one that has a carved pattern on it. A  plain wooden cutting board will have a very simple look, but they are very common and can be used for many purposes. Flat boards are easy to maintain since they can be wiped with a damp cloth. These boards are usually made of wood such as oak, maple, birch, cherry etc.   PINCHED BAGGY Most people use this type of wooden cutting board because of its practicality and versatility. They are usually made of plastic and are very lightweight. These boards are usually self-sharpening and can be used for any kind of knife or cutlery. When it comes to choosing from the various types of wooden cutting board(s), it is important to choose one depending on your needs and preferences. If you are looking for something that is convenient and easy to handle then you should go for the flat boards. For those who want something with a more elegant and classic look and feel than the flat ones are what they are looking for. If you are looking for one that can be used for various types of knives then the bamboo kitchen boards are the best option for you.   Wooden Cutting Board - Types There are four common types of cutting board(s), plastic, bamboo, wood composite, and metal. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's good to understand them so you can make an informed decision. Wood Type Wood composite is the most environmentally friendly of the four. It's made from recycled plastics like lumber and veneer, which makes it easier for the environment. These boards are also stronger than plastic or bamboo boards, which makes them more resistant to tearing and harder to break. WoodGrain type Woodgrain is the main feature of a wooden cutting board. The wood grain pattern can help you identify whether the board is sturdy enough to support heavy cuts and whether the pattern has been treated properly. The type of wood used in the boards also determines their cost. Plastic Type Plastic is one of the cheapest types of wooden cutting boards. Because it's made from oil-based resins, it's resistant to chemicals and won't warp if cut on a rough surface. Because it's cheap, it's easy to find plastic boards with little imperfections. However, it tends to crack easily if handled roughly, and it's not very durable. Its edge grain is usually shallow and pronounced, which makes it more likely to snap when tripped on a rough surface. Type of Bamboo  Bamboo and plastic are the priciest varieties of carving boards, but they also offer the best combination of strength, durability, and price. Bamboo is a natural material that doesn't require any special treatment and its grain pattern is highly visible. Its surface is smooth and flat, which makes it excellent for cutting and carving. On the downside, bamboo is more expensive than plastic or wood composite.   Wood Composite vs Plastic boards Wood composite boards are probably the most versatile types of wooden cutting boards, with both wood grain and decorative designs. The grain can be seen, but it's typically not as strong as some other types of wood. This means it's better suited to be laminated or coated, and it does have some sheen to it. Some wood composite varieties are highly durable and can last for decades. They can also resist chemicals and are relatively easy to work with. These qualities make wood cutting boards popular for many different types of kitchen and food preparation tasks. Plastic is a very durable, low-priced type of wood cutting board. It's also fairly easy to work with, making it perfect for some home decor tasks. While it's not as strong as wood, plastic is still very sturdy. Some plastic varieties are highly stain resistant, but others are not. It's also fairly easy to find plastic boards that are laminated or coated, making them highly appealing for kitchen and food preparation purposes.   How to Clean Wooden Cutting Board Dishwashers aren't the only things that can damage wooden cutting boards. Water and heat can dull boards, especially when you're using them on aluminium or stainless steel dishwasher. Because dishwashers are so moist and warm, this can lead to a chemical reaction that leaves your dishwasher board with a gleam that's not so nice. This can be fixed by either purchasing a special silver-coloured dishwasher detergent to apply to the dishwasher or by wiping your board down with a paper towel. If your dishwasher has a brass plate, you can also purchase brass polish to buff your wooden board. If you need a new wooden cutting board or wooden cutting boards for your kitchen, there are plenty of online retailers that offer great deals and discount prices. Many companies offer free shipping for purchases over a certain amount of money, and some even give you large discounts for bulk orders. This is the best way to find a wooden cutting board or any other type of cut board because you can save the most money and choose the exact board design you want.
How to Choose The Right Wooden Cutting Board
The most important thing that you have to consider when you want to know how to choose the right wooden cutting board is to determine your needs. You have to know your requirements in order to choose the appropriate board for the kitchen. These necessities may include the size of the board, its shape, how much it costs and other features. If you have no experience or knowledge when it comes to these things, you can always find a company that would offer you their services and help you in selecting the right board. Of course, you have to bear in mind that the more experienced and knowledgeable about the company is, the more money they will charge you.  If you want to cut down the foods that you want to prepare, then a plastic cutting board is not the best option. You have to use wooden boards because they are safer and more hygienic. This is the reason why these boards are used in almost all types of kitchens. There are certain factors that you have to consider when you want to buy the right one for your kitchen.   Plan to Buy Perfect wooden Board 1. you have to determine the size of the board that you will need. This is an important factor since you have to choose whether you want to use it for domestic or commercial kitchens. If you are going to buy one for the kitchen, then you will need a simple one that has just about the same size as the boards that you use for personal consumption. However, if you are buying one for professional use, you have to make sure that the board will fit the dimensions of the refrigerator. 2. you also have to determine the colour of the board. There are different kinds of boards that come in different colours. When choosing the board, you have to know what kind of colour you need. Most boards come in the natural colour but there are also those that are available in various shades of brown and black. You can also choose from a block of dark wood to light wood. 3. you have to consider the thickness of the board. Different types of boards come in different thicknesses. If you have thin boards, it will be easier for you to slice the ingredients that you will use for your kitchen. In addition, you will need to cut the ingredients without having the knife stuck in between the boards. This can cause the board to split when you are trying to cut the food into slices. 4. you have to consider the material that the board is made from. There are different materials that you can choose from. The most common materials include oak, maple, pine, cherry and many more. The size of the board will also depend on the material that the board is made from. If you want a board that is durable, then you should go for hardwood boards. On the other hand, if you want a board that is lightweight, then you should choose vinyl or particleboard. 5. you also need to think about how the wooden cutting board will be used. If you plan to use the board during the summer, you should go for the non-slip variety. Also, if you are using the board during the cold months, then you can go for the heat-resistant variety. On the other hand, if you plan to use the board during winter, then you need to find a board that is able to keep the food warm. If you need help in choosing the right wooden cutting board, then you can ask the staff in your local store. They will surely be able to help you choose the best one for your kitchen.   How to Choose a Simple One Although there are numerous types of boards available in the market, you should choose a wooden cutting board based on your needs. If you plan to use it regularly in the kitchen, you can consider getting a heat-resistant and non-slip board. On the other hand, if you only plan to buy the board to decorate the kitchen, then you can choose the one that matches the other pieces of furniture in your kitchen. Once you know how to choose the right wooden cutting board, you can start to beautify your kitchen. Just remember to clean it frequently so that it can last for many years. If you have just started a new kitchen and want to know how to choose the right wooden cutting board, then you should know that it is much better to choose a simple one. Of course, if you want to cut different things and serve different kinds of foods, you should get a fancy wooden cutting board. However, if you want to cook on your kitchen table every day, a simple one will do. It is very important to know that quality comes first before anything else. The cutting board stands should be sturdy. It should be able to withstand all kinds of use. The stand should be stable enough to hold even a heavy piece of food. It is especially important if you are going to use the wooden board for food preparation since the food can potentially be heated up.  The stand should also be able to provide the right amount of support for your board. The legs of the board should be sturdy enough to hold it up while you are chopping and it should be able to absorb the impact when cutting using your knife. The thickness of the board should also match the thickness of your knife. If you have a thin knife, it would be better to get a thinner board since it will provide better results when cutting. Click here to read more Articles   Read the full article
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Do more
There is a tendency in our society to blame other for problems and to not contribute at all to fixing the problem. In the case of climate change, we actually could do more, even if the government doesn’t want to. Complaining is only going to get you so far. So here is a list of ways to help create a better future, rather than running in to problems and trying to fix them. At that point its already too late.
If everyone did at least one of these things, it wouldn’t matter what the government does or doesn’t do.
- Plant trees, and flowers for our bees. The means that there will be even more plants in the long term as bees and butterflies are responsible for propagating plants..There is a lot to be said about what to plant. Things like spider plants take up little space but can photosynthesize a lot more than plants that are much bigger. Australian native plants have high levels of pollen and require little water.
- Use high octane fuel every once in a while to clean you engine to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible. Car maintenance is important for the environment also. A car that isn’t well looked after is much less efficient then the same car that has been looked after. A car is a privilege and it should be seen as such.
- Take public transport more, use your car only when necessary. If you are going to take an Uber, use the option to share your ride when possible. Otherwise everything from electric scooters to bikes are convenient ways of traveling.I like parking a fair distance from where i have to go and walking. It doesn’t make much of a difference but it is healthier for you.
- Recycle, make sure what goes in to the bin is recycled. You don’t have to worry about cleaning it. Its more efficient to let the people in charge of recycling clean it (obviously don’t be lazy and leave a whole pizza in a box). But this only works if they get only materials that can be recycled. So always be sure to not put trash in your recycling.
- Make compost, its so easy, even if you give it to someone else that has a garden. Biodegradable waste won’t return to nature if it ends up in landfill. It will probably be buried in an airtight container to prevent any leaking of hazardous materials. Because people put too much dangerous stuff in their trash.
- Travel less, its good for the economy to take holidays in your own country, your money won’t go as far as in other countries, but it may make your own country a nicer place to be.
- Write letters to companies, governments, or any one that will listen about their irresponsible practices. I think in the case of the plastic bag ban, which has made Coles and Woolworths some $71 million in profit. It shows you that even if there is more money in doing good. Unless we push companies to do it, they won’t.
- Dim your TV, computer screens and everything else. Its amazing how much difference to your energy bill this will make over a year.
- Unplug appliances at the power board. Most people don’t realize those plug packs like that on your phone uses, are always on and using energy even when they aren’t charging your phone. The general rule is, if it has a light, it is also using energy.
- Use less air-conditioning, especially when in the car. It is amazing how much energy it uses. You are better off not having anything connected to the cigarette lighters also unless you are actually charging a device. This won’t make as much difference as the air con though. Even in the most efficient of cars (actually especially in efficient cars) it can double your fuel consumption. Sweating is healthy for you, just not practical in every situation. The same goes for stereos and other electronics connected to your car.
- Turn off your phone when you aren’t using it, so many people leave their phones on at night, if you need it to wake up its one thing. but even then you could put it in to airplane mode (or buy a really efficient alarm clock). Some phones will actually turn on for alarms, which should give you an idea of the fact that nothing is really off these days.
- Always make sure your washing machine is full, never do a small load, the older your washing machine is the more true this is. Few washing machines regulate the power going to the motor, so the consumption is the same for a small load as much as a large one.
- Sponsor animals before they become endangered. This ensures that in an emergency, they will be looked after when it matters. Rather than when its too late. Visit wild life parks that help animals, learn about them. Having a connection to the world around you makes it easier to remember why to care about it.
- Avoid anything smart. When you think about it, smart light bulbs are a light, that is connected to a mini computer running an always on server. While convenient, at times this extra functionality uses more electricity than it will ever save.
- Prepare your shopping in advanced, eat before you do it. That way you will be able to make as few trips to the supermarket as possible. While you are there, avoid anything packaged where possible, buy more veggies and less meat.
- If you can afford to, collect rainwater. Its always handy and its not expensive to set up. In fact concessions should be given to people who do collect their own rain water. Otherwise it just gets wasted. Councils should probably sell rain water collection tanks at pumps at cost. More people would have them if they did this. This would reduce the burden on our water system.
- While there has been a big push for solar, consider wind. Modern wind turbines for homes aren’t that bad looking. Efforts are still being made to make them look like works of futurist art. This will continue. If you live in the bottom half of Australia, you will generate more electricity this way than with solar.
- Avoid streaming where possible, any thing cloud related is also bad. This requires ridiculous amounts of energy, and grows every year. The past few years has seen more data stored than all the other years that came before it combined. This is a waste, in any way you can, avoid using these types of services. Peer 2 peer networks are probably more efficient, because they don’t require the peak demand capacity that cloud services do. An example would be to download your favorite Spotify tracks rather than always streaming them. Watch free to air TV first. Store everything on local hard drives.
- Limit how many pets you have. Where possible source sustainable food for them. Kangaroo meat has to be one of the most sustainable meats in the world. Its very healthy and from my experience all pets love it. You can buy it in bulk and in some cases without packaging.
- There is so much inefficiency in our materialist world. For example horizontal fridges are much more efficient than vertical ones. While it may not be practical for everyone, there is always a more efficient alternative if you can afford it and it suits your needs.
- Avoid upgrading technology as much as possible. Buy a product that has a long life to begin with. I usually spend a little extra on my computers, not for performance reasons, they are actually pretty slow (aka efficient) computers. But they are made of quality components that last. I use my computers professionally, they are both 6 years old. An upgrade would be me spoiling myself, but the truth is they still give me everything I need. This is a relatively new thing, which is why so many people believe that technology has a shorter lifespan than it does. Chances are if you have a slow computer, it needs to be serviced, such as putting new thermal compound on the fan, removing the dust, or clean installing the operating system. Speed advancements in technology haven’t been happening as much as they used to, in most cases  its smaller and more efficient, but not faster.
- A recent MIT study found that buying online is more efficient. When you think about the amount of energy that goes in to the climate control systems of large stores. Then the driving to and from these places. Where possible, buy online, have it shipped using standard (non express shipping). The amount of times i have paid for express and not needed that quickly is ridiculous.
- Use nature to its best advantage. I always have a lot of plants around where i live to help reduce the strain the weather causes on the internal house temperatures. Its annoying that its not a widely accepted concept, but some councils will issue grants for plants on roofs or walls. They are a really good form of insulation from both hot and cold.
- Old heating and cooking systems are pretty efficient, as they served the purpose of both heat and cooking. you can still buy these systems, they have been modernized a bit. Though if more companies made combined heating and cooking appliances, combined washing and toilet facilities, etc. These save a lot of money over time. Even just in commercial premises where this would be more practical.
- Fuck grass. Seriously, that low level turf is an outdated sign of status. The whole point of it was that you had so much space, you could devote it to nothing, that’s how privileged you are. But its so common here. If you were to replace it with big lush native grasses. It would not only look better (because some of them grow up to two meters and look amazing), but it would make an enormous difference to the environment, both in terms of reducing pollution and in the amount of water it uses.
- If you are terrible with plants, a brown thumb as they call it. Plant succulents. All you have to do, is find someone that has one, ask for them to break you off a piece, and stick it in the ground, preferably where it won’t get sunlight all day if you don’t want to have to water them. That’s it, they will grow, if you water them once a week they will grow faster. Its better than nothing and some of the colours and flowers they grow makes them an attractive alternative.
- I don’t have undercover parking, so i throw a cheap tarp over the car. It looks like i am hiding in the jungle from air raids, but the reality is it keeps the car cool so i don’t need to crank up the air-con when i leave. A tarp is much easier than those annoying reflector thing on your windshield. Though if you have the 150$ spare, its worth getting at least 50% window tinting on your car. It usually comes with a life time warranty. It will pay itself off in terms of the car looking new for longer and all by using less air condition.
- Plan your garden beds. Put a water proof material underneath them, then stones above this material. What this does is create a natural reservoir that stores rain water underneath the roots. You will water more than 50% less which is a great productivity gain. There are also ways to create impressive gardens that need to be watered 3 times a year. This is worth researching.
- Start a harvest collective. If you can grow one vegetable better than others, don’t wast your time growing other plants. Just grow that, then encourage your friends to grow something else. You can then share your harvests rather than having to plant lots of different things. Growing at home is good for so many reasons. Also use organic seaweed fertilizers, they are amazing.
- Its amazing how much energy a Sunday roast uses to cook. Then there is the whole thing that the air quality in your home actually hits toxic levels, because fat is essentially a fuel that is burning while your roast cooks. So even if you eat meat, there is ways to do this in a more sustainable fashion.
- This is why i recommend convection ovens, aka air “fryers”. They are just much smaller and efficient electric ovens. They require no time to heat up, and will usually cook items in less time. In probably 80% of cases, if i need to heat up something or cook it from frozen, i can do it in an air “fryer”.
- Natural pools are the best. This is where you use plants and nature to clean your pool rather than using chemicals. Yes its a little more like swimming in a lake, but if its done the right way its actually healthier than swimming in chlorine. Its also good for the environment. Great advancements have been made in this field, you should google it if you are considering a pool, or would like to stop using chemicals on an existing one.
- Eat seasonally. Its not that hard to look for what is cheap. Supermarkets aren’t great at this but green grocers will have more variety. Its important for biodiversity to grow as many different species as possible. So buying different varieties of your favorites is not only healthy for you, but its good for the environment.
- Its sad that due to the industrialization of our agriculture system, fruit and vegetables are grown to look good and last in storage. What they aren’t grown to be is tasty any more, because there is no way you can fake that. This is why i recommend farmers markets and organic, its a lot easier to finish your vegetables when they taste the way nature intended them to. Trust me on this one, we hate fruit and vegetables so much, we see them as a chore, because over the last 100 years we have systematically killed their taste.
- Then of course there is the whole, plants aren’t going to taste as nice as something made in a lab that is designed to maximize the reaction by your taste receptors.This is why you should avoid process foods because their alter your taste buds, and make it harder to enjoy nature. Just like our phones do to our bodies. Just like air condition does to going outside.
I’m sure there are plenty more, please feel free to add any ideas in to the comments section.
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Aircon Repair
Aircon Repair
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A.M. Magcawas Repairs and Services starts its operation on June 2017 with is owner Mr. Arvin Meraña Magcawas, a Refrigeration and air-conditioning technician TESDA NCII certified and also certified commercial and industrial electrician. He is a former maintenance staff and air-con technician at San Pablo Colleges Medical Center and a freelance service technician since high school, he also have regular customers like private and government establishment, public and private schools, laundry shop, computer shop, for their air-conditioning units and houses here at San Pablo and nearby cities and provinces like Batangas City, Quezon province, and even in Manila which servicing as freelance technician before he opens his own DTI accredited company as service provider, together with his wife Mary Justine Bolaños Magcawas. And now that we are accredited and certified by the Department of Trade and Industry and the local government, we are looking forward to increasing the numbers of our satisfied customers. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company as a service provider and give our customers good quality service and satisfaction. Our company offers the following services for electronics and appliances repairs, refrigeration and air-conditioning repairs for inverter or non-inverter, industrial or ordinary heavy duty dryers and washing machines, motor rewinding, ducting services, and maintenance, air-conditioning units general cleaning and preventive maintenance, electrical installation and troubleshooting. We are looking forward to being part of your good company as a service provider and be one of our satisfied customers. Thank you and God Bless. Vision The vision of A.M. Magcawas Repair and Services is a highly trained and efficient team of service technician and personnel, ready for anything that may occur and quick response to customer needs and concerns. Especially in terms of giving quality service on time. Our philosophy of provision of value adding solutions and their timely and cost-effective service. Mission At A.M. Magcawas repair and services, every person in our company is a team oriented with the expectation and need that they perform their duties to their fullest capacity and potential. Our objective and commitment to our customers is top of the line. The client satisfaction is our main focus, reached through innovative and cost-effective services. We encourage our team of safety and safe work practices. We are genuinely client focused and continually seeking improvements in our services. List of satisfied customers we currently support: San Pablo City Medical Center (SPCMC): 2011 - present Frontline Christian Academy: 2014 - present Frontline Business Solutions: 2017 - present Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus (LSPU): 2016 - present Rose Pharmacy (Batangas City, Lipa City, and Calamba branch): 2014 - present Kaleidoscope Learning Center: 2015 - present AMA Bank San Pablo City Branch: 2015 - present UCPB Bank Sto. Tomas Batangas Branch: 2014 - present UCPB San Pablo City Branch: 2014 - present Samuels Plate Resto Bar: 2016 - present Babas Restaurant: 2016 - present Villa Escudero Plantation Resorts: 2014 - present Jovita Agro Tiaong Quezon: 2015 - present Pacific Royal Basic Food INC. Candelaria Quezon: 2015 - present Superior Lending (Former Raon) San Pablo City: 2015 - present Havianas Ultimart San Pablo City: 2013 - present Nissan San Pablo City: 2017 - present Jardin De Julita Resort Tranca Bay Laguna: 2017 - present Air conditioning (often referred to as Air Conditioner, A/C, or air con) is the procedure of getting rid of heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space to enhance the convenience of occupants. Air conditioning can be utilized in both domestic and commercial environments. This procedure is most typically utilized to attain a more comfy interior environment, typically for humans and other animals; nevertheless, air conditioning is likewise used to cool and dehumidify spaces filled with heat-producing electronic devices, such as computer servers, power amplifiers, and to display and save some fragile items, such as art work. Air conditioning system often use a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied area such as a structure or a cars and truck to enhance thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Electric refrigerant-based AC systems range from little systems that can cool a small bed room, which can be brought by a single adult, to huge systems installed on the roof of workplace towers that can cool a whole building. The cooling is normally achieved through a refrigeration cycle, however sometimes evaporation or free cooling is utilized. Air-conditioning is the procedure utilized to produce and preserve specific temperature, relative humidity and air purity conditions in indoor spaces. This procedure is generally applied to keep a level of individual convenience. It's likewise used in industrial applications to ensure the proper operation of equipment or equipment that needs to run in specific environmental conditions or alternatively to be able to perform certain industrial processes, such as welding, which produce substantial quantities of heat that need to be dealt with in some manner. An air-conditioning system needs to be effective no matter outside climatic conditions and involves control over 4 essential variables: air temperature, humidity, motion, and quality. Air conditioning is no longer considered as the luxury that it as soon as was, and there is now an increasing demand for applications varying through domestic, industrial, commercial, and transport and for specialized setups such as medical facilities, research facilities, information centers, and clean spaces. The engineering systems in modern-day buildings and setups make a significant contribution to the total building efficiency in regards to energy usage. Systems require to be progressively sophisticated in their design, installation, operation, control, and upkeep at a time when there is increasing pressure for higher energy performance. How Air Conditioning Work A/c unit utilize refrigeration to chill indoor air, making the most of a remarkable physical law: When a liquid converts to a gas (in a process called phase conversion), it soaks up heat. Ac system exploit this feature of stage conversion by forcing special chemical substances to evaporate and condense over and over once again in a closed system of coils. The substances involved are refrigerants that have properties allowing them to alter at fairly low temperature levels. Ac system likewise include fans that move warm interior air over these cold, refrigerant-filled coils. Central air conditioners have an entire system of ducts created to funnel air to and from these serpentine, air-chilling coils. When hot air flows over the cold, low-pressure evaporator coils, the refrigerant inside soaks up heat as it alters from a liquid to a gaseous state. To keep cooling efficiently, the a/c unit needs to transform the refrigerant gas back to a liquid again. To do that, a compressor puts the gas under high pressure, a procedure that creates undesirable heat. All the extra heat developed by compressing the gas is then left to the outdoors with the help of the 2nd set of coils called condenser coils, and a second fan. As the gas cools, it alters back to a liquid, and the process starts all over again. Consider it as a limitless, elegant cycle: liquid refrigerant, stage conversion to a gas/ heat absorption, compression and phase shift back to a liquid again. It's easy to see that there are two distinct things going on in an a/c unit. Refrigerant is cooling the indoor air, and the resulting gas is being continually compressed and cooled for conversion back to a liquid again. On the next page, we'll look at how the different parts of an air conditioner work to make all that possible. Different Types Of Aic Conditioners: Portable Or Mobile Air Conditioners Possibly the most familiar air conditioning unit to a lot of consumers, these units do not require special installing however do come with a flexible air pipe which is routed through a window or hole in the wall. Typically, the size of the air pipe is about 5 ″ and the pipelines have to do with 2-- 3 m long. The air conditioner discharges hot through this pipeline when in use. Because the compressor is located inside the system rather than when it comes to split systems, in an external aspect, the mobile monoblock a/c unit have the drawback of being quite loud and restricted in capability. On the other hand, they do not require installation and are these days reasonably low-cost to buy. Although there are numerous mobile air conditioning system on the marketplace, the huge bulk are little systems either 9000 or 12000 btu, we just sell mobile systems larger than 10000 btu, merely due to the fact that for the vast majority of applications 9000 btu models are simply too little. Floor Mounted Air Conditioners Flooring mounted monoblock a/c unit are set up versus the wall in the same way a storage heating unit is and they are common of a similar look and size to storage heating units. These kinds of a/c generally have a heatpump facility, thus offering very economical heating in chillier months. These ac system generally have 2 air pipes which lead directly from the rear of the unit, through the wall, where the ends are generally capped with small louvers Wall Mounted Air Conditioners Some times called high wall a/c, wall mounted monoblock air conditioning is a neat solution to older buildings where planning does not permit the installation of an external condenser unit. The wall-mounted monoblock air conditioner connects high on the wall and two air pipes are routed from the back directly through the wall. The downside of these a/c is that they are somewhat larger in-depth compared to the split wall-mounted unit as the condenser is included inside the wall mount system. They generally include a heat pump so that air can be heated in winter in addition to cooled in summer. Spot Coolers Area cooling can be provided by these big mobile monoblock ac system. They are greatly developed, powerful and created to be wheeled to ships, boats, and aircraft to provide temporary cooling to the internal air. Spot coolers can also be utilized to offer cool air to commercial procedures. Unlike little portable air conditioners, spot coolers are developed to be located in the warm outdoors air and to offer cool air into areas that they themselves do not inhabit. The majority of have the capability to deliver cold air through a number of ducts to precisely where the air is required. The snout pipelines that are normally fitted to the front of these units are rigid however adjustable, allowing the circulation of cold air to be directed to a preset spot. Window Air Conditioners Window air conditioning unit or window rattlers as they are described by the trade utilized to be the most prevalent configuration of the air conditioners. They are almost standard in homes, homes, workplaces and cabins in Mediterranean nations and the Middle East. The standard ones can just chill the air, the more costly have a heat pump mode and push-button control. The primary drawbacks of window air-conditioners are increased noise and necessity of installing into the window opening or more normally through a narrow wall. On the plus side, they are fairly priced and easy to fit. Window ac system are in some cases called 'thro the wall ac system', although they typically can not be mounted in a wall any thicker than 9 ″ because then the extra depth of wall impinges and blocks the airflow from the side vents of the units on the outside. Several of our customers find it more affordable long-term to run and replace window a/c, to install and maintain split systems. An air conditioner can alter the temperature, humidity or basic quality of the air. More particularly, an a/c makes your house cooler, by drawing heat out of the house and transferring that heat to the outdoors, then replacing the air inside your home with cooler air. Unlike with air conditioning unit, which work best when you keep the doors and windows closed, air coolers require to be placed in an excellent airflow near an open window (where dry fresh air can be found in) and with an open door (for damp exhaust air to drain). That makes sense if you consider it: the water you're adding to the airflow is "soaking" up heat from the space, and if you continuously expel wet air while permitting dry air to enter in its place, you're constantly removing heat. Air coolers that work by direct evaporation (including water) can likewise be used as humidifiers though, in that case, the doors and windows do require to be kept closed to enable the humidity to increase.
Aircon Repair
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hussjanine7-blog · 5 years
Air Conditioner Cleaning Indoor and Outdoor Unit
Air Conditioner Cleaning Indoor and Outdoor Unit
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A.M. Magcawas Repairs and Services starts its operation on June 2017 with is owner Mr. Arvin Meraña Magcawas, a Refrigeration and air-conditioning technician TESDA NCII certified and also certified commercial and industrial electrician. He is a former maintenance staff and air-con technician at San Pablo Colleges Medical Center and a freelance service technician since high school, he also have regular customers like private and government establishment, public and private schools, laundry shop, computer shop, for their air-conditioning units and houses here at San Pablo and nearby cities and provinces like Batangas City, Quezon province, and even in Manila which servicing as freelance technician before he opens his own DTI accredited company as service provider, together with his wife Mary Justine Bolaños Magcawas. And now that we are accredited and certified by the Department of Trade and Industry and the local government, we are looking forward to increasing the numbers of our satisfied customers. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company as a service provider and give our customers good quality service and satisfaction. Our company offers the following services for electronics and appliances repairs, refrigeration and air-conditioning repairs for inverter or non-inverter, industrial or ordinary heavy duty dryers and washing machines, motor rewinding, ducting services, and maintenance, air-conditioning units general cleaning and preventive maintenance, electrical installation and troubleshooting. We are looking forward to being part of your good company as a service provider and be one of our satisfied customers. Thank you and God Bless. Vision The vision of A.M. Magcawas Repair and Services is a highly trained and efficient team of service technician and personnel, ready for anything that may occur and quick response to customer needs and concerns. Especially in terms of giving quality service on time. Our philosophy of provision of value adding solutions and their timely and cost-effective service. Mission At A.M. Magcawas repair and services, every person in our company is a team oriented with the expectation and need that they perform their duties to their fullest capacity and potential. Our objective and commitment to our customers is top of the line. The client satisfaction is our main focus, reached through innovative and cost-effective services. We encourage our team of safety and safe work practices. We are genuinely client focused and continually seeking improvements in our services. List of satisfied customers we currently support: San Pablo City Medical Center (SPCMC): 2011 - present Frontline Christian Academy: 2014 - present Frontline Business Solutions: 2017 - present Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus (LSPU): 2016 - present Rose Pharmacy (Batangas City, Lipa City, and Calamba branch): 2014 - present Kaleidoscope Learning Center: 2015 - present AMA Bank San Pablo City Branch: 2015 - present UCPB Bank Sto. Tomas Batangas Branch: 2014 - present UCPB San Pablo City Branch: 2014 - present Samuels Plate Resto Bar: 2016 - present Babas Restaurant: 2016 - present Villa Escudero Plantation Resorts: 2014 - present Jovita Agro Tiaong Quezon: 2015 - present Pacific Royal Basic Food INC. Candelaria Quezon: 2015 - present Superior Lending (Former Raon) San Pablo City: 2015 - present Havianas Ultimart San Pablo City: 2013 - present Nissan San Pablo City: 2017 - present Jardin De Julita Resort Tranca Bay Laguna: 2017 - present Air conditioning (often described as AC, A/C, or air con) is the procedure of eliminating heat and wetness from the interior of an occupied space to improve the comfort of occupants. Air conditioning can be used in both domestic and industrial environments. This process is most frequently utilized to achieve a more comfy interior environment, generally for humans and other animals; however, air conditioning is likewise used to cool and dehumidify rooms filled with heat-producing electronic devices, such as computer servers, power amplifiers, and to show and store some delicate products, such as art work. Air conditioning system typically use a fan to disperse the conditioned air to an occupied space such as a structure or a vehicle to enhance thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Electric refrigerant-based Air Conditioning systems vary from little units that can cool a small bedroom, which can be brought by a single grownup, to massive systems installed on the roofing system of office towers that can cool a whole building. The cooling is normally achieved through a refrigeration cycle, however often evaporation or totally free cooling is utilized. Air-conditioning is the procedure used to create and preserve specific temperature, relative humidity and air pureness conditions in indoor areas. This procedure is usually applied to keep a level of individual comfort. It's likewise utilized in commercial applications to guarantee the appropriate operation of equipment or equipment that requires to operate in particular ecological conditions or additionally to be able to perform particular industrial processes, such as welding, which produce significant amounts of heat that require to be disposed of in some manner. An air-conditioning system must be effective despite outdoors weather conditions and includes control over 4 fundamental variables: air temperature, humidity, movement, and quality. Air conditioning is no longer considered as the high-end that it as soon as was, and there is now an increasing demand for applications ranging through domestic, industrial, commercial, and transportation and for specialized installations such as health centers, research study centers, information centers, and tidy spaces. The engineering systems in modern buildings and setups make a substantial contribution to the general building efficiency in terms of energy use. Systems require to be significantly sophisticated in their style, installation, operation, control, and upkeep at a time when there is increasing pressure for higher energy efficiency. How A/C Work Air conditioning system use refrigeration to chill indoor air, taking advantage of a remarkable physical law: When a liquid converts to a gas (in a procedure called phase conversion), it absorbs heat. Ac system exploit this function of phase conversion by forcing unique chemical substances to evaporate and condense over and over once again in a closed system of coils. The substances included are refrigerants that have properties allowing them to alter at relatively low temperature levels. A/c unit also include fans that move warm interior air over these cold, refrigerant-filled coils. Central air conditioners have a whole system of ducts designed to funnel air to and from these serpentine, air-chilling coils. When hot air flows over the cold, low-pressure evaporator coils, the refrigerant inside absorbs heat as it alters from a liquid to a gaseous state. To keep cooling effectively, the ac system needs to convert the refrigerant gas back to a liquid once again. To do that, a compressor puts the gas under high pressure, a procedure that produces unwanted heat. All the additional heat produced by compressing the gas is then left to the outdoors with the help of the 2nd set of coils called condenser coils, and a 2nd fan. As the gas cools, it changes back to a liquid, and the procedure starts all over again. Consider it as a limitless, classy cycle: liquid refrigerant, stage conversion to a gas/ heat absorption, compression and phase shift back to a liquid once again. It's simple to see that there are two unique things going on in an air conditioner. Refrigerant is chilling the indoor air, and the resulting gas is being continually compressed and cooled for conversion back to a liquid again. On the next page, we'll look at how the different parts of an air conditioning system work to make all that possible. Various Types Of Aic Conditioners: Portable Or Mobile Air Conditioners Maybe the most familiar air conditioning system to the majority of consumers, these systems do not need unique installing however do feature a versatile air pipe which is routed through a window or hole in the wall. Usually, the diameter of the air pipe is about 5 ″ and the pipes have to do with 2-- 3 m long. The air conditioning unit discharges hot through this pipeline when in use. Because the compressor is located inside the unit rather than in the case of split systems, in an external component, the mobile monoblock air conditioning unit have the disadvantage of being rather noisy and limited in capacity. On the other hand, they do not need setup and are these days relatively cheap to buy. Although there are numerous mobile a/c unit on the market, the large bulk are small units either 9000 or 12000 btu, we only sell mobile systems larger than 10000 btu, merely due to the fact that for the vast majority of applications 9000 btu models are just too little. Floor Mounted Air Conditioners Flooring installed monoblock ac system are set up versus the wall in the same way a storage heating unit is and they are normal of a similar appearance and size to storage heaters. These kinds of air conditioning unit typically have a heat pump facility, hence providing very economical heating in chillier months. These a/c unit normally have 2 air pipes which lead directly from the back of the system, through the wall, where completions are typically topped with little louvers Wall Mounted Air Conditioners Some times called high wall a/c unit, wall installed monoblock air conditioning is a cool solution to older buildings where planning does not permit the setup of an external condenser system. The wall-mounted monoblock ac system connects high on the wall and 2 air pipes are routed from the back directly through the wall. The downside of these air conditioning unit is that they are somewhat bigger in-depth compared to the split wall-mounted unit as the condenser is contained inside the wall mount system. They typically feature a heatpump so that air can be heated up in winter season along with cooled in summer. Spot Coolers Area cooling can be provided by these big mobile monoblock ac system. They are heavily constructed, powerful and developed to be wheeled to ships, boats, and airplane to supply short-lived cooling to the internal air. Spot coolers can also be utilized to provide cool air to commercial processes. Unlike small portable a/c, spot coolers are created to be found in the warm outside air and to supply cool air into locations that they themselves do not inhabit. The majority of have the capacity to deliver cold air via a variety of ducts to exactly where the air is needed. The snout pipes that are normally fitted to the front of these units are rigid however adjustable, allowing the flow of cold air to be directed to a pre-programmed area. Window Air Conditioners Window a/c or window rattlers as they are referred to by the trade utilized to be the most widespread configuration of the air conditioning system. They are almost standard in homes, homes, workplaces and cabins in Mediterranean nations and the Middle East. The fundamental ones can only chill the air, the more expensive have a heat pump mode and remote control. The main drawbacks of window air-conditioners are increased noise and need of mounting into the window opening or more generally through a narrow wall. On the plus side, they are reasonably priced and simple to fit. Window ac system are sometimes referred to as 'thro the wall a/c unit', although they usually can not be installed in a wall any thicker than 9 ″ because then the extra depth of wall impinges and blocks the air flow from the side vents of the systems on the outside. Numerous of our clients find it more affordable long-term to run and change window a/c unit, to set up and keep split systems. An air conditioner can alter the temperature, humidity or basic quality of the air. More specifically, an air conditioning unit makes your home cooler, by drawing heat out of the house and moving that heat to the outdoors, then changing the air inside your home with cooler air. Unlike with a/c unit, which work best when you keep the doors and windows closed, air coolers need to be put in a good air flow near an open window (where dry fresh air can be found in) and with an open door (for wet exhaust air to drain). That makes good sense if you think about it: the water you're contributing to the air flow is "soaking" up heat from the space, and if you constantly expel damp air while allowing dry air to enter in its location, you're continuously eliminating heat. Air coolers that work by direct evaporation (including water) can also be utilized as humidifiers though, because case, the doors and windows do require to be kept closed to permit the humidity to increase.
Air Conditioner Cleaning Indoor and Outdoor Unit
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margaretjb-blog1 · 5 years
The Best Aircon Service in Laguna
The Best Aircon Service in Laguna
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A.M. Magcawas Repairs and Services starts its operation on June 2017 with is owner Mr. Arvin Meraña Magcawas, a Refrigeration and air-conditioning technician TESDA NCII certified and also certified commercial and industrial electrician. He is a former maintenance staff and air-con technician at San Pablo Colleges Medical Center and a freelance service technician since high school, he also have regular customers like private and government establishment, public and private schools, laundry shop, computer shop, for their air-conditioning units and houses here at San Pablo and nearby cities and provinces like Batangas City, Quezon province, and even in Manila which servicing as freelance technician before he opens his own DTI accredited company as service provider, together with his wife Mary Justine Bolaños Magcawas. And now that we are accredited and certified by the Department of Trade and Industry and the local government, we are looking forward to increasing the numbers of our satisfied customers. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company as a service provider and give our customers good quality service and satisfaction. Our company offers the following services for electronics and appliances repairs, refrigeration and air-conditioning repairs for inverter or non-inverter, industrial or ordinary heavy duty dryers and washing machines, motor rewinding, ducting services, and maintenance, air-conditioning units general cleaning and preventive maintenance, electrical installation and troubleshooting. We are looking forward to being part of your good company as a service provider and be one of our satisfied customers. Thank you and God Bless. Vision The vision of A.M. Magcawas Repair and Services is a highly trained and efficient team of service technician and personnel, ready for anything that may occur and quick response to customer needs and concerns. Especially in terms of giving quality service on time. Our philosophy of provision of value adding solutions and their timely and cost-effective service. Mission At A.M. Magcawas repair and services, every person in our company is a team oriented with the expectation and need that they perform their duties to their fullest capacity and potential. Our objective and commitment to our customers is top of the line. The client satisfaction is our main focus, reached through innovative and cost-effective services. We encourage our team of safety and safe work practices. We are genuinely client focused and continually seeking improvements in our services. List of satisfied customers we currently support: San Pablo City Medical Center (SPCMC): 2011 - present Frontline Christian Academy: 2014 - present Frontline Business Solutions: 2017 - present Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus (LSPU): 2016 - present Rose Pharmacy (Batangas City, Lipa City, and Calamba branch): 2014 - present Kaleidoscope Learning Center: 2015 - present AMA Bank San Pablo City Branch: 2015 - present UCPB Bank Sto. Tomas Batangas Branch: 2014 - present UCPB San Pablo City Branch: 2014 - present Samuels Plate Resto Bar: 2016 - present Babas Restaurant: 2016 - present Villa Escudero Plantation Resorts: 2014 - present Jovita Agro Tiaong Quezon: 2015 - present Pacific Royal Basic Food INC. Candelaria Quezon: 2015 - present Superior Lending (Former Raon) San Pablo City: 2015 - present Havianas Ultimart San Pablo City: 2013 - present Nissan San Pablo City: 2017 - present Jardin De Julita Resort Tranca Bay Laguna: 2017 - present Air conditioning (typically described as AC, A/C, or air con) is the procedure of getting rid of heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space to improve the comfort of residents. Air conditioning can be utilized in both domestic and commercial environments. This procedure is most commonly utilized to accomplish a more comfy interior environment, normally for humans and other animals; however, air conditioning is likewise used to cool and dehumidify rooms filled with heat-producing electronic devices, such as computer servers, power amplifiers, and to show and save some delicate products, such as artwork. A/c unit frequently utilize a fan to distribute the conditioned air to an occupied space such as a structure or a vehicle to enhance thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Electric refrigerant-based Air Conditioner units range from small systems that can cool a little bedroom, which can be brought by a single adult, to huge units installed on the roofing of office towers that can cool an entire building. The cooling is normally attained through a refrigeration cycle, but often evaporation or free cooling is used. Air-conditioning is the process utilized to develop and keep certain temperature, relative humidity and air pureness conditions in indoor areas. This process is typically applied to keep a level of individual comfort. It's likewise utilized in commercial applications to ensure the proper operation of devices or machinery that requires to run in particular environmental conditions or alternatively to be able to perform certain industrial processes, such as welding, which produce significant quantities of heat that require to be gotten rid of in some manner. An air-conditioning system must be effective no matter outdoors climatic conditions and involves control over 4 essential variables: air temperature, humidity, movement, and quality. Air conditioning is no longer considered as the luxury that it when was, and there is now an increasing need for applications ranging through domestic, industrial, commercial, and transportation and for specialized setups such as hospitals, research study centers, data centers, and tidy rooms. The engineering systems in contemporary structures and setups make a substantial contribution to the overall structure performance in terms of energy usage. Systems require to be increasingly sophisticated in their style, setup, operation, control, and maintenance at a time when there is increasing pressure for higher energy performance. How Air Conditioning Work Air conditioning system utilize refrigeration to chill indoor air, making the most of an amazing physical law: When a liquid converts to a gas (in a process called phase conversion), it soaks up heat. Ac system exploit this feature of stage conversion by forcing unique chemical compounds to evaporate and condense over and over again in a closed system of coils. The substances involved are refrigerants that have properties enabling them to change at reasonably low temperatures. Ac system likewise contain fans that move warm interior air over these cold, refrigerant-filled coils. Central air conditioners have a whole system of ducts designed to funnel air to and from these serpentine, air-chilling coils. When hot air flows over the cold, low-pressure evaporator coils, the refrigerant inside takes in heat as it alters from a liquid to a gaseous state. To keep cooling efficiently, the air conditioning system needs to convert the refrigerant gas back to a liquid once again. To do that, a compressor puts the gas under high pressure, a procedure that creates undesirable heat. All the extra heat created by compressing the gas is then evacuated to the outdoors with the help of the 2nd set of coils called condenser coils, and a second fan. As the gas cools, it changes back to a liquid, and the procedure starts all over once again. Consider it as an endless, elegant cycle: liquid refrigerant, phase conversion to a gas/ heat absorption, compression and phase transition back to a liquid again. It's simple to see that there are two distinct things going on in an a/c unit. Refrigerant is chilling the indoor air, and the resulting gas is being continually compressed and cooled for conversion back to a liquid again. On the next page, we'll look at how the different parts of an air conditioning system work to make all that possible. Various Kinds Of Aic Conditioners: Portable Or Mobile Air Conditioners Maybe the most familiar air conditioner to a lot of customers, these systems do not require special mounting however do feature a versatile air pipe which is routed through a window or hole in the wall. Generally, the size of the air pipe has to do with 5 ″ and the pipes have to do with 2-- 3 m long. The air conditioning unit discharges hot through this pipeline when in use. Because the compressor lies inside the system rather than in the case of split units, in an external aspect, the mobile monoblock a/c unit have the drawback of being quite noisy and limited in capacity. On the other hand, they do not require installation and are nowadays fairly inexpensive to buy. There are numerous mobile air conditioners on the market, the vast bulk are little units either 9000 or 12000 btu, we only sell mobile systems bigger than 10000 btu, simply due to the fact that for the large majority of applications 9000 btu designs are simply too small. Floor Mounted Air Conditioners Floor installed monoblock a/c unit are installed versus the wall in the same way a storage heating system is and they are common of a similar look and size to storage heating units. These kinds of a/c normally have a heat pump facility, therefore offering very economical heating in colder months. These a/c normally have 2 air pipes which lead straight from the back of the system, through the wall, where the ends are normally topped with small louvers Wall Mounted Air Conditioners Some times called high wall air conditioners, wall mounted monoblock air conditioning is a cool option to older buildings where planning does not permit the installation of an external condenser unit. The wall-mounted monoblock ac system connects high up on the wall and 2 air pipes are routed from the back straight through the wall. The downside of these air conditioning unit is that they are slightly bigger extensive compared to the split wall-mounted system as the condenser is consisted of inside the wall install unit. They usually feature a heatpump so that air can be heated in winter season along with cooled in summer. Spot Coolers Spot cooling can be supplied by these big mobile monoblock a/c unit. They are greatly developed, powerful and created to be wheeled to ships, boats, and aircraft to provide momentary cooling to the internal air. Spot coolers can also be utilized to offer cool air to industrial processes. Unlike small portable air conditioning system, spot coolers are created to be located in the warm outside air and to supply cool air into areas that they themselves do not inhabit. Many have the capacity to deliver cold air through a variety of ducts to exactly where the air is needed. The snout pipes that are usually fitted to the front of these units are rigid but adjustable, making it possible for the flow of cold air to be directed to a pre-programmed spot. Window Air Conditioners Window air conditioning unit or window rattlers as they are referred to by the trade used to be the most widespread configuration of the a/c unit. They are almost basic in homes, homes, workplaces and cabins in Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. The standard ones can only chill the air, the more expensive have a heat pump mode and remote control. The main drawbacks of window air-conditioners are increased noise and necessity of mounting into the window opening or more typically through a narrow wall. On the plus side, they are fairly priced and easy to fit. Window ac system are often referred to as 'thro the wall air conditioners', although they usually can not be mounted in a wall any thicker than 9 ″ because then the additional depth of wall impinges and obstructs the airflow from the side vents of the systems on the outside. Several of our customers find it more affordable long-term to run and replace window a/c, to set up and keep split systems. An a/c can change the temperature, humidity or general quality of the air. More specifically, an air conditioning system makes your house cooler, by drawing heat out of the house and moving that heat to the outdoors, then changing the air inside your home with cooler air. Unlike with air conditioning system, which work best when you keep the doors and windows closed, air coolers require to be put in a good air flow near an open window (where dry fresh air can be found in) and with an open door (for wet exhaust air to drain). That makes sense if you consider it: the water you're adding to the airflow is "soaking" up heat from the room, and if you constantly expel moist air while permitting dry air to enter in its place, you're continuously getting rid of heat. Air coolers that work by direct evaporation (adding water) can likewise be utilized as humidifiers however, because case, the doors and windows do need to be kept closed to allow the humidity to increase.
The Best Aircon Service in Laguna
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helloyoganandsblog · 3 years
Types of Wooden Cutting Board
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Types of Wooden Cutting Board   There are several types of wooden cutting boards that are available in the market today. It depends on you if you would want a plain wooden cutting board with no pattern or if you would want one that has a carved pattern on it. A  plain wooden cutting board will have a very simple look, but they are very common and can be used for many purposes. Flat boards are easy to maintain since they can be wiped with a damp cloth. These boards are usually made of wood such as oak, maple, birch, cherry etc.   PINCHED BAGGY Most people use this type of wooden cutting board because of its practicality and versatility. They are usually made of plastic and are very lightweight. These boards are usually self-sharpening and can be used for any kind of knife or cutlery. When it comes to choosing from the various types of wooden cutting board(s), it is important to choose one depending on your needs and preferences. If you are looking for something that is convenient and easy to handle then you should go for the flat boards. For those who want something with a more elegant and classic look and feel than the flat ones are what they are looking for. If you are looking for one that can be used for various types of knives then the bamboo kitchen boards are the best option for you.   Wooden Cutting Board - Types There are four common types of cutting board(s), plastic, bamboo, wood composite, and metal. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's good to understand them so you can make an informed decision. Wood Type Wood composite is the most environmentally friendly of the four. It's made from recycled plastics like lumber and veneer, which makes it easier for the environment. These boards are also stronger than plastic or bamboo boards, which makes them more resistant to tearing and harder to break. WoodGrain type Woodgrain is the main feature of a wooden cutting board. The wood grain pattern can help you identify whether the board is sturdy enough to support heavy cuts and whether the pattern has been treated properly. The type of wood used in the boards also determines their cost. Plastic Type Plastic is one of the cheapest types of wooden cutting boards. Because it's made from oil-based resins, it's resistant to chemicals and won't warp if cut on a rough surface. Because it's cheap, it's easy to find plastic boards with little imperfections. However, it tends to crack easily if handled roughly, and it's not very durable. Its edge grain is usually shallow and pronounced, which makes it more likely to snap when tripped on a rough surface. Type of Bamboo  Bamboo and plastic are the priciest varieties of carving boards, but they also offer the best combination of strength, durability, and price. Bamboo is a natural material that doesn't require any special treatment and its grain pattern is highly visible. Its surface is smooth and flat, which makes it excellent for cutting and carving. On the downside, bamboo is more expensive than plastic or wood composite.   Wood Composite vs Plastic boards Wood composite boards are probably the most versatile types of wooden cutting boards, with both wood grain and decorative designs. The grain can be seen, but it's typically not as strong as some other types of wood. This means it's better suited to be laminated or coated, and it does have some sheen to it. Some wood composite varieties are highly durable and can last for decades. They can also resist chemicals and are relatively easy to work with. These qualities make wood cutting boards popular for many different types of kitchen and food preparation tasks. Plastic is a very durable, low-priced type of wood cutting board. It's also fairly easy to work with, making it perfect for some home decor tasks. While it's not as strong as wood, plastic is still very sturdy. Some plastic varieties are highly stain resistant, but others are not. It's also fairly easy to find plastic boards that are laminated or coated, making them highly appealing for kitchen and food preparation purposes.   How to Clean Wooden Cutting Board Dishwashers aren't the only things that can damage wooden cutting boards. Water and heat can dull boards, especially when you're using them on aluminium or stainless steel dishwasher. Because dishwashers are so moist and warm, this can lead to a chemical reaction that leaves your dishwasher board with a gleam that's not so nice. This can be fixed by either purchasing a special silver-coloured dishwasher detergent to apply to the dishwasher or by wiping your board down with a paper towel. If your dishwasher has a brass plate, you can also purchase brass polish to buff your wooden board. If you need a new wooden cutting board or wooden cutting boards for your kitchen, there are plenty of online retailers that offer great deals and discount prices. Many companies offer free shipping for purchases over a certain amount of money, and some even give you large discounts for bulk orders. This is the best way to find a wooden cutting board or any other type of cut board because you can save the most money and choose the exact board design you want. How to Choose The Right Wooden Cutting Board The most important thing that you have to consider when you want to know how to choose the right wooden cutting board is to determine your needs. You have to know your requirements in order to choose the appropriate board for the kitchen. These necessities may include the size of the board, its shape, how much it costs and other features. If you have no experience or knowledge when it comes to these things, you can always find a company that would offer you their services and help you in selecting the right board. Of course, you have to bear in mind that the more experienced and knowledgeable about the company is, the more money they will charge you.  If you want to cut down the foods that you want to prepare, then a plastic cutting board is not the best option. You have to use wooden boards because they are safer and more hygienic. This is the reason why these boards are used in almost all types of kitchens. There are certain factors that you have to consider when you want to buy the right one for your kitchen.   Plan to Buy Perfect wooden Board 1. you have to determine the size of the board that you will need. This is an important factor since you have to choose whether you want to use it for domestic or commercial kitchens. If you are going to buy one for the kitchen, then you will need a simple one that has just about the same size as the boards that you use for personal consumption. However, if you are buying one for professional use, you have to make sure that the board will fit the dimensions of the refrigerator. 2. you also have to determine the colour of the board. There are different kinds of boards that come in different colours. When choosing the board, you have to know what kind of colour you need. Most boards come in the natural colour but there are also those that are available in various shades of brown and black. You can also choose from a block of dark wood to light wood. 3. you have to consider the thickness of the board. Different types of boards come in different thicknesses. If you have thin boards, it will be easier for you to slice the ingredients that you will use for your kitchen. In addition, you will need to cut the ingredients without having the knife stuck in between the boards. This can cause the board to split when you are trying to cut the food into slices. 4. you have to consider the material that the board is made from. There are different materials that you can choose from. The most common materials include oak, maple, pine, cherry and many more. The size of the board will also depend on the material that the board is made from. If you want a board that is durable, then you should go for hardwood boards. On the other hand, if you want a board that is lightweight, then you should choose vinyl or particleboard. 5. you also need to think about how the wooden cutting board will be used. If you plan to use the board during the summer, you should go for the non-slip variety. Also, if you are using the board during the cold months, then you can go for the heat-resistant variety. On the other hand, if you plan to use the board during winter, then you need to find a board that is able to keep the food warm. If you need help in choosing the right wooden cutting board, then you can ask the staff in your local store. They will surely be able to help you choose the best one for your kitchen.   How to Choose a Simple One Although there are numerous types of boards available in the market, you should choose a wooden cutting board based on your needs. If you plan to use it regularly in the kitchen, you can consider getting a heat-resistant and non-slip board. On the other hand, if you only plan to buy the board to decorate the kitchen, then you can choose the one that matches the other pieces of furniture in your kitchen. Once you know how to choose the right wooden cutting board, you can start to beautify your kitchen. Just remember to clean it frequently so that it can last for many years. If you have just started a new kitchen and want to know how to choose the right wooden cutting board, then you should know that it is much better to choose a simple one. Of course, if you want to cut different things and serve different kinds of foods, you should get a fancy wooden cutting board. However, if you want to cook on your kitchen table every day, a simple one will do. It is very important to know that quality comes first before anything else. The cutting board stands should be sturdy. It should be able to withstand all kinds of use. The stand should be stable enough to hold even a heavy piece of food. It is especially important if you are going to use the wooden board for food preparation since the food can potentially be heated up.  The stand should also be able to provide the right amount of support for your board. The legs of the board should be sturdy enough to hold it up while you are chopping and it should be able to absorb the impact when cutting using your knife. The thickness of the board should also match the thickness of your knife. If you have a thin knife, it would be better to get a thinner board since it will provide better results when cutting. Click here to read more Articles   Read the full article
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fapangel · 7 years
President Trump is about to lift the Obama error ban on allowing the Police to getting and using military grade equipment and weapons. Is this a good thing or bad in your thoughts on this?
It’s good, because “militarization of police” has absolutely nothing to do with the equipment they use, because the difference between military and police is all about training, not toys. 
We’ve a ready example in the Chris Dorner manhunt, where a single ex-military man with a rifle drove the Los Angeles Police Department insane with terror. The LAPD were so terrified of this one man with a rifle that on two separate occasions they mag-dumped on civilians in pickup trucks that were the wrong model and color to be the suspect’s vehicle. One man was rammed off the road before LAPD officers riddled his vehicle with bullets, and two little old Hispanic ladies, who were driving away from the cops when the LAPD lit them up with over a hundred rounds.
The attacks that rattled the LAPD so badly that they were blowing away any civilian in a pickup truck that got within a hundred yards of them were described by Dorner himself as “unconventional asymmetric warfare,” (and indeed were.) For the military, which has been fighting urban/rural insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan for 16 years now, that’s also known as “Tuesday afternoon.” Soldiers operating road checkpoints have established procedures for flagging down vehicles, and when they open fire, they actually stop the vehicle and kill the occupants with swift and lethal efficiency. Few incidents illustrate the vast discrepency between trained military soldiers and police officers better than the Dorner incident, but the many errors of the fabled FBI raid on the Waco compound, where the Feds had all the time in the world to bring in specialized “shooters,” equipment and lay plans for an orchestrated assault, and managed to get four FBI agents - and every noncombatant in the compound - killed anyways is a close second. The cavalcade of planning fuckups in that raid are heartbreaking to read. There is absolutely no comparing civilian law enforcement and actual soldiers - which is often seen in reverse when governments try to use soldiers as police in various overseas “peacekeeping” operations. The military has their own dedicated branch of military police for a very, very good reason. 
Equipment vs. Mindset
A few years back MuckRock got tons of data via FOIA request on what equipment was distributed to which states - go ahead and look up your own state, if you’d like. The sample data in the MuckRock article (for Missouri) matches what I found for my own state - namely, the vast majority of things local PDs buy is the kind of stuff you buy at your local military surplus store - clothing, supplies and various odds-and-ends, not advanced electronics or weapons. Adverse-weather gear, magazine pouches, clothes, kneepads, scope rings, scope mounts, even filing cabinets make up the vast bulk of it. This shouldn’t be a surprise - most of what any Police Department spends is on boring essentials like these. They already have guns, because Law Enforcement has always had access to the same vendors that supply the military. All they get from this program is a bargain. 
And what a bargain. A tremendous amount of caterwauling and hand-wringing was done over local PDs buying surplus MRAPs, but police departments have always had armored personnel carriers - they’re called SWAT tanks. A SWAT Tank has exactly one job - to drive a bunch of highspeedlowdragoperatorz from the “road” end of the driveway up to the house housing the “barricaded gunman.” Traditionally you have two options for buying these - pay a specialized company to up-armor an existing commercial vehicle, which is very expensive (this Nat. Geo documentary shows the process in detail,) or buy an actual military APC that’s also offered in disarmed “law enforcement” models from a major arms manufacturer (even more expensive.) The MRAPs, however, are worn-out from service in Iraq and Afghanistan (which is why Iraq got so many of them free; they weren’t worth the cost to ship home,) and the military is eager to be rid of the rest, as they’re useless for anything outside of their specialized role and all the armor makes them a maintenance hog. Local PDs, however, are going to leave them in a garage most of the year, and these vehicles come with stuff like built-in night vision that would cost your average PD more to buy alone than they’re paying for the entire vehicle. 
This applies to everything else available through the program. Police have always used grenade launchers of any kind employed by the military for deploying tear gas grenades, they’ve always been able to buy select-fire/fully automatic rifles and submachine guns, (many, like select-fire variants of Ruger’s Mini-14, were built and marketed specifically to Law Enforcement markets,) and of course most police wear body armor. PD’s have always been able to buy pretty much any weapon of mayhem or destruction they can justify, with the only limit being the budget - and many PDs have long had a penchant for buying fancy toys that spend most of their time collecting dust in an armory. 
The problem has nothing to do with equipment. Consider this picture of police officers from the Ferguson riots, helpfully labeled by Business Insider (fullres here:)
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There’s only one piece of equipment in this photo that police rarely, if ever, have used in decades past. Not the short-barreled rifle - they’ve always had those, especially SWAT teams. Not the mag pouches - every cop has two of them on their duty belt. Kevlar helmets are standard-issue riot gear, and so are gas-masks, (for protection from their own tear-gas.) That’s all the same old shit.
The problem is the camouflage uniforms. 
Of everything in this picture, it’s the MARPAT camouflage that is completely useless for police officers standing on an urban street. Not only is there no woods to hide in, but the aim of a police officer, especially deployed for riot duty, is to be visible. Police uniforms are a visible symbol of their status as enforcers of law and order. These officers lined up outside of the Ferguson PD are a great example of riot gear combined with the visible uniform presence, with the man closest to the camera displaying the usual “uniform” of either SWAT or riot control - a simple single-color black outfit with patches on it. This Minneapolis Police statement concerning SWAT uniform color changes illustrates why - dark uniforms don’t blend into urban environments any better than anything else, but they do make the presence of body armor (almost always black-covered) less obvious to anyone that might be shooting at them. And even then, their vests say POLICE on them in Big White Letters. 
A reminder - SWAT teams are specialized shooters; armed and armored for full-on firefights - and even they subordinate tactical effectiveness of their outfits to some degree to maintain the symbols identifying them as enforcers of law and order. Even if they didn’t, they’d use purpose-made urban camouflage, not milsup MARPAT that does nothing (to say nothing of those coyote-brown combat boots.) 
That MARPAT camo is the visible symptom of the real problem - these police are playing as soldiers, which they’re most certainly not. The camo doesn’t just complete the “image” of a high-speed-low-drag-OPERATOR, it also works against the image of Enforcer Of Law And Order which has always been an integral part of how police keep the peace; by emphasizing their presence as a deterrent to would-be crime. Even riot control ops rely on this; the image of a uniform line of black-clad cops beating their batons on their shields like an advancing shield-wall of ancient warriors is potent and intimidating. Abandoning that image to drape themselves in military garb is the one tangible, equipment-related signifier of their shift in mentality. Even the uniforms would’ve meant nothing had the Ferguson PD not acted the way they did; running around in gaggles vaguely resembling “fire teams,” pointing rifles everywhere like kids playing soldier, rather than comporting themselves as riot control officers always have (with specific tactics, weapons and equipment meant for the job.) 
Hyperventilating over “military equipment” is a folly exclusive to people utterly ignorant of firearms and the distinctions (or rather, lack thereof) between them, and Obama’s cancellation of the program only shut off a cheaper source of vital mundane equipment needed by every department, and of serviceable SWAT rifles for the many, many small PDs that are trying to up-gun for possible response to active-shooter terrorist attacks with limited small-town budgets.
Years ago, one of my family members was a beat cop in a local city PD. Whilst milling around outside of another Suspected Barricaded Gunman call, one of the SWAT team members scuttled over to a mud puddle in a pothole, dipped his fingers in, and started smearing his face with mud, for face camo. The nearby rubbernecker’s gaggle, observing this display on a balmy summer afternoon with nary a cloud in the sky, stared in silence before turning their baffled, questioning gazes, as one, onto my relative. 
He could only sigh, shrug, and say “Uh… they don’t get out much.” 
The urge to play Soldier is nothing new - just check out an airsoft event sometime if you doubt me - but the Dorner manhunt and the Waco mess exemplify the disasters that ensue when police officers mistakenly think they’re capable of doing a soldier’s job, or that police situations should be approached like they’re soldiers jobs. Arguing about where the police buy the same equipment they’ve always used will simply obfuscate the source of the problem, rather than solving it. 
Sheriffs are elected officials. If you don’t know who’s running your PD - and how - you should educate yourself. The power is in our hands - it’s about time we used it. 
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lindawood · 5 years
How Permethrin Can Help Protect You From Ticks
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As reported in The New York Times (Wirecutter’s parent company), the CDC recently announced that insect-borne illnesses have more than tripled in the US in the past 14 years. Those numbers are for mosquitos, fleas, and ticks combined, but if you’re going to get an insect-borne illness in this country, you’re statistically most likely to get Lyme disease, carried by black-legged ticks, aka deer ticks, and most prevalent on the East Coast and in the Midwest. As we say in our bug repellent guide, a 25 percent picaridin repellent works pretty well—against mosquitos. It’s not as effective against ticks. Plus, ticks that simply walk to a part of your body without bug spray can avoid DEET-treated areas, according to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (PDF).
The best thing to keep ticks from biting you is permethrin. As an insecticide, permethrin will actually kill ticks, not just keep them away, and it’s different from DEET in that you put it on your clothes rather than spraying it on your skin. If you need to get serious about tick protection this summer, we’ve done the research on where to find permethrin, how to use it, and what safety concerns may arise.
What you can do now
You have a few ways to use permethrin. You can buy a spray and treat clothes you already own, buy already treated clothes, or send your clothes to a service for treatment.
If you go into tick-infested areas only occasionally, we think buying a permethrin spray is the easiest way to quickly take action. The Sawyer brand has worked well for me. It has a concentration of about 0.5 percent permethrin, plus inactive ingredients to help bind it to fabric. Although we haven’t put Sawyer’s spray through the usual Wirecutter testing wringer, it’s what the TickEncounter Resource Center suggests too, and Amazon customers seem to dig it, with 4.5 stars out of five across 3,471 reviews at this writing.
Other permethrin sprays intended for personal use should be equally effective, but don’t get sprays made for a yard or for agricultural use. Since those formulas are meant to be sprayed on plants, they won’t stick to your clothes as well, according to Thomas Mather, aka The Tick Guy, director of the University of Rhode Island’s Center for Vector-Borne Disease and the TickEncounter Resource Center. Depending on what brand you end up with, treating clothes yourself means that the permethrin will last anywhere from four to six washings. Even if you don’t wash your treated shoes, Mather recommends re-treating them about once a month.
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Buying a permethrin spray is the easiest way to quickly take action against ticks.
Sprays are a great everyday fix, but if you’re a dedicated outdoorsperson, looking into pretreated clothes might be worth your time (and remember, they also keep mosquitoes from biting you). If you want to buy pretreated garments, you have a ton of options: Amazon, BugBeWear, Insect Shield, L.L.Bean, and REI all sell permethrin-treated clothes; Insect Shield also sells clothes just for kids (and a few things for dogs). These treatments last for about 70 washes.
Insect Shield can also treat clothes you already own. This is the same treatment the company applies to clothes it sells, both under its own brand and others (such as ExOfficio). Insect Shield charges per item of clothing but offers bulk discounts. Getting your treated clothes back takes about two weeks.
Pretreated is the way to go from a cost effectiveness standpoint, Mather told us. “Seventy washes probably gets closer to the life of the clothing for the most part. Four or five doesn’t.” And it can be hard to remember to treat clothing yourself every month, he added. Buying it pretreated solves the upkeep problem.
Where to spray it and when
Ticks are less likely to bite if you’re wearing permethrin-treated clothes, and by far the most important thing to treat is what you’re wearing on your feet. Although studies have found that wearing a treated shirt or shorts makes ticks about two to four times less likely to bite, if you treat just your shoes and socks, you’re about 74 times less likely to be bitten by a tick than if you’re wearing untreated footwear, which is a pretty big deal.
“We’ve done tests with clothing, and we can watch the ticks fall off and die. So there is good scientific evidence that this works and it actually works pretty well,” said Mather. However, you have to be strategic about what treated clothes you wear and when.
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In the spring and summer, it’s best to treat your socks and shoes. That could make you about 74 times less likely to be bitten by a tick, according to one study.
For the spring and summer, it’s best to treat your socks and shoes, Mather said. The immature, or nymph-stage, ticks are in the leaf litter at that time of year, and they’re most likely to get on your shoes and crawl up. They’re also so small that they can actually crawl through the weave of your socks, Mather said. “So spray your shoes the first of May, the first of June, first of July, first of August, and that will help you against the ticks that you can’t see.”
In the fall, the adult-stage black-legged ticks come out. They tend to crawl up on plants and get on your body higher up, usually around your shins or knees, Mather said. “Then you would like to have treated pants, and you’d like to tuck your shirt tail in so that the ticks stay on the outside of your clothing longer.” If you’re still wearing shorts at that time, make sure to spray them both inside and out if they’re not pretreated.
In the winter, black-legged ticks can still be active as long as they’re not frozen on the ground, Mather told us. “These are the first to emerge in the very early spring, followed fairly quickly by the American dog tick adults and the Lone Star tick, both nymph and adults.” So put those permethrin-treated pants back on when the snow melts.
Safety concerns
Some people worry that since permethrin is an insecticide, it will harm them. This is pretty unlikely. It kills ticks by interfering with how neurons fire in bugs’ little brains, causing them to spasm and die. But how our neurons fire is slightly different, plus we’re much larger and can metabolize permethrin before it can get to our nervous system (permethrin is over 2,250 times more toxic to ticks than to humans). Obviously, you shouldn’t eat it, but even if you’re exposed to a lot of permethrin, it’s unlikely to hurt you. According to the TickEncounter Resource Center permethrin fact sheet, a 140-pound person would have no adverse health effects even if exposed to 32 grams of permethrin in a day, and a bottle of clothing treatment has less than 1 gram of permethrin. (If you’re pregnant, know that animal studies have found no evidence that permethrin is harmful. The government gives it a Category B rating since there haven’t been meaningful permethrin studies with pregnant women.)
Permethrin can potentially harm bees, fish, and aquatic invertebrates. And oddly, cats—but only when it’s wet. When the permethrin spray dries, it’s okay for your cat to be around. This goes for fish too—if you step in a stream wearing permethrin-treated shoes, it won’t wash off and hurt the fish, Mather said. “Once it’s dried onto the fiber, it doesn’t come off very well. That’s why it can go through the wash five or 70 times, depending on the mode of application, because it’s stuck.”
But will it come off in the laundry and pollute the environment? That’s a much bigger question. Permethrin is a type of molecule known as a pyrethroid. These substances are pretty widely used: They’re in more than 3,500 registered products, including those used on pets and in treated clothing, in mosquito control, and in agriculture, according to the EPA. It’s also the main ingredient in some over-the-counter lice treatments. Permethrin spray for clothing is designed to stick to fiber and comes off only minimally in the wash. Still, research into pyrethroid pollution is ongoing.
Our favorite tick-check method
If you do get a tick, it’s important to remove the insect relatively quickly. Once one crawls onto your body, it can be hours until the tick attaches its horrible sawlike mouth onto you, and then another 12 hours until it starts transmitting disease—except for deer tick disease, which took only 15 minutes in a study on mice (yikes). Remember, black-legged ticks are tiny when they’re nymphs, about the size of a poppy seed (thank you for ruining all poppy seed things forever, CDC), so they can be hard to see.
Because ticks often attach in areas you tend not to pay much attention to—which makes finding them harder—Mather suggests doing tick checks fairly regularly, perhaps during one of life’s most intimate moments. “I noticed that I could see a lot if I just paid attention while I was sitting on the toilet,” Mather said. “I can see down the inside of both of my legs and behind my knees by doing a little twisting. I can push my junk to the left and to the right, and I can kind of check it out to see if I see any ticks there.” He did note that it’s hard to see your own butt, and you might still need help in that area. “But if I do that once or twice a day, I’m doing a pretty reasonable tick check just while I’m multitasking.”
If you do find a tick, don’t panic. First, get some fine-tipped tweezers. Grab the tick as close as you can to your skin, and pull it straight out. Rub the bite with alcohol and wash your hands. Take deep breaths. Eat a poppy seed muffin. Mather said you should try to ID the tick before doing away with it. The TickSpotters program can help identify the type of tick and give you a risk assessment if you send in a clear picture. “If the tick is a risky tick, attached long enough to transmit any germ they might be carrying, then we suggest that people might want to have the tick tested, for peace of mind, and to have more information to pass along to their primary care or veterinary care provider,” Mather said. If you come down with a fever a few weeks later, call your doctor. But remember that if the tick is on you for less than 24 hours, your chances of getting a tick-borne disease are small. And if you remember to wear your summer socks, you have a good chance of killing ticks before they attack.
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Money-Saving Strategies For Getting In Shape On A Budget
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For many individuals, these are some extremely challenging financial times. The economy is sagging throughout the world. Whether you're a hedge fund manager in New York, or just a young man or female attempting to get by in your own little place in the suburban areas, you're seeing less worth for your money these days. This doesn't mean you need to substantially transform your way of life as well as offer up on the objectives which are so vital to you. Rather, you just have to pay closer attention to the items and also solutions you acquire, and also employ some strategies in order to help you to get the important things you want - at a better cost. Look into these bodybuilding money saving ideas!
Buy in bulk This suggestion might be good sense to some people that shop at a stockroom shop. If you have actually never ever been to one, then you might be not aware of the terrific financial savings you are bale to appreciate if you are able to commit to huge quantities of the very same kind of food. When it concerns food products like steak, chicken, rice, and also pasta, you could be conserving a lot of money every week by purchasing larger bags of the exact same item. Sure, you'll load the fridge freezer and cupboard rather quickly, however the result will certainly be a whole lot of meals for a great deal much less money. Plus you will certainly minimize gas prices, as you won't be owning to the grocery shop every 2 days for another 2 extra pounds of hen. A lot of the top bodybuilders are seen purchasing wholesale on their training and also way of life DVDs, and also you need to be doing the same. Vary the sauces and also spices you use on your foods, if you should keep things fresh. Some essential foods are needed for bodybuilding success - and you must be working to obtain them at a far better price!
Cook and Freeze Aside from buying in mass, you need to be cooking in bulk! Many people fail to remember the possibility cost of the time they make use of preparing 6 meals daily. Certain, it's simple to just invest 15 minutes throwing with each other a dish each time ... however in time, you're losing approximately 90 minutes each day that you might be committing to family, school, connections, or, voila, making more loan! You need to be in the kitchen every 3 hours, dedicating Thirty Minutes to cooking. Place on pots of hen, beef, potatoes, and all of the various other foods you enjoy - simultaneously! You could toss it right into your tiny Tupperware containers, and disperse them to your dinner plate over the next 72 hrs. This likewise enables you the advantage of buffet design eating, where you could appreciate 2 to 3 various carb and also healthy protein portions - with every meal! It can be difficult to ingest 9 ounces of poultry breast. 3 oz of chicken, 3 oz of beef, as well as 3 oz of fish, with each other in a bed of rice, can be quite an enjoyable mix! Cook wholesale, and also blend the dishes before you consume them!
Shop around Everyone is trying to find an one-upmanship these days. This implies most stores, fitness centers, and also other areas using the product or services you need to construct muscle are frequently ready to take a preliminary hit on profit margins in order to protect just what they think may be a good lasting relationship with a possible consumer. Utilize this to your advantage!
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Long term commitment Services are harder as well as harder to market nowadays, as the economic climate reduces. Health clubs and individual trainers are feeling this hit as well. They're investing even more time as well as money finding new consumers compared to they would certainly like. Every new customer is much more pricey than they made use of to be, considering that gym and individual training services are products which aren't precisely 'needed'. Individuals provide them up prior to they stop acquiring grocery stores or paying rent. This can serve to your benefit! Often, personal trainers will provide you a significant discount rate on their training costs if you agree to accept 10, 15 or 20 sessions. Test them bent on ensure you like what they supply, after that request for a discount rate. Remind them that you're saving them a great deal of energy and time by agreeing to such a long-lasting commitment, particularly in this economic environment. The very same suggestion puts on health clubs. With so several chains supplying "no agreement" subscriptions, you may be able to obtain a steal on a subscription at the fitness center you truly desire by concurring to a long-term dedication, at a much reduced price!
Word of mouth Relationships are vital to success in numerous things in life. Simply stating "Yes, I'm seeking some made use of workout tools" at a table of ten colleagues will certainly result in someone discussing a relative seeking to dump a nice new Olympic bench for the price of supper at a nice dining establishment. Place your perceptive, and also you could uncover you're paying dimes on the dollar for the tools you have to remain in shape!
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