#and no- it’s not ‘compound word’
tea-cat-arts · 1 year
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Forget regular, every day English- “limpidity” isn’t even commonly used in academic settings.
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prokopetz · 5 months
The reason the English language's rules for constructing compound words don't seem to make sense to speakers of more reasonable languages is because, in this respect, English obeys Roger Rabbit logic: in, for example, German, you can construct extemporaneous compound words whenever you like, but in English, you can only do so when it's funny.
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myrkulitescourge · 26 days
can i just say, it still makes me feel a little crazy how astarion, come act 3, still can’t quite put a name to his relationship with his partner, but he WILL tell them he wants to keep them both safe.
he won’t say i love you just yet but he will say forever, for good.
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
was thinking about this last night, but medic fanfics are HEAVILY UNDERUTILIZING the fact that german allows for pretty much on demand creation of whole ass words by just combining them together into one descriptive compound word. like why aren't we having medic call scout the german equivilent of "dumbass american who steals my medpacks"
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interretialia · 5 months
Nova Iuncta Verba Latina / New Latin Compounds
equipuella -ae f. “horse girl”   [equus “horse” + puella “girl”]   [equo- + puella-] stems   [equi- + puella-] o becomes Connecting Vowel i   [equipuella-] new stem   [equipuella] nominative singular
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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labratofthemonth · 5 months
my conlang kinda started off as a joke of “how long can i make words and how many consonants can i shove in there together,” and i’m doing really good so far because my word for “word” is “tanam’amdžle” and it comes from “tana`” meaning letter, “a’mdžle” meaning collection, and “m” meaning and, a word that also doubles as a way to connect two words into a compound word, making my word for “word” literally mean letter collection.
in case you’re wondering, in my conlang, “džl” makes the j sound. i just wanted to be evil for a second
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tj-crochets · 1 month
So my little brother and I are not allowed to be on the same team for family game night when we play games like Taboo, because most of the time we share a brain cell and the rest of the family has decided it's an unfair advantage. Today, I was trying to remember the word hummus but completely blanked, so what I said was: "Cabbage. No, hermitage" And my brother guessed "Brussels sprouts?" "No, it's a brown goo" I said, but my brother heard "it's a round goo" "Hummus!" he said "that explains the green from cabbage" "It was hummus, but hummus isn't green????" "Oh I was thinking of guacamole" So like. Even when he and I are thinking of totally different things we can still come up with the same word lol
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gammija · 6 days
musing about what a translation of the silt verses would sound like and immediately running headfirst into the problem of whether and how to translate 'Sister Carpenter'
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“What about kids?” Jace asked, rolling over to wrap Vraska in a loose embrace. “Do you see us adopting someday?”
“But we already have a child,” Vraska purred, still half-dreaming.
Chandra rammed the bedroom door open. “JACE HELP QUICK I WINGED AN ANGEL WITH A BOOTLEG FIREWORK.”
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windvexer · 1 year
I'm not saying 1992 was the year of peak witchcraft but I AM saying that we lost something when we stopped naming ourselves Lady Pearldew Ravendusk.
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eternal-moss · 2 months
My girl cannot function unless she’s following the Schulbuchmethode 💀
“Nein nein nein, so geht das nicht!!!” Girl I think you need to chill out
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thecoolblackwaves · 3 months
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Haha you picked the best one! I could write essays on my headcanons (but I won't today)
So, I think it's pretty clear that Maemags is one of my favorite pairings in Silm Fandom. I just love those two pointy-eared, kinslaying, orphan-creating-then-adopting brothers! I headcanon that they rest curled up and piled on top of each other like cats. I often associate Elves with cats and other creatures in my mind, and I find it so fun and interesting to give them some beast-like non-human features! Maglor straight up uses Maedhros as a mattress, and sometimes a chair. He likes to tuck his head into the crook of his neck so he can listen to his pulse. Maedhros likes that Maglor sleeps so close to him because it means they can protect each other better, plus his little brother is so pretty and with soft hair and skin and he smells good and-
To them, and to me, it's very sweet, but I imagine that a lot of folks who happen to spy them sleeping get a bit weirded out (especially if they don't know about their romantic relationship, and sometimes even if they do). There is zero space in between them. Every inch of their bodies press together. Maglor is buried so far into his brother's neck that it looks like he can't fully breathe, and Maedhros grips Maglor so tightly it has to hurt. They're sickly sweet with each other upon waking, lots of kissing and nuzzling and petting -- a stark contrast to their usual demeanor in public. There's something about the close proximity, the privacy of their dark chambers, their synced breathing that makes them feel extra close.
Also I know Elves don't typically sleep in the same way that humans do, but I sub-headcanon that the sons of Feanor all require more and deeper rest than typical because of the effects of the Oath. It strains on their feär. Particularly Maedhros and Maglor, the older they get and the worse they do, they require more rest. It's a very vulnerable position to be in so that's why they cuddle close and guard each other.
Thank you @aquaregiaarts for the ask!!!
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michaelblume · 2 months
germans: i have made A Word
me: you fucked up a perfectly good phrase is what you did. look at it. it's got no word boundaries
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thepariahcontinuum · 5 months
Germans do to their entire language what Fandom Shippers do to characters' names.
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thwip--thwip · 4 months
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suppenzeit · 11 months
people who say german is aggressive or unattractive have never heard german because german is PRETTY. it is BEAUTIFUL. it can sound incredibly soft. and most importantly of all, it is not afraid to sound silly.
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