#and no one buys them?
historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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luckywolfsbane · 4 months
*suddenly remembering my curse of near-starts*
Is this... is this business a good idea 😬😮‍💨😰 Too late now...
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layzeal · 8 months
ok I'm curious so put in the tags what country you are from and whether or not you own/use a rice cooker
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saintforan · 4 months
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I think this lil guy reminds him of someone
ignore how messy it is, its like 5 am here n i needed 2 get this out of my system
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They live in my head rent free. Drop your headcanons in the reblogg tags
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junk-culture · 2 years
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good ending
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listen I expected literally Nothing from the D&D movie okay, like I can't make it clear enough that I expected the most soulless money grab with a good cgi budget imaginable, I went in having already gone through every stage of grief and landed on acceptance and LISTEN
I fucking CRIED during this dumb RPG movie. it wasn't just "not terrible" it was objectively good with a clever plot and compelling characters and sincere emotional beats. this movie loves D&D so fucking much and it NAILS the "a bunch of goobers try to be cool and accidentally discover The Power Of Friendship And Also Great Violence" classic D&D party vibe. their barbarian's last name is fucking Kilgore and my entire family cried in the theater.
I hope they make twelve of these motherfuckers.
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queerdraws · 10 months
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projecting on luffy again. get bited.
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whizpurr · 9 months
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my-darling-boy · 2 months
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So a very unique purchase I made during hiatus… a pair of antique prosthetic arms I basically saved from being sold as lamps?? They were most likely made between 1900-1930, though one professor I reached out to says they might specifically be WWI era or thereabouts which is grand cos I’ve been getting very into WWI medicine, specifically prosthetics and plastic surgery, these past two years. Definitely a great addition to my collection regardless! They are two left arms produced for two different people but by the same maker in France and came with a swivel joint and hook, ring, and brush attachments.
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i think it would be funny if people occasionally arose from the dead. like if that was a real-life one-in-a-million but well-documented Thing That Sometimes Happens, and the entire legal system around death (laws on inheritance & marriage & murder etc) had to include caveats for the unlikely-but-scientifically-possible event that the dead person in question might spontaneously self-resurrect, even years or decades after death. it would raise so many inconvenient and absurd possibilities
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fox-guardian · 3 months
I’m sorry but . Your butch Celia is fucking everything to me I think . She’s so <3 the everything .
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[ID: Digital drawings of Celia Ripley from The Magnus Protocol on a gray background. She is a slim, muscular Korean woman with pale skin, short black hair, dark brown eyes, dimples, body hair, and eyebags. In all drawings, she is wearing black rectangular glasses, and snakebite piercings, industrials, and x-shaped stud earrings, all gold. The top two drawings are of her in casual wear, with a light green t-shirt with the short sleeves cuffed, purple cuffed jeans, light green socks, dark green Doc Marten boots with gold laces, and a green belt with gold hardware. The upper left drawing is of her from the shoulders up, holding a purple mug with both hands and taking a sip while looking up, and to the right is a full-body of her sitting holding the mug with one hand and leaning slightly on the other, smiling at the viewer. There is a note that says "casual mode" pointing to both of them. The last drawing on the bottom left is much smaller and is of her wearing a light green button down, dark green trousers, light green socks, dress shoes, a belt, wrist cuffs, and shoulder holsters, all purple, and a black necktie. She is kneeling and aiming a golden pistol with a serious expression, and she has a second gold pistol in her other holster. This drawing is labelled as "spy!Celia theory/au" and "(I'm gay let me have this)" end ID]
never apologize she is everything to me also <3
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otaku553 · 7 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
Cass what’s your favorite fruit
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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quick reminder that besides calling for a ceasefire from your political representatives, you can also tangibly help Palestinians get back online by buying them e-sims!!!
Here’s a full step process on how:
Go to Nomad (http://getnomad.app), click on the menu in the top right-hand side, and click on Shop Plans then Data.
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2. After clicking on Data, scroll aaallll the way down. The Middle East plan is at the very bottom of the list of data plans.
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3. After choosing the Middle East plan, choose how much you want to pay, then enter your card details etc and acknowledge everything.
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You can get a $3 discount on this, by using the code "BACKPACKNOMAD" on Nomad.
4.Ignore the next part. You don't want to install anything. You're waiting for an email with a QR code for activation.
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5) Screenshot the QR code and send it to someone in Gaza! How do you do that? You can now email your e-sim QR code screenshots to [email protected] who will then distribute them to Palestinians.
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Stay safe, stay vigilant and continue to believe in the possibility of Palestinian freedom!
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horrorlesbians · 3 days
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these books were my childhood. btw
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