#and oliver starks comments on the interview?
rugretti · 2 months
🥺oliver stark
#i really like my buddie fics when they include the qhole discovering urself course#and the whole finding your identity between a closely knit chosen family and its so#its shit ill never be able to experience (am ace and will never be out irl) and its makes me so happy just thinking abt it#that people write these things and allows people to feel the emotions theyre tryna give and its so so#*imaginw heart melting*#and oliver starks comments on the interview?#i love that hes a good actor i love that he loves acting i love that he loves his job and i#love he loves the character he plays#and has the cofidence in gis skills and his chemistry with his coworkers and his artform that hes willing bring up and explore#different possibilities#and it also sounds like hes been wanting to pursue this route for a long time and im going insane thinking abt how happy#hes got to be to be able to do it#he aounds happy that hes able to do it but also happy that he knows there are people who he agrees with#im just#im so happy for him and for me and the people that were hoping for this#it wouldve been perfectly fine to not do jt too bc the fanworks qould still be here the characters would atill be here#experienxing media doesnt have to stop with the original work because yiur experiences are a heavy influence on ur overall happiness w the w#ork#but im so glad they did it#i love that hes got the support of his friends and coworkers too#i love you oliver stark#i love the evan buckley that you show us and i love your vision
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178owintersball · 2 months
I have no evidence but im 100% convinced Oliver reads buddie fics.
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mishtershpock · 1 month
#not to sound like a broken record#i know this has already been talked about a lot in current fandom discourse#but all the tommy love also comes from a place of#misogyny (buck’s m/f relationships failed bc the women weren’t good enough. but his first m/m is perfect and destined and tommy is god)#(even though we know next to nothing about them as a couple. cough 1 kiss and 1 failed date cough cough)#and biphobic concepts (buck’s only relationship/partner that is worth shipping and love and fandom time is the m/m one)#(if he’s with a woman he’s not worth our time? the relationship/partner isn’t worth our time. right?)#some people kinda sounding like the conservative haters right now#oliver stark’s voice shouting from afar: he isn’t gay! he is bisexual! he still likes women!#some people like to celebrate bi buck (as we should) but then erase his previous gfs#in favour of this 1 man he’s shared literally 4 scenes with. okay#<- <- <- i drafted this like 6 hours before that interview came out. ollie came to back me up with the ‘he still likes women’ lmao#him dating a guy now does not erase or dismiss his previous m/f relationships or that he’s still into women#one final comment. any time buck got with a girl it was ‘they need to break up immediately’#‘she’s not right for him’#he’s with his first guy and it’s ’they should be endgame’#‘they’re perfect together’#huh?? one. we barely know tommy/them together#two. what exactly makes them endgame material? bc they’re both men? cough biphobic misogyny fetishization cough#three. it would be objectively hilarious if he realises his sexuality and within 2 weeks is dating a guy for the first time#and then that guy ends up being his endgame forever partner. lmaoooo that would be so dumb sawry#not to mention it would kinda lean into the biphobia and misogyny mentioned above#in that it would suggest that his problem with finding love previously was… women#and this problem is now magically fixed because… man#four. not to be a buddie endgame truther but if all the vocal support means this is what we get instead#instead of Them. i’m out see ya bye bye#i am sooooo reading way too much into this but oh well
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dotthings · 2 months
You know who I feel sad for right now is Misha, because I think he wanted to be able to speak much much earlier than he was able to about Cas’s confession. We know he drafted an essay about Cas’s coming out…and then wound up not publishing it. Misha deserved to be able to talk about it in interviews the way Oliver Stark is able to about Buck. Misha mentioned it on zoom calls, briefly. And then it seems like he got yanked back by the PR machine and the nature of Cas’s confession wasn’t discussed on any SPN PR materials and for a time Misha was restricted on what he could say on CE Con stages.
At first, back then, for a few glorious days, I thought the stigma about queer Cas, about Destiel, had been lifted, finally, and then WB/CW brought the restrictions back down via PR. Oh you can have your confession scene, SPN, but corporate will control the narrative on how it’s spoken about or not.
We saw this thaw over time. (Anyone who claims otherwise or that Misha was always able to be open about it, is lying). Now Misha can speak openly about it and that shift began around the time when Chaos Machine really set up shop and changed a few con policies. So I’m happy for Misha that he can speak only about Cas being queer and what the confession means and Cas coming out, but he still has yet to be able to speak in depth about it in major PR. The openness about it comes out on con stage. At first it was non-CE Cons. Then finally he was more able to speak freely on CE Con stages.
Which leads me to another point, which is that, in fact, any of us who thought Cas was supposed to be in the series finale? We were right all along. The PR Misha filmed meant to mislead and misdirect about his last episode…PR misdirect to cover up so it could be a surprise, which makes sense and is sometimes how PR is run. Remember that the production shutdowns of the pandemic happened during the first days of filming 15.19. We found out eventually Dean and Cas were planned to be seen at the Roadhouse bar in Heaven together.
When they filmed 15.18 everyone thought Cas would at least cameo in 15.20. During the filming of 15.18 nobody directly involved knew how far Cas would be shoved out of the story, the actors didn’t know, the writer didn’t know, the director didn’t know, how far 15.20 would be stripped back, no one knew how reduced even mere mentions would be in 15.20.
I’ve talked about this before but a reminder how screwed the spn creatives who worked on 15.18 were, how screwed over the actors were.
You were right. If you thought that there was going to be at least some satisfaction and closure and Cas was going to have one more appearance before the end and it wouldn’t be able to be loud open canon, but something that implied mutual canon Destiel.
We were right. We were right all along.
Antis on twitter dot com can keep scratching and clawing and harassing and gaslighting and spewing phobic comments, denying what Jensen’s views are and dening that corporate censorship is real and that bi Dean is canonical via queer coding and queer Cas is now loud open canon and Destiel is mutual, via canon queer coding. Won’t change what happened here or that the intent was so, so much better and more than what 15.20 delivered, and the reason it fell apart was the production shutdown gave some parties high up too much time to think and then interfere and cut Cas out.
There is no more room to indulge media illiteracy and malicious denialism and trolling from antis.
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blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
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Go ahead and convince me that is just a friendly look. 😒 I'll wait.
Last night, I clocked it but felt I overlooked something. I caught "the look" going on, but I was missing something.
This morning, I see this and i have some thoughts. What if there is a bi arc but it isn't what we've all been speculating? Like the writers of this show wouldn't love throwing curveballs.
So, give me a minute and stay with me? Okay? Just hear me out.
These two seem very familiar with each other. I don't think Hen touched Tommy, but Buck easily reaches for him and Tommy turns into the touch before even looking at Buck. Then the return touch to Buck is just as familiar. It almost screams, "Go on. Get outta here!"
What if the journey for Buck isn't figuring out he is bi? What if the journey is his being bi being revealed to his family and friends via an old fling or an ex and figuring out how he really feels about Eddie?
Also, Tommy is staring Eddie down like a starving man seeing a buffet. (We get it, Tommy. Trust me. Millions of us would be drowning in a puddle of our own drool if that man walked by, so we completely understand.) He was about to follow Eddie and walk away without sparing Buck a glance. (Which is criminal because Oliver Stark is fire!)
So here are some alternative theories that are floating around in my mind:
1-Could the revelation about Buck happen because Tommy pursues Eddie, which pisses Buck off? If Buck and Tommy had a fling, maybe Buck tries to warn Eddie against getting involved with Tommy, because Eddie has mentioned in canon he is a nester and doesn't like games or just messing around with people and Tommy isn't the type to settle down. Buck is asked how he knows, and BOOM! Bi Buck is revealed. Buck is jealous of Tommy being into Eddie. Eddie finds himself hurt that Buck never came out to him, although Buck was never in the closet, his sexuality just never came up, and jealous that Buck would be with other men, but not him.
Cue both men going on a journey of self-discovery.
2- Tommy hits on Eddie. Eddie responds positively and begins considering opening himself to the possibility of being with a man. Eddie has the bi awakening. This leads to either:
a. Eddie discovering his possible interest in men and confessing to Buck, who then tells Eddie he is bi, too, and will support him no matter what. There is eventual jealousy, realizations, etc.
b. Eddie discovering his possible interest in men and confessing to Buck. Eddie explores his bi side, whether it be with Tommy or just trying dating men. Buck tries to be supportive, but his inner green-eyed monster rises and makes him realize a few things about how he really sees his best friend.
(Also cue multiple new plot bunnies! 🙄🙄🙄 Stills, interviews, episodes, random posts... The bunnies are hiding everywhere!
The silver lining of all this inspiration is my creative juices have definitely been flowing like a raging river. It's helping me find my muses for my original works.)
(Thank you to everyone who has read my fics, commented, left kudos, and been supportive. You are much appreciated! 😘)
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gaydinosaurrr · 2 months
I love Oliver Stark interviews because the comment section is always full of people talking about buddie or going "He's British???"
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buddiebeginz · 6 days
If they are keeping Lou around for any part of season 8 the show has to put an end to the cameo nonsense. Some of the Buck/Oliver takes that are starting to make the rounds are next level insane. I saw one scolding Oliver for making Lou do all the promoting of the ship. Another post said the writers needed to up Buck's game because he's not at the level of commitment yet that Tommy is being written (wtf when were these episodes). And yet another post scolding Oliver for promoting Buddie and Buck for continuing to spend time with Eddie.
They are taking these PAID (you paid him to say this shit) videos and making them canon. No part of anything he's saying is canon. Firstly, he wouldn't be allowed to tell them any actual canon facts and secondly Oliver/Buck is the character/actor the show gives a shit about. He's encouraging this nonsense and it's gross. Him promoting himself is fine, it's low-key cringe given the fact the other half of the ship is silent but you do you, babe. Oliver's silence is what's pissing his fans off. Seriously tell me you're new to Captain Starks ways without telling me you're new. He promotes no ship but the Buddie ship, canon or not. These people are here for Lou. When he goes, happy for him to take them with him.
I'm not sure why they keep letting him do those cameos especially after he pissed people off when he said T*mmy being homophobic and racist to Hen and Chim was just teasing. He also talked about people recognizing him in Thailand in the AH interview and did this fake stereotypical asian accent. 🤦‍♀️He really needs a better agent and some media training because they'd for sure tell him to knock that shit off.
I could see the cameos being fun to do a few times when he first came back to the show even to garner excitement about B/T and T*mmy but the fact that he's done so many now and has even raised the price just makes him look desperate for attention. And like you said he gives all these headcanons about T*mmy in his videos that his obsessive fans have taken for absolute fact. We would never hear the end of it if Buddie fandom was paying Ryan for videos like that.
I agree with you that a majority of B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou not Buck and Oliver. I still can't believe that a lot of them used to be Buddie shippers. I think everyone should be able to ship what they want including multishipping but I don't get how some of them dropped a ship they were seemingly invested in for years for the nothing that is B/T.
That part of fandom also loves to call us delusional and say we're seeing only what we want to see but a lot of times we're just pointing out what's actually happening. Like in the recent episode T*mmy was being a downer to Buck's enthusiasm (which has basically become the norm for them). The camera also paned to Eddie after Buck got his award not T*mmy. Buck chose to run off to Eddie's after work not to T*mmy's. These are things the show is literally showing us not just stuff we're imagining.
It's similar with Oliver. They can come up with all the reasons in the world why he's never promoted B/T through this entire season but it doesn't matter because he still hasn't and likely won't. I've seen them say Oliver doesn't post anything about B/T or Lou to avoid dealing with the hate or to not upset Buddie fans or to protect Lou. The thing is though Oliver has left social media before when he's had issues and could again if he wanted to. He's also been dealing with homophobic comments since Buck came out but he's never shied away from talking about Buck coming out and has even addressed the hate on his insta.
Oliver liked a couple of B/T pieces of art when the story first happened but I think that was more to support the bi Buck storyline and the artists than anything else. Multiple times during this season he's liked Buddie art (including a tattoo which he commented on three times) he's also posted Buddie related and Ryan stuff on his stories. If he wanted to show support to Lou or B/T he could easily post on his stories where people can't comment. B/T stans can think what they want but it's clear Oliver doesn't promote any of that because he's rooting for Buddie harder than anyone. I think he knows B/T isn't going to be around forever and he's trying not to lead people on about it as he's said in the past he hates to do that.
I really hope we can get rid of T*mmy at the end of s7 although knowing Tim he'll probably keep him for added drama until s8. Unfortunately even when B/T ends I expect those fans to do a lot of complaining because they've concocted this whole idea in their head that T*mmy is Buck's endgame soulmate. They even want T*mmy to be added on as main character and get a begins episode. So I fully expect some of them to riot when he inevitably gets the ax. The rest will probably run back to Buddie the minute it becomes canon and try to pretend they never left. Jokes on them though because a lot of Buddie shippers have blocked them for how awful they've been this season especially towards Eddie.
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911tvshowpolls · 1 month
Poll Suggestions: Bi-Buck's Diva!
Hello 911 fandom!
The plan for the poll today is to let fans answer a question brought up in Oliver Stark's interview with Gay Times that was released earlier today (you may have seen it, read about it, watched fandom go insane about it).
The interviewer asked who Buck's musical "diva" was, but Oliver Stark didn't have an answer (which is totally fair, probably ha a few others things to think about).
We are asking for your suggestions to who you think should be in our poll later today! Which Divas should the fandom choose between?
We will include obvious contenders, such as Beyonce and Taylor Swift, but are looking for your ideas to fill out other options!
Drop ideas in the tags, comment, send us an ask.
Send in Buck's favourite Diva ideas for our poll however you want!
The poll will be posted later today. Please send all your ideas promptly!
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arkhammaid · 3 months
Pookie 2 cause Olibear (get it?.. oliver and bear) anyways, they'll be so cute. Pookie x Pookie and honestly even though Carlos is a gentleman I can see him bringing little stark down cause the media is constantly talking about her and their family unlike before it was the sainz and SAINZ ONLY. He'll talk bad things about little stark but then like Carlos Sr is going like "we can't fight them they have more power" resulting to Carlos being more mad iyk. Then, we have olliee the pookiest of all pookie..he's so cute, protective but not possessive, will definitely brag to his friends that the girl she's dating is out of his league but chose him anyways. When little stark wins the race he has that little smug on his face like "yes, that's my girl no one else's". Even before they dated he's talking about her constantly so when news came out that they were seen together people just assume they're the best of friends and stuff. because of this Ollie is sulking cause everyone thinks he's just friendzoned and no one actually has faith in him that he can bag a girl like little stark
smitten in love Ollie x shining little stark
referring to this post
OLIBEAR!!!! OLIBEAR YES YES YES (this is now little stark's pet name for him, thank you sm anon) also welcome hehe, i assume you'll be the 🧸❤️ anon?
pookie x pookie fr, because they're each other hype(wo)men, they're so down for each other it's almost disgusting but it's just cute
also carlos. carlos has an ego and unlike ollie, he will not admit defeat or that someone is better than him who he thought previously is worse (not that ollie would ever think that but you get what i mean) i just know he gets the scolding of the century from his father because he can't help but talk shit about little stark
ALSO YES!! ollie would brag about little stark sm!! to his friends, his family, his team, ANYONE! it's always "my gf this, my gf that" and there are two reactions: 1. they think ollie is the biggest simp, 2. they think his gf is imaginary because he never told anyone WHO exactly his gf is
in an interview he gets asked how he will celebrate his podium and with the biggest grin and without shame he will say "with my gf" thinking innocenct thoughts like eating out with their families, cuddling to sleep and just enjoying their time. WHILE everyone else just goes "HUH?? DID HE JUST SAY THAT" because they all assume little innocent ollie bearman is doing the deed with his infamous gf
little stark gets asked for a comment and she will fluel the rumors abt them being best friends with a blinding smile and "i really hope he enjoys his time with his gf, very happy for him and his partner"
just you wait until it finally gets revealed that it's little stark
smitten in love ollie x shining little stark.... so beautiful. so so beautiful
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dancer-me · 1 year
Ok wait where are the bucks loft burns down theories I have yet I see them and I need them - was it confirmed and I missed it??
Oh it's 100% just a theory that I saw on my return to 911blr scroll and I love it because, deep down, I want the "Buddie Roommates Era" truthers to win and burning the guy's house down is an excellent way to get rid of his couch and force him to move onto the right couch.
I saw a snippet of an interview with Oliver Stark that is floating around on the 911 spoilers tag where he's saying that he's happy that the fans have latched onto the couch as a metaphor and that the new couch won't be around all that long anyway! Combining that with another comment he made about how Lucy does come back but as not a love interest, and something-something about how he's actually less than pleased about [seeing Lucy], has the whole "Buck sees Lucy again because she's putting out the fire at his house" speculation spinning.
It's all Clown Car as per usual but that's where the fun is!
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infernal-fire · 3 years
suburban dream
summary: how do you wake up from a nightmare? is it a nightmare if you’ve been asleep the whole time?
major warnings: noncon/dubcon smut, stalking, mention of pregnancy, some cum play (check the prompts for indications of other warnings)
a/n: this is for @iraot​’s 1.1k writing challenge. BIG congrats on 1.1k (i cannot explain how glad i am that others get to read your amazing work) and another BIG thank you for hosting this challenge.
Here are the results of my wheel spins:
Kink wheel: daddy kink, somnophilia, breeding kink Character wheel: Jake Jensen Situation wheel: Neighbours AU
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You let out a breath of relief as you dropped the last brown box into the corner of the room. How you managed to own this much stuff, you’d never know. Glanced around the living room, it was difficult to decide where to begin. After much contemplation, you huffed and picked up the pizza catalogue, deciding to call it a day. 
It was unbearable to leave the house in the mess that it was. On the other hand, your right hip wailed in agony every time you bent down. Lacking the much-needed support of friends or family, you had no option but to suck it up and unpack… but that can wait till tomorrow. 
Fishing out just the necessities for the night, you climbed up the stairs and headed into the master bedroom. Massive house for one person, you noted. You did insist that an apartment would suffice but Tony was a stickler for rules.
All Stark employees have to be residents of a Stark-Jensen neighbourhood. 
Before getting the job, you weren’t even aware that “Stark-Jensen” neighbourhoods were a thing; it was a term coined by the tech company itself, referring to neighbourhoods that are protected by Stark-Jensen technology. The crime rate in these neighbourhoods are always startlingly low, the odd criminal or two being from inside the community itself. All things considered, how could you say no to free housing? 
Sure, the security measures assured that you never had to worry, but it also made you wonder why they were there in the first place. This place was as secure as the Stark Tower; why? You tried not to ask too many questions, afraid of getting on Tony’s bad side. Besides, it isn’t characteristic of him to give you a straight answer anyway. 
Life is good, your most harrowing concern at the moment being that your new place had no curtains. It had been a long time since things were calm and you were just recognizing that your days had been free of storms for some time now. Counting your blessings for the second time that night, you stepped into the shower and reminded yourself of all the things to be grateful for. 
To say you were in a good mood was an understatement. You finished your night routine right as the pizza was delivered and excitedly skipped down. No one told you how fun living alone was but they didn’t need to - you quickly found that independence is a glorious necessity in everyone’s life.
Jake stood bewildered at your person throwing the door open. He gripped the pizza box tight to ensure he didn’t drop it and continued to look at you like you had grown a third head. He never was very good with his words, but your beauty truly inhibited his ability to think.
“Hi?” you asked.
“Hey, I-I’m your neighbour, Jake. Saw that you were moving in and I came to ask if you need any help.” 
“Oh,” you contemplated, looking past him. “Where’s the pizza person?”
“I paid for it. Housewarming gift?” he  said like a question and handed it over. 
You received the warm box and waited for him to say something as he fiddled with his hands. His smile looks so familiar but you couldn’t place your finger on it. 
“So…Do you need help?” He looked up right at the end. You grinned at how shy he was.
“I would really appreciate the help tomorrow,” you replied casually. 
“Oh, so… I’ll come by tomorrow morning?” He looked hopeful, as if you were the one handing him the olive branch. You took a once-over of his build, sure that he would come handy when your hip gives up again and nodded in response. 
He nodded back slowly and turned around to leave, but seeing him at your doorstep felt eerily similar to a puppy left out in the rain. 
“I don’t think I can finish this pizza alone,” you called out. He turned around, a glint of happiness apparent in the shine of his eyes. 
“Do you have time to help me with this right now?” It was your turn to look hopeful and you really hoped this cutie took the bait.
He did. 
You couldn’t ignore the nagging at the back of your head that you had seen him somewhere. You also couldn’t dismiss the fact that dinner together was just a little awkward. The conversation started off with small talk, and it didn’t take a genius to tell that neither of you enjoyed it. Luckily, it shifted to talks about the neighbourhood and your old job. After that, the words flowed easily, the two of you bonding like you had known each other forever. Although it was smooth sailing, you couldn’t help but wonder how he knows so much about the neighbourhood security measures. When he mentioned that he had lived there for about 6 years, you chalked it up to a simple accumulation of knowledge he must’ve acquired from being around for so long. 
“So everyone who lives around here works for Stark-Jensen, right?” you questioned, trailing your finger on the rim of your second wine glass for the night.
“Yeah, for the most part. Though it’s hard to tell who works for who.”
You chuckled in agreement.
“What is it with that? I mean, I work for Stark, and my colleagues, too… but exclusively for Stark. Jensen does exist right?”
“Yeah,” he snickered, “He does. Stark makes the tech and Jensen does the coding.”
“So they’re a two-man team, but Tony’s the face of the company? Seems sort of unfair,” you muttered, quirking your brow a little. 
Jake smiled at your comment, glanced at his hands and looked back up at you. 
“Maybe he wants it to be that way.” He nudged his glasses up and took a little sip of his wine while peering at you. 
You cocked your head to the side and considered the information. Your head was hazy and you needed to stop drinking; alcohol and cute guys are not a good mix. 
“Wait.” You squinted at him. 
“Does that mean you’re a Stark-Jensen employee?” 
He let out a chortle and took your glass from you. 
“Hey, hey I want that back!” you whined, not even caring that you’re embarrassing yourself. 
“I think that’s enough for today.” He gently helped you up, waiting for you to move. 
“I can usually handle my liquor,” you promised, clinging onto his broad form for support. 
He started moving you up to your lone mattress in the corner of your room, softly laying you down. 
“Jake,” you caught his arm. “You didn’t answer the question. Do you work for Stark-Jensen?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
You pouted at his answer, still gripping his wrist like you owned him. He tenderly pried your fingers off him and placed them on your belly. 
“See you tomorrow,” he mumbled as he left your room. You drifted asleep easily, blissfully unaware of how you’d never be able to live down the humiliation of your drunken stupor. 
The next day, you hoped Jake wouldn’t show up. It would save you from the burning heat that crept up your neck every time you recalled the night before.
Unfortunately, Jake had found it way too amusing an opportunity to tease you, showing up at your doorstep at 10 AM on the dot. 
The day went on without a hitch, the conversation picking up easily from where you left off. Jake found it endearing when you groaned at the mention of your state, only after three glasses of wine. The question of his employment never crossed your mind again, both of you having way too much fun unpacking. You felt ten times better knowing that your neighbour was a loveable, single, hunky nerd; it made the stress of settling in that much better. 
Of course, like all good things, the weekend came to an end. Monday morning, you eagerly prepped yourself for a new week at the office. Being Tony’s right hand took five rounds of interviews as well as background checks into every living relative you had. After the turbulent hiring process, you found that the job was not any easier. Luckily, the move had you feeling more thankful about being in sync with all the Stark tech; with FRIDAY managing your house and personal appointments, it was easier to keep track of Tony’s day. 
You stepped out of the house and shielded your eyes from the beautiful day. Just then, your lovely new friend stepped onto his porch wearing casual attire.
“Have fun at work!” he called after you.
“Thanks! Are you going to work?”
“Yes, I am.” You took in his outfit one more time, chuckling as you wondered what job would pay enough to live here while dressed in sweats.
“Well, in case I don’t see ya’... Good afternoon, good evening and good night!” you exclaim loudly. 
Jake giggled like a schoolboy and waved goodbye before ducking into his car. 
Tony’s 10 AM meeting has been pushed to 11 AM, Miss L/N. 
“No, no, that won’t do! He has another meeting at 12 PM, the timing will clash. FRIDAY, who was he supposed to meet at 10 AM?”
Speaking to the AI felt more like talking to yourself, but with time, you assured yourself that it would look as cool as Stark when handling your things.
He’s meeting Mr Jensen, the co-founder of Stark-Jensen. I believe you have not met him yet. 
“Yeah, I haven’t. Could you call him for me, FRIDAY?”
Sorry Miss L/N, Mr Jensen’s phone is switched off. He has already notified Tony of the change in plans. 
“What an asshole,” you grumbled. 
On the contrary, I think you would like Mr Jensen, Miss L/N.
“You can just call me Y/N, FRIDAY. Oh, and, send out a notification to all of today’s meeting hosts and tell them to push it by one hour. If they complain, send them my number to take up any problems they have.” 
It’ll be done by the time you reach your office. 
“Thank you,” you smiled and pulled into your parking spot, right beside Tony’s. 
It was hard to imagine what would’ve happened today if Tony didn’t give you access to FRIDAY. Calling each meeting host and personally asking them to push their meetings seemed like a tedious and mind-bending task. And frankly, you didn’t ever look forward to talking to Karen’s. But now, you would never have to know; FRIDAY was an absolute godsend. 
You stepped onto the other side of security clearance just as the clock struck 9 AM. Strutting up to your office, you made a mental checklist of everything you need to do during the day. Usually, Tony didn’t require you to sit in for his meetings. He has a different set of assistants for note-taking purposes. 
Too consumed by your thoughts, you didn’t notice the large picture of Jake and Tony sitting side by side on the wall beside the elevators. You also didn’t notice Jake’s smirk as he passed by you with ease. He would’ve stopped to say hi, but he knew that you didn’t realize who he was yet. Now he just had to figure out a way to get you to show up to his and Tony’s meeting and give you the heart attack of a lifetime. 
Beep, beep.
The Stark-watch buzzed on your wrist, letting you know that Tony was calling for you. You had barely even stepped into the elevator and he was already whining like a baby. 
You shook your head and stepped into the doorframe of his lab.
“Come here!” his voice called from the far end of a lab. Your suspicions of him being under the work table were confirmed when he wheeled out on his back and handed you a wrench. 
“Do me a favour. Tighten this for me?” 
He handed you the arm of an Iron Man suit, what you assumed was his latest mark. He already lived at the lab as it was, you wondered how he ever had time for Pepper. 
“Come on, put your arm into it L/N! You know what, you’re distracted, give it here.”
“Did you call me here to tighten your screws?” You shifted your weight onto one leg and crossed your arms. It was sassy of you, but Tony’s assistant needs to have some backbone, famously said by Rhodey.
“Well, you know me, screws always loose.” He knocked on his head and chuckled at his own joke. You sighed and turned to walk out. 
“I need you to sit in for my 11 o’clock. And cancel everything else today.”
You gasped and turned again, marching to where he was lying down. 
“Tony Stark, you have no regard for anyone’s time! I already pushed everything back by one hour because of your buddy Jensen and now you’re asking me to cancel everything?”
“I know, and I agree. I wish I could go to the mind-numbing meetings with corporate clowns, but I want to show you and Jensen something cool.”
He stopped fiddling with his toy just long enough to glance at you. 
You sighed and called for FRIDAY, groaning for the umpteenth time since that morning. Why were you acting like this was the first time he’s done this? It was probably your lack of energy from moving. You couldn’t wait to get home and maybe call Jake over for dinner. Now that you considered this possibility, time seemed to pass slower, but at least there was something worthwhile to look forward to. 
When 10:55 rolled around, you were sitting in Tony’s lab, patiently waiting as Tony set up his latest invention for demonstration. 
“Where’s your buddy?” you asked, checking your watch for the time again. 
“On his way,” he replied without turning away from his work. 
He paused and took a step back to admire his work before facing you. 
“You haven’t met Jake, have you?”
Right on cue, Jake walked through the doors of the labs and you whipped around to find your grinning friend.
“Howdy neighbour,” Jake sneered. 
“Oh, right. You live beside each other,” Tony muttered as he gathered some more things from his desk. 
You shamelessly inhaled the pinewood and vanilla-infused scent of Jake as he sat down beside you. To have him so close to you was a dangerous thing, your cunt unknowingly clenching every time he moved his biceps. 
“Stop making heart-eyes at him.”
You threw whatever was in your hand at Tony’s head, and it happened to be a pen. It narrowly missed as he ducked and doubled over in laughter at your embarrassment. The bastard took sick pleasure in it so he often made it a point to humiliate you, but it usually wasn’t in front of the co-CEO of the world’s largest tech company. 
The rest of your time in that lab went on without any heart attacks - as far as anyone knew, the slick between your thighs doesn’t account for a ‘heart attack’, per se. You shouldn’t even be thinking about Jake like that. He was technically your boss too. 
Tony dismissed you at lunch and told you to take the rest of the day off, much to your delight. You slid into your car and dropped your head onto the steering wheel.
You had barely moved into the neighbourhood and you’re already finding ways to be fired.
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~Time skip~
You sighed and laid back in the over-the-top maternity chair Jake got you for feeding. Your baby gurgled as curled his little fingers into his palm before knocking on your breast once. With a light chuckle, you cooed as the little bundle began falling asleep. 
This was the only place in the house that had a sliver of sunlight gracing the inside of the house. 
You could have outdoor privileges if you didn’t pull that little stunt. 
Could you really blame yourself for trying to leave? How were you to know that it’s impossible to leave a Stark-Jensen neighbourhood?
Because it says “Stark-Jensen” in the name, you dumbass. 
Fair enough.
You lost count of how many times you sigh on the daily, instead opting to count the number of times you’re able to hold off a mental breakdown. Today, you got the rare privilege of privacy, with Jake being gone to another one of Stark’s presentation.
You reminisced about the last time you sat in Tony’s lab and watched him explain his latest creation. Little did you know that the first time you sat with Jake in there would also be the last time you ever sat in there. 
You gently placed the Jim in the cradle. Again, one of the many over-the-top investments made by Jake to ensure the baby got state-of-the-art care. The way Jensen had made you sit beside him as he put the contraption together almost had you lurching. But you didn’t want to wake the baby. The horridness of the memories cannot outweigh your will to keep Jimmy from crying.
“Look at it!”, Jake excitedly spun the box to show you. It must’ve cost an unreasonable amount of money - not that he couldn’t spare to spend the coin, but the purchase confirmed your worst suspicions; he was serious about this all. 
Your eyes, puffy from the days of crying, were barely open. Yet you still nodded, figuring that if you put up with his enthusiasm now, he’ll let you go to sleep without raping you like he did every night. 
Anyway, you were wrong. 
When did everything go so wrong?; How?
You picked up your phone. Your eyes flickered between the only two contacts saved on it. Jake made sure you couldn’t do anything except call him or Tony.
You missed your ex-boss (who was always more of a friend to you). But, it was obvious that calling him wasn’t worth it and would rarely yield any fruitful conversation. Tony always spoke as if he were walking on glass around you and your words were always monitored and censored by Jake. It didn’t take long to figure that one out. 
“I don’t know what happened, Tony, she’s just unhinged,” Jake explained over the phone. In the background, you struggled against the bonds that held you to his bedframe. You sobbed harder into your gag and tried to scream ‘help’. All that came out was a shriek. 
“You hear her? She’s completely unfit to come into work… What happened? I don’t know man… She’s breaking down under all the stress. A few days of rest might do the trick. No, no, you don’t have to come down. I’ll take care of it.” 
He ended the call and you went limp, pausing your hysteria. He smiled at you as if he hadn’t kidnapped you. As if he hadn’t just made Tony believe that you were off your rockers. As if he hadn’t just fucked you five times over the span of 48 hours. 
He had planned every step of your entrapment to the letter and it was all going according to his plan.
You put your phone facedown on the dining table and walked back upstairs to your room. His room. Your room, too. 
Never, you internally screamed.
Well, it’s too late to debate it. 
You stood at the foot of your bed and traced the footboard. He took you countless amount of times on this bed and every instance held some clue that he was working up to what was happening now. You could see that now - but what was the point now?
You giggled as Jake pushed you onto his bed. Who knew this golden retriever could be so rough?
“Shhshshshhh” you slurred and Jake laughed in response. 
“Tony’s not here, baby,” he replied, climbing on top of you. 
“We’re not gonna get fired?” 
“He can’t fire me, sweetheart.”
“Oh… yeah.” You frowned, remembering that your risqué relationship was only risky for you. 
In your drunken haze, you didn’t realize Jake was rubbing his bulbous tip against your folds, gathering slick. 
“Don’t have,” Jake lied. 
“Oh,” you hesitated. 
“It’ll feel so good, baby.” He nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck and sunk in before you had the chance to protest. 
“Jakeeee,” you whined. Writhing under his grasp, you shook your head side-to-side as he vigorously fucked into you. 
He abruptly stopped and pulled out. “What have I said about saying my name?”
“I’m sorry, daddy,” you sheepishly say. 
“That’s right, slut. You’re gonna make me a daddy, right?” He pushed back in. 
“Yeah, you are. Gonna make me a daddy, so call me daddy.”
The implication of his words flew right over your head in your drunken haze and blank mind. Any ounce of sense that you had left was being fucked out by his thick length. 
“Gonna blow my load. Fill you tight cunt, not gonna last long.”
His words were broken with loud moans. He couldn’t think straight with your warm, wet pussy inviting him in over and over. 
As you shook from an overwhelming orgasm, your pussy involuntarily clenched, causing Jake to lose any last bit of restraint he was holding onto. He pushed in as far as he could go as you flailed around. He pinned your arms down and pressed his mouth into yours, delivering a hot and heavy kiss that had you panting. 
He pulled out, but the string of cum that followed made you blanch. You never were one for cum play. Still, you didn’t protest when Jake pushed everything back in with two fingers. 
“Gotta’ make sure you’re full baby.”
You shake your head now, but again, what’s the point? It’s all done and dusted. Though, you should give yourself some credit. Even if you had realized earlier, it wouldn’t have made a difference. He would’ve realized that you knew before you could’ve even thought about escaping.
As you drifted asleep, you adjusted the volume of the baby monitor one last time and slumped into the fluffy pillows. 
How do you wake up from dreams? Was it by pinching yourself? You couldn’t wake up from the nightmare that was your reality when you pinched yourself. You doubted that would work right now. You couldn’t recall how to open your eyes. Instead, you whimpered in your sleep, reliving the moment Jake finally revealed his ulterior motive
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“You did what?” Jake was seething, but the only indication of it was his clenching jaw and red face. His tone was the perfect embodiment of the calm before a storm. 
“I know you aren’t happy… but Jake, you- you’re always talking about babies and a family. It was so overwhelming and I… I-I…” You were shivering now, unable to withstand the heat of his glare. You had never been on the receiving end of his anger. Hell, you had never even seen him angry. 
“I didn’t have an abortion, Jake, for god’s sake stop looking at me like a killed a baby! Plan B is not a crime. I’m only even bringing this up because I started on birth control anyway. Plan B every time we have sex is just not practical or feasible.”
At this point, you could’ve been speaking to a wall. Jake still hadn’t said anything and you were beginning to wonder if he had even been listening. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t notice,” he whispered, at last. 
“I watch you do everything, I can’t believe I didn’t know about the Plan B.”
“What… What are you saying?”
“I said,” Jake stood up, “I’ve basically been watching you 24/7. And I don’t know how I didn’t notice this.” 
“What do you mean watching me?” Tears in your waterline were threatening to blur your vision but you blinked furiously in an attempt to keep looking Jake in the eyes.
 “You think FRIDAY works for you?” 
Jake leisurely cracked each knuckle and took a step towards you. You took one back. 
“Oh, now, don’t be like that.”
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You woke from your nightmare that was the boiling pot and jumped straight into the fire. Jake was already moving in and out of your channel, moaning about how he missed you too much. 
You tried to adjust yourself but he caught your arms and pulled out just long enough to flip you onto your stomach. 
When he pushed back in, the hopelessness of your life manifested as tears; it happens every once in a while. 
Today, you had a new record: you were able to hold off a total of 7 breakdowns.
But, of course, that was right before he pinched you awake every time.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
Tina how are you in this fine day where Oliver is expressing all his disgust for b/t, saying how he regressed because of that, that they won’t be happy in 5x11, but the moment they’re done we’ll see happy buck again?
Reusing this gif because HE’S DONE IT AGAIN:
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This man gave the interviewer one usable quote about BT and it was a confirmation that they’re going to have problems as soon as the show returns 🤣
"But by the end of the first episode [of the spring premiere] they will find themselves in a widely different situation with a huge wrench thrown into their plans for happiness."
*whispers* The wrench is Eddie.
"Buck has been very bogged down by a lot [recently] and one thing I am finding reading new scripts is we are getting fun Buck back, which I really enjoy."
He could have thrown in a comment about Buck’s current relationship not being one of the things he’s “been very bogged down by”, but he chose to let us come to our own conclusions.
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Oliver Stark, we salute you, sir.
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villadiodatis · 3 years
Buddie, slowburn, and a S2-S4 comparison
Here are three related opinions I hold about or relevant to 911:
[note: I want to preface this by saying that I do not care what Tim Minear, Oliver Stark, or Ryan Guzman say in interviews (as @inawickedlittletown pointed out here with the “new woman in [Buck’s] life” thing, Tim can be extremely misdirecting, and I don’t trust a word he says. That’s not a knock on him--I wouldn’t want to reveal a major character plot point like Buddie in an interview either, and I also wouldn’t want people to think I’m hinting at something I’m not, especially given what happened to Oliver on Twitter--it’s just a fact.)]
The biggest difference between a queerbait and a slowburn is how it ends, so you can’t really know which it is until the show is over.
Even if Buck and Eddie don’t get together, 911 is not queerbaiting at this point.
Buck and Eddie are going to get together.
The third opinion was reinforced by last night’s finale, especially in comparison to a scene in S2.
In 2x10, the woman said to Buck, “You two have an adorable son” re: Christopher. This line, and his reaction to it (”Um...Thank you”), have two readings that are most prominent: the reading of the general public, “ha ha, she thought they were gay,” and the queer reading, “she can see something they haven’t realized.” This type of ambiguous comment is common in queerbaits and no-homo buddy-type media (no pun intended).
What isn’t common is what we got in the finale. There is no way to laugh off “It’s in my will, if I die, you become Christopher’s legal guardian.” Instead, the finale said to the general public that something has changed here. This should be taken seriously.
We see subtext and we assume queerness, but the heteronormative general public doesn’t. So showrunners go slow. They phase out jokes, and replace them with genuineness. The juxtaposition of these two scenes--both involving a comment on Buck as a father to Christopher, but with drastically different framing--shows this process starkly.
Now, I’m not giving any guarantees. But I vehemently disagree with the idea I’ve seen that this was “the end of Schrodinger’s Buddie.” I think it’s a slowburn, and these scenes are why.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie and, well, THAT happened. And as much as the "it's what needed to happen" and "it's not forever" arguments may be true, it's a shitty note to end on before the hiatus when people really could have used a win this season (sorry, this will be a negativity rant). Between this and,with everything I find out about RNM me being inclined to watch S4 through Malex gif sets instead of live, my tv obsessions are bringing me down, but I have a song for this episode if your up for it?
So I was really hoping to get to this last night, and I'm SO glad I wasn't able to because today has had some...interesting developments. Plus an extra night of sleep and a little distance from the episode always helps! I'm sorry you're shows are letting you down! My brain has said "nothing but 911" so I'm way behind on any RNM news but I can't imagine it's anything good 🙄 so imma save that for another day.
I'm actually really excited for what is going to happen with Eddie in 5b (which I may change my tune when we start seeing the episodes, but for right now, it's exciting), because we have been literally begging for this man to address his trauma and now he's really getting that push he needs to start. The scenes with Eddie and Chris in this last episode were sooo good and the actors did a phenomenal job. It was such a gut-punch to hear Chris yell that his dad could be dead next year. Like, what a heavy burden for a kid to carry! But trying to remove himself from the situation and pretend like the danger doesn't exist I think is going to backfire on Eddie. Because Shannon died in an accident crossing the street. Chris and Buck nearly died in a natural disaster. Buck and Eddie were both injured as part of revenge plots that are not indicative of the normal perils of the job. The only time Eddie himself has had a really close call at work was the well incident, and possibly the house explosion. And in both those cases, he was saving kids. Specifically, young boys. Young boys who likely wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Eddie. This job is what he is meant to do, and I think when he's able to talk about allllll the trauma and start addressing it, he will be coming back and he will be better than ever before. And Eddie with a pep in his step looking 1000lbs lighter? Eddie who is no longer repressing everything and is ready to start making choices that make him happy because he's learned that he can't make his son happy if HE isn't happy as well? I can't WAIT to see him and I have a feeling Buck is only going to get more smitten.
Speaking of, as good as I think this is eventually going to be for Eddie, I am concerned about how bad this is going to be for Buck at first. However, Oliver Stark, my absolutely fucking beloved, really came through for us with those interviews. My main thing I'm most excited to hear, is that "fun Buck" will be back. 5a has been so heavy and while in previous seasons we always got some good firefam hijinks, the team is so fractured that even those aren't quite hitting like usual. And I think that, while Eddie is still working his way back to the 118, Maddie and Chim coming back is going to be a huge weight off Buck's shoulders. And if that "huge wrench" comment is anything to go by, Buck will also be losing the weight of an emotionally draining relationship where he can't open up or get the support he needs. I mean, it's not going to make suffering through it until it ends any more bearable, but it's nice to know Oliver has been suffering with us and also is ready to move on. Fingers crossed with more main plotlines going on, there won't be too much of a focus on bt (one of those instances I'm more than okay with "telling" and not "showing") and knowing the big conflict is in 5x11 already, just 2 episodes after Buck thought she was breaking up with him? With a more brief time jump in universe than usual for midseason? I for one, cannot wait.
I know it was a little disappointing because 911 is usually pretty good about heading into their hiatuses on a relatively high note and this was...not that. But at least they didn't tease us with not knowing if Eddie/Ryan would be back, and in fact made sure we went into the episode knowing Ryan was already filming for 5b! Hopefully I was able to ease your mind and negativity a tad (at least for 911. I don't even know what's going on with the woo wee woo show and at this point, I'm a little afraid to ask), and hopefully the low numbers and continual backlash will mean a quick exit for tay kay and Buck setting himself free.
I AM a little bummed we aren't going to get to have the hopeful January White talk yet (maybe next Christmas when Buddie get together? The episode is called Cold December Night and the Michael Buble song lyrics are utilized to their fullest potential. 911 writers room, you can use this idea, I wont' tell), but I would LOVE to hear whatever song you've got for me! Even a sad one, because I'm still riding high off all the Eddie "Huge Wrench" Diaz memes, so I'm prepared for whatever you've got for me! (Famous last words?)
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remythologise · 3 years
all this has me feeling grateful for oliver stark who, despite having literally deleted his twitter because people wouldn't get off his ass about canon buddie, still went into the comments of his week-old instagram post to call out someone who was insisting that people need to shut up about buddie because it "makes him uncomfortable." 911 may be baiting me with the best of them but at least the actors are nice about it.
YES I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THIS CONSTANTLY… like Oliver Stark being SO NORMAL about just liking + supporting the gay ship he’s in so actively on social media. Ryan also very normal about it these days! What We Do In the Shadows, same deal (although that particular ship seems very much canon-intentioned at this point). LOOK AT THIS VULTURE INTERVIEWER OPENLY TALKING ABOUT SHIPPING AND STUFF… WHERE WAS THIS FOR SUPERNATURAL. You take a SINGLE step outside the Supernatural fandom bubble and you realise how utterly bizarre the response within the bubble is. Like the Spanish Dub team response like ‘yeah of course Dean is in love with him too. what?’. Or like the Roswell NM writer who put this on instagram stories… like yeah, true! Say that!! WHY ARE THE PEOPLE IN SUPERNATURAL SO FUCKING WEIRD ABOUT THE HAHA <3 LITERALLY CANON/INTENTIONAL THINGS IN THEIR SHOW. Tumblr text post about how in 15.18 Castiel is very blatantly coded as the person Dean is in love with but! We! Are! Just! Going! To! Pretend! None! Of! This! Happened!
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buttercupbuck · 3 years
Wait. WAIT. Are we actually getting Buddie roommates? Is this happening? My brain is so scrambled from clowning (aka living in a homophobic society as a queer person and years of suffering through content created by toxic straight white men) that I can't tell what is real. Like, it feels like they are telegraphing HARD. Like, we may look back on this time and say, duh, it was so obvious... Or maybe not! I am losing my MIND. As the most practical clown in the fandom, what say you?
ahahah i am so sorry but i left practicality a hot minute ago 😂 but i’m still more than happy to clown out with you, bc i really could see them going in this direction and love the idea of it a bunch
i ended up rambling so i put everything under a cut to spare everyone's dash 🌻
a lot of people made the point that the choice to emphasize buck’s place in the diaz house in future tense could have been foreshadowing him eventually moving in, and i totally agree. in that episode we saw everyone talking about their futures and buck was just hanging around the diaz home? sure, jan
the episode where buck finds himself in the middle of albert and veronica's relationship being called breaking point is also interesting. it's the midseason finale, and a roommate spat seems kind of low stakes and trivial, unless it's necessary to set up something else (ie buck moving into the diaz home?) or is connected to another (eddie's) storyline
@from-nova made a great post about how buck feeling like his apartment is no longer a safe space is not something that started with veronica but is most likely the culmination of a lot of things. in practically all of his interactions with his roommates (chim in 4x01/2 and then albert), there's some form of underlying tension, and it's clear that he hasn't felt fully at peace in his apartment in a while
the comment he makes about how a safe space should be some place where you can "fully be yourself" is interesting, too. i think this is probably more indicative of his issues with albert than with veronica (i'm mostly just thinking about how he may have struggled to process everything from his parents' visit when he didn't have much privacy and probably didn't feel comfortable doing so in albert's presence either)....
BUT it is kind of interesting when you think about it in the context of veronica as well. like here is this person who clearly misunderstood him and seemed to despise him - and now she's everywhere. and while buck is definitely dramatic, i think it makes sense that this would make him deeply uncomfortable considering everything
and all of this is really such a stark contrast to how he feels around the diazes. while veronica made him feel unseen and rejected, the diazes have only ever made him feel incredibly seen and accepted/loved. eddie's teasing, chris and eddie insisting that buck saved chris in the tsunami, "i know you did" - legit everything emphasizes that he is understood and loved by them and that they are his safe space
so it's just a little funny that of all people, he had this conversation about safe spaces and being yourself with eddie.
this isn't subtext from the show or anything, but the "hint, hint" tweet was weird. granted, i know that the intern tweeting this out probably doesn't have the full insight of future storylines and everything, but i can still clown about it. i feel like they're usually pretty careful about buddie stuff/implications, and they still haven't deleted the tweet, so idk.
also, oliver's interview where he says that he'll find healing through his relationships, and "being there with eddie and christopher" ?? i'm clowning
tldr; i legit have no clue whether or not we're gonna get to see them as roommates. i think there are a lot of things pointing towards the possibility of it, but there are also so many pieces of this episode that can fit together in a bunch of different storylines, so i'm not going into it thinking that it's a sure thing by any means. would i love to see it, though? absolutelyyyy
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